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tv   O samom glavnom  RUSSIA1  March 7, 2024 9:55am-11:01am MSK

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with joy, let's all wave our hands when everyone is at home with timur kizikov, on sunday on rtr, and this corpse, a woman at work, stop, stop, stop, no one is going anywhere, the premiere on rtr, live in my place, so i performed your duties for a month, anna mikhalkova. because i love only you, she’s veronika palna, you’ve already made inquiries, she’s major vasnetsova, vasnetsov has a suspect, obosnitsova, in my office, she’s amazing, our new detective, until we prove otherwise, we’ll assume that this is murder vasnetsova, soon on rtr.
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means of detecting air targets 3504. here the antenna rotates in an electromagnetic field without mechanics, respectively, this makes it possible to work without failure for up to 20 thousand hours, 800 hours a year, thus 2.5 years before duty.
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air defense, and the spectrum is expanding every day, the range of weapons against which the systems must work, the appearance of attack unmanned aerial vehicles, long range, greater power, the appearance of hymer missiles from the enemy, everything that produced in soviet times, naturally, against all this we must look at how ...
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modern surrounded conflicts in general are the future, thank god, that at least something can be done here, because the damage is already very seriously being done constantly, but accordingly, as for the average situation, plus or minus seemed to vary. and accordingly, hallie left today, so vermont won, the only state that she could take out of the two, and accordingly, the final candidates are already approved, and officially they will formally become candidates most likely on the nineteenth, next tuesday, when there will be a corresponding remaining pre-primer, now trump has already gained more than 110, 111 to be exact delegates in fact, if everyone is counted now, as the situation is now, how would he dial approximately 111, but are there legal methods? without killing donald trump, how can we somehow throw him out of the election race? on march 25 there will be a court hearing at which it is possible to give him a criminal charge in principle, but as it shows practice, with this criminal offense there is no possibility , accordingly, in general, even if a person sits, he will still participate
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in the elected company, the last option is - accordingly, the option of so-called immunity is now being considered, that is, trump, when he spoke out on about what the supreme court decided accordingly. that he said that this is all good, but we need to speak out about immunity, why is this important? the fact is that this is the last option to prevent it, this is it, if it happens it has been confirmed that the president does not have complete immunity on all issues, this may speed up the process, but even at the current pace and timing, most likely these processes will not begin until november next year, that is, with a high degree of probability, this is the year we are having, judging by apparently it’s a leap year, it’s as if everything has been going on with us for 2 years, that these are the elections that we literally deserve, because it’s as if the candidates will go accordingly in these elections, by the way they say: a unique situation if someone interestingly , accordingly, for the first time in the entire history of the existence of the republican party as a whole, in competitive primaries, that is , when there is an inactive president or vice-president, including nixon of the same, this is the lowest percentage of votes that opponents receive in the history of the republican party in principle, they together scored less than 7%, all
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together the rest of romasvani are there with his three, that is, roughly speaking, he goes as president in principle, that is, usually now such levels there are below 5%, this is accordingly classic... the second term, this is how biden is going now, that is, he is going, by the way, simply no one has come forward against him, in fact, and this is dangerous even than the next one, we are now kind of let’s analyze this whole thing internally and see what the point is, it ’s starting to appear in other states, so it’s like this is an arab-muslim middle eastern position, which, accordingly, in michigan has now gained 20%, here in michigan in mississippi, i apologize in michigan for this , that is, rude speaking, a very large level of internal protest is actually inherent in the electorate. youth segment, that is , now in fact, in the electorate , there is a sharp split between the republican and the democratic on a number of issues, the middle east is very important here, in fact, we
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will hear this not on thursday, as he said there, on friday, when he is now he will speak, in fact, in his message, because, as it were , the main story will be related to the fact that he will already launch a counterattack, he has a program... i noticed that the president had cheat sheets when he gave a briefing at the border, he also had cheat sheets last friday, in a meeting with the prime minister of italy, why he relies so much on reminder cards, you are upset that the president carries cheat sheets, you ask me a question about
