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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  March 7, 2024 4:00pm-4:30pm MSK

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now they have to dig trenches under continuous shelling, ukrainian militants are forced to simultaneously dig in and repel russian attacks, the sss reports. although the construction of defensive lines began last november, the results of this company are extremely dubious, ukrainian military and western officials admit. well, the france 2 tv channel showed how the dry landers live in their trenches. ukrainian fighters complain about overcrowding. dugouts. you have to huddle in the opening, and it’s also damp and cold. the banderaites themselves call their home is at the forefront of rat norms. real rats and mice are simply swarming in the trenches. in such conditions, ukrainian soldiers experience new health problems and worsen existing ones. psychological and physical fatigue also increases. the stress of poor living conditions hits especially hard on...
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older soldiers, of whom there are many in the ukrainian army, french propagandists note. in addition to the wounded , patients with heart attacks are increasingly being admitted to front-line hospitals. this is what war looks like until the last ukrainian who fights. soldiers tell me how the shortage of ammunition is forcing them to pay dearly. a year ago they were shooting 10 times more often than now, they look at their friends and colleagues fighting on the front line, at zero, and sometimes cannot help them due to the lack of shells to fire from this gun behind me. while ukrainian militants complain about a lack of shells, the russian artillery of the west group of troops is firing around the clock.
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they hit the enemy at a distance of up to 30 km 533 this is what the ukrainian cossack-2 armored car looks like after an accurate shell hit, rocket artillery is working on dry land, footage from the avdeevka direction, whoa, whoa, come on, look, 300-200, shoot.
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we are tired in spirit, tired in body, we have a lot of health problems, you know, we have to sleep in places where it is cold and damp, this is not so obvious. when i think about my former civilian life, i think that it is far away, they don’t know about this, about the terrible conditions. a projectile that can kill you. the russian army is advancing in the area of ​​the torsky ledge, the fighters have approached the outskirts of the village of terny, advancing to the west of artyomovsk, there russian units are already storming krasnoe. in the navdeevsky direction, the kiev regime is trying to counterattack, in order to avoid the failure of the front, seven brigades were transferred to the site. the defense line of the ukrainian armed forces consists of several trench lines, without additional fortifications.
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the ssu will not hold the front. ukrainian officials are concerned that russian attacks could gain a significant boost by the summer if kiev's allies fail to increase supplies of ammunition, according to a person familiar with their situation. according to ukrainian intelligence estimates, the russian president vladimir putin has not abandoned his original goal of capturing major
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cities, including the capital kiev and odessa. well, right now the supreme commanders are communicating with graduates of the above. military aviation school footage on your screens. before this, putin visited the educational institution itself, where the president inspected the flight simulators on which future pilots train and even sat at the controls of one of them. the flight simulator simulates flight on the yak 30 training aircraft. well, the statement of the russian president, which we just received it. the main impression.
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in 5 minutes someone should call me , in 10 minutes i should call someone there, and in half an hour such and such an event will happen, i must understand what happened, and if i need to somehow react to it or correct something , so this is such a series of events, but of course, just like for the country as a whole and for me and for you, i think all the brightest, most significant things happened.
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in the real sector of industry, and therefore everything is basically there, putin is also at this meeting said that his flight on the tu-160m was unplanned, he was dissuaded, since the plane had not yet been accepted for service, well, in the west, the idea of ​​women is peculiar; in spain, male soldiers change their gender in order to receive more benefits intended for women, the telegraph writes. she claims that deep down...
