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tv   Vecher s Vladimirom Solovyovim  RUSSIA1  March 7, 2024 11:30pm-2:09am MSK

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no, no, no again, listen , we’ll use a crowbar, fuck you, how we’ll work, shalom, i’m also alexey rybakov, oh , pour it, tomorrow’s the salary, that you understand me, you hear, and alexey rybakov, he who lives here, ruslan?
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i'm alexey, come to us, come here, wait , girl, help, help, help, wait, kostya, i'll call you back, help,
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come, girl, girl, wait, wait, girl, why did you get away from me like that? , you need alexey’s address, you need it, well, i found it, leshka left it. phew, thank you, don't come here anymore alone, the area is dangerous , phew, thank you, you’re here, oh, i’m here, and i was going to meet you, my god, we didn’t leave, you stayed, you didn’t leave, oh, god, it’s so good, how could i leave you in such a nasty place? and you
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screamed, i screamed, why? i was scared, but i found my beloved? no, he doesn’t live here anymore, he doesn’t live here anymore, he doesn’t live here anymore, i’m not for you, hello, bone, what , wait, i can’t hear, wait, it’s quite close already, bone, but i have his address, now show me , bone, it’s nearby, i’ll let you down, now, literally, no need, anton, no need, really, well, answer for those who were shot down, sit down before i change my mind.
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are you sure you don't need my help? no, thank you very much, you have done so much for me, i will pay you later, but that’s not what i ’m asking, do you need help? no, thank you, i ’ll continue on my own, okay, hello, be there, yes, i’m on my way, i’m on my way, kostya, i’ll be there now, well, well, i needed it.
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yes, i understand, i understand everything, i’ll be there for 5 minutes, well, wait, what about you? he doesn't need me, are you making any noise? stupid, do you, do you want to commit suicide because of some kind of punishment done? but you can’t be such a fool, you will be abandoned more than once, and not twice, this is life, i have no
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one but you, you have you, clearly, you still have your whole life ahead of you. what , well, what, what, what do you guys need, i was ready for anything for him, but that’s it, okay, that’s it, calm down,
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and that means you want a website like sovelyev or borisovich, under no circumstances , i need a very special website, a business card, you understand, konstantin viktorovich, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, i didn’t put it that way, of course, you know what, i suggest you... create a portal, a representation on the internet, the documents are all here, how do you like this idea, but while there is no designer, we will look at color samples, listen, i don’t want to look at any samples, i i came to you and asked that i need a custom business card website
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, you understand or not, but i doubt that you are capable of this, all the best, see you tomorrow, goodbye, and you know what, goodbye, and you have caffeinated coffee, capable they, we are capable, we are very capable, take me to station, please step in front of the train, do i look like such an idiot, tell me. that’s probably why lyosha left me, but that’s not why he left you, he just never loved me, that means he didn’t love me, he loved me, he loved me, i felt, well, since i felt
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it, and by the way, why are you laughing? seriously, but seriously, you chose the wrong tactics in order to return your beloved. “oh, i don’t want to return anyone anymore, that it is possible to return, yes, everything is possible, you just need to know how, for example, you said that you..." we met for many years, such things don't just go away, you can try to stir up an old feeling in him, you just need to choose the right strategy, love does not lend itself to any strategies, holy simplicity, again he laughs, that's what you say, that's you you tried this , it worked for you, yes, yes, yes, and can you guarantee me the result?
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that’s it, here we are, here’s a good, inexpensive hotel, we’ll meet you tomorrow and we’ll start putting our plan into action, okay, okay, anton, listen , i want you pay, i’m very bad at thinking at half past one in the morning, see you tomorrow, happily. goodbye, although no, wait, what, let’s do this, i ’ll help you check in now, i’ll take you to your room, you close the door, then i ’ll go quietly, why, no, i’ll sit down myself, no, no more amateur performances, you just wait for me, i'll call you tomorrow, okay, by the way, give me your phone number , yes, now, please, okay,
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and you know that i was raised by one father, yes, yeah, he's just a football fan, he since childhood he took me to all the championships, lucky, and he tests all my potential suitors for their knowledge of football, but that’s not a problem, i know everything about football, yes, well, yes... which is serious, of course, well, okay, let’s do the simplest thing, come on, the european championship, okay , what year, uh, well, let’s say, eighty -four, what, what, eighty -four, the match between france and yugoslavia, who scored and what was the score, the simplest, the simplest, i’ll look it up on the internet now, so which one, no, wait. no internet, you have to know everything by heart, it's all simple
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it should fly away from your teeth, who cares, but he came, and i was already... thinking about whether you will show up or not? kostya, well , i’m sorry, well, i’m sorry, one person urgently needed help, which means the person is yes, but i’m not a person, there’s no need to help in our company, well, i said, i’m sorry, i’m sorry, it’s just some kind of kindergarten. “i’m sorry, you know how much money we lost
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, you won’t earn all the money, then, but i could n’t leave her alone in this state, she could do anything to herself, which means it’s all up to the woman, you’re thinking in the wrong direction , i in general, i’m amazed how you don’t care about the company because of some kind of behavior, hello, hello, aska, where have you gone, we all called you, listen, and here i was assigned to lead your class, listen, mashenka, start, altovche, i heard, well, maybe you can make some comments? how are you in general? yes, everything is fine, i will return alyosha. by the way, she plays slowly, tell her
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to play faster. yeah, okay, faster, pace, pace. aunt asya says: yes, asya petrovna. wait, what fly bit you? yes, tempo, tempo, it’s not a fly, it’s anton, by the way, he didn’t bite me, it doesn’t matter, he just wanted to help me. wait, which anton? big things. anton, he told me that i was behaving incorrectly. say with false words, not salt, salt bimol. lord, yes, in general, i don’t understand what you ’re thinking about now, only later, please, aska, don’t say that some appellist was picking on you, why, why just a scam, listen, do you remember verka, with lenko, who studied together, transition, re? move through la here, god, okay, okay, play, my good girl, play, listen, asenka, well, she also met someone like that, at first everything was noble, he took her to a restaurant, they ordered shrimp there, oh my god, so big , so huge, what a difference, you have a memory , tikrovaya, then we also
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ordered these mushrooms stuffed and wine, it’s like his collection, well... it seems like everything is so good, everything is so decorous, noble. do you have money to pay, well, at that time she was transporting goods from turkey and she had customs problems, so what? well, here he is for her promised to help, well, that’s it, she seemed to have paid, and then, what happened next , they found her in kanava, they pumped her out, without money, without documents, what a horror, wait, wait a second, i have a second call on the line, well, that’s it.
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“i saw myself dead, if you see yourself dead in a dream, it means you will live a long time. premiere on rtr. don’t be afraid, i see you, i would like to talk to you about who shot you. while she was hunting for ghosts, just don’t worry , they declared a hunt for her. polisov is very dangerous. yes, i’m free now, there should be security around everything.”
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well, when it comes to fleas, i am beyond competition, there are questions here about how everything is running, wow, i really want to check, seriously, this is flirting, obviously, just to see, let's go, it must have been edible, i meant , of course, a bear , when such a stinking little one spoke , a hint in general, the most gambling team, if 1000 is not there, zhenya will add his own, then what many people use, the strongest love... for the game, this is a five-on-one program, and i , oops, five for one, tomorrow on rtr, here’s a kept woman, not a day i’ve worked, i’m already living on my money, we look at the weekend, i’ll turn out to be a mistress, why on
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our bed, either you leave, or we’re with the children, clearly, remember, you’re without me. empty space, zero, you thought about the children , i’ll find a job, be careful, you can build a new one from the wreckage of your old life, at least anything in business, you know, sometimes it’s better than the old one, help, i got my very first contract, come on why are you in my office, maria kulikova, what the hell are you doing here, mom maybe, on saturday on rtr, hello, hello, sorry about late, well, did you order something, no,
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i, there are shrimps here, excellent shrimps, i recommend them, shrimps, right? what will you order? what, some problems? yes, i don't eat them. these are stuffed mushrooms, i can’t have them. well, there must be some kind of snack? snack? what are you going to drink? actually, i wasn’t going to, but now i see that a glass of wine wouldn’t hurt us. please bring a bottle of collection red wine. i do not drink. well, if the lady doesn’t want it, then bring it to me. ok, let's walk home. through ditch? through what ditch, asya, what's the matter, don't eat, don't drink, okay, let's get straight to business, please, to what business, how to what business, well, to yours, of course, i ask. i have a plan here, so, of course, it’s a plan, you said that you have money, that’s right, great, and you need a lot, well, that’s how it goes, so that’s how it goes, everything is clear, and you will
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listen to me or not, what are you doing, what are you doing, that you wanted to scam me, you think you picked up a provincial fool with money on the side of the road, but i wanted to help you, provincial fool with money , made a plan, a plan, of course, flows into a ditch, that ’s your plan, guessed which brick, which ditch, when you learn to hear people, then i’ll contact you, but all sorts of people will come to you, something else for you, what if you order , don't, anton, anton, girl, you forgot your bag , i'll pick it up later, anton, hello, ah, anton, anton, anton, well, forgive me, for god's sake, well, i don’t know how it happened, damn it, well, how can i explain it to you, my friend tricked me, you know, my friend, she told me such a terrible story about one of our
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friends, her muscovites were robbed, and then , well, everything ended badly, i have nothing to do with it, i ’m not even a muscovite, i’m from the far east, i don’t know, well, if you want me to wash it for you, no, i do it myself , my god, well, forgive me again, please, let’s pass, but have you changed your mind about helping me? well , now, of course, it would be worth changing, but first we will change you. hello, choose, okay. what's happened? have you seen the prices here? who said it would be easy? hello, can
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i help you with anything? i hope i can see you? shall we dress? alone, girl, please come with me, i suggest you start with this wonderful model. look. italy, let's go, let's go, everything needs to be measured, everything, everything.
