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tv   Anna Medium  RUSSIA1  March 4, 2024 10:20pm-11:31pm MSK

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not to what we propose to discuss, and not to certain theses that will be offered to us , so to speak, with interest, several important things here: firstly, as regards the position of the west itself, in relation to the russian federation at the current stage of the conflict, when our subjectivity is reduced or denied in every possible way, but at the same time the west is constantly... at a pace of once a week or once every two weeks, making ever new, more radical statements regarding planes, bombs and missiles, it is trying to implement, it seems to me, that once in the seventies it was called the theory of a madman, and that is, a radical statement of plans should apparently make such an impression on russia that we would agree to some kind of negotiations on the western agenda, well, i can hardly imagine that in the kremlin or in the foreign ministry ...
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weapons, but she never uses them, that russia, of course, has a nuclear thesis about the weakness of the russian leadership, unable to make such a decision, it has been appearing too often lately, it’s very good that we are at the expert level on political level, the president, in his address to the federal assembly, in my opinion, for the first time since about march 22, so clearly raised the question that this is our instrument for protecting national interests, and we... will use it
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when it is necessary and finally , one more question will be required, well, regarding the plot with the crimean bridge, it seems to me that in such a fevered brain of western military political leaders it seems to them that some such radical event on the front line could create conditions or push for the beginning of negotiations, and apparently an attack on the crimean bridge in this sense seems attractive to them, well... again, from a rational point of view, everything is quite complicated, i generally remember from time to time, there is such a concept in the theory of international relations: balted rationality, so limited rationality, when the partners with whom we deal, they seem to not understand something about us, not only because we know how to protect information, but because they themselves, by their nature, simply see the world after the end of the cold war in a completely different way, as he is actually. well, first of all, let's say
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frankly that the crimean bridge is not a strategic artery along which military cargo goes, no longer, yes, that is , that is, for this purpose there is a land corridor that works great, for this there are various ferries there , but an attack on the crimean bridge is an attack on a humanitarian facility, and the germans, who have all the comprehensive information coming from nato, cannot help but know this, so by and large we need to understand what was discussed.
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from european along many paths, our paths diverged in the 11th century and began to diverge further and further and further, so to admit that if our ruling class there, starting from peter , considered itself europe to peter... they didn’t really consider themselves europe, but if they began to recognize themselves as europe and speak french language, this does not mean that the russian people have become europe, we have a certain unique position, but the end point, in my opinion, was set in this message, the current message of the president, who for the first time, at least as far as i remember, proposes to create security system is not european, but eurasian...
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just now they said, we are the european union, yes, there are big problems with the european union now, that is, the basic principles on which european integration was based, almost all of them are no longer working, and this it didn’t start now, it started at the beginning of the century, when they were unable to accept
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the constitutional treaty, when they replaced it with the treaty of lisbon, when they expanded to those states that did not recognize these european values, they recognize now, therefore europe needs... to resolve the issue, they will turn into the united states of europe , that is, acquire some kind of statehood, then this european union becomes and really a state, which is something there, or they dissolve, leave, regain the powers delegated there, become national states, then they participate in this system, like france, there, spain, poland and the like, in the form in which they now exist, they will not be able to in this...
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well, here europe exists in a different form, it exists in the form of a military-political union called nato, yes, which, this is an organization that is completely...
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that is, do we have geography at all, or have we abolished it, now netanyahu has abolished it recently, geography exists or not, but it’s not political at all, it’s more correct to say that israel is the stronghold of european civilization in the middle east, so to speak, bibe’s comrades equated everything, but still, in the middle east, even then mecca and medina can now also be considered europe will not be well, europe is revered by the european empire.
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so it was europe, the ottoman empire was a european country in the 18-19th century, it was one of the great european des, i don’t want to offend you, of course, but in general , at that time it was probably comparable in size to europe, if not larger no matter how unimportant, more cannot enter less . the ottoman empire is the sick man of europe, but this was simply said by the europeans, for whom centro-europeanism of thinking determined their defeat, which empire was considered a european power.
