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tv   O samom glavnom  RUSSIA1  March 6, 2024 9:55am-11:00am MSK

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we go to the doctor, we take up a lot of his time with empty complaints, and we don’t go to the doctor when we seriously need to go, forewarned is forearmed, any remedy has a downside with the most necessary knowledge - health, we dispel myths, we help to find out the truth, how to act, in order to land well, you need to warm up beforehand. what should you pay attention to? each risk factor should have its own pill, where to look for help? you only need five ingredients that will benefit your entire body. from start the disease takes two decades to manifest itself , so the whole family needs to be examined. the most important information from the most competent sources. take comprehensive care of your body, take care of yourself and be healthy. about the most important thing. from monday
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to thursday on rtr, here’s a kept woman, she hasn’t worked a day , she already lives on her money, we look at the weekend, i’ll turn out to be a mistress, and on our bed , either you leave, or we and the children, clearly, remember, you’re without me, empty space, zero, you thought about the children, i’ll find a job, be careful! from the scraps of an old life you can build a new one, at least anything in business , you know, sometimes it’s better than the old one, i got my very first contract, give me an office, maria kulikova, what the hell can you do here, mom can do it. on saturday on rtr.
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so, zelensky at night announced new purges in the ssu commander-in-chief sirsky, as bloomberg writes, has already taken the lead in saying that all the mistakes at the front, including the loss of avdiivka, occurred from zaluzhny’s forces, but that is, anyone is to blame, but not the tyrant zelensky , former assistant us deputy secretary of defense brian. today said that if things go really badly, american intelligence services can secretly remove zelensky from the country, as happened in forty-three with another prominent fascist, benit musalini, see, july 25, 1943 benito musalini, after her own great council removed him from power, called him to a meeting with the king, the king told musalini that general peter bodolieu would become the new prime minister of italy.
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unshaven and shocked, musalini left the meeting, but was arrested by the carabinieri. hitler ordered his army not only to liberate musalini, but to take rome, which they did. musolini was taken out of italy first on a storch light plane, and then transferred to another plane, which took him first to vienna, and then after a transfer to berlin. this fragment of the history of the second world war may well become a model for the pentagon’s plans to save vladimir zelensky in the event of a collapse and his government in kiev. it is now obvious that russia has increased the pace of its actions and is seizing large territories. nobody can say how long zelensky government. will be able to hold out in kiev in the face of a sustained russian military offensive, growing unrest within the country, refusal to hold elections and many unpopular measures, zelensky's power is entering a zone of despair, zelensky's security situation in kiev could quickly come under threat, in these circumstances the pentagon could rescue zelensky and move him to another location, with lvov being the most likely location since it is far to the west and the russians it will be difficult to reach him. well, a significant political event, the news that victoria is leaving
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the us state department, this man for 10 years actually oversaw everything that happened in ukraine, starting from the change of government, the maidan, the distribution of cookies, key personnel changes, and now her leaving, well, in general, this is an indicator of the failure of washington’s policy towards ukraine, the situation has reached a dead end, what to do next? no one knows, in general nuland is a unique woman, this, i would say, a sophisticated expert on russian profanity, which, by the way , according to radio intercepts, she actively uses, and the phrases that victoria nullant uses are data from real wiretapping, when she came to kiev, you know, she simply shocked those who actually analyzed her. vocabulary, well, she swam with sailors
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and mastered russian swearing perfectly; in the background , of course, we see such a polite, calm person... now, as for wiretapping in germany, the question probably arises, who will answer and how about this leak, this is not a one-time leak , obviously, we are talking about a systemic interception,
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whether it was leaked, obtained through undercover means, a huge array of negotiations with a stamp, in fact, top secret, from categorized premises, where... issues can be discussed , this has now become a matter of public domain in the world, and the fact that pistorius is trying to blame putin there, that putin allegedly russia is using this interception in order to discredit germany, to cause confusion and vacillation in the german political forces, in general, the bundestag should demand the resignation of pistorius, he should become the scapegoat, it is he, the minister of defense under the leadership. whose huge array of secret plans of the german military has become the property of everyone, primarily russian intelligence, he must answer, and not turn the arrow there on scholz, on putin, and so on. there is a principle of responsibility and the head
