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tv   Anna Medium  RUSSIA1  March 7, 2024 9:20pm-10:21pm MSK

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that’s all, that’s all i wanted to say , these are the numbers, what about that, well, the peaker of the ukrainian naval forces says that it’s another kritinsky, the americans say that, the americans don’t say that, how long are you across the black sea they dragged cargo, this, by the way, is the second victory, the second victory of ukraine, which says that 93% of all, i don’t know what the numbers are, but if you are always worried about it.
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then 44,400 in total and irretrievable losses, if we speak, referring to information from ukraine, well , zelensky recently said 31. the ombudsman said 28. by the way, in ukraine, i look, there is in ves, there is a register, and i understand correctly that you can be tortured, but you still won’t tell the truth, even if the julids were sweating in their consciousness, it means that if only 31 of you died.
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... if your fleet, if your fleet defeats everyone , if you feel so good that it sends your cargo through the black sea, and that you are so generous and that you somehow ask for western help, and that you bore people all the time, and that you always bother people, why don’t you have an army then, why people, why don’t you have enough, that is
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, you have an army? the fact that the verkhovna rada did not vote, even the committee did not consider a single amendment, why am i saying that it’s 30 seconds that my soul is tearing me up, today there was an interview, kristina solovey, kristina solovey, there is such a ukrainian singer, she gave an interview , here is this girl who is 31 years old some kind of olivier salad, you can at least agree on one thought to the end. she comes from dragobic , so she says, in this interview she caught two things that i just want, you know, it bombs me, she says that she is 31 years old, and from childhood she was raised and taught to hate the russ of all russians, imagine, for 31 years , a person who was imbibed with mother's milk was told, you must hate, you must hate, you must hate, further, and now she, speaking in this interview, says the following.
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here's a kept woman, she hasn't worked a day, she lives at my husband’s money, we look at the weekend,
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i think i’m a mistress, and on our bed, either you leave, or we and the children, clearly, remember, you’re without... what the hell are you doing here, mom, maybe on saturday on rtr, sashenka, turn on the morning
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playlist, turn on the music, sashenka, how to dress today, dress warmly and take the tooth. how long is my appointment? at 15:00. sashenka, where should we go tomorrow? i found three establishments nearby, but vote first. sasha, what’s the best way to get there? i've built a route, turn left, you've arrived. sasha, who should i vote for? and you must decide this for yourself. together - we are force. let's pass for russia! today vladimir putin was on a working visit to krasnodar in the capital of kuban, the president held a meeting with graduates of the krasnodar higher military
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aviation school. the leader of the country congratulated letchit on the upcoming march 8th, studied the latest flight simulator and explained why russia always overcomes any challenge. the russian officer corps has always, i want to emphasize this, always at all historical turning points, at all historical stages, demonstrated the highest devotion to his homeland, fatherland and his duty, and thanks to these qualities of our officers, russia has always achieved results and always emerged victorious from...
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for example, i’ll say about journalists, about war correspondents, i saw, well, i see, including girls at the forefront, they are functioning there, fulfilling their journalistic duty, i gave instructions to the heads of the main channels to remove them from there, why endanger women, so this is what led to.