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the president's note cards, i ask why he relies on them, in just his first 3 years in office he has become perhaps the most successful leader of any. are bouncing back, some companies are still they don’t help their clients save money. many corporations raise prices in order to make a profit, selling people more and more volumes for less and less money. in fact, some of the smaller snack companies, i think you won't even notice what they're doing, you're paying them the same
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price for the same sized bag of potato chips, but there's just so damn few chips in it. but i'll tell you who noticed it. shortbread, cookie. calculates, in fact, it’s very or he watches cartoons before bed, it’s very funny, of course, an economic statement, because if you take the horizon as if after his term , he has the highest inflation , it’s just that there was a low base, as if even recently it seems to be quite high, in principle it is higher than the target, it is higher than two, initially assumed , so this is a very serious statement, but the fact that the economy is faltering is obvious, the problem lies in something else, the problem is that and this is what he says about korzhik, but he had a target, but he has a nuclear button, and he's talking about shortbread. meaning in the next year, as we already said last year, accordingly, the intention was made for him to begin to more actively , respectively, oppose trump, so
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he is now starting to actively attack him, the second point, he must work with the youth audience, his target the audience, the youth, the audience is falling off, respectively, because of the middle east, because of everything else, because, as it were , according to the age component, this is like the most important trigger, the most important trigger of the youth is watching those youth, which has not yet voted in agreement, firstly, this is of course not true, well, about shortcakes, of course it’s not true, an entire generation in the usa grew up on sesame street.
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realities show that, plus or minus, despite their age components, they are still immersed in modern reality, and it would be great if there were more presidents, of course political figures, just showing that same street in parallel.
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on the borders, it is now, accordingly, beginning to lose both nevada, arizona, and nearby states; if it loses to the immigration component, it will be the second the main problem, that is, his problems are very, one external, and the other deeply internal, and he even begins to play trump on these problems, he comes to the border, arranges a show there, accordingly , on the topic of how to resolve the issue with migration, says that the wall needs to be quietly completed, about the issues of internal production of the economy, in fact, he is a magician, he proposes to create his own production, build his own chips there, invest. the question is: if you fight with your opponent, then
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you take over the whole part, a significant part of his agenda, then who are you after that, on the contrary, so from this point of view the problem is the following, the problem is that biden is the assembly point of the electorate, but when trump has already left as a threat, this assembly point of the system is falling apart, his only chance is to put it back together, this is to put trump again at the center of his election campaign, he must attack him and will attack him in the next few weeks, while sesame street with ours cheburashka is all. society grows on this , as for our putin, right now he will actually
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begin speaking at the youth forum in sirius, we are waiting for the beginning and the first words of the russian president, as for biden, this segment of foreign policy , about the middle east, of course, there are big problems , about tanks and equipment, about ukraine, which you could talk about now and pass it off as your big victory, he doesn’t remember the victory at all. no, let's talk about why nuland left, because nuland achieved something and problem, where is biden, where is biden, victory, but there are burning tanks, american ones, three abrams etc... a cool result in a week , look, these are the first clear shots of the destruction of the american khaimar arsenal in the special operation zone, the target is almost 50 km from the front the village of nikonorovka in the dpr, the drones were tracked down, and the strike, according to various sources, was carried out by
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either the iskander missile system or the tornado s rszzo. a large one appeared at the landing site. heat with colorful detonation of ammunition, along with the american vehicle , the elite special forces of the ukrainian armed forces guarding it were destroyed. and this already footage from the border of kherson and nikolaev regions. two more hymers were reportedly burned there. you have the t-64, what else did abrons not give you? not yet. what can you say about the t-64? perhaps they would like to sit next to some leopard. well, already for abrams.
