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tv   Malakhov  RUSSIA1  March 6, 2024 4:30pm-5:31pm MSK

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you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for my words, a hero of my time, beauty, rapping, the whole brigade, we’re just looking at the platform, we bought a dress for prom shoes, but...
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“i think that i can save a lot of things for the guys , i will give my life for this, and i will help cover, with father alexander we did the greatest achievement in our lives, he gave his life for his country, and i gave my female happiness, people like you perform a very important task, women , war, without women we will not win, premiere documentary on thursday on rtr: here’s a kept woman, she hasn’t worked a day, she lives on her husband’s money, we watch on weekends, i think i’m a mistress, and on our bed, either you leave, or we and the children, clearly, remember, you’re without i'm an empty place, zero , you thought about the children, i'll find a job, be careful! from
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the wreckage of an old life you can build a new one, in general, at least anything in business, you know, sometimes it's better than the old one, help, my very first contract, i succeeded , give me an office, maria kulikova, what the hell are you doing? are you doing here, mom can on saturday. presidential spokesman peskov just said that russia will only use nuclear weapons if something threatens its existence. peskov also said that nuclear war is the last thing, as they say, a farewell remedy, all discussions about it are irresponsible. once again, all the discussions about nuclear war, of which there are many in the west, are dangerous because...
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during the training of the german special forces, there are cruel personnel, they even teach german dogs to fight with the russians, they take them and throw them into the pool. at the falve training center, bundesfern special forces practice diving from a helicopter, which is how service dogs are trained to use water. the chancellor of germany saw with his own eyes exactly how special forces are trained .
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in general, this is nato’s approach to our borders; right now , three nato countries, three nato states, and russia are conducting exercises at the russian borders.
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this is all either a bluff, or people who have been pushed out by some deep state, they talk all sorts of nonsense there, but there is rational players behind them, who will not allow the same nuclear conflict, no, the scheme is very pleasant to me, because i am precisely the principled opponent of escalation, and as you know, i would repeatedly like to hope that this scheme will work, and if adequate people no, i have repeatedly said that a nuclear conflict is a catastrophe and in general you can’t joke or play with it , but really the question we need to ask is, are there really these deep rational sages out there, i would like to answer them look, that is, when we see the lineup of modern european politicians , american politicians, we are always
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told that well, this is just husk, there is anna bermakh, of course, she is not very gifted, but someone brought her there, that means, brought her to the surface, who these people are, how adequate they are, let’s look at them too... look and evaluate - because in general the situation is going too far. i can remember the story of the first world war, why? because a number of historians also say this, that the great european powers did not wanted this war and also acted , as it seemed to them, rationally, but the situation somehow got out of control, they had already stopped managing it, we got this war, so, uh, we remember the second world war, in this regard, about rational players, there are very big... questions of doubt, let me approach this same topic from the other side, from the side of my favorite hydrocarbon, especially since it now has dimensions from the point of view of the nutrition of the future about worms and - spiders and larvae because really you can also treat this with humor, but
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there is little funny in it. regarding adequacy, let me remind you that in fact the war with hydrocarbons did not begin now, but already about 15 or more years ago, then... the european union said in all seriousness that hydrocarbons would replace biofuels, now they have forgotten about it, but then it was an absolutely hype topic, that is, everyone in europe said biofuel, biofuel, this is what will save us, they began to produce biofuel, they discovered that in order to produce biofuel, they need to increase the production of corn, rapeseed, they found that when they began to increase the production of corn and rapeseed, they had to reduce the production of other important food products in time.
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of the united states says that the climate threat is more important than nuclear war, and he said this , europeans repeated this after him more than once, how should i treat this, someone told him this, even if he is senile, some deep-seated people explained to him that he had to say this, so , you know, i don’t take it with humor when i repeat again, i hear from europeans, american politicians that nuclear war is not as terrible as the climate threat, but this is also said constantly.
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but is he really going to run around berlin in response to the publication of the conversation, in theory, why not run away, but it would seem that pistorius also comes out with a blue eye, declares why did you start a scandal, this is a theoretical conversation, they were only discussing, they are they didn’t hit the bridge, why are you so worried? well , that is, they seem to suggest waiting for the blow itself, well then it will cause a scandal, we will be back in a minute, someone is trying to
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something important to report through the water, premiere on rtr, a man has disappeared like canal water, i am absolutely sure that something bad has happened to your daughter, you need to talk to ostrovskaya, no. i’m sick, they’re offering me surgery, but do you think everything will work out? anna is a medium, today on rtr, the floor is precious, the hay is shaking, big changes have come, in the new season with new renovations, with a slight movement of the hand, we are from this room to...
