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tv   Poltsarstva za lyubov  RUSSIA1  March 3, 2024 5:20am-7:01am MSK

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from the stavropol territory , it turns out, built these structures 10 years after they were built, by submitting to the russian register of acts of the completed construction of the facility, which in reality does not correspond. by the way, the key to the water shut-off unit is also held by the new management company, which does not even allow repair crews into it. the water intake point is the only point of water supply for this village; in the event of an accident, all residents could simply find themselves without water. problems with clean keys began when the developer of the village declared himself bankrupt, his property was transferred to the bank, which began to sell off the assets , they were acquired by entrepreneur sergei nezhmak, we could not reach him by phone, but we found out that he lives in stavropol in this mansion with a large fence, here lives, has no home, but once he did come to clean keys, at a meeting with residents, he didn’t even hide his commercial interest, i didn’t take it from anyone, i bought it from the bank, so it’s there for me too everything didn't fall for free, it's big an investment which... both
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communications and land plots occupied by roads were acquired, how one person ended up owning, in fact, an entire village is unclear, but it seems that this does not bother the entrepreneur himself at all, he has grandiose plans. an entrepreneur's interest in communications is generally understandable. according to the residents of clean springs, he plans to build another village in this field, which will also need water and sewerage. apparently, this dispute will only be resolved in court; the next hearing is scheduled for march. maxim aparin, alexey koshlakov, anatoly ignatov and lika dzhevakhishvili. news. we have repeatedly talked about scammers who work in the medical services market; they cheat patients, make incorrect diagnoses, drive clients into financial bondage, and often into the grave. it turned out that the situation is exactly the same in an area that is in the shadow of medicine for people, veterinary clinics, where you can easily lose your nerves and money, and in the worst case, your pet that you so wanted to help.
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no one even checks who gets hired to work there doctors, which is what scammers use to find out how this conveyor of taking money from the population works, our anna balan easily got a job in one of the medical clinics with a fake diploma, for a whole month the cat tikhan refused to eat, was lethargic and unusually sad, the owner was worried condition of the pet, called a veterinarian to the house , found a doctor on the internet, literally immediately diagnosed him, as i already understand, so... she practically didn’t examine him, that is, she pointed her fingers at her husband and said, oh, what do you have ? the liver is enlarged, i asked what what to do, she advised me to donate blood , which would cost 5,000, the analysis showed that the cat had serious problems, the veterinarian immediately prescribed expensive treatment, and for 2 days my cat was literally pumped full of antibiotics, but it didn’t get any better, then maria took tikhon to another clinic, there i found out that the tests were fake, the cat was just... in a bad
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mood, and the veterinarian worked at home using a fake diploma, how did we manage to find out that it’s easy to get one? a specialist diploma cannot be distinguished at all if with is this how you get a job? this way you can become a certified veterinarian and even get a job, although without a diploma, as it turns out, they will also hire you. there are many vacancies, no experience is needed, i was invited to one of the clinics for a trial period. well, i’m already approaching the veterinary clinic; according to legend, i have neither experience nor education. they ask me to put on a uniform and give me a badge, from now on i’m an assistant to a veterinarian, soon i’ll be able to take blood and apply stitches, and then you’ll see they’ll trust me to operate, these manipulations can be taught to do quite quickly, the appointment is tight for everyone , one doctor, she is a dentist, traumatologist and cardiologist, and she can also perform an operation, for example, today, and she is not a surgeon, so what, tatyana grigoryan, a veterinarian with many years of experience, works in a large moscow circela.
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grigoryan is sure that to become a veterinarian , it is not enough to just love animals, you need experience, after all, yes, to work in this direction for some time, and of course, at the academy named after scriabin, the sons of scriabin study to be a veterinarian for 7 years, here we are very good the kidney is visible. i believe that a veterinarian is the same responsibility as a human doctor; without education we will not be able to treat, we will maim. the problem, experts say, is that the activities of ordinary doctors are strictly regulated, but no one controls veterinary clinics and those who work there. that is, the veterinary activity itself does not require any license, but if you want to open a clinic, you go with a passport to... well , to a company, open a tax office, rent a room, hang up a sign that this is a veterinary clinic, recruit doctors who they will come and work for a small salary. profitable business with minimal costs, medical offices in moscow at every step, but there are only a few good ones, together with natalya, her dwarf hedgehog bella and iguana igor,
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we go to several clinics at once: the iguana supposedly has a runny nose, and the hedgehog is foaming at the mouth, of course, this is unhealthy behavior, it could be from neuroscience to our patients. they didn’t even examine them, they immediately made frightening diagnoses and prescribed expensive treatment, although both were absolutely healthy, there was only one way out, contact only trusted clinics where several departments have the necessary medical equipment and are treated not by one doctor, but by several highly specialized specialists. anna balan, ilona agasieva, gennady talochkin, alexander markin, nagaev and olga gribina, lead. this is a week in the city, the most interesting stories, as always, are ahead of us. a short advertisement , but pour tea or coffee, please have time for introductions and roll call, it’s possible without formation, i’m very glad that you came to visit me, how much tea was drunk, how many
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stories i tell, i was daring in white smotinki, and i begin, here is the rover zakharov, and for me it was probably akin to the appearance of christ to the people, how many secrets were told, i , as a man, am a hunter of women and like to attack. dad imagined that i would have a completely different husband. and there is so much more to come. i foresaw my fate, now everything is only coming true. i surrender everything with joy. let's all wave our hands. when everyone is at home with timur kizikov. today at... are you inviting me to your theater? i invite you, sasha, forgive me, yes, i’m a bastard,
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how could you, and you just arrived, uh-huh, yes, me, nadya, valya, came to conquer moscow. who are you? and i, lena, are his wife. are you waiting for someone? yes, you. for what? i would like to invite you to a restaurant. that's it, dear, i'm nadia. misha, get out. i want to return to you, leave me and seryozha alone. i'm not going to make mistakes women on saturday at rtr, russia
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is traditional, modern, technological , original, open, great, so different, but... one for everyone, all of russia is before your eyes, come to the international exhibition forum russia, look, love - this when you look in one direction, look , look, look, look, look, let 's look, look, well, look at the screen, look at me, takes it out, look, look, sign the agreement, we sign for two at the same time, sign, look, look, maybe let's go to my place, just
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watch a movie, mikhail zhvanetsky's anniversary of memories, it would be 90 years old these days. you have something even with ghosts 1 2 3 4 5 come out
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and look for me, i have to find someone, but not everyone can work with her, you dreamed about this kidnapping, you are doing some kind of amateur activity here divorced, kindergarten, by god, just take my word for it, believe me everything, no contact with ostrovskaya, she was fired. anna is a medium. we'll watch the continuation on monday on rtr. this is a week in the city, the main stories that happened nearby. so, in the moscow cancer care system, which is already the most advanced in the country, there is a real revolution. and it occurred in the most important area from the development of which. much, if not everything, depends on the diagnosis. the tests that doctors do can now be stored not in
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physical form, but in digital form, and any a specialist can view materials on any patient in two clicks. the new oncology hospital in the famous commune, which was completed this week, will also work with new technologies ; with its opening, the hospital officially becomes the largest medical complex in the capital. this is despite the fact that just 5 years ago there was an open field in its place. how's everything going there? arranged now, we appreciated it, it makes an impression. doctors from five moscow oncology hospitals at once have very little time to discuss the latest achievements in medical technology, while laboratories are finishing the digitization of biomaterial. we make cuts of the material. the latest generation equipment is capable of processing fifty samples in a couple of hours. previously, this was all done manually, absolutely everything. now we have such a miracle.