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“i’ll ask, damn, damn, how uncomfortable it is in these stiletto heels, maybe i’ll take it all off, for now where, calm, calm, listen, well, it’s really very uncomfortable, i might tear or scratch something, i’ll then this is deception, i will work for 5 years, nothing will work out, if you feel like a cow on ice in this, you must learn wear beautiful things, just feel like a queen, as if the whole world belongs only to you, you know?" "all men want to see a queen woman, straighten your back, straighten your shoulders, and walk forward with a light gait
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, yeah, just feel like a queen, and feel i feel like a queen, i feel like a soldier on a raft, yes, it’s a difficult case, okay, let’s go, where? train, at the same time i’ll show you moscow, shoulders, back, queen, queen, free, free, easy, airy, well, well, so much it’s better, let’s leave the bags in the hotel, okay, well, you’ve mastered the gait, let’s move on to the second? what will be the second one? well , of course, what does he like? he likes football. great, then you should be
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associated with him. with football, so what should i do, gain weight or something, why, i don’t know , i’ll look like crumples, okay, what else does your adored love and what doesn’t he like, he doesn’t like being jealous, he considers it mistrust, although he himself is very
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jealous. yes, sorry, they're calling you, oh, so you're calling me, pick up the phone, imagine, that i'm lyosha, answer without hesitation, hi, darling, hi, darling, hello, asya, oh, lyosha , i'm sorry, i can't talk, i'm waiting for another call, uh-huh, oh, lyosha, i'm sorry, i can't talk, i'm waiting for another call, asya, oh, i'm going to leave, what should i leave? asya, hello, asya , what’s so funny, you need more disappointment in your voice when you realized that it was alexey, you weren’t waiting for his call, but for something else, it’s clear, i understood, and you also know, he likes to have something like that , which everyone around him likes, well, for example, he constantly changed phones so that his device was cooler than everyone else, that is, in order for you to amaze him , first you must amaze everyone else, but it turns out this way, it’s easy to do,
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just smile, you have a charming smile, imagine, imagine, life is beautiful, the weather is wonderful, you’re happy, you ’re happy, well because you love me and want everyone else to be happy, now we’ll walk along this alley, you’ll smile at everyone and see that there won’t be a single person left. who would not pay attention to this, let's start with this grandmother, smile, hello, hello, young people people, i have a wonderful gift for you, a gift, where is it? here is a vase, our company, honor, the birth of spring, gives to all wonderful, lovers like you, it’s wonderful with
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you... dear girl, hold it tight, look how fragile, how tender, like love itself, take care of this vase, then nothing will happen to your feelings, you are a young man, 500 rubles, how much is 500, but okay, take it without the dacha, thank you, thank you, everything will be fine, why are you, but nothing , i just thought, but can you imagine? if love really is as fragile as this one in exchange? so maybe this one will come up, this one? yeah, this will definitely fit, hold it like this.
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it’s clear that it’s clear, well, calm down,
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you’ll earn money, then you’ll pay it back. by the way, here ’s the client’s phone number, you can call her, go to her apartment, find out what materials are needed , what work needs to be done, well, in general, you know everything yourself, you can tell me once... how much is 18,323 rubles from us. how many? calm down, are these good clothes? yes, good. now what? well , now at least you can show your face to the groom. that means you don’t regret it at all that you are separated, are doing well without him and have actually found a new gentleman. gentleman? yeah, who? in whom? me? so? we'll see further depending on the circumstances. wait, i, i have just one question: where are we going to look for him? what would you do without me? so, according to the information of your neighbor , the homewrecker, in the dotsi stepanna, wait, what kind of
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neighbor, how do you know? you forgot the piece of paper with the address in the car, i drove there and found out a lot of interesting things. so, according to this very neighbor, avduti stepanovna, olga always dines at the caesar restaurant, which is located next to her office. and alexey? well , he, of course, is not separated from him. it's clear. so. and here comes caesar. where? ru? i hope we can do without vomiting today. i don't know, i don't know how it will go. hey, hey, i need guarantees. no guarantees, okay , that's it, go ahead, don't worry, to hell with it, back, shoulders, you 're like a queen, yeah, what is it, what's the matter, he
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's there, yes, that's great, everything is going according to plan, i can't. "calm down and decide whether you need it or not, if not, then let's leave, we need it, i 'll be there now, hello, come in, don't get distracted, 2002 world cup , germany-brazil, score, now..." and 2:0 in favor of brazil, well done, good girl, what, what again, i can’t, i can’t, i’m a wimp, he’s right, i’m just i can’t pull myself together, here, you’re not a wimp, you, you’re the most
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charming, the funniest, the most sincere, the most tender girl i’ve ever met, and alexey, you’re a fool for leaving you, and we ’ll show him that now, you really think so, look at you. yes, he will go crazy that you seem to be close, but he cannot touch you, that you are close, in fact in fact, you are very far away, your thoughts are occupied with a completely different man and you will never be together, never, you know, uh-huh, okay, i'm ready, show me, here's your table, uh-huh. he looks, calm down, everything is under control. maybe on the wine
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list? i'm not a very good dancer, don't panic, listen to yourself, everything will work out, wait, i'll film it.
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listen, i will stop walking around the restaurant with you if you don’t stop staring around, asya, what? asya is dancing.
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but she’s okay, so what is she doing here? and this is what we will find out now, friends, let me invite your lady, well then i’ll invite yours, right? well, what does this
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mean? what? why did you come, please excuse me. and quite by chance it turned out to be just that , completely by accident. what's wrong with that? who is this guy? this is your young man. yes, alexey, they had something sucking, where did they get it, amazing, for me every day with him is like an adventure, are you trying to make me jealous? no, i just wanted to see you one last time and say thank you. where are you staying?
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back to work, stop, stop, stop, no one is going anywhere it's coming, the premiere on rtr, you allocated my place, so i performed your duties for a month, anna mikhalkova, i realized that i love only you, she is veronika palovna, you have already made inquiries, she is major vasnetsova, vasnetsov has a new suspect , vasnetsova, to my office, she’s amazing, our new one.
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don’t pinch, problems with water, light, housing and communal services, i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry, this is a set for a headache, god forbid now. hurray, if you win, then hurray, 100
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to one, tomorrow on rtr, what are you, me you invite me to your theater, i invite you, sash, forgive me, yes, i’m a bastard, how could you, and only you? that they came, uh-huh, yes, me, nadya, valya, came to conquer moscow, who are you, and i’m lena, his wife, who? yes, why would you, i would like to invite you to a restaurant, that’s what, dear, i’ll bring nadya back, misha, get out, i want to return to you, to seryozha, leave me and seryozha
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alone, i’m not going to make any more mistakes, women, in saturday on... thank you, if it weren’t for you, i wouldn’t have made it yes, yes, it was unforgettable, thank you , never, it’s too early to rejoice, yes, yes, you i’m right, it’s too early to rejoice, i propose to meet with me tomorrow, celebrate the first achievement, outline future plans, yes, okay, i obey, i obey, comrade commander. fasten your seat belt, and yes, okay,
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i’ll wait 2 more days and will put you on the wanted list, come in, come in, please, thank you, how are we going to celebrate our successes? tea or maybe something stronger, tea, tea, sit down, okay, i’ll help, thank you, here you go, yeah, i’m the host, you’re the guest.
