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tv   Utro Rossii  RUSSIA1  March 11, 2024 9:25am-9:56am MSK

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in the summer, only there they seemed to be trying to move forward, yes, but here they are trying not to retreat back, but at the same time using very large forces and at the same time suffering quite serious losses. vladimir, i understand correctly that the massive, as far as possible, use of abrams is now observed on the line of combat contact, including , yes, why, because, again, yes, one of the brigades, which, i think, was.
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it seems somehow fantastic, if not funny, the mobilization resources of ukraine are 5 million people, what do you think? well in in reality, it could be 5 million people, but the question here is rather different, how prepared they will be, firstly, this requires funding, this requires training bases, this requires, one way or another , quite serious help directly from the west , yes, because ukraine... on its own, such a number of people, firstly, will not be able to gather at one time, and secondly, to prepare at once, the mobilization that is now taking place in a rather harsh manner in relation to the citizens of ukraine, it is happening, well let's say so, in portions, these people arrive at the front , plugging holes in the same brigades that are now at the front, well, these people with relatively speaking, god forbid, two weeks...
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training is not at all the best support , they arrive at the front, where aviation is working every minute , artillery on our side, assault groups are advancing and what can they oppose in such conditions, so to say that it exists, yes it certainly exists, the question is how real is it in terms of today’s military operations? this force may be able to resist us, well... this is a completely big question. volodya, the ukrainians manage to do something similar to our lines of defense created before the counter-offensive in the bsu, because the western press scolds their fortifications. in any case, he still doesn’t have time to do it competently. why? because, well, before our advances, yes, at the front, they were, firstly, confident that either we wouldn’t go and...
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which is now being prepared on the ukrainian side, this is along the karlovka line, not taylovo, and cheretina, there will be involved mainly this advantage of the landscape, which is on this line of defense behind the enemy side, of course they will do some manual work there, but again this work at a distance of 10-15 km can be carried out more or less calmly at night , and not always, in very small groups. because at such a distance
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, our copters, any cluster, are constantly hanging day and night, and there are quite a lot of clusters there now, the remaining reserves involved in different military directions, they are constantly under under fire control, under destruction, so how realistic is this, well, now it’s actually unrealistic, thank you very much, exhaustively vladimir razin, military correspondent with us in direct communication, from the zone of the special military operation. i propose to look at the footage that just appeared, they were released by representatives of the greek delegation, after zelensky said that literally 150 meters away, here they are 150 meters, an iskander explosion thundered from them, supposedly in zelensky’s motorcade, the insidious russians fired on the footage clearly shows that, of course, this smoke is kilometers away and... the targets that were hit
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by our airborne forces were located on the territory of the odessa port, and this is another lie, and of course, it’s not iskandar. adal belulich, please! yes, well, there is a lot of news today , the president is working in the caucasus, in the south of russia and, in my opinion, today it is very important to note a systematic approach to organizing work, such a large, presidential, global agenda, because today the organization of systematic work is really gold the head of the country who really responsible so... it turns out for global security in the world, it is very important that the president must have, first of all , experience and great will in order to confront those world problems today, which is creating another large state
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called the united states, and for good reason, in fact, today it was said quite clearly that the burden that the united states of america took upon itself after... the collapse of the soviet union has actually become a burden that the united states cannot bear within itself, and accordingly, we are ready, the entire policy that putin is pursuing today speaks precisely of this, that we are ready to take back the task of maintaining stability throughout the world, we are not talking about recreating the soviet union, but nevertheless we are ready to take an absolutely systematic approach to the threats that arise in the world , which...
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the caucasus, where 23 years ago he gave battle to international terrorism, thereby preventing the collapse of modern russia, which in scale and consequences could definitely be compared with the consequences of the collapse of the soviet union, no more, no less. i want to specifically remind you of this, because today putin spoke to young people, not everyone knows what happened then, but what happened then, to put it very briefly, is... the possibility of creating for the first time on the territory of russia, and in general throughout the world, the creation of a so -called caliphate from sea to sea, i remind you, from the caspian sea to the black sea, this
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was a very potentially serious opportunity for terrorist organizations, then it would have fallen along the volga, such plans were hatched, all this happened, accordingly, as usual, under supervision. west, western ideology was precisely in such a way that it was one thing to destroy the soviet union, but to finish it off through a split in modern russia. accordingly, in the ninety-ninth year, the arrival of vladimir putin, initially acting chairman of the government, and departure with an absolute understanding of the risk of a presidential career, which practically had not yet begun, he stopped. this further disintegration, and thus today we can definitely say that we are responsible for global peace in a different and it can’t be, besides this , several more practical things followed, we really, after the united states took on the very load that
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the president is talking about, we really believed that with the united states it was possible to build a safe global world, and we made the maximum number of proposals in order... to build this world together with the united states, but it didn’t work out, but then , of course, we had to take responsibility for ourselves, and after we understood, and we understood, unfortunately, we didn’t right away, we they began to develop independently and showed the whole world by a practical example that , of course, it is necessary to take into account the united states, it was indeed said that it is a superpower, but to develop. sovereignly necessary, because this is still not a criminal world, this is a world of relationships between countries, where it is necessary to take into account the national interests of the contracting parties, well, not a criminal world, because these are not organized criminal groups, organized crime groups and criminal communities negotiate with
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each other extralegally, without legal brands concept, the former policeman says, this is how the ministry of internal affairs operates in terms, well, in any case , this is visible in vienna, because the united states really is. for a long time , for at least 15 years, we acted according to concepts , but we said, we, of course, can also act according to concepts, we do not prefer to act within the framework of international law, in fact, this was once said very harshly in...