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the communal apartments will be used by doctors of the radial building erected next door. radiation therapy is one of the pillars, if you can call them that, that are involved in oncological care, that is...
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czech profiles, your own maternity hospital, your own children's hospital, almost
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3,000 patients have already received help here and the great history of the commune is just beginning. there is a zoological anomaly in the capital, if everyone has long been accustomed to the huge flocks of pigeons that trample and coo loudly in anticipation of a portion of bread crumbs, then here are the real duck markets for muscovites, rather than the usual accumulations of ducks, they have noticed far from one area of ​​the city, the birds are gathering on... the sidewalks in dozens and in the most brazen manner begging passers-by for food, and it turned out that this is not migratory individuals, locals, why did they suddenly decide to gather in large flocks, and even at such... an appropriate time, our anastasia makhina tried to understand the bird language. arguments, jostling and noise. residents of south butoa have often begun to observe such feathered meetings in recent days. any passerby is a potential nurse for these birds. there is competition for attention. there were a lot, so we started walking this week, and there were a lot of
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ducks. at first they decided that this flock had returned from the south ahead of schedule, but experts explain that migratory ducks are in the capital. almost not there are about 2,500 ducks left wintering, now we have seen 5% of this winter population, i counted about 130 ducks, at one time, they are very active, they sit, feed, fly in, fly away, if it seems that the mallard has become larger - this is an illusion, they have always been here, they just didn’t gather so closely, with the approach of warmer weather the birds became more sociable, gather together and go out... in search of treats, a special species settled in tsaritsina - red ducks, now they also became bolder, began to guard visitors at the main entrance, they collect a kind of tax, the first ogors arrived here in the mid-nineties from the zoo, the population is growing rapidly. very soon the mating season begins for ogori, by the way, during weddings they change their color, boys have a black ring
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on their neck, and girls have decorations in the form of white feathers, like a photo. it works flawlessly, the flow of visitors who provide a satisfying life for this population is not cut off, it is still not recommended to feed the birds bread, it is better to take regular oatmeal. anastasia makhina, egor vozhletsov, daniil bobov, and lika dzhevakhishvili, lead. the scandalous famous clinic of dr. khaidarov. again in the center is not only a story about an extremely unsuccessful surgical intervention, but this time also a criminal case, after an operation performed there, a capital businessman suddenly died; he wanted to reduce his stomach in order to get rid of excess weight, but in the end it was fatal. before this, patients, including very famous ones, complained about the quality of plastic surgeries, after which some simply could not look at themselves
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mirror. what is going on in this clinic and why is it still working? uncompromising investigation of alexander karpov. 6 years in prison and may threaten the doctors of the clinic of the notorious surgeon timur khaidarov for the death of the capital's producer pyotr gavrilov. however, law enforcement officials are not visible near the doors of the clinic. the facility is still accepting patients right now. near the cash register there is a line of ladies ready to get under the scalp of a well-promoted blogger surgeon for a lot of money. they are not afraid of scandals with star patients, or even the death of one of them. if you think we...
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health condition, he subsequently fell into a coma and died. a criminal case has been initiated regarding the provision of services that do not meet safety requirements. currently , investigators from the moscow investigative committee are conducting searches in a private clinic. gavrilov's relatives suspect that during the operation he might have contracted an infection, which ultimately led to blood poisoning. khaidarov denies this. we took tests both when the patient was discharged and when... repeating it treatment and the next day, while he was in bed, and upon discharge, transfer to another clinic, but how then to explain what tormented the patient more, the rapid deterioration, as many as three repeated hospitalizations, but in no way, peter was simply taken to a normal medical center with intensive care, alas, too late, this is the source we received, this is such a tight, beautiful athletic
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tummy, in these... frames timur khaidarov’s favorite pastime is hosting a reality show on the internet directly from the operating room, we have already talked about the stars who believed in their i'm in trouble with such a video , they had an operation, a month passed, i saw that my arms were hanging, which means my chest alone became stone, the butcher became different sizes, the singer slava was cut to pieces by the same surgeon-blogger, when i took off my bra a month later, i i just lived in stress for a year, i couldn’t look at myself in the mirror, i looked at the photographs, there was necrosis, this... suggests that a person does not understand anything about surgery, you can buy a diploma, you can buy a residency, you can buy a certificate, experience cannot be bought, however, here’s the strange thing, not just one of the harshest claims.