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margarete vestager said that the head of the european commission can and should be appointed for a second term, because ursula is a woman, and in general she is wonderful, if a man is appointed to the post, it is sexist, as if ursula became the head of the european commission just for show, they are going crazy as part of the dubious fight for women's rights in the united states. the us department of veterans affairs has ordered it to be removed or replaced. in all institutions a photograph on the day of victory over times square. in an iconic photograph on the day of japan's surrender in 1945, a sailor kisses a nurse. for americans, this photo is almost the main symbol of world war ii. but now washington has seen kharasman on the card. they say
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it is unknown whether the nurse gave consent to kiss. therefore the photo is offensive. the actions in the photo are considered modern. and us citizens sexual assault, which falls under the criminal article on crimes against the sexual integrity of citizens. this is one of the most famous photographs in american history, it is called the times square kiss. it shows a sailor impromptu kissing a nurse in times square amid celebrations marking the end of world war ii. the photograph was first published on the cover of life magazine and became so iconic that that dozens of couples imitated this kiss on the seventieth anniversary of the victory in 2015. about banning this photo from the department of veterans affairs in our capital because this kiss was
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not consensual. last month , department of health deputy secretary rimma el-nelson ordered the removal of all these photographs from department buildings, here is what she wrote: in this memorandum, i demand that the photo of the times square kiss be removed from all of our department buildings in accordance with our responsibilities department to maintain safe. shows how politicized the rot is within our bureaucracy, we should be proud
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that we are americans, president putin, we are returning to the meeting with the female pilots, with the pilots, he just admitted that flying with the siberian cranes in the twelfth year was more difficult than on the so-25, co27 tu-160m, we remember these shots literally a month ago. even more difficult than on the be 200, the president had to pilot the hang glider himself, even at a low altitude. the head of state said that he flew with the siberian cranes on at an altitude of 400 m, i felt the slightest whisper of wind, in airplanes, even the super sound inside was not felt that much, still absolutely incredible, president putin, firstly, just stated that he was all... due to the fact
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that the airplane was still not put on combat duty, it’s simply dangerous, but he decided to try anyway, and he also stated that he himself performed a barrel roll during this flight, we are waiting for statements, we are waiting for these video frames , it’s really interesting, please, you know, i watched the story about the photograph with the famous ...
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really, based on the results of this week, according to based on the results of super tuesday, we can finally say that everything has been decided, although to be honest, i thought that the democrats would still decide on such an unusual trick, after all , to change the current president, but nevertheless, both trump and biden practically recruited the required number of candidates, in fact , yes, women, by the way, on the other side withdrew their candidacies, that’s it, now we’re for sure.
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we listen to what he says there, although there, too , not everything goes according to the script, there, say, ukraine was supposed to be symbolized by zelensky’s wife, but she pointedly refused, considering that... she might not be given the first role there, and it seems to her that this is very bad for her person and for ukraine as a whole, for the woman whom biden calls yolanda , olanda was also invited, she also doesn’t seem to be attending, as for the speech, yes, well, just briefly, because it matters, karen jean, firstly, she said that
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grandfather is the best grandfather on the planet, the speech will be historical, why do they say journalists, grandfather took as much... worked on his state of the union speech with senior staff, today tomorrow he will continue to tweak the tone of the speech, this is something that he is personally very involved in, this is something that comes directly from conversations with the american people, will talk about where we are as a country and how we move forward. no, actually,
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it’s just the american press giving leaks about the democrats’ strategy, and there in all seriousness. they say the main line should be good grandpa versus evil bad grandpa, so the term grandpa i i took it, i took it not as a joke, but from the actual documents from the democratic campaign headquarters, which are now being published in the press. but again, this is still a major event. by the way, yesterday the hungarian foreign minister said that the world has gone so deep into this chaos that only trump, trump’s victory, can save us. bad grandfather, bad grandfather, well... i ’m sure that in russia many are also waiting for trump’s victory, i’m more cautious about this and only putin is waiting for joe biden’s victory, we remember, don’t forget the situation with the democrats, it’s just predictably bad for us, we understand that the democrats will put pressure, that is, for them it’s they who treat us now like i don’t know, like aliens in american
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films, where aliens often arrive and begin to destroy everything when earthlings ask them what you create, they say: we hate you. anyway, strange movements are happening there and nulanta left her post, and kerry leaves her post, kerry generally regrets that there is no agreement and no relations with russia regarding the climate, supposedly without russia we will ruin the planet, a lot of things similar. the state debt calls for resuming the dialogue on strategic stability, so they are not entirely aliens. well, you can say anything. from a political point of view, it seems to me that the plot is clear. i may be wrong , but you know, it seems to me that if trump had lost the first election, then the events in ukraine that we are now seeing would have begun 4 years earlier, and if trump had won the second election, then 4 years later, so it seems to me that the trump factor will play out, but why am i skeptical? to this idea that trump will win and the world will return
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to some kind of reasonable state, because we still proceed from the fact that america has been led to a dead end by an idea. beyond exceptionalism , and trump proceeds from the fact that, on the contrary , the democrats think too little about america, it should be even greater, everyone else should pay more for it, so we'll see, we'll see, especially since trump still needs to win, and democrats too, i think they will present some surprises, but still finishing my speech in the context holiday, i would like to take a break from the united states and say some of our positive news , statistics on budget revenues came out this week, i will conclude with money, which is close to me, uh, so, in fact, oil and gas revenues, our favorite ones, showed absolutely nothing in february fantastic result, uh, growth compared to january 40%. the oil and gas complex earned 270 billion more in february, er, than in january of this year, the budget
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plan was exceeded by as much as 120 billion, the collection, for example, of the main rent tax, mineral extraction tax on oil... in general, they were the second in the history of observations , as they say, so the oil and gas complex showed very good results in february, the budget received a good increase, so again, the question is how the message will be implemented, if the oil and gas complex earns just as well, we have problems there will be much less about women, but women, but i’m not you, but putin, putin, there will be money, there will be women. they will be great, that’s how it works, but with women, that’s called mr. simonov sexism, the man was happy too, did you say about the same?
