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tv   Vesti nedeli  RUSSIA1  March 10, 2024 8:00pm-10:01pm MSK

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but after the meeting, putin separately and non-publicly asked about the problems and called the minister. such a successful company certainly deserves special support, including this one. when every employee wants a photo, then photographers should see everything, and even such a photo, attention. and
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behind them their leader, wait, it seems to him, unnoticed, begins to urgently look for a felt-tip pen, because he also came up with the idea of ​​asking the president to sign the company banner, and of course. presidential motorcade in the stavropol region everyone was photographed, but whether there will be a stop depends only on putin. the village of solnichnoy-dolsk. vladimir vladimirovich, hello, thank you very much.
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many people managed to take such photos here , it works, works great, shoot such videos, yours is great, ours is very great, and putin was asked this week if he has a smart device, for example, from sberbank, why do i need sberbank, if we have is there a collection leader who is always in touch, connected and close? minister and governors on the development of southern russia, a necessary project for... and also
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the president had a meeting with the head of magathe, three different cities, one after another, in 3 days , sports, you need to do sports, i practically exclude alcohol, i definitely try not to drink strong drinks, a very good hardening procedure, hot ice board, contrast baths, the most effective means of hardening was still a boy, we didn’t even have a war, it was in a communal apartment, but nevertheless... i went out into the yard, wiped myself with snow in winter, i do this almost every day, if there are no baths nearby, then i make cold hot by the way, i recommend the shower, it ’s such a simple, but effective procedure in my opinion, it supports the immune system a little, well, that’s probably all , i’ve been doing a contrast shower for six months, but that’s right, well , i turned the hot cold water on and off, not yet there’s nothing complicated, it’s a big deal, once or twice. 34 carpets, a new palace, samba in
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krasnodar, the height of training, asked around and checked. well, the young athletes, of course, even had them with them during training. smartphones urgently fixed everything, and of course, they also asked, let’s get the next one faster already about individual photos, but there are several dozen athletes here. it's good for two too, isn't it? the presidential brainchild is demonstrating new successes. at sirius university , the skyscraper library, which wants to give us here for the presidential library a book about unique plants, a fighter in the pale, vast russia. we had a statesman who said this: russia is a country that is directly
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controlled by god, because if this is not so, it is unclear how it even exists, that’s the first part. i agree, russia - a country that is directly ruled by god. as for the second part, my experience already suggests that russia exists thanks to the russians and other peoples inhabiting this vast territory, thanks to their talent, devotion to their country, confidence in the future, in the future of our children. pavel, what is known about the president’s schedule for the next week? it is clear that the key moment is coming for everyone. political week. putin next week, how the whole country will participate in voting in the russian presidential elections, how exactly, so far it is unknown whether at a polling station or online, both
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options are possible in moscow now, but the rest of the week will be very busy. everything can be done. putin will hold a meeting with the winners of the russian leadership competition. self-realization is impossible without serving people, without serving the fatherland. in the presidential schedule of meetings with the cabinet of ministers, members of the security council in the era of information storms, when tons of unverified and unnecessary information fall upon you, subscribe to the zarubin telegram channel in order to know about the most important the main and interesting things, well , we will show more of the rest only in our program. thank you pavel, as always, we will see you in a week, but i don’t say goodbye to the audience, after a short pause, i’m waiting for you in the studio on sunday evening.
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western leaders keep their mouths shut about defending themselves. then you understand that just when we said that a person practically from the bottom could achieve the highest positions in the state, that is, in essence it was, especially in the initial period, of course, a meritocracy, when people achieved everything thanks to their human and professional qualities, which , speaking seriously, is much closer to the ideals
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of ancient greece, as an ideal form of government, than all other transformed forms, the departure of large capital, which we see now in the west, the rule... of mob rule, ahlocracy, which is much closer to the idea of ​​classical modern democracy, but this is so, to terms, because this game of terms is sometimes misleading, why did i even begin to talk about this topic, i was in avdiivka for the second weekend in a row, every time, when i hear all these arguments about a colossally cruel, unprecedented , brutal war, then... which the west utters, it surprises me, well, how can you lie like that, official data from un structures says that during the war 10 people died in ukraine a small thousand civilians, this is in 2 years, from october to march
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, 30 thousand palestinians have already died in israel. but the west pretends that everything is fine, doesn’t even talk about colossal cruelty, by and large saying, so what, but russia makes some claims, that’s what i’m what struck me in ovdeevka was that...
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it’s not that important, the french are now preparing themselves for a high-intensity conflict in europe, with whom? what the ukrainians are like to us and how the commander of the legendary brigade said, by the way, which received the title of guards, deservedly, who fought the way to avdeevka, kamenevo call sign, next to him stood another great military leader there, call sign crimea. they say that they can’t stand it, but when it comes to shooting combat, close combat,
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the ukrainians can’t stand it, they can only ours, for which the french want to prepare, because they think they will sing songs and dance the cancan cheerfully, there is zero chance, some incomprehensible russophobic mongrels began to yap something about...
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russia, the us president, in an address to congress , yells, that everyone should oppose putin, that is, putin really doesn’t give him peace. americans are now wondering what drugs they pumped biden into, that he was so angry and aggressive, and what could such a confrontation lead to? why do they demand this? why is the war with russia the most important? if you look at the numbers or at
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the map, it is not obvious that russia would become america's main enemy. there are other candidates. maybe it's because russia is the largest christian country in the world? maybe because they profit from the war? this is definitely true. there may be other reasons. we can guess, but we don't have to. because we know that the war against russia will not be the only one in which.
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"look, don't make the mistake that america made, america made the mistake, we pursued benlan until we eliminated him, but we shouldn't have gone into ukraine, that is, we should n't have gone into iraq and afghanistan, there was no need for that, there was no need for that, it just created more problems in the race, than it helped, my grandfather told the truth , really by accident, and egovich is for this, although on the other hand, these things are not connected, he is real." yes, yes, he is a strange man , the way trump mocks him, this is just separate, trump is just thinks biden is an idiot.