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roszdravnadzor revealed gross violations in by the way, during a recent inspection of the work of khaidarov’s clinic, and this happened even before the death of pyotr gavrilov. alexander karpov, yaroslav aulov, lika dzhevakhishvili, news. outside the window. there are still snowdrifts, but in the moscow region there are already places where it is bright, warm and colorful, these are greenhouses where they grow flowers, mainly roses and tulips, now, when there is less than a week left before the main women's holiday, they are preparing to harvest, the rush at customs, hundreds of trucks are heading to russia and dozens of planes with flowers are flying, will everyone have time to complete the required procedures and are there any difficulties with deliveries, given the difficult international situation, the most... the spring history of the program from anna balan: there are snowdrifts outside the window, and here in the greenhouses it’s spring, whole glades of yellow, red, pink, white tulips, in a week
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there won’t be a single flower left here, but for now in the greenhouse farms, as usual, on the eve of march 8th it’s a busy time, the tulip takes root on a certain amount of brine, and as soon as the roots have become large enough, it begins to rise. with a temperature of +14, tulips begin to grow by leaps and bounds, for example, this flower, it is still too early for harvesting, it is just gaining color, but the tulip is very fast, and if it is not removed in time, the flower may burst, a burst flower is not suitable for sale, a cut flower should be like this, slightly closed, a million tulips, and this is only in these greenhouses, while some ripen and fill with color... others they are already being collected, now they are in the garden, but in a few hours they will be fresh and crispy in the store. and in this flower
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complex it’s not even spring, but hot summer. in the moscow region, this is the largest farm for growing roses, 13 hectares, 2 million flowers of more than 60 varieties, riotous colors of aromas. it's always +23 high here. under such conditions , a tiny stalk turns into an open bud in just 40 days. on average, we cut one and a half to two thousand flowers, but by march 8 we have a boom, because in the winter special work is carried out to produce more flowers. this year alone, local agronomists have developed 15 new varieties. now we are in the experimental department, where we are planting our new varieties and looking at them. resistance to water, height of the glass, this variety has a very unusual opening, now peony-shaped ones are in fashion, on this conveyor the cut roses are sorted by color and height. the camera
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automatically sees the height of the stem and directs the flower to the desired booth, after which a bouquet is automatically formed. but the main symbol of the upcoming holiday, silver acacia, cannot be grown in a greenhouse, of course. mimosa branches are collected in the mountains of abkhazia and immediately sent for sale. 6 kg 10. so far, only a quarter of the flowers sold in moscow are domestic, the rest is imported. loaded trucks arrive at the leningrad customs post, one after another. this is a bush rose from kenya. main suppliers are the netherlands, ecuador, kenya. most of all ros. in second place are chorizonthemes, slightly less than tulip carnations. as before, flowers are transported through the baltic countries, although now it takes longer. previously, such products were not delayed for more than 2 hours, that's it. now, of course, this period has increased many times, sometimes in days. in this case, this car stood at the border crossing for almost four days in the baltic country. flowers are transported in
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these boxes, dry, without water; they are specially dried before shipping so that they do not wilt. the variety of choice is what primarily attracts imported flowers, but our flowers near moscow have their own undeniable advantages: freshness and aroma. anna balan, nikita shchuchkin, andrey lapidus, anastasia roev, olga gribina. news. comrade men, we are not waiting, but preparing. it was a week in the city, we will be back in exactly 7 days. see you. when everyone stays at home, forgetting what they have done,
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feelings will appear. when everyone is at home, when you are all at home, when everyone is at home.
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dear relative, sister, but not my sister, but my wife’s sister, her name is irochka , here is my pretty wife, elena vladimirovna, lenochka korpovich, here is our niece, our ira’s daughter mashenka, i will now ask you a question, it seems simple in form, but it seems to me that it is not simple in content, what a close-knit family is, you know, i grew up with my mother, well , it happened that way, yes. force of circumstances, and i remember how i always wanted some kind of big table, so that my priest, mother, relatives, friends would sit at the table, this did not happen in my house, on my mother’s side, relatives are in kineshma, sometimes when my grandmother she was still alive, we went there for the whole summer, and there were a lot of children there, mostly boys, i was the only princess among them, among everyone, and she and i boarded a meteor, a rocket, sailed along the volga, this happiness when you have a big family, that’s the feeling...
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that you are together, that we are united, from my childhood it is very clear that we did not have these televisions, at least for me, we lived in stavropol, the city of nevinomyssk, no telephone we didn’t have a tv, it was still our relatives, all our relatives, we often met like this, my grandmother’s room was not much larger, let’s say that’s what it is, but so many people were jammed there, i remember what my grandmother said, put all your clothes on the bed here, this is such a mountain clothes. on the bed , when we were boys, there was something under the table , we didn’t have to go around like that quickly, grandfather would put his head on the boyan, play without, he didn’t study anywhere, he was a child, their whole family was musical, everyone played some kind of instruments, grandfather was the smallest one at that time on the drum, and then later he began to play the harmonica, by the way, he fought on poklonnaya hill, there is a photograph
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that he has an ordenteche.
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bright picture: winter, we had a toilet in the yard, and i ran out so half-naked, running around the yard in galoshes in these, snow fell, i running past the workshop , they called it a temporary hut in the caucasus, they set up this temporary hut, and the family lived there, they were already building a large house, the father of the assistant driver was working then , but since he was a carpenter and a joiner and knew all the work in general, except electricity, then electricity i learned how to do it, so i ’m running through this temporary building and... from our new house, my father from the depot brought a large turned lamp, there’s probably 150 or 200 watts in it, it illuminates so brightly, and there are two such light beams , snow is falling, can you imagine? this picture, white snow, two such rays, and i look out the window, my father is planing, these are shavings, and when i go to his workshop there, there is the smell of freshly planed wood, this is such
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a bright, beautiful picture, it’s in my eyes again, i forgot why i went out into the street, well , i mean, you’re telling me exactly, and this sound, i’m even the director in one film... he says: well, now how about ending with something like this? i say: i came up with an idea, let me sharpen a piece of iron, set up a plane, plan it, i know how to do it beautifully, so this is what a person was attached, and a person was attached - this means he is young people who are naughty and he gathered them, they make boxes there, this is where the person found himself, it’s thanks to his father - i’m all, as you know well, the technical name of a nozharka, of course.
