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tv   Morozova  RUSSIA1  March 6, 2024 3:50am-4:43am MSK

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future code for high school students college students. registration for them is now underway on the state services portal. here you get a sum function, you must pass two arguments there. it has long been impossible to imagine an accountant without a computer, but a good accountant should be not just a user, but also at least a little developer. for this reason, convinced enesa should start learning programming languages ​​from scratch. now having successfully passed two mods. of the four future code courses, she already understands exactly how she would like to improve working financier tools. honestly, i'm really looking forward to creating some kind of program in the future. i would like to create a safe environment in which accountants can enter all the information here on the company. each of more than forty future code training programs is 144 hours of academic or distance learning, divided into four modules. upon completion of the module, the student completes a project and receives a certificate. to register, just register.
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college students, over 100 thousand children have already completed their studies, received certificates in 2023. they learned to code, they learned to write programs, create their own websites, chatbots and applications. the guys who complete our project not only receive a training certificate, but upon admission they can also receive up to ten additional points, some universities, and some guys, having received an invitation from an it company, are already undergoing internships. tenth-grader nikita from... he became interested in programming in sixth
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grade, and even before enrolling in courses, he wrote a chatbot for the district information and methodological center. center, which helps high school students register for the unified state university, and its graduation project code of the future in the field of artificial intelligence has attracted the attention of university teachers. i wrote a tool that helps machine learning developers find the best model for their task. i am currently working in a team of researchers at itmo university. and we are developing machine learning methods that can identify types of bacteria and their concentrations. in fact, the student became one of the developers of the neural network an algorithm that will soon be used in healthcare. to be useful, nikita says, is the best motivation. by opening a code editor, i can enter a sequence of characters that can create something completely new, that can turn the whole world upside down, or just make me happy at least a little bit. pleasure yourself and gain useful skills.
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look at the weekend, i think i’m a mistress, and on our bed, either you leave, or we and the children, clearly, remember, you’re without me!
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from the rubble of old life can be built a new one, in general, at least anything in business, you know, sometimes it’s better than the old one, help , i got my very first contract, give me an office, maria kulikova, what the hell are you doing here, mom can be on rtr on saturday. the floor is shaking , the walls are shaking, big changes have come, in the new season with a new renovation, a slight movement of the hand, we are leaving this room completely without faces, we are making three different functional zones, ideas
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are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be plenty of surprises and work a lot, plans are turning into projects before our eyes, i love plants, i’m generally a plant maniac, real stone flowers will soon bloom in the living room of our heroes, after dismantling a lot will become clear, and dreams become reality, look, let them into your home, big changes, every sunday on rtr. the pose of a modern person, whether in the morning after waking up or in the evening before going to bed, lying like this, holding a smartphone in front of you, you need to watch some news, go to our telegram channel, be sure to subscribe, don’t forget, by the way, one thing is worth dozing off, this phone,
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of course, always falls right on your face. in japan they offered protection, look, the plastic curtains close exactly at the moment when the smartphone begins to move downwards with free acceleration. anyone who has a 3d printer can print such a helmet, and on the same 3d printer you can get another super-novelty: armor for a cat, show us armor for a cat, here they are, you cut such a cat, if you finish smoking, you won’t get it anymore punish with a towel, not it will work out, but the ultra-modern invention still coexists with grandma’s recipes, all because grandma’s recipes are also effective, really, yeah, a princess, as there is a princess, although...
