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tv   Vibori Prezidenta Rossii-2024  RUSSIA1  March 5, 2024 3:00pm-4:01pm MSK

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on russian territorial expansion, and also points to putin's ambitions in the arctic. for many years, the arctic has been a zone of relative calm in cooperation between russia and the west. now finland has joined nato, and sweden is about to do the same. soon, all arctic countries, besides russia, will become members of this military alliance, which will give russia an excuse to expand its military power under the pretext of protecting its borders. exercises are starting in finland, sweden and norway, in which more than 20 thousand soldiers are involved. and the exercises take place against the backdrop of how the entire region is about to become nato territory. the exercises involve submarines, aircraft carriers and fighter jets. these are block exercises that take place every 2 years. but what is unusual about this case is that it involves more than 400 troops from finland, which only joined the bloc last year after decades. neighboring
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sweden has made the same decision and will join the bloc later this month. in the very center of lopland, exercises unfolded, in which 20,000 soldiers from a dozen countries participate. this is the alliance's largest exercise since the end of the cold war. the main goal is to strengthen the response capabilities of the entire bloc against the backdrop of tense relations with moscow. moreover, the exercise zone exceeded 500 km. finnmark is the area where we most expect potential aggression from russia, so it is important for us to conduct the exercise precisely in the area that worries us. well , finally a little holiday has come on a street called dead ends hayley, who won her first prime ministeries against donald trump. washington state, haley received 63%
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of the vote while donald received 33% and received all 19 mandates for the pre-election convention. it is necessary to understand that this is a very, very specific electoral territory, in which support for the democratic party is more than 90%, but only 200 people took part in the current republican primaries. but even this success gave another reason for mockery from donald trump himself, who has already dubbed nicky haley the queen of the washington swamp, where can i say, the results in the district of columbia once again confirm the main goal - to drain the swamp and put america first. haley now has 44 supporters in the upcoming election campaign.
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a lawsuit against trump, all the independent people were sick, so that donald would be banned from participating in the elections. spoiler, the dreams of bandera's followers are not destined to come true. the us supreme court unanimously voted to return trump to the ballot in absolutely all states of america, not only in colorado, but in manny in illinois, all nine judges, and not only republicans, but... but also democrats. biden,
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of course, turned all his obvious attempts to remove trump from the ballot without resorting to murder, giving donald a delightful and completely free publicity. the presidential campaign itself has already sparkled with even brighter colors. absolutely inspired by his triumph, trump made two statements: first: the us supreme court must now confirm his immunity. from criminal prosecution. the second statement is even more hilarious. trump challenged biden to a fair fight and urged not to hide behind prosecutors and judges in an attempt to maintain a seat in the oval office. the current head of the white house is silent for now. well, it’s probably clear what this is connected with, where is jyoti gutsa and donald in an open battle? from a new associated press poll. it turned out that six out of ten
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americans say that they are not confident in biden’s mental abilities, so the hope now really lies... exclusively in the ukrainians. ukranatsik, yevhen diky suddenly declared that the suspension of military assistance from the united states was the work of the ex-president and the current candidate for the post of head of the white house, that is, the tricks of donald trump, and publicly appealed to the terrorist budanov with a demand to eliminate donald trump.
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today, a major decision was made that has large-scale political consequences. the high court has ruled that former president donald trump cannot be removed from the colorado ballot because the state court says he condoned the jan. 6 insurrection. you can't take someone out of the race because that the opponent wants it this way and it has nothing to do with the fact that it is the leading candidate, it doesn't matter if the leading candidate is the candidate or the candidate who is way down in the standings, you
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can't take someone out of the race , only voters can remove a person from the race, and very quickly, but not judges. the decision in two other states also stopped attempts to remove the former president. the three judges, in a separate concurring statement, insist that allowing this measure in colorado will cause chaos in every state. amid the tense political climate, judge amy coney barrett also called on americans to see unity in the unanimous decision. in such circumstances, the statements of the members of the court should reduce, and not increase , the degree of tension in the country. colorado's democratic secretary of state was blunt. criticism of the decision. i believe that, under our constitution, the states should have the power to prohibit rebels from violating their oath of office. the ruling comes a day before super tuesday, the biggest day primary this season, when voters in 15 states, including colorado, will go to the polls.