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why asked about a close-knit family, because before this family circle, it had a completely different diameter, that is, close kinship was measured by second cousins, these were close relatives, now it is slowly narrowing to very little. so with humor, hello-hello, yes, and so, and i made fun of him, sometimes i got annoyed if he didn’t do something as quickly as i wanted, he understood from what i explained to him, said, asked some questions, i got annoyed, but why would you - and he
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asks questions all the time, and then, when he passed away 3 years ago, such emptiness, call, i’m calling my mother right away, i’m calling my nephews, whoever i can call, what a shame, if we ’re talking about her? well, there is no brother, my mother is 93 years old, god bless her, in may she will be 94 on may 30 , yes, well, she also swears at me and puts me in my place, well, in general, everything is the same, because you are probably they suggested that my mother move, well, this was after the death of my father, my father died a long time ago in 1986, on april 27, i already wanted to move her, i lived in minsk at that time and wanted to take her to my place, but she didn’t... not at all. what, no, no, she was still quite a strong woman, and the garden is everything, where are you going, our father built this house, you helped, i climbed the roof there with my father , a woman, a music worker, helped him build it, she says, what
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kind of music worker am i, if i plaster walls, well, they built a house for a family, who doesn’t understands, they take it away, well, it’s like uprooting a tree and moving it somewhere. partly, when we talked with my mother, she told me a lot about my grandmother, about my grandfather, a lot of information that went unnoticed, well, maybe due to youth, due to age, which was not recorded, but now i understand that i need to convey to my child information about, well, about our family, yes, thank god, what will you tell me about the relatives who are the guys there, there are a lot of children there, they lead the family tree, then there is who who, which uncle, which aunt, where is that... the whole story, this is wonderful, this is wonderful, that’s what concerns the line, for example, our father, who was a very good artist of our pervorussian theater volkovsky, then he worked in different cities, and yes, irochka, he recently worked as the chief director in kansk in
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the krasnoyarsk territory, before we went to where they offered conditions, where they offered housing, offered a salary, a category, well, in fact , our dad ended up in kansk, this is not bad, this it’s just far away, and when he arrived... us, well, there was such a happy moment for us , we lived with lena together then, dad came to us, so he and my eldest son dreamed that he would come to him in siberia, in the taiga, they would go fishing, and catch fish , there’s hunting, that’s all, well, life turned out that way that my childhood didn’t pass with him, lena didn’t either, in general, well, due to his busy work, he didn’t spend much time with us, probably, well, when a person... matured, now he probably regretted his, let’s say, uh, well, not quite full-fledged fatherhood, with us unformed, so he took this healthy teenager there by the hand to school, and again, information about
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his family, according to karpovich, i would like to tell sonya all this, yes, but we don’t know much, i know that her grandmother was sofya andreevna karpovich, so sonya actually has two great-grandmothers, they are also sofia, so... in general, we named her in their honor. sonya, tell me, there are a variety of paintings hanging here. who drew this? dad. which ones do you like best? where is these? daisies, and there are only a few of them, still lifes, a lot of water, ponds, a lot of water will flow through the water, endlessly, yes, sleepyhead, but it’s not you in this field, but i’m you, well, everyone recognized you, it ’s me, you really walked like that , or did dad come up with this in his imagination, did dad come up with it, these are those two strangers, who are they, klim and bova, yes, these are my older ones, who are already like that, well, bova, at least already... you can’t reach the head pet them, they are in minsk, it’s a pity
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, they have never been to us yet, i would really like , of course, ivova and klim to come sonchiki, we met. mash, we’re talking about the fact that anatoly was going to have a large family, and this creates a need to have the same one and get together as well. elena did not have this, but the need and desire also arose. in your example, what do you think influenced you, presence or absence? well, i obviously had a presence with... there is also a very large family on my father’s side, i have two brothers, my brothers have their own girlfriends, friends, dogs, all this gathers every week at the dacha, and i grew up in an environment where everyone is every weekend should arrive on friday, leave on sunday, joint lunches, dinners, some games, that’s why i generally don’t imagine my family in any other way, and somehow, since childhood, i also roughly imagined a music school, as it’s correctly called, yes it’s the way she plays, it’s just divine that she doesn’t play like that, but she plays, but
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her profession is different, her profession is, of course, different, yes, yes, i’m a medical student, now in my fourth year, and somehow for now i am dedicated to this, that in our family there are doctors, we are calm when everyone is at home, i am a medium, i see dead, i can talk to them , are you kidding, no, that’s why they’re attracting me, well, of course, not officially, the premiere on rtr, by the way, you’ll be talking about you, well, i didn’t give an interview, they gave you your pass, please hand it in, but what’s going on with your job search, as soon as they find out, this is my wife, that’s it, goodbye, don’t worry, everything will be fine, anna is a medium, continuation, we’ll watch it on monday on rtr. there are places that fascinate because they are part of the cultural code, because they have power. beauty and history, conquer, the ritual is ready,
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explore, nature, mom, dear, just incredible beauty, you already understand what the vietnamese’s favorite means of transportation is, there are 10 million moped drivers here, taste it, oh, your eyes run wide, how delicious everything is, as my mother says, it’s mind blowing, this world is worth seeing, a snake charmer is the oldest profession in india, they say that a properly made bukhara knife became a real amulet for its owner, in secret to the whole world, on saturday on rtr, here is a kept woman, she has not worked a day, lives on her husband's money. stream on the weekend
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, it turns out that you are a mistress, and on our bed, either you leave, or we and the children, clearly, remember, you are an empty place without me, zero, you thought about the children, i will find a job, carefully, from the wreckage of the old life is it possible to build a new one, is there anything at all in business? you see, sometimes it’s better than before , help me, i got my very first contract, give me an office, maria kulyakova, what the hell are you doing here, mom can be on rtr on saturday, but the first word.
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when everyone is at home, my patience is at its limit, what you allow yourself what you are doing , you are a colonel, he was the first to start, well, honestly, look, everything is recorded on my camera, this will happen again, you will fly out of my organs, of course, that’s right, my shoulder straps are dear to me , remember, recording from
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a cctv camera in my office, anatoly... do you think that an artist is an enviable profession, well, that’s what i thought when i decided that i was going to become an artist, then, when i saw oleg nikolaevich efremov, evgeniy sanseevich stegneeva, alexandranovich kolyagin, georgy ivanovich burkov, and who we just didn’t have mkhat studios at our school, so we looked at them, but we really wanted this, here efremov comes, my god, alive! “hello, as soon as you starred in some kind of film that everyone began to recognize you, and after i had a secret forward there, i immediately woke up in one piece, as they say, famous, you know, and from that very day i’ve been thinking and
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i’m thinking about you, honestly, really.” i’m ordering, i’m even ordering myself to forget, and i can’t, here’s the story, i just went into the subway with a newspaper, i don’t have a car it was, i actually lived at the film studio belarus film, definitely some newspaper , because i didn’t like that they were looking at me, and that’s why the glasses were darker and so that they wouldn’t find out, there were such sets of postcards from artists of soviet cinema, and the whole collection is a complete collection meetings. fit in one hand, now the amount will not fit, probably in such an armful, and what attitude they have towards the profession now, you can see from the outside, because you have seen both of them, it’s probably not even a matter of talents, v upbringing, that is, brought up then , brought up now, i can say from my own example,
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i think that i was very lucky, i started with such good films with good directors, then series and series began, i realized that, in principle, in our cinema. .. there’s probably no room for me anymore, although maybe, maybe, all is not lost yet, at that moment when we were filming two big tv series, and it was impossible to go on the subway, to the street, this was a little strange to me feeling, i didn’t understand why i didn’t seem to be so strong i invested in the work that i did , everyone pounced on me, it was very strange for me, i swear to you, it probably was, well, at some point it was nice, he really, you know, is a very good... person, but you just said that he is evil, cruel , no, it’s just me, i just love him very much, i want him to treat me, but at least with respect, but today he, he trampled all my
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feelings, you know , even when we came to the school studio, we all wanted to play something, to show that we were... artists, because we entered, we were such excerpts , all such excerpts, i listened, my god, how well everyone reads, how did i even get here, everyone reads so well, i just got in because ivan mikhailovich tarakhanov told me when he met me : “you’ll be on my course, for some reason, right away,” suddenly we come and they tell us: now this means an exercise for the memory of physical actions, well, that is , there is nothing in your hands, and you take a needle there, start... sew it on, you bite it off, you know, yes, and we wore little things there, that’s all it is necessary, yes, these, here, this is called school, because if we immediately start playing, and you pull all this baggage of this garbage that you don’t need, there are 20 of you or half a group, let’s say, everyone is sitting there,
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without agreeing, without clapping anything, they must feel each other in such a way as to simultaneously stand up at some point. turn around at the same time, bend down and take the chair you were sitting on, all this must be done synchronously, as your attention is super concentrated, you have to follow everyone , just, of course, we then thought, oh my god, what nonsense, we carry chairs all the time, but as it turns out, this is very important for your psychophysical state on stage, you have to be very attentive, everything is very detailed, you walk around the city on... they said, remember, the nearest, past past you, five people, you should know what they are wearing, how they walk, this sponge, well, popular words, an actor is a sponge that absorbs everything. only a specialist can do this, they sent it to us from the institute, but the person was not fired upon, so he himself
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you see, you’ll go with all sven, i’ll give you two sea hunters for cover, well, yes, it goes to threes with bells, but here it’s like that, i think, you need to be quietly on soft paws, so that you speak on soft ones. so you think captain of the first rank, so i’ll go alone, but impudent, there are professions that you envy, being an actor, so i said, so i would like to be, probably, an artist, because i like to draw since childhood, as i say, paint, there are filming, performances, it all interferes, distracts me, it’s not far from me workshop, what kind of wealthy artist are you?