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title, and this is such an internal life impulse, and of course, i already understood, this, by the way, was the case in many others. in our other historical incarnations, including , say, during the events in afghanistan, i just have a personal example, i know such people, such women, who believed that they should be there, that’s all, but nevertheless , i want them to return home to their families, to... their duties, in this area, of course, i am very
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grateful to all of you for what they do, for the way they treat their service , to your work, to serve the fatherland, and wish them happiness. the war, as such, has become the absolute priority of the west; they simply do not see another option for the development of history; european commission president ursula vonderlein named the conflict in ukraine in the gas sector, as well as the rise of china, as key problems. the wording itself indicates an absolutely colonial style of thinking. for the sake of destroying russia, europe is moving towards self-destruction. the latvian ministry of environmental protection, as part of the new defense plan, is preparing border areas for flooding and explosions, to create natural obstacles to the enemy's advance. nato countries are seriously considering the outbreak of a full-scale conflict. it’s no coincidence that the micron
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, oh, excuse me, macron, he’s already directly stated, he showed the deputies there, drew plans that the russians would go to kiev or odessa like this, that’s how he drew it, like that to kiev, just like that to odessa, allan said, we understand what we are talking about. what we don’t understand, we don’t talk about, but we talk without understanding, we don’t talk about understanding, so that there is a strategic ambiguity , everyone is so thoughtful, he says, what are you talking about, man, he says, we are talking about this, he says, what about this, we should not allow, macron said, for the russians to take kiev, odessa, odessa, kiev, but he didn’t say anything about kharkov, nikolaev and izmail, so maybe he had some choice , he also didn’t like the city of dnieper, but the very essence of macron was that, we remember, we had another gali yesterday.
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a couple of years for macron, well, macron will still not be the next president, that is, macron is simply implementing by and large, not even rothschild’s program, and his ambitions, a terrible insult that he will go down in the history of france as the most insignificant president, having by and large overtaken hollande on this path, while hollande is in the lead, but macron wants to take the palm of the throne from him. the head of the academy of the russian general staff predicts that the policy of deterioration will seriously last for a long time, from a direct collision. on our side, they are held back only by nuclear weapons, here i will allow myself , with all due respect, to express a slightly different
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point of view, they are precisely sure that we are not we will use nuclear weapons, therefore, through proxies and through the gradual introduction of a small dose of their soldiers, they will drag us into a war with conventional weapons, where even if we bear blows, we will carry them not on the territory of nato countries, but on the territory of ukraine, which already it’s clear that the european partners don’t feel sorry for the fact that the end of the ukrainian conflict... does not mean the end of the global confrontation, that’s absolutely certain. the united states and its partners are projecting as many military threats as possible by all means, trying maintain its hegemony. the vast space from the mediterranean sea to the pacific ocean is becoming a potential theater of military operations. western leaders are gripped by collective schizophrenia. in their speeches there is nothing but a call for war and destruction of the familiar world. security in europe. also means that we must do more to defend ourselves. our common goal must
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be very clear. in the next 5 years, we need to dramatically increase our defense-industrial potential. and this should be based on one simple principle: europe must spend more. europe must spend better. and europe must spend like a european. will help us meet the urgent need for the restoration, replenishment and modernization of the armed forces of member countries, as well as further support for ukraine. at the same time europe. must strive to develop and produce a new generation of combat capabilities for victory on the battlefield. and, my friends, the european people's party is a party that stands for a europe that can defend itself. and we will be the party which will create a defense alliance. this topic requires close attention, which is why we need a defense commissioner with
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the next mandate. this is one of the tasks of the european people's party. my friends, throughout our history, europe has never been safe or prosperous without democracy. but it’s interesting, yes, that she supposedly speaks english, it doesn’t matter, although this woman ’s hitler mustache is growing, she has this feeling that they can’t do anything, a little nazi is always creeping out of them, this is... woman, you’re a gynecologist , dig in, you have to deal with completely different issues, and of course, can you imagine what a tragedy he has, yes, he doesn’t have a favorite profession, he’s forbidden to speak his native language, he has to blurt something out of himself in english, this this aryan yapping always gets in the way,
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this throwing up, this is all ah, ah, you can see how she wants it like this... with heels and nagibelsa rather more like ursula funders ursula funders i'm this one right here these she has hands, by the way thank you for washing machines and refrigerators with such an unlimited supply of microchips, as denis valentinovich said at this studio, well, we take everything from technology, and from technology. woman, don’t disgrace this high and beautiful name, women, these are our women, and you are a nazi, vile reptile, please, thank you, in honor of march 8th, a woman opens, you know, i didn’t even think about it, to be honest, that is, i didn’t therefore, but thank you,
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nevertheless, you know, that’s when we have the principle of meritocracy, good. that's when it is you keep listening to this crowded audience, european, from the united states, this biden, today our president said that the united states cannot understand reality in any way, you know, we still need to start helping them understand this reality in all directions. i’m not talking about the army now, it is fighting and god grant that it continues to fight even more and better. the guys are doing miracles, our army has really grown before our eyes, in all other areas, well, that’s it, we must already forget that some kind of international order exists there, some there are still rules there, so it should be like this very mitsatakis, who
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said today that it was very yesterday, a very instructive experience, seriously. he was shaking, he was shaking, he was shown an interview with him, he said, what an instructive experience, yes , that means this instructive experience in general should be taught, probably extended not only to mitsatakis, but in all directions, look, our foreign minister called the ambassador usa.