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what, what is to the north, falls under nato europe, india
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is probably europe too, yes, here, here, for the americans it’s not a problem to build a region, it’s not a problem to build, well, i don’t know, they’re doing at least not a lot of new things, judging by based on what is happening inside the states, but i have great joy, our trumpet will be sorted out, and, trampo, well, no, no, no, they would be there, the ability to work as judges. are you saying that you worked with them? no, i worked with them in the republican party long before me, but niki is also reliable the mainstay of the republican party, that is, the democratic one. said that washington is pure rina, and not a republican, but she defeated trump in the primary from which, therefore , even more, so to speak, an encouraging moment, was devoured in your time, he didn’t have enough of his own, i wanted to say that kamalo can to become president, all advertising.
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please, acquaintance and roll call, possible without formation, i am very glad that you came to visit me, how much tea was drunk, how many stories were told, i was bold in white , look, here mark anatolyevich zakharov is leaving,
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and for me it was probably akin to the appearance of christ to the people, how many secrets were told as a man. i don’t understand anything, what’s going on here? why did you come, what did i find in your office with a piece of paper, a certificate of divorce,
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what kind of stupid joke is this? this is not a joke, this is your new reality, it has been erased from your own life. we now have nothing, no car, no house, i don’t have a business and a husband, so it’s time to build a new one, tell me, you’ve seriously decided to develop from scratch, i want to prove that it’s impossible to drown me, there the stable is on fire, but what is it, how can it be, andrei, where, where, i’ll start everything from the beginning, on march 8th. nerter we were arguing here, we have sports so there were such political arguments, i would say, altovich, we tried to reason with him, but his passion for this european thing, but he will say
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at the very end, yes, completing the topic of europe after all, yes as if on this occasion, after all, nevertheless, any russian person. culturally, well, undoubtedly, we have now remained the best part, so to speak, of europe, yes, the best version of even europe, it is possible that we will remain the only one, because despite everything that is happening there, as for all sorts of negotiations in the united states, there is only one question, it is clear that it will be possible to negotiate only with washington, the question is with whom, that is, and we are
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sure , that the person with whom we agree, what he said brilliantly to me yesterday during an interview, he is simply brilliant. when you communicate with a company, you seriously think that these managers, not you, have decided something, you need to talk to the board of directors, here in america, what difference does it make what the name of the president is, it’s necessary with the board of directors, well, it’s not very clear which of the boards of directors will remain, so to speak, by the end of twenty- fifth year, that’s another problem we’ll talk about, that’s why we’re talking until they’re there they won’t deal with their internal civil conflict, but there is no...
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well, half of the intervention in the ussr was, so to speak, really without anything at all, they came, stayed and left, so, it seems to me that this is the introduction of belarusian troops, is this some kind of attempt in the kiev region or something? save, suddenly it will come in handy, well, suddenly , as it were, so you also need to treat this this way, now about the fact that they themselves are directly involved in launching rockets, well, let me look, probably a little with permission from a different angle, it has always been like this, ours in in vietnam they launched anti-aircraft... at american planes our migs flew, so to speak, along the valley of migs america across america what does the valley of migs have to do with it in korea, just don’t confuse it, in korea
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in vietnam ours shot at american planes from the s-25, that was also not according to territory, let me say it all the way to the end , then further, further, speak correctly , just not with-25m mikha is m good um. yes, and our territory, they will act on it . a natural objection arises, which was immediately put forward to me, that a mule, this is our territory? now let’s very simply, in order to understand the enemy and defeat him, let’s take his point of view, see how he thinks on this topic, he thinks that this is all his, and the so-called ukraine is his, they invested money, they the viscount was sent, the old man biden got around to visiting there, and taman was also his other end. it was in the nineties that they were absolutely sure that just as they
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built these same regions there that andrei anatolyevich spoke about, they built their own pocket russia, they were more than sure that this was also theirs, in in this sense, they already used the european destiny of russia in a completely different sense, well in the sense that they will submit, so to speak, to the control center in washington, they went there, they thought that this was all... they really need to understand that their now washington establishment, hatred, so to speak, for putin for russia, is because at some point we said: no, guys, it’s not yours, well, not yours, that we have a different point of view, by the way, the proof of dmitry’s words is the extraterritoriality of american legislation, they are sure that the whole world is theirs, therefore their rights apply to the whole world, well, that’s it. just listen to any politician in the united states states, when they start talking about other countries, they are more than confident that all our
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new territories, that all our old territories, so to speak, that in fact it is still theirs, and must obey their rules, so if on this territory there is our tank, the plant, our property, if they speak russian here, guys, it’s either temporary or it’s wrong, that’s their approach, that’s where they understand... where did this idea of ​​a world built on rules come from, where, and an order built on rules? by the way, they are now they talk about an economic order built on rules, a new one, by the way, the term appeared in this sense, it’s all very simple, it’s this...
