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tv   Anna Medium  RUSSIA1  March 5, 2024 9:20pm-10:20pm MSK

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year, this speech formalized only the situation that had developed since the summer of forty -five, when they bombed japan with nuclear weapons, sending a signal to us, here, but in principle, a few days later stalin actually wrote in the newspaper that this was the replacement of one highest race to another, hitlerite, german, yes, anglo-saxon, churchillian.
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assumed, in their opinion, well, it gave birth in the most so to speak places, which is not what we are seeing now, they need, well, to present something to themselves and their population, including ukraine, so i think that we will hear fultanov’s speech in the near future, well, it’s like a new one, i don’t know who the author will be, we must hear it. here comes the caribbean crisis, i’m afraid of only one thing, the main thing is that we don’t miss it , because in the current situation it may, well , things will turn out that balancing on the brink and some kind of negotiations may simply not happen, primarily due to the fact that that the other side is in a weakly sane state, absolutely weakly sane, i understand them.
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if anyone remembers, doesn’t remember, i’ll tell you, she stood alone without anyone, representatives of the kiev authorities at night on sofia square, there was...
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a decision, well, for which victoria is not suitable, did she ask there, not herself, it doesn’t matter, because the very fact that in vika resigned, who completely created the maidan situation and, starting from the twelfth year, she is the direct general manager of the entire situation in ukraine, well, it was before...
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again, odessa authors, yes, odessa authors are remembered here in this matter, but for sure suitable, suitable, therefore - i think that behind this there is still some change of stage and a change of approach, you remembered about all sorts of literature, i remembered something else from my godfather, when the irish concierge was sent to rest, they said: don’t be offended, tom, but you are not suitable for the role of conselieri during the war, but something like that.
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to put it in concrete terms, everything should burn around eurasia, including europe, europe should fight, there should be a war in the middle east, china should be drawn into the war, america - no, only when a situation arises in which they can take decisive actions to establish their power, then they will enter, this concept remains for now.
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korea and china, and tix calmly explained that they would have to fight not only with the russian army, well, there are now 1,150 there. north korean volunteers, well, for china 150,000 is nothing, 10-15 million chinese volunteers, a large number of iranian volunteers, yes, yes, i understand that maybe all this will not be needed, but i would conclude an agreement, well so that the french or some other germans don’t have the feeling, well, at least in one parameter, you’re right, you know which one, they really like to discuss two numbers, one number, by the way, i demonstrated this. this dunce , who plays the role of the general staff in britain, radakin, says:
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that means our economy is like this with zeros, you see zeros, but it’s not zeros, it’s the economy, we tell him he’s a fool, these are zeros, which is what you have economics, it will become clear later, but they keep their population, well, yes, here we have it there are 28 such zeroes, and the russians have only eight, now let's count how many the population has, the population, that means, 600 billion
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from the cia burns, no, well, he's not in the state department, well, he was in the state department,
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i don't know now, but i don’t think he speaks russian either, what do you mean? like you and me, like you and i says, well, like we definitely don’t, well, like you say, no, no, he speaks russian very well, because i see that there were mcfaul and nuland, rabid russophobes for whom war with russia was a personal issue, owned in russian, that is, they were just crazy about this topic, well now... what was removed, well, first mcfaul fell quite a long time ago, now the fact that they were expelled to yakusia, it was so ideological, i don’t know, but for vekusia it was generally still.
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so in general, so to speak, honest, the whole family, it either just uses this half-cal and blinkina said, grandma, everything you said, all your forecasts, all your recommendations, did not work, i say, the level of expertise is beyond , so come on, sit on the broom parked, according to my assumptions, that it will be the responsible failures who will appoint her; the ukrainian political system has just appointed a specialist in drainage. yes , so i think that this was the main task , which now, maybe, not not, not directly, well, it will fail, so for this kind of work we’ll take it, another thing, send it to a neighboring country, yes, there, there too can be used, that’s probably what explains the sudden resignation
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that she submitted and they probably just said, although the appeal itself, i looked at...
