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tv   Ne oglyadivaisya nazad  RUSSIA1  March 3, 2024 11:50am-4:00pm MSK

11:50 am
well, welcome, thank you, so , this is your room, come in, oh, how cozy, oh, i’m here, oh, what beautiful flowers, thank you very much, it wasn’t worth it, i’ll clean it up later, you make yourself comfortable, and i’ll have tea i'll put it on for now. this happens at our school, well, maybe some tea, oh, no, thank you very much, i...
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so, well, okay, then i’ll clean it up, and you don’t, no, no, i myself, myself, myself, yourself, you are resting, that's it , thank you very much, my way tables is a reason to love you even more, for the fact that you are in the light, believe me, it hurts even more that the sun is shining, and the road to heaven, everyone knows, there is no simple thing, like the inscription on a clock, now more than you think, now more than you think.
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and the road to heaven, everyone knows, is not an easy thing, here is the writing for the hour, now more than you think, now more than you think, now more than you think. hello, hello, i'm talking about a job advertisement, translator, have you found it yet? i see,
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okay, thank you very much, goodbye. okay, okay, let's talk about weather, what do you see? is it rainy? oh, hello!
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good evening, how are you doing, marin , for nothing, normal, translated in the morning, then the students, what about you, what kind of still life, and this is what my students gave me, it’s my birthday, it’s your birthday, yes, and you were silent, well, now i’m speaking. well, who does that, would you like to share a fruit dinner with me? well, of course, yes, please, how inconvenient, why are you inconvenient , stop, in fact, the students gave me money, i thought, life is too short to save money, so let’s have a drink. to
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life to health, let's drink to your day birth, thank you, birth, thank you. but you’re still sad, why are you sad, i’m just tired, but yes, you have so many worries now, yes, all day long i’m spinning like a squirrel in a wheel, zero results, nothing, just get some sleep, rest, and i promise you , reality, tomorrow will seem more rosy to you, it seems to me, i will never be able to forgive myself for living like a princess in a tower for so many years. don't beat yourself up. no it is not true. the main thing is that you didn’t give up, didn’t turn sour. to be honest, i even admire you. actually in fact, it's all thanks to you. i'll still
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try to cheer you up.
11:57 am
good morning, darling, good morning, tell me what is it with you, but nonsense, a bandit bullet. yul, yul, now, yul, i’m calling you, calling you, what are you doing? yes, darling, wait a second, are you stuck on your phone? wait a minute, who
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is pasha? give me your phone. who is pasha? well, classmate, you're crazy, crazy. i like everything. okay, the owners are ready to rent on the first day, we sign the contract, payment for 3 months, first, last, and my fee, like this for three, i wasn’t ready, you that they have never rented apartments
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, never had to, this is a common practice, they are not willing to rent out apartments with a child, i already have a big daughter, look, the apartment will cost... today there are two more showings, okay, okay, i agree, hello, boris, good afternoon, this is marina, translator, yes. you know, i told you that i won’t be able to take on your articles, but it looks like i’ll have time. galina nikolaevna , what do you say, smart girl, well done, grebednikova, keep it up, goodbye guys, in general, yes, and
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now i’m going to have to change my phone, but he looks like a psychopath, yes, well, no, no always like this. listen, why do you even live with him? guys, it’s a banal story, i want to study at a cool school, become a cool photographer, but i have no money, and why can’t my parents help? i beg you, what kind of parents? is my mother izma? that there are 10 chickens and a bathhouse with a hole, i’m generally silent about my father, listen, well, in a little while you will have an exhibition, sales of work, you will finish with the right people, contracts will come, but you still have to live up to this, yes yul, yes, this is awesome, you get one from our course, everyone praises you, yes, yes, yes, you can do it yourself provides, okay , let’s wait and see, i don’t know, it seems to me that it’s somehow humiliating to live with a man for the sake of money, and why are you judging me, girls, let’s not quarrel, but you know what, if my parents gave me an apartment, and my mother gave me card? now you’re judging me, there’s no need, in general, if you want to know, if it’s not because of the money, he’s really cool,
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well, he’s a little crazy, but that’s okay, so am i, that’s how we live, i’m also a psychopath, well, take a closer look, i don’t even doubt it, okay, bye, i haven’t seen you for just a day, i miss you so much,
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what a blessing that you exist, or maybe you won’t move, but i need to pick up alice, i feel terrible that i can’t provide you with comfort here, you don’t owe me anything, but how am i supposed to wake up and fall asleep alone now? without... you, yeah , can you imagine, my boss called, a publishing house is opening, and i also received calls from customers of scientific articles that i found on the internet, remember, they recommended me to their colleagues and they also want to order translations for you regularly, great, really , that's right, because it's talent, because i work quickly, i deliver on time, like the last nerd, and my price is not... high, i’m offended now, why? because you are talking about my beloved woman
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, my marina, she is a rare talent and smart, that’s why everyone loves and appreciates her, i understand, i understand , it’s time for me to pack my things, it’s time, will you help me, come on, i don’t want, i don’t want . i don’t want to, denis, hi, wow, a hunter cat, look, i... printed out the photos, yuli, i ’m busy right now, what’s wrong with you again, what
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a fly bit you, we’ve always liked you my job, i don’t like that you have only photographs in your head, why at least do something around the house, tidy up, cook, iron a shirt, well , you have a housekeeper for this, yes, i have a housekeeper yes, but i don’t have a woman. why would a real woman always worry about her man, what he ate, what he was wearing, compare me with marina, marina, at least always asked how i was feeling, didn’t push me with these moronic photographs, well, if she ’s like that cool, why did you leave her for me, maybe
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, “crazy crazy, crazy, yes, okay, crazy, get away to these fellow students of yours, get away to these fellow students of yours, get out. let’s go!
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” i don’t like it here, everything here is so small and ugly, malgich, just wait, now we’ll get our things and drawings, so we can hang yours, look, i want to go back to our apartment. alice, sometimes we can’t do what we really want, you know, and julia says that a real woman always gets her way, okay, well, let’s go, i ’ll show you your room.
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daddy, hello, marishka, hello, why are you here? you do, denis, and i return to you what is rightfully yours, unexpectedly, but how? customers, well, i canceled everything, that’s how, yes, i just freaked out and to put it mildly, alice, look, there’s melting on the platform, go and say hello, well, because i love you, how about your julia, the devil has confused me and, well,
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forgive me , please, maybe let’s have dinner together, you wanted to talk, but now i don’t want to. well, give me a chance, no, i’m sorry , no, marin, i’m really worried about how you’re doing without me, how you’re doing without support, without support, you know, but i’ve learned to cope on my own, and this better than what happened to me. someone already came up with the idea to turn on the elevators.
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you don’t understand, this is my girlfriend, we live together, everything seems to be serious with you, honey, they brought sushi there, yes, seriously, why did you kiss me then, well, i thought we were joking, funny.
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yul, i’m sure there’s a cool guy waiting for you somewhere who will make you happy, fuck you, hello, yes, denis, what? hello, hello, you feel bad, call an ambulance, hello, denis.
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denis, as soon as i arrived, your heart is bad, yes, of course, it always hurts when you’re not around, that’s right why are you kidding me, marinochka, well , my wife, i’m a scoundrel, i’m not worthy of your attention, i’m not worthy, stop it, please , that’s enough, marin, please, i can’t live without you, i kicked yulia out, well, let’s do everything together as before, you deceived me again, of course.
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“if this guy loved you, he would want to get married and demand a divorce, but apparently everything suits him, come on, come on, go, well, that’s it, i have to go, i still have a lot of work to do today, you’ll be sitting on translations again, but so what it’s good to do, at least
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there’s work, why can’t you work? here, but what about alice, she ’s already worried about moving, and if i ’m not home in the evenings, i can’t, i don’t want you to leave, i feel bad. “i also want to be with you more, let me accompany you, wait, since the conversation started, we, we never discussed our plans, our future, there is no future, but i mean, i’m not that person , with whom you need to think about the future, why do you decide for..." me, maybe it's you who treat our relationship as short-term entertainment to some, let's not talk about this now
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, no, wait, we started, we will continue, we will finish, what's wrong, what do you think, there will be too many problems with me, let's live for today. igor, i can’t get through to you, please forgive me for losing my temper yesterday, you don’t owe me anything, please call me back. alice, you haven’t washed your face yet, breakfast is getting cold, come on, come on, hurry up.
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yes, hello, marin, hello, it's me, igor, lord, where are you? i'm ready. marin, i'm calling you to tell you that i'm leaving. how are you leaving? where? oh, remember when you first time stayed with me, i solved one problem. i remember. in general, there is no time to tell details now. landing has already been announced. in general, thanks to the solution to this problem. i was given a grant for research, so thanks to you, i succeeded, i dreamed about this all my life. now what? well, i urgently
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received a visa and am flying to germany. why didn't you say anything? i was afraid to jinx it. you see, i'm not that good. but what about us? i don’t want to tie you down, so you can consider yourself free. "give it to me my phone, the doctor will come, he will swear , you can’t even bring a cell phone, let’s go, otherwise we’ll be late, sorry, i heard, why?” “we didn’t
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tell her that you were here. i think if a person loves, he would like to be close. i don't want. well, let him wait there, i’ll come right now, well, igor, we’ll put on ivs for a couple of weeks , and i’ll discharge you, everything is fine, but no,
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unfortunately, this means that your... condition has worsened greatly, pavel petrovich, tell me everything as it is, i’m not a child, the patency of the coronary vessels is below the minimum, the valve, extremely worn, a month at most. thank you for honestly saying, you know , they say that the disease does not take the one you love very much, thank you for your sympathy, there is no
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need for this. "sorry, this is only possible in russia, the games of the future are freedom from any kind of discrimination and double standards, the wildest expectations, victories at the intersection of reality and the cyber universe. our champions have proven that there are no boundaries for sports. games. forever.
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closing ceremony. games of the future today on rtr. this is for you. well, did you get enough sleep? gentlemen, just a minute, attention. today is a big day, a big holiday.
12:21 pm
riping, the whole brigade, just on the platform, look. russia, traditional. modern , technological, original, open , great, so different, but dear to everyone, all of russia is before your eyes, come to the international exhibition forum russia, appreciated the main working villain, he didn’t get along with anyone here. we look at the weekend, well, i realized that living with your husband or working on your own are completely different things, we didn’t want to see you not only in the office, but you do you happen to know who this woman is who is sitting with maxim, this is his wife,
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you see, she will be born any day now, mom may be on saturday, on rtr. this is the news of the week and i am dmitry kiselev, watch on sunday, they will not retreat, they will not let you down and they will not betray, the time of heroes and the new elite of russia, the soldiers of the northern military district. what's on the front line now? our military officers are from the hottest spots, we go to the position on foot, this is exactly the western one. direction from avdiivka, how macron went to war with russia, scared europe, how campaigns to the east always ended for france, and what will we answer this time, we will soon
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demonstrate them, alzheimer's disease, pica or huntington's disease, so what about biden? who else lost their minds planning attacks on the crimean bridge? pistorius intends to carefully study the supply of taurus missiles to ukraine. and our arctic, the komi republic. the 67th parallel is beyond the arctic circle. what attracts investors to the arctic? just like that, it’s a three-way death. and what is hidden at the bottom of the ice age lake? news of the week with dmitry kiselyov, today on rtr.
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my dears, i am very glad that we are all returned from vacation, everyone is healthy, beautiful, tanned, so i’m very glad that... we are starting work, i won’t sign anything, there will be no vacation pay, that’s it, work , we’re working, we’re working, we’re working, my dears, we’re working, that’s it , we're working, girls, we're working, we're working.