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on the one hand, voters believe that joe biden is old, you can't argue with that, the man is 81 years old, but for those who are speculating about biden's age and whether he is suitable for the job, i have a question for you, what? in a model of illiberal democracy, urban is said to be heading to a private meeting at trump's club in florida, and they will have something to discuss, such as their sympathy for russian president vladimir putin, which orban courted publicly, and trump praised his, quote, strong control over russia. let's
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welcome the former president's former niece, who is also a clinical psychologist, mary trump. have you ever been surprised or really?
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team, my hero, it's really creepy, if russia takes over ukraine, will it affect you in any way? i do not have any problems. no with russia at all, i have problems with ukraine, it is corrupt. i think it’s just funny when people think that putin is some kind of enemy, he’s doing nothing wrong and does, he just wants to return what was his. but he invaded ukraine, and thousands of people died because of him. i don't care, i don't care. as a veteran, are you concerned about russian aggression extending beyond ukraine? i don't think the problem is putin, i think the problem is zelensky. why?
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most american voters also believe that the economy under president donald trump has been much better than under joe biden. the results of the survey are published by cbs. nearly 2/3 of voters said the economy under trump was not bad. only 38% of respondents share the same opinion about the economy under... the current american president, while
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59% of respondents said that they believe bidenomics is a method of saving the economy under joe biden that is frankly bad; not only the economy, but also suffers from the decisions of the elderly president social sphere, joe’s migration policy no longer hesitates to call a crime against the american people. according to official data alone, during the reign of the self-propelled grandfather , about 7 million illegal immigrants entered the country, but, for example, donald trump himself believes that there are twice as many illegal immigrants, the real figure we have now is probably closer to 15 million, ” he said on social networks. according to his estimates, by the end of joe biden's presidential term, their number will increase to... 20 million. rebellious texas, while, as is known, is preparing to secede. more than 150
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texas politicians signed a document committing to put the interests of the state above the interests of any nation or political entity, that is, the state. the document contains a promise promote the law on a referendum on the independence of texas if the majority of citizens of the state come out with... our dear tucker carloson also spoke in this regard, saying that biden sold his homeland and destroyed the american army, and the usa, according to tucker, will collapse in exactly the same way, how the roman empire collapsed. tycker himself, according to some sources, will be vice president. how did rome fall? historians have been actively discussing this issue for almost 2.0 years. but everyone agrees that one of the reasons is quite obvious: the roman army and its legions were dominated by non-citizens who
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in the end, since they were not loyal to rome, they rebelled against the citizens. so, with that in mind, consider a set of facts: the united states has been inundated with tens of millions of illegal immigrants , at least 7.2 million according to official statistics since president joe biden took office, a number larger than the population of some states.
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white men. so the us military attacks white men. it's us against you, white men. and it turns out that many white men no longer want to serve in the military. who would have thought? exists problem with conscripting american citizens who were born here to defend their country. we'd rather allow the country to be invaded, not use the army to stop it, and then fill the army with the people who invaded and hope for the best. wow
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wow! the barrier is installing a new cone-shaped metal device, a conical point overhanging the mexican side, but human rights activists warn that even with this new wall design, migrants will find a way around it. we are still seeing an increase in the number people who fall off the border wall and seek medical attention. if they fall on the mexican side, we
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simply won't have any information on how dangerous this new contraption might be. "we were on the river bank before dawn with the texas national guard, and we could hear people screaming before we could see their faces. it wasn't until we got closer that we realized how many people had just crossed over from mexico. the soldiers told them that it's dangerous to pass through here. help us, they begged. some women shouted: “ we have children.” we heard groans we saw this young man caught in the wire he kept walking keep calm they told each other as families dragged their children through the fence
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governor abbott claims the federal government has failed in its responsibilities to the states some have heard echoes. which the texans faced in 1836. these days we are called to make a decision. will we surrender before the destruction of our freedom or let's defend our fundamental right to self-government. friends, use this special day to take a moment to reflect on those who were here before us, who put everything on the line in the fight for independence, and then commit yourselves to the same
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cause with the same passion, zeal and patriotism that they did. happy independence day texas. no either, ukraine is probably passing by again. so the transport minister is going to spend this insane amount of money on lgbt+ public awareness. of course, this is probably not even surprising anymore, after the gay sappers,
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which will have to clear mines in ukraine, it is still important to record. will this all end? really bad, in great tradition , for example, a pedophile said that he was a woman, a so-called woman, actually a man, caught in the toilet, where a biological man was spying on normal women, when the pervert was tied up, it didn’t end there, in his apartment , video footage of sexual abuse of children was found, but as you and i know, that for... an ordinary person, prison, then for binary honor and respect, this is exactly what the british pedophile decided to play on, when he was taken to the police station, he... told everyone that he was a woman, there was nothing to judge him for. at the same time, fashion week is taking place in paris, rainbow fountains are also flowing with all their might,
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the vivian westwoot brand presented its looks for the fall, winter 24, 2025 season, look, this is exactly how modern men who keep up with the times should dress. the main star of the show was smith himself, openly.
