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tv   Anna Medium  RUSSIA1  March 5, 2024 10:20pm-11:31pm MSK

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does the chinese economy interact closely with the philippine economy? you know, it interacts very closely with the philippines and not just there, it’s generally an amazing thing, from my point of view, that china, which has such enormous opportunities in southeast asia, i’m not even talking about the chinese diaspora, i’m not even talking about control of almost the main financial flows, in the philippines, for example, 35% of the entire retail market is in the hands of the chinese, well , now they have tried to appeal, i just for the time we...
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now speaks of the independence of mendanau, this there is a predominantly muslim population on this island, if i remember correctly, well, yes, well, here it is, apparently, i already think that these are some kind of military battles, but in conclusion, i want to say that according to all indications, what i’m talking about i said that the preparation of these blocs, the preparation of military bases, the saturation of them with weapons, this is still not today, not even tomorrow, i think that all this is being prepared somewhere in the twenty-seventh, twenty-eighth year.
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when it became clear that his african corps was insignificant, how many bayonets could he raise? how many days of battle, what kind of battle, what is the reserve , taking into account the intensity of the fighting in ukraine, how many days and how many days will they be able to hold out, who will repair the equipment, where will they base what andrei spoke about, how will they get there, what will they bring will they get there, what lines of communication will there be, will they approve? i’m not even talking about politics now, i’m just purely talking about specifics, but what? yes, he even lost the contract about submarines in the story with australia, the story with libya, when all of europe ran out of money in a day or a day and a half, and the entire bc ran out, and i had to directly contact the americans, now france is already with everyone else and has already given ukraine almost everything it can, it all burned down, so what? will throw
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the french there, this is not the old guard , now bearded men will not solve anything, mustaches, fur hats will not help in any way, that is, now the war is completely different, so yes, dying beautifully is not a question, well, they died a lot in bakhmut, when i was there i talked with volodya, well, the commander of one of the most combat-ready units, his call sign is mekhan, an amazing guy, the hero of russia has medals all over his chest, he said that the french legionnaires just came to him, he says: well, well , they brought them back from souvenirs, though no one left, we encounter them there all the time, so besides macron’s chatter , that he can foretell the leclairs, where they are, will be the eclairs, where they are, that is, that the wheeled tanks turned out to be nothing, the artillery, well, yes, we are dismantling it, that is, what will it give, what can he give? now we clearly understand, the question
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for french society is how many coffins can they digest per day? before as a groan begins throughout france. you just need to consider them, a little, to defuse the situation, eclair is a turkish word, yes, and not a french one, uh, but eclair, yes, leclair, the name of the french tank, but yes, but now let’s talk about something serious, really, here today we mentioned brinkmanship, we mentioned the difficult situation in which humanity finds itself, humanity is truly in a very difficult situation regarding its history, this is... such a turning point, this is a moment of being over the abyss, yes, of course, everything is cyclical, war, peace are the natural state of humanity, war and peace, we have entered this very era of war,
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will it be in the twenty-fourth, twenty- fifth, twenty-sixth, is it already underway, we are obviously standing in this era, the era of war. sometimes, as the history of human development shows, war is the only chance for peace to come, that is, it simply doesn’t work out any other way, it becomes impossible for a number of reasons, so we look at the west, yes, how much we have turned our cheeks towards the west , well how many more can you substitute, of course, ad infinitum, but everything has a certain limit, today’s talk was about...
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even if we have good relations, it means that first of all we should be interested in connections with neighboring states, we must work on them, all this cyclicality, this is the norm of history, this is what macron says, today, what pistorius says, all this has already happened, this has already happened, repeated, repeated many times, now macron does not want to be a coward, but napoleon, too, it seems, wanted not to be. a coward , in general he was not one, but she finished it, do n’t believe ridley scott’s films, napoleon was completely different, and the very precise question that was asked was who it would be, yes, these are the bayonets that will go, i’m scared
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to imagine is generally unimaginable, but it repeats itself again, these things that will go towards us, who will it be, what maybe arabs or turks living there in france, arabs more... degrees turks in germany, they will defend france and germany? no, they won't protect her how capable are the french and germans, pampered by the state they were in, of doing anything today? i’m keeping quiet about what was already said today about the availability of weapons, yes, the availability of equipment and capabilities, well, it seems to me that this is very unlikely, at the same time, here is our ambassador today. in washington, antonov said that russia and nato face the danger of direct armed conflict in eastern europe. this is true, even though they don’t have it. that is, it seems, often is more important than being exactly until we get to being, yes, because now seeming is more important than being, and then, when
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, god forbid, this happens, then it will be important not to seem, it’s important there maybe there will be very, very big problems with this, because they don’t have enough everything. speak english, must manage the world political process, in fact, stalin’s answer was that they didn’t fight hitler, in order to now fall under the anglo-saxons, here it is again the same thing is repeated, today the british and americans believe that they control world political processes, and hence their erroneous attempt at brinkmanship in...
