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tv   Utro Rossii  RUSSIA1  March 6, 2024 5:00am-9:00am MSK

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yes, my colleagues and i have done a great job, there will be no more shortages, we have seriously restored the population of this fish, and that the work is finished, almost, how long is left before the sturgeon returns to the store shelves , prices are reduced, we’ll talk to experts after the news. so, guys, what is this without water? guys, who fills the aquarium? russia is fourth in the world in exports of agricultural products. vladimir putin in stavropol on the country's food security. strengthening the western borders is a necessary measure in the context of nato expansion. the main thing on meeting between sergei shaigu and the ministry of defense. the area of ​​natural fires in primorye increased by one and a half times per day. where is the most difficult situation and how is the struggle going in the story of our correspondent. a new day
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begins on the russia channel, the main news is in karina ilyin’s studio. hello. the domestic agro-industrial complex has achieved results that it has never shown before. russia has become the fourth country in the world in terms of agricultural exports. its products are supplied to 150 countries, and the country is dependent on the import of products hardly ever. vladimir putin announced this in the stavropol territory. in one of the leading agricultural regions, the president visited the largest in russia.
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completely water, sewerage, electricity , hammer, fire, everything was done anew , in fact, a new school, windows, roofs, facade, they worked hard on the entire territory, that is, everything works out here, well, look, 3.6 billion was allocated for schools for major renovations of schools, it was incredible, it’s just an incredible figure, each middle school has 347 points of growth, that’s 347 places where children study namely additional education, yeah.
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and curfew. previously, numerous bandit groups declared war on the government and united to seize power. they attacked two prisons and released almost 4.00 prisoners. according to some estimates, bandits already control dozens of settlements from which local residents have fled. the police are not yet able to restore order; hundreds of people have been killed and injured in street battles. our compatriots did not contact the embassy for help. environmentalists from the left extremist the vulcan factions claimed responsibility for sabotage on power lines near berlin, as a result of which the only tesla plant in europe was left without electricity. the company estimated the damage from forced downtime at more than 100 million euros. representatives of the banned group vulcan said that their attack was a response to the plant's intention to increase production. environmentalists besiege the enterprise, spend the night in tents around it, and even... they set up
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makeshift dwellings in the treetops. in their opinion, waste from the tesla plant is sent they poison the surrounding groundwater, and for new workshops they cut down prices for the ecosystem. for several days, firefighters fought with dry grass fires, trying to protect residential buildings. only two buildings burned down, one of them was a house on the outskirts, people live there only in the summer, no one was hurt. gas cylinders were stored on the territory, when the fire reached them, a strong explosion occurred and the building burned to the ground. neighbors say there was a very
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strong wind, the flames came down from the hill in a matter of minutes, their house was miraculously saved, and help arrived in time. big thanks to the guys who helped us. we were very scared, if it weren’t for them, we wouldn’t have been able to cope, our house would have caught fire too. it would seem that everything around has already been extinguished, the village is safe, but suddenly we notice smoke near the abandoned houses and a fire truck. here they are running, dragging fire hoses, because it is impossible to get to these abandoned buildings, the road is badly broken, so now hose after hose will connect them to extinguish the buildings. in just 2 minutes the sleeves were stretched by 200 and gave way to pressure, they say. the dry grass around the old garrison was extinguished just yesterday. it is unknown why the stable roof caught fire. the fire affected the territory of the leopard land national park. the fire was quickly extinguished. the red book cats and their neighbors are not in danger. now the situation in the area has stabilized, the main fires have been extinguished, and there is no threat to populated areas. in
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primorye there is a special fire regime. in the south of the region , rescue teams have been strengthened. in the burning khasan district , more than 300 firefighters are on duty around the clock. new forest fire equipment was delivered to the irkutsk region, all of it is russian production. the re-equipment of the vehicle fleet is being implemented as part of the national ecology project. in total, by summer , 45 updated units will appear in the region.
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irkutsk region, first they repeat the theory , then they go through the stage of assembling parachutes , only after that they practice landing , well, someone has to save our forests, this is our nature, this is our property, we are obliged, i think so, this is also some kind of duty. updated special equipment will now help monitor fire safety in forests, for example, a new caterpillar tractor, such as in irkutsk the region received four, while it is still in standby mode, but immediately makes it clear that it is ready for... the modern forest fire equipment was shown by those who will work on it, the seat is comfortable, the cabin is comfortable, large, the controls are also good, in addition to tractors improved tank trucks have appeared,
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previous versions were designed for only six people, the new ones have one more seat, but this is not the only plus, from this year we are getting a shorter base, which is more convenient for us, and this is due to the fact that it the higher one can travel to more distant corners of the forest. before the start of the fire season, drivers learn how to operate pumping equipment. the system is like this: first supply water, then dial, connect the fire extinguishing hose. the schwangs themselves also first check how they cope with the pressure and direct water supply. new tank trucks are already ready to work during the fire season; they are now heading to their deployment sites. alina novosardyan, mikhail glyzin! lead irkutsk. all news is always available on the media platform we look in the application or on the website, they follow the developments of events. the malakhov program is on air. new, little tricks for health. due to your numerous
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requests, we continue our bestseller , collecting the best life hacks for you. the simplest recipe for catl, preserve youth and save thousands. the best breakfast and you won't have a headache. write down all our recipes, because you will definitely need them. malakhov, today at 16:30 on the russia channel. good morning, good morning, svetlana is good here said, straight back, because a new day is starting svetlana abramova and andrei petrov , we welcome you, this is what we will tell you today that is interesting, what we will show you this morning is for the development of your horizons, but we warn you right away, this cannot be repeated even with the greatest wish, i made one american happy last fall. bears settled in the basement of his house and hibernated there. the californian
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waited patiently all winter, but spring came and it was time to deal with the uninvited guests. the owner went down to the basement and made his way there, what did he say to the bears, the bears, as you said, but the bears didn’t do anything to him, but decided to flee, without looking back, they ran away at the expense of living expenses, guys, who will pay for the inflicted bill.
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well, just the stability in yakutia, as i understand it, is -30 as it was, no, it’s already -20 there, but i’ll now tell you in detail in all regions , the systems of frontal sections will break through to the south of russia, so that the clouds will thicken and there will be small rains, in such a situation the air will begin to cool by thursday, in the crimea in the kuban, in midday hours only +5 +10, in the lower reaches of the volga and doan up to 0.5. the fields of frontal clouds will touch the middle volga only at the very edge, here. light snowfalls will be local, temperatures will be moderate on a cold day -3-8. in
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the north-west of russia, the highest probability of precipitation is in the northern and eastern regions; more comfortable, dry weather will linger in the south-west. the prevailing daytime temperature is -2 -3. in central russia, also in the west, significant precipitation is unlikely, in the east in certain areas there will be small snow flurries. during the day, the region will continue to experience some thaw in some places. residents of the urals will experience rather cold weather, there will be light snow here and there, and thermometer readings will not exceed -3-8. in southern siberia, on the contrary, warmer air masses will arrive along with snow clouds, the prevailing daytime temperature is -2-7 in the east of the region, and slight thaws are even possible in some places. the southern part of the far east will be in the area of ​​the asian anticyclone, so it will prevail here.
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on march 9, on the russia channel, food as a work. not art, you can do it with your eyes, but not with your hands. there is a local food festival in japan.
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recipes for most dishes have not changed for centuries. and only local products and spices are used in cooking. this is the tradition. as you can see, preference in this prefecture is given to fish and seafood. the chefs try to amaze the audience and present a real masterpiece. well, when the recipes remain unchanged for years, or even decades, or even centuries. you can be surprised by the presentation design. the pinnacle of skill is considered to be slightly scorched on midget or marine. the secret is that only the crust should be fried, the fish should remain raw, uh-huh, perch, mackerel, well, somehow not podsarskie, andrey, that’s our job to sterilize and cook. they say it’s not difficult, the laying was fresh, it looks like there won’t be any problems with it, they plan to exclude the erased fish from the red book, in some regions they are proposing to lift the fishing ban , you have cinereous fish, but of course, look, they’ve been erased with black caviar, i placed an order and found myself on the throne surrounded by boyars, but konstantin did not he is in a hurry to put manomakh’s hat on his head,
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to try it at the sterlit restaurant, he is not going for the sake of status, the fish is simply delicious, you can’t compare it with something else there. fish, it is not very fatty and not very dry, it is moderate, and moderation gives it a piquant taste. however, the spicy taste is not available for daily savoring. after all, sterilizing delicacies is not cheap, but the recipe for preparing this fish is quite simple: a little oil, spices and fire. we are accustomed to considering red fish a delicacy. in fact, sturgeon is much healthier and is in no way inferior to red fish; it contains a lot of vitamins and healthy amino acids. that's probably why. this fish has always had a special status, tender white meat, with rare black caviar inside. the prefix “royal fish” was firmly attached to the sterling word, and there was every reason for that. dishes from sterlidi were regular food for peter i and other tsars; they say there was even a special state rent, the largest fish caught was necessarily sent to the tsar’s table. a lot of water has flown under the bridge since then, and along with
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fish. sterlit was caught uncontrollably in gigantic volumes, plus the hydraulic structures of the volzhskaya. in the caspian basin , the migratory route of ositrovs was blocked, and so they became an endangered species. if in the soviet union in the seventy-eight-seventy-nine years, at the peak of the industry’s development , 2,500 tons of black caviar were produced, now every culture, its production exceeds a little more than 50 tons. today they are actively trying to restore the sterlidi population, it is prohibited to catch sturgeon, but it is possible to raise the fry and release them back. in the samara region they work specifically for this purpose. two factories in total release into the saratov reservoir annually, well, about one and a half million young sterindi, which then grow up and accordingly replenish the population. over the past few years , the number of king fish in the saratov reservoir has increased significantly. samara deputies even propose to exclude the sturgeon from the local red book and partially lift the ban on its fishing, but scientists have a different
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opinion. sterlidi's broodstock is now in milk. gain the knowledge necessary for a career in the it field and improve your chances of finding a job. thanks to the national project digital economy, all this is possible in free courses code of the future for high school students and college students. registration for them is now underway on the public services portal. here
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you get a sum function, you must pass two arguments there. it is impossible to imagine an accountant without a computer. but, but a good accountant should be not just a user, but also at least a little developer. for this reason, convinced enesa it was worth starting from scratch to learn programming languages. now, having successfully passed two out of four modules of the future code course, she already understands exactly how she would like to improve the working tools of a financier. honestly, i'm really looking forward to creating some kind of program in the future. i would like to create a safe environment in which accountants can enter all the information on the company here. each of more than forty training programs. the code of the future is 144 hours of face-to-face or distance learning, divided into four modules. finishing the module, the student completes the project and receives a certificate. to sign up, just fill out an application on the government services portal and take a test there to select the required level of difficulty. it skills are increasingly in demand every year. if a student wants to spend his life in the future only with programming, this will be
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an excellent basis. but if he wants to be an economist, a commodity expert, a financier, even a restaurateur, he doesn’t mind... this year, thanks to the national project digital economy, free it courses code of the future more than 140,000 schoolchildren from the eighth to the eleventh grade will graduate from colleges, over 100,000 children have already completed their studies and received certificates in 2023. they learned to code, they learned to write programs, create their own websites, chatbots and applications. the guys who complete our project, they not only receive a training certificate, but upon admission they can also. class, even before registering for courses, i wrote a chatbot for the regional information and methodological center, which helps high school students register for unified state exam. and his graduation project, code of the future in
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the field of artificial intelligence, attracted the attention of university teachers. i wrote a tool that helps machine learning developers find the best model for their task. i am currently working in a team of researchers at itmo university. and we are developing a method. for machine learning that allows you to determine the types of bacteria and their concentrations. in fact, the student became one of the developers of neural network algorithms that will soon be used in healthcare. to be useful, nikita says, is the best motivation. by opening a code editor, i can enter a sequence of characters that can create something completely new, that can turn the whole world upside down, or just make me happy at least a little bit. every schoolchild from eighth to eleventh grade or college student can please themselves and gain useful programming skills. registration for future code courses is still open on the state services portal. and then
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the secrets of beauty. to colleges until what age i accept until 35? what's wrong with you? and you made me blush. excuse me, where are you going? are you really working? about homemade cosmetics . in detail in a few minutes , please, introduction and roll call, it’s possible without formation, i’m very glad that you came to visit me, how much tea was drunk, how many stories were told, i was bold in a white tuxedo, and i’m starting, zakharov, and this was for me, probably, akin to the appearance of christ to the people, how many secrets were told, i am like a man, a hunter of women, i like
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to attack, dad imagined that i had there will be a completely different husband, and there is so much more to come, i foresaw my fate, now everything is just coming true, i surrender everything, with joy, let’s all wave our hands when everyone is at home with timur kizikov, on sunday,
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a couple of days ago, dima and i got married, i don’t understand how you pulled it all off, sergey
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gorobchenko, it seems good to me. that this happened to us, yes, everything is for the better, glafira torkhanova, kirill grebenshchikov, i’m to blame for you, i need you, isn’t it because my business is going well, i’m tracking down my sister on your car, guess what will happen next, do you want to crash it or something, i’ll start everything from the beginning, march 8 on rtr. the pose of a modern person, whether in the morning after waking up or in the evening before going to bed, lying like this, holding a smartphone in front of you, you need to watch some news, go to our telegram channel, be sure to subscribe, don’t forget, by the way, it’s worth dozing off, this phone, of course, always falls right on your face, in japan they offered protection, look, the plastic curtains close exactly at the moment when the smartphone starts move downward with free acceleration.
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anyone who has a 3d printer can print such a helmet, and with the same 3d printer you can get another super-novelty: armor for a cat, show us armor for a cat, here they are, you cut such a cat, if you finish smoking, it won’t work anymore punish him with a towel, but it won’t work, but the ultra-modern invention still coexists with grandma’s recipes, all because grandma’s recipes are also effective, though, yeah, a princess, as there is a princess, although...
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we grate it on a fine grater and dry it, grind it into such a beautiful pink powder, you can add it to any face cream or aloe gel. another ancient cosmetic ingredient is, of course, rose petals, they will make your lips beautiful like a flower, the maid probably whispered to her mistress, but today we ourselves are able to make bright , very beautiful lipstick, we will need crushed petals. by the way, depending on the color of the petals, you can make a completely universal product for both lips and cheeks; you can look at the process of making such blush endlessly. by the way, in the process of producing cosmetics, not only the ingredients are important,
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but also... beautiful design, this guy teaches his subscribers how to make the perfect case for lipstick from a bamboo stem, this is not in any store and you can’t buy it for any money, well and the last, but very popular tip for those who have regular wax pencils at home is to melt them and mix them with coconut oil. well, no, i somehow doubt it, i’d better go to the market for some beets, then we replace the medicine with music, yeah, you need a drummer, i’m at your service, i’ll drum out so much that anything is expensive, and i’ll otxillophone, there’s no way out, virgin sun, my sun, your guitar comes in faster.
