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tv   Pyatero na odnogo  RUSSIA1  March 9, 2024 9:25am-10:11am MSK

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140,000 tons of sausage products were produced by the people's commissar of food chrome in 1936. doctor's sausage was developed in 1936 by order of anastasia ivanovich mikayan. the composition of the gasted technology, the recipe is based on 25% premium beef, 25% lean pork, as well as 45% fatty pork, 3%. melange and 2% milk. the technologists faced a non-trivial task: to come up with an easy-to-use dietary product specifically for patients with poor health as a result of the civil war and tsarist despotism. and they did it. the sausage product is balanced in its amino acid composition, due to the fact that it contains 20%, 25% beef, and beef. this
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is a source of easily digestible iron, plus it is also balanced in terms of fat; 100 g of boiled sausage can replace one chicken egg. they wanted to call the sausage stalinist, emphasizing the premium quality, but they thought they called it a doctor’s sausage based on its function, let it restore the health of the soviet people, and so that conservative people would actively buy the new product, the price for it was set below cost. doctorate we quickly tried it and loved it, so it quickly went from being a novelty to being in short supply. however, the classic doctor’s thesis has not reached us; in the seventies, gost changed it, allowing the addition of starch, egg powder and dry milk to meat. evil tongues, who remembered the taste of that same doctor's thesis, even said that now they add almost toilet paper to it. this is a shame, because the toilet paper is soviet. in soviet
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times there was a greater shortage than doctor’s sausage, so by definition they simply couldn’t add it to sausage, and those who lived during that period of time remember that if toilet paper was given out at a hardware store, a huge line would form, the premiere on rtr, i’m a policeman, you ’re threatening me with a weapon now, put the gun down, is that murder again? goncharov shot at a man. konchurov was detained for the murder of a policeman, martynov himself wanted to kill him, but can you really see me? unfortunately, you too, get out of my bath immediately. anna medium, on monday on rtr. good morning, my beloved, my voice sounds only for you, my heart beats only for you.
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there is such news here, dad will no longer live with us, he will live in another place, this is not news to me, how could you secretly introduce sasha to your girlfriend, why? i don’t want to lose contact with sasha, get in touch, but what does someone else’s woman have to do with this? move over to us, and mom, what, little mom, can’t you handle it? you can start life from scratch. hello, i recognized you, oles. for so many years, i knew that you would call someday, but the past cannot be erased, we had such a chapter called karina, we can write another chapter called the three of us again, i want to fix everything, southern cyclone, on sunday on rtr, every...
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mom makes cheesecakes, tradition, grandma likes to tell me the story of our family, tradition, dad and brother root for one . team. tradition. taking care of each other and helping is our tradition. we also have a tradition in our family - to elect a president together with the whole country. march 15-16, 17, take part in the presidential elections. together - we are force. let's vote for russia. cheese is the same soviet, which had properties. no worse than the swiss, also a domestic development , the founder, probably, of our domestic cheese-making should be considered nikolai vasilyevich vereshchagin, this is the main naval officer who
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retired around 1860 and decided to engage in cheese-making, nikolai vasilyevich is often confused with vasily vasilyovich. and special milk. cheese has always been a delicacy product. it was quite expensive; cheese was largely inaccessible to ordinary workers. the soviet government set before the goal is to turn cheese into a mass product.
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technological engineer dmitry granikov undertook to solve this problem in the early thirties. he adapted the technology used by the swiss to make their famous hard cheese to suit local conditions. during the ripening process, the cheese is turned over several times, moved throughout the cheese storage, from top to bottom, from bottom to top horizontally, this is due to the fact that different zones have different microclimates, and there must be some kind of average indicator, all this was done manually, you apparently saw the classic swiss cheese, yes, this is such a big one...
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the united states has arrived. ambassador harriman was there, there was also a special representative of president roosevelt then, at the beginning of the great patriotic war, they arrived here for, if i’m not mistaken, it was forty-two years, for negotiations on supplies under lend-lease.
