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tv   Pereriv v veshchanii  RUSSIA1  March 3, 2024 3:58am-5:21am MSK

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well, for a day, otherwise i’ll still have enough sunstroke, thank you, well, my hair is done, but then look, i made the compote myself, just from the refrigerator, thank you, it’s cold, come on, come on, delicious, yeah, thank you, but to your health, to your health , well, give me a couple of branches from a grape , yeah, you should have some seeds, well... what’s sweeter, sweeter, well, this one, it’s seedless, well, come on, come on, yeah, so, girl, yes, and then choose grapes for me too, okay, of course , yes, i’ll go to visit my mother-in-law in the hospital, yeah, bigger, sweeter, yes, sweeter, yes, good, so, uh-huh, you need to talk to people, then they will be drawn to you, at home,
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and okay, so, more and sweeter for you , come on, this one will go, please, okay , kolya, if he meets me, oh, he got distracted, some people are lucky, and well, you found me a job. you won’t wish it on your enemy, it’s been in the sun all day, there are only freaks around, they arrived for one spear, by the evening there’s no strength, oh, i ’ll never earn anything, why are you silent, but i don’t know what’s wrong with you, i don’t know, my whole body aches . looks like a virus, the client
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was coughing all the way, oh, well, cool, cool, well, give it here, so, so, 38 and nine, but the matter is serious, how serious? he needs peace , milk with honey and sleep, there is milk, but i don’t know , now, oh, let’s hurry to the store, let ’s hurry to the store, and then come to me, i’ll tell you how to act, in a couple of days the temperature i’ll drive you away, the main thing is to get out so that there are no complications, oh, oh, my god,
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that’s all, what is this? what aunt klava told me, soon
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you’ll be as good as new, come on, i hate this lousy milk, oh, it’s also hot, give me a little bit, it’s still foamy, although. on the other hand, if i hadn’t sheltered you, there would have been no one to give me a glass of milk, my grandmother was right, how much i 850, what are you, it’s very expensive, completely. good afternoon, tomatoes, cucumbers,
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nice ones, maybe you want something, good, my wife told me to buy a tomato, maybe you? of course, of course, i have to somehow atone for my guilt, i told you the other day, it’s better, i’m sorry, it doesn’t happen to anyone, it might spoil the mood, someone, yes, you know , didn’t have a good day, that’s nothing, the most important thing is that you apologized, nowadays it's few people can do it, 250, yeah, thanks, that’s it. here you go, thank you, good health , great, neighbor, hello, how are you feeling, listen, you’re just a magician, milk, honey are miracles, thank you, yes,
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listen, i wanted to invite you to the park, to take you for a walk.. i don’t know, somehow everything was unexpected.
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i thought that racing cars is not cool for such a person, there are no such things in disneyland , how do you know what is in disneyland, and what does disneyland have to do with you, well, i just thought that after disneyland, you are in such you won’t go to the park, you’re probably used to foreign entertainment, girl, can i see you? “i’m listening to you, there’s two ice creams, that’s it, no , i’m just used to our swing, my mom and dad often went to the park, your dad takes you to the park, yes, but you thought i’ve only
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been driving around with a driver all my life, but isn't it, because once upon a time my dad was a simple builder, an engineer, thank you. and we lived in an ordinary one-room apartment, but every year it was the law, we went to the sea, to the black sea, and there was the same autodrome in yalta, right on the embankment, dad and i were riding, and mom stood and looked at us, she was terribly afraid to ride, we even have a photo of this, we... dad and i were laughing, and mom was shaking her finger at us, and then everything became different, you know, and you another,
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when you’re not capricious and don’t pretend to touch who knows what? real, now this is a rarity, everyone imitates someone, hides behind stupid masks, my grandmother said so too, no, it’s me, you are very beautiful when you forget that you are a princess. maybe it's because i was bewitched princess, and you cast a spell on me a little, just like in a fairy tale, hello, hello,
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you look good, thank you, you too. okay, maybe i’ll let you down after all, but oh well, there are two steps, i’ll walk until the evening, bye. i dreamed of a woman, well, you don’t believe me either, there is no mysticism, moreover, it doesn’t exist at all, it’s just psychology, anna is a medium, premiere on monday on rtr.
