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tv   Poltsarstva za lyubov  RUSSIA1  March 4, 2024 1:05am-2:49am MSK

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love yourself, spend yourself , please tell me, when was the last time you bought clothes for yourself, but i don’t remember, but this unfinished one of yours today, that’s what needed to be proven, it’s not like he should have been kicked out a long time ago, too i'm a man, he can't even earn money for a number, he takes a woman home, so i turned over the page, forgot and started life from a new leaf, understood me, yes, okay, i'll turn over the page, start all over again.
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well, well, somehow this is how i understand it, well, she’s a beauty, well, a star, oh well, well, well , it’s nice to live for yourself, nice, but lonely, of course, well, nothing, i think this won’t last long, you’re right in thinking, i’m after dzhulka, lyub, i understand that you’ve already become attached to her, but i really need her now. nastya, listen, something small happened here, i didn’t want to call you, upset you, you’re all so on edge, we’re all on our toes here, what happened, where’s the dog? she ran away from us the other day, we have this damn door, if you don’t close it, it opens on its own, slava came home from work, apparently she didn’t close it, she ran out, dzhulka, dzhulka, they ran to look, i’m not there anywhere. .. even
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turned up in the dark, oh, and that no one saw her, it was dark, she’s small, it’s night, please forgive me, but she trusted me, idiots, they didn’t notice, i was counting on her so much, i even prepared a place, well, i’ll tell you i’ll buy another one, but maybe this is how it should be, maybe it ’s not fate, i just can’t be with a man, or with a dog, what? why are you such a fool to me? and nastya, well, as long as you can, well, as long as you can sit in this hole, well, it’s time to climb out, already meet someone, i don’t know what to do with you anymore, but why? yes for self-esteem, he’s my sweetheart, with good friends, goes to the bathhouse, let him introduce you to someone, i don’t need anyone, okay, nastya, i’ll go, don’t hit yourself like that again, bye. i’m so glad, sashenka
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, that you’re home, i’m so glad, mom, how are you feeling, sit down, well, sit down, sit down, stop running already, oh, okay, i’m done, i ’ve been waiting for you, that’s it i thought i was going to die when you were left alone, mom, that’s what you are, that’s... that ’s why you are, you need to get married, sasha, 25 again, why, mom, well, you know, i’m not with anyone i can’t, but maybe i should try, but why try, why try, wife, children, well, why do i need them, no, why do they need me?
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“nastya comes to see me, you haven’t seen her yet, a lovely girl, kind, attentive, with a medical education, a mother, she recently separated from her husband, she’s sad, i’m not forcing her on you, just talk, maybe something will work out for you, but i really like her, but sit, sit, sit, i'll open the door, hello, good afternoon, please come in, yeah, where is vera petrovna, is she waiting? let me help, thank you, let's,
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thank you, oh, nastenka! “hello, oh , hello, nastenka, and look, this is my son, sasha, this is nastya, whom i told you about, it’s very nice, i’m also very pleased, your mother missed you very much, i’m glad you’re back, we’ll see you all the time they said, yes, well, you’re happy, of course.” well, i propose to make a small celebration, i ’ll quickly wash my hands and prepare something tasty, uh-huh, uh-huh,
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can you imagine, my patient’s heart rate returned to normal for the first time in a long time. and what surprises you if she is under yours observation? no, that’s not the point , you know, her son just returned to her from a business trip, and she all blossomed, that’s what the care of a loved one means, well, well, well, well, how is he? who? horse in a coat, son, you're back for yours again, i didn't even look at him, but look, look, look, mom, you've already conquered him, the rest is a matter of technique, you know. i don’t need this, especially since i haven’t gotten divorced yet, oh, i beg you, get divorced, yours, you haven’t appeared, i hope on the horizon, no, well , good, great, the evil eye has given and the heart is gone, here we already have a new one looming, given to you, come
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to me, come to me, go, stand, back, it will be good. hello, hello, and i see you are in a good mood, that means everything is fine, well, yes, well, great, well, goodbye. well, aksana nikolaevna, an astronaut? well , there’s a reason, the children bought a house on the river and told me to get ready. to begin with, i broke down, well, why should i change the old women, that’s all.
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and then i thought, what is this suddenly an old woman? right, right. i rummaged through the wardrobe, yes. i found a suit. samu. amazing fit in, and now i ’ll be cutting along the embankment in this suit with my stick, well, for a long time, i think forever, so nastya and i will have to part with you. “i’ll miss you, me too , but what about ivan fedorovich, he
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’s a neighbor for a reason, and i ’m taking him with me, really, yes, well, what can he do here alone, and there’s air, home spacious, and his apartment can be rented out, can you imagine what a solid increase in pension, you are so great , i’m so glad, your children are wonderful, yes, the children are wonderful, that’s what they told me, take it whoever you want, so if you have a vacation planned, you’re welcome, we’ll receive you like a queen, okay, although you’re probably just stunned by our fedoch, but what are you? you’re like family to me, i know, i know, thank you for everything, let’s pack a load and let’s go, because
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we don’t seem to have anything else, that’s how it is with us , let’s go, thank you, sasha for dinner, but you’re welcome, by the way , nastya, can i ask a question? of course , tell me, you liked me at least a little, well, if i didn’t like you at all, i probably wouldn’t have met you. ladies, please thank you beloved, maybe i should open a glass for you, but beloved, no need, beloved, let us better gossip, good man, restaurant, flowers. what doesn’t suit you, his pressure
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, we know each other so little, a month is not enough, i don’t know what monastery you were brought up in, fame actually persuaded me to cohabit on the second day , people like him don’t lie on the road, maybe it’s the the fact that i have nothing for him, well, it’s good that no , love won’t go anywhere, at least you
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will feel like a woman and not a draft horse, still it seems to me that this is not my person. doctor, how long do i have left?