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you know, putin is now talking about nuclear weapons and do you know why? because he knows that the president of the united states is an idiot. if you think about it, there would be no inflation, there would be no attack on israel, there would be no attack on ukraine involving russia. russia-ukraine, this would never have happened. everything joe biden touches turns to crap. all. listen, european bastards
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, you are all idiots who imposed sanctions against almost everyone who is here now, and you insist that you will not impose sanctions against trump, trump says much more than what he said any of those present here, why are you freaking out, cheer up the european pathetic nazi mongrels, cheer up your american-ness. - raise your owner’s paw, because you understand that he will come back to hit you over the head, screw you with quotas, take out sanctions, shmanks, you are complete thieves, nazi, pathetic, insignificant scum, well , this is so that you don’t forget who they are there is for us, alexander mikhailovich, i really want to immediately support this tone by saying that well
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, we will deal with scumbags again, i would like to use this contrast, what you have devoted attention. americans and europeans, say a few words about what was touched upon with you on your program related to the president’s message, look, the topic of demography, what a contrast this is, they are discussing what else to do against us, and the president is talking about that demography is now almost a goal, the immediate goal of the future development of our country, and let's see what needs to be done in order to achieve this goal as quickly as possible, although this is a complex process, here we are... discussing that monetary policy, she gets a lot, of course, the new monetary policy, it will help us move on to solving many many problems facing our country, i will talk about this a little below, but we have already said enough about this here, but the problem is that we, in addition to monetary credit policy, there are many more topics that probably require, well, adjustments, let’s put it this way, because here there is the concept of the housing issue, but not quite
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the correct formulation of the question, why, excuse the taftology, the topic of the housing issue, it should rather ... transform not into the topic of building square meters, but into the topic of creating sufficient conditions under which demography would acquire a positive trend, and would begin to return to what, in fact, was said more than once. moreover, we are talking about a comfortable living environment that extends beyond just individual regions. here are statistics, world statistics show that urbanization, that is, concentration in cities, leads to the fact that, unfortunately, the birth rate is falling. and i will tell you i can say that. even our enemies , the americans, they were faced with this idea, with this problem even before the second world war, when, with a coefficient of expressibility of 3.5, they suddenly, intensively developing cities, were faced with the fact that... then the coefficient dropped to 2.5 immediately after the second world war, they announced a program for one-story america, they immediately increased the inverse coefficient to 3-5
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, which means that today, in principle , similar processes, according to surveys, 2/3 of the population would like to live on the land, but on on the ground, not just on the ground, on the ground comfortable, provided with industrial infrastructure connected with electricity , light and so on, and most importantly with social infrastructure... allowing us to talk about equalizing the standard of living in the regions, look, in moscow, when we often talk about or high prices per square meter , we must understand that this is actually virtual, virtual reality, why, because people overpay for the fact that there is a lack of quality here, unfortunately, moscow, yes, this cannot be compared with another region, therefore, developing quality in moscow there is not a shortage of quality, no, in moscow there are shortages compared to other regions, moscow is a unique entity where people buy. they overpay for the deficit, they overpay for quality, for quality, yes, well, the deficit is not in moscow, but the deficit in the country, and moscow today,
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therefore, and the faster we develop the quality of life in other regions under it, the more it will decrease price here and develop, accordingly the tendency is that housing under construction will tend to reducing the cost per square meter in other regions, the main thing for us here is to move on to the topic here... related to the following: we also have a unique situation in russia, 98% of housing under construction is paid for by the population themselves, this is generally a unique phenomenon, why, because in many countries there are various funds , states participate to a lesser extent, we also need to go in this direction, let’s see what it is in terms of childbearing, well, 18, 18 45 years were also discussed here, this is the period when a person is ready to not only start a family, but also... children, so when you and i look at a young man or a young girl of 24-25 years old, who requires additional documents to obtain a mortgage, there
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let alone a preferential mortgage, what they can provide, they do not yet have a formed professional status, that is, they do not have sufficient wages , and so on and so forth, it turns out that today we must understand that they need something completely different approach to solution gall problem, and by the way, one of the options for this is due to the fact that the state needs to create, it is necessary to create a huge fund of rental housing, which would allow these young people to form a family, based on the fact that they can rent from the state and i know to live for a long time , even for free, a huge housing fund , called a barracks, a young officer gets housing with his family, all the infrastructure, isn’t that right, well, in the civilian sphere, the ideal in the civilian sphere can be done of a different quality and... we live, we live on the threshold giant, we we entered the era of wars, this just
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needs to be clearly understood and the country needs to be rebuilt for this, well, yes, well, i’m just talking about this , why am i talking, here is the experience of the army, for example, in creating high-quality towns there, where there are no, you just need to understand in what at this stage, we officers can do the same, why not do it next to large factories, the military-industrial complex, that is, well , essentially this is it. the soviet era was close and that’s how it was, we just need to get away from the soviet idea of ​​what the living conditions of an officer’s dormitory were, well yes, well, the officers' dormitory is more precise, well, i would still like to have a wonderful fund in the civil sector, even the mortgage itself also requires adjustments, so our financial block says that there is 6-8%, this is even a preferential mortgage, well, let's calculate 5 million rubles, let's say. the cost of an apartment is 300 months, if we take out a twenty-five-year mortgage, and we come to the conclusion that based on this mortgage, plus interest of 8%, we put a person before
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having to pay 50,000 rubles per month, well , this is quite a large amount, based on the median salary that we are seeing today, if we make 2%, this will significantly reduce it by half practically and make this very mortgage affordable, but you and i must understand that construction must still follow the path of qualitative change, we must understand that today for... are excluded from the economy, they are useless, and we must make sure that these resources become
