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tv   Ukroshchenie svekrovi  RUSSIA1  March 8, 2024 5:30am-9:00am MSK

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but with the columns, oh, we’ll take you, we’ll take you to a psychic, we’ll check your biofield and you’ll live with me forever, you want to live forever, little one, don’t call me little , i won’t, i won’t, i won’t, but i it still seems that i’m older than you, then, if there’s a fire, i’ll carry you out, and not you, olenka, i’m dizzy, okay, we ’ll go to the bathhouse now, and you’ll come to life, to the bathhouse?
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stka, i felt so good when gen killed me with a broom, i experienced a feeling of complete liberation, this only happened to me in conservatory, so, nikolai, a person is only happy if he is famous, so you should be famous with me, and we will show you on tv, yes, our supermarket often shows, but it’s better in the obvious...
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gena vis, repeat, or you’re terribly tired, you’re obviously incredible, i ’ll introduce you to their leader, he also does some shopping for you, he’s small, and he’s very annoying with his chatter, no, no, i’m extremely interested in everything. what you say means it’s decided, we’ll give you a speech on tv, about whatever, whatever you want, oh creatures, on you, don’t talk about it, then your current work is even better, more non-standard, tell us about your invention, i didn’t invent anything, you will invent, improve the tool of your work, what kind of tool do you have, i’m driving the cart by the wire, so offer.
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“thanks to you, a feeling of peace of mind and love for life, completely unknown to me until now, i perceive the world as it is, i believe in the future, because i believed in the present today, i am no longer a pessimist, i am in love.
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if if i were your woman you could get everything you want. anna is a medium, i don’t want to spoil our working relationship. good morning, my beloved, my voice sounds only for you, my heart beats only for you, on the ordynka, in this program not
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only songs are fulfilled, but also desires, my mother-in-law promised to give me a porsche kans after the wedding, my wife says, but you don’t understood. big damn, what have you done, how could you, turn on oleg gazmanov’s song at full volume, just wait for me, through the rains, flowers kept in storage still live in me. morning mail from nikolai baskov, on sunday on rtr. tell me, do you even understand that i am leaving the family forever. yes, everything is clear. on sunday.
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here is the news, dad will no longer live with us, he will live in another place. this is not news to me. how could you secretly introduce sasha to your girlfriend? for what? i want to lose contact with sasha, contact me, but what does someone else’s woman have to do with this? come over to us, and mom? well, what, little mother, can’t cope without you? you can start life from scratch. hello, i recognized you, oles, after so many years, i knew that you would call someday, but the past cannot be erased, we had such a chapter called karina. we can write another chapter called the three of us again. i want to fix everything. southern cyclone. on sunday on rtr. for tomorrow, wake up. i don't want
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to sleep at all. where is everyone? the crocodile went to take regina and will come back for me. i ’ll wait for her near the entrance and we’ll go with him to pushkino. come in, hush, hush, mom is sleeping, how was it, dad, i came with hope, we decided to get married, but what about regina, regina with this, with gennady, with the crocodile, you remember what i
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always told you, well, go, remember what he told you, the relationship between a man and a woman is determined by only one. tatyana vasilievna, you have a better voice, but i can only scream or whisper, my dear , i’ll lie down on the floor, i want it so bad, i’ll lie down on why are we all whispering if no one is sleeping, why sleep on the floor if there’s a cot? , yes, there is a folding bed, no problem, and in general none of this
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matters, we are moving soon, did you ever think that you would live in a palace, never i had no doubt about it, i’m convinced that we should all live, i’m happy with the idea, which means i can do it without unpacking. nadya, you are lying in a small room in the kitchen, thank you very much, but i really won’t go anywhere. “i’m a terrible scoundrel, but i couldn’t stop gennochka , he saw that the wallpaper was falling off and decided to immediately rip it off so that tomorrow he could glue new ones , i’m afraid that he will stay until the morning, i can’t even imagine how hope will get home, it remains you're great.
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what happened? nadya! nothing, nothing, i, i was just just thinking about what, well, you won’t understand this, maybe i will, you know, you know, i thought, i’ll marry you. “we will live, well, well , we will have a boy, he will be, he will be the most
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beautiful, the healthiest, the happiest child, he will have everything, he will have everything, and languages, and music, and figures, and clothes, because that this too, this is also very important, we’ll get him into a school, a special school for genetics, he’ll study better than anyone else, and then, then we ’ll send him to college, i haven’t yet...” i chose which one, but the best one, our grandfather will be terribly proud, i’m going crazy with joy i’ll get off, and then they’ll send the whole course to practice, suddenly, suddenly they’ll report from there that there was a fire nearby, he rushed to put it out, the roof of the house collapsed, and there our heroic boy died, nadya, you’re my one and only,
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unique, i would like that too it didn’t occur to me, but you know, my friend imagined it so clearly and clearly, everything, but i’ll give birth to him, i’ll give birth to him anyway, honestly, i ’ll give birth to him, really, little one, i’ll give birth, i’ll give birth, i’ll give birth to you, we’ll give birth to you dress, comb his hair, he's on... there's a wedding tonight, comb his hair, by the evening you 'll be a prince, a prince, and we have setters at the wedding, they will be as tall as you, some sturgeons, like under ivan the terrible, some two-meter ones, i’m in charge of banquets there, let’s take regina the crocodile as a witness.
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my dears, on this happy day , our closest and very first friends gathered at this festive table, it’s spring outside, there ’s wine at the table, but for some reason today we have a little bark, and bark, bark. who are all these people ? ripe, now i feel sad that we haven’t registered our relationship, no problem,
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quickly drive the crocodile to the clerk’s office, one leg here, the other there, well, well, what’s wrong with you? well, smile, smile at the guests. who are these people? these are my closest friends, and now yours. let's go, i 'll introduce you to everyone. meet me. petrovna,
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life tickets. very nice, please, vladimir arkadyevich, apartment renovation, nikolai, very hello, come here, meet zhulyata sulakovna, black sea coast, here, here, please, hello, complete works. nikolai gavrilovich, head of skeet, meet palych, always welcome, theater tickets, head of skeet, i’ll use it, nikolenka, nikolenka, meet
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saxopathologist, who is the saxopathologist? well, what happened, well, tell me, my good one, what is it, well, don’t look at how fun everyone is, how good everyone is, well, nikolai , well, eat, have fun , what is my good one, well, oh, just that’s him in this form, she’s with this is yours the main member has arrived, comrade ogurtsov , just a minute, nikolai, it seems to me that you can to us, this is to us, forgive me, please , congratulate me, thank you, thank you very much, we are terribly glad that you came, but why are you without gallantry, that’s why they didn’t let you in, just a minute, just a minute, an hour ago
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they called me directly at dacha, nikolai, can you imagine what happened, yes, i got married, which means you... you don’t know anything, in the range you predicted , a stable rhythm was noted for the first time, fortunately, fortunately, fortunately, fortunately, this is most likely, sorry , most likely this is a coincidence, but perhaps signals from creatures, and just little wedding, it seems to me that all this is... uncertain, but there is some hope, take it, i’m reasonable, little one, i wasn’t mistaken in you, i have money, it’s more likely that i don’t have it than yes, but maybe, yes, they no , yes, yes, yes, i’m sure yes, if yes, that is , it smacks of the nobel prize, this is the nobel prize, there is a record, unfortunately,
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there is no clear record, you, my dear, have desserted. as movers, and the girl who was entrusted with this topic, unfortunately, could not cope with the equipment, so the moment was lost, he will have to wait, how long to wait, shut up, nikulenka, i’m your wife about some things, i just understand things better than you , now they’re hinting to you that the signal was received after your dismissal, and you’re standing there flapping your ears, why do that, comrade ogurtsov, we ’re your own people , i don’t understand what you sweethearts are talking about, well, we’ve known each other for 100 years, or have we forgotten, but yes, yes? yes, yes, you somehow helped me with caviar, so we’ll all go to sweden for the prizes together, go to the guests, i beg you, come on... of course, of course, my dear, but the nobel prize is still far away, you'll have to work a little, how much, maybe it will take a whole
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lifetime, maybe 10 lifetimes, but there’s no way to speed it up somehow, maybe you need to get something, come on, get sarvil, a radio telescope, so, let’s think, don’t pay attention, she... well , your wife is charming, but the free radio telescope is located in the arctic, the conditions there are very harsh, it is unlikely that you will go there from moscow. i am ready to go anywhere, i sow everything.
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my friends, just a minute, attention, a grandiose event has just happened, my husband, nikolai gavrilovich parovaev, chief space heard the voice of brothers in mind, you are not alone in the world. there are a lot of them like us, hurray, swing it behind me, don't touch me, you have no right, leave me alone,
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leave me alone, put me down, rack, what are you doing, what are you, let me go, let me go, let me go , let him go, let him go, that nikolenka, nikolenka, an accident happened, nadnenka, they signed, everyone is dancing, music, no, this is terrible, yesterday i ruined the phone, this time i smashed it into pieces, genochka brought a new one with buttons instead of a disk, now the police showed up and said that he demands this phone at work, and he took the wheels off from some garage, took the engine out of the exhibition, and now he will be judged, nothing, nothing, did he step?
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kolya, kolya, nikolai, well, well, where are you, well, well, what is it, well, well, what happened, kolya, well, well, tell me. well, well, well, look at me , well, well, don’t do that, well, kolya, well, i don’t understand, i don’t understand what happened, kolya, kolya, well, where are you going, well, stop, well, kolya, kolya , well, my dear, where are you going? kolya, kolya, but podty! you're running, what am i doing?
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i did this, well, well, well, what did i do, well, what did i do wrong, kolya, well, i wanted the best, my dear, i tried for you, well, look at me, well, if you want, i will fulfill all your wishes as a goldfish, and a ring, a ring, well, don’t run away from me, i can’t live without you, my dear, it’s true, it’s true, i can’t live without you, well, olechka, well, stop, please, well, my dear,
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oh, don’t waste your life wasted over insignificant little things, people love and yearn, look at the sky at night, do not allow themselves to get burned out in business. fake, so as not to grow old in your soul, look at the stars more often, so as not to grow old in your soul , look at the stars more often, so as not to waste your energy in vain and not to betray yourself, you need to know what for, why you live, to understand, do not allow yourself to burn with a dream. standing, so as not
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to grow old in your soul, look at the stars more often, however, what am i doing, the story is not over yet. let's explain a little slower, and keep catching up, you can't hide from love , you can't run away from yourself, the road into the distance, like life, is long , no matter where you rush off , but love is calling, and there is the possibility of happiness, but
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love is calling. there is a possibility of happiness, don’t suddenly disappear without a trace, don’t disappear into the distance, don’t run to the edge of the universe, don’t circle around the earth, the road into the distance is as long as life , no matter where you rush off, but love is calling , and there is the possibility of happiness. the men congratulate the women and sing only for them, the dearest one, we share how your son gave you gifts, she brought a snake from the street, gave her beauties, cherries, princesses. happy
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spring holidays, hello andrey, special holiday episode, today on rtr. hello! news, studio oksana kuvaeva, the main thing for this hour. you, dear women, capable of transforming the world with their beauty, wisdom and spiritual generosity. congratulations to vladimir putin on international women's day. what parting words do astronauts hear? and how is the holiday celebrated on the front line? killer whale helicopters flew to
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kolyma. mi-38 covered a record distance of 6,500 km, one of the pilots was a young girl, sea promenade, kaliningrad. among the most popular holiday destinations and the first appearance, a long-awaited gift on march 8 from the moscow zoo of the katyusha phenomenon to the people. vladimir putin congratulated russian women on international women's day. special words of gratitude to women and military personnel who are in the zone of a special military operation. carries out combat missions and inspires those who are now waiting for our heroes with their support and love. today, in every home, in every family, the most tender, warm wishes are heard to our mothers, wives, daughters,
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grandmothers, and friends. the most important thing for any woman, no matter what profession she chooses, no matter what heights she reaches here, is family, family, friends, tireless care for children, their health, education, the desire to raise them so that they grow up as worthy, successful people. this year in our country is dedicated to family. today in russia, the family, its interests and requests are in the spotlight and are an absolute priority. we will definitely do everything possible to keep families with children, including, of course, large and young families, young. mothers felt cared for by the state, i want to specifically address the women who are in the zone of a special military operation, performing combat missions to those who are now
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separated from their families, are waiting for our heroes, inspire them with love, joy and support, worry about all our soldiers, help them on the front line, in hospitals, in numerous volunteer structures, dear women, you take yourself responsibility for solving sometimes very difficult problems, you achieve success, impressive results in a variety of areas, i want to wish you true mutual understanding with those who are dear to you, as many truly happy moments as possible, success in everything that is important to you, happy holiday to you, in between.