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we have 141 articles of our criminal code, i’m like 158, i ’ll give you 141 now, which presupposes, in which it is directly stated that this is interference in elections, and the obstacles are our actions of our electoral system, especially those committed in collusion, and this is a conspiracy of the purest water, and who voiced it, voiced this, that this is ordinary? supposedly a practice , petr stano voiced this, this is the former press secretary of josep barel, this very same josep barel, who we demonstrated, which means he fell down the stairs and thought of something when he failed here on a visit with his ,
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so he says, this is common practice, and this conspiracy, so here is article 141 of our criminal code, it clearly states that such actions are punishable by imprisonment for up to 5 years or up to 2 years of correctional labor, listen, what are we afraid of, we arrested bruce locourt back in the eighteenth year , well, yes. ours, of course, litviny was detained in london and they released everyone, we also released them, but we showed then that this was soviet russia at the beginning, let them sweep the streets of moscow or clear snow, because correctional labor for up to two years is required according to our criminal code legislation, and our ministry of defense and our prosecutor general’s office today have sufficiently accumulated materials that can prove their illegal activities in comparison with russian legislation. he has, he has, he is the head of a diplomatic mission, the diplomatic delegation of the european union occupies
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a magnificent mansion on kodashovskaya nadverzhno, well then, probably, we cannot arrest him, and why are we following our laws, and what kind, i said, that’s all they forgot, international law doesn’t apply, it doesn’t apply to them, but what do we observe? in any case, i don't mind. i just wanted to offer such a creative option, that is, lock him in the embassy territory and give him a broom, let him study there for 2 years and do design work, and that’s also possible, but in any case , this is absolutely clear in accordance with the mastrich agreement, this one here the diplomatic representative of the european union coordinates the activities of all ambassadors of the eu countries, this is clearly a conspiracy, it is necessary, yes it is necessary. absolutely clearly, i mean that we need to move in all directions, to tougher actions and our allies, well, our allies, who we kind
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of believe are helping us today, and we are working with them, well, take the same korean people's democratic republic, that's why we still haven't come out of the sanctions regime, the right question, why haven’t we left the sanctions regime with iran, since we have been with iran for so long today? ossetia, but north ossetia, our south ossetia , which limits, any ossetia, so to speak , even more simply, any ossetia that interferes, for the united states, i believe that for the united states this is a bad dream, this union, russia, and iran, northern dprk, you see, it’s a terrible dream, then, no, a terrible dream is if syria suddenly decides to join the soybeans.
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we need this escalation that they have now started there, but they only understand the language of force, not only in the theater of military operations in ukraine, it is correct that there is a war going on there, an offensive is underway, our most brutal opposition is underway, well, people are fighting to the death, we need to all diplomatic platforms, at all international ones, we need to act more harshly now, by the way, when i started talking about bashir, during... i said that we they were the first to recognize the dpr, yes, before russia, they were the first to recognize, they, by the way, are ready, they
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are ready. “we support the goals of the northern military district and we are ready to provide help and assistance, the sister of the great leader said that we are in the same trench with the russians, i would like to see, you know, we must stop thinking that we are some kind of people there , we cannot persuade these people, i can’t understand , nothing, they only understand the language of force , including westerners, or what? well, i still have problems, i can’t, here’s paris, i don’t know arabic, i only have problems with this, that is, no, well, you’ll have to take an interpreter with you, that is, in order to get to paris to the city, listen, for an example, i ’ll give another example , that’s a long way to go, but listen, well, iran, well, it confiscated this american oil in gulf of versis?
