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tv   Yuzhnii tsiklon  RUSSIA1  March 10, 2024 1:00pm-5:00pm MSK

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in the car, karina, who is your dad? i don’t understand, why do you need him? strange question, do you want to marry him? but your mother can’t get a divorce. why do you really need their divorce? do you seriously want to be with him? will you be his wife? did you get up on the wrong foot today? karin, do you love him? i would never live with a man who... doesn’t impress me, see you soon, sasha, don’t call me sasha, but you don’t like it, no, well, you would have said right away, but okay, not sashik , hello, mom, i'm not distracting. no, sashul, we
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are walking, i’m calling to ask for forgiveness for that i lied to you, for dad, we just both lied to you, we didn’t talk about karina, i just now realized how you felt when you found out, the feeling is like somehow you want to run away , you want to hide, sasha, what happened, who offended you , dad? no, no, dad got caught himself, now he has to get out. “mom , i don’t want to burden you, i just got myself into all this , now i have to get out, you will forgive us, i forgave us a long time ago, tell me what happened, mom, you are the best among us, sasha, matvey, time, ales, 5 more minutes, no, we homework needs to be done, but pu..."
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it will be up to you, your wife, to decide what rody will be like, have discussions with her on pedagogy, but you don’t need to with me, matvey, let’s go, goodbye matvit, goodbye, everything is so fast, i, i'm sorry, but what are you waiting for, how many relationships have burned out because of all these neatness, thoughtfulness, and just... i haven't
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thought for so long, hey, we only live once, we can do it the way we want at least once, from hearts, stop, stop, please, i, well, really, there are a lot of impressions in one day, i’m nervous, there are sedatives, son, sister... there is, okay, run, but keep in mind that i will suffer, and my suffering will be painful, hmm, be courageous, i will be able to cope tomorrow.
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and german invited us to the finals, are you glad? yes, do you like him? yes, he’s good, kind, he allows everything, let’s unwind and take it all to the washing machine, oops. it’s easy to bribe him, sashka remember more often what happened to her, i just don’t understand, i’ll go to her tomorrow. so why don’t you go
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now, you won’t fall asleep anyway, well, then i won’t have time to go to school with matvey, it’s okay, i’ll do it myself i’ll take it, sure, yes, of course. well, let's see you tomorrow then, yeah, what's so funny, massage tables instead of malberts, it brought you to such despair, she doesn't draw, she's not a fashion designer, she deceived dad, she turned off this room from him, supposedly for creativity, she re-rented it to some- then to other massage therapists. while dad pays this rent like a fool, she takes money from someone else , she doesn’t need him at all, she’ll just do her own thing and dump it somewhere, but give up on it, but i can’t, i’m offended, i’m offended for myself , it's a shame for dad, i believed her, mom, that’s what i
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should do, tell him, that’s what i thought too, i thought in the first minute to call him. so that he would come to this studio and see what kind of artist he lives with, in the end i think , why do i need it? mom, what would you do if you were me? i don’t even know, sasha, i never faced such a choice, it seems to me that you wouldn’t have, because in our house no one ever lied, well, seriously, we swore, quarreled, shouted, but no one ever lied, but how- then... karina appeared, everyone immediately started lying, because dad and i did too they lied to you. forget about it already. yes , i can’t forget, i remember it every time. after all, when i met her, it seemed to me that she loved dad and loved me, it seemed to me that you, on the contrary, didn’t love us,
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it seemed to me that you were tired of us, that we were annoying you, because you didn’t call us sashek and temchek, i want you rarely smiled, we never laughed at home, it’s true. in the end, i still understood that you loved us, i love you now, but do you love dad? you know, when he announced that he was leaving for another woman, he he said that something was missing from him, now i understand him, because something was missing from me. i don’t think he’ll come back, and as for the situation with karina, don’t get involved in this, he started this mess, he’ll sort it out himself, move here, we’ll live together, yes mom, because dad thinks
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he’s the happiest, but he just turned out to be in a huge ass, but i don’t think it’s worth leaving him in such a situation, and sonya and matvey need you. we shouldn't abandon those who need us, should we? no, mom, how do you understand when a person loves, when he pretending? i don’t know, look what it is! over there, look, in the depths, you see, yes, ah , look, what a scud, it’s cool, and by the way, dolphins are the smartest animals on planet earth, they have the most powerful intelligence, mom, and have you seen dolphins, yes, that is, you
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she came here without me, no, this is my first time here, i saw the sea, look what it’s like, well, i want to go to the sea too, wait until the holidays, why? you have to wait for all the good things, holidays, weekends, so, matvey, what kind of ice cream should you get, yes, let me bring it, and while you look, come on, well, actually, you don’t have to wait for the holidays to see dolphins, really, yes, it’s like we’re a friendly, virtuous family, like in the movies, when the whole family... gathers around a huge round table, everyone shares news, cool, well , let’s exchange it, karin, you’ll start, i’ll give in place for the head of a benevolent family, the head asks, daddy, please find out from karina when we can enjoy her work. karina, did you hear the question?
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i heard, i heard, very soon. artyom, should you ask sasha where she is going to go to school? bynyas, dad knows. i have secrets from him no, and you? neither do i. artyom , please clarify how she feels, maybe she should stare at her phone less, otherwise it seems to me that she is overtired, health problems are not a joke, oh, karinochka hit the nail on the head, i’m really very tired, because i work out a lot, i have problems sleeping, i think i need a relaxing massage, okay, so what’s the problem, i have an inherited tendency to spy, so what? i'm sorry, who are you talking about, inherited from whom, from your mother? yes, what's the problem, dad, didn't you notice, there's something here they blathered about my mother, how... you know that not only do you not have the right to talk about her like that, you don’t even deserve to wash her clothes, you care about my mother like a puddle is about
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the ocean, sasha, don’t worry, my dear, he has puberty quirks, oh, temik, don’t worry, it’s true, i have puberty quirks, and karinechka has creative thinking, and dad has noodles on his ears, paradigm, sasha, dad, and you go to her studio sometime, you they'll give you such a massage, they'll jump around like a goat, everything's fine, they're tough, they're no longer children, not adults yet, poor girl, you’re not... going anywhere, dad, that’s all, this is the edge, i didn’t want to leave you, i just
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can’t be in the same space with her, how are you going to live alone, yes , i’m normally going to live alone, you better think , how do you live with this, and what can you do with it , that’s all, dad, i won’t stay here, i don’t allow it, it’s clear, dad, it’s good, yes it’s good, i asked your permission. i don’t understand what the problem is, explain to me what she said about massage, yes, apparently she went to my workshop, saw a massage table there, this is my massage table, i his i brought it there myself, once a week a girl massage therapist comes to see me, this is a normal part of the process, that’s all, yes, don’t worry. and
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you know that i can’t tear myself away from you at all, well, don’t tear yourself away, snake tempter, i need to run, you said that your sister will do all the homework with matvey, no, good. a little bit, and i also really don’t want you to break away from me , but we still have a lot of time ahead, but your son is also a man, we have a matriarchy, i went, okay, and generally behave badly.
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la rpa.
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look, love is when you look in one direction, look, look, look, you want to look, look, let's look, look, well, look at the screen, look at me, doesn't understand, look, look, agreement, sign, we sign at the same time one, two, three, sign up , watch, watch, maybe we can go to my place, just
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watch a movie, where is your homeland, my brother, and whose homeland are you? soldier, whom you serve, former friend, tear off everything that is ours, which was together, what will remain with you, they went against god, went on tour around to all the liberated territories, what impression does it make today, and this is russia coming and the city is living, boris korchevnikov’s program, life and fate, from monday to friday on rtr. “hello everyone, i’m so glad that you all came, that you’re all sad , we’re having a holiday, we’re getting a divorce, the train is going bye-bye, everything is leaving, the last chance to jump on the bandwagon when a friend’s advice no longer helps, swatch, who, my ex-husband, is
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the specialist taking on the matter, inga, your husband is also a brute"? no, she's not sick, she needs to start her personal life from scratch, learn to accept love as a miracle, for pzd, sorry, for what, for those present here, hello, but someone’s things, we have nowhere to live, enter closed. on friday at prt. ales, maybe i ’ll finish it later. matvey, whatever you got, do it, it will be more fun for yourself. come on, the finishing touches are there. ales, i’ll soon fly to the sea to swim with dolphins. just don't tell your mom.
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aren't you going with her? no, with hermann. herman to me. promised to fly to the sea with him, swim with dolphins, yeah, and you know that whoever promises a lot, does little , hello, hello, well, how is he doing, well done, why doesn’t he argue with you, he knows that he won’t win, as you can see, there’s nothing terrible about refusing a child, no, like you and herman? yes, everything is fine. the main thing is that he and matvey became friends. the main thing is how do you like him? i like him. well, finally show me. hmm, we use the groom, so we had to. handsome, say something. only matvey, he’s lying.
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he promised to take him to the sea during his studies. you understand that in order to take a child to... another city needs a power of attorney, knows he won’t do it, promises, why? ok, come on, he blurted out without thinking, or maybe after thinking , he realized that you are ready for anything for matvey, now you are trying to tie him to yourself, in every possible way, that listen, for some time we were lucky, well, don’t screw it up like things are going well, the urotics are celebrating their birthday tomorrow at the gaming center and he... i invited you, why didn’t you say earlier, we don’t have a gift, what does he like? he wants a radio- controlled helicopter, hmm, that’s good, i’ll finally meet him with a happy mother, with whom the father shares parental responsibilities, so his mother will not come, she actually lives abroad with another husband, wow, but he has
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a wedding ring on his finger, only married people wear this, so this is... only for so that rody doesn’t understand, they hide it from him, well, i guess it’s like my mother left for work, that she’ll be back soon, the little boy already understood everything himself a long time ago, and he just doesn’t play along, it’s strange, are you sure, that’s what he told me himself , i am everything, and i am everything. for what? well for reminding you to wife discussed raising children. i didn’t know your story, i didn’t want to hit where it hurt. in fact, they didn’t even talk about their relatives
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, they thought the spouse would wait a little , he knows everything, he understood everything, he knows nothing, but how i found out, i don’t know, he guessed about everything, told matvey about it, and matvey told me. “you’re in vain , i understand that you want him to get used to the fact that his mother lives separately, but this only makes things worse for everyone, forgive me, oles, you understood it from communicating with your ex-husband, imagine what it’s like to know that you are being lied to and pretend that you believe, but you put this on the child, talk to him, explain, everyone will feel better. you know, olesya, shouldn’t you go somewhere, i don’t know, with my skills, i’ll go in 30 minutes,
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i’m seeing an apartment in... for the first time, yes, me too, i’ve only seen two, yeah, karina, who is it just now he left us, the girls from the cleaning agency, they cleaned with a whole team, the apartment is large, dinner without me, there is everything in the kitchen, sushi, rolls, everything is fresh, they just brought it from the restaurant. karin, money doesn’t fall from the sky. i i pay for this apartment, for your
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workshop. sashka hasn’t gotten to her feet yet. temchek, an article by a famous designer came out, i want to finish reading it, can i? will you take me to see the dolphin? i told him, but i hope you weren’t too angry, i’m not, i understood that you wanted to please him, but my sister was torn and tired, and at that moment i really wanted to take him to the sea, to the mountains, to show him other countries, even some kind of picture... then in my head it was that the three of us are on a kayak, the fabulous shores are floating past, you are a romantic , you know, when i think that we can be. let’s meet, don’t ask questions, these are mine , it’s worth parting, we’re just problems, and i have to solve them, i’m not going
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to ask anything, just tell me, no, i ’m afraid that you’ll decide that i’m a criminal thief, and i’ll simply have nothing to do to justify myself to you, there is no need to justify myself, just explain, but circumstances may simply not turn out in my favor, then we won’t see each other for a very long time. and waiting for me is generally stupid, you are leaving, sleepyhead, hear me, i love you very much, i want us to become one family, that is, i trusted you, introduced you to my son, told my sister about you, and you are fooling me, i’m just very afraid that you will be disappointed in me, if you continue in the same spirit, i will be disappointed, i don’t want to ? so that i come back, she says that she can cope, i believe her, sasha will not let you down, you turned out to be right , i held on, she struggled, let go, she
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came back, well, at least you’re smiling , you haven’t seen you laugh in years, sasha also says that i rarely laugh, yes, just as artyom left you, you just closed yourself off, so i wanted to shake you up, now look, you’re glowing, hmm, as if you’re in a southern cyclone. soul, yes, everything has changed for sashka and me, but you and matvey also found what you were looking for. ares, i have a problem. did you quarrel with herman? no, and he was set up. the ceo of the company where he works as a finance officer withdrew a large sum of money and left the country. and , of course, herman was appointed responsible. and if he does not compensate for the damage, he will be given a deadline. well, explain what the bank is. are not only glass and tin, they won’t give him a loan, he’s under investigation, but there are millions there
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, well, of course i have a good salary, but i... i can’t handle it and i’m a single mother, they may not approve of me, you can become my guarantor if i find a treasure, oles, i don’t have time jokes, are you serious, credit, yes, you are normal, and what, well, he will compensate for the damage, the company will start working, he will return my money, he came up with this, no, no, this, this is my idea. not the best, alis, i can’t leave in trouble a man who treats me like that , matvey, you give him the money, he’ll evaporate, and you will find yourself in a hole of debt, if not forever, then for a long time, you don’t hear me, he didn’t even tell me anything, he was afraid, sleepyhead, this is a stupid, simple game, everything is clear, i shouldn’t have told you, sleepyhead, come to your senses, you still have to raise matvey, think about him, and i don't '
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matvey is worse than others, he doesn't deserve to have a father, hera dreams of matvey calling him dad, i'll distract you for a minute, on average 15 payments a day, are you serious , salons, swimming pools, restaurants, cleaning, business taxis, shops.
