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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  March 10, 2024 11:00am-12:01pm MSK

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i also can’t complain to you, i at least once refused to listen to you, no, but you never gave me the opportunity to listen to you, except that everything is fine with you, everything is fine, i never heard anything from you, i didn’t deceive , everything was going fine, as usual, lesya, well, when everything is fine, husbands don’t leave the family, sleepyhead, i don’t have time to look for reasons, sasha and i need to move forward, she’s getting admission and no one’s tricks will stop us. that's it, bye, for the first time, yes, yes, there is nothing wrong with that, and often you have a male pity here, they dye their hair and do their eyebrows and epilations every day. “you’re kidding, a new girl
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, well, it’s not for her sake, it’s annoying , appeal, yes, let’s come, hello, oh, damn, this is something unusual, but no, you ’re running around great, it’s clear that this is not the first time, but i’m not talking about well, you and i just decided to go rollerblading." we immediately drove to the store, grabbed the roller skates and went, and what’s wrong with that? i don’t know, it’s just that in our house at first everything is decided, discussed, and then, maybe a week later, something is done, i regret that we got away, no, i would be sitting in a dusty room right now class, bubner listened to some nonsense about kotankin, well, i still have to finish school, i decided myself, well, everyone graduates, but you don’t, the one who writes his own story wins, cash? hold it, i
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'm going now, uh-huh, thank you, hello, pistachio caramel, please, yeah, what do you want, thank you, go home, don't feel like it, come over to us, and mom, so what? mom is little, she can’t cope without you, well, she will feel bad without me, you feel bad with her, well, i’m fine, that’s why you don’t want to go home, don’t deceive yourself, there will always be someone who feels bad, when you feel good, and more than once in your life you will be faced with a choice, me or someone else , you don’t have to choose yourself, without hesitation, all these false ideas, mom will be upset, dad won’t approve, girlfriend will be offended, all this ripples with fate. people give up
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their goals, opportunities, in the end it all ends in complete failure, well, that’s it, and the most important thing is that those for whom you are trying, they are not worth the price tag, yes, yes, no, she does not lag behind the school curriculum, but this may not be enough for admission, i understand, i will need to test it, and i need generally understand what it is on. level, uh-huh, good, well then i’ll wait for you the day after tomorrow , i’ll send you the address, uh-huh, we’ll come, if anything changes, be sure to let me know, nothing will change, we’ll be there, well in that case , see you, goodbye.
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yes, veronika semyonovna, hello, hello , olesya alekseevna, hello, i wanted to know about sasha, yes, what’s wrong, everything is fine with her, yes, what, she doesn’t come to school, do you know about this, no, i don’t knew, which means absenteeism, strange, it’s not like her, i ’ll figure it out. with that, thank you, goodbye, hi mom, mom, did something happen?
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mom, you'll be sitting at home all weekend catching up on everything you missed. mom, give it back to me. tablet and phone, mom, are you serious , well, at least return the phone, tomorrow is movie lovers day at the shopping center, all screenings are free, the girls and i wanted to go, the girls will go without you, they worked honestly all week, they have the right to have fun, but you don’t , mom, mom, you don’t want to understand anyone, seriously, you only know how to force everyone, spy and make everyone do as... you just you want this, damn it, mom, seriously, you , you don’t let me do what’s his name, play truant, of course, you can only think about one thing, as this word is called, self-realization, and
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by the way, it’s your fault that dad left, and i ’m not at all surprised how he put up with you, how he set up this paradigm. matvey, we agreed on an hour, an hour and a half has passed, now, mom, go ahead, switch off, i’ll talk to olesya now and come and check what you’ve done from your homework. and... he plays, i can’t teach him to take his studies seriously, show him, don’t let him wander, turn off the toys, no, well, i can’t do this, these litters, tears, no, sleepyhead , you won’t get far without severity, here she allowed it, there she gave in
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and he’ll sit on his head, well, let him sit down, you know, here he is every day he leaves school in different moods, sometimes he’s jumping cheerfully, sometimes he’s barely able to fool around and be lazy there? i don’t think it’s too demanding, but i think sometimes you lose because you’re holding too tightly, loosen your grip, well, forget about it, go, have fun, buy
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some cool clothes, huh? ok, ok, i'll try, we'll call you, okay. you are sent to the wheel for re-education, i have done everything, almost. can you call the girls and join us,
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we agreed to meet in the first hour, now it’s already the third hour, they’ve all been there for a long time, you only missed one session, mom, are you serious? i'll come to the second film. we’re waiting, i’ll run over to your place to change clothes, of course, come on in.
