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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  March 5, 2024 11:00am-11:31am MSK

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with boris korchevnikov on wednesday on rtr. thanks for watching 60 minutes, now , bye. on the russia vesti channel, in the studio of evgeniy roshkov. hello, the main thing is for this hour. a sabotage group of the ukrainian armed forces was caught in the kharkov region. our military is occupying new positions in the avdeevsky and artyomovsky directions of the front. the landing force rushes to carry out combat. task, the car literally flies to
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the front line. military facilities in the odessa region were attacked by our kamikaze drones. in germany they propose to fire the minister of defense pistorius, and london still calls for sending taurus to ukraine. will scholz decide? their work in russia raises questions. maria zakharova commented on the refusal of european ambassadors to meet with the head of our foreign ministry. this is a very important day for america. usa super tuesday. trump is running in every state. the supreme court sided with him. and also a bandit attack on the international airport in haiti. avalanche at a ski resort in italy. and the scandalous decision of the french parliament. there, the constitution enshrined the right to abortions.
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a massive blow was dealt to the military infrastructure of ukraine in the odessa region, and at least ten explosions occurred there. local media reports the destruction of hangars with drones, an air defense launcher, and the defeat of a military unit of the ukrainian armed forces marine corps. in the severodonetsk direction, the strike group of the russian aerospace forces army aviation worked against enemy strongholds. despite difficult weather conditions, the initial targets were eliminated in the kharkov region, our artillery covered the ukrainian sabotage group, in the same place the hangar where the enemy transported ammunition and equipment was destroyed. military engineers in the kupinsky direction cleared roads from mines in the liberated territories south of karlovka. this is in the dpr. the ukrainian tank was destroyed by lancet loitering ammunition. and this is filming from the enemy side, one of the roads along which the ukrainian armed forces retreated from. ovdeevka
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is simply littered with burnt equipment. the situation on the artyomovsky sector of the front. in the report of our military correspondent alexander katsuba. the landing force rushes to carry out a combat mission, the vehicle literally flies to the front line. our reconnaissance drone coordinates the actions of assault groups. under cover of fire , the fighters dismount, occupying a dilapidated building. they brought it in, covered it with fire and it was normal.
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but some do not have time to simply do this, so they are less fortunate, those who surrender, those, accordingly, we hand over, the daily losses of the enemy in this sector alone number in the dozens, assault groups were brought directly to the enemy under the cover of artillery under the cover of our units, which gave great success to...
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long-range taurus missile, despite the scandal , london called on berlin to supply ukraine with truncated bundeswehr negotiations. as gardean writes, britain itself has long since escalated, but the range of the anglo-french stormshadow system is half that of the german one. at the same time, the western media recognize that the publication of the audio recording still sowed a split among russia’s opponents and discredited scholz, who found himself in the crossfire; on the one hand, as the politician emphasizes, he is now being put under pressure by his own government, including the head mida bärbock clearly favors escalation, the opposite position is taken by the alternative for germany party,
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they said that after the scandal they would demand the resignation of chancellor and defense minister pistorius, and ex-adviser merkel expressed the opinion that in the event of a positive decision on the transfer of officers to the conflict zone, it is unlikely will they change the situation on the battlefield, as has already been proven by the transfer of leopard-2 and abrams tanks to the armed forces of ukraine. the refusal of european ambassadors to meet with sergei lavrov raises questions about their work in russia, about this today an official representative of our foreign ministry said. with all respect or disrespect for these people, they are only a function, they only transmit information from one side to the other, and it raises the question, and everyone has the same one, what, in fact, what are these people doing, why, how do they behave interpreted on the territory of our country if
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they do not fulfill their most important function. svo participants were able to vote early in the presidential elections. military personnel of the russian guard were given the opportunity to do so. selection of their units at temporary locations. voting is organized in specially prepared premises in rear areas. in the kherson region , fighters from the military group and the dnieper voted. a similar process was organized for military personnel of a self-propelled artillery regiment and a special forces unit, a group of troops-center, working in the avdeevka direction. also, mobile election commissions will be able to visit all units performing combat missions on the front line. family values ​​today will become theme number one at the world youth festival: participants from almost 200 countries gathered in sirius to discuss issues that concern young people on every continent. for them, this is an opportunity to find out reliable information first-hand.