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the program is on air for 60 minutes, we have a special episode, we start with breaking news, 60 minutes, don’t miss it, tomorrow on rtr, for good health to... the empress, cheers, the wisest empresses in history, you have two lives, mine is yours, i want there to be another third, all of catherine, and other historical series only on the platform we watch. this is
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the news of the week and i am dmitry kiselev, look on sunday, they will not retreat, they will not let you down and they will not give in, the time of heroes and the new elite of russia, the soldiers of the northern military district. what's on the front line now? our military officers are from the hottest spots. we go to the position on foot, that’s just it. the western direction from avdiivka, as macron moved to war with russia, scared europe than always the campaigns in the east were ending for france, and how will we respond this time, we will soon demonstrate them, alzheimer's disease, pick's disease or huntington's disease, so what about biden? who else lost their minds planning attacks on the crimean bridge? pistorius intends
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to carefully study the supply of aurus missiles to ukraine. and our arctic, the komi republic. the 607th parallel is beyond the arctic circle. what attracts investors to the arctic? just like that, it’s a three-way death. and what is hidden at the bottom of the ice age lake? news of the week with dmitry kiselyov on sunday on rtr.
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nikolai petrovich, here is your suit, correspondence is on the table, the verdict is waiting for you, thank you, let me know that i will be there in 5 minutes, okay. hello, igor ivanovich. uh-huh, hi. sorry for being late. yes. how is our princess doing? hasn't eaten you yet? no, as you can see, it’s intact. yes. and i’m not going to be a princess either. yes, who? believe it or not,
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the princess became cinderella. sweet, kind. hardworking, what are you saying? yes, her neighbors love her, there is no end to her customers, and she knows how to take care of her neighbor. are you sure you're telling my daughter? yes, well then you need to complete our experiment. i wouldn’t rush it; another stage of testing is needed to, so to speak, consolidate the result. i trust you completely. then let's take care of our hotel, yes, hello, girls, and for me, you can hang me a grape, yeah, of course, as usual, without seeds, oh, and you tell me, my granddaughter should come to visit me, she just returned from france, oh, i want to pamper her, you know, to meet her in a fashionable way, remember, you told me how they serve grapes in france, well, they serve them at the end
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dinner, cheese on a plate and some light wine, you will find, so everything will be selected correctly, from mild to spicy, granddaughter, oh, thank you, thank you, okay, we will, oh, lord, oh, oh, oh , where are you going, calving, you almost ran over the girl , oh, kristinka, you told me off, oh, oh, lord, oh , what is this, oh, no, you can’t trust this girl with anything, well, what does the girl have to do with it, did she drive into the tent? , it’s not her fault,
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who will pay me for the goods, explain, who? well, don't be so upset, well, it's not the end of the world, what happened, oh, the motorcycle is in i drove into a tent, the damage was 20 thousand, how much? yes , a lot of money, poor girl, it’s only for fruit, and there’s also the repair of the tent, oh, wow, we didn’t agree on that, well, this is how it turned out, how is this force majeure? what will you do? i don’t know, aunt clam, did you remember the number? yes, what is the number , you don’t remember yourself here, some number , okay, damn it, i worked so much, now i’ll have to give almost everything that i show to dad, he ’ll never believe in his life that i’m myself,
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so , stop it, there’s still time, let’s find a new one work, settings for you. or maybe asphalt pavers, i can make a lot of money there, but wait a minute, why so suddenly, i have a regular client, he recently said that they are looking for waiters for a restaurant, what other restaurant, a normal restaurant says, it also has that name, cakes, eclairs , he’s the one, yes, i’m calling, lord, but no, let me show you.
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thank you, please forgive me for that scandal, okay, okay, i forgot everything, you’ll be frayed here for a long time, guests are waiting, you think the queen, go we’re serving that table, the girls are tired of waiting, i ’ll take their order, these are my regular guests, so what are you doing, well, work. finally, good afternoon, my name is christina, please, would you like some drinks to start? to begin with, i wanted to clarify something, please, the oysters are fresh, yes, they were delivered this morning by plane, your black game is real,
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otherwise today with technology you can do something like this and sell crucian carp for the price of sterlite, caviar, oysters, everything is real fresh , well, very good, natasha is new to me here she said that they served her pate without foie gras. what it is? well, this is outrageous, who serves belina this way? oysters, where from? are oysters mediterranean? why are you taught in courses for waiters? the cocktail is made by the bartender, can i ask for a remake? ksyu, what can we take from her? this is the same one that surrounded chris.
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not the first time , don’t worry, we’ll work it out somehow, i hope this time you fire her, no, olesya has nothing to do with it, i walked past and pushed her, by accident, yes, fire me, chris, congratulations, draw it was a success, it was a great idea, yes, well, my dear daughter?