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negotiations went on with stalin, they lasted quite a long time, and after that the guests were offered a small buffet. stalin is broadcasting, professor of grannikov, that ’s all, dmitrianevich, we have a doctor of technical sciences, professor, holder of the order of lenin. maybe perhaps this is a legend, but in forty-three dmitry
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grannikov really became a professor, doctor of sciences and received the stalin prize. even today we enjoy eating soviet cheese, which is still prepared using its technology. in addition to the soviet one, several dozen varieties of various cheeses were produced in the ussr, but processed cheese, yantar, became a legend, and one of the symbols of the soviet era became one of the symbols of the soviet era. those cheeses that, according to their indicators, did not pass through the quality control department, let’s call it the technical control department, then those, those cheeses were sent for melting , conditionally, let’s say, the cheese did not go according to the design, yes, well, or such self-propelled cracks appeared in the cheese, in soviet times , processed cheese, amber, if you remember this, was produced only from soviet cheese of the highest quality . but with crabs , soviet citizens were simply lucky, although
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they did not immediately appreciate this luck. previously unpopular canned goods, decorated with the famous chatka label, which soviet citizens read as snatka, disappeared from the shelves by 1980, and then the soviets regretted them housewives. by the way, what kind of word is this? it turns out that this is part of the word “kamchatka” written in latin. initially, soviet crabs were intended for export; when they were decorated for one of the batches, the labels were stuck on overlapping , and part of the word was lost, and so the brand was born. soviet crabs began to enjoy success in the states, but japanese industrialists, before this, it was almost a monopoly and expensive supply of crabs to america and europe, but they launched a counter-campaign, and soon the far eastern crabs went to conquer moscow and other cities of the soviet union. east. canned crabs
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and crabs began to actively arrive in the central regions, and no one bought them in stores , every seller was paid bonuses for every can of crab sold, everyone should try how tasty and tender crabs are, posters in store windows urged. but if in the thirties crabs were really in dire need of advertising, people were wary of an unfamiliar product, then... it is destined to become one of the symbols of the soviet era, it will be reprinted 14 times,
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its total circulation will be 8 million copies and will become a welcome gift for every soviet housewife. here you take it, this is a fairy tale book , firstly, the naked puma is so good , beautiful with tinting along the edges of the pages, it’s very interesting and they said about the basics of rational nutrition: how to create a diet, what substances are contained in certain products, the benefits of a particular product, the nutritional value of this product. experienced culinary specialists and scientists from the nutrition research institute are working on the book. a book about healthy and wholesome food should introduce the population to the basics of healthy eating. anastas mikayan, who is in charge of the project, insists : the food of the soviet people should not be...
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a workshop not only of beautifully decorated salads and baked goods, but also workshops of new enterprises, bakeries, meat processing plants, fish farms, in the fields there are stories about new products, bouillon cubes, margarine, now forgotten margusiline, mayonnaise, condensed milk and even about what the country is just about to produce. our food industry will soon produce so-called breakfast cereals from cereals. but if the structure of the book itself was revolutionary, then its recipes were quite
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fit into the traditions of russian cuisine. the recipes, the most traditional, were cold appetizers, hot appetizers, soups, hot dishes of meat, fish, poultry, and so on. many of them were available. the recipes taken were from old cookbooks and transformed in accordance with the capabilities of the soviet food industry. here is the most beloved new year's salad of the country of the soviets - olivier is not in the soviet culinary bible, olivier salad, capital, meat, as soon as they called it...