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all over the country, young guard activists in different regions come with gifts to the families of fighters and hand over letters from the military. in moscow, the young guard congratulated the conductors of long-distance trains. in the lugansk people's republic, tulips and sweets
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were presented to female military personnel of the medical battalion. and in mariupol, congratulations were received by employees of the hospital where residents of new regions and military personnel are being treated. and this is how women are greeted today by the military commandant’s office kherson region. at checkpoints in honor of the holiday, they not only inspect cars, check documents, but also give tulips , the work of nurses on the front line does not stop even on march 8, on this day grateful soldiers come to them with congratulations , alexandra’s report, hello, thank you, thank you, about this meeting he...
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strength comes from somewhere? after many months of treatment, an enemy shrapnel broke a nerve in his leg, vladimir khanin learned to walk again, and is now in rehabilitation. the zhukov medal is a reward for that battle. i learned from fellow soldiers that his savior in a hospital nearby, begged the commanders to let him go. of course, ekaterina remembers during that shelling. ekaterina, too, from the first day in
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her zone, for courage and heroism, was awarded medals for services to the fatherland of the first and second degrees for military merits. however, on this day she, even in military uniform, is first and foremost a beautiful lady. there are a lot of flowers, there will be flowers today, these are the first flowers, but more. everything is ahead. the meeting, alas, is fleeting. the service doesn't wait. ekaterina and natalya have new patients. for our soldiers they have long become family. sisters, you will always help. a holiday on the front line, even if march 8 remains an ordinary working day in the hospital. the nurses perform their duties and only in the evening they will get together to contact their families. alexander katsuba, alexander malyshev, lead. hesitating. jokes , russian troops occupied more advantageous positions in the donetsk and avdeevsky directions,
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and in the kupinsky and yuzhnodonetsk directions they improved the position along the front line. in the southern donetsk direction, our pilots made precise strikes guided aerial bombs hit militant positions in the vicinity of urozhainy. this is a strike with similar ammunition on the enemy near maryenka. and this is how, in the severodonetsk direction, k-52 helicopters penetrated enemy strongholds and manpower. the crew used unguided missiles. near seversk , russian drones hit the positions of the airborne brigade of the ukrainian armed forces, and this video was filmed far from the line of combat contact, the lancet drone strikes an enemy radar station in the chernigov region, and russian aviation also destroyed targets in berislav, not far from kherson. two mi-38 helicopters arrived from kazan to magadan, they covered a record distance of 6,500 km to land. will transport passengers and cargo, help
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disaster medicine and rescuers. one of the pilots is a young girl, reporting by ekaterina isaeva. over the kolyma hills, mi-38s appear synchronously, two circles above the helipad, giving dozens of lenses the opportunity to enjoy the beauty and grace of aircraft. the runners touch the ground, which will now become native to... these helicopters created at the kazan plant, they were distributed to kolyma. the crews solemnly greet the flight from kazan to magadan, calling it a record, as rotorcraft have never been flown so far from the manufacturer’s plant. during the training, of course, i really wanted to return to my dear mi8, now, while we flew away all these 6.00 km, i realized that it is a very nice helicopter. i like it. autopilot, the helicopter is very responsive, easy to control,
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the five-year-old varia is looking at it with interest new helicopters, she also dreams of sitting at the helm while studying aircraft technology from the outside, it was very super, i liked it, it was so super that i even laughed, the pilots spent 35 hours in the sky, from their cockpits, the crew managed to see a huge territory, the urals , siberia, far east, total... 6,500 km. mi-38 is called an aerial killer whale, when you are next to it, you understand why it is large, even majestic, with a characteristic coloring, it has a black and white leopard. we were met halfway by a russian helicopter, rostec, in due to the fact that they entrusted, one might say, the first mi-38 into civilian operation, plus with a fairly significant discount, these helicopters are faster. magadan region,
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hard-to-reach villages, long distances, extremely low temperatures, this flight is a kind of testing of aircraft in northern conditions. it is possible to re-equip the cabin quite quickly, it can also be used when extinguishing fires, if necessary, it should be noted that on an external sling it can carry up to... modern helicopters are waiting in remote national villages of yamsk and takhtayamsk. in addition, aircraft will allow the introduction of a new intraregional route. magadan, susuman, yagodnaya asimchan, magadan. kaliningrad has become one of the most popular holiday destinations for the march holidays; due to the increased flow of passengers , additional flights from moscow and st. petersburg have been introduced. marina naova knows the baltic sea, the rich history of the region and beautiful nature, which you can see in a few days. in early spring, the baltic is changeable, then
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high waves break the shore, then the sea covers complete calm. tourists love to walk along the promenade at any time. well, this sound of the sea, it calms you down, just listen, take a walk, feed tea in the end. khrabrovo airport added additional flights from moscow and st. petersburg to its schedule during the holidays. kaliningrad is among the most popular destinations. for the first time in a year , the flow of passengers exceeded 4 million people and is only increasing. we have taken a fairly serious step forward, this is 4,300, our peak loads here were about 65-70. in cultural and educational tourism, in maritime in the off-season, the region is traditionally popular, there is something to see, unusual tourist sites, lighthouses, this one is almost 200 years old, at the beginning it was wooden with a coal lamp, only in 1918 a fifteen-meter stone tower was built here and a fresnel lens was installed, now
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all fishermen can see its light , fishing in the kurzh bay, today pilots have at their disposal satellite systems... of gray granite, you can climb to the source of light, which for centuries has shown the way to fishing schooners, history and history, and firstly, it is still operational, yes , i wanted to see it all with my own eyes , to see, recently a newly discovered restored monument to the history of dompasar was opened, where in his youth he lived and worked with... the founder of german classical philosophy emmanuel kant along these steep steps to the basement premises that have survived to this day in the 16th century, the young thinker often descended. maybe he kept some things here, maybe he kept goose feathers here, with which he wrote his work. after my father's death, to to feed his sisters, kant had to leave
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his studies at the university to become a home teacher in the family of a pastor from the village of yutshin. this is the only museum in russia where you can learn a lot about the philosopher. kant arrived with... the moscow zoo prepared a long-awaited gift for march 8th. panda katyusha has finally moved into a large enclosure, which means that from today all visitors will finally be able to see the baby in all her fluffy glory. for six months after katyusha was born , she was in her own small valger with mom dindin, about 2 months ago,
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having significantly gained weight and not so little panda, it was time to move to a more spacious room, but the stubborn one did not want to join for a long time. she obviously decided that she was ready for an independent life. we receive new reports from our correspondents, everyone will tell you about the most important news in the country and the world. poster on the tv channel culture. theater, music, visual arts march 8. todor kurenzis and the muzika and tern orchestra, performing a composition in the zaryadiya concert hall wolfgang amadeus mozart. heblager zmava and the russian national youth symphony orchestra dedicated
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a concert in the tchaikovsky hall to the memory of zurab sadkilava. conducted by christian knap. the chekhov emkhat theater presents olga yakovleva in the premiere performance of the hot covid summer. tatiana arkhiptsova's production based on the play by yaroslava pulinovich is on the new stage of the theater. the pushkin museum on prichistenka is hosting a large-scale exhibition project pushkin-225, which brings together memorial objects, historical relics, manuscripts, lifetime portraits, paintings, illustrations for works and much more, everything related to the life, work and perception of alexander sergeevich pushkin in russian culture over 225 years. olga peretyadko performs in the large hall of the st. petersburg philharmonic. and romances by russian foreign composers, in the theater the shelter of the comedian iceville, an a cappello musical by evgeniy zagot on the libretto and the elements of konstantin rubinsky, directed by alexey frandetti. my performance for sure. about love , about how without this love a person freezes, what horrors and abominations this man
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is capable of in a frozen state. for such a performance you need, of course, a very specific cast of artists, it was possible to gather these artists only in this theater, in the theater there will be a rush of comedians, where really nothing is impossible, where the director has the opportunity to create as he pleases with those artists who he necessary, and this was clearly the very place where this performance could be born. the spring music festival in the sirius science and art park opens with a performance boys choir of the glinka choir school, conductor vladimir beglyatsov. the omsk drama theater 5 is playing a musical by ufa composer ildar sakaev, jane eyre on the edge of the abyss, based on the novel by charlotte bronte. in tula. the branch of the state historical museum is hosting an exhibition of handsome men, the theme of which is men's fashion at the turn of the 16th-11th centuries.
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the exhibition brings together about 250 items of clothing from the collection of the historical museum, as well as paintings, engravings, fashion publications, many of which are on display first. premiering at the basel city theater, christoph marthaler staged claudia monteverdia's opera coronation of popeia. the main part is performed by kerstin avema, jake arditi, annie sofiphon from. owen willets, musical director lawrence cumings. russia's opera wil-helm tell is performed at the vienna state opera. directed by david pountney. singing are roberta frontali, juan diego flores and maria nazarova, conductor of bertrandia. akika suwanai and the paris conservatoire orchestra perform musarksky's composition in the large hall of the paris philharmonic bruch and roussel. conducted by leonel bremier. and in the exhibition space of the philharmonic there is an immersive exhibition of artists claire barden and adrienne. mando in love, where visitors can control the digital image themselves with just a flick of the wrist. according to the creators, this experience helps to establish creative
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interaction between people in a modern, disconnected world. there is love in this room, love for the person who has become a symbol.
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lyosha, we are giving away money because it is thanks to our, let’s say, not very high flight of thoughts, finally, finally, i completely agree with you, so yes, that is, we give people money in case of our wonderful. intellectual state in the opposite case, we are also again, what are you doing, i don’t understand, i say , let’s look now, there is no leader here, and how will you distribute the money,
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scatter it from a helicopter, by the way, well... yes , listen, no, in fact, our star five have been playing for the last few years, weeks, and months, no matter how strange, quite good, for a very long time - our tv viewers did not leave large sums of money from the final round, and what this means is that today we are again starting not with the minimum possible amount of 20 thousand rubles, but with 380 thousand. amazing! my friends, 38,000 rubles. let's hope there will be more by the end of today's program, first round right now, all the talk later, let's go! everyone played, however, the rules of the first round, now i’ll tell you again:
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randomly, the computer selects a tv viewer, he with my help he asks you a question... you will have 4 minutes to try to find the correct answer, i can give three hints, you ask any leading questions, i answer either yes or no, 20 thousand rubles. on kanu, all attention on the screen, let's meet the same tv viewer who will play against you first today, oh wow, lyudmila belyaeva, 43 years old, sibay city, republic of bashkartastan, she wants to spend the money on a gaming complex for her cat. gaming complex, gaming shopping complex, gaming complex for cat, well, no matter what, but what if he just doesn’t, he’s just not happy with chess, or what? here, let me remind you, yes, in the last program in the finale, a tv viewer also wanted to spend 380 thousand rubles on a leopard cat, i think that was his name, but the money remained in the bank, and
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that only cats are watching our program. why , maybe, she doesn’t have a cat, i hope - it didn’t turn out that only women with cats watch our program, yes, ready, strong and independent, all attention to the screen, the first question of our program today is straight now, for which thomas edison paid 35 dollars a week for his son’s time, so that he would not interfere with him, but a beautiful version, no, so that he would spin the dynamos, dynamos. so that the current would be there all the time, but close, well, no, distantly, on the contrary, yes, distantly, so most likely not, he shocked him, not bad, no, well, to check, so finger, yes, you can, please, son, these two contacts are there, they are there, it is connected with electricity, yes, it is connected with electricity, no, it is connected with experiments, no, no, it is there or something he was wiping something, some kind of servicing,
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not bad so that he was silent. but no, it’s not so that he read to him like that, no, this is connected with the son’s behavior, so that he says something, something as if or not, or something not, so that on the contrary he doesn’t interfere, no, it was this version , he didn’t interfere, i said that most likely not, yes, that is, he, well, or very remotely you can accept it this way, so that he doesn’t come, he should , on the contrary, he should interfere constantly yelling, he doesn’t yell, so that he, so so that he doesn’t sing, so that he doesn’t sing, that’s what you decided after looking at this photograph, yes, well, no , sounds, sounds, microphone, sounds, this, this is a line from a famous song, no, no, on the contrary, he stomped, thundered, rumbled, made it as loud as possible , did not let him fall asleep to check some of his inventions, no, no, no, didn't let me
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sleep, connected to the door, connected to the door? why? no, okay, so that he posed, no , he woke him up, he didn’t wake him up, he didn’t wake him up, and he didn’t wake him up, this is connected, okay, that is, the son had to emit something sound, yes, no, no, the behavior is connected with the morning, so as not to interfere , this is not what we are hinting at in this hint, let's son should was to do something or not to do something, to do something or not to do something, well , to do something, yes, he had to spin his chair - and what prompted you to do this, he had to turn over the hourglass, maybe he he constantly had to do something, constantly do something, well, no, no, something with alternating direct current transforms one into another, no, no, no, so that he doesn’t interfere, doesn’t interfere, that means he interferes with him something and he paid him, he paid him 35 bucks, so it’s important, he did this,
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he did it at home, this at home that was all. but it doesn’t matter, it’s more likely even, well, in general, i wound up his watch, no, so that he thought about dad, just thinking about dad, here’s 35 bucks for you, flipped through the calendar. has something to do with this, we don’t think like that, our editors don’t think like that, so that he spins the bike all the time, the scoreboard, i ’ll be there for a long time, that’s it, fasten it for him, tie his shoelaces, wedding, wedding, so that he holds it in know where, so that he announces himself all the time, so that he says where, dad, i am, you must be aware so that he i just said my location, no , it’s connected with clothes , it’s not connected with clothes at all, well, behavior, at the same time, this is behavior, we started with this, in my opinion, the first question, for the fact that if he gets married, his father will be the first one he
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warns about this, no, so that he doesn’t go to the wedding, no, so that he doesn’t get married, so that he doesn’t get married, an interesting version, no, no, so that he gets married, no, so that he takes precautions, so that the money, the last seconds, let's pull it out, pull out the weeds so that it doesn't interfere with the narrowing, no, no, let's, well, let's also, let's also congratulations to lyudmila bilyaeva, 20 thousand rubles are sent to the city of siba, it is connected with behavior, so as not to interfere, we have become it, it is connected with behavior, because the son discredited himself, not bad, only he discredited, he behaved badly and thereby discredited father. and he changed his name all the time, well, not all the time, but just so that it was so that he changed his name and was under someone else’s last name, and stopped disgracing his father, show the answer on the screen, it’s normal, yes it’s normal,
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yes it’s normal, he paid him for the fact that the son temporarily changed his last name so as not to disgrace his father, 35 and why every week, it ’s a one-time thing, because for now he’s changed his last name, he gets 35 dollars, if he stops paying him, he goes back to edison, what a brute. i tell you, tired of thomas jr.’s adventures, and edison offered to pay his wayward son an allowance of $35 a week if he just changed his name. he agreed and began to call himself thomas willard. then edison sr., by the way, got him a job on a mushroom farm, in the hope that over time he would become self-sufficient, but in general it didn’t help, if we talk so seriously, then thomas’s son.