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why is food and cleaning important only to me? you don’t understand me, i don’t want to live in a hotel, the doors of the shops are open for you around the clock, it seems to me that we have a very cozy kitchen, if you didn’t know , there is a vacuum cleaner in the dressing room, and please don’t call a taxi anymore, your... i blocked the card, oh-oh-oh, what a hackneyed move, but effective, i want to terminate the contract with the owner of your workshop, no, if you want to draw, please draw, here, there ’s a lot of space here, well, i hope you don’t you will stoop to the point where you will sell my jewelry on an online brochure, i
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i'll keep them for myself. okay, what are you talking about? i mean, i didn’t hire myself as a servant for a tight-fisted peasant; if you’re not able to provide for the interests of a versatile girl, then you’re screwed. where are you, german, here you are, handsome , i don’t call you by your name, because it’s not real, i’m sonya’s sister , i understand everything about you, just try to rob her, i ’ll arrange a swim with dolphins for you, you won’t
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forget for a long time. yes, ales, hello, glad to hear from you. artyom, i come to you with a request. sonya ran into a scammer, he is trying to scam her for big money money. she doesn't listen to me, i can't stop her. maybe you can talk to her?
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will she talk to me? it will be, she still treats you well, she ’s good-natured, she doesn’t hold a grudge, tell me what the problem is, the usual scam for money. she showed up and said, he’s going to jail because of his thieving business partners, okay, i ’ll call her right now, come on, yes, art. hello, sonya, i’m glad to hear from you, listen, olesya told me about one guy who was allegedly scammed out of money, and who is waiting for financial help from you, this truth? and she discusses this with everyone, well , i don’t know about everyone, but she told me, and i think that
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she did absolutely the right thing. sonya, listen, in business, of course , things happen in different ways, sometimes they scam you, but involve this woman, expect help from her and take money. believe me, no normal man will do this, it’s just a banal scam, don’t you understand, you’re a smart, talented, beautiful girl, everything is with you, hello, hello, can you hear me, yes, yes, i’m you listen, i don't need all the fancy compliments, sleepyhead. what are you, aleftina petrovna, well, i have a week of overtime, one, only today is a day off, to hell
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with you, thank you, yes, hermet, hello, i agreed, come on, hold on, everything is fine. i was going to the bank, what bank, i have a working day, i heard your conversation on the phone, you are eavesdropping, a loan secured by an apartment, well, who will vouch for me, i’m a single mother. sonya, yes, they're screwed, if he doesn't return the money
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the day after tomorrow, they'll simply close him down, premiere on rtr, i'm a policeman, you're threatening me with a weapon now, let go of the gun, that's murder, goncherov shot at a man, gonchurov was detained for the murder of a policeman, martanov himself wanted to kill him, do you really see me, unfortunately, you too, get out of my bath immediately, anna is a medium. on monday on rtr. the program is on air for 60 minutes, we have a special episode, we start with breaking news. 60 minutes, don't miss it,
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tomorrow on rtr. we can handle this, i will do everything to get you out of here. as an apology, let me take you to the hospital and buy you a new bike. as an apology, leave me alone. natalya antonova, yuri baturin. why are you looking at me like that? do you believe in fate? are you trying to pick on me now? happiness can be
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given. on saturday on rtr. provocation is treacherous behavior. there is a difference between a man and a woman. i noticed, then it turns out that my husband and my cat are the most intelligent beings in our world . this, orientalism, is conditionally some kind of parallel agenda. why not a reef? continuation of the conversation in new episodes of our podcasts. and so as not to miss anything, subscribe, listen and watch on the media platform let's watch. substation, the first podcasts we watch. and this female corpse has earned, stop, stop
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, stop, no one is going anywhere, the premiere on rtr, you wanted my place, so i fulfilled your duties for a month, anna mikhalkova, i realized that i love only you, aka veronika palna, you’ve already made inquiries, she’s major vasnetsova, vosnetsov has a new suspect, bastsova, come to my office, she’s amazing. just our new detective, until we prove the opposite, we will assume that this is a murder, vosnetsova, soon on rtr, matvey, matvey, yes, good morning, matvey, are you calling rodia, yes, give me his phone number, but why? i’ll tell you later, yeah, thanks, matvey,
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hello, rot, hello, this is olesya, aunt matveya, you can send me your dad’s number, i can, i’ll send it now, yeah, thank you, i’m waiting, oles, now. yes, i’m listening, hello, vadim, hello, this is olesya, i need your help, tell me, is the ministry of emergency situations somehow connected with law enforcement? well , yes, we cooperate, i need information about one person. okay, tell me your last name, year of birth? don't know. okay, address, place work? i have no. what's the name, do you even know? i don't know, i'm trying to do something. say this is your friend? no, have you
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ever met him at least once, not even once, who are we going to look for? he has an account on a dating site, but everything there is fake, my sister contacted a scammer, find out who he is, it’s okay, for the technical service of the ministry of internal affairs this is quite enough, send me an sms, the name of the site and his nickname, i ’ll find out something , i’ll let you know right away, okay, thank you very much, goodbye. have you met? yes. all clear. yes. yes. where ticks, signature? the funds will be sent to you. count within an hour, thank
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you, i got it into my head that this is her long-awaited happiness, dad matvia, that she may not have a second chance like this, call anyway, don’t leave her alone with him, reset. keep calling, that you are in charge of everyone, that you are meddling in everything, don’t bother me, i’ve already decided everything, sleepyhead, get away from me, hung up on me, like they replaced me, scammers don’t work with intellect, they work with feelings, with pain, expectation , loneliness. facilities
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the loan was credited to your current account. look, you have 5 minutes. thank you, pash. hello. i’m listening to you, hello, well, i congratulate you, the payment has arrived, i don’t even know how to thank you, i’ll park now, somewhere and transfer it, i’m really looking forward to it, yeah, come on.
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you wait, i’ll block you, come to the archives of the ministry of internal affairs, i’ll introduce you to your german, i’m not going anywhere, in fact you can’t take photographs, you ’re breaking the law now, i’m now... preventing a crime, then we’ll put up ours.
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well, how do you like it, you ask, how’s the jitters? before the exam, i haven’t been invited to any concerts for so many years, but this is a pleasant excitement, let there be more of it, no, don’t, okay, listen, and mine became cupid for you, you’re still kidding, we
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were both on such a high, well, that day he won me over. immediately came to the rescue, as if you were not my sister, but his, although you didn’t even know each other, yes, the criminal experience did you good, you won him over with the way you fought for me, matvey, why are you opening the door you open, oh, hello, relative, ex, come in, thank you for let me in. hi, hello, uncle artyom , let's go get dressed, let's talk, please, from a blank sheet of paper, the sheet is covered with writing, the author
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of the text is not me, yes, we had such a chapter called karina, listen, yes, i understand everything. it's my fault, we can write another chapter called the three of us again. listen, sashka, of course, is invigorated, but she feels bad. it seems to me that she is unhappy. and both of us, we can live in our house again, as one family, the three of us, i want to fix everything. i'm ready for this,
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i need to call.
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hello, why are you late? vadim, today we are not we'll come. we won’t come tomorrow, i won’t come again at all, okay, i understand! "you know, let's try, i
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'll call sashka, thank you!" well, will matvey and olesya come? no, they won’t come, then let’s go, tomorrow i’ll take a helicopter and launch it with matvey. listen, rot, the fact is that matvey won’t come again, why? well, you know, this is how it turns out, don’t be upset, you and i will launch the helicopter together, okay? well, that's it, that's it, once. let's go,
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hello, sasha, hi, hi, mom, mom, dad called that you were coming back, yes, i'm packing my things. mom, you said you were visiting dad something changed, i was lying then , resentment spoke in me, it seems to me that you are lying now, then you were telling the truth, you are doing this for me, for me, i want you to be happy, you want to do it for me, do it, what do you need,
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karin? come on, have you started going to grocery stores? this is temporary , well, yes, i have no doubt, well, i figured out who you will be now, a flute player, mm, a dancer, an actress, a poetess, and if they ask you to read, i’ll dig from the internet, the signs of poetry can now be counted on one hand, like dad, okay, listen, it’s great, you fooled us, you took money from him, and loaded me with everyday life, cool, well, not for long, of course, but cool, sasha, don’t be unfair, it’s not elegant, virtue and honesty are my middle name, i told you that all people think only about
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themselves, yes, but have i ever told you that i’m not like everyone else? no, conclusion? no, well , you’re cool, well, in your own way, but cool , i don’t suffer from false modesty, so the answer is: yes, and most importantly, no deception, you were useful, to me, i was useful, to you and the most important thing to you is why? with me , you realized what can be hidden behind chirping and assenting, this will help you avoid such problems that your parents should thank me, but alas, you can’t expect this from them, but... bye, let’s go home, without your mouth is boring, and you’re bored without uncle vadim, no, well, you became friends with him, you used to be cheerful, now you’re not the same, don’t make things up, i’m the same,
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you’re not the same. call uncle vadim, tell rochka to come here, i can’t force him if he doesn’t want to, but you, olesya, everyone listens to you, not everyone, and uncle vadim won’t listen, he blocked me, madrei is also addicted to this bungee, he asks to go there all the time, even despite the fact that vadim and his son no longer come, he’s sad, they complain , but i see that she’s gloomy, gloomy, and preparing for admission. everything is in order, everything is on the clock, like a robot, listen, do you happen to know vadim’s last name? no, what? well , maybe he’s on social networks somewhere, i wonder what kind of vadim he is? listen, matvey should know, but he and rodya they communicate, well, at least remotely, let me ask, come on, that’s it, let’s call.
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dad, i’m already looking to eat, so come on, hey, if i could help, tomorrow i’ll be on duty in the kitchen, and today you, yeah, damn it, i want it too, little mouth, can i try it too, of course, i was surprised when sanya found you on social networks, how? i was happy, no, i was upset, that’s why i came running here, and why aren’t you preparing new surprises for us? the father matvey project has been closed, the case materials have been archived, and i need officially organized happiness, just love. and
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the rest, as luck would have it, i blew from i’ll go, hi, matvey, hi, oh, hi, it’s great that you didn’t come like that, you couldn’t, you don’t remember what he said in the films at the end in such a situation. i don’t remember about him , i only remember about her, and what did she say, sasha, mom, everything’s okay, thank you, god, what should i do with you, everything’s okay, she
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said, what a bastard brought this arzanki here. with the help of your quadcopter we saw how the enemy was mining positions, all this was not in vain, you see, i think that i can save many more guys, i will give my life for this, and i’ll cover you, i’ll help you, with father alexander we made the greatest achievement of our lives, he gave his life for his country, and i gave my woman’s happiness, it’s people like you who perform a very important task, women are
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at war, without women we can’t... we will win, today on rtr rtr planet is more than just television. this is a piece of russia on every screen on the planet, they flew, the loudest premieres, how did i get here, and you ’re having a corporate party or something, what are you, and you don’t know bender well, you don’t need a motive for murder using cunning, what? what was on the strip, not i know, dog, in my opinion, exciting series, we are putting together an orchestra, we will perform shestakovich’s seventh symphony, whoever does not take risks will not be lucky, we will succeed,
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i will operate, i am scared, as if i were not me, unfortunately , there is neither a motive for the murder nor a connection between the murders, but there is one, and we will find it, i remind you once again that this is my investigation, let's agree in advance, you are the coach, i... the player, a dizzying show and the best music , and you generally spend most of your life on your feet or on the head, i don’t even know , he wants to read, please read, i can’t read either, turn on the music blogger, russia relies on songs, in general russia is a very melodious country, inimitable humor and entertainment for every taste, a basin of hot water!