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eh, i don’t understand anything, what’s going on here? why did you come, what did you find in your office with a piece of paper, a message about divorce, what kind of stupid joke is this? this is not a joke, this is your new reality , it was erased from your own life, now we have nothing, no car, no house, i don’t have... a business or a husband, so it’s time to build a new one, tell me, you’ve seriously decided to get promoted from scratch, i want to prove that it’s impossible to drown me, the stable is on fire, what is this, andrey, where, where is andrey, i’ll start everything from started on march 8, on rtr. the floor is shaking
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, the walls are shaking, big changes have come, in the new season with a new renovation, a slight movement of the hand, we are making three different functional zones from this room, absolutely without faces, ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be plenty of surprises and there is a lot of work, plans are turning into projects before our eyes. and i adore plants, i’m generally a plant maniac, real stone flowers will soon bloom in the living room of our heroes, after dismantling much will become clear, and dreams become a reality, as you see , let them into your home, big changes
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, every sunday on... ter this is for you, well, get some sleep, gentlemen, just a minute, attention, today is a big day, a big holiday, dashing, it’s been a long time since we’ve been together haven’t seen each other, cocky, well, you know, for every cool fighter he’ll find an even cooler one. fell in love with them, but who is good for you, your wife or your boys, don’t ask stupid questions now, he still loves them , are you responsible for your own? words, i am always responsible for my words, heroes of my time, beauty, repin, the whole team, only
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on the platform we look , here is one of... but in fact , the americans have that missile of the same class, in principle there are more of them than the germans , why is it actually beyond the scope of this discussion ? the same same class of air and ground, the same as towers, in fact, but they are not talking...
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that’s in vain, there is a very large air force base there, a nuclear submarine base, we must take revenge for the fact that the airfield,
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which was named after stalin, is now used in albania by nato for their own needs, and today is the anniversary of the death of the great leader, by switching russia to ukraine, and through ukraine to europe, they are thereby removing russia from the pacific level of the east. you can deal with china, apparently , they didn’t have enough spirit , but the fact is that the europeans are really preparing, but the truth is that there is an expectation of a close war, if you were counting on the option of attacking alaska, which are cut off from the main territory of america.
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back home, it’s no coincidence that americans call ice crimea, okay, okay, there hawaii is ours, you know my preference, you don’t, don’t translate again, it’s generally boots, laces, laces, boots, let’s look directly, well, that’s what... they will look for, war is the economy, the economy is this includes money, the main thing is to accept the concept, this is european, this is a european strategy, and then
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pull up various resources to match it. and the main thing is to bring into the minds of europeans that social programs are over, they are over, yes, but there are no resources, you know, europeans don’t really want it accepting, on green energy , how do you launch a metallurgical plant, and i think that the elections in june of this year will show that europeans do not entirely agree with this concept, parting with their social programs, oh well, who is asking them, not me i believe that europeans will no longer have social programs. so he took a piece of bread, broke it in half, gave one half to the ukrainian, the other to the american , you don’t need anything, well , who told you that someone would give it to the ukrainian, but who will ask them, they give it if if europeans are not outraged by the fact that they are constantly being pulled out of their pockets , no one knows for what, if they are not embarrassed that they are controlled by the proteges of the rochald macrons, if they are not embarrassed that they are governed by someone unknown who appointed the entire german government, which the people
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do not choose, some comrades bet. for ukraine, then went into their pockets, correctly poses the question that were collected if someone looks, for example, at the standard of living of ursula funderlein of the rest of the european bureaucratic bastard, there is nowhere to put tests, this is thief on thief chase, but you went through all this in vain, she did everything, she served her family, you know, and yes, of course, this is an important point, the family is big, yes, yes, biden has a big family, and then, what... now they say that they are transferring to europe, this is really so, the europeans, europe, are now responsible for us, there is an idea that europe has something to fight with, so when you talk about war in the near future, than europe will go to war, even if, as you again say , there is no gunpowder, well, first of all, that’s what it will be europe can fight, i understand, i can imagine how the united states can fight, with what and with whom, no, with what, with what, you know, with whom you can
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catch up, that’s what i said. i’ll make a conscription, 4.0 germans will be under arms, 4.00, well, yes, they’re going to conscript like this, well, it’s scary, they’re going straight to ukraine at first, at first, then they will, then they will develop further, well 4.00 4 days and no, well, yes, what difference does it make, the main thing is to instill, to introduce the idea that conscription can be returned, that it was canceled, and now it can be returned, social. social mood in society there were people in the west, but i wasn’t , well, there was a pink bear and that i only went there on a tank, by the way, i was there in fusen on a tank, but it’s true, you see, but i’m somehow my friends they called, they say, there’s a marathon in berlin, a famous one, i say, i’m ready, but only for tanks first, they’ll agree before that, we’ll have to liberate, i again
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can’t agree with you, because. from slavery, you have some strange concept, you have sarmatians flying for years, there is no need for tanks there anymore, no, just then tanks, after the format there are no tanks, no, tanks are needed after that, because tanks have a high level of radiation protection, so it’s very convenient to drive a tank in some cases, well, like over a broken brick, there i think that with bricks will also be a problem , okay, dusty, well, that is, radiation dust, but why would you drive through radiation dust and see how...
