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tv   Anna Medium  RUSSIA1  March 6, 2024 10:20pm-11:31pm MSK

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this is how all these articles seem to be written, yes, in fact, the main idea of ​​this article is this: the united states , just like then in 1946 , will never get involved in a direct conflict with russia, but it will oppose it on the whole on a number of fronts, that’s kind of the main thing, i think now europeans should speak a little differently, nika vika lond left, this article appeared, and then a second article appears, which means how to pave the way. for diplomacy in ukraine to end the war, superb, which means they are written not just by anyone, but by samuel sharob and jeremy shapira , one of the shapiras, so to speak, in general , let’s say so, jeremy, as if the most reasonable of them, i immediately remember an anecdote, before this that’s all, before all this, here you are, you consulted with shapira, with which shapira, and with anyone with anyone, well, so in all likelihood it was necessary to consult, under the title of the article, so to speak, it surprisingly says:
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deputy chief editor, sorry, subtle joke from people of my generation, because that a certain yegor timurovich gaidar was just the deputy editor-in-chief, only they were all there, these editors, god in this sense, but they say something like the following, that it is necessary first of all to remove the taboo from talking about possible negotiations with... oh in the world, yeah, that is, first of all
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, that is, first of all, and speaking, so to speak, within the framework of the g7 and nato, we must finally change the rhetoric and start saying that negotiations with russia are possible. in addition, so to speak, most likely kiev too you need to soften your own rule regarding the conversation with select zelensky, say that you can change the situation, that you can’t talk only with putin, with other representatives of russia, talk. there’s just no such thing, it just says that, so to speak , we won’t change anything in russia, what we’re talking about is that most likely we finally need to understand, that we need to be realistic about what could happen in the end, that’s the very in fact , a change in rhetoric is obvious, at least there is something like that here, well, this is zelensky’s verdict, well, maybe be a sentence, but what difference does it make, it’s like for me it’s in general, that is, the boy is being written off, it’s just a little delayed, a little delayed, well, yes, that is, it’s like...
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that russia and china are still the middle east did not come, that is, russia had successes there, there in 2015 syria, russia, yes, so to speak, there was a deal with saudi arabia, which means iran, that’s diplomatic, but in general, not a single great power in the middle east yet the east did not appear, that is, a world without a kigemon appeared, here it is, so to speak, what is called kushki, but at the same time not a word is said that the united states should return to all weapons, not a word is said, the article is not written in a pro-israeli vein,
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as if this group will appear, and, judging by the article about the middle east, why is it more important here , the godfather is to blame, well, yes, those whom you knew and treated well will come to you. groups, this is the main message, i would say that the main idea here is that we need to catch up before the time when not only the middle east, but also a whole number of other regions and in general this is a new big majority, so to speak , until... until it can somehow form, because as soon as a certain region is formed differently, we can talk to russia, well, at least so, it’s no longer possible to talk about readiness to talk, in this sense, i think that yes , a lot depends on the fronts
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of a special military operation, and a lot will depend on when the civil conflict in the united states will take place in what form states, but i think the key to all this will be the timing and quality of readiness, but... there is no other way, even with modern technologies, there is still always a masculine and feminine principle, i think that now the entire french government simply tore apart, and of course, vladimir
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vladimirovich ended his speech very optimistically, we will assume that the future has begun, but what it will be depends on you. i wish you success, be happy, thank you, it’s interesting that vladimir had a wonderful meeting vladimirovich, they just interrupted him, well , listen, russia, russia. i imagine how these typical, severe forms of isolation are now being undermined, very beautifully, by the immortal half at the closing ceremony of the world youth festival in the world.