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accessible, as... can be done, any resource arose becomes accessible economically when there is, relatively speaking, electricity, water, light , roads and people, in general, the state is not a corporation, because it is in the corporation that people are perceived or can appear as, well , an essential factor or costs that need to be reduced in this case if we strive to obtain maximum profit, so we are talking about state influence on this process of setting state tasks related to the fact that people are just for the state there are no extra people, if you remember the history in general and compare europe and russia, then in general, in fact , the formation of these first cities was connected with the fact well, there is a church, and a market and production , and if you look at europe, then most often people who could produce something were concentrated there within the framework of these fences, the majority of the population was outside this, the russian formation, that on a completely different principle, the area in front of the church is difficult to plow and sow, so yes, if you
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occupy. farming you need to be behind the walls, right? yes, but for the russian principle of formation , any person who was born by god was important, well, which is intended by god to exist, so people have always treated everyone, even to those who could not work there, they still supported them with a common peace and so on. mikhailovich himself, you have a somewhat idealistic idea of ​​what is russian, with all due respect it was very different, let’s just say politely, well, it was very different, well... in any case, returning to the current period and the solution to the demographic problem, of course, you need to understand that today, when i say that a lot needs to be changed, this is not means that we criticize this industry, in fact, huge efforts have been made by the construction segment, and business, and even financially, which support, but why does a square meter cost so much money? - because today uh there is - today the one who builds, the developer, he uh pays for everything, and
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above all for the infrastructure. moreover , housing infrastructure and social infrastructure, and we must change the situation when the state must bear the costs associated with this, too, we, that is, we will pay it out of our taxes pay, it doesn’t matter, that is , in order for someone to get cheap housing somewhere, the whole country must take it and pay for the state task, if this is the task of state development, the state must take over, it’s still us, but the state takes over costs, it’s still us, the state has no other money.
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and why does it cost so much, who decided, and who owns it, of course, immediately the second one, and why does it cost so much to install gas, install electricity, and whose interest lies there, and why such crazy money that it was necessary from the level of the president to raise questions in order to spend how much, well, any person who has encountered this, what kind of project to create, some hundreds of thousands, are you even sick or what, what projects are you putting together for that kind of money, who is stupid enough to include this , after that you start watching, and why?
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also applies for a loan, with such bank interest rates this does not work, money must turn into the same resource as electricity, water, gas, and become an element accessible to both the developer and the person who acquires this, when we talk to you about the fact that the state must intervene today , take responsibility, it should not stimulate not demand, but supply, we must take on the risk of the liquidity of this housing, when we talk about the fact that the state is obliged , it looks forward if the business in the... construction sector earns a profit and this is normal for business, but for the state there are other tasks that go beyond the horizon of 20-30 years, these are social obligations, this is development, this in the end, the return, excuse me, i ’ll ground everything, well, mariupol needs to be rebuilt , now avdiivka will need to be rebuilt, at some point in time artyomovtsy needs to be rebuilt, which, donetsk, which, luhansk, there is a terrible housing shortage there, which private business will do do this, you answered the
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question. introduce all resources into economic circulation, including human ones, i can’t even understand this wording, where to get the money, as a result of a special military operation, four territories of crimea returned to us, their in general, someone
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transferred the cash equivalent, that’s all that’s there, that is, in theory, our money supply should have grown multiple times, that’s it, but so, excuse me, of course, if it’s there, but we act as if today, we’re not, we distributed it and it works. money supply to these territories, thereby limiting the possibility of development of other regions, look, to finish with this topic, i wanted to say, if we look at the fact that today the public debt, its servicing there already reaches almost 2 trillions, this is the same problem, only from the other side, but it’s time for the financial bloc to say long ago, listen, well, if this is government debt, it’s from one pocket to another, but you stop issuing from the federal law at a yield of 12-14%, that’s us what are we paying for? i understand when there is interest and you overpay to the same banks that they are risking something.
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we have been working for 30 years, i don’t want to theoretically develop this thesis now, but i will say, there are budgetary things that the state, at least first of all, is obliged to solve, for example, the military, you said about housing for the military, about housing for young specialists, i’ll give you, or did you agree on democracy and cited meritocracy there and the early years of the combination of soviet power, not only the early years, in the eighties i came to a city of almost a million, where i didn’t know a single person . 3 years later i was a deputy of the city council, it depended on you whether you created opportunities for yourself for this elevator, or my brother-in-law and my sister were there, which means he graduated from the cherepovets school , came to transbaikalia there, immediately got
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an apartment in the military garrison, and that same one the exchange fund that you are talking about now, alexander mikhailovich, is absolutely correct, but then they went to germany, they also received a garrison there, they arrived and came back, there are two children there. another apartment , there is nothing unsolvable here, but what i liked even more is you, when you keep stopping me about this, when i spoke on this topic several times, as a former employee of raes, you say why land is so expensive, why is electricity so expensive, why are energy resources so expensive for others, and i all the time i tried to talk about this here at the dawn of the existence of the post-soviet state.
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in order to solve these problems we cannot, yes, in the thirty-first year, they remembered vystalino now, he said, he seemed to have guessed, we need to run in 10 years so that we fall behind by 100 years, he seemed to have guessed this ten-year period. in the forty-first year, which ended, yes, it was necessary to carry out industrialization, and many other issues, to arm ourselves, at great costs, with some, that means, different costs, but i, returning to today's agenda, i must say that these two messages, which i listened to carefully, one message from our president, sitting in the hall, and the other message from the president of the united states, i read it quite carefully, as far as they are concerned...
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the business about which sometimes, you often say here, you say, but how will the state take over, and then it won’t collect taxes, but it will collect taxes, this is the whole point of the state, the existence of the state, we must do everything so that the people who live here, it was easier that they could work, give birth, have apartments, that was the meaning of existence.