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a conflict arises, and i understand it, because i am in the field of work, where there are also artistic images are needed, uh, and you generally understand, so i allow myself not a good phrase, dear tv viewers, that everything that is happening now was actually predicted by karin georgivich in the white tiger, and this is really terribly sad, i advise you
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to watch it again... this is a brilliant film by karvich, sorry for speaking in person. thank you, thank you, yes, no, no, well, to be honest, for those who know history, love it, who strain some of their own. mental capabilities, this was obvious 30 years ago already, so strictly speaking, in this sense, unfortunately, this is so, and indeed, this an inevitable clash with the west, it had to happen, in general , there is nothing new here, by and large , if you rummage through our history, look... you see, stalin’s speeches have already begun to be quoted, who would have thought since the ninety- first year , who would have thought that we would remember iosifionovich, this does not negate the complexity of his figure, but it does not negate
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his insight, of course, as for - yes, firstly, an interesting point, after all, i observed it, so you showed vladimir vladimirovich , here in stavropol, yes, this is it these... here we are somehow against the backdrop of those really dramatic events, war, not war, it seems to me that we are not very aware of what interesting changes are taking place in our country, by the way, it is quietly creeping into socialism, in general- then, in fact , everything that happens is clear that all these enterprises are all government investments, national projects, the opening of schools, roads, what?
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completed the task of quickly modernizing the country and winning the great patriotic war, but this is not the only model of socialism, there is a completely different one, we we see china, we see that russia is changing the economic model of the country, yes, it
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combines the market, but it combines a lot of socialism, i think what kind of socialism is the future, because the same thing is happening in the west, quietly -quietly, by the way and...
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absolutely, so it’s very interesting that everything that’s happening and somehow it needs to be described, i’m comprehending it quietly quietly and but, but it’s moving, and we see the results, actually, actually- then the results, and we see very interesting results, this is very important,
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now as for the war, actually, strictly speaking, the west started the war at the moment when it had already seized our assets, and seized 300 billion dollars, well, actually this is... beli’s incident, what else is needed, in general, what is needed for the war is this is already a war, without any reason, let’s say, strictly speaking, russia entered into a conflict with ukraine, but this absolutely does not mean that other countries should seize your assets, by the way, in my opinion, this is the first time in world history , that is, they directly announced themselves, yes, the second one, of course, is an explosion, blowing up the northern streams, well, what is this , this is an act of war, in general, no one really hides the fact that they did it, as the president told carlson directly that you did it, you did it, and in general, no one.
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some form of answer had to be found, in this
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sense, the example of the soviet union, which during the period of its power, it answered everything, but it answered anything, you shot down a plane in the far east, and we will shoot it down, then in fact they shot down planes in once, then there was an unspoken war going on, the americans shot down, they shot down ours, there was an answer to everything, you are our intelligence officer, and we are yours there too.
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macrons and so on, i think, after all , we listen to their statements all the time, read their press, we forget about what, by the way, carlson also recently listened to, said, what are you talking about, the entire western press is under control, but this is said by a well-known journalist who knows what he is talking about, so... they say it’s not a fact that this
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is being done in order to voice some internal messages, but most likely this is in order to cast fog and what -create misinformation about us, like me it seems that, therefore, in this sense, their endless macron’s statements, let us fight, but yes, this is something similar to regen’s stellar one.