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there will be a lot of surprises and a lot of work, plans are turning into projects before our eyes , i adore plants, i'm generally a plant person maniac, real stone flowers will soon bloom in the living room of our heroes, after dismantling a lot will become clear, and dreams become: reality, as you look, let you into your home, big changes, every sunday on rtr, tell me, do you even understand that i’m coming out from the family forever, yes , everything is clear, on sunday, there is such news, dad will no longer live with us, he will live in another place, this is not news to me. how could you secretly introduce sasha to your girlfriend? for what? i don't want to lose contact with
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sasha. contact me, and someone else's woman is here what does it have to do with it? come join us. and mom? well, little mother, she can’t cope without you. you can start life from scratch. hello, i recognized you, oles. after so many years? i knew you would call someday. but the past cannot be erased. we had it. what a chapter called karina, we can write another chapter called the three of us again, i want to fix everything, southern cyclone, on sunday on rtr, all the most important things in life are in our hands, fulfill a childhood dream, gain new knowledge, feel inspiration, build a career, realize
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your plans, start a family, give life, pass on traditions, preserve the memory of the past and conquer new heights, it is in our hands to choose our future and the future of the entire country. together we are strong, we vote for russia. next, what are the tasks? i’ll tell you this separately, when the cameras are turned off, where to go and what to do? just never read american newspapers, how much time do you devote, everything starts with the day and ends there, the first thing they told me is that we have a lot of them, don’t run to the number we’ll find out about this.
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thank you very much, come again. on sunday on rtr. well, a statement from putin's press secretary. about nuclear weapons, once again, in short , nuclear weapons are a farewell weapon, after that there is nothing more, i don’t know if these people are afraid of nuclear war, if they are people, if they have a head, then they should be afraid of this at the level of instinct self-preservation, nuclear war is a last resort, a farewell
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weapon, therefore... if we move away from the legal language, it is interpreted there as a farewell weapon if something threatens our existence our country, then nuclear weapons , besides this, it is absolutely impossible to talk about it irresponsibly, that is
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, we are not changing the concept of nuclear weapons, the use of nuclear weapons , good morning, olga, good afternoon, according to the experts who were interviewed by us, here are the reasons several: first of all, this is, of course, the failure of american policy towards ukraine, this is the inconsistency of the current course against russia and the unsuccessful attempts to isolate us with sanctions of all kinds of restrictions, this is a signal that
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that washington can gradually reduce the scale of the ukrainian conflict, although here, of course, how... we currently do not see such evidence of this, in addition, we must also take into account that after all, blinken was blinken’s first deputy after the departure of wendy sherman last year , whose duties were performed by kurt campbell after her resignation, after which rumors began to spread about victoria’s departure as well. in general, we see that indeed everything that washington has been betting on over the years, when nullanta occupied key positions related to ukraine. with russia, all this turned out to be a complete fiasco, and her departure in this regard is quite natural, and now her duties will be performed by a career diplomat, blinken’s deputy, also undersecretary john bass, who until recently was involved in the middle east agenda, plus he was the us ambassador to afghanistan, turkey and georgia. was it under him that the americans left
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afghanistan? well it turns out, yes. next year yes. quite routinely refers to threats in the white house, in the state department, potential ones, which he avoids, in regarding the nuclear conflict, they say that... they look at it quite seriously, but do not see any signals that we can actually talk about an apocalypse, we can essentially talk about the end of civilization, something that has been repeatedly stated in the russian leadership, here they react to this quite routinely, moreover, biden has always officially said and continues to say that for him the most important, the most
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important threat to humanity is climate change, this is the current position, well, yes, the main thing is that... good weather, thank you very much, riya novosti's own correspondent, igor naimushin from washington, please, well , game theory was mentioned here, in fact, everything has already been calculated, in particular, read by such a political scientist robert axelrod, who gathered all his friends in the eighties and said, let's do it each of us a program that will depict the political activities of the state, fifty such programs were sent to him, and he forced them to fight with each other, and what program do you think won, which is all... after she took revenge if she was given a bad answer , continued cooperation if she was given a good one, this is the world we live in, what is russia’s gain now, we are kind, but we
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remember who does good to us, who does bad, and since any game is in the world - this is a zero-sum game, we now look, on the one hand, we have ended many relationships with the west, now matvienko said, we are reviewing all the agreements that do not suit us, but on the other hand , completely different opportunities have opened up.