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thank you, your father, real , as it is in russian
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, i cleaned the apartment, oh, mashiri, how is this possible, it’s all not complicated, these are little things, damn it, well, dad, of course i understand, he decided to re-educate me, but a tent, he could treat me more gently, no, well, kolyan, lie to me so skillfully, smile, pretend, all this in order to curry favor with my father. also my partner, thank you, thank you, thank you, natasha,
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dad, i congratulate you with all my heart, i want to say that i am very glad that you are together and i want you to be happy for many, many years, here is my gift for you, although modest, but i just earned it myself, uh-huh, thank you, well, you know that it’s not about the gift, it’s about your attitude, i appreciate this advantage, natasha , please forgive me for what i said to you there and forget, well, what happened, what happened, the main thing is what will happen, and everything will be fine, of course, and most importantly, you have hands, a head and a kind heart, according to the reviews of many of those present here. igor ivanovich.
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allow me to invite you, you are brave, come up to me after everything that happened, when i have a piece of cake in my hands, i’m desperate, you know, i don’t want to start a scandal just because it’s dad’s holiday, not mine, i arranged this for you, don’t, just dance with me, it’s clear how you live all these days, it’s great. am i doing great when in england? soon , but this doesn’t concern you, how are you, did you get a promotion, what kind of promotion, well , what were you and dad arguing about, a bonus, a raise, a percentage, what we’ll put on the cap later, actually your dad - this is my partner, and we didn’t argue about anything, i myself offered him my help, you know, i’m just
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tired of watching him suffer because of the whims of his daughter. so i believed , to live in a communal apartment on what, a sliver, on a sliver, you don’t build yourself up all that, to compose a great-grandmother, all this for the sake of selfless love for your partner, but not really, there is one more circumstance, well , i told you what, you told me did you like it? immediately as soon as we saw you, and then fell in love with you, you know, lovers don’t behave like that, they don’t lie, remember what you told me did you talk about masks when you were still a kolyan? well
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, now kolyan himself turned out to be unreal, and that kolyan has no chance at all? well , maybe there is a kolyana, but nikolai bobrov is unlikely to have it . and that you have now decided to turn from a businessman into an actor, you have finally decided.
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change the image, why? well, i thought, since nikolai has no chance, but kolyan has it, kolyan will have to be, uh-huh, get in the car, uh-huh, what else, let's go, grandma is waiting, like another grandma, you're lying again, i'm not lying, my grandmother, nina ivanna in tambov, waiting with pies, i’ve been dreaming about it for a long time to meet you, what else is tambov. there was nothing missing there.
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from the belorussian station in moscow we set
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off on a fast branded train. belarus 8:59 on the way, and we are in minsk, right opposite the chagunochny station there are the famous gates of minsk, twin buildings, which used to be called the entrance gates. we managed to briefly explore the rest of the sights of the city located on the svislych river on the way to the zoo, which took us about 40 minutes. now the collection of the minsk zoo includes more than 400 species of exotic animals and rare representatives of the fauna of belarus, and some 40 years ago there was practically... an open field. the history of the minsk zoo began with the oak tree that stands behind me. once fyodor revzin, who was in charge of the living corner at the minsk automobile plant, saw an uprooted
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oak tree. he brought it here, planted it, and enclosures gradually began to be built around it, which later became a zoo. in not so distant 1984, the zoo was called a zoobotanical garden, its first inhabitant was a stork named zhurka, now a white stork - the official symbol of the zoo and one of the unofficial symbols of belarus. it is believed that storks bring happiness and prosperity, and if one of them has built a nest right at the entrance to the zoo at the checkpoint, then at least we are guaranteed good luck. so here we go. while white storks nest here on their
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own, bison are under the special care of zoo staff. the bison is the second unofficial symbol of the republic of belarus; a unique family of these red book ungulates, nine-year-old mother mulatto, lives in the minsk zoo. milka, her four-year-old husband, bar velvet, and their ten-year-old son, basalt. having politely invited mother and baby to the nursery, we are going to prepare a gift for the bison that will not leave them indifferent, especially the young and playful father. it was very early that he somehow became a dad, well, yes, it’s not nature, it’s for nature, we would have been annoying, we would have simply not let him in, but there would have been no alternative. he is quite young, 4 years old, as one might say, still a teenager, that is, there is a lot of this energy, and let him splash it out better for such toys, alexey and i roll into
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an empty enclosure, rather heavy car tires, which the young bison has already managed to appreciate, you say, there will be no surprise, you are mistaken, somewhere here we will leave it near his favorite birch tree. i'll go get the third one for now, then, yeah, and i'll go get the chain. velvet’s favorite birch tree tilted heavily, because earlier, as a sparring partner, zubar used it. zubars are heavyweight animals, the weight of adult males exceeds a ton. in nature, these wild bulls are close to a vulnerable position. in the early twenties in the 20th century, bison were on the verge of extinction. and almost the entire modern population that exists now comes from... two individuals that were then kept in zoos and reserves. according to data for 2023 , there are about 800 bison in belovezhskaya pushcha. of all the countries, the leaders in the number of bisons
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are belarus, poland, russia and germany, this is almost 75% of the total number of teeth. the structure that we are planning to build will certainly hold up. behind the anchor, it seems to me, the longer it will be design, design, the harder it will be for him to throw it somewhere, spin it around himself, and after long discussions, doubts, reflections, trial errors,
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alexey and i find a consensus, like this, like this , it’s normal, it seems to me, and if they will be asymmetrical, then it will be harder for him, but asymmetrical length, i have, that’s all. where is your treasured carabiner, so now let’s fixate, fixed us, you have a form suitable for this song. as a result of the painstaking work of a candidate of biological sciences and a veterinarian at the minsk zoo, the three-wheeled design for the bison is ready for use. alexey, as a physiotherapist you are speaking now, although you are a veterinarian, you often have to do these constructions, you often have to help, yes, that’s why we go to other zoos to see how they have it.