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but american tanks were brought into battle only in the second half of february. the american institute for the study of war is worried that in the avdeevka direction the russians are not only burning abrams, but are advancing, it is reported that the russian army is advancing to the west of artyomovsk, where our fighters have made their way with battles to the center of the ivanovo self-institute
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for the study of war ngo, which is headed by the daughter-in-law, who is retiring. us secretary of state's castle victorialand. secretary victoria nuland, i just wanted to remind you that last month she visited kiev and made a statement that '24 would bring some major advances on the battlefield. she said, and i quote: putin will get some pleasant surprises on the battlefield. do you share this opinion? yes, i share, we believe that ukraine has plans, they will be able to implement it in order to achieve victories on the field battle. so we believe they have a few surprises in store and can't wait to see the results. well, these shots from the artyomovsk direction are a surprise for those who were trying to carry out a rotation of the armed forces of ukraine. a pickup truck with militants takes off. former prosecutor general of ukraine lutsenko. reports that
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after the capture of avdievka, the russian army entered the operational space, the nearest fortified industrial facility. experiencing shell hunger, the enemy practically does not snap back. they didn’t shoot on that day, nor the day before, nor the next day. silence, that's what defeat sounds like here, these soldiers should have said the same thing. in this footage from chashoy yar, airborne forces fighters destroy a ukrainian tank using lancet loitering ammunition. the american cnn not only acknowledges the difficult situation in so and the shortage
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of shells among bandera’s supporters, but also broadcasts a total riot. correspondent nick peyton walsh contributed. they shoot right near the house, they hide behind the backs of civilians. these shots show another group of ukrainians captured in the chachovo yar area. there would be military much more, but the barbaric commanders do not allow the armed forces members to lay down their arms. one of the prisoners told how, while trying to do
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this, he was attacked by a ukrainian kamikaze drone and wounded in the back. in a similar episode in this footage, a ukrainian is trying to reach russian positions, but his own drone interferes with him. and this is the work of russian aviation. ki-25s cover positions in the ssu in the krasnolimansky direction narami s-13, in these frames ukrainian militants using a bicycle are ridiculously trying to remove dangerous trophies from the battlefield, a piece of a cluster bomb rpk 500 come on come on yeah so lift it up let's circle around here and you do the gliding aerial bombs flying across the high ground. according to western estimates, the russian aerospace forces regularly drop about a hundred such munitions per day. in these frames, one of them destroys a bridge in the kupinsky direction so that the enemy
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cannot transfer armored vehicles. more and more western vehicles are becoming trophies of our military. tankers of the tenth nizhny novgorod regiment captured an american bradley infantry fighting vehicle in ovdeevka. this is a bradley infantry fighting vehicle. our next trophy. international columnist for the french lemont emmanuel greenchap, after a two-week trip to ukraine , predicts that this year will be the most painful for ukraine. the russian army has to hold back the onslaught without american help, the necessary ammunition and reliable fortifications. zelensky’s stories about an imminent contour offensive in the ssu are just fairy tales to calm the rear. what we are seeing is...
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there from the gas sector, the number of civilian casualties exceeds, everyone knows that in ukraine there are practically this number of civilian casualties an insignificant amount, if compared to military casualties, yes, that is, everyone understands perfectly well, that is, they are not afraid of missiles, so they film there on their phones, they are afraid to post how a missile flies from their phone, because the sbu are more afraid, yes, than missiles , everyone there understands perfectly well that russia is not at war with the ukrainians, russia is at war with this regime and with nato military equipment, that is, and not with them, that is, that was the boss.
