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tv   Nashi  RUSSIA1  March 11, 2024 2:55pm-3:59pm MSK

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france's emmanuel macron, who publicly elaborated on the president's statement , said that such a possibility should not be ruled out. in the late fifties there was a coalition of un countries that fought against aggression, so it cannot be said that sending troops to ukraine is. with something unthinkable, so i appreciate the recent french initiative because there are good intentions behind it, namely for the russian president to ask himself what our next step will be, so that he is not sure that we will not do anything creative, because could not freely plan my scenarios, this possibility of asymmetric escalation should be ours, nato troops are already in ukraine, i would like to thank the ambassadors of those countries that took such a risk, they are the best, these countries know who i have.
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if non-combat units were sent, for example, there is a lot of talk about sending people to clear mines or provide security, some even say that it would be possible to send people to kiev or odessa, these are cities that today are not on the front line, but there is an idea to place forces there in advance, it would be a deterrent, ultimately it would be necessary... it would be to act according to the same logic as today, we showed maps from other places where french soldiers are located from estonia, a guard of french soldiers will not repel the russian invasion, but there is no question of this, this is necessary to say, we are here, so if the russians launch a worst-case scenario, this will be a deterrent . emmanuel macron received the leaders of parliamentary parties. purpose of this event - redefine the line of support for ukraine. now there are no restrictions and no red lines, concluded jordan bardella of.
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national unification after the meeting, representatives of french opposition parties also stated that they were concerned about this position of the president. emmaël bompard, coordinator of the unconquered france party, said that he came to the meeting worried and left even more worried. the communist roussel pointed out that macron showed parliamentarians maps of possible directions of attacks in ukraine. macron also mentioned the scenario, which can initiate an intervention, advancing the front towards odessa or kiev. ukraine has not yet asked us to send soldiers to it, now ukraine does. send her ammunition, given all this, do we need to explain what our red lines are? of course not, what if russia attacks the baltic countries, what then remains in france, should i rule out something, of course not, the question is not conducting an operation in ukraine, because ukraine did not ask us for this, of course, we're not ruling out anything in the coming months. france and poland cannot speak from named after nato, which from the very beginning did not formally and voluntarily intervene in the conflict. sending troops to kyiv means a step. third-party
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escalation that will erase the path to diplomacy. we continue to support kiev, but we need to think about how we can help it regain its freedom, territory and security in a different way, by strengthening diplomatic channels. nobody wants to send ground troops to ukraine, of course, this is being discussed, but these discussions should be stopped, just like the discussion of the supply of long-range missiles, we we always emphasize that long-range missiles will not be decisive in this war, there is a decisive line here that we will not cross, we will not become a war party, which is why the taurus has not yet been delivered. also associated with his past place of work at the rothschild bank, where he was a managing partner. the most important and significant business of the rothschild family in ukraine, as is known, is the purchase of debt obligations back in the thirteenth year, a large part of ukraine’s sovereign debt was acquired
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by the american investment fund franklin, templeton, in the interests of the american rothschald family. well, now, when keyev is about to declare a default, macron... like a real collector promises to send in troops, it turns out to send in troops to pick up part of the territory for debts. however, macron right now has to protect not only the financial interests of the rothschild family, but also his own family and his own retired wife. the president of france had to publicly comment for the first time on rumors that his... wife brigitte was born a man, and after made a transgender transition, well, that is, bridget is still a woman, but the woman is not real. the scandal broke out with renewed vigor after french president macron’s stepdaughter admitted that, after
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so many years, she still could not accept the choice of her mother bridgetta. at the time of the start of her relationship with macron, bridget was a married woman with three children, and the future president was teaching. in the same class with her eldest daughter, when bridget’s husband found out about her affair with a schoolboy, he simply left home, without even taking his things with him. in a small town here rumors spread, but the children also faced bullying, especially the youngest daughter, who was only 10 years old at that time. macron finally said: “this is absolute nonsense, it’s terrible that they climb into my bed.” sami. rumors about bridget macron's transgender transition appeared in 2017; social networks began to discuss that madame macron, née tronier, is actually a man named jeanne chelle. in the twenty- first year, rumors were raised to the level
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of the national press by two french women, journalists, and some kind of clairvoyant. bridget in at that moment she even filed a lawsuit against them, the women were convicted. but they got off with fines of 500 and a thousand euros, now there’s a new round. the main proof that bridget is not a lady, all supporters of this strange version cite several videos from the internet, in which it is supposedly obvious that the first lady is strange, but here it really seems that the gait is not a woman’s, and under the tight-fitting dress male signs are visible, look.