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european countries do not correlate with each other, i don’t know, but when there were hundred-year
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wars, that europe was exhausted, wars still went on, napoleon drained france almost to the level of demographic disaster, they continued to fight anyway, sat for a while, rushed again, another question is with what result, after all, a person is the most predatory animal in the world is undoubtedly western man, the key predator, although he is tortured. ussr, but if you look at the territory , the losses of the british empire were
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incomparably greater, that is, simply incomparably greater, because this is the worst policy in the history of great britain that has ever been, the worst, but in my, excuse me, subjective opinion, i see according to the result, he drank and smoked everything, the only thing he was good at, like chubais, was his own pr, senseless, mediocre, insignificant, like forelock, but only for the account.
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for everything, yes, then we can just lose this concentration, there is no need to be distracted, this is the big question, that is, can we afford it, i don’t have an answer, i don’t pretend to have the strategic political thinking of the president, just like that which you are talking about, but here of course it’s the same thing, that is, i would say more, i would now generally pay attention and speak to our
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people with praise and honor to our volunteers, that is, the more volunteers there are now... spraying this, i have no simple answer, well, well, there are people who probably don’t have it, but you’re right, that is , you can’t lose attention, but it’s dangerous to scatter resources, yes, well, a couple of remarks about everything that was said today, i agree with the fact that, of course, the prospects for some kind of big real war, they are most likely medium-term in nature, well, what
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is short-term in nature, yes, these are all kinds of economic wars, well, what have we been seeing for the last 2 years, for example, yes, to the americans ... quite successfully managed to break off trade relations in many respects the european union, russia, in fact , they are doing about the same thing now in the indo-pacific region, because there you probably shouldn’t underestimate the significance of these small skirmishes in the south china sea, you shouldn’t overestimate them either, but why they hit - these are trade relations, yes, this is logistics in the first place, yes, because an annual trade turnover of 1.5 trillion dollars passes through the south chinese sea, and most of the trading is done there, the people's republic of china trades on one side. on the other side of the country asian, their total trade turnover is also very large, more than that of china, the united states or china and europe, a trillion dollars, yes, yes, yes, about one trillion dollars, so this hits china, it hits the asian countries, which again the americans will try to make sacrifices as part of their confrontation with china, because the short-term goal is really internal economic destabilization within china, and an attempt to hit
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economic growth according to all the indicators that have already been announced today, by the way speaking, in this regard, i think that there are no... problems with access to the internet, for many resources, this has, in principle, already been restored, let's see how long it will take for these same cables to be restored, because here i think it’s more likely in all , there will be some negotiations between china, iran, and possibly the houthis so that there is access for these repair ships, but the story is not not fast, that is , it will take some weeks, weeks, but the point is, that this creates certain risks for china, just like
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and the economic risks of this confrontation in the south china sea, but we understand indonesia, this is the malacca strait. from which a huge amount of goods and the same energy carriers pass to china from the middle east, but that’s okay, and now returning to another topic that we discussed with you today, this is a wonderful proposal from mr. charap from rent corporation, but i honestly i wouldn’t attach so much importance to them, because charap is, well, firstly, one of the few realists who exist in washington, and to be honest, if my memory serves me right, this is about his third article calling for negotiations since the beginning of the northern military district, the first there... the negotiations took place in the summer of twenty -two, at the beginning of twenty-three, just about a year ago, and now again this call for negotiations, despite the fact that, as you correctly noted, yes, but negotiations for the sake
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of negotiations, that let’s just start them, and then, when both sides are ripe, the west and russia, maybe that’s what we need - let’s bring it, well, to be honest, it’s not worth it either to overestimate the importance of such publications , that’s what concerns the situation in europe, i liked it more, i liked the passages of mrs. ann applebaugh, yes, who recently ... raised a unique issue, as she usually does, the atlantic, and where she stated that that the main fear of europeans is no longer the russians or the chinese, but the united states of america under the rule of trump, in which case the europeans will have to conflict simultaneously with three so-called autocracies, these are russia, china and the united states, so we kind of need to prepare for this, well here, of course , i would like to say good luck to the europeans and the european economy, which is already de facto in recession, but this... is, as it were, the near future that will await the europeans if again, the power in washington will change before this in june, their euro parliament, belgium,