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we tried so hard, i really want to see how the bison will react. if you think that these are some mice, you are deeply mistaken, friends , these are very rare australian marsupials, this
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is a male, you see, look, let’s show you, this is a male, you see, this is these same ones, they are so clingy , let me tell you a little about them right away, before he was caught alone, they didn’t fly, you see, they live in australia, they have such a membrane, you see how they are, and they cling , and such hooks cling. the couscous came to us from the moscow zoo from the scientific department; at one time they offered us these interesting animals, we had a very large group of various small exotic animals, and we decided that the couscous would also be a good thing. in the professional environment of these the animals are often called couscous, not couscous, just so that there is no confusion with the popular one. from cereals, a very long tongue, a tail like a feather, you see
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, like this, they fly 40 m, can fly in the air, live high, these little ones, these little ones, feed on nectar, these are the smallest of all gliding marsupials as well are able to run on vertical surfaces and in addition to nectar, they add small insects to their menu, which they masterfully catch on the fly; this is our young animal, the next couscous caught turned out to be a female
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, there is a tiny pouch on her stomach, now it is empty, so we have two males and one female, so this is a male again, this is a male, an adult male, so plant it, soon we will be another couscous specialist , i’ll catch couscous, it’s not big yet, it’s just gloves, you need a glove, i’m not a big spice yet. that’s why they cling to her very strongly, oh, well, these are very small fragile creatures to the touch, but just tiny, they have such claws, they cling very much. they bite , it’s practically impossible to feel it, well, they cling with their claws, they are very tenacious , these are arboreal animals in general, they jump very well, couscous, whose maximum weight is 14 g and length 8 cm, scurry around in the bucket in which we put them, and irina i have already caught
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the next animal, this is a female, she also has an empty bag, then another male and another female were caught, at first carefully. cuscus allowed us to take a male group, after we kept a male group for a year and a half, quite successfully they sent reports, we were allowed to take several females, and now we have two groups, you see, the fifth female, it’s interesting, maybe they have something, there’s something inside there, but this, but this is not visible, it is in such a small state, because they are like all marsupials, they are, well , a tiny embryo, like all marsupials they are always potentially pregnant, marsupials are like a parallel branch of the development of mammals, yes, if you dig into paleontology, history life, yes, then once upon a time mammals diverged into three branches, monotremes, which retained in many ways the features of the most ancient primitive mammals, marsupials and
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placentals. depending on the type of development of the young, mammals are divided into two large groups, monotremes or oviparous and viviparous or true animals. viviparous are divided into placental marsupials. monotreme mammals lay eggs like reptiles; in marsupials, the embryo spends a short time in the womb and then moves into the pouch, where it further develops. in placentals, the baby develops in the uterus during when the placenta trophoblast appears lightly already formed. the lines of oviparous and viviparous mammals diverged in the jurassic period, about 180 million years ago. the ancestors of placental marsupials split about 168 million years ago. in the late cretaceous period, marsupials began to spread from north america to southern america, as well as to europe, and
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from south america they reached australia. the subsequent isolation of australia has allowed a variety of australian marsupials to survive to this day. handbag, these are tiny creatures, yes, the handbag is even more tiny, the baby in there is probably the size of a pinhead, an unusual creature. based on the results of the inventory , it turned out that in this group there are four males and six females, two of which are pregnant. now the answer to the question that probably has already arisen
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in your mind, dear tv viewers, why count couscous, and because their number is constantly changing, the zoo must have counting and control. we count them every six months, how long they live, they live 4-5 years, they don’t live long, so this is an animal, which must, which must constantly multiply for them to exist, but they multiply quite quickly , their reproduction speed is very high, and if it were not for the predatory mammals such as cats and foxes brought to the australian continent, then these would be small predators, they are insectivorous predators. .. they eat every little thing else, then they would fill the whole of australia, but otherwise they are under threat. it’s time to send the breeding group of couscous, ten adults and two cubs, in bags back, they will live in a vivarium away from human eyes, here the next group is male, today it will move to the exhibition after we count