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by the way, i think what we are talking about here is when we talk about soft power, in everything else, these kind of events, of course, they lay the foundation. diplomacy of the future is much more effective than many other methods, when you work with people from that age, and the main thing is this memory, but they saw it in person putin, they heard lavrov, peskov , of course, that is, for them this is a colossal emotional charge, this is something that cannot be canceled,
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well, that’s it, it was interrupted for a short time, after all , such a big event is happening in our country, but you must agree that these are several worlds, yes, here is ukraine. where there is nothing similar, europe, here is america, you are a little worried, here russia is so life-affirming, please, it means that here they have already talked quite a lot about the problems in the diplomatic dialogue between russia and the so -called united west, well, this one the recent incident with the invitation: ambassadors from the eu to, to the minister of foreign affairs of the russian federation, this, in my opinion, is a very striking example of the fact that currently the west, not only europe, but mainly the united states of america, has diplomacy as such no, in general, this is not some kind
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of accident, this is not an aberration, this is not because blinken is sitting there somewhere, but somewhere there is a husband - representatives of the western establishment have developed the idea that diplomacy is in this modern world , post-bipolar world xxi century, it is not needed at all, but why is it, well, what is there to talk about? between the united states and its allies, so to speak, there is complete mutual understanding, so to speak, of the need to fulfill and exceed the decision of the washington regional party committee, but how else, here there are no other questions, which means that as for the opponents of amey, those who, so to speak, don’t... let’s talk about the opponents of america, we will continue right after a short advertisement, no, this is not a very good idea,
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we’ll see about that later, premiere on rtr, how are you? partner, don’t be jealous, accuses my friend of murder, i know exactly what happened, where it came from, i saw it in a dream, let the professor draw conclusions. come on, i ’m just an amateur, a simple housewife medium on call, anna medium, tomorrow on rtr, there are places that fascinate, because they are part of the cultural code, because they contain power, beauty and history, conquer, the squad is ready, explore, nature, mother, dear, simply incredible beauty, you already understand what the vietnamese's favorite means
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of transportation is, there are 10 million drivers here mopeds, try it, oh , it’s amazing how delicious everything is, as my mother says, it’s mind blowing, this world is worth seeing, a snake charmer is the oldest profession in india, they say that a correctly made bukhara knife became real a talisman for its owner , in secret to the whole world, on saturday on rtr, tell me, do you even understand that i am leaving the family forever, but everything is clear, on sunday, there is such news, dad will no longer live with us, he will living somewhere else is not news to me. how could you quietly introduce sasha to your girlfriend? for what? i
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don't want to lose contact with sasha. contact me, what does someone else’s woman have to do with it? come join us. and mom? well, what, little mother, can’t cope without you? you can start life from scratch. hello, i recognized you, oles. after so many years? i knew you would call someday. but the past cannot be erased. called karina, we can write another chapter called the three of us again, i want to fix everything, southern cyclone, on sunday on rtr, yes, so, returning to this problem, probably everything the reason is this very triumphalism , which i have already spoken about here several times, which
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gripped the american ruling elite after what they consider victory in the cold war, this is the confidence that this american leadership is forever, no matter what happens, so to speak, in the world, and as for the potential opponents of the united states of america, china, so to speak, they really counted on, so to speak, something like this would inevitably happen there... in the minds of the american ruling circles , the idea was firmly established that talking to they have nothing, and if anything, you can implement
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the change regime, distribute cookies to the soros in advance, so to speak, the issue will be resolved, this is what we now see, so to speak, in the foreign policy of the united states of its closest partners and allies, this is complete degradation diplomatic art, well, how about me...