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they seem to have isolated us from the west for sure, in principle they can wait, they, they, of course, their main hope is that over time this will somehow... affect the mood of our population, this is their main calculation, they need it, they need races, but it can affect the mood of their population, well, they have farmers, well, we look at it from our side, and they look at it from their side, then from their point of view it is clear the information that they receive from
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our dissidents, in their opinion, time will help them with this, in our opinion. it will help us, of course, both sides are in this state, but i mean, we must understand their motives, if their motives are like that, then they absolutely do not need a war, let us fog up that we will start, here we are why, what's the point, they need to destroy russia from the inside, they definitely need to do this, because without russia they are china, in two, therefore... this will not happen, but this does not mean that everything else will not happen, so the main thing, as
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they say, is that the consolidation of society is still a win in ukraine, a victory is 100%. ask! the west is indeed now balancing on the brink of negotiations on the brink of a big war, and it outweighs this probability of a big war. foreign affairs has now published an article by two political scientists, one at the rent corporation, the other at the european center. international research, they write together that rather than start negotiations on the conflict in ukraine, and they themselves write that serious negotiations are now impossible, and draw a paradoxical conclusion, these are the minds, maybe start negotiations for the sake of negotiations, so that the negotiations just go on, continue, since they don’t know languages,
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it’s clear for what purpose, and reading this, analyzing, it’s amazing what they have come to, that is... usa, john dalis, brother of the same dalis who headed the cia, this was in the middle of the 20th century. and he openly said that america must follow this concept, this doctrine, if america does not follow it adhere, then we are lost, he said about the americans, but he himself continued that if we overexert a little, then the likelihood of a big war, it is always very high, if
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you follow this doctrine, but the americans are now following this doctrine, and what is happening in the east of europe. .. this is clearly evidenced by what is happening in the middle east, and especially in the persian gulf zone, they are balancing on the brink of a big war, on the brink of the possibility of a big war between lebanon and israel, between iran and israel, the participation of countries is possible the west in these wars, at the same time they are trying to pretend that they are negotiating. that is, with one hand they are adding fuel to the fire, with the other hand they seem to be negotiating, neither one nor the other is working out well, and america is sending conflicting signals, especially the biden administration now, even trump, with all his absurdity, he was somehow clearer , more clearly, yes, he made a lot of mistakes, but it was
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often clear what he wanted for the outside world, maybe for the internal institutions of america trump. was more dangerous, but for the outside peace, it was, paradoxically , more predictable, and the biden administration, it is very contradictory, look at israel, they seem to have now achieved, approached the likelihood of a truce, but then in cairo this truce is again being disrupted, that is, it is so and it didn’t work, they flirt with netanyahu, but immediately accept a member of the military cabinet... this is israel benegan, sending these contradictory signals, they put everyone in a stupor, that’s what it is.
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occurred in the houthi area of ​​responsibility; in any case, no one doubts this happens because the americans and british
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periodically bomb the coast of yemen, and the houthis periodically respond, and look what a monster america is, yes, the houthis continue their resistance, but these are really strange paradoxes of current american policy, which leads us to... to the fact that this is said by a retired man, he is not responsible for anything, but historians already unearthed that he
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reported on his speech to the then british government, he showed his draft to truman, truman was sitting in the hall, truman sat in the hall, read, as the legend says, and truman, a few years after that, put forward his doctrine, the famous one. said that, proposing quite openly to use force against the russians , against the soviet union, he said: we need
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to do it now, when he was asked why, he said, but because what they are also working on will not appear in their country soon, and about eight years later, he meant atomic weapons, he was mistaken in his calculations, the soviet union had an atomic bomb much earlier, for example. then and this stopped, after 3 years the usa, and it stopped the uk, only this can stop those who wander on the edge of the abyss and threaten to drag us there, bravo, advertising, someone is trying to do something for you. it’s important to inform the prime minister on rtr through the water, a man has disappeared like canal water, i’m absolutely
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sure that something bad has happened to your daughter, you need to talk to ostrovskaya, no, i ’m sick, they’re offering me an operation, but do you think everything will work out, anna medium, tomorrow on rtr, dad imagined that i would have a completely different husband, and how many more ahead? i foresaw my fate, now
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everything is just coming true, i surrender everything, with joy, let’s give it to everyone. we wave our hands when everyone is at home with timur kizikov, on sunday on rtr, are you inviting me to your theater, i’m inviting you, sash, forgive me, yes, i’m a bastard, how could you. have you just arrived? uh-huh, yes, me, nadya, valya, came to conquer moscow, who are you? and i’m lena, his wife, are you waiting for someone? yes, you, why? i would like to invite you to a restaurant. that's it, dear, i'll bring nadya back. misha, get out. i want to return
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to you, to seryozha. leave me and seryozha in peace. i'm not going to make any more mistakes. women, on saturday on rtr. ask. well.