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come on, to relax, people, no, no, no, no, it’s time to dance, come on! listen, what a nightmare, but just like that, to leave, and for no reason, no reason, just some irresponsible person, why immediately irresponsible, carefully, ruined my don’t care, well, because? because you are from he was asked for certainty, and he took
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the screw. it’s a pity, things have just started to get better for you. listen, okay, okay, excuse me, you need support now, and i ’ll stand here and be smart. listen, maybe you ’ll come back to denis, huh? no, well, no, well, listen, be quiet. mom, look, dad has arrived! hello, come here! eh, let's go to grandpa and grandma, and let's go today right now. mom, dad suggested that we all go together to see our grandparents. honey, we had other plans, to visit our grandparents next weekend let's go. mom, well, it’s all together, well, let’s run, whoever is faster, i’m the first. no, i'll be the first, i remember that every saturday you
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come here, come on, come on, come on, let's run, let's run, sit down, sit down, let's go, let's go! oh, hold on, you are my family.
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well, let's go, everything is very tasty, mom , thank you, good health, aliska is completely tired, let's go to bed, little hare, let's go, yes, i see, sit, sit, alyonechka, come to me, come, come, it's good that... we came together, well, marisha made up,
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yes dad, well, it’s not that simple, you know what happened there, yes i know, well, you’re a fool, so what, what the fuck are you doing, no, what did i say, marish, don’t worry, everything will work out.
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i fell asleep like a groundhog, this is the magical fresh air, okay, i guess i’ll go too, thank you, come on, come on, i’ve already made a bed for you, well, fox, i can... go to the other room, no need, there’ll be talk and persuasion again , enough for today.
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oh, who’s acting up there, here i am now, now, good morning, good morning, mommy, good morning, marinochka, i slept well, yes, mom, thank you, good morning, good morning, i have a greenhouse there for... you can fix it , certainly, oh, how much wood you cut, here we have an uncle , and volodya, so we have a son-in-law, wow, let's go feed the birds with us, let's go
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, here's some liqueur, as always, troops, dad, we have to leave soon, burst into tears, so what? you again? no , well, we should drink kosh dads for the young, well, how young they are, well, rejuvenated, well , their boat of love was not broken by the storms of life , so well, yes, we have become wiser, well, for you, yeah, for you. well, let's go, and mom, well, they wouldn't see you off, how could they not see you off, how could that be? when we come again, soon, well, happily you, that's it, denis, snack, come on, thank you for everything, we'll come, call you, bye, pop, come on,
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thank you, bye, bye, be careful, there are cans, don't break them, yes, yes, yes, of course, i forgot the doll, well, well, let's go have a look. let's just hurry up, everything is happy , bye bye, bye, let's go and see, i still felt bad, why is it bad, well, i mean, i'm not the same anymore, i'm terrible, i'm not like that, i think about us all the time, about myself, maybe i had some kind of crisis, i don’t know, denis, just wait, well, really, well, i’m disgusted with myself, i don’t understand, how could i... offend you, do this to you, well, everything that happened, happened, let ’s leave this nonsense in the past and look into a wonderful future, but you believe that a person can change, he was one , became different, i believe, unfortunately, well , maybe i have changed.
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i found it, let's go, let's get into the car, grandpa, you gave away so much goodness, marie, what's wrong with you, this is very bad, i changed my clothes by the evening. fine. “honestly, i’m so glad that you changed your anger to mercy with denis, listen, what a man, he delivers flowers every day,
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and that happiness lies in this, not only in this , listen, well, you yourself said that you began to feel calm, somehow quiet, well , i felt that way with my parents, quiet and empty. everyone is happy, everything is back in its place , so what’s wrong, nothing, everything is fine, listen, why are you so sad, but i don’t know, when i was with igor, this is some other life, i ’m different, alive, open. marina, listen to me, my joy, this is called passion, of course it’s all very pleasant, but
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it passes quickly, you know, this is this, this is this life, wait, what is this? i don’t know, i didn’t look, maybe, look, marina, marina, denisa is inviting you on a special date, get ready. aren't you going? i don’t know, well, well, go, well, what do you have to lose, what to lose? i have nothing to lose. well, well done, go and listen, maybe i can arrange these flowers for myself, pick them. thank you very much, thank you.
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hello, darling, hello, hello, come in, well, tell me how you are doing, how you are at work, how unexpected it was. you never asked before, well, it used to be before, but now everything will be different, but we agreed , maybe while you look at the wine list , you know, i don’t know much, it ’s okay, we’ll call samia now, can you, and i won’t look at anything, at yours choice of the most expensive wine, yeah.
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there is my retit, i pray, quietly at one o’clock at night, you arranged it, but you like it?
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well, we’ll go to the cinema, you love it, i know now, there’s a festival going on, you should like it, i have that feeling. that i don’t know you at all, please, we’ve been married for 15 years, i’m so scared, really, what if i believe you, and you betray me again, and what should i do to make you believe me , maybe swear on blood, well, you see, i ’m trying my best to fix everything, i see, really, i’m just not even know when you're real? will you take me home, don't get up early, i'm very tired, yes, yes, yes, of course. well, you're like a crowded
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apartment, let's go home, don't rush me, please, i understand, i'm not a fool, good night, what a good night, i'll miss you, i hope you'll miss me too miss you, bye, thanks for the evening. i don’t understand, sometimes it seems to me that he has really changed, somehow realized, repented, that he wants to hear me, and sometimes i think
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that he just has some kind of insidious plan, listen, what an insidious plan, what do you mean? rich? well, you’ll still have a golden wedding, you’ll see, well, i don’t know, i don’t know , everything seems to be fine on the outside, there’s nothing to complain about, but my heart is not in the right place, listen, i owe you 500 rubles, take it from me, everything will be fine. girl, good afternoon, excuse me, please, i got a call from this about a week ago rooms, hospital.
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arin, that means he flew to germany, yes , why, why didn’t you tell me anything, why were you silent, i didn’t want you
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to be upset, what a fool you are, everything will be fine. “i want to be with you, and i will be with you, i love you, anna ostrovskaya, it’s very nice, and you, then, are the same psychic fortuneteller, the premiere on rtr, this is our new opera, anna borisovna.” very nice, help him, let's switch to you, come on, yura, she can work with anyone, you can somehow see things, feel something, even with ghosts, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, come out and look for me, i have to find someone, but not everyone
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can work with her, did you dream about this kidnapping? you started some kind of amateur activity here, a kindergarten, by god, just take my word, believe me everything, no contacts with ostrovskaya, she was fired, anna meteo, continuation, we’ll watch on monday on rtr.
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from breaking news 60 minutes, don't miss it, tomorrow on rtr, for the good health of our
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empress, cheers, the wisest empresses in history, you have two lives, mine is yours, and i want that... all catherine and others historical series only on the watch platform. people's artist of russia larisa luzhina celebrates her anniversary. we are all in love with her. the luzhins’ romance with vysotsky is one of the most enduring legends about her personal life.
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i believed, no, i knew that you would miss me, so you called me and invited me, denis, we need to break up, we are completely, why, we are doing so well, i love someone else. so that means, right? yes, until recently i thought that something could work out with you, but i took revenge, denis, it’s not about
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you, love, it doesn’t ask, it’s just yes ok, enough of all these fairy tales, and i hope we can remain good parents for alice, shut up. keep it up, thank you, maybe you can move into the living room, there’s a bigger sofa there, it’ll be more comfortable, no, it’s mo... and the berluga here i’ll die, what a fool you are, that’s why i love you, let’s take the pressure, no, well really,
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listen to me, forgive me again, i’ve had this problem since childhood, i didn’t join the army because of this, i took up science because of it. i didn’t build a serious relationship with anyone because of this either, please keep quiet, but i saw you, i forgot about everything, and like a gift of fate, at the end of my life’s journey, at the end of the road. you won’t die, that’s enough, please , come on, that man is right, who is telling the truth, you say, the tor is accumulating, he won’t let you lie, come on, come on
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, come on, come on, breathe, were you checking your notebooks, no, it’s not me who ? kapits! what? denis nikolaevich, they promised to bring us fencing for the work area, but they never delivered it. the company is told that you promised to pay the debt for past projects, but did not pay. and what? and why are you calling me? so we have deadlines. why can't you start work? are there any workers?
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the equipment is there, the materials are there, why are you calling me, and the safety precautions, why do you have children in diapers working there or adults, so there are no fences, i’m all having a meeting
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, on the threshold of my heart, we, unfortunately, have such operations so far they don’t do it, but where do they do it? in israel, germany, there is a paid one in st. petersburg, but he didn’t get the money, from his work, you know, well, wait, but some funds, quotas, igor is not the person who will deal with his own salvation, unfortunately , tell me, if i find the money, will you can you tell me who to contact? well, is igor lucky? i'll talk to my colleagues and see what can be done. call me in two days. thanks a lot. mom, will you? brother, i’ll finish typing the letter now,
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you and i will have a normal lunch, okay, what kind of letter? to one charitable foundation, but why? i want to help igor, he is very sick, he urgently needs an operation, he needs money for the operation, if the operation is not performed, then igor mut, we will not allow this. igor is good, do you like him? i like it, let's get together then type, you need a comma, yes, yes.
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yes, lord, yes, marin, really, why are you treating me like i’m a little kid, because you’re acting like a little kid, give me a penny, yeah.
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hello, marina vladimirovna, i have good news for you, you have done a titanic job, and what does this mean, we can set a date for the operation? marin, we did a repeat study for igor this week, so i
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think there is a chance, small, but there is, but we need to fly to st. petersburg, yes, anywhere, there is one there. mom, think about it, i posted new photos on my page, i got so many likes, alice, think about it, photos, likes, well, as you say, yulia says, “here’s yulia, let her talk, she’s funny, she taught me how to process pictures, that’s good, i want you all to be friends, both you and dad, and yulia and igor
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, i love you all very much, you are just a very kind girl, alis, i wanted to discuss something with you. well, i ’ll take you to your grandparents for the weekend, and you, i’ll have to stay for a while to leave, with igor, yes, to st. petersburg for an operation, i will miss you very much, i’m boring, i promise you, you and i will talk on the phone every evening, okay, just tell grandma to... let her play on the tablet, okay, i’ll say, that’s it, let’s go to sleep, go to bed, good night, what are you doing, what are you
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doing, poor, sick? well, why do you need this, why do you need this as a burden, and mom , calm down, please, get away with this, this is a support, this is a stone wall, this is my life, mom, i make my own decisions, i will be responsible for them myself, yes , you were thinking about the child, you were thinking about your elderly parents, have a drink, leave me alone with your medicine, mom, so nina , that’s enough, listen to you, so the whole family is helpless, i have only hope for... for whom, no, first of all, what did you say that i’m old, i don’t understand, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, help her , help her, come on, come on, yes, and i will help, uh -huh, i’ll help, uh-huh, i promised to help my daughter, i’ll help,
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i’ll live with aliska, and you can stay here if you want, write letters to your loved one take it to your son-in-law's post office, that's it, thank you, i 'm crazy, what do you mean...
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hey, wake up, hey! will you ever learn to count your strength? i slept at all, good morning. how did you get here? don’t scold you, it’s not his fault, who’s to blame? what did you come?
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do you want a new camera? why are you so cynical? i can not live without you. okay, listen, if you need money, just tell me how much, don’t you have to organize a theater? well, what money? we just like that... we approach each other, well then you should know that i don’t like it when he comes without asking, well, you didn’t answer the phone, i called, you didn’t answer the message either, that’s it, go ahead, don’t i want to see you, go now, denis, i love you, yes, eva, go, go, come on, that's it.
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hello, hi, daddy, hi, alulechka, monkey, how are you, cool, we went to the forest, saw squirrels, cool, and my mother and i will come for the weekend, we’ll also go, so, mom is already in st. petersburg, i mean, at igor’s my heart ached, she went to treat him, and alyulechka, they’re calling me on the second line, i’ll call you back, okay, monkey, bye, yul, yul. what? well, i'm sorry, i'm just
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drunk, on edge, all over. i can't live without you, really. sorry. and the first word. better than the second, but don’t be sad, natalya gvoznikova, do you recognize the actress? god, since i remember you all, it’s not snow yet , it’s not snow yet, she’s tunga, it’s not don china yet, you already sing so well in russian, wish you, don’t be sad, don’t be bored, don’t let hope go out, i’m at home, thank you you for this atmosphere, fly.
