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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  March 4, 2024 9:05pm-9:21pm MSK

9:05 pm
we do not intend to negotiate on this issue, we will turn to our european colleagues, well, that is, there is no smell of money, they really need money, of course. now, regarding ukraine itself, i have said here many times over many years that ukraine is not an anti-russian project, it is also an anti-european project, they didn’t listen, they didn’t pay attention to it, that ’s what happened in germany, that’s what happened in fact, regarding these military men, well, there are several here.
9:06 pm
i remembered something, you know, angela merkel, who during the obama period asked her not to be wiretapped, but somehow it seems to me that they somehow didn’t really listen to this matter, i am increasingly getting the impression that in fact the attack on germany is going on quite harshly, on the part of the british -americans, and something seems to me that behind all this there are ears sticking out, first of all of these two countries, which, of course, which, by the way, we also talked about this a very long time ago. that this escalation, step by step, is generally bringing us closer to the straight line, to the straight line continental war, i don’t feel sorry for them , yes, i don’t feel sorry for them either, in fact, you know, i really feel sorry for the people, vladimirovich, well, i really feel sorry for the people , because they, they think, they- they think they feel sorry for people, i feel sorry for all the people, you know, but i feel sorry for them, for example, i feel sorry for the guys in donbass, the nazis of azov, the deluded people.
9:07 pm
within the framework of developing or finalizing the law on mobilization, he says that the cabinet of ministers will, in general, consider how to give a deferment to whom and who not to give a deferment, well, it’s very simple for them, but no, everything is very simple for them, but if the parents know that the deferment is not a good one, well, the principle is the same, but everything is much broader, blockier, wider and more constructive, they say, let’s look at the average salary , payment of taxes, that's the higher for...
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9:10 pm
"we demand to close the telethon, give the opportunity to broadcast to all independent media, i just think, well , by your logic, he is an agent of the kremlin, he complains to the european union, which must fulfill the requirements of the agent kremlin, then you tell me tell me in general, who is for whom here, i have already stopped understanding all this, and you will tell me something else, what did the maidan stand for, it seems that the maidan stood for the life that is now in russia, and not in ukraine, for open borders .
9:11 pm
9:12 pm
i can’t understand, right before entering the studio i suddenly felt completely overwhelmed, i can’t understand, well, give me the opportunity, i’ll take another short pause, and please bring me hot tea, in fact, i, of course, want to congratulate vladislav right away, and we'll give you a hot cell now, because i wanted, you know, to say two words about what is happening on the western front of ukraine, because you showed this story.
9:13 pm
he talks, he talks, zelensky pressed, pressed, pressed, pressed, in the end, the last time he said last week that only 30% was given, then such a european commissioner comes out, well-fed, intelligent, listen, he says, volodya, he said that - he made an inaccuracy, what is the european commissioner talking about, the european commissioner says that zelensky, you are inadequate, dude, you are inadequate, you need to check, the dude usually says biden, wait, wait, what is this, this is a european commissioner, that is, this is one of the leaders, there are 27 of them or how many commissioners, but nevertheless, he says that the president of ukraine is inadequate, he says that if, if zelensky is confused in such numbers , he’s trying to manipulate, which means he can
9:14 pm
manipulate many other things, this is all happening against the background of the fact that zelensky’s legitimacy is shaking, yes, here, here, here in ukraine, outside the territory. in ukraine, as you want, everyone is shaking the situation, like zelensky, you are the president and to what extent time? and here everything from the european level of the european commission says: look for another pebble, think, guy, think, why such a signal is being given to zelensky now, now warsaw, warsaw - this is already the fifth month, the fifth month the borders are closed, the fifth month is not the same, that it’s not closed, let alone doesn’t open, zelensky comes out crying, and he says, listen, this is already below.
9:15 pm
but the point is not that, volodya, laughter of laughter, but in fact zelensky hung up and moved him,
9:16 pm
russia doesn’t do it for him, when today is the minister, when today is the minister of foreign affairs of hungary speaks publicly, he says until the meeting between zelensky and orban is ripe, not ripe, there is no situation for orban to meet with zelensky, wait, what are we talking about, i’m not even talking about prime minister fitz, who says that enough, you... understand what you are doing, what kind of money to give to ukraine, if they have failed, and we are against it, and we will not give money, not weapons, here is your front, here is your front, i am waiting for they will say that russia, listen, and you will give us money for ukrainians, well, yes, what do i mean? i’m driving to vladimir, my relative owes a phoner, there was some boy running around, he borrowed money, russia, it’s all yours, you ’ll give money for the boy, and of course, i’ll also say about chicken, you know, there’s one in ukraine, he doesn’t oligarch, he...
9:17 pm
i’m not against people getting rich, i ’m against what’s right, it’s not the people, it has nothing to do with it, the people who live in ukraine have no relation to this chicken raised or the sale of wheat, but against this background i don’t like it, my mood has dropped, i’m telling you seriously, when did you show dmitry anatovich medvedev, secretary, deputy secretary of the national security and defense council, i did not understand where ukraine is, can you show the map again, where is ukraine, there are two regions, kiev and vinets.
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your country, prosperous, successful, but this was a chance under the only condition if you were a bridge uniting russia to the west. russia is also changing, and so can we.
9:21 pm
there was an amnesty for a wild number of banderaites, that’s all.


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