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with a man. macron hit back at a long-running conspiracy theory that he seventy-year-old wife bridget was born with a man and is transgender. at an event in honor of international women's day in paris, macro called these rumors lies and falsification. you have witnessed sexist attacks. and i think in particular about the influential woman who accompanies you, whose name is brigitte macron. this is bad, i can’t even appreciate it, because it’s already a relic of the past. still.
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i discuss and don’t let this happen anymore. conspiracy theories about macron's wife came into focus after after daughter bridget mentioned the painful rumors in a february interview. in 2021, already remote.
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that i am my brother, they affected my genealogy, my parents, and this is impossible, when you say they, who do you mean? there are three levels, the first level is transmitters, in this case these are those women, transmitters who have apparently been pursuing me for a long time, there are those who relay, who strengthen these rumors, and of course, there are... the owners and me, if i’m okay i won’t do it, despite the fact that i’ve been speaking out for 4 years now, i’m not against those who persecute me will hear. for some, bijit macron seemed transgender, an even more flamboyant detail. she is actually her brother, jean-michel traneau, who has reportedly undergone a gender change. it all started in december 2021. the woman, who introduced herself to independent journalists, gave a live four-hour interview in which she outlined her arguments. she is convinced of this, brigitte macron.
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anatomical features, medical examinations. a paris court on wednesday overturned the case of the incited first lady brigitte macron, who in february twenty-two called out two women who were spreading false news online claiming to be a transgender woman. in its decision , which was reviewed by afp, the court invalidated the challenge to brigitte macron for violating respect for the privacy of image rights, considering that the facts that she condemned, well, while macron is sorting out
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his personal life, he is only going to ukraine, although just a couple minutes ago , an urgent message arrived: macron is postponing his trip to kiev for the third time, to kiev in parallel. arrived on an unannounced visit the head of the british ministry of defense, shep, says that he came to ukraine to sound the alarm there, they say, the signal to the west of london is very simple, either we are waking up , helping ukraine fight against putin, or just watching how ukraine is losing this war, our statements, while shet made, look, against the background of a destroyed russian tank, which the kiev nazis. neatly decorated with bandera slogans and a nazi swastika,
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two pieces at once on one side, on the other, however, britain itself does not want to invest too much in zelensky. on this week, london allocated only £200 million to ukraine for the production of 10 thousand drones. london also announced its readiness to transfer to ukraine all russian assets frozen in britain as collateral. future reparations, according to various estimates , 32 billion dollars have been frozen in britain, while the amount has never been officially announced, but in the western world a new message was issued, an insight into the situation on the front, in fairness, not for the first time, reached the vatican, pope francis called ukraine to surrender, and i’m not kidding, it’s true.
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it’s better for the pope to remain silent from this war, he said that the vatican’s services in virtual, as he put it, mediation are not needed, and the fact that biden got involved... in a war 800 km away, according to zelensky, this is completely different and completely normal. ukrainian diplomacy performed even better. the ukrainian ambassador to the vatican thought of comparing russia to the third reich, and at the same time reminded the holy see of the throne and its position during the second world war, that is, cooperation with hitler. in general, another greatest stupidity on the part of ukraine.
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by the way, zelensky still agreed to the negotiations themselves during a conversation with ... erdogan, but he ordered putin not to be invited, that is, there will be no negotiations. i think it is a stronger position to look at the situation, think about people, have the courage, raise the white flag and negotiate.