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the whole studio is discussing the nature of the conflict, why mother and son and daughter-in-law have not communicated for 5 years, advanced documentaries, and now the flag of the russian federation is rising over the norwegian sea. this was one of the most striking episodes of historical triumph. our soviet people brought liberation to the peoples of europe. breaking news, political investigations and impartial analysis. live program. 60 minutes of news are broadcast, hello, key events, what will this day be remembered for, when the whole world calls black white, we choose the truth, vladimir putin is sitting in this chair in
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the hall, he, as you and i remember, enters through these doors, everything , without which it is impossible to imagine russia, only on the rtr planet channel. hello, on the russia tv channel , irina rossius will present in the studio and the main topics for this hour. the front line is rapidly changing, the isu retreat and lose nato weapons, the petriot and several leopathic american armored personnel carriers are destroyed. there will be no truce, the efforts
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of international mediators turned out to be even, israel will continue military operations even in the holy month of ramadan. the president of el salvador is ready to help solve the security problem in haiti. to do this, however, he asks to cover all the costs of fighting the bandits. once again fall of disorientation trump published a biden election video before voting in the us is still 8 months away. and the theft of an ice floe in vladivostok was a bright event in waters of the sea of ​​japan, in which more than 200 subsurfers participated. a new complex strike by missiles and drones was carried out today against military infrastructure in the rear regions of ukraine. explosions were heard in the kiev, odessa and vinnitsa regions. local
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publications, eyewitnesses also reported on the work of air defense in the khmelnitsky, kirovograd and cherkasy regions. well, now we have objective control footage that confirms the destruction of the american petriot anti-aircraft missile system in the special operation zone. the launchers were hit. precision weapons iskander in the pokrovsk region. previously , it was assumed that the target of our military was the s-300 air defense system. and the loss of the american system in jesus, along with the calculation, is also reported by forbes magazine. knocked out a ukrainian tank in the vicinity of krasnohorivka. the armored vehicle was attacked using krasnopol laser-guided ammunition. well, in this video that the militants published, there are two burned-out german leopart-2 tanks, with an american armored personnel carrier destroyed nearby. in the kharkov region , crews of the d-30 halobets worked on ukrainian positions. greatest enemy losses suffered in the avdeevsky direction, 450 mercenary soldiers were destroyed there, as well as five armored vehicles. about what is happening now...
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leading report by vesti military correspondents pavel prokapenko and mikhail andronik. fire, as they say here, to the last pencil, the pencil case of the installation is rapidly emptying. the gunner goes into the cockpit, the target has been corrected, he has closed the door, which means he is ready to press the red button. the missiles, true to their name, cover a large one.
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the enemy rolls back, asking for help, but there is no help to come from. the shells are loaded, with a greater range so that we can reach closer to the enemy’s rear and work on their reserves. immediately after the shooting he comes on the radio. target hit, score excellent. target 213, 213. covered infantry, infantry, equip one shell. the artillerymen of the western group of forces also work quickly and accurately in the case of gecint b. shot! before the team takes cover, a few seconds for a very important matter. geocinth does not change its position after firing, but camouflages it. hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry! open area is key an obstacle in the work of a scout, merging with the terrain of poland under the mass network, sometimes you have to overcome kilometers. our stormtroopers talk about a recent success.
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the enemy was superior, they were caught in the operation, they took the enemy’s trench, the forces were taken by surprise, they entered, worked as they should, the task was completed, the positions were taken, the enemy was destroyed, now the soldiers are practicing their skills at the training ground, and let their actions be brought to automaticity, each new training is not superfluous it happens. pavel prokopenko, vitaly kaydanovich, andrey rudenko, oleg bandarenko, donetsk folk news. republic. ay there, a gray one there, let him give more, there too. tankers of the motorized rifle regiment 11.02, the southern group of troops, destroy buildings in the belogorovka industrial zone with direct fire. from there , the enemy constantly attacks the positions of our troops. after being hit by an enemy missile, the crew continues to fire at the enemy and leaves the vehicle only after it is immobilized by the kamikaza drone. four tankmen making up the crew of the t-60 tank.
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leave the battlefield without injury. the main advantage of the t-62 according to tankers the accuracy is much greater than that of cannon artillery. the age of this vehicle is more than 50 years, but this does not prevent our tank crews from successfully destroying the enemy in closed positions and even supporting our infantry on the offensive. tankers analyze the results of each t-62 battle and decide how to improve the vehicle for modern conditions. this 62 will be immobilized by a kamikaze drone. it was much more difficult to hang a barbecue, we also installed dynamic plastic protection on the sides to protect the caterpillar, we protected the driver, because a mechanic-driver is the life of a tank , this is war in nature, in heavy battles that are now taking place in all directions of a special military operation without injuries, it is impossible to get by, after which the number of minutes for a soldier depends on the speed and quality of the medical care provided. life, no indirect injuries, the advanced medical detachment of the southern
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group of troops, many nurses here , such as an assistant anesthesiologist with the call sign star, came to military hospitals as volunteers, during the svo they received a medical education and went to work for a contract army. we have a very high level of medical staff, the most modern care is provided here, despite the fact that we are very close to the lbs line. senior operating room nurse with the call sign tulip. pull yourself together, if i cry, get nervous, who will help them. a very important point is to properly register the wounded so that the documents are not lost during further evacuation, and the soldier receives the payments due for his injuries. this form of groan looks like this, this is where
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the patient’s data is entered when he was injured, what kind of injury he received, what kind of therapy he received. without this certificate 98 he will not receive a certificate and that is, there will be no payments. here, too, you need to fill out everything carefully so that there are no mistakes. when the patient’s condition allows transportation, he is sent to a hospital far from the contact line, where he undergoes treatment and rehabilitation. mikhail andronik, anton musikyan, lugansk people's republic. a danger zone has been declared in kamchatka; snow and strong winds are expected in the region; the warning is valid until march 11. real january weather established in moscow. the northerly wind and cold air mass will not recede until tuesday. night temperatures can reach -15. in the daytime to -4°, the atmospheric pressure will be several points higher than normal. in chelyabinsk, where the difference in night and day temperatures reaches 20°, snow is being actively removed; even on holiday weekends , utility crews work without breaks. in the dpr,
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firefighters are on duty 24/7. over the past 24 hours, emercom employees extinguished 19 hectares of dry grass near andreevka. residents of donetsk also noticed the fall. in a field caught fire in the budenovsky district. they have already opened in the primorsky territory. during the swimming season on the southern coast, extreme sports enthusiasts were filmed who were not afraid to plunge into cold water. nothing unusual, they are swimming again. and in vladivostok they organized a mass swim on an ice floe. thus, for more than 5 years , the city has been kicking off the sub-surfing season. about 200 people took part in the unusual event. another 32 russian children from refugee camps in syria were returned to their homeland. the group consists of 20 boys and 12 girls aged from 5 to 17 years. at the airport chkalovsky was met by children's ombudsman maria lvova belova, who coordinates the humanitarian mission to repatriate russian children from the middle east region. this is a complex and slow process. first you need to find each child. then do
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dna tests, establish kinship with citizens of our country, only after that fill out the documents and organize an export flight. all these children were in the rosh camp, on a course. country lived in very difficult conditions, half-starved, cold in terrible living conditions, so today they flew to moscow, now they will undergo rehabilitation, at the beginning of an examination at a medical clinic, and then rehabilitation at the moscow center, after which they will be handed over to their close relatives, mainly grandparents. fsb operatives detained residents of moscow who were selling secret data to ukrainian intelligence services. "hello, yes, the security department remains on site, the suspect worked as an engineer at the mars design bureau, the company develops systems, including for spacecraft , he uploaded secret information to a cloud storage,
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which was also accessible to employees of the ukrainian military intelligence, a criminal case was opened under the article of high treason, the first downhill skating championship in the history of the armed forces was held in the patriot park near moscow . the extreme tournament brought together 12 teams from all military districts. a winding track, one of the longest in the world, 500 m. it includes various obstacles, sharp turns and jumps. in some areas, athletes accelerated to 80 km/h. the best team was the central military district, in the individual championship pavel osipov, all athletes.
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the construction of this sports facility began in nizhny novgorod a year and a half ago, and finally the giant has reached its final size, and now the builders are finishing laying the roof. eight tower cranes were used for the installation of the structure, as well as two crawler cranes with a lifting capacity of 750 tons, this is just in time for the installation of the inner arena trusses. the length of the central spans is more than 100 m. and the mass is thousands of tons, but this whole structure above your head looks light and elegant, this is the very center of the ice arena, all hockey matches will begin here with the dropping of the puck, which will not be missed. has already been completed, they
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rush 20 m up at a very steep angle, so the spectators, the installation of the metal structures of the stands for fans in the very back rows will have the feeling that they are as if they are a row above the arena. this is already the second arena in the career of builder alexander gusev. another of his brainchild, a football stadium is located next door. nizhny novgorod strelka, the confluence of the kiki volga will become the sports center of the city. this is not just an arena, it is multifunctional. a universal sports complex with artificial ice, it will consist of three ice arenas, one main arena with stands for 12,000 spectators, and two training arenas with stands for 250 spectators. young figure skaters will train here, sports officials plan to teach curling to everyone, but most importantly, the new sports complex will become the home ground of the nizhny novgorod torpedo. now games take place in the ice palace on... today this is the smallest arena of the continental hockey league. the arena seats
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only 5,500 spectators; for important meetings, for example, playoff games in st. petersburg, skabets were sold out literally a few minutes after the start of sales. naturally, not everyone was able to get into the stands. the nagorny sports complex, built 60 years ago, is outdated and in many ways inferior to the home grounds of other khl clubs. and the rest have a more recent arena. and this is... still, as it were, restored, it’s not enough, we have a big city , they added a place for fans, all this, but we still have a lot of hockey, not many people get to the games, the deadline for the new ice arena is the first quarter of 2025, but construction work is being carried out ahead of schedule, for sure one thing can be said: next season the nizhny novgorod torpedo will definitely play on a new site. leonid muravyov, anton kolmykov, igor senyurin, yulia miron. news: nizhny novgorod. the president of el salvador, naeb bukeli, said that el salvador could
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help solve security problems in haiti. subject to a resolution of the un security council, the authorization of the legitimate authorities of haiti to cover all expenses for the operation of the mission in the country. earlier, caribbean leaders called for an emergency meeting in jamaica on monday with the united states, canada and france to find a way out of the crisis in haiti. there was almost chaos there. main roads. as the leadership stated
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, a nationwide blockade of provincial and regional cities, as well as the farmers' union solidarity, is scheduled for march 20, they are disappointed with the outcome of the meeting with tusk. nothing it was not possible to agree, the prime minister, in fact, did not announce anything. in poland, farmers have been protesting for several weeks against the so-called eu green deal, the import of ukrainian grain and other agricultural products, which is why local. found themselves on the verge of bankruptcy. the production of food for dogs and cats is being launched in north ossetia. new lines are now being installed at the plant in beslan. the enterprise was opened just a year ago, and has now become one of the largest in the country. for the production of feed for cattle and fish farms where trout are grown. report by alexander kundukhov. the new feed production plant can already be called the largest in the south of russia. today the company has reached its goal. design capacity is about 600 tons of various mixtures per day. the enterprise was built on the site
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of an abandoned plant in beslan, an eight-story industrial building was restored from ruins, state-of-the-art equipment was installed, the production of feed for cattle and fish farms was launched, the products are well received. demand. the results of our actions are already there, our feed has already... shown, so this year new partners have already appeared, the raw materials are supplied to the upper, eighth floor of the enterprise, here they are crushed and separated, then, step by step down the floors , cleaning, mixing, cooling and much more takes place other production processes. each process is also monitored by laboratories, so that in the end the product comes out to be of high quality, competitive, and appearing. such a plant is an incentive for the development of all areas of livestock farming in ossetia, an enterprise provides employment to more than 200 people and
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the staff is constantly growing. the plant was built on private investment, but the leadership of the republic provides... all processes are regulated from the production control center, operators control each workshop online and can change product parameters at any stage. we are launching, introducing the recipe initially, first preparing the bunkers with...