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the rules that they developed, there are no other rules from their point of view, it’s theirs, the very in fact, the most important thought , the most important anger, is connected precisely with this, so by and large there will be nothing terrible here, the fact is that these are our territories, so to speak, but they consider them theirs, and moreover, i believe that we in this situation we win because there are more and more people the majority of humanity is convinced that the world does not belong to them, with every step of our soldier to the west, with every...
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in historical terms, crazy speed, in historical terms - mikhail mikhailovich, at the beginning a small remark about bread and salt in the combat zone , but not only about bread and salt, and even water, how carefully you need to use all these things, for example, one of the tasks of the engineering troops is the extraction and purification of water, and in the flasks of fighters, water for cooking should be used only purified water, only from appropriate water distribution points. here is just one example of what a violation of this elementary rule can lead to. at one time, during the war in afghanistan , the sixty- sixth separate motorized rifle brigade was stationed in the city of jellolabad. once, the fighters and commanders of this brigade were returning from a combat mission. the water
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they took ran out. ourselves and decided to take water, not just from some poisoned source, from an unverified source, as a result, almost 500, 500 sick people, including epidemic hepatitis, typhoid fever , disentery, this is what it means to use water from untested sources, as well as food, and the enemy, during a systematic retreat from certain lines, will certainly resort to such methods, so no bread, no salt. no water from unverified sources, only everything from the relevant logistics services and engineering troops. of course, i can’t resist sarcasm, in terms of the actions of the german generals, what is it, gentlemen, you also we haven’t started fighting, only you have some kind of preliminary stage, even discussions, even this purely at the level of hypotheses, and already such serious leaks, how will you develop plans for operations, combat operations, if you can’t even keep it
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secret ? their own elementary intentions , that’s what it means, all schools in this regard are lost, this cannot, of course, cause anything but a smile, as well as their obvious, sneaking admiration for their nazi past, well, so that there is no illusion about the denazification of germany , well, this past cannot be crossed out, and several things of a geopolitical and geostrategic nature, as a rule, representatives ... of the ukrainian political class, the expert community, always focus on the fact that we are the first, and after us the armed forces of the russian federation will definitely invade finland, poland, estonia, they will interfere in the internal affairs of moldova, they will not stop with us, so there is a struggle between light and darkness, democracy and despotism, a struggle between all
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that is good and all that is bad. well , actually, the goal here is more than banal, it’s just to knock out the next funds from the collective west to continue the armed struggle, here these ears are generally visible without any magnifying glass, but what is the very weak point in their reasoning, in fact, here are the representatives of the political class of ukraine, the expert community, they in no way they can’t formulate, for example, but if we, for example, invade poland, purely hypothetically, to formulate political and military... they no longer succeed in this invasion, especially somehow to tell correctly what groupings of troops and forces will be used in this case, in general how it will look a little from the point of view of strategic planning, so to speak, but they can’t do it, so this reasoning approach is to hell with the details, the russians will definitely invade, well, it looks funny enough, but how else, well, well, why, because they ’ve gone crazy, because they’re absolutely evil,
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they can’t. solving these problems by military means is one of the very, so to speak, great arts of high politics, because, for example, the same emperor nicholas ii, he could not clearly formulate the goals with which russia entered the first world war, and could not convey these goals to the broadest strata of russian society during the conduct of hostilities, well, the consequences in general - then the saddest ones, so these are far from some so banal words, so all these reasonings, i’m returning... here to the ukrainian political class and representatives of the expert community , they by and large have no real basis , yes and our supreme commander-in-chief says that in the russian federation there are no plans
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to invade the territory of nato states. as for our immediate strategic task, this is, of course, the completion of a special military operation on conditions favorable to russia, but in this regard i would not rush it. with assessments that the equator has almost already been passed , what happened there, stalingrad and kursk happened, the enemy is already in a weakened state, a few more blows, and he will be, no, this, this, as it seems to me, on at this stage, this is more than an erroneous judgment, because the armed struggle is still in full swing and our main task now is, again , sometimes not even to throw this wood into the fire of these stupid thoughts, possible ukrainian stupid thoughts about a possible russian invasion of the west, our the main task now is still the completion of a special military operation, this is the immediate strategic task, the further strategic task of the state, in this
