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tv   Lyubov bez razmera  RUSSIA1  March 9, 2024 2:45am-4:17am MSK

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if i were her, i would have given everything long ago and ran away, weakling, if i were in her place, if you were in her place, you would punch me in the face, i would, i would turn on the answer so that everyone would flinch, how is that? it's like this. well, as my andrey says, their system is frozen there. i'm afraid, anechka, when her jaw drops, it won't seem too big for us.
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you know, i'm tired of firing blank cartridges, i decided to use heavy artillery, now. i’ll leave the little ones at night , by the way, how our kids have grown up, it seems they’ve reached the cap.
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hi, hi, where are you from, yes, i decided see what you're doing here without me , i'm waiting for you to thunder from your jog, yeah, listen, go away, he'll see, it'll be a total mess, oh well, i'm a little lower and it's fine, he's been running for a long time, and for several days, yeah, it hurts to look at a person , really, will i really be the same in my old age, well, max, stop it, felix is ​​really nothing for his age, yes, maybe i’m actually the third wheel in this story, max, stop it, but we agreed without jealousy, hey, without jealousy. i’m just furious, you and i
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agreed, you’ll get married quickly, you will quickly get divorced, you will quickly file for division of property taking into account the child, in the end what i get is no divorce, no class property, and this old fart is worried about excess weight , he said that we are moving soon, what are you worried about, he tells you so 100 times he said, listen, well, thank god, otherwise i thought it was a waste of time to sit with a fishing rod all night, lilya, what happened, that lilya, i wanted to take a shower, but here this, god, didn’t scare me, well, fish, fish ,
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i almost had a heart attack, why are we yelling, is this a fish, why is it here, and because in there is no place in the refrigerator, and in general, when it’s alive, fresh, it tastes better, you know what, but don’t, immediately, get this disgrace out of here, now, this is my fish, i do what i want, come here, my dear... and i’ll fry you in creamy night, don’t bother, stand , why were there 15 of them, now there are 10, why am i asking who stole my fish, yes, you ’re crazy, you know what, elsa nikitichna, this is too much, let’s go, anh, i’ll call the police, lyosha, we were robbed. open, open,
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i said, i want shamelessness in your eyes look, that's it, i'm calling the police, what do you want? be more careful with the police, let’s in general , so that there are less police in our lives , it seems to me that this major borisov, he looks at anna mikhailovna somehow, somehow,
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you know, with a special passion, he seems to be freaking out at her, but plays right next to her eyes. listen, you are a psychologist, just like i am a ballerina. by the way, you would make a great ballerina if you carried it in your arms. felix, yes, felix petrovich, yes, we work tirelessly. the last blow, so to speak, remains. listen, it’s been almost a month since i hired you, and there’s been no point. well, the situation has changed, she... now with a friend, and two women are not one, you understand , here we need to change tactics, here, in general, you need to push hard, so push it or pay for accommodation plus utilities, brake eaters, yes, listen, what is it?
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it smells kind of like men's perfume, but i bought this fragrance for a new car? yes, you don’t like it, i can remove it, but no, well, the main thing is that you have fun, and i’ll be patient, comrade major, of course, i’m wildly sorry, here again , but, what is this, and i would like to ask you, this is what it is, we’re going with the buck, suddenly with...
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well, i’m sorry, these sounds are just giving me brains they’re boiling, what are they doing there, and hammering the nails into the pan, or something, that’s it , it’s possible until 11, and then, when it stops, my head is still pounding, i’ll soon go crazy, lilya don’t get soggy, it’s thunderous that’s all that’s needed, it’s not gromov who needs it, it’s his young wife, especially since he said that if we don’t survive his ex from here, that’s it, he’ll spare us he'll rip it off, but nothing will come of it, why? well, some kind of kindergarten, because
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you need to be tougher, blood, fights, stabbings, listen, let’s choke me, i ’m screaming like crazy, we’ll do this a couple of times, the wind will blow me away, yes, you’re not afraid that i’ll be blown away back to the zone, well, wait, maybe just to enhance the effect, i said everything, we act strictly within the framework of the criminal code, it’s clear, anya, anya, help, it seems like a goldfish, anya, help me, i’m claustrophobic , how claustrophobic the holes are here, quietly, quietly, breathe deeply, i will save you , set you free, calmly, quietly, no, no cut, nothing, i won’t cut you anything, that’s it, breathe,
