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tv   Malakhov  RUSSIA1  March 4, 2024 4:30pm-5:14pm MSK

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since the times of the ancient russian state and the movement of trade caravans to the greeks, we have a common language, a common religion, a common understanding of the everyday habitual way of human life, so this is an integral part of a sacred space for each of us. please, if indeed macron sends some kind of special contingent to ukraine in the form of cooks, headphones, and there will probably be frogs present there, as it should be in all french cuisine, they will feed the onion soup and fandue with frogs, yes, onion soup, fandue, foie gras, all this contributes to their future victory, but seriously, probably a new meme should be launched after these german leaks, yes, they used to talk about the ordung about german order, but now we can probably talk about the german mess , because all the officials say some opposite... things and in general complete chaos,
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probably, uh, the americans achieved their goal, they , according to the margenthau plan, which was adopted after the war, were going to completely deprive germany of the so-called german spirit , when we see that parades where ss marches and so on used to take place, now there are parades of blues against their army against the entire leadership, and now this german order does not exist. for us, it is very important to draw the following conclusion: germany and i acted very nobly at one time, but according to various sources, up to 27 million people died, but it’s clear that there was a war and so on, we can clearly highlight one figure, these were killed in the territories tortured by the nazis, that is, these are not people who died there from
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diseases, nothing could have happened, if there was a will to unite germany, please, not even 30 years have passed, we get their tanks, and now missiles that are ready to reach our territories, this means something else for us , let me remind you that what is happening now is not a war for ukraine, not a war for the left bank of the dnieper or for odessa or some piece.
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poribalts, who are now declaring that we need to kill more russians, some deputies spoke there, they have diplomats there and so on, this is what will happen the baltic states, as it will be. which , by the way, was to be expected from the germans , one can always expect anything from the anglo-saxons, these are scoundrels - eternal ones who always deceived everyone, there are no questions here, but the germans - they still seemed to be more noble people and how many they are - well , at least there are no monuments they demolished them, they stand in treptow park on the same kaiser allee , there is a large memorial to our tank, and in general, they really started a special operation, but now.
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expanding the boundaries of what is permissible, that is, they are introducing not a contingent into the militarized, but some specialists who do not seem to threaten the russian federation, and also argue that the fifth article will not be invoked, that is, whoever
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decided to send troops will be destroyed, so the representative of latvia or lithuania made the decision, which means latvia and lithuania will be destroyed first. nato's fifth article doesn't seem to work, that's what they themselves are saying now, we'll be back, i'm a medium, i see the dead, i can talk to them, are you kidding, no , that's why they're attracting me, well, of course not officially, that's it, goodbye, don't worry, everything will be fine, anna medium, continuation, look at rtr today. please , acquaintance and roll call, it’s possible without construction, i’m very glad that you came to visit me, how much tea was drunk, how many stories were told, i was daring in a white
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tuxedo, and i’m starting, markolievich zakharov walks around, and it was for me , probably akin to the appearance of christ to the people, how much? with joy, let's all wave our hands when everyone is at home with timur kizyakov, on sunday on rtr, are you inviting me to your theater? i invite you. "sash, forgive me, yes, i bastard, how could you, and you just arrived, uh-huh, yes, i, nadya, valya, came to conquer moscow, who are you, and i am lena, his wife,
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you are waiting for someone, yes, you, why, i would like, mistakes, i'm not going to women on saturday on rtr. “catch a fish, big or small, be useful, try it, the level of inflammation decreases, pain decreases, can something useful be pleasant, science fiction, can
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science be understandable, and you make a wish, yes, yes, again, yes, not only tasty , but also useful, and it lifts the mood, this is definitely a form.