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no, what does this give us in principle, well, okay, we are closing the embassy using examples, that’s what, what does this give us? no, no, i'm not talking about closing the deal, i'm just talking about this, do you think it would be right, that is, i would just really count and look functionally, for example, we need enough embassies or consular services, for example, for a long time we had relations with the kingdom of israel exclusively through the dutch diplomatic mission, that is , why should we, for example, have. representation of some eu, what is this? that is, why does this something have its own diplomatic status, someone representing them, we just need to take a number of serious steps. but for this purpose you need to start through your idea, well, how, well, we have an ambassador there to recall his ambassador, plus an audit of all agreements with her country,
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what valentina ivanovna matvienko has done brilliantly now, for which it is simply an honor and glory, who said. countries that are completely unprepared for this, what is most interesting for us now , in your opinion, in diplomatic terms, excuse me, in your opinion, who would be most interesting in diplomatic terms, in diplomatic terms, those countries with with which normal diplomatic dialogue can be conducted, this is certainly china, this is india, this other non-western centers of power, including,
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by the way, some nato member countries , such as turkey, probably, you and i see the geography, right, here we are? to the west we have belarus , we are a union state with belarus, these are our brothers, that is , well, just hope is a support, let ’s look to the east, in fact, we have a land border with north korea, yes, small, but very important, yes 18 km, that’s enough , you know, sometimes it’s enough for a border of 2.42, 2 m 42 cm, the container just passed. what am i doing? the fact that we can now do a lot for north korea, completely solve all their food problems, in particular, help them with a variety of technologies, north korea can do a lot for us, gasification of north korea, we can do a lot for them, at the same time, without intruding in any way, we have
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excellent experience in belarus, we do not intrude in any way into their internal life, we do not intrude in any way, but we can dramatically increase their level of benefit. able to help them with the question, diplomatically, it seems to me that we could generally build relations, for example, why is it necessary with states, and why not with the states, well, the united states, this, apparently, may even have to be done, but why, for example, not with the german government in exile from the gdr, well, that is, relatively speaking , we shouldn’t build diplomatic relations with the lands, if we denance 4 + 2 we will have to, we will have to look for those who represent, you raised a very correct question. what is modern diplomacy, with whom and who to trust, with whom to build what system of relations? well in in this sense, i believe that modern diplomacy has changed little from the time of classical diplomacy, so to speak, when it is a way to achieve, so to speak, some goals that the state sets for itself not through armed violence, through
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negotiations, but in order for these negotiations to be conducted to begin with, just respect the position. your partner, recognize his right, have his own point of view, have his own interests. if you assume that you are a global leader, so to speak, you are a city on a hill, and those who do not share your views - this is an authoritarian regime that needs to be wiped off the face of the earth, with the help of a change regime, so to speak, and so on, then i’m afraid there is no diplomacy here and cannot be, some new trends in american, so to speak, have already been mentioned here, so to speak, so to speak,
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we are carefully studying the information poly said yes, well, so far , no real changes have occurred in the american official position on this issue, the official american position, as well as the position of their european, say so, the allies, is that russia must be defeated, sign a capitulation, withdraw its entire troops from ukraine and return to the situation of 1991, the ruling ones.
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here we are just outside the border of the ninety -first year, january, january of the ninety-first year, our borders there were wow, what , that’s right, there were just a lot of borders, i’ll just wait a second, if i can make a small remark, it’s gone and pay attention, what you are talking about has disappeared, this power has disappeared into decline power in decline, and the expression strategic defeat, that is, disappeared. he still speaks clearly, but he is not talking about a strategic defeat, he is talking about the impossibility of europe losing to ukraine, so that it is impossible, so that it will of course take longer for them to reach, moreover, they
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feel in danger, like well, like the management department, here regional department, yes, so that someone would throw in the idea that ukraine’s loss is non-lethal, who is ukraine, why is this all an illusion. if it would be useful, i would straight away night i would invent these very names for them if it were useful. i’ll tell you, yes, well, it’s real, and this, listen, and this will be, that ’s the point, no, not enough, i think that now the guy is sitting, watching our program, which was the ambassador to afghanistan, who was appointed to the liquidator of the ukrainian , written down, that means,
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repeat what needs to be done, is there life after ukraine, and he will say why, he will say a simple slogan, the simplest one will say why the american voter, the taxpayer, should pay money country, citizens who are fleeing.
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cuts off this barbaric, slavic , orthodox, homophobic culture alien to us, by throwing russia into the black hole of ukraine, it will die restoring the destroyed ukrainian lands, and will never again be able to threaten the civilized west, well, in general, there is, there is, there is there is room for creativity, can you imagine how many scientific centers are now registered, i ’m telling you seriously, who will think of it? well done, the points, so to speak, are cut on this, well, in conclusion i would like to say, i agree, indeed, some positive trends, so to speak, are observed in the american one.