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“i don’t understand anything, what’s going on here? why did you come, that i found a piece of paper in your office, a certificate of divorce, what kind of stupid joke is this? this is not a joke, this is your new reality, it was erased from your own life , we now have nothing, no car, no house, i have no business and husband, it means it’s time to build a new one, tell
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me , have you seriously decided? andrey, where , where is andrey, mom, i’ll start all over again, march 8 on rtr, there are places that fascinate, because they are part of the cultural code, because they have power, beauty and history, conquer. ready, explore, nature, mother, dear, simply incredible beauty, you already understand what the vietnamese’s favorite means of transportation is, there are 10 million here drivers of mopeds, taste it, oh , your eyes run wild, how delicious everything is, as my mother says, it’s mind-blowing, this world is worth seeing, snake is the oldest profession in india, they say that a correctly
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made bukhara knife became real a talisman for its owner. a secret to the whole world. on saturday on rtr. we always do everything together. we support each other. we believe in the best, we care and give warmth, and we overcome difficulties together. together,
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we are strong, we vote for russia. phew, it seems like we left recently, but it feels like eternity has passed, eternity is now ahead of you and me, but... then maybe you’ll lie down? no, the doctor said not to lie around, well, you can get out of the way a little, and i’ll call alice in the meantime, say hi, i’ll undress and put on some tea, come on, the subscriber’s phone is turned off, oh, the clock has stopped, of course, no one has wound it up for a month, strange , the subscriber
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doesn’t answer, it seems like they were just talking this morning, again, probably the battery died, but... call, she was with them, uh-huh, hello, mom, hello, how are you, aliska is here, what do you mean he took me, where, how come you don’t know, mom, no, he doesn’t warn me... what do you mean, don’t be nervous? fuck you, so go ahead, where are you taking me? well, it's a secret , so come on, that's it, don't be afraid, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, go ahead , come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, stop, one, two, so , well, what can i tell you,
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open it, tada. yes, wow, pony, thank you, yes, yes, yes, dad, what a, yes, a wizard, makes all your dreams come true, i like it, very much, that’s how it will always be now, so, let’s do it now let's talk seriously about what, you will now live here, but mom, but mom won't come back, why? because my mother loves igor and wants to live with him, but what about me, my mother doesn’t love us anymore, it’s not true, i just talked to her this morning, she said that she misses me and loves me, adults lie very often, but why should she lie to me? well, so that you don’t cry, don’t ask her to stay, take me off.
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i don’t need your pony, i want to go to my mom, mom won’t come back, well, if you want, i’ll talk to her, leave me alone , she doesn’t even have an account, that’s it, the person just disappeared, wait, maybe there’s something else possible come up with, office, hello, vera, good afternoon, this is marina, i need denis very urgently,
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okay, thank you. he went on vacation, he said, so, his phone, why, i ’ll call from mine. so , hello, and please, denis nikolaevich nikolaevich, he is being disturbed from the basmanny district government and has not arrived yet, please, tell him as soon as he appears, let him... go to my office, to the reception, thank you, what a i’m a fool, how could i not have foreseen
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that he would take revenge, not only is he hiding himself, he’s also hiding a child, pray, calm down, verochka, hello, hello, alexander timurovich, thank you, yes, please come in, this is for you, thank you. “i need my daughter to be with me and to deprive my mother of parental rights, absolutely, no, nothing is impossible, if you cover all
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the costs, i don’t care how you do it, and how much you charge me, everything will be in the best possible way , denis nikolaevich . hello, for some reason my remote control doesn’t work, hello, vladimirovna, i’m sorry, but you can’t come here, i need to see alice, i can’t let you in, sorry, vasya, well you know what’s happening, he’s taking my daughter, our daughter, away from me, okay, but you’re two of his own, you understand everything, i
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understand everything, marya vladimirovna, but i can’t talk to you, at least tell me, she’s here, not everything is all right, marina vladimovna, they’ll fire me, then i’ll never be able to pay denis nikolaevich back, i mean, he helped us buy an apartment, how... the twins got dressed, gave me money on credit without interest while i’m with him i’m working, buying everyone, malina vladimirovna, really, it’s better for you to leave, excuse me, and my husband also changed his daughter’s phone number and deleted all her accounts on social networks, okay, he won’t fool around, he’ll read a smart book, don’t you understand, my husband is hiding my child from me, he’s your husband, go with him and figure it out, what do we have to do with it, what does it have to do with it, you are the police
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, his actions are lawless, okay , please tell me where you were when, as you say, your husband took your daughter away from you, i was away, yeah , and this is the first time you put your daughter with him, well, she left, of course, well, well, this is your family matter, is he your husband? husband, father of your child, father, that’s it, there’s no crime, the next one, wow, is it a holiday today, huh? it’s always a holiday with such girls, denis
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, well, why are you pouring this, she’s still little, she’ll have her own children, you’ll teach, really, alunichka, maybe you’ll stop baking, i asked you to teach me, denis, i know my name. alyunichka, tell me, where do you always dream of going? japanese amusement park, japanese amusement park, with a dad like yours? everything is possible, keep it up, thank you, yul, and you why are you so sad, you think, left without a gift, but no, what is this, look, look, god, my girls should have the
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best everything. i want to sleep, i'll go, alid, brush my teeth! yes, great, denis, this is just unrealistically cool, someone looks handsome to me, smile,
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that’s enough, huh? why are you bothering me to play kosinka? well, what a scarf, stupid, this is our future , i don’t understand, this is real accounting, well, i’m sorry, he’s just so cool, thank you very much, now pasha and i will film such a project, are you really impudent with this pashka is still mu, it’s just my fellow student, listen, i’ll hear about it again. fellow, they will find him in a ditch with a hole in his head, i understand, take your hand away, it hurts me, and if you do that again, i will leave you, it’s clear to you that i’m sorry, i’m sorry, i’m sorry, i just got carried away, i’m sorry, do you want another camera or like them, i’ll buy lenses, whether you want it or not.
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i mean, well, your aliska mashki said that you and denis transferred her to home schooling, and well, yes, yes, everything is fine, yes, okay, i’ll go, i’ll help masha change clothes, i ’ll take a place for you in the hall, okay, yeah , thank you, come on, mash, come quickly, come quickly, ksenia dmitrievna, hello. i was just away, please leave the building, otherwise i will call security. what does it mean? how did you get through? have we blocked your card? what's happening? but that with your diagnosis it is better to stay away from children. what diagnosis? marina! hello! can you imagine? are you
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ready to allocate a laboratory for me just call me? what happened at the concert? there was no concert. how? they didn’t let me in, it turns out i’m a violent schizophrenic, what kind of nonsense, i’m like that i only saw stories on tv, this is some kind of wildness, no, this is not wildness, this is my life, now, a violent schizophrenic woman is looking all over the city for her child, who was taken away by her husband, how is this even possible, and how is this possible, money, connections how does denis do everything? now some yulia grebennikova will be the mother of my child. well, wait, well, we’ll definitely figure it out. i
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'll definitely come up with something. vasya. oh, let's stop by the photo school now, and we need to pick up something there. sorry yul, but... we can’t, why can’t we, denis conjugation nikolayevich, that is, i can go shopping in the bedroom, i can’t go to the photo salon, yes, that is, no , well, in general, gats, and who’s a bastard, no one , you’re swearing because dad forbade you to go to photography school, i didn’t hate dad at all . don’t be offended, okay, you don’t love him anymore, but this happens to adults, yes, my mother told me that too, and now she left me,
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listen, i don’t know your mother well, and in general we are enemies, but it seems to me that she i wouldn’t leave you, but then why dad says that, i don’t know, adults have their own fights. how can i understand whether he’s right or not, he erased my mother’s phone, i can’t call her, and you just believe everything, mothers don’t abandon their children, it seems to me that you would become a cool mother, will you shut up?
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hello, who are you? hello, i'm denis nikolaevich. and on what issue? am i on a question? about the construction of the school, you know, he is busy now, sit down on the sofa for now, maybe tea, coffee, no, thank you, in the case of your wife everything is going according to plan, a conclusion from the guardianship, a conclusion from a psychiatrist. well, i’m ready to file for divorce for deprivation of rights. here, here, here, let's not delay this matter. the judicial system works for you at all times. denis nikolaevich. i'll go eat, otherwise i'm as hungry as a dog. one more minute. new complaints about injuries came in. the workers
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found a lawyer and filed a claim. let's not now, otherwise i'm getting ready. we have been postponing this issue for two months now. i said quietly, it’s unclear, not now. if we don't react. why the hell am i paying you, figure it out, denis, this question could cost you the company, hello, i want to say a few words to you, what kind of people are they, what do i owe, i’m talking about marina and alisa, they are suffering, why do you need this, you fool?
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that you can’t even hit me yourself? no , marina gave you 15 years of her life, she gave birth to your daughter, why are you doing this to her, who are you anyway, and you’re done yapping, let’s go to your booth, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on! vasya, talk to our security guards, let them find out this smart guy’s address and place of work. that is, you want it to be, just in case. let's do it. that's it, let's go and sweep it away. add to the anniversary of mikhail zhvanetsky, in memory of leon izmailov, mikhail mikhailovich would have been 90 years old these days, sometimes satirists in life are rather gloomy people, but misha was very witty in life.
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the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov on wednesday on rtr.
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are you inviting me to your theater? i invite you. sash, forgive me. yes, i'm a bastard, how could you, and you just arrived? yeah, yes, me, nadya, valya, came to conquer moscow, who are you? and i, lena, are his wife. are you waiting for someone? yes, you. for what? i would like to invite you to a restaurant. that's it, dear, i'm nadia. right. misha, get out, i want to return to you, to
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seryozha. leave me and seryozha alone. more i'm not going to make mistakes. women, on saturday on rtr. this is the news of the week and i am dmitry kiselev, watch on sunday. they will not retreat, they will not let you down and they will not betray you. the time of heroes and the new elite of russia, warriors of the northern military district. what's ahead now? our military officers are from the hottest spots. we go to the position on foot, this is exactly the western direction, from avdeevka. how macron went to war with russia scared europe. how
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the campaigns to the east always ended for france and how we will answer this time, we will soon demonstrate them, alzheimer's disease, pick's disease or huntington's disease, so what’s wrong with biden, who else lost their minds while planning attacks on the crimean bridge?
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well, let's go mac, then? come on, come on, come on, see you guys tomorrow, is the photography school located here? well, it seems like yes, but you don’t know how to find yulia grebennikova, but ask this guy in the blue jacket, thank you, well, yes, well, yes, yes, yes, why not, guys, can you tell me, but how to find yulia grebennikova , and who are you? well, i have an agreement with her about one project, a shoot for school, uh, she didn’t tell me something, well, well, yeah, it doesn’t matter, she’s not here today, and it seems she won’t be here for a long time, but she has some problems, you know, if you urgently need to film a project, it’s better to contact lida.