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we grate it on a fine grater and dry it, grind it into such a beautiful pink powder, you can add it to any face cream or aloe gel. another ancient cosmetic ingredient is, of course, rose petals, they will make your lips beautiful, like a flower, they probably whispered to the maid to their mistress, but today we ourselves are able to make bright very beautiful lipstick. you will need crushed petals. by the way, depending on the color of the petals, you can make a completely universal product for both lips and cheeks; you can watch the process of making such blush
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endlessly. by the way, in the process of producing cosmetics, not only the ingredients are important, but also... beautiful design, this guy teaches his subscribers how to make the perfect case for lipstick from a bamboo stem, this is not in any store and you can’t buy it for any money, well and the last, but very popular advice for those who have there are regular wax pencils, you need to melt them and mix them with coconut oil. well , no, i doubt it, i’d better go to the market and buy some beets. and then, we replace the medicine with music, uh-huh, you need a drummer,
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i drummed at your service so much that it’s expensive, and i’ll otxelophone, the exit of the maiden is the sun, my sun, your guitar is stepping. why in some cases do you hear a melody better than pills after the news? and there is also a tambourine, you can tam or tamble it, or you can tambourine it. russia is fourth in the world in terms of export of agricultural products. vladimir putin in the stavropol region about the country's food security. the settlement of the western borders is a necessary measure in the context of nato expansion. the main thing at the meeting between sergei shaigu and the ministry of defense. the area of ​​wildfires in primorye has increased one and a half times in one day. where is the most difficult situation and how is
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the struggle going in the story of our correspondents. they are starting to broadcast a new day on the russia channel. the main news in karina's studio. hello. the domestic agro-industrial complex has achieved such results as never before never showed. russia has become the fourth country in the world in terms of agricultural exports. its products deliver.
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this is fantastic, it would seem that the products of our agricultural enterprises are sent to approximately 150 countries of the world, despite any external difficulties created for us, and the market is expanding, including and perhaps even primarily not only because of the quantity of products produced, but also because of their quality. earlier, the head of state visited the solnechny dar greenhouse complex. the president inspected the production itself, which, according to him,
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i had an impressive conversation with the company’s employees, and of course, i couldn’t do without tasting vegetables. the president highly praised the quality of the products, and the solnechny dar greenhouse complex is one of the largest in russia and europe. last year we harvested a large harvest of more than 45 tons of vegetables. russia, in response to nato expansion, is building up the alliance’s military potential by strengthening its western borders. about it. sergei shaigu said at a conference call with the leadership of the ministry of defense. the head of the department emphasized that the russian army will respond to emerging threats to the country's security. one of the central topics of the meeting was the operational situation in the special operation zone. it is noted that our troops , after the capture of avdiivka, continue to move west and occupy more and more new positions. shaigu added that the fighters demonstrate courage, bravery and heroism. and all assigned tasks will definitely be completed. in the us, super tuesday in 16 states and one overseas territory. republicans and
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democrats are holding internal party elections for their presidential candidates. in the primaries and in caucuses, the contenders for the highest government post will be divided among 874 delegates. to win at the party congresses in july, which will result in the nomination of candidates, a simple majority is required: 1215 delegates, there are 24 in total . but already almost 7,500 hectares, the most difficult situation is still in the khasan district.
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more than 300 specialists and 62 pieces of equipment are involved in the firefighting efforts. report by victoria shandybina. the village of zarubina is surrounded on all sides by blackness. these are scorched fields. firefighters battled the fires for several days dry grass, trying to protect residential buildings. only two buildings burned down. one of them is a house on the outskirts. people live there only in the summer, no one was hurt. gas cylinders were stored on the territory, when the fire reached them, a strong explosion occurred and the building burned to the ground. neighbors say there was a very strong wind, the flames came down from the hill in a matter of minutes, their house is a miracle. many thanks to the guys who helped us put out the fire, we were very scared, and if it weren’t for them, we wouldn’t have managed it, we wouldn’t have a house either caught fire. it would seem that everything around has already been extinguished, the village is safe, but suddenly we notice smoke near the abandoned houses and a fire truck. they are running, dragging fire hoses,
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because it is impossible to get to these abandoned abandoned places, the road is very broken, so now hose after hose will connect them. to extinguish the building, literally in 2 minutes the hoses stretched by 200 and gave in to the pressure, they say the dry grass around the old garrison was extinguished yesterday, why the stable roof caught fire is unknown, the fire affected the territory of the leopard land national park, the fire the fire was quickly extinguished; the red book cats and their neighbors are not in danger. now the situation in the area has stabilized, the main fires have been extinguished, and there is no threat to populated areas. there is a special fire regime in place in primorye, and groups have been strengthened in the south of the region. more than 300 firefighters are on duty around the clock in the burning khasan district. victoria shandybina, maxim molygin. news primorye. today, throughout russia, the ministry of emergency situations will check warning systems. in the regions of the country , sirens and loud speakers will be launched. how the department said that upon hearing them, there is no need to panic; instead, you need to turn on any public tv channel or radio to
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listen to the information message. please note that warning systems will be checked within the framework. large-scale exercises to prepare for the protection of the population and territory from floods and natural fires. all news is always available on the media platform, look in the application or on the website this is to lead. we are monitoring developments. new forest fire equipment was delivered to the irkutsk region. vysana made in russia. the re-equipment of the vehicle fleet is being implemented as part of the national ecology project. in total, 45 units of updated equipment will appear in the region by summer. alina novosardyan will tell you how they will combat natural fires. check twice, jump once. in the chunsky region, paratroopers and firefighters practice jumps from different heights, from 800 to
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10 m. each person needs to make 12, this is the only way to confirm their qualifications and gain access to... 63 specialists from all aviation departments of the irkutsk region participate in the air training, first they repeat the theory, then they go through the stage of assembling parachutes , only after that they practice landing, well, someone has to save our forests, this is our nature, this is our property, we are obliged, i think, this is also some kind of duty, to monitor fire safety in...