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austria everything else, and now as for victoria, well, to be honest, i have a strong feeling that the person was appointed literally for one year, yes, because she leaves exactly a year after she became deputy secretary of state, it was march twenty-three, she replaced then, like us... although of course this was against the backdrop of failures in the negotiation track between the united states and china, even joe biden was there for a long time could not conduct personal negotiations with sizenpin, this happened only at the end of the twenty-third year, and as for victoria’s current resignation, what are you talking about, the proof of your words is the decision of deputy secretary of state nulant to resign,
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especially the last six months a year, he strictly negative, that is, well, even without regard to what is happening on the ukrainian front, you know, this is the fact that since september twenty-three, congress has not been able to agree on the ukrainian... ukrainian lobbyists, there is oksana markarova, us ambassador, ukraine in the united states , which distributes its booklets, but still, this is mainly the area of ​​responsibility of victoria, the fact that for 8 months she could not make any progress in the allocation of the tranche is her personal failure, i think that of course the resignation reflects this in many ways, well, by the way, quite lovers. the character who will replace, yes , john bass, a man who previously worked in georgia, yugoslavia, kosovo, and his last position was the ambassador of the united states
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to afghanistan, and until, in my opinion, the mid -twenties, that is, in general, such afghanization ukrainian politics, apparently , will be waiting for this direction, we’ll see, but i think that, of course, this resignation still fits into the general trend, that is, we are literally now seeing how, well, the rats ran from a sinking ship, if... if we say so- it's so beautiful because well, over the past few months , well, at least two or three dozen of biden's advisers and apparatchiks have resigned, yes, this is his chief economic adviser, brian dees, and a few weeks ago, a member of the national security council for latin america, juan gonzales, resigned, and john kerry, yes, biden’s green king is also resigning, well, in general, the elections are approaching.
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biden will win, what percentage of democratic party voters will vote against everyone, protesting against his militaristic policies and especially against support for israel, well, there are 10-15%, they will probably vote and this will create certain problems for biden, and the same thing will happen for the republicans, but niki haley will get roughly 20-25% there. interestingly, she doesn’t have any more events planned after super tuesday, that is , most likely already tomorrow she will announce
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that i tried to save american democracy. it didn’t work out, but here’s trump, trump will soon destroy her, and in her opinion, he will destroy her, so, well, accordingly , this wonderful clash of age candidates will await us, and joe biden, donald trump, a repeat of the twentieth year, well, in principle , what we talked about, but i don’t expect any particular replacement there, and most likely there won’t be any serious surprises, only if one of them dies, but and of course, if you again believe the latest polls, things are going badly for biden—a nightmare, if suddenly both.” both candidates didn’t make it, well, let’s see, of course, it would be a really interesting precedent, and accordingly, if again we look at the current situation, joe biden is really doing well pretty bad, if trump wins, well , fortunately for him, but unfortunately for his team, which understands everything, so is gradually scattering, in fact, yes, victoria is everyone else, but well, if
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trump still wins... but i don’t understand, what is the eu representation doing in the russian federation, god knows what, but the eu, what is this anyway? france, i know, is a state, an economic union with
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the features of statehood. let's go with all these economic unions with the features of statehood, then it turns out they have it there that an ambassador with the features of a post-list, but couldn’t he just carefully take and be sent from our country, the very fact that this person has the audacity to say something to the foreign minister of the host country is sufficient grounds for him to be kicked out with a filthy broom to damn it, just damn it, no permanent representation. there should not be, i believe that we should not recognize this strange, incomprehensible growth on the body of the old woman of europe at all. now there's an advertisement, right after it, interview with the director of the foreign intelligence service sergei evgenievich naryshkin. the program is on air for 60 minutes, we have a special episode, we start with breaking news. 60 minutes, don't miss it, tomorrow on рrt. from the first