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- it’s not all bad, but you should take care of your heart, don’t strain yourself, avoid excitement, strong emotions, and lately all i ’ve been doing is being happy with the doctor, joy is also a strong emotion, in general, i wrote it here, please remember to take your medicine on time and stay healthy. thank you, doctor, thank you, mom, you’re in my hallway, wait, i’m here now, okay, your mother’s weak heart, how weak, to be honest, not at all, i’m even afraid to do any forecasts. take care of her,
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that sasha the doctor said that everything is bad, but no, mom, what are you doing? “yes, i know it myself, i’ve been ready for a long time, i’m just scared to leave you alone, i want you to be in good hands, that’s it, let’s go to bed, rest, i’ll go now and finish lunch there, nastya, “sit down, please, i want talk
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to you, my affairs are not as good as they seem, it’s just me being cheerful, it’s scary to die, knowing that my son will be left alone, you.” you have become like a daughter to me, sasha is in love with you, maybe you can try, is he good? decent, he will not offend you, ver petrovna, well, you’re also alone, your heart aches at the sight of both of you, maybe you’ll try, maybe it will work out, you’ll have children, well... are you
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silent, or have you gotten back together with your ex? no, he’s already married, but why should you disappear alone? sasha loves you, what if it works out? vera petrovna, no, no, no. no need, that's it, that's it, that's it, that's it, that's it. sasha, sasha, go home, it seems you wanted to say something, i, yes, nastya, dear, dear,
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marry me. let's go, lie down, you haven't slept for 3 days, how can i be here without her now, and we every day
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we will remember her, she will always be with us. so she came in for her grandson and didn’t wait, well, what can we do if it doesn’t work out yet, we don’t lose hope, if a girl is born, we ’ll call her faith, right? definitely , my dear, well, that’s it, that’s it, that’s it, you’re the only one left with me now, you won’t leave me, i’ll leave you if you say such nonsense , let’s go, carefully, carefully, oh, quietly, hurry up at least
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a little, “i liked it cinema, somehow uncanny, stories about love, but it seemed to you that she was just a young artist i liked it, no, it’s not my taste to be cranky, but i’m lucky , but i don’t seem to fall into the category of crankiness, well, you’re brutal, oh, very kind, listen, let’s get a dog”? i’ll be happy, only i have childhood allergy to animals, my mother got a cat and she was a bitch, i had to give them all away, it’s a pity, my first husband also had an allergy, although i think he just didn’t like animals, but don’t worry, i’ll be your
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most loyal, and the most gentle pet.
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oh, don’t rush yet, can you imagine, to the patient it became bad today, they came to call an ambulance, an ambulance arrived, they decided to take her to the hospital, in general, i had to pack all my things, it’s fate, i didn’t even have time to look at the clock, you had dinner, 12 o’clock, don’t worry, i immediately took a taxi, that’s not what i’m talking about, i don’t want my wife to come home so late, sasha, this is force majeure, why couldn’t i leave a person alone like that, you don’t hear me. why can't you hear me? i said that i forbid you to come home, it’s so late, do you, do you understand me, do you understand me, do you understand, do you understand?
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i knew that nothing would work out between us, it’s just that your mother insisted so much. now i think we should break up, what are you doing? nastya, what are you doing? i'm leaving. nastya,
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i won’t let you go anywhere, i won’t let you go, i ’ve decided everything, let me go. nastya, nastya, please forgive me, i lost my temper. i, i was very nervous, you know, but it was night outside, my cell phone wasn’t working. forgive me, you almost broke my arm, i didn’t mean to, i, i didn’t mean to, nastya, don’t, forgive me, please, don’t touch me, forgive me, please, i love you very much, don’t leave, please, please , not go away, i can’t live without you, stay, please , please, stay, stay, please, please, please
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, everything is fine with you, the tests are just excellent, and the reasons for your illness are quite understandable, you will soon become a mother, congratulations. hi, hi, you look gorgeous, like you
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, i play for the public, and the audience pays me generously, you know what, let's go to a cafe, drink a cup of coffee, talk, i'll treat you, today is a good day for me.
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let you go, you have changed, i envy your husband, no need, live your life, what happened, why are you, why am i lobbying on the streets, i need money, nastya, vika is on maternity leave, my son. six months, congratulations, you got kicked out of the orchestra, got into a fight with the conductor, vika nags all the time, i spin as hard as i can, during the day i hit on the streets, in the evening in a restaurant, at night as a loader, movers, you’ve never been a dishwasher, i take hands, everything changes, nastya, now
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everything is not fine, but what does vika like to eat? pizza, what? make some pizza with you, please, count everything together? nastya, i, i invited you, everything is fine. nastya, we are we agreed, i’ll treat you. let's do this, when you get a job in the orchestra, you invite me to a cafe, we agreed. until
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holy. nastya, please forgive me for everything that i am, i’m sorry, everything is fine, your pussy will be in 10 minutes, thank you, goodbye, bye, nastya, wait, nastya, thank you, everything is fine, bye. so yes, here, sasha, hello, i have very good news, and what i have for you is...