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“what’s expensive is expensive, but expensive is not for long, so don’t walk around with your face as if today is the day of your triumph, wear it loosely, like sweatpants, earrings, you need something so, intrusive, easy, men within a radius of 30 m from such girls begin to talk loudly and move with a smooth lazy gait, that’s it, then she ran, as soon as i arrive i’ll change, wait, wait, wait, i’ll call a taxi, but that’s all three stops, not for long, where you will go on minibuses with our townspeople, i’ll give you my jacket, when you come, ask me to hang it on... okay, so, one more thing, your girlfriend’s classmates, young ones,
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don’t know how to control emotions yet, but so they might tell you something like you're not in i’m dressed, it looks like a saddle on you, they may not like the way i look, they will like it so much that it will drive them crazy, so don’t not react, smile at them with the sweetest smile, so be happy, what to be happy about, well, it’s just envy to speak in such words, it seems to me that others are not like that, they are unlikely to do that, well, yes, a white car 688 is waiting for you, thank you.
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oh, girls, sashulya, hi, let's go to some drama, otherwise you're tired of comedies, won't you go, we're just back from the drama, we don't have scarves yet dried up, we would go to a comedy , we want to laugh, well, whatever you want, well, cool, i’m with you, it seems to you that we don’t suit you now, but i mean, what kind of nonsense, they gave this to you for absenteeism, this is a people’s party, they don’t dress up like that here, you know, sasha, just don’t be offended, this is for mega-thin people, you need kilos... to wear this? damn, are you
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serious? i see, yes, she is certainly very cool, who? yes, one girl, from what grade? do we know her? no, you don’t know her, but she makes you crazy. okay, let's go to a comedy, at least you'll laugh there, otherwise sour today. “hello everyone, i’m so glad that you all came
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, that you’re all sad, we’re having a holiday, we ’re getting divorced, trains are bye bye, everything is going away, the last chance to squint on the bandwagon, when a friend’s advice no longer helps, swach, who, my ex-husband, a specialist is taking over the case , inga, and..." your husband is also a brute, no, she is not sick, she needs to start her personal life from scratch, learn to accept love as a miracle, late, sorry, why, for those present here, hello, and someone’s things, we have nowhere to live? come in closed on friday on rtr, provocation is
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treacherous behavior, there is a difference between a man and a woman, i noticed, then it turns out that my husband and my cat are the most intelligent creatures in our family. orientalism, this is conditionally some kind of parallel agenda, why don’t you think so? continuation of the conversation in new episodes of our podcasts, and in order not to miss anything, subscribe, listen, watch on the media platform let's watch. dancing: the first podcasts we watch. the program is on air for 60 minutes, we have a special episode, we start with breaking news. 60 minutes, don't miss it, tomorrow on rtr.
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our children always dream about what they will do. happy, every parent wants these dreams to come true, we support them, are proud of them and believe that they will succeed, because their happiness depends on our choice. march 15, 16, 17, take part in the presidential elections of the country, together we are strong, we vote for russia, i was completely shocked, seriously, everything was as you said, they repeated it right after you, well , you see, at first i didn’t believe it, hmm, they are usually completely different, not all strange, as if they were replaced, this always happens, when you are on par with them everything is fine, and then
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you take a small step forward, everything, everything changes at once, this will happen more than once in your life... i don’t have friends anymore, the verb to be friends has long left the language, it was replaced by the word communication, you communicated, why not, you need a circle of friends, continue, well , just don’t open up, don’t say too much, i always know who’s in front of you, it sounds kind of sad, parting with illusions is always sad, but necessary, and today you have become a little stronger, by the way, have you thought about my proposal? should i move in with you? yes, no, i ’ll probably stay with my mom, okay, bye,
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bye. sash, hi, yes, mom, you'll be there soon, yes, i'm close, come on, hi, mom. hello, i didn’t like the films, no, they were normal, just three in a row is too much, let’s go,
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have some tea, tell me, i’d better do my homework later. i didn’t notice anything, no, sash, that’s cool, you can’t try it on, no. in general, could you take me with you or my opinion, for example, ask what i want to take, i wanted to surprise you, please you, well, yes, you i made you happy, but now i want to wear it, i don’t like it, don’t wear it, i’ll return it, i still have the receipt, sash, sash, are you okay? do you want
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to tell me? no, good morning, mom, good morning, san. alesya! morning, how are you? artyom, i'm on business. listen, i am against you giving our daughter such expensive jewelry. i understand your desire to make amends to her - this is a bad way. it's too small to wear something like this. tell
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me, you didn’t mix up anything, why in that tone? we don't live together anymore. and what are you even talking about? about the earrings? she said that i gave her earrings? no, she hides your communication. doesn’t tell me about him, constantly lies, she doesn’t lie, listen, i didn’t give her anything, well , there’s no one except you, she came yesterday wearing some new earrings, someone else’s, well , did you ask her whose they are? no, i asked if she wanted to tell me something, she said no, well, i thought you gave it to me, no, who then, yes, she took it from the girls to vilify, there’s no reason to worry at all, her girls don’t wearing a diamond, our daughter raided a jewelry store,
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are you getting by? what are the plans for today, maybe we’ll go out of town, go on a boat ride, from whom this early, it’s from a fake, she just forgot to do her homework, we agreed to meet early so that she could write it off.