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how many couscous there are in it. typical scavengers are vultures; they feed mainly on the corpses of ungulates, which they track in flight at an altitude of up to 500 m. up to a hundred vultures flock to one carcass, capable of gnawing the entire body of a deer in just 10 minutes. there is only one vulture living in the minsk zoo, and since he is alone, we need to keep him busy and entertained, we give him meat, he eats about a kilogram of beef meat a day, even more, 200 kilograms, he he eats it calmly, which means we have meat here. we’ll give him a little surprise , we’ll wrap it up, and to enrich it, yes, to make it more interesting for him to take it apart, yeah, we’ll make it for you - a piece of fabric
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, wrap it up and go feed it to the vultures, they gave it to us from the circus, it’s already over 20 years old , that is, he most likely has leftovers from the moment when he was a circus, a circus bird, performed, that is, to him. he likes it when someone is with him, he needs some tasks, to show him, to jump somewhere, with his hand, even with a gesture, that is, he likes it, i have a question, i think that the audience will also have fresh meat for the vulture , but it is specially necessary for it to have a slight smell, no, vultures, vultures are quite good, also with joy, and contrary to popular opinion, vultures their specialization is, of course, scavengers, but this does not mean that they can only eat... carrion and will refuse fresh meat, it does not matter whether it is in the wild or in captivity, nothing prevents them from eating fresh meat,
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they have no prejudices about this, no, and even in nature cases have been recorded when a vultures sometimes even hunt relatively small animals, and can kill them, catch them with fresh meat and eat them completely, so now we take the board and take it apart. meat, yeah, well, come on, come on, what size are the pieces , look, the main thing, like, yes, cut it off, yeah, take off this hymen, yes, like that, yes, amazing care for the neck, high acidity gastric juice, which allows the bird to digest even bones, and microorganisms in the intestines are able to neutralize toxins, but let’s not forget that the local vulture... when you didn’t live in the wild and got used to eating a little differently, now cut this piece a little like this so that it’s convenient for him to tear,
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yeah, just like that, yes, you really care about the vulture , in my opinion, everything is torn off and thrown too, but we can leave this piece like that, well, yes, we’ll probably just put it on top, so, now we need fabric to wrap it all up, the bird doesn’t need so much as food , how much... in order to somehow entertain her, he has him every day the same thing happens, but if he comes up with some toys, he is quite interested, and not just getting food, come on, you are a bird lover, the house is also birds, at home, there are two cats at home, bird hunters, that’s where the love for bird, two cats at home, bird at work, i came to the zoo in 2016, i like very birds of prey, polar.
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birds live in the foothills of the caucasus on the northern slopes of these mountains, in altai and tyva. they are not found in belarus, but were
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registered four times in brest, vitebsk, grodno and minsk. and areas, these were single specimens of birds are apparently random visitors, but they managed to get into the register of animals that can be found on the territory of the republic. grisha, grisha, grisha, grisha, grisha, grisha, although he hears artyom , he is not going to approach him or the package of meat yet, we make the most optimal decision of all possible, we leave the enclosure. “i asked you at the gas station, you catch it everywhere, sometimes at the gas station, sometimes in the corridors, what did you catch, what and how did you spy, it will take you away from watching impossible, during the week of the presidential address we saw more than others , there is no escape from it, moscow, the kremlin, putin, we look at rtr today." "here is a kept woman, she hasn’t
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worked a day, she lives on her husband’s money, we look at the weekend, a mistress, and on our bed , or you will leave, because the children and i, clearly , remember, you are an empty place without me, zero, you thought about the children, i’ll find a job, be careful!” from the rubble of the old life you can build a new one, at least something at all in business, you know, sometimes it's better than before, help, my very first contract, i succeeded, give me an office, maria kulikova, what the hell are you doing here, mom
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can do it on saturday. catch a fish, big or small, well, in general, the place you chose is suitable. have you ever wondered why people count proteins, fats and carbohydrates? this is where my question begins: can something tasty be healthy? i'll try. the level of inflammation decreases and pain decreases. can usefulness be pleasant? fantastic. can science be intelligible? how about you make a wish? yes yes! yes yes yes. once again, yes. every person in any region of russia can make their diet not only tasty, but also healthy. and this lifts the mood. that's for sure.
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food formula. on saturday on rtr. the minsk zoo has kept bison almost since its foundation. all information about the offspring is entered into the stud books. everyone's names.