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leading russian politicians, diplomats and experts will act as speakers at the forum. report by anna sorokina. representatives of different countries and professions, i am from the city of chelyabinsk, i work as a chemical engineer, i am currently wearing a russian folk costume, i purchased it specially for this festival. every the participant brought a piece of his homeland, so citizens of 190 countries gathered under one roof. this beautiful costume represents our beautiful country, this is our traditional clothing, we are very happy to visit russia for the first time here. at the delegation. it’s still dangerous to be there, but in the center, in lugansk, in the city, specifically in lugansk, it’s safe now. at
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the festival site you can learn how to provide first aid in extreme situations; master classes are conducted by participants in a special military operation, instructors from the military sports training center - warriors. it is most important right now. hold both youth festivals and some international forums, because since the special operation began, the whole world has paid attention to russia, we are for family values, against unipolarity and some kind of totalitarian dictatorship, we are talking about friendship, say youth leaders about the intercultural dialogue of the member countries of the sco, the shanghai cooperation organization, discuss the development of common projects, the important role of youth in...
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they found new friends and were glad to become a part of this incredible event. anna sorokin, valery pyatov, mikha kertok and vladimir minyadov and anna nekos, news: federal territory sirius. russians in haiti did not contact the embassy for help. our diplomatic mission spoke about this today and called on us to take reasonable precautions against the backdrop of the unrest in porto prenz. in the capital of the republic, armed groups stormed the prison and freed 4.00 prisoners. and then attacked the international airport. its employees had to flee under a hail of bullets, but
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there were no passengers in the building. now in the country a state of emergency has been declared and a curfew is in effect. numerous gangster groups declared war on the government and united to seize power. according to some estimates, they already control dozens of settlements from which local residents have fled. the police and military are not yet able to restore order. they died in street battles. hundreds of people were injured, the prime minister found himself abroad, from where he is trying to organize a peacekeeping mission under the flag of the united nations. in the usa today it comes like this called super tuesday, when 16 states will hold primaries from both parties. however, if there is no intrigue in the democratic camp, biden has no real competitors, then for the republicans the outcome is critically important. based on the results, third votes from the total number of delegates will be distributed.
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for example, colorado wanted to prevent trump from reaching primaris, separately in
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the supreme court’s conclusion on the need to lower the temperature in american society, and trump himself, after another victory, talks about unification. i think this is very important day for america, i believe it's a very important day for freedom and just a great day for this country. but there will be no unity, and the democrats heard their way in this court decision if they can only use the sedition amendment. amendment to understand that this case has no chance, as the democrats assured us. another
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defeat for the democrats is a real downfall for nikiheili. the decision to allow trump into super tuesday and his expected victory will likely mark the end of the republican race for her. and this meeting with voters may be the last. we can either continue to live the same way, or go in a new direction. we will be able to achieve greater success than two octogenarian candidates. for trump supporters, the court ruling on the eve of super tuesday is a loud signal to mobilize, the system is bending, which means victory is possible. biden is also going to scare americans with trump in his annual address to the nation, which he will announce before congress on thursday, after the results of the primaries, when both participants in the battle for the white house become completely clear. leaving trump on the ballot ahead of his crucial super tuesday, the supreme court tried again . tests, in fact, the court
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was unable to answer the question: whether the provisions of the main law of the country, adopted almost two centuries ago, are valid today. dmitry melnikov and nikolai koskin, news from washington. well, further on in our program, where right now nato soldiers are crossing the vistula, as they celebrated the legalization of abortion in paris. and also where floods have already begun in russia, where winter is in no hurry to leave, we’ll be back in a couple of minutes and we’ll tell you everything, don’t wait a little bit. be quiet, and mom, what's wrong with you? anna medium, premiere, today on rtr, there are places that fascinate, because they are part of
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the cultural code, because they have power, beauty and history, conquer, the squad is ready! explore, nature, mom, dear, just incredible beauty, you already understand what the vietnamese’s favorite means of transportation is, there are 10 million moped drivers here, taste it, oh, your eyes run wide, how delicious everything is, as my mother says, it’s mind blowing, this world is worth seeing, damn it. with it is the oldest profession in india, they say that a correctly made bukhara knife became a real amulet for its owner, in secret to the whole world, on saturday on rtr, did you get enough sleep?