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come on, i just need it. and mom, mom, what happened, nothing, i knocked over the jug, i didn’t get hurt, no , i just got wet, i’ll clean it up now, okay, mom, go change, i’ll clean it up myself, thank you, be careful. a message from karina, what are your plans for today, maybe we’ll go out of town, go on
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a boat ride, come on, but i need it before three return. mom, for the first time in your life you forgot to close the laundry basket, is everything okay?
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and you are far from your school, why? i’ll see you off, otherwise you’ll suddenly get lost, you shouldn’t have taken off your earrings , she’s beautiful, how long have you known her, who, you know, who i’m not talking about. with whom you were hanging out, with whom you picked up all this nonsense about the implementation of the paradigm, with whom you were going to go on a boat ride, and that is, you deliberately, specially broke this fucking jug so that while i was cleaning all this up, you could sneak into my room and look at my phone until he will be blocked, but isn’t it a shame, no at all, you forced me with your lies, and of course , to go through my things? i’m forcing you to rummage through my closet with things, i’m also forcing you, there’s nothing here that’s yours or mine, everything here is common, because we’re a family, and i,
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unlike your karina... don’t give a damn about your future, but mom, it’s not for you to tell me about karina, because you don’t know her at all, i ’ve known her for a month, and she understands me much better than you, a month, yes, and you were silent, because daddy owed you about her say, and not me, it’s fair , let’s go, i won’t go with you, will you go, what am i, mom, too little to take me to school, come on quickly, mom, i won’t go, they’ll laugh at me, i’m already an adult, adults don’t only spend money colors eyelashes. adults are responsible for their actions, all these days you lied and skipped, now you have to answer, karil, listen, here’s the thing, i’m out of shaving cream, slight stubble makes you
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look sexy. when we met, you were not delusional, remember? well, i have to go to work, and not make my head spin, i’ll finish in 20 minutes, so i’m afraid that i won’t have time to do anything, i still have a lot of things to do, you go to the store, well, buy anything, it seems to me that you mixed me up with someone, well, sorry, sorry, by the way, cool. are you going to sit with me in class? we'll see if i need to attend the lessons. manta, seriously? thank you, damn it, hello, hello, sasha, sasha, have you finished your life in luxury? what do you care? nothing for me, what about you? but it’s funny to me, well
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, laugh, but now they will always lead you under escort? no, but i think i always do, i said, no, hi, what happened? the boat is cancelled, don’t worry, i’ll give you individual lessons, everything, i found out whose earrings she was wearing, sorry, i’ll come back later, okay, okay, well, whose. how could you secretly
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introduce sasha to your girlfriend? listen, as soon as i realized that things were serious with karina, i considered it necessary. sorry, why? i, i don't want to lose contact with sasha. i'm really sorry, never. contact me, what about someone else’s woman? what does this have to do with it, listen, it’s very important for me that sasha understands that karina is not just someone who wants to steal she has a father, this is understandable, all this is a secret from me, she was silent, and you, yes, because you would not allow it, we sashka, we know you very well, you would turn sasha against me and
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against karina, and you would i ruined everything again and... i'm sorry, i'm sorry, i'm sorry, listen, karina is an adult, sociable, cheerful , beautiful, normal woman, it seems to me that the fact that they became friends is good, they became strong friends. are you jealous? you are crazy ? no one is going to take sasha away from you, is that clear? sorry for interrupting, i really have to go. artyom, i i'll call.