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of the department where such a colossal scandal took place in these times must pay with his position for the fact that happened, it will be fair in concept. and the coalition of western countries called the joint armed forces of nato is approximately 3,000 sea -launched coral missiles, which will be designed to strike russia. what is a global rapid strike? blind, stun
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russia, destroy the highest political and military leadership, destroy all decision-making centers, the control center for strategic nuclear forces, and so on. this is why it is being implemented. this concept, it is not implemented in isolation, in the format multi-domain nato operations, which are actively implemented in all these exercises, this means that combat operations will cover all areas, under water, at sea, in the air, in space in cyberspace, of course, the question arises of how russia can and should react to the plans that nato has, taking into account the fourfold advantage in conventional armed forces, the number of armed... forces, equipment, weapons, of course, our reaction to nato’s large-scale aggression can only be one: an immediate nuclear response, early or later we will come to this, inevitably, the issue of adjusting the russian military doctrine, in particular its nuclear section,
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is a matter of the very near future, i am absolutely sure of this, and as for the scandinavian exercises, now just for a second, if the ministry of defense. publishes such layouts, is this intelligence data or a theoretical scenario, if it is a theoretical scenario, then we conduct a reactive response exercise, what is the protocol? the ministry of defense has published what does this mean? well, first of all, this is an open article, yes, this is one of the possible probable scenarios about the liquidation of the political leadership, you mentioned, a quick global strike, well, the concept has been known for a long time, but now. how do we go about our theoretical understanding, how will we react, what is the answer? obviously, the answer here can only be that the nuclear alliance is superior to us if we are talking about conventional armed forces. well, regarding the exercises, the scandinavians are really
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a good addition to nato’s military potential. finland, sweden, but if we look at finland, for example, residency, finnish diplomatic military intelligence. undercover officers, three people in the military attaché, a cryptographer. employees of the electronic wiretapping center, it is deployed at the finnish embassy, ​​a third of the embassy, ​​every third finn in moscow with a diplomatic passport is a career intelligence officer, finland has enormous capabilities for conducting electronic intelligence, which it will now actively use to obtain information, including, how the newly formed leningrad military district will be reconfigured, so serious work, it will be conducted not only in the format of theoretical articles. but in practical activities, including our military and pure counterintelligence
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of the fsb of russia to counter the aspirations of foreign intelligence services, which, among other things , work here in the center of moscow. well , that is, recently you and i are not just discussing a nuclear confrontation between russia and nato, its likelihood of happening or maybe happening, but we are talking about how exactly a nuclear war will begin. the fact is that it will begin. it seems like some kind of undeniable truth, well, for now we are at war with weapons in ukraine, although this is not ukraine, yes, according to the constitution, the place where abrams was destroyed is the territory of our country, the third battle tank of the us army was destroyed, look at literally three tanks in the last 5 days, this footage is on... the soldiers filmed approached the american m1150 engineering vehicle based on abrams, equipped with
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a remote mine clearance missile launcher. a seventy-two-ton car, shot down on the outskirts of stepovoye , was secretly transferred to washington to kiev. the exact number of m1150s delivered is unknown, but at least two have already turned into scrap metal. titri, look. i guessed it anyway. military watch magazine considers the destruction of the abrams. technology based on them, their survivability of the building is naturally called mediocre. american tanks burned well even in iraq and saudi arabia, where they were opposed by lightly armed rebels, not a high-tech army. it hits so hard that the dry branches nearby catch fire, but after several artillery shots it fires just as quickly. the russian army is advancing on the city,
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to the south of it our soldiers are pushing out bandera fighters from the western outskirts of ivanovsky, to the north are attacking the positions of the ukrainian armed forces in the bogdanovka area, here is footage from chasovo yar itself. from the air, our soldiers tracked the unloading of ammunition, after which artillery destroyed the identified weapons warehouse of the ukrainian armed forces. yar strategic height opens up several routes to konstantinovka, druzhkovka, kramatorsk, slavyansk, they need more equipment, and equipment and at the same time equipment becomes...
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well, this is footage of the use of american jewellins by our fighters. trophy atgm they hit a bandera self-propelled artillery mount, and particularly resourceful boys sell the damaged equipment for scrap.