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why in some cases do you hear a melody better than pills after the news? and there is also a tambourine, you can tam or tamble, or you can mark it, this is to lead the morning, we will talk about the main thing in russia and abroad, that hello! the domestic agro-industrial complex has achieved results that it has never shown before. russia has become the fourth country in the world in terms of agricultural exports. her products are supplied to 150 countries, and the country has virtually no dependence on imported products. vladimir putin announced this in the stavropol territory. in one of the leading agricultural regions, the president visited the largest greenhouse complex in russia, where
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he grows vegetables all year round. i also met with representatives of the industry, all this together, last year export revenues amounted to 43.5 billion dollars, 30 times, not by some percentage, 30 times, for our citizens this increase amounted to just recently absolutely unrealistic, you said in 2000, that 43.5 billion in export income. there will be, no one would believe it, it’s fantastic, it would seem that the products of our agricultural enterprises are sent to approximately 150 countries of the world, despite any external difficulties created for us, and the market is expanding,
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including and perhaps even primarily not only because the quantity of products produced, but from its quality according to the military infrastructure. ukraine suffered a massive blow in the odessa region, at least ten explosions occurred there. local media reports the destruction of hangars with drones, a launch stop, and the defeat of an air defense military unit of the ukrainian armed forces marine corps. news comes from the avdeevsky direction about the destruction of the third abrams. reportedly, another, another american tank was knocked out near the village of berdyche. our fighters from anti-tank missile systems. photos from a copter show the abandoned remains of the abrams. next to the burnt bradley, which is an assault vehicle based on the abrams chassis that was previously shot down in the same area, a launcher was destroyed near the village of mayiki in the dpr anti-aircraft missile system s-300 along with a radar. the strike was carried out by an iskander with
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an anti-ship missile from a su-34 fighter. well, in the kharkov region, our artillery covered a ukrainian sabotage group. the hangar where the enemy transported ammunition and equipment was also destroyed. residents of remote areas of ugra vote early in the country's presidential elections, election commission employees travel to small , hard-to-reach settlements by helicopter. kirill balkonsky visited the camps where reindeer herders live. main artel nizhneortovsky district, despite the name. a maximum of two dozen people live there, mostly representatives of the indigenous peoples of ugra. another settlement that can be reached either by water or by helicopter with an ibor base. here the local commission traditionally works at the paramedic and obstetric station. a health worker had assembled the voting booth the day before.
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representatives of the election committee brought information materials. here they vote not just early, but also by reinforcement. several residents are registered in the district center. for a long time the commission will not was delayed, and upon arrival, representatives of the election commission, who diluted local life for an hour, warned for. according to the list, we have somewhere around 150 people, but people came willingly, that is, they voted, there were no such negative reviews, everything was positive. it’s more difficult this time with early voting at camps. before the start of the herd migration, the reindeer herders organized a wolf hunt; the predators killed two deer for weeks. those who remained on the winter lands vote directly in the helicopter for this practice. not the first time, no matter how many people vote in general at the camp, the state provides every person, no matter where he is, with the opportunity to exercise the right to vote. portable ballot boxes were printed and locked, they
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will be opened on march 17 in the presence of members of precinct election commissions before the start of vote counting. kirillo volkonsky korikov, yugoria, nizhnevartovsk region. this is news, we are monitoring developments. khakassia is preparing for spring floods, units of the ministry of emergency situations and civil defense forces are conducting exercises, they are annual and, according to organizers help emergency services not to get confused in case of real danger. i watched the training. on the bank of abakan , immediately beyond the white yar, there is a formation of equipment and people who are called upon to be the first to come to the rescue in the event of the onset of high water, judging by the reports of the mood of the combat specialists. we are mechanizing the engineering protection complex,
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ready to carry out tasks for command and staff training. the office of engineering protection monitors the status of the dump. sanitary doctors monitor water quality, civil defense and emergency departments organize the evacuation of the population. conditional danger threatens the residents of ostrovna street. and the bus takes them to a temporary stay point, and for those who are still surrounded by water, a helicopter from the ministry of emergency situations arrives. this is the most spectacular moment of the training, and for the specialists of the south siberian rescue squad, to some extent even familiar. what’s the water, what’s this, what’s here , it’s even easier to work over water, yes, easier, because the terrain, the terrain is flat, yes, and helicopters allow you to hold on normally , exercises are held every spring, but when it comes to safety, there’s not a lot of training it happens, the ministry of emergency situations is sure , in total there are 2.00 specialists and 600 units of equipment in the republic in combat readiness, i am sure that such practical actions do not help more quickly resolve issues in an emergency that have already been worked out... what kind of
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spring will it be - the main question in forecasting emergency situations, according to hydrologists , now the reserves are slightly higher than last year, but the behavior of the rivers also depends on the amount of precipitation. a flyover of the upper reaches at the end of the month will help you determine your plan more accurately. marina kanadakova, arseny simonov, news khakassia. the khabarovsk drug production plant has reached new capacity. this is the only enterprise in the east of the country that produces 170 exactly. and despite the sanctions, they managed to launch a new workshop there and begin producing medicines, including for the needs of special operations. anna leonova with details. equipment is being tested exclusively behind glass, without disturbing the climate, in the new production workshop. friendly china helped with the re-equipment. from now on , the medicinal formulas that the whole of russia needs are created here almost in automatic mode.
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30 million ampoules per month come off the assembly line, and a number of medicines began to be produced here, the first ones so far in the far eastern federal district. we make just 7.0 packages of this drug at the beginning of the year and somewhere towards the end. this drug is sold purely at auction, it is against hiv, we were the first to master it. the flagship enterprise of the khabarovsk territory is supported by the state. the plant has the potential for more serious capacity utilization.
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regional authorities heard a state order for training about the need for personnel at the enterprise narrow specialists for the region's leading pharmaceutical industry will be increased. anna lenova, konstantin krutikov, vesti khabarovsk. all news is always available on the media platform, look in the app or on the website, this is news, we are monitoring developments. see all sides at the same time. cuba , only a wizard can see all
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the facets of amazing abilities at the same time, only our magic experts can. amazing people, season seven. we begin to wonder. march 15 at 21:30 on the russia channel. on air program small. new little tricks for health , according to your numerous requests , we continue our bestseller, we have collected the best life hacks for you, the simplest recipe from kazhl: maintain youth and save just thousands, the best breakfast, and your head will not hurt, write down all our recipes, because they will definitely be useful to you. malakhov, today at 16:30 on the russia channel, every day on the street. in my heart, i’ll be with you
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, it’s becoming, don’t leave me alone, it’s warmer, what can i do so that you get away from me, get up, ice, march 8th, well, whatever, it hasn’t worked out yet whom, rolled beautifully, yours, yes, mine, ice march 2, 9 on the russia channel. good morning, good morning, we say to you, good morning. sing , i just want to say, feeling the coming spring , hearing the birds singing outside the window, but still timid, real romance, sudlana abramova, andrey petrov is with you today, good morning, against the backdrop of the spring trills of birds flying from distant lands, the discovery of danish scientists about other whale songs, another step has been taken to unravel how such sounds are made, because
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whales do not have vocal cords, three sea ​​giants and it turned out that animals make sound by pushing air inside their heads. and they strengthen it thanks to a fat drop located on the upper jaw, it works like a membrane, by the way, the chinese sing especially loudly when they are in a good mood and feel slightly in love, and they even sniff a little, he’s the one in love, he’s the one in love, on what else can the enchanting sounds of music be found out by sergei egorov, andrey, you also know about this, but i know a lot about music. founder of the sound therapy studio anastasia using singing bowls makartseva met, one might say , by accident, several years ago the girl worked as a guide in thailand, where she often drew the attention of tourists to buddhist monks meditating to the sounds of singing bowls. each bowl has a basic tone and a large number of overtones, up to twenty. and our brain
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tries for some time to recognize what this unfamiliar sound is, and as a rule it fails, after all. such a certain immersion into a trance state occurs, while sound is only one of the ways of influencing the bowl of a large size they also have a powerful vibration wave, noticeable at the level of the skin; if you place a person in one, you get something like an invigorating vibration bath. the sensation is as if a lot of very pleasant vibrational shivers are running through the body from bottom to top, but the sounds of instruments that are much more familiar to the ears can also cause certain reactions in the body, it’s all about the frequencies that enter our brain. depending. purity that entered the brain through the auditory system, the localization of activity in the brain can be in different departments, and we know that different parts of the brain are associated with different systems, for example, it has been experimentally proven that mozart’s music normalizes
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the functioning of the cardiovascular system, listening to jazz improves digestion. influence deserves special attention. complex symphonic music on the qualitative composition of blood. scientists have been able to prove that the blood can feel music even without the participation of the brain. they took blood from the wine and influenced it with certain types of music. then they watched how the composition of the blood changed. in blood the number of lymphocytes increased by 36% in 45 minutes. that is, listening to music led to activation of the immune system. knowledge about the influence of music on the body is applicable not only in medicine, but also, for example, in sports. heavy guitar riffs promote increased motor activity and dull the pain that occurs in the muscles during training with extreme weights. while listening to heavy rock music, i set my personal record of 150 kg bench press. moreover, regardless of the type of music, its effect will be stronger in the absence of other
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irritants. this phenomenon is actively used in reaction procedures, such as soaring in magnesium water or floating. turn off the light. also, because a person. in magnesium water, he does not feel the weight of his own body and hears only meditative music. despite such a strong influence of music on our body, scientists refrain from recommending listening to any particular style. the same rule applies here as with food. the best effect comes from a balanced and varied diet, where there is room for both active dancing compositions and for complex academic music. well, we are told that music has a beneficial effect on the brain, and this is important in light of the recent covid epidemic. another scientific work by a researcher. by the way, from the uk, they studied blood samples from patients in the acute phase of the disease after 6 weeks and reported markers of brain damage in the blood weeks after recovery, despite the fact that blood tests for inflammation returned to normal, which means there is damage inside the brain itself, which cannot be detected using
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routine tests? we’ll find out everything, we’ll find out everything, with us is the head of the neurological department of the national medical research center of the ministry of health, oksana pogoriltsa, oksana alesandovna, hello! good morning , thank you for joining us, good morning, please tell us, so that everyone can understand everything at once, which of the things that have been voiced over the last year or two after covid is true, and what has been proven? to date , there is no clear evidence base on the long-term results of a neuroinfection, that is, today we have it is only possible to talk about specific inflammation, which inevitably occurs in the brain, like everything else. body, do you agree that some diseases appear just after covid, does it aggravate this? i absolutely agree that any, any disease, chronic, including neurological. diseases, no exception, could be triggered by covid, but this is not necessarily brain fog, these are not necessarily some
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global diseases associated with aging, often these are neurodegeneration, age-related changes in the brain, which could worsen and manifest itself after a seriously ill illness, well, look, when they tell us a, adds b, that is , when they scare us with the fact that look, after covid, something happens to the brain, everything happens. accordingly, they then tell us: there are some recovery methods, it will be very disappointing in 20 years to understand that these processes were already taking place in your brain, and you were late, so maybe something can be done now, in any case, with the manifestation of any neurological symptoms or unpleasant sensations, the patient simply must be attentive to himself and consult a neurologist, at least if the patient has memory impairment, some kind of emotional disturbances, today...
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rehabilitation, medications are not always needed , depending on those symptoms that appeared in the patient, firstly, this is sufficient physical activity, muscle metabolism and... this is a very relevant area of ​​​​modern medical rehabilitation and medical rehabilitation does not exist only
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physical, today all measures of psychological rehabilitation and cardio training are used in order to restore some frequency, optimal heart rate or train the heart, thereby, among other things, ensuring oxygen supply to the brain. thank you, you were our guest. the golden collection from azerçay is a breath of luxury in every cup. start your morning with different flavors of fine black tea. morning, time to brew azerchay. the day when everyone gets their own bouquet. i come to work and look. there are flowers on the table, i didn’t bring you bouquets , i was stunned or something, i ate too much, take the vanik back, office romance march 8 at 14:00,
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morning of russia, don’t oversleep the main thing, the time has come for our test drive, colleague ivan zenkevich today driving an updated mid-size crossover, but i must say that the manufacturer has seriously increased the current average size of this car by making a new version. the gaggy s8 always stands out in a crowd, it’s a strong, chunky crossover, so they brought us its second generation, even bigger than the previous one. the design remained faithful to chopped angular shapes, the length in one fell swoop extended by 15 cm, now it is almost 5 m, the width and size of the wheelbase have become larger. the price, of course, has also increased; the basic modification is offered for 3,800,000 rubles. but we have the top version on test. for 4.4 million. its main difference is the adaptive headlights. competitors: exit vx, gilly manjaro and cherry
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tiga 8 pro max. the cabin now has virtual instruments; there are almost no buttons left on the center console. all settings are made through the media system screen, which is almost twice as large as before. picture brightness and the response speed is good. a projection of data onto the windshield appeared. note. the second row has been added in space, for convenience they are responsible for: longitudinal seat adjustment and a separate control panel for three-zone climate control, but behind there is another row of seats, and it is also not at all cramped, as before there is a two-liter gasoline turbo engine under the hood, only power has increased noticeably, it was 190, now it is 231 horsepower, this whole herd confidently drags the car in all driving modes, it also gives vigor... the manual transmission, which replaced the previous one six-speed, it changes gears clearly and quickly, so
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you hardly use the steering wheel paddles, average fuel consumption in urban test conditions is about. per 100 km. the gs8 rolls along asphalt like it’s a carpet, softly smoothly, and the cabin is quite quiet. however, as soon as a series of potholes or simply a primer gets under the wheels, the suspension gives up and the crew begins to noticeably shake. yes, in general, it feels like the gs8 prefers a leisurely pace of driving, but it lacks the stars in the sky in handling. still, more than two tons of mass after all. for the same reason, it is better not to get carried away with off-road driving; you can easily get buried in the snow. so, the js8 is a spacious and comfortable car for a calm driver, but it certainly wouldn’t hurt to add at least a little excitement to its character. and then we’ll indulge in a little aromatic rendezvous, but the spring holiday is ahead. how much such a meeting might cost and how best to prepare it, we’ll talk about this
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in detail in a few minutes. yes. catch a fish, big or small, well, in general , you chose the right place, when you don’t wondered why people count proteins, fats , carbohydrates. this is where my question begins: can something tasty be healthy? i try it, the level of inflammation decreases, the pain decreases. can something useful be pleasant , science fiction, can something scientific be understandable, and you make a wish, yes, yes, yes, yes, again, yes, every person in any region of russia will be able to make their diet not only tasty,
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but also healthy. and this lifts the mood, that’s for sure, the formula for food on saturday on rtr, this is for you, well, get some sleep, gentlemen, just a minute attention, today is a big day for us, a big holiday, nah, it’s been a while since we’ve seen each other. "daring, white, well, you know, for every cool fighter there is an even cooler one, you fell in love with them, but who is good for you, your wife or your boys, don’t ask stupid questions now, they are still loved, you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for my words, a hero of my time, beauty, repen, the whole
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brigade"? only on the platform we watch, the malakhov program is on air, new little tricks for health, according to your numerous requests, we continue our bestseller has collected the best life hacks for you, the simplest recipe from kazhl, preserve youth and save thousands. tomorrow you won’t have a headache, write down all our recipes, because you will definitely need them. malakhovs, today on rtr, all the girls from the course were in love with you and i,
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in fact, was in the front row. anna medium, premiere, be careful with your former student, today on rtr, if fate takes you to the jungle, indonesia, do not pass, do not drive past, on the top of a picturesque cliff on the island of bali, alone a russian entrepreneur furnished a villa using a decommissioned passenger plane as a basis; after purchasing the airliner, however , he had to... be disassembled, loaded onto a truck, then reassembled at the installation site , the plane could no longer take off, the builders thoroughly grounded it, well , look inside, spacious suites overlooking the beach with a panoramic pool, the pleasure is not cheap; winged villas cost more than 300,000 rubles per night. well, why not the place , why not the place for a romantic date, it’s true that everything is very high, far away, expensive, well
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, although this is a man’s view, probably a woman perceives romance somehow differently. we’ll see now, maybe we’ll find out everything now, but eating in a restaurant, going to the cinema or theater and picking up a girl in a taxi, according to russian men, a modern date looks exactly like this, judging by the survey, flowers are on the list of mandatory components. .. a movie for two is 700 rubles, a taxi is 100, and the date itself in a similar scenario will cost men about 4-500 rubles. tickets to expensive spending in a restaurant are about 3.00 rubles per two, the girls ' preferences turned out to be different: a bouquet of flowers is in first place in the list of attributes of a romantic meeting, here in... first there may be a bouquet of flowers of some kind, at the end, so that he suggests either bringing it or ordering a taxi, flowers, of course, flowers should be included in a real
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date, coffee, sit, drink coffee with a cookie, chat more, take a walk , you can arrange a mini date in a cafe, flowers are important and a cafe, with an average price of bouquets of 1,500 rubles, spending 800 in a cafe, cinema by taxi. the cost of a date will cost a man the amount 4-4.500. it turns out that the total amount of the date, taking into account women's or men's preferences , is almost the same and not so modest. however, you can save money without being a cheapskate. first of all, the flowers are pink. for example, instead of expensive rose and peonies, you can buy lush gardenias, gypsophila, tulips or daisies. this bouquet will be cheaper. secondly, since the girls agree to coffee, an inexpensive but cozy coffee shop will also do, but the price for a cup of aromatic drink differs significantly, for example, espressa is 100 rubles. americana 100-150 cappuccina with cinnamon or. about 200 and the most expensive ones are rav or mocha with coconut milk at around 300 per cup. you can reduce expenses on entertainment, for example, if you choose a cinema not in the center, closer to home, instead of bowling, go to an exhibition in a cultural cluster, these are often free
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, or just take a walk in the fresh air. there are many parks and squares where you can take a walk, buy coffee to go, and various pastries. coffee in such places costs about 200-300 rubles. in the summer, you can consider going on a picnic for about two person with this is about 2.0 rubles. and finally, transfer, sending a girl by taxi is perhaps the most expensive option, but if you start your own car or car sharing at home, you can reduce costs by 30-40%. the most budget-friendly option is to arrange a romantic trip on a tram - about 120 rubles for two people, the most creative, however, if the girl lives nearby, offer to ride home on a scooter for 300 rubles per trip. in general, a cinema or theatre, a cafe or restaurant, a park, an exhibition or a bowling alley - there are dozens of options for dates in russia, and the main thing is that you can arrange a romantic evening according to any scenario for any budget. well, we took a breath, because this is the final of our program, yes, today we say goodbye, tomorrow we will definitely meet again, and we will greet the most important thing, tomorrow
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there will be all the talk about what, and the upcoming women’s day, bye, see you tomorrow , happily, be at the screen. hello, there is news on the air from okan kuvaev's studio, the main thing for this hour. in support of the northern military district fighters, vladimir putin discussed what he could with the governor of stavropol, and also talked visited the largest greenhouse complex with farmers. in the donetsk direction, russian troops defeated six brigades of the ukrainian armed forces, two armored personnel carrier tanks, hail and artillery installations were destroyed. at the call of a woman’s
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heart, the national prize winners were awarded at the exhibition in russia, among them volunteers who participated in the special operation. 1,500 km across endless tundra. the main winter event has started in kamchatka - beringia, the musher dog team race. the domestic agro-industrial complex has achieved results that it has never shown before. russia has become the fourth country in the world in terms of agricultural exports. our products are supplied to 150 countries, depending on the country’s food imports , vladimir putin said during a working trip to the stavropol territory.