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regard we can only speak in outline, now, well, as they said in the glorious soviet times all forces to defeat the enemy, as written in the brilliant book about strategy written by the soviet commander, or rather... develops according to its internal logic, that every war lives by its own laws and does not abolish general military laws. alexander andreevich svichin, book strategy, in general thinking, thinking by analogy, thinking by analogy, this is counterproductive, counterproductive. before it was handed over. i have the opportunity to show you now a short video that breaks the idea of ​​ukrainian propagandists and western hysterics, let's say this is a video from
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the greenhouse of defense minister sergei kazhugetovich shaigu, these are greenhouses, but greenhouses. that somewhere in the vast expanses of our vast homeland on the territory of the russian federation there is the shaigu greenhouse, where beautiful geraniums find their strength, our multi-colored dear geraniums. thank you, well, in general, a classic of the genre, the more you participate in an argument with others, the more convinced you are of your own rightness.
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i said to move to the caucasus as quickly as possible, everything is brewing there, i remind you that the russian empire first included the southern caucasus by their will, and the northern caucasus continued for a long time there, the caucasian war continued there, a big one, but we gave up those shores and the shore of the black sea, regarding what was said here, about bendery,
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but there now it is our friend , your moyasanda, we need to upset this european concert, they are already quarreling, we need to quarrel, france, italy, germany, great britain, our who are here, friends, potentially germany and of course italy, we need to act through them first of all, the last one, about music
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, sounds at night, why don’t we include, for example, the sacred spring, this melody will be very close to the french, they once loved it very much, and best of all, the solemn overture. 1812, right in macron’s ears, all of france in the ears, tchaikovsky, 1812, in a month it will be like silk, yes, that’s all, see you tomorrow.
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where is the interrogation of the forensic expert? i told you to interrogate again. oh, i forgot, marya sergeevna, what should i do? the deadline is tomorrow, yeah, well, take your feet in your hands to the morgue, maybe you’ll have time to catch it again, he’s an amateur work late. and if i don’t find you, you’ll go home to him. oh, hello , hello, hello, thank you for the flowers, and for what reason, how did you forget what day it is, sorry, i really don’t remember what day it is, but exactly 1 year, 6 months and 23 days from today our wedding , how could you forget, i don’t understand at all, for this reason a table was booked in a restaurant, like in ours, it was quite difficult to do,
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they are having some kind of banquet there today, so let’s get ready to go, and the children i have already attached. oh, hello, dear ones, can i give you a lift, zhenya, which way are you going, in the same direction, zhenya, i actually need to go to the morgue, who would doubt it, all decent people need to go to the morgue now, but it’s all over your face. .. so you should go there too, but how did you know that we were on the way?
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buevich, you're getting dumber, logic, psychology and physiognomy tell me, well, no , really, davinokury called masha in front of me, he was looking for you, she said that you just rushed to the morgue, but in general, how are you, how are your lawyer successes? full of success, no money, the lawyer doesn’t have money, maybe we just have a different understanding of what money is? you understand, i just can’t take money from clients, the prosecutor’s office has spoiled me in what sense? yes, literally, other lawyers are already laughing at me, they say: zhenya, when your client asks you how much i owe you, i have this look on my face: the expression that you, that you, you don’t owe me anything, and why are you laughing, they’ll kick you out of the prosecutor’s office, you’ll become a lawyer, then you’ll understand that they won’t kick me out. oh, zhenya, what do you want from panov? i have a trial tomorrow, and he promised me
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give a specialist’s opinion on a lawyer’s request, oh, hello, hello, what are you looking for at night, and even a sweet couple? actually, we need a gentleman, but why don’t we have him? he usually sits until late, but today are you unlucky? is he already home? no, not at home, he is defending himself at the institute. is he defending his dissertation? no, our friend is defending himself, the doctor from the first men went to cheer for him, although there is nothing to worry about, everything will be fine. is everything already known in advance? of course, he has a scientific supervisor, professor miloradov, a big man, will have to go there, yeah, where is this protection? oh, now i’ll draw it for you, you won’t find it yourself, so be careful, it’s very fragile.