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artillery prefers to operate in the dark, like this, extremely spectacular. rszzo-grad, groupings of troops - the center, they hit the position of the ukrainian armed forces, the avdeevski trap, we leave at night, we work mainly in the dark, so that there are no retaliatory buddies, the enemy does not see us at night, our operators. uavs see everything, that’s why we work at night, our rap works well, anti-aircraft guns work, intercept, but still it’s like berzhanov god takes care, so we try not to get full. zelensky doesn’t know where to find new people, writes the washington post. kiev cannot develop a clear plan for large-scale mobilization, men are fleeing the country, fearing that they will be drafted into a poorly equipped
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army and sent to certain death, what are you talking about here. journalists from the british times visited uzhgorod and reported that no one there wants to go to the front. young people prefer to relax in clubs and bars; uzhgorod itself has become a transit point for those fleeing mobilization to hungary. in these frames, an unsuccessful attempt by two ukrainian boys to cross to moldova, they were captured by border guards. brussels stated that in order to contain russia, it is necessary to put the european economy on a war footing; european commissioner for industry breton is simultaneously making excuses for the failure of the european military-industrial complex; instead of the promised million shells, kiev will receive only 3,000 from the european union, and they will have to pay for them. when they run out of
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ammunition, they are simply forced to leave cities, while russia takes control of more and more territories.
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for the export of agricultural products, and also the president spoke about the food of the future in russia , unlike in the west, thank god, it’s not worms, not moths and other insects, but after visiting the greenhouse, putin was literally kissed, look, yellow, orange cherry, plum, cream. and there is green , and beef, yes, everything, with a high prix, is very tasty, we cook all this, our consumers like it very much, 11,500 jobs, now we grow about 230, 23,000 tons of tomatoes per year, every third tomato in
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we grow russian ones grown indoors. thank you, no problem, i'll definitely take a look everything is there, let's see from your position, from your platform, let's see how it works in agriculture
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, it works great, everything is fine with us, you are great, we are very great, i visited your enterprise where we grow tomatoes, listen, super, super, there are no more like them, but we tried some tomatoes, our village is so beautiful, thanks to us. over the previous years, a lot has changed in the agro-industrial sector, well, what a sin , you know, in 2000 we depended on almost all the main components in the areas of supplying the country with food, now in such a dependence on... practically does not exist, last year we had export income of 43.5 billion dollars, the increase
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was 30 times , export income increased, we became the fourth country in the world in meat production, also incredible, we remember all these jokes from the soviet period, long and green sausage smells like electricity, what is electric from moscow? everyone is bringing sausage, in saratov they caught a group of drug addicts, what were they doing, sniffing smoked sausage, that’s all, thank god it went away past, now the situation has changed dramatically, gobich, please, it should be noted that last year’s external exports were quite a large amount as an example. the average volume of exports of preliminary petroleum products, oil, or rather the energy carrier is petroleum products, oil, respectively gas is approximately 10 billion per month,
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judging by the ministry of finance, this comes out to approximately 120 billion per year, that is, about half, somewhere around two, well, somewhere- then a little less than half is, respectively, now the export of agricultural products, first of all this the chinese market has been opening up lately, here are closed soils - this has traditionally been a big problem in the russian federation, due to the fact that it does not require gas supply, as a rule, from the point of view of support, but recently this reversal has occurred due to the fact that difficulties have arisen, this is bad news for turkey, the same one, which is the main competitor in this area, by the way, belarus has quite good indoor soil, so from this point of view culture, by the way, is very good now is, in principle, a leader in the market, but in the southern direction, if you look carefully from behind, the minister of agriculture was actually standing there, and that’s why the very idea, forgive me, i’ll interrupt, is surprising. president putin in real time 24x7, as even those at the front in the trenches have said more than once, controls the situation in