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well, important details for transporting british stormshadow missiles and french scal missiles. western intelligence agencies, in principle, have not trusted berlin for a long time, the publication bel among the allies reports. it is no coincidence that putin is striking at the bundeswehr right now; the publication of a loud telephone conversation between german officers follows an insidious plan. experts show exceptionally clearly what putin really intended in his attack with wiretapping. the scandal is actually much larger than is known. there are common sayings in western countries. if you want to
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something ended up in moscow, give it to the germans. the mistrust of the western allies in german intelligence services and politicians is enormous. it has developed historically over almost 80 years ; no western country has been subjected to such intensive and successful intelligence processing from moscow as germany. secrets always reach moscow through germany. an anonymous source in one of the german intelligence services said that they have been in bad standing with their colleagues from western countries for many years due to constant leak scandals. no one from the cia or mi-5 comes and says openly that they don’t trust us anymore, it’s a gradual process, you are invited less, you only find out about important meetings on certain topics later. in the world of intelligence services, he cites excessive regulation as the reason; the bnd alone controls foreign intelligence at up to seven government agencies. in every western country , information received from partner intelligence services is protected. this is not the case in germany; here it is not protected. every secret threatens to become public knowledge. as a result, we receive less and less information from our partners. because she's not in security, we are transferred to germany in direct communication, member of the bundestag, current
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member of the bundestag evgeniya, comment both as a deputy and as a citizen of germany, what shocked you more, that germany is preparing for war with the russians, or the fact that the russians are listening to you, and, apparently, totally, well, actually in germany, against the backdrop of... these leaks, a big scandal broke out, that is, it caused a certain stir among politicians and the media in terms of military affairs, military equipment, and so on, that russia is capable of wiretapping secret negotiations of german officers, that is, this really caused a shock, here in germany literally all leading politicians are now talking about this, on the other hand , the discussion regarding the supply of taurus supplies has intensified again, become fiercer, that is, let’s say,
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puppets of the united states, those political forces that seek to further aggravate the conflict to make germany, including a participant in the conflict, these are both part and factions, the ruling factions in the bundestag, this is the opposition in the form of christian democrats, they are now are actively attacking scholz, they say that you see, even in these negotiations - the military said that it is possible without the participation of the germans to become a participant in the hostilities, he does not act, although, of course, these are all these plans, plans for an attack on the critical russian infrastructure in the form of a bridge, they , of course, are very deeply concerned that indeed in this case germany could openly become a member of the conflict, which would turn out, of course, very big, listening to the conversation, you can hear the name of the city böchel, there is a german base from where, according
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to the version of these specific generals, the strike should be coordinated, well, you’re talking about the crimean bridge, and we will hit büchel, and if we strike preemptively, no thoughts have appeared in this sense, unfortunately, here this whole danger that germany will continue to engage in flirting, but teasing a nuclear power like this, constantly thinking that nuclear retaliation will not follow, is very naive, and all this can ultimately turn into a disaster. in this case of this kind here are the thoughts that russia could indeed strike preemptively, or could strike at some other moment, and germany could suffer very badly, they are constantly hushed up in anticipation of a serious situation in the future. according to german legislation, the situation that has developed in germany, who has a big problem now
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, the chancellor of germany, who allowed this leak, or the minister... so that he still caves and starts supplying weapons, namely taurus missiles to ukraine, that’s also the question, knowing the nuances of german politics, or it may be that, judging by these leaks, we can proceed from the fact that the military assumes that, as with tanks, that is, the chancellor will break down for a long time, resist for a long time, in the end, those pro-nato
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aggressive politicians will bend their line anyway, then they are already proactively preparing for such a decision. that the chancellor will not be able to restrain this pressure for a long time, so they probably have these plans in europe, including pushing current ukraine to the maximum of confrontation with russia all these years, and they of course, we needed a weakened one, as much as possible, destroyed further down the list , decentralized pre-federalized russia showed for several years that... poland, the baltic states, from the big ones, germany, but we don’t take italy, spain there, but from
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the big ones, germany is a key player, who could take part in this holiday. from the point of view of the americans, who will allow russia to be weakened in a certain way and to tie the hands of both europe and russia in the event of a further conflict in the pacific ocean between the united states the states and china, so that neither russia nor the european states could influence in any way on the side of the chinese comrades. this is the logic, so it is quite obvious that this is what is going on, lansberges let it slip, he said exactly this. a group of countries must participate. not a word about the americans published this material there, it fully corresponds to our interests, but in the jar with spiders in the european there are also their own interests, as soon as scholz told a little about the french and the british, literally a week later a revelation emerges that now it’s hitting scholz, who
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made the leak somewhere and how, the big big big question for now is who listens to the entire leadership of the german nato?
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the word is literally about levinsky and about history, of course it’s amazing how creatively and inclusively western media and western pr works today, to use. levinsky for election propaganda is something like using gays to clear mines, for some reason, again, western society eats it up, let’s go back, we bought a dress for prom
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, new, beautiful shoes, everything is fine, but not fate, probably, while hostilities are going on, i should be here, we are doing a lot. dachas, women, war. we won't win without women. premiere of the documentary. on thursday on rtr. from the first note. beauty.