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young dad, this young dad, it means, was frolicking as best he could with toys, simply because of his youth, the bison wants to put a tire on his horns, but the horns are a little short, with such an impressive the mass of the body of the horns at the teeth is not longer than 65 cm, while bison, as befits bovids, do not shed their horns, so all their lives they walk with those that once grew, if they are not broken,
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with their hooves. several types of horns: antelopes and gazelles, goats and rams, bulls and buffalos, form a group of bovids, their horns are hollow horny sheaths that rest on bony outgrowths on the skull, in the case of bovids. the horns do not branch; only small ridges can form on them. bulls, such as bison, have completely smooth horns that grow on throughout life, therefore the largest sizes are reached in old animals. deer belong to the group of dense-horned animals; their antlers are bony, they are replaced every year and have branches. adult males can boast not only the size of their horns, but also a large number of processes. cycling bikes stand apart. living in north america, their antlers have the same horny sheaths as those of paul antlers, but they branch like deer; velohorns shed their antlers annually. velvet fights
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the tires. i am very pleased, the young bison liked this toy, it suits him all parameters. well, alexey, it seems to me that it’s a successful design, after all, that we need to praise ourselves to each other, right? if there were two, the long chain might get tangled, the short one would fly away, yes, but the third one still supports this whole structure, and the child is busy, the velvet does not leave the tires, he breaks them, drags them, pries them with his horns to throw them, he wastes them. .. a lot of energy, hormones are playing, it seems that the young zubor is starting to wind up, aggression is a game of aggression, the hand of rent goes hand in hand, the latter easily turns into the former. i think most likely
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after all, this is a game object for him, this is not a fight, because there is no aggression, but even like people, when solving some kind of puzzle, when it doesn’t work out, they start to get nervous, that is, even in a game, when he can’t throw it, promote what he wants. but on the other hand, this is an outlet of energy, so i think this is good, this is a thing called play aggression, and the meaning of it is, in general, the meaning of the game, animals in the process learn something to hone coordination, interaction with partners, some... then the techniques which will come in handy later in life, yes, well, this is the process of their learning, indeed, velvet still has a lot to learn and do. he already knows how to raise children, he doesn’t have to raise them yet, because he himself is still essentially a teenager, the average life expectancy of teeth is 25 years, 4 years is a completely frivolous age
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, absolutely not caring about his little son, the velvet comes off in full, you need to throw it here, yes, you want to give it back to us, you’re tired of this, come on, what’s the third thing you ’ll throw in here? he can sort me out, he can sort me out with this toy, but the child will have fun, the velvet dragged the tires to the center of the enclosure and threw a chain on the short horn, this way it is more convenient to fight with the object. it would be better in this way to release this energy, this is not the anger and aggression that accumulates, it is rather the one that splashes out. the wife and son of the energy-consuming bison prudently stepped
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aside, but the young dad cannot be stopped, there are no competitors, and the space allows him to turn around with all his might and agility. there is a powerful game here, a game of aggression. for a number of ungulate species during the rutting season tournament fights are typical and at this moment the testosterone level of males increases greatly, they become more excitable, aggressive, they definitely need a partner for sparring, and role... partners can also perform other objects that can be butted, kicked, and which at the same time they will also give you a dacha, this is a wonderful property of the object. the cramming game
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is gaining momentum, the velvet has a lot of strength, as long as he is interested in the new toy, he will not leave the tires alone. the male group of couscous is difficult to see among the foliage, it is worth noting that these marsupials have been studied, it’s difficult to find them in nature, it’s even more difficult to look at them, and it’s almost impossible to observe their behavior, all the data about these miniature proguns is mainly obtained from zoos, so since there should be five of them, two, so, oh, well, let it go , four, you see, they are all in
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the house, or something, quieter, quieter, quieter, quieter, five, six, and the sixth one is from where, he was born, partanogenesis, perhaps somehow a female ended up in the male group, irina decides to examine and count the animals again, well, male, uh-huh, uh-huh, yes, three. male, four, so , male, five, so what was it, male, six, everything, put it separately, neatly, it means a mistake, it means they planted more than there are, six males are already rushing out of the container, it’s time to go exhibition
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, you are present at such a historical event , our couscous are landing at the exhibition for the first time, they will have their first fashion show, i would call this event historical, first of all for the couscous themselves, but visitors who traditionally prefer large predators or monkeys may not even pay attention they may not notice these little ones, they may think, well, some mice have been planted, it’s unclear who, but this is completely different. not mice, not thunderstorms at all, and of course, if people want to find out something there, well, at least read the sign, in general, in general , they broaden their horizons, i think, well, maybe someone will want to find out who marsupials are, like evolution took place, marsupials, placentals, why are they like this, so where will you release them, now we will try to release them down so that they do not run away so quickly.