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painting something, well, it’s a pleasant feeling, and you think, what happiness, i have 3 whole days, i ’ll be at home, you can come and paint, no one will bother you, turn on the music, happiness , that’s it, well, it’s not like that, it’s not like that, it’s necessary, then when you get tired, well, artists often did this, the main thing was said, but there are some things not written in the picture, well, it doesn’t matter , the main thing was said, that’s why you started this picture, there’s the sound of water, let’s say, yes , well, that's it. it has already been said that there were films from some point on, there were motion pictures , if you turn to the pictures, it’s no coincidence that
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in so many pictures there is a road, a land or water road, a field towards the horizon, for some reason this is so, it can’t be a case, well, a road is such a symbol, here you noticed everything correctly, that here it’s like even a reflection, before in russia there were roads like this... there weren’t even such roads, these are the rivers - these were the roads, and this is from here, as if i was on the same road , and there is the next road, and the sky is not without clouds, so to speak, sonina the path is still quite large, but mine is already overgrown, you see, in general, yes, everything is correct, you came to art from a family of workers in such earthly professions, well, your mother worked as a music worker in a kindergarten, and a child. and dad is an assistant driver, lena , my mother worked as a tour guide all her life, my whole life was either on wheels with my mom on the bus, or with my dad in
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the theater, but where are the excursions? i traveled with her all over the golden ring, moscow, st. petersburg, novgorod, everything that was possible, there used to be such old buses and carouses, i remember straight from childhood, how my mother put me in the first seat, there in front of the driver, she stood up, took the microphone, look to the left, now you and i will go to the right. centuries and so on, there ’s a lot left in my head, i’ll venture to ask, i look at anatoly’s hands, and from childhood i remember the hands of the bus driver, the big steering wheel, yes , of course, i sat for so many times behind this, of course, of course, back then the driver was still wrapped in cambric, and he was polished with their hands, one can say, absolutely precisely, my table, before my mother still keeps it there under a shed . which my father made for me , which i spent so much time on, made miniature embossings, cut some bas-reliefs from lead, even included such a
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carved lead bas-relief in a letter, and sent a thick letter to my brother in the army, and he received and wrote to me that yes, here you also need to bow to your father, that he trusted, gave, something was spoiled, but without this there is no study, i remember, i became interested in boomerangs, i went to an aircraft modeling club, and which cross-shaped or curved banana? kaili they are called like this, and at some point i remembered these boomerangs, my father remembered that he had 10 ml meter plywood , i said once, but there were only these boomerangs, these were mice, the mice gnawed them out so artistically, he’s a son, what’s that such, and i ’m counting on this piece of ponera, something has survived, no, of course, lord, i don’t even have the netski, they stayed with... my middle one, let’s say, now his climate is somewhere in minsk, but netski's size, well, they're small, like two grapes, and
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smaller than a typical box. mammoth bone, there are such small details, how this can be done at all, i studied, and at that time i didn’t have any such powerful equipment, my uncle vladimirich mukhortov, he gave me three main eyelids and a piece of bone, he had it from the war, he served in the army for 16 years, i drew sixes for myself, an eight , i went to the front, a bullet or shrapnel hit
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my elbow... five on each side, two pancakes needed a diameter like this, and that means he prepared a fine-toothed hacksaw, i came to him and we sawed off two ends, or rather i sawed off with varnish and preserved into one piece he pricked me along those cracks that had already appeared, gave me three incisors, and i already showed him some of my works, i really admired his miniature works on costa and
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this is only possible in russia. the games of the future are freedom from any kind of discrimination and double standards. authentic sport. a tournament that exceeded our wildest expectations, victory at the intersection of reality and the cyberverse. our champions have proven that sport knows no boundaries. forever.
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closing ceremony of the games of the future, today on rtr. kind morning, my beloved, my voice sounds only for you, my heart beats only for you, not only songs are performed in this program,
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they still live in me, some kind of fantasy! morning mail with nikolai baskov. today on rtr. it is for you? well, did you get enough sleep? gentlemen, just a moment, attention. today is a big day, a big holiday. his. he still loves them, you are responsible for your
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words, i am always responsible for my words, hero sashenka, turn on the morning playlist, turn on the music. sasha, how should i dress today? dress warmly and take on the zombies. sashenka, what time is my meeting? at 15:00. sasha, where should we go for breakfast? i found three establishments nearby, but vote first. sasha, what’s the best way to get there? i built a route. turn left, you have arrived. sasha, who should i vote for? and you must
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decide this for yourself. together - we are force. let's vote for russia. trouble. listen, let me help you , look at the weekend, my business cat, actually i work here, it’s no big deal, you’ll excel, yes, what a shame, my husband has a mistress, maybe we’ll go out with you somewhere, you can withstand a stab in the back, i won’t give you a divorce, i understand, just dare to take sides. today my husband actually kicked me out of the house, come to me, but how to survive the blow to the very heart, what are you doing, denis, this is my child, get lost, now no longer, you are my wife’s lover, and
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my daughter’s who, and i i came to talk to you, man to man, listen, you don’t want to kill someone, you can arrange it, only your heart is vigilant, today on rtr. to say this, i will fight, come on, fight, alena, first you need to yourself when everyone is at home, so what should i do, come on, talk, well talk, okay, i will fight. for your happiness. anatoly, what about jewelry? well, it was me who got up, then i was filming in odessa, i picked up some stones from someone, i became interested in taking up
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stone carving, what kind of stones are they? no , gems, no, jewelry stones, not hard , say, eight units, on the maos scale, well , window glass, diamond - 10 units, natural chalk - one unit, and then everything else is distributed like this, which semi-precious or counterfeit semi-precious ornamental, well, let's say, onix, it's hard to call it semi-precious, but it's quite beautiful, it can be cut into four units, and a knife is six , let's say units, did anyone teach you the intricacies of the profession, no, no, it lived first in nickel silver, then i started buying silver there from resellers and brought rollers from st. petersburg.