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30 times, not some percentage, 30 times, this just recently turned out to be absolutely unrealistic, you said...
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and today we fully stimulate contract work through one-time payments through our regional food service, now we have taken payment for training , i have already said that we have taken it now shape yourself we took that is, everything regarding well, we are meeting with people on your instructions, by the way, i also held a meeting with the houses of our departed children, there are instructions there that they asked to increase preparation for school, they asked me to double the payments, we are solving all this.
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our units defeated six brigades of the ukrainian armed forces, repelled two counterattacks near klecheevka and krasnogorovka, the enemy lost up to 300 troops, two tanks, two armored personnel carriers, a hail installation and seven artillery pieces. the situation on this section of the front, in a report by voenkor vesti mikhail andronik. acacia 152 mm, this weapon rarely works against infantry, mainly hitting armor. equipment or dismantle enemy
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fortifications. in belogorovka, the artillery of the southern group of troops is destroying two-story buildings, which the enemy turned into a fortification of the area and our infantry has already gained a foothold on the outskirts of the village. howitzer crews cut off enemy reserves. ball 539 accepted. a gun fires, armored vehicles are pulled up, constant movement, reconnaissance detects, reports, let's try quickly with the guys. the target came, they blew themselves up, ran, and worked. camouflaged to get away quickly, because there are times when the enemy is also awake, and we also need to camouflage the gun so that it blends into the terrain, enemy reconnaissance drones do not notice it , we bring it to normal combat, clean the barrel, operate the shutter, constantly in combat readiness, on the first command they ran, shooting, no cover, ammunition, unloading, unloading, of course, there is excitement, hit, missed, excitement everywhere, like on... now, when our troops are constantly
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moving forward to fire, the crew can fire artillery for days, as they themselves assure, are accustomed to daily hard work, we support the infantry, that we destroy regional fortifications, strong points, dugouts of the enemy, so that it would be easier for ours moving forward, for the most part it is the work of artillery of various systems and calibers that ensures the advancement of our troops in all directions of special warfare.
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signal, the check is carried out to practice emergency notification of citizens about danger. in the south of primorye, firefighters managed to protect several more settlements from the fire. currently, two natural fires have been recorded in the region: the most complex is in the khasan region, where dry grass is burning over an area of ​​\u200b\ u200bone thousand hectares. report by victoria shandebina. the village of zarubino is surrounded on all sides by blackness, these are scorched fields. for several days, firefighters battled dry grass fires. protect residential buildings, only two buildings burned down, one of them was a house on the outskirts, people live there only in the summer, no one was hurt, gas cylinders, when the fire reached them, the fire was stronger. explosion, the building burned to the ground. neighbors say there was a very strong wind, the flames came down from the hill in a matter of minutes, their house was miraculously saved, and help arrived in time. many thanks to the guys who helped us put out the fire, we were very scared, if it weren’t for them, we wouldn’t have
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been able to cope, our house would have caught fire too. it would seem that everything around has already been extinguished, the village is safe, but suddenly we notice smoke near the abandoned houses and a fire truck. they are running , dragging fire hoses, because they can get to these abandoned buildings are impossible, the road is very broken, so now sleeve by sleeve will connect them to extinguish the buildings. in just 2 minutes, the hoses were stretched 200 meters and they were sent to the pores; they say the dry grass around the old garrison was extinguished yesterday; it is unknown why the roof of the stable caught fire. the fire affected the territory of the leopard land national park, the fire was quickly extinguished, and the red book cats and their neighbors are not in danger. now the situation in the area has stabilized. the main fires have been extinguished, there is no threat to populated areas. in primorye there is a special fire-fighting regime; rescue teams have been strengthened in the south of the region. in the hottest khasan district, more than 300 firefighters are on duty around the clock. victoria shandybina, maxim molygin, host primorye. news, follow
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developments, stay with us on the russia channel. provocation. treacherous behavior, there is a difference between a man and a woman, i noticed, then it turns out that my husband and my cat are the most intelligent creatures in our family. orientalism, this is conditionally some kind of parallel agenda. what do you need nerif? continuation of the conversation in new issues our podcasts. and so as not to miss anything, subscribe. listen and watch on the media platform let's watch. substation. the first podcasts we watch. those who want to stay informed watch news of the week.
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advanced program. news of the week with dmitry kiselyov, on sunday on rtr. drop everything and go quickly to the restaurant in the garden. what for? irena met a gorgeous man, they are planning an affair, just think, i will also try to win her, can you imagine, irka, our quiet woman, immediately had a bunch of gentlemen, the most important thing is that they fight for her to the death, everyone has the right to
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later happiness, listen, maybe we can start everything from scratch, march 8 on rtr. men congratulate women sing only for them what gifts did your son give you i brought a snake from the street gave the beauties cherries to the princesses on the holidays. holiday episode on march 8 on rtr, i appreciated the main working villain, he didn’t get along with anyone here, we’re watching on the weekend, well, i realized that living with your husband or working on your own are completely different things, i’d like to see you not only in
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office, and you don’t happen to know who this woman is who is sitting next to maxim, it’s his wife, you see, she’ll be born any day now, mom maybe on saturday: nrtr. russia, traditional, modern, technological, original, open, great, so different, but dear to everyone, everything. russia is before your eyes, come to the international exhibition forum russia. and someone is trying to
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tell you something important through water, the premiere on rtr, a man has disappeared like canal water, i am absolutely sure that something bad has happened to your daughter, you need talk to ostrovskaya, no, i’m sick, they’re offering me an operation, but do you think everything will work out, anna medium, today on rtr. participants of the world youth festival in sirius are learning to paint nesting dolls and play on spoons; however, the forum is rich in not only a cultural program, but also a business one. our correspondent anna sorokina found out what issues are being discussed there. each stamp in the improvised passport of festival participants represents completed master classes, competitions and lectures. today throughout the time that i am at the festival, we collected stickers like these, as well as stamps, i managed
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to get acquainted with various corners, regions of our country, they brought all the best to the world youth festival, here every day they talk about history and traditions, for example, they paint one of the main symbols of russia are matryoshka in the traditional style, and these are modern skateboards in the style of nizhny novgorod wooden carvings. at the adjacent exhibition they talk about russian projects in the food industry.
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thank you for your service, perseverance and courage, for mercy, responsiveness and spiritual generosity. calling the heart is the central event of the all-russian forum, a prize that is awarded for the first time to women who unite society through their example. such unity, when the whole country helps its heroes, is invaluable in difficult times, and, probably, no words can describe all our gratitude to those women who took on this difficult mission. the award from the hands of valentin matvienko in the memory of the heart category was received by the deputy chairman women's council of the northern fleet.
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the all-russian women's forum became a meeting place for women of various professions; they came here from all regions of russia to share their experiences and hope to talk about current problems and ways to solve them. representatives of all the country's fleets, along with their wives, gathered at the stand of sevastopol, a city that 10 years ago reunited with historical russia.
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race participants have to overcome, reporting by alexandra ostrikova. early morning, dog voices literally make you sleepy ears, almost 200 animals are rushing onto the track. we are in the start area, the athletes gradually set out on the route one by one. the first stage, 60 km long, according to the mushers themselves, the first days are the most difficult, the dogs need to get used to it and get into the rhythm of the race. the race consists of 24 stages and lasts approximately a month. the entire route passes through picturesque places, dense forests, fields, mountains, ridges and passes. every day mushers cover from 40 to 120 km, the temperature drop reaches -55°, and the heights are several hundred meters. very coldy can give way to blizzards at lightning speed. the athletes make the sleds for the race themselves by hand; each musher has his own technology and secret materials.
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the life of the participants during the race deserves special attention; it is also difficult in spartan conditions. depending on the stage. for overnight stays in tents or huts, light and water are not everywhere; food is provided to people by a mobile field kitchen. during the layover , athletes have several hours to recuperate. first of all, koyurs provide rest for their four-legged animals. partners, unharness the teams, spread hay for the animals. this is what a well-deserved doggy rest looks like. at the start, the animals scream loudly and are literally eager to fight. after the finish you are always a little tired, but calm and peaceful. after that, they make sure to prepare a hot dinner themselves, to pass such a difficult route, in addition to physical health and endurance, the emotional component is also important, the musher team is one team, here each dog has its own approach, i have a secret leader with her in general only in a kind way, with you can’t strictly offend her, well, she’s like that, yes,
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she is my mysterious lady, so with her you need a subtle nature; in general, going through the first stage did not show enough. training of two mushers at once, they voluntarily left the race and returned to the village of essa, while the weather is favorable for the athletes , the remaining yurov easily covered more than a hundred kilometers, you can watch them online, each has a gps tracker attached, alexandra ostrikovo, ivan kulakov, vesti kamchatka. this concludes our issue, oksana kuvaeva was with you, all news is always available on the media platform we look at application or on the website see you. we're giving karina an exclusive three-week tour of south america, happy birthday. i don’t
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understand anything, what’s going on here? why did you come? why did i find a piece of paper in your office, a divorce certificate, what kind of stupid joke is this? this is not a joke , this is your new reality, it was erased from your own life, now we have nothing, no car, no house, i have no business and no husband, which means it’s time to build a new one, tell me, you’ve seriously decided to develop yourself from scratch, i i want to prove that it is impossible to drown me, the stable is on fire, lord, what is it, how can it be so, and andrei, where? on march 8 at rtr, it so happened that i
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never had the opportunity to meet mihan mikhailovich himself, it’s his ninetieth birthday, we’re meeting with you, on the anniversary of the main duty officer in the country, he had such enormous talent that until his last years he continued to write talentedly, mikhail. was an irrepressible person in this sense, he was simply a woman lover, and only later did he marry natasha, and so they lived through his life to the end, he found his happiness, it was very difficult for him to speak in ordinary kubonets, he said that he did not write for a hall in which there were thousands of people. and writes for friends, the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov, today on rtr, are you inviting me to your theater? i invite you, sash,
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forgive me, yes, i’m a bastard, how could you, and you just arrived, uh-huh, yes, i, nadya, valya, came to conquer moscow. who are you? and i, lena, are his wife. are you waiting for someone? yes, you? for what? i would like to invite you to a restaurant. that's what, dear, i’ll bring nadya back. misha, get out. i want to return to you, to seryozha. leave me and seryozha alone. do more. i'm not going to women on saturday at rtr, there are places that fascinate,
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because they are part of the cultural code, because they contain power, beauty and history, conquer, the squad is ready, explore, nature, mother, dear, simply incredible beauty, you we already understand what the vietnamese’s favorite... means of transportation is, there are 10 million moped drivers here, try the taste, oh, it’s amazing how delicious everything is, just like my mother he says, “you can eat your mind, this world is worth seeing, a snake charmer is the most ancient profession in india, they say that a properly made bukhara knife became a real amulet for its owner. a secret to the whole world. on saturday on rtr.