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breathe, like that, anna mikhailovna, i’m returning you, we’ve gone completely crazy, thank you, and what ’s going on here in general, you see what’s happening, you see that we have nets hanging here. that damage to someone else's property happens , like a lapwing, that yes, look, it's called a net hung up, to dry, so this... article 167. ukrf fine from 300 to 500 rubles. yes. from me? well, not from me? yes you? can i answer? zay, why? zay, come on gromov, you won. i won't stay here another second. she is agree? yes. then tomorrow at 12 at the notary's and don't be late, i can't do it so early
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, it's good when you can, never, that's right, that's great, bunny, oh, a student picked up his phone, i lived with felix for 30 years, never instead i didn’t answer him, but in vain? arrogance, second happiness, look at it , i would have floated it somewhere long ago, but by the way, i’m not laughing, i can’t live like this anymore, lilya, calmly, let’s better think about what people do in hopeless situations, so, listen, i have an acquaintance who works on television , he and andryushka studied together, well
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, this program, but god, how is it, there is an idea, and i ’ll call him now, so, i’ll call him now, what’s his name, well, they gathered for a talk show, where, at anna mikhailovna’s, some friend works on tv, so they gathered there. lyosh , i don’t want to go on television, i won’t get a job later, lilya doesn’t want to either, she says that we are members of a criminal gang, and bandits don’t like eyes, she said correctly , we’ll roll them into concrete, that’s it, we’ve jumped, we’ll have thunder he won’t pay a penny, lesh, you feel bad that it’s not, it’s okay, everything is fine, my heart is just pounding, i actually wanted to earn money for my farm, i’ll earn a new term, so calm. let’s come up with something, it’s in vain that i
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worked as a pharmacist for 5 years, hello everyone, this is a talk show, i have an idea, and i’m artyom filippov, and today we’ll talk about the idea of ​​​​how to move professional neighbors in with those from whom we need to take away apartment meters practically for nothing, and at the same time not breaking the law, how to do this, let's try to figure it out today, will it help us? neighbor of our main character, valentina ivanovna. hello, valentina ivanovna. hello, now i’ll take you to lilya gromova. now you will see everything for yourself. "hello, come in
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, hello, come in, please, hello , this is a talk show, i have an idea, my name is artyom filippov, i enjoy watching your program, so, gentlemen, what happened, well, we need to get ready, valentina ivanovna, you about what, and now we’ll ask lillechka, that’s what i’m talking about?” open, it came to your television, your friend didn’t come, they, they probably mark it, we don’t have any agreements , in the filming, you know, i forgot, they mark it every day, yes, what do you mean, lilya never notes anything, and doesn’t take a drop in her mouth, it’s some kind of nightmare, i say , something happened. in my opinion, we need to call the police, and lesh, well, maybe help somehow? well, if
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necessary, of course, forgive me, please, i ’ll try, try, maybe it will work out like that. oh, what is this, and god, girls, this is anya. actually, she’s in moscow, an, an, how did you end up here? anya neither does not take a drop of alcohol into his mouth. lilya, please forgive me, i’ll clean everything up now. lilechka, what's wrong with you? yes, of course, four bottles between us, a lot, a lot. yes, don't take it off,
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you. lilya, lilya, we overslept, well , did we oversleep, what about television, oh, anya, i had such
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a dream, gromov proposed to me, and i said that i love someone else, wake up, anya, you don’t know who the other one is, get up, lilla, don’t leave me alone, i want to see how it all ends, ugh, hello, artyom, this is anna mikhailovna, anna mikhailovna, well, i’m from you i didn’t expect this, but can you imagine if it was a live broadcast, huh? what happened, artyomushka? i'll send you the video, anna mikhailovna. i hope i don't get fired for ruining the plot.
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i'm sorry, what? look. actually, she's in moscow. anya, anya, did you just happen to be here? anya also doesn’t drink a drop of alcohol. excuse me, please, i'll clean everything up now. lilya, i think i understand everything. i understood too. someone for us. someone slipped it in somewhere, and i’m still thinking, why does the coffee have such a strange aftertaste, those bastards, listen, where did they come from? they found out about television, the mafia, they have eyes and ears everywhere, maybe someone from television turned it in,
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it’s like, well, nothing, nothing, now we ’ll be smarter. an, what are you doing? we'll see who wins. hello, marina markovna. hello. where is karina? soon? i’ll prepare some food there, do you want it? marina markanna, you 're spoiling us, aren't you? what are you saying, it’s not at all difficult for me to come here sometimes, cook, clean, i understand what you doomed yourself to by marrying my daughter, what? constant change of
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high concepts, lack of hot food, i'm interested as a woman. you don’t feel anything for her at all, in what sense? you’ve been together for so many years, you have a child together, she’s not young anymore, don’t be afraid.