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thank you, please, goodbye, hello, hello, open the gates, please, i need to go to the tenth station, i can’t, that means i can’t, i can’t today, why? your husband called and said not to miss it. something is nonsense , remove the car, mom, mommy, mommy, you have arrived, i will never leave you in my life, do you hear, everything is fine with you, everything will be
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fine, open the door, denis, please, who i had a good time with my lover and returned it, what are you doing, this is my child, get lost, now it’s gone. stop it, i beg you, denis, don’t, denis, everything will be fine, you hear, everything will be fine, mom! hello, are you julia? yes, hello , my name is denis, i am a walking correspondent, i would like just a few words about your exhibition, this is your first exhibition, yes, the first, congratulations to you, but tell me how you manage to choose such objects from such a riot of colors, listen, i don’t i know what to answer you, honestly, because i just walk, look, i like something, i take pictures, there is one
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very cool expression, you probably know it, i’m an artist, i see it that way, congratulations again, thank you, i’ll go have a look, excuse me, where can i look? speaks to denis, you must convince him that mother and daughter should be together. thank you very much, it seems to me that you overestimate my abilities and don’t know denis well. well, you are an adequate person, you understand that this is a terrible situation. yes, so let denis and marina figure it out themselves, please, are they still okay? yes, everything is fine. thank you. let's go, who would help me? or is he, is he
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offending you? and igor, igor. today is the opening of my first exhibition and you come here, start telling me about denis again , but maybe for at least one evening, please, don’t think about him, i want to help you, what can you do, i don’t blame you for anything, and everyone makes mistakes, that's why just take care of yourself, that's all, thank you. okay, that's enough already, stop it, you lied to me, my mother loves me, my mother betrayed you, she traded you for some stranger, no, you're lying, you how you talk to your father, you're lying, i want to
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go to my mother, once again, say so, you'll get it, you don't have a mother, you only have me. it's clear. alyunichka, well, i was joking, what are you talking about, well, shut your taps, moscow doesn’t believe in tears, where we’ll go next week, but i don’t want to, you don’t want to, well, fine, but you want a dog, two dogs.
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hello. what happened to you? where were you? nowhere, just went out onto the balcony to get some air. well, yes, i just decided to wear it, it’s a pity. you're lying, i arrived an hour ago, you weren't there. yes, i was at the exhibition because for me this is very important, this was my first exhibition, so yes. what else can you assure me of? no, i’m no longer your friend, just let me go, denis,
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325 or 315. come on, give it here , give it, give it, let it go, let it go, let it go, give it, yes, what are you doing, she’s still small, and now without a phone, you’re like, okay, don’t leave, i’m scared, i won’t go anywhere, nowhere and... no one will leave the house without my knowledge.
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what are we going to read about the little prince? yes, well,
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come on, well, well, where are we staying here? so, let's see, please draw a lamb. how can i hate you? what kind of creature are you? sorry, my love, you asked for it yourself.
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alice, what a boycott, at least eat a little. the product was delivered, i’ll go and meet myself.
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why did they bring food there, i’ll go check it out, and you sit and eat, just quietly so as not to wake up dad, yes, good day, good day, can i have a look, please, yes, that’s it, here are your shrimps, where are the shrimps? you're welcome, are you kidding me, i ordered tiger ones, not these microbes, in general , half of the order here is not mine, everything agrees with me the invoice was mixed up, so vasya, go into the house, there is a copy of the order in the hallway on the windowsill, check that everything was as it should be, take the groceries, come with me, we’ll call your boss, there’s always some kind of hemorrhoids with your order ,
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they gave me everything in the warehouse, sorry.
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yu, marina, it’s you, yes, hi, how are you, marish, ugh, i was with a lawyer, the lady gave me a good contact, he said that we will try, but
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the matter is long and how long will it all take, a month or a year, he even i can't say, yeah. long, but not hopeless, no, well, it's simple amazing, simply amazing, everywhere there are some kind of seals, certificates, even my signatures in the school for home education, in this court case, about my alleged diagnosis, a conclusion from the guardianship that the apartment in which alice and i lived does not correspond sanitary standards, how is that? what does the lawyer say? lawyer, lawyer says that we need to file a counterclaim, that we need to insist on an examination of all these documents, signatures, well... all this, you see, everything will become clear, yes, maybe , but i’ll think about it alice is there with him alone every day and that she’s scared , she’s crying, i don’t know, my heart is breaking, quiet, quiet, calm down, calm down, but what about making a fuss, on the internet, i don’t know there, call journalists, funds, but i don’t
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know, i don’t know what’s right. i’m afraid that i’ll anger denis even more, i don’t know what to do. don’t worry, we can handle it, i’ll think of something , we’ll definitely come up with something, it’s all my fault, wait, it’s not your fault, i was only thinking about myself, about my love, about the child in general, well you, you wanted to be happy, this is a crime, you are mommy, alice, my girl. thank you, thank you, thank you, without your words i probably wouldn’t have decided. alice, hold the part,
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thank you, yes, he is completely crazy. he drinks constantly, you did the right thing by running away , tell me, do you have somewhere to live, i can give you the keys to the apartment i’m renting, and we ’ll stay here for now, no, no, thank you, i ’ll go to my mother’s in haflovka, well but what about studies, exhibitions, when i give birth, i’ll start my life again, i ’m pregnant, cool, i told you, you’ll become a great mom, marin, forgive me, you do you need any help, money, yes , we can do what we can, no, no need, thank you, i
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have a return ticket, i’ll sort it out, if anything, please contact me, yes, yes, okay, i’ll go, i still need catch the train to the prosecutor's office in the evening, but why do you need the prosecutor's office? “i want to have time to arrange a farewell gift for denis, afraid, yes, where they were, they seemed to be upstairs, they ran away.” ran away, ran away, no need, you need to calm down, so copied,
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oh, yes, it seems here.
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"hello, hello, police, look how they gather in one place, what if touch, yes, it’s immediately warm, try it, you ’re not dangerous, well, no, of course, what are you, wow, great, uncle igor, he’ll show you so many interesting things. did he forget the keys? igor, is that you?
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this is your husband, denis. guest, return it. are you drunk? go away, please leave us alone. give it back, if you don’t leave , i’ll call the police, call the police, alice, what happened, who is it, everything’s okay, you know that, come on, you and i, let’s play hide and seek, like in childhood, remember how you hid and i couldn’t find you, sit down let's cover ourselves here, i don't want to live without you, just sit quietly, quietly, okay, i 'll come now, everything will be... okay, just don't be afraid, that's it!
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open up, give me everything, give me the child? they thought they could do without me, yes, yes, everything will be fine, like in a fairy tale, yes, haypend, no, no, no, no, i won’t be there, there won’t be a child, “alice,
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honey, everything’s fine, everything’s fine, don’t be afraid , dad loves you very much, you hear, he’s just not himself, everything will be fine, everything will be fine, don’t worry, little girl, daughter, daddy will pick you up now, just rest assured that you you do, with a gun, i won’t allow it, you, denis, no, move away, don’t , move away, don’t you dare, move away, don’t you dare
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, leave, yes, i’ll put my hands behind your back, i’ll bury you, sit here, please, quietly, i ’ll go and have a look ,
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what's there, okay, yes, doctor, everything, everything is fine, thank you, well , you'll live, let's move on, goodbye, goodbye, how are you, sign, here, my girl, everything is already fine, thank you, that's it, s you’re really fine, don’t worry, everything ’s fine, thank god, he didn’t get to you, well , i have to go, in 2 hours, i still need to pick up my things, don’t worry. thank you, really
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thank you for everything, for igor, for alisa, if it weren’t for you, come on in, take care of yourself, okay, bye, baby, ah... bye, you’re great, we too, we’ll call you, of course, well, come to christina, this is it sure, goodbye , bye, that's it, that's it, i'm here, everything's fine, well, thank god, it's all over, it's all just beginning.
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hello on the russia tv channel , denis polunchukov is presenting in the studio and the main thing is for this hour. russian troops destroyed a large number of ukrainian militants near the village of tonenkoye and raised the russian flag. relations between germany and nato could dramatically deteriorate due to information leakage. the scandal surrounding an audio recording about the bundesfer's plans
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to strike numerous targets in russia, weapons depots and the crimean bridge is gaining momentum. ukraine criticizes western partners on the issue of arms supplies. 600 students, interactive exercises, concerts and theatrical performances, anna sorokina opened a new school in the rostov region at the world youth festival, the closing of the games of the future in kazan, and also the revival of traditions, the russian festival was held near vologna. so, under coal ours units thwarted an attempt to rotate into the ssu , the engineering and sapper group was destroyed; in total, over the past 24 hours
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, 16 temporary deployment points and an ammunition depot of ukrainian militants were liquidated in the southern donetsk direction alone. losses in manpower of the kiev formations amounted to 300 people. two tanks and two infantry fighting vehicles. our war correspondent, pavel prokopenko, helps the calculation of the geocent installations, coordinated with the work of artillery, to squeeze out enemy units. sight 388, 57, behind the spruce branches you won’t immediately see the formidable weapon. camouflage is one of the main components of success. the command for battle has been received. geocinth begins to move. the artillerymen of the group of troops center near avdeevka need to dismantle another enemy fortified area. the geocinth is perfect for this, it shoots far, the target range is 23 km and , for sure, two civilian sighting guns are already hitting the target. there are a lot of goals,
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we work day and night. the intensity is such that the enemy literally does not have time to raise his head, our artillery is long gone. to each of her present here, they as if they know me most of all , well, at least they try to seem so, but i like it, guys, well done, after shooting you need to have time to camouflage the installation again before the shelter command sounds, the shelter is like this tunnel, several meters underground, camouflage, you can immediately feel
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the warmth here, but the most important thing is how it was done, because they cut through this clay rock, they were not lazy, how everything was arranged, they did it.
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losses in manpower and equipment. fierce fighting broke out in the zaporozhye direction. the enemy cannot withstand the powerful onslaught of infantry, artillery and drones. report by war correspondent anton stepanenko. the guards are on duty, the soldiers are guarding, monitoring the field, the territory is under control. this is the western flank of the rabotinsky sector, the defense is held by the volunteer detachment bars-10. during the unsuccessful offensive, the enemy tried to break through here too, but withdrew with losses. since then the front line has been stable. bear, the senior anti-tank crew , emerged victorious from a duel with a tank, though with shell-shocked, already in service. that he set the tank on fire , i have a partner - should i work with him?
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in the distance you can see the village of komenskoye, this forest clearing is controlled by our neighbors, a special sniper rifle, then everything from there comes from the fox clearing, this is the enemy. the front in this area has not moved for the second year, although zaporozhye is about 40 km away. taking the regional center head-on will only result in losing people. as always at all times, our homeland called us... we took up our watch and try to justify the trust of our relatives and loved ones, because they are waiting for us victories. the fighters adapted kilometers of the irrigation system into reliable shelter. the mortar crew does not have a rest break; they are constantly on alert and work on targets identified by reconnaissance. shot, shot, they worked on targets where they just had oporniks, which means they would equip themselves and... literally just recently there were trenches there, so they quickly camouflaged everything, that’s it, well, you have to stir them up, because they
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are constantly trying to get through get through this outermost forest clearing to the nearest one. during the great patriotic war, when soviet troops they were preparing to liberate zaporozhye, the front line passed through approximately the same places, then they liberated, history repeats itself. anton stepanenko, valery venokurov, lead the zaporozhye front. and a published conversation between bundesfern officers, where they discuss striking targets in russia at a military depot. headline: russians bug german officers, nato partners are worried. the scandal is acquiring more and more new details. the german ministry of defense confirmed that the conversation was intercepted in the luftwaf sector. and the fact that scholz allowed this to happen only shows that that his government was in trouble, said military journalist florian flade. the bundeschancellor simply sat in a puddle, all this exposes the german bundeswehr in the face of its partners as an army that is not able to
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keep secrets. there are questions about why such dangerous political topics are discussed in this way. the bundestag may create a special committee to investigate the leak. the csu party announced this to the newspaper spiegel. there they demanded that scholz provide an explanation to the german parliament. berlin's nato partners are also expecting an explanation from scholz. editions. journal reports: the intercepted conversation could create tension between berlin and the north atlantic alliance. the leak referred to military personnel from britain, france and the united states who are already in ukraine. these countries are unhappy that the bundesfer compromised them. against this background , the german press claims that olaf scholz’s position on the transfer of taurus missiles to kiev remained unchanged, even after the publication of the audio recording. allegedly, he is still strongly opposed.