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i constantly receive threats because of concerts in donbass. that my family will be told to burn in hell, but i will always be on the side of my homeland, the famous actress anastasia makeeva once admitted. anastasia makeeva! fans call anastasia makeeva the queen of musicals, but several years ago, not her work, but the personal life of the actress became the subject of loud discussions on talk shows on social networks; her chosen one, roman malkov, left his wife and children for the sake of love for the actress. these years of passion around anastasia makeeva's fourth husband have subsided; all predictions that her happiness will once again turn out to be scarotic have not come true. for many, the appearance of anastasia
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makeeva at the rally-concert in luchniki in 2022 was a surprise, but not for those who know her well. played out.
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roma, he didn’t even let you come to me alone, motto families, we are together all the time, well, love, what can you do, you don’t let us go to war either. every time we went together, yes from the first time, yes, we were there probably six or seven times, each trip we toured three cities with concerts, from my very first visit to the new liberated territories, rum was always there , so he knows all the ups and downs, he shared and experienced all the emotions with me, they were different, exciting, in some places it was even a little scary, but i am grateful to my husband that he is with me. nastya, you have been
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on the first day of our special military operation they supported her, without doubting for a second why? well, i’m from the south, i’m from krasnodar and some of my relatives live in krasnodar in the krasnodar region, and the other part of my relatives in the rostov region, in the mines, nearby, belgorod, so they have been living in this state for a long time. well, let’s say, restless, so i knew everything from the inside, firstly, secondly, to be honest, i was always patriotic and loved my country, probably because my parents raised me that way, probably because i remember the eyes of my grandfather, who told me, despite the fact that i was little, about the victory of the great patriotic war, and this is very valuable to me, probably, that’s why i had no doubts, well
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, i want to say, probably of the internet, of course, if you tell someone there, i’m there for us, it’s one story when you do this publicly in the internet space, well, i won’t say how many thousands of malicious comments and threats flew towards me, that’s a separate story, they fly is still very active, but i’m not even talking about what after my participation in the concert-rally in march, and i was immediately included in various sanctions
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lists, congratulations. yes, thank you, pretty soon you actually ended up there , practically in the city that is teskova in makeyevka, you doubted whether there was at least some, you talked to each other about how you should go, not go, and so on, no, doubts in fact, it hasn’t happened since the first trip, and a very significant moment just happened in makeyevka, boys of 8-10 years old are playing in the center of the city, riding scooters, playing with a ball, and there are just explosions... a cold sweat ran down my back from the fact that they don’t even pay attention to these explosions, that is, they grew up with them, they grew up, they genetically have no fear, it’s true, and i want to say that when you go there, you don’t you’re afraid, but when you’re there, we still have, well, we have an integrated , let’s say, instinct of self-preservation, when there was even a moment there, i was sitting, we were sitting, we went there, here’s me and dmitry, yes, and we went with our other halves, in
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fact it was very good. well, it’s important for us, s his wife, marina, went with dima, and roma is with me, and we are sitting and i hear , and i’m sitting like that, and marina is looking at me, and i’m like, you’re like, i say, okay, i raise my hands myself, i understand, that well, i’m a person, i’m a living person, and i’m still scared, she’s like , give valerian, i say, yes, you can have a little blood, and the people around are absolutely, well , here are the doctors, yes, we went there to congratulate the doctors. they don’t leave, although it would be profitable to, well, quit, yes, why, why risk it, they stayed, these fantastic people, like since we sang in front of them in the corridors there, they were with us.
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wide, now from donetsk to mariupol i’m silent about the roads, everything is there, you reach such highways instantly, and also the people have changed, what has changed in people over these 2 years, what do you think, looking at the people, there in the same lugansk, when we talked, and they, they are shocked that it’s really possible to live like this, after all, as they said, but now they’ll bomb you, they’ll abandon you, they’ll leave you like that, in the end , what’s wonderful, people have a new life, this. .. several buildings, this is an entire city, that is, people will come there to study, imagine, it’s just,
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well, not just what, it’s not just a city with a past, but without a future, it’s fantastic, it’s a city of the future now, an absolute city of the future, and in mariupol there on the embankment the embankment is so beautiful there , it goes away like this... he went through the whole special operation, he is a hero of russia,
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at night at the night liturgy in the church in a dugout , while he is a ottarnik in this church, and he serves every night of the liturgy, he serves at every liturgy, strong, a powerful person, i am quite a lot. i got to know people of this kind during these 2 years of war, people of incredible spirit, huge, giants, but i lost some, you probably also got to know a lot of people on your trips there, and lost some, i know, like alexei zhurafko, we once traveled with him , an incredible man, i remember that he appeared in the hall where all the artists had gathered, i said, look what an interesting man,
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how many attempts have been made on his life, how many cases have been opened, he says, i understand, where is all this going, sooner or later, most likely they will achieve their goal, it will work out, yes i was told to you then, yes, he said, he says, i know that they will kill me, but... and he says: i’m not afraid, i believe that what i’m doing is this, and i’m so for him, i remember, i when i found out, i honestly say, i was so upset, because he was like a symbol of kherson, and he managed to vote for annexing the territory to russia, and i was so offended that he did not live to find out the results, that everything... after all, everything he did was not in vain, on the part of our enemy it was generally very... vile war, a war without rules, they hunt, for example, especially for journalists, for priests , they just issue separate awards for the murder of priests who are honeymakers, it
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’s just some kind of horror, my guys, colleagues, journalists, they deliberately don’t wear this abs, all this blue armor there, because they they see, the enemy sees the blue ones and deliberately hits, although in general not at the warrior. accepted differently, you see, journalists don’t touch, yes, but we also had such a nervous return from kherson, it was the day of the russian flag, in fact, people came who nistvov asked, give us russian flags , that is, for them to stand and wave, well then, when we were leaving kherson, having passed the antonovsky bridge, about 20 minutes later the bridge was shelled, the workers who were engaged in restoration were killed there. we didn’t know about this, since we arrived at the territory, turned off cellular communications, mobile phones, we found out only a few hours later, when we got to the hotel, so that the next day we could leave the territory again for the city of milito. minitopol and
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just saw that we were torn apart phones, and that they are alive, everything is fine, yes , because of course it was in the news , it was covered, well, it’s not scary, in fact , we spent my birthday once in lugansk, on december 23, on december 22 we interrupted a two-day vacation, well, it was two days, it was supposed to be a week, but they said that there would be a new year for... the military and their wives, of course we immediately said, yes, of course, you and i, it was a beautiful evening for the officers, we did concert, we arrived, we sang for them, it was shown on new year's eve, and on returning already, 00:00, we were returning by bus from lugansk to rostov to fly to moscow, so i go up to vaitenka and sergei, i say, seryoga, it’s my wife’s birthday , he says, i understand, he pulls out the accordion. in boyan we start playing the song
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of the crocodile gena and the whole bus sings congratulating his wife on her birthday, then, then the following happened: we arrived - on the plane, got on the plane and at 9:00 o’clock we couldn’t fly out, in short, the whole of my birthday, really hungry, because this is a military plane after all, but we spent everything together, probably no one can boast of how many folk artists were present at my birthday and no one was at such a hungry but cheerful birthday together, it was quite emotionally memorable, such a big deal, and we need to not be able to predict, as our word, i’m not an artist, but i had acting experience, i acted as a cadet, you can imagine, one day i went to the same location in the zaporozhye direction.
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and today all three of us are in different areas we are fighting at the front, and for me it was some kind of shock, well, such a good bright shock, firstly , well, some kind of joy that such work, i understand that i was brought there, but alexander nevsky himself, god himself brought me , maybe it’s some kind of consolation for him too, some kind of strengthening, because it’s very hard to be there, so i just stayed there for several hours in these catacombs, in this mud, in these lands.
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or not there in the territories, when we are very close, let’s say, friends and cooperate with various funds, in particular the fund of our own let's leave it, it's dedicated to veterans of a special military operation, and we've already performed several times at the burdenko hospital, and i remember my first, my first meeting with the guys, when i came out and that means i'm singing, and i ... sang a song about dad, about father, in which they sing about grandfather, songs about
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any band, and roma played the guitar for me and i suddenly realized that they were looking at me with such admiration and hope that i started crying, and i couldn’t hold back these tears, i have such a lump in my throat, and i just turn around to roma, i say, i can’t, please support me, he starts singing, and i just burst into tears, and you are cheerful. it means he’s a soldier, and he’s looking at me with those eyes, and i’m looking at him, and i’m already scared, well, i’m sorry, he only has one arm, he has no legs, no second arm, and he’s looking at me , he is so joyful, he says: oh, you came to us, i remember this, we entered the same room, and he was lying there, so great, and i think to myself, lord, he is enjoying life, how is this possible, i say, you smile like that, why are you smiling like that? and he's like that says: so this is it, i’m married, i have five
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children, and can you imagine, a bomb landed on me when, well, in general, they thought that i was dead, and that means i’m in the bag, that’s where ... that means to to the guys who died , so i lay there for a day and a half , and then i couldn’t find the grannies, so such joy, the children were so happy that i was still alive, they were first told that i died, but i seem to be alive, and i look at him like that and think, lord, how much courage you have, can you imagine, i wouldn’t know anyone else, but he is glad that they found him, that they found him, that he alive, that his family is waiting, you know, the most important thing is that they say that we will get up now and go back.
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the option was either death or to run away or run away, and he volunteered to join his detachment, which they created in this city, the teachers who were there in the same way, simply did not run away and organized their teams, remember, yes, how the guy told us, he says, there were 30 of us, only six remained, behind the scenes, so they accompanied us, he says, during the day he says i am a teacher, and at night i am a partisan, at my front. a shell hit them, it hit hospital, and he was the one who told the story , small, puny, by the way, his daughter was born quite recently, his first, and this,
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that is, he came on vacation there for a couple of weeks, so he also came back after the hospital again, to me it was very... well, for us , for our family, it’s proud, everyone is used to me being shown on tv, here , brother, how the hero was shown in a story on central channels, i’m listening to you now, you know, a strange thing came to me thought in my head, i so often, yes all of us, and you too so often we heard from our veterans, from grandfathers , from many, you know, reluctance to talk about the war, i asked my guests here so many times, graying up, what did grandfather tell you about the war there, because it lasted there until berlin, nothing, never, that’s now i’ve been to the very front , and there in some places where, of course , it’s not very easy to even get through, just here, well , in the positions of the soldiers, i realized that they don’t tell, probably not because it
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’s scary, because what is the worst thing you can tell about, about the worst thing, you can even basically tell, don’t tell, because it’s very difficult to find. of course, when you are face to face with death, then you begin to understand that there is value in your life, and that at any moment this life can end, then you want to leave behind the right
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actions, and the main thing is to leave with a pure heart, if it will happen if it is meant to happen. okay, of course, you see, i, well, i haven’t been to kherson yet, i was in genichesk, this is the current capital of the kherson region temporarily, well, they approached me on the street people who evacuated from kherson , god, how much joy, how much, what love i bathed there, you know, it’s true, when they come up on the street, hug, thank you, what i saw are people who are simply happy because that they are at home. that they are in russia and they are ready to go through any troubles, just these hugs, happiness, that’s what you came, thank you, well, should i tell you about the flight, they just didn’t let us go , they hugged us, they took photos together, we’re already talking, guys, guys, we need me, everything is there they swooped in on us, how fantastically
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hospitable they are, oh yes, how they are very sescrum here, you come in, but they also baked pies, and they brought this, and here we have it... vorenitsa, they are just so sincere, hospitable, hospitable, warm , i say, listen, i say, we must bring you everything here, they say: no, no, no, we want you to like it here, we are very... we are glad that you came, so reverently, as if these were real people, yes, emotional, open, just a short while before the start of our special operation, you stood at the altar, got married in crimea, yes, yes, the russian church, the russian church, i remember you and i talked about it here in this studio, about how not just your family was built, how everything didn’t just work out for you, what terrible scandalous scenes came between you and your past ones. we can say that this war is over, you can’t even imagine how many, not tens, but hundreds of people are now writing about what you
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know, we didn’t understand you somewhere, condemned, and now we see how important it is, that this is true love, and that you are all together, you overcame all this, went through and proved, probably, although we did not try to prove anything to anyone, we proved that love is ready to conquer everything , and this... “this is incredible, i remember now, i spent the night in the kherson forest, not far from the front line, at night i got up to go to the liturgy in this church in the blendage, i got lost, where is the temple, i seemed to be walking along this path, i can't find him, but it's completely dark and i can't see nothing, suddenly, through a gap in the bushes , there was some kind of small chopping light, i went towards it and saw..." this, this light pouring from behind the door, i was drowned in the ground, and
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i froze, because it was very beautiful, absolutely biblical picture, what is there behind that, behind that door of the temple, where the temple is, there is the lord himself, and this light, it seemed to me for a second that what happened to me then, that night, actually this happens to all of us, in some sense we are coming from this somewhere... the lover of the life of beautiful women is turning would be 90 years old. mikhail mikhailovich was an irrepressible person in this sense; in my opinion, everything that
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was female moved or moved or swayed aroused his keen interest. they love you for something else, for your skin, your eyelashes, your lips, your weakness and tenderness, and you still have to manage, while running 50 km a day, to remain weak, and you manage. two great masters of satire, on which mikhail zhvanetsky and arkady raikin agreed, he influenced me so much, if he had told me, go, hit the director in the head with your fist, i would have gone, he probably hit me, why did they break up, why are you yelling, you’re a white mouse, you ’re playing the fool here every day, i have to go to work tomorrow, look today immediately after the release of the day’s news.
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please, acquaintance and roll call, it’s possible without formation, i’m very glad that you came to visit me, how much tea was drunk, how many stories were told, i was daring in a white suit, and i’m starting,
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irena met a gorgeous man, they are planning an affair , just think, i’ll also try to win her, can you imagine, our irka, the tifushnitsa, has a ton of gentlemen at once appeared, the most important thing is that they are fighting for it to the death, everyone has the right to later happiness, but listen, maybe we can start all over again, march 8 on rtr. lol
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is shaking, the walls are shaking, big changes have come, in the new season with a new renovation, a slight movement of the hand, we are making three different functional zones from this absolutely faceless room, ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be plenty of surprises and work so many. plans turn into projects before our eyes, i adore plants, i’m generally a plant person maniac, real stone flowers will soon bloom in the living room of our heroes, after dismantling a lot will become clear, and dreams become reality, look, let them into your home, big changes,
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today on rtr. the malakhov program is on air. new little tricks for health. due to your numerous requests, we continue our bestseller and have collected the best life hacks for you. the simplest recipe from kazhl: preserve youth and save thousands. the best breakfast and you won't have a headache. write down all our recipes, because
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that they will definitely be useful to you. malakhov today at rta. posters on the culture tv channel: theatre, music, fine arts march 6. the bolshoi theater on the historical stage presents the opera francesca chilia by adriana licouvreur, premiere. productions by evgeniy pisarev, performance designers zenovy margolin and victoria sevaryukova, stage conductor artyom obashev, the main role is performed by dina arlieva, yusif ivazov, ambrogia maestri, cantata by sergei taneyev and anda maskin and music by george sviridovarami tsar fyodor ioanovich, will be performed in the tchaikovsky concert hall by the yurlov choir of the svetlanov russian symphony orchestra conducted by alexei rubin.