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here is a refrigerator that i have to use, what happened, i would go to the page that she started a block, more than a thousand views in half an hour, wow, what are these, what cute worms, lyosha pirozhkov goes fishing with them. but this is a soup pie, but pirozhkov doesn’t care, it’s a torpedo,
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the main thing is not to mix up the pots, now let’s move on, as i didn’t immediately guess, yes, here lyosha pirozhkov stores gasoline for a submarine, oh, excuse me, for a motor boat. he believes that there should be a reserve of gasoline, because it is becoming more expensive. by the way, beautiful, why do you have such a face? this is a bad thing, that's why next , pay attention, dear friends, these are nets, yes, this is how we move through this apartment, this is salted fish, we always get hit in the face with this salted fish in the morning and evening, and you know this very good and useful, your face becomes smooth, elastic and youthful. where do we have caviar, where do we are we fish with caviar here? my friends, please , here's monsieur's pies, good, good,
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he's a wonderful neighbor and a professional fisherman, yes, that's all he caught, oh, sorry, sorry, he's a wonderful fisherman and a professional neighbor, if you need to get rid of your annoying ones relatives, please contact. pirozhkov to himself about his beautiful wife, and so it will be with everyone who steals our fish, well, thank god, anya woke up, anya, you see me, but who are you? what are you, anechka, is this, is this valya, our neighbor?
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statement to the police, i even have bumps no, what are we going to complain about, like what? to an armed attack? so, if you want, i’ll tell you the symptoms with which you should be put in the hospital, and these hooligans should be put in prison, i don’t want to go to the hospital, but we have no evidence, only a live broadcast on the internet, there are such comments that it’s better not contact, what's there? oh, well done elsa, she is a folk heroine, which shocked the brazen thief. wow, felix petrovich,
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hello, why are you here, don’t you want to tell me anything? so, what can i tell you? we work hard, oh, beer, who would doubt it, non-alcoholic, i’m actually driving and i’m not at work. what job, where is your job, bastard? time passes, and i’m still without an apartment, and as i see it, every day is a holiday, what a holiday, there it is, when you and i agreed, your wife was alone, so make her be alone without this one, but how i will do it is not my problem, let’s think, use your brain. hi, what called? i miss you, i can’t, me too, let’s go for a ride. earlier, come on, what?
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what happened, what did you take? i see a torpedo, that ’s what happened, okay, okay, yes, let’s sit down, you’ll tell us on the way. anh, hi, hi, wow, how’s your head, okay, it’s fine, but your lower back, well, let me buy you something at the pharmacy, in
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the store. i’m coming, thank you, otherwise they won’t let me and my buck into the pharmacy, i ’ll spend the money now, okay, then you’ll give it back, okay, well , let’s go, let’s go home, anya, anya! she’s alive, phew, yes, i understand, thank you, yes , i’ll bring my things, uh- huh, anya, what a surprise, huh? i'm going left, car
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to the left, i to the right, the car to the right, then i realized that he was hunting me, and i do this, don’t twitch, you can’t, this is what saved me, anh, please leave, i’m scared, what, you want to fold your paws, i want , yes, it’s because of people like you that the apartment mafia lives , in fact, i’m worried about you, do you want to stay away from... and so that no one touches you, yes, these crooks will fool people, and the same bastard as gromov, next time he will hire them, you know that you want to fight, fight, but if they break your neck again, i’m not in it guilty. sorry, comrade major, i tried to
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stop her, but she’s like an icebreaker. chivizov, come out. what is this? statement of collision. i don't understand what you want from me. another investigator is handling the hit-and-run case. contact him. if he had led him, he still hadn’t interrogated the pirozhkovs. and i told him at the hospital that they were the ones who wanted to kill me. why did you take something for the pie? you have evidence, and collecting evidence is your job, what are you saying, i know how a car hits you, i know, i almost hit you myself, that is, you you are covering up the apartment mafia, but what a mafia , the pirogues live in the apartment completely legally, yes, this is also legal, and you are a corrupt official, my friend, a werewolf in uniform, i am not your friend, yeah, that means
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that you, a corrupt official, you don't deny that, right? well, you know, i won’t leave it like that. i will bring you to clean water. chibisov, requesting gai. records from traffic cameras for the last day from google 10, and as you guessed, what is it, anechka, and you found yourself a hahale there, or something, you’ve been sitting all day,
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leave me alone, i’ll rewrite it with my friend. i know your girlfriends. where is anya? which anya? my anya. listen, how you got it , but you won’t let me drink tea in peace, yes, i got it, yes, okay, i’m on your roof, now i’ll tear your head off, so, i didn’t understand what happened just now, i only realized that everyone was on nerves by the way, they rent from me too. oh, roman valerievich, it’s so good that i found you, hello, i’m afraid to ask what happened, but you know perfectly well what happened, anya was kidnapped, who, you, who else,
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are you crazy, sorry, no specifically you, and the black realtors whom you protect, and anya’s phone isn’t answering, and you’re not afraid that i’ll bring you to justice for slander, bring you in, just order pirozhkov... to let anya go, well, if you want, kidnap me instead of her, but anya has nothing to do with it, honestly, oh, sorry , and what am i talking about, that’s it, tell your mafia that i will give up the apartment as soon as anya is released, listen, i will open criminal cases against all of you, for your entire sixteenth apartment, roman valevich, i didn’t understand when anya will be released , a? where should you complain to the police about a slander, don’t be boring, baby, and as i didn’t immediately guess, the best
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defense is an attack, just don’t attack too much, okay, otherwise the chips will quickly cover you, purely for the sake of sport , it’s interesting, where’s the jacket for the sake of statistics, i’m quick. so loud, hello, anya , i’ve been waiting for you for 2 hours, i still want to look into your eyes without shame, go home, i need to talk to my aunt, yeah, go home, girl, well, i looked, and now you can tell your lila, yes, i sleep peacefully, and no, my conscience doesn’t torment me, because when your
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own daughter gives you, it’s not a shame to start life with zero, as if nothing had happened before, so it wasn’t you who unloaded the cars at night to buy black caviar for lilka when he... had toxicosis, and what do you want me to shed a tear now? and you weren’t the one who carried masha in your arms 9 km to the hospital when she got appendicitis in the village, masha needs to be reminded of this, not me, of course, yes, where is the gratitude, tell me, you did everything just out of gratitude, yes, you know, yes, i expected that i was not an empty place for them, for my daughter and her mother, listen, what are you even with...