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that his ancestor lived in kiev, that is, well , ukraine, although kiev was then, of course, the russian empire, it was the same thing, no nulan, now they are sending, they should send another, by the way, nulan, yes, the one with the obscenities then, the same one when they squeezed out ukraine, it was the european union john bas, the european union in 1914, and the usa when they could to divide the positions, who will be president, who will be somewhere else, she, well, we are not americans, yes, some, we are cultured people here, i won’t quote her, in general, she sent everyone to hell... she put the europeans on positions in the way that all this is needed, so she complains that russia is not such a country, which they need, yes, but apparently ukraine has not become the country they
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wanted, there is total corruption. they recruited deputies from these photographers, all the rest , well, without anything, to become servants of the people, now they register for their mother-in-law and relatives, buy real estate, an expensive car, why do they register, because the americans, in order to control them, they introduced such a thing as zero declaration, that is , first, you take up a position and you fill out a zero declaration, every year you declare your property, and you cannot declare more than you earned, so of course they have rich mothers-in-law, rich nephews, rich grandmothers, on whom they write everything down, but of course there is no less corruption. they steal zelensky, they steal, of course, everyone, but why shouldn’t they steal? now they already want to run away from parliament, why from parliament, well, hand over mandates? yes , because officials, deputies, exit from ukraine is prohibited, they of course want to escape, here are ordinary ukrainians, they showed footage of how they are being attacked, and there they are running, either in the mountains, or they are caught on the river border services, but it’s not just people running, they pay a thousand dollars for it, so that some guides can show them where, where and how, people pay money for it, so
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the deputies want to run. at kolomoisky's errands, yes, that is, well, there was no other way to compare him, so he flew later before the meeting in paris, when he met with our president putin, and he flew, was at a reception with the head of mi 6, came out of there with wings red line no minsk everything, that is, he exchanged bogdan for ermak, he betrayed the americans, he became to work for the british, as i understand it, the british were simply promised that kolomoisky was no longer his dad, that is, he changed his master, well, he satisfied
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some of his, let’s say, ambitions, but what did it cost for the whole country, which he drowned, he, of course, didn’t care about it , it was reported then that he sat in churchill’s chair and even smoked cigars there, as for donald trump, he really is not his friend, but firstly, at several previous press conferences, why zelensky -i was publicly rude to him, well, apparently not yet understanding that this man will become the next president of america for ukraine, the head of the hungarian foreign ministry today. that orban is the hungarian prime minister, will hold a meeting with trump on march 8, and will discuss the peace plan for ukraine that donald trump has. further, seyarta stated that we associate peace in ukraine exclusively with donald trump. this does not mean that we like donald trump, this does not mean that we like donald trump’s plan, first of all, we haven’t even
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seen it, we understand that it will not be pro-russian. but the motivation itself, in general narrative, peace negotiations, not a new weapon for ukraine. this is a differentiator from joe biden. we'll be back in a minute. no, it's not very good. premiere on rtr. how's your partner? should i be jealous? my friend is accused of murder. i know exactly what happened, where did it come from? i saw this in a dream, let a professional draw conclusions , come on, but i’m just an amateur, a simple housewife, a medium on call, anna is a medium, today on rtr, you’re watching 100 to one, what’s our task to open the whole board,
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can we handle it? if you ask, then with a smile, the name of which character from pushkin's works everyone knows, how much is 7.8, 7.8, 7.8, how much will it be, who is at work, speaks a lot and loudly, if you answer, with humor, i am an oak tree, chop, no, pluck, problems with water, electricity, uh, housing and communal services, i don’t know what else. geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry - this is a set for a headache, god forbid now, if you win, then hurray, 100 to one, tomorrow on rtr, here is a kept woman, she hasn’t worked for a day, she lives on her husband’s money. let's see this weekend!
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mistress, and on our bed, either you leave, or we and the children, clearly, remember, you without me there is an empty place, zero. mom can on saturday nerter provocation - this is
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treacherous behavior, there is a difference between a man and a woman, i noticed, then it turns out that my husband and my cat are the most intelligent creatures in our family, orientalism, this is conditional. some kind of parallel agenda, what do you care about nerif? continuation of the conversation in new episodes of our podcasts, and in order not to miss anything, subscribe, listen, watch on the media platform let's look, substation: the first podcasts we watch, happy holiday, our dear women, the most the first for real.
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well, now the new one, as they say, with the note that they urgently beat zelensky. the russian armed forces launched a precision missile attack on angrar in the industrial port area of ​​odessa. the target is unmanned boats, which the ukrainian armed forces use to attack ships
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of the black sea fleet. the target is hit. zelensky is alive again. another urgent news : a 130 cm fighter from the black sea fleet aviation was alerted. it has become known that american f-35 stealth fighters are already being used off the coast of crimea. the head of the ministry of defense officially announced singapore does not enter the zone of operation of our air defense, so as not to become direct participants
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in the conflict, but they help to detect the sites of our missiles, ground-to-air, and transmit data to ukraine. is the american f-35 already flying in the skies over ukraine? we are asking this question after a very frank message from the minister of defense. he spoke at a meeting of the parliamentary commission on public procurement. listen to what he said. he talks about active participation, talks about a specific mission, why the f-35 fighter currently in ukraine was useful. let's listen. the american and british air forces have carried out successful strikes against the islamic state in the middle east, most recently the united states used the f-35 to determine the location and base of russian units equipped with surface-to-air systems in ukraine.