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note, beauty, rapping, from the first phrase , a bird in your hands is better than a feather in one place, you swim shallowly, bone, from the first smile, we recognize each of them face to face. profile, back of the head, business , or something, the first class and i are together, we are also responsible for everything we do together, and in all this crap, i, the team, have your back, brake out of the car, i’m running, the whole team, we’re just looking at the platform. we bought a dress for
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prom, beautiful new shoes, everything is fine, but it’s not fate, probably, while the military is going on. made the greatest achievement in our lives, he gave for his country, his life, and i gave my female happiness, people like you perform a very important task,
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women, war, without women we will not win, the premiere of the documentary on thursday on rtr. judging by the latest news, the work of western intelligence services is failing. our geopolitical opponents, largely because of this, fall into outright hysteria. in turn, the russian special services remain calm. i myself was convinced of this during an interview with the director of the foreign intelligence service, sergei evgenevich naryshkin. the conversation turned out to be calm and matter-of-fact. good afternoon, sergey evgenievich. if possible, i will ask you questions based on the fact that you not only head a legendary structure, but you have enormous experience in government work. therefore,
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the combination of statesman and man the head of the legendary structure makes it possible to look at world problems with a very deep perspective of understanding. historical and operational realities, now an article suddenly appears in the new york times, itself revealing, where a certain freelancer specializing in ukraine suddenly reveals how for many years, the central intelligence department and other intelligence services were mastering, but there was an emphasis on the cia, territory of ukraine to work against russia. how does your experience show why such articles suddenly they appear, what is this a cover operation, what is the truth, what message do they suddenly want to send to the world?
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well, the first thing i would pay attention to is that, perhaps, there is nothing new in this article and in this information, well, it was absolutely obvious that intelligence... the services of the united states of america are creating such a wide intelligence network, not only on territory of ukraine, but in other countries where possible, including in countries that are close to the territory of the russian federation, so that from the position of these countries to carry out subversive work against our country, and such work. is underway, so i wouldn’t try to find any special signal, in this article and in what the journalist explained to me why he was asking this question,
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because it seemed to me that the whole article was written only for one thing, that the americans were furious that ukraine had switched to terrorist attacks on russian territory, and those who died were several very significant ones. but suddenly a few years ago the book “rise and kill first” appeared in israel, where right in the preface it is written that the system of extrajudicial killings operates not only in israel, but in the united states of america, in particular, that the peak falls on, well, it was written in the twentieth year, the direction of obama, who had biden as vice president, more than 300 liquidations, that is. i got the feeling that the americans simply want to deflect the justified accusation from themselves, that in fact, behind every terrorist attack on russian territory are their ears, their development, their methods, well, that the american intelligence
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services participated in the training and retraining of intelligence officers in... ukraine - this is an obvious fact, of course, i think, i want to hope that it causes the americans.
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but at the same time, i repeat, the americans, especially the british, participated and are participating in the training of special operations forces, intelligence officers to conduct subversive work against our country, that is, you feel them, and at the same time...
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we are honored, but we, as intelligence, are the last, which abide by the code of honor, because i watch what is happening around me, the feeling that the world has changed so much after the start of so that any of the dirtiest, impermissible, vile methods are now being used against us, which were never before, well, not considered possible and acceptable, if you are even talking about such... the intelligence community, then, of course , the processes that
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are taking place in the world have a significant impact on special services, on intelligence services, but if you remember history, then these are the sharpest turns of history, the activities of intelligence services have undergone significant changes, changes, well in accordance with... the demands of the time, especially the first and especially the second world war greatly influenced the work of the intelligence services, in terms of operational and information-analytical activities. the cold war also had its impact on the activities of intelligence agencies before. only in that many decisions of a military-political
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nature have become impossible without the participation of intelligence services, well, in our time we can say that intelligence services, especially intelligence services, are such...