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the best, it is clear that it seems that decide with the people how you talk, the people really want repression, in the event that this does not affect them, you understand, i’m telling you again, it’s not for nothing that the lpr and dpr in their name existed people’s, people’s, this is the people
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got up on his own, without you and me, they took all this, yes , you’re right, they took it, they stuffed it beyond their pockets, they said:
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and now the question is: why in moscow is a teacher’s salary 120 thousand, in buryat 20,000 , is this fair, i tell myself, for noting the message, of course not , it’s unfair, but maybe the state can solve it, and it is obliged to solve it, just like for the military, well, it’s a law, accept it, i’ve talked about this so many times in this studio he said that doctors and teachers cannot be district or provincial. of course, well, of course, why should a person suffer in his education, because he was born there, or something, because gazprom is here, well , gazprom is not here in my opinion, this violates the constitution, about everyone’s access to quality education, noting the message, i am speaking precisely in this regard, and several operational issues that you
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have already started talking about, macron, his hysteria, on the one hand, i have this thought, now proves to everyone that he is not married to a transgender person. generally go crazy , yes, when the president of the country makes an official denial, saying that his wife is not transgender, this is necessary if you react to even any gossip that, well, you don’t have children in the family, that you you show what demographics, well, macron has she has, she has, yes, she has children, in my opinion, the same age as him, she is not transgender, he is not, that means she is not transgender, although maybe later, it seems to me, macron doesn’t know, doesn’t know where. to accommodate his soldiers , who were asked from niger, from chad, ours quickly replaced these soldiers, he is trying to send them to armenia, but i see that there will be a war there in general, that is, they, well, as agerbaijan said, give us now six of these forces,
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armenians it seems to me that they have already played too much, they or should they should come to their senses in the near future time, because i always tell them. armenia was important in soviet times, nato and turkey were nearby. what do you want now, i say, what do you want from russia? in the nineties, we understood the seriousness of the situation for the same reason. now you say, get out russian, well, let’s leave, what will you do, what will you do, in principle it’s not so interesting for us to disperse. iran, on the one hand, turkey, azerbaijan and georgia on the other, and what will you do, what france, they can’t even fly there maybe even for us this problem was, well, okay, i’ll go back to macron, it seems to me that one person is ending the multi-thousand-year history
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of the statehood of the armenian people, well , i’m saying, why did i carefully tell volodya that maybe this game has been played too far. they are not fools, the armenians too, they, she is not harmless , she is playing it, recently we buried before our eyes the state that adopted christianity there in 300 is dying, officially ivanovishkova was buried recently, i played a gigantic role when the earthquake, a he and i went to armenia when pashinyan was running around the streets with this backpack of his. and nikolaich then said, i wouldn’t even hire him as a foreman to work at ural-mash. he was offended, he didn’t come to meet me then, i still had this meeting with him later and i told him:
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yes, absolutely right, you see, you say, medvedev said so, well, actually , a decision must be made, because we haven’t forgotten anything , we have not forgotten the eighteenth year, when the ambassadors hatched conspiracies, when the lord paid 1.5 million to the latvians, they refused, they raised this white bohemian uprising, we need to remove them, what will they do, remove, remove, remove immediately, just don’t interrupt.
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he feels that something is approaching its logical conclusion, and he wants, so to speak, to be among the winners, you know, as keitel once said, then he needs to come to our side, no, well, remember, keitel, these also defeated us, and here, how could we not end up, because in terms of the size of the assistance that france provided to...
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out loud, against this background, here in the american a very large number of articles appear in the media, and in publications that are by no means anti-biden, the wall street journal, the new york times, the quincy institute, and the wall street journal publishes an article on the new phase of the war in ukraine. which expresses, well, firstly, it states that russia is advancing along the entire section of the contact line,
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moreover, most likely, in the spring it will launch a decisive offensive and, so to speak, crush ukraine, ukraine lacks either shells or personnel , not only that, they failed to build a defense. although 800 million dollars have been allocated for this, but the trenches, which, so to speak, cannot be compared with our lines of defense, are dug by those people who, so to speak, fight, not the engineering troops, but those people who sit in these in the trenches, well, the truth is right there, like a refrain, in almost every article these... here are the figures that russia lost 350,000 people, killed and wounded, that during the assault on avdeevka 16.00
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only killed, plus 400 tanks, lost in total there are 2,200 tanks out of 3,500 that russia has, well, there are some figures that are completely out of touch, well, let ’s read it together, 350,000 dead, which means at least a million wounded, well, of course not, at least 1,100-150 should be missing in captivity, that is then the loss would have to be 15 million people, all of russia would be in tears, in photographs from cemeteries, videos and sostons, but nothing like this is even close to being observed, i say now we have a smaller total number of ground forces, that is, the total number of army that's less than this is the counted number of people declared then, that is, they should not have died... these
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are amazing figures, and normal figures are given that the russian army grows by 30,000 people every month, well , they take, so to speak, the figures that were announced by dmitry anatonevich medvedev , but with these losses we still had to have, well, of course, well, no, but i say that in the era of the internet, it ’s simply unrealistic to hide such losses, even though all the networks, they say how much we grow together 30,000, ok, so we should have outgrown it only 720,000. that is, we should no longer have an army, because 15 million have left, and only 72,000 have grown, who is attacking then, where did the people come from? in a tank, well, let’s just say , every week i’m there, i saw how our repair bases work, the level of restoration is always quite high in armored vehicles, even speaking, there are tanks, i’ll say so politely, then i
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look at how many burned remains , well , when you go there, well... you see a lot of them, ours, let’s say politely, that is, of course, there are losses, but not even close to the numbers mentioned, but no, the new york times publishes an article, so to speak, about mutual disappointment in the ukrainian-american alliance, it turns out that all the time i thought that the ukrainians were doing their targeted strikes , when the tactical battalion...