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from an attempt to solve our problems, they should live at home in accordance with the monroe doctrine, they should not go beyond their borders, this could be agreed upon with them, mikhail mikhailovich, the topic of a hypothetical war between the russian federation and nato is still on the agenda, various
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scenarios are voiced.
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but the russian federation from this blow, even if we imagine it was hypothetically inflicted, will not escape anywhere, will not disappear, will not you hope that we will then have to move on to the next phase of the conflict, for now i am only analyzing the option of armed struggle using purely conventional means of struggle, but then we will have to move on to the actions of ground forces, here the pampered european armies will collide with armed forces seasoned in
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two years... sorry, mikhail mikhailovich, ask me to say this, and yes, i didn’t have time to say about it, but nevertheless, nevertheless, they are taking action, there will undoubtedly be an answer, but the ground group is coming into action troops, it is still unknown here, or rather it is known who will win in the battles of ground groupings of troops, and finally, sooner or later , a moment may come when the parties move on to the use of nuclear weapons, first tactical, then strategic.
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nuclear forces, well then in general there will be a winner in this war, there won’t be, but most likely, in any case, victory will remain ours, but what i wanted to add in this regard, well, don’t hope that this option it will work out for you, of course, god forbid, not the plans of the united states, the real ones, not the plans of the north atlantic alliance, this is all that is in the public domain, let’s say, for now, what is voiced by the media is probable. but the ease with which some say, yes, we’ll erase the russian federation, the mighty of the earth, with one mighty blow, it won’t work, let’s count 6.00 missiles with you, our front length is 1,300 km, that is, that’s only four missiles per kilometer lengths, then we count, well, politely speaking, we relieve the load, sometimes more per day, well, seriously speaking,
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if you take it. gliding bombs, well, maybe there , that is , there is this, well, i saw what they did with avdiivka, it flew there, well, if you calculate it more densely per square kilometer, it’s still people. as soon as the rise takes place, the control points there know what to do, they go ahead of the deployment of personnel, part of the air assets needed there rises into the air, the air defense system is activated, and most importantly, with, yes, and most importantly with this kind of threat, there is an immediate response strategic nuclear weapons, that is, your quick global strike - this will be, this will be the lid of the coffin for you.
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yes, that is, you cannot even formulate the military-political goals of such intervention in our internal affairs without any exaggeration, what are you going to achieve in this case? not only that, you and i saw how, during a terrorist attack in one of the countries of southern europe during the arab wars, hysteria began in society, which led to the fact that that country withdrew its troops and refused from participating in the coalition.
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politically to endure this kind of loss, at the same time i want to remind you once again that 444,000 exceeds, if i understand correctly, the total composition of the national armies of many states, yes, that is, if we leave turkey aside and look at, say, france, how many ground troops they have, yes , half as much, of course, that is, that’s why it’s it’s just that people don’t understand what they ’re talking about about what a modern conflict is. and in conclusion, the only thing i want to say is, leave these stupid thoughts, calm down, calm down, it will be like with vika , as a rule, such stupid thoughts pass to people who, in principle, know nothing about the war, and macron, of course, is just one of those,
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please, in fact, the path to moscow along which different people moved a kind of western emissaries who did not have the authority to agree on anything, but due to strange circumstances. who had the authority to ask, has never been overgrown since the beginning of the conflict in ukraine, however , all these proposals were not in the nature of constructive negotiations, mainly there were tricks, and under the cover of these tricks, as we see, the kiev regime was supplied with weapons of mass destruction, including the recent publication of negotiations between high-ranking german officers, indicating that these plans really exist. and the decision to transfer high-precision missiles with high, high destructive power to ukraine, it was made and planned for implementation. now, of course, the implementation of these plans is in
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question, since they were made public, and i think that our western ill-wishers should look for a certain connection between today's events in odessa and their plans to carry out terrorist attacks against. bridge and the civilian population of the russian federation, because up to a certain point, despite criticism from the patriotic public, russia refrained from taking some steps, and... in addition, of course, it should be noted that these tricks are still changing as the situation changes lines of combat contact changed their character, that is, initially it was about the fact that russia should withdraw to border in 1991, and there we will see whether sanctions against russia should be lifted, in addition, russia should pay some indemnities to ukraine, this was proposed in all seriousness by these emissaries, then it means they are playing around. card that russia must agree to