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it is, of course, connected with such complex processes that take place in the world. the world is seething, the world is in a state of chaos, the intelligence services have not become weaker, if their level of work there is comparable to
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their work there 10, 15, 20 years ago, it’s just that the working conditions have changed significantly. have changed significantly for the worse, and this is alarming. now europe is throwing hysterics. macron almost said here that even soldiers from nato countries could take part and that russia must be defeated. how you evaluate these hysterics, that is, they are predictable, how much of this is chatter, and what is really behind it. this indicates a high level of political irresponsibility of the current leaders of european countries, in this case the president of france, of course, it’s sad to see this,
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it’s sad to observe, it’s sad to understand that the ability of the current ones to negotiate
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is the nature of our supreme commander-in-chief, like you, given the very long experience of joint communication between the service and different relationships, and a common school, if you like, so who blew up the gas pipelines, the anglo-saxons, we they found out about this right away, well, of course, we had, uh, there was information, indirect signs. who did this, although these indirect signs were shown by the authors of the deed themselves, well, just when vladimir vladimirovich answered tucker carlson so unequivocally, knowing that behind the word of vladimir vladimirovich there is always a deep , proven mass of facts, one can be sure that everything is not accidental, well, the mosaic
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has taken shape, and this mosaic obviously points to... the authors last time we discussed the navalny project, how an obvious project of the special services, right on time for the europeans, suddenly navalny dies, the first day of the munich conference, his wife is there, turning around, just all that, i never believe in coincidences, the singer suddenly abandons the version that navalny... should have been exchanged for our hero -a patriot who is now in germany, which is obviously not true, because for the purpose navalny must be recognized as an american spy, that is , go for it, especially let me remind you that with tucker carlson, when the issue was discussed exchange, we were talking about the fate of gershkovich,
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not navalny at all, you as a professional in this story do not have any such... doubts, i don’t think that this is some kind of special plan, well, unfortunately, people have a peculiarity, early or later life ends, they die, navalny died of his own death, yes, which is even recognized by the ukrainian special services, which is strange, that is, who asked them to comment, of course it ’s very disgusting. that in the west they are organizing such satanic dances around this coffin with navalny, but this is morally low, immoral. what else to say? well, it’s expected, it’s expected, and these people taught us, i’m more
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surprised that they talk about democracy, here biden appoints yolanda, he didn’t even learn her name, he appointed the leader of the opposition without asking anyone, that is, somehow not a democratic person , appointed, appointed, yes, well, they can be together in the club of impostors, guaido, tikhanovskaya, together. collect sooner or later, this, by the way, is also one of the american failures, that is, this is an incorrect assessment of the popularity of a person, absolutely, yes, yes, a strategic failure, a major strategic failure, guaido, yes, you and guaido, and tikhonovsky, the whole navalny project, this is so, this is so, this is what i like, that compared even to our last conversation, i feel you have a colossal level of calm confidence, always very important , that is, you always radiate calm and confidence, but here it is clear that we can be satisfied, thank you, thank you, with the way
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intelligence has been acting lately, yes, yes, we are still quite satisfied with the results, which, which we have, for today, we we understand the meaning of this... “we will win, there is no doubt, but how do you see victory and how do you think, at what point
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will the west admit that they lost this war, we are not at war with ukraine, we are at war with nato, i’ll be brief i will answer, we will win when we see that we are freed from this.” national neo-nazi regime of everyone who wanted to be liberated, yes, and after all, the owners of the territory there are not washington, not london, but the people who live on this land, their fathers, grandfathers, great-grandfathers, graves lived on this land,
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return to their historical homeland, not only russian lands, this will be democratic, that’s all, see you tomorrow,
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hello, oh, i completely forgot, i’m running now, saturday, 7 am, right. dim, i’m sorry, i forgot to tell you that he’s been waiting for you since the evening, no,
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that today is a day of health, that’s right. am i invited? so i forgot to say that i was invited, in half an hour we should be at the prosecutor's office, if you want to be healthy, oh, wake up, what will we give her? who should she? today is not just a health day, right? it’s our zoka’s birthday, well, we decided to celebrate it in nature, her friends left her a dacha for a month, so you won’t find a gift in this semester? yeah, i came up with an idea, let's give her the perfume i brought you. do you remember what else it is, why should i give your gifts to someone? ok, ok, we’ll think of something, i said, don’t touch anything ahead of time, call, some gastric juice is being released, when are we going to start? well guys, let's wait a little more, another guest should come, who is buevich on duty in the city, your favorite prosecutor, lord, what does the prosecutor have to do with it, zoyakoly,
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we're waiting for the groom on a white horse, zhenya, here, here... don't jinx it, be quiet, volodya, but move here , please, everyone has everything there, yes, zunka, everything is there, oh, oh, that's who we've been waiting for, well at least you want to eat , but why did i come here?