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this man is a criminal, this lady crazy, i have a statement against her, so calm down, we’ll figure it out, you’ll rewrite it, i knew that you had a criminal conspiracy here.
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and don’t let us cry together, don’t follow me, i’ll scream, i’m not following you, i’m home, i live here, i can show you my registration, go the other way, but there’s no other way here, what kind of person are you? and which one is criminal? that robbing men is the guts of a tank, you can only fight with women
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, listen, it’s cooler to deal with women like you than robbing men, you’re a shark, you have teeth in two rows, what me in two rows, but a normal woman, smart, proud, would have given up these square meters long ago, would not have humiliated herself, would have gone to italy to her turk, who did i go to? as soon as i saw you, i immediately realized that lyoshka shvach and i, why is this? and because people like you die, but do not give up. and i, elzochka, when i saw you, i immediately
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understood that we would have to sweat with the lily, or even die. “come on for us, for strong women, come on not for the strong, yes, come on for love, why did you say this word, what is it, yes because it’s not about me , it’s all this love, hello, we’ve arrived, what are you, you have lyoshka, huh?” handsome, eagle, hero, heartbroken for
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you, loves you, like a soul, a dream, not a husband, not a husband he is to me, brother, oh, these are those, and if you knew how i live here, i’m tired, you know, i, i don’t want to hammer on the keys in the evening and watch a movie quietly about love and so that our clock ticks like that a pie in the oven and a cat so that the moon purrs in the window so that someone else besides lyosha calls me, baby, why are you here then
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are you doing something? yes, i can’t, i ’ll leave lyoshka alone, they don’t hire him after the prison camp, so he and i earn money as best we can. what a beast, so is lyoshka. why? yes, because he is a swindler and you are in his dark. and gets involved in things, the brother is called. lyosha, a good brother, the best. yes, if he were a good brother, you would be organizing your personal life now, and not breeding maggots in lily’s refrigerator. well, what kind of personal life, and who needs me?
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you can stay out of my sight again, huh? how can i get to the apartment? i'll hit the air whether? and this is my home and i will fight for it, yes, i will poison you, yes, the poison has already been decided. yes, you, it’s your lyoshka who inspires you that no one needs you, no, alyoshka inspires me that everyone needs me,
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that i’m the best, the most beautiful, but i don’t believe him, why? because i have a sober outlook on life, and this is like his theoretical thinking, i suggest you drink to it immediately, great, i didn’t understand something, oh! and i don’t understand, anya, what are you saying, come on, let’s go, let’s go, i see that your friend who was kidnapped by us has nothing against
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kidnappings. and you’ve been talking a lot about us here , only good, no, felix petrovich , i can’t take it anymore, there was no such agreement for such a friend to live with your wife, but you understand, i’m not trying to increase my worth, i just don’t want rush back to prison because of this... mikhailovna, felix petrovich, you know, i want to start a farm for myself, i don’t need these criminal cases, it’s one thing to just make noise in an apartment, it’s another thing when you’re being attacked every day almost murders are hanged.