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oh, sugar, i forgot, oh, i drink it without sugar, yes, yes, well. yes, me too, great, that's all yesterday it worked out, i don’t even know how
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to thank you. who else is this? i'm sorry, mom, son, son, but help, is it hard?
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hello, dad, my dad, vladimir ivanovich, hello, here's some news for you, sorry! goodbye, mom, asya, well , dad, dad, goodbye, goodbye, asya, come on, son, catch up, asya, asya, oh, god,
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mom, dad, asya, wait, ugh, good girl, s character, not bad, didn’t catch up, but nothing, she’ll come back, well, you were joking, good girl, well done, you’re okay. and you already understand more than you, but it’s as if we don’t tell you we know, and everything is so clear, it’s all written in your face that you’re crazy about your bride, we won’t push the cabbage anywhere, we ’ll make a salad out of it with butter, there’s butter, there’s no need, we took it with us, he said that you need to take oil, and you also said that it wasn’t necessary, so you said, it’s good that we took everything that was useful, otherwise it won’t fit on the plane, we won’t take off, everything took off fine. hello, asya , hello, lyoshka, yes, it’s me, hello, but you
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seem to have thrown away the sim card with the old contacts, i remember your phone number by heart, you remember it by heart, well, yes, listen, i would like to be with you meet, well, yes, i’m sorry, i can’t right now , but we need to talk, oh, sorry, i ’m uncomfortable talking now, oh, for love, love, oh, my daughter with the returnee, and i was just running after the cake, after the cake, great , and we all thought so, yes, father, napoleon, i adore the french usurpers, father and mother, i wanted to clarify this for you. asya,
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asya, what does this mean, what is happening? everything is fine, lyosha called me, you yourself, you’re great, thank you, asya, excuse me, i’m going. help what? there, cut it. fine. what to cut? anything. asya, you, don't offend me our antoshka. well, don’t be offended yourself. although he is a fool, he is good. well, what are you saying, valentina petrovna, i didn’t even think about it. you understand the main thing, he is only pretending to be himself. moscow cynic, in fact he, you know, i know, well, thank god,
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our daughter, anton, come here, for such a thing, it would be nice, of course, you have cognac, well, no need, we are ours.. .they brought it, just don’t say anything to your mother, run for some glasses, why are you standing there, come on now, you have wonderful parents, maybe we’ll meet tomorrow, just like that, tomorrow i i'm leaving home, yeah, it's time to go to work, okay, i 'll walk you with you, okay. damn, yes , we'll fix everything, don't worry, you won't
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see him anymore, he's fired, goodbye, i'm not doing well yet, ol, it turns out the way your dad likes it, but it will work out soon, something happened, maybe you can tell me explain what happened, antonina stepanovna called. we’re digging through this apartment, it’s not profitable for our company to renovate this old woman, it’s clear to you, let me decide what’s profitable for
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my company and what’s not, do you even know who this old woman is? do you know who? this is our mother general contractor, who? general contractor. he asked to make repairs in her apartment. and if she remains dissatisfied, then all our potential clients will fly. and, by the way, the general contractor himself will also lose everything because of you. but could you at least warn me, i don’t know, tell me about it? i just asked you to do your job well. i actually did a good job. damn it, you did it well. "there are some problems with you, you know, problems, yes, some problems, okay, sorry, where are you going, we we haven’t finished yet, alexey, so, oops, and what
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kind of hysterics, you are my great-slave, and i am yours.” and you put me in a stupid position in front of the client, i won’t do it anymore, where are we going, home, but what about our unearthly love, what about football, what about dad , you see, nothing works out for us, that is , how can it not work out? just like that, just, i thought that you were a real, strong man, but you are such a scoundrel, like everyone else, yes, listen, i don’t like you, i don’t like sex according to the list, i don’t like your stupid salads, i don’t like the clothes you buy me either, i’ve already stopped liking football, and maybe you don’t like me either, maybe you don’t
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like me, get out so i don’t see you? yes, let’s go, wait, let me take my things, olya, yes, let me take my things, i kicked you, i saw you.
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and anna is a medium on monday on rtr, your pakhovs, holiday episode of the program, hello andrey, the most beautiful love songs, of course, are dedicated to women. march 8 on rtr, provocation is
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treacherous behavior, there is a difference between male and female, i noticed. then it turns out that my husband and my cat are the most intelligent creatures in our family. orientalism, this is conditionally some kind of parallel agenda. what do you need nerif? continuation of the conversation in new episodes of our podcasts. and so as not to miss anything, subscribe, listen and watch on the “looks” media platform. substation. the first podcasts that we watch, drop everything and go, quickly to the restaurant for yourself, why, your semyon is with some woman here in the restaurant, semyon, tell me that i imagined all this, olga kobo, he called me ideal, otherwise he is ideal, but you can
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hang noodles on your ears, cuckold you. dmitry frid, breakups can be for the better, i don’t know, now it’s as if i’ve been moved by my father, oleg almazov, irena met a gorgeous man. they are planning an affair, just think, i ’ll also try to win her, imagine, our tech girl’s wirks, she immediately has a ton of gentlemen, the most important thing is that they fight to the death for her, everyone has the right to later happiness, but listen, maybe let's start everything from scratch, march 8 on rtr hello, kat, please tell lev alexandrovich that i will go to class tomorrow, yes, i will tell you when i arrive, that's all,
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bye, asya, lyoshka, asya, lyoshka, asya, asya , you, why are you naked, lesh, are you cold? so, asya , forgive me, please, yes, stop it, it’s cold, i’ll go, asya, i was a fool, forgive me, well , everything will be fine, it doesn’t matter now, i ask you , let’s go home, wait, forgive me, let’s go home, let’s go . where are you going, paviletsky station, sit down, sit down quickly.
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home sweet home. so,
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how i miss you, and little dear, lesh, let’s not now, i need to be alone, well, well, what should i do so that you forgive me, well , i don’t know what came over me, we’ve been with you for so many years together. “you and i are family, but olga, olga is a stranger, how can you , how can you talk about your girlfriend like that, i’m sorry, asya, okay, don’t, just leave now, okay, no, my god, what’s wrong -i think i understand what men want, the further you send you, the more you stick, you can send me as much as you like, i don’t i’ll leave,
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eh !” he wants to say that it’s a mistake, but that aska is pregnant or something, don’t give birth to abortions, clearly, otherwise i’ll curse that the whole thing is to give birth, not to give birth, that he doesn’t have any other problems, and what problems do they have, young people, healthy, well, soon we’ll be babysitting our grandchildren, that’s enough, good night, your upbringing, but i don’t refuse.
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asya, once again, let’s try to start everything first, forgive me, please, be my wife, she forgot me a little, and you try.
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i ran to the store this morning and asked to exchange it for the same thing, only bigger, here you go, forgive me, i’m on my own. okay, okay, you, you are the most charming, the funniest.
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the most sincere, most gentle girl i've ever met, great, doesn't press, no, it seems, it's a pity mom and dad won't see, uh-huh, yes, it's a pity, listen, aska, tomorrow you will be the most beautiful, the best, just, well, yes, just need to finish the hair, yes, that's for sure, uh-huh, hold it, oh, asenka, how... you’re great , you went to moscow alone, you weren’t afraid, uh-huh, you weren’t afraid, i wouldn’t have been able to do that, no matter what you did, but at least i found my love, uh-huh, love, now you’ll get married, the kids will go, and then it’s all about the well-worn woman’s happiness, they ordered a cake, they ordered it, they’re going to indulge themselves because of some kind of warning about what they’ve done, that you can’t be such a fool, wait, wait, don’t do anything, i can’t, i’m confused. come on, stop it, it’s still
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good, well, you love me if you’ve forgiven me, that’s all right it’s okay, i love you, don’t cry, all the men are male, everything will be fine, you’ll see , you have such an unearthly love, what have you done, unearthly love, everything is as clear as boujee day, love it, take it, don’t love it run, what car did you rent for the wedding, wait, where are you going? yes, their regulations are like this: we’ll be late, okay, we’ll make it in time, come on, guys, faster, faster, let’s load, what are you doing, what happened?