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i’m responsible for my words, i’m always responsible for my words, a hero of my time, beauty, repin, the whole brigade, just look at the platform, the floor is shaking, the walls are shaking, they’ve come
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big! and changes, in the new season with a new renovation, with a slight movement of the hand, we are from this room absolutely without faces, we are making three different functional zones, ideas are pouring through region, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be plenty of surprises and a lot of work, plans are turning into projects before our eyes, i adore plants, i’m generally a plant maniac, real stone flowers will soon bloom in the living room of our... heroes, after dismantling a lot will become clear, and dreams become reality, look, let them into your home, big changes, every sunday on rtr. drop everything and go
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quickly to the restaurant in the garden, why, your semyon is with some woman here in the restaurant, semyon, tell me that i imagined all this, olga kobo, he called me ideal, and you are ideal, you can hang noodles on your ears, cuckold you, dmitry frid, partings can be for the better. i know, now it’s as if i’ve been run over by a roller. oleg almazov. irena met a gorgeous man, they are planning an affair. just think, i 'll try to win her too. can you imagine, our quiet irka immediately had a bunch of gentlemen appearing for her. the most important thing is that they fight to the death for it. everyone has the right to
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later happiness. listen, maybe we can start everything from scratch? festive release on march 8 on rtr. we continue to broadcast the broadcast in ugra due to snow and blizzards.
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during the exercises that are currently taking place in poland, several dozen combat vehicles and hundreds of soldiers crossed from the left bank to the right bank, without the use of bridges
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, polish, french, english and german units were involved. this phase of the exercise will last 3 days, during which time more than 3,500 military personnel and thousands of pieces of equipment will move to isla. the scenario of these nato maneuvers, confrontation with russia. france became the first country in the world to... the right to abortion is now enshrined in the constitution. the corresponding decision was approved by the joint congress of both houses of parliament in versailles. 780 deputies voted for the new article in the basic law, 72 voted against. residents of paris even celebrated the historical event at the foot of the efile tower. the american press noted that the issue of abortion in france, well, unlike in the united states, is not of a political nature. most french people consider termination of pregnancy basic. service from health care, the british guardian emphasized that this is the first change to the french constitution in the last 16 years, while experts predict an even
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greater increase in the number of migrants in france after the adoption of such a law. china will continue to strengthen cooperation within the framework of the atc, brix and sco; it will allocate almost one and a half billion dollars to modernize production and create 12 million new ones this year. jobs, this is stated in the report, which was released today by the session of the all-china assembly, from beijing our staff correspondent alexandrsky. despite the rain and snow, the new political season in china still started brightly, the colors were added by the outfits of representatives of small nations, this is every tenth person in the hall, and the session of the world’s largest parliament, almost 300 deputies, is already a spectacle, the main political event of the year, which the whole world is watching. this is the biggest substitute for folk. meeting with 10,000 seats and practically no empty seats for the first time since the pandemic, such a large number of press - two upper tiers, interest in meeting of the national people's assembly
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is consistently high. here there is synchronicity and clear lines in everything - this is also about economic prospects, the prime minister of the state council of the people's republic of china letian, this is his first reporting year, which fit into 40 pages of the report, sets a new main target indicator, gdp growth of 5%, slightly less than in the past . translated from chinese it means stability. we must adhere to the course of forward movement while maintaining stability, stability through progress, and unswervingly follow the principle: first introduce the new, and then break the old. the word stability was heard often: rising wages, falling unemployment, not everything is going smoothly, but they promise to create 12 million new jobs this year. the transformation of production - instability - the prime minister will emphasize, is increasingly external. but she is the one who gets in the way. china will continue to modernize all sectors and strengthen food, technological, and military security. the defense budget will grow by more than 7