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on the balcony, right there , i made myself a jewelry table, so that you can conveniently collect all the sawdust if you work with a jigsaw, well , i sat there, i’ll take the older one to school, i’ll take the younger one to kindergarten, and what did they do, what products, rings, earrings, brooches , bracelets, whatever i did, i didn’t have a profession in my hands, so i did it to the best of my ability, so it was in demand , they came up with it themselves, yes, of course, of course, i especially loved working with mother-of-pearl, little ones i sawed out such pieces, processed inserts like this, a variety of things, unfortunately , nothing survived, if i went to a festival, i brought my paintings, well, within the framework of the festival
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, let’s say there was an exhibition of my paintings, jewelry was also taken there, it was all sold out , jewelry, first of all, the state of drawing, and turning stones , maybe melting, something else, allows you to somehow think about a lot, because you are silent, and thoughts flow where they want, and are not pushed somewhere , yes, well, i... really like to work to music, somehow the music gets into your head, but i don’t sing songs when i do n’t repeat or speak, but my thoughts take their course, and my hands do it, that is, such a triple union is such, i think that tolya has the best moment, and where the soul rests, both body and thoughts, this is fishing, well, yes, i can talk about fishing.
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fisherman, tell us about your principles , but fishermen’s happiness, well, i didn’t catch it, let it go, if i don’t need this fish, my mother or someone to whom i can bring it and give it, then i take it, it’s necessary here. if you didn’t catch it, let it go, well, there’s no point in letting it go if you didn’t catch it, so you caught it, let it go, well, yes, well, yes, no, well , fishing is generally something sacred, you measure the fish population or according to the predator, first according to the measure, fishing rod, we went through all this, you didn’t do all this can you imagine how much i want it, i haven’t been to the fishing line for 6 years, we didn’t go out once, i trained lena, she was so good at throwing a spinning rod at her, the main thing was that she bit often, yes, but she has her own kidneys, that’s all. for success, especially in creativity
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, and fishing is also creativity, it’s important to know not how to do it, it’s important not to know what not to do, then it can work out, because everyone around you knows how to do it, everything is the same for them, they say, here you go don’t bait this, you won’t catch it, he baits the wrong thing and catches it, why, for example, i really like pike perch, well here, because this treasured poke into the fog, which... there - here, often i probe the bottom, i seem to see this spoon of mine, well, well, let's say, a jig head with a vibrating tail there, that's how it goes there this very same way she jumps, how she taps the snags there, so to speak , and i can see her straight away, and so i think, now there will be, oh, there is, for sure, there is a bite, you are now talking about your favorite activities, i remember this army saying, do you work for an hour? you work, work, work,
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then take a quick rest for half a day, now you work, you work, sonechka , please tell me, at your 5 years old, this is already a lot, you already know how to do something, i know how to sculpt, draw with paints, all kinds of pencils, pens, more questions immediately arise when you have paints, pencils , pens, plasticine, here you need to choose what to mold, what to draw, you can draw anything in a box of pencils. anything fits, what are you drawing? my mother gives me coloring books, i decorate them with paints, and i also come up with something and draw it myself on cardboard, i i saw three of your drawings, of which there are two cats and a dj, let’s tell you about them, dj, we have a dj, well, like this, like this , there’s a duckling and notes flying, and the duckling dj, dj duck, and dj duck? in terms of time, each
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picture helps faster than dad draws, faster, yes, faster than dad, faster than dad, we have a lot now, sports, what do you do, tell me, i go horse-riding, there with my marianna, who is this, this is the coach, i also swim with nadya in the pool, also with the coach, at the gymnastics i have two coaches. we still have artistic gymnastics, yes, i can still go to sick dances , i can’t, but you go regularly, len, returning to the very beginning of our conversation about what a close-knit family and family relationships are, what do you think, the happiness that a person exists, and for him it is a gift, it is a conquest, it is earned, how it is acquired in general, i believe that this is absolutely individual. in any case, this is god’s gift,
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happiness, this is god’s gift, in any case, how to manage it, protect it, preserve it, protect, protect your happiness , happiness, well, everyone has their own, yes, some have children , some have a job, some have parents, a country, whatever, of course you can share your happiness, yes, yes, you can, yes, as they say, save yourself and thousands will be saved near you, and... here you will be happy yourself, share in the program we are constantly looking for the meaning of life, and have already found several, one of the meanings of life... is to continue life , that is, the transfer of life further, you understand what i am hinting at, you will have a child, you will have a child, you
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there will be a child, you will have a child who will have you. today volgograd meets us, and we go to one of the orphanages in the volgograd region. hello, meet everyone while everyone is at home. this is a large, very friendly family, in which the elder brother grisha, hello, sister masha, hello, brother slava, hello. grisha, how old are you? 13, 12, nine. sin, but they tell you that you are a real master, that you already know how to do things, that you can fix them, you can assemble a cabinet yourself, you can change the lock, yes, you can disassemble a vacuum cleaner. to assemble, yes , which part is being repaired, you can do it, which part you can’t
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, that means installing a new one, you can theoretically do it, or you’ve already practically done it, done it, where did you learn all this, people did it, and i looked, people, it’s the workers who came here, well... on the streets, such an inquisitive mind, and grisha has already received such a certificate, very serious, it was in khakaisi for electricity, that is , you, as the pride of the volgograd region , were sent to defend the honor of the volgograd region in khakassia, electrical installation, yes mashul, good to have such a handy brother, yes grisha the first assistant of our center, he... is very responsive, kind, easily finds a common language with the guys, is always ready to help his little brother, sister, slav, it ’s interesting to fix everything, what are you interested in, do something, what to do origami, origami, great, i know, you also have some kind
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of magic chest, and what’s in there, askasks, coloring books, albums, a pencil case, some kind of cup. can anyone look into this magic chest? he is only yours. slava, a very energetic, active child, like everyone else children, very spontaneous. well, this is the peculiarity, he is such a master of creativity, he can do something, make something. he loves home economics, the home economics club, he always comes from there with some kind of gift for his favorite teacher, he makes it. with his own hands, when i speak, he shows himself so well, it’s his shyness and embarrassment that manifests itself, well , it’s his kind of, you know, i would say charm, his perseverance and interest in learning something new, with pleasure in class, listens attentively, looks at what
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adults tell him, masha has a wonderful certificate, generally the best for a girl in the miss kindness nomination, who sat on the jury about... from the prosecutor's office to receive a certificate in the miss kindness nomination is expensive, but there was a mr. honesty nomination, in my opinion there was, the prosecutor’s office is your kind of social, they’re called social partners, you have good partners, so what else do you do with your friends from the prosecutor’s office, well , we also played a friendly football match with them, we are in this comrade.