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i have a very important game today, you’re just having pre-wedding hysterics, i’ll come in the evening and we’ll talk, okay, that’s it, go home, wish me luck, hold on, time, time, come on, i know, i know, see you in the evening, estenok, let’s go, where is your sweetheart , she hasn’t appeared for 2 weeks, but there was no sweetheart, dad, i just helped her return everything to your boyfriend, what a fool, if you fall in love, fight and there’s nothing to let go of. everything is complicated there, dad , it’s difficult to put pants over your head, son , you know, how i fought for your mother, yes, i know, i’ve already heard it 100 times, and you listen 101 , well, sit down, listen, after all, your mother had a boyfriend, and we’ve
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been together since childhood and i just arrived distribution, and that we met in the cafeteria, that’s right, we met in the cafeteria , walked around like you for a whole month, chewed on a mitten, and then came to her... home and confessed his love, called her in marriage, just like that, but she kicked you out, kicked you out , and i stood under her balcony for three nights and you know why, why? because i felt that she loved me and was dating me out of pity, well, i understand!
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there is love in this room, love for a man
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who has become a symbol of a generation. thank you very much for a happy childhood, the whole audience sings, they remember him and love him, i know that you you see, you hear, you smile, i’m better, i’m graying again, but...
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tell me, do you even understand that i’m leaving the family forever, but everything is clear, on sunday. there is such news here, dad will no longer live with us, he will live in another place, this is not news to me, how could you secretly introduce sasha to your girlfriend, why? i don’t want to lose contact with sasha, get in touch, but what does someone else’s woman have to do with this? move over to us, and mom, well, what, little mom, can’t cope without you? you can start life from scratch. hello, i found out this you, oles, after so many years. “i knew that you would call someday, but the past cannot be erased, we had such a chapter called karina, we can write another chapter called the three of us again.” i want to fix everything. southern cyclone. on sunday on
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rtr. you're looking at 100 to one. what is our task, to open all the boards. we'll manage. if you ask, it’s a tricky one. everyone knows the name of which character from pushkin’s works. what is 7.8? what is it, how much, who is at work, talks a lot and loudly, if answer, then with humor, i am an oak tree, chop, no , pinch, problems with water, light, uh, housing and communal services, i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry are a set for headaches, god forbid, now beep, if you win, then...
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all my days are happy, happy that i was born, happy that i had parents, happy that i was married twice, that i have two children and lovely grandchildren, happy that i can get along with people, i’m happy that i can work to help people, i want to work to help all the time, i can’t without...
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we never wore toymet shoes, we always said toem sandals, because we walked barefoot all the time, it’s so beautiful there, last year i went in the spring, oh, such grace, i can do everything masculine myself, all the time for me. they said that i was strong, i went to work, and there in my village council , the accounting department drank tea, dipped fish, and my chief accountant, that there was a bone stuck here, the bone was shot, he said, nina petrovna, do something, and they just brought cold water, i say, take a sip, i read it there you, it will pass, and as she stood up, and i splashed her with cold water, i got scared, it went like this, and it was as if i knew something and... i then had the second incident, there alone, as if i, healers, granddaughter, and this is the accountant of
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the healer, yes, and she says, vlasova is stronger or you are stronger, she says, of course, i say, i don’t say anything, that i’m stronger, i don’t know anything, but she has the next one day the teeth began to move, paradentosis, he said, i will never argue with you again, vlasova, you see, now the teeth are moving, and i as if they were afraid. as the justification of yours, to seek the lord’s rest for the soul of your servant, your lamb’s ways are alive, as i am. lord, my soul is glad, i know the icon of your destiny,
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i hope. there were four of us, i was the youngest left,
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two brothers and a sister, they had all already died, i buried them all, they buried them for 9 days after that, today is the day. and so they say that until the fortieth day this dead man is from the chinese, he walks around, he is led to all the places where he has been, i don’t know if this is true, but that’s what they say, on the fortieth day they give him a specific place, we all say, we come
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the fortieth day, yes we say, today they gave him a place. period, go to sleep peacefully at home , well, whether it worked or not, i don’t know, but that’s what they said, yes, don’t close it, my husband died, the front entrance, close this one, i had a door near the toilet, you go outside there, it opened, come through this door , kolya, come, just don’t scare me, yes, and he came to me for a long time, i went to usogorsk,
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went up to the cemetery, to the grave and said, that’s it, i’m leaving, i say, they’ll let you in there , come to usogorsk, i came to usogorsk, i went to bed, and you know what i feel, someone is breathing, oh, just like that, kolya , since you arrived, they let you in, lie down, i say, as long as i’m free, so i lie down in my place, lie down, and you're on your own, go to sleep, don't scare me, that's it, turn off the light and back again, the next night comes again, there's such a shuffle, shark, turn on the light again, i say, i told you how many times, don't scare me, liege, your place is free , everything happened after that.
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and tell me how i got married, at that time, we didn’t walk like we walk now, we they didn’t even dare to walk through the village with a guy, just like that, and especially since i’m a komsomol member of the komsomol organization, you can’t go right or left, just straight, that’s it. i ’ve been sitting too long, it’s already been a year, but i’m still not married, i don’t have a family, i’m still on business trips, i’m always going somewhere, i probably went out with him for three evenings, on the fourth they came to match me, i got married, i said , i say, there will be a child and i
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will come back home, i needed a child, because i’m not old enough for this anymore... and we lived with him for 44 years before his death, with children, with a household, a cow, i still leave him at home alone, he just before leaving, he will say, don’t go for a long time, leave quickly, that’s one word, he says, come quickly, not all, well, that’s how we lived, i myself was sometimes surprised at how he put up with me , that’s why i... now you’re very remorseful, maybe i didn’t give him something, maybe i didn’t love him, maybe i somehow loved him, sometimes i sit
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here and remember the rebbe, for the first time i felt, that how bad it is to live alone, i’ll go to work , i remember him, kolya, help me, i’m alone, i it’s hard, i often remember, if i go on some difficult, hard road, kolya, i say, i went into the forest, come with me, i say, look after me so that no one attacks me, no one scares me , at this time of year, if you say earlier that the peak of the state farm goes to the fields, to distant plots, for example, i worked for 2 years on a distant plot in my youth, when i was still in school, cutting kurmysh, 30 km from home,
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you’ll get up there, until the snow season ends, that’s where you live, because it’s a long way to go down. i love animals very much, i used to get up first i went out with bread, milked it, fed everyone, i worked for 10 years as a farmhand, i had a very good bull, petya for the ring. and wherever i wanted and we went with him, he was very affectionate , i never wanted to get married, because i like to command,
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everything has to be check-chucky, very labor-intensive work, it depends on the hands, the strength in the hands, i was 18 years old, they unloaded me every day. combi feed one car combi that my mother was alone, masha entered the feed 4-5 tons, but could not leave, because moscow moscow state university, maya was already studying in leningrad
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at the higher party school, my father died, so i had to stay at home, because they were all smarter than me, it seemed. well, it turns out, i put it on a baking sheet to dry the stove , it should be there all day in a russian stove, it turns black, well, like your jars, i have a cool character , that says it all, but i’m kind, very kind, i’m always around full of people. so they say to me: valya, have you opened your defense again? i am never at home alone, i always have someone with me. our doors are always open, we are always
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everyone is welcome. you can live in the village if you know how to work. i can porridge, cook soup, bake. i can do anything to a bird, i came home from work when it was cold, my mother fed me on the stove, because i was cold, so that i could warm up, when i... it was, i held him like this near the stove so that it would be warm, and he fell asleep, you can do anything with a stove, i love all people, they are happy, and i am happy, people should be treated with kindness, whoever asks, i don’t bother everyone, so i can do anything you want, i’ll get on a motorcycle, i’ll go, i learned
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with egorka, because egorka is impatient , that means i’m going fishing, i’m going to go hunting , they set a heart threshold, and that i won’t survive, my blood pressure is very high, and i can’t give birth, because of this i lost my whole youthful life , maybe because of this i didn’t find a companion, but... because it turned out that this diagnosis was incorrect, yegor was the grandfather and son yegor, he serves in the army as a naval landing force, there is a character like mine, the same character, cool, but very kind, in sixty-eight,
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when i gave birth to us. my house is built on this place where there are fires they knew what to do, they took out the windows, the milkmaids even poured milk into the fire, that’s when they were there, but the fire didn’t reach the church, then 30 houses from here burned down, even the people didn’t stop, they took the grandmother’s icon and walked around in a circle, here it is enters, but goes back, enters, but goes back to the center and ... zerkov remained, and all the houses around burned down, yes, yes, he protects, if it’s difficult for a person, he always turns to god, they prayed and asked on friday according to the fork, that well, so that there is good weather, so that everything grows, the crooked thing is probably supported by this fridays, poroskovye, because before, when we were at school, we had a teacher, she said everything all the time, crooked nature,
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we’re not there like mad, but it will never disappear, now kirevo salo is with the center, because the bus is arriving only to our village. everyone in our family served in the army, my son had some kind of problem with his spine , and i was afraid that they wouldn’t take him into the army, then one of his ears couldn’t hear, and he himself was afraid that they wouldn’t take him into the army. army, he tore out this sheet of cards and said: mom, i
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i covered my good ear poorly. and i heard all the medical examinations and served, i’m ugly, i have glasses from childhood and a long nose, but my nose is like my mother’s, so i’m beautiful. i often saw my mother in my dreams , she was baking bread near our russian stove , which i loved very much, hers was very rosy, so rosy, i had never seen anyone else so rosy, and if my mother baked these delicious breads, then something very good happens in my life, this happened several times, on the contrary, if i see my father, we work with him all the time,
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dragging... or something like that, then wait for something, some kind of trick already , i noticed this, well, my father drank, he himself, as they say, went to women, and was jealous of my mother, my mother never left the house i only went out from work and home, but most likely something happened to his head, i think so, and he killed my mother with a gun, that is to say, my daughter was named in memory of my mother, lucius and... the eldest brother, daughter is also lucia, so we call lucia the eldest, lucia the younger, yes, and the eldest lucia looks like my mother, but mine doesn’t.