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they plan to expand the range here, new lines for the production of pet food are already being installed, already this year local high-quality food for dogs and cats will appear on store shelves. alexander kunduk, khalan margoev, stanislav kuzeev, north ossetia news. on the last day of pompey, the most famous painting by karl bryullov will be restored for the first time since its creation. at the initial stage , carefully study the large-scale canvas, written in the first half of the 19th century. they issued a special passport for him, which describes safe recovery methods. the specialists will work not closed in the workshop, right before our eyes from visitors to the russian museum. dmitry pishchukhin will tell you what has already been discovered under the layers of varnish. restorers carefully remove the thinnest layer of protective varnish, behind which the real brülow is hidden. throughout its
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two-hundred-year history, the painting of the last day of pompeii has never been restored. only technical conservation, almost 30 years ago, over these years the canvas was covered with a layer of dust and dirt, as if by volcanic ash, now for the first time in many years everything unnecessary is being removed, the logs are soft, plant-based, i even have the impression that these streaks that we see here, yeah, that the author’s, the last day pompeii is being restored without leaving the exhibition space, for the duration of the restoration a special transparent one was installed in room number 86. a screen that allows museum visitors to watch the process of painting restoration live, the most important aspect of museum activity, which usually remains behind the scenes, the main task of restorers is to return the painting to its original appearance, as they would say now, to see the canvas without filters, so that in complete peace to appreciate the highest pictorial skill of the author, here is the hand of a young man,
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the underlying fabric shines through it, the girl was first on...
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was covered with a solid layer of yellow varnish, in some places it began to crumble , causing the original color to become distorted. based on the results obtained at this first stage of research , a restoration passport was compiled, that is, a list of restoration documents, this restoration passport, in fact, like any other... the passport is the main document that will be used today - multi-stage direct restoration itself. already this year, the canvas will become one of the key exhibits of the grandiose exhibition of karl bryulov at the mikhailovsky castle, dedicated to the 225th anniversary of the birth of the brilliant artist. dmitry pyushchukhin, evgeny kostin, alexander borushkov and galina
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arlova, vesti st. petersburg. this is the message, this is what will happen next in our program. mobilization in ukraine is taking on increasingly harsh forms. kiev violated diplomatic protocol by appointing a hostage as british ambassador without the consent, and it is not clear correctly general israel does not want a truce and is not preparing a military operation, despite the approaching holy month of ramadan, and the harsh irony from trump, he showed biden in all his glory. we have time to see everything, we need to run, calm, bright, continuation of events, yes. katya is your name, by the way, excuse me, on batalova, well, yes, but it was all already live, yes, there was a bed,
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interesting, she comes straight to the greenhouse where tomatoes are grown, amazing footage, so pay attention, what can i tell you , son, the political kitchen and its secrets, that’s how it is since they were from these branches, right? television in a new way, it’s great here, it’s great for us, behind the scenes of big politics, we see more than others so far, moscow, the kremlin, putin, we look today at rtr.
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we gathered about ten people into the first group, there were short calls, we are going to
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donetsk, you are with us, yes, when my fighters came running, they carried me, another shelling began, they laid me down, lay on top of me, one field is still in me, this is, let’s say, my trophy, we were hungry, here comes my grandmother, hungry herself, but... she takes this kurba to the village and says: baby, feed the dogs, lend a helping hand, olga and i decided that we need to take the guys in, i came across such people who care, support me in word, hello, dear soldier and in deed , without your help you would not have survived, only ours can, honor and praise to you, what you do is... simply amazing from monday to thursday on rtr, and this is a female corpse for work, stop,
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stop, stop, no one is going anywhere, the premiere is on rtr, you wanted to take my place, so i’ve been doing this for a month fulfilled your duties, anna mikhalkova, i realized that i love only you, she is veronika palna, you have already made inquiries, she is major vosnetsova.
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unfortunately, you me too, get out of my bath immediately. anna is a medium. on monday on rtr. this is news, we are continuing the release. israel will not respect the truce, even during the muslim holy month of ramadan.
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tsahal is getting ready.
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demands netanyahu's resignation, blocking highways and clashing with the police, but everyone taking to the streets is confident that the time to bring the israelis back is more than 5 months ago, kidnapped by terrorists of the nugba brigade at the end. my younger brother was a soldier, a tank driver, he was killed on october 7 while defending nahal os. all his colleagues were kidnapped, we are here to remind you that the bara will quickly return everyone home, the government should too. hamas will not be interested in a truce in the near future, and it is in the group's interests to continue the war into ramadan. the holy month for muslims begins this evening, traditionally during this
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period. radical forces are trying to provoke riots on the temple mount in jerusalem on the west bank of the jordan river. israeli security services believe that hamas is betting on this to avoid escalation, the israeli government will not restrict muslim access to the alyaksa mosque. on the eve of ramadan, israel will allow unhindered access to the eksa mosque for arab citizens of israel, as well as access for a certain number of residents of judea samari. and citizens of other states, in accordance with the recommendations of the police and security services. israel does not restrict freedom of worship and is not at war with the muslim world and islam. peace is not expected in ramadan; the efforts of american president biden, who sought to achieve a ceasefire in gaza by the beginning of ramadan, were unsuccessful. the israeli general staff , together with the intelligence services, announced the readiness
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of a plan for further military action. in the south in the gas sector in the north on the border with lebanon. the holy month of ramadan is one of the five pillars of islam, a month of fasting and prayer will be held here under the canada of the sixth month of the war. sergey pashkov, alexander ivannyuk, anastasia demyanets, lead israel. last night, the israeli air force carried out further attacks on the central and southern parts of the gaza strip. their target again became areas with large, dense buildings. civilians who were given only a few minutes to leave their homes. at about one o'clock in the morning the israeli military ordered the evacuation of this place, we fled, women and children, we were terrified, when we ran out, the bombing began, after 5 minutes there was a second strike, and after another 5 minutes a third, as you can see, everything here is destroyed, the whole tower was residential, 80 apartments in the tower were occupied, we ran down, children, women, old people
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, young people, everyone, we had nothing to do with ourselves... but not everyone managed to escape, according to palestinian sources, at least 13 people were killed as a result of the attacks , the fate of several dozen more remains unknown. meanwhile, in the palestinian enclave, like in the rest of the muslim world, they are preparing for the beginning of the holy month of ramadan, although believers in the gaza strip often have to pray on the streets in the open air; many mosques have been completely destroyed or seriously... god, if they destroy the mosque, we will pray near it. as we enter ramadan in 2024, we experience great sadness. i have been visiting this mosque for about 20 years, and then it disappeared in the blink of an eye. the prayers of believers these days are associated with the expectation of peace, but
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one cannot count on at least a temporary ceasefire by the beginning of the main month for muslims in the gaza strip. it is already clear that with the advent of ramadan there will be no truce in gaza. convince israel and hamas to reach an agreement. intermediaries, despite all efforts, failed. against this background, the parties fear outbreaks of violence on the west bank of the jordan river in jerusalem; particular concern is associated with the alyaksa mosque located there, access to which is controlled by israeli security forces. and this could cause a new round of escalation and confrontation, given that thousands of devout palestinians will want to go to the alyaksa mosque during ramadan, provocations and clashes with israeli security forces cannot be ruled out.
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trump is launching a counterattack, there are still 8 months until the us presidential elections, but the intensity of the struggle is already visible; threats have been made from the mouth of the current head of the white house. in his last speech , he warned that if donald trump returned to the oval office, he would turn american democracy into a dictatorship. and on trump’s part, they are not exhausting reserves of harsh irony in relation to the age and cognitive abilities of the current head of the american administration. he mocked biden's latest campaign video by posting a parody of him falling. and bloopers, and a parody, like the original video, too begins with the words: i am no longer a young guy, and this is no secret. trump also once again blamed biden for the crisis at the border, with the fact that his immigration policies have led to an uncontrolled influx of illegal immigrants into the united states. in
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fact, democrats know that they cannot win in a fair election, journalist tucker carlson said. according to him, the white house is already actively working to falsify the results in biden's favor. but the british one. generally believes that it would be better for the democrats if biden left the race, for example, because of the same health problems, a younger candidate took his place. while the election battle is heating up in the united states, kiev is trying to hold the front line at any cost. the mobilization, which should make up for the colossal losses in the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine, is taking on increasingly harsh forms. the state border service of ukraine showed footage of the detention of three dozen draft dodgers, they were trying to escape to moldavi.
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a rally-procession of many thousands in grozny, the organizers called on everyone who supports the course of the current president vladimir putin and who is not indifferent to the fate of russia. report by artur mustaev. a rally in support of the current leader of russia is taking place along the central avenue named after akhmat kha, thousands of people came with banners and flags of russia and chechnya, slogans everywhere to participate in the elections and cast their vote for a worthy candidate, these are people of different ages and professions, among them as a government official.
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in the region, everything is already ready and a high turnout is traditionally expected here. arthur mustaev, zelimkhan buntyshev and aslan loluev, vesti grozny. safety not only for yourself, but also surrounding people in the new regions, members of the election commission who will work in front-line areas at polling stations during the upcoming presidential elections in russia were given first aid kits and held a master class on first aid. read more valeria rodina. kuznetsova, a precinct election commission employee
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who works in the kirov region, which is under daily attack from ukrainian militants, says a first aid kit is a necessary attribute. we work in a low-front area, where almost various shellings occur on a daily basis, and sometimes there are casualties. of course, it is very important that we have such a first aid kit and that we are given instructions on how to administer first aid correctly, not only to ourselves, but also to those around us. the first aid kit is equipped with everything necessary for...
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their desire , they expressed their opportunity to work in this direction, they have extensive experience, strictly speaking, both in the field of medicine, and very specific experience, the so-called tactical medicine, that is, they honed their knowledge in the fields battles they already clearly know how to use this or that item, this or that drug that is in this first aid kit. members of precinct election commissions understand that in the current realities this is a necessary measure, but each of them hopes that they will never be useful. residents of the most
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remote, hard-to-reach settlements make their choice; members of territorial election commissions have to travel tens of kilometers on snowmobiles and horses through the remote taiga. about how the process is organized in the report by diana volchkova. gas, gas, gas, gas, come on, come on, come on, come on, get out, to get to the village of korbalyk you have to overcome almost 40 km along snow-white off-road. hello! yes, i voted, everything is fine, i , yes, people came, a commission, lenigishev was born and raised in karalyki, went to mezhduurechensk, where he worked in a mine, came back a quarter of a century ago to care for his elderly mother, stayed like that, the village has plenty of work , even from morning to evening, what to do, you have to feed everyone, transport hay, you’re your own boss, don’t depend on anyone, fresh air for the whole the settlement has only two residential huts, neighbors.