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this information has been distributed among nato countries. the f-35 is defined as a multi-role combat aircraft. aircraft, that is, it is simultaneously capable of participating in air defense, airstrikes and attacks on the ground, as well as in intelligence operations. in other words, there are faster planes and scouts, but he can do it too. this is a complex single-engine aircraft, which in case of an unexpected breakdown over ukrainian territory will require special conditions to land , and there are, of course, diplomatic risks, the f-35 fighter was allegedly spotted over the occupied ukrainian territories, this would be regarded by the russians as a provocation or even as military actions. please, yes,
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footage of the destruction of hymers has appeared, the first footage, we have also already seen footage of the destruction of the third abrams, or maybe there were more of them, it doesn’t matter, but i would like to draw attention to another situation, which, unfortunately, our media pays undeservedly little attention to, and also tell some about this situation details that were not previously available in open sources, this is a battle on the tender spit, where... the 23rd special operations center of the ukrainian navy attacked our positions, our observation post at the lighthouse, the attack began on february 28 at 2:20 a.m., our one of the fighters the duty shift saw approaching boats; four boats took part in the attack, three galaxy boats. when they attacked , we met them, destroyed them, yes, yes, yes, yes, we
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talked about it, yes, but there are some details that i would like to voice, i also want to say that our media, unfortunately, do not pay enough attention this situation , for some reason, still, well, for example, there are no interviews with these fighters, yes, although i am sure that this is not the fault of these fighters, and much more, for example, they opposed forty special forces, at least among these special forces... who would hardly be ukrainian themselves, there was not just a us flag, well, i think
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there will be information about this later, by the way, there were similar sorties where the americans took part, but so so-called mercenaries, that is , not career americans, they are very fond of operations together with gur or other special operations forces of ukraine specifically at observation posts, that is, these are distant positions, where there are few people, where victory, in principle, is sort of... in their pocket - that's second year in the zaporozhye direction, there were the first shots that appeared with american mercenaries, i published them, this, if i’m not mistaken, was june - twenty , they were also there, and there was also an attack on the observation post, like this time, so, three galaxy assault boats and one fire cover boat, fire support, roughly speaking, these are from the metal shark brand, which... at least six heavy machine guns are installed, they
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attacked our post, the guys immediately destroyed one assault boat, and also knocked out a boat fire cover where the detonation occurred, there were also fpv operators on this boat, that is , machine guns were installed on each assault boat, while our fighters fought for 40 minutes, that’s only six people against 40 people, that is, you need to understand this. after which we show parallel footage, we can’t do it without blair, because there’s meat in the literal sense , here’s one boat, this is the boat of one assault boat, it was just moving in the center, that is, it was the second, that is, they have an interval was about 20 m between the assault boats, it was immediately hit first, hit by a machine gunner, it was immediately washed ashore, then the second boat that was hit, it was just...
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love for a man who became a symbol of a generation, his songs sound, his voice is recognized, thank you very much for a happy
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childhood, the whole audience sings , a couple of days ago dima and i signed how we pulled it all off, i don’t understand, sergei gorobchenko, it seems to me that it’s good that this happened to us, yes, that’s it for the better, glofira torkhanova, kirill grebenshchikov, it’s my fault
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in front of you, i need you, isn’t it because my business has gone well, i’m tracking down my sister. on your car, guess what will happen next, do you want to crash it, or what? i’ll start all over again, march 8 on rtr.