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that in the end, we won’t find the houthis or anyone else, in general it’s like that, alager koljager , there’s no other option, bravo, still, as a liberal, i have to play trump card, yes, i’m against violating diplomatic immunity , this is, of course, but it must be said that locard was a representative country that did not recognize soviet russia, i wonder, by the way, why he didn’t pull it out then, but there are other methods , but there was a trick up his sleeve somewhere, such a generally accepted diplomatic practice, restricting movement outside the diplomatic representation, it is not written anywhere that how much this should be limited, let’s limit this wonderful gentleman’s movement by 1 m, so
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let him really.
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or rather, first he wants to send in troops, then he wants to defeat russia without sending in troops, now, as i understand it, his concept has changed again, he wants, so to speak, to send in troops to show how very scary everything is, he doesn’t have any red lines, but i ’ll tell you this, he’s starting to perform the acting duties and functions of barel, that one suffered a blizzard for several years, now it is starting to carry the same blizzard.
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said that france is considering options for eliminating the political leadership of the russian federation, including through terrorist acts, he also said this, and confirmation of dmitry’s words, dmitry anatolyevich medvedev writes, macron said: “there are no more red lines, there are no more restrictions in terms of support for ukraine, lemon, then this means that russia has no more red lines left for france, for sure.”
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macron is this irresponsibility embodied in chatter, this is scary, this. it’s scary, it’s scarier than ursula fonder, because ursula fonder , no matter how we treat her, he said a wonderful thing, we should spend money in a european way, it’s like, everyone pays for themselves, it’s easy to explain to me, this the economy must be economical, yes, we are all going through this, this is how to spend money in a european way, several tens of billions of dollars, euros, throw away the space communications system.
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but we are all people and we want to remain them, we want to remain different people, us, these macrons and other vonderleins want to make reality the same, they
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want to unify us, yes, depriving us of our humanity, replacing this real diversity with fictitious diversity, replacing ... and where is the future, they can do it react, actually reacted , in fact, this is the same answer to the speech of vladim vladimovich putin in the last few days, it is so collective, it is spread out
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and so on, but this is the answer, we offer to remain people, and we offer to live, and they offer everyone to die . and , excuse me, i must say , it’s unclear why, because i’m not ready to believe that these are the rothschilds, these are still terrible people, but excuse me, these are people with big plans for the future, they are not going to die, this, this it’s not the rothschilds, it’s this group personally, so if, of course , the rebels are listening to us, i would advise them to solve problems, as they said in the nineties, but there is a problem. we need to solve it, and this problem is not ours, it’s their problem , the rodschilds, and they have to solve it, now they have an even bigger problem, there’s a new ambassador of ukraine in the city of london, and griman
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is waiting, zaluzhny, well, yes, how was he breathing, the general, as he was breathing, was deflated, advertising. "don't be afraid, i see you, i would like to talk to you, who shot you while she i was hunting for ghosts , just don’t worry, they announced a hunt for her, kolisov is very dangerous, yes, i’m free now, there should be security around the entire perimeter so that not a single mouse escapes, anna is a medium" on monday on rtr, please , acquaintance and
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roll call, it’s possible without formation, i’m very glad that you came to visit me, how much tea was drunk, how many stories were told, i was bold in a white tuxedo and i’m starting, then zakharov leaves and it was with his hands when everything at home, with timur kizikov, i give up everything with joy, let's all wave on sunday on rtr. drop everything and go
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quickly to a restaurant for sadoma, why? are you semyon with some woman here in the restaurant? semyon, tell me that all this seemed to me? olga kobo, he called me ideal, otherwise he is ideal, but you can hang noodles on your ears, cuckold you! dmitry frid, breakups can be for the better, i don’t know, it’s as if i’ve just been run over by a roller, oleg almazov, irena met a gorgeous man, they are planning an affair, just think, i ’ll also try to win her, can you imagine, our little girl, the quiet girl, immediately had a cloud of gentlemen, the most important thing is that they fight to the death for her, everyone has the right to later happiness. listen, maybe we can start from scratch, march 8 on rtr,
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semyon arkovich, thank you, well, we are discussing a lot now, lately, as you can see, i have paid attention to armenia in the south caucasus, because there is a lot going on there...