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slava, slavek, i realized that you love eat, do you know how to cook, that you can prepare salads with the teacher, help , that is, you often cook in a group, on saturdays, we will sing everything, bake, yes, okay, cookies, let mom hear, let mom come, let mom . will certainly find me, because the world shouldn’t be like this, that there were lost children, because the world shouldn’t be like this. that children were lost,
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we want to give this apple as a symbol of happiness, love, kindness, let life be... bright, sweet juicy, there are still seeds in the apple, and you always want the apple to apple trees fell nearby, new apple trees grew nearby, and such an apple orchard, stretching into infinity to be the beginning of a large apple orchard, a large endless family life, we wish this for you, that it would always be crowded at this table, but there would always be enough space for everyone and that... .only joyful events were reasons to gather in your family, thank you, thank you, we wish this to everyone,
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goodbye, when is everyone at home? good morning friends! i'll start with classic poetic lines. this morning is joy, this is the power of the day, the light. afanasy said so fet. now let me say. the morning mail is on the air, bringing light and joy, and it is hosted with pleasure by nikolai baskov. now let's turn to the classics of our genre, emails. galina markova from. odygei writes: “hello, nikolai, there is a catastrophe in our family.” you're scaring me, my
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husband has given up, is this really a disaster? a sober lifestyle is wonderful. i gave up, in the sense, i became interested in knitting, in this sense, what’s the disaster? my husband gets very offended if we don’t wear what he knits, especially it’s hard in svetar in the summer, i guess we’re going in july. at sea, my husband wants to knit me a swimsuit, i don’t even know how to dissuade him, but on the other hand, i’m glad, he found his favorite thing, he’s happy, it’s his birthday today, please give him a song about an equally happy person. we congratulate your enthusiastic spouse throughout the program; the song of his famous colleague in happiness will be played for him, which is called, i’m happy. grigory lep opens the morning mail. who will believe i and... i don’t believe, it’s either luck or misfortune, i have
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seven fridays a week, and 13 months a year, my sky is diamond blue, what will life bring me, i’m baptized, or maybe anointed, in general, i’m happy, that’s all, i’m happy like... that i’m happy i'm happy, i'm not lying, i'll be so happy, i'm as happy as anyone, i'm 100 years happy, i'm happy, i'm not lying, we'll leave so happy, someone knows, i don't know where the ending is, that one somewhere... a little head, behind which there are only the gates of heaven, and behind them just
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heaven, but for now the whole sky is only in the stars, not in a dream, and it is reality, what can i say for life i’m just, i’m happy that i live , i’m happy like no one, i’m happy yo, i’m happy, i’m... lying, so happy we ’ll leave, i’m happy like no one, i’m happy, i’m just, i’m happy , i'm not lying, we're so happy we're going!
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thanks a lot. according to statistics, most weddings take place in early spring. this is understandable, because gardening begins in may. an interesting letter on the subject of a wedding was sent to us by karina ptitsina from elektrostal. good morning nikolay. i want to share with everyone the story of how humorous it turned out deputy oh, we love this. i work at sachs, when my wedding day came, my colleague was supposed to sign us up, but she got sick. and i had to replace it. in short, it so happened that i registered my own marriage. my husband jokingly says that i abused my official position and forced him into marriage. today our honeymoon ends and our second begins.
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please play a beautiful love song for my husband and me. karinochka, your story is more like a fairy tale. but i sincerely wish that your honeymoon extends for about 100 years, and i will perform a song about love for you personally in a duet with the beautiful valeria, it came to me through a dream, as in that distant dream, our crazy meeting, i... looking into your eyes, i understood everything without words, time does not heal our pain, the light of the city, a star from the sky, beckons me to you, preserving love on seven
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waves. they will burn on the seven winds, two hearts, keeping love, will fly into the sky, but the hearts will fly in order to warm up again, so silently the clock strikes, with them... all the dreams remained somewhere between the words, and you and i we walked for so long, a coincidental love that we ourselves made a secret, the light of the city from the sky, a star,
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beckons me to you. preserving love , the earth is full of us, two hearts will burn on the seven winds, preserving love, they will fly away from the sky, two hearts will fly away, so that again... warmed, the cities are sleeping, a star from the sky, begs me to you, preserving love, we are seven wave, on the seven winds will burn, two hearts, keep
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love, out. your hearts will fly away to keep warm in the night. we'll watch the continuation on monday on rtr. catch a fish, big or small? well
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in general, i chose the right place, have you ever wondered why people count fats, carbohydrates? this is where my question begins. can tasty foods be healthy? i'll try. the level of inflammation decreases. pain decreases, can something useful be pleasant , science fiction, can science be understandable, and you make a wish, yes, yes, yes, yes, again, yes, every person in any region of russia can make their diet not only tasty, but and useful. and it lifts the mood, that’s for sure, the food formula on saturday on rtr, you what, are you inviting me to your theater?