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do you want a rabbit? i don’t want to, i feel sorry for them, when they cooked rabbit as a child, they always told me that it was chicken, which means you didn’t eat it, what a sensitive girl you are, who would have thought, what are you trying to say, that i’m actually ruthless bitch? well , what are you saying, it’s not saying anything, but don’t you feel sorry for oysters? it’s a pity, um, when they cooked for you as a child, they told you, what is this buckwheat porridge? well, you still have to order something, girl.
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there, yeah, what problems, we will solve this issue, a talented person, protect that girls.
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coapia, well, where are you going to interrogate me, in a restaurant or something, now everyone is going to the manket, why should i drag you with me , excuse me, please, hello, you don’t know where professor miloradov is, thank you, by the way, if only not melorados, they would throw so many black balls, titanium, i thank you, you wanted something, i ’m listening to you. damn you, buy who it is hello, security, detain the woman in the black headscarf, that's it, dim, it's time, thank you for the evening, i
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'm glad, do you want anything else? no, i want to go to the children as soon as possible, but don’t worry, you’re fine, i’m worried, let’s go, then i’ll ask for the bill, yeah, girl, would you be kind enough for the bill, please, okay, sick, this woman was probably being a hooligan, yes, yes, this, you will have to come with us to the department. and you, i see, are also injured, you will have to travel with us, i can’t be here on business, if you need me, you will always find me, that...
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you don’t understand, this could be very a promising defense , why all of a sudden listen, why do you need this, how are you an ordinary hooligan, but can’t you see that you are an extraordinary hooligan, there’s some kind of secret here, your professor meloradov, don’t touch meloradov, oh, why, yes , because he is a figure, a personal doctor of someone, a laureate, a doctor of science, and well... oh, never mind, do what you want, after all, you are no longer working in the prosecutor’s office, but what does the prosecutor’s office have to do with it?
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what meeting? hi, listen, i had yours, interrogated, interrogated, this is a banquet for you cooks for us, but the mood is already spoiled, and what happened, and tomorrow i asked petka, he will tell you everything, he also suffered, they spat on him, uncle lesha, who is this, well, not on purpose of course, the snowstorm didn’t hit him, by accident it worked out, i’m going, i’m going, bye, bye, well, where are we without you, lord, what ’s stressful, what petka got himself into, and why are you so worried, your petka is a big boy, right? big boy, you're not like children, i'm even worried about ivanach, wow, look,
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detectives, drop everything and go, quickly i’ll set up a restaurant, why, you think, semyon and some woman are here in the restaurant. i’ll try to win her , can you imagine, our irka, a quiet girl, immediately has a cloud of gentlemen, the most important thing is that they fight
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for her to the death, everyone has the right to later happiness, listen, maybe we’ll start everything from scratch, march 8 on rtr , please,
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i give up with joy, let’s all wave our hands, when everyone is at home with timur kizikov, on sunday on rtr, you will be patient, she will stand waiting for you. give me the material this one on aleshina, so that’s how it is with us, yeah, where ’s the victim’s statement, do without the statement, he’ll come tomorrow and write, no, what are you doing, what, you called the head of the police department yourself, got it, right? but i understand you, listen, i would be glad
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to excite you, but there is no staff here, at most administrative. in short, you decide for yourself , the lawyer is still waiting for her, oh, it’s you, the lawyer, it ’s me, yeah, you’re waiting in vain, i won’t initiate anything here, tomorrow they’ll take her to court and fine her, that’s it. wait.