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these linen towels, they are better bleached by the sun, as our grandmothers and great-grandmothers used to do, then white light linen was bleached for...
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we put the chapel in order before friday, put it in order, wash the towels , it’s just going to rain by friday, they think that they will be white. and if they built a new house, then this house must be consecrated, no one will enter this house and begin to live, we also have grandmothers, we ask them, first they call the brownie so that he can be with... together with them moved into this new house and then lit up house with the water that is taken on friday paraskeva, if in our language, then this holiday on friday paraskeva prays, prays for water, illuminates the water.
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friday paraskeva, she lived a long time ago, in 303, she was orphaned very early, she gave away everything that was left from her parents to the poor, she was
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a very beautiful girl, the governor of one city invited her to marry him, and most importantly, to renounce christianity. paraskeva did not accept this, then this governor ordered her to cut off the golumi of paraskivo friday, at the site of the death of paraskivo friday miracles began to happen, all sorts of healings , miraculous things happened, we have paraskeva’s friday chapel, and we are very worried about her , of course vyacheslavna is very worried, she’s... if we have candles burning there, she always leaves the person, looks if we go somewhere or, for example, cross there or somewhere else, so that the candles burn and well, nothing bad happens, something, she is
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the real caretaker of our temple, our chapel, that’s why our chapel is still standing , glory to the holy father and son spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. i’ve been living here for a long, long time, i really love my village, its people, my two favorite places, this is the chapel club, those? when i gave birth to my daughter,
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mashenka, i had already given birth to four boys, two of my sons had already died, the eldest son died of illness, the second shot himself. our father, and thou art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, yea, thy kingdom come, thy will be done, as it is in heaven on earth. our daily bread, give us today, forgive us our debts, just as we forgive our debtors, do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from evil. amen. i worked
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as a pig farmer, and a calf farmer, and a little bit of a dairy farmer. before you feed a cow, you need to give her some food. we gave bran, you can give a piece of bread with salt, be sure to approach the blood on the right side. you can caress her and then begin to hide it.
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mom is the kindest soul, a very wise person , an example of wisdom for me, when your child is born, you understand, yes, how much your mother worries about you, i became pregnant exactly the year when my second brother died, i believe that there is a lot such examples when life. well, as they say, home is where your heart
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is, my heart is here, and the village is quite old, the first mention dates back to 1592, at first it was a graveyard, a crooked navlog, and then it became a village, the village is crooked, when i graduated from school, there was no work here, there were no jobs in my profession, so i... had to leave accordingly to look for it, so i come very often, as soon as a little over the weekend, right here, dragging a three-month-old child here along these roads, for the first time after giving birth pulls, look when what about the nearby villages? happened already, when you still remember that in this village
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, for example, people lived, several people , but after a certain period of time, well, that’s it, the village just disappeared, that’s it, i don’t want this to happen to ours, for example, trees, the whole village goes for stumps, birches, who goes where, which ones? who knows where young birch trees grow? we bring it and near the house everyone usually collects new brooms for the evening, for each family member and we wash ourselves, ladies, when you steam yourself with this broom, well, you condemn yourself. that's what healthy is what else is there for a child to do after - using
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a broom after washing. it is right next to the lake that we throw into the lake, if it is believed that the broom is floating somewhere, you will live for a long time, if it drowns, then something bad awaits. a man, first of all, must be hardworking, honest, decent, courageous, brave, courageous, well, i think that these are the qualities that attract
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us village girls, my husband’s name is alexey, he comes from... the village of vashgord, alyosha is older than me, she’s a year old, we’re at school we also studied together, then we didn’t see each other for a long time, well, probably about two years, he was in the army, so he came from the army and after that we somehow looked at each other differently, after that we we fell in love with him, after which we had our daughter, dashenka, lyosha, he is calm, balanced, understanding , supports me everywhere, just like i do him, it happens, of course, that we quarrel with them, there’s no way around it, yes, well, most of the time we try to understand each other, but i think that i they are lucky, those boys we have, they are very
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good, here we are, the krivonavolod girls have always been proud of our boys, because here they are, well, just men being men. the main thing for me in life is my family, my sister, my mother, husband, relatives, daughter, that everyone is healthy, this is the most important thing in our time, that everyone is healthy, when i even enter our chapel, i always pray about my health, that i wouldn’t want to leave anywhere at all, i get tired of the big city, when we come to the sectional car, there’s a lot of traffic there people, a large flow of cars. having lived there for a week, i already feel tired there, and with all my soul i am drawn back home to the village, it doesn’t seem like life in the village is real life, after the ninth grade i went to study at the sektufkar pedagogical college, and i remember, how i
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cried, i didn’t want to even then, i didn’t want to leave the village anywhere, i wanted to be close to my family, and i remember... i was even just hysterical before leaving, that was absolutely stressful for me then that i am leaving my family, that i i need to move far from them, live there alone for 4 years, now this is also a very sore point for me and i don’t want to leave anywhere, but before friday-paraskeva there’s no time... to wash the house, wash the ceilings of the house, wash the floors, we clean up the dust, the day before friday the poraskovs , at our house, they bake bread, bake shaneshki, the day after friday the poraskovs often
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come to visit, and that is, relatives, acquaintances, friends then come to us to drink tea. i lived here all my childhood and to this day i live in this village, my grandmother was also a primary school teacher, and for her sake i also went into this profession, i always remembered her last words, she was in the hospital, and i called her. this was our last conversation with her, in which she told me: julia, work and be a good teacher. and these words have always remained with me, they are in my heart. o holy, wise, all-praised martyr, bride of christ in
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paraskev, from good hearts we offer an unworthy offering, accept the song of praise from us as a zealous sacrifice. those who love and honor their holy memory, protect us through your holy prayers, through your inheritances, together with all the saints you have been vouchsafed to sing to god. god, holy, strong, holy, immortal
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, have mercy on us, holy god, the happiest day of my life, when my daughter was born, i remember this day very well, because she was long-awaited for me. i don’t understand people who think that life without children is cool, you have to leave behind some generation, and i, for example, think that it is important to leave behind the very traditions, customs of the region where you are you live, for your children, so that all this is passed on from generation to generation, i had my grandmother before bedtime, she called me to her place, i always went to bed with her, every day she read the lord’s prayer.