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well, it’s generally a well-known fact that dima took a pseudonym for himself, a pseudonym, but he ’s not really dima bilan, victor belan, and why wasn’t ulyanov shown, while ulyanovoy lenin would have been shown too, but that’s too simple, although you also know if they would now go into a revolution somewhere about good, so the second hint, look, well, here the exchange has changed, the exchange has changed. didn’t exchange his last name, he just changed it, he essentially exchanged it last name for 35 dollars a week, in fact , oh cunning, oh, very cunning, like that third tip, but it’s completely legendary, well, you also
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know, like, well, anything can happen, well, anything can happen, well, most often my history is very distant , the question is good, i don’t argue, but this whole story is very distant, your whole story with the tips is bad. after the first round my mood improved a little, the amount in the bank has not changed there after the first round it’s still 380 thousand rubles, let’s see what happens in the second round of our today's program, five against one , we went to the second round, the same rules as. ruble at stake, 4 minutes, three tips , the peculiarity of the second round is that it is a round of photo questions, pay attention to the screen, choose a tv viewer, and then look at the photo that he sent us,
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evgenia chechineva is playing against you, 30 years old, city voronezh, this is the third time evgenia has sent her question, and how did they behave with her last time? she has never won yet. well done, good, good girl, by the way, you know something else, my loved ones are very worried about this is the third time he’s sent it to evgenia, so she promised that as a victory , she’d give me a box of champagne, so, i’m kidding, okay, in fact, her relatives said that they would give her a box of champagne to congratulate her, okay, at evgenia’s next hobby is embroidering designs on blouses and shirts, bravo, pay attention to the screen, look at this picture and answer me, what is this, what are these beads, these are not beads, a calendar, no, very often, by the way, yes, you answered .
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that a calendar is something written on a piece of paper, respectively a hieroglyph, yes it is written, it is connected with some kind of predictions, this is a poem, this is not a poem, this is some kind of religious something, not religious, no, it is connected with mathematics, it is not connected with mathematics, with embroidery, with the position in the sky of this like the position of the stars in the sky,
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this is a collective document, oops, so , the population census, dmitry, so far i’ve come closest, a collective document, this is a passport of an object, well, this is where who should sit at the table, no, not like that, this is a collective letter , maybe so, not bad, collective letter, this is a collective complaint, collective, yes , everything is enough, a completely correct answer , go nuts, and dmitry said that this is something collective and a complaint, logic, now it’s clear, but it seems to me, no , no, no, he overpraised , why, and why should he understand, he said the right thing, no one is the first, no last, that everything there would be a collective complaint, and why no one is the first, not the last, but it’s like all the wounds, that’s all, show me if there are maybe.
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collective responsibility, and collective japanese peasants signed the complaint in a circle, like this, and this was done so that it was impossible to identify the initiators, because the initiator usually signs first, and then yes, but here, when everything is in a circle, it is not clear who, and how everything together, the boys, everyone will go together, that’s it, yes, where , then, well, where, to celebrate, we had three hints, the first: “yes, we only had one, well, yes, you just had enough for us, well, the collective farm did collective and voluntary, a collective farm is something collective, and a collective, collective farming in essence , the second hint, a sting, this is a pity pipe, this is a pitiful pipe, seriously, yes, yes, which pitifully makes such a sound, show me, show me, why all kinds of buffoons make such a sting." remember the famous song
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by valentina tolkunova, somewhere a watering can is crying, i can’t help it there and so on, so the third hint, a complaint book, usually in the consumer’s corner, here like that, so you took it out so that, well, well, somehow yes, yes, a book of complaints and suggestions, yes, well, you have been rehabilitated for the first round, crazy amount, crazy, you cut. rub. well, let's see if any of you increase it in the next, third round. the advertisement will go by quickly, don’t switch, it’s five on one. i saw myself dead.
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it means you’ll live a long time, premiere on rtr: don’t be afraid, i see you, i’d like to talk to you, who shot you while she was hunting for ghosts, just don’t worry, they announced a hunt for her, kolisov is very dangerous, and he is now free, security should be around the entire perimeter so that not a single thought ran. and anna is a medium on monday on rtr , please, acquaintance and roll call can be done without formation, i’m very glad that you came to visit me, how much tea have i drunk, how many stories i tell, i was bold in a white tuxedo and i’m starting, then the chest goes away
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markolievich zakharov, and for me this was probably akin to the appearance of christ to the people, how many secrets were told, i, as a man, am a hunter of women, i like to attack. i imagined that i would have a completely different husband, but how much more is ahead? i foresaw my fate, now that's all performs, i give up everything with joy, let's all wave our hands, when everyone is at home, with timur kizikov, on sunday on rtr, drop everything and go, quickly to the restaurant on soduk, is your semyon with some woman here in the restaurant? semyon, tell me that all this seemed to me. olga kabo, he called me ideal. and you are ideal, you can
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hang noodles on your ears, cuckold you. dmitry frid, separation may be for the better. i don’t know, it’s as if i’ve just been run over by a roller. oleg. kalmazov. irena met a gorgeous guy a man, they are planning an affair. do you think i 'll try to win her too? can you imagine, our quiet irka immediately had a bunch of gentlemen appearing for her. the most important thing is that they fight to the death for it. everyone has the right to later happiness. listen, maybe we can start from scratch today. on rtr. provocation is treacherous behavior, there is a difference between a man and a woman, i noticed, then it turns out that my husband and my cat are the most intelligent creatures in our family. orientalism is a parallel agenda.
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continuation of the conversation in new episodes of our podcasts. and so as not to miss anything, subscribe, listen and watch on the media platform look. the first podcasts we are watching, you are watching one hundred and one, what is our task to open the whole board, we will cope, if you ask, then with a catch, the name of which character from pushkin’s works everyone knows, how many there will be 7,8, 7 and 8, how many, who on work? speaks a lot and loudly, if you answer, then with humor, i would chop oak, not pluck, problems with water, light, housing and communal services, i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry, this is a set for a headache
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, god forbid now, if you win, then hurray, 100 to one, today on rtr, it’s five on one, we’re back right now for the third round, one on one, well, third round, only one of you will play, i don’t know who exactly, we’ll find out very soon, pay attention to the screen, choose a tv viewer, and he will already choose his victim. anatoly kazannikov will play against one of you, 38 years old, a railway city, i’ll say this just in case in the moscow region, several railway around the country, and anatoly, we have studios here anatoly, hello, yes, good
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afternoon, good afternoon, how are you feeling, great, great, anatoly, well, tell me how you got here, not in the sense of what you arrived on, but how did you like it? did it even occur to you? write here, call, in fact, i wrote several questions, but it’s just interesting for the sake of sporting interest, this is more, that is , you don’t need money, and you don’t need 20,000, but no matter how simple i won’t refuse, i won’t refuse, right away, i won’t refuse, let's give 10 and leave, okay, what will you spend 20,000 on? rubles, if good luck smiles on you, i will spend 20,000 rubles on a gift for my daughter, on a gift for my daughter, so who did you come with today, and i came with... my support group, this is vlada , my niece and vladimir, my sister’s brother-in-law. anatoly, well, choose who you will play with? i would like to play with evgeniy rybov today. evgeny is a fish, well, they talked me into it, but no one has played one-on-one with evgeny for a long time, well, it just
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seems to me that there is solidarity between bearded people, now, zhen, yes, when was the last time you played one-on-one, i can’t even recall, you know, i have a feeling that more than that, the last time i played one -on-one, when i still came here as a guest, and i was naturally chosen, as they usually choose a one-time guest, uh, one-time. this briton
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played the main role in a soviet film so realistically that after filming he found a loving family, name this briton, a briton is a cat, obviously, this is a cat, no, but this is a person, no , this is an animal, yes, a dog, a british bulldog, sherlock holmes, apparently, no, no, it's not british doc, yes, we found out, he played in sherlock holmes. no, where else were dogs needed, well, well, a dog, call it the british, a dog, well, no, well, it needs to be specifically specific, no, i can’t accept whether it’s a breed or not , you need a name, at least a character, snoopy, no, i’m only in soviet, soviet, everyone is silent, still, still, dog, dog in the film, well, congratulations, anatoly 20,000 rubles. the most famous soviet film about dogs. where is this sad waiting movie? black ear, come on, there was
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an irish setter there, so excuse me, please, excuse me, this is britain, this is all great britain, you know what, so show the answer on the screen, white beam, black ear, yes, listen, the real fate of the actor’s dog is no less touching than... the film, by the way, i when i watched it as a little boy, i actually cried, yes, everyone was crying, the owner of the dog, yes, the real owner of the dog, i mean, not in the movie, but the real one, he rented it out for the entire filming period, during the entire filming he never came once hello to visit the pet, the dog was very bored, was waiting for his owner, and vyacheslav tikhanov could not calmly look at the suffering of his partner on the site; every day he came before the start of his shift and walked the davanese setter.