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sam smith appeared on the runway during the show viven westwoot in paris, and was not part of andres krontiler's ensemble for viven westwith, which... captivated the audience, this collection demonstrated westwood's skill and ability to work with different directions, her show was truly rebellious. god, just as funny as this passage were the media reports that said that during fashion week, sam smith walked as he wants, regardless of the criticism of the haters, they ate everyone, i say they, because sam smith identifies himself . only in plural among them,
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smith's presence on the runway in daring outfits that defied traditional gender norms sparked both admiration and controversy, highlighting his fearlessness. this watershed moment is not only a victory in the fight for inclusive fashion, but also a significant step towards normalizing genderfluidity in the public eye. these bold fashion choices not only highlight smith's personal journey, but reflect a broader desire for diversity and acceptance in the fashion industry. taking to the podium, smith broke stereotypes, inviting viewers to reconsider their ideas of beauty and identity. i 've had crushes on a lot of straight guys, but i never had the chance. crazy longing for a guy who was heterosexual, and it really depressed me. despite widespread support,
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smith's fashion risk did not go unnoticed, with social media filled with mixed reactions from praise for the boldness to unfounded criticism and misgendering. their decision to walk the catwalk, especially in such an attractive outfit, serves as a powerful statement against hate and a beacon of hope. for those who are trying to find acceptance in their identity. sam smith's entry into the high fashion scene is not just a personal triumph, it is a cultural breakthrough. by expressing his true self in such a public, powerful setting, smith challenges the industry and society at large to embrace diversity. well, there's breaking news right now. kaya kala said: this is estonia’s premiere, if someone doesn’t know, russia may attack nato in 3 years. refers to intelligence data, according to which moscow plans to deploy twice as many troops at the borders of the baltic countries than before the start of the conflict in ukraine. so
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russia, says kaya kalas herself, plans to create a new army corps with a base in petrozavodsk to cover the borders with aggressive finland, well, that is, this is the russian response to joining.
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they don’t want to see kaya kalas among the european deputies because of her aggression, she likes to eat russians for breakfast in the figurative sense of the word, so kaya publishes porridge with blueberries and writes: “dear readers politico." you could laugh at this if it weren’t for the war. it’s also interesting, here it is, a bigger mess to see what they eat in nato. the leak of a recording of conversations between high-ranking bundesfern officers about plans to hit the crimean bridge made it even more unlikely to receive kiev taurus missiles, everything is also reported politically. we are transported to the front, where it doesn’t matter whether the missiles are delivered or not, you and i will have to win, and i hope, in the near future, the head of our lugansk
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bureau. kolya, hello, we look, hello, on the avdeysky front, things seem to be going well, today there is also a sensation, everything that zelensky gave instructions to build as a defense has not yet been completed, the construction of something has not even begun, in this regard, where are we going and in what are we going to do, where are the next ones? vso checkpoint. yes, olga, now there is indeed a very high level of combat activity along most of the front, and the avdievskoye direction is now a hot area where our units advance every day, but there are really no ukrainian formations there they manage to gain a foothold, but do not have time to build a new line of defense, it feels like they
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were hoping to hold on. for a very long time and did not effectively prepare the next line of defense, as well as the advancement of the direction from kremennaya, as well as the advancement of the kupinsk direction, our fighters are moving forward, we see that now the next movement in the donbass is the liberation of those areas in the donetsk people's republic that are still remain under the control of the ukrainian neo-nazi regime, this is primarily the slavic-kramator. agglomeration to it is already essentially there are just two directions, one is from the territory there of solidar, artyomovsk and the northern task, obvious, if you look at the map, you can see that the city of seversk, which is essentially the key on the western side to the slavic-kramatorsk agglomeration, it is already in in such a half-coverage, it remains for a long time , and there our units little by little continue to squeeze these...