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recognize the status quo, that is , territorial, territorial acquisitions of a new reality in exchange for ukraine’s accession to nato, then they talked about some kind of joint control over new regions, which voluntarily, i repeat, they chose, the people, voted to live as part of the russian federation, this is all nonsense, in fact, despite the fact that from the moment... there, the visits of these emissaries , their certain connections in moscow are really intensifying, we see this, but i must say that the political reality is such that the russian leadership does not accept these proposals, i am absolutely convinced that, of course, the ukrainian conflict will end in peace, this peace will be signed on our terms, on the terms of russia and belarus, ukraine, kiev will inevitably return to the bosom of our slavs, as far as
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this means that the top leaders of moldova have foreign passports, in every ministry there are foreign consultants and in fact the government is run by a german citizen, a former executive of konrad denauer , martin zick, which means that the head of the anti-corruption prosecutor’s office is a us citizen, dragolin, that is, it is obvious that this top does not bind his future, his political future. including with the future of the republic of moldova, that is, they blindly follow
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incoming instructions, and what is important here is on the territory of romania, the locket martin company built a training center to train ukrainian pilots to fly the f-16. this means that it was assumed that romanian airfields would be used in the interests of the ukrainian armed forces. there have been unequivocal warnings from russia about the consequences of this kind of unfriendly steps. romania is a nato state, and this expands the conflict zone, including nato. they don't really want to fight with russia. all these statements by macron, as a result, are disavowed by himself, they claim that this is how it should be defeat russia, but don’t get drawn into this war yourself. moldova, like ukraine, is a gray zone. in this regard, i would like to urge moldovan leaders to think about their place in history.
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do you really not feel responsible before history and want to throw, albeit poor, but still poor, again, thanks to your efforts, your managerial dementia, the country into this space of war, it seems to me that this would be a crime, so , of course, everyone should , and sandu and other leaders of moldova to think about what letters you write. your name in history. that's all, see you tomorrow.
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prosecutor's office, yes, it's me, and who are you? hello, anatoly nadarovich, no.
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oh, finally, finally, god, the boss of ruvd just called, they have an emergency going on there right now. yes, what will you do, as soon as you leave the area, there will be an emergency. what's happened? yes, there’s just some kind of inhuman horror, with our olga and their vinokurov, and your cell phones are turned off, you forgot to turn them on after the meeting. so, don’t be too fast, just tell me what happened? there catastrophe of feelings, marya sergeevna. viktor ivanovich, go right now, maybe you can still save someone? viktor ivanovich, i’ll go, i’ll figure it out, we’ll go together, get yourself in order, i’m working. already, yes, i was going to, viktor ivanovich, i don’t know , i need to do something, your investigator is there, olga, olga, yes, young, well, you never know, but i couldn’t decide without you, you know, so what, are they interrogating someone or something, well, maybe they are interrogating, or maybe there are already
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corpses lying there, so, should they break down the door or something, well to break, of course, kills people, and you argue that let’s take it, well, major, you say that i and this, i’m okay,
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but what should i do now against your wife to file an application with the prosecutor’s office for the damage caused, but there’s no need, i now i’ll restore everything, that’s it... okay, deal with your women yourself, that’s all, mali, do something, it’s a shame in front of people, well, don’t look at me like that , i understand everything, but i lost it like a fool, yeah. when i saw the two of them, i immediately lost my head, i thought, first i’ll kill him, then her, or vice versa, oh, i don’t remember, everything’s in my head is mixed up, yeah, no, how can you laugh when this traitor is cheating on us with this little thumbelina, us, god, what has i got to do with it, who else, oh
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well, me, i’m just a wife, but you, you the love of his life, how can you tolerate it when he’s for... “i’ve already admitted that i’m a fool, the boss isn’t allowed in now, i’ll go, oh, are you already leaving, and i wanted to have a drink with you, gossip.” . i ’ll come to you later, bye, that’s it, bye, bye, then i’ll have a drink with marya sergeevna. zoya, you're
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crazy, you're suggesting to your boss work time for a drink? well, firstly, it’s lunchtime, and secondly, it’s good for blood vessels. oh, what should i do with you? one has blood vessels, olga is stressed. due to personal drama, petka is not an employee at all; it ’s a shame to show up at the rvd. the only way out is to give zhenya someone to distract her. and who can you slip? does lugansky have any divorced friend? so let 's not involve my husband in this. marya sergeevna, i can’t look at this anymore, i ’ll kill them, uh-huh, first him, and then her, uh-huh, uh- huh, do you want a drink? want.