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obviously , that pressure will be put on them on pashinyan and his team so that they quickly get out of the influence of russia and push out everything that is russian there, like border guards, first of all, i’ll say why now, so to our military representation, i’m not talking about the cst and so on, it’s more that the cst should be considered as a political matter, and not as, that is, a military structure of some kind, so to speak, for all reasons known to us, which means, well, in general , the problem of russian border guards was behind the scenes even when, during the time of sargsyan, the president of armenia, it was planned to sign the nageneva geneva protocols, and, so to speak, football diplomacy and so on, unfortunately, we then they supported it, yes, i don’t know why , why, but it’s clearer to those who it is, who was doing it, then behind the scenes the armenian leadership said, as soon as we begin to implement, they said the opening of the turkish armenian border, first of all the russian border guards should leave, let me remind you that... armenia is the only country in the post-soviet space where russian
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border guards are present, guarding the armenian-turkish border, the armenian-iranian border was at the airport, is now leaving, but again pay attention to who makes the decision so that we understood, people are completely incompetent, secretary of the security council of armenia, listen, the man worked for a long time in the armenian editorial office of the voice of america, then worked in international american institutions, how does he understand the problems of national security, military construction, now i’ll tell you why, and how... i cited the names of others, that ruben rubenyan, an obvious agent of turkish intelligence, and pashinyan himself, no one in armenia really doubts that the editor was driving, this is true, sorry for frankness, how he was brought to power, then... the same as anyone, this is also understandable, today the same armen gosporyan begins to say that we have achieved great, which means opportunities, if we also include, recently we have been supplying a quantity of military equipment for the armed forces of armenia were from russia, 90%, now 10%, well, think about it, this is absolutely incompetence, but in all seriousness purchasing equipment from india, often
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raw equipment, but india, with all due respect to this country, is not a fave in creating military equipment, jet system volley fire, 155mm gats and so on
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, i'm not even talking about the role of christianity there, this film shows how the turkish army enters the city, not the ottoman army, already the priyatyurks, the massacre of the christian population begins, the cruelest massacre of 300 years of culture, and the greeks and armenians, and there it shows how, on the threshold of the french military mission, he kills the archbishop of the greek orthodox church, he was literally
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torn to pieces, this means a terrifying view, and the french do not interfere when one of the soldiers tries, because in front of him the priest is killed. an elderly man, his officers stop him, present their pistols and say: don’t, this is impossible, state interests, that’s how it will be here, it will definitely be here too, in armenia there are a lot of people who are against pashinyan, against this policy, the last a survey of european, and therefore polling agencies , shows that the majority of the population of armenia is in favor of a union with russia, and against these charachades, and the armenian apostolic church, which means... spiritually nourishes the armenian people throughout the years, well, we say in 301 it was adopted by the state, but this is even long before that, because the name is apostolic, which is pronounced by all the churches of the world, it comes from the fact that christianity was brought by the apostles of our lord jesus christ, the apostle fade and farfans, also 2.0 years old, and they preserved the identity of the armenian people and
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all the conditions for persecution and bullying were created for them, pashinyan personally hates gorigin the second , which means the catholicism of the patriarch of all armenians, yes and no... several times it was already the highest a spiritual meeting of all armenian patriarchates, there are four of them, so to speak, yes , that means, but the first among them is, of course, the chemyazin patriarchate, yes, it persecutes all sorts of demonstrations, which means, as lgbt people call it, well, fagot teasing, so to speak, which it demands, it means that, damn it, the church doesn’t resist the introduction of this european education in schools with this crap, yes, and the church is also against it, they say, there’s no need to change allies, we’ve had for centuries, that means russia, and eastern armenia. russia, don’t do this, you will destroy everything, and this continues, and, you know, when we say, it was necessary to predict in the eighteenth year, you and i, yes, we predicted, these are the people who are doing this here, they either don’t even know what analysis and forecasting are, or i don’t know, it means, well , there’s nothing to predict now, that we, it’s not clear what that means,