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so hold it, this is a gift, let's put it here, now we're using it, so, here's the cord, what a beauty, here's the mash, let's turn it on, and what, good morning? let's listen, here are the cds choose, well, maybe this one, this one, uh-huh, no, better than this one, okay, yeah, fed, you won’t burst, i won’t burst, you know, yes, yes, i’m now, uh-huh, ol, well how is your work, you know, nothing, i really
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thought it would be more difficult, doesn’t the criminal investigation department offend you? yes, i don’t communicate with them much, they haven’t assigned me anything serious yet. yep, very good. i mean, what's good? how are things going with you and petius, are you not planning on getting married yet? no, what kind of interrogation? leave the girl alone. why are you so nervous? i think the girl is fine. you want dance? want. well then, invite kuruchkin, otherwise he won’t leave the table. it will burst soon. come on, come on, come on. volod, why are you doing this, well, we really need to drag this little chicken away, a lonely, handsome man has fallen behind, he’s about to burst, you really don’t want to dance, excuse me, i don’t dance, uh-huh, zoy, let’s dance, let’s go, otherwise you won’t get any gentlemen, yeah, yeah, marya sergeevna, you know the name gontsovsky, i do, if
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you mean the owner of the club lucky, yes, the owner of the club lucky, so what can you say about him say? a prominent representative of the new wave of organized crime, successfully combines business and banditry, ordered at least three murders of competitors, and what does your newspaper want from him? what's the interview for? unfortunately, i can’t help, i don’t know him personally, but i wanted to brag, i already made an agreement, i’m going to meet him on monday, yeah, oh, congratulations, and how did you do it? well, there were some kind people, yeah, you can’t just get into gantsovsky’s office?
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who are you going to, i’m going to vitalich, how can i report you? wait, wait, vitaly efemovich is talking on the phone, yeah. the male cobra is now experiencing discomfort, with new skin breaking under his outer scales.
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wait, the king is not used to such a vulnerable state. please, now he can’t be sure of anything, everyone needs to lie down, i said, drop the gun, matvey, igor, where are you, i tied him up, you bastard, on... i said, what about you, a separate invitation necessary?
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anton, how were you not killed? yes, i’m surprised myself, zoya already knows, of course, she wanted to rush here, but her boss didn’t let her. you call her, calm her down, otherwise she’s there in is hysterical. yes. i myself am in shock, you are the deputy prosecutor, yes, death before arrival, we left the paper for you, so you can examine the corpse, it’s a pity, but what do you want, three bullets in the heart area, all the best,
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good afternoon, hello, you are from the prosecutor’s office ? yes, the security officer, siskin, was driving by, i saw that something happened, maybe they need my help? yes, probably, but what happened here, the murder, the attempt on gontsovsky’s life, so they didn’t kill him? fortunately, no, imagine, he even managed to detain the killer, only he... the wounded man was killed, so like, yeah, and the killer is also a victim here, for now yes, but we are waiting for the operatives and the car, he should be taken to the rvd, and we will interrogate the victim here, olga vladimirovna, what’s the matter, here’s
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a police officer, he was driving by, he saw the incident, he decided help, you can look at your id, i was driving past, i saw an ambulance, the police, something happened, maybe you need help, you are not from our area, but we are neighbors. well, we’re not such neighbors, but i’m still ready to help, maybe we need to escort the killer to the rvd, thank you, we can handle it, where were you coming from? me, yes, my apartment nearby is being renovated, you are doing repairs during working hours, well, it’s your fault, but what should you do, you need an eye and an eye for your work, so i broke out at lunchtime, well, thank you, alexey alekseevich, we can handle it without you, yeah, well, as you wish, goodbye. a man from the police wanted to help, what did you manage to tell him, but i didn’t say anything, that gontsovsky is alive, the killer has been detained, he is being taken to
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the rvd, so well, he is a police officer, oh, right in the car, get in. come on, the contract murder was solved within 24 hours, this should be noted. who will have a case? most likely buevich, he has already begun the examination, is waiting for a doctor. volodya, please check if there is an operations officer chizhik, alexey alekseevich, captain, in the northern ruvda. for what? well, do it quickly, i 'll tell you later. okay, yeah. what's wrong with your boss? why are you dissatisfied again? i don't know. police officer. yes, when a deputy prosecutor is asked,
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it is inconvenient to refuse. someone is trying to tell you something important through water. premiere on rtr. a man disappeared, as if into the water of a canal, i am absolutely sure that with your daughter trouble has happened, you need to talk to ostrovskaya, no, i’m sick, they’re offering me an operation, but what do you think, everything will work out, anna medium, tomorrow on rtr, good morning, my beloved, my voice sounds only for you, my heart beats.