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capers and lettuce, they laid it out beautiful bouquets, and decorated with crayfish necks, and that’s exactly how they were served. the exact recipe for the salad and especially the dressing for it remained a secret, which is why pre-revolutionary cookbooks contain many different versions of the recipe, but the soviet version is not at all similar to the original. hazel grouse are gone from the recipe, veal tongue is gone, and quails are forgotten. and - caviar was replaced, so i always think, probably with green peas in shape, and very often, instead of that meaty splendor, they began to use either chicken or ordinary sausage, doctor's, where did the sausage come from in olivier, maybe it came from a neighboring
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recipe, which is called a salad with sausage, and it was much easier to get it than hazel grouse. or even chicken fillet, potatoes added for what? in order to reduce the cost of the recipe, so the modern olivier salad, well, probably has nothing similar - it has nothing like the one that, no, has quail eggs, but now they are most often replaced with chicken ones, now most often the olivier salad is mixed, dressed with mayonnaise and served , recipe with ingredients crossed out, we enter the soviet version, as soon as the country overcame the consequences
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of the great patriotic war, the book about tasty and healthy food was republished, first in a pocket format, and then in... this edition is considered canonical, for the first time luxurious color inserts appeared there, which all the children loved to look at soviet country. as a child, i leafed through, so to speak, it, that is , looked at some recipes, pictures of baked goods, but already in the second half of the fifties, the government returned to the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bmaking household work easier, home kitchens, where you could get a ready-made lunch and even... order delivery, and the formats of catering establishments became much more diverse, cheburek houses, pancake dumplings appeared, next to our university, then still the institute of national economy, there was a dumpling shop, we ran to the dumplings and during recess, well, then we went after classes, the dumplings were wonderful, the dumplings were
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hand-made, the dumplings were served with sour cream, with butter and... with vinegar, it was quite cheap, however, soviet citizens successfully made dumplings in industrial scale and at home. dumplings were not just a dish, it was a whole ritual , the whole family, young and old, gathered to make dumplings, and they loved to cook dumplings before the new year, when it was frosty outside, the whole family made dumplings, then took them out to the balcony or outside , the dumplings froze then ate for many, many months, the dough... unleavened, quite simple in recipe, flour, water, salt, sometimes they added an egg, minced meat, uh, they made different things, if we say uh, the most popular is homemade minced meat, which consists of beef and pork, add onions, garlic, spices , there are quite a lot of options for pinching the dumplings , anastasia decorated the dumpling with a braid,
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rolled it up, in fact, it is already ready to... be sent into the water, but if you had no time to cook the dumplings at home, you can it was possible to make do with frozen store-bought ones. helpful tip: before buying frozen dumplings at the store, shake the box over your ear. if you hear a cheerful dry clatter, it means you need to take good dumplings, but if not, instead of a tasty dinner you will end up with lousy ones. diaper porridge. 1955, a landmark year for... the republics in all canteens, cafes, restaurants. the collection contained 1,518 recipes, each recipe was equipped with three
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calculation options. for the same dish, three columns, so-called. according to the first column , they cooked in restaurants, the second column is for cafes, enterprises of the second category, the third is a canteen. borscht, for example, will cost a serving, well, for that money 5 rubles. for a cafe it will be 3 rubles, and for a canteen it will be 50 kopecks. how did it work out? is it really due to the quality of the products? well, for example, look, i i’ll give you this example, if i, for example, poach vegetables, carrots and onions, white roots , for soups, there for hot dishes, i can use butter, or i can use the fat that i skim off when cooking the broth, that’s also fatty base, but the quality was always maintained. so, soviet plucking is finally unified, each dish in establishments of the same category in the territory.
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the main working villain, he didn’t get along with anyone here, we look at the weekend, well, i realized that living with your husband or working on your own - these are completely different things,
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i would like to see you not only in the office, do you happen to know who this woman is who is sitting next to maxim, this is his wife, you see, she will be born any day now, mom may be on rtr today. you are looking at 100 alone, what is our task to open the whole board, we can handle it, if you ask, then with the side, the name, which character from pushkin’s works everyone knows, how much it will be 7.8, 7.8, 7.8, how much it will be, who at work? speaks a lot and loudly, if you answer, then with humor, i would cut down an oak tree, don’t pinch, problems with water, light, uh, housing and communal services,
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i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry - a set for a headache and god forbid now beep, if you win, then hurray, 100 to one, tomorrow on rtr, this is for you, well, did you get some sleep, gentlemen, just a minute, pay attention, today is a big day for us, a big holiday, dashing, we haven’t seen you for a long time, impudent, biyo. you know, but for every cool fighter he will find an even cooler one, you fell in love with them, but who is good for you, your wife or your boys, don’t ask stupid questions now, they are still loved, you are responsible for
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my words, i am always responsible for my words, a hero of my time, beauty, repin, the whole team, we just look at the platform, and we are preparing liver pate, the dish was quite popular in soviet times, this dish was served as an independent cold appetizer, now we will pair it with crispy bruschetta made from freshly baked bread and we will also add the appropriate sauce. from three berries, that is, here we have lingonberries, red currants, cranberries, to this dish we will add bacon, originally the recipe included bacon, then