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they did the biggest thing with catfish alexander accomplishment in our lives, he gave his life for his country, and i gave my female happiness, people like you are performing a very important task, women, war, without women we will not win, the premiere of the documentary film is on thursday on rtr. so, did you get enough sleep? gentlemen,
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pay attention a moment. today is a big day, a big holiday. it's been a while since we 've seen each other. for every cool fighter there is an even cooler one. part of the cultural code, because they contain power, beauty and history, conquer, squad is ready, explore, nature, mother, dear,
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just incredible beauty, you already understand what the vietnamese’s favorite means of transportation is, there are 10 million moped drivers here, try it, oh, it’s amazing how delicious everything is, as my mother says, it’s mind blowing, this world is worth seeing , a snake charmer is the oldest profession in india, they say that a correctly made bukhara knife became a real amulet for its owner, a secret to the whole world, on saturday on rtr. are you inviting me to your theater? i invite you, sash,
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forgive me, yes, i’m a bastard, how could you, and you just arrived? yeah, yes, i, nadya, valya, came to conquer moscow. what, i’m lena, his wife, are you waiting for someone? yes, you, why? i would like to invite you to a restaurant. that's it, dear, i'll bring nadya back. misha, get out. i want to return to you, to seryozha. leave me and seryozha alone. i'm not going to make any more mistakes. women on saturday on rtr. so,
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towards, as they say. here are the girls, march 8th has arrived for us, here is the horse at my house, here is my husband who fell in love with march, along the cliff over the abyss, why were you detained, what brought the horse into the house, into the apartment, why did they decide to bring the animal directly, i even say, i don’t understand what i was doing at all,
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i don’t understand at all, it’s simple. what can’t you do out of great love and better give flowers , the whole floor is shaking, the walls are shaking , big changes have come, in the new season with a new renovation, a slight movement of the hand, we are making three different functional zones from this room with absolutely no faces, ideas are flowing over the edge. "we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be plenty of surprises and a lot of work, plans are turning into projects, i adore plants, i’m generally a plant maniac, real stone flowers will soon bloom in the living room of our heroes, after dismantling a lot will become clear, and dreams become reality, look, let them into your home. big changes, every
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sunday on rtr, we give karina an exclusive three-week tour of south america, happy birthday, i don’t understand anything, what’s going on here? why did you come, what kind of piece of paper did i find in your office, a message about divorce, what kind of stupid joke is this? this is not a joke, this is yours a new reality, it was erased from our own lives, now we have nothing, no car, no home, i don’t have a business and a husband, so it’s time to build a new one, tell me, you’ve seriously decided to develop yourself from scratch, i want to prove that i’m impossible drown him, the stable boy himself!
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thank you very much for a happy childhood, the whole audience sings, they remember him and love him, i know what you see, you hear, you smile, don’t argue with
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me, i’d rather have gray hair. on the russia channel, evgeniy roshkov is presenting in the studio, hello, the main thing for this hour. iskander's strike destroyed an american hymers, and the abrams tank hit our t-72 with the first shot. details: special attention to air defense and drones. sergei shaigu checked how state defense orders are being fulfilled at
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factories. it will be possible to retake one of the unified state exam subjects in june; rosobnadzor explained which result will be counted. the rada was offended by the ban on traveling abroad and is threatening to delay the consideration of the law on mobilization; draft dodgers are being caught at the border. and there are thousands of farmers in the center of warsaw, the results of super tuesday in the usa, and it’s not clear in haita, where the bandits presented ultimatum to the authorities. powerful explosion, several hours. ago thundered in the port of odessa. according to local media , a ballistic missile was used. in the photographs of eyewitnesses , a column of black smoke appeared above the port docks. at night , another massive blow was dealt to the military infrastructure of the kiev regime. the targets were ukrainian armed forces facilities
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in sumy, kharkov, starokonstantinov, ternopil and odessa. in the special operation zone , russian troops improved the tactical situation in the kupinsky and south donetsk directions. donetsk and... eevsky are busy more advantageous lines, the ministry of defense reported. the ssu lost over 1,100 servicemen per day. this is footage of objective control of the destruction of the american hymers missile system. she and her crew were hit by our iskander missile system, 50 km from the front line near the village of nikonorovka. this is in the dpr. in the avdeevsky direction, army aviation carried out strikes on areas where enemy manpower, equipment and fire weapons were concentrated in the berdychi area. kamyshovki, ocheretina. crews during fire missions destroyed armored vehicles ukrainian nationalists in podkupinsky. in the kherson and vremevsky directions
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, field warehouses with ammunition were liquidated. and today the ministry of defense was told the details of the destruction of the third american abrams tank. the enemy lost up to 460 v. military personnel, two tanks, one of them was an abram made in the usa, which was destroyed by the crew of the t-72b3 tank from the first shot, a self-propelled firing installation of the buk anti-aircraft missile system, four infantry fighting vehicles, two armored vehicles, five cars. russia and magatte are acting together on the issue of ensuring safety at the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. the head said this following negotiations with the head of the international atomic energy agency, rafael grossi. rosatom alexey likhach consultations took place today in sochi. the situation at the station became the key topic of this meeting. he spoke about the results of his next trip to the nuclear power plant, where he visited the turbine room of power unit four.