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i urge you not to repeat the mistakes of the past and to support ukraine and its people in their just struggle for their lives. you cannot capitulate in the face of evil. fight it, defeat it, so that evil will raise the white flag and capitulate. how about for balance, encourage putin to have the courage to withdraw his army from ukraine. there will be peace immediately without the need for negotiations. in an interview with a swiss television channel, pope francis discusses in detail various aspects of the war and its devastating consequences, calling for
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negotiations to end the wars in ukraine and gaza. negotiations are not capitulation, he said. this is the courage not to let the country down. before suicide, later in an interview pope francis repeated his phrase that war is madness, it is madness, he noted that there are always geographical or historical situations that provoke war, leading to the conclusion that war appears to be simply based on practical motives. it's time to throw out the white flag and start negotiations with the russian federation - these are not the words of russian leaders or propagandists. this is what the pope said about ukraine.
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if we want to end the war, we must do everything we can to slay the dragon. it’s been a long time since there was such shame for the vatican, that moscow’s money doesn’t smell and indulgences are back in fashion, the catholic church. supports genocide and the power of the antichrist. the vatican explained pope francis' remarks in a recent interview with a swiss television station.
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the pope suggested that we muster the courage to begin negotiating peace with russia. the press service explained that the pope did not call for surrender. well, right now the presidential press secretary petskov commented on the initiative.
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it became that democracy needed to be saved. trump called biden's speech in congress a disgrace for the united states. according to him, it was the worst speech ever given, called biden is an idiot. here is a direct quote. putin is now talking about nuclear weapons. do you know why? because he knows that the president of the united states is an idiot. after trump published a new meme, look, biden is eating his ice cream.
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even methamphetamine, his speech was fast, loud, in places he actually shouted to those gathered, although there was only one microphone in front of him. biden
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gesticulated too much, did not control his facial expressions and waved his hands as if he was conducting an entire orchestra, although he usually holds his hands on the podium and has difficulty reading the text teleprompter, that is, hunter, we conclude, as if he shared with... this is exactly how it all began in ukraine, that is, the modern united states is experiencing degradation or ukrainization. let's see.
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look, i'm not a young guy, it's no secret, but here's the thing, i understand how to handle american affairs. donald trump thinks it's the president's job to take care of donald trump, and i think the president's job is to fight for you, the american people, and that's what i do, i'm joe biden. i approve of this message, can i have another take? listen, i'm young, energetic and attractive, why am i doing this? this ad came out just yesterday as part of a larger ad and it addresses what voters are most concerned about about the president's age, right after that the trump campaign released a ad making fun of joe biden's age even though trump is only 4 years younger. look, i'm not a young guy, that's no secret.
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we have all seen the weakness of joe biden, if biden wins, will he even survive until 2029, the main question is whether we will survive, will he survive whether he does, the company's argument is that there are worse things than being old, it's not about age, it's about competence. held a meeting with the war cabinet, don't repeat the mistakes of america , i told them, i made a mistake, we hunted benladen until we caught him, but at the same time we shouldn't have gone into ukraine, i mean, we shouldn't have go into iraq and afghanistan, if you had a really capable president like me, we would be completely safe, and you know, putin is now talking about nuclear weapons and
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you know why, because he knows that... orban met with donald trump in florida as the former president prepares for the elections. viktor orban is a longtime trump ally, despite his reputation for maintaining close ties to russia. the meeting in marolaga caused concern among foreign policy experts. they're worried that...
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that's what trump said about orban on friday. there is no one better, no one smarter than viktor orban, he is simply a fantastic prime minister of hungary. donald trump is not monogamous in his love for foreign dictators, he adored vladimir putin, and now he is a fan of viktor orban. trump is allowing orbán to play the role of mediator between putin and trump, so that is the most important question now. about this meeting in maralaga is that orban conveyed to trump about the future of ukraine and putin’s intentions, because trump said that he could resolve the ukrainian crisis in 24 hours, which means simply handing ukraine over to putin on a silver platter. he has a very clear vision, which is difficult disagree, he will not