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huge pincers, there is a fairly large enemy group, and also our units are approaching from the southern direction, just the liberation of avdiivka, this is an opportunity to further increase the security of the residents of donetsk and just move towards kramatorsk from the southern side, this is where the most intense fighting is now and obviously the next attempts by ukrainian military formations. to make the next line of defense, the slavic-kramatorsk agglomeration is quite large, the terrain and buildings there are quite complex, so they obviously tried to strengthen themselves there, especially since certain fortifications have already been built there since 2014 , they are now being built, but that line, that territory , which now separates our units from these populated areas, the ukrainian
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formations there... cannot effectively, but obviously they will not be able to, they are gradually retreating, well , snarling, yes, but they cannot act effectively, not only that the enemy’s offensive potential has sharply decreased with the elimination of, in fact, the main elite part of the units, their defensive potential is gradually decreasing, therefore , including in other areas that are still relatively calm, but the enemy is now trying to convulse.
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how can they correct this mistake? they can give the analysis this total purge. as far as i understand, they want to fire almost everyone important. circumstances, yes, the statement was made after a conversation with austin, well, you know, here is the fight against zaluzhny’s legacy, here is an attempt to install his people, perhaps personally loyal, yes, in order to be able to somehow be more manageable, maybe just loyalty, moreover, i’m sure that those generals who will be fired, they may be happy about this, they will be saved from the situation in which they could find themselves in the near future anyway, besides, well, this is also a game on - let's say, public opinion within the army, because the ukrainian formations, retreating and suffering huge losses , they understand that it is the leadership
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that throws them into the meat grinder, essentially for slaughter, and there is a certain level of discontent among the soldiers there, junior officers, senior command staff, and sirsky in this sense, well, sort of goes for... populist in this sense measures, and as for their mistakes, here , in principle, there’s a lot that can be explained, but essentially they don’t have the opportunity in any case, no matter how they try to behave differently there, change tactics, saturate the units with personnel recruited there on the streets in stores, it’s still actually a machine of the ukrainian neo-nazi regime, it’s a military machine... it’s still globally ineffective against the russian one, one way or another , defeat, we see how our units are now advancing, in any case, defeat of the enemy is inevitable, here the generals are like that don’t worry, they can, with a certain level
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of imported support there, slow down this process, but they can’t cancel or change the ending, so now, in fact, their task is to delay the time, to prolong it. at least some more time, counting on maybe some political processes or luck, well , i don’t know what, but there is an obvious understanding in the military environment, certainly uh, including on the other side of the front, that the defeat of the ukrainian formations is inevitable, they are now, accordingly, trying to simply e this process delay if possible. thank you very much, nikolai, our war correspondent, nikolai dolgachev, the front line is in direct contact. as for attempts to improve the situation in the war, but more and more, firstly, there is talk about total, global, whatever you call it, general, comprehensive mobilization, zelensky gave the task of finding another
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700 thousand soldiers, where they will look, as the ukrainian glossy seems to hint magazine "wok", where on the cover they placed a beauty, a woman in... military clothes, in a military, actually uniform, there is a t-shirt, trousers, military style, she laughs, she’s a pretty girl, that is , she popularizes in every possible way the idea that war is normal for women too. right now, breaking news is coming on the main topic of recent days, the very leak of plans to destroy the russian bridge. the head of the german ministry of defense, here he is pistorius. he just announced that he held negotiations with the allies after intercepting a conversation between officers, they claim that trust in germany has not been undermined. well, what else did he have to say?
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pistorius also said that this is not about hacking communication channels, but that is, this is not a systemic puncture, we are talking about one of the employees. an independent bridge between russia and the rest of the west, which many of us hoped for, that is, to play the same role that daigol’s france played in its time. if some kind of conflict breaks out between us and the americans, as they laughed at in the seventies,
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the french are already setting the table at the elysee palace to prepare for negotiations. germany could take the same role. instead , germany chose the second option, a different role. become a pillar of the united states against russia, this is where we are now discussing the 2+4 agreement, it is not for nothing that the question is being discussed:
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it has four basic restrictions on sovereignty: the first is a ban on holding referendums on military-political issues, the second is mandatory consultations with the victorious powers , including us on all foreign policy issues, the third is a restriction on the composition and limits of the bundeswehr, and the fourth is a ban on demanding the withdrawal of foreign troops from one’s territory. by the way, we... the soviet union signed the treaty about the unilateral withdrawal of troops, this
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was our voluntary gesture of goodwill, and they have no right to demand from the americans or the british. therefore, in germany there have always been , so to speak, two parties, or rather two groups. the first said: it is necessary to abolish restrictions on sovereignty, then this is friendship with russia, the second said, don’t, we will be at the tail end of american politics and they will give us the east for economic development as a bonus.