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on the way to another half-dozen inaccessible , sparsely populated areas, it is important to take into account everyone's voice. yesterday we went to the village of chulesh, everyone there is very positive, everyone is happy, they have made their choice. almost 2 million kuzbass voters will take part in the presidential elections, more than 2.0 of them live in villages cut off from the mainland. and almost always in these corners of the region the turnout is 100%. diana volchkova, alexandra berdnikova, vesti kuzba , tashtagol district. pharmaceuticals, agriculture
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economics, engineering, russian students also. during their studies, they make a discovery that in the future will allow domestic producers to begin working in areas occupied by foreign companies. our correspondent bulad shakiev met with young researchers and learned about the projects they are developing. the pharmaceutical mixer operates at maximum speed. in this particular case, we give the fish collagen solution the properties of a stable foam. the fluffier it is, the better the final product. already whipped collagen passes leophilic in the cabinet there are several stages, first it is cooled, then the pressure there drops, and then it is heated again, this is done in order to sublimate the resulting substance, that is, to expel moisture, bypassing the liquid state, this is how a sponge is obtained. the entire production process can take more than
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three days; students learned all the technology by trial and error; one of the samples even exploded, but the result is worth the effort. the uniqueness of the sponge is that it is designed to stop capillary bleeding, maybe after surgical, and after, say, dental intervention, and against the backdrop of hostilities. a sponge can not only stop bleeding, but also minimize the consequences of injury. the scars will be smaller. similar instruments are known in the mitinsky world, but they were made from domestic raw materials for the first time. in principle, we have solved the problem. we answered the question: yes, collagen from fish produced in the russian federation is suitable for producing lips. domestic pharmaceutical enterprises have a chance to occupy a niche that was previously dominated by japanese companies, in the field of fertilizer production, russia is one of the world leaders, but there is no limit to perfection, so decided one of the students of the north caucasus university , maxim taravanov, who developed a new type of plant nutrition. it is necessary to measure
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the length of the stem and root in a good way, but even visually it can be revealed that with fertilizer we have much more germination energy. the wheat grew for only a week, but it is already clear that fertilizer from chicken feathers works great, all you need to do is break them down into amino acids, the principle of grinding was also based on the discovery of student daria kanonenko, who developed a new type of cold welding by wiping off a dust magnet. the novelty and hit of this adhesive composition is that it can be controlled, that is, i moved the magnet, it moved to the place that was needed, with the help of this and... the invention you can repair various mechanisms without dismantling complex structures, this is powerful will make life easier for engineers. each of these developments is still at the testing stage. young scientists still have to adjust circuit formulas before their ideas turn into ready-made technical solutions. but it is already clear that
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new stars have lit up in the horizon of russian science. llachakiev, evgeny radaev, andrey chastyakov, news from the stavropol territory. production is being increased on lake saki. the best healing mud in the world, it is used by dozens of sanatoriums and boarding houses in crimea, components of natural substances are added to cosmetics, production has been revived almost from scratch after large-scale repairs of equipment and structures. report by yana shcherbata. look, here is our saki medicinal mud. look how beautiful it is. dark gray with a not strong but characteristic odor of hydrogen sulfide. the famous healing mud is extracted only here, in the lake, on the western coast of crimea. the technological process for extracting mud from lake isaac is quite simple. in the middle of the reservoir there is a special machine that lifts mud from a depth of one and a half meters and then brings it to the shore on special barges; it can transfer up to 25 tons at a time. the consistency is perfect for medical procedures, because it
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sticks to the body very well, it is viscous, it is very good to make applications from it, it does not spread, in general. after extraction , the mud is cleaned and from here it goes straight to crimean sanatoriums, mud from lake saki helps treat more than 100 diseases, from problems with the musculoskeletal system to infertility, of course, there are contraindications, mud baths are prescribed only after a medical examination, i have sugar diabetes, my legs hurt, i can’t walk, but since i arrived here, the second day it’s already been easier for me , i can walk and run normally, in nine rowan baths... completely in nine brine baths, in the fifth year, in the fifth year, i’m saying this without exaggeration, in the fifth year i felt lightness in back. this part of crimea was famous for its healing properties back in the days of the ancient greeks. in the 19th century , the world's first mud resort was opened here. saki mud is seven times more effective than
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the famous dead sea mud, because crimean mud is alive. during the soviet union , up to 15,000 tons of healing mud were mined in sakis, but in ukraine means. did not stand out, production fell into decline, and the deterioration of structures reached 90%. they began to increase production in russia after large-scale repairs, which had not happened here for almost 100 years. a new one has been built. during mud mining, discharge channels and pumping stations were built to regulate the water-salt balance and preserve medicinal resources in those medical parameters necessary for quality treatment. today, the mud station mainly supplies saki sanatoriums, but part of the useful substance and mud goes into production morbid cosmetics. yana shcherbata and andrey terentsev, host. crimea. hello everyone, i’m so glad that you all came, that
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you’re all sad, we’re having a holiday, we’re getting a divorce, bye bye, everything goes away, the last chance to jump on the bandwagon, when a friend’s advice no longer helps, who is my ex-husband, a specialist, inga, gets down to business. is your husband also a brute? no, she is not sick, she needs to start her personal life from scratch and learn to accept love as a miracle. late, sorry, why? for those present here, hello, whose things are these? for us? nowhere enter closed on friday on rtr, there was no
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sadness, the woman bought a pig, you just have to get a pet and life will never be the same, it will set everyone in the mood, this is an incredibly charming face with which you forgive everything, they don’t get bored. absolutely, well, then i clean up , i’m not bored either, because each of them is a real star, a trynk, a secret of dreams, how did you agree to this, we first shoved a red snake in, our hearts sank, you are the most understanding program about animals, in circle of friends, among friends, program for the whole family. on saturdays on rtr.
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we can handle it. i will do anything to get you out of here. let's look at the weekend. gorora, but kill the son of a millionaire. this means that there is a mother in the bastard for the next 10 years. he is going to jail , don’t frighten me, i’m not afraid of you, you still have time to get scared, that’s what they call it, and my future wife, very nice, got out of here, i’m still at home, i also at home, when life is one continuous black line, you need to try to turn it off, as an apology, let me take you to the hospital and buy you a new bike, as an apology, leave me alone, natalya,
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happiness can be given on saturday on rtr, we go to the doctor , we take up a lot of his time with empty complaints, and we don’t go to the doctor when we seriously need to go, forewarned is forearmed... the whole family needs to be examined. the most important information from the most competent sources.
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forget about your complex body. take care of yourself and stay healthy. about the most important things, from monday to friday, on rtr. good sunday evening everyone. friends, your favorite folk show is on air, songs from the bottom of your heart, unique voices, melodies and destinies our guests, and our evening will be opened by our guest from. belgorod region elena obrazova with the song my beloved! the sun burns bright white, oh nights, dark to the point of bitterness, embraces in the heart until nine you spoke, oh
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, mother, mother, i don’t know how to take! my beloved, fly like the free wind, cossack blood, your raven law, my beloved, the only one in the world, but not fate, we can be together with you, my beloved, my beloved, let yourself rock until dawn. how long is it short, the road is for two, your heart has reached nine, oh, good people, don’t judge harshly, my love my, fly like the free wind, cossack blood, yours is black, my beloved, one such
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light, but not... it’s destiny for us to be together with you, my beloved, my beloved, my beloved! and like the free wind, cossack blood, yes, it is yours, my beloved, the only one in the world, but not fate, we can be together with you, my beloved, my beloved! cossack
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mouth, yes my horse, monitor lizard, my beloved, the only one in the world, but not fate, we would be together with you, my beloved, my beloved, bravo! i will repeat once again to those who turned on the tv, elena obraztsova opened our evening today, friends, the last name already says that you should sing, and the first name too, the first name too, well, tell me where from the belgorod region, well, from the belgorod region i came from the village of tamarovka, this is the yakovlevsky district, yeah, we live as a big
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friendly family, i have a husband and two children. misha, masha, mother-in-law, i say hello to them, and how the bride bonds with her mother -in-law is wonderful, i would say , probably no one else has such a relationship, it’s just that fate decreed that 8 years ago i lost my mother, but i mother-in-law, of course, she said: “i will do this, i will try to make sure that you don’t feel alone in this world.” because without my parents, well, it’s as if without my mother , it’s all the same, my dad is great, he’s supportive, we talk on the phone, well, let’s visit you on the eve of the program, i’ll immediately warn you that it seems to me that now the audience will need a pen, pencil and paper , because we will learn a lot of useful things from the plot, a small village behind the mountain, you and i will go there, my dear!
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we have a large farm, we also keep chickens, ducks, pigs, we add fodder beets to the feed of pigs, because they love it very much, to make our work easier, my husband, who has golden hands, invented a crusher, everything is made from scrap materials, a gas cylinder and an engine, we used to do this with our hands, on we rubbed it with a grater, now i’ll show you how it works, we chop the beets, smaller ones like this, we start them with one layer of the squeezer, in short, right? so disgraced, let's mix beets with crushed beets, our pigs really love this food, because it is juicy from the beets and nutritious from the flour. well here's a treat for you i waited, i waited, come on, well , i ate on the side right away, i’m full, that means it’s good,
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my family, whom i call mom, we have one thing in common, we really love to go to meadows, forests, collect different herbs, we dry herbs and we store it in the attic, right here... our family pantry is a pharmacy, medicinal herbs, i put them in boxes, i sign where i have what, here ma, what is it? asparagus - it heals the stomach, i grow calenda on my plot, then i make an ointment with pork fat from it and heals all wounds, even varicose veins, look, we also have not only herbs here, we also have walnuts, there is a partition inside the nut. an infusion of these partitions helps well with pain in the joints. for those who have problems with the thyroid gland, here is my experience in collecting herbs, preparing herbs, i try to pass on the ribbons. traditional
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medicine is our everything, we are treated at home, we don’t go to the pharmacy and we feel better than anyone else. our mother really loves to treat us with tinctures, and she also treats us. the most signature tincture is omor, this is what i make. i pour dead bees alcohol, infuse for 21 days and do all the compresses for the joints, ponacea for osteochondrosis, and we also prepare homemade kvass, this is our family recipe, i gave it to my mother, 10 liters of water, citric acid, sugar is our secret ingredient, our whole family loves this kvass very much family, sometimes we get together at the table in the evening and... sing a song: under a high window, under a wide window, a snow-white cherry blossoms, past this cherry tree, past this hut
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, the guy comes from his father with courage, what a good fellow, and well done, yes, we we live very well together, we have fun, we do a lot, everything ok, i'm with me. what did they bring? of course, i want everyone to try this quest, do you mind? especially since you said that you added a secret ingredient there, i hope, well, you should know this directly, this should be done in kindergartens, by the way, i work in a kindergarten, it’s very tasty, by the way, the class needs to be insisted longer, so that it is straight to the end, this is enough for everyone, let’s also have honey, in my opinion, a little
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yellow honeydew, dandelion yellow lemon, well, citric acid, whatever the recipe says recipe, i don’t know, i think there’s some kind of spice here, look, we add a secret ingredient to this kvass, dead bees later. so here is a black elderberry flower, there is such a bush, and an inflorescence, this is such a cap , not exactly this, and we collect them, white caps, yes, white caps, we collect them in june, we just do, we do, we do, and you know that elderberry is a powerful immunomodulatory agent, so everyone knows, i have a mother-in-law, she’s great, no one will get sick if you drink something with elderberry, yes, yes, delicious. of course, i still , well, i couldn’t get by with kvass alone, because you see, we are treated only with traditional medicine, i’m more interested in dead bees, of course, where do you get such quantities, i brought it to you from
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my mother-in-law, she passed it on, well two bottles of only the most important diseases that are treated, which means that here we have just death from death. by the way, she wrote it, so that if you don’t forget something, or, well, don’t get confused, god forbid, here is death. add camphor alcohol like this, do this , put a compress on a cloth, put it on the joints will ache right away , so you applied everything the next day, you walk even as if nothing hurt, this is the first bottle, which means here we have pine cones, we collect them when they are still green, so we make a tincture like this, it helps very well when you have a cough, tell me how many bees should go for this bottle. bites, bites
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, yes, sorry, sorry, this is a tincture from those bees that she made for herself, that ’s right, and you say where, where, so, well , let’s sing at our table, let ’s sing talyanochka, she uh, very much to us our whole family likes it, if anyone knows , sleep together, in... a sunny meadow, blood arched, party at taryanochka, plays about love, then like hot nights with a girlfriend, spent what you received, because you gave beautiful ones, game, play, alyanochka sol talks about how the black eye. yes, i sang crazy, play,
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play, tell me, melting yourself, then like a black-eyed one, drove you crazy, drove you crazy, well done, well done, well now i want to introduce you to the star of the streets of melitopol, friends, on our folk stage, i i invite you you... standing. sorry earth. look, here it is again in the sky. black smoke floats over the thai woman. cars were blown up day and night. earth.
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the pile was crushed, as if we were on a stranger’s planet, the rock was lifted up by an explosion, the water suddenly left the stream, mother, the earth, for hours an hour, rocking us in her arms. how could you know where your trouble is, forgive the earth, and we are still growing, our children, forgive us for everything, for everything, tell the earth, people will find ways to save you.
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and nowhere, the earth, now in the grass, now in the snow, the earth, where half the sky is dawn, every day at any hour, we are in the valley before you, foolish children, you forgive... forgive the earth, forgive the earth,
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and we, still raising our children, forgive for everything, for everything, believe in yourself, people will find ways to save you, themselves. forgive, forgive, earth, we are still growing, our children, forgive for everything, for everything, the earth will win, people will find ways to save you, save themselves, save you.