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the story, yes, that was the story, too , touching, when nikulin told, when they were filming with mukhtar, there was a shepherd dog, so he says, well , the shooting also began, but the owner was nearby all the time, he also lived with them, and he says , one morning i feel with my nose, it means this shepherd dog will be me, like let’s go for a walk with me, and i say, i woke up and walked the dog i realized that it was somehow unpleasant to tell the owner that now i am walking your dog. and she walks with you and he says: every day, every day i walked her, i just couldn’t walk her anymore, well listen, the owner
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apparently feels that something is wrong, at the end of the filming nikulin comes up to this owner and says : listen, you probably already understood, yes, that after all, the dog is walking with me, he says: yes, she comes to me in the morning, says, go for a walk with yura, i every time, i don’t want to, go, yes, take a walk with yuri, well agree, the story is amazing, amazing, it’s strange that you didn’t succeed... well, come on , i could, of course, now organize this stinking session, yes, but for a gift for a child, well, in the end, after the third round, the amount is the bank has not changed, there is still a round, beautiful number, 4000 rubles, but now four of your teammates have the opportunity to actually rehabilitate themselves , still crack this round number, the fourth round right now, let's go. fourth round, all five of you play again, 4
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minutes, three tips, 20,000 rubles. on kanu, there is a peculiarity in the fourth round, and this peculiarity is that the question is asked. the tv viewer himself, but first let's get to know this tv viewer, alexey bulgakov, 51 years old, moscow, alexey has a hobby, this is video shooting, and he will spend his winnings on a trip, where apparently there will be something, this, if i'm not mistaken, what if it's snow, no, it looks like pomu ko, yes, that's it, well, just like that. here is a well-known one behind us , yes, well, ready, attention to the screen, alexey , aiming at a turkish landmark, yes he will ask you his own question, hello, star team, answer the question, what unusual incident happened on the set of the film lyon during the storming scene
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by special forces, time, funny. funny , well, it’s such an interesting fact , listen, wait, there during the filming, during this assault, one of the non-actors, that is , some ordinary person, got into the frame, well , that is, he’s not like that, no , in my opinion, if i’m not mistaken, either they mixed up the door, or the residents of this house thought that it was really special forces and during filming they actually caught some kind of criminal, that’s what it seems like. they called the police , that is, well, so who are they, wait, come on, the residents of the house , no, special forces, acting special forces, he broke into the wrong apartment, he didn’t break in, but real acting special forces, or rather not a real detainee, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, he was rehabilitated, yes, this is for your white
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bim, yes, you must say, for your black ear. so hints, show the answer on the screen, alexey will speak himself, the actors detained the real criminal, that’s right, yes, as it happened, the criminal robbed a store located nearby, when he ran away, he ran out through the cinematic fence, straight into a group of artists in police uniform, special forces, which means they stormed the building, and completely dumbfounded when they saw him, the criminal knelt down, surrendered, and was later handed over already a real policeman, he just thought that all this had come for him, my friends, three tips, we didn’t expect you to do that, yes, yes, and prepared three, for example, the first one, yeah, well of course, yeah, yeah, and yes,
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crime punishment, well, this is fyodor mikhailovich, yes, svet dostoevsky. from dostoevsky to a net with butterflies, yes , we easily move from dostoevsky to durimaru , yes, the short path was so the third clue is this you, this is what it is and i... they check the gold with their teeth in the sense of real, it’s like that, and it’s as if the police didn’t catch it of the real one, they test the gold to the teeth , yes, if it bends, if it is soft, then it is real, for the real one, it is not real, we hinted here, well, whatever it was in the fourth
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round which was suspiciously easy for you , you won 2000 rubles and now the jackpot is. let's assume that we'll see, i don't know what we can just say yes, i see you 've relaxed, okay, the fifth round, right now, let's go, in this round one of the russian stars will play against our star five , attention on the screen, let's find out who will play with you now,
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we'll find out now, natalya gulkina, yeah. natalya will donate the winnings to a shelter for cats, but what is it, well, how do they do it, cats? they are persecuting our program, they just started persecuting us, are you ready? yes, pay attention to the screen. at the turn of the century in america there was a fat man's club. to join the club you had to weigh at least 90 kg, now i felt offended, pay a fee and learn what? time? the multiplication table, the fat man's oath, they checked, yes, at the entrance, no, well, no, no, dance, no, the composition of fat, i, my god, no, learn - movement. learn something, yes, you can do that, fat dance, belly dance, no, no, no, tristypus, what’s his name, belly dance,
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learn - like a movement in the sense, well , sit down for a very long time, and don’t not move, no, no, no, no, no, this is connected with some kind of choreographic movement or is it choreographic no, but learn and learn the movement like this you have to slap yourself on the belly with your hands, they organized a flash mob, right? maybe put some kind of glass on the animal , a welcoming gesture, some kind of secret masonic welcoming secret masonic, well, in the sense , well, a very close belly is not involved , some kind of club gesture so that like this, well, close, close, but no, what is this and what is this well, what is this, what is this anyway, this is a musical instrument, i don’t understand, no, this is a train coupling. that is, some kind of secret handshake, apparently a secret handshake, that’s the correct answer, that’s what came out, and zhenya,
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zhenya was touched by this white beam, black ear, it’s just vomiting, i’m bitten, in short, i’m just something yes, i’m from an irish setter, yes , right now you decided like this, yes, like this, okay, so show me, first of all, the answer is on the screen, i had to learn the secret. handshake, what kind of fat people are 90 kg? this is the most offensive thing, yes, this is just andrevich, shocked, i’m shocked, i’m shocked, look , you’re shocked, you’re shocked, as i understand it, you’re in the club, yes, i’m in the club 17 kg ago yet , well, nothing, me too, yes i do too, the first word was founded in new york in 1869, then the attitude towards male obesity was as positive as possible. many fat people from all over the world wanted to join the community - the club formed in the usa in the state of virginia in 1903 was considered the most numerous
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; it had about 10,000 members; to become a member of this club you had to i began to undergo control weighing, and then pay a membership fee of 1 dollar, apparently per year, with our money - that’s 35 dollars. well, okay, as soon as the fat man passed the selection, he was told the password and told about the secret handshake that was used at the entrance to organizational events, they specially organized such, like, well , club meetings, yes, at every meeting the men gathered and uttered the mantra: we are fat and i not fat, i have a wide bone, they were proud of it, they were proud, look, they they said, we are fat and... we use it like these guys, and you are somehow confident, but i thought they said we are fat with us god, god, god is with us, yes this is so good,
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okay, yes, with us two sides, you are fat, but honest, yes, twice a year , control weigh-ins were organized for members of the community, and before the event , a special notice was sent out so that the men could gain... gain the required weight for the event, someone else between meetings, who we were losing weight, we were losing a little weight, but i had to gain some weight, i i’ll tell you more, some participants resorted to tricks and, in order to weigh more, put weights in their pockets, losers, i wouldn’t have to do this at all, you know, five rounds have been played, give me a hint, give me a hint, give me a hint, give me a hint, give me a hint, give me three more tips, let’s do it, give me three hints , ok, love this honor here.
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crocodile, wow, what is this, this is a famous, famous monument, come on, this is a famous monument in volgograd, seriously, yes, why is it there in many, by the way, films about stalingrad. there is this monument half-destroyed remember and so the third clue , well, apparently something secret secret agent yes, yes something secret secret yes a handshake a secret handshake here, if you put all three clues together, then you will immediately have the correct answer. well, five rounds have been played, you have replenished the bank with another 20,000 rubles and today’s jackpot is 440,000 rubles.
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not bad.
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so, did you get enough sleep? gentlemen, just a moment, we have a big day today, a big holiday. it's been a while since we 've seen each other, dear. you know on for every cool fighter there is an even cooler one. they fell in love. don't ask stupid questions now. he still loves them.
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you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for my words, a hero from his time, beauty, repping, the whole crew, only on the platform, look, treasure, shifts are shaking, big changes have come, into the new season with new renovations. with a slight movement of the hand, we are making three different functional zones from this room, absolutely without faces, the ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be plenty of surprises and a lot of work, plans are turning into projects before our eyes, i adore plants, i’m generally a plant maniac, real stone flowers will soon bloom from the living room of our heroes, after
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dismantling a lot... it will become clear, and dreams become reality, look, let them into your home, big changes , every sunday on rtr, are you inviting me to your theater? i invite you.
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mistakes, i’m not going to women on saturday on rtr, all the most important things in life. in our hands, to fulfill a childhood dream, gain new knowledge, feel inspired, build career. to realize our plans, create a family, give life, pass on traditions, preserve the memory of the past and conquer new heights, it is in
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our hands, to choose our future and the future of the whole country, together, we vote for russia with strength. it's five on one, we're back right now for the final, jackpot draw! let's play the entire jackpot, all the bank's money, everything accumulated through backbreaking labor, and this, show me, is 440 rubles. not bad money, one of our tv viewers can take it right now. well, let's get to know... this then i will tell the tv viewers the rules , pay attention to the screen, now the child will be again, no, a cat or a cat, well almost, in the final denis weitsel plays against you, 25 years old, rostov-on-don, is interested
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in robotics, programming and drawing, and will spend the winnings for renovations in your apartment, well, at least you don’t have any problems, because the apartment was ruined by a cat, the cat ruined it, perhaps, by the way, yes. the cat tore up the walls, now we need repairs, please, 440,000, in principle it’s normal, briefly, let me remind you of the rule, each of you plays 15 seconds, everyone has already played here , but nevertheless, once again, come on, come on, come on, while someone is playing, the rest are silent and don’t give any hints, if when we get to sasha pushny there is still no correct answer, no, come on , if we get to evgeniy and there is no correct answer, that will be very strange, you agree, in the context it’s very tactful right away, you’re straight in the mood, i’m watching, right? well, i just see that zhenya today really wasn’t just an icebreaker for our simple tv viewers, for our questions, but there’s no point in angering zhenya, we’re ready, yes zhenya, we’ll start with you, pay attention to the screen that a male australian bird gives a painted fairywren to his
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girlfriend during courtship time, this is sweet, no, but this is to make a house, this is some kind of decoration, decorations, on the head , on the neck, on the paw, well, no. and he just , well, no, on his tail, no, but decorations, plants, a song, his feather, feather, he rips something out of, doesn’t rip something out of you, no, he rips something out of someone, not from someone , so, well, this is something material or this is some kind of material, this is a petal of a very beautiful flower, absolutely correct. a couple more of these games and i need to stop taking
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lessons so that somehow, well, okay, well , the way we play is how you dance, so i ’m talking about what kind of flower, maybe i should have said no, well, that’s exactly not just flowers. yes, there is this word in the answer, and andrei vich simply said it, yes, show me, flower petals, yes, very beautiful, very beautiful, this is me to enhance the meaning, yes, well, well, amazing, bite, so to speak , i, i was leaning towards the feather, because the feather is very beautiful on the male, on the male, yes, yes, yes, yes, but here he is - they cut him off, well, the bird, apparently, says that i will tear myself out, i will go there, that someone else is allowed. like all normal men, well, that’s right, i’ll give a flower, male fairywrens attract the attention of females with torn flower petals, such a gift is listened to as an invitation for the female to go for a walk, i call it business,
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get busy, yes thank you, thank you, and even outside the nesting period, painted maleurs touchingly care for their females, that is, this not only happens at the very moment that's when they make a couple. this is generally his absolutely normal behavior, but there are some holidays, february 14, march 8, please, he constantly drags, my friends, we won, you won the final round, and this means that the entire amount that you have saved is , i remind you, 440,000 rubles, goes to the next game, with this our show has come to an end, i remind you that all episodes of the program can be found on the internet platform, watch it, but if you want not only to watch the star five, but also you want to play yourself then ask your question on the page, perhaps you will become the next winner. today they played with us, this is the funniest of
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the intellectual and the most intelligent funny shows on russian television, see you here, good morning, good morning, our dear guests, good morning, dear tv viewers, we are starting, this is 100 to one, funny victolina, today our guest is the ori team.
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hello, hello, hello, let's get to know you, first, hello, we are the horizon group, and today in this composition, our soloist dmitry shtanin, our wonderful violinist anton, it’s very nice, this is your violin, mine, so, it seems to me that anton will have time to show today, and well, then there’s a charming girl, an athlete, a komsomol member and just . a very serious link
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in our team, this is our music producer, vladimir borovikov, yeah, well, our amazing, permanent captain, soloist daria kotova, well, i understand correctly that this has to do with the horizon ensemble of my youth. which once definitely definitely wasn't you can be sure it thundered, sounded , or rather, all over the country, well, why in the past tense, in the present, i think that everything is still ahead, yes it is, well, well, we will hear you again today, as i understand it, so, eh this is kantel, hello, alexander, please tell me, we are the national song and dance ensemble of kareli and kanteli, founded in 1936, we are already 88 years old. wow, we
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arrived today with this lineup, anastasia, the soloist of our ensemble, leading performer and master of playing the ancient kantele instrument, which is a sounding symbol of karelia and from which our ensemble actually received its name, it would be nice to demonstrate at least a couple of notes right now that what we mean about the violin is that it personifies the image of a northern beauty, anastasia entered the project. 100 faces of karelia, in general mikhail is a virtuoso musician, fluent in accordion and harmony. of course, not a single concert is complete without him; everyone knows the catchphrase: what is a song without bayan? yes, that's absolutely right. bayan in the studio, of course, is wonderful, with him heroic in appearance, his main weapon is his stage presence, which is significant. in our team, by the way, there are
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several married couples who were destined to meet in our ensemble; a striking example of such a union is misha and nastya, misha and nastya. oksana, honored artist of kareli, chief choreographer of the kanteli ensemble, our perpetual motion machine. yes. oksana is in love with folk dance, and she can handle any task, she always makes decisions with confidence, and her motto in life is not to retreat and not to give up. irina, honored artist karelia, the soul of our team is the silver voice of our region, its unique timbre has won the love of listeners not only in the republic, but beyond its borders. great, irina asked not to talk, but her big dream is to sing for our president. there will definitely be such a case, we will report it. so, alexander, a few words. artistic director of the kantele ensemble, a versatile
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musician, multi-instrumentalist, a person with an open soul and a kind heart. bravo! well, horizon and kanteli, we are always happy to welcome you to our studio talented people, inspired by their work, their creativity, musicians, welcome, we have a fun quiz, it's called 100 to one, and we begin, a simple gennar game, so we begin, i ask.