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there are only room for six people, the new ones have one more place, but this is not the only plus. starting this year, we are getting a shorter base, which is more convenient for us, this is due to the fact that it can travel to more distant corners of the forest. before the start of the fire season, drivers learn to work with pumping equipment. the system is like this: first supply water, then dial, connect the fire extinguishing hose. the hoses themselves are also first checked to see how they cope with... support and the direct water supply. new tank trucks are already ready to work during the fire season; they are now heading to their deployment sites. alina novosardyan, mikhail guzin, lead irkutsk. all news is always available on the media platform. we look in the application or on the website the news is following developments. the malakh program is on air. new little tricks
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for good health. due to your numerous requests, we continue with the bestseller and have collected the best life hacks for you. the simplest recipe from kazhl: preserve youth , save just thousands, the best tomorrow, and your head won’t hurt. write down all our recipes, because you will definitely need them. malakhov, today at 16:30 on the russia channel. good morning, good morning, we say to you, good morning, wake up and sing, i just want to say, feeling the coming spring, hearing the birds singing outside the window, but still timidly present. the distant edges of birds are interesting, the discovery of danish scientists about other whale songs was made against the background of spring trills flying
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from one another step towards solving how such sounds are made, because whales do not have vocal cords, three sea giants were examined and it turned out that animals make the sound by pushing air inside the head, and it is enhanced thanks to a fat drop located on the upper jaw, it works like a membrane, by the way, especially...
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large-sized bowls also have a powerful vibration wave, noticeable on level of the skin, if you place a person in one , you will get something like an invigorating vibration bath, the sensation is as if a lot of very pleasant vibration goosebumps are running through the body from bottom to top, but the sounds of instruments that are much more familiar to the ear can cause certain reactions in the body , it’s all about the frequencies entering our brain, depending on the frequency that entered the brain through the auditory system, activity in the brain can be in different parts, and we know that different parts of the brain are associated with different systems. for example,
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it has been experimentally proven that mozart’s music normalizes the functioning of the cardiovascular system, and listening to jazz improves digestion. the influence of complex symphonic music on the qualitative composition of blood deserves special attention. scientists have been able to prove that the blood can feel music even without the participation of the brain. they took blood from a vein, exposed it to certain types of music, then watched how the composition of the blood changed; the number of lymphocytes in the blood increased by 36% in 45 minutes, that is listening to music led to the activation of the immune system. knowledge about the influence of music on the body is applicable not only in medicine, but also, for example, in sports. heavy guitar refs promote increased motor activity.
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the effect will be stronger in the absence of other stimuli. this phenomenon is active . at the same time, regardless of the type of music, it is used in relaxation procedures, such as soaring in magnesium water or floating. turn off the light. also, since a person lies in magnesium water, he does not feel weight own body and hears only meditative music. because music has such a strong influence on our body, scientists refrain from recommending listening to any particular style. the same rule applies here as with food. the best effect comes from a balanced and varied diet, where there is room for both moving dance compositions and complex academic music. well , we are told that music has a beneficial effect on the brain, and this is important in light of the recent covid epidemic. another scientific work by a researcher, by the way, from great britain. they studied blood samples from patients in the acute phase of the disease 6 weeks later and...
