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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  March 7, 2024 11:00am-11:31am MSK

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everything you can’t imagine russia without, only on the rtr planet channel. hello, on the russia vesti tv channel, in the irina rossius studio and the main topics for this hour. what is the difference between a politician and a leader, what kind of movies does the president watch and how does russia position itself in the world. we don't compete with anyone. we don't want to prove anything to anyone. vladimir putin met with participants of the world festival. destroyed
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by our rocket artillery. our pilots are destroying the defense of the ukrainian army. the key to global strategic stability china-russia have created a completely new standard of relations, in contrast to the stereotypes of the cold war. and a new abs plant opened in tours. and from april 1, the russian government. fixes social pensions at 7.5%. if the state creates a multipolar world in which they help each other, then solving social issues will become much easier, vladimir putin said this at a meeting with participants in the world youth festival in sirius. the president called it a mistake of the west that it does not take into account the interests of other countries, while russia emphasized.
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as we say, window dressing, and the essence of it is to gather people who think approximately like us, well, approximately, because every person cannot think the same, but who adhere to approximately the same principles, values ​​as we do, and who want to work together to achieve a positive result, for themselves, for their loved ones, for their countries, at the festival, and the american delegation, which absolutely does not hide its indignation at the course... of the white house. we don't
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want our country to be destroyed from within, while politicians spend money on the ukrainian war. i believe that the united states has failed to cope with this burden of responsibility that has fallen on its shoulders. but while strengthening this monopoly of theirs, they very quickly encountered the fact that the overwhelming majority of countries in the world do not really like it.
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its people in the donbass, where there was also a war and the extermination of civilians, children, women , old people, why can’t russia do this, stand up for its people, and not somewhere thousands of kilometers from its national borders, right next door? , v in sirius, people of very different cultures, but they understand each other, as they say without translation.
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qualities, kindness, creativity, helping one’s neighbor, and of course, we need to give all this to our children. a participant from uganda heads one of the youth organizations. mr. president, i would so much like to become your son from africa, so that you would be my mentor, what can i tell you, son, artificial intelligence is gaining more and more weight in the world, putin is asked if he uses smart devices, if you have yandex ilisberg or other smart speaker, why do i need sberbank if we have sberbank leaders.
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i would like to thank all the participants of the north military district, thank you personally for standing up for donbass, and now our army is showing the greatness of russia to the whole world. thank you for your position, because what you did and are doing is aimed, as
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strange as it may seem in today’s conditions, for the benefit of ukraine and russia, for the benefit of the ukrainian people and the russian people. i am sure that thanks to people like you... sooner or later there will be a reunion, at least for spiritual level will happen, it is inevitable, but in order for this to happen, it is necessary , of course, to eradicate everything that interferes with this, and the most disgusting manifestations of nationalism interfere with this, this is a poison that poisons the lives of so many peoples, including today in ukraine.
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thinks about future elections, a real leader thinks about future generations, we had such a statesman, marshal minich, who said that russia is a country that is directly controlled by god, because if this is not so, it is not clear how it exists at all. here, but in the first, in the first part, i agree, russia is a country that is directly controlled by god. as for the second part, my experience in the position i am in today suggests that russia exists thanks
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to the russians and other peoples inhabiting this vast territory, thanks to their talent, devotion to their country and confidence in the future. the conversation lasted almost 2 hours, ending with a special moment for the participants from italy and uganda. putin personally invited them to center of the hall. and a little earlier , vladimir putin was shown how sirius lives. this is what the exhibition space, the international airport of the world youth festival, looks like. here is a new book depository for 2500 books. as a gift to the president, elena shmileva presented a reprint with the participation of a student.
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conduct a sirius report on the colorful show that ended the world youth festival on our air a little later, now on to other news and the latest data:
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this fighter was saved from injury by an icon, the bullet missed only his uniform. the icon saved me, look how it whistled, everything was beyond the hole, but everything slipped away, here is where our fighter sits alive. on the zaporozhye front, stavropol paratroopers clear enemy fortifications. assault troops with the help of drones are attacking the positions of the ukrainian armed forces near verboov, but this is already the outskirts of rabotin, the island’s armored vehicles are clearly visible. one of the main tasks in the new regions is the restoration and construction of transport
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infrastructure. mikhail mishustin drew attention to this today during a meeting with the head of roszheldor. alexey druzhinin reported that the stakhanov vlnr plant has already produced the first 145 cars, and the educational process at the donetsk institute of railway transport and debaltsevo college is being transferred to russian standards. in the donetsk and lugansk people's republics in zaporozhye and kherson. regions, it was decided to create a unified system, that is, they united the entire railway infrastructure into a common network in order to build a unified logistics for transporting both passengers and cargo. this is a big decision, tell us how work has been carried out since january 1, 2024, novorossiy's railways are fully operational . to date, the staff of vgupa is 15,259 people, a landmark event took place in february, and payments have been made. the first salary, we, together with colleagues from the ministry of finance, managed
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to bring this salary to the level of the russian railways . the government will increase social pensions by 7.5% from april 1. the measure will affect more than 4 million people. these are citizens who do not have sufficient length of service for an insurance pension, people with disabilities and those who have lost breadwinner payments will increase for military personnel and volunteers who have become disabled due to... military injuries, the pensions of participants in the great patriotic war and those who suffered as a result of man-made disasters will increase. moscow and beijing have created a new pattern of relations that is completely different from the cold war and is not directed against other parties. the chinese foreign minister spoke about this today, emphasizing that our countries will continue to strengthen cooperation, but for the united states everything is ambiguous. vanei noted that the real the challenge for washington is himself and the bad guy.