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but literally just about now, or it will still begin after some time, in 2-3 years, because judging by the articles that you said, according to the reports of various kinds of american analytical centers, i have already spoken about the stimson center , there , in general, we are talking about the fact that we need a break, we need to replenish reserves, even in this sixty billion, so to speak, money that they were going to allocate to ukraine, and i hope they will not allocate, but 30 billion is coming. the united states to make up for what they gave to ukraine, so this is immediately , so to speak, a significant amount, and that’s what they are now publishing, that detente is needed, that new negotiations are needed , that that it is necessary to analyze the experience of military operations in ukraine, taking into account this experience to reach some milestones related to military operations, this is completely obvious, and it seems to me that this is already
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the second point of view that we still need to take some... pause, you need to analyze, you need to strengthen yourself and after a while to begin, so to speak, an active policy in the direction of war, it is more realistic, because the events in east, southeast asia show that today the united states is not yet ready to start a big war with china, they are actively preparing for this, we see the formation of the military bloc of the philippines , japan, the united states, we see aucos, we see... the formation of a new military bloc, which japan, south korea, the united states, that is, the mass of all kinds of military blocs that they are creating, is literally today now a very interesting osian summit is taking place with australia, while the australians , you know, this is how the philippines acted as a proxy ally and carried out american policy, the formation of military blocs,
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a military bloc, as if taking the main efforts, now... said , what do we say, well, there is a green economy, there are a lot of other topics, but the main topic is maritime security issues, and he says that these security issues are under threat, because a certain country is conducting completely provocative, there is aggressiveness there and such actions clearly mean china; moreover, australia has now announced that it will give asia 186 million dollars for military construction, first of all. business went to indonesia , talked with the future, apparently president probov, now they are talking about preparing a defense alliance,
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what does this mean, this means that the caucuses, because australia are already two countries in southeast asia, the philippines and indonesia in one way or another degrees will participate in military construction in this region, that is, in fact, the americans are splitting asian and the new most important countries are pulling them towards them, if we add to this that, for example , this quad, where they don’t like fashion so much, foren afs recently published a very interesting article, where the americans say that fashion is hindering the economic growth of india, which is already... as if it does not correspond, why? yes, because it does not correspond to their interests, because fashion clearly stands for traditional indian politics, when, so to speak, indian interests come first, that’s all
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the rest is unimportant, but they are also trying to involve india in this matter , that is, a very active process is underway, while at the same time they are putting pressure on china, yesterday another philippine caravan moved towards this unfortunate ship from yaromadra, they just collided. with the chinese and the filipinos turned back, the chinese, as always, gave the 10 thousandth warning, they said that this was impossible, that it was bad, to which the filipinos said that they were going to set off on a new mission in the near future, that is , you understand why this is being done, this is being done in order to constantly maintain a certain pressure on china, this is quite obvious, moreover, now in april large maneuvers will begin there with the participation of the japanese, south koreans, and filipinos . this is called shoulder to shoulder , so apparently, at this moment the most interesting thing will happen, apparently, an attempt will be made , as many will think, at an international movement towards this unfortunate ship, that is , so that the chinese patrol ships
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will collide not only with the filipinos, but also there there would also be americans, perhaps japanese, perhaps also south koreans and australians, that is, it will be like a squadron that will look like this conflict in a completely new way, so to speak, not just the philippines-china, but this will already be...
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