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what of what has been said in the last year or two after covid is true and what has been proven? today , there is no clear evidence base on the long-term results of a neuroinfection, that is , today we only have the opportunity to talk about specific inflammation, which inevitably occurs in the brain, as in the entire body. do you agree that some diseases appear just after covid, it makes it worse? absolutely. i definitely agree that anyone, any disease, chronic and including neurological diseases, no exception, could be provoked by covid, but this is not necessarily brain
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fog, yeah. not necessarily some global diseases associated with aging, often these are neurodegeneration, age-related changes in the brain that could worsen and manifest themselves after a severely suffered illness, well, look, when they tell us a, they also add b, that is, when they scare us with the fact that look, after covid, something is happening to the brain , everything is happening, accordingly, then they tell us, there are some recovery methods, it will be very disappointing in 20 years to understand that these processes, after all... have already taken place in your brain, and you were late, so maybe something can be done now, in any case, if any neurological symptoms or unpleasant sensations appear, the patient simply must be attentive to himself and consult a neurologist, at least if the patient has memory impairment, some emotional disorders, today the profession of a medical psychologist is relevant and in moscow the so-called
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memory restoration clinic has been opened in the country. rehabilitation , medications are not always needed, depending on the symptoms that the patient has, firstly, this is sufficient physical activity, muscle metabolism, it is this that ensures the active functioning of the brain, oxygen delivery, and secondly, this is necessarily how...
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today, all psychological rehabilitation measures are used, cardio training in order to restore some optimal heart rate or train the heart, thereby, among other things, ensuring oxygen supply to the brain. thank you, our guest was the head of the neurological department of the national medical research center , oksana menzdrova. thank you very much, the golden collection from azer tea is a breath of luxury in every cup, start your morning with different flavors of wonderful black tea. morning, time to brew the lake, see everything at once only a wizard can see all the amazing faces of the cube at the same time.
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only our magical experts can. amazing people, season seven. we begin to wonder. march 15 at 21:30 on the russia channel. morning of russia, don't oversleep the main thing. the time has come for our test drive. colleague ivan zenkevich is driving an updated mid-size crossover today. but. i must say that the manufacturer has seriously increased the current average size of this machine by making a new version. guagjs 8 always stands out in the crowd, it is a strong chunky crossover, here we go the second generation brought it, even larger than the previous one. the design remained true to the chopped angular shapes, the length in one fell swoop extended by 15 cm, now it is almost 5 m. the width and size of the wheelbase have become larger.
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the price, of course. has also grown, the basic modification is offered for 3,800,000 rubles. but we are testing the top version for 4.4 million. its main difference is the adaptive headlights, competitors: exit vx, jilly manjaro and cherry tiga 8 pro max. the cabin now has virtual instruments; there are almost no buttons left on the center console. all settings via media system screen, which is almost twice as large as before. the brightness of the picture and the response speed are quite good, a projection of data onto the windshield has appeared , the second row has noticeably added more space, longitudinal seat adjustment and a separate control panel for three-zone climate control are responsible for the convenience here, but behind there is another row of seats, and that too not cramped, as before under the hood there is a two-liter gasoline turbo engine, only the power has increased noticeably, it was 190, now it is 231. horsepower, all this
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the herd confidently drags the car in all driving modes, the eight-speed automatic transmission, which replaced the previous six-speed, also gives vigor; it changes gears clearly and quickly. so you hardly use the paddle shifters. average fuel consumption in urban test conditions is about 10.5 liters per 100 km. the gs8 rolls along asphalt like it’s a carpet, softly smoothly, and the cabin is quite quiet. however, as soon as a series of potholes or simply a primer gets under the wheels, the suspension gives up and the crew begins to noticeably shake. yes, in general it feels that the gs8 has more cushion. the successful pace of driving in terms of controllability of the stars from the sky is not enough, after all, more than two tons of mass , after all, for the same reason, it is better not to get carried away off-road, you can easily get buried in the snow. so, the gs8 is a spacious and comfortable car for a calm
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driver, but it certainly wouldn’t hurt to add at least a little excitement to its character. and then, let’s fantasize a little about an aromatic date, but the spring holiday is ahead. how much could such a meeting cost and how best to prepare it? details in a few minutes. yes.