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the moscow musical theater presents the premiere of the romantic comedy tes. for love, composer artyom pys, director marina shvidkaya, set design and costumes by anastasia nefedova, theatrical association artartner stage of the mask theater shows the premiere performance of madame bavari based on the novel by gustav flaubert, directed by anton fedorov. starring natalya rychkova, semyon shtemberg, olga lopshina. in the jewish museum and tolerance center, a project whose theme was the origin and development of jewish modernism as a phenomenon in the art of the 20th century. the exhibition includes more than... descriptive and graphic works by marc chagall, nathan altman, david shterenberg, el lissitzky, robert falk, alexander tyshler and other masters. in the exhibition space of the nizhny novgorod warehouses there is a personal retrospective of ivan lubennikov, where you can see paintings, graphics, sculpture and architectural models created by the artist in different years, from the early works of the seventies to the last years of his life. at the nizhny novgorod gorky drama theater
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the premiere performance of shakespeare's comedy a midsummer night's dream directed by gennady shapushnikov. set design and costumes by boris shlyamin. this play falls out of all the layers that i know. it turned out that time does not exist in it, that is, it exists in different manifestations, in different eras, they exist, pass, different things pass in the same place, one is superimposed on the other, it turns out very it’s such an interesting mixture of the same thing, we add any. on love, its different manifestations in different places. this is a quantum play by shakespeare, it also implies the introduction of some other space. this is a play about love in quantum. its understanding, dismantling it to the distraction of desire to the smallest detail and to self-sacrifice and sacrifice in the end. the samara opera and ballet theater presents
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pyotr ilgevich tchaikovsky's opera evgeny anegin in the premiere production by georgy saken, set design by vyacheslav okunev, music director and conductor evgeny khakhlov. in the omsk fifth theater they are playing the premiere performance of anton kovalenko khlestakov postscripts, based on the comedy by nikolai vasilyevich gogol, the inspector general. new adventures is performing matthew bourne's ballet edward scissorhands, based on the tim burton film and music by teri davis, on tour in bristol. the music of rachmaninov and shestakovich will be performed at the paris philharmonic by the paris orchestra. soloist yuyun chan lim, conductor klaus meckel. a retrospective exhibition of hans ullmann has opened at the berlin gallery of modern art. one of the most significant representatives of german post-war modernism, artist and sculptor, founder of metal plastic. about 80 sculptural and graphic works demonstrate how the perception of space changed in ullmann’s works from the thirties to the 70s of the last century. men congratulate
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women and sing only for them. dearest, we cat. what gifts did the son give? i think i’m a mistress, and on our bed, either you leave, or we and the children, okay? remember, you are empty space without me, zero, you thought about the children, i’ll find a job,
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be careful, you can build a new one from the ruins of your old life, in general, at least something in business, you know, sometimes it’s better than the old one, help! i got my very first contract, give me the office, maria kulikova, what the hell are you doing here, mom , maybe on saturday on rtr. today on the program: what varieties of rice and types
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of fish are natural statins, how do they reduce cholesterol levels in the blood? you only need 700 units, yes, but here there are 4,500 in one fish, wonderful, fresh, excellent, spring aggravation, really? and it’s true that gastritis makes us forgetful, prevents the effects of this acidic gastric juice, but what does the head have to do with it? health secrets from irina bezrukova: how to protect your legs from varicose veins, dissolves and removes everything unnecessary, anti-flow effects not only on the legs, but on other parts of the body, in particular on the face. it’s hard to carry bags while pumping arm muscles under the control of dr. agabkin. good morning! hello, this is the permanent presenter of the program, dr. sergei agabkin and mikhail politsemakov. coming soon international women's day. we congratulate all our spectators, our beautiful girls
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on this beautiful spring day. we wish you to be attentive to yourself and , most importantly, healthy. by the way, i often notice how our dear women, grandmothers, mothers, carry heavy bags. a - difficult, b - injury. it’s dangerous and morally difficult, how can this condition of theirs be alleviated? the best way is to prepare your muscles so that this does not cause discomfort. let's do this and do it together with our viewers, who often carries bags, is that you? come out! to strengthen the muscles we will need additional weights, so a bottle in your hands, we start the exercise, look, the exercise will... consist of three phases, which means phase one, we bend the elbow, this is equivalent to what we lift from the ground bag, phase number two, we push the arm up. in addition
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to the fact that this strengthens the muscles, it also helps to stabilize the shoulder joint to avoid dislocations, which often happen in the autumn-winter period when falling on the arm, strengthened your shoulders and now is the time. about the most important thing, which foods can lower our cholesterol levels, we’ll find out right now, i recently read an article on the internet that 56% of all deaths in russia are due to heart attacks, indeed, almost half of the population of our planet... have a tendency to
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cardiovascular diseases catastrophes, how do we even know if any of us or our viewers are at increased risk of a heart attack? well, there are many different so-called markers, that is , based on which we can say that the probability is higher, one of them, for example, is cholesterol level, yes, if the cholesterol level is elevated, then we can say that this person is at risk. tell me, who in the room doesn’t know their cholesterol level? well, many, yes, many , i think, well, for example, you, come out to us, good morning, good morning, what is your name, my name is natalya, natalya, let's measure your cholesterol level with pleasure, come on, here we are there is a device there, it’s very simple, oops, there is, that’s it, right, a test strip stick it in, it takes 2.5 minutes to perform the analysis, just in general.
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last time did you measure your cholesterol levels? well, a very long time ago, two years ago, he was slightly promoted, and what did you do about it? the doctor prescribed statins for me, i started taking them for a month, probably after i took them, i began to feel worse, my liver began to ache, but somehow, well, maybe it’s not the liver, but in in the liver area i felt somehow uncomfortable, nausea appeared, why did you think it was because of the statin? because i didn’t take anything else other than them, and before taking them i didn’t have such symptoms, i stopped drinking them, in general they quit petistatins, i quit pitistatins myself and i didn’t return to this issue again, now we’ll find out what the level is you cholesterol, you definitely don’t remember the reference values ​​that you had, more than seven, but you have 10, it’s crazy, this is serious, no, really, look, if you’ve already been prescribed cholesterol-lowering drugs, then just so take it. although
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canceling them is wrong, if what is with is happening to you, it is really described as side effects from taking drugs, all drugs really have them, specialists always have the opportunity to find drugs that will adjust for the same cholesterol level, but from a different group, for example, will not affect your liver or not affect overall well-being, something other than statid can lower cholesterol levels, there are certainly also natural substances that lower cholesterol levels. foods that can influence this, justice for the sake of this influence food products will not have the same strong effects as pharmacological drugs, but they still can not significantly reduce cholesterol levels. what foods can help us lower cholesterol levels? let's discuss it with our expert. konstantin pavlovich ivanov, general practitioner, cardiologist, nutritionist, candidate of medical sciences. good morning. good morning,
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good morning, hello, hello, in general, level 10 is big, monstrous, but it’s good that you are here today, and of course, the main mistake, articles should not be canceled in any way case it was impossible, we need to focus on those useful products that we have in our arsenal, so as not to use other drugs, let's talk about them, and you remember, natasha, and you, dear friends, too, for example, some varieties of rice may have this with a small effect,
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it contains the substance monocalin k, the chemical formula of which coincides with the formula of statins. take note, this is true. therefore, a doctor, therapy and proper nutrition. yes. go ahead. let's move on, well, here, by the way, a very important point, yes, this is a fatty sea fish. mackerel is a source of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. for health, we need 500 mg of them per day, which is exactly how much is found in 25 g of fish. this is enough to reduce the amount of triglycerides in the blood, activate blood flow and lower blood pressure. essential fatty acids maintain cholesterol levels and make the walls of blood vessels more elastic. by cleansing the blood of harmful lipid plaques, it reduces the risk of heart attacks and coronary artery disease. i understand so, that the main effect is not only and not so much in reducing total cholesterol, but rather in the ratio of bad to good. absolutely fair, because we are talking about the ratio of omega-3 and 9, and in mackerel
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this ratio is the most correct. let's move on. i immediately remember russian folk tales about rejuvenating apples. british scientists from the university of reading, in a two-month study on forty-three volunteers, found that eating only two apples daily reduces blood levels. cholesterol by 16%, and the risk of a heart attack by 32%. the fruit is rich in pectin, a type of soluble fiber; just 4-8 g of pectin per day is enough, and your blood vessels will retain their elasticity for a long time. raw apples are not as effective as... dried apples, you know, those apple chips, have a low glycemic index, that is, they do not significantly increase blood sugar levels, at least not quickly, and with all this, it is actually a pectin concentrate , thank you very much, that's not all, we'll be there now in fact, to talk about how to eat it, i’ll show you a very simple recipe that
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is quite easy to reproduce, on the one hand it’s tasty, on the other hand it’s very healthy, look, we have carrots, take this - a peeled apple, take our grater, it’s already there , whoever likes it more, you can have it larger, then we quickly grate it, add carrots, which we use as a dressing, use yogurt, mix it, we get a salad, wonderful, fresh, excellent, no feeling of remorse, then again i’m full of belly on evening, thank you, kostantin ballovich. today we found out which foods will help lower cholesterol levels in the blood, how gastritis can lead to memory loss, and what you need to do now to avoid this, we will find out in the section medical history, someone
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is trying to tell you something important through water , premiere on rtr, a man has disappeared , like... canon, i am absolutely sure that something bad has happened to your daughter, you need to talk to ostrovskaya, no, i’m sick, they’re offering me an operation, but do you think everything will work out, anna medium , today on rtr, good morning, my beloved, my voice sounds only for you, my heart beats only for you...
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wait for me, they keep you through the rains, some kind of fantasy, morning mail with nikolai baskov, on sunday on rtr. this is for you, well , did you get some sleep, gentlemen, just a minute, attention, today is a big day, a big holiday, nah, pressure, we haven’t seen each other, cool, white, well, you know, for every
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cool fighter he’ll find an even cooler one, in they fell in love, but who is good for you, your wife or your boys, don’t ask stupid questions now he loves them. until now, you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for my words, heroes of my time, beauty, repin. the whole brigade, we’re just looking at the platform, it so happened that i never had the chance to meet mikhail mikhailovich himself, it’s his ninetieth birthday, we’re meeting on the anniversary of the chief duty officer in the country, he had a taku. a huge talent that until his last years he continued to write
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talentedly, mikhail zhvanetsky is remembered by leon izmailov. mikhail mikhailovich generally knew how to impress women. michael mikhailovich was an irrepressible person in this sense, he was simply a woman lover, only later did he marry natasha, and so they lived for the rest of his life, he found his happiness, it was very difficult for him. to speak in ordinary tubovanetsky said that he does not write for a hall in which there are thousands of people, but writes for friends, the fate of a person with boris korchevnikov, today on rtr, an unexpected question came to us on the program from our tv viewer alexandra, let's listen to it together . hello, my name is alexandra, me. 49 years old, i live in the city moscow. lately i have noticed that
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my memory has become very deteriorating. as a child, i easily memorized large passages of text, poems, and songs. now i forget, when leaving the house, whether the iron is turned off, whether the computer is turned off at work, when i leave home from work. all this began to scare me. i can make an appointment with a friend and completely forget about her. i am not sick with anything, only in the spring there are exacerbations of gastritis. maybe this is due to winter, my memory deterioration? i read all sorts of scary things on the internet. doctors, i have a question for you: please help me understand what is happening to me, help me cure this problem, help me improve my memory, thank you very much. well, we’ll figure it out and welcome alexandra to our studio. good morning. hello. hello, you didn’t come alone, you came with your son. what is your name? it hurts, well, rather for my mother, because she began
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to forget everything, but now everything will be fine, don’t worry, alexander, we’ll figure it out, when it started, tell me, probably five years ago, but tell me, you have gastritis the diagnosis, it was a long time ago, well, probably around the same time they made this diagnosis, trophic gastritis, they told me to observe, go to the doctor, but somehow i didn’t go safely, and what is the connection between gastritis and... and memory problems, the fact is that not so long ago studies appeared that showed that people suffering from gastritis are actually more likely to suffer from memory impairment, including alzheimer’s disease, more often by 11%, but nevertheless, as they say, an unpleasant bell, how to understand that you have gastritis, how can it destroy your memory, let's figure it out together with our expert, dmitry gennadievich korpen , gastroenterologist, therapist, candidate of medical sciences, come to us, good
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morning, good morning, let's probably first tell you what gastritis is: a person has an acidic stomach in his stomach juice , it is secreted to digest food, yes , that means there are enzymes, naturally, all that stuff, and this gastric juice, in principle, it does not distinguish where the piece of meat is, yes, and where the actual wall of the stomach is, so nature came up with a natural one. .. defense mechanism, it consists in the work of special cells that form mucus, this mucus, it has a protective effect, that is, it covers the walls of the stomach and prevents the effects of this acidic gastric juice, this mucus, it actually protects the walls of the stomach from damage, due to various factors, chemical, looking ahead, bacteriological others, this mucus can be destroyed, yes, when this mucus destroys, the gastric juice begins to affect the walls of the stomach, causing their inflammation,
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in fact the term gastritis itself means inflammation of the stomach, well, in the future, it can lead to a stomach ulcer, for example, and the most important thing is that the consequences of this inflammation are atrophy of the cells that line our stomach from the inside, and what does this have to do with it, naturally such an inflamed stomach with damaged mucosal cells shell, he can no longer defend himself. acids and naturally becomes vulnerable to damage, plus an inflamed stomach cannot function normally, meaning we cannot digest and absorb food normally. accordingly, microelements, vitamins that we should receive, they do not enter the bloodstream, our bloodstream carries them throughout the body, in this case, not receiving enough nutrients if the food is not absorbed normally, the organs begin to suffer, just one of these important organs that do not receive enough elements , microelements, vitamins is
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the brain, all this leads to the fact that its function deteriorates, clinically we can see this as... like a decrease in memory, for example, look, if with gastritis the stomach is not it hurts, by what symptoms can we understand that it is gastritis? there may be a feeling of heaviness , overeating, you ate a little, a feeling that you ate a large amount of food, belching, although you did not drink any carbonated drinks, bloating, that is, a feeling of fullness, fullness of the stomach, we often do not pay attention to these symptoms, well, again we connect it... with some kind of food or maybe with the amount of food, we’ll ask alexander, do you have such symptoms? yes, they are present, how can we make a final diagnosis and say that this is real? gastritis and not something else? well, in order to correctly diagnose gastritis, it is necessary to perform an endoscopic examination of the stomach with examination of the mucous membrane and oblige for a very long time. and another
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important point: they didn’t do this with a mandatory biopsy. how can you recover from gastritis? you need to take medicine, mandatory antibacterial therapy is prescribed, some drugs that further enhance the effect of antibiotics, plus restore the mucous membrane that is damaged due to inflammation, a question that probably worries many now, okay, i ’ll go there now, they’ll do a gastroscopy, take a biopsy, confirm the diagnosis, start me on.