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the traditional version is for salt, yes, excuse me, yes, okay, we come back, for matches, i think there was such a soviet-finnish film, if i’m not mistaken, we continue, for what reason the neighbor may have been flooded, that’s right, they were flooded i need to immediately go up to my neighbors and ask if it’s you who’s drowning me, upstairs neighbor, right? we are a neighbor from above, we flooded someone from below, okay, let’s check, we flooded someone, yes, because of a leak, this is the fifth line, mikhail, yes, the music is playing loudly, yes , definitely yes, because it’s too much, i play the accordion
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or the accordion accordion, either with my wife or not, we play the accordion very loudly. yes, it happens, yes, well, well, it means we are musicians who came to us, because we are noisy, yes noisy, so you can touch, oh, something even happened, well, either out of friendship, or for a visit, as an option, for a visit, yes to visit, chat on a visit, chat on a visit, a great option, let’s check it out. yes , have a drink, and, well, people have an honest conversation , have a drink, well, maybe borrow money , maybe borrow money to communicate and you, right, okay, let’s check, borrow money, oh look, let’s just go no
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mistakes at all, so, well, well, that’s it, we took the matches that we had left, made some noise, drank, talked. yes, well, in general, to get acquainted, so that later, to communicate later, so that there is someone to borrow money from, well, okay, just to get to know each other, yes, that’s an option, get acquainted novosel, get acquainted , well, okay, maybe the key to the attic or the basement,
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we have had such situations, or maybe, or maybe just leave the keys, let's say, now there is money associated with the key. hand over yes, okay, check hand over the keys, leave the keys, no, we think so , well, let’s think further, remember different situations, no, remember situations, he’s not sitting in an apartment, at the dacha, let’s say, at the dacha, open the front room or the police ? for what reason does a neighbor usually come in, wait, it’s such a big city now,
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imagine a bunch of people, this hint has already gone, but a big city, parking something in the parking lot. so ask misha to remove the car, take the car, for example, well , ask, asked to remove the car, move it, free it. so well, the answer sounds like asking to remove the car, asking to remove the car, asking to remove the car, this is your final answer, yes, yes, yes, yes, let’s not torture anyone, let it be asking to remove the car, the correct answer, well, quite a rare but common case, the kanteli team answered all questions
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in a row, without mistakes, so, a neighbor comes to us because for salt, for matches 23, because of noise 21, to chat, sit, drink 19, borrow money 7 because of a leak, six and move the car, there is one more option 80. but for now, after the first round, we continue, we have a double game ahead, you are watching with only, watching the show, tell me, do you even understand that i am leaving the family. forever, yes, everything is clear, on sunday, there is such news, dad will no longer live
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with us, he will live in another place, this is not news to me, how could you quietly introduce sasha to my girlfriend, why, i don’t want to lose contact with sasha, get in touch, and someone else’s woman has nothing to do with it, move to us, and mom, well, what about mom, little one, she can’t cope without you, we can start life. sheet, hello, i recognized you, oles, after so many years, i knew that you would call someday, but the past cannot be crossed out, we had such a chapter called karina, we can write another chapter called the three of us again, me i want to fix everything, southern cyclone, on sunday on rtr. good morning, my beloved, my voice sounds only for you.
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morning mail with nikolai baskov on sunday on rtr. “drop everything and go , quickly to the restaurant in the garden, why
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are two semyon and some woman here in the restaurant, semyon, tell me that all this seemed to me, olga kobo, he called me ideal, and you are ideal, you you can hang noodles on your ears, cuckold you, dmitry frid. breakups can be for the better, i don’t know, now it’s as if they ran over me with a roller. oleg almazov, irena met a gorgeous man, they are planning an affair. just think, i i'll try to win her too. can you imagine, our quiet irka immediately had a bunch of gentlemen appearing for her. the most important thing is that they fight to the death for it. everyone has the right to later happiness. listen, maybe we can start from scratch?
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people's exhibition forum russia. nature, nature, we'll talk about so well, now we'll be a little closer to the birds, which bird's singing is more reminiscent of
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a cry, anastasia varona. think varona, and a seagull, yes, a seagull, a seagull, yes, a seagull, let’s start with a seagull, check the seagull, yes, it’s first place, they don’t give, they don’t give , they don’t give, they don’t give, they just don’t give you anything at all, there is also mikhail, the singing of which bird is more reminiscent of a cry, a cry, yes, a crow too, well, let’s have a crow too, i think it’s killed like a scream. we check the crow so well, the crow is in second place as the father of the goose, turkeys are also turkeys, well, maybe yes, well, let’s go turkey, turkey, how he does it, i’ve already shown it again, it’s
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actually a bird, right? it’s clear, we check the rooster, we check, the rooster, exactly, crows, so what else, the fourth line is open, i don’t know, here are the swans, they are what are alexander doing, about the arla , i don’t remember, he generally makes some sounds , well, alexander makes some, of course, but can i ask you again, of course, please, the question is, which bird’s singing is more reminiscent of
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a cry, screaming, singing, and a firebird. no, peacock, peacock, peacock, maybe a peacock , it seems to me that this is not very popular , maybe something simpler than a bird, simpler, good, simpler, simpler, small, small doesn’t fit at all, so small that on the street, what a bird, geese, it seems to me that’s all, but they hiss and ha-ha they they also scream, but they don’t sing, ducks, ducks also make sounds, they quack, they quack , they quack, well, who do we ask, ducks, bushi, either ducks or bushi, and there usually through a space, through a space, but these are still different birds, as people say, ornithologists, you know, these are still different birds, you should know everything, so
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we check the goose, goose, geese. eagle too ah so well let's try eagle eagle if you're already eagle eagle from the word yells you can yes well at least yell some maybe the guys also want to play that eagle or duck oryo duck oryo duck come on, a duck or an eagle, an eagle, well, she's a duck , i think an eagle, have you ever heard an eagle , in general, i think it soars, soars, and screams. eagle eagle checking eagle we have an eagle , excuse me, well, he screams, screams, it’s true , not everyone knows about it, so, well, okay, we have no neighbors, the moment of truth, everyone gives an option, there are no neighbors, yeah, and so on daria gives your general answer, vladimir, the parrot, yes, he screams, he talks, he screams, even as
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he screams, so does victoria. that there could be a falcon, a falcon, yes, anton, but i don’t remember, not a duck they called it, they didn’t call it duck, yes, roasted , especially dmitry, well, i think that peacock, maybe peacock, maybe daria, look how many options you have, in fact there are a lot of options, given the fact that things didn’t work out with our neighbors, we just don’t see them today, we need to decide something, no, no, no, no, i probably have two, two variations that i would like to name, but we need to, we need to decide, which one i want more, it seems to me, either a parrot, or a peacock, or a parrot, or a peacock, that’s it, throw it away and let’s do it, that’s what i want i always do it this way, so now just a second, here, yeah, now we’ll find out, please choose your hand, left or right, and the parrot, the parrot, okay
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, all responsibility is already the parrot, let’s check the parrot, there is, there is a parrot, yes, well we also have peacock, open peacock, here it is, on the third line we had peacock. we have a heron and that's the whole list. so, after two rounds we have 13680 in favor of the arizona team. and already, yes, it’s time to listen to the singing, but not of birds, but of our wonderful musicians.
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evening has touched the roofs, i’m in a hurry to get water, water, hear me with your heart, boy, young, young, dil, wait for kalina, i’ll come running to you, the flowers will fly away like white. you 're in cash, peribu, oh, you're kolya's color, you're fog over the water, why wait, the clock is dawn,
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home for the old days, and home, so, and yet mikhail is the first, i think, because he finished his haircut, because he finished work, okay, let's check because he finished work, oops, that's the first answer,
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let's go back, well done, well done, oksana, your turn, why did the hairdresser decide to wake up the client he was cutting, why are you like that it’s clear that this is a man, of course, here’s some advice. well, okay, yes, let’s have an option, i woke you up in order to consult how to cut, yeah, in order to consult, we’ll open our ears, yeah, we’ll do a parting, of course, to understand how to cut further, that’s right, there’s this line , fourth, what did you decide to clarify, irina, i’m talking about money again, i think that maybe it’s time to pay, yes. maybe it’s in the way, he fell asleep and fell, fell from the chair, now he’s just sleeping on the floor
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, but he needs to get his hair cut, but he’s fast asleep, fell fast asleep, began to fall over somewhere, we need to catch him, okay, so the client in the chair began to fall, there is such an option, there is such an option. he's falling over, he's so cheerful, yes, we're right, and he snores, he snores, he's disturbing everyone, in general, it's impossible, he's snoring, he's disturbing everyone, yes, well, maybe he's disturbing, or they cut him, cut him, he would wake up, his, no, his they cut him, but he doesn’t wake up, he’s bleeding, yes, then you need to call another service, well, come on, yes, he got so sick that he started. that snores, that's all the rest just woke up, well, let’s say, well, okay, in short, he snores, the third line, then we think, maybe he’s come.
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otherwise, not knowing that someone said to finish, you know, and maybe it was right about money, about money, about money, yes, you can say it, you have no mistakes, so you can take risks, well, let’s take a risk, it’s time pay. and he pretends that he’s sleeping, yes, and he pretends , and he’s going to run away altogether, okay, it’s time to pay for the work, oh, no, it’s still not like that, well, i think, mikhail, we’re back to you, what there may still be, but if, for example, let’s say something happened in a hairdresser, some kind of fire, well fire, fire, fire, emergency, well emergency, just change it, that is, cut it on one side, you need to another one to cut, well that’s it.
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sounds change the position change the position of the head change the position of the head check there is such a thing in fact a good master of course will not touch the client will not continue to cut in any position even lying down well okay so we have a question why the hairdresser decided to wake up the client who is cutting his hair look at the five options, finished the strip , change it.
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for this he woke up, put his head in, put his hair in, comb his hair, go through the hairdryer, dry his hair, it’s time to wash off the paint, it’s time to wash off the paint, by the way, yes, if women wash their hair, what’s the difference, wash off the paint, it’s wash off the paint, wash their hair , this is to wash your hair, wash off the paint, wash off the paint, so let’s go, it’s time to wash off the paint, but why are they going, and i’m also tired of so much work at home. well, let's paint, it's time to wash it off,
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okay, it's time to wash off the hair dye, it's time wash off the paint, check, well, well, here are all six lines again, so, the reasons for the hairdresser to decide to wake up the client, finish the haircut, change the position of the head. drinks, clarifies something, falls over, washes his hair, well , that’s actually the whole order 308-136, we have everything ahead, it was a triple game, you look, 100 to one, now we have another musical break, in different parts,
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we leave a piece of our heart, a memory, carefully, carefully, carefully, we keep meetings, and now we couldn’t help but fall in love, how could we not love, these lands are incomparable, but so be it. orelya is a dream, there will be a dream from now on, pastro-terminal giants, above the blue blazani azer.
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i want you in the spring, i want your scent on mint troves, the festive edition of the program. here’s a kept woman, she hasn’t worked a day, she lives on her husband’s money, we look at the weekends
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, i think i’m a mistress, and on our bed, either you leave, or we and the children, clearly, remember, you’re without me. empty space, zero, you thought about the children, i’ll find a job, be careful, from the wreckage of an old life you can build a new one, in general, at least something in business, you see, sometimes it’s better than before, help, i got my very first contract, give me an office, maria kulikova, what the hell are you doing here? mom can. on saturday. on rtr. we gathered about ten people into the first group, there were short calls, we are going to donetsk. are you with us? yes,
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when? my soldiers are coming running. they carried me. another shelling began. they laid me down, lay on top of me. one bullet is still in me, and that's, let's put it this way. trophy, we were hungry then, here comes grandma, herself hungry, but she’s carrying this kurba, i come and say: baby, feed the dogs, lend a helping hand, olga and i decided that we need to take the guys in, i came across such people who care, support with a word, hello, dear soldier, and matter, without your help you would not have survived, only ours can. honor and praise to you, what you do is simply amazing, from monday to thursday on rtr, we are giving karina an exclusive
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three-week tour of south america on her birthday. "i don't understand anything, what's going on here? what's going on, why did you come, what did i find in your office with a piece of paper, a message about divorce, what kind of stupid jokes is this, this is not a joke, this is your new reality, she was erased from our own lives, now we have nothing, not a car , not a house, i don’t have a business and a husband, so it’s time to build a new one, tell me? have you seriously decided to develop from scratch? i want to prove that it’s impossible to drown me , the stable there is on fire, lord, what’s so and so? so and so, and andrey, where, where is andrey, i’ll start everything from the beginning, today on
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rtr, happy holiday, our dear women, on the very first, truly spring day, the day of march 8th.