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oh, i’m tired, you keep running, you’re running somewhere, then for a career, then for youth. there’s no time to rest, but if it weren’t for the child, honestly, i would have gone to hell somewhere in the middle of nowhere, i don’t know how much i need, a crust of bread, and a roof over my head, well, okay, okay, i ’ll try. but just for your sake, felix petrovich, not for the money,
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drink! here, this is a gift for you from elsa, oh, little one, i don’t drink at all, it’s just. i really should have, shame on you, i’m running around the city, looking for you, but you needed a drink, lilya, don’t scream, my head is hurting, why didn’t you answer the calls, i don’t know, well maybe the phone was broken, well, maybe he
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got hit by it, by the mob from this varkina, uh-huh, i almost went crazy, sorry, but i learned one important thing, what? elsa, the weak link of a criminal gang. plan: elsa should fall in love, good start. if she gets blown away, that will be one less member of this criminal gang to fall in love with. it’s impossible to control, you want me to look for a groom for elsa, what’s wrong, for the sake of an apartment you can try, you know, to fall in love with elsa. "among my friends no one he won’t drink that much, no one will drink that much,
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he won’t drink, he won’t drink, oh, what, he won’t drink, i know one little man. who has completely given up, gennady, this is anna mikhalovna, anna mikhalovna, how many years, how many winters, how are you doing, glad to hear from you, genochka, haven’t you gotten married yet? no, who to marry here, there is not a single beautiful woman here, only strong ones. gena,
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all hope is in you, you must distract one lady, or rather, lure her, so, set up a love network. anna mikhailovna, for your sake, even in the arctic ocean, but i’ll tell you later i'll call you back, i don't have time right now, later. do you really think that elsa’s love affairs will somehow make my life easier, you should have seen her when she sat and read poems about love, you can just paint a picture, a beautiful stranger, okay, although i still don’t understand how it is..
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.. it’s time, wait, if you want, i’ll give you the last ultrasound well, that’s it, that’s it, that’s it, i’ll go, karen, i ’ll show you, well, only if it’s quick, but don’t be afraid, felix has three pairs, he’ll only be home in the evening anyway. look, daughter, you are a copy, oh, and i heard your steps on the stairs, so i decided show me the ultrasound, wow, daughter, that means yes, uh -huh, sorry, i couldn’t resist finding out the gender, look, beauty, all like me, uh-huh, it’s necessary, why are you so early, and this is university?
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hold it, oh, thank you, daughter, yes, yes, strawberry, you say, yes, yes, now, come on, here, this one, yeah. hi mom, and
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hi marina markovna, you’re not alone, yes, i’m just for a minute. here are the groceries, i brought them, this is my boyfriend, max, this is felix, felix, this is max, meet me, i’ve been dreaming of meeting you for a long time, it’s very nice, and marina makovna, you’re just fire, i always knew, that’s for sure, thank you, marina markovna, you helped me out. bastard, sounds like a compliment, you know, i was always interested in what people like you have inside,
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cogs, counters, tongues, and you don’t envy, marina markovna. you yourself couldn’t get settled in life, so don’t disturb your daughter, okay, bye, lover, by the way, i’ll see you here again, i’ll tell felix everything , i obey, there you go, what a bastard, hello, why are you calling, listen to the music, elsa, hello, how are
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you doing? i'm... very glad to see you, you're so, you look so wonderful , simply amazing, i have prepared a poem for you here, if possible, i will read it, so where are your slow lips, let me press your shoulders, children, be close, eyelashes close, let the dazzling rays flare up, let... into the smoke i am growing in their brilliance, but keeping the memory of the dream, valery bruson, the memory of the autumn, keep the memory,
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he won’t call again, nothing, dry it now. will call, gena fell in love with me from the photo, he saw his friends on social networks, and i’m sure he ’ll definitely call, there was photoshop, how come you don’t understand, but he saw me like this, he’s definitely going to call you, oh, don’t exaggerate the possibilities of photoshop elsa nikitichna, i’m sure he’s about to... the phone will cut off, straight from the flight, you’re so sweet, i don’t want to do nasty things to you , so don’t do what i said, don’t , don’t pester me, maybe it’s not gena, otherwise i
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’ll think it’s him, yeah, elsa didn’t make any impression, very much , but mikhailovna, gena, hi, it seems to me, i didn’t even make a call, but she doesn’t even pick up the phone, because you’re calling in rice, what’s going on in rice, she thinks you fell in love with photoshop. and she’s afraid that you won’t call her back, well , after you’ve seen her live, you understand, well, she can’t get the phone out of the rice, anna mikhailovna, i’ll definitely get through to her, i’ll definitely get through to her, well done, well done, gen, come on , yes, fig. rice, what do you feed
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the child there? inga, what are you feeding your child, canned food? why, what kind of canned food, you grated everything yourself, cooked it, everything from the market, anna mikhailovna, and what kind of can is there? where, and this, andrey buys it for himself, he loves applesauce, eats it all the time, yes, mom, very much i love you, you know, yes, i drove the man. why, yes, anna mikhailovna, we have a refrigerator full of food, come on, open it, no, no , i mean, i mean, now, now, no, uh, we didn’t just go to the store, we’ll go soon, come quickly , mommy, yes, we miss you very much, it’s hard to hear, mommy, we say, come, we miss you, somehow you
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didn’t learn your roles well, guys, anyutochka. my baby, hang in there, grandma will arrive soon, the refrigerator is full, right? i repeat again, now you are going to the wholesale warehouse, now we listen carefully, there are less pike perch than you won’t give away a kilogram for 700 rubles, it’s clear, everything else, ram, roach, bream 500-600 rubles, you’ll get your bearings there, it’s clear, can you hear me, elsa, what? what's wrong with you, are you somehow strange today? i just didn't think about it. what is this on your head? i bought it and my hair started to get in the way. haven't they interfered before?