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a couple of days ago dima and i signed, how you pulled it all off, i don’t understand, sergey gorobchenko, it seems to me that it’s good that this happened to us, yes, everything is for the better, glafira torkhanov, kirill grebenshchikov, i’m to blame
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for you, you i need it, isn’t it because my business has gone well, i’m tracking down my sister in your car, guess what will happen next. do you want to bang her or what? i'll start all over again. march 8, nrtr. please, acquaintance and roll call, possible without embedding. i am very glad that you came to visit me. how much tea is drunk, how many stories are told. i was.
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let's all wave our hands when everyone is at home with timur kizyakov, on sunday on рrt, here 's a kept woman, she hasn't worked a day, she lives on her husband's money, we look at the weekend, i think i'm a mistress, and on our bed, either you leave or we with children, okay? to me you, without me, are an empty place, zero, you thought about the children, i’ll find a job, be careful, from
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the rubble in your old life you can build a new one , in general at least anything in business, you know, sometimes it’s better than the old one, help me, my very the first contract, i got it, give me an office. what the hell are you doing here, mom can go on saturday. if fate takes you to the jungle of indonesia, do not pass by, do not pass by. on the top of a picturesque cliff on the island of bali, a russian entrepreneur built a villa based on a decommissioned passenger plane. after purchasing the airliner, it was true that it had to be disassembled, loaded onto a truck, then reassembled at the installation site; the builders would no longer be able to take off the plane. he was landed, well, inside, look, spacious suites overlooking the beach
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and a panoramic pool, the pleasure is not cheap, for a day in a room in a winged villa they ask for more than 300 thousand rubles. well, but what is not the place, what is not the place for a romantic date, it’s true that everything is very high, far, expensive, but although this is a man’s view, probably a woman perceives romance somehow differently, we’ll see now, maybe we’ll find out everything now, eat in a restaurant, go to the cinema or theater and pick up a girl in a taxi. according to russian men, this is exactly what a modern date looks like, judging by the flowers according to the survey, the list of mandatory components of a romantic meeting does not include a movie , maybe a restaurant, a flower is not worth giving on the first date, then maybe not on the first date, but it’s better to order a taxi, to be honest, i’m not inclined to give flowers, i think , that you need to feed the girl, figure out where to go, a date in a similar scenario will cost men about 4,500 rubles. movie tickets for two 700 rubles, a taxi and the most expensive spending in a restaurant is about 3. or for two, the girls had preferences others, a bouquet of flowers
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is in the first place in the list of attributes of a romantic meeting, but according to women, it is not at all necessary to go to an expensive restaurant, first there may be a bouquet of flowers of some kind, at the end, so that he offers to either bring it or order a taxi, flowers, of course, flowers should be included in a real date, coffee, it’s better to sit , drink coffee with a cookie, chat more , go for a walk, you can arrange a mini date in a cafe, flowers are... the cafe is also important, with the average price of a bouquet being 1,500 rubles, the cost in a cafe is 800, cinema by taxi, cost of a date will cost a man 4-4,500. it turns out that the total amount of the date, taking into account either women's or men's preferences , is almost the same and not so modest, however, you can save money without being a miser. first of all, flowers are different. for example, instead of expensive rose-alipions, you can buy lush hydrangeas, gypsophila, tulips or daisies; such a bouquet will be cheaper. secondly, since the girls agree to coffee, an inexpensive one in a cozy coffee shop will also do, but the price has started. aromatic drink differs significantly, for example, espresso - 100 rubles, americanana
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100-150, cappuccino with cinnamon or flatwight - about 200, and the most expensive - rav or mocha with coconut milk - around 300 per cup. you can reduce expenses on entertainment, for example, if you choose a cinema not in the center, closer to home, instead of bowling, go to an exhibition in a cultural cluster, these are often free, or just take a walk in the fresh air. there are many parks and squares where you can take a walk, buy coffee to go, and various pastries. coffee in places like this. costs about 200-300 rubles. in the summer , you can consider going on a picnic; for about two people it will cost about 2,000 rubles. and finally, transfer sending a girl by taxi is perhaps the most expensive option, but if you give your home the heart of your own car or car sharing, you can reduce costs by 30-40%. the most budget option is to arrange a romantic trip on a tram, about 120 rubles for two people, the most creative, however, if the girl lives nearby, offer to ride home on a scooter for 300 rubles per trip. in general cinema or theater, cafe or restaurant, in the park for an exhibition or bowling place.