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of these 100 people will get infected again , get sick, a maximum of 10, yes, and 90 will be alive, healthy, will enjoy life, they will also be protected from stomach cancer, which, by the way, is very important, a person with an unknown diagnosis, that is, who in principle at best, the diagnosis was made on the basis of his complaints; at worst, he simply read it himself on the internet, and the main method what kind of treatment, diet, and basically the diet is exclusionary, that is, you need to exclude this, this, that and you will feel better, yes... let's talk about how justified this is, because what is it recommended to exclude? i specifically read it on the internet, which means that coffee is in first place, carbonated drinks are in second place, it is very debatable that cabbage is in place, because half of the sources say that cabbage should be excluded, the other half, that on the contrary it should be included, and apples, tell us how much in general, diet for real gastritis,
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how important, necessary and effective it is, we are talking about exacerbation, yes, yes. during the period of exacerbation, we actually prescribe a so-called gentle diet, coffee irritates the mucous membrane of the stomach, carbonated drinks also irritate the mucous membrane of the stomach, and how did cabbage turn out here, yes , it would seem that the problem is that it is raw cabbage, and this is coarse fiber , it can cause unpleasant symptoms, that is, poor tolerance, generally a diet with exceptions... during an exacerbation it justified, but during the period of remission, when there is no exacerbation, these exceptions are redundant, many patients follow this diet for life, that is, they received treatment, everything is fine, they were told, no more, no more soda, most often it was not they who received treatment later, but they were not treated, but continue to sit on this diet for years, believing that it
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will save them, and if they don’t eat such delicious cabbage, it will save them; on the contrary, they limit the supply of nutrients. substances and vitamins that are found in raw vegetables and fruits that we need. what will do? here you need to make a correct diagnosis of helicobacter pylori infection, choose a test, either a respiratory test or an antigen test in feces. if a positive result is obtained, modern, correct, long-term antibacterial therapy is prescribed, in my opinion, it is 2 weeks, yes, 2 weeks exactly, well, you see, 2 weeks and you will be healthy as soon as the supply of nutrients to the brain is restored. life will generally change for the better, life will change for the better, yes tish, yes, will you bring your mother to the doctor, say yes, that's right, you promise, yes, i promise, thank you very much, today we found out that gastritis is a serious diagnosis, but it must be made on the basis of research, then it is quite possible to cure it. in the next
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health minute section, we will find out what smell can soothe and what increases the risk of developing gout. stay with us. there is love in this room, love for a man who has become a symbol of a generation.
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always, yes, everything is clear, on sunday, there is such news, dad will no longer live with us, he will live in another place, for me this is not news, how could you secretly introduce sasha to your girlfriend, why, i don’t want to lose contact with sasha, get in touch, and someone else’s woman has nothing to do with it, move to us, and mom, what about mom, little one, she can’t cope without you , you can start life. blank slate , hello, i recognized you, oles, after so many years, i knew that you would call someday, but the past cannot be crossed out,
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we had such a chapter called karina, we can write another chapter called the three of us again, i want to fix everything, yuzhny cyclone, on sunday on rtr, hello, dear friends, your favorite program is on the air. 60 minutes, vladimir vladimirovich , we’ll talk about all the issues, in a hurry, to place nuclear weapons, i already demanded, give me back the nuclear one, like at the front, the weather is cloudy, there’s hail in places, the guys are acting confidently, the commanders are acting confidently, quickly, reliably, it’s eight equipment, and we have dolesa, a second tank. vkropsky flew off, the hero of russia will be on the tour, we are all with you, including me, to the end, what an image of victory he is
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for you, to destroy the gang in your head with zelensky, i'm a rag, there are big dreamers in the west, but we are guided by the fact, watch twice a day, see you. we are giving karina an exclusive three-week tour of south america, on her birthday, i don’t understand anything, what’s going on here, why did you come, what did you find with a piece of paper in your office, society about divorce, what kind of stupid joke is this? this is not a joke, this is your new reality. “she was erased from her own life, now we have nothing, no car, no house, i don’t have a business and a husband, so it’s time
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build a new one, tell me, you’ve seriously decided to get going, servant, i want to prove that it’s impossible to drown me, the stable is on fire, lord, what is it, how can it be so, and andrei, where, where is andrei, mom , i’ll start everything”? first on march 8 at rtr, we bought dresses for prom, shoes, new, beautiful, everything is fine, but not fate, probably while hostilities are going on here, i should be here, we are doing a lot. to convey the voice people of donbass in french, if not me, someone. nobody and the guys said: you know, we with the help of your quadcopter we saw how the enemy was mining positions, all this was not in vain, you see, i think that i can
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ask many more guys, i will give my life for this. and i’ll help you, with father alexander we made the greatest achievement in our lives, he gave for his country, his life, and i gave my female happiness, people like you perform very important tasks, women, war, without women we will not win, the documentary will premiere on thursday on rtr. our regular health minute quiz is on air. in this section we test knowledge viewers about health and medicine. today our viewer lily came to our studio. hello, my name is lilia gadel. i am 50 years old, i live in moscow. i am a practicing psychologist, body therapist, journalist, lecturer and social activist. when i get ready for work in the morning, i enjoy watching a program about the most
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important things. and i am very interested in the topic of holistic health and medicine. when the “quiz” section “minute of health” begins, i, of course, immediately join in and answer all the questions. i'd really like to take part in this quiz live, and of course, get to know the presenters of the program about the most important things. we meet lily in our studio. good morning. hello, lilla, please. hello. well , tell us what your job is, lilya? i am a weight loss coach and body therapist. one of the areas of psychology is a body-oriented direction, where you work with the body. we will ask you questions, and you will answer, right, doctor? yes, that's exactly how it will be. this means we have a prize, a massager special for working with body, it will be useful to me. yes, i'm sure mikhail will ask questions, there will be 12 of them, you must answer them, yes or no. it's clear?
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yes, you will have to do this. on the run, are you ready? yes, look, doctor, your colleague is here, she will now answer all the questions correctly, let’s check, well, let’s go, the smell of lemons is soothing, yes, snapping your fingers can trigger arthritis, no, does peppermint help with a runny nose? yes, pink salt is healthier than table salt? yes, broccoli reduces the risk of cancer, yes, leeches can help with varicose veins, yes, cilantro reduces it. no, insomnia can lead to hypertension, yes , beets increase appetite, no , taking diuretics increases the risk of gout, yes, calories are burned during sleep, yes, just in general, there are still 5 seconds left, now we will find out if you answered correctly, smell lemons calms, you said yes, absolutely, citrus essential oils
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really help reduce. snapping your fingers can provoke arthritis, you said no, and really no, there were even encounters where, for, in my opinion, 50 years, a person deliberately snapped his fingers at on one hand, he didn’t click on the other, at 70 -something years old he took an x-ray of his fingers, for which he received an ig nobel prize, proving, albeit in his own example, that this does not in any way affect the risk of developing arthritis, peppermint helps with death, you they confidently said yes, this is really... so, because menthol , by cooling the fluid, helps to narrow the blood vessels. is pink salt healthier than table salt? you said yes, actually no, because in fact, in most cases it is no different, except for the presence of an extremely small amount ordinary rust. broccoli, move out of krakow, you said, right? this is indeed a fact, about six types of cancer have now been proven to be less likely when
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consuming broccoli. can help with varicose veins, you said yes, actually no, because varicose veins are based on genetically determined dysplasia, connective tissue, leeches do not cure, cilantro lowers cholesterol, you said yes, this is really true, like most leafy greens , pulling out gray hairs on the head provokes their growth, you they said, no, it really doesn’t have any effect, in fact, pull it, don’t pull it, you’ll have to paint it.
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congratulations, thank you , you are great, if you want to know even more answers to questions about health, then all episodes of our program can be found on the online media platform , watch the application on the website, right now irina bezrukova will share her
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tips and tell you, how to protect your legs from varicose veins. now it’s the beginning of spring, very soon there will be a wonderful holiday on march 8th. at this time, many women begin to think over what to do to look better. and no one can tell you about this better than the women themselves. that’s why our guest today is actress irina bezrukova. good morning. good morning, hello. glad to see you. hello. good morning. good morning. ira, this is, of course, a compliment, but it’s true. you look amazing, thank you, that’s true, nice, what’s the secret, well, there are a lot of secrets, they’re different, where should we start, uh, let’s eat, i don’t follow any of the diets, fashionable or not, for dinner i have, like as a rule, protein, here is the right combination, i
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never eat meat or fish in combination with potatoes, or with carbohydrates, i drink a lot of warm water without gas, it dissolves and removes everything unnecessary, that’s all, about facial care, come on. .. well, first cleansing, then toning, moisturizing, how much time do you need to spend on this, three minutes, like 3 minutes, very quickly, yes, yes, okay, let's talk about what is closer to me, physical activity, treadmill, but i walk along it, at this moment i can talk on the phone, something listen, watch something, let's touch on the topic of check-ups, what kind of examinations do you do, irochka , well, as i understand it, they donate blood, yes, but i do check-ups sometimes quite serious, they looked at my fundus there. they did an mri and checked my bone density. irina, please tell me how you take care of your feet? firstly, i try not to walk in uncomfortable, tight shoes for as long as possible. after all sorts of long events,
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when i come home, i take a bath and do a contrast shower. well, of course you have to take something, healthy, natural. what, for example, i see, escin, a drop of escin. yes, drops with escin, women in our country. let’s just say, they are of an elegant age , they often have varicose veins, but why do i need varicose veins, i’m an actress, i have to lead by example, for 2 months in the spring and 2 months in the fall i take a course of drops with iscin, everything is fine with me, let’s continue our conversation in orycotic veins with our expert. vadim yurievich bogachev, head of the department of angiology and vascular surgery, doctor of medical sciences, professor, awards.
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that this is, perhaps, the only filbatonic that is soluble in water, so it can be taken in the form of drops, and this is a very... convenient form of administration, why? because it is absorbed very quickly in the body, and it begins to be absorbed already in the mouth ; therefore, in general, the rate of achieving a therapeutic effect is one of the highest among other drugs with venatanizing properties. in terms of its effectiveness in terms of prevention and treatment of edema, it is comparable to compression knitwear. in all modern international recommendations, this includes the international union of phlebologists, the pei society of angiologists, and vascular surgeons . by the way, the recommendation of the
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russian association of phlebologists is included there as a means of preventing and treating chronic diseases, veins. wonderful. irochka, how long have you been undergoing prophylaxis? well , i think i’ve been taking scinom drops for several years now, here’s a course in the spring in the fall. but what i didn’t know is that it helps with other edema, because there are people who wake up in the morning with swelling. from all edema associated with impaired microcirculation, well, thank you very much on the eve of the wonderful spring holiday, irochka , we are very happy to congratulate my beloved on the upcoming beautiful day, thank you, thank you, it’s so nice, you are an example for many, many of our girls, continue in the same way spirit, we thank you, thank you, thank you, take care of yourself and be healthy, the most important program... continues, in the women's health section
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, dr. tatyana shapovalenko will tell you how to strengthen the immune system and support your child’s health in the spring , stay with us, next in the program are enemies of the immune system, how to protect yourself and your children after long colds, someone is trying to tell you something important through water. premiere on rtr, a man has disappeared like canal water, i’m absolutely sure that something bad has happened to your daughter, you need to talk to ostrovskaya, no, i’m sick, they’re offering me an operation, but do you think everything will work out, anna medium, today on rtr, catch a fish, big or small, well, in general, i chose the right place. you ever wondered why people count
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proteins, fats and carbohydrates? this is where my question begins: can delicious food be healthy? i try it, inflammation levels decrease, pain decreases, can healthy things be enjoyable, science fiction, can science be understandable, and you make a wish, right? once again, every person in any region of russia can make their diet not only tasty, but also healthy, and this lifts the mood, that’s for sure, the formula for food on saturday on rtr. "here's a kept woman, she hasn't worked a day, she lives on
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husband’s money, we look at the weekend, i think i’m a mistress, and on our bed, either you leave, or we and the children, clearly, remember, you are empty space without me, zero, you thought about the children, i’ll find a job, carefully, from from the wreckage of an old life, you can build a new one, in general, at least something in business, you know, sometimes it’s better than the old one, help, my very first contract, i succeeded, give me an office, maria kulikova, what the hell are you doing here, mom can, on saturday on rt. the malakhov program is on air, new
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little tricks for health, according to your numerous requests, we continue our bestseller, we have collected the best lifehacks for you, the simplest recipe from kazhl: preserve youth, save just thousands, a better tomorrow and your head will not hurt, write down all our recipes, because they will definitely help you will come in handy, malakhov is on rt today. good morning, hello, colds in children in the spring, unfortunately, are a fairly common problem and reasons. there are several reasons for this: fatigue from long periods of studying at school, unhealthy diet, addiction to fast food, this is also a lack of vitamins. and during this period it is very important to try to protect the child from diseases by strengthening his immune defense.