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lyosha, well, they are growing. and why does this flower bed stop hair growth? lesh, leave me alone! what pavilion are you talking about? eighth, i say, pavilion! listen, baby, me! i’ll quickly knock your inner blonde on the head, if anything happens, remember, you almost jumped off the roof because of great bright love, don’t worry, now there’s no shigana, it’s clear, seryoga, there’s no hope for her, you’ll take the eighth pavilion to the base, come on.
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i don’t understand, what is this? baby, i’m hunched over, working my ass off, and you’re playing the checker game, i’m not, i saw the same thing, i even hid my phone away, so stop telling me, i know those eyes of yours very well, what kind of eyes they are, these ones with the languor, foggy, why do we live here, do you remember, yes, i remember, farm, own business, independence, business, so why do these ladies feel like they’re at a resort, or maybe you you will bring coffee to their bed, stop, baby, i beg you, stop, i didn’t say , he won’t call again, yes, yes, i didn’t tell your genius anything, talk to yourself.
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wow, how are things going on the love front? no way, i can’t pick up the phone, why? because, okay, let’s go, i ’ll photoshop you myself. go-go.
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hello, gena, elsa, yes, it’s me, well , i thought i’d never get through to you, huh? and you know, i accidentally clicked, i don’t meet men on the internet at all, just please don’t hang up, i really appreciate you i ask that you read poetry again, no, i won’t read poetry, i want to invite you for a walk, well, yes, only you are in the north, and i’m in the south, what a walk it could be, the most wonderful, the most amazing walk in the world, look to the right, you see the sea, and leave. i threw a coin at him, made a wish to meet the most beautiful wonderful woman in the world, you ended up in this place, but my wish came true, and now go further, look to the left, what
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do you see, a girl is selling flowers, so go to why, go, go, go, take it, thank you, this is for you. how did you do it? and now look to the right, what you see, a cafe, you see, a table, a guitar next to it. here, right there, go, now, go, go, sit down.
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gena, i promised miracles, what a great evening today, you came. maybe you’ll invite me for a cup of tea, the brewing is over, well, yes, no, well, in principle, this is correct, but what, this is the first time you’ve seen me, who i am, well, i’m glad that you explained everything to yourself. bye, bye, elsa, can i
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write or call you and say good night, if you call. oh, where did the firewood come from? gave it to gena. gena? already in the north? was in the north, now in the south. he has arrived, where are we? answer or let
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him suffer, yes, let him suffer, uh-huh, what is it, an, an, it’s so good that you came, is it me who went to the shower? now i can’t get out of this, calm down, i’ll do everything now , just don’t worry, there’s some kind of major renovation here, you know, cement, glue, now, get me out of here, calm down, that’s it, breathe, breathe deeply, bastards, horror, i don’t know, i don’t know what to do. where are we here?
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is there a fishing store nearby? anh, why? i don’t know, well, for sure, until the thought has formed. hey bro, aren't you being insolent? lilya leonidovna? what are you doing here? i'm trying to catch fish. why here, this is my place, i fed here, i have nets here. well i do not know.
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the men in persian told me, that’s it, then , get out of here, fish wherever you want, i won’t go, you live in my apartment, and i ’ll fish in your place, listen, you ’re impudent, i hear from impudence, i live on legal reasons, i have a residence permit, clearly, and so do i i’m not breaking the law, this general tag is not yours, you’re blackmailing me, and why not, you make money by fishing? are you going to get out of my apartment or am i going to sit here on the shore every day in your place, i’ll put all these in your place , yes, i’ll put you in now, what are you going to do, kill me, well, let’s start, are you biting? oh, oh, hook me, lord, give me here, give me, i caught it myself, hush, oh my cat, come here, here, opera theater, woman fishing,
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how do you understand this, dear, good morning, anna mikhailovna, how do you understand this , i'll i ask that this is a summons , that you are worried, yeah, that is , you are making a criminal out of me, you are summoning me with a summons, that you... i summoned you as a victim, and the whole head, what are you babbling there, my head hurts so much, no matter what, you should probably sit down, please, well, since i’m a victim, i’ll sit down, yeah, what
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do you need from me, after studying your case, i asked you to transfer its proceedings to me, in the course of operational actions. i managed to find a recording from the cameras, uh-huh, yes, well, why am i so fat , and who even photographed this? well sorry, there was no cameraman from hollywood, so look carefully, well, this is not lesha’s car. and this is a student, do you recognize the driver? yes, this is gromov’s wife, but who’s next to her? but i don’t know him, what a disgusting face,
