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tv   Mestnoe vremya  RUSSIA1  March 9, 2024 8:20am-8:36am MSK

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the points are equipped with armored capsules, they are preparing , as they say, for different scenarios, if we don’t build fortifications here today , if we don’t give weapons to our military personnel, tomorrow exactly the same fortifications will need to be built near prague, near warsaw, near berlin. in general, everything is logical, ukrainian nationalists 80 years ago fought in the interests of burley in occupied warsaw. in the kharkov region, meanwhile , forced evacuation begins; children are going to be taken out first.
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flew to turkey, where the first thing i did was go to the shipyard, where the second corvette for the ukrainian navy is being built. zelensky gave the ship the name hetman ivan vygovsky, a nobleman who commanded the zaporozhye army and fought with the poles against russia in the seventeenth century. glory to rory. and the ukrainian president stood on the deck of another corvette of the same class, hetman ivan mazepa, a well-known defector in russian history who betrayed peter and defected to the swedes during the northern war. stinks can cut through this high park, they can cut through this a high fence, they can throw a blanket and climb over, they can use a stepladder, they can use cunning, there are paths of wild boar tracks, they can try to walk along them in the hope that a flock of wild boars will pass by, trample their tracks, they will not be detected, on the western borders ukraine is catching draft dodgers who are trying to leave by any means; the long legislative saga around the new rules of mobilization has provoked a new wave of those wishing to avoid military service. 3 km from the romanian border
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34 draft dodgers crammed into a minibus, paying 10,000 euros each. this is the moment of arrest. in the chernivtsi region , tcc employees were killed. riots on the streets of paris. there , during a march dedicated to international women's day, clashes broke out between supporters of palestine and israel. a massive brawl broke out, with protesters overturning trash cans and throwing bottles at each other. and in athens, a student rally escalated into clashes with the police. the riots
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began right next to the walls of parliament. on guard law enforcement officers flew pieces of marble and molotov cocktails to pacify the crowd, and used tear gas. local media report eight. injured and nine detained, in total almost 2,000 people came out to demonstrate, they are against a bill that would allow the creation of private universities and branches of foreign universities in greece. news, follow the development of the event, stay with us on the russia channel. if i were your woman, you could have anything you want. anna is a medium. i don't want to ruin our working relationship. they really only workers. on monday at rtr, we gathered about ten people into the first group, there were short calls, we are going to donetsk, you are with us, yes, when my fighters came running, they carried me, another
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shelling began, they laid me down, lay down on on top of me, one bullet is still in me, this is, let’s say, my trophy, we were hungry, then... grandma herself is hungry, but she carries this chicken to the drive and says: baby, feed the dogs, lend a helping hand, olga and i decided that i need to take the guys in, i came across such people who care, to support them in word, hello, dear soldier and in deed, without your help you would not have survived, only ours can, honor and praise to you. what you do is simply amazing, from monday to thursday on rtr, this is for you, well, get some sleep, gentlemen,
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just a minute, pay attention, today is a big day, a big holiday, dashing, pressure. the whole team, just looking at the platform, the ox is precious, the walls are shaking, big changes have come, a new season with new renovations,
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with a slight movement of the hand, we are making three different functional zones from this room, absolutely without faces, ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be plenty of surprises and... there is a lot of work, plans turn into projects before our eyes, i adore plants , i’m generally a plant maniac, real stone flowers will soon bloom from the living room of our heroes, after dismantling, a lot will become clear, and dreams become reality, look, let them into your home,
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be careful, from the rubble in your old life you can build a new one, or at least anything in business. what the hell are you doing here, mom maybe on rtr today.
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voting at your location: mobile voter. if on voting days you find yourself far from your polling station, you can vote at your location at any polling station in the country. to do this, you must submit an application to any election commission no later than march 11. you can vote at the mfc or at public services and at the chosen polling station. the tin hazard was declared immediately in several regions of russia. in kamchatka, kuban, the krasnoyarsk territory and adegey in dagestan, heavy rains led to the collapse
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of rocks. huge boulders fell onto the road and damaged a passing car. the driver and passenger were hospitalized. in north ossetia , a large section of the georgian military road was closed due to heavy snowfall. trucks stood on the highway for several hours, waiting for the harvesting equipment to finish their work. a strong snowstorm hit the seaside. visibility on the roads is difficult, and icy conditions make driving difficult. sochim the prosecutor's office is checking the circumstances of the mass collision of skiers at the youth sports festival; due to the fog and snowstorm, the athletes began to fall and knock each other down, several girls were injured, with bruises and fractures, many were taken to the hospital. report by egor grigoriev. oh, the fall. alarmed judges' comments behind the scenes , screams of young skiers: everyone is alive, one fell,
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then another, a mass start turned into a mass collapse of the spartakiad in sochi, on the long descent of the first round, they were supposed to run 10 km in the classical style, but 14 athletes left the track, nine girls were hospitalized with fractures and bruises, photos of even those who suffered less were extremely terrible. the circumstances of the incident will be analyzed and appropriate measures will be taken. as meteorologists note, the weather in sochi
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now is truly unpredictable and treacherous. there were fogs in waves with reduced visibility of less than 1 km. well, another very important detail is the place of this mass collision incident, it is located at a level of approximately 700 m above sea level, and the lower edge of the clouds was approximately at the level of 300-400. shocked parents of young skiers appeared on the internet , there is a video of the supposed start of the race, it shows that there was fog already before the start of the race, questions about the quality of the track, they say it melted, the snow was loose, and before the competition they still went through a snowcat, as a result, a skating rink, we ran not along a ski slope, but along the most difficult biathlon track in the world, only in reverse, who made the decision that we needed to compete, it was dangerous for our health, the president of the federation. to the beginning competitions, this cloud was not so dangerous,
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when the competition began, the cloud descended and, accordingly, there was not the best visibility, but it is impossible to say that 100% nothing was visible, first of all, this is the behavior of the athletes themselves on the track, injuries are mainly fractures there are wrists, and there are bruises, mostly everyone has bruises, some have bruised their noses, others have bruised their arms. bruise, bruised leg, thank god, doctors were there right away, everyone was immediately hospitalized, everything is fine, so yes, it’s very disappointing, bitter, but this happens, unfortunately, the men's race is after. decided to cancel; who will be responsible for what happened during the women’s start will become known after verification. egor grigoriev, natalya uvarova, daria bratukina, irina zaborskaya. news. you can now admire the famous lena pillars even at night. they were illuminated with powerful spotlights. breathtaking views in the report by vitaly prokopyev. the famous
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lena pillars, the pride of russia.


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