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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  March 7, 2024 8:00pm-9:06pm MSK

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things attract, i was a loser in life, and stepan is an eternal loser, so i decided to correct his bad luck, only now he has become a colleague, and he is also suspected of murdering kudrin, and how did you manage to become his double, i felt sorry for the man, i wanted to help him, first i learned to inhabit his body when he was sleeping, and then... with his help i sent him messages and money, which i managed to hide from kudrin. it turns out that he sent the money to himself? you can say so, but only this was what i did in stepan’s body. and this so, at the moment when you were in it, your abilities as a ghost and his abilities as a living person were combined? yes, when i learned to read other people’s thoughts and...
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i propose a deal, that yes, andrei ivanovich, come in, so, faith is free, well, tell me, loparev offered a deal, loparev, yeah, that’s him, and having ghosted, that means , the ghost of loparev offers us a deal, so what? what does he
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offer us? he told me where they buried his body, said that in his body, a pistol was fired from kudrin’s assistant, a certain somov. so, this somov still uses this weapon. let me guess, it means that loparev wants us to use this eternal document to sue somov, right? and what in return? but in exchange? in return? do i promise more? never possess a vagareya and never kill somogo or anyone else. oh, anya, anya, okay, tell me where to look, i’ll send the elder and the criminologists there. we stand up for what we have, we believe in what is dear to us, we talk about what is important to us, every word we say is a step towards victory. evening with vladimir solovyov. today on rtf. what are you, me
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invite you to your theater? i invite you, sash, forgive me, yes, i’m a bastard, how could you, and you just arrived? yeah, yes, i, nadya, valya, came to conquer moscow. who are you? and i, lena, are his wife. are you waiting for someone? yes, you. for what? i would like to invite you to a restaurant. that's it, my dear, i'll return it. misha, get out. i want to return to you, to seryozha. leave me and seryozha alone.
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his voice is recognized, thank you very much for a happy childhood, the whole audience sings, he is remembered and loved, i know what you see, you hear, smile, don’t argue with me, i’m better off with gray hair night and nothing more. for all the big concert for
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the fiftieth anniversary of yuri shatunov on saturday on rtr. if i understand correctly, the body should be here somewhere. guys, here, dig , i wonder why they didn’t find him 10 years ago, when goreev was picked up nearby, which means you’re looking well, or you didn’t find him at all, now you can’t prove anything, wash it!
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according to the conclusion of ballistics, it was fired from somov’s pistol, and that somov denies everything , we need a witness who would confirm that on the night when loparevo was killed, som was there, only korea can confirm, though he doesn’t remember anything, i’ll try to make
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him remember, but for this i need to talk to him alone, please, alexandra georgievna, yes, please come in, i need to sign something here, yeah. i remember, i remember, uh-huh, in a big salad , in a small one, baked fish, thank you very much, tatyana pavna, uh-huh, you made it for vanechka yourself, children love sweets, now we know for sure that your friend was killed by somov on kudrin’s orders, andrei is dead , no, you are wrong. what about calls, what about messages, money translations? listen, well, you never talked to him on the phone, in person, directly, he always sent you voice messages. i don’t believe you, i understand you,
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coming to terms with the death of a loved one is very difficult. tell me, does this happen to you, as if
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you fall out of reality, well, let’s say you were in the house, and then suddenly found yourself in a park on a bench, or... “go to bed naked, and wake up in clothes, yes, it happens, but that i have very strange dreams, for example, how you sneak into the well a guarded house, or are you showing the tricks of a girl who sells flowers, yes, really, well, fragmentary, how do you know my dreams, ilya, what does this all mean? lelya? this means that loparev, well, of course, not himself, but his ghost inhabits you, and you become sighted, strong, lucky, and at this time he, with
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your help, sends you money, then sends messages. please remember what happened near tetz then. you were traveling with andrey. who that night cleaned out his former boss, you were cut off by kzhip, this is not paw. he won’t say anything, i know him, i’ll remember everything. it hurts, i’ll remember everything,
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i’ll give a testimony, i remember everything, dashulya, give me the doll. aside, let's eat, yeah, evgeny ostrovsky, yes , please, thank you, remember your youth, what is this, i have no idea, let's go see, let's, of course, well... don't take them, but chew them, fresh,
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homemade, yeah , almost the same as my mother’s , why are you still alone? in terms of? well, mom died, and you still haven’t gotten married, ha, good. you stunned me with a question, i don’t know if it’s garlic, i probably didn’t deserve it, wife, you feel bad alone, well, why do i feel bad, firstly, i’m used to it, secondly, i have a favorite job that takes up all my time, thirdly, i’m not alone, you and i are together. yes, that’s right, i sometimes
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talk to my mom, but how do you do it? a photograph, or just in my thoughts, sometimes i ask for advice, it seems to me that she hears me, of course she hears me, she’s your mother, if you want a secret, sometimes i talk to your mother too. and i also ask for advice, but what does she want you to remember, you had something, but there was nothing, she was a student like me in love as with a teacher, well, as usual , students fall in love with a teacher , it seemed that i was in love with her too, but maybe she didn’t, listen, stop it, please, in general, this is some kind of stupid joke with these things and she thinks i'm young, oh, tell me you don't like it yet. i’ll take it all now , i’ll throw it away, no, please return it all back to her, because if you throw it away,
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she’ll think that you accepted the gift, you see, you see, you ’re saying the right thing, you’re great, that’s it , gotta go with it finish, i’ll put it here now, i’ll put it here now, i’ll give it all to her tomorrow.