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thank you, good evening, girls, hello, hello, you still have a long time, about three minutes, i’ll just finish the report, and then i ’ll wait downstairs in the car, okay, zoya, i ’ll take you somewhere. oh, let me down, okay, not a man, but gold, don’t get distracted, how many suspended ones we have, three, and there’s two exits, here are two, okay, thank you.
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oh, how nice does it smell? dmitry sergeevich, we have business with you, i’m ready to serve, we need a wealthy, single man of good appearance, for an investigative experiment, well, one could say so, we need to distract one girl having an affair with a worthy man. zoya, well, i asked you, well, who else can i turn to, but who else? this is not entertainment, this is a political event, a demonstration of success , married people will go with their wives, single
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people with girlfriends, divorced people, divorced people, maybe you have an extra entry, zoya, but you ask staroseltsev, the press has probably sent out invitations to everyone, and this idea, dmitry sergeevich, why don’t you take me home, to the kirovsky district, well, we’ll take me, yes , we’ll take the packages... i understand why, well, you’re a journalist, how are you? you can’t understand, zhenya needs to be distracted by what you understand, i’m not against it, i’m just not having an affair with a worthy man, just distract her, or you want to marry her off, it’s better to just distract her, zhenya will start an affair, vinokurov will become attracted to her and come back to her . are you sure? i came at your command.
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hi what happened? hello, well done for coming, sit down, now we will explain everything to you in detail. look, oh, you are going to this high-society party, congratulations. we congratulate you. you are going with anton. me, why? oh my god, how it’s still difficult to arrange someone else’s happiness, happy holiday our dear women, on the very first, truly spring day, on the day of march 8, consciousness is brighter than any bouquets, more expensive than any gifts.
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this is for you, well, get some sleep , gentlemen, just a minute, pay attention, today is a big day, a big holiday, wow, we haven’t seen each other for a long time, daring, well, you know, for every cool fighter he’ll find an even cooler one,
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we fell in love with them , who do you want? good, your wife or boys, don’t ask stupid questions now, they are still loved, you are responsible for my words, i am always responsible for my words, hero of my time, beauty, rapping, the whole team, only on the platform, look, good morning, my loved ones, my voice sounds only for you, my heart beats then...