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i would like to say one more thing about destruction bridge. we intensively studied this issue ; unfortunately, we came to the conclusion that the size of the bridge is similar to a runway, so it may not require 10 or even 20 missiles. there is an opinion that. it is worth
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noting once again that representatives of the german army discussed attacks not only on russian bases and military warehouses, but on the crimean bridge, which is a purely civilian target. one of the conversation participants openly admitted that civilians could be harmed during the strikes . the head of the russian foreign ministry the day before stated that the published audio recording is , i quote, a damning revelation. an urgent message is coming at these minutes from ingushetia in the city of karabulak , a counter-terrorist operation regime has been introduced, fsb special forces blocked a group of militants in one of the residential buildings for...
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the fishermen were evacuated to the shore by snowmobile. at the world youth festival in sirius, this day began with interactive exercises, physical activities, headliner performances, concerts, theatrical performances and drawings of valuable prizes will await guests daily on the main page.
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looks really super cool. the morning went very well, it's a fantastic bright exercise, we feel great. today the festival participants have a busy day, and the morning mood of the champions will help them spend it cheerfully and effectively. it seems to me that they are 100% charged, and today they will be ready to work, work, work all day. today we will be at the festival site, but we will only be there until lunch and then we will fly further to minsk, because yesterday we performed at...
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sports and art, you know, they inseparable, sport and art, they unite people, with this holiday in our festival we showed that there are no borders, you know, neither sports nor art, it is impossible to prohibit it, we do not prove anything to anyone, we just love what we do, than we are engaged. today at the festival site they are discussing the future of a multipolar world, science and history, meeting with politicians, artists, musicians and specialists from various fields. from subtropical sochi we move to the arctic, it’s cold here. air conditioning works in everything, but here you can't only to freeze, but to learn about scientific expeditions to the north pole, about the life of the northern sea route, about the work of the world's only nuclear icebreaker fleet. the program even includes a tea party with icebreaker captains; this is perhaps only possible at the world youth festival, within the framework of which 800 events of various formats will be held in sirius. anna sorokin, valery pyatov,
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mikhail kertogi, magomed otsaev, svetlana silivanova, anna nekos, news: federal territory sirius. the lack of lighting on... sections of the highways increases the number of serious accidents. in yakutia, they have seriously taken up solving this problem within the framework of the national project for safe and high-quality roads in the largest region of our country ; powerful energy-saving lamps are being installed. vitaly prokopyev was convinced that in the dark it was as bright as day. there was one like this all over the village. elena sovelyeva drove along dark streets for years, at most a couple of broken lanterns and... where in the center of the village, lighting in the tabaga appeared recently, this certainly pleases the residents, firstly, safety, now everything apparently, even before, when i rode the bus myself, yes... the stop was dark, so to speak, now people boldly move on foot, and drivers are not afraid of not noticing them, it’s close to the city, but still a village, on
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the road some children or livestock run out every now and then, you see, it’s great, it’s good , it’s good for us, and it’s good for the residents, as soon as dusk sets in, these powerful lights automatically light up, they are led lights that shine white, it illuminates the road brighter and better, within the boundaries of the highway it becomes almost... the same it is light, just like during the day, and this makes the trips of yakut residents much safer. they don’t forget about the suburbs of yakutsk. previously, the section of the road to the village of khatasy was in a deplorable condition, but now the asphalt is smooth and there are streetlights. in 2023, objects were built in the village of ushche, this is in the suntarsky district, the village of sola, this is the migino-kongalavsky district, and the khatasy highway. in 2023, as part of the national project for safe and high-quality roads, specialists illuminated about 20 km of republican highways; this not only pleases the eye, but reduces the number accidents in this regard, street lighting
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is one of the main factors in ensuring road safety. in the twenty-third year, lighting was installed in the village of tul - this is the kharbalakh highway, in the village of kabyai, in the kayabyai region of the republic of sakha yakutia, in nizhny bestekh and this is far from the limit, in the plans. road workers continue to work at a given pace, despite the long winter and short summer, dark streets will soon be a thing of the past, vitaly prokopiev, robert nabiev, lead yakutia. spacious classrooms, modern sports and assembly rooms halls, dining rooms with restaurant equipment. a new school opened in the rostov region, it was built and equipped with the most modern equipment as part of the regional state program for the development of education. the new building will comfortably accommodate all 400 villagers.
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guests, current schoolchildren and those who have long become adults, but their fate is still in the old building, dreamed of what is happening now, the village, one might say, is growing around the school, because large families here received plots nearby, the school has an interesting history, it bears the name of the teacher, dmitry adamov, back in the last century, having survived famine, famine, war, then taught russian literature for more than 40 years. physics, mathematics, social studies, the whole village remembers and respects him. he worked all his life in one place in his office, raised a galaxy of great
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people, and provided colossal knowledge. the tradition is continued by a strong, talented team of eight male teachers. i am 27 years old, i have been working at school since 2017, i teach mathematics. children will study in one shift, which has never happened in their lives before, more possibilities open up. what i like most about that school is how to say there is very little space, there is a very large space, there is a lot of room to climb there to climb where you love to climb everywhere, and you can also do science, creativity, sports, on the very first day of school there are regional competitions. and, of course, there is a place to get a little refreshment, fish cutlets , chops, first main courses, frying pan, barbecue, baked goods,
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city colleagues are already jealous of the kitchen equipment, here she is, a kosh cooker, this is our happiness, a large volume of soup, borscht, here the boilers that are located here, the amount of equipment in the workshops is pleasing, an elevator is not often found in a rural school, but... it was built according to a modern design and complies with all the requirements of an accessible environment. so far , 460 children are studying at the troet school, but the new building is designed to accommodate 600 people. veronica bogmart ilin, vladimir shamakov and denis denisov. vesti, rostov region. at the junction of two worlds. the main event in the world of esports, the first in history. the international games of the future in kazan is coming to an end. today final day of competition. at these moments the final is taking place. in laser tag, and in a few more hours we will find out the winners of tournaments in physical football, skateboarding and racing. ainurvakhmetov is rooting for our people. the two-week
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marathon called games of the future ends with a literal fiery ending at the battle of robots. in the decisive match , the one-kilogram athlete from the indian team literally knocked his opponent out of the ring. we will further develop our discipline in our country, in india, so that we can come to the next games.
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will live a new life. phygital games unite athletes, often russian-americans also played on the same team, and connects people’s hearts. a fijital wedding took place on the fields of the competition. this is also a tournament without barriers. in the city of the future presents a unique program for people with disabilities. people with disabilities have unlimited opportunities in the digital world.
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accordingly, any cyber discipline can be done. he is a professional, the results of the entire tournament will still be summed up, one thing is clear, a new format liked it, even more surprises for the closing ceremony, which will take place today, broadcast on our channel, ainirukhmetov, mikhail vikulin, mikhail mirzaents, ivan kireev, broadcast kazan, live broadcast, closing ceremony of the games of the future from kazan, watch on our tv channel, today at 16 :30 moscow time, instead of skates and pucks. in khabarovsk, over 10 teams took part in the flight, despite the unusual equipment, the fight ensued in earnest, the tournament was held as part of the power of russia sports marathon, its the organizer was the united russia party; in addition to felt boot hockey , exciting competitions in other unusual winter sports are being held throughout the country. a new point of attraction for tourists in the vologda
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region. decided to revive and make even more popular the national symbol of the country - the russian troika. the festival under the same name attracted a huge number of spectators, and its main highlight was the championship of prize-winning russian troikas. riders from five regions met on the racetracks. i was immersed in the festive atmosphere our correspondent tatyana ryshkova. in the prize races, the speed is maximum; the troikas seem to fly past the spectators.
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horses placed in one row take up a lot of space; such horses will not pass along narrow european roads, but in the steppe or on a frozen river bed, a troika is the most expanse. all horses in the troika must be well selected and match each other in speed, in character, the main one here is the horse, he is the draft force, he is always the most powerful, he trots, the harnesses at the edges gallop and maintain the given pace. if the horses are chosen correctly, then the troika seems to be flying above the ground. the russian troika has been held since 2003, at first it was an annual festival, then riders began to meet once every 2 years, since 2020 the festival has completely disappeared from the calendar of events, but now it has not only been revived, but also raised to a new level. the program includes the activities of artistic groups, master classes, and an exhibition
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of real vologda products. and an exhibition of folk arts and crafts. the holiday program is designed for both children and adults, there is fair trade. let's approach, don't be shy, horses bring happiness to the house. the festival was attended by 13 people . the vologda crew led by rider alexey chestyakov won the triples championship. tatiana ryshkova, andrey nikolaev, conduct the vologda region. you are watching the news, this is what will happen next in our program. russian troops destroyed a large number of ukrainian militants near the village of tonenkoye and raised the russian flag. zelensky blamed his partners. political games on the issue of arms supplies from abkhazia with love and the most warm wishes, 200 tons of mimosas are ready to be sent to russia before march 8, i
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asked you at the gas station, somewhere everywhere they are adjusting, sometimes gas stations are in the corridors, what did they catch, what and how did they spy? it will be impossible to tear yourself away from watching, during the week of the presidential address we saw more than others, there’s no escape from it, moscow, the kremlin, putin, we’re looking at rtr today, keep going, quickly to the restaurant in the garden, why, semyon with some woman here in a restaurant?
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just think, i’ll also try to win her, can you imagine, from our quiet little irka, from her immediately a cloud of gentlemen appeared, the most important thing is that they fight for her to the death, everyone has the right to later happiness, listen, maybe we’ll start all over again, march 8 on rtr.
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conversations in new episodes of our podcasts, and in order not to miss anything, subscribe, listen, watch on the media platform, watch, substation, the first podcasts we watch, we are giving karina an exclusive three-week tour of south america, happy birthday. i don’t understand anything, what’s going on here? why did you come, what's with the piece of paper in your i found a divorce certificate in my office, what kind of stupid joke is this? this is not a joke, this is your new reality, it was erased from
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your own life, now we have nothing, no car, no house, i don’t have a business and a husband, so it’s time to build a new one, tell me, have you seriously decided to get promoted? well, i , i want to prove that it is impossible to drown me, the stable is on fire, lord, what is it, how can this be, andrey, where, where is andrey, i ’ll start everything from the beginning, on the eighth of march on rtr, hello, dear friends, your favorite program is on air 60 minutes, vladimir vladimirovich, let’s talk about all the issues, in a hurry, to place nuclear weapons, i already demanded, return the nuclear organ to me. how are things on the front? the weather is cloudy in some places. the guys act confidently, the commanders act confidently. reliably, there are eight from
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the equipment, and we have one wheel there. the second tank flew off in kropsky. the hero of russia will be in kind. you and i, including me, will go to the end. all the facts, watch twice a day, see you later, you are watching the news, we continue the release: the fighters of the center group were defeated the accumulation of manpower and equipment near the village is thin, there is now one of the most... our
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military destroys enemy positions and works as a single mechanism. during battles , vaunted western weapons and equipment, sometimes even dating back to the vietnam war, increasingly become trophies. what our military managed to capture in avdeevka was seen by the military correspondent of the news, alexander katsuba. the ukrainian armed forces' equipment, shot down and damaged by shrapnel, finds a second wind in the experienced hands of our repairmen. this is a german version of the american m-113 armored personnel carrier. germany. the combat vehicle was modernized; a 120-mm mortar was installed here, with the help of which the ukrainian armed forces soldiers held their positions. specialists from the troops center group expertly restore nato armored junk.
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there were about 200 of these in the ukrainian army , these armored vehicles were used for transporting personnel, infantry, well, including for transporting the wounded, here in the cabin there are seats...