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look, well, he has his hand on the steering wheel, and he hit me, he twisted the steering wheel, great. now will you testify on the record, yeah , no, i won’t give any testimony, in any sense you won’t, well, because it wasn’t karina who hit me, well, you see that it was he who twisted the steering wheel, and karina is pregnant, no, i, and i’m taking the application, give me the application, please, i’ll take it, you’ve lost your mind, you ’re out of your mind, why not an application, so i ’ve raised half the city, and i’ll write a complaint against you, oh-oh-oh, oh, oh, oh-oh-oh, what's wrong with you, damn , come on, take a sip, warm up, well, no, drink, drink, drink, i said, you'll catch pneumonia,
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you'll say it's because of me, right away, more, more. now stop, that’s enough, actually i’m cold too, thank you for letting my fish go, her eyes were very sad, yes, this is the first time i’ve cooked fish soup from a stew, it’s just making my head spin all this, ugh! with you, and you turn out to be kind and sweet, when you’re not in my apartment, you ’re okay too, when you drink, listen,
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while i’m drunk, brave, can i ask you how much grom pays you, but he doesn’t pay much, and why are you helping him then? ? out of male solidarity, i mean, well , my wife also left me, she took the apartment, sorry, i didn’t understand why too, well, of course, you found yourself a rich turk who has restaurants in italy, how interesting it is why i didn’t then in italy with his rich... turks, and here i endure all this bullying, but because you don’t have enough restaurants, you need to take off your last trousers from the telex, that’s why, what are you doing? to say, you are stubborn because of these square meters, because you can’t forgive
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felix that he found someone else, and didn’t hang himself after your vile betrayal, well, that’s it, where are you going, your nets, i’m going to cut, braganier, stop, fool, stop , stop. close your eyes, imagine that you are on the shore of the blue sea, the waves are splashing at your feet, okay, so, i believed the thunder, because i myself was married, you see, you hear, this is completely uninteresting, well, okay, but i... wanted to tell you how it all was, how my wife and my boss, you know, they messed with me at the factory, and then they squeezed out of my apartment, and
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they accused me of waste, you understand, no , he told me everything, i need to feel sorry for you, listen, where are you going, stop, where are you going, i want to go home, go home , you’re not going anywhere, i’ll go, something will happen to you, he’ll say that i’m guilty and they’ll do the right thing, no, you won’t go, leave me alone, you’ll stand here, what are you poking at me, because i’m a bandit, it’s clear, are you ferists? bandits, boor , boor, boor, it’s not in the criminal code, so get ready, i’ll be rude desperately, and roman valerevich, please allow me, yes, comrade major, the victim artamonova withdrew her statement, so that means it’s still for... uh-huh, so shibisov, it’s time to put an end to this gang of watering cans,
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establish external surveillance on gromov, yes, comrade major, yes, and the pirozhkovs are in the bullpen, and clarification of all the circumstances, there is, come on, you understand. lesni again, girl, excuse me, can i ask question, can you tell me, the husband returns home, from a business trip, from work, but without... a call, and his wife at home immediately hands him an ultrasound, saying that the child looks like him, through
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the window, she couldn’t see him, but he says, i guessed from the steps, your options, if i were my husband, i would do a genetic examination. the old man, you know, the third, third, third is already hinting at my horns, oh, yes, cynical, the youth have gone, excuse me, can i ask? yes, yes, yeah, yes, hi, what,
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max, i think he suspects something, baby, wait, wait, don’t worry, you need it now i can’t twitch, and if he demands a genetic examination before i file for division of property, but he’s a sucker, he won’t demand anything, well, maybe he’s a sucker, but... he doesn’t answer, that’s all, good, i say, no load up, everything will be fine, come on, kiss, bye, kiss, well, that’s why i’m not officially getting married, so that like you don’t have, in one family there is betrayal, in another, don’t understand at all, i live with my brother. he’s this musician i have, a violinist, sawing and sawing, sawing and
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sawing, an excellent choice, you know, i’m glad. for you, no, we live in our parents’ apartment, but he’s not the only one sawing, he’s bringing his own people there, well , he brings these guys, they’re sawing there together, his disciples , they’re sawing and sawing together, i say, sell your share and go somewhere there and drink at home, he says, in, he says, blowing you, he says, not a share, i’m used to it here, well, what about you? and i relieve stress, oh, what a fool you are, i ’ll tell you now how such problems are solved, well, well, you’re silent the whole way.