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crazy, come here, where were you today, i was at the clinic, they told me that where else are you today i was, where is yaush, i'm following you i was watching, watching, and i’m thinking, why is my wife so happy lately, and you looked, and you and him, oleg and i met by chance, you’re lying to me, what’s wrong with him, please calm down, i’m pregnant, pregnant , from him, no, from him, i know that you are walking away from me, creature, please, you are your child, please, think about him, don’t touch me, but i’m not sure about this, you don’t have to
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believe me, i don’t care , please let me go, i’m letting go, creature! “hi, how did i find out what happened to you, i came right away, lyuba called, why, she blames me for all your troubles, says that if it weren’t for me, this wouldn’t have happened to you, forgive me, nastya, why, you weren’t the
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one who beat me?” how good it was for us together with you. what do you think, and is there still a chance for us to start all over again? what about your wife and son? it was a mistake. you are a strange person, as soon as you become uncomfortable, you begin to consider everything a mistake, i understand, you are still angry with me, but i don’t care , thank you
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for coming, don’t come again, goodbye. little one had a difficult birth, the doctors squeezed me some kind of vessel, in general, she ran with me everywhere and the fact that i’m not a vegetable is entirely her merit, but we couldn’t overcome the attacks of aggression, so i leave for treatment twice a year. well, it’s clear now what kind of business trips they were, this time i missed it because of the death of my mother and i was angry, forgive me,
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i should have told you everything, i was just afraid of losing you, in general, you decided to use me, honeypot, lonely, reliable, it's not true, i just fell in love with you, forgive me, you know, i think it would be better if you disappear from my life forever, goodbye! hey barney, what's wrong, why are you here alone? ah, where is your master? you're probably
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hungry? now, you'll be there, or maybe you 're lost? let's go to my place. until your owner is found, yeah, you don’t want to, yes, oh well , i don’t need anything from him, nothing, by the way, he means... that he will wait for you, no matter what, don’t forgive him, he will loves me very much, he loves me so much that he killed
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our child, of course yes, it blew the guy’s mind. but now he’s undergoing treatment, he’s taking pills, well, forgive him, you want it, honestly i’ll say, nastya, mine also periodically puts me to work, are you serious? you never told me about this, but why embarrass yourself, we have such an ideal couple, a loving husband, yes, how angry you are so ready to kill, why
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are you living with him then, but not everyone is like that , you know, you just have to endure it, but then he asks for flowers, gifts, forgiveness, for the sake of this he endures. tell me, this is your bruise when dzhulka disappeared, is that it? i was jealous of my boss. flew home like crazy, furious, went wild, forgot to close the door, dzhulka she ran away, nastya, all this is everyday, she beats , it means she loves, yes, who told you, people , russian, wise, nastya, you understand one thing, they all have quirks, these are the ones from another planet, if it’s so... easier for you, sashka, he can’t find a place for himself, he
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came home to me, started telling me and burst into tears, well, forgive him, you only came here for this, that’s why you got it, i came to visit you, support, well, to be honest, also give advice, well, give him a chance, what a fool, he understood everything, realized everything, why? you alone, but it’s better to be alone. oh, you know, nastya , we’re all just fed up with nerves, you’re doing great, i even envy you, i can’t do this, what’s stopping you, i don’t know, maybe i love him, maybe i’m used to it, maybe i’m just scared, you’re afraid that he’ll kill you, but no, of course, it’s scary to be left alone, so you’re not as strong as you, you ’re great for me, you’re not afraid alone, but i... just the thought makes me feel creepy, it’s like
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some kind of warbler, but man , we seem to be some kind of family, really, nastya, all that, but you won’t allow it, stop it i love him, i can’t, i seem to have gotten used to him, but i don’t see any point. okay, i don’t like to chew snot, okay, let’s break through, bye, bye.
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barney, are you here again? so he doesn't eat anything. well, well, well, well, my friend, huh? no, look at him, you need to eat, you need to eat, dog, you need strength, but you don’t know what he’s wearing, where is his owner? the owner, yes, straight to the owner. this is where it started to get bad, we called an ambulance, they took him away, the dog stayed, he’s been lying like this for three days, no, i wanted to take him home, but i was stubborn, i was stubborn, no way, the main thing is that he doesn’t eat anything , he hasn’t drunk or eaten for three days, he lies and waits, just like in that movie, he lies and waits, oh, poor thing, how can i help you, come on, let’s go to my house, get up,
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get up, get up, get up, so, yes , let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, so stubborn, yes, you know what , and i'm still stubborn, oops, just like that, you sit, just sit, let's go. eat, eat a little , eat, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, well done, well done, well done, well done, don’t worry, don’t worry, we’ll find, we’ll find yours
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master, don't worry, don't worry, guys, sorry, sorry, guys, come into my arms. yes, you are unlucky, nastya, the dog even ran away from you, hello, hello, you are
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nastya, yes, oh, bah! come in, thank you, hello, and i’m igor, i found your ad and came to thank you, but they didn’t let my barney go to waste, but you’re all right , well, come in for tea, no, no, no, we’ll just be a minute, just to say, thank you all, yes, i can imagine how happy barney is that you were found, yes, that’s not the right word. "well, let's go, well if you want to take a walk with us , we’ll be glad, okay, wait, yes, how did you find me, the ad only had a phone number, so the guy led me straight to your apartment, yes, and i’m sure he wasn’t mistaken, therefore,
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nothing yourself, it means that you are not only loyal , but you are also very smart, yes my friend , thank you again, goodbye, all the best, let's go, goodbye, goodbye, even this will all end, your body is a complete bruise, well, be patient , sergeevna, you and i need to pierce a whole... we’ve already done half of it, so soon you’ll be like a cucumber, i’m already all over green with a pimple, what a beauty, well, rest now, maybe you want to eat, appetite, no, better tell me, why are you so gloomy, you used to come, joke, smile,
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now you’re like a cloud, and your eyes are wet, what are you , what are you doing, nastya, are you talking about a guy or something, they’re not worth it, oh, everything is bad, very bad, i don’t want to live, i’m crazy, i ’m an old woman over there, i want to live, i’m suffering from an injection, but you are young, healthy, you didn’t let him go, you have to live and live, i can’t do anything... it turns out, my first husband left me, from the second, i myself i left , i lost my child, i wanted to get a dog, it didn’t work out for me, i don’t care for anything, that’s what, to feel sorry for yourself
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, it’s the easiest thing, otherwise he should feel sorry for those who have it harder, so you say, dog, well, if that’s the case. .. you love them, well, help, there’s my niece , zhenya, she works at a dog shelter , she spends her entire salary on food to help no one, if you want to be happy , make someone else happy first , hello, hello, you’re nastya, yes, and i’m zhenya , very nice. i brought food, well let's go, let's go, thank you very much, what are you doing? we bought it expensive, it could have been simpler, well, i wanted the best, thank you, well, you took it, yeah, oh, oh, that’s how we live, yes, people call,