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reppit, with the first phrase. a bird in your hands is better than a feather in one place. you swim shallowly. from the first smile we recognize each of them, front, profile, back of the head, business, or something , we have been together since first grade, we are also responsible for everything we do together, and in all this crap, i, the team, have your back through cars running. it so happened that i never had the chance to meet mikhail mikhailovich himself,
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on his ninetieth birthday, we are meeting, on the anniversary of the chief duty officer in the country, he had such enormous talent that until his last years he continued to write impressions. a dark man, he was simply a woman lover, it was only later that he married natasha and how they lived for the rest of his life, he found his happiness, it was very difficult for him to perform in ordinary public, dvonetsky said that he does not write for the audience, v which has a thousand people, writes for friends. the fate of a person with boris korchek russia.
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so different, but dear to everyone, all of russia is before your eyes, come to the international exhibition, a magnetic storm of class g1, with it it brought a real strip of northern lights, a spectacular atmospheric phenomenon that could... be seen throughout russia. there is love in this room, love for a man who has become a symbol of a generation. his voice will be recognized.
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how could you, and you just arrived? uh-huh, yes, i, nadya, valya, came to conquer moscow, who are you, i’ll return you, misha, get out, i want to return to you, to seryozha, leave me and seryozha alone, make more mistakes. i'm not going to women on saturday at rtr.
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17 trillion rubles of investment over several years, here is the center of science, education and industry. mayor sobyanin reported to the president about the development of moscow. in iisu they lost another abrams and one engineering vehicle. our military is attacking enemy positions, including with captured javelins. in the russian foreign ministry for more than an hour, the kremlin reacted to the scandal with long-range taurus missiles. polish farmers blocked all six checkpoints on the border with ukraine. zelensky criticized warsaw, and german farmers announced a new campaign against berlin. and a nice bonus after the magnetic storm: bright colorful northern lights lit up the sky over moscow, st. petersburg and beyond; in the primorye region they are currently fighting a large natural fire. not one of the best in
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modern history. sergei sobyanin spoke about this at a meeting with vladimir putin in the kremlin today. the mayor of the capital noted that production volume increased by an average of 40%. and investments in recent years have increased almost fourfold, to 17 trillion rubles. i must report to you, vladimirevich, despite the actions of the enemies, all kinds of sanctions. we have more friends, god bless. results of the twenty-third year. i think moscow has some of the best in general in modern history, good growth in all indicators, such as pharmaceuticals, automotive industry, microelectronics, growing from 25 to 40%. the city demonstrates very high dynamics, thanks to your support , the government and of course, moscow cannot be attributed simply to one of the regions, it is the capital, it is simply... the center of science and
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education and industry, so all this is so very interconnected with the entire economy of russia, we of course always have to remember this. sobyanin also emphasized that moscow is implementing unique infrastructure and transport projects for the entire country, which provide significant production, record growth in manufacturing industries, high rates of pharmaceuticals, automobiles microelectronics structures, as well. construction industry. russian military groupings of troops center destroyed another american abrams tank near avdeevka. this was reported by the name of defense. first , the infantry fighters entered the battle with a sixty-ton vehicle, they demolished the tank's track with a hand-held grenade launcher, behind the abrams chassis. this technique is used for mine clearance. the enemy also lost three bradleys in one day. our units in the ovdeevsky direction
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continue to be occupied.