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“i like the way you pick me up, i really like it too, but it’s not easy, so don’t take me away, i can do it myself, that is, do you agree to go to a school near your house, no, then there can be no talk of anything, i
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i always want to hear from you yes, i hear all the time from no, i answered you when when you asked me if i wanted a dad, then i said yes." sorry for the delay, the girl there is a beautician so leisurely, but a real pro , you can't say anything. karin, i suggested a personal meeting because it’s not possible by phone it always gets across well, but i need it to get across to you, i forbid you to see my daughter. ales, you cannot forbid me, i can, because we are talking about my minor child, on whom you are a bad influence. and you’re good, this is from your beneficial influence on try to escape , don’t get involved in this, it doesn’t concern you, just like our relationship with sasha doesn’t concern you, sasha is my daughter, the child is not your property, it’s a separate person, two communicate, when they stop this communication,
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it’s up to them, not someone else, you tell me in general, do you hear, i’m not someone, i’m sasha’s mother, i heard you, i understand you, but you understand me too, i don’t want to end my relationship with sasha, what does sasha want?
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i understand that establishing military order in a family is much easier than creating an atmosphere of warmth and comfort, and it’s easier to bully a child than to build normal rules with him. i consider the conversation completed, i take my leave, i have the next procedure, how do you like it, cool, dad, you dyed your hair, you decided to take a serious step, that i look like a fool? no, of course it suits you, it’s just unusual, yes, me too i’m not used to it, but what can you say, you ’re great, cool, listen, dad, i have a request for you , well, i’m telling you in advance, yes, don’t rush
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, can i move in with you and karina, wow, please, wait, what about mom, is she already an adult? she doesn’t need my help, she, oh , listen, she came to me and what she said, she’s unhappy that i introduced you to karina, yes, she’s angry that you communicate, she constantly doesn’t like it when something is done without her permission, maybe we should have discussed all this with her after all and not hiding anything from her, it seems to me
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, is clear, thank you, sorry for asking, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, but something right away, of course, move. true, so today, thank you, dad, come here, come here, come on, well, come here, well, all these tables had to be done by friday, because all the deadlines had already passed. and levtina petrovna, i warned you, this is serious, aleksina petrovna, i flew as best i could, honestly, sonya, listen to me, please, you will be fired from your job, i won’t be able to help, well, i i’ll think of something, alektina petrovna, yes , of course, of course, you will have a lot of time to think, when you lose your job, it doesn’t bother you that you have a mortgage, only... it’s strange why i’m worried about this, but not you? then let's go on vacation.
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hello, alentina petrovna, for a week at my own expense, i will solve this problem, maybe i’ll hire a nanny, or maybe i’ll solve it from school. 3 days, no, alektina petrovna, 3 days by tomorrow. and write a statement, i’ll sign while i’m here. let's start with today. premiere on rtr, i am a policeman, you are now you threaten me with a weapon, put the gun down, is that another murder? gonchurov shot at a man, gonchurov was detained for the murder of a policeman. i wanted to kill him, but can you really
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see me? unfortunately, you me too, get out of my bath, don’t go slowly, anna is a medium, on monday on rtr, we watch melodramas.