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so that these pinstrikes scatter their forces instead of concentrating forces in the direction of the main attack and breaking through the defenses, not only do the ukrainians not listen to american advice at all, they ignore them, that it’s impossible to fight like that, that they give a bunch of quotes: if you attack everywhere, you don’t attack anywhere, rome is burning, and you play the violin, that is, we won’t even say with what? you need to concentrate concentrate refers to stavridis, the former commander-in-chief of the all-russian nato nato in europe, go out and focus on the crimea on the crimean and the crimean bridge, and do not forget, well, that is, yes, here is the queens institute, there is such
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a markpiskoposna. again for the americans for the needs of reconnaissance, maintenance of equipment, well, you can see the salaries of their people who are in ukraine, uh, then again, there is all this, so to speak, for non -ukrainians, and uh, 8 billion, which, by the way, the democrats, in my opinion, have already cut, direct budget injections to ukraine, and further,
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the author writes, there are two problems, this is a lack of personnel and a shortage ammunition, ammunition , well, he gives a lot of figures that russia produces 10, 10 thousand shells per month, and not not per month, 10,000 shells per day, and the european union produces 300,000 per year, that is , a multiple, a multiple of russia produced in last year there were 2 and a half. the americans only plan to reach 100,000, well, that is, the numbers are completely , completely telling, for people, if the ukrainians, so to speak, are now now, let’s still compare, let’s compare, it means that the bishops believe that russia produced 2.5 million, saying, let’s say, he didn’t accurate, and
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america will reach a million. the russian is very balanced, yes, he worked for simes there in the center of national interests, he assesses the situation quite objectively, and he quite rightly notes that if the ukrainians mobilize in accordance with the plans they want to carry out, they will simply be left without industry, they don’t have industry anyway, and there won’t be anyone at all, because the poles and the french, no, well, they don’t have their own industry, no, of course, they ’ll send them to the army, and the poles with the french will come, the french will not come to work at ukrainian factories, and maybe, maybe they will come
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, who knows, therefore, that’s why all these articles are still like this, you know, from my point of view, a bell that there is dissatisfaction with that policy, yes, plus all the authors write that ukrainians, instead of saying so, soberly assess the situation, they... how, i don’t know, how i don’t know who is demanding, give us planes, give us missiles, they are information junkies, long range, not realizing that two squadrons of planes will not solve anything, moreover , they will provoke, it will be such a round of escalation that no one will care, both the president and dmitry anatolyevich said about this, there is time, but we need to fuck us to calm down, well, that’s why - you should fuck us. or maybe it’s the other way around, that’s right, he said about crimea, about crimea, i say all the time, here is 10 years of crimea, to the ukrainians, turn to ordinary people, don’t screw them up, say, look at crimea, the bridge, the tavrida road, stations, schools, do you want
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this or do you want escalation, right, as you say, break it up , no, turning, and i ’ll explain why, because if immediately in the first week immediately.
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well, yes , we can’t trust this ukrainian leadership, they will reassure us like that, then they won’t show us much, now there’s advertising, then we’ll continue, hello everyone, i’m so glad that you all came, that you’re all sad, are we having a holiday?
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like a miracle, for pzd, forgive me, for what, for those present here, and whose things, we have nowhere to live, come in closed on friday, provocation is treacherous behavior.
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we have a special issue, starting with breaking news. 60 minutes, don’t miss it, tomorrow on rtr, digital services, elections are coming, and where to vote? let's look at the russian circular website, they have it. convenient services, you can
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find out the address of your polling station, find out about the candidates, this information is also available in your personal account on the state services portal, there is also a plan that somehow recently it suddenly fell out, well, listen, here is the pope, something... got into conversation, this is an interpretation, but i believe that the stronger one is the one who sees the situation, who thinks about people, who has the courage to raise the white flag, negotiate. today you can negotiate with the help of great powers. when you see that you are defeated,
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that things are going wrong, you need to have the courage to negotiate. shame on you, but how many deaths will this end in? conduct negotiations on time, look for some country that will act as a mediator. today, for example, during a war.
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scholz, the second chancellor in the history of germany , who, while taking the oath, refused to mention god, macron comes to him, who now rather considers himself an agnostic, although well-educated...
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who suddenly decided that what to do, there is a union of homosexuals, well here , so let's calm down, when suddenly they start calling for negotiations, the question arises , is this beneficial for us, is there at least one negotiation in which they would not try to deceive us, maybe we will not start looking again approval from someone outside, look at the fundamental interests of our people?
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just a couple of days ago i was talking to my old beloved friend from my school years, she has been living in sweden for a long year, well , she’s a very russian person, she’s been working for... for many years here in russia, but she got married back in soviet times, she tells me this , she’s such a patriot, right now she’s trying to get russian citizenship, despite what she says, i didn’t refuse, it’s just that
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when after the collapse of the ussr, no one asked me, now i can’t find documents, i i say, well, the president said what she said, well, yes, the president said, but all this is quite complicated, you seem to be...
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neutrality, you have now entered, abandoned your neutrality, but what is this connected with, i think that’s all -it’s connected, first of all, with the fact that they have a feeling that they need to be on the side that will then divide, they need to,
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they need to be here, because then, when they start dividing russia, it’s clear that something is needed get there. i don’t see any other explanation for this, i draw a conclusion from this, that after all, they are serious, they are determined to go to the end, and even if, god willing, we achieve success within a year in ukraine, there in the near future, within a year, that’s how evgeniy petrovich says, perhaps , but this will not change the situation. they will continue the war, in other ways, blockade, sanctions, all this will continue, there will be no changes , you shouldn’t count on it, they believe that this is their historical chance to once and for all resolve the issue of this eurasian territory under
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called russia, and thus solve all our problems, so i think that we need to evaluate correctly.