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“hello, andrei ivanovich, excuse me, i’m urgent , loparev is going to kill somov, he already killed him tonight, not loparev, but goreev shot him, a clear shot at point-blank range, the camera recorded it, wait, well, somov was detained, well, he was detained, yes buzhinsky secured his release on a written undertaking not to leave.” goreev himself came to confess to the murder of somogo, and he looked like a normal, healthy person, but as soon as he was handcuffed he immediately became helpless and blind colleague. a brilliant church member, which is what needed to be proven, alexandra georgievna, they called from the entrance, there is some girl down there, your daughter says, everyone is
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free for today. “anya, forgive me for being harsh , you know how respectful i am towards you, if it weren’t for you, okay, the apology is accepted, and forgive me, my vanya says that she often talks to her mother, she hears him and answers, this is possible , yes, this is possible." i hear her say that it is very important for her that her son communicates with her, she is here now, yes, yes, please tell her that i i really doubt it and often don’t know what to do, now i want to send vanya to
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swimming and boxing, i’m doing the right thing. she says that you are a great fellow, and thanks you for vanya, thank you, lera. “i really miss you, it’s true, i don’t understand anything about education, i ’m trying, and you know, vanka asked how
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we met, i told him, you know, he said that...” really, that you and i are the best mom and dad in the world, that’s what happened, i asked you not to come to my work, you’re embarrassed by your daughter alone, that is it? good afternoon, alisa, don’t be stupid , what happened, i forgot the keys to the house , i couldn’t call, the phone died,
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we’re glad that they killed somovo, yet, you didn’t fulfill the terms of the deal, you released, and now your friend will be tried for murder , nothing, styopa was in a condition , disabled, so he wouldn’t get more than 5 years,
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sit in prison for 5 years in this condition, and he wouldn’t notice anything, you’re so sure of it, i know it, i’ll be there instead of him. oh, oh, what is this? good mood, what is that on dad? dad is wearing what was in that the box that you didn’t want to open in front of us, in my opinion everything suits dad very well, yeah,
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both the t-shirt and jeans, dad looks so young in them, by the way, where are the jeans, we didn’t guess the size, we had to return them, well, let’s sit down , let's have dinner. hands, on monday , i am a policeman, you are now threatening me with a weapon, put down the gun, that this is murder, goncherov shot at a man, gonchurov was detained for the murder of a policeman, martinov himself wanted to kill him, do you really see me, unfortunately, you me too, get out of my bath. immediately. anna is a medium. continuation we'll watch it on monday on rtr.