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how to strengthen the immune system, this is what we will talk about today. julia and radomir will help us with this. let's find out their story. hello, the program is about itself. the main thing. i am yulia anatolyevna minaeva, i am 35 years old. this is my son, radomir, i am 7.5 years old. lately we have been faced with the problem of frequent colds and acute respiratory infections. i think this is due to the fact that immunity is lowered. in because of this, we miss school, and i have to take time off from work. we literally got out of pain 2 weeks ago. yes. we are sick again, fever, runny nose, we have one more problem: the child’s desire to eat unhealthy food, such as chips and soda, even at the very mention of it he already smiles. please tell me how to improve a child’s immunity, in what ways, by what
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means? yulia radomir is in our studio, please come to us, good morning, good morning, good morning, hello! do you like being sick? no, what do you do when are you sick? i’m being treated, what a great fellow you are, is it better to go to school? yes, let's figure out how to strengthen the immune system, an expert doctor will help us with this. yulia chukhonina, nutritionist, candidate of medical sciences, senior researcher at the department of rehabilitation dietary therapy at the fgbunfits clinic, nutrition, biotechnology and food safety. yulia gennadievna, good morning. good morning, children get sick endlessly, everyone says: oh, we need to boost our immunity. well, in general, immunity is the body’s defenses, a protective system, during throughout life, a person develops acquired immunity and this happens due to the influence of our immune system with external pathogens, viruses, bacteria, fungi and
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so on, this is a normal process, so if a child periodically... experiences an immune system reaction such as a runny nose, cough or a slight increase in temperature, this can be considered a normal reaction of the immune system, another thing is how often this happens, we urgently need lessons on strengthening the immune system. julia, go to the blackboard and write it down. the topic of the first lesson is why do our children always get sick? radomir, look, we have viruses, yeah, this is ours. body: viruses attack us, stick viruses, in response to such an attack by viruses , protective antibodies begin to form in the body, antiviral immunity is formed, which protects us in the future from the effects of viruses, by the way, our vaccinations do the same thing, that is, sometimes
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it’s good to get sick , in general, yes, but it cannot be said that there are, of course, some standards for the number of diseases, but... before school five times a year. it’s another matter if the duration of such symptoms drags on, if all this happens with some complications, then, of course, you need to diagnose what is happening with the immune system. what negatively affects our immunity? any immunity, even the strongest, always has enemies. immunity, well, let's imagine that this shield is our immunity, a barrier to bacteria viruses, but there are factors that really disrupt our immune system and contribute to longer course of diseases, more frequent complications. radomir, read: self-medication of orphi,
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self-medication of respiratory viral infections, well done, bravo! the main mistake parents make when they try to quickly cure a child is to give the child an antibiotic. treatment with grandmother's remedies can be no less dangerous, thanks to which the disease can be prolonged, and this can lead to complications. radomir, what is the next enemy of our immunity, excessive cleanliness, excessive cleanliness, why is this the enemy of immunity? the child has immunity is formed, there is no need to clean everything, wash everything. boil everything, yes , at least to the surrounding household microbes that always surround us, of course, of course, the next thing is stress, stress, unfortunately, our children are really susceptible to stress, stress, as we know, is the enemy of the immune system, so for a child it is very it is important that outside the home, in the family
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, he is surrounded by a calm microclimate, break through the defense, rodomir, dirt, well done, we still have enemies, physical inactivity, you know what it is, no, it’s when you move little, regular physical activity in the fresh air strengthens the immune system , such physical... exercise is a kind of hardening, oh, well done, i'm afraid you won't like it, of course, radometer, read, unhealthy diet, how to instill a love for proper food by your own example, and do not provide a choice between home- cooked food and, for example, fast food ; fast food is food, of course, poor in essentials for our health. and a deficiency of essential nutrients, vitamins, microelements develops, biologically active substances for the health of our immune system, among other things,
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these products disrupt the intestinal microbiota, let's finish off the immune system with poor nutrition, but in fact there is nothing left of our immunity, the main question is: how to strengthen the immune system? in order to help the child. to overcome this difficult period, it is very important to supplement his diet with the necessary components, these should include vitamins and natural products that can support the immune system in a gentle, natural way. black elderberry, vitamin e, vitamin c and zinc. black elderberry is an immunostimulant, which, in fact, allows the child to cope with attacks from bacterial viruses. elderberry has long been under scrutiny. since time immemorial, it has been used in folk medicine to strengthen the immune system. in some of its qualities, it is even to some extent superior
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to the well-known currants and sea buckthorn; it contains biologically active phytocompounds that have, to some extent, antiviral, immunostimulating, and antioxidant properties. activity, and when elderberry extract is used correctly, its safety profile is quite high, so it is suitable for any age, both the elderly and children. in addition, means for strengthening the immune system should include vitamins e and vitamin c, eitz vitamins are excellent antioxidants, plus vitamin e, as a fat-soluble vitamin, is built into the cell membrane and, accordingly, also forms such protection against the penetration of viruses inside the cell, and vitamin c strengthens the immune system, protects the child from bacteria, viruses, infections, and most importantly, inhibits the development of allergic reactions. vitamin c also helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels and actively neutralizes free radicals. zinc also takes a very important part in
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many parts of the immune system, promotes wound healing, actively participates in skin immunity, and with its deficiency there is an increased susceptibility to a number of colds and viral diseases. it is important to have zinc in your regular diet and will be involved in controlling the defense of our immune system. from the barrier to the cellular level. radomir, are you ready to strengthen your immune system with the help of such means? i need to think, i wouldn’t agree right away either, but if all this is in the form of, for example , gummy candies, yes, today there are modern products that already contain all the necessary components to support the immune system, including elderberry extract and vitamin c, vitamin e and even zinc. those products that are intended for children. have a special shape in the form of marmalade bears, and children easily agree to accept them because they look like a treat
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and taste very similar to candy. in addition, this can also make the task easier for adults, since there is no need to measure the dosage, and there is no need to persuade the child and teach him something for a long time, how to take pills correctly, how to take medications, and so on. since you are choosing products not for adults, but for children, quality and correctness are very important here. dosage, it is important to pay attention that the complex is made based on natural ingredients and so that not only the active but also the auxiliary components are natural. no artificial colors, no flavors; when choosing such a product in a pharmacy or online, it is very important to give preference to russian manufacturers who have long experience in the market. such companies care about their reputation, so they carefully monitor the quality of their products. and the most important thing is that the packaging contains the gmp standard; a manufacturer who works according to such a standard can be confidently trusted. radomir,
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great success to you. boost your child’s immunity and don’t get sick yourself, thank you, yulia gennadievna, thank you for being with us , thank you, today we talked about strengthening the immune system in children, it is very important to instill healthy habits in children and, of course, add products that will help strengthen children’s immunity. and we wish you a good day and a great mood, be healthy, we had a program with you about the most important things. russia - traditional, modern, technological, original, open, great, so different, but dear to everyone, all of russia is before your eyes, come to the international
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exhibition forum russia. are you inviting me to your theater? i invite you, sash, forgive me, yes, i’m a bastard, how could you, and you just arrived? yeah, yes, me, nadya, valya, came to conquer moscow, who are you? and i, lena, are his wife. are you waiting for someone? yes, you. for what? i would like to invite you to a restaurant. that's it, dear, i'll bring nadya back. misha, get out. i want to return to you, to seryozha. leave me and seryozha alone. i'm not going to make any more mistakes. women, on saturday on... rtr:
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what are the next tasks? i’ll tell you this separately, when the cameras are turned off, where to go and what to do? they just recommended that you never read american newspapers , fight directly from russia, from china , nonsense, of course, how much time do you devote to the progress of a special military operation, all of this begins the day and ends with this, the first thing they told me is that we have a lot of them , the buryats are not fleeing, on helicopter board number one, we will be the first to know about this, alexander grigorievich, again, hello, let him in, guys, of those forces that could have him hold, you are probably the first one here to show this, pasha, you are filming this, pasha , hello, hello, yes, you learned from this from pasha, in the first person, just tell me what is happening and where , at 3:30 am, of course, i always have to be in touch, moscow, the kremlin, putin, again, we will see, we will show more than the rest, thank you very much,
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come back on sunday. on rtr, hello, on air, in the studio oksana kuvaeva, the main thing from this hour, impressive.
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in vancouver, lightning struck a plane carrying 550 passengers during takeoff, stop a fiery whirlwind, right before our eyes the hoses are rolling out, now they will be supplying water, seaside rescuers managed to defend the threat of natural fires spreading to houses, 1500 km across the endless tundra. the main winter event has started in kamchatka. beringia race of dog mushers. vladimir putin discussed assistance to the participants of the special operation and restoration work in the donbass subsidiary territories with the head of the stavropol region. the region helped virtually rebuild nearly 400 lpr facilities.
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the president had a detailed conversation with local farmers. the domestic agro-industrial complex has achieved results that it has never shown before. more details alexey konapko. the president's afternoon conversation about agriculture with farmers lasted until... berries, then today we collect more than 500 thousand tons, we are one of the leaders in this industry, almost 10 times, yes, yes, amazing, great, well there are no problems, in this kabardian enterprise that has grown tenfold, last year the cost of goods rose by 3% and through no fault. the cost of a liter of diesel fuel sometimes reached up to 100 rubles per liter, you had to travel to other regions, buy diesel fuel, as for diesel fuel, for this year, this decision is completely fresh, the volume
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of sales on the exchange should be increased, you can rest assured , i will support any decision, i emphasize this and my colleagues from the oil and energy sectors know this, any decision. which is designed to ensure the carrying out of spring agricultural work, some kind of stupid situation really developed last year, i hope this year will not be. dmitry nikolaevich, please keep this under control. there were many proposals to the minister, for example, the ministry of agriculture has already introduced a restriction on the import of seeds from unfriendly countries, which helped its russian ones. now localities are asking to take tax breaks from importers. in the future it would be absolutely correct to give support. farmers, only those who use our selection, but in the case when our selection goes through the path of formation and will show no less, but already better results than imported selection, we
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we are on this path, counter-sanctions similar to ten years ago are thanked by the president, cheese makers, now in russia they have learned to make any varieties, for gasification everyone who needs energy, gazprom and the ministry of agriculture will soon agree on benefits for fuel for farms, and livestock breeders... meat production , now we won’t sing anymore, boil the gate slowly, yes, because there is something to boil, i mean, put in the borscht. borscht is not exported yet, but lactose-free ice cream is in demand; production near moscow has increased from
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sixty rented square meters for an entire plant. 5 years ago we already went to china, despite the fact that we were a startup at that time, and the chinese side received us very well, i treated my friend the chairman. all this became possible primarily thanks to state support programs that started more than 15 years ago, they are also available to farmers in new regions, but there are, as always, nuances: for example, they formally do not have a credit history, banks do not like this, the processing time for applications extremely long, in rural deadlines in farming, these are also very important, neither fields nor gardens will wait, the question is very... important, i agree with you, we have some kind of schedule for entering the economic and legal field of russia, it requires several years, but work now we need it, some kind of government guarantees are needed here, this is the central bank,
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the ministry of finance, together with commercial banks we must work on this system, thank you for your work, it is very important now to establish a normal life in these territories, putin spoke about donbass and novorussia again at a bilateral meeting with the governor recovery.
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in the red-lebanese direction, the crew of attack aircraft on su-25 aircraft hit strong points from the accumulation of manpower of the ukrainian armed forces. the pilots approached the target at an extremely low altitude of about 25. after launching the missiles, the crews performed an evasive maneuver against enemy air defense and successfully returned to their home airfield. and near kupinsk, acacia crews and groups of troops from the west destroyed the armored vehicles and manpower of the ukrainian nationalists. the fire was conducted from closed positions according to coordinates received from drones. about the work of artillerymen on kupinsky direction, report by igor pikhanov. sight 355, goniometer 5314. the combat crew aims at the target with an artillery
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gun stub on the kupinsky direction of the front, intelligence officers discovered positions and an observation post of ukrainian militants, for its high accuracy and firing range of almost 30 km, ministry of defense specialists call the howitzer a sniper weapon, one shell fire, scouts are helping the artillerymen in the air, there are drones in the air, drone operators... are firing, the militants are trying to camouflage their troops in the forest belts observation points and military equipment, but our fighters destroy the positions of ukrainian nationalists with precise fire. artillerymen work with different types of shells, these are primarily long-range high-precision shells krasnopul, and the fortifications of the area and places of concentration of militants are hidden with the help of high-explosive fragmentation shells. the shells of the combat crew using the stub gun fall on the enemy one by one. the militants' attempt to occupy a strategic point ends.
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american origin, we destroyed about three or four of them, armored cars, equipment, ubtars, tanks and so on, we also mainly work in warehouses, the militants cannot change the situation at the front, so they are trying to take revenge on the local population. fires at them from tanks and mortars, the firing points of the armed forces of ukraine are quickly destroyed, the unit works as a single well-coordinated mechanism, for this purpose they constantly undergo training, fighters work at the training grounds even during rotation from the front line, we work very quickly, the team is well-coordinated, the crews are all interchangeable, that is, in our country, each crew number can perform any combat mission, which he can aim to shoot and send shells to carry, we have all been together for a long time, as soon as the team came...
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well-coordinated, we work clearly and quickly. for courage and professionalism, almost all artillerymen have state and departmental awards, zhukov medals for military merit and orders of courage. igor pikhanov, mikhail vitkin, vesti kupinskoe direction of the front. don't panic, drill. today throughout the country, from 10 to 11 o'clock local time, the ministry of emergency situations checks the warning system. sirens and information messages from loudspeakers have already been heard in kamchatka. sakhalin and vladivostok. attention everyone. the readiness of the public warning system is being checked. please remain calm. the tv radio broadcast was interrupted by a test signal. the check is carried out to practice emergency notification of citizens. in the south of primorye, rescuers managed to protect several settlements from the fire. three major wildfires are currently being extinguished in the region. the main forces have been concentrated in the khasan region. where is
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the most difficult situation, victoria's report shandybina. the village of zarubino is surrounded on all sides by blackness, these are scorched fields. for several days, firefighters fought with dry grass fires, trying to protect residential buildings. only two buildings burned down, one of them was a house on the outskirts. people live there only in the summer, no one was hurt. gas cylinders were stored on the territory, when the fire reached them, a strong explosion occurred. the building burned to the ground. neighbors say there was a very strong wind and the flames went down. dogs in a matter of minutes, their house was miraculously saved, help arrived in time, great thanks to the guys who helped us put out the fire, we were very scared, if it weren’t for them, we wouldn’t have been able to cope, our house would have caught fire too, it would seem that everything around had already been extinguished, the village was safe, but suddenly we noticed smoke near the abandoned houses a fire truck, here they are running, dragging fire hoses, because it is impossible to get to these abandoned abandoned places, the road is very broken. so
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now, sleeve by sleeve , buildings will connect them to put out the fire. in just 2 minutes the hoses were stretched by 200 and the pressure was applied; they say the dry grass around the old garrison was extinguished just yesterday. it is unknown why the stable roof caught fire. the fire affected the territory of the leopard land national park. the fire was quickly extinguished. the red book cats and their neighbors are not in danger. now the situation in the area has stabilized. the main fires have been extinguished, there is no threat to populated areas. primorye acts particularly counter to this. the fire regime in the south of the region has been strengthened by rescue teams; in the hottest khasan region , more than 300 firefighters are on duty around the clock. victoria shandybina, maxim malygin. news primorye. in tuva, according to preliminary data, at least 16 people were injured due to the emergency on tetz in the city of shaganar. according to local authorities, there was a fire and explosion in the boiler room. the cause of the incident is being clarified and there are no fatalities. the head of the republic, vladislav khovalyk, writes about this in his telegram channel.
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employees of the ministry of emergency situations, a team of doctors are working on the spot to eliminate the consequences and the emergency team involved, an operational headquarters has been created. footage in canada the plane was struck by lightning there were 550 people on board the plane taking off from vancouver and heading to london passengers were all safe, the plane continued to fly after being struck by the discharge, as if nothing had happened, the tragedy was avoided thanks to a special lightning suppression system that is installed on airplanes. the north of israel was subjected to massive rocket fire from lebanon, about seventy rockets were fired at you...
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anna medium, premiere, be careful with your former student, today on rtr, the floor is shaking, the walls are shaking, big changes have come, in the new season with a new renovation, with a slight movement of the hand, we are from this room absolutely without... i love plants, i generally plant plans turn into projects before my eyes, i am
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a maniac, real stone flowers will soon bloom in the living room of our heroes, after dismantling much will become clear, and dreams will become real.
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heroes of their time, beauty, rapping, the whole crew, just looking at the platform, love reigns in this room, love for the man who became the symbol of the generation.
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happy birthday, i don’t understand anything, so what? what's happening, why did you come, what did i find in your office with a piece of paper, gentleman
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divorce, what kind of stupid joke is this, this is not a joke, this is your new reality, it was erased from your own life, we now have nothing, no car, no house, i don’t have a business and a husband, so it’s time to build a new one, tell me, now you have seriously decided to develop yourself from scratch, i want to prove that i am not... services, you can find out the address of your polling station, find out about the candidates,
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this information is also available in your personal account on the government services portal. participants in the world class are learning to paint nesting dolls and play on spoons. here, every day they talk about history and traditions, for example, they paint one of
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the main symbols of russia, the matryoshka doll, in the traditional style, and this is a modern skateboard in the style of nizhny novgorod wooden carvings. at a nearby exhibition they talk about russian projects in the food industry and food security and agree on cooperation. the processing plants, which were created according to the project of our state engineering center, produce rice cereals that... everyone is welcome international standards, both guests and colleagues present at this event are surprised by this and are ready to cooperate. the world youth festival is a powerful business program about the most important issues for the future of the whole world. this year, for the first time at the festival, the voldai club invites experts of a new generation to work. these are accomplished specialists aged 25 to 35 from different countries. these are mainly countries of the world majority , but there are also several representatives from unfriendly countries. those who think realistic and understands that polycentricity is an inevitable process,
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an inevitable trend, they strive to be among those who are the first to comprehend the consequences of this process for their countries. in the master class mode, experts of the new generation have already managed to exchange experiences with the older generation of the expert club. a rare opportunity to prove yourself as an expert, as a forecaster. it is necessary to build a dialogue at all levels, at the expert level, at the professional level and, above all, to hear each other. it is the youth it's not old people like me who change the world. we are here to understand how young people think and exchange our views on how the world is imperfect today and how it should be tomorrow. and in order for the world to speak the same language, even without knowing all its rules, a team of russian language ambassadors teaches guests traditional fun. i like this music and people who teach us to become better, and we really love the hospitality of the russian people.