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it’s for nothing, it means that under the name of the south caucasus, it will completely come under the control of the nato states, the leading role, and this is the scheme. yes, it worked for centuries and now it also works, turkey will do it, according to by and large, pashinyan and his team are turkophiles, which means that if the parana is not particularly hidden, rapprochement with turkey is necessary, and so on, and we will get extremely dangerous on our borders, no one has forgotten how they acted here , in our south of russia in the northern caucasus, no one has forgotten, and not even 100 years, not there 150 years, just recently, and even now it is in effect, we want to get another front against, clearly they are preparing for this when they talk about the french ... i already said, the french, they come from some for opportunistic reasons, if we are present we will play, which means that everything else, as it turns out, is again the ambitions of french president macron, that we are present there somewhere, yes, that’s why for us. now it’s more important, which means, understanding that there is a ukrainian, final, ukrainian direction, it is extremely important to prevent the loss of our influence in
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the south caucasus, to do everything to prevent this from happening there, if this happens, well, then it will be very difficult there, finally, i i always remind you of this fact, never be mistaken about turkey, i can now an hour and a half to give examples of this anti-russian course, you need to trade with them, and they trade with them in different ways, but they know that the problem of national security is different things, in their... everything is very difficult for iran here, the iranians also work according to the principle, you to us, and we to you, so to speak, yes , we also need to understand, i always give this example, although there are other examples, this map that the leader of the national party gave to ertaghan, no one forgot which regions of russia were shaded there, and ertağan accepted, i am talking about revanchist policies who want use the current situation to take these positions, and we should not allow this, according to the principle, we trade, but if you slip us, we will kick you too, so it won’t show much, nikolai nikolaevich. in general, there are two important events in the political calendar of china: the congress or captivity, it is always in the fall, the parliament meeting in the people's congress, it
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always takes place in march, well, china is a democracy, according to the constitution, 300 delegates have gathered, but times are difficult, this time the prime minister -the minister canceled his conference, most likely it will not take place, sidinpin usually acts as the leader of the party in the fall, that’s what attracts attention, the most striking thing, no matter how strange this event may seem, is... this is a person who now combines a party and, accordingly , a government position, the minister of foreign affairs, that is, a full-fledged 100% curator foreign policy, so he begins his press conference with a very detailed story about chinese-russian relations, how much trade turnover is, that means, what we trade, and so on, on the most important role of russia, the exemplary relationship between the two countries, in general the chinese are very fond of applying literally the same terms to different states.
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china after sidingbing number two, who is who, a lot of foreign policy contacts of political weight, such, i think, is a long-lived and heavyweight political member
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of the politburo, he declares that he was deceived in san francisco not to interfere in the political system, not to support taiwan, not to create anti-chinese alliances, that is , this is not even chinese at all, i would say, that is, it is essentially a black mark the united states is quite tough, then letian, when the government makes a report, this is the current prime minister, omits the formula that taiwan will possibly be annexed peacefully, well, that is, maybe he accidentally left it out there, no, not by accident, in in the twentieth year there was also a very acute situation, which means that some kind of military operation was also possibly planned, so he cancels this formulation, that is, the situation is very complicated, and the chinese in general, well, let’s put it this way, well, they rarely use political ones. the statements are quite vivid, and in order to emphasize something, but here it is clear that here they were deceived, here they omitted this means... the wording that the situation around taiwan, it may not be developing somehow formally or in terms of facts, maybe we don’t see military training, but the fact that
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this story is being pumped up and the fact that it was rammed in the south china sea means a philippine coast guard boat, and a chinese one, so there were casualties and so on, that is, this is the situation it's winding up maybe we're on the threshold we are in some kind of very acute situation, this is the first thing, all this is happening against the backdrop of the visit - dashing to europe is a very important, interesting story - it’s 4 days. china has stopped supplying special cotton for the production of gunpowder to the european union. the european union announces that we are preparing for a full-scale war with russia, well, de facto, de facto, through the mouth of macron and other, therefore, nato players , it announces full-scale preparations for confrontation with russia in ukraine on its own . china, in fact, for several months without any announcements, which means there this means they are stopping this supply. it becomes very expensive to produce.