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pessimism about the future of ukraine is growing in the west. now they call it a tank graveyard, and they are coming up with new excuses for the series of failures in su. previously but in the end, everything relies on sponsorship money and human resources, ukrainian talking heads rush from one extreme to another, representatives of the kiev regime are still raving about another counter-offensive this year, others continue to lick their lips at crimea, the third, after macron’s dashing statements, demands the introduction of country french foreign legion. and the bravest ones are already openly accusing the west of betrayal. donald trump will become president of the united states,
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dimshiza understands this. this whole democratic liberalist crowd. he will begin an audit, an audit of the spending of the administration of his predecessor, joe biden. and first of all. the administration does not allow them to be imprisoned, grabbed by the hand, dragged to prison, precisely because his administration is completely mired in corruption
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in our war, this administration already don’t give a damn about biden, he is already old, he will die soon, he they may not live to see the elections, but they know that trump and the trumpists will consistently catch up with them, what? yesterday there was a statement about the abrupt resignation of nuland, the nuland who did not just walk around giving out flamboyant cookies on the maidan, she oversaw ukrainian politics for the last 10-15 years, with the exception of the times of trump’s reign, she was involved in the establishment of governments, the formation of governments. the destruction of entire industries, social and others, to what is happening to our mineral resources, our wealth and
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things like that, it was she who brought in suprun and sorted out our medicine, i brought in cutting and sorted out our finances, it was she who loved the prime ministers goncharuks, yatsenyuks and others like them. when they turn ukraine into some kind of syria or something worse, then no one will understand their corruption, those billions
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that... with their heads right here, they were burning their hair straight, yes dmitry anatolyevich said: if they wanted to get in, they got in would it be, but the bone in bondarenko’s throat sees a special signal in this? are there secret channels of communication? there are secret channels of communication, when communicators there from the russian side, communicators there from the ukrainian side, from the american side, from the french side, they enter into
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dialogue and say: so-and-so... we are going to visit, they say: okay, we guarantee that neither alone, there will be no emergency, so we will carefully monitor that there is no excess of the performer, so that there are no other accidents there, for the common man, this looks like the courage of a leader who is going, who despite everything on that he comes to a city where missiles can fly , and accordingly meets, no matter what. his ratings are growing, accordingly, everyone says, wow, what a guy, what a guy, it means that the rest of his core is inside, and so on, before that, no one sees all this work that is done behind the scenes, by and large , now what happened in odessa is the first signal that the war is moving into another stage, and i think that this is exactly what zelensky was told in riyadh, this is what he went to discuss with representatives of the eu and united.
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this is what is going on in their heads, what channels, this is really a fool getting rich with thoughts, because as i understand, this is also considered not the stupidest of ukrainian political scientists, but this is approximately the same nonsense that vasily mich tried to express yesterday, here we’re all like that, that’s the problem, that you sincerely think that someone is going to negotiate something with you,
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i’m really curious, after all, what’s behind the resignation, i really hope that someday there will be some details will begin to emerge, especially when the biden team leaves, because of course such people don’t leave just like that, especially in the midst of the election campaign, without waiting for the election cycle to change, that is , something happened there, the simplest explanation is that her khanate was deprived of allowances, which means well, the husband is kagan, which means, accordingly,
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they are macaroni, she was all with macron singing songs there, well, they would feel like i would give birth to macaroni, yes - what do i mean, but - in fact , a truly significant resignation. and he, of course, was wrong about goncharuk, that’s just it goncharuk came in her absence when trump was still president, but otherwise, the way she influenced the internal politics of ukraine is indicative, she kept the stakes of so many players there, and as soon as zelensky burrowed somewhere, she immediately appeared, we saw these shots, especially the first meeting, as i remember now, when they first arrived, the new team, damn it, in kiev, zelensky was terrified. he didn’t even suspect that there were people who knew how everything worked inside, much better than he did, much better, all these schematos that he then quickly built for himself with block 95, they knew absolutely everything, and the fact that she
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has now left, well, this is an indicator, it is very interesting, as for how the events at the front are now covered in the west , i would like to draw your attention immediately to the appearance of two leading american articles... this one in this battle in this battle, everyone on the ukrainian side is participating in this , everyone notes an absolute shortage, of course, of ammunition, but most importantly the lack of people at rabotino, and under avdeevka, in the donbass, in general, they say that the shortage of people in the ukrainian army is terrible, i wonder why? the losses are so low, 3100 in 2 years for an army of millions, but they should not have noticed these losses, yes, well, if you believe zelensky, you don’t respect yourself enough to believe zelensky, that’s why suddenly there weren’t enough of them, it’s unclear why , everyone writes this, and there
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, of course, the new york times does not write about how - well, what losses actually occurred, but they only talked to one of the officers, he says, only in my department, that is , she survived. near avdeevka, eight out of 20 people , out of twenty, eight survived, but in all, well, in a unit of 86 people, only 28 survived , then near avdeevka, and they directly say, if we all said so, give the command to withdraw the entire encirclement here - now, if given in time, many would have been able to save the main losses, judging by the testimony of these same ukrainian militants - this was during the disorderly flight that began, the question is who? will answer for this, right? zelensky is not wants to respond to these militants there, how he threw them, in fact, into this furnace. but what else i would like to draw your attention to is remarkable, of course, in this regard, the british press continues
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to amuse us in the times, an article appeared that low-quality koreans are giving us shells, yes, they say that supposedly they for the sake of it they give us something, supposedly from those shells that they allegedly supplied. north korea, and they refer to who, budanov’s deputy, general skibitsky, yes, he said that half the shells are of poor quality, defective , ha ha ha, i immediately in this same note quote the words a few days ago, said by skibitsky’s boss budanov, who said, if not for north korea and its shells, russia would have lost long ago, that is , that is, everything, we are only holding on at the expense of north korea, they did not try to compare these two statements made by the present.