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they bring food to... we collect it all over the world, yes, the authorities in general they don’t help, i ’ll come every week now, you love dogs, that means yes, yes, i love them very much, i don’t, but i think at least i’ll communicate with them like this, oh, and i know, i dream of giving all dogs into good hands , but this is from the realm of fantasy, yes, they still want well-mannered, purebred, yes, or puppies, but here, if they are purebred, there they, only they are all old, people start them, abandon them, and then i go around the city collecting them, oh , you want to see, maybe choose someone? no, zhen, i’m not ready yet, i tried to get a dog, but because i got married i had to give it to my friends, they lost it, in general, i still blame myself, so... i’ll come and bring you, what do you say? , for a walk, but that’s all, yes, but thank you very much, you are a kind person, yes, oh, she
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’s crying again, who, yes, we have one here, a nervous young lady, crying all the time, introduce me, no, it’s better not to, otherwise i might not be able to stand it, it’s better to come next time and get to know everyone, well, whatever you say, yes, goodbye. yes, goodbye, come, wait, wait, dzhulka, dzhulka, dzhulka, is that you, or what? ugh, wait, you’re my good one, you little crook, i see you’ve been fooled by our nervous young lady,
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zhen, this is my dog, oh well, it doesn’t happen like that, that same lost thing, julka, how i missed you, if only you knew , can you hear me? “i will not give you to anyone else, you and i will never part again, we will live together with you, no one else will not needed, ivan sevich, after the operation , he walks like new, on his own, well, it’s true, so far with a cane, but that’s a completely different matter, nastya, yes, of course, i’m so glad, aksana nikolaevna, next to me, hasn’t gotten around to it yet.” he stood up, immediately proposed to me, and what does he say to waste time, marry me oksana nikolovny, and as you agreed, well, i’m
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no longer at the age to wander around, i consulted with the children, they approved, in short, nastya, wedding in a week, you 're invited, juika, sorry, i'll call you back, oh, dog, whose are you, come on, up, up, oh, whose are you so beautiful, and barney, look. oh, good afternoon, is this your girl? yes , his name is juliet, barney , hi, hi, she seemed to like him, well, she has good taste, yes, barney, you are just a gentleman, yes, he is lucky, i wonder if his owner will be lucky too? what are you doing? i see you so often when you and barney walk, when i go to work? i’m a programmer, i sit
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at home, write programs, create websites, you know, remote access is very convenient, in my free time i go for walks with barney, yeah, he my only soul mate, is there really no one else? no, i had a wife once, she left, she never married again, sorry, but why apologize, you know, life goes on, but i realized this thing: a person cannot live without warmth and love, and i found an outlet , we... “barn and i go to a boarding school, but we teach children, i teach children how to use a computer, but he wants to love,
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to love, but can this be taught, of course it can, so it seems to me that you were taught to love, that's why you saved my barn, you know, and he fell in love with you. fell in love like i just felt close to you, ran away and didn’t even look back, we were just hugging him, he rushed to you, and you were already gone, you know, barney and i don’t leave our loved ones, in my opinion you are the same,
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it’s such a snowball today good, oh, look, i woke up, woke up, woke up, yes, you woke up, but quickly come to me, come to me, my, come, quickly, quickly, quickly, woke up, woke up, my dear,
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the situation has improved in the avdeevsky direction, three enemy attacks in different areas are reflected on the progress of the special operation at the beginning of the release. in a conversation that could lead to world war iii, the public and politicians are discussing the recording of german officers about the attacks on the crimean bridge. voting rights for all; early voting in the presidential elections continues in the most populated areas of the murmansk region. a new day
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begins on the russia channel, the main news is in karina’s studio. hello! over the past 24 hours, over a thousand ukrainian militants have been killed. this is new data from the defense forces on the progress of the special operation. almost half of them are in the avdeevsky direction. our military is there were able to improve the position along the front edge. it was possible to occupy more advantageous positions in the southern donetsk sector in the donetsk directions. two self-propelled guns, a gvozdika, and a combat vehicle were destroyed under the ugledar attack. rszo ugrad. three enemy attacks were also repelled in the areas of kleshcheevka, kurdyumovka and bogdanovka. fierce fighting broke out in the rabotino area in the zaporozhye direction. there they managed to repel the attack of the ukrainian armed forces assault group. the results of the investigation and the recordings of the bundeswehr conversation will become known early next week. the minister announced this german defense boris pistorius. the politician noted that he was not aware of other information leaks and called the incident an information war. in particular, officers
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discuss the combat use of taurus missiles. on the crimean bridge and other purposes on the territory of russia and how not to become a party to the conflict, as authoritative publications write, the scandalous audio recording is genuine, in addition, the media are wondering that the chancellor... of germany olaf scholz and the german parliament are not concerned about the content conversation that could lead to world war iii, otherwise where, as they say, leaked from. now there are calls for stronger counterintelligence, with the wall street journal reporting that the intercepted conversation could create tension between berlin and nato. the leak referred to the military of britain, france and the united states already in ukraine. i don't know if we can do it in a short time. we are talking about a month to prepare ukrainians for such a task. what would a tauras attack on the bridge look like? i cannot estimate how quickly ukrainians will be able to learn to plan such actions, and how quickly integration will take place. but
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since we are talking about a bridge and military bases, i understand that they want to get them as soon as possible. i would also like to say about the destruction of the bridge, we intensively studied this issue , unfortunately we came to the conclusion that the bridge, due to its size... is similar to a runway, so it may not require 10 or even 20 missiles. it is believed that taurus will succeed if it uses a french fighter. it is worth noting once again that representatives of the german army discussed attacks not only on russian bases and military warehouses, but along the crimean bridge, which is a purely civilian facility. one of the conversation participants openly admitted that civilians could be harmed during the strikes. in east berlin. a large-scale anti-terrorist operation that did not identify the terrorists. security forces were looking for two members of the so-called red army faction, a radical militant group that sought to undermine capitalism in western
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germany during the cold war. she is responsible for over thirty murders, including politicians and prominent entrepreneurs. the group disbanded in the nineties. most of the activists were arrested and sentenced to life imprisonment. many of them died in prison, but some managed to go underground. thereby avoiding justice, for about 30 years europol has been looking for criminals, each of whom is well over 50, but this time the law enforcement officers were not lucky, they detained five suspects and released them. information about the shooting in berlin was also not confirmed. murmansk region.