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we gathered about ten people into the first group. there were short calls, we are going to donetsk, you are with us, yes, when my soldiers came running, they carried me, another shelling began, they laid me down, lay on top of me, one bullet is still in to me, this is, let’s say, my trophy, we were hungry then, here comes my grandmother, she’s hungry herself, but she brings this cereal to the shelter, says: baby, feed the dog, lend a helping hand, olga and i decided that... i need to take the guys
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in, i came across such people, they care, to support me in word, hello, dear soldier, and in deed, without your help you would not have survived, only ours can, honor and praise to you, what you do is simple amazing, from monday to thursday on rtr. we'll get through this, i'll do anything to get you out of here, we look at the weekend, what was going on and the son of a millionaire, which means this bastard’s mother has, he will spend the next 10 years behind bars, don’t scare me, i’m not afraid of you, you still have time to get scared, this is light, this is my future wife, it’s very nice, from here, i’m still at home, i’m also
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at home, when life is one continuous black line, you need to try to turn it off, as an apology, let me take you to the hospital, i’ll buy you a new bicycle, as sorry, leave me alone, natalya antonova, yuri baturin, why are you looking at me like that, you believe in yourself, you are the one trying to hook me up now, you can give happiness. on saturday on rtr, she treated me like a third grader, sat in front of her like a guilty schoolgirl, didn’t even know what... to answer, but somewhere i got her phone number, i had to be smart, i hope not from sasha’s phone, well yes, how else, well, you give me, i mean, you wouldn’t date her if you stole
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her phone number, definitely not, i didn’t steal anything, i take care of my child, you shouldn’t have call. what did i do? nothing, except that you made a huge hole in your relationship with sasha. you know what, when am i coming to see you? yes, and matvey? the neighbor will pick it up. olesya, you are my closest person, and i feel that you need help, i’m coming to you. okay, that's it, bye. what's happened? nothing, nothing, i'm sorry, i
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'll calm down now, whatever you say, she. what happened? what upset you? it doesn't work. drawings? there is no flight. i can't do it here. what 's wrong with that? all. ok. let's. let's repaint it, remember what you wanted? no, i don't want to, that's not the point this, here is the environment for creativity, but wait, what’s wrong with the environment, it’s light, it’s warm, i don’t know, there’s no one, sit and draw, that everything’s wrong, everything’s bothering me, everything’s bothering me, okay, okay, i’ve got nothing it doesn’t work here, creativity, creativity
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requires sacrifice and dedication, and a special environment, i don’t understand, you don’t understand, well , how can i explain it to you, so you run your own... gyms, buy, rent premises, drag these pieces of hardware there, why? play sports, why do people come to your gym, but i don’t i know, muscles, figure, lose weight , no, don’t confuse me, they can lose weight by running down the street, for free, they come to your gym, pay money for it, why do they do it, but listen, stop it, well, they walk and walk, for something, but they come for the ambience, they come for a special... atmosphere, because everything is important, every detail, space, sounds, even smells are important, that’s why stadiums are important for athletes, that’s why for confectioners they we need bakeries, okay, fine, artists' workshops,
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and... are you looking for an apartment? yes, i understand, no, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, okay, there will be a workshop for you, you hear, i can handle it, i think i can handle it. thank you, yes, because of this, but look, what a beauty, what a beauty, sonya, she
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left me no choice, she got in, the fact that children lie is normal, even good. that when they lie well, i heard right, no, you heard right, they lie not because they like it, but because it is the only way of defense available to them, from whom is she defending herself, from you, from your total pathological control, you order to flow, talk normally as a human being, and not giving orders, yes, i take into account my son, but he doesn’t take into account you, you know, i followed your wise advice and awarded her a fashionable new thing, because she then with ... she took it, nothing good came of it, and you took her around the store with you, did you
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ask what she liked? no, well, here’s the answer, that you want to prove by this that i should not be interested in my daughter, but forget everything? no, i didn’t say that, sasha is mine daughter, i’m responsible for her, it’s not that i have the right, i have an obligation to know everything that happens to her, do dad and... with mom know that artyom screwed up? no, i didn’t say it, then somehow, not now, i compared it, what ’s the difference, at least in the fact that i’m over 30, your parents were the first to know about your affair with artyom, about your pregnancy, about the fact that you were threatening sports, i was looking for your... and you
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found it? in your opinion, karina is right in everything, she gives lectures on family relationships, and during the breaks she hangs out with other people’s husbands? olesya, i’m not interested in talking about karina. i i support you, but supporting does not mean assenting. “you know, i don’t want to discuss this anymore, i can handle it myself without your advice, okay, then i’ll go, i won’t wait for sasha, well, since you can handle it without my advice