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it bent, it flew past, i look at the statements of these ukrainian figures in a row, there is leshchenko, portnikov, there is someone else, everything in a row they say russia has crossed red lines , russia has shown that it is crossing red lines, they will bomb the head of government of a nato country, and excuse me, what should we have known, you actually notified us somewhere officially, here is the head of a nato country, yes, and you shouldn’t bomb there...
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the polish general, he headed their national security and defense council for a long time , which means he has now published a large article in the wyborcza newspaper on how to restrain putin , he says we must immediately honestly warn russia what it faces if it is where - there in ukraine the red line will be crossed, in all seriousness, polish, but no, well there, well, that means we are there, that means, along with and it ends with warsaw becoming russian again?
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krohn said: we must, europe must radiate unity, and so it is written in his article. and we, you know, attacked macron, while immediately running into the head of the most powerful party in parliament, wilders’ freedom party, which, well, essentially won the elections, won, took first place, and says, but here he is in support of russia , in fact, and against supporting ukraine, but where is the unity, wait, well, you must radiate unity, so they gathered today within the walls of parliament.
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control, collecting from one, throwing to another, they are quite capable of at least compensating, taking into account again the appearance of the same drones, but it is quite obvious that they do not have such supplies of equipment that could... in the next 3 -4 months, at least somehow to depict what is called surprises for the russians at the front, that is , from here one such serious conclusion must be drawn that, at least in the area of what is called the military offensive, the armed forces will not be able to show any surprises, well, at least until the end of spring,
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it is possible to say that there may be some local counterattacks, but this is not something that decides anything at the front, the second , of course , surprises that we can expect from them, in this case probably... waiting consciously - this is what they have been strong at in recent months, pr of terror and sabotage, so strictly speaking, here i think that yes, it is quite possible , that they will tense up, we see how, uh, well, what is called with all their might, all nato intelligence is hanging on the black sea, we know for sure, but it’s time to shoot them down, we know and see for sure that it is in the black sea region, in the crimea region, that their main efforts are concentrated, and yes. in this case , we must understand that we will have to meet this threat, we see that almost every day ukraine conducts air strikes with drones on our territory, again we understand that most likely their number will increase, and we we also cannot underestimate, we understand it very clearly, we must understand,
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that this too is not some kind of surprise, that is, in this case there remains only a very small area of ​​surprises, when suddenly... according to nato they will transfer something to ukraine that it did not have before. but again, the appearance of the taurus in ukraine will not change anything, that is, these are the same systems that we met, there will be more problems and work for our air defense, but in strategic terms, this is not a surprise. transferring aviation to it, even if we assume that by the end of the year they will transfer in general, everything that was promised, ukraine will appear in the sixties, in the sixteenth, i repeat, this is also not something that can turn the tide in the air. that is, it turns out that in general , here too there are no such serious surprises, again we can discuss whether they will give them more attacks to the ukrainians there or not, but this will not be a surprise either, from here there can only be one conclusion, then there is only one conclusion that follows from this: everything that is being heard now is being heard exclusively for pr of internal support, firstly,
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ukrainians themselves, so that they expect that a miracle will come, they live by the concept of a miracle, this is a people who have become completely sectarian, we must remember that... for example, the largest number of parishes in ukraine as a result before the maidan were not orthodox, of all kinds kind of different sects, that is , in this case, orthodoxy in its numerical form was not actually the majority, this sectarian belief in a miracle, in the coming of today’s or tomorrow’s messiah, it actually sits on this, within the framework of all that, what i said is very interesting, well, there is not just a version, but my personal version of leaving, as... who really worked a lot in the ukrainian direction , did a lot and is a very experienced person, most likely he just doesn’t want to be associated with her the end of the project , that is, it is quite possible that, very clearly understanding all the trends, she is simply in a hurry to jump off the ship in time, that is, someone will run away from the ship, she beautifully walks down