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maria zakharova’s statement that we cannot
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be intimidated, we take note that russia says that the denazification of germany is not complete. now they will start screaming , for sure, russia is threatening us with some kind of denazification, give us the right to have an army as a support for nato’s eastern flank, and at the same time they are restoring their sphere of influence, today, amid all these screams, they have already begun to patrol the baltic states, that is, these are exactly those traditional ... spheres of influence, as the germans outlined them for themselves at the end of the 19th century, they are beginning to restore them step by step, that is, to summarize, they are creating the groundwork to escape from the restrictions sovereignty , the situation there is even more piquant, the same air force commander is patrolling the baltics, that is , the commander of the luftwaf, who was a participant in the leaked conversation, one of those who planned a strike on the crimea... that is, we were shown that we can do this, mr. ingo
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gerharts, he wanted to hit the bridge, yes, they showed us that we can talk about it calmly, we no longer recognize obligations to the victorious powers, in fact, we are thus crossing out the results of 1945 and starting a completely new one history, that’s actually what they showed us, and now a little... i think, to american affairs, i just can’t , as a postscript, two words, not just for a second, yes, so that it doesn’t seem like it’s some kind of drunken freaks, as it now turns out, were chatting on the phone in a singapore bathhouse.
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every time the radical left democrats, marxists, communists and fascists accuse me, i take it as an honorable award, i bear the blame for you, i stand before you today, not only as your ex, i hope
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future president, because we will quickly turn this country in a different direction, but also as a proud political dissident, i am a dissident and i am proud, i am proud of this country. the news comes from this crazy briefing boris pistorius said that we will not allow this hybrid attack from russia to intimidate us, that is, they want to hit the crimean bridge, but the hybrid attack is still coming from our country, logical, logical, it is absolutely clear that we should not, that we should be consistent in our intelligence, eliminate weak points, eliminate consequences. but we must do this with prudence and unity, well, in this way he sends greetings to the nato people who are obviously up in arms right now in berlin, he also reported that a russian spy or some other unauthorized person who works for the russians was not connected
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to this vex conference, this is not an insidious game that putin is playing here, there are no... events, it’s even somehow awkward to remember the project of uniting europe from lisbon to vladivostok, i’ll just remind you that some 12 years ago european, russian politicians. they talked about the implementation of this project, it was economically profitable, it was beneficial from any point of view, it was beneficial, of course, to all
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countries and people living in europe, but in reality it was a combination of western technologies with russian resources, it was actually a death sentence for the united states states of america , i think this was one of the reasons, if not the main reason for all that we have actually witnessed today, what we are discussing now...
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based on our interests absolutely consciously, i’m even, i’m even scared imagine how many agents of influence, not to mention direct agents who are built into the very system of management and decision-making in europe, are there on the part of the americans or the british, i don’t even dare to imagine it, but in general it should be in fact, a serious signal to german society, first of all, who really decides the issue of war and peace? political leadership , what if we proceed from the fact that the military there is on the sidelines, outside of germany, because
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germany, or is it still being decided somewhere they are discussing the topic of a strike, a possible strike on the crimean bridge, yes, then if this happened, then germany would inevitably be drawn into the war, so the question is whose question is, the agents of influence who work, direct agents of the west, or who makes these decisions , but certainly not political leadership. because i, for example, sincerely believe that the germans do not have a great desire to fight with the russians, i believe in this, but this is not a question of faith or not, yes, the question is who controls the situation, who influences the processes, if not at all to adequately respond to this kind of challenge, then not today, tomorrow this may lead to the fact that some kind of special operation may still work, and this will lead to inevitable, inevitable consequences for germany itself. now about ukraine, you know, they found an ingenious solution, the cabinet of ministers of ukraine found an ingenious
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solution, who, who should be called upon first, mobilized, who needs, needs, needs to gather 5,000 people, they say, let us based on the average salary of a person, yes and the amount of taxes paid, that is, you pay less taxes, your wages are lower , you go first of all to fight, but i come back to that maidan, where it all started, and i think, these are the people who stood there on the maidan for 100 dollars, for 100 dollars they put it there on the maidan, apparently these 100 dollars were paid to these people for their right in the future to go die for those who stood on the stage of the maidan, well, it turns out like this, it turns out like that, so i see these are all the repressive actions from the outside zelensky, and his purge. in the army , these are these methods of mobilization, this whole story is not about ukraine, this is a story about the ukrainian government, which wants