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let's watch a short fragment of your street performance in melitopol, congratulate ivan buzuluk on his birthday and
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with all our hearts we sing this song to him with best wishes, birthday.
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super positive, my wife is super, director, son, actor, daughter there is also involved in this in the cultural sphere, yes, that’s why they, this is normal, this is very normal, well, you live alone, i was told, now alone, for now, temporarily, let’s look at your life in melitopol , attention, here is the house in which i live, soon the dogwood will begin to bloom, i have made the rooms, i do everything myself with my own hands, so slowly but surely, we live well, it’s already spring here, here are my flowers that need care, this rose is already 15 years old,
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she is fine, a small leaf, once i picked it up and brought it home, and it started working. my mother-in-law, in general, planted all this , took care of it all, well, she passed away, as she said, only you, she says, vasya, will take care of the flowers, so i ’m kind of obligated to keep an eye on it, but she’s not with me , and she is always here, good caesars, that is, they went to moscow and watered the flowers. watered it abundantly, of course, definitely, yes, and in winter you also go out there in january, in december on the street, there was such a case, once they filmed me on the phone, i was singing a song there, natalie, well, a song natalie is filming me, there are views there , comments, they show -13 degrees
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, well, we don’t have that much frost as such now, so in the winter i’m all year round, i have a bicycle, i’m on a bicycle all the time , once again and vasily somehow unique. a man, yes, a man of peace, simply , thank you, you are right, i love you all, because i create, he sings beautifully, professionally, we will sing such a song now, when all the songs that i don’t know, in the world, are silent.
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1987, we'll be back in a few minutes in this studio, stay tuned, i'm i saw dead.
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and anna is a medium on monday on rtr, i thought that here, more seriously, you sit and think, there’s no need to think about it, here it’s all, to play or not to play, yes, yes, that’s it, there can’t be two opinions, because we have as many as five of them, this is a dangerous fairy-tale animal, when it comes to fleas, i am beyond competition,
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there are questions here about how everything is running, i really want to check, seriously, this is flirting, obviously, just take a look, let's go, this should it was edible, i meant, of course, a bear when i said something like this stinky little one, a hint in general, the most passionate team, if 1000 is not there, zhenya will add his own, then what many people use, the most.
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we have time to see everything, no need to run, calm, bright.
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philip bayanov, who will perform the song
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of fate, incredible stories and the most heartfelt songs in our program, continues our evening with “kasbula kudaloy”. khazvutuoi. poor bastard, i 'll shower you with daggers there. horse your rifle, for this, for everything, you give me your wife, under the thick plane tree, we sat together, you were the moon shining,
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everything was silent all around, you see, there i am mansu. i’ll give everything for my wife, you’ll be very rich, you’ll be a prince, you yourself,
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and the story is long, your prince. in vain i hit you with your young wife, i will erase you in the forest, take the prince’s treasury, i own it myself, for her unfaithful gifts, admire it, go, on the neva. her song, she sleeps by the river, from the daggers of her chest, i close her eyes, here you are in tears, my kiss froze, on her lips,
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i closed her eyes, drowning in tears...
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well, i kind of live in krasnodar, but i’m a little cunning from krasnodar, i live a little in adygea, it’s as if i rode across the bridge for 15 minutes on a bike and i’m right in the center of krasnodar, that ’s the trick, but i’m a native krasnodar, i was born in krasnodar, you’ve been playing for a long time, i’ve been playing for 12 years, and your last name is bayanov, right? pseudonym, but your main fan was your grandmother, yes, my main fan was your grandmother, i was a choreographer, i came to my grandmother, danced right in the apartment, did tricks when i took up the harmonica, sang all the songs, only my grandmother always listened to me, for many , probably there are such grandmothers, yes, here my grandmother, i love her very
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much, unfortunately, the other day my grandmother passed away, unfortunately, but she lived a very long life, she worked until she was 90, worked in the apiary with me, taught me, and of course she always listened to my songs, and from your grandmother you got a bean, to the question, you, you have a submortem, i always had one at home, my grandmother called it a pestilence of bees, well, i’ll explain, bees don’t live long. die, so there are always dead bees at the bottom of the evidence, they live for 40 days, but there are especially many of them in the spring, because that they live through the winter, as if they did not die, after the winter you open evidence, the winter bee has departed and you collect it. yes, in general, an apiary is a waste-free production. er , you also have a pair of streets, or what are you, oh, first of all, i’m your countrywoman, i was also born in krasnodar on red street, okay, well, let’s see
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the apiary, i’ve been dreaming of an apiary in general, an apiary, yes, all my life, spring is coming spontaneously here, now it’s 18°c, all of russia is freezing, all the bees in russia are sleeping, but here in kuban it’s already hot.
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driven out of evidence, the bee is a symbol hard work, so whoever doesn’t work, doesn’t eat, this is a rule not only in human public shops, this hazel tree is blooming, a bee has flown to it, the bees are already carrying pollen, in may we will preserve it with freshly collected honey, the pollen ferments and it turns out a unique product like beebread, but the main thing is that it is healthy, when you eat it, digestion immediately improves , it adds a lot...
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my grandmother built this garage with her own women’s hands, it was built very well, very well, and even there are no cracks anywhere, i want to build a house here, but i won’t clean out the garage, because this is the memory of my grandmother, my grandmother was the closest to me, i love this place and generally wanted to live here in the future, i don’t need another land.
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there is a little-known song about the krasnodar region, that is, grandmothers, the kingdom of heaven, how old was she in december of the twenty-seventh year in december in december, she was born in kogan, military operations, look at the way he dances, it’s all right, grandmother was already sick when she danced, i’ve never seen anything like this i really saw it, i can’t do it at all, i’m in shock truth. from the people, the fact that everyone is dancing here , and such energy comes from you, in general, i want to say the same thing, but i forgot to say about it, and say hello to everyone again, well, well, wait, he’s already dancing at his birthday party he’s 6 years old, it’s you right there, that’s right, it’s me, yes, it was my mother who threw a birthday party in a costume in ninety-seven or ninety-six, you’re in a cap, and after that you decided that a stage was needed dance, sing, yes, i want to say, i love folk culture. to kindergartens olga ivanovna instilled in me, maybe she watches your program, she taught me, she taught me folk songs and only later , at the age of 14, i came to folk dancing,
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that is, well, it was instilled in me as a child, so i sing something, oh dear, you were not a stranger to me, i learned this song from kindergarten, you remember it, and where were you, my young stranger, a young child. i’d go there, i’d probably dig right there, i’d go there, but i’ll walk, i’ll give you something to eat, and i’ll give you water, i’ll give you water, listen.
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once again i want to be honest, once i got on television, i really don’t know where olga is ivanovna lived oh, i’ll shake your hand directly , it’s generally wonderful that in our time people’s feasts are promoted like this. honestly, when i wanted to do this in the twelfth year, we didn’t have all this on television, unfortunately, and i’m very glad that there is such an opportunity, well, i’ll sing for you , my dad is from staganrog, the left bank of the don, play the harmonica, play, we were looking for paradise on earth, and of course it was unimaginably far away, but yes... it’s just a stone’s throw away, so that
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grace may come, let’s sit in this an old boat, and it’s just a stone’s throw away , so that grace can come, let’s sit in this old boat, left, left, left, the bank is before us, the beach, the seagulls, the reaches of... paton, next to, next to, they had entanglements, we didn’t know how to get to them, once again, left, left, left , shore, tones, seagulls on the beach, weavers at the backwater, next to each other, singing, we... and can’t get there
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, now, now i invite you to our folk scene of a duet from khabarovsk, sisters olesya and ekaterina shitekova with a song - a common story. oh, how i wanted to be, oh, how i wanted to be we’re adults, we can’t walk around with our parents, we can’t walk around like crazy, with braids, i’ve already forgotten, now we’re already called by our patronymic, by our patronymic.
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look into childhood, look into childhood, i really want to, i really want to, an ordinary, completely, ordinary, completely story, a little sad for everyone, a little sad for everyone, will, let him sigh occasionally, let him sigh occasionally, for the past, for the past, there is in age and love, in age there is love, good, good always, and there love is still given, so that it fills with you whole, so that it never runs out. sleep
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she was given, love was given to you and me, we will give her two snouts, so that she will always be high, so that she will simply call the svelsk people with her, call us, life has opened the world to us, to us. life has opened up the world, thank you to it, for what we see , for what we see, more beautiful, and maybe that’s why, and maybe that’s why, we are happy, we are happy that in life we ​​are involved in everything in life we, we are all involved...
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and i will give everything love as a gift, so that it fills the whole world with itself, so that it will never be exhausted to one. and love has been given to me, we will give her two wings so that she will always she was high, so that behind her she called the expanses of starry dumps. we will give her wings, so that she will always be high, so that i call the starry expanses behind her, praise us, so that she will always
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be high. la, so that i would call the stars behind me, call us , i must say, today is just the first time, so she is overwhelmed with emotions, the first time, me too, the first time, but you’re still in show business, you know, for a long time, i’m the first , what struck me happened even before the broadcast, the fact that we met with you, it struck me, yesterday, we sing a little, we sing, well we sing well-known songs, then i hear out of the corner of my ear that there is a division into voices, and
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such a filigree one that needs to be rehearsed, well , for three or four months, i turn around, i understand that the girls are singing in voices, i lean over, ask, say, and you well, this song was rehearsed, they say, no, is that so? they gave birth to him, for me , it happened like this, and this is an ideal, for me, so to speak, combination of stars, especially since my dad told me that you are very musical, he always sang to you before bed, and he always sang to me, so
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katya didn't get so much, she sang to me always , it’s all the same, no matter how long, let’s say, guests are gathered at home, and he needs to hurry up, and he tries to stop at the fifth lullaby, olesya raises her eyes and says, no, you haven’t finished singing yet, we had it honestly, we had it eight , and i had to sing eight, i already knew how to count, if not eight , then no, no one leaves, but katya did not lag behind her sister, once she also got into a television competition, we have footage from 1996, let's watch this archived video , kids zat is noisy, buzzing posture appetite, average chest noise and din, what happened here and there , there are serious matters here, life's grama, love has come to the boy, mother will not help, senga has fallen in love, and he does not eat porridge, we will all
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fall in love with the nanny natasha, who fell in love? song after song, i’m 7 years old there, yes, i took first place, and then there were no online voting yet, people sent letters directly, because of me they sent the most letters, i won, and then naturally there was a final, like sings cleanly in a manner in such a dark hall, she is sick, but because i was also the winner of this program. but six years earlier, so i was already sitting there one day, a little girl katya takes part in a television competition, and then after however many years, you are the presenter on the morning program of the
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gubernia tv channel, yes indeed, well, because of course the dream was all the same to remain in creative activity, despite the fact that i graduated from the academy of economics and law and was an economist-manager, but one day i finally decided, now i’m leading... i
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brought birch sap, because there was some kind of birch sap in cans, i remember that it was also an incredible experience, our homeland is generous, but today we want to please you with our delicacies, i have a husband, he himself is both a hunter and a fisherman, he said, if you are going to andrei malakhov, be sure to bring fish with you, this is okhotsk from okhotsk sea, this is coho salmon caviar, the stringy knife, it’s incredible.
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they say that you and i are different people, we suddenly swooped in and even made trouble, they say they left no traces, but it came to the point where the sirens were set to boil, i was left in a dream, all spring , spring. well, spring, spring is coming, friends,
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soon, everywhere it will be like in krasnodar, don’t switch, after the commercial, we’ll see each other, and this female corpse has started working, stop, stop, stop, no one is going anywhere, the premiere is on rtr , you’re living in my place, right? soon to rtr, we go to the doctor
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, we take up a lot of his time with empty complaints, and we don’t go to the doctor when we seriously need to go, forewarned is forearmed, any remedy has a downside with the most necessary knowledge about health. we dispel myths and help you find out the truth. how to act in order to land well, you need to do this before warm up, what to pay attention to? there should be a pill for each risk factor, where to look for help? you only need five ingredients that will benefit the entire body. it takes two decades from the onset of the disease to its manifestation , so the whole family needs to be examined. the most important information from the most competent sources. everything is safe, take care of yourself and be healthy, about the most important thing, from
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monday to friday on rtr, this is for you, well, get some sleep, gentlemen, a moment of attention, today is a big day, a big holiday, ihee, the pressure is with you. you looked like a domineering, white man, well, you know, for every cool fighter he’ll find an even cooler one, you fell in love with them, but who’s good for you, your wife or your boys? ask stupid questions now, they are still loved, you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for my words, hero of my time, beauty, repin, the whole brigade, only on the platform
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we look. every sunday my mother makes cheesecakes. tradition. grandma loves to tell me the history of our family. tradition. dad and brother support the same team. tradition. taking care of each other and helping is our tradition. we also have a tradition in our family - to elect a president together with the whole country. on march 15, 16, 17, take part in the presidential elections of the country, together, we are strong, vote for russia. thai news reports the death of a thirty-five-year-old russian woman, alla kaspirovich, the official version is that she accidentally fell from a concrete parapet.