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i invite you, forgive me, yes, i’m a bastard, how could you, and you just arrived, uh-huh, yes, i, nadya, valya, arrived, moscow, who are you? and i, lena, are his wife. are you waiting for someone? yes, you. for what? i would like to invite you to a restaurant. that's it, dear, i'll bring nadya back. misha, get out. i want to return to you, to seryozha. leave me and seryozha alone. i'm not going to make any more mistakes women on saturday on rtr people's artist of russia larisa luzhina
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celebrates her anniversary one of the most persistent legends about her personal life that she made a mistake and nothing can be fixed. fodeev, what is true, and what is covered in this trail of rumors about the star’s numerous novels, you have a kudzhava song there, i didn’t know any of this, the closest people and unexpected meetings for larisa luzhina. malakhov, on monday on rtr. kesha, good morning, i’ve been wanting to ask you about migratory birds for a long time? yes, yes, where are you going for the winter? where is the warmth, where is the warmth? to africa, to india, to china? again you are joking on kenti and doing the right thing, our viewers adore humor, for example, the author of this letter, anna shlykova from komsomolsk-on-amuri writes:
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“hello, kolya and kesha. funny stories always happen to me. recently i arrived at the medical center, and the security guard at the entrance said: “i won’t let you in because you’re an alien.” i asked , how can he say this without an examination, to which he said that he sees in the face and is never mistaken. i almost fainted, it turned out that the place of entrance of the nurse, i went into the entrance of a residential building, and the concierge at the entrance meant that i don’t live there, in general, i don’t have a life, continuous joke, nikolai, can i ask you to tell me something funny too? anechka, i think it’s better to entrust this to a professional. igor, igor. kesha, you read my thoughts on the air - a real encyclopedia of jokes. igor momenko. so the man comes. the doctor says: i’m going crazy, i’ve had the same dream for a week, the mice are playing football, i don’t know
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what to do, i’m alone for a week, i say, don’t worry, i’ll give you a pill, you drink it, everything will pass, he says, maybe i won’t take the pill today, i’ll take it tomorrow, maybe, why, they have a final today. two guys meet , he says: can you imagine, i met a girl, i kiss her, she loses consciousness , i say, okay, i’m introducing him, he says, i can’t, she’s in a coma now, the cyclist knocks down a sparrow, a helmet hit at full speed, scary blow, the sparrow turned over 28 times, fell, fell silent, he picked up the poor bird, served, his heart was beating, he rocked it, gave it something to drink as best he could , he had to somehow bring it to his senses, he brought the sparrow home, put him in a cage, poured bread, poured some water, closed the cage, went to work, the sparrow came to his senses, cage, bread, water, pipe, i killed a motorcyclist
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, there are many photographs of women without clothes in the magazine, for he said that they were so undressed for fluorography, medical examination, these are doctors, there are masseuses, there are also many types of massage described there, a girl’s fantasy, funny naughty, six-stroke massage and others, my son-in-law said that i needed a six-stroke massage because my knee was old with a lot of mileage, so i went for a massage, took with me all the certificates
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for... the last 20 years, a copy of my license, two copies where it is wrong, and the registration certificate for the car. i have a terrible son in zaporozhye. a car with character has never started in 10 years. i didn’t tell my wife where i was going, she was watching a tv series, sitting with a seed, clicking faster than a machine gun, cartridges, so joyful, knee-deep in husks, the tv in husks, her face in husks, when she gets carried away, she eats the husks in no time circle. i once distracted her from the series , three teeth became freer in my mouth, well, i came for a massage, the thai doctors came out, i was stunned, they were all naked without gowns, our doctor should also show our patients without gowns, this get well, suddenly the overhead light turned off, the red flashlight turned on, apparently give a ring to the gathering, then one doctor came up,
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lifted my shirt, apparently... she wanted to listen to me, she pulled back sharply and pinched her nose with her fingers, i have a gauze compress there, cotton wool on the turpentine, the first thing to do is the bronchi, then another doctor put me on the couch and said: show me what you have there, you’re hinting at a sore knee, but i rolled up my trouser leg so they could see my sore knee, i’m showing the knees on both legs, i forgot the thai figures what kind of knee do i have it hurts and where my knees are, the three of them are sitting together drinking a mug.
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suddenly they started yelling obscenities, but i understand them, i have a stinging nettle tied up there, the first thing is tradiculitis, well , they give me a massage, and they breathe over me, like a wife over her last money, and then they ask, are you better off being a prankster, better, i tell them, dear fellow thais, i am very pleased to undergo treatment with you, you should work with your hands in intensive care, how many men you have brought back to life, one says, through
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our hands a lot of people ended up in intensive care, here the youngest of them, a trainee, apparently says, but you didn’t completely undress, you just rolled up your trouser leg, how can we get it, well, about the knee, she says, act as hippocrates tells you, they began to act, immediately pulled the nazki off me, and let's sneeze, i had mustard, garlic and pepper there, the first thing was for gout. then suddenly they started crying for no reason, for no reason, at that time i was smearing the star balm on my nostrils, i need time, a jar on my nostril. in general , the doctors found the knee, it’s clear they are talanda my knees are flying through other organs , because it seems like i let go, i didn’t go home , i was flying, even after the massage my cossack started up without gasoline, tomorrow
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they’ll go for a massage, but don’t tell my woman anything about the massage, otherwise i 'm afraid there may be a side effect, once a year in the spring migratory birds return to their native lands, well, our guest... returns to the morning mail studio every sunday, regardless of the time of year, the flapping of his elegant wings can already be heard, which means he has landed, a sweet-voiced nightingale in a tuxedo, a real eagle of the stage, nikolai baskov. hello, my dear, beloved readers, nikolai, congratulate me, i have become a writer, congratulations, you have finally learned all the letters, the arrows of your irony. always didn’t reach the goal, i published my memoirs, i give my memories, so many pages, i didn’t even know that you had such an excellent memory, memories of the best singer, i appreciate your natural modesty,
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sausages, well, it’s shortened from kolya basques, curious, oh , well, all the pages are empty. brilliant move. now let's move from memoirs to modern times. you, as a master of culture, will be interested in getting acquainted with a letter from our cultural capital, st. petersburg. insanely interesting.
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hello, dear nikolai, vladimir nikolaevich timokhin writes to you. i am a guide, working with chinese tourists. recently i gave a tour in chinese. we walked around the entire historical center. i told everything that... i knew about our wonderful city, the group listened to me for 3 hours with bated breath, and after the excursion it turned out that the travel agency had made a mistake i sent vietnamese tourists instead of chinese ones, they didn’t understand a word, but everyone was very pleased. this is what st. petersburg means with its great architecture. this year our guild of guides celebrates its anniversary. maybe you can recommend a song that could become an unofficial anthem. to our st. petersburg tour guides, i thank you from the bottom of my heart, i know one singer from st. petersburg who could easily conduct tours in any language, because the main thing for her is gesture. i guessed who you were talking about, and also
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elena vaenga has a song: i’m walking around st. petersburg, a ready-made anthem for st. petersburg tour guides. elena vaenga, i'm walking around st. petersburg. lenochka, next time i come, let’s go for a walk. together, you will go for a walk together, when you finish writing your memories, writer, sit opposite me, we talked, and i have no greater love for you. everything is fine and nothing hurts, because i have more love for you , because i have no more love for you, i’m
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walking around st. petersburg, but i don’t remember you, and i’m so extraordinary, i’m not alone in st. petersburg, you any, but i don’t have a crush on you, but i’m like that extraordinary, i’m not alone in st. petersburg, it became easy for me when you left, everything is fine without you, in st. petersburg the night is waiting again, and you ... never wait for me again, and you never wait for me again, i’m petira walking. i , but i don’t remember you, but i’m so
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extraordinary, i’m not alone in st. petersburg, but i’m walking around st. petersburg, and i don’t set you on fire, but i’m so extraordinary, i’m not alone in st. petersburg. and he doesn’t pray for anything, it’s me,
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there’s no more love for you, because i have no more love for you, i’m walking around st. petersburg, but i don’t remember you, and i’m so extraordinary, i’m in st. petersburg i’m not alone, but i’m walking around st. petersburg, and i don’t set you on fire, but i’m so extraordinary, i’m not alone in st. petersburg, ah me, ah!


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