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whether they supply us or not, that’s for sure, but the fact that they, accordingly, do not supply the european union, is also a fact, that is, well, and also a certain gesture that affects the situation in europe. lehoy currently has very few details about china's special representative for peaceful regulation in ukraine, he visited moscow for several days, we know that he met with one of the deputy ministers who oversees central asia, about others we we don’t know anything, other meetings in europe also have very little information, most likely we are talking about the preparation of a full-fledged peace conference on ukraine. it is not clear whether china will succeed or not, but the fact that the situation is very acute, the possibility of using nuclear weapons on our part, the possibility of bringing in a contingent of nato troops, the uncontrolled escalation of the conflict, let’s hope that it will not come to this, and who is talking about the possibility of using weapons for our part, at
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the press conference we didn’t talk to vladimir, well, that ’s where vladimirovich explained it. and china has always advocated in its peaceful points of its peace plan, respectively , for the non-withdrawal of troops, for refusing support, which means pumping up weapons, well, first of all , the ukrainian army, that is, it complies with all this, well, i really want to hope that after all, this time it will not lead to a big war, but although we are ready for it in any case, any options for us will not be unexpected, eugene...
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france does not have the military capabilities to organize some kind of expedition to the combat zone in ukraine , well at least not the possibility of organizing an expedition that would somehow influence the situation in the nwo zone.
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therefore, it seems to me that forecasts regarding the use of tactical nuclear weapons now have no basis, even if the french try to do something there, although it seems to me that this is more of an attempt, an attempt by macron, well, of course, not macron, to test the reaction, maybe politically russian, but objectively speaking,
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hysterics on the part of european countries, but in military terms, if you consider the potential, in general even the sum of potentials, then without the americans europe has a very weak military potential, no, no doubt, the same french, they have special operations forces.
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american election cycles, and of course, in this sense, even now it is very important to prepare for, in addition to the fact that we now have one war, to prepare for the coming war, to follow the trends that are already visible, in the zone of a special military operation the enemy is very serious problems, very serious problems due to the fact that the western military science cannot...
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order, which are on the defensive, for this you actually need a weapon, military equipment, ammunition, and b - personnel who leave every day, listen, it’s difficult to imagine, not one, not a single conflict, well, in recent world history , it didn’t give such a huge amount, but frames of objective control of fire damage, now even if you count from open sources - the enemy’s losses are daily, they are terrible, despite the fact that many pandora’s boxes were opened, in fact, by the collective excitedly, today i watched footage
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of objective control of how our pilots of operational-tactical aviation use rbc 500 cluster bombs, a terrible thing, but i will remind you that it was the joy of many of our opponents when the americans handed over cluster munitions to the kiev regime, well because that the high-explosive fragmentation in warehouses was running out, so they went to such an aggravation, as a result , it turned out to be a double-edged sword, they had very serious consequences at the front line, and now the western military school is nothing to the kiev regime effective can’t give, so they tried different things, they deceived themselves that they could try to attack. lost a huge number of people, by the way, an interesting article was recently published, and tas published this article, where the enemy’s summer offensive in the south
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is compared, strictly speaking in numbers, with ...


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