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and we are now getting down to the most important thing, the game is the other way around, where everything can change, i read out the question, you have 20 seconds to... think and the team gives a general answer. attention, in which proverb, saying or catchphrase there is a word, a word. 20 seconds. great amount. proverbs, popular expressions, it turns out, include
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the word, the word. arizona, i ask you, yes, i ask you, so, in which proverb of the saying or winged ice cream there is a word word, we are trying guess the sixth line, yes, there should be a drum roll here, imitate, so what, but can i make a little clarification? well, you can skip past the sixth line , well, come on, yeah, in general, if anything happens, throw objects at me, not very heavy, not very heavy, a violin, isn’t it a heavy object, but what a pity, what a pity, i agree, y of course, me too, okay, let's try it for the sake of red. for the sake of words, absolutely right, the answer is accepted, so, we
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actually have two options that are very good, very good ones, but they can be popular, yes, most likely, after all, we’ll probably focus on the beautiful, about the song, you can’t take the words out of the song, you can’t take the words out of the song, the answer is accepted. okay, so let’s try to start opening, what do you think, what’s on the first line, the word is not a sparrow, open the first line, the word is not a sparrow, open the second line, it won’t work, well, let’s continue, let’s not throw words to the wind, no words to waste let's throw, yes, well, one more word. the first word is more valuable than the second, give your word, give your word, yes, amazing, a huge number of expressions
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with the word word, as it turned out, we open the third line, silver, silence of gold, the word silver, silence, gold, respectively, the fourth line, in the beginning there was, the most important thing, the most important thought, it, you know, in the beginning there was a word, so. well, we open the fifth, sixth, yes, yes , we open the sixth, maybe we won’t take anything at all, no one took 240 points, we open the fifth line, let’s give it, this happens rarely, this happens rarely, but unfortunately both teams. flew past the scoreboard, so that means a catch phrase with the word word, sayings
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and so on, the word is not a sparrow - this is the first place, then after the word in your pocket, then the word is silver, silence, gold, then at the beginning there was a word, give a word, a word behind a word - this is the sixth place, the first word is more expensive than the second - this is the seventh, not in word and deed, you can’t get words out of a song. the cat’s kind word is nice to throw around in words, this is what our 100 people asked for by us remembered, well, it’s okay, both teams missed this list, which means the score on the scoreboard remained the same as it was before the competition 308 136, i congratulate you on your victory , for you big game for the kantelli team, you're looking at 100 to one. we are starting a big game
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, we have a married couple here, anastasia mikhail, someone must stay in the studio, someone must go into a large, scary, damp, damp, dark room, where nothing penetrates, who goes with his wife and consults you decided, just like that, and you discussed that it would be easier for anastasia to be there. okay, okay, let's do it, mikhail, so five questions, 20 seconds, yes, are you ready? we start, time starts from the last letter of the first question. go. what kind of aromatic remedy is there? oil. what can i download? truck. what is decorated with fringe? uh, dress. what is fake? voice. what types of cereals are there? corn.
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lovely. great, let's check your answers. what kind of aromatic product is there? you said oil, aromatic oil, just like you answered 13 people, which can be loaded, you said a truck, and just like you answered, three people, which is decorated with fringe, you said a dress and just like you answered. seven people, which can be fake, you said, the voice can be false, and just like you think, five people, finally, what kind of cereals are there, you said, there are corn flakes, then they agreed with you, 17
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people, thank you, return to the team. you scored 45 points, and we are waiting for anastasia , please come out, like this, i ask you here, the situation is as follows: mikhail scored 45 points in order to receive our main prize - 100,000 rubles. you only have to score 100. 55 points, well, if you don’t score , you’ll get it, we have a 100 to one program, the winners get 100,000, those who don’t win they get 1 ruble, well, also money, yes , what’s a penny ruble, don’t have 100 rubles, have 100 friends, yes, that’s absolutely right, friends, the most important thing, and most importantly more songs, this will generally
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be completely correct, so anastasia, five questions , do you have 10 seconds more? you have 30 seconds, if suddenly you answer the same way as mikhail answered, such a sound will sound, you need to immediately come up with some other answer, uh-huh, okay, okay, okay, what kind of aromatic remedy is there, candles, what can you do? load a flash drive that is decorated fringed, apron, shawl, shawl, shawl, shawl, yes, shawl, what is fake? what types of cereals are there? corn, oat, oat. okay, let's check your answers. so, the first question was, what kind of aromatic remedy is there? mikhail said oil, you said candle. our candle gets 10 points. well, most
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people said adekalon is the second answer, 17 points, and the main answer is still perfume. 32 points could be obtained for such an answer. second question: what can i download? download? you said it was possible, well, a truck mikhail said, you said that you can load a flash drive, all sorts of information, well , yes, that’s probably correct, this is close to the most popular answer, and just like you answered one person, here... so look, anastasia, you can load a washing machine , said 13 people, who does your laundry, well, it ’s probably a dry cleaner after all, yes, such beautiful concert parts, of course you can’t load them into the car, but 39 people answered something like you, but they said the word file,
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you can load them to the file, so unfortunately your answer doesn't get nearly the credit it deserves. 39 points, what is decorated with fringe, you, again, again, you, your husband, remember the suit, the dress, mikhail said, seven people, you said an apron, an apron, who also answered, well, our ordinary tv viewers remembered, the most popular answer is a tablecloth with fringe, and 21 people said that with fringe there are curtains, curtains, well, like that, what is fake, again? both, of course, are a musical family, so how could they answer? mikhail said voice, and you said note, voice - 5 points, note - 15 points, this is strong, but
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again, in second place is the answer, a coin can be fake - said 20 people, and money can be fake, said 27 people, this is my answer. we ask questions, sometimes about something close to us, and people in general, of course, answer about something that is clear to absolutely everyone, what kind of cereal there are, you both said corn, apparently it’s also popular in your family, we eventually corrected ourselves and said oatmeal, second answer, snow flakes 23 people, oatmeal is the most popular answer. 30 people answered oatmeal, but you exceeded a hundred, that’s not bad, thank you, we finished
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our game, thanks to both teams, our wonderful musicians, you watched the game 100 to one between the two musical teams horizon and kantele, see you. premiere on rtr, i’m a policeman, you ’re threatening me with a weapon now, let go of the gun, yur, what’s another murder, koncharov? shot at a man, konchurov was detained for the murder of a policeman, martanov himself wanted to kill him, but do you really see me? unfortunately, you me too, get out of my bath immediately,
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anna medium, on monday on rtr, i thought that here everything is kind of more serious, you sit and think, there’s no need to think about it, here it ’s all about, to play or not to play, yes, yes, that’s it, there are two opinions. it can’t be, because we have five of them, this is a dangerous fairy-tale animal, but when it comes to fleas, i’m out of competition, there are questions here about how everything is running, wow, i really want to check, seriously, this is flirting, obviously, just have a look, let's go, it must be edible , i had in mind, of course, a bear, when i said such a stinking little one, a hint in general, the most exciting the team, if something... zhenya will add his own from him, then what many people use, the strongest love for the game, this is a five- on-one program, i’m oops, and five on one, tomorrow
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on rtr, are you inviting me to your theater? i invite you, sasha, forgive me, yes, i’m a bastard. how could you, and you just arrived? uh-huh, yes, i’m nadya, valya, we came to conquer moscow, who are you? and i’m lena, his wife, are you waiting for someone? yes, you, why? i would like to invite you to a restaurant. that's it, dear, i'll bring nadya back. misha, get out, i want to return to you, to seryozha. leave me and seryozha in peace. i'm not
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going to make any more mistakes. women, on saturday on rtr. hello, oksana kuvaeva is broadcasting in the studio, the main thing is this now. you, dear women, are capable of transforming the world with your beauty, wisdom and spiritual generosity. congratulations to vladimir putin on international women's day. on the eve of march 8, the president met with female military pilots. how is the holiday celebrated on the front line? support. expectant mothers
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and improving the quality of life of families with children. a new national project will start in pilot mode in five regions of the country. transport collapse in germany. a new wave of farmers' anger. but the eu authorities are listening to the non-protesting hockey regime. where it leads? winners. the fsb has declassified documents about the last operation of the hero of the soviet union, the legendary intelligence officer nikolai kuznetsov. holiday weekend. kaliningrad is among the most popular holiday destinations, what surprises tourists and what a long-awaited gift the moscow zoo prepared on march 8th. vladimir putin congratulated russian women on international women's day. special words of gratitude to women, military personnel,
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which are located in the special zone. the operation carries out combat missions and inspires those who are now waiting for our heroes with their support and love. today, in every home, in every family, the most tender, warm wishes are heard to our mothers, wives, daughters, grandmothers, and friends. the most important thing for any woman, no matter what profession she chooses, no matter what heights she reaches here, is family, relatives. loved ones, tireless care for children, their health, education, the desire to raise them so that they grow up worthy, successful people. this year in our country is dedicated to family. today in russia the family, its interests, demands, are the center of attention and an absolute priority. we will definitely do everything possible so that families with children, including, of course, large and young
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families, young mothers, feel cared for by the state. i would like to specifically address women who are in the zone of a special military operation, performing combat missions, those who now separated from their families, they are waiting for our heroes, inspiring them with love, joy and support, worry about all our fighters, help them on the front line, on...
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happy international women's day. today , women all over the country are given flowers and warm words are said. a resident of manadaryam is presented with bouquets and sweets by traffic inspectors and traffic police cadets. veterans of the great patriotic war, those who survived the siege of leningrad in krasnoyarsk , were congratulated by elementary school students and representatives of united russia. at the regional party headquarters in the sverdlovsk region , professional photo sessions were held for relatives of svo fighters. in saransk women doctors were honored. who helped the wounded in the special operation zone; in the dpr , united russia volunteers helped reunite the family; an employee of the defenders of the fatherland foundation could not contact her husband’s parents, who lived in avdeevka, for 4 years; they were found after the liberation of the city. young guard activists congratulate women across the country. in different regions, they come with gifts to the families of fighters and deliver letters from the military. in moscow, young guard members congratulated the conductors
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of long-distance trains. in lugansk in the people's republic, tulips and sweets were presented to women military personnel of the medical battalion; in mariupol, congratulations were received by employees of the hospital where residents of new regions and military personnel are being treated. and this is how women are met today by the military commandant’s office of the kherson region. at checkpoints in honor of the holiday, they not only inspect the car and check documents, but also give tulips. the work of nurses on the front line does not stop on march 8th. on this day, congratulations to them.
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so they saved me from this, well, they stayed to serve and they kind of know me, i’m very pleased, of course i i’m very glad that you recovered, that you! let's pass. natalya gabelkina, senior nurse of a separate guards medical detachment of the tula airborne forces, from the first day in the special operation zone, hundreds of lives of our soldiers were saved. well, at that moment you somehow don’t think that you are weak or that your strength just comes from somewhere. after many months of treatment, an enemy oscologist broke a nerve in his leg. vladimir khanin learned to walk again. now in rehabilitation. the zhukov medal is a reward for that battle. i learned from fellow soldiers that his savior was in a hospital nearby, he begged the commanders to let him go.
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of course, she remembers that during that shelling, ekaterina nigmatulina helped natalya evacuate the wounded. even though march 8 remains a normal working day in the hospital, nurses are performing their duties and only in the evening they will get together to contact their families. alexander katsub, alexander malyshev, lead the way! on the eve of march 8, vladimir putin
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met with graduates of the krasnodar higher military aviation school. the conversation was about the most important role played by women in various spheres of state life, and of course, it could not help but touch upon the heroic... participants of a special military operation, the most important statements of the president, the most impressive footage in the reports of our columnist alexey glovko, and also the author and host of the moscow kremlin putin program, pavel zarubin. clear and refined movements of women's hands; at their command, the cockpit of a training aircraft makes virtual turns, takes off and lands. so, they are preparing for future service cadets of the krasnodar higher military aviation school. the only one in the country where. girls are accepted to study. on the ground , of course, you feel a little more confident, but still the cadets have intense , concentrated looks on their faces, because their conditional flight is now at an altitude of 300 m and at a speed of 250 km/h. this is how
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piloting skills are practiced here at the school. after this cockpit, you can already transfer to the cockpit of a combat aircraft. vladimir putin got acquainted with this initial, but very important stage of preparation. this is where they are laid all basic skills, including skills.