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in our tradition, if something has already been accepted, then let it last until it goes completely bankrupt, no, we must, we must change the decision, we must change people somewhere, we must change decisions, something works out, it doesn’t work, let’s try this way, that is, in this sense, we need to understand that only a flexible system capable of quickly responding to all challenges will be our correct response to this enormous force, it
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rolls up... at least to start, there is such a thing as social advertising, you know, i think that my favorite actor misha porechenkov will not be offended if there are fewer advertisements of him eating sausage on all channels, and as they say, there will be social advertising, promoting family values, large families, i was here, although misha eating sausage belongs to family values, misha is wonderful in this regard, yes, that is, everything is fine there.
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lives and raised children in our country, understands that a russian grandmother generally has
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of fundamental importance, our families for the most part do not have the means to have nannies, it ’s all that, not everyone wants to send them to kindergartens, it was our grandmothers who always saved us, but strictly speaking, it’s one thing when a woman retires at the age at which came out before the promotion, still quite energetic... the building was called in soviet times, it was one of the best technical schools in general in moscow, it
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was famous, famous for technology, you will pass by, look at what is now the college of foreign trade, this is so relevant , this what’s so important, now here’s foreign trade, that’s why it’s been repaired, rebuilt, it looks, i don’t know how i’m some kind of nightclub right now, look, you’ll go from here, here it is... in general it should be accepted and accepted into including quite harsh measures
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, i have said many times, but i can’t watch on our tv, there are films on the channels, okay, just american, but they depict russians as murderous bandits, and this is on now, now on, but here someone is doing this, okay, show me, i'm talking there martin scarceza, there is this last picture, a very good anti-american one, so you show it, what are you doing?
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if they stood in crimea, if they stood in kharkov, what would that mean for us? for us, this is like putting a gun to the gun, that’s all, that’s why we’re fighting, that ’s what joining nato means, but people in general need to be told about this, that is,
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that is, it’s also correct to position what is called political propaganda. you see, because this is the most important, so i came to this empirically, that is in the abstract, we all knew, but now i see that this is generally scary, deadly, and i must say, they have these weapons, if all this stands on our borders, well, excuse me, that’s it, we have lost sovereignty, we we don’t make any noise anymore, so that’s why it’s february 24 , 2022, so this still needs to be explained.
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introduce a course on national cinema in schools, how many times have i said it, the president supported it, the president supported it at the cultural council, he said it’s a good idea, where is it and where is it in yours, we are raising children on american cinema, you know, and this is it, this is a different worldview, this is a completely different one, well
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, enter, well, at least show one 2 hours a month - it’s great, we have a recommendation, they may well do it at the state level, recommend maybe it’s not worth it, it’s not clear what the subordination is, we don’t have a ministry that is responsible for schools, and i say no, all the schools were taken over by the government, and i’m talking about this and i’m talking about how many , by the way, very, very sound ideas were expressed here among among, well, but i don’t see reactions, but i understand that we may not be the smartest, so to speak, but at least discuss it, at least we just communicate all the time with the collective central bank, which believes that it is beneath one’s dignity to answer to someone, this is such a general approach, by the way, about the terrible technology of steel to say, my friends just sent me another abrams, our legendary fighters of the twenty- fourth special forces brigade from novosibirsk filled up, i
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was with them, fantastic guys, now they have sent another one. berdychey, well, in general, of course, there are people there, that’s who films should be made about, that’s who the real hero of our country is, abrams, right? yes, these are our soldiers , they are already being bullied to the fullest extent, i think that we should make such a greeting card and send it to biden, so that he understands what is happening with all this equipment, i ask, of course, for a very interesting discussion, karan georgievich raised the difference the cold war and the hot war, but we have it all the time, but i’m not talking about that now, i’m just talking about johnny joseph biden, i liked the speech, i applauded.
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the electorate in the united states was split between isolationists and internationalists. rosvelt would have belonged to the second movement. this speech was about the four freedoms. the four freedoms are freedom of speech, freedom of expression, freedom of religion, freedom from poverty and freedom from fear. this speech was designed to unite american society. just when the war was going on in europe, when the americans needed to receive. well, not all american society, only white, because at this time african-americans were still being kicked around with all their might in the american army, even under roosevelt, white
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officers and a black officer could not be in the same toilet. roosevelt really wanted to, he personally included roosevelt in his electorate . well, it was like i said, well, yes, in his electorate. now i’m saying included what biden is doing, well, i’m not even saying that he was late. the speech lasted 67 minutes, that’s a lot, after it, although the majority discussed how biden was pumped up, there are different versions that he holds it like that, this one of the versions, they talked about others , that’s what the comrade supported and that he was so excited, but there really, if you sometimes need to listen to the americans, turning off the sound, these are all the facial expressions, gestures that he had only americans there, well, not only americans, now i want to show two germans.
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he gesticulated like this, exactly, and so, biden, biden spoke for 67 minutes, in general, the speech was structured in such a way that he constantly contrasted his policies, contrasted the policies of the republicans. what is state of the union address? this is, in principle, a report, well, in the states, this is a presidential form of government, he is, the president is the head of state and the head of government, that is. a report on the situation in the country, a message about the situation in the country, but it was supposed to sum up the results of the previous, past year and outline plans for the future, that is, in america there is no
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separation of powers, well, in principle, there is no, power is divided into the executive and the executive the president, strictly speaking, and the government, the legislative congress and the judiciary, everyone was present in the hall, not formally yes, really no, well , in reality it also exists, it also exists, insofar as biden now has the democrats, the democrats now proceed from the formula, everything is ghostly in this raging world, there is only joe, hold on to him, just like that, insofar as the main thing now for them is not only not only to re-elect the president, they also need to re-elect congress, they need to re-elect congress, if possible , having received this second term, change the composition supreme court. yes, but this, this is in the future , but what, what he was talking about, in fact, starting with roosevelt with a unifying speech, when , strictly speaking, the americans were also split, and there was a war going on, here biden did
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everything to make it even more to deepen this split in order to turn this speech into something other than what, strictly speaking, he wants to do next, if he is talking about re-election, but he says that the republicans are constantly hindering him, he has never named trump by... imenino addressed him all the time, yes he forgot what his name was, he kept turning to him, no, volodich, i think that they just pumped him up very well, because his little eyes were shining, he stood there, so to speak, for 67 minutes. he said something wrong, in general , only once, well, with moscow, with medicines , what was he wrong with, he said correctly, well , he said correctly, yes, he definitely didn’t want to talk about moscow, and very clearly, so i can say, maybe, he outlined his foreign policy priorities, and i thought that he would say more about china, but he said about china as a rival, by the way, thereby causing very harsh and negative assessments from
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republicans. because they believed that china needed to devote much more time than he devoted, but he focused on putin, this is the main enemy for him, personally even the main enemy, he started with this, he has something personal for putin, i think, yes, i think that there is a personal one, just like obama at one time, everyone thought that obama had a personal one, especially after snowden, when, strictly speaking, we didn’t give it away.