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assad’s headquarters was located , where he was, explosions of bombs and shells were already heard, they were advancing, well, naturally, the russian aerospace forces the federations that moved there, i remind you, this is on the one hand helping the syrian people, the middle east region, on the other hand, protecting the interests of the russian state, national interests, because there we fought international terrorism so as not to get the north caucasus barbasca.
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in cabrena balgaria in preit brus there are already more than a million tourists, the stavropol territory
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in general more than 4 million. you see, this is a systematic approach, the possibility of building a systematic approach, which putin is demonstrating today: to win, to win the war, to stop the collapse countries and restore the economy accordingly. the same thing awaits new territories today, and you and i, evgeniy, know very well what the turnaround is. the same vague, but already diplomatic, parliamentary , was accomplished by the state duma when vyacheslav viktorovich at the beginning of the seventh convocation, this all happened before my eyes 7-8 years ago, when the leadership of the faction gathered and discussed foreign political activities, how we would conduct the state duma, it was simply said, stop drinking tea, diplomatically parliamentary trips to europe to drink tea must be stopped, we must get loose. towards the east, and there the list was simply categorical, categorically different from
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previous years, not everyone agreed, everyone thought, let’s diversify into europe, america, whatever, maybe, as anyone wants, but one way or another, we will travel to north africa, we will travel to our brothers, the cis countries, we will travel to latin america, respectively, china, india, and more than fifty trips. only official delegations headed by himself vyacheslav volodin. i took part in some of these official trips directly in turkey, i remember after the coup attempt - military, we were there literally visiting the parliament, we saw a breakdown there in the parliament building, and it seems to me that it was a very serious turnaround, which again gave - still a very serious result, and here these were not just trips that we had already turned towards the east, towards friendly countries, but these were also... four very powerful events that, in fact, brought us closer to such
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realistic negotiation process , parliamentarians who spread this all over the world, without any exaggeration, because it was in 1918, 1998 , an international parliamentary forum and two, where in one case 130 countries were gathered, 130 countries, in the second case in 1919 100 countries this year and two parliamentary, two parliamentary conferences last year. this is the russia-africa conference and, accordingly , russia-latin america, which reaches billions of people. and the same applies to the actions of the state duma. i am very i seriously observed this, from the numerous appeals to the parliaments of other countries, i want to highlight the appeal after the mockery of the koran, the holy book, which occurred in sweden, when i was not the chairman of the state duma separately, we individual deputies came out with comments, and the state duma addressed parliaments of the world, i saw the first practical
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impact, the resonance was very great, we received numerous letters, do you remember that too? and accordingly, especially in muslim countries, sweden for the first time thought, came up with a proposal that we still need to change this norm, because the law allows them to burn the koran, holy books in the central square, you know, so of course, this is a joint action of parliamentarians, and parliamentarians are still the state power civil society, if it is correct to say so, because we are elected by people on the one hand.
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i believe that russia is capable of making huge changes if it really wants to. i want to say that if russia there is an opportunity to wage an illegal war to invade another country, it must find the strength to take responsibility for the climate problem. and unfortunately, we do not have discussions with russia, unfortunately. i say unfortunately because it is a loss for the world
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if we don't have a russia that can act constructively on this issue, but we need every country, including. not enough, well, sign the kyoto protocol, guys, what’s stopping you from complying with air emissions standards, this is a rhetorical question, let’s come back, the premiere on rtr, i policeman, you are now threatening me with a weapon, put down the gun, it’s murder again, goncherov
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shot at a man, goncherov was detained. for the murder of a policeman, martanov himself wanted to kill him, but do you really see me? unfortunately, you me too, get out of my bath immediately, anna medium, today on rtr, catch a fish, big or small, well , in general, you chose the place and it’s suitable, haven’t you thought about why people count proteins, fats, carbohydrates? this is where my question begins: can something tasty be healthy? i'm trying inflammation levels are reduced, pain is reduced, can healthy things be enjoyable? science fiction, can science be understandable? and
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you make a wish? yes yes. once again, yes, every person in any region of russia can make their diet not only tasty, but also healthy, and this lifts the mood, that’s for sure, the food formula on sunday on rtr. from the first note, beauty, repeats, from the first phrase, a bird in your hands is better than a feather in one place. from the first smile, we recognize each of them, face, profile, back of the head, business,
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or something, we have been together since first grade, for everything we do it, we also answer together, and in all this crap, i’m covering for you, team, brake out of the car, run. the whole brigade , just on the platform we look, where is your homeland, my brother, and whose homeland are you, soldier, who do you serve, former friend, tear off everything that was ours , which was together, what will be left with you, they went against god, drove away from the tour .