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the special operation zone and at the same time monitors how the tomatoes grow, well, it’s just such an unusual combination, it doesn’t happen often, before often before elections, but the question is different, there will still be youth this week’s segment, as you know, is also women’s, well, as it were, in matters of priorities. here it’s not so much about the elections, well, that is, even let’s say there are elections, biden, he also has elections, he knows how to do this, well, we’ll find out on friday, not very well, comrade macron or scholz, for example, recently came out to the people, they kissed him, no, they called him names, macron tried to communicate with the people, it’s not very good there either, well, thank god, the economy is different a little bit, well, to some extent, so in this sense i’m talking about a combination, it’s not about that ... election campaign, but about the essence issues, people and war , we saw tomatoes there too, the women’s forum also spoke there today, well, the agro-industrial complex is the most important
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area, because it’s like the second source of exports now, i remind you that , for example, all oil and gas, of the russian federation, in fact , there are military expenses in the literal sense of the word , that is, like 120 billion, that is, 120 billion, from 109 to 120 billion, as if, accordingly, our military, that is, the defense budget is so poor, because it has no money, we are today we'll find out, so i remind you two the main events that today, in addition to the fact that it’s about oil and gas revenues, here’s everything else that became known, and accordingly about the fact that india confirmed that they keep the same volumes in the morning, as if at night more precisely, it was china, the most important event, as if they are now starting a congress, their parliament session, so to speak, at the beginning of this, the minister, the prime minister, in fact, presented his plans, why this is important, a significant part of agricultural energy resources by the way supplying... in times like these in taiwan, only
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the lazy doesn’t increase the military budget , it’s not clear where it’s going to explode, that’s right, that’s right, that’s why from this point of view , this is a very important event, in fact, this will partially ensure support in the future for the same agriculture, because 87% , as it were, of china’s gdp is domestic consumption, that is, they are a colossal vacuum cleaner that they pump out from the market, respectively , all serial goods, all agro-industrial complex in principle, so from this point of view, it’s not like it’s tomatoes for us, it’s a tomato for the chinese? maybe for us, here's pork for sure from china, a significant part of the export will go to china, that is, most of the pork export will go to china, of course, before the elections for sure, here is the second very important point, today is super tuesday, as we all understand perfectly well, on super tuesday the decision is made 36 % of all delegates respectively, and these are 15 states, of which 13 states, the winner takes everything, that is, it is enough to get one vote higher, you get all the delegates, only two state, and accordingly, and proportionally.
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this is alaska, which is small, so here is virginia, so, well, that is, as if the corolitas, for understanding, tonight they will divide the mandates, now donald has 244, nicky haley has 44, and at night they will divide 850 there or 6, in order to become the main delegate needs to score more than 200 from 1,200 -something, the problem is this: the situation will immediately become known practically as soon as the voice starts. they also vote without registration, that is, there it is possible to vote for moderates and democrats and the like, these are states that are on the east coast, data on them will go out immediately, that is, it will immediately become known if she does not take votes there, then most likely trump will take all 15 states, if he will take all 15 states, most likely by the end, well
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, that is, practically without illusions, and he will become... a candidate and most likely, accordingly , niki halley will have to leave, withdraw from the race, or she will leave the race tonight immediately after the results are announced either through for some time, but in principle , give or take the issue, the issue will be resolved, plus on the eighth of friday, accordingly, there will be a message from the united states, this is biden’s last opportunity to present his program before the elections, he will, in fact, do it on friday, it will be at night actually in moscow, this is 2 hours, so according to greenwich, but the point will be that he will begin to actively attack, as if, in fact, two candidates will be formed, which is another very important point, it was decided yesterday decision by the supreme court, trump cannot be cut out of the ballots, he has now all been returned, if a decision on immunity is still made, he cannot be normally removed from the elections, and most likely, accordingly, he will be in the election campaign in any case, the question in what form, moreover, is he going to take his friends there with him, respectively, because he is going to cut out everyone else, we already talked about how he would knock out maconel, by the way, so now
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most likely, accordingly...