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excused for murder, i know exactly what happened, where from? i saw this in a dream, let a professional draw conclusions , come on, i’m just an amateur,
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just a housewife medium on call, anna medium, today on rtr, catch a fish, big or small, well, in general, have you chosen the right place? why do people count proteins fats carbohydrates? this is where my question begins: can delicious food be healthy? i try it, the level of inflammation decreases, the pain decreases. can something useful be pleasant? fantastic. can the scientific be understood. and you make a wish? yes.
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on sunday, there is such news, dad will no longer live with us, he will live in another place, this is not news to me, how could you secretly introduce sasha to your girlfriend, why, i don’t want to lose contact with sasha, get in touch, and what does someone else’s woman have to do with this, come over to us, and mom, well, what, little mom, she can’t cope without you, we can start life from scratch, hello, i recognized you, olesya. after so many years, i knew that you would call someday, but the past cannot be crossed out, we had such a chapter called karina, we can
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write another chapter called the three of us again, i want to fix everything, southern cyclone, on sunday on rtr, is looking for you. so that your men always carry you in their arms, hello andrey, a special holiday
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episode on march 8 on rtr, we are giving karina an exclusive three-week tour of south america, happy birthday. i, i don’t understand anything, what’s going on here, why did you come, what did you find in your office with a piece of paper, a divorce notice, what’s this? for stupid jokes, this is not a joke, this is your new reality, it was erased from your own life, we now have nothing, no car, no house, i... have a business and a husband, so it’s time to build a new one, tell me, are you serious i decided to develop myself from scratch, i want to prove that it is impossible to drown me, there is a stable there.
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putin had just said that army aviation performs one of the most important tasks on the battlefield and deserves the highest praise; the president was amazed at how attack aircraft pilots withstand enormous loads. i remembered how i myself flew on the su-25 attack aircraft and also on the su-27 fighter, on the pe-200 amphibious aircraft and the tu-160n strategic missile carrier bomber. putin called it a unique machine, which has no analogues in the world. the tu-160 operates at super speeds and is capable of carrying nuclear weapons. the president’s flight on the tu-160m itself was not planned,” putin said. they
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tried to dissuade him, since the aircraft had not yet been put into service, i listen, just now we were on the simulator as a standing lieutenant, this is also a definite impression, but he piloted you know, if you really piloted it like that, it’s just this one that flew with the cranes, if you paid attention, you remember it was a few years ago, but this is not a simulator. i actually piloted there, it’s true, well, i had to study there, there, because this is the sky, it’s a serious matter, who else but you knows about this, we flew low, well, i also flew low, about 400 m , well, there, you know, on this, as the wind blows, there right away, it’s already shaking like that, these are not simulators, there are 400
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m, that's a bit high. that’s where i piloted , everything else, this is what i flew on, this is on an attack aircraft, and a su-25, then on a su-27 on a fighter, then on a 160, then on a b200 , but the fire was put out, well, nothing... piloted, of course, yes , although, although it was all useful, interesting , you had to understand what it is so that - you always need to understand what it is, touch it with your hands, then you’ll better navigate what ’s happening, but it seems to me , the most difficult service, it seems to me, i don’t want to offend anyone, but this is for stormtroopers, overload, i i just don’t understand how the guys manage there.
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by plane, because up and down blows are applied visually, when they are observed visually, they begin abruptly, and then also rise sharply, the overload is so great that only the hands and fingers move effectively, i don’t understand how they control the machine, that’s the only one element of control... control, one might say, there was court 27, when the commander suggested that i make a barrel, i did this myself, however, he says, i transfer control smoothly, do not make a sudden movement you need to move the control lever to the right, and you and i will make a barrel roll, i did this myself, we turned over so calmly, the car is very powerful, well, that’s what he said, the car is powerful, very obedient, controllable, calm.
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flight, it wasn’t planned, because the minister says: you can’t fly, because we haven’t accepted this machine yet, and the industry says: we haven’t delivered it yet, so, but when we came to the enterprise and inspected it, the ship’s commander told me : “vladimir vladimirovich, we are ready, in 2 hours we can be in air."


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