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from monday to friday on rtr , hello everyone, i’m so glad that you all came, that you ’re all sad, we’re having a holiday, we’re getting a divorce, the train is bye bye, everything is leaving, last chance jump on the bandwagon when a friend’s advice... bastard, no, she’s not sick, specialist inga is taking over, your husband too, she needs to start her personal life from scratch, learn to accept love as a miracle, ass, sorry, why, for those present here there.
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whoever renounces the past cancels the future, we do not lend our memory and do not renounce our words, we are responsible for every word, evening with sladimir. absolutely not ready for a large-scale war with russia , reports the tsdf tv channel. according to documents of the german army for 35 years, its number decreased almost threefold from 509 to 181,000 people. the number of tanks has decreased by six times, instead of 2089 there were only 320 tanks.
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not exactly, but german civil servants are terrified that suddenly their intimate videos will become public knowledge; the so-called honey traps and espionage techniques, when women seduce men for the purpose of blackmail or intelligence, have not been canceled. putin has sex videos of german politicians, an issue that worries political berlin after the bundeswehr service scandal and raises some outright fears that russian secret the service knows the name. politicians and civil servants in ministries, is vladimir putin really keeping a tight rein on everyone, because his spies have been collecting so-called incriminating evidence on german civil servants in recent years. military expert paul ronsheimer notes that it is known that in its intelligence operations russia , first of all, always looks for compromising evidence, in this regard, it is men who are preoccupied with sex, women who have sex with them film it for the purpose of blackmail, hence the compromising evidence, and it concerns maybe like politicians,
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and... ministerial officials. part of the work of intelligence agencies in general is to create psychological profiles of high-ranking or lower-level people in order to find out the weakest points where they can be penetrated in order to ultimately persuade them to cooperate. and such videos are always the most vulnerable place. dreamers in general, please. yes, i would like to, i don’t know whether these videos exist or not, even if they do, and i also don’t seem to understand what you’re going to put on. ukraine taurus will publish your intimate video. so i just wanted to come to one intimate video that we watched in the first part of the program is the defeat of the american hymers. why video intimate? because really this is a system that should operate far from the front line, well, at a distance i would say 50-60 km, this is its range, and this system is protected, it is practically an analogue of iskander, if
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you insert atakoms into it, which. hits at 300 km, this is iskander who hit iskander, but there are two interesting points in this video: the first is that hamers ended up 20 km from the front, that is, ukraine is now throwing into battle not only, not only abrams, not only mine clearance vehicles, not only bradleys, who are already burning there in dozens near avdiivka, here is a bird like hymers, which should be in the rear and shoot at our front line, it turned out to be pushed as close to the line as possible. that is, this shows what they are talking about now in washington, that ukraine now really does not have the ability to control the sky, it now no longer has such a number of launch complexes for air defense missiles and the there are no longer enough missiles, that is, control over
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the sky, and this is key. now the problem is for the transparency of the battlefield and for creating superiority on the battlefield, it is already completely behind the russian aerospace forces, so, of course, here i believe much more in the wall street journal, which says to dig, dig and dig again, because defense is for ukraine - this is now really the only other kind of, well , illusory salvation, how to delay the still inevitable end, although there is another opinion, i have just expressed it, sorry, i’ll interrupt. for a second, he writes that they are digging there with almost comparable shovels, look at the videos that we receive, they are not comparable shovels, there are still serious equipment and excavators, tractors, and concrete fortifications, they are at least trying to do everything wisely, they are trying, but fap 1500 is a great leveler, and the concrete fortification, it folds in exactly the same way as a trench, and here is the second point, i just wanted to quote another publication, this is foreign
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affairs, i wrote that in general there is no time for digging already, time for negotiations, in ukraine, and this window is rapidly closing, why here we see that there is such a kind of panic, not panic, but some kind of change in position, that is, before this they said that russia is losing everything there, tomorrow they will they are drinking coffee there on the yalta embankment, but it’s very simple, now the situation was clearly demonstrated by the speech of macron, who said: “i’m gathering a great army to march on moscow, i have” the laurels of napoleon, which i wanted to try on myself, there are no red lines in assistance to ukraine, there are these red lines, because everyone in the west understands perfectly well that for now the conflict in ukraine is a conflict, despite everything that it has been going on for 2 years already, which we are already kind of used to, it is a conflict of medium intensity, i will remind you of the korean war, the front of the korean peninsula was 300 km, for comparison , there were now one and a half thousand on its line, on this front there were half a million on one side.


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