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also regarding the middle east, i remind you that she is, accordingly, trying to agree on it before ramadan, before, respectively, before march 10, then the prospects seem to be so-so, so it seems that biden will now actively promote this whole whole story , as it were, and trump he goes with his people, there will not just be primaries, there will be primaries of the lower house, and he drags his people there, he even puts his people in gubernatorial positions, that is, the problem is next thing it won't be the sixteenth year, he will come with a very large group of his, with his sect, which will control all strategic positions. well, the most important news of today, of course, is the departure, accordingly, ah , deputy ministers, in fact, there are several types of deputy ministers in the state department, but this is political, but the most interesting thing is that now its functionality has been transferred to the bass, bass - accordingly, this is also for the minister, at the same level she is at the same level according to this management, well, emo, she you can have a different attitude towards what is happening, or the anti-russian project failed in the form in which victoria nulan tried to present it, so she leaves
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to... jump off the ship, which is also going to the bottom, leave joe biden’s team, we have talked more than once about trump’s murder. a year before the us presidential election, trump took and cut off our supplies, this huge, fat black swan, unfortunately, flew to us, and here it’s really not our fault, i’m not an official and i can’t afford to diplomatic expressions, i am an unofficial
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person, i am a private person, i can allow myself not to be diplomatic, so lately i have had questions for my very respected kirill budanov, why is trump still alive, why is trump still alive? the voice of the people of donbass in french, if not me, someone, no one, and the guys said, you know, with the help of your quadcopter, we saw how the enemy was mining positions, all this was not in vain, you know, i think that i i can save many more guys, i
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’ll give my life for this, and i’ll help cover, alexander made the greatest achievement in our lives, he gave his life for his country, and i gave my female happiness. these are the people who carry out a very important task, women, war, without women we will not win, the premiere of the documentary on thursday on rtr, tell me, do you even understand that i am leaving the family, forever, but everything is clear, on sunday, here such news... will no longer live with us, he will live in another place, this is not news to me, how could you secretly introduce sasha to your girlfriend, for what? i don’t want to lose contact with sasha, get in touch, but what does someone else’s woman have to do with this? come over to us, and mom, well, what’s
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a little mom that she can’t cope without? you can start life from scratch, hello, it was i who recognized you, oles, after so many years, i knew that you would call someday. but the past cannot be crossed out, we had such a chapter called karina, we can write another chapter called the three of us again, i want to fix everything, southern cyclone, on sunday on rtr, the floor is shaking, the walls are shaking, big changes have come, to a new season.
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a lot will become clear, and dreams become reality, yes, look, let them into your home, big changes, every sunday on rtr, we give karina an exclusive three-week tour of... happy birthday, i don’t understand anything, what’s going on here,
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why, what did i find in your office with a piece of paper, a message about divorce, what kind of stupid jokes is this, this is not a joke, this is your new reality, it was erased from your own life, now we have nothing, not a car. not at home, i don’t have a business and a husband, so it’s time build a new one, tell me, you’ve seriously decided to develop yourself from scratch, i want to prove that i’m impossible. drown there the stable is on fire, lord, what is it, how can it be so, and andrei, where, where is andrei, mom, i’ll start all over again, march 8, on rtr, catch a fish, big or small , well, in general , i chose the right place, have you ever wondered why people count proteins, fats, carbohydrates, this is where my question begins, can something tasty be healthy? let's try.
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inflammation levels are reduced and pain is reduced. maybe is it useful to be pleasant? fantastic. can science be intelligible? how about you make a wish? yes yes! yes yes yes. once again, yes. every person in any region of russia can make their diet not only tasty, but also healthy. and this lifts the mood. that's for sure. food formulas. on saturday on rtr. so, the main american russophobe. coordinator of maidan, and the entire ukrainian direction in american diplomacy, vika nolan. who quits? secretary of state blinken reported this from the state department, who did not approve of it
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appointment as his first deputy, that is, vika wanted a promotion, and she wanted to retire. at the same time, blinken promised her a place in the history textbooks that diplomats and international affairs students will study, that is, he praised her goodbye. victoria told me she plans to step down in the coming weeks as under secretary of state for international affairs, a role in which she embodied president biden's commitment to returning diplomacy to the center of our foreign policy and seeking to reinvigorate global leadership in at a crucial time for our country around the world, what makes victoria truly exceptional is the burning passion with which she fights for what she believes in most.