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this is the news in the morning and we will tell you about the main things in russia and abroad in karina ilyin’s studio. hello. russia has become fourth in the world in terms of agricultural exports. its products are supplied to 150 countries. vladimir putin announced this in the stavropol territory. in one of the leading agricultural regions , the president visited the largest greenhouse complex in russia, where it is open all year round.
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they will immediately come up with some kind of containment tools, well, they sent us potatoes to its time as humanitarian aid, thank god, gas is cheap, yeah, you produce from it this, that, that, the fifth time the tenth. this means that all this will be subject to an additional duty when brought to the eu market , so they came up with god knows what, when it came, now that’s it, they raised theirs again at coal power plants and are already thinking about how to return to nuclear energy,
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they don’t forget their loved ones under any circumstances , these attempts to somehow strangle our export... before talking with the greenhouse employees complex, the president spoke with residents. from your areas, we will see how things work in the country as a whole. residents of remote areas of ugra vote early in the country's presidential elections. election officials reach small, hard-to-reach settlements by helicopter. kirill volkonsky visited the camp where the reindeer herders live. the big stall is the main artel of the nizhnevartovsk region. despite the name, a maximum of two
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dozen people live in the settlement. mostly representatives of the indigenous peoples of ugra. another a settlement that can be reached either by water or by helicopter, with a base. here the precinct commission traditionally works at the paramedic and obstetric station. a health worker had assembled the voting booth the day before. representatives of the election committee brought information materials. here they vote not just early, but also by reinforcement. several residents are registered in the district center. the commission did not delay its arrival for long, representatives of the election commission, who diluted local life for an hour, warned in advance that there were no more than one and a half voters dozens. in 5 hours, the election commission visited three hard-to-reach settlements. according to the list, we have about 150 people there somewhere. it’s more difficult this time with early voting in the camps; before the start of the movement of the herd , the reindeer herders staged a wolf hunt; during the week , predators killed two reindeer; those who remained on the winter grounds vote directly in the helicopter; this is not
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the first time they have resorted to this practice, regardless of whether how many people will vote in general at the outpost of the state, provides each person, wherever he there was no possibility of exercising the right to vote. portable ballot boxes were printed and locked by levseev. they will be opened on march 17 in the presence of members of precinct election commissions before the start of vote counting. kirill volkonsky endrik korikov, yugoria, nizhnevartovsk region. about the weather, a sharp cold snap is returning to northwestern russia. thirty-degree frosts await in the arkhangelsk region, karelia and koma. i. and yet, they are now preparing for the spring flood. in the pskov region, emergency situations ministry employees blow up ice on the velikaya river to prevent flooding of populated areas. in some areas, for this reason, it has already begun to flood villages. and in buryat, the largest tributary of baikal came out with special equipment. selenga letriks are cut through to protect
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houses from high water. on sakhalin, despite warnings from the ministry of emergency situations, fishermen continue to go out onto the ice. one of the snowmobiles went under water, we need to pull it out. local residents helped, there were no casualties. in the south of primorye, due to natural fires, a high alert regime was maintained. the day before we managed to put out one of the the largest outbreaks with an area of ​​about 3.00 hectares. this is to lead. we are monitoring developments. khakassia is preparing for spring floods ; units of the ministry of emergency situations and civil defense forces are conducting exercises. they are annual and according to the organizers. help emergency services not to get confused in case of real danger; maria kandakova observed the training. on the shore of abakan, immediately beyond the white yar , there is a formation of equipment and people who are called upon to be the first to come to the rescue in the event of the onset of high water, judging by the report of the specialists’ attitude combat. we are mechanizing the engineering protection complex,