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they were used to transfer their assault troops to the front line, as well as for evacuation wounded. in these conditions , the terrain has low cross-country ability, and it is also a big disadvantage that it has a wheeled entrance. because there are a lot of fragments of reinforcement everywhere, that is, during the shelling, if a car runs over a couple of fragments, it will already be immobilized. it was blown up by a mine and cannot be restored, but as an exhibit characterizing the technical equipment of enemy troops it is quite appropriate. restored captured equipment will soon take its place on the podium somewhere. zelensky publicly
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criticized western partners, accusing them of internal political games surrounding arms supplies. according to the head of the kiev regime, there are enough weapons and beer systems in the world to protect ukraine, and the delay in their supply indicates the west’s disdainful attitude towards the security of its country and the safety of the lives of ukrainian military personnel at the front. at the same time, zelensky said.
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now the ratings of the current american leader are extremely low, only 17% see him as president. the israeli army announced that it had struck... islamic jihad infrastructure in rafah in southern gaza. after the recent incident of shelling of a crowd of civilians in tsahal, he especially emphasizes that this time the attack was targeted and no civilians were injured. meanwhile , 20 thousand people protested in jerusalem the day before. they demanded an immediate end, an immediate
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deal with hamas for the release of the hostages. report from our correspondents in the middle east, sergei pashkov and alexander. a unit of the gevati brigade is fighting in the abisan quarter of hanyunes. the cleansing of hamas's southern stronghold continues for three months. tanks were used to storm the base where the headquarters of the islamist leader, yahweh senvar, was located. according to the idf , dozens of militants from the zedim al-qassam brigades have been eliminated and another weapons cache has been discovered. at the same time, army intelligence agencies are investigating the incident. happened last thursday. israeli soldiers were accused of shooting at a crowd accompanying a convoy of humanitarian aid trucks in gaza. tsahal denies responsibility for the death dozens and injured hundreds of civilians in the incident. it is clear that the vast majority of the victims, the exact number of which
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has not been established by israeli investigative authorities, suffered due to crushing under the wheels of trucks that were attacked by the crowd. ground movement for now. there is no movement, some demand continued military pressure on hamas, others demand an immediate cessation of hostilities. knesset member ofer kasiv probably takes the most radical position. on february 7, they even tried to deprive him of his parliamentary seat. mandate for solidarity with the lawsuit in the hague international court of justice accusing israel of
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genocide of the civilian population of gaza. the main victims of the gas are innocent people, not just those who died. but also those who were wounded, who lost their homes, who are starving. we know that more than 240 people have been kidnapped by hamas. all the state of israel had to do was free them. we know the price of everyone for everyone. israel must free the palestinians in return. it had to be done on the same day. idf operates simultaneously in the south in the sector gases, in the north on the lebanese border. over the past day, the israeli air force and artillery attacked the military infrastructure of the lebanese shiite group. the task that sahal sets for himself is to push back hezbollah militants 10-15 km inland from the northern border beyond the litani river. another thing is that it is not easy to complete this task, given the powerful arsenal of the sheite militants and the difficult mountainous terrain
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in the region of the dutch heights. sergey poshkov, alexander ivanyuk, anastasia demyanets, lead israel. strength, where is my daughter, i thought she was helping others, she was always brave, we found her dead, she was lying covered in blood, massive bombing, possibly associated with a sharp increase in idf casualties over the past few days, according to various estimates, only on friday saturday, all three gases, the israeli army lost from 25 to 60 soldiers killed, air strikes could become
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a kind of act of retaliation for the successes of the islamic resistance movement on the ground. while the israeli army scrambled fighter jets, the us air force sent several c-130 military transport aircraft into the skies over gaza to drop humanitarian aid for the palestinians blocked in the enclave for the first time since the beginning of the escalation of the conflict, but few believed in the sincerity of washington’s intentions, given that the same military transport aircraft from which this time they threw 38,000 ready-made meals for the starving residents of the gaza strip; before that they carried american shells for the israeli army. the united states, which is a full-fledged participant in the genocide that israel committed in the gas strip, they only seek to divert attention from their own role and the role of israel in what is now happening in gaza. highway from the sky several thousand ready-made meals. it is absolutely clear that this is a drop in the ocean and will not significantly affect the humanitarian situation as a whole. but
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she still remains critical. in healthcare, for example, there are still problems with medicines and fuel for hospital power generators. we still need too many things to be able to work normally again, provide patient care, such as radiology the department is open 2 days a week, not the whole week. it's the same with the department. could at least somehow change the situation for the better, but this can only be counted on in the event of a stable long-term truce, but so far it’s still not possible to even agree on a temporary one. today, delegations from hamas and israel are expected in cairo to continue the dialogue on gas. the next round of peace talks, like the previous ones, will be indirect. the parties will transfer the agreement through intermediaries. circle has its own conditions. meanwhile, the militant wing of hamas said that over the past few days , seven hostages have been killed in israeli strikes, and the total number of captives killed
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in the first military operation in the gaza strip may exceed 70 people. alexander vilivov, dmitry sherbakov and daniil gabdulin. news: middle east. now footage from uruguay. after heavy rains, the capital of the republic of montevideo disappeared under water, cars and kiosks are carried by the current. pedestrians have difficulty crossing the streets. resisting a powerful stream. the lower floors of buildings are flooded. it is not yet known how many residents were affected by the wild elements. it was winter, after heavy rains, several areas of the country were left without electricity. watch the main events of the last 7 days in news of the week with dmitry kiselyov today at 20:00. this is the news of the week and i am dmitry kiselev. watch on sunday. they will not retreat, they will not let you down and they will not betray you. the time of heroes and the new elite of russia, warriors of the northern military district. what's
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on the front line now? our military officers are from the hottest spots. we walk to the position. this is just the western direction from avdeevka. how macron went to war with russia scared europe. how did trips to the east always end for france? and how will we answer this time? we 'll show them off soon. alzheimer's disease, pica or choriagengton. so what about biden? who else lost their minds planning attacks on the crimean bridge? pistorius intends to carefully study the supply of taurus missiles to ukraine.
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our correspondent, bulat shakiev, listened to the voice of distant stars. under the dome of this tower is the main telescope of the astraphysical observatory of the russian academy of sciences. thanks to his data, the scientist.
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from 179 to 1400. the professor now continues register new galaxies. they named it pikabu, it turned out to have a very poor chemical composition, that is, hydrogen, a little helium, and practically no heavier elements. perhaps due to the fact that the galaxy is very young, igor dmitrievich and his thoughts...
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much faster than theorists around the world expected, now they will have to correct the formulas, the position of hundreds of plates is corrected by a single operator, the data is received by ratan 600, the world's largest radio telescope with a reflecting mirror, here is the program, for years, sky reviews have been written around the clock, and it captures everything thanks to this mode. during the operation of the installation, it was possible to obtain rare data from the constellation eagle; they observed a galaxy consisting of a star and a black hole. radio emission shows that most of the matter that falls from an ordinary star onto a black hole does not fall into the black hole, but rather erupts. a bright flare was recorded for the first time in 40 years, it is already clear
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that it will help to better understand the nature of black holes and, of course, stars. moloshakiev evgen. andrey chastyakov, news from korochaev, circassian republic. in abkhazia, the collection of silver acacia, which in our country is usually called mimosa, is in full swing. on the eve of march 8 , dozens of trucks are transporting tons of this spring flower to russia, but before ending up on the shelves, the fragrant branches will undergo phytosanitary control, including in the laboratory. report by pavel melnik. blooming gardens spread out in cascades and are creeping higher and higher. clouds, but for an experienced farmer there are no barriers. in abkhazia , it is the season to collect the spring flower itself. this acacia is only called silvery, rich lemon, something that distinguishes its palette from the rest. and of course, the honey smell. this is abkhazian. look, let the girls in russia like it.
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mimozalimonka is mesmerizing, right behind the most lush branch. tens of meters, 20-25 kg, yes, the longer, the more beautiful they are, you see, it’s beautiful, this is just right , they are elongated, you see how, from abkhazia with love with the warmest wishes, only mimosa needs more cold air, exactly that's why the boxes are laid out like this in in a checkerboard pattern, ensuring the circulation of fresh air so that this smell of spring spreads throughout russia, the adler post of the krasnodar customs, trucks with mimosa are allowed through in priority order, we are expecting the import of order. 200 tons of mimosa, all consignments transported to the territory of the russian federation are controlled using a mobile inspection and inspection complex. poor quality simply will not get into russia, however, in the farms of the gulrybsky district of the republic, there is none. planned about 100 tons. on the eve of spring, i wish all the women of russia and the whole world happiness,
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prosperity, and a peaceful sky. more than 120 thousand tons of mimosa. several branches have already been imported into russia from each truck for mandatory phytosanitary analysis by rosselkhoznadzor, the samples are packed whole in bags and transferred to the laboratory, where they carry out the appropriate examinations right at the post, that is, the cargo has left, it can safely go to the market, store, anywhere . it won’t stay on the shelves for long; memosa from abkhazia is too attractive aroma. pavel milnik, nikita kalchenko and maria dobroradnykh, news from the republic of abkhazia. everyone is always available on the media platform, look, we have everything by this time, denis polanchukov was with you, see you, rtr planet, more than just television, it’s a piece of russia on every screen of the planet, we flew, the loudest premieres, how i
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got it all. post-corporate, or what? what are you? oh, you don’t know bender well, you don’t need a motive for a cunning murder. what was that on the strip? i don't know, dog halyard, exciting tv series, we are gathering an orchestra, we will perform shostakovich’s seventh symphony, whoever doesn’t take risks , who doesn’t have luck, we will succeed, i will operate... it’s scary, as if i ’m not me, unfortunately, neither the motive for the murder nor there is a connection between the murders, but there is one, and we will find it, i remind you once again that this is my investigation, let ’s agree in advance, you are the coach, i am the player, a dizzying show and the best music, and you generally spend most of your life on your feet or on the head, even i don’t know, i want read, please read, i can’t
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read, turn on the music blogger, hope! it is based on the song of russia, in general russia is a very melodious country, inimitable humor and entertainment for every taste, the basin is hot!