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the un security council, china and russia have created a completely new standard of relations between major states, in contrast to the stereotypes of the cold war, freed from bloc confrontations and not directed against third parties, aimed at eternal good neighborliness, friendship and full-fledged deep strategic interaction. wang yi will call this friendship between moscow and beijing a guarantee of global strategic stability, which the chinese minister called on his western colleagues at a recent security conference in munich, but there were responses. restraint and silence, as in response to china's calls for the start of the negotiation process on ukraine,
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although chinese diplomats believe there is more and more understanding of this in the world. china has always taken an objective and impartial position on the ukrainian issue and is committed to promoting reconciliation and peace negotiations. history teaches that prolongation of a conflict is often fraught with its escalation, even going beyond the scenarios assumed by the parties involved. who adds fuel to the fire of the ukrainian crisis in beijing sees and... follow the principles of non-interference, this applies to both europe and the middle east. the chinese minister called the situation in the gas sector a disgrace for world civilization. china for the creation of a palestinian state.
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where is international justice? the challenge for the united states comes from itself, not from china. wang yi called blinkin’s theory, either you are at the table or on the menu, bad rhetoric, adding that the clash between china and the united states will result in unimaginable consequences, which means no crossing of red lines, including on the taiwan issue. beijing will never recognize the independence of the island. one of the main messages that china has again sought to convey today. external audience, they will continue to build their policy here, solely on the basis of their national interests, where there is no place for conflicts, therefore the prc is trying to bypass them at any cost, and beijing is confident of this in the interests of the whole world. alexander baalsky, nikolai petrov, news from beijing, china. this is the news, and in a couple of minutes we continue. this is natasha, very nice. anna
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medio. premiere, no need to come to her , i can help her, however, today on rtr, please, acquaintance and roll call, you can skip the page, i’m very glad that you came to visit me, how much tea was drunk, how many stories were told, i was impudent in a white tuxedo, and i begin,
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you can hang noodles on your ears, cuckold you. dmitry frid, partings can be for the better. i don’t know, it’s as if i’ve just been run over by a roller. oleg almazov. sirena met a gorgeous man, they a romance is planned. just think, i'll try to win her too. can you imagine, our irka,
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a technical worker, immediately had a cloud of gentlemen appearing. the most important thing is that they hit. march 8 nar every sunday my mother makes cheesecakes, a tradition, my grandmother likes to tell me the story of our family, a tradition. dad and brother support the same team. tradition. taking care of a friend and helping is our tradition. we also have a tradition in our family, together with the whole country, to elect a president. on march 15, 16, 17, take part in the elections
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the president of the country. together - we are force. let's vote for russia. the wife has not worked a day, she lives on her husband’s money. let's see on the weekend. it turns out that i’m a mistress, and on our bed? either you leave or the kids and i, okay? remember, without me you are empty space, zero. have you thought about children? i'll find a job. carefully! from the wreckage of an old life you can build a new one, in general at least something in business, you know, sometimes it’s better than the old one, help, i got my very first contract. maria kulikova, what the hell are you doing here, mom can be on rtr on saturday,
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we bought a dress for prom, shoes, new, beautiful, everything is fine, well, it’s not fate, probably while hostilities are going on here, i should be here, we are doing a lot. our life, he gave for his country, his life, and i gave my female happiness, people like you are performing a very important
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task, women, war, without women we will not win, premiere of the documentary film, today on rtr. the malila berry beckoned us, the narlina berry invited guests in the summer. scandalous famous widower, honored artist of russia valentina easily stupid married again. fans of the legendary singer fear that the new wife will repeat the tragic fate of the performer of the soviet hit, yagoda malina. live broadcast today. on rdr. this is to lead. we are continuing production. eight people remain in intensive care after the accident at shinagorskaya tets.
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in the morning, the victims were evacuated to krasnoyarsk, to the regional clinical hospital. and modular boiler houses, heat guns, diesel generators and heaters were sent from novosibirsk, moscow region and orenburg region. now almost a third of the city shaganar without heat. an emergency team left kuzbass to help. today we succeeded. to launch one of the tets boilers, a state of emergency was introduced in the region. in odessa, military commissars invented a new and sophisticated tactic of forced mobilization. as can be seen in these footage, they sneak into houses and turn off the lights in the apartments. when a resident of military age goes out into the corridor to check the electrical panel, he is twisted and taken to the military registration and enlistment office. and in chernivtsi, summonses are handed out at the central railway station, this happens right on the platform near...