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in turn, likhachev reported on how our specialists interact with experts magat. for a year and a half now, the mission has had a physical presence. on the site of the zaporozhye nuclear power plant creates additional safety elements and contributes to a safer existence of the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. we have just completed intensive and detailed consultations with colleagues from rosatom rostechnadzor and the russian ministry of defense, which allowed us to assess the current situation at the zaporozhye npp. as you know, my fourth visit to the nuclear power plant recently took place. in the federation council offered.
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at the world youth festival in sirius , the main final day, participants from almost 200 countries not only communicate a lot, but also discuss the most important topics today. difficult relations between russia and the west and opposition to sanctions. report by anna sorokina. today is the final day of the world youth festival. for 5 days now, the future of the world has been discussed by 20,000 people from russia and 190 countries. over the course of 5
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days, participants met hundreds of world opinion leaders and got acquainted with russia, not the one they talk about in foreign countries. screens, with real. this is a long line just for a lecture about stereotypes about russia. it was conducted by the president's press secretary. there are countries that consider themselves to have the right to steal from other countries, calling it cooperation, but in essence it is not cooperation, it is.
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bright light, so that our children, looking at us, believe that we are doing a great , bright work, and how new regions are developing, deputy prime minister marad khusnulin told festival participants, he said that there is an opportunity promptly restore avdeevka, which recently came under the control of russian forces, and the territory from the new regions to crimea and sochi will receive high-speed highways, which will become a serious impetus for the development of tourism. novorus roads are a very promising transport direction. we will definitely develop it, because through new territories
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the route to crimea is shorter and more efficient. looked into danger, everything is clear there, the individual residential sector there has suffered greatly, but we have a support mechanism, which means those whoever residents want to return, we will issue subsidies, we have such a mechanism of 45. rubles per square meter, we can allocate money, and people can build. what conditions does the state create to increase the birth rate and raise children? said the deputy prime minister. in 2020 in the constitution, traditional in our basic law, which was updated , spiritual and moral values, marriage or union between a man and a woman are fundamental to the entire population of our country, our traditional spiritual and moral values ​​were supported, and this is the main thing: this is where we stand, at the world
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youth festival every day they talk about the history of russia, introduce it to its traditions, everything so that the world speaks the same language. the greatest feeling that i have is the feeling of friendship, that i have met friends here and i love them, the smiles that we give here when we meet, when one person smiles at another, immediately such a spark lights up and it becomes good, it doesn’t matter even this difference in languages, how important it is that you are here together now. saw each other, despite the fact that we are all from different countries, that we are all different, we all have different hair, we all have different skin, we are in any case one big team that is creating the future right now and literally building brick by brick the youth policy of our world for the next few years. russian foreign young leaders will sum up the results of the festival today at the closing ceremony. anna sorukina, pavel melnik, valery pyatov, nikita kalchenko, mikhail kertok and magomet atsaev and alexandra berezkina, news!