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at the helm of the strategic missile carrier tu-160m, now he is at the helm of the flight simulator at the krasnodar higher military pilot school, we are watching with you, when the flight was completed, only our program saw more than the others, to see the graceful shoes of the pilots who flew such an aircraft did not expect exactly how ?
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on march 8, i want to congratulate you all on the upcoming holiday, you are people of character. act purposefully, go towards your goal, sergei kuzhgedovich told me, as the first recruitment was carried out, one of the future cadets did not manage to enroll. so she pitched a tent here, somewhere, yes, in front of the gate, in front of the gate, yes, such, such an attitude towards life, towards a future profession, is really worth a lot, i am sure that with such an attitude you will succeed. 5.5 years of study, mastering all sciences, from drill training to aerodynamics. these girls have come a long way and passed the test with dignity, receiving lieutenant shoulder straps. what event in 2023 was the most memorable for you? we? life consists of
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an infinite number of different events, events, i sometimes compare it, you know , like standing with a waterfall under the rain endlessly, even when i am with my loved ones next to me, i try not to show any signs and pretend on the contrary that everything is fine, we we are resting, but i know that in 5 minutes so-and-so should call me, in 10 minutes i should... call there, and in half an hour such and such an event will happen, i must understand what happened, and if necessary, how - to react to this or adjust something, so this is such a series of events, but of course, just like for the country as a whole and for me and for you, i think all the brightest, most significant things happened on the battlefield in the zone of a special military operation, the most - such bright events - this is of course meeting with...
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and about journalists, about war correspondents, i saw, well, i see, including the girls on the front line, they are functioning there, fulfilling their journalistic duty, i gave instructions to the heads of the main channels to remove them from there, why put women in danger, that means what this led to, they took a vacation and went there themselves. moreover, the heads
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of the television channels told me that they are ready to quit, but they will go there anyway, the same goes for many other women who perform combat missions, there i just know it, i talked to them, but they consider it theirs it’s their duty to be there, they serve their homeland, this is their calling, this is such an inner life impulse, like professionals in their field, girl... to be in the air, i suggest you try, i
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say, okay, but after 2 hours i can’t, there is a work schedule, protocol meetings, come on tomorrow, he says, we’ll be ready, so he and i sat down and flew. vladimir putin flew the tu-160 missile carrier back in 2005, but since then the plane has undergone a complete modernization, but in the nineties the project was going to be closed, we actually created a new machine, like this. there is no machine in the world that is supersonic at such speeds, a strategic aviation machine capable of carrying nuclear weapons, this is how we supported our triad, the nuclear triad, in general the president already has an impressive experience of flying at the controls of various aircraft, in 2010 he extinguished fires in the ryazan region on a b-200, in 2000 he flew from krasnodar to the chechen republic, in the cockpit of a fighter...
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elizaveta fedotova asked the president about flights, she and this is a rare case, now he is mastering the mig-29 fighter. this is my profession, and it is important for me that the supreme commander... has a complete understanding of what tasks we are performing, how difficult it can be sometimes. in today's aviation , it is impossible to study without simulators, in russia they are designed for all modern combat vehicles, but new ones are needed for the types of aircraft entering military transport
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aviation today. we need to make tu-214 simulators, which we now receive aircraft from this class, which are now being restored in connection with your decision. production of tu -96, they need simulators, so we have a solution, every batch of aircraft, every batch of aircraft, especially training aircraft, it comes in one order with simulators, let's do this without fail, it must be included in the state defense order, this is very important, staying in shape after long flights for combat aviation pilots is a very important topic, here the president has simple advice, stick to healthy habits. i practically exclude alcohol, i certainly try not to drink strong drinks , it’s a very good procedure for you as officers, it’s important, it’s hardening, you know, when i was still a kid, well, i lived in leningrad, we didn’t even have a war there in a communal apartment, but
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nevertheless i went out into the yard, wiped myself with snow in winter, like all russian officers, these young lieutenants in sky blue uniforms clearly understand the objectives of the task. stages demonstrated the highest devotion to the homeland, fatherland and his duty, and thanks to these qualities of our officers, russia has always achieved results and has always emerged victorious from all the most difficult trials, but
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when the military personnel say: we will not let you down, you know, i hear, we will not let our homeland down , and i... as the supreme commander, i want to answer you, thank you for your service. the president had gifts prepared for the girls, bouquets with spring flowers flowers that look so good, such a handsome pilot, receiving flowers from such a man, i don’t know, it’s nice, it wasn’t without taking photographs, first everyone together with the president, but of course, everyone wants to have a personal photo with the head of state. and in another district of krasnodar , sambo wrestlers were already waiting for the president, in the newest sports facility in the capital of kuban, the samba palace. people in the krasnodar region have been practicing this martial art since childhood. how do you like? how long have you been studying too? 5 years, well, decently, there’s
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a whole sports city here, athletics, and tennis, yes, swimming. the palace has a competition arena with four mats and a training hall of the same size , which vladimir putin estimated from his judo experience. the samba palace is only part of the gigantic city-sports complex where future champions are trained. tatyana kazinyuk is a two-time world champion in samba. now she is preparing for the next all-russian tournament. thank you for.
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lower than the average set, we did not even expect such results in terms of economic growth, which, which today i’ll knock on the table, we have, god willing, we won’t stop any further. programs for the development of agriculture are being implemented in the region ; investments in the tourism business have grown from two tens of billions of rubles to almost half a trillion. the krasnodar region still remains the all-russian breadbasket , the all-russian health resort. alexey glovko, natalya londovskaya, konstantin morozov and andrey greshnev. news. moscow, kremlin, putin, every sunday on rtr.
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tell me, do you even understand that i’m leaving the family forever, but everything is clear, on sunday, here is the news, dad will no longer live with us, he will live in another place, this is not news to me, how could you secretly introduce sasha to your girlfriend. for what? i don't want to lose contact with sasha. contact me, what does someone else’s woman have to do with this? come join us. and mom? well, little mother, can’t she cope without you? you can start life from scratch. hello, is this? i recognized you, oles. after so many years? i knew you would call someday. but the past cannot be erased. we had such a chapter under named karina. we can write another chapter called. the three of us again, i want to fix everything, southern cyclone, sunday on rtr
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, the floor is shaking, shift resources have arrived, big changes, in the new season with a new renovation, a slight movement of the hand, we are making three different functional zones, ideas from this absolutely faceless room b over the top, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be plenty of surprises and a lot of work, plans are turning into projects before our eyes, i adore plants, i’m generally a plant maniac, in the living rooms of our heroes soon real stone flowers will bloom, after dismantling a lot will become clear, and dreams become reality, just look, let them into your home. big changes, every
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sunday on rtr, digital services, elections are coming, and where to vote? let's look at the russian circular website, they have it. services, you can find out the address of your polling station, find out about the candidates, this information is also available in your personal account on the government services portal, men congratulate women sing only for them, dearest, what gifts did your son give you, i he brought a snake from the street and gave it to him. beauties, cherries, princesses, happy holidays, hello,
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andrey, special holiday episode , today on rtr, i saw myself dead, if you see yourself not dead, it means... to live, premiere on rtr: don’t be afraid, i see you, i wanted i wish i could talk to you about who shot at you while she was hunting for ghosts, just don’t worry, they announced a hunt for her, kolisov is very dangerous, yes, i’m free now, there should be security around the entire perimeter so that not a single mouse didn't run and... anna is a medium on monday on rtr.
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support for expectant mothers, a steady increase in the birth rate, an improvement in the quality of life of families with children, a new national project, the launch of which was announced just a week ago by the president in a message to the federal assembly, will start in pilot mode in five regions of the country in march. russian banks, together with partners from leading clinics, are launching a free program to support pregnant women and children, which will ensure the availability of highly qualified medical care in all... countries about how it will work, reporting by alena ragozina. in antenatal clinics in yakutsk, as in libraries, pregnant women with books are studying a new program to support expectant mothers and children. the region was one of the first to launch an innovative social project. it turned out to be easy to connect to the free program to support expectant mothers and children; just download gostelem or doctis and go through authorization
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through government services. you can consult through this. an application with a narrow range of doctors, because it is very convenient, better than standing in lines or getting to clinics. the goal of the program is to ensure the availability of highly qualified medical care in all, even the most remote regions. at various stages , services will be available free of charge, such as, for example, unlimited round-the-clock access to online consultations with specialized doctors. what is your blood pressure, how far along are you in your pregnancy? week 39. sometimes there are 140, including specialists from the country’s largest national obstetrics and gynecology center, the kulakov research institute. what is being done now does not actually exist yet nowhere. this means that we actually know what is actually being done in every corner or in the largest or most significant medical institutions throughout the territory. a network of
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mother and child medical centers joined the pilot project. here we have accumulated unique experience in the womb. pirogovo university is responsible for the scientific basis of the world's largest project for monitoring the health of pregnant women. this is the task of remote monitoring, where we want to involve patients in active cooperation, in active interaction with using various gadgets will allow us to save every pregnancy there. the service also provides access to an online school for mothers and training courses, for example, on
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breastfeeding, plus powerful psychological support and insurance. case of the need for surgical interventions, so far the only condition for participation in the program is the presence of a world card from vtb. the project is being launched in pilot mode in five regions, this is astrakhan, this is the altai republic, this is bashkiria, this is vladimir, and this is sakha yakutia, and we hope that with the successful implementation of this pilot project, we, of course, together with our partners, are scaling the project throughout the country. to automatically renew the program. insurance to open up even more opportunities after the birth of a child, you need to apply for child benefits on the vtb-world card. it is expected that by the end of the twenty-sixth year , more than 600,000 pregnant women will be able to participate in the program. alena ragozina, elena varantsova, alexey karpukhin. news. transport collapse in germany, almost all trains and flights were canceled there in the country's largest strike in 15 years
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transport workers. protests by european farmers broke out again. hundreds of tractors blocked the roads between spain and france, but the eu authorities listen not to the protesters, but to the kiev regime; ursula fonder promised to strengthen the pro-ukrainian course of brussels if she manages to retain the post of head of the european commission. about what such a policy will lead to europe. evgeny rishetnev. at a large-scale event in bucharest, the congress of the largest european people's party was nominated for a new term.
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however, as the newspapers write, there may be a coalition of conservatives, eurosceptics, and ultra-rightists will form. she already remembers corruption scandals, the last one related to the procurement of covid vaccines. many people also don’t like the fact that ursula
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seems to have a crown growing on her head and when making important decisions she ignores the leaders of the european union. over the next five-year period, fondelein promises to increase support for ukraine, create a new position of defense commissioner, and continue to reduce carbon emissions. due to the abandonment of coal, oil and gas, the agenda of the eu authorities is becoming increasingly disconnected from needs needs of people. yesterday in warsaw they burned eu flags on bonfires, today in prague farmers brought a huge pile of manure to the government building. and while the utility workers were thinking about how to rake it, the police were chasing the combine, which was raining down straw. if desired, each of these symbolic gestures can be seen to be deeply political. metaphor, the situation in agriculture, the situation in agriculture is already completely unbearable with the eu approach of our national government. 3,500 farmers took part in the action and brought them to prague 700 units of agricultural machinery, their
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demands are tax reduction to protect the czech market from the influx of agricultural products from non-eu countries. first of all, we are talking about ukraine. 150,000 people demonstrated in poland yesterday. there were not only farmers, but also, for example, miners. hello fonderlianes her. i have nothing to add, i will not talk to hooligans, i will talk to farmers, and the following message is addressed to farmers: poland will seek the abolition of eu preferences for ukrainian imports. visegrad countries groups had previously resorted to open insubordination.
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has a special opinion in the west on the ukrainian issue in sympathies and even working for moscow has become a common place, in order not to be branded as an agent of the kremlin, one must behave like the french president macron. today he met with opposition leaders, they tried to understand where the red lines are in supporting ukraine, beyond which paris will not go; it turned out that macron does not have such lines in his head. in an interview after the meeting , fabienne rouselli jordan bardela explained that emmanuel macron had not established no restrictions on french support for ukraine. french president.
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this suggests that the germans have the financial ability to do much more, but they do not want to do it. the chancellor is not alone in the german panic room. almost 60% of germans oppose supplying taurus missiles to ukraine, according to a poll published on wednesday. dynamics of opinion polls. has
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a decline in public support for ukraine, according to the latter, only about 20% of germans believe that their country should send more military aid. 40% believe that berlin has already gone too far. evgeny reshetnev and denis sokolov, vesti. and here is another example of how easily the authorities of individual countries ignore fundamental european values ​​for the sake of confrontation with russia. the president of lithuania deprived him of citizenship by a special decree. the famous ballerina was recognized as a threat to the national security of lithuania for supporting russian policies and a special military operation in ukraine. the people's artist of russia received lithuanian citizenship 14 years ago, since she was married to lithuanians for a long time and for a long time did for the development of ballet in this country. ilsa leppa herself, commenting on the situation to the news, said that she had no regrets and was absolutely confident in her moral choice. that this is happening.