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which will be installed on the car produced here in russia. the company intends to provide units for 90% of the production units produced; to localize havail production in russia, the government of the tula region, the plant and the ministry of industry and trade signed a special investment contract. which at all stages from the very
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beginning continues to provide almost manual support to all parties. our chinese colleagues, chinese friends are meticulously and step by step implementing all agreements in the parsi region also step by step all agreements are fulfilled. all the agreements that were signed at the very beginning of the implementation of this entire large-scale project. the new industrial complex is equipped with high-tech equipment using innovative engineering solutions in the field of environmental protection and energy saving. the manufacturing heart and soul of hovel is located here and is a very important manufacturing facility. we are confident that with the launch of engine production, thanks to deeper localization, our position in market will strengthen. investments in the enterprise amounted to 42 billion rubles. today the plant includes stamping, bodywork, welding, and painting workshops for vehicle assembly. now the company employs more than 3,500 people.
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these are mainly residents of the tula region. in 2023, almost 100,000 cars rolled off the plant’s assembly lines, and this year it is planned to produce 150,000. alexey geryomin, oleg antonov, vesti tula. and we return to the first topic of the issue, the world youth festival in sirius. today its participants, which are about 20 thousand people, will begin to disperse to their cities and countries. and the main youth forum of the year ended with a colorful show in the olympic park. about how it is. there was a report by anna sorokina. this is how young leaders from all over the world end their festival in sirius. the incredibly beautiful and high-tech closing ceremony brought together guests from 190 countries. russia is sacred. those who were restrained from the solemn ceremony preferred emotional gatherings at kostrata. the hearts of foreigners were touched by one of the most famous songs on nadezhda. hope, my
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compass is with me. about your hopes for the ceremony closing ceremony is told by all festival participants. viewers see everyone's story. here, for example, is a russian language teacher from iran, pasha and his mission. i'm tired of stereotypes. iran is poor, iran is closed. there are many prohibitions in iran. this is not true. i speak farsi, english and russian. i can talk to one and a half billion people. the fight against stereotypes has become one of the most important themes of the world festival. youth: the hall freezes when portraits of the immortal regiment are raised at the closing ceremony. the events of those terrible years are remembered in many families in many countries. let the living remember and let generations know, the current world youth festival in russia , the fourth, seems to be breaking all records for the number of participants. i’m from luxembourg myself, a small country, and i’m generally lucky to be here, i’m generally so happy, thank you
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very much. russia! there were so many people who wanted to take part in the closing of the world youth festival that the broadcast of the ceremony was watched even on the street. festival participants came to the main square of the olympic park to recharge your batteries, remember this feeling of belonging to a large multinational family. there are so many new, completely different faces and everyone is simply filled with love. the festival has ended, but the participants cannot be stopped; they are enjoying every minute. anna sorokin, varipyatov, mikhail kertok, vladimir minyailov and anna nekos, news: federal territory sirius. an unpleasant weather gift awaits residents of primorye on march 8. a cyclone from china will bring snowfall and strong winds to the south of the region. forecasters warn of a storm in the pacific ocean. what in we will now find out forecasts for the holidays for residents of the european part from tatyana
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antonova. that we can count on warmth, tatyana, or not? irin, unfortunately, no, we will have to rely more on our warm, festive mood, because the temperature will remain below normal, a little cold, to say the least. well, don’t expect warm weather, in the north of siberia, and even further south in kazyli it’s down to -800, the residents of altai will be more lucky, there’s a thaw there. in the center of the volga region , the night cold will soften, but during the day from -4 to +2. in addition, the sun will hide behind dense clouds and will not do without precipitation. in the south, in sochi it is still rainy, windy +9, the weather will clear up only in the lower reaches of the don, in some places in the crimea, but it will not get warmer, during the day +5, the same temperature in the baltic, in kaliningrad also +5, in st. petersburg on march 8 near zero, cloudy with clearings, in moscow on weekends and at night up to -8, in the daytime 0, -3 with light snow. it was a weather forecast for a country where the sun never sets. only here, in the largest country in the world, could
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an online bank appear, which... media platform subscribers are watching today received exclusive access to the premiere episodes of the comedy melodrama alla taxi. main character. after a divorce from her husband, she loses her family's livelihood, her influential mother-in-law forbids her to see her son, and, left without a family, alla gets a job in a taxi company. the main role was played by svetlana kolpakova, and her colleagues on the set were alexander mikhailov, roman madyanov and marad basharov. well, right after the big news, don’t miss the continuation of the anna medium series, but the news is following the development of the event.


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