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and he is a man from congress, that is, in theory , previous presidents came not from gubernatorial posts, but from congresses, remember lyndon johnson, the man was quite limited, after kennedy the vice president, i understand, but none of us personally knew his companion , the simple fact is that it was he who passed all that legislation on the rights of the black
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population , fell in congress, he, in fact, could not present any unifying idea, on the contrary, the split went much deeper, he deepened this split, what, well, look , the question on the one hand is money for ukraine or the opportunity to win the elections, but biden is not crazy, well, it’s clear that this is not a question for him, it’s more important for him to get as many migrants as possible so that they vote for him, he should win now, win
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mainly in elections. at the same time, plus they are openly leaking zelensky, all the articles that appear, which petrovich spoke about, they are aimed at this, when it was said, we gave you all the best, we gave you all the advice, you didn’t give a single piece of advice fulfilled, another guy, who is ours, who explained to you what to do, you took him out, by the way, it turned out, such an illness, dytin, people, illness, bye, already ill, so hvarady, he will be recruited from the service, the chief of the general staff.
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representative, we can show his face, mike johnson, well, show his face, he got up four times in total, four times, that is, she got up more than once a minute, right?
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russia has a unique experience, i’ll even tell you, probably other nations don’t have such domestic experience, because sometimes everything is reduced to such a stereotypical understanding, how russia wins, well, showers them with corpses, now the entire western press only writes about this, although this is not the case, how people
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are resettled, well, they are driven there to gulags and so on, listen, russia has mastered new the territory of siberia, the far east of central asia at the beginning of the 20th century, just think about the numbers. from 906 to 912 , 438 thousand peasant farms moved to the territory of kazakhstan alone, present-day kyrgyzstan, after the war, when russia was already developing the soviet union, western siberia, the north, economic methods stimulated the resettlement of people in huge numbers , new cities grew there, and in a matter of years, the experience of using economic motivation, which alexander mikhailovich says: resettlement is in the interests of the state, but in the interests of people, like the settlers of the early 20th century, they they immediately gave more than thirty dessiatines for business, the average per capita
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in russia was then 3.4, that is, he immediately received 10 times more fertile land, and these consequences still remained in the same far east, it just wouldn’t have happened otherwise developed these vast lands.
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look, macron made several statements in february, received a generally negative reaction from his colleagues, what is he doing, on march 7 he gathers the leaders of parties, parliamentary factions, the reaction of the opposition is also critical, he retreats, no, he schedules debates in parliament on the 12th, first in the national assembly, then in the senate, that is, he leads this line, in general it is necessary here, i think, when we...
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they refused to obey him. pierre devillier retired in '17. and, by the way, in the twenty-second he gave an assessment of that the french army is not ready for a large-scale armed conflict. the next chief of the general staff, who preceded the current one, francois licountere, he left, remember, against the backdrop of a scandal with letters from the french military, this is the spring of twenty -one, and the first letter appeared, he chief of the general staff criticized it, declared allegiance to the president, a second letter appeared , which has already signed the order.
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they can’t provide any assistance, but ukraine can’t pass a law on mobilization, because
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it’s politically fraught, it could blow up, so the poles will enter, i think their basic plan is as follows: the polish and french armed forces seem to be the most ready, germany thought, but there scholz’s position is important and the fact that they still have a psychology, these are the germans on ukraine, they openly talk about this in their political space, that is, france and poland can simply lead troops, which they can talk about this right now...
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odessa, to kiev, they have different options, what will happen then, well, they are talking about at least they don’t say this openly, we don’t have another option.
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this is political logic, we must take it into account when we analyze their actions, that is, macron’s dream and pétain’s laurels will finally come true, they will rightfully go to him, france will again side with the nazis, why not, now there’s advertising, after that we’ll talk to the director department of information, press, ministry of russia, maria vladimirovna zakharova. premiere on rtr. i'm a policeman, you're threatening me now. put the gun down, is it murder again? goncharov
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shot at a man, goncherov was detained for the murder of a policeman. martenov himself wanted it kill. do you really see me? unfortunately, you me too, get out of my bath immediately! anna metium, on monday on rtr, there was no sadness, a woman bought a pig! once you get a pet, your life will never be the same again! the old one will put everyone in the mood, it’s an incredibly charming face that you forgive everything , they don’t get bored at all, well, then i clean up , i’m not bored either, because each of them is a real star, the secret of dreams, how did you
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agree to it, first they shoved in a red snake . our hearts sank, you yourself understanding program about animals, in a circle of friends, in a circle of friends, a program for the whole family, on saturdays on rtr, this is for you, well, did you get enough sleep, gentlemen?
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i am always responsible for my words, a hero of my time, beauty, repin, the whole brigade, only on the platform we look, the west goes to any lengths to isolate.