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ready to carry out tasks for command and mine training. the office of engineering protection monitors the status of the dump. sanitary doctors control the department's water quality. lgo and emergency situations organize the evacuation of the population. conditional danger threatens the residents of ostrovnaya street and the bus takes them to a temporary stay center. and for those who are still surrounded by water, a helicopter from the ministry of emergency situations arrives. this is the most spectacular moment of the exercise, and for the specialists of the south siberian rescue team, to some extent even familiar. what is water, what is it, what is it, here it is even possible to work over water easier, simpler, because the terrain, the terrain is flat, and helicopters allow you to hold on normally. the teaching is carried out every day. it’s spring, but when it comes to safety, you can’t have too much training, the ministry of emergency situations is confident. in total , there are 2.00 specialists and 600 units of equipment in combat readiness throughout the republic. i am sure that such practical actions help. more quickly resolve issues in an emergency situation, already worked out measures, interaction has been worked out, what the spring will be
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like is the main question when predicting emergency situations, according to hydrologists , now the reserves are slightly higher than last year, but the behavior of the rivers also depends on the amount of precipitation ; a flight over the verkhovbakan at the end of the month will help you decide more accurately on the plan. marina kanadakova, arseny simonov, host khakassia. the khabarovsk production plant has reached new capacity. medicines is the only enterprise in the east of the country that produces 170 types of drugs, and despite the sanctions, there managed to launch a new workshop and begin producing medicines, including for the needs of special operations. anna leonova with details. equipment is being tested exclusively behind glass, without disturbing the climate, in the new production workshop. friendly china helped with the re-equipment. from now on, the medicinal formulas that the whole of russia needs are created here almost automatically . it’s all import-substituted and it shines , how we updated the equipment and one more thing, perhaps the most important thing, well, one of
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the main things, is that all the processes are closed and there is no dust and people do not breathe dust, more than 170 items are shipped to the market of the far east, to the west of the country, to neighboring countries, and a number of drugs are now in the special operation zone, where they are urgently needed, after the sanctions we began to more actively introduce them. line of our new drugs, because life forced us, let’s say, to do it. 30 million ampoules per month come off the production line, and a number of medicines were the first to be produced here, and so far the only ones in the far eastern federal district. this is the drug we make, that's all, well 7.00 packs at the beginning of the year and somewhere towards the end, this drug is sold purely by auction, it is against hiv, we were the first to master it.
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life, today the enterprise feels confident after the introduction of sanctions, regional authorities have heard about the need for personnel at the enterprise; the state order for the training of specialized specialists for the leading pharmaceutical industry of the region will be increased. anna lenova, konstantin krutikov, vesti khabarovsk. all news is always available on the media platform, look in the application or on the website this is news, we are monitoring developments. see only a wizard can see all the sides of the cube at the same time;
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only our magic experts can see all the sides of amazing abilities at the same time. amazing people, season seven, we begin to be surprised. on march 15 at 21.30 on the russia channel the malakhov program is on air, new little tricks for health, according to your numerous requests, we continue our bestseller, we have collected the best life hacks for you, the simplest recipe for cough, preserve youth and save thousands, the best breakfast , and your head won’t hurt, write down all our recipes, because they will definitely be useful to you. 16:30 on the russia channel, every day, on the street in my heart, i will be with you, it’s becoming, don’t
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leave me alone, it’s warmer, what can i do to make you leave me alone, get up, ice march 8, what ’s not the thought while there is no one , rolled beautifully, yours, yes, mine, ice, two, march on the russia channel, good morning, good morning, svetlana abramova and andrey petrov greet you today, get ready, we have a lot of news for you, and the news is interesting everyone and location doesn’t matter here, on the iss is keenly interested in what is happening on earth, and also... that the satellite, just like on
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earth, sometimes works intermittently, is interrupted, as usual, in the most interesting place, they watch our telegram channel morning of russia, yes, subscribe to our telegram channel, don’t forget, yes, yes, on earth there are interruptions not only with the internet, with gas, in individual houses, problems also arise, the reason is blocking to avoid accidents associated with leaks, imagine the situation, you wake up early in the morning , you start getting ready for work, you turn on the tv, but... the stove and gas water heater are treacherously silent, because there is no gas in the apartment, and this is not the script of a communal horror film, quite a life story, as it turned out , the wife called and said that during the cooking process they turned off the gas, but the wait was prolonged, blue fuel did not appear in the apartments in a day or even in a week. when i arrived from work, it turned out that a section of pipe in our entrance had been completely cut off,
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