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for the good health of our empress. the wisest. empresses in history, you have two
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lives, mine is yours, and i want the third, all of catherine and other historical series only on the platform we watch. are you inviting me to your theater? i invite you. “sash, forgive me, yes, i’m a bastard, how could you, and you just arrived, uh-huh, yes, me, nadya, valya, came to conquer moscow, who are you, and i’m lena , his wife, you’re waiting for someone, yes, you, why, i’d like to invite you to a restaurant.” that’s it, dear, i’ll bring nadya back, misha, get out, i want to
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go back to to you, to seryozha, leave me and seryozha alone, i’m not going to make any more mistakes, women, on saturday on rtr. “we work in the interests of our country, our job is to tell the truth, our task is to achieve complete victory, for this we we go on air every evening, evening with vladimir solovyov, today on rtr." well, incredible according to current times, footage, the frugon spacecraft with russian cosmonaut alexander grebenkin docked to the iss. on board
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the ship there are three nas astronauts, including one woman, a meeting with brotherhood has begun, the americans are hugging the russians, this kind of thing happens, look. the eighth crew consists of astronauts dominique, michael berot, janet eps and roscosmos cosmonaut alexandra grebenkin, this is the first flight for dominic, eps and grebenkin, for berot the third, as soon as they get on board the iss, there will be a welcoming ceremony with other members of the expedition. the first to board was nasa astronaut matthew dominic, followed by janet epps, and the last cosmonaut of roscosmos, alexander gribenkin.
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really incredible footage, especially considering that the americans are now accusing us of preparing to fight them in space, we are transferred to washington via direct communication, the head of our american bureau, dmitry melnikov, dim, hello, how did this happen? that we are cooperating with the americans in space is really surprising, is this some kind of interdependence, what is this connected with? hello olga, well, first of all, of course, the dependence of most of the united states on the russian, and still largely soviet , space school, space heritage, well, indeed, space is probably the only area where russia and the united states are now constructively and productively cooperating, despite all the latest threats that...
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that donald trump really will compete with biden if one another, of course, reaches the elections, since trump has another case that is now being considered in the supreme court, this is the case of his absolute presidential immunity, with regard to the storming of the capitol on january 6, twenty-one , the case will be considered at the end of april, but if the court here satisfies his claim, it will say
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that indeed trump, as a former president , is not... subject to jurisdiction and is full, has full presidential immunity, then for the november elections, no matter how strange it really sounds now, trump can approach absolutely without criminal prosecution, we remember that he had several criminal charges against him, the last of them was literally dropped the day before, on the eve of super tuesday and his landslide and crushing victory over nikihai, here's the latest case - this is in april if the supreme court says that yes, the former president has immunity. then really, nothing will stop him, but as for that case, if you remember the case about the fine, then here you can, of course, also connect it with space, the fine, let me remind you, is half a billion dollars, which is now being disputed by trump in a new york court , then, oddly enough, elon musk can help him here, since he is one of donald trump’s important donors, and for him these half a billion dollars will probably be a small amount,
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because for trump now it is actually tantamount to ruining it. this fine , there is already talk that he may begin to sell off his real estate, including his famous villa, including his hotels in new york, now, in general, musk is one of those who can help trump avoid bankruptcy, because, as we understand, they are not only trying to sue trump, but they are also trying to ruin it, and here, yes, and here, too, there is literally hope for elon musk, olya, thank you very much, dima, dmitry melnikov. on direct communication washington, well , thank god that some russian-american space leads still remain, but of course, if we look deeper, we will see that the american track today is against the backdrop of johnson’s new fuss in the house of representatives on a new option the bill is already for 66 billion with the ukrainian share of 47 - this is the beginning of april with trump’s victory, these are all known facts, two points
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are very important for us and in general for the world as a whole, the first is a total tightening of the seemingly democratic republican struggle, it feels like they politically want to destroy each other completely, one comes to power, nullifies the other, that is, maintaining a two-party system to the extreme, such there is a feeling that after november we will be talking about a de facto quasi one-party system, and then we will see, but the second track is more important, more scary - this is, of course, linking american policy with the security problem, that is, the question which you rightly raised more than once in the studio, referring to the statement of macron and the german generals, is the west bluffing or not bluffing when it talks about the possibility of attacks on the bridge and in general about the introduction of troops into ukraine, so to speak, the exact answer in my opinion, so far among there are no experts on this question, but i have a feeling, god forbid i’m wrong, that after all, and of course, as russian positions improve within the framework and our own as we approach victory within the framework of the northern military district,