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a call rang in our editorial office; a friend of the deceased said that alla’s death was not accidental, she was killed. on the day of her death, alla recorded a voice message. i was killed. our film crew, together with the mother of the deceased, went to the peninsula to conduct their own investigation. malakhov on monday on rtm. unique voices, songs and melodies that have changed the lives of our guests. friends, songs from the bottom of my heart. once again, good sunday evening to everyone, our program continues with the original song , our sun.
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we are tearing up trenches, scratching poles, i need to hide from a stray bullet, my sun is waiting for me in the distance, which means i must stay alive, and... in the distance my sun is waiting for me, which means i must stay alive, the mine whistles, sows death like seeds, if you whistle, it means you
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are not behind me, how far is my sunshine from me, i... am trying to get back home, how far is it from me, my sunshine, i will try to get back home, it smells the earth, intoxicating the little head, will soon explode into green grass, somewhere in the distance. my sun is waiting for me, which means i need to return home, somewhere in the distance my sun is waiting for me, which means i need to return home.
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a lot has fallen to our lot, i want peace in the silence, there what is mine awaits me far away sun. so i'll be there soon.
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bravo, viktor tikhonovich came to us from the city of novoshakhtensk, and the rostov region, a very emotional original song that you wrote, such words as it was born, tell us who this song is dedicated to, impressions were not collected, let’s say, not right away, here there was a final push, but we took one out. “i live on the border with the lugansk region, in general this happens here, but he suffered, guy, to be honest,
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five hospitals couldn’t get the shrapnel out, but in the end, that’s where he was wounded, in his hand, well, there’s no piece of bone , that’s basically it, but still, thank god, he got to vladikavkaz, and there after all”... they pulled out the fragments, now his fingers are already working, yesterday we called with him, well done, in general, everything is there , and where did you cross paths with him, i just met him from the train, he was coming from the hospital, well , this station is 70 km from me, we went for him, picked him up, brought him home, his wife fed, naturally there, well, all the household chores, sat, talked, while we were talking, right here...
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the bag, well, and naturally it’s heavy and a sleeping bag, well, a winter one, all this is hard , in general, i listen, we can help, it’s okay, i myself, i’m on injections, it’s obvious, well , in general, a good person, tell me, you wrote this song about that, how he was going home to his family, and he heard it, you presented it to him, of course, literally on... a few days later i sent it to him, he naturally sent it to all his friends and to the fronts, and in general this song somehow
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it quickly received a reaction, they began to sing it in hospitals, at the front they sing, it’s possible, it’s possible, that is , it turns out that after that ten-hour meeting in your house, you never crossed paths with him again, that is, the song was born, that’s all , no, well, just yesterday he called. i’m very glad, by the way , i said hello to you on the show, i’m very glad that i got here, and with this song, see you, we’ll definitely see you, he’ll come to burdenko for the next operation, i’ll catch up, we ’ll definitely see each other, of course, but i want to say , that the meeting will happen much earlier, because evgeny is here today, he heard the performance of this song, and he is backstage, now... "let's meet the person who influenced the birth of this melody, my dear, hello my dear,
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my dear, thank you. for such a surprise , thank you so much, good evening everyone , did you expect that meeting at the station and drinking tea at viktor tikhonovich’s house would turn everything in his soul, that a song would be born thanks to meeting you, to be honest , no, i didn’t i didn’t expect it, first of all, there seemed to be a different situation , it wasn’t the same, well, after i... visited victor’s house, went home, so i thought about it for a long time, remembered our meeting, meeting with his family, communication
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, because well... big, very kind, sympathetic, i mean, well done, very friendly family, and i don’t know how to dance, yes, we have a person who can learn when, well, tell me a little about yourself, and how did you end up in the siberian federal district, well, i ’m from the city of seversk, tomsk region,
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i worked in a large company, as a delivery driver for...
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i also covered me with your back, that is, in addition to my hand, if if it weren’t for the sergeant major, my guts would have flown, roughly speaking, well, that’s it, and after that we were naturally kicked out of there, they put you on medical equipment and sent you to the hospital, that is, thanks to the commander , yes, thanks to the commander, you can also say the commander covered his back. and what is the commander’s call sign, if anything so that they would convey zhora there, and your family was worried about you, your family was naturally very worried, all your loved ones, all your relatives, everyone was very worried, honey, viktor tikhonovich came up with this, or is that what you call your wife , no, that’s what i call mine, he
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calls his wife that, but we just talked with him, talked about families, well, my house is located 16 km from the border literally from the first days, i was there almost every day and i began to write notes to her when i left. there is sunshine and well, it stuck, and what do you call yours , sunshine and dear, can you show a photo of your sunshine, it turns out that your story formed the basis of the song, yes of course, you can say hello to her from moscow , you see. so the hand, well, the hand is more or less recovering, i’m still waiting for an extreme operation to restore the hand and bones, because half of the bones there are missing, it’s all taken cartilage, the cartilage must be removed so that the blood circulation is normal, and so that the hand functions naturally, well, after hospitalization, rehabilitation, back into battle,
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and what do they sing there, tell us in general, do they sing there, listen to concerts. they come , well, and so in the evenings you sit, sing soulful songs, music, lately, yes, yes, music makes itself felt a lot, well , lately i’ve been kind of communicating with the guys, i ’ll call you on the phone, many listen to victor’s songs, honey it’s in the forefront of everyone’s mind, it kind of boosts one’s confidence in themselves, the confidence that they are expected at home, and they are slowly pulling them out. i want to say yesterday i was in astori at a concert and my mother came up to me and said my son for some reason couldn’t come up, maybe he’s not able to, he’s 7 years old, his name is vanya, he says: here you can transfer it to program, when you are , he writes such notes, he himself burns it all on like a house, it’s written, a hero, each of us has our own path, there are ups and downs,
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but happy is the one who says thank you to god for every day. i read the letter, i love reading your letters, this white leaf warms me in the trench, and i
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know, beloved, of course you will wait, wait for me, keeping your loyalty for me, i believe you, i trust you. i know, i hear you, my heart sings, i remember you, and i dream, we will be together, my happiness, the test of war, my heart squeezes in my chest with pain, let the road be difficult... but you still go to the goal, test separation strengthens our castle of love, you live, you just
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live, i believe you, i know you, i hear you, my heart sings, i remember you. and i dream, we will be together, my happiness, premiere on rtr, i policeman, you are now threatening me with a weapon, put down the gun, it’s murder again, he shot at a man, he was detained for... that the policeman martanov himself wanted to kill him, but do you really see me? unfortunately, you too, get out of my bath immediately. anna medium, on monday on rtr. every time i
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cry, it's very hard to remember. she went into her house, sat down on the floor and said: i ’ll stay. here the military had to be made aware that animals were simply dying there, donetsk was being shelled very heavily, but we decided out of spite, to have a wedding, the main thing is that we are together, ours, ours don’t abandon ours, from monday to thursday on rtr, we watch, love is when you look in one direction, look, look, look, if you want to look, look, let 's look, look, well, look at the screen, look at me , understand, look, look, sign the agreement, we sign at the same time for one, two, three,
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sign, look, look, maybe we'll go to my place, just watch a movie, there was no sadness , the woman bought a piglet, wait, start it pet and life will never be the same again, it will put everyone in the mood, it’s an incredibly charming face that you forgive everything, they don’t get bored at all, well, then i clean up, i ’m not bored either, because each of them is a real star, a secret of dreams, like you did you agree? at first they shoved in a red snake , our hearts sank, you are the most understanding program about animals, among friends, among
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friends, a program for the whole family, on saturdays on rtr, russia, traditional. modern, technological, original, open, great, so different, but dear to everyone. all of russia is before your eyes, come to the international exhibition forum russia, we can handle it, i will do everything to get you out of here, look at the weekend, what’s going on in the city, suddenly it’s not the son of a millionaire, so that means this bastard’s closest mother is?
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don’t scare me, i’m not afraid of you, you still have time to get scared, that ’s what they call it, and my future wife, very nice, got out of here, i’m still at home, i’m also at home, when life is one continuous black stripe, you need try to get out of it, as an apology, let me i’ll take you to the hospital, i’ll buy you a new bike, as an apology , leave me alone
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for what many people use, the strongest love for the game is the five-on -one program, i hop, five-on-one on saturdays on rtr, good sunday to everyone again evening, thank you for gathering in front of your tv screens, unique destinies, incredible stories. the most heartfelt songs in our
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program, now our guest alexander glodkov will perform a song for us on the occasion, good people, alexander mikhailovich, came to us from orenburg region. the weather has improved in my soul today and you and i know the reason, again the eternal sky, like youth, gave the heart restlessness and languishes with happiness.
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your sand and the dawn are as if in amber , all your wishes will come true, if there is a holiday on the calendar, happy holiday, happy holiday, good people, live with life on earth, in reserve , let there be an hour, and there will be no grief, happy holiday, happy happy holiday to you, happy holiday, happy holiday to you, let there be happiness and no sorrow, happy holiday to you, happy holiday pastas, tenderness and love. today we celebrate, lights
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distant calls, words that are suggested to us by our hearts, how flowers will one day sprout, let sometimes the sun frown over us, thin ice shines under the sun , there will be a holiday on our street, and the path of happiness will find us, let there be happiness, but there will be no grief, happy holiday, happy holiday to you, happy holiday, happy holiday to you, let there be happiness and
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no sorrow, happy holiday to you, happy holiday to you. good people are in decline, they will live their lives on earth, in reserve, may there be happiness, and
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there will be no sorrow, happy holiday, happy holiday to you, happy holiday, happy holiday to you, may there be happiness will. there will be, but there will be no sorrow, happy holiday to you, happy holiday, happy holiday to you , happy holiday, orenburg region, village of grigoryevka, alexander mikhailovich glodkov came to us, i work in a cultural center, artistic director. 40 3 years god , but despite all this positivity that you give, now during the performance there were tears in your eyes, well, yes, and i know why you shared your story with us before
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the program, let's listen, attention, good !
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i experience this pain with him together, i often have to pretend, it happens that sasha he picks up an instrument, starts playing the button accordion, singing or the guitar, and i go into another room, cry, i think that i haven’t had time to do much yet, well, i thought to my son, i said that i want to have time for my grandson. teach on the harmonica, but i think faith in god helps to control oneself, as often happens, when
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trouble comes, a person begins to believe even stronger. in our church there is an icon of the great martyr, pontimon, they say that this saint helps to heal. "i believe that this will help me, i try to keep myself cheerful, as they say, of course, after two more than a year of chemotherapy, my strength has noticeably weakened a little, but i continue to live, help my wife as much as i can, there’s no escape, there’s no turning back, i had a dream to attend andrei malakhov’s show, to meet him, well, it’s coming true. the best medicine for me is the presence of loved ones next to me. i don’t know how long we have, but i believe that we will be together until the end. let's do good, let the whiskey
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be dusted, we lived on the earth, we lived in vain, let's do good, let the whiskey be spoiled, we lived on the earth, we lived, we... thank you, i think we all now wish you great health, many people live with this diagnosis for many, many years, when they have faith in themselves, faith in god, you know, because you are like that.