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large communities, let's call them that, and for in order for them to navigate in these communities, yes, that is, to know who is where, who is who, and they have developed a system, in general, of smell cognition, they have a whole series of scent glands on their bodies, with the help of which they mark the area in which they live, that is, they do not have strict territoriality, that is, they live quite amicably, but... in
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order to recognize who is who, these glands, numerous, turn out to be very convenient and useful . i wonder how people will see them, well, now they’ll get used to it and start running around these twigs, now they just have to have a nest there, you and a nest there, there are houses all over here, here are the twigs, these are the twigs , we see here artificial and living twigs and living twigs change regularly. we leave the couscous at a new place of residence, and numerous visitors to the exotarium pavilion have a unique opportunity to learn something new about wildlife . the couscous are becoming familiar and exploring the enclosure, quite actively, by the way, they are studying it, examining literally every centimeter of it. let's not disturb them.
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the vulture, slightly wet in the rain, named grisha, sat down on a stump and is in no hurry to deal with the package, although we cleared some room for him to maneuver. then artyom, a lover of cats and birds, could not stand it and brought grisha a rat, except that he didn’t put it in his beak. grisha doesn't mind. concerning. his interaction with artyom, well, it’s clear that - this, of course, on the one hand is the merit of artyom, on the other hand he is from the circus, he, in principle , is used to people with artyom’s presentation to grisha kryska with pleasure. ate, will he show interest in our gift now that his stomach is already half full? i, observing this madness from the outside, begin to doubt, although hope still glimmers. in general, vultures are very smart birds, they are used to being in communities of some kind, and vultures
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never feed alone, there will always be some neighbor there, comrades, they are somehow used to interacting with the team, so... he, probably, communication is still needed. artyom’s heart can’t stand it again, he shifts the package closer to grisha. since the bird does not go to the meat, then the meat is in burlap comes to the bird. to be sure, artyom taps the package with his fingers to be sure to attract grif’s attention. of course, grisha already sees the bag of meat perfectly well; his visual acuity is seven times greater than that of a human. what artyom does is an invitation to play. and this... works , well, he would prefer the moment of the game, that is , he could put the meat in some kind of box, that is, he would open it, try to open it, in some kind, i don’t know, put it in a round container for him, he would take it apart, this moment turns out to be like a game.
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grisha grabbed the bag of meat with his claws and began gutting the burlap, every now and then spreading his wings, as if covering his prey with them from his neighbors, the white-tailed eagles. who cannot refrain from commenting. it’s a funny , funny community, but it resembles those communities that vultures build around the carcass of, say, someone’s fallen, large vulture, it dominates, drives away those smaller ones. grisha spreads his wings again, but not really in order to scare away the eagles or hide his prey from them, so it simply dries out the feather. after all, they got wet after the rain. orlana grisha's neighbors are not scary; he himself often takes away their prey, just for fun. this is his moment of play, he can take the meat from them, put it somewhere near a tree stump or in the grass, take it, for example, into a pond,
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throw it in, let it swim there, and sit and wait for them to go down so that to eat, but he doesn’t let them eat, he doesn’t let others eat, he doesn’t eat, the most valuable thing in our... gifts for grisha turned out to be not meat, but a rag. well, obviously, a zoo animal that he eats well, he knows what he is supposed to, his biological clock is set up for this, that he will be brought to him at a certain time, so when he has a choice, to play or eat, of course, he will play with enrichment, and do not eat. having played enough, grisha proudly sat down on his favorite stump. don't give the vulture to anyone. meat he doesn’t need, a good, albeit rather shabby rag that he doesn’t really need,
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the wife and son of a young velvet bison watch with slight sadness the head of the family. the difference is that velvet is not a spectator, but the main participant in the game , and he is not going to lose, and grif grisha has already played enough, he seems tired, he is getting ready for bed, with one eye he is still looking at the white-tailed eagles in the neighborhood, grisha has already closed his other eye, it’s been a good day for the couscous. inspection, counting, moving, but the nimble animals calmed down only in the evening and also slowly began to prepare for bed. i must note that these babies, with whom fate first brought us together here in minsk, among other features and oddities, are also very stress-resistant,
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as it turned out, i am pleased with the results of the first day at the minsk zoo, apparently it’s time to start believing in omens, storks definitely bring good luck. hello, we again have the main stories that happened nearby, my name is yaroslav krasienko, this is a week in the city, this is how our correspondents saw it. when i took off my bra a month later, i just lived in the stress of beauty and the beast for a year, which is what happens in dr. khaidarov’s operating rooms, of course.