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the threat seems to increase exponentially - no , this is not a very good idea, that's it let's see, the premiere is on rtr, but how about your partner, don't be jealous, she's accusing my friend of murder, i know exactly what happened, where it came from, i saw it in a dream , let a professional draw conclusions, come on, i'm just an amateur, just a housewife medium on call, anna medium, today... on rtr, i
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thought that everything is more serious here, you sit and think, there’s no need to think about it, here it’s all about playing and... i really want to check it out, seriously , this is flirting, there are questions here about how everything is running, i’m obvious, just to see, let’s go, this it must have been edible, i meant, of course, a bear when such a warring little one spoke. a hint in general, the most passionate team, if there are not 1000 , zhenya will add his own, then what many people use, the strongest love for the game, this is
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the five-on-one, five-on-one program, tomorrow on rtr, tell me, do you even understand that i always leave my family, but everything is clear. on sunday, there is such news, dad will no longer live with us, he will live elsewhere, this is not news to me, how could you quietly introduce sasha to my girlfriend , why, i don’t want to lose contact with sasha , get in touch, and someone else’s woman has nothing to do with it, move to us, and mom, well, mom is small, you can’t cope without this, you can start life from scratch, hello , i found out this, oles, after so many years, i knew that you would call someday, but the past cannot be erased, we had such a chapter called karina, we can write another chapter called the three of us again, i
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want to fix everything , southern cyclone, on sunday on rtr, you. hello andrey, special holiday episode on march 8th on rtr. rated the main working
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villain? he didn’t get along with anyone here. let's see. on the weekend, well, i realized that living with your husband or working on your own are completely different things, i would like to see you not only in the office, and you don’t happen to know what kind of woman this is who is sitting next to maxim, this his wife, you see, will be born any day now, his mother may be on saturday on rtr, i thought that everything here is kind of more serious, you sit and think, there’s no need to think about it, here’s this that's all, play. or not to play, yes , yes, that’s it, there can’t be two opinions, because we have five of them, this is a dangerous fairy-tale animal, but when it comes to fleas, i’m out of
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competition, there are questions here about how everything is running, wow, i really want to check, seriously, this is flirting, obviously, just to see, let's go, it must be edible , i meant, of course, a bear, when i said such a stinking little one. a hint, in general, the most gambling team, if there is not 1000, zhenya will add his own, then what many people use, the most strong love for the game, this is a program of five against one, five against one, tomorrow on rtr, about iron nerves, crazy stupidity without... a fisherman from st. petersburg demonstrates ultimate endurance, walking along a thin channel in the fountain, calmly stepping over the icy transparent islands, behind a fisherman sent a water police boat, don’t ever do that,
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in st. petersburg alone, 32 people drowned while fishing in winter. rtr-planet, more than just. television is a piece of russia on every screen on the planet. let's fly! the loudest premieres, how did i get here, are you having a corporate party or what? what are you, huh? you don’t know bender well , you don’t need a motive for a murder on a trick, that it was on the strip, i don’t know, it’s a dog, exciting series, we’re gathering an orchestra, we’ll perform shastakovich’s seventh symphony, whoever doesn’t take risks, luck doesn’t smile on him. we
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will succeed, i will operate, i’m scared, as if it were me, not me, unfortunately, neither the motive for the murder nor the connection between the murders is visible, but there is one, and we will find it, i remind you once again, that this is my investigation, come on let's agree in advance, you are a coach, i am a player, a dizzying show and the best music, and you generally spend most of your life on your feet or on your head, even i don’t know, i want to read, please read. i can’t read, turn on the music, blogger , russia is based on song, in general russia is a very melodious country, inimitable humor and entertainment for every taste, i poured a basin of hot water on myself and told my wife, i’m leaving, i looked around, she had already packed my things, meeting the stars, and what is more difficult to become a good person...
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federation rises above the norwegian sea. this was one of the most striking episodes of historical triumph. the liberation of the people of europe was brought about by our soviet people. current news, political investigations , impartial analysis. live program 60 minutes. the news goes on air. hello. key events, what will this day be remembered for? when the whole world calls black white, we choose the truth. in it. everything
11:00 am
you can’t imagine russia without, only on the rtr planet channel. hello, on the russia vesti tv channel, in studio irina rossius and the main topics for this hour. what is the difference between a politician and a leader, what kind of movies does the president watch and how does russia position itself in the world. we don't compete with anyone. we don't want to prove anything to anyone. vladimir putin met with participants of the world festival.


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