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the gangplank, in this case, of course, these are all these things connected together , they say that the very prospect of the twenty-fourth year, which... they really don’t understand anything, that’s what really upsets me, they really don’t understand what is written in our doctrine, our doctrine very clearly states: if we believe that this threatens the existence of our state, then our hands are untied, i just have the feeling that they are a little like children,
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that is, they believe that they are in a house, in a house you can do whatever you want, they think absolutely right, that any retaliatory strike will be ukraine, absolutely. will be completely different from ukraine, they don’t forget the famous fairy tale about tiremok and the bear that came to him, they don’t know them, because they believe that most russian fairy tales, which by the way, there are certain reasons, were written, let’s say, translated into russian language, but not quite russian root, please, yes, but there are our nations, first of all i would pay attention, i’ll also start with nulang, with zero trump is clearly winning, i invite you to work with us. and i think we are ready for her together aristovich allocated a wonderful warm camera in kolyma, they will be streaming from there for about 30 years. administration, she will receive a huge number of proposals for a lot of money, tomorrow
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, on the one hand, it is clear that trump is winning, on the other hand, the support of ukraine, accordingly, it becomes unobvious, these proposals will be completely different, now, while she is still leaving the current one , that is, she she began to think that she would turn into a pumpkin. yes, she took her golden parachute, wished everyone good luck, and absolutely calmly jumps off with him, but then the most interesting thing arises, because if we take the goals of the united states, they , by and large, do not need a victory for ukraine, they need a weakened russia, to which it will be possible to get to russian resources, where russia itself will give everything for so that they will be allowed back into the correct democratic world, where it will be possible to come to an agreement, in general , with managers who speak the same... managers, yes, that is, effective and so on, that is, in this regard, the united states is going to naturally maintain pressure, this one
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vimpil is now being transferred to europe , here we see macron’s statement, this is a competition to take nulant’s place, nulant was an enthusiast, in general, she sometimes forgot, in general, the goals of the united states and wanted to achieve more, and macron in general - so that they don’t select another candidate, he immediately declares, i’m ready. that he wants to be in the role of chief whip and ursula fondelein, who decided to get elected, also wants to be chief, but ursula
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talks about her re-election, that is, she needs to be re-elected, so again it sounded that only victory and no doubt about who over whom, well, only the victory of europe over russia, the west over russia, everything else is unthinkable, everything else is a disaster, and the third voice in this chorus is cameron, who was proposed. the fact is that britain is always
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a provocateur, its task is to draw the rest of europe into the rest of europe, that is, cameron has now said that yes, you can take money, be bold, take it, finance it, after all, it’s essentially britain, polite people in the city are telling him there , that old man, these are the problems which i said, well, the first thing is, of course, take it faster, of course you want to , but actually, but... actually, yes, but before this they did this many times with other countries, never with russia, with a nuclear power of this size to try, knowing how much british business is still here, how large of an investment it is, that is, it is completely suicidal that they will not do this after the revolution, but if we remember, the basis of the us gold reserve is the gold of the romanovs, which the rothschilds had what they didn’t...
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when they tell him, and if russia doesn’t lose, he says, well then i don’t know how, well, how are you, but we’ll agree and we won’t then i just don’t even know. no, well, with ukraine they will take it in any case, but his task is not to get himself into trouble, to get europe into trouble, that is , his task is for others to do it for him, and at least don’t flourish there, that is, well, kemeran, what is he talking about, he will soon resignation, they actually invented him for some reason, yes, they gave him a pen, a shmera, a sulfur, so that he could become a minister of foreign affairs, that is, it’s all so ridiculous, a man who became famous only because before that, at all posts, they politely say, he made gigantic mistakes, but of course. committed, but uh, the thing is that everyone is talking about the wrong thing, that is not what they mean, that is, macron runs his own company, ursula runs his own, cameron runs his own,
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in fact, ukraine is similar to this. i don’t remember which european politician said that putin’s main problem is that he does exactly what he says, but in deeds, don’t say what you do, but do what you didn’t say, that’s exactly what allows it.