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i didn’t call home that i had left, and my family didn’t know that i was on the road, so i went, it was winter, it was already evening, it was dark, in the forest, i was alone, i went and something happened in my car such that i don’t know, the rear wheels don’t spin, i got out, stood up, tried to drive out, it didn’t work, then i went out into the street, it was completely dark, what should i do? somehow i turned it around. to my grandmother , who every evening gave me this, said this prayer, told me as if she was asking, so that, well, grandmother right there
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alone, i won’t be what am i going to do here at night in the forest, let’s help somehow, and you believe it or not, i immediately left this road, and got home well and felt good, it’s a very crooked village, even if it ’s small, but... very friendly, the most important thing, the most important quality of this village is friendship, human friendship , life in the village is generally varied, extensive, even in one sentence you can’t tell this whole life, it’s very interesting, usually you call your relatives in the city, how are you doing? well , it’s okay, at 8 pm, i came home from work, got up at all, here you’ll work for the weekend in snowstorms. you'll rush, in my life i would never have thought that i would ever be able to go on some kind of karakate, it was generally a shock for me, now in the winter we
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go fishing every weekend, in the summer we also go fishing on boats there, i don’t know, for mushrooms, for berries, and well, that’s great in general, it’s a thrill, they were waiting for me, the boy, there must be. vitya will be born, but it turned out to be vika, i actually need these readings, what to read there, i don’t know, playing with dolls, that’s not my thing at all, i’d rather go out somewhere, do something like a boy. i have two dogs in my village: alma and
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boyka. alma is 4 months old, boyka is 5 years old. boyka, when she eats, she barks at everyone, but alma is afraid. i have, uh, mom, dad, grandma, grandpa, great-grandfather, vetya, and i have. my uncle andrey, i didn’t fly on a plane, i didn’t go by train, i was only in vysogorsk in village, i plan to live. in moscow, because there are branded things there, gucci, prada, luya and hoodies, i have three dreams, a telephone, a color lamp for
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tik tok, and in order to... become putin, i will give an order to mow all the tall grass, cut down all the old houses, i want there to be five shops and good managers, you can’t sing in the bathhouse, because the dressing room can tickle you to death at night, i believe in god, long-bearded and all black, he’s behind us with...
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i always say: in life there are black and white stripes, you need to overcome the black stripes, happy that i was born, happy that i had parents, happy that i was married twice, well, as they say, home is where your heart is, my heart is here, i wouldn’t want to leave anywhere at all, with us there is a chapel, painted on fridays, it will stand forever when i even enter our chapel. i always pray for health, our doors are always open and everyone is always welcome.
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i saw myself dead, if you see yourself dead in a dream, it means you will live a long time, premiere on rtr, don’t be afraid, i see you, i would like to be with you.
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i’m writing a novel, behind her, my only one , happy holidays, the beautiful half of humanity, which is what they sing about on march 8, international women’s
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day on rtr, a couple of days ago dima and i got married. how did you pull this off? i don't understand. sergey gorobchenko. i think it's good that this happened to us. yes, everything is for the better. glofira torkhanova. kirill grebenshchikov. i'm to blame for you. i need you . is it because my business has taken off? i'm stalking my sister in your car. guess what happens next. do you want to bang her, or what? i'll start everything. march 8 on rtr, i thought that here everything is more serious, you sit and think, there’s no need to think about it, here it’s all, to play or not to play, yes,
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yes, that’s it, there can’t be two opinions, because we have five of them, this a dangerous fairy-tale animal, but when it comes to fleas, i am beyond competition, here there are questions about how everything is running. wow, i really want to check, seriously, this is flirting, obviously, just to see, let's go, it must be edible , i meant, of course, a bear, when i said such a stinking little one, a hint in general, the most passionate team, if you don’t get 1000, zhenya will add his own, then what many people use, the strongest love for the game is a five- on-one program, i’m oops, five. for one, tomorrow on rtr. good evening,
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igor strakhov is broadcasting from st. petersburg, in the news studio, briefly about the main thing. a terrible car accident near kirovsk: a passenger car crashed into an oncoming fuel tanker. the nuclear heart of the yakut arctic, st. petersburg, will take part in the construction of the world's first low-power land-based nuclear power plant. on the roads large capacity buses. another addition to the city's transport reform. works of the best craftsmen from all over the country in the northern capital - kronshlet ice sculpture festival. a serious road accident in the kirov district of the leningrad region, it all happened in the morning at the 135th kilometer of the southern semi-ring road. this is eyewitness footage taken immediately after the fatal accident. a multi-ton
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fuel tanker tractor blocked the entire highway on the training ground, what was left of the passenger car after a terrible impact. according to preliminary according to the data, the foreign car flew into oncoming traffic, where it collided head-on with a fuel tanker. the fifty-year-old driver of the sedan died on the spot. judging by the footage, a man died from a flattened interior with... traffic in the area was completely blocked for several hours, the police are now conducting an investigation. a new batch of buses for city routes. today, the governor of st. petersburg , alexander beglov, inspected a new batch of cars in one of the city’s fleets. 30 of them were produced in russia, another 48 in belarus. all machines are low-floor, equipped air conditioning, improved security systems. 3 and a half hundred large buses were purchased in lysine, which reduces. burden on the city budget, the cost of delivery is more than 9 billion rubles. in addition, st. petersburg is on the verge of environmental reform; the construction of a fleet of electric buses has entered a hot phase. according to the governor, next year about 400
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electric buses will go on line. the visit of the head of the city took place on the eve of the international women's holiday, so alexander beglov presented flowers and a memorable gift to the driver elena belova. she drives a high- capacity bus on one of the city routes. st. petersburg will take part in the construction of the world's first low-power land-based nuclear power plant. it is with such projects that the future nuclear power industry is associated. the station will appear in yakutia, the main construction has not yet started, but the first parts for the station have already begun to be prepared at the metallurgical plant in kolpino. sergei nichai has all the details. the future of nuclear energy begins with the casting of steel, work on... parts
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of the future low-power reactor are being obtained, the weight of each there are 50 tons of such parts. this workshop follows the principle of strike while the iron is hot; it operates an automated forging complex, one of the largest in europe. the process is not the fastest, it can take up to five days, it is important to maintain a certain temperature. the resulting ingots have time to cool down and heat up several times before they reach the desired condition. the final stage of this product will be a ringlet, or , to put it simply, a ring of great height. these are the ones that will become part of the future reactor. similar installations are currently operating at domestic nuclear icebreakers. the first low-power ground-based nuclear power plant will be built in yakutia, it should provide heat
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and light for many years to the entire arctic part of the sakha republic, now more than half of its territory in the zone of the so-called decentralized energy supply for power plants of the far north is imported annually tens of thousands of tons of diesel fuel, with the advent of the new nuclear power plant, fuel supplies can be carried out once every 5 years. at the kolpiina plant they say that we have projects for nuclear power plants around the world there are a lot of shoulders, but this one is special. various blanks for nuclear energy, both for large-power projects, in particular for 12 reactors of various wwr reactors, turkey, india, china, egypt, and a new direction - low-power projects. the order is strategic for our industry. the finished parts of the station will be assembled at other enterprises in the country.
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st. petersburg metallurgists will carefully test parts of the future reactor for strength, cut off from a test place, let's call it a ring, this ring is cut into segments, individual parts, which contain large particles, are subjected to various methodological controls, mostly non-destructive testing methods, for impact, toughness, fracture, hardness, chemical composition of the material, and a belay is also made. the new npp will be much smaller than standard nuclear power plants, this will allow it to be built faster, and since it is modular, it will be powerful. can be increased over time. according to the plan, the nuclear heart of the yakut arctic should be operational in 2028. sergey nechay, daniil zhironkin, nikita morozov and yuri smirnov, lead petersburg. a public figure, doctor, and philanthropist unveiled a monument to dr. lisa in st. petersburg. the sculpture depicts elizaveta glinka with a child in her arms. the figures are placed in a symbolic heart, which at the same time looks like wings. angel of mercy, that’s what doctor lisa was called. she. developed
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palliative care in russia, helped the homeless, worked in hot spots. elizaveta glinko died in december 2016 in a plane crash. thanks to this monument, we encourage people to do good deeds. the monument symbolizes the heart, which also reflects the kindness and mercy that elizaveta petrovna glinka was engaged in. the monument was opened in the russian museum my history, where the sculpture will remain until april 7, then it will be transferred to one of the hospices. let's find out the weather forecast for tomorrow, we'll continue, hello, with the weather forecast in the leonid petrov studio , plus during the day, minus at night and cloudiness, forecasters promise in the st. petersburg region on friday, spring, time for gifts from 585 gold, a guaranteed gift in the form of jewelry, as a spring compliment , just call the spring code in all stores 585 gold and
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it will be dry a couple of degrees warmer in volkhov and kirishi, and thermometers will also show about +3 in ganchin and vyborg. in st. petersburg during the day up to +4 it is moderately windy with no rain at all. on saturday night the city was also dry, already about 5° below zero. have a nice day, whatever the weather. a festive concert dedicated to international women's day was held in the large oktyabrsky concert hall. congratulations. gathered the head of the city
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alexander beglov and the chairman legislative assembly alexander belsky. as the governor of st. petersburg noted, all men in our country admire the beauty and kindness of their mothers, wives, and daughters. the whole world knows that the best women live in russia. words of gratitude on this spring holiday were heard by the artists who then came out on stage; on march 8, the audience congratulated the tauride orchestra, the alla dukhova todeis dance theater, vasily gerello and many others. grandmother's tales about love and courage, where there is goodness and truth, white light take care. our country, russia, rests on you , the russian family rests on you, love and harmony rests on you, this is probably the most important thing, special words of gratitude
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to the wives of military personnel whose husbands are now in the zone of a special military operation. combine two themes: the year of the family and all the iconic works of this large-scale exhibition , the achievements of st. petersburg. the focus is on artists, history, architecture or simply the emotions of the city's residents and its guests. the works were placed in a special tent where the temperature was kept low. icy works of art burn and sparkle, for each art object they came up with an individual idea.