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according to article 48 of the constitution, every citizen has the right to qualified legal assistance, but there is no need to put pressure on me with the constitution, and in general you would get out of here, but i generally advise you not to talk to me like that, and i don’t want to talk to you at all, yes, but i want to remind you that you are obliged talk to everyone, whether you want it or not, because you are the operational officer on duty in the department, come on, come on, teach me.
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so why are you disgracing me, causing a scandal? i didn’t arrange anything, why didn’t they let me talk to the client? because it’s not allowed, she’s administratively detained, go tomorrow we'll go to court, you'll talk to her there, let's go home. listen, they definitely won’t initiate a case. who cares about spitting? this is an administrative violation, petty hooliganism. by the way, where did you get this client? why do you always get involved in some dubious enterprises? why dubious? no, in general i like it, do you forbid me to get involved with bandits? i don’t have a job because my husband is the head of the homicide department, but this is a decent woman, decent women don’t spit at professors, that’s it, if she she did this, which means she had a serious reason, i want to figure it out, let’s go, there ’s a professor standing there, what’s his name, meloradov, well, and i ’m discussing with him again, oh, marya sergeevna, your
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task is completed, interrogated, thank you, hello, i’m aleshina’s lawyer , and they told me that the interrogation has already begun, second floor, office sixteen, thank you, excuse me, “good morning, i’m aleshina’s lawyer, you
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haven’t started yet, no, why didn’t you say that you have a lawyer according to the agreement, she said she didn’t need a lawyer, i thought you wouldn’t come, i i can talk to the client before the interrogation , please!" you didn’t intend to initiate a case, what suddenly happened? i have superiors, but you said that there was no corpus delicti here, but you understand, i understand you, you understand me too
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. and the wife rushed to the police to protect this little girl, everything, everything, well, thank god, otherwise i was afraid that you had gotten into something there, well it wasn’t murder or something like that, professor milaradov is a murderer, he killed my son, well, viktor ivanovich. well, viktor ivanovich, well, well, let me go, viktor ivanovich, i’m this i bought a hose for myself, during working hours, yes, so what, i’ll confiscate it, i need
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to water the tomatoes, and so do i, but you don’t have one, so what, i thought, first i’ll buy a hose, then a dacha will appear, maybe i like his design, viktor ivanovich , by the way, you have a reception, girl, you are at the reception, “hello, hello, come in, well, what happened, evgenia anatolyevna, i have an application, and so, here is my order for representation of interests applicant, please carry out a check, i say, that’s why she needs a hose, she’s buying a tomato at the market, do you want it?” "
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in the north-west, professor uh-huh miloradov , alyosha died of a natural infection that developed during an operation, the health committee thinks so, who doesn’t think so, alyosha’s mother, is she a doctor, no, she’s a mother, so what is it from, according to her in my opinion... the best , it wasn’t the main urologist who stabbed him, that’s right,
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viktor ivanovich, what happened, you were so upset about the hose, already? the whole prosecutor’s office knows, no, not because of the hose, zhenya came here, asks to stop the case, no, on the contrary, to initiate it, based on the fact of the wrong treatment, who was treated incorrectly, just the chief urologist of the ministry of health, professor and laureate, marya sergeevna, i beg you, then, carry out the check yourself, in the most thorough manner, request me the documents, schedule an examination.
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so the intestines, bile ducts and pancreas are without damage, and what if the honor of the uniform was defended, the data was falsified, who knows, figure it out. we can’t miss, no matter how personal doctor myself, i’ll figure it out, i’ll figure it out, okay,
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hello, well, hello, troublemaker, to the thirteenth hospital give me a lift? where are you going? actually, according to the law, a lawyer has the right to question witnesses with their consent, but i don’t have to ask the prosecutor for permission, more tenderly, zhenya, even more tenderly, that means we ’ll go to the store now, but just a minute, goodbye eduard stepanovich, thank you again , we are so grateful to you, god grant you health, all the best. yeah
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, you also have someone lying here, don’t worry , everything will be fine, such a person, such a doctor, god grant him, you can, yes, yes, of course, come in, i’m from the prosecutor’s office, it’s very nice, take a seat, what is your name and patronymic, marya sergeevna. you know, it’s so unpleasant , you’ll excuse me, i still haven’t chosen the time to go see the investigator, and i’m not thirsty for blood, god bless him with the criminal case, but the woman is in grief, you never know what she could have imagined, i ’m i understand everything, eduard stepanovich , the police are investigating the case against aleshina, and i ’m a deputy prosecutor, god, they’ve already gotten the prosecutor’s office involved in this, but give up on this crazy woman, i really don’t need anything, the point is that i came...