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reach voters who live in the railway is the only option at small stations along the tracks; there is no track nearby, only rails and sleepers. a ride on drizin is a separate type of travel, especially when... for the first time, the speed limit here is 60 km/h, the girls turn the polling station right in the passenger part of the trolley, they are used to working in any conditions, but here they say it’s generally comfortable, warm and spacious enough. the first stop with the beautiful name of the travel estate is a lonely well among the trees. previously , railway workers lived here, a team of 15-20 people, now no one. ordinary houses - these were service housing for the railway, and that’s how they worked. at the next station, we're trying to meet him. one of the local residents, the house is closed, probably the owners left for groceries, we go further that at a certain time we need to go to the railway, people were notified in advance of everything in the know, we are already met at the pass, a pensioner and two employees
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of the weather station take turns voting, i still give my vote, hurray, congratulations, that’s it olga mikulina has been observing the weather for 27 years, taking readings every 3 hours and transmitting them to murmansk, i’ve long been accustomed to living in a remote place; i even spend weekends here. residential buildings, firefighting forces were increased . in the khasan region, the fire came close to three times, forest protection and workers
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of the land-leopard national park were involved. through joint efforts , the settlements were saved. and this is sakhalin. the island's roads are being cleared after a powerful snowstorm. bad weather paralyzed traffic. while road services are working, drivers of cars and intercity buses. standing and waiting for the resumption of movement, who is everyone on the ice get out of there, this is news, we are following the developments. chinese specialists will build a soybean and corn processing plant in the amur region. the new enterprise will provide more than a hundred jobs. the foreign company discussed its plans with representatives of the regional ministry of agriculture. amur soybeans are in demand on the chinese market. victoria sytenko found out how beans are exported to the middle kingdom today. the lines of cars with grain, in most cases with soybeans , stretched out. to cross the border. since the beginning
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of the year, along the pontoon bridge from blagoveshchensk to haihe transported over 12 thousand tons of signature amur culture. plant products of amur origin are sent to china every day. i would like to note that compared to 2022, in the twenty- third year, supplies of amur soybean increased almost threefold. in the middle kingdom, soybean is a popular product from which many food and medicinal products are produced. goods. environmentally friendly amur beans are in great demand in the chinese market. 99% of export raw materials go there. its quality is confirmed annually rosselkhoznadzor specialists. however, not all raw materials are intended for export. for example, on this farm in the ivanovo district , only a third of the harvest goes abroad. increased supplies are hampered by the congestion at checkpoints. china is also gradually increasing the volume of its own harvest. this means there is a need for purchases from the amur queen of poleis.
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the third oil extraction plant in the region will achieve such indicators thanks to the commissioning of a plant in belogorsk; its construction has already begun. victoria satenko, denis slugov, alexander raskazov, lionid kasavan, lead amur region. all news is always available on the media platform.
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good morning, good morning everyone , this long-awaited week has come, it’s short, but we’re all in anticipation of its finale, and you ’re getting ready, flowers, gifts, then i’m also in anticipation, in general in the spring people lose their heads, they sew flowers onto dresses, inspired by this for,
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actually spring, designers offer original ideas, daring, bright, soft cream, pink speckled dresses made of orchids, beautiful plants of all kinds bloomed in the new york botanical garden shapes and shades, only emphasized fashion trends: avant-garde classics, casual, some outfits for the royal ball are not embarrassing, and the subtle aroma that flowers emit will help get rid of stress, give confidence and become the key to a good mood, my modest...
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how would not want to leave, give up his rights, well, in general there is such calmness, now i’ll tell you about all the regions, in the south of russia at the beginning of the working week sunny weather is expected, so at midday in the crimea in the kuban there is air will be able to warm up to +10 -15, in the lower volga and don up to +4 +9. but then the cloudy center of the region will thicken, the rain will fall and it will immediately become 6-7° cooler. on the middle volga , the highest probability of local snow charges is expected in the second half of the period.
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daytime temperatures are 0-5, in the second half of the period it is 2-3° cooler. in the north-west of russia, an array of frontal clouds carrying light precipitation will break through only to the north and east. area, the prevailing daytime temperature in the southwestern part is up to 0. +5, in the north and east -3 +2. in central russia , thanks to the anticyclone , sunny weather will prevail, only in the middle of the period there will be light precipitation in places, during the day it will be 0 +5, and in the second half of the period colder air masses will enter the region and the daytime temperature will drop to -3-p2. in the urals, the working week starts with sunny weather and in some places thaws are not even ruled out . scattered masses of snow clouds will appear over the region and it will become cooler in the daytime to -2-7. in southern siberia, on the contrary, at the beginning of the week light snow is possible in some places, but then the background atmospheric pressure will increase and the weather will improve. the prevailing daytime temperature is -1-6. the crest of the asian
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anticyclone will stretch to the south of the far east, bringing with it sunny weather. in such a situation, during the day the air will warm up well, in the amur region up to -5-10, in the south of primorye up to -3 -2. masha. well, at night it’s up to -100 in the center in the volga region down to -15, and during the day this breath of night frosts, it will still remain, i just planned a dress, listen to us for a visit on wednesday, but on wednesday it will be on the air, and she will have the opportunity we can correct this, suddenly everything will change, everything changes so quickly, let’s make a wish, thank you. the golden collection from azer tea is a breath of luxury in every cup. start your morning with different flavors of fine black tea. morning is the time to brew azerchay. men congratulate women and sing only for them.
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dearest, what gifts did your son give you? i brought a snake from the street. hello andrey, special holiday episode on march 8 at 17:50 on the russia channel, chocolate with economy flavor, the world's largest producers sweets began to reduce the share of cocoa in their products and the reasons for this are the record rise in prices for the key ingredient of chocolate, its shortages and... at the same time , the weight of the chocolates themselves is decreasing, so manufacturers are trying to keep prices at the level familiar to consumers, yet, according to experts, the rise in price chocolate is inevitable, in fact it has already happened, and
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, alas, there are no prerequisites for a fall in prices, but this is as always, if they increase, then that’s it, well, now about the secret ingredient in meat and dairy products, the rosselkhoznadzor revealed this in them called... meat glue, it is found in sausages, butter, cottage cheese and cheeses. alena kashtanova looked into how dangerous the food additive is. pork, beef, water. nadezhda takes the choice of products for herself and her family seriously. the young mother prefers everything natural and pedantically reads the ingredients on all packages. the composition should not contain any harmful additives, canned food, or flavor enhancers. another undesirable additive, which, by the way, not everyone knows about, is true. called meat cray or meat transglutaminase i don’t know maybe boiled salt i have no idea about transglutamines, an additive i’ve never come across, strictly speaking, this is an enzyme that is produced in the body that