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what are you saying? now let's go back, everything will start all over again, and maybe my daughter will come to me soon, but nothing will start, i 'll pack my things today and move out, really, it's actually good i would like to live with you for a couple more days, i just need to find a new apartment, i can even live in a tent, you know, but elsa, she’s a girl, she needs conveniences. you can live, yes of course, live as long as you want, live as long as you want, you’re funny, don’t be a jerk,
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this is elsa, leave a message after the signal, hello elsa, this is gena. i can’t get through to you, i’m here next to your house, maybe i’ll see you, elsa, this gang has finally been tied up, elsa, this is elsa, so, citizen, move away, what happened, please explain what, elsa, so, citizen, please, what happened, hey! hey okay, what's going on? hey, citizen of pirozhki, you have been detained on suspicion of fraud as part of a group of persons, article 159, okay, good, i’ll go to jail myself, civilian, calm down, elsa, elsa, i’m here now, i’m done now,
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lelechka, dear, congratulations, finally - justice has triumphed. thank you, valya, i want to withdraw my application for the pirozhkovs, they are honest and decent people, that is, at first you claimed that this was a gang of scammers, right, and i’m almost the leader of this gang, now that i’ve gathered evidence, uh-huh, i detained them, you say that they are honest, decent people , excuse me, everyone can make mistakes, okay, but keep in mind that the case regarding the pirozhki will not be dropped, just like that, somehow lilya has been gone for a long time, as it were
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what didn’t work out, but don’t worry, anna mikhailovna , everyone here takes advantage of everyone, i know that for sure, that well, so that i don’t see you here again, i didn’t take you either, but take the money , it’s strange, weird. okay, we 'll go the other way, what have we done, anya, what have we done, we've imprisoned two beautiful people, lyosha was actually going to move out today, lilya, calm down, please, just as we put him in prison , we’ll get him out, but how, this borisov beast,
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a careerist, he needs to reveal something for statistics or put someone in prison. take a drink, felix petrovich, it will be easier. why did you, dear son-in-law, get so stuffed yesterday? i don’t even know, marina markovna, sometimes it seems to me that i’m doing something terrible, really, yes, but can you be more specific, you know, these trainings. for what? it turns out that i don’t accept myself as i am, i’m not sure in yourself, you’re talking about this, exactly, i’ll open it up, so you
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would take it upon yourself to lose weight for the sake of your max, for nothing, but you understand, but i’m suffering for the sake of your karina, felix, yeah, what’s the agenda here? congratulations, we made it, doctor, how is she, your daughter will have to stay with us for a while under observation, this is my daughter, i’m the husband, sorry, it’s dangerous, it’s dangerous if she’s here... stays, don’t worry, everything will be fine, thank you , we jumped, marina markovna, you already said this today,
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100 times, well, because we jumped, we still don’t have enough premature births, but the doctor said that everything will be fine, with all due respect to you, felix petrovich, you go, where, i don’t know, to a woman of your... age, that karina herself is still a child, she has such an exotic cocktail of desires for a beautiful life in her head , and dreams of great love, and these ingredients don’t mix at all, this creates the threat of miscarriage, listen to what you’re saying, marina markovna, what a cocktail, what can’t be mixed with what, forget it, i’m just nervous. i didn’t expect anything from you, especially about age. roman
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valerievich, i told you that i would do more i didn't see you here. so i tell him, imagine, he’s also my boss, hello, hello!
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are you crazy, what are you doing here? good afternoon, once again, roman valerievich, how did you get here? it seemed to me that you were running away from me, i decided to wait for you at... at the car, and it opened, suddenly? herself? so what do you need? i beg you, let elsa
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and lusch go. this issue is no longer discussed. they are not criminals. they're just confused. well, you are a kind person. i can see it in your eyes. that is , you first call me a corrupt official, a werewolf in uniform, and now ask me to free you. do it again , i beg you to let me go, for what? please, you are crazy, so sit here artamonova , think about your behavior, what is it , what happened, so quietly, let’s hold on, back here, carefully, carefully, now.
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now, now , now, now, now, let me go, pick me up, yes, now complain, what are you doing, what am i doing, artificial respiration, heart, massage, direct, yes, i ’ll write a complaint against you, sorry, i didn’t mean to , boor, and so you... you fainted on purpose to make a fool out of me, do you even understand what you are saying, let me out immediately, please, get out of here, stimulant, maniac, swindler, what, what did you hear, so you deliberately did all this with apartments, all these tricks have stirred up how i didn’t realize it before, mom has nothing to do,
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yes you, yes i... you, and i thought that you were a decent person, roman valerievich, i think so too, the duty officer, if i was your woman, you could have whatever you want, anna is a medium, i don't want to spoil ours working relationships, they are really only working, on monday. on rtr, you are looking at 100 to one, what is our task to open the whole board, we can handle it, if you ask, then with the swelling, the name of which character from pushkin’s works everyone knows, how much will it be 7.8, 7.8, 7.8, how much ? and who
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speaks a lot and loudly at work, if you answer, then with humor , i chop oak, don’t pluck, problems with water, light, housing and communal services, i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry - this is a set for the head pain, god forbid now, if to win, then hurray, 100 to one. today tomorrow on rtr, tell me, do you even understand that i’m leaving the family forever, but everything is clear , on sunday, here’s the news, dad will no longer live with us, he will live somewhere else, this is not news for me , how could you secretly introduce sasha to your girlfriend, why?


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