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at the same time in america, so i’ll go through tuesday, super tuesday, hyper thursday, and super wednesday, i ate american tomatoes, they are tasteless, lobsters on the west coast know the american economy, i’ve heard firsthand about russia too, they don’t have those. tomatoes, like ours, we have, however, and the lovsts are not bad now,
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but still not as fresh as there for obvious reasons, it’s not possible to catch them under our boats, but for now they will transport them, but the tomato topic is very important, in the year ninety-five, in my opinion, before his second elections, elson also spoke about our tomatoes, somewhere in krasnodar region, kuban , domestic ones, especially, but the western
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ones are almost all plastic, it was impossible to buy, i had about the same feeling when i moved from volgograd to study in st. petersburg, from volgograd, where edible tomatoes are, to st. petersburg, where are the tomatoes they call it plastic, but years have passed in moscow and i’ve gotten used to it, yes, now, when our state seems to be constantly interfering in the economy, these are really krasnodar tomatoes, but the earth hasn’t warmed up yet. baku ones are expensive, more expensive than ours, but not for leading television programs, they have ours, then of course we buy azerbaijani ones, there are still some opportunities. therefore, do the presenters have opportunities or are there tomatoes that are a little cheaper due to connections? in short, our agriculture is definitely flourishing and the main thing is that it does not lose our fruits and vegetables, do not lose the taste qualities to which we are accustomed, and this is a great thing,
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now it means that i know her personally, i have had it with her. conversation, even a skirmish, i would say, she really swears, well, she can, we were in the state department building, she didn’t swear there, she didn’t swear there, the fact that she is committed to american values, that’s all that i listed, in the american understanding, that’s for sure, the fact that she ardently defends them, that’s for sure, but the fact that she a diplomat, in the classic... understanding, this is completely inaccurate, nolund defended american values ​​not by diplomatic methods, but by all other methods of intimidation, threats, blackmail, and so on, what he calls harsh, in general she is a boor, according to the conversation when you’re talking to her,
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this is it - i don’t really care who will lead american policy in our direction, it’s better... nothing much will come from it, but still, in this resignation i most likely see a sign that really failed, according to some american, some part of the american establishment making the decision failed in general the line of the ukrainian state department in the whole of the united states, because it’s very ambitious, if damn it... said, it has achieved such success in this direction, then there’s a little left, that’s it biden's election, either he will be re-elected and make her secretary of state, or he will not be re- elected, then automatically she will step aside, but not because she left there, ran away and so on, so - she herself, i think, feels that things are
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bad, things are bad in this sense, and it’s better... to leave, well, as in this textbook, the final paragraph, the final paragraph is not completed in this textbook. anullant, and this is a victory for ukrainian democracy, based on the american nato, authoritarian moscow with all sorts of other bad things, for some reason it is not i did it for a reason, if there had been a chance of success, the future prospect would definitely not have gone away, in this regard, this is generally pleasing, of course. such a resignation, that is, not not her personally, that’s what i think is manifested in this, that is, the ten-year course of the united states in relation to the russians failed, this means that ours was ideal, optimal, that we did not make mistakes, that we are not making them now, but still, she really is a supporter of this tough, under the guise of diplomacy, absolutely
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tough, aggressive, boorish, arrogant course, in connection with this, in connection with other events. this means that the question arises about all sorts of pistorius and scholz, there macrons, their words and deeds, for some reason, in general , they prevailed, i am of course not an expert in intelligence activities, they prevailed in our programs, at least in the last two three days of the version that this is a leak, this conversation, that even these are the germans themselves, the subtle scholz highlighted this, that ... stories, i generally want to believe that in stirlitz, that our stirlitz is sitting there, it’s him, spying on who is needed, monitors and transmits, although there is no need to debunk this dream, or rather this image is bright,
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but it would be good, but something, no, something that sits exactly, and even moves a little, the question is how effective they are , how... i don’t know, experts again, well , just think that the germans talked there, they this is supposed to be discussed, all general staffs discuss such things, yes...
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when the balts are frightened of all kinds by themselves and others by our threat, i understand them, because russia’s victory in the ukrainian theater of operations means that for them, this is real, all their regimes will fly with with a high probability, where there are a lot of russians, russian-speaking people, it’s faster, in lithuania it’s slower, and so on, but for them it’s really immediate, you need to stop for advertising, estonian kaila published hers today.