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there is lard, yes. but we will change this recipe a little, add bacon. so, our dish is ready, bon appetit. pate recipe from a collection of recipes. substituting ingredients. compliance with the recipes was strictly monitored by the strict obkhss, the department for combating the theft of socialist property. suddenly people come, serve, say: test purchase, my whole heart sank. what does test purchase mean? they weigh what they gave you in portions, the main product, side dish, sauce, and so on. then they take the sample and send it for tests and look at it, how much is it all for the bookmark, for all
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the others. if dissatisfaction. if it turned out to be more than 10%, you could end up in jail. we worked out standards for mass loss during partitioning, and so on and so forth. this was a new direction. at that time we had a company called ocean, which was very famous. and here we are at vdnkh in one of the restaurants, also the ocean, working on these standards. they made 200 sandwiches with red caviar, and the barmaid went to sell them from the boat. and suddenly two employees bring this barmaid. abhss, control for. they start to remove the cup caviar from a sandwich instead of 10 - 9 g. 10% undersupply of a scarce product and complete panic, can you imagine what this is? then that means i go out to these men , put my nose up to each other, i say: i’m an associate professor of the department, a candidate of technical sciences, i’m presenting plekhanovka, working on things, i prepared this, well , that’s all, i say, wait a second, i say, let’s go with you
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let's conduct an experiment, i'm right here with you... and no tricks, the liquid from the caviar was absorbed into the bread, but no one weighed it, a penny is not like expensive caviar. if while dining rooms were a daily occurrence, visiting a restaurant for residents of the ussr was a real holiday. firstly, the average bill per family was no less than 15 rubles. in the canteens, lunch cost no more than a ruble. and secondly, go try this restaurant. in total, in 1978 there were 28 restaurants throughout moscow. now in moscow there are more than 17 thousand food establishments, of which more than 5,000 are restaurants. prague, for example, a table had to be booked a month in advance, and that was if you were lucky. of course, prague was one of the most favorite restaurants of the moscow elite. here
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clean we saw a little kalina brezhneva , joseph kobzon, and it’s not surprising, the prague restaurant is like a czech restaurant, an agreement was signed with czechoslovakia, they supplied us with all kinds of products, especially meat products, there were sausages, bacon, there was beer, and prague was also famous for its czech comrades shared cakes, recipes for their favorite confectionery masterpieces, prague, waclovsky and zdenka, but most importantly , soviet... delicacies were created within the walls of prague by pastry chef vladimir guralnik, his bird's milk was fantastically light and tender terribly in short supply, it cost six 6:30 , then it was crazy money, but even then there was still a queue, especially before the holidays, they wrote down on hand at night, how much there was, and so on, and then the embassy ordered everything from us , we
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only baked 600 pieces. in moscow on the day, and of course, if you have bird’s milk for the holiday, it was great happiness. helpful advice: biscuit scraps were never thrown into waste, they were used to make baked potatoes, they did everything, but the taste was still obtained different, a lot still depends on the cook, and on whether the butter was replaced with margarine, it was possible to taste the wonders of prague cuisine not only in prague itself, on holidays tables were set up on the new arbat along the route. the movement of the demonstration and mountains of delicious pastries appeared on these tables, and we have an old arbat there, everyone stood in line, and we even limited them in the number of pies, i say, don’t give them 20 each, because now they’ll take it all, now the demonstrators will go, but we have no one pie, well, five pies each, they stood in line several times, and one day the line parted and the secretary of the moscow city party committee, boris yeltsin himself, appeared before the barmaids. we treated him,
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he generally loved russian cuisine, of course, and he also loved all kinds of chopped cutlets, well , all meatballs, dumplings and so on . simple simple food, but there were citizens in the ussr whose food was more expensive than any restaurant menu and was developed by a special institute for cosmonauts. to space the food had three requirements: it should be easily digestible, weigh as little as possible and not crumble. they were especially worried, of course, about the first cosmonaut, yuri gagarin. nine products were produced for the flight of yuri alekseevich gagarin. this. the first and second canned, pureed and packaged dishes in tubes, these are juices in tubes, the bread was already made in special small loaves for one taste, but they still didn’t really
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know whether an astronaut would be able to swallow food in conditions of weightlessness? yuri alekseevich gagarin tried all these products, and by the way, he liked these products, but very soon it became... for long expeditions, ground food in tubes is not suitable, they are eaten away, they did not allow the astronaut to chew, he had to chew, otherwise this oral cavity would atrophy, when tetov flew, then the terishkovs and other cosmonauts began, in addition to tube products , to make freshly prepared meat dishes, these are entricots, sandwiches, cutlets, pies, well, in the eighties... freeze-dried dishes with a long shelf life came into use among space explorers. most so the main value is sublimation, all nutrients and vitamins remain in the product, the nutritional value is preserved up to 97%. today
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they have learned to carry even fresh fruit into orbit, but the basis of the diet of our cosmonauts is still the same, laid down in soviet times. for breakfast, porridge, omelettes, casseroles, for lunch it’s a must. for the first and second. americans love our cottage cheese, they don’t have this kind of borscht. they love our borscht very much. yes, on earth in our country they still love what they got used to during the unified and powerful soviet culinary tradition. my mom is very often cooks stuffed peppers. this is her, so to speak, signature dish, my mother usually fries the peks first, sticks them in the oven for a little while, and then. mushroom noodles, i still love them, the country that was called the ussr has long been no longer on
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the map, but the culinary recipes and traditions born in its vastness are still popular, because there is nothing more pleasant than the taste that we are familiar with since childhood. tanya, oh, fedya, you put on a festive one, i remember, just yesterday there was
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a classmate, and today, yesterday there was, and today. we want to go in quickly, we want to go to school, we don’t think about it, that it won’t be a minute to struggle, now it won’t happen again, that it won’t happen, we’ll figure it out.