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news from ukraine, president zelensky says a russian missile fell near where he and the greek prime minister were meeting in odessa. didn't get
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hit. western journalists are breaking up a new story about bloodthirsty russians. they almost ruined an important visit with their missiles. the greek prime minister arrived in odessa. it's just met at the port. mitsatakis did not see, but clearly heard how the russian rocket landed somewhere nearby. we were being given a tour when we heard sirens and a loud explosion. greek journalists immediately unsubscribed. the blow sounded 150 meters from the meeting of the prime minister. by the ukrainian president, today, however , they rewrote, it turns out, half a kilometer away, they assumed that the russians hit the president’s motorcade, but the representative of the armed forces of ukraine gumenyuk immediately denied this version. there was a missile strike, a missile strike was carried out on odessa, probably with a ballistic weapon with getting into one of the buildings in the port infrastructure, but this is in no way related to a specific visit. a question about the missile strike was asked to a naval representative.
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russia spoke briefly and clearly: they hit where they were aiming at the hangar in the port area of ​​odessa, where unmanned boats were being prepared for use in the ssu. now, as the wall street journal writes, kiev is entering a new phase of the war with russia, digging, digging, digging. ukraine has few military strongholds left in donbass that could compete with avdiivka or bakhmut during periods when these cities served as major centers of ukrainian resistance. this
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means that with every russian offensive , ukraine must retreat to often poorly prepared positions. cnn journalists pay attention to the t-64 tank hidden in a trench, not far from chasovaya yar. he does not participate in battles. the soviet-era shells have run out. but what is surprising is not so much the war-weary equipment as the people. the horizon around them is littered with constant explosions. they stand firm continue to wait for russia. the ukrainian army calls from. there is no water, no gas, no light, no nothing, drive away from the house, they drive right up to the houses where people live, they shoot right next to the house, they hide behind the backs of the measured residents. i want to see my granddaughter in moscow, my granddaughter, my sister in kaliningrad, and honestly, half of russia, my relatives are there, but i’m here alone. the truthful report of american journalists infuriated the kiev authorities; this is another defeat.
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even the western military does not help the ukrainian armed forces win on the battlefield technique. in less than a week, the russian army destroyed three american abrams tanks, not british challengers. do not help change the balance of forces at the front in favor of ukraine , experts note, the ukrainian military is forced to save ammunition, but more than weapons, the armed forces of ukraine need people , there is a catastrophic shortage of soldiers , everyone is taken into the ukrainian army, the sick, the lame, who die in the second third day of service, mobilization leads to protests, residents join the workers, another army has formed among the cloners, they try to escape from the country through anti-tank ditches, getting stuck in them, or, at great expense , travel across the border to europe in cattle trucks. now military commissars began to catch people in sophisticated ways. they turned off the light for one of the residents, and then
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tied him up and took him away when the man decided to inspect the panel. the verkhovna rada should consider the revision of the ukrainian law on mobilization in the second reading, but the deputies suddenly stopped working and canceled it. this week all meetings, according to the official version, they went to the front-line territories, to collect materials for the us congress, in fact, even the presidential faction, the servant of the people , is divided within itself, they have not passed a single law recently, and are not gaining votes. this means that the verkhovna rada is not working. this means that the verkhovna rada is not working. not the entire verkhovna rada is not working, it’s the authorities who are not working, because they hold only six meetings a month. for 3 months now they have not been able to finalize the mobilization bill prepared by zelensky’s office without additional human resources resource, ukraine will continue to bury western money and bury western equipment. elena erofeeva, maxim shupilov, lead. the fsb
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has declassified new data about the combat work of the victorious detachment, which during the great patriotic war operated in the territory of nazi-occupied ukraine and poland. it was in this detachment that the legendary intelligence officer nikolai was a member. znetsov, who died 80 years ago at the hands of bandera. over the course of 2 years , the winners carried out about 120 operations, eliminating 12 thousand nazi accomplices. what else has become known about their exploits, thanks to declassified documents, my colleague, ilya gonavin. from the declassified documents, a dark car approached, from which a tall german officer got out. he directly approached the deputy governor and asked in german, are you a doctor? having received an affirmative answer, he killed bauer on the spot with two shots to the head and chest, turned and headed to his car. liquidation by the chief of the german occupation government of galicia. this is exactly how the legendary intelligence officer nikolai ivanovich kuznetsov acted. confidence, impeccable precision and
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hypnotic audacity. a hereditary peasant from the village of zaryanovka nikanor, nikolai kuznetsov, aka rudolf schmit, aka a german aricrat officer, here he is... in german-occupied western ukraine. they used to call it partisan, but this is not entirely true. this was a special unit of the nkvd. they literally obtained fantastic information. the league then received information that turned out to be implausible, that germany had invented and was preparing to use
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aerial bombs, which themselves would fly at a distance of up to 400 km. they blew up train stations dozens of officers were killed. from the windows of the hotel from the second floor. german officers rushed into the street in panic. the removal of corpses from the building continued for several hours. rina personally saw two murdered german generals with wide red stripes while carrying out the corpses. but their main target was he, erich koch, reich commissioner of ukraine. its liquidation was kuznetsov's task. he came to his appointment with two pistols, one containing poisoned bullets. three guards surrounded him, a dog stood in step. koch was five meters away. but he couldn’t make a single extra movement, a radiogram was found to moscow saying that the colonist had apparently become a big chicken, uh-huh, and this of course hurt him very much, he... even got a little out of control somewhere when he simply began to kill everyone, he shot judge funk right in
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the courthouse, and if he had to break through a particularly persistent post, the colonist shot three felt gendarmes, one of them was a major, broke the barrier and the group quickly left along their route. he died while crossing the front line towards the advancing red army, bandera’s men broke into the hut where he entered. it is obvious that kuznetsov was targeted. there is a version that he was betrayed by a collaborator. held a high position in the underground regional committee of the communist party. yes, the fact that kuznetsov was killed by bandera in the ussr was somehow retouched, regretted, or what? amnesty, moreover, in the fifties, the bandera intelligence officer was not given alive. there are still attempts on his life to this day. the grave is being desecrated, they even tried to dig up the remains. and the lviv authorities bargained for his ashes. hatred bandera’s feelings for those who destroyed the nazis have not cooled down after 80 years. ilya kanavin, viktor prikhodkov, sevatsychev, natalya novgorodova. news. kaliningrad has become one of the most popular holiday destinations during
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the march holidays. due to the increase in passenger flow, additional flights from moscow and st. petersburg have been introduced. the baltic sea, the rich history of the region and beautiful nature. marina naumova knows what you can see in a few days. in early spring , the baltic is changeable, sometimes high waves break the shore, sometimes the sea covers the entire calm. tourists love to walk along the promenade in any weather. well, this sound of the sea, it calms you down, just listen, take a walk, feed tea in the end. khrabrovo airport added additional flights from moscow and st. petersburg to its schedule during the holidays. kaliningrad is among the most popular destinations. for the first time in a year , the flow of passengers exceeded 4 million people and is only increasing. we have made quite a serious step forward, this is 4.300. we had peak loads here of the order of 65-70 rai. per day in the off-season is traditionally popular cultural and educational tourism , there is something to see in the maritime region, unusual
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tourist sites, lighthouses, this one is almost 200 years old, at the beginning it was wooden with a coal lamp, only in 1918 a fifteen-meter stone tower was built here, poured from the lighthouse keeper’s house along a spiral staircase and gray granite you can climb to the source of light, which for centuries has shown the way to fishing schooners , history, yes, history, and... firstly, it is still operational, yes, yes, i wanted to see it all with my own eyes, to see , recently a newly discovered, restored historical monument, the parsonage, where the founder of german classical philosophy, emmanuel kant, lived and worked in his youth was opened. the young thinker often descended these steep steps into the basement rooms, which have survived to this day in the 14th century. after the death of his father, in order to feed his sisters, kant had to leave his studies at the university to become a home teacher in the family of a pastor from the village of yutchin. this is the only one.
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in a month, instead of tourists, the housepastor's museum will host kant scholars in honor on the three hundredth anniversary of the scientist who dedicated his life to understanding the world around him and the moral law within himself, an international philosophical forum will be held in the region. the moscow zoo prepared a long-awaited gift for march 8th. panda katyusha has finally moved into a large enclosure, which means that from today all visitors will finally be able to see the baby in all her fluffy glory. six months after katyusha was born, she was in her own small camp with her mother dindin, but about 2 months ago, significantly the one who has gained weight is not the same. the time has come for the little panda to move to a more spacious room, but the stubborn girl for a long time did not want
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to enter the adult world, and now everyone’s favorite has obviously decided that she is ready for an independent life. this concludes our issue, oksana kuvaeva was with you, all news is always available on the media platform , look in the application or on the website see you. such a castle could become a decoration of moscow or st. petersburg, but representatives of the famous sheremetev family in russia chose to build a unique building in lost among the forests in the village of yurino in the wilderness of the mari taiga. at the end of the 19th century , few travelers could get there, and then only during shipping times on the volga. however, very soon word spread about the sheremetyevs’ possessions that this miracle was no more and no less than a second
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hermitage. the comparison is not caused by the architecture, although it is magnificent. the interiors of the house were decorated with a rich collection of paintings by russian western european artists, something that would be the envy of the largest museum in russia. but the main treasure of the castle was its mistress, olga dmitrievna, a woman of rare beauty, intelligence and courage. her... husband vasily petrovich sheremetyev idolized his wife, for her sake he planned to create a paradise on earth far from the capital cities and make his wife the queen of these places.
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decorated with white stone bindings, all the various window frames decoratively amaze with the technique of execution and high craftsmanship. it seems somehow wasteful that only two people could admire all this beauty. people in love with each other, who seemed to need no one in the world. vasily petrovich sheremetev and his wife, olga dmitrievna, is the last great romantics who once lived in russia, in the second half of the 19th century, behind me is a monument to their love. they preferred
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, well, to retire somewhat, they already needed a kind of secular world, interaction with these most beautiful things, which they lovingly collected, ordered, and finishing materials, and a work of art, and consulted with the artists there to choose what would fit to some idea of ​​theirs, they preferred each other’s company, of course, this is a monument not just to a certain era, but rather a monument to simply... the relationship of two people, their love, how they tried to build their own world for themselves, this is a noble nest, precisely a house that should become a family nest, filled with love, a place where a family could gather , where there were relationships, where peace reigned, this is our palace. vasily
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petrovich has houses in the capitals, in moscow and st. petersburg, but still chose to retire. olga dmitrievna gave birth to seven children in this palace. it was a happy, big family. fun, games, fun. it always sounded here children's laughter. a little piece of paradise. the main house of the estate is a unique structure in which not a single architectural element is repeated. this applies not only. walls, windows, this also applies to the approach to the design of the towers, this also applies to the white stone platbands on the windows, by the way, the main house itself was built from our russian, i would even say, local brick, the yurin men sculpted this material, counting, of course, on a reward from the master,
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thanks to the quality of this material and the beauty of the white stone details of the main... it housed various services: a laundry, an animal hospital, apartments in which rangers lived, security, shiremes offices, barns, and so on. yes, vasily petrovich did not waste time on trifles, at least seven architects worked on the castle project. each of them brought something different, so
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the castle was constantly being built and rebuilt. among the architects. mamontov, parland, muller, stern, korzh, rozov, malinovsky, this is the northern facade of the main one. house, to which the englishman parland and the russian architect mamontov had a hand. here is europe there is russian style, and byzantine, and elements of oriental architecture. gothic probably predominates in this yura eclecticism. the towers with gothic windows are very nice. the facade of the main house has two main colors,
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red brick and white stone, but this is the most striking feature of the moscow noryshkinsky boroque, the 16th century with its palaces, churches of the mother see, it is embodied with happiness here, because without russian baroque, without this beauty. olga dmitrievna and vasily petrovich did not imagine a family nest for themselves. the castle is beautiful no matter what from wherever you look. the northern facade was made in the romanesque style. this is the only façade designed in the same style, but perhaps the most beautiful is the southern façade. the southern facade of the castle, in contrast to the northern one, made in a single romanesque style, is of different styles. in the windows of the second floor there are oriental motifs, there is an oriental room, then there is a byzantine tower, 28 m high, with a spiral
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staircase, which ends at the top with a small observation deck. olga dmitrievna loved flowers and did a lot, to decorate the estate with them. they brought here a huge variety of strange plantings from all over the world, which are still in yurensky park.


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