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the first brilliant performance at the youth festival, the second with the premiere of a new song, just a deep bow, just well done, thank you, thank you, good evening vladimirulfovich, all your large audience, and first of all, i am your first
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congratulations on the words of such a high assessment , allow me to relay it to... the entire ministry of foreign affairs, because russian foreign minister sergeevich lavrov spoke at the festival, after which , by the way, delegates from unfriendly countries approached me, those countries where the regimes are unfriendly, and the people, as this festival showed, are russia's best friends, at least that's what they told themselves, they asked to tell the russian foreign minister that his direct communication with... the guys from the youth, who arrived, is literally a guiding map for them, and you can imagine, yes, such a direct direct contact that this festival gave, what emotions it aroused in those whom their
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local propaganda is literally trying to break, but the foreign ministry was generally represented there quite on a broad front, i would like to say about the festival itself. here’s your answer, this is not an attempt to convince someone of something, this is not an attempt, so to speak, to once again somehow show all our capabilities, about our capabilities, such... this is an opportunity not so much to show ourselves to us everyone already knows kind-heartedness and a broad soul , and to realize this is the most important thing, and i now want everyone to hear this, this is an opportunity for millions of people around the world, that’s right, millions, to realize what they are not allowed to realize in their own countries , hope for peace, the desire for... equality for greater justice, we understand that the world cannot be one hundred percent fair, but we should all strive for it, these same guys, these very
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young people who do not give a platform in their own countries that are just opening mouths immediately become objects of attack, and sometimes even repression, they are accused of anything, of water activities, of being agents of the kremlin, well, you understand this perfectly well, they come to our country and... the opportunity to find like-minded people, to express everything they think about what the world should be like, that it should be truly peaceful, and most importantly, asking questions that they cannot find answers to in their countries is open. more than 300, 310, 320, approximately thousand, just imagine, let's take as a basis there 310,000 applications were submitted to participate in the festival, you can imagine...
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perhaps you know vladimir rudolfovich, perhaps not, but i want everyone to know her name, this is a little resident of besieged
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leningrad, you can imagine, how old is she, then she was 10 when the war came to leningrad, she was a guest, not just a guest, but an active participant in the first student youth festival in 1957, she was an honorary guest. by the way, no less an active participant in this in 2024 youth festival , we met her quite by chance, completely by chance, got into conversation, she gave me her book, which she published in a very small edition, only 100 copies were written there, i saw on the internet that the predecessors of this book were hers such literary sketches in magazines, book titles... the blockade winter of my childhood, before that you can find all this on the internet and
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read it under the title one winter of my childhood, i will do everything so that these 90- odd pages are published in large print in circulation and translated into all languages, she did everything to tell the kids about that festival, share her impressions, and on the way back from sochi to moscow i read: these 90-odd pages, in one breath i can’t help but tell you the truth , that she is filled with tears, so what kind of construction site is this, what kind of book is this, and what kind of woman is this who survived all those horrors, and i hope that everyone who can now find this on the internet will read it, this is how she describes exactly what i was experiencing then in forty-one in forty second year and what they are trying to do to us now, the scale is different, then... the city was under blockade, and you were in your liner, in the previous part of the program, you talked about secondary sanctions, and what is this if not an attempt
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to once again surround us ring of blockade , they don’t care what falls under their sanctions, moreover, they are also selective, they do everything in order to make the lives of our citizens impossible, not only ours, because from our production, from our agricultural products, from our science... their first circle, as biden said, is seeing that we have overcome this , the lives of millions of people on the planet depend on it, so his direct speech, yes, hellish sanctions.
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laughed, as they did at the munich conference on security policy, where they should have rung all the bells to save europe, but no, then a few years ago they literally organized their own in 2014-15 and beyond... zhabash, no giving the russian delegation the opportunity to say: “now they listen to us while standing, now they listen to us with bated breath, now people from all over the planet come to us in order to to take advantage of this very opportunity for peace. this is the answer to your question that i would give at the very beginning. there were a lot of emotions after this very festival, a lot of those same literally symmetrical memories."
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their destructive desire to once again surround us with a blockade to block which this festival begins to evoke many other things, by the way, just recently i thought, why us they started calling them vatniks 10 years ago, as if they were trying, as they say, to pessimize, that is, to belittle the importance our culture, it seems like we didn’t invent anything smart, good, fashionable, we walk , it’s unclear how, this is our traditional clothing, we didn’t come up with anything better, but that ’s not true, we know perfectly well, so why vatniki, so from there, from the same second world war, there are parallels, because in 1942, quilted jackets were officially made the uniform of rear units, they began
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to be replaced with chenilles, because
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i couldn’t even say that his speech before the congress was, of course, significant, to be honest, i still called it restraint that's the expression this performance deserves, i really think it's the real deal. mesozoic postmodernism, this is an insane anachronism, it’s like the reincarnation of everything monstrous that they have been accumulating for many years, not being able to overcome, look, this is what an exposure of themselves, they have surrounded us with sanctions with a second ring of secondary sanctions, constantly demanding us cancel,
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as if they destroyed our... economy, also in the second round, even then obama said that there was no such thing as a russian economy, this is in my opinion year almost thirteenth, fourteenth, fifteenth, it is torn there into some components and this thesis was repeated several times, although it is not clear, if we have a ruined economy, why constantly introduce thousands of sanctions, of which , in my opinion, there are already about 18,000, here look, when twice, according to the leader... in the usa, and it is these same liberal democrats who say: our economy, as if from the point of view of the liberal democracy of america , is torn, when we are surrounded...
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so much so that they cannot restrain themselves, he actually spoke about the middle east, he spoke about their middle eastern adventures, admitting the complete failure of the erroneous course of the united states of america where iraq, libya, afghanistan, the so-called greater middle east, broke out about ukraine, why? yes, everything, because, because the whole world sees this american adventure, bloody. terrible, crazy, which devoured so much life and brought so much trouble to people, by the way, all over the planet, because that’s what’s on your mind, and
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you know why, because dostoevsky, so you they were killed, that's what the whole world is telling them and...


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