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2 1 start , the first tractor produced here rolls off the assembly line of the new plant, per year rosselmash will give the country 500 similar machines, this is what the production site looks like from above, where metal cutting, welding, painting, testing of new equipment takes place, the first full
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production cycle tractor plant in modern russian history, not modernized or restored, but built from scratch, thanks to the support of the development fund. industry, the deputy prime minister of the russian federation, minister of industry and trade, denis manturov, came to get acquainted with the results. i i believe that such production is the basis and basis for ensuring our food security, bearing in mind that these tractors will work in the fields of our country to ensure the highest. productivity, harvesting, in fact , we occupy first place in terms of agricultural production volumes, so we will do our best to maintain this pace by producing such modern machines. a wise investment decision allowed rostelmash to launch three new enterprises at once. in
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daganrug, klever, in rostov, in addition to tractor, transmission production plant. from the rostov region a special investment contract, tax preferences subsidies for the purchase of agricultural machinery for farmers, how many years have we been saying, yes , our combines are there, transmissions are not ours, our transmissions, our boxes, our gearboxes, this is all ours now, and it will develop, program rostelmash workers began import substitution back in 2017, precisely with the production of tractors, at first from their own purchased parts, but in parallel... they developed documentation, which allowed step by step replace imported components with russian ones, therefore, when unfriendly countries suspended and or even completely stopped supplies for bridges, we needed the shortest time, less than 8 months, to test putting our own bridge into production. almost 2,000 new jobs, a serious contribution to
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strengthening technological sovereignty, one of the most ambitious projects in russian mechanical engineering. the legendary rosselmash is implementing in the year of its ninety-fifth anniversary. veronica bogma, eduard ilin, vladimir shamakov and denis denisov. news: rostov-nadon. on the eve of march 8 , a creative evening dedicated to legendary women was held in voronezh. the heroine of the meeting organized by the united russia women's movement was one hundred and two-year-old maria klatakova. veteran of the great patriotic war, participated in the battle of kursk, saved more than 300 wounded while serving in a medical detachment, and committed her first mission at the age of 93.
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countries at an event of the regional branch of the cultural front of russia announced a competition among children and teenagers to write a verse for a song that will then be performed by famous artists. almost 1,500 km through the remote taiga through mountain passes and snowstorms in kamchatka , the beringia, the legendary dog ​​sled race, which has become the hallmark of the region, started. report by alexandra ostrikova about the difficulties kayurs have to overcome. early morning, the sounds of dogs literally make your ears pop, almost 200 animals are rushing to the track. at the start, the athletes gradually set out on the route one by one. the first stage is 60 km long, according to the mushers themselves, the first days are the most difficult, the dogs need to get used to getting into the rhythm of the race. the race consists of 24 stages and lasts approximately
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a month. the entire route passes through picturesque places, dense forests, fields, mountain ranges and passes. everyday mushers. ranges from 40 to 120 km, the temperature drop reaches -55°, the heights are several hundred meters, severe frosts can be replaced by a blizzard with lightning speed. the athletes make the sleds for the race themselves by hand; each musher has his own technology and secret materials. separate the life of the participants during the race deserves attention; it is also difficult in spartan conditions. depending on the stage, spending the night in tents or in huts, light and water are not everywhere, and provide food for people. mobile field kitchen. during the layover , athletes have several hours to recuperate. first of all, koyurs provide rest for their four-legged partners, unharness the teams, and spread hay for the animals. this is what a well-deserved doggy rest looks like. at the start, the animals scream loudly and are literally eager to fight. after the finish always a little tired, but calm and
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peaceful. afterwards, be sure to prepare a hot dinner yourself. to pass such a difficult route, except... the passage of the first stage showed that they voluntarily left the race and returned to the insufficient preparation of two mushers at once, to the village of essa, while the weather favors the athletes, the remaining 15 mushers have easily covered more than a hundred kilometers, you can watch them online , everyone has a gps tracker attached, alexandra ostrikova ivan kulakov, kamchatka news, we get new reports from our correspondents will tell about the most important news in the country and the world.
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drop everything and quickly go to a restaurant for a garden, why is your semyon here with some woman?
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i foresaw my fate, now everything is just
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coming true, i surrender everything with joy, let’s all wave our hands when everyone is at home with timur kizikov, on sunday on rtr. hello, dear friends, comrades, your favorite program is live, 60 minutes about the most important things, let's start with breaking news. russia's response to nato expansion the alliance's military buildup strengthens its western borders. the strengthening of troop groups was announced today by sergei shaigo, head of the military department. he stated that the ministry of defense reacts in this way to
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emerging threats.
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american f-35s are already actively participating in missions in ukraine. determine the exact location of russian air defense systems. this was announced by the minister of defense of singapore. in general, there is a complete feeling. everything that is happening now is just the beginning. an unprecedented escalation lies ahead. against russia may launch an air-ground or air-sea operation, which will begin with a quick global strike and simultaneously several massive missile and air strikes. today, foreign experts are considering the creation of a new type of military formations, the so-called joint operational formations. these should be groupings of troops capable of inflicting a comprehensive defeat on the enemy’s administrative-political and military-industrial infrastructure
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in all areas on the ground in a short time. sea, air, space and information. the most expected forms of use of joint operational formations are air-ground operations, and they will begin with air offensive operations consisting of a quick global strike and several massive missile and air strikes. at the same time, aviation will be one of the first to enter combat operations, as the most maneuverable and adaptive type of troops, possibly even before the deployment of the main group. before the start of the active phase of the operation , enemy operational formations will conduct provocative demonstrative information and other potentially aggressive actions, including for the purpose of controlling the situation. the combat and numerical strength of the enemy's united united forces in peacetime can reach 50-70% of what will operate during war. according to the ministry of defense, nato will be able to camouflage an attack on russia under the plausible
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pretext of exercises, just today. the north atlantic alliance crossed the vistula with a group of 3,500 soldiers supported by a thousand pieces of equipment. in the military the training involved units from france and germany, who helped organize the crossing using ferry vehicles, amphibians and high-speed floating bridges. tanks, armored personnel carriers and cars crossed the river along them. with the landing force , nato general gunanar brugner later said that crossing a water barrier is a key skill that the army needs to deliver reinforcements to the front in a future modern war, nato members are preparing for it in finland, that is , now they are preparing in the most there is immediate proximity to the russian border, they are actually doing this for the first time in the northern response 2020 exercises
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. four, 2000 soldiers from 13 states are involved, 400 of them are finns. maneuvers will also take place in the northern regions of norway and sweden to rehearse for war with russia, more than 50 ships, including frigates and submarines, and more than 100 aircraft will be sent. well, the cherry on the cake from today, the luftwafra plane. there are, as they say, threats in the background. the fall of russia , six eurofighter fighters will begin to patrol the airspace of the baltic countries and about 200 german soldiers are already stationed in latvian. stated that nato countries must avoid a collision with russia, otherwise europe, and beyond it the entire
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planet, as he put it, will be covered in nuclear ash, but no one will hear him. exercises involving more than 2,000 soldiers are starting in finland, sweden and norway. and the exercises take place against the backdrop of how the entire region is about to become nato territory. submarines and aircraft carriers and fighters are participating in the exercises. these are block exercises that take place every 2 years, but unusual in this the case is that more than 400 military personnel from finland, which joined the bloc only last year, are taking part in them.
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as part of the exercise, we host foreign troops visiting finland. i'm here to support the third logistics regiment in receiving troops at the border. sweden will send a brigade of about 200 people and 500 vehicles. vehicles range from assault and support vehicles to trucks and small cars.
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in total we will have more than 90 thousand personal composition, hundreds of vehicles , we have more than 50 ships, we have more than 50 aircraft that make hundreds of flights, this is what happens during the exercise stalwart defender 2024 throughout the alliance, the exercise that you are seeing now is called the polish dragon, but it is multinational exercises with various multinational capabilities. not only polish forces are participating, but our nato partners. this is how we show our capabilities and the interaction
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of military equipment, five different countries are participating with their equipment for crossing water obstacles. but also, look at these young soldiers, this is the first time they have worked together, and now they will grow up under the auspices of nato, so that is important. military training for civilians in poland is mainly provided by armed groups like this one called strelets. according to the ministry of defense, more than 100 thousand people are undergoing training in these formations. creators of good people.
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there are a lot of people, but you don’t have to line up like you did under communism. the war in ukraine has significantly increased the number of people coming to for us people, since the russian invasion began, our demand has increased greatly. shooting is now a trend and the government wants to support it. there are now plans to build more than 500 shooting ranges to ensure everyone has access to firearms. in 2023 , shooting classes became mandatory in schools. the state is also making thorough preparations. since last year , the government has spent about 14 billion 600 million euros on pro systems, combat vehicles and tanks. throughout the country, equipment is put on public display as part of called military picnics. in the future, 5% of gdp will be allocated for military needs. the number of professional armed forces will grow from 65 thousand to 300,000.
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the main russophobe of the entire european union, prime minister of estonia, kaja kalos, published a photo of her breakfast on social networks so that you won’t believe it, to show that she does not eat russians for breakfast. normal jokes? kaya claims that she only eats oatmeal with muesli and blueberries. and also tea. the fact is that earlier
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the politico newspaper reported that the european union is not wants to see kalos as the eu's high representative for foreign affairs. now the post, as you know, is occupied by barel, due to her inadequate attitude towards the russians. the following is a direct quote from politico. are we really going to put a person in this position who literally eats? russians for breakfast. end of quote. but the story didn't end there. the response photo with porridge did not convince the publication’s journalists; they continued to make jokes. in his new post, politico writes that it is still unclear whether kalas regularly eats porridge, or in fact, for breakfast still, sometimes they get there. russian people, funny,
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the president of france made a new bellicose speech today, macron, already from the czech republic, that is, almost right on the border with ukraine, continued to promote the topic of war with russia, after a meeting with another russophobe peter pavel, macron said, that it’s time for europe to stop being cowards, this is probably a hint at... chancellor scholz, and stop, macron claims, being afraid of vladimir putin. moreover, the brave emmanuel informed the european union that the war had already returned to europe as before. today the french ministry of defense suddenly decided to allocate a quarter of a billion euros for the urgent repair of nuclear arsenals, underground and sea-based, and these are submarines and silo complexes with nuclear weapons.
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due to the fact that some powers have become unstoppable, every day they threaten us more and more, try to attack us, we will have to act as history wants, well, this is a new beauty from near avdievka, another burnt abrams and a damaged bradleys decorate the spring landscape of the original russians. donetsk steppes, on this
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since an american tank was knocked out by soldiers of the twenty -fourth brigade of the center group using the carnet atgm, look, a guided missile on... while moving hits abrams on the left side, after which the sixty-ton vehicle freezes forever, as you can see, the hatches are closed, which means after a direct hit , hardly anyone survived inside, in just a week of fighting for the village of berdychi near avdeevka, the forty-seventh mechanized brigade of the ukrainian armed forces had already lost three m1 main battle tanks and one aprams and... a mine clearance vehicle created on its basis m1150. look, russian intelligence officers came close to one of these vehicles. military watch magazine confirms the destruction of all three abrams. they claim that american vehicles are not capable
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of withstanding non-armor-piercing tank shells and non-guided missiles, so now the armed forces of ukraine have only the balance left. 28 units, spring started just 5 days ago. our missilemen destroyed a couple more american toys in the kherson direction, and the russian army worked on them with the iskander operational-tactical complex. the elimination of two launchers at once is confirmed by objective monitoring footage. in the west today they started talking about the possible evacuation of zelensky to the city of lviv. former assistant deputy secretary of defense.
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a few hundred meters walk to the meeting place clearly demonstrates the danger;
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shots are heard everywhere in the forest. there is a feeling that the past and the future meet in this forest. war, because the forest itself, the trees look like a battlefield from the first world war, broken and torn to shreds at a height of 2-3 m from a two-year-old artillery shelling, but at the same time, almost no one goes out into the street during daylight hours, all troop transfers, all rotations, everything happens exclusively in the dark and at night, because the greatest danger here is posed by the so-called fpv drones, drones with a first-hand view faces. the route to the forward position runs approximately south of the previous position, several hundred meters on flat ground. and visibility is relatively good, the risk of being noticed by a drone is especially high here, the group must stay on at a distance of 30-40 m from the car in front, if a drone attacks, it will not hit everyone. the twenty-eighth brigade takes a position on the utoretsk front line, south of bakhmut. 2 years after the start
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of the war, the military situation on the entire eastern front of ukraine remains unstable, and the battles for territory are merciless. away from the drone war, the team documents daily life. in a war like it was 100 years ago, russian troops are just a few hundred meters away on the other side of the hill. in a tight shelter suddenly appears there is turmoil, the ammunition belt jams.
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we have people, but no weapons, these are not wars that can be won with a sword in hand.
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units that are running out of tanks, how angry are you, i'm angry, i'm absolutely furious, russia is taking over ukraine, it will be very, very, very bad for us geopolitically. it looks like defeat is coming, those who remain say they will be fine when russia comes. i want to see in moscow, granddaughter, sister in kaliningrad, half, honestly, half of russia. my relatives are there, but i'm here alone, no water, no gas, no light , no nothing, drive away from the house, they drive right up to
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the houses where people live, they shoot right next to the house, they hide behind the backs of civilians, further south from avdiivka the houses are located right along roads that have survived about 10 years of war are finally empty, the horizon is already gloomy enough, but now it rumbles as russia advances.
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well, the scandal in nato, which arose after the publication of the sensational conversation, continues to gain momentum. "i'm very angry" literally
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german defense minister pistorius shouted today at a press conference, calling the leak a gross mistake, from which conclusions have already been drawn: first of all, the bundesfer has launched a disciplinary check against german officers who participated in the intercepted conversation and there are already results, the first and most important. german officers used a special webx platform, which meets all security requirements, that is, special communications protocols. putin - said pistorius, he couldn’t hack it. the leak occurred due to the fact that one of the participants, who was in singapore and incorrectly connected to a conversation via an unsecured network, possibly via wi-fi. in other words, pistorius argues that this is not a systemic failure, but simply a human error, and
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the person will be punished. the very publication of pistoriu’s scandalous conversation. called a provocation, putin, as he put it, is playing an insidious game to drive a wedge between berlin and nato, that is, preparing to strike the bridge is not a provocation, but the fact that putin told everyone about this is really a disgrace, the fact of preparing a strike on our ground, the german defense minister confirmed. this happens sometimes with technology and i am very, very angry that this recording was leaked online. our communication systems were not hacked.


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