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my joy that this is a new holiday , it has come true again, for the second time, the crown, this, i hope, will bring joy to the audience, the exhibition of ice figures, the crown will be open at the petropalovsk fortress until march 17, admission is free, these were the st. petersburg messages to dear ladies on the upcoming holiday, be happy, all the best. rtr-planet is more than just television. this is a piece of russia on every screen on the planet. let's fly!
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the loudest premieres. how did i get here? to a corporate party or what? who are you? and you don’t know bender well, you don’t need a motive for murder on a trick, what was it on the strip? i don’t know, the dog, in my opinion, it hurts, exciting series, we are putting together an orchestra, we will perform shostakovich’s seventh symphony, whoever does not take risks, luck does not smile on him, we will succeed, i will operate, i’m scared. as if i’m not me, unfortunately, there is neither a motive for the murder nor a connection between the murders, but it exists, and we will find it, i remind you once again that this is my investigation, come on let's agree in advance, you are a coach, i am a player, dizzying shows and the best music, and you generally spend most of your life on your feet
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or on your head, even i don’t know, i want to read, please read, i can’t read, turn on the music blogger, my hope. to stay, the question is of course an interesting one, and what is more difficult to become a good person or difficult, and another, you are the most understanding program about animals, your circle of friends. when difficult trials come into our lives, it is very important to unite and not betray anyone. would not have happened. live, the story of a mysterious disappearance. the whole studio is discussing the nature of the conflict, why mother and son and daughter-in-law have not communicated for 5 years. cutting-edge
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documentary. and now the flag of the russian federation is rising over the norwegian sea. this was one of the most striking historical episodes.
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once, while filling out some form, i had to indicate my religion, i wrote orthodoxy, and then they asked me whether it was greek or russian or what kind of orthodoxy? and i didn’t know the answer, well, of course, i clarified, it was russian orthodoxy, but perhaps i was mistaken here, father dmitry, hello, hello , what is orthodoxy, it is one thing, how russian orthodoxy differs from greek, from ukrainian, from any other, the fact is that orthodoxy consists of eastern orthodoxy, this is eastern christianity, as we’ll call it, consists of 14 or 16. today i’m afraid to gather local churches, what is local? by location, right? uh,
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quite simple, and we all profess the same faith, and we are all, there is such a beautiful word, in eucharistic communion. what does it mean? this means that we can attend the liturgy and partake of the holy mysteries of christ, which is the basis of orthodoxy and their general christian faith, with each other, in each other’s churches. and there is no dogmatic difference between us, there is a difference only in some ritual features that are insignificant, yes, there is a difference in vestments, for example, the russians have seven colors of vestments, the greeks have multi-colored vestments, they don’t care practically, well, easter they try to wear red, but this not necessarily, in general, and so on, yes, we approach everything more or less in a condominium way, but this has its own beauty. our own charm, we stand in churches
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, as a rule, it is not customary here, yes, in greek churches you will see benches, like catholics, well , it seems, yes, but this has nothing to do with catholicism, it is simply connected with a certain tradition , yes, today in the russian church confession before communion in most churches, i would add, unfortunately, is considered mandatory, but this is a soviet tradition, oddly enough, that’s interesting, yes, greeks... receive holy communion without confession, well, that is, the majority, moreover, in the greek church , not every priest still has the right to confess, that is, there are special confessors, that is, the sacrament of confession is in no way connected with the sacrament of communion, with us it is mandatory if you go to communion , you will say , you confessed, but did not confess, you cannot receive communion, yes , but this is kind of like this, well, for us to come out of such soviet darkness, and therefore this is such a filter to not let a person unprepared to the shrine, this ok, it's not... nothing bad, but i think that with the development of church culture and people’s knowledge of what
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the church and the sacrament of the church is, this will fade into the background, little by little, little by little it’s already going away, and so on, that is, but we all believe in it’s the same thing, i can’t take communion with catholics, because we consider the catholic church, how can i put it more precisely, yeah, so as not to offend anyone, otherwise it’s different, well, for simple yes, so for ordinary people, let’s say, different, although ... this is completely inaccurate, because they also have a liturgy, they also have a body the blood of christ, but it takes a very long time to immerse you in dogma and theology, why can’t we , for example, yes, actually, this is how eastern orthodoxy lives, once upon a time there were five churches in general at the very beginning, yes, when the church first gathered as a single whole for the first ecumenical council, it was 325, and there were five. main centers: jerusalem, by right, well, by main right, constantinople, rome,
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because the apostles came there, mainly because then it was the capital of the empire, antioch and alexandria, these five churches , then they began, how to say it, yes, to give birth to their own, such daughter churches, yes, for example, the russian church received its right to be a church, to be called local, then... this is not means that we are superior to them in some way, we are all absolutely equal to each other, and one church has no right to interfere in the internal affairs of another, but we are united in dogma, in teaching, in the symbol of faith, from which catholics have moved away, though in one thing word, but it had enormous consequences, it has, because it’s thousands of years old - you know,
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like in ray bradbury’s butterfly, he crushed the butterfly, came back, here everything is a little different. hundreds of people inside turkey, where its territory is, well, constantinople no longer exists, it’s true , but it’s called the patriarchate of constantinople, that’s it, but at the same time it has a huge number of parishes all over the world, mainly in america, and so on, that is, this is only already the name, moreover, the russian church contains almost the entire space of the former
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soviet union as its canonical territory, plus we also have a huge mission now. in southeast asia and africa too, in europe, all over the world, wherever, in fact, there is a parish of the russian orthodox church, this is, well, our conditionally territory, this is our flock, yes, but there is an agreement on the boundaries between churches, and we do not violate these geographical ones, no, well, no, they do not pass along the border of the country, yes, of course, they do, but they exist there, they have their own agreements, which we try our best not to violate. yes, well, it’s nice to know that orthodox, greek orthodox, russian, bulgarian, ukrainian, anyone else is simply orthodox, that these borders, well, seem to be fictitious, at least for parishioners. well, yes, we, we pray at every service for unity, for the unity of people, for
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the unity of churches, and if we speak seriously, then the ruling bishop of the church is christ himself. well, a conditional patriarch, yes, a bishop of the church, and then, further , of course, the divisions are historical, different, difficult, well, they are often confused, for example, there are the so-called pre-chalcedonian churches, what is this this means that there are several churches that, for various reasons, did not send their legates, political reasons, various reasons, did not send their legates to the council of chalcedon. this all happened in the fourth, in the fifth centuries, there is still division, and the armenian church, the ethiopian church, the copts, well, there were several churches there, just some of them have already disappeared, so for how many 16 centuries they have been insisting on the justice of their vision christian teaching, but we pray for
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the unity of all, for everyone to somehow come still, to this... the gospel and the vision of divine revelation. god willing, let it be so. god willing, yes. thank you so much! see you. over the past, past holidays, we probably... wished a lot to many, wished and predicted a lot to us, but it’s unlikely that we wished each other anything from the world of numbers and computers, so let’s find out what forecasts and wishes there are in this environment. ruslan, hello, hello, what did you wish and wish for everyone in the coming new year, happiness,
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of course, happiness, human, and not technological, not technological, but technological, so... for example, i noticed that my phone prompts me to update the software every day, but i resist, it seems to me that with each update everything is getting worse, oh, well , actually i need to update , because usually with these updates the manufacturer also closes holes in information security, so it’s better to keep your devices in good shape, if we talk about the fact that the future is coming to us in the digital field, almost everything is already, all the breakthroughs and innovations are related s... what year do you think it will be? well, a certain year will continue, the trend towards artificial intelligence that began last year, its widespread
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implementation everywhere, new applications will appear, stores, applications, template stores will appear, artificial intelligence will enter our lives as a universal assistant, on the other hand it obviously a threat, because artificial intelligence will simply begin to replace many, especially the least qualified... tasks, routine tasks, which can already be done effectively by artificial intelligence, but at the same time artificial intelligence does not get sick and does not ask for sick leave and makes fewer mistakes, well , it makes fewer mistakes, but it has its own special mistakes, special hallucinations, so of course the second aspect of business follows from this, which will rebuild itself on the basis of artificial intelligence, it will be necessary to introduce new risk management practices, this applies... both to cybersecurity and errors, and this concerns issues - domestic systems, well, that is, there will obviously be a restructuring
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organizations, business processes, chains , artificial intelligence will be introduced into them, first of all, this will be dictated by the desire, well, somewhere to be fashionable, but somewhere still to speed up, increase one’s own efficiency, and even if i am a consumer i won’t use artificial intelligence in my life, it will influence me, because i will be... differently, but can you, as a consumer, not use artificial intelligence in your life? well, i use devices, i use marketplaces, i use ecosystems, the recommendations will be even more accurate , in december i connected online accounting at the bank, where i opened a current account as an individual entrepreneur, if earlier we could discuss something with an accountant, now i have not yet discussed anything with the bank, i’m wondering what he ’ll count for me, yeah, yeah, because i’m not 6%. i ’m at 15%, it seems to me that a new experience of interaction is shining for me, mm, it’s not that i’m evading paying taxes, but it’s just somehow
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become scary, that’s what you just said, well, i didn’t want to scare you at all, it will be great , we have more opportunities, we have how i use artificial intelligence, well, almost regularly, i ask him to explain to me the meaning of a complex scientific article, for example, it’s written there on some ? in chinese, because the article is about biotechnology, i don’t understand the plain form, but artificial intelligence can translate it into human language for me, so we will have agents who will help us, this will fill out the calendar, this one will optimize the logistics of moving around moscow, and this one will explain the meaning of a scientific article, we have, well, what we dreamed of, we have many, not yet humanoid robots, yes, but some very...