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literally binds proteins together, hence the name , the idea arose to use minase in food technology because that’s when some pieces of meat. they can be put together and connected; with the help of genetically modified organisms, a microbial transglutaminase was obtained that copes well with this. steaks, cutlets and sausages look bigger and more attractive in it, cottage cheese and yoghurts are thicker. but, alas, experts doubt the benefits of such products. a number of researchers believe that it is also such a harmful factor in the development of other autoimmune diseases, such as intestinal disease. crohn's disease, in addition, transglutaminase, microbial synthesis, is a very significant allergen. however, these studies are not enough to declare an additive harmful, as well as those that convincingly confirm its safety, which is why meat glue is officially banned in in a number of countries, including russia, the additive is not
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included in the list of those permitted under the technical regulations of the customs union, and yet about 10% of manufacturers in our country use it. in 2023, during laboratory studies , rosselkhoznadzor identified 87 samples containing microbial transglutaminase, 56 samples of dairy products and 31 samples of meat products. the additive was found in butter, cheese, cottage cheese and sausages. microbial transglutamine. allows you to increase the yield of cottage cheese due to the transfer of most of whey proteins into a curd and due to moisture retention, thus the resulting cottage cheese has a pronounced granular structure and a brighter taste. the only consolation is that it is used in small quantities, and the main additive almost completely disintegrates under the influence of high temperatures. but if sausages are cooked together with transglutaminase, then in sausage and cottage cheese it is quite possible that an enzyme with unproven safety will remain, and since
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you definitely won’t see it in the composition, it remains rely on the vigilance of supervisory authorities and choose a less thick curd, it does not bark, does not bite, does not rush at passers-by, we speak in riddles in the morning, a resident of china sculpted an exact copy of his dog out of snow, they are so similar that you can immediately figure out who it is , who will not succeed, unless the original was a little surprised by the behavior. the owner seems even a little offended. and in yakutia , larger-scale snow sculptures will be herds of twelve horses. archive artist scriaben spent 4 days creating the masterpiece. and it doesn’t matter that the horses over time they will disappear and melt away. now they have become a local landmark. snow is a notoriously unreliable material and is afraid of heat. for the construction of houses, russian engineers have proposed new construction printers. don't build and print. everything in the world for building houses. 3d printers are used more often, take this hotel complex near yeisk. all the buildings here
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are literally built from concrete, layer by layer, using, by the way, russian equipment. krasnodar region for this technique especially good. an open-air printer here can work almost all year round; the northern regions are another matter. there, engineers say, it is better to have such machines working in the workshop at least in winter. any building configuration can be broken down into elements that... are printed on a printer , brought to the site, assembled from, well , a large-scale modular assembly, one might say, the frame is poured, insulation is poured or filled in, this printer from designers from petrozavodsk, just for working indoors, can print elements not removable formwork, but also small architectural forms, such as benches , does this on standard pallets, around one such arm you can put four pallets at once ... bottoms in a matter of minutes get several finished products, but the main pride of the engineers is the automatic
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concrete mixing unit , it does not stand separately , as usual, but is integrated into the extruder, when the concrete does not need to be pumped through a hose, it can be made immediately very thick, which makes it without any additives, it holds its shape better, so you can print with any dry mixture. dry the mixture is fed directly into the spout, kneaded , there is no human factor, it is as thick as possible, and for printing with concrete this is very... important, this way we can print with good overhangs, on the fly, let’s say, we can print 2 m in height. in just over a day, such a device can print so many parts that they are enough for a one-story house measuring 10x10 meters; you can assemble it yourself in a week, and the price of the walls will be half as much as if this box was built, say, from expanded clay concrete blocks a team of workers, but what’s interesting is that almost all the parts for this printer are also printed. only from photopolymer resin, as an example of parts made from engineering resin, we printed
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for about 9 hours, that is, it is very durable, we already have the same shaft on our printer, if we print around the clock, in just 6 days we will get a new concrete printer, so probably soon the new construction technology will cease to be a curiosity, and then the superpowers of not only anna ostrovskaya, but also her antagonists, what will they do to us? with a new one series of anna the medium in a few minutes, i dreamed of a woman, why don’t you believe me either, there is no mysticism, moreover, it doesn’t exist at all, there is just psychology, anna the medium, premiere, today on rtr,
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his songs are heard. his voice will be recognized. thank you very much for a happy childhood. he is remembered and loved. i know what you see, you hear and smile. don't collect with me. thank you yura, thank you for everything, a big concert for yuri shatunov’s fiftieth birthday, on saturday at rtr, are you inviting me to your theater? i invite you, sash, forgive me, yes, i’m a bastard,
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how could you! have you just arrived? uh-huh, yes, me, nadya, valya, came to conquer moscow, who are you? and i’m lena, his wife, you’re waiting for someone , yes, you, why, i’d like to invite you to a restaurant, that’s it, dear, i’ll bring nadya back, misha, over there, i want to come back to you, to seryozha. leave me and seryozha alone. i'm not going to make any more mistakes. women, on saturday on rtr. we go to the doctor and borrow.
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he spends a lot of time with empty complaints, and we don’t go to the doctor when we seriously need to go, forewarned means forearmed, any remedy has a downside with the most necessary knowledge about health, we dispel myths, help you find out the truth, how to act in order to land well, you need to warm up before that, what to pay attention to, each risk factor should have its own pill, where to look for help? you only need five ingredients that will benefit the entire body: two decades pass from the onset of the disease to its manifestation , so the whole family needs to be examined. the most important information from the most competent sources. take care of your complex body, take care of yourself and be healthy. about the most important things - from monday to thursday on
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rtr. let's see. love is when you look in one direction, look, look, look, you want to look, look, let 's look, look, well, look at the screen, look at me, take it out, look, look, sign the agreement, we sign at the same time for one, two , three, sign up, watch, watch, maybe we can go to my place and just watch a movie. the new lord of the ravens has taken up service in tower of london. former marine michael chandler is now responsible for the health and welfare of the birds, which are considered the main guardians of the thousand-year-old castle. an ancient prophecy says that if the ravens leave the tower, it will collapse, along with the kingdom.