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to the central election headquarters of vladimir foreign observers from the cis parliamentary assembly arrived today for putin. their question was answered by the co -chairs who came to our headquarters at the central and regional headquarters to express words of support , hope, confidence in our candidate, and it was very pleasant, especially on holidays, new year’s days, when people came , including with families, to moscow. and
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in moscow i visited the iran nuclear research institute. the politician was shown the largest heavy particle accelerator in eurasia, after which he met with the team and management of the enterprise. the state must keep these areas and life support in its hands and under constant control, starting budget financing, which means personnel training, housing solutions to housing issues and much more. today in the city of mytishche i visited a company that develops and produces photopolymers for... 3d printing; the products of this company are widely used in medicine, including dentistry and in the manufacture of artificial joints. i constantly repeat that in russia we should at least not interfere our business to develop, and our colleagues
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are doing an excellent job with this, because it was on the shoulders of entrepreneurs that we overcame all the crises, every time we come out of it, which local activists are doing is one of the highest in the country. these include a flash mob, a handshake with the president, his... participants on social networks tell how many people they know vladimir putin through. trade turnover between russia and kazakhstan at the end of the year amounted to more than 2.5 trillion rubles, which is more. the discussion at the meeting was about joint economic cultural and educational projects. currently, 60,000 people are studying in russian universities. we give priority to strengthening good neighborly and allied relations with kazakhstan; they are based on the principles of mutual respect, trust, strategic partnership and
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the historical friendship of our peoples. despite economic cooperation developing upward, you noted the large numbers of mutual trade turnover between our countries, there is a whole range. large industrial, energy projects, which will be implemented in the near future have already been implemented. the delegation of kazakhstan in moscow is also represented by the chairman of the inter-lisa, yarlan kashanov. today i met with him in the games of the future and proposed to hold the next games in kazakhstan. valentina matvienko also highly appreciated the level of intergovernmental interaction between our countries. preparations for the meeting of the csto parliamentary assembly, it will be held in june and the growth of mutual settlements in national currencies, this figure has already been reached, does not
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stop, more details ekaterina foralova, i urgently need to go to work, it seems to me that another murder has occurred, every dream of anna ostrovskaya is a nightmare that can still be prevented, like puzzles, she collects.
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about what happened 20 years ago, it turns out that in the new episodes there is a difficult test , anna has to go through marriage when they didn’t find out who my wife is, a murder case that amazes with its unpredictability, anna is a medium, watch on the russia tv channel today, ekaterina frolova, news is news, this is what will happen next in the program, alexander grebenkin together with three astronauts, today set off for the iss aboard hook dregon, polish farmers blocked all six border checkpoints. from ukraine and how - sergei lavrov commented on the reaction of german politicians to the taurus scandal, about this and not only after the advertisements. let's drop the formalities. come on, yura? she can work with anyone. you can somehow
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see things, feel something. even with ghosts. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, come out and look for me. i have to find someone. everyone can work with her, did you dream about this kidnapping? anna the medium, continuation, we are watching today on rtr. hello, dear friends , your favorite program is on the air, 60 minutes, vladimir vladimirovich, we’ll talk about all the issues, in a hurry, to place nuclear weapons, i already demanded, give me back the nuclear weapons, the second tank flew off in kropsky, the hero of russia will be in kind, we are all with you including me. this is to the end, what an image of victory he is for you, he will destroy
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the gang in his head with zelensky, yana is a rag, there are big dreamers in the west, but we are guided by the fact, look, twice a day, see you later, i don’t want to lose contact with sasha, get in touch, what does someone else’s woman have to do with this, move to us, and mom, well, what, little mom, can’t cope without you? you can start life from scratch. hello, i recognized you oles. after all these years, i knew that you would call someday. but the past cannot be erased. we had a chapter called karina. then it turns out that my husband and my cat are the most intelligent creatures in our family. orientalism, this is conditionally some kind of parallel agenda. why not a reef? continuing the conversation in new
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episodes of our podcasts. and so as not to miss anything, subscribe, listen and watch on the smot media platform. our children always dream of what will make them happy. and every parent wants these dreams to come true. we support them.
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reinforcements, emergency situations ministry employees are clearing populated areas and alerting about the danger and urging people not to break the speed limit. almost throughout the country, the northern lights could be observed tonight. polar lights in the ryazan region. hooray! just imagine, an arc. bright tints of various shades were spotted in the skies over central russia, as well as over siberia and kaliningrad. region, the cause of this phenomenon was a strong magnetic storm. a little over an hour ago, the movement of trains on the star stage was restored nearby. as the press service of the kuibyshev railway reported, this morning five trains were detained for illegal interference by unauthorized persons. according to preliminary data, there is damage to the fencing and bridge structure, but the support has not been destroyed. the governor has already instructed the regional ministry of transport and highways to provide support to local. according to the head of the region,
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this is not the first time attempts to commit terrorist acts against infrastructure facilities in the samara region have been made, but thanks to the coordinated work of all service departments, all of them were stopped. the chaotic recruitment efforts of the authorities are causing panic among men of fighting age, so today the washington post assesses the mood in ukrainian society, and accuses zelensky of his inability to fulfill the data given to the west.
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russia at the world youth festival in sirius took part in the knowledge society marathon on the topic of russia and its role in shaping a multipolar world, where ...
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