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. not only you, but also dad and i have rights. i don’t let's do it. mom, don't throw a tantrum. we have a tutor. i didn't ask for additional classes for myself. i agreed. so, since you agreed, you're now going to study on your own. sasha, this is so you don't have to go to school, right? mom , your question once again it only confirms that i'm right. you have everything according to plan. and you? and i, mom, need oxygen. i need freedom, which i lack next to you. with you i feel stuffy and cramped. if before you thought that you could stop me, then now you won’t stop me. i just understood a lot. what did you understand? i understand, mom, the most important thing. i understand, mom, what it’s like when no one puts pressure on you. i just. i remember how your father was next to you, and would you look at him now, as if from a stuffy, boring and dreary guys, he turned into a joyful, young
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guy. sasha, that’s it, mom, the children are growing up, we ’ll keep in touch, i’ll call you, come on, bye. so about the lessons, as always, they forgot, they’re in the draft, well, you’re loud , let’s switch off and redo it, so everything that’s behind, i did, you made five mistakes, let’s do it without arguing, you’ll redo it faster, you’ll get back to the game faster, go ahead where the mistakes are, you need to find where the mistakes are and re-read the rules. come on, don’t be lazy, lord, what are they writing to me,
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well, this is some kind of nonsense. "apparently normal there are no men here, come on, come on, but although, hello, you are a very attractive girl, let's talk, yes. let's try, my name is sela, 32 years old, she has a wife, tell me about yourself, i'm sonya, not married, i have a child, he, she, him, matvey, 8 years old. let's meet today,
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yes, come on, teams, time and place, in an hour, may day 15. how's it going? oh, matvey, what else? you didn't correct mistakes, you made new ones. well, you didn’t tell me where i was making a joke. well, this will be a hint. what's the point of this? come on, i'll come back and check everything. are you going to somewhere? yes, i need to leave not for long. sulk, if i had told
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you, you would have corrected everything right away and forgotten, otherwise you will find a mistake, you will definitely remember, um, come on, you dressed up like that, i mean, i don’t mean, you look good, uh-huh, thank you, i just
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wanted to see you... newbie, i’m listening to you, hello , i called you about lessons for my daughter, you scheduled a test, yes, everything is in force, but it’s not in force, we won’t come, but we can reschedule the meeting , it seems that she won’t study, after all, something has changed, yes , everything has changed, sorry for bothering you, okay, goodbye.
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it’s better to try without your hands, no, don’t , you’re afraid, yes, hold the steering wheel, look, god, the smell is extraordinary, where are we? well, i got off the motorcycle as if in the city, or maybe in the city, or maybe not in the city, carefully, one more, so, not for long, why so impatient, we’re almost there, so, stop, we’re standing, ready, right? stunned, well, i didn’t expect it, no, i told you, it’s a delicious place, i didn’t expect it to be so much, but you thought i’d take you to
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a country tavern, there’s kebab , well, yes, m, rip off the previous one, this one, yes , here very beautiful, benches, paths, signs , wi-fi, pop music, well, but it’s very convenient, it’s for... who doesn’t stick their nose further than the bar, it’s called a comfortable stay, it ’s called that everything is decided for you here , here they decided where you will spend the night, what you will watch, how you will have fun , how you will have breakfast, everything has been decided, to be honest , i generally pass by such tourist destinations as antalya, so stop, i hope you don’t buy tours, i did i buy tours, what are you saying, a tour is a waste of money, wasted time, and you still haven’t seen the country, so we’ll fix that, um, actually, i ’ve been to a lot of places. this is what makes me smile, this is a travel agency client who arrives somewhere, they pick him up from the plane, take him to the hotel, here he is in the hotel from the pool to the bar, from the pool to the bar, then i’m such an avid traveler, i was
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in in many countries, it’s funny, i’m a supporter of organized trips, but i’m an opponent, look, you can feel the difference, yeah, this is a small village on the border with burmo, a travel agency doesn’t take you here, well, here... even i didn’t throw a coin, that’s what you’re saying now, i would have thrown it, i assure you , and would have returned, because it’s real , the real thing is not enough, you really miss it, look, you see, you understand, traveling, that’s not all on , it’s the other way around, when everything is off, i don’t know, look , this is malaysia, the locals there protect it, so it’s considered one of the most beautiful places on earth, i want to go here , i want to, yeah, let’s go, let’s go, so a second, now we’ll look at convenient upcoming flights, your passport is valid, yes you need it
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international passport, tickets, hotel reservation, visa , there won’t be any problems, so we’ll fly to singapore, and there we’ll make two small flights, wait, wait, wait, what? “you stunned me, i can’t just fly away, i have work, a child, matvey’s holidays are not coming soon, but why do we need matvey’s holidays, do you just want to pull him out of school, no, i’m just suggesting that we go somewhere, look here , tomorrow there is a very good flight, what can i do, with a buggy, well, in the sense of placing it somewhere there for a while for my own father, for example, do you communicate with him, no, i haven’t communicated with him since the moment he found out that he’s a father, and matvey doesn’t even..." know him, and you’re not going to meet matvey either? well, not yet, but the dating site says it’s for serious people relationship, well, i want to be serious with you, and not
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with your son.


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