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therefore, we introduced a specially trained overseer to pernat, that is, a befeater , who not only... eggs, liver, even if he didn’t feed them , you wouldn’t fly far with clipped wings, however, but the main dish of the evening tv menu, everyone will be watching continuation of the series medium at 21:20, anna ostrovskaya, already familiar to the viewer, is a housewife, but has superpowers and undertakes to investigate new mysterious crimes, right? ivanovich, okay, yes, i’m on my way. when there is no evidence at the crime scene, one can only hope for a miracle or the extraordinary abilities of the medium. prophetic dream visions help anna ostrovskaya solve the most complicated cases. the camera was hidden in a book. you see, i found it based on your hint. thank you. her main thing is empathy,
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which, despite any difficulties, she rushes to save any person. and she will have the biggest test, they will enter into... some kind of moral principles. the medium intrigues not only with mysterious crime stories and stories. throughout the series , the heroine of maria paroshina tries to find a balance between work in the investigative committee and
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family, but the deeper she dives into dream science in search of clues, the more she moves away from real life, her husband and children. it’s hard to live next to a female medium, but all the hardships that his wife experiences, he worries with her. there is a struggle going on inside the heroine herself in an attempt. find the answer to the main question: are her abilities a gift or a punishment. the medium is constantly tormented by nightmares, and she literally experiences the pain and suffering of the victims herself. tyatka, don’t get in the car, don’t get in the car, light, light, don’t, anya, what is he talking about the kidnapped girl again? original methods of investigation, intricate puzzles and secrets in the personal lives of the characters, a miraculous recipe for the popularity of the medium. enjoy the company of a unique detective can. already today at 21:20 on our channel, and then uninvited guests, whoever is there
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, let me in, we won’t let you in, they won’t let you in, no, no, thank you, in my opinion, you need to call the police, and immediately, yeah, yeah, about violent neighbors and control over them, we’ll talk after the news , if... we survive, there are angry pregnant women here, i can bite, i know that, this is the news of the morning, we’ll talk about the main thing in russia and abroad, in the studio karina elina, hello , banned isis militants were liquidated in ingushetia and blocked in one of the residential buildings, as reported in operational services, the special operation is completed. the who mode has been removed. there were no casualties among law enforcement officers and no civilian casualties. earlier it became known that the bandits had been shooting at the security forces for several hours and tried
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to break out of the cordoned off building, but the special forces did not allow them to do this. the identities of the terrorists have been previously established; they were involved in several crimes, including the murder of police officers last spring , and were planning to carry out a terrorist attack. three militants, including the gang leader, were found. donald trump, according to the latest data, is winning the primaries in the states of missouri, idaho and michigan. in general, the former american leader is doing well; according to a public opinion poll commissioned by the new york times, 97% of those who voted for him in 1920 are ready to support him and... in the fall, the current head of state, on the contrary, has serious losses of supporters, according to the results of the study, 17% who voted for joe biden 4 years
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ago are not ready to repeat this, considering the candidate too old. moreover, 10% of they went over to trump's side. the latter, by the way, speaking at a meeting with voters in richmand, called himself a political dissident and threatened biden with a people's trial for corruption. and trump compared the criticism addressed to him with early voting is gaining momentum two weeks before the presidential election; it is being held in remote, hard-to-reach areas with no regular transport links. several tens of thousands of people have already voted early in different regions of the country. employees.
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an unusual method was launched in the khabarovsk territory rehabilitation of svo participants using knife throwing. the section was quite young and mostly amateur. now the athletes have reached a new level. the regional authorities provided premises, and experienced fighters who have mastered this sport now give lessons in a military hospital. anna leonova will continue. the sound of bladed weapons can be heard far beyond the training hall, and the knife-thrower hits the target. target is already a former serviceman evgeniy, a participant in a special operation, from her first days he was seriously wounded, recovering in the hospital, but the best rehabilitation, as it turned out, was
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throwing knives. not very physical. load, as if to warm up , spread out your arms, mentally, that is, to, how to say, leave all thoughts on this target, just a few classes, now evgeniy, at the request of his comrades, already visits the hospital every week with lessons, such training is the best medicine for those who are constrained in movement due to injury; the technique of precise throwing, not at all light, sports equipment weighing about 300 g has been proven to be effective for people with injury musculoskeletal... a person who constantly sits, without moving, he, well, the muscles are retrophied, turns, so to speak, into vegetables, the person who moves, naturally, his blood works, moves, the head of the young federation sergei bykov took his blades under his wing, that’s what he calls his students , made sure that a room was allocated for the much-needed section now, we need to expand, why, because
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they have a group of guys... the difficulty in the first place is getting to the gym, we need premises at the place of residence such guys have a professional competition ahead, the beginner bladers intend to make themselves known as loudly as their knives hit the target. anna lenova konstantin krutikov, vesti khabarovsk. this is news, we are monitoring developments. fast, maneuverable combat drones, which are so necessary on the front line, are being assembled by aircraft modelers in khakassia. a batch of 50 pieces will be sent to the northern military district very soon, but for now all the equipment is undergoing a flight test. with details, olga stelmakh. drones have a real test drive, self-assembled models should show what they are capable of before heading to donbass.
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distance and speed are assessed. drone. komikazes are designed for targeted destruction of a target, even if it is a target on wheels and moving very quickly. the flight is coordinated from the ground using a mini camera, glasses and a joystick. this model can fly at least 7 km. speeds of up to 100 km/h and higher can be achieved, it’s just that now the weather conditions are still cold, as if the battery’s output current doubles. the copters are assembled by aircraft modelers in one of the garages of abakan. to coming to svo.
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with the help of this technique , he will be able to save the lives of his colleagues when there is direct contact with the enemy, the support of his comrades is needed, and their consumption can simply be wild. in addition to the prefabricated copters in the arsenal, this reconnaissance drone is almost complete; it will go to the moscow test site for trial testing. we invented it for 2 months, brought it to mind in the process, now we are also redoing something for the next one. our task is to put it on stream. in the coming days, the equipment will be sent to the venue special military operation, activists will open a new fundraiser for the purchase of parts so that our soldiers feel support in the sky from khakassia. olga stermakh, sergey kazmin, vesti khakassia. at the crystal plant, where the most expensive stones in russia are processed, they decided to replace manual labor with machines. so far only partially. this will allow the company to increase profits.
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is it possible to completely switch to? for automated production in such a precious business from barnaul olga salangina. it’s hard to look away from the shine of the sparkling edges eyes. a high standard jewelry stone begins its birth here on the monitor screen of the diamond marker. we create a model of the stone, well, we write in the projection, so to speak. according to the defects, it will be more expensive and look better. for the stone that diamond lovers dream of, the diamond will go through seven stages, from the marker. it gets to the very heart of the enterprise, the laser installation will cut off everything unnecessary, the equipment is extremely precise, that is, we are talking about hundredths of millimeters of accuracy, the production time of the workpiece, from which it will later turn out diamond is only 4 minutes, which is 60 times faster than before, when the master processed the diamond by hand. today is a new stage in the development of the enterprise. diamonds from altai are rising in price on the markets of russia and the world, and
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the cutters themselves are now valued more than diamonds here. personnel shortages are solved by the enterprise, and they are taught directly on the job. andrey morozov is a mentor to young people. the cutter's professional experience is 37 years. now be patient. turns beginners into high-quality professionals, edge by edge, i correct them, explain them, show them, because what, well, do it yourself, this will not be a study, today a developing enterprise needs dozens of diamond cutters into brilliants, for new arrivals a good salary, compensation for rental housing, compensation for part of the interest on the mortgage, in 2024 the barnaul enterprise is firmly on its feet, difficulties international... the situation did not become insurmountable, the plant quickly rebuilt itself to produce finished products for the domestic market, production volumes have already increased by 20%. today , 75,000 diamonds are processed here every year. olga slangina, dmitry sarantsov, host altai.