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i would also like to say today to my grandson stepan, my son’s son turned 6 years old, he too, when they live alone in the city of orenburg and i live in a village in our grigoryevka, that is, when he comes, grandfather , take me to the kuren, i take him, there he dances for tourists, waves his sabers gnogaykoy here in the city he is a laureate of three international
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the people hid the frames when i froze from the depth of words, why do you love beautiful girls, their love is constant, why do you
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love beautiful girls, their love is fickle, the dream is decisive, the bezhak is thrown, kaza. i had enough strength behind my pride, i told him all the best, but he didn’t ask for forgiveness, i told him, all the best, but he... don’t ask for forgiveness, thank you, soliletka,
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hello, thank you, everyone, girls, thank you, all the best they will agree with me that in many ways a man’s fate depends on what kind of woman is with him nearby, that’s why we talk all the time today about love, about men, about fidelity, but i want to talk about women, i want to remember this old song of mine, me and... lerochka, now a little, not touchable, well, in a quiet city, far away , where the daisy childhood rang like a bell , where the river floated at my feet, there were boys and girls, those who lived next door, they always laughed at me, don’t touch me... was, don’t touch, don’t touch, they all reflected me in
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childhood, not to touch, not to touch, they still shout after me. don't touch, don't touch, the heart is just waiting for something, but you can’t command the heart, as people say, well , now, now we will all be immersed in the resort atmosphere together, because...
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the bombina song. i remembered my youth, go away, don’t write, don’t call, forget my name. i’ve already seen you with someone else, and not long ago with others, this means that it’s all over, and there will be no return, and for us, for you, for me, our breakup is not a loss, chowbankina
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, bombina, i stopped loving you, no need i need you more, marina, ciao bombina, ciao bunbina, i stopped loving you, i don’t need you anymore, marina , you say that you understand everything, but i know , i know, he rejects himself, i choose others for love, so forget everything, love whoever
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you want from now on, but i know that the heart... very soon will cool down, chow banbina, i stopped loving you, i don’t need you anymore, marina, ciao banbina, ciao banbina, i stopped loving you, i don’t need you. how’s the mood, great, great, let’s all sing together, remember the words, ciao bombina, don’t need
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anything else, well, let’s go? marina, thank you, we were back then, and the earrings fell off, but here it is, after the program we usually collect, thank you,
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good evening, tell us where your career began, it all started in the head. blow the city of melius, well, before everything was somehow like cassettes scattered around these stalls, somehow it was quickly picked up and became popular. literally in the blink of an eye, that is, a video has been preserved from those years when this song was broadcast on music television channels, attention, don’t go, don’t write, don’t call, don’t forget my name, i’ve already seen you in others, and recently in others, this it means that it’s all over and...
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the group has three soloists, which means it’s still a transition from soviet via to pop groups, well, in general , the group worked in the electropop style, it’s no longer emotional, you are emotional, your performance today is much more credible to you, i don’t need you anymore, each of us could somewhere. that is, at the same time the group could work in may, that is, three compositions and all the songs were popular and quickly it all spread out, and just as quickly it seemed to all end, and how did you end up in sochi now as vyacheslav pribrezhny, in general i am vyacheslav timofeev, but i moved to sochi at the beginning of 2000, when i started releasing the first album. it turned out that vyacheslavov timofeevov, vladislavov timofeev, and i remembered about this pseudonym, this is the only copy, but
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many famous artists began their careers in sochi, and what they ask you to perform most often is from such a popular repertoire at the vladimir central. spring has come again, and the rays of warmth, looking trustingly out of my window, will again tighten my chest, sadness will creep into my soul, and all of me will go from memory. will go and stir up and sin together, with that girl that
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he loved so long ago, with that girl she came, with that she left as a girl, i don’t have enough strength to forget her, i don’t have enough strength, all together three times. vladimir turdral this will live on the heart for the heavy load vladimir central is northern when i told you life is exchanged, but it’s not the point that usually tans , but the 11th.
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hello everyone, i’m so glad that you all came , that you’re all sad, we’re having a holiday, we ’re getting a divorce, the train is just bye bye, everything is leaving, the last chance to look at the bandwagon, when a friend’s advice no longer helps... , who is my ex-husband, a specialist is taking over the case, inga, your husband is also a brute, no, she is not is sick, she needs to start her personal life from scratch, learn to accept love as a miracle, for cunts, excuse me, for what, for those present here there? hello, whose things are these? we have nowhere to live, enter closed on
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friday on rtr.
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and this is a female corpse earned, stop, stop, stop, no one is going anywhere...
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vasnetsova will be on rtr soon, this is the news of the week and i am dmitry kiselyov, watch on sunday, there is something that unites us all.
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and impoverished albania is placing a new nato base among its old bunkers. paranoia was spreading at the rate of 60 bunkers per day and built at the rate of one bunker for four. war psychosis amid loud protests throughout europe. i think this is a very important day for america, this is a very important day for freedom. where should i go? this way,
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sir, this way. do you know where i need to go? you need to go straight there, sir, why is ukraine at the center of the fight between biden and trump for the presidency, look who left? mr. putin will receive nice surprises on the battlefield. what will victoria nullat be remembered for and what surprises the moscow region today? there are two such days a year, august 31st to thursday. jack's aha to cultural discoveries. here even a sophisticated viewer will find something to admire and be surprised by. news of the week with dmitry kiselyov, today on rtr. once again , good sunday evening everyone, on air the songs continue their work with all their hearts. and now our guest marina atlasova will appear on our national stage, who will perform a song by lyudmila mikheeva, call children to mothers.
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let's meet her. children call their mothers, they pray for you and go to church so that the lord can hear what. helped you not to stray from the righteous paths, call, come, mothers are waiting, children are for you... they live, they want to hug you, sometimes, even for at least an hour not to be alone, remember that mothers are always waiting for the long-awaited
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call from you, you find a minute for them, call , children, call, remember that mother... are always waiting for this long-awaited call, you find a moment for them, call, children, call, the years fly by very quickly, just as the snow melts in the spring, so your mothers grow old, so let the bells ring yours will keep them warm, and if the neighbors ask how yours are, mom knows what to tell them, well done, they called in the morning, even if you
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forgot about them, remember that mothers are always waiting for the long-awaited call from you. find a moment for them, call, children, call, remember that mothers are always waiting for the long-awaited call from you, find a moment for them, call, children, call, the main thing is to be on time. so that they don’t have to regret it later, warm their lives with warmth, the mother is the main one, after all, let them appreciate their wives with joy, and let
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them all live long, and let the heavenly angels protect you, for you, let their hearts not hurt. remember that mothers are waiting always, a long-awaited call from you, you find a minute for them, call, children, call, na-na. remember that mothers are always waiting for the long-awaited call from you, you find a minute for them,
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call, children, call, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, this is a direct call to everyone now during advertising to dial their mothers, so, republic of mordovia, village tarasovo, and how did you end up in this village, were you born there, no, i was born in the same area in otyashevskoye, in mordovia, before in soviet times they were sent in the direction, here i am you were sent to the village of tarasovo, you are still working as a teacher, and that’s how... i arrived, i was walking down the street, there was no one, i found a school , i went in, the director came to the school from the area on a motorcycle, there was a woman, the driver was there, she invited me, you know how to conduct in front of the choir , i say, i can do it, let’s take it, and we’ve still been in front of
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the choir for 35 years, conducting, working with children, well, let’s go to your village and see how you’ve lived there all these years? this is our school, the village of tarasovo, they have been working at this school for 35 years, hello guys, sit down, i work as a primary school teacher , we don’t see each other in class , unfortunately, we have two or three people in each class, we have 16 kids at school, notebooks are checked, of course, every day, so our kids can do this . i can’t come to school, i don’t really like studying, i have to get up at 7:00 in the morning, i don’t get enough sleep, every day there are four lessons and every day they ask for homework... i can’t go out to school, they’ll call my parents right away, we’re people soviet, we want
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to maintain soviet discipline, everyone to school they wear uniforms, our girls wear aprons, and the boys wear jackets , as expected, after work i rush home, of course , to another job, there’s a cow, a sheep waiting at home, our little cow’s name is belladonna, she gives 25 liters of milk a day, you have your milk? we've moved away, but we still try to help them, i have a hand-made one, it's been passed down from generation to generation in our family . my husband and i have three children, even if they 're a generation old, built in 1947, even the inscription here is still there, i twist it, i turn it and the oil turns out, in the village... no way, it’s ours homemade, it’s better, this is my mother-in-law,
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vera sergeevna, she’s 83 years old, vera sergeevna is very dear to me, she raised my children, raised me while i was at work and never said that it was hard for me, that moment has come, when i need to take care of my mother, i didn’t feel sorry for myself, i tried everything for us, you can’t help but call her mom, more than mom for us, a familiar voice is heard across the river , and they sing all night long kusalavi, zarika cheryomu how to ski, dissolving. its petals, flooding,
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familiar, a voice is heard and sings all night biting, a familiar voice is heard across the river, and i sing all night myself.
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thank you very much, a big greeting to everyone from belarus from brest, stanislav stepanovich, i’m telling you straight, you practically whistled the spring, you know, where did you learn that, learned it, well , how you learned it, learned it from childhood, how would i take it, try it with harmony.
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before the end of the program, all this will disappear, oops, these are the things, actress sofia helkova, today the whole evening is with us, but we have already heard your impressions, i really regret that i didn’t take my mother with me, i’m sitting here watching, i i understand that you, well, you are real people, this is a real pie, this is not a prop, and such energy comes from everyone, and you are so pure and kind, well, sing something. i want to sing yuri visbor’s song, i sing it for my mother. no, there is a more beautiful and wiser remedy for anxiety than the night song of shin, a long, long, gray
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thread, from trampled roads, that we singe the wounds of the soul. don’t believe in the separation, old man, their circle is only a dream, other times will come to her, my friend , you believe, there is no road, the road has an end, but its result, the roads are difficult, but worse without expensive the roads are difficult, but worse without roads , the roads are difficult, but worse without roads, such tenderness and warmth in the performance, simply
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magical, and we found a little pogoryansky, friends from the volgograd region, from the city of nikolaevsk, how do you like it today? no words , no words, so many emotions, indeed, everyone here has their own hobbies besides music , tell us about yours, but if you are talking about 30 hectares of watermelon fields, yes, you are the watermelon queen, the queen of the fields, how did you decide to start growing watermelons, especially 30 hectares, friends, you understand, this needs to be collected and process, or rather. not just 30 hectares , but 30 hectares of irrigated land, this is generally of great importance for those who understand how many tons you collect, more than 100 thousand, wow, wow, okay, well, let’s say that you probably don’t have time to sell everything in or
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some part, what are you doing with them, jam, i brought you a soaked watermelon today, well, let's try it.
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loneliness to distant lands, along snow-white paths, my gentle insomnia comes to me, on soft paws like a cat and a glazed path, so that no one knows, will fill the world with secrets, spirits and sunrises and it will become... warm, and it’s a pity for you i’m not a wife, i’m crazy about you, your love for me
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is tender, what a pity for you i’m not a wife, and it’s a pity for you that i’m not a wife, but god, how tender i am, and i'm driving you crazy. and what a pity for you i’m not jeanne wow we fly we melt we repent again we swear that we are no longer together, but you dial the number yourself and somehow it turns out, we are waiting for a new meeting in this too... denmark is burning with a blue flame, the historians are lying, i know it’s so wrong , but still you’re
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not completely head over heels in love, but it’s a pity i’m not wife, i'm crazy about you, your love for me is tender, what a pity for you i... wife, and it's a pity for you i'm not a wife, but god, how tender i am, and i 'm driving you crazy, what a pity for you i’m not a wife, what a pity, friends, but the time for our program has come! by the end, have a good evening everyone, take care of yourself and your loved ones, see you next sunday, don’t switch,
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now i’m no longer a wife, thai news reports the death of thirty-five-year-old russian woman alla gospirovich, the official version is that she accidentally fell from a concrete parapet, in our the editorial office rang, the friend of the deceased said that alla’s death was not accidental, she was killed, on the day of her death alla recorded a voice message: if this happens to me now, i will be killed. our film crew, together with the mother of the deceased, went to the peninsula to conduct their own investigation. malakhov, on monday on rt. we bought a dress for prom, new , beautiful shoes, everything is fine, but fate is not...
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people like you are performing a very important task, women, war, without women we will not win, today on rtr, love is when you look in one direction , look, look, look, you want
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to look, look, let's look, look, well, look at the screen, look, no, carefully, look, look, agreement, sign, we sign simultaneously for 1, 2, three , let's sign up , let's see, let's see, maybe we'll go to my place, just watch a movie, the president's big trip to the south. regions of the country, about important things, in detail, this is the news of the week and i am dmitry kiselev, good evening, watch now.


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