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this is not education. so, long-awaited
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news for hundreds of thousands of residents of the moscow region, whose houses are located in garden partnerships. these territories are included in the social gasification program. president vladimir putin gave this instruction in his message. that is, there will be no gas. otherwise there are more than millions per house, now big gasification will come to gardening partnerships, what is needed for this and does the program have any restrictions? the gas issue, which almost ruined the summer residents, was studied by marina gromova, here is the treasured column of gas, close and so far, this is snt, and these are the houses of snt, there is no gas here, there is a village across the road, and there is gas,
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there is, although many live in houses all year round , injustice, bureaucratic gap , you can call it whatever you want, vladimir putin in his address to the federal assembly instructed to solve the problem, everyone perked up , it’s a balm on the heart, everyone is waiting for it, in snt talaevo the situation is generally unique , the village where the pipe was installed is surrounded by community houses, one might say, a gas enclave, while the villagers heat themselves with gas, cook with it, their neighbors overpay for electricity, it comes out to 25,000 a month or for firewood, here it is firewood, that’s all, naturally, how else, every year it’s at least eight cubic meters. according to the social gasification program , gas pipes are supplied free of charge to the boundaries of each plot in villages and towns, and gardening non-profit partnerships are legally perceived as a single property, one might say one large plot. the gas pipeline was brought only to the borders of snt, then at their own expense. alexander, his dacha
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in the middle of a garden partnership, delicately rejected such an offer. 5 million is not just like that, i had to find five more, we had to have a minimum payment amount of 25 million. that is, there should have been five people like me. not found. well, accordingly, it wasn’t found here. well, accordingly, i wouldn’t be able to afford that amount either. i set up a gas tank, more profitable than electricity, but still significantly more expensive than... a main gas pipeline, this is confirmed by residents of villages near moscow, those to whom gas has already arrived. what a savings, this is me, 250-300,000 rubles per season. only for heating, but now this in general, now it’s worth it, i even forget, it’s all set up, i don’t even come here, there was a gas tank, that is , it was as if from a certain place and gas was coming, these are not highways, this is gas that we each filled.
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households, then we see great potential, of course, in partnership with gazprom we will continue to ensure the level of gasification in the moscow region is high, about 90. 2% in the moscow region is 25,000 people, not counting those who spend time at their dachas in the summer or winter holidays and so on, of course this is all very important, supply gas to any the building will not work, the house must meet certain criteria, be capital, stand on a foundation, but most summer residents have already prepared for this. marina gromova, artyom kuznetsov, anastaya roev, olga gribina, lead. already this year , there will be 11 more stations on the moscow metro map, the first section of the new
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troitskaya line will be launched, it will start from the zil station, which is right now being completed on... a former industrial zone, that until recently there were endless rows destroyed buildings, some kind of fittings were sticking out from everywhere, it was all littered with mountains of garbage, now it resembles almost nothing, the project of transforming an industrial zone into a landscaped area is considered the largest in europe, what has already been built there and what other changes await this territory, we went and looked , a former abandoned industrial zone, one of the largest in moscow, hectare after hectare...
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that part of the factory area, one-piece examples of outdated dump trucks were assembled here until 2016, but the legendary zil will be immortalized, not only in the station’s interior metro. here it is, the famous zil 130, a hard-working plowman, hardy and unpretentious, not a single soviet construction project, not a single harvest could be done without it, and this monument, of course,
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not only to the truck, but to an entire era. construction is being completed nearby. kind of projects not only in russia, but in the world , there will be 6.5 million square meters of real estate, these include jobs, technology parks, housing, embankment parks, public gardens, cultural sites, a sports cluster, but for all this, of course, you need a good transport system, zil metro station will be part of the city station, there
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will be transfers to the mcc and the beryulevskaya metro line, it is currently being designed. residents of cottage villages, and snt as well, know for sure that a quiet life continues only until the moment when some particularly enterprising businessman suddenly appears in the area, and if such a person sets his sights on a common road, a common source of water or the shore of a reservoir, that’s it, neighbors can say goodbye to their ex and dilia. right now, a large-scale confrontation is taking place in one of the districts of new moscow. its inhabitants, a certain visiting businessman, forces you to pay six-figure sums for utilities. what happened there, how the trickster managed to appropriate what belonged to everyone, maxim oparin’s investigation unexpectedly led him to stavropol. the fact that the roads, communications and, most importantly, the water intake point with private structures became private for the residents of the cottage community was a complete surprise; they were bought by a certain entrepreneur from stavropol. when mr. nezhmak acquired the land under our roads, he
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apparently decided that he had simultaneously acquired like us ... and they say: if you sign an agreement, it means you will have water, there will be sewerage, that’s it, no, we’ll turn it off in the spring, why do you have to pay for what has already been paid, people don’t understand, moreover, all communications have been connected for a long time, they ’ve been using them , but the entrepreneur insists that he allegedly just built a water intake unit. the partnership becomes aware that a private person from the stavropol territory
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built, it turns out these.


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