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morning mail from nikolai baskov on sunday on рrt. the program is on air for 60 minutes, we have a special episode, we start with breaking news, 60 minutes, don’t miss it, tomorrow on rtr,
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here. hello, how nice to see you, oh, dmitry sergeevich, good evening, dmitry sergeevich, after the official part, buffet reception for a narrow circle, vip, you understand , you have to be there, you can be with your wife, okay , oh, i saw you somewhere, well, yes, all the best to you, see you later, yes, yes, yes, have a nice evening, well where did she see you, i interrogated her, and hello, forgive me, for god ’s sake, i’ll steal dmitry sergeevich for a few words, don’t be sad, it’s necessary, but we know each other, you’re
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mrs. luganskaya, yes, and my name is... mikhail, i remember you and i met at a presentation on a boat, you remember my last name, well, yes, khan, amazing, nothing amazing, the surname is unusual, yes , you know, my father was korean, and my mother was completely russian, although she was also half ukrainian, my grandmother is from ukraine, although she is also half crimean tatar, well, i’m somewhere a crimean tatar khan, that’s my great-grandfather pobabkin, uh-huh, oh, he was a gypsy, uh-huh, gypsy, free, free, but he was also not entirely purebred, they say that the gypsies stole him from the tajiks as a child, you have so many friends, you know her, yes, very well , evgenia atol'evna, what a meeting, good evening, good evening, hello, hello, dima, and
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who did you come with? i’m with no one, very good, let me introduce myself, my name is mikhail, evgenia anatolyevna, very, very nice, let’s have a drink, evgenia. but i’m interested to know, do you know how they allowed a simple ordinary deputy district prosecutor to attend such a pretentious event, as the wife of a famous entrepreneur, and whose husband is the extra-convict prosecutor fillonov?
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what kind of husband are you, i’m not lucky in love, you know, but i’m lucky in friendship, you came, it seems, arm in arm with the guy you ended the affair with, look, you noticed, but this is an accident, why are we all talking about me, that’s what zhenya is doing here, i don’t know, she probably came to see people, yeah. show yourself, sorry, hello, yes, i’m at work, and where else in the area , i’m checking cases, yes, the deputy prosecutor is here, oh yes, yes, i’ll take care of everything, well, friend, let’s go to the incident in your there's a corpse in the area, damn it. how lucky we met! fillonov, it’s clear that i need to go, but why do you want to trudge all night? you are not catching up, the new leadership requires us to delve into everything, check everything, and work, they worked without regard for their own or other people’s personal time, you put me in
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the inspection report, so i earned a plus because i provided methodological assistance to the supervised area at night, well, zhenya, i hope you don’t go looking for corpses , but not anymore, but i terribly miss the scenes of the incident, it’s very interesting, what a nightmare i can’t help you. imagine, bending over the corpse, which of the investigators left? olga, she’s on duty today, well, the head of the homicide department is probably there too, by the way, you don’t need ladies and gentlemen, misha and i can go and sign the protocol, yes, great, i give the go-ahead, follow me, just without a scandal, of course, wherever we are going, follow me. guys, follow me
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, what do we have here, well, dull, no, already behind...
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well, what, yesterday, as everything is fine, they aroused the foot client in full confession, olga is bringing charges today, but i didn’t care about that client, tell me, zhenya came to your social gathering yesterday, yes, we ran into her nose to nose, well, did she find someone for herself? yeah, i see, that's what i do did you know that thanks to you , evgeniya from taroseltsy got there? yes, it was, by the way, my operation, me. i thought of everything, where did this guy from yesterday come from? who are you talking about, about a policeman, some kind of ponoptikum , after an examination, they were understood, together with the anal procurator filonov, they went somewhere to continue
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the banquet, what do you want from masha, i don’t understand , did you deliberately drag them in front of my eyes, i don’t i thought it would hurt you, it seemed like you broke up, or i don’t know something, yes, it seemed like you broke up, but it didn’t... that means it didn’t that means, in short, i’m worried about her, and how worried she was when you didn’t spend the night at home, my job is like this, oh, yes, i know your job, there’s your job sitting in the next office. and you, don’t mind your own business, go , there’s already a line outside your office, but go yourself, you’re disturbing us, i came to talk about business, both of you get out of here, you ’re not letting me work, oh, i’ll go , just tell your friend that such acquaintances will not lead to good things, but what makes you think that she is my friend, yes, it worked, a little more, a little more and we will all quarrel, go to work, i said. well, now we can