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60 minutes of news are broadcast, hello, key events, what will this day be remembered for, when the whole world calls black white, we choose the truth, vladimir putin is sitting in this chair in the hall, he, as you and i remember, enters through these doors, everything , without which it is impossible to imagine russia, only on the rtr channel planet, she’s a kept woman, she hasn’t worked a day, she lives on her husband’s money. we look at the weekend, i will be a mistress, and on our bed, either you leave, or we are with the children, clearly, remember, you are without me, an empty
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place, zero, you thought about the children, i will find a job, carefully, from the scraps of the old life can be built. new, anything at all in business, you know? sometimes it's better than before. help! my very first contract, i succeeded. give me the office. maria kulikova. what the hell are you doing here? mom can. on saturday. on rtr. good sunday evening to everyone, friends, your favorite folk show, songs from the bottom of your heart, unique voices, melodies and songs
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that changed the lives of our guests, and today’s program will open with an asterisk, friends, asterisk, this is the name of the song of our guest from novosibirsk region, evgeny sukhaliy from the city of taguchin. we meet him, a star shines brightly above the wolf, i ’m late for the date. i'm walking with a peacock's head, i 'm following you along the path, i'm on the path, oh the path, i'm on the path, everyone is following you, i'm on the path, from
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on the path, i’m on the path, the light is behind you , the star shines brightly in the night, you told me, just don’t be silent, you know yourself, nectorize your eyes that i can’t say a word, that i can’t, oh, i can’t, that i can’t i can’t say a word that i can’t, oh , i can’t, that i can’t say a word, you broke your black braid, threw your hair over your shoulders, i’ll scream in all four directions , i won’t give you to anyone, i won’t give you to anyone,
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little star there’s no light in the sky anymore, we walked through the night and into the early dawn, i admired it. mursky star, i only admired you, i admired, oh, i admired, i only admired you. i was admiring, oh, i was admiring, i was admiring, only you, summer days will come soon , samara will leave, god is the lights, we'll be that dawn, we'll walk again, i'll try not to be late, i 'll try, oh, i'll try, i'll try not to pay, i'll try . oh, i’ll try, i
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’ll try not to be late, you spread your black braid, scattered your hair over your shoulders, i’ll scream in all four directions, i won’t give you to anyone, i won’t give you to anyone, both! oh no, i’ve been waiting for this for a very long time, andrey, thank you very much for this opportunity, of course, they told me that this is your first time in moscow, yes, your first time. well, i want to say
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that it’s an indescribable feeling when you come to a bus stop, and yesterday there were 200 people standing there, if you compare it with the scale of where i live, these are three people at the bus stop in the morning, i went to work, that’s it, well, you are the director of the sibiryanochka choir, let ’s say, i have a choir and 15 people with whom we have a very important mission, we sing russian songs with them. 84 years and more, you travel around villages and collect antiques songs, our film crew went on one of these trips with you, and you came to visit a ninety, ninety- three-year-old woman vera, vera grigorievna, let's see, it's time. walks around the village
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slowly, somewhere a song flows, remains in the heart, the russian soul is torn into pieces. today i came to the old village again, i travel through villages and villages, meet grandparents, record songs from them, people leave, songs remain, and i really want these songs to reach the growing ones... knees, to baba believe me i come very often, she greets me like her own grandson, you are at home, woman vera, coming, coming, coming, oh, wifey, please come in, she’s 93 years old, how are you, how are you, how have you been , little by little, come on, zhenya , come here for some firewood, i’ll bake pancakes , when i come to her, i try to help her out a little, every day such... an assistant
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would come, but how good it would be for me, i ’d sit and watch it, so let’s do it more often visit, now the years have already passed, and there is no vision, and no health, i live alone, just like that and i’m tormented, i had a good youth, yes, everyone lived amicably, if i’m going out for some kind of party, then the whole village will be with me, because that’s how it was customary. well, the girls embroidered songs, sang whatever came to mind, they sang like that, and our friend had a seat like a pillow , a codushka, let’s milk a friend, these are the matchmakers, at every wedding there are a lot of such things, then it was interesting to go to weddings, and this is an icon, this is me my mother-in-law blessed me when i got married, this is an old one. came together in love and lived
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in perfect harmony, we lived together for 57 years, it will be already in june, 18 years old, how i was alone, how half of me was gone, but i still cry, god forbid i live alone, they eat up the walls, loneliness, my life was difficult, like writing a book, just somewhere... ... i didn’t work, i worked in the fields, and threshed, knitted, worked as a milkmaid, my hands were already bent like hooks , but i always loved to sing, i can’t live without songs. i didn’t go, i sing, and then i cry, i cry, i sing again, maybe i live longer, that i sing all the time, i’m mistakenly not discouraged, well, my wife will come too, so we’ll eat and we sing, our ancestors are our wealth, their
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wisdom, accumulated over centuries, must be passed on, oh, oh, on the mountain the women reap, and on the mountain. that’s how we found her in 2018, since then we haven’t parted with her, thanks to vera grigorievna, this collection of songs was published, and you also told me that you are a master yourself, in addition to collecting songs, you also make dolls, yes, today i have a wonderful gift for each of you, you know, let these. dolls that everyone will get in their hands today, day and night bring you joy, happiness, goodness and family well-being, i will now pass on one doll at a time, and you pass it on in a circle like this, and whoever gets which one will get it, stop, okay, i already have two, don’t
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pass it on, but hands for, oh well, oh, what a funny one i chose on purpose. with you i would like the group of the russian song choir sibiryanochki to sing one of my favorite songs , once twice i love you, come on, the beautiful maiden forked curls and left little ones on the river, once twice i love you, i love you.
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well now zhenya we’ll move to china wow was it china? no, no, let's go now, especially since your neighbor, shinkai jen, will sing us a song: you talk to me about love, in chinese, in chinese, no,
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you speak. i’m talking about love , but i started the conversation idly, thank you, i’m listening to yours, but they don’t mean anything, maybe you’re better than everyone else, then... you won’t understand it right away, she’s a snowflake, not snow yet, not snow yet, it’s necessary, yet not rain, she is snowing, not yet snow, not yet
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snow, she is deshtinga, not rain yet, someday, but not now. she's a snowflake, not snow yet, not snow yet naju, looking and maybe. maybe i’m prose for you again, well, otherwise i’ll become prophetic words that
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don’t mean anything now, maybe you’re the best in the world, but you won’t understand it right away, she ’s snowy, it’s not snowing yet, it’s not snowing yet, she ’s eveninga, it’s not raining yet. she's a snowflake, not snow yet, not snow yet, she's even a flake, not rain yet, not rain yet, thank you.
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language, you know, andrey, i just really want to be 32 years old and you already sing so well in russian , thank you for the invitation, this is just, well , definitely the first time in my life, i’m so glad, i’m so happy, maybe that i can be here with you, this is just so much fun, thank you very much, and you know, i actually brought you chinese souvenirs for all the guests, oh, look, especially since the new year has just passed and has arrived. in chinese it still stands , look, it’s called a perfume bag, and
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this is the ancient chinese, they just kept it in their home, because it smells very good of herbs, oh, it really smells very tasty, and it also has a second function - to fart , and it repels mosquitoes, that is, you need to carry it in your pocket or in your pocket, but of course, our i also brought these beautiful chinese bookmarks for the guests.
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and what did valera sing, tell us what he sang about, but don’t talk about some sister , don’t say her name, okay, it will be our secret, you know, we have a chinese restaurant, when i go in, they give me a 50% discount , i this song, it turns out? since you ended up in minsk, tell us friend, when i was in china, i studied opera, and you know that we have a lot of people, a lot of competition, so to get into good universities, it’s very difficult, you also need pay a very large amount, mom just said, son, i’m sorry, i won’t pay somehow, because i don’t have enough money, you wanted to be a musician, right?
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that i am such a person, i think that everyone knows why exactly i didn’t go to russia, because russia, and few people know belarus, it’s so, well, mysterious for me, and just at this moment my friends are good, they too
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oh, you know, even now i have more belarusian friends than chinese friends, like this it worked out, well, will you sing something else to us today in chinese, but yes, i also know this very touching russian song, it ’s called call me quiet, i’ll play it. call me in a quiet name in the spring water
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and call me, but the whole heart is called without. call me, overcome my sadness , call me, call me, at the end of the day, call me, overcome my sadness, behind me,
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there are places that fascinate because they are part of the cultural code, because they contain power, beauty and history. conquer! the order is ready! explore, nature, mother, dear, simply incredible beauty! you already understand
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what the vietnamese’s favorite means of transportation is; there are 10 million moped drivers here. taste it! oh, my eyes are wide open, how delicious everything is! as my mother says, eat your mind! this world is worth seeing! smiya caster is the oldest profession in india. they say that a properly made bukhara knife became a real amulet for its owner. a secret to the whole world.
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you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for my words, hero of my time, beauty, repin, the whole brigade, we’re just watching on the platform, hello, dear friends, your favorite program is on the air, vladimir vladimirovich, we’ll talk about all the issues, dismount, deploy nuclear weapons, i already demanded, let’s get back to how things are at the front, the weather
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is cloudy, in some places hail, the guys act confidently, the commanders act confidently, quickly, reliably, there are eight vehicles coming, and we have one wheel there, the second tank has fallen off. the hero of russia will be in kind, we are all our own , including myself, to the end, what an image of victory he is for you, he will destroy the gang in his head with zelensky, yany rubbish, there are big dreamers in the west , but we are guided by the fact, look twice a day, see you later, drop it, go, quickly, with some woman here in the restaurant? semyon, tell me that all this seemed to me,
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olga kobo, he called me ideal, and you are ideal, you can hang noodles on your ears, cuckold you, dmitry frid, partings can be for the better, i don’t know, me now as if he had been moved by a roller. oleg almazov. irena met a gorgeous man, they are planning an affair. just think i i'll try to win her too. can you imagine, our quiet irka immediately had a bunch of gentlemen appearing for her. the most important thing is that they fight to the death for it. everyone has the right to later happiness. listen, maybe we can start from scratch. march 8. on rtr , i asked you at the gas station , you catch it everywhere, sometimes at the gas station, sometimes in the corridors, what did you catch, what and how did you spy, it will be
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impossible to tear yourself away from watching, during the week of the presidential address we saw more than others, nowhere from this no escape, moscow, kremlin, putin, look today on rtr. once again, good sunday evening to everyone, unique voices, melodies and songs that changed the lives and destinies of our guests, today songs from the bottom of our hearts on the air continue to work, now our newlyweds, guests from almaty, kazakhstan, friends, vladimir will appear on this stage and gaziza ustalov with a song, the first word is more valuable than the second, what’s dancing?
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bring a song about any dance. bouquets for you, scarlet dews, but it seemed to you that this was not serious, petals, my tired bouquet hurt, instead of yes, you told me, no, and the first word is more valuable than the second, but you don’t sadness, you won’t find another golden one like me anywhere, don’t listen to the words, just
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better, look into my eyes, you’ll immediately see how much i need your roses. and words cannot warm you up in an hour. like this , you have to listen only with your heart, dear, you may not notice hundreds of stars in the sky, without thorns, you won’t see roses anywhere, and the first word is more valuable than the second, but don’t be sad.
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you won’t find another golden one like me anywhere, don’t listen to the words, just don’t look better in the eyes, you’ll immediately see how much i need your roses, i ’ll spend the evening with you again, for whom? you came in the candles, i see, were not in vain , the dawn was blazing for us, i came to you with flowers for nothing, and the first word is more valuable than the second, but don’t be sad, another one like me is golden. can’t be found
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, don’t listen to the words, just do it better , look into my eyes, you’ll immediately see how much i need your roses, well done, and you don’t steal, and you don’t steal, i’m ready for something when gold is nowhere to be found. well, i wasn’t wrong when i said that the guys are newlyweds, how long ago did you get married, it will be 3 years, yes, but
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they have.
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my wife, it was like, come on, come on let's see how you live, and what else you told our correspondents, i was 58 years old when my husband died, an age when you want love and want happiness, i was very, of course, very worried and practically i... i withdrew from the world, i had already stopped believing in myself, but one day i met a woman who showed me an interesting practice, they recommended me to draw my love, and so i drew myself like this, such a house, here a man was standing, he was smiling very much , held my hand, now let’s not, maybe six months passed after this picture, when i got married, it turned out
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that i drew this from my husband. in the morning he came, picked him up, he brought him back home, well, he tried to come in for tea, but i kind of stoically wouldn’t let him in, he always walked by the hand, he always took my hand.
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volodya and i got married , it turns out i was 62 years old, yes, 62 years old - this may be a considerable period of time, but it seems that you can be happy at any time, a real role model for young people, now for some reason young people do not want to get married, so lovingly, didn’t it seem to you that in some way you reminded maksimovna gorbachev in your manners, in your style, there is something. did they say or not? has he been courting you for a long time? six months, i only stood for six months, but with all, with all his gentleness, he turned out to be very persistent,
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in addition, even when he proposed to me, he set me three more conditions, well, tell me about the conditions, the first condition is that she wear my last name, necessarily, the second condition is that we do everything together, always and everywhere, independently.