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to check the circumstances of aleshin’s death, and i need his medical history, and your explanation, that means, well , check, yeah, i have nothing to hide, i just don’t know whether the medical history was returned from the health committee or not? tatyana ivanovna, tell me, has aleshin’s story been returned to us? will you bring it in? now everything will be fine, thank you, and i need to know who else took part in the operation, of course, of course, be healthy, well, goodbye, uh-huh, will he really get out now , won’t he be imprisoned now, as long as possible, someone else.
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can you tell me where the head doctor’s office is, here ’s the first door on the right, please, hello, i’m from the prosecutor’s office, the head doctor is here, yeah, there, thank you, lenochka, don’t let anyone in, okay, alexander yuryevich, you understand, we don’t have just a hospital, a scientific research facility. institute, we not only
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treat patients, but we advance science, in particular , we use medications that have not yet been approved by the ministry of health, the consent of patients, of course, and the latest methods that have not yet become widespread, this is permissible, but what, our doctors should to hone treatment methods, to gain positive dynamics, but what was honed in the case of aleshin, with positive dynamics there is not much, what? it also happens, you know the sad joke, every doctor has his own small cemetery, science is not omnipotent, but the city health service did not find any crime, we will check the findings of the city health department, who will check the conclusions, eduard stepanovich miloradov, the largest specialist in his field, a figure, an authority , and these yours, excuse the expression , doctors from the sudmet bureau, but they
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cannot be called doctors... they are a living patient in the last time they were seen was about 100 years ago, but they see the dead regularly, tell me about miloradov’s method, there is such a disease, cavernous tuberculosis of the kidneys, this is when , as a result of the tuberculosis process , a cavity (cavern) is formed in the kidney, if conservative treatment does not give results, the cavity is opened and cleaned , and professor meloradov has been working for many years to improve the surgical technique. which allows you to significantly shorten the period after surgical rehabilitation, but he doesn’t spit on his patients, he’ll forget about the operation, and it’s also impossible, the dressings are done by his students, still very green residents. and then after them i have to redo everything , he doesn’t even approach them, of course, this is not a lordly thing, the patients suffer, everything can’t be for science, we need to do something for the sick, but tell me, how did it happen that he confused a duodenal diverticulum with an adrenal cyst, and he was drunk,
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and you told aleshin’s mother everything, i told you, i was at an operation with a disc, and if i write all this down, will you sign it? yes you that, girl, he’ll kick you out of work, why don’t you understand, don’t believe all this gossip, eduard stepanovich, an excellent specialist, a talented surgeon, and talented people always have a lot of envious people, who are among his envious people, well, nurses, for example, they don’t like him... why? for what he demands from them, he does not tolerate sloppiness, are they envious? so why am i going to shake our dirty laundry in front of you? believe me, there are envious people, this is a stupid fable that eduard stepanovich mixed up the diverticulum,
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what? well, a protrusion of the duodenum with an adrenal cyst, excuse me, this is their invention, but is it not so? for mercy, besides... the fact that this simply could not have happened, the autopsy did not confirm this, was an autopsy performed in your hospital? well, of course, do you want to talk to the pathologist? i want, let's go, imagine, eduard stepanovich's patients have amazing positive dynamics, the kidney is healthy for the shortest postoperative period. margarit mikhalovna, are you here? i'm here, here's our poto.
11:30 pm
kostya, hi, how are you, i took the gold from kindergarten, i even fed you, you’re my smart girl, but don’t be bored, i might be late today, where, where, to the morgue, well, i kiss you both. panov, hello, tell me, until what time do you have a department for complex and commission examinations? is there anyone else there? mercy, then i'm flying to you.


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