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work, wait, what kind of work, you didn’t tell me who he was? ma, we 've run out of cookies, can we take some more, but we want more, take everything, just let us talk, okay, let's go, okay, let's go, kostya, let's go anyway. what is this mikhail khan like? such a nice guy, a smart leader, with flair, well, he’s really a little interested, but in business it’s not a hindrance, but in life, he’s flighty, how can i put it mildly, polygamous too much of a womanizer, or something, this is his only flaw, and why is this a flaw, many women really like it, and why is he still not married, because he is not married now, he has already been five times. married, divorced
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, yes, just like that with your wife, she’ll screw you up and leave you, for some reason, i don’t care about her personal life, she’s like a friend to me, and i do n’t know why you care about her so much, but that’s not i, zoya set up an intrigue, and i’m worrying like some kind of fool, uh, wait, so it was zoya who arranged for zhenya to come to the party, uh-huh, oh, listen, honest mother, i’m racking my brains , where did zhenya come from, that’s right, the famous entrepreneur luhansk deputy district prosecutor shveytsova became a blind tool in the hands of some secretary, well , she... and your friend will come to you and ask : who inflicted an indelible, unhealing immoral injury on me, a friend of lugansky. who
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introduced me to him? deputy prosecutor, shveytsova? yes, she is not my friend at all, but they met on their own. yes, zhenya came by chance, and well, that’s how it happened. yes. who called her? me: well, there you go. hi zhenya. yes. which plans for the evening? yes, what will you watch? yeah, okay, then you'll tell me everything, bye. now, everything is not as you think, she was invited to the theater, not to koika, but quite decently, to the theater. yes, the bear knows how to look after.
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i wonder if this time there will be no scandal? it’s unlikely, i found out, this freak is married to some major from the homicide department, damn, he’s running into trouble again, but at least once the woman got caught without any problems, well, in the end, it ’s none of our business, yes, it’s our business in the face give, if necessary, and it is required, 100%.
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please, thank you, it’s a bit gloomy, here i am i live. yes, it’s not scary to walk alone in the evenings, no? no, it's calm here. take your hands off my wife, ex-wife, we are not divorced. something i don’t understand is that, your husband, you need to be warned, don’t pay attention , let’s go, i told someone, take your hands off, man, calm down,
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that’s it, man, now we’ll kill you, are you crazy, man? you are two for one, so we are at work, workers, your boss left a long time ago, damn it, you will eat, no, but drink, yes, please, that means so, a bottle of wine, pink chilean, chocolate, and two fruit salad, i’m sorry it happened this way, but nothing happens, but why don’t you divorce him? because i love him, and i don’t need anyone but him, and he seems to love you too, he attacked me with
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his fists, why don’t you live together? yes, because i kicked him out, and now i want him to come back, and him? is he underage? the rat is spinning his brains, it’s clear, it’s a difficult case , you have children, no, no children, well then i’ll say, from my own experience, in such a situation the man will not return, he would return to the children, but he doesn’t, and what should i do, not i know, although he is jealous of you. i don’t know, i probably don’t know how it is, he almost killed me there, jealous, jealous, let ’s play out a passionate romance, for him, no, we don’t need a passionate one, otherwise he’ll definitely kill us, okay, let’s i’ll just
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take you to restaurants, shower you with flowers, gifts, but no, no gifts needed, okay, let’s go without gifts, oh, what kind! and people without security, well, go, last time they scratched my face, now yours is very good, why did you, misha, promise to give me a new mobile phone, you disappeared, and you won’t write, and you won’t call, but well so my dear, i was thinking, why am i going to call on my old mobile phone, when it’s better to immediately call a new one, i’m logical, yes, what model do you want, a red one, they want a red phone, how lovely, you’ll get a red one. “so now you and alexey will go to the store, and buy everything you need there, and then alexey will take you away, because it’s late, and tomorrow i ’ll call you, okay, okay, okay, come
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on, i’m sorry, where are we stopped at gifts, and i remembered, well what? “we will return your jealous man, if he is like that.” if you’re jealous, you’ll definitely worry, you’re not a slave.”


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