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or with volodya, well, of course my mother accepted wary volodya, after all, he’s such an age, but why wasn’t he married and does he have all sorts of money, but he works, doesn’t work, well, of course volodya, he’s very good at winning people over and it’s him somewhere, something’s mother there he hugged, tapped something , repaired something, glued it, that’s all, she told him, i love andryusha’s programs so much, i ’m here all saturdays, she doesn’t talk to anyone, no phone, even if we call from another city, she says: “then i looked at andryusha, and volodichka lit up with the desire that my mother would see me there.” in this program, so that it means how and so that she calls all her girlfriends, turn on the tv , my daughter is singing there, that’s what he had , i honestly didn’t
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see myself here, how am i supposed to if i’ve never been a singer , here such stars will come and sing, yes, suddenly i will sing here, but volodya turned out to be a modest, very modest woman, yes, this is one of my qualities, he drew volonya, volodya i don’t know what he drew where, so let’s sing for ours beloved viewers for your mother for my mother fate is great no one blamed us in the church, no one married us, no one married us in church. my whole soul is burning in fire, why did you rush back with all your might, on a thief in your storage, why did you meet me when i was giving food to drink,
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why, covered in beauty, conquer the cossack heart. and my fate , fate, fate, and my fate, tell me why, and my fate is separation, fate, i just can’t find it from her , one more time, and my fate, fate, fate, oh my fate, tell me why, and my fate is separation, my fate is that i am a stranger. i just can’t, well, now our musical program continues, guests will appear on stage. i'm going to
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dear, the sky was amused by the snow. i rolled down the hill in a ball, got tanned by a candle, suddenly became hot, i’m going to my little one’s for a light, i lit a candle and suddenly became hot , i’m going to go to my little one’s for a light, i’m going to go to my little one’s for a light, i’m going to my little one’s, my path is long, it will be in the south. to live above the hut, to cast
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spells, but the businessmen are still not in the house, he sews a new dress, quietly sings a sad song, and on a zealous horse , about a distant spring, a trustworthy maiden is waiting, and on a zealous horse, about a distant spring, a faithful maiden is waiting. run out onto the porch, run out, run out, open the gate quickly, i returned home, behind the mountain, call the guests, call, i returned home, behind the mountain, call the guests, call,
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a snowball fell from the sky , rolled down the hill in a ball, a candle lit up, suddenly became hot, i’m going to cute. yes with the breeze, i got tanned by a candle, it suddenly became hot , i’m going to my little one yes with the breeze, i lit up with a candle, it suddenly became hot, i’m going to my little one and with the breeze, i’m going, i’m going, i’m going, i’m going, i’m going to my little one with the breeze, i’m going, i’m going, i’m going , i'm going.
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sasha came to us from st. petersburg, but in general, you come from the rostov region, from the city of bataysk, that’s right, i’m telling you everything, you grew up there, studied to be a choreographer. director , a huge hello to everyone, by the way, if i don’t say hello to my mother, my mother, my sister, my three-nephew, this is the bataysk part, my mother -in-law and my wife’s dad, these are my dears, sals, hello, and also in my small village of peshkovo, this is near azov, also in the rostov region, the eldest now lives in our family, after my grandmother passed away, allamanovna stayed with us as the eldest, this is the same a family hearth where we always gather. i come very often, allamanovna sent
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you a huge greeting and said that when she gets on your show, she will scold you very much for two things: first , because your program is broadcast so rarely, and not 8 days a week, 90 hours on the air, and because when she’s always waiting for this program, she says: i’ve been waiting for so long, i ’m preparing so much, so we’re tuning in, i sit down, once the program is over, thank you very much, it’s a very interesting life, because when he performs, he also translates his songs into gestures, sign language, speaks correctly, for the hearing impaired and deaf people with hearing impairment, let's see how a fragment of the rehearsal goes so that everyone understands what we are talking about, love to make mistakes, be stronger, win, what love gives. you
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must only believe in your destiny, without a doubt, be with you, be yourself. i remember when nikolai noskov, many years ago , sang some song and an urda translator sat next to him and translated it to tears, so simply, so this is very important for people who have good hearing, with you were hard of hearing, in general , there were diana, varya, natasha and valya, and valya, here ’s the girl in white, she practically can’t hear at all, here’s valya , my beauty, the girls are just smart, every time at concerts we are performing together, i say, now people will appear on the stage who maybe... won’t hear your applause, but they will definitely see it, when the whole audience does it, it’s so absolutely easy, immediately there is some kind of magic in it, a foreigner can understand this sign language, yes, they say, it’s international, the language , well, let’s go then in sign language, too , i wish everything, the sun is shining brightly, the children are laughing, and we
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walk hand in hand next to you and say: no need, everything is clear, and i’m pleased with everyone i tell you, i wish that you are all healthy, and that the sun shines brighter on you than in madagascar, that you live, that they know, and that your children are you. made us happy, like that, bravo, after advertising we will continue, friends, stay with us, anna ostrovskaya,
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it’s very nice, and that means you are the one psychics, fortune teller, yes, the premiere on rtr, this is our new opera. anna borisovna, it’s a pleasure, help him. let's drop the formalities. come on, yura. she can work with anyone. can you somehow see or feel something from things? even with ghosts. 1 2 3 4 5, come out and look for me. i have to find someone. but not everyone can work with it. did you dream about this kidnapping?
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any remedy has a downside with the most necessary knowledge about health. we dispel myths and help you find out the truth. how to proceed? to land well, you need warm up before doing this. what should you pay attention to? there should be a pill for each risk factor. where to look for help? it only takes five. ingredients that will benefit the entire body, two decades pass from the onset of the disease to its manifestation , so the whole family needs to be examined. the most important information from the most competent sources. take care of your complex body. about the most important things, from monday
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to thursday on rtr. are you inviting me to your theater? i invite you. "sash, forgive me, yes, i’m a bastard, how could you, and you just arrived, uh-huh, yes, i, nadya, valya, came to conquer moscow, who are you, and i’m lena, his wife, you’re waiting for someone, yes, you, why, i’d like invite you to a restaurant." that's it, dear, i'll bring nadya back, misha, get out, i want to return to you, to seryozha, leave me and seryozha alone, i'm not going to make any more mistakes, women, on saturday on rtr. words
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all night. the games of the future are freedom from any kind of discrimination and double standards, a true sport. a tournament that has exceeded the wildest expectations. victories at the intersection of reality and the cyberverse. our champions have proven that sport knows no boundaries. the
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closing ceremony of the games of the future, today on rtr, here’s a kept woman, she hasn’t worked a day, she lives on her husband’s money, we’re watching on weekends, yakos. mistress, and on our bed, either you leave, or we and the children, clearly, remember, you are an empty place without me, zero, you thought about the children, i will find a job, be careful, from the wreckage of an old life you can build a new one, anything at all -something in business, you know, sometimes it’s better than before, help! my most i got the first contract, give me an office, maria kulikova, what the hell are you
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doing here, mom can be on rtr on saturday, love reigns in this room, love for a person who has become a symbol of a generation.
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thank you yura, thank you for everything, a big concert for yuri shatunov’s fiftieth birthday on march 9 at rtr. unique voices, melodies and songs that changed lives and destinies. millions of people, today in the program songs from the bottom of my heart, once again, good evening, friends, now i want to invite the stage of alexander semyonov with the song kalina kust, embroidered shirt with a front opening. the blue evening will come out, for a walk onions, where there is a click of a guard, and on the black tower, the dawn
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of the sun, candles, in the haze of the shore, above the white temple the stars of the bark slam, the golden moon, the edge has dulled, there is no body. and we flew away the letters with the cry of cranes to distant lands, there is no telegram, the letters flew away with the cry of cranes along the edges, all together the line is already burned out, the rocks are empty, empty, and without you it’s evening. the evening is empty and the quail sings to me, that love
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has swum across, to the shore and on the burning alpine bush, and the quails sing to me that love has swum across, to the shore it’s all tanned, a stake, an embroidered cap, for a walk. the city will come out in the blue evening, go for a walk muga, urgent siligrams, give an inaccurate answer. that you will come back again , you are dear to me, lowercase telegrams, give an inaccurate answer, that you will return again, you are dear to me , all together, the rocks have burned out, the bite, the viburnum bite, and without you, the evening is so empty, so the evening
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is empty, and to me. the quails that love swam across, the burnt taste to the shore, and the quails that love swam across sing to me, on the shore where the kaliny pust burned out. and the quails sing to me, that love swam across, to the crossroads, where the goose bark burned, and the quails sing to me, that love swam across, on the world who, where before it burned, the valley boat, when
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the skolin cous burned, the kolin cous, and without you so the evening is a waste of wind, i didn’t want love to float to the shoreline, where the tops were tanned, well, you live in moscow now, right? i live in moscow, i was born in the orenburg region, in the village of nizhneozernoye, legsky district, and there i lived, everything went well, music came from my grandparents. by the way, yours grandmother, nina ivanovna, having learned that you will be here, sent us a video greeting, let's see, attention, hello, andrey, from the studio, you invited sasha, my grandson, to the program, he grew up with me since childhood, songs
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that i sang along to him , i’m happy for him , of course, he also dreamed of getting on this program for a long time, i believed, believed, believed, believed, i believed, but i will never believe that you love me, i believed, believed, believe, believed, believe! i, but i will never believe that you will stop loving me, and what is nina ivanovna rolling out, that hers is the best, tastier, it was she who prepared the kokurki, this is what they call it from, if i’m not mistaken, this dough is mixed with sour cream and sour milk, i wanted it, but i can
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tell you that knowing that you are certainly malnourished in moscow, nina ivannova give up everything , today here, friends, behind the scenes, i brought you, your favorite pies, hello, dear editor, hello, hello my dear, i’m helping you, i’ve arrived, oh, oh, what a beauty, hello to everyone from the whole studio, hello, okay golden, let me kill you, this is unusual, yes, god, this is great, this is it in our opinion, i came, i brought it, a village
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gift, come on, the most delicious, right away. the smell is very fragrant, this is andryusha for you , keep your feet warm and your head freezing, thank you very much, thank you. you did it yourself, yes, oh, shonin, too, you need to give something a little sweet, of course, of course, now it’s her, but how, everything should be, share everything
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, you recognize natalya gvozdnikova as an actress, well, of course, but what, lord, since i remember you all, oh, so unexpectedly, so, we arrived in hell, yes. didn't say anything, oh, it's ringing like yours the weather, and we look out the window, today , we say, it’s freezing here, he says, but we’re having a blast, and we’re also in moscow, spy, spy, yes , it’s partying - that means it’s snowing, yes, well, it’s snowing , first of all, let’s say hello to your friends, vuren goy, hello, redhom, hello, vynek, hello, to everyone who knows and doesn’t know, who doesn’t know.
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i used to give small benches to everyone in saturn, do n’t think anything bad out of your pocket, i want
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to introduce you to your fellow countrymen, also from the republic of belarus, they came to us, just imagine, kai, your fellow countrymen, yes, they are from agro-town of priluki, that’s right, i say. balalaika virtuoso, dmitry stresh and ekaterina bulotovskaya, come out on stage with a song, i want to wish you , everyone is dancing and howling , the globe is circling, circling, years are flashing by, everything is flowing, changing , forget sorrows, forget adversity, let dreams come true, and
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no one he will not condemn us to the best, we will believe and will not be discouraged, open the doors, greet every new day. we will invite you to happiness, i want to wish you, don’t be sad, don’t be bored, let hope not go out in your chest, live in love, without worries, every day, every year, only happiness is ahead of us, life, love, without law, every day, every year, only happiness awaits ahead, so that in the souls... life does not become cramped, let them go, let them go love in life with us, goodness and joy to all, may
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the sun shine brightly in the morning for all people on the planet, so that happiness in every home, a better life is warm, so that you can live and want, and spring blooms all around. i want to wish you, don’t be sad, don’t be bored, don’t let hope fade in your chest, live in love, without worries, every day, every year, only happiness awaits us ahead, live in love, without backwater, every day, every year, only happiness awaits us ahead, bomha. hope does not go out in the chest, live in
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love, without trouble, every day, every year, only happiness awaits us ahead, we are happy, happy, before i ask, i want to show you how i see you off. at home and how they worry about you, look, mom, mom, how you collected, my mummy, when you get ready to go, drink epiphany water three times,


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