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percent, as in the past, but in money it is more than $230 billion foreign reporter i had to remind you that the americans have almost three times more. i consider it necessary to emphasize that compared to major military powers, including the united states, china's defense spending is much higher. we represent small nations and it was important for us to hear what kind of support our culture would have, this allows us all to feel like we are part of one big country. the two sessions will last exactly one week. station, this
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means 14 more wind turbines, there are now 38 in total and the total capacity of the new station is 95 mw. i found out what opportunities the region has bulad shakiev. do you hear these sounds? it turns on us. gondola looking for direction with the wind. this sound, which can even frighten an unprepared person, indicates the normal operation of the mechanism. the last of 14 new buckets began generating energy. rated power. enough for several city streets. each installation is 150 m high and consists of 8.0 parts. to hold this entire structure, especially strong bolts were used. but even so, standing on these stairs, i feel a vibration. put into operation the second stage of the power plant. 38 units for 95 mw, a new project of the state corporation rosatom, located in a very favorable location. just look how well
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the blade spins. all because a strong wind blows in the pores up to 15 m/s, and so here all year round, the armaver wind corridor passes right here. from the point of view of green energy, this is a rich resource base, we were lucky with the infrastructure, the medvezhenskaya armed forces are nearby, we decided not to duplicate some of the communications, we used the existing ones, the same control point, one for two stations. coming here software and hardware complex , the shift manager looks at what is the reason for the shutdown, that is... what active errors were, that is , they can be acknowledged, the so-called, yes, that is, when the error is cleared, it will no longer appear, acknowledge and move on, or further inspection by service personnel is required, maintenance is carried out regularly, perhaps this is due to the high degree of localization of the production of components, so far only 2/3 of the parts are domestic, but in the future they plan to increase this figure to 80%. poloshakiev, evgeny radaev, andrey chestyakov, news from the stavropol territory.
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severe frosts await residents of the north this week ; temperatures will drop to -20 or even 30° in the nenets autonomous okrug, in the koma republic, in the arkhangelsk region, and how the weather will change in our center, let’s check with tatyana antonova and tatya, i hope we don’t expect major snowfalls, or snow in general, in march. evgeniy, for now, if snowflakes are swirling somewhere, then, as they say, it’s not snow yet, mostly the weather is calm, anticyclonic, so in general, in the foreground there are night frosts. well, meanwhile, in siberia, a warm southern wind brings the temperature closer to zero, with only tyva on the side. i'm confident in kazili -10. on european territory, a cold wave will break through to the north of the center. next night in the ivanovo and kostroma regions up to -15, during the day throughout the center -1-6. the thaw is retreating to the south, here it is still up to +15, but on wednesday the balkan cyclone will bring rain; by thursday the temperature in krasnodar and sochi will plummet to +8. in petersburg.
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tomorrow around zero without precipitation in moscow without precipitation at night up to -10 during the day -2-4. it was weather forecast in a country where the sun never sets. only here, in the largest country in the world, could an online bank appear, which is already trusted by more than 40 million customers. tinkov. millions of customers in the largest country in the world. at 16:30 today, don’t miss andrei malakhov’s program. when will you call me? scandal in the family of people's artist vladimir kuzmin. you see footage of his brother’s wife leaving the special detention center 10 days later. dozens of journalists and television cameras meet her only not her own husband. where did you disappear to? brother
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people's artist and what is his wife accusing him of after 10 days of administrative arrest? immediately after the big evening news, the continuation of the anna medium series, all the news is always available on the media platform, watch in the application or on the website, but the news continues to follow the developments of events. stay with us. nato fighter jets landed for the first time at a base in albania, a country that does not have a single operational combat aircraft and handed over a former soviet military airfield to the alliance. about why now this balkan republic decided to become a springboard for nato aircraft from albania.
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report by denis davidov.


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