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from childhood we were in a hurry to become adults. the school carp is a reptile, so that
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we value childhood, we must part with it forever, so that we give to childhood, we must part with it forever. i’m remembering the past diligently and anxiously i think i’m languishing, i’m leaving my childhood for good, maybe i’m parting with you, parting for good. maybe i'm breaking up with you.
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i don’t understand why i should go to the plant, you write poetry, you need a literary faculty, in their youth everyone sins with poetry, it’s like measles, you need to get over the illness, forget it, will you leave? isn’t there enough plant in leningrad? no, i
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can’t leave here, i have to see the white nights, the embankment every day, and i can only love someone like you, tanya, but i already fell in love with fedya, well, he’s a kind, cheerful guy. very , but you think i’m worse, yes, boring, styopa, styopa, crazy, crazy, well, well, well, i told you honestly, as a best friend, when a girl offers friendship, that means write, i’m missing, oh, it’s late, i’ll run, don’t be angry. okay, goodbye, goodbye.
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and i dream well on fresh mornings, sonya, i just can’t believe, step, that childhood is over. and the time has come to think about the future, and i’m already solving one arithmetic problem, which is better, five or 10? in what sense? and in this one? so you study at the institute for 5 years, acquire a specialty, but theoretically, and tomorrow you come to the plant, before you become a real engineer, you need to add another 5 years of practical work,
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isn’t it better the other way around, but listen, that’s what i do i decided to go work at a factory and study at an evening institute. and you will win 5 years, thank you, supported , made you happy, made you happy, dance, i don’t dance, i danced, i don’t admit it, i danced once in my life only for one person and there were no witnesses, at least there shouldn’t have been, i was spying , tell me, yes, i was peeking, uh-huh, you’re too niche about yourself and in vain, just from the light in the window you’ll think that a pile of cucumbers is another thing, a fairy tale, a sleepyhead. "i never thought you could be so rude, platform number in boarding continues, listen to your aunt , spit on this ticket, stay."
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well, wait, save your pathos for the meeting, and if i am the intended target, then he did not go to her, but left her, don’t you mean yourself , what are you, what are you, in a state of mind, open-hearth , how can tanya laugh at her comrade like that, and i don’t mock you, your copybooks, newspaper speech, you really talk to me like at a rally, disgusting, sorry, sonya, yes , sonya, look, yes, look, how did you get here, like everyone else, you bought a ticket, but it’s clear, but what do you understand, stack, but only one thing, i haven’t left yet, i already miss you, and before it’s too late, jump off the train, nothing
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will change, try, maybe this is how you will touch her soul, well, goodbye, how can it be, you have a ticket to the first stop . i wanted to show sensitivity, like a comrade, goodbye, tanya, you’re wrong, my name is sony, yes, sorry, tanya, tanya, well... let’s agree, never, never salt again, and you know, today i realized that sometimes it’s useful to add salt , they probably had a fight, and a few minutes later i was already looking for you, you can’t imagine how bored i was, and i even i almost burst into tears, i wanted it right away, now for you, and guys, look, kiss!


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