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to stay in this power at all costs for as long as possible, but i just don’t understand one thing, we just talked, discussed the topic rotation, and everything else among the generals, but i just think, tell me, is this a motivation to show oneself at the front or, on the contrary , demotivates people to show themselves somehow, why, because? right there there in the field and there somewhere in these trenches there are soldiers and these are people who see all this before their eyes, this is all happening, there was a military general and who, maybe somewhere, was not able to complete the task, not because he didn’t want to yes, but because it didn’t work out in the army, so at the front in the war it happens, bam they remove him, he says no, he’s not worthy , let’s remove him, another one comes , tell him what his motivation is, he understands that it was a politically motivated decision, zelensky is already running out. this is the political elite, what’s the point for them to take any part there at all, to express themselves in some way, you know, that is, well, i think that in
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fact we’re not talking about the army here either, again we’re talking about zelensky. and about power, because he believes that, in fact, by installing people loyal to himself everywhere, he will ensure complete security for himself, i am convinced that he will not, he has no opportunity, absolutely, i am convinced of this, to be re-elected, reappointed, to usurp power for a long time, to retain this power , there is really no chance at all, but the change of this political elite will be much harsher. than this happened before , including all two maidans, i think this political elite will bear very, well, let’s say, very serious responsibility for everything that happened in the country, because this political elite has not caught the interests of just some individual social groups , everyone without exception, from the oligarchs to the last village somewhere in the lviv region, and this
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is what we see today in cemeteries, this will be a death sentence for them sooner or later...
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this is a starry night, where you and i, this stellar night, his voice is recognized, thank you very much for a happy childhood, the whole hall sings, he is remembered and loved, i know what you see, you hear, you smile, i feel better... thank you yura, thank you for everything, a big concert for the fiftieth anniversary of yuri shatunov , on saturday on rtr,
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did you get enough sleep? you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for my words, hero of my time, beauty, rapping, the whole team, only on the platform, look, we go to the doctor, we take up a lot of his time with empty complaints, and we don’t go to the doctor, when you really need to go
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forewarned is forearmed, by any means. there is a flip side with the most necessary knowledge - health. we dispel myths, help you find out the truth, how to act? to land well, you need to warm up beforehand. what should you pay attention to? there should be a pill for each risk factor. where to look for help? you only need five ingredients that will benefit your entire body. two decades pass from the onset of the disease to its manifestation , so get examined. the whole family needs it. the most important information from the most competent sources. take care of your complex body. take care of yourself and stay healthy. about the most important things, from monday to thursday on rtr. here is a kept woman, she hasn’t worked a day,
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she lives on her husband’s money. we look at the weekend, i think i’m a mistress, and on our bed, either you leave, or we are with the children, clearly, remember, you are empty without me. what the hell are you doing here, mom may be on rtr on saturday, men congratulate women
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, sing only for them, what gifts did the son give from the street, brought a snake, beauties, cherries, princesses. special holiday issue on march 8 on rtr. so, on the eve of march 8, putin addressed the participants of the all-russian women's forum. the president congratulated the fair sex on the upcoming holiday. putin said that...
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your qualities are responsibility, careful consideration of any issue, wisdom, and balanced decisions. i will add that 40% of russian leaders are women, they achieve impressive results. i know that the award winners will be awarded at the forum, i will invite you. woman's heart, including participants in a special military operation. hundreds of women are on the contact line today, these are doctors and nurses,
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military personnel of various specialties, among the laureates are women who help our fighters, these are the organizers and active participants in volunteer brigades. thank you for your service, for your perseverance and courage, for your mercy and responsiveness. and spiritual generosity. russian troops continue to push into the ssu, in a western direction, the minister just told baron shaig. he noted that after the flight of the ukrainians militants from avdeevka, the russian army did not allow them to gain a foothold on the very line where they supposedly built a defense line. the border is called petrovskaya lastochkina and northern. our western wars are demonstrating that the enemy is not allowed to create a new line of defense.


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