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all news is always available on the media platform. we look in the application or on the website this is news, we are monitoring developments. where are you going, i'm getting my brother , now i have to find him, love is like proof of life, happiness has resurrected me, she loves me, in a couple of days you'll go there, to the gray woman, go, i'll come back for you, do you hear, call sign passenger, scary , no, soon. people's artist of russia larisa luzhina celebrates her anniversary. we are all in love with her. luzhina’s romance with vysotsky, one of the most persistent legends about her personal life. you understand that you made a mistake, but nothing can be corrected. vladimir koreni, bulata kudzhava, alexander
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fodeev, what is true and what is made up in this trail of rumors about the star’s numerous novels. you have kujawa in your songs, i didn’t know any of this. the closest people and unexpected meetings for larisa luzhina. malakhov, today at 16:30. okay, morning of russia, don’t oversleep the main thing, good morning, hello, glad you are with us, nikolaev. why don't we start this monday with smiles, glory, promise ourselves be friendly, especially with neighbors , even with those who listened to music all night , hear us, before we watched tv with our neighbors and shared joys
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and hardships, but now, according to surveys, more than 80% of russians have faced a situation in the last year alone the actions of the neighbors caused inconvenience, to put it mildly, but most often conflicts are resolved. solve peacefully, but there are cases when violent residents are incompetent and aggressive and generally keep entire entrances in fear, how to deal with such a neighborhood and why article hooliganism does not work in this case, andrei shevtsov understood. this guy has been inviting the residents to a conversation for months now, a wonderful in quotation marks, a neighbor named alexey, day and night they organize discos in the house on shinnikov street, echoes of drunks can be heard throughout the entire entrance. nurses, and then there are bloody fights in the corridor , many neighbors even had to move out in order to live in peace, children are afraid to go into the entrance, i don’t know how mothers live, how grandmothers live, his neighbors moved through the wall, completely moved out, and those who remained desperately
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they fight, the troublemaker complains to all authorities , they contact the police, there is no result , on the contrary, the reaction of the neighbors of the hooligan only turns on him, if something, if something doesn’t suit you, then call the police, you contacted him. to the district police officer, the district police officer throws up his hands, says what can i do, i can only issue a fine, the residents of one of the high-rise buildings in chelyabinsk find themselves in the same virtually hopeless situation, a violent neighbor keeps everyone around him in fear, in his apartment there are endless noisy parties, guests himself hooligans start fights in the entrance, and recently he apparently imagined himself to be a samurai and was waving a real katana, warming himself in this entrance, lying there on the floor, therefore they sometimes behave aggressively there, it is generally dangerous to enter the elevator. the worst thing is that contacting the police does not give any result. and today hundreds of thousands of normal people are becoming hostages to violent neighbors in russia. it would seem that there is an article about hooliganism, but there is one small nuance. turns it into non-working in this particular situation.
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why? because hooliganism presupposes that there are no personal relationships between people. and as soon as people know each other, well, in this case, the starting point for the police will probably be that they live in the same building, and that they didn’t even communicate with each other there at all. it turns out that if people know each other even casually, then hooliganism cannot occur between them. this is such a paradox. moreover, the article fits perfectly under the current circumstances. the concept of hooliganism implies a gross violation of public order and danger. is an attack on public order, the health, honor, dignity , peace of mind of citizens, the conditions of their life, work and rest, and therefore, drunken parties, fights and other unbearable living conditions created by such elements should be recognized as hooliganism, today legislators are coming to this idea. today , a request has been formed for a change in legislation, and we are talking about such a change in legislation that will make it possible to attract such violent people, when...
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it’s easy to find this addressee, we need to strengthen
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control. let's figure it out, there was a period in our history, when management organizations , like companies, actually fly -by-night companies, came to the market, collected payments from citizens and actually dissolved, but in recent years, due to the adoption of changes to the housing code, the possibility of switching to direct contractual relations, owners know about this procedure and can independently make decisions at the general meeting. and pay for housing and communal services directly to water utilities and heating networks. resource supplying organizations have this option when, if there is debt, at the management company, over two or more periods , the resource officer actually initiates such a transition to direct contractual relations with residents, and they take advantage of this, and this also made it possible to reduce such an astronomical cost to crack down on these frauds on the part of unscrupulous management companies. well, maybe it’s necessary to make all this transparent somehow, some kind of portal
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on which all these procedures were received, translated, there is, and of course, a state information system has also been developed, it ’s called, all this information is mandatory in order, it should be disclosed, of course, it contains something like this, maybe more formal in nature, which shows that there is an agreement with the resource provider, the amount of debt is such and such, and here, of course, you need to delve into the details of this. this is a dark forest for the owner, how to do this more, of course, in this case you can contact the housing inspection, in case of failure to provide and disclose information, the housing inspection will conduct an inspection, issue an order and fine you, if the management organization does not react in any way, it has disappeared the company, but where does the debt go, dissolves along with it, the debt, of course, does not go away, the resource officer himself is trying to collect it from the management organization and, of course , can bring this to the procedure. of course
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, no one will recover the tenants, if they paid in good faith for all periods, that is , it will not turn out that the tenants paid once, in the future the resource supplying organization, making demands on the management company , will try to collect this amount twice, maybe there should be audits more often, how then to establish this audit mechanism, so that it does not become a burden on the residents themselves, the question arises here: why pay? that is, if we are talking about payment from management organizations, then the owners must entrust this to the management organization, conduct this mandatory audit, and these are additional contributions, of course, this measure is not viable, and everything does not work out if it has not been possible for many years, well, here’s how to achieve transparency in the activities of management companies, so that the state still comes to look at the past. is there
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such an idea in the development strategy as a whole ? industry.


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