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from the kgb school. advertising. there is
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love in this room, love for the man who became symbol of a generation. his songs are heard. where are you and me, it's starry. his voice is recognized, thank you very much for a happy childhood, the whole hall sings, he is remembered and loved, i know what you see, you hear, smile, don’t argue with me, i’d rather give the night only to her, yes. that’s it, a big concert for yuri shatunov’s fiftieth birthday, on saturday on rtr. are you inviting me to your theater?
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i invite you. sash, forgive me. yes, i'm an asshole. how could you. have you just arrived? yeah, yes, i, nadya, valya, came to conquer moscow. who are you? and i, lena, are his wife. are you waiting for someone? yes, you. for what? i would like to invite you to a restaurant. that's it, dear, i'll bring nadya back. misha, get out. i want to return to you, to seryozha. leave me and seryozha alone. i'm not going to make any more mistakes. women. on
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saturday on rtr. provocation is treacherous behavior. here is the difference between a man and a woman. i noticed. then it turns out that my husband is mine too. the cat is the most intelligent creature in our family. orientalism is a parallel agenda. continuation of the conversation in new episodes of our podcasts. and so as not to miss anything, subscribe, listen watch on the media platform. let's see. the first podcasts we watch. we work in the interests of our country. our job is to tell the truth. our task is to achieve complete victory. for the sake of.
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our children always dream of what will make them happy, every parent wants these dreams to come true. we support them, are proud of them and believe that they will succeed, because their happiness depends on our choice. march 15, 16, 17, take part in the presidential elections of the country, together we are strong, we vote for russia, what are the next tasks, this i’ll tell you separately, when the cameras are turned off, where to go and what to do, they just recommended that you never read american newspapers, fight directly from russia, from china, from someone else, of course, how much time do you devote to the progress of a special military operation,
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all of this the day begins and ends with this, the first thing they told me is that we have a lot of them. be in touch, moscow, the kremlin, putin, we will see again, we will show more than others, thank you very much, come back on sunday to rtr, now urgent news is coming while you watch tv, the internet has practically disappeared in the world, attacks on internet cables in the red
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sea have affected, among other things, communications between africa. four underwater cables, international agencies report, the internet is almost completely absent on all american domains, well, that is curious, we have it, we still have it, but of course not everywhere, for example, everything related to google, now they don’t work at all, american platforms don’t work at all either, but...
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i was told recently, but you know, joe biden is old, i replied, you know what, joe biden is old, let's already accept reality, joe biden is old, so we have a competition between a candidate who is old, but works and does not threaten our democracy, we have another candidate who old, rarely speaks intelligently, dangerously threatens our democracy, so really, pick one. those who rushed to the internet to check if it is there, note that the internet still works, we are talking about huge failures, only 12 cables at the bottom of the red sea, four have now been cut off , well, that is, there is just a little left, and there will be no more internet, please, not all of it, well, four is just the beginning for now, everyone likes to discuss
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how russia, and there, how successful or unsuccessful it is in carrying out a special operation , but... we are opposed by the whole of nato, the usa and britain are conducting a special operation in the red sea , successfully, yes, against the army the slippers, as they call it, they are cutting up dogs , they do whatever they want, and there is a us flotilla standing there, hillary is talking about the fact that old people, alone, that is, not only ukrainians know how to dive and blow something up, but also the houthis, yes , hillary says, remember the times of elf and petrov and one-story america, now it turns out, i listened to hillary, it turns out old america, so they came to this , she says, but i remember in connection with the germans. this espionage scandal , in my opinion, if i’m not mistaken, the sixteenth year, when the mail of this hillary clinton to the whole world was hacked, but this is public knowledge, this massive corruption, this is all that she did in this correspondence, and what the americans discussed, they didn’t discuss her corruption, they discussed how the russians hacked her mail, it’s the same now in germany, they are discussing who leaked it, why, why, if the germans had discussed what these conversations themselves could lead to ,
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they would probably be a little further from the war than they are now. but here’s another american, daland, she was fired, as she recently said, russia, whatever it is, is not the country we would like, yes, probably ukraine has not become that country either. premiere on rtr. a man disappeared like water channel. i am absolutely sure that something bad happened to your daughter. do you need to talk to ostrovskaya? no. i am ill. they offer me