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turn up the volume, just wait for me , they keep it through the rains, righteous flowers still live in me, some kind of fantasy, morning mail with nikolai baskov, on sunday on rtr, here’s a kept woman, she hasn’t worked a day, she lives on her husband’s money . look at the weekend, i
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will turn out to be a mistress, and on our bed, either you leave, or the children and i, clearly, remember, you are without me, an empty place, zero, you thought about the children, i will find a job, be careful, you can build from the ruins of your old life. a new one in general, at least something in business, you know, sometimes it’s better than the old one, help, my very first contract, i got it, give me an office, maria kulikova, what the hell are you doing here, mom may be on rtr on saturday. please,
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introduction and roll call, without formation, i am very glad that you came to visit me, how much tea was drunk, how much stories were told, i was bold in a white tuxedo, and i begin, then mark anatolyevich zakharov disappears into the pile, and for me it was probably akin to the appearance of christ to the people, how many secrets were told, i, as a male hunter of women, like to attack. dad imagined that i would have a completely different husband. how much more is there yet to come? i foresaw my fate, now everything is only coming true. i surrender everything with joy. let's all wave our hands. when everyone is at home, with timur kizikov. on sunday on rtr. do you mark where each shell is from? you
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what is this, masha , she misrepresented herself, she mistook me for someone else, when i was the one who was slacking, you’re offending citizens, boss, i’m sorry vanya, i just don’t like all this, but you think i like it, i’ll tell you a secret, i haven’t seen dead people since childhood i love you, but you see i’m working , everything is numbered, everything is photographed, one bullet is stuck in the table cabinet, by the way, how are we going to extract the co-investigator, cut out a fragment, listen, i think, maybe, “hello, deputy prosecutor shvitsov, hello, you’re from the area, yes , and that no one came from the city prosecutor’s office, what am i for them, the figure is insignificant, and you are numerically, vitali, i just value myself, you can pick me up as a client, you can, on the way , stop at the emergency room, take a certificate that
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the beatings were fatal, well, of course, let's go, my dear!" congratulations to you, put a candle for the miraculous deliverance, of course, he had a gun taped to his hand, and where is the gun? well, that’s a good thing, i ’ve never seen anything like it before, marya sergeevna, i’ve already formalized its seizure, separately from the report of the inspection of the crime scene, with a seizure. okay, and most importantly, how they infiltrated me, the bastards, just like the cerberus sitting in my waiting rooms. i feel so sorry for matvey, you know what his nickname was, vandam, a handsome guy, a creature, and how killer got through security, gave the password, said that it was from someone, from one of my friends, let’s not get him involved, whatever, the table saved me, i saw how he walked into
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the office with instinct, his jacket wasn’t tall enough, his sleeves dangled almost to his knees, i thought you weren’t right here, he just started raising his hand, i saw he had a gun in his palm , i immediately trunk threw it on the floor, then the pain started, ha... he’s an idiot, he shot the entire clip, did you count the shots? well, yes, when the clip ran out, i jumped out from the table and tied it up, i was also surprised that my guys didn’t come running, it turns out that his accomplice was holding them at gunpoint, you have a great reaction, i worked as a stuntman in my youth, you know what my specialty was trick, i turned on the water in the car, and then got out of it, but how did you do it? yes, it’s not difficult, you just need to wait until the water fills the cabin, then open the door, that’s all, great, ours the investigator will interrogate you, if you want, call a lawyer, but no, okay, pyotr anisimovich, you can, yeah, interrogate him about the customers who could have ordered his murder, although he still won’t tell the truth, and
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you don’t need to stab him about his friend , from whom the killers came, no need, uh-huh, the friend clearly had nothing to do with it, he wouldn’t shine like that, uh-huh, better ask the victim. doesn’t he know such a detective siskin from northern ruvda? fine. well? nothing, funny kid. does the brake guy just say anything? yes, he says that i was going to rob an office, i already bought a pistol at the market, and a friend called a machine gun, a friend, but you yourself come in, listen, sit, your identity has been established,
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well, your name is andrei vasilyevich gorelov, born in 1985, why aren’t you in the army, you’re mowing down?


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