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this just a girl, unlike all the previous versions, which did not look like people, like plastic robots, she is very similar to an ordinary girl, they monetized her, well, they monetized her,
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naturally, they start selling her there, advertising some kind of... then the products but the funniest thing is when they started writing to her and inviting her on a date, that is, people cannot distinguish this fake girl from a real one, and we will encounter this even more often, so, probably, i would say that the trend is... this year - these are even more tools for interacting with us in a good way, in a bad way, we will receive more customized services, yes, of course, we will exist in even greater comfort, we will be recognized without half a word, without half a thought, we will receive more better service in every sense, and that's very cool, but on the other hand, the other side of this coin is that we will receive even more customized manipulations, we will receive even... more customized spam, we will receive even more customized phishing, well, judging by what you say, the figure will come one way or another, it has come, its
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penetration will only become deeper and... probably the best thing that can be done is to keep up with the times, study it, maybe influence it, if there is an intellectual resource for this, i mean if you can work on this, yes, what else can you say, well, everything is correct, i agree with this , we probably need to look for another place for a person in this world, do not forget that technology should be for a person, at the moment when we we feel that technology is becoming a little human, then we need to stop. and maybe ask a question, ask you a question as a buyer or consumer, or the organization that produces it or the regulator, who, in general, must not lose a person, i really hope that in twenty-four in twenty-five with with the development of numbers, we will not lose a person , you know, from our decision-making map, and the person will remain, and i can’t understand
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, it’s clear that khokhloma... this whole stereotypical russian style of ours, we know everything, but there is also architecture, and painting , and interiors, everything, and gardens, everything , everything has a russian style in one way or another, and of course, clothes. polina, hello, hello, please tell me the russian style, what russian style we will talk about today, because it’s not about kokoshniks, it seems to me, about kokoshniks too, but we will talk about three at once, because i...
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came into fashion just at the turn of the end of the 19th, beginning of the 20th century, and today, when we remember russian fairy tales, most likely we will have the impression that some some beautiful vasilisa, dressed up in just such a russian style, an olyad of the peter the great era, fabulous, fabulous, fabulous, of course, we all know, from books, from fairy tales, from cartoons, from museums, yes, but i don’t associate it with not even so much with russian as the truth. with fabulous, well because in fact, it is byzantine, so this church history, it came to us from the church, from the orthodox church, so when we look at these costumes, we cannot help but remember the vestments of the clergy during some holidays, which is why such things are still created today suits, by the way, are used for weddings, and this is one of the trends to use not a classic white dress, but a european costume, to use this traditionally fairy-tale pre-petrine costume.
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use a non-classic evening dress ala european style, but to use something like this, well, of course it’s very expensive , how nice it is, to be honest, now we ’ll see fabulous costumes at meath receptions, well, in general it would be great, and the second direction, which we really like. .. we know well, these are just the kakoshenki that you mentioned, and these are variations on the theme of folk style, folk style, of course, it has always been present, we have a huge number of different nationalities living in our country, and not just by region the suit is different, and it is different in where this or that population is located, even a little higher up the river or a little lower down the river, the river is the same, the costume will be different, but what unites these costumes is that everything that is applied is always deep. .. for
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women it will be about fertility, about motherhood, men will have their own symbols, but it is always very symbolic and very significant. it was, by the way, that this style formed the basis when, after the revolution of the seventeenth year , they began to reinvent the costume so that this costume would differ from the outfits of the previous era, such an imperial era, which was mainly the traditional national costume was taken, but in a much simpler form, because... all this happened already in the 20th century, when fashion changed. in modern photo shoots, in modern images, this is also quite actively used, but of course, and this is difficult to wear in everyday life, just like a fairy-tale style, so today we use rather elements, today we can conditionally use something very targeted, on a dress of a very simple cut, with a small kokoshnik, just an accent, as if it were a kokoshnik, but
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of course not a real one or a man’s shirt. well, are there really any ateliers, even mass-market ones, that offer russian- style clothes now? not in the mass market yet, but since the mass market itself is a rather complex phenomenon, there are designers who implement it very precisely. and of course, there is a main principle - this is one thing per suit, that is, everything else you should have as simple as possible, it could be jeans, it could be an ordinary skirt, it could be an ordinary white shirt, naturally not in russian style, but only in addition to this more modern image , one detail is used that adds zest, or modern designers, for example, very carefully use ornaments, that is, it will be absolutely modern clothes, it will be some kind of modern suit, but... with a small fragment of embroidery in the russian style, for example, on the sleeve, that’s it, it will be very stylish and at the same time give this emphasis on nativeness, the main idea here is that in this way you seem to show your roots, you show that you understand what culture you live in, but at the same time you still
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realize that it’s the 21st century, and here you need to dress a little differently, not like you did at 17, it all comes down to ornament, that’s what we ’re discussing , if we are talking about, well, not about the fairy-tale style. and about the more folk style, then only the ornament distinguishes it from the modern one, well, it’s clear that the cut, but for the first time, that is , if we take a dress of such a cut without ornament, it won’t have the russian style at all, in some cases it will, but in basically yes, because national clothing , it is in many regions, not only russia, but also the world, it is very similar, because it is functional, the ornaments and especially the color scheme are really very important, and this also carries over, by the way, into our third russian style is the russian avant-garde , because it is very often forgotten, although in fact the avant-garde is an absolutely incredible phenomenon, it was the russian avant-garde that gave, in particular, the combination of colors, based on the works of the russian avant-garde, in general the whole modern design and all design of the 20th century, so
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you definitely need to be proud of this and also not forget that this is generally speaking about the russian style, it’s the avant-garde in fashion that has been used since the tenths of the 20th century, the first experiments were connected with the theater. that’s why the first crazy crazy avant-garde costumes appeared in the theater, and then, of course, they began to be worn in everyday life, okay, avant-garde is understandable, it’s probably even more wearable than folk ornament, of course, because it’s all about the 20th century, about dynamics, about futurism, about speed, because this era itself was very interesting and still attracts a lot of attention. this time we focused more on women's attire. maybe there are examples like a men's suit. passed through the centuries and now in 2024 we can use it every day? well , of course, in principle, things pass from century to century and, one way or another, transforming into something
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, so kaftans turned into jackets or vests or pea coats, this is all somehow connected, of course, with jacket, but since men's clothing used to be much more...


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