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because in may, strictly speaking, that very vacuum of zelensky’s legitimacy begins, well, in fact, because the weather in may allows for cohesion, that is, it coincides, it coincides, in this regard , it is clear that this will be a purge of all those who will say something against zelensky, advertising, those who want to be in the know, watch
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the week's news, the program for advanced people , here's the news, dad will no longer live with us, he will live elsewhere, this is not news to me, how could you secretly introduce sasha to your girlfriend, why, i don't want to lose. contact sasha, and someone else's what does grandma have to do with this? move over to us, and mom, well, what, mom is small, so she can handle it? you can start life from scratch. hello, i recognized you, oles, after so many years, i knew that you would call someday, but the past cannot be erased. we had a chapter called karina. we can write another
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chapter called the three of us again. i want. fix southern cyclone on sunday on rtr, catch a fish, big or small, well, in general, you chose the right place, have you ever wondered why people think dulls, fats, carbohydrates, this is where my question begins, can it be tasty and healthy? i try it and the level of inflammation decreases. pain decreases, can something useful be pleasant , science fiction, can science be understandable, and you make a wish, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, again, yes, every person in any region of russia will be able to make their diet not only
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tasty , but also useful. and this lifts the mood, that’s for sure, the formula for food on saturday on rtr, please, i would like, first of all, to congratulate all our beautiful ladies of our a large friendly country with the upcoming holiday of march 8, continuing this theme,
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little fragile girls who bear men after serious wounds, girls snipers who are killed for their murdered husbands, fathers' brothers. women everywhere , yes, where we met, look, look at the absolute scum who, on the eve of march 8 , are carrying out a terrorist attack, killing a courageous woman just because she is doing everything possible so that the freedom-loving people of novorossiya can vote, can vote in the elections to determine the president, who will lead them further into the future, they are proud of it, yeah, these nazis.
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chisinau from teraspol, vladimir vladimirovich’s meeting with... a beautiful game of russia to be ahead of the curve, again to be ahead of the curve, he says, we have elections there, and this and that. i say, guys, i say, and you also have gas, i say, and now a little from the subtlety, a girl
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born in eighty-six, very young from a small gogauz village, won the elections last year, what do we know about gogauzia, yes quite a small autonomous republic, yes, about 82 percent live there, well more than 80%. like, guys, are we ready to meet, yes, we are ready, as it were, right there, it turns out, a shop opens simply, yes, indeed, yes , the language is similar, yes, there is a common history, well,
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most of the gagauz people are orthodox, that’s why and initially, gogauzia always gravitated towards the russian federation, this is where the fun begins, let ’s consider the option. by the way, last year, when erdogan was re-elected, evgenia congratulated him, and she received an answer like thank you, thank you, let’s do it now let's consider this option , but it turns out that even if we look at the map, recently deputies from the pridnestrovian moldavian republic spoke about economic problems, because there are elements of an economic blockade, now the gogauzes have announced this, in fact they turned to russia for help, which guys, we are being strangled.
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it is quite possible that they will be agreed upon, this is good, and now we are already seeing the following situation, but look, such a wonderful word as novorossiya has returned into use a long time ago, i believe that the word will return
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little russia, which, that the word kiev will return, yes, and not this word kuev, which they write, in general, how could it be spoiled like that, the highest officials of our state have repeatedly spoken about the russian city of odessa. no, guys, don’t strangle, it won’t work , in fact, this move is a strong move, a very strong move, because i saw this meeting, i just felt her words, i saw that the person who represents the small , but the mountain people turn to big russia for...
9:03 pm
if as a result of active military operations if our peacekeepers die, then this will be a repeat of the plot in ossetia, yes, 2008, but we don’t have a common border, no, but we can’t.
9:04 pm
what are you here anyway, well, in general, moldova is the territory of romania, well, this citizen said that she is the third most popular, who hates zelensky, she is generally for a greater romania, but at the same time she also believes that all this should be neutral and not be in nato, anywhere, in the end we now get, and indeed they are again starting to initiate criminal proceedings against e bakshan of gagauzia about alleged fraud and falsifications in the elections. and allegedly that everything there was , as they say, dishonest and wrong, but she boldly says: i’m not afraid to return, i ’m returning to my people, i’m returning to my republic, that is, i would like to wish the girl, firstly, strength of spirit, it means that everything will be fine for her there, and i am very happy with my eldest daughter, and by the way, i really like it, vladimir rudolfovich, your idea about the russian and turkish passage of ships there in the danube area, we can.
9:05 pm
16 and turn moldova into a base for we will be forced to strike, destroy, then the moldovan people must understand who is dooming them to retaliatory strikes, it is the american masters of the romanian citizen who is pretending to be the president of moldova who are dooming them. i absolutely agree with you, in conclusion i would like to touch a little more on the topic of the replacement, mrs. inulan, mr. bas, yes, after all, in fact, this is, well, then john bass sounds like donbass. john bass will save donbass,
9:06 pm
john bass will destroy kiev, john bass will destroy pridina.


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