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surgery. what do you think? will everything be okay? anna is a medium. today on rtr. please, introductions and roll call. it is possible, without construction. i'm very happy. that you came to visit me, how much tea was drunk, how many stories were told, i was bold in a white tuxedo, and i begin, then mark antolyevich zakharov leaves in a pile, and for me it was probably akin to the appearance of christ to the people, how many secrets were told , i'm like men, hunter of women, i like to attack, dad imagined that i would have a completely different husband. how much more is there yet to come? i foresaw my fate, now everything is just coming true, i surrender everything with joy, let's all wave our hands, when everyone is at home with timur kizyakov, on sunday
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narter, quickly to the restaurant, with some woman here... semyon, tell me what it all seemed like olga kabo, he called me ideal, and you are ideal, you can hang noodles on your ears, cuckold you, dmitry frid, breakups can happen maybe it’s for the better, i don’t know, it’s like i ’ve just been run over by a roller, oleg almazov, irina met a gorgeous man. they are planning an affair, just think, i will also try to win her, imagine, our irka, a technical girl, immediately has a cloud of gentlemen, the most important thing is that they fight
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to the death for her, everyone has the right to later happiness, listen, maybe let’s start everything from scratch, march 8 on rtr. we work in the interests of our country. our job is to tell the truth. our task is to achieve complete victory. this is why we go on air. every evening. evening with vladimir solovyov. today on rtr. here's a kept woman. i haven't worked a day. lives on her husband's money. let's see on the weekend. i think i’m a mistress, and on our bed, either you leave, or we and the children, clearly, remember, you, without me there’s an empty place, zero, you thought about the children, i
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’ll find a job, be careful, you can build from the rubble in your old life a new one, in general, at least anything in business, you know, sometimes it’s... better than the old one, help, my very first contract, i succeeded, give me the office, maria kulikova, what the hell are you doing here, mom, maybe on saturday on rtr, it so happened that i never had the chance to meet mikhail mikhailovich himself, on my ninetieth birthday. we are meeting on the anniversary of the chief officer on duty in the country; he had such enormous talent that until his last years he continued to write
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talentedly. leon izmailov remembers mikhail zhvanetsky. mikhail mikhailovich generally knew how to impress a woman. mikhail mikhailovich was an irrepressible person in this sense, he was simply a woman lover, only later only. he got married and they lived like that for the rest of his life, he found his happiness, it was very difficult for him to speak in ordinary cuban , he said that he doesn’t write for...
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march 8th next friday, see the news, bye, thank you, what’s next tasks, i’ll tell you this separately, when the cameras are turned off, where to go and what to do, they just recommended that you never read american newspapers, fight directly from russia, from china, nonsense, of course, how much time do you devote to the progress of a special military operation , from this the day begins and ends with this, the first thing they didn’t say, we have... there are a lot of them, the guryats don’t run at helicopter port number one, we will be the first to know about it, alexander grigorievich, again, hello, let him in, guys, we don’t have the strength who could have held him, you are probably the first here to show this, pasha, you are filming this, pasha, hello, hello, yes, you learned from this pasha, in the first person, you just tell me what is happening and where, in 3:30 am, of course, there should always be connections, moscow,
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kremlin, putin, again we will see, we will show more than others, thank you very much, come back on sunday to rtr, tell me, do you even understand that i always leave the family, yes, everything is clear, on sunday, there is such news, dad will no longer live with us, he will living in another place is not news to me, how could you secretly introduce sasha to your girlfriend. for what? i don't want to lose contact with sasha. contact me, what does someone else’s woman have to do with this? come join us. and mom? well, little mom, can’t you handle it? you can start life from scratch. hello, i recognized you, oles. after so many years? i knew you would call someday. but the past cannot be erased. we had a chapter called karina. can we write another chapter? called the three of us again, i
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want to fix everything, southern cyclone, on sunday on rtr. on the russia vesti channel, in the studio of evgeniy roshkov. hello, the main thing is for this hour. minus one more hymers, the american rszzo was covered near nikonorovka in the dpr. in odessa, sumy, kharkov, military installations were hit. diesel prices, transportation costs, export russian products, what else? vladimir putin spoke in stavropol.


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