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finally, even worse, how are you doing there? they put these boxes so they are standing there , it will show the topography there are no people, the second shift is not working, the third is not working. and at the meeting, shaigu especially noted that the role of air defense in modern conditions is enormous, not only in the special operation zone, but also to cover our
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border territories. although the whole phenomenon of attack unmanned aerial vehicles. greater range, greater power, the appearance of the enemy's haymarc missiles, everything that was produced in soviet times, naturally, all this must be countered let’s look at how we can defend ourselves, your enterprises are doing all this, today we’ll listen to what additional measures need to be taken, and in what time frame they will be taken. the legendary seagull, the first female astronaut and the only woman to complete a solo space flight. valentina tereshkova celebrates her birthday today. in his telegram, vladimir putin noted valentina vladimirovna’s enormous contribution to the development of astronautics, her active civic position and legislative activity. and today to baikanur for pre-launch preparations the main backup crews
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of the new expedition departed to the iss. report by alexey karev. before departure to baikanur for the main team of cosmonaut oleg navitssky, representative.
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and vasilevskaya will stay at the station for 12 days and return together with the american laurel akhara. her colleague tracy dyson praised the organization of the flight. i'm proud to be here, to be a part of this. you have great training and a rich culture. it's a great pleasure to fly with such a crew. at baikanur the team will undergo final pre-launch training before the flight to the international space station, they will try on spacesuits and conduct final training. the countdown has begun in days. alexey karyev, dmitry korsakov, danilo kuznetsov, lead. mutual trade between russia and azerbaijan increased by 17% and approached $4.5 billion. mikhail mishustin and president of the republic ilham aliyev spoke about this in baku today. cooperation between the two countries became the main topic of the negotiations, and the consultations themselves were the final
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event during the visit of our prime minister to the country. more and more in industry there are projects. we are also thinking about a joint project in the field of transport engineering, we are working on agriculture, we also have a number of issues in pharmaceuticals, in fact, the whole range of our mutual projects, it is currently under our control, relations between russia and azerbaijan can be an example of relations between two neighboring friendly states, in twenty-six azerbaijani universities it carries out... schools, also education in russian, we have preserved all the good things that united our peoples for decades. in chechnya , teaching is in russian, 324 secondary schools today opened the pension fund archive building, and in grozny they presented three
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social pilot projects that are starting in the republic, this is an opportunity for citizens to call the leadership of the regional office via video link. attention, turn on the sirens. sirens and information messages from loudspeakers sounded in all regions from 10 to 11 o'clock...
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please, introduction and roll call, without formation, i am very glad that you came to visit me, how much tea was drunk, how
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many stories were told, i was bold in a white tuxedo, i start, then mark anatolyevich zakharov leaves, and for me it was probably akin to the appearance of christ to the people, how many secrets were told, like a man. hands, when everyone is at home with timur kizikov, i surrender to everything with joy, let's all wave sunday at rtr, are you inviting me to your theater? i invite you, sash, forgive me
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, yes, i’m a bastard, how could you, and you just arrived, uh-huh, yes, i, nadya, valya, came to conquer moscow, who are you, and i’m lena, his wife, are you waiting for someone, yes, for you... why would i like to invite you to a restaurant, that’s what, dear, i’ll bring nadya back, misha, get out, i want to return to you and seryozha, leave me and seryozha alone, do more i'm not going to make any mistakes, women, on saturday on rtr. we work in the interests of our country. our
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job is to tell the truth. our task is to achieve complete victory. this is why we go on air. every evening. evening with vladimir solovyov. today on rtr. “here’s a kept woman, she hasn’t worked a day, she lives on her husband’s money, we look at the weekend, it turns out i’m a mistress, and on our bed, either you leave , or we and the children, clearly, remember, you are an empty place without me, zero, you thought about the children, i will find a job, be careful, from the wreckage of the old life you can build a new one, at least something at all in business, you know, sometimes it
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’s better than before, help, my very first contract, i succeeded, give me the offices, maria kulikova, what the hell are you doing here, mom can do it on saturday. on rtr: what are the next tasks? i’ll tell you this separately, when the cameras are turned off, where to go and what do? they just recommended that you never read american newspapers, that you immediately get out of russia, from china, strangers, of course, how much time do you devote to the progress of a special military operation, all this begins the day and ends with this, the first thing they told me is that we have such a lot, the buryats are not running, at helicopter port number one, we will be the first to know about it, alexander grigorievich , hello, let him in, guys, there are no forces that... in
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the first person, you just tell me what is happening and where, at 3:30 a.m., of course i there must always be connections, moscow, the kremlin, putin, again we will see we will show more than others, thank you very much, come back on sunday to rtr, translate, we continue the release, the fsb liquidated a cell of hizbut-tahrir terrorists in crimea. propaganda materials, communications equipment, electronic media, as well as large sums of money for the needs of the organization were seized from the houses of the criminals. radicals held meetings at which they spread terrorist ideology, and criminal cases were initiated. from moscow to kazyl by on behalf of the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov , an il-76 has just taken off to transport victims of the fire to tets. on board
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are doctors from the spas center detachment, psychologists and specialists from the ministry of health. equipped with special medical modules, ventilators and cardiac monitors. two more aircraft are ready for the delivery of modular boiler rooms and heat guns. the emergency occurred in the central boiler house of the city of shaganara as a result of a coal dust explosion in the fuel supply room. 23 people were injured, six of them in in serious condition. by this time the fire had been extinguished. the office of the polish prime minister through the efforts of the dissatisfied. farmers find themselves in a state of siege today. the farmers did not come empty -handed to the new rally in the center of warsaw, speaking out against the uncontrolled import of ukrainian grain and the so-called green course of the european commission. in front of tusk's office, protesters are now burning tire fires. firefighters tried to put out the fire, but clashes began. organizers expect
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between 100 and 150 people to take to the streets throughout the day. city ​​of straw abrams. the leader of the capital on tractors and even installed barbed stripes on the outskirts, but some still broke through and, according to tradition, they brought them to people. the authorities banned them from entering the gaetian ban. jimmy shirizier threatened a civil war that would lead to genocide if the country's prime minister, henri, remained in his post. today, the plane of the head of government was unable to land at the capital airport due to shootings. the prime minister was absent from the country at the start of the armed uprising and returned today after a visit to kenya. as a result, the politician’s plane landed in puerto rico. but in porto aprense the situation remains tense. the military police are not yet able to take control of the cities and restore order. neighboring states are increasingly talking about the need for a peacekeeping mission under the flag. what
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donald trump called today wonderful and inspiring. that's the result. adoption of the law on mobilization. however, there are no fewer men of military age wanting to escape from ukraine. there are still raids and checkpoints in every city. the most desperate trying to cross the border in a swim. a group of young people were caught in the middle of the dniester instead of
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moldova and sent to the military registration and enlistment office. some have even less luck from the river. they caught a drowned guy born in 2002, who never made it to hungary. school graduates will have the opportunity to retake one of the unified state exam subjects before the end of the admission process, that is, already in june of this year. rosobronadzor made such clarifications today. the idea of ​​students retaking a subject of their choice was proposed by vladimir putin in his message federal assembly. the education supervision service emphasized that the result of the first attempt to pass the unified state exam will be canceled, only the second attempt will be taken into account, and it will not be possible to choose the best score. changes will occur in the unified state exam schedule. consultations with the regions are currently underway. now on to the news of the presidential election campaign. russians submitted an application to
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vote in electronic format, about 3 million more will go to the polling stations at their place of residence, such data was announced today at the reception for... we monitored the dispatch of the next batch of humanitarian cargo to the donbass, already 123 in a row, a truck with medicines, equipment and food is loaded at the lenin state farm near moscow, along the way they are joined
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by trucks from other regions. support for fighters is one of the key topics at meetings with voters. i would like to thank nikolai mikhailovich kharitonov, our candidate from the people's patriotic forces in the presidential elections. this victory, candidate vladimir putin’s confidant vyacheslav grishin today works in the dpr, in the city of makeyevko he met with representatives of the local branch of the chernobyl veterans organization
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and also discussed problems and measures to support people with disabilities. to ensure early voting in taimyr to the kolenivoda parking lots in the most remote corners of the peninsula, election commission employees travel by helicopter and must be accompanied by experienced ones. guides who are well versed in the tundra. at each location, a mobile station is deployed, all portable boxes with ballots they are sealed and will only be opened on the evening of march 17, when the general vote count begins. the regions of the urals will again feel the breath of winter, a cyclone that has formed ...
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once. in one of the burned areas, eyewitnesses noticed a new whirlwind, this time no longer fiery, but dusty. immediately after the big evening news, don’t miss the continuation of the series anna the medium. all news can always be found on the media platform, look in the application or on the website. the news continues to monitor developments, so stay with us. so, in the south of primorye, firefighters managed to save several more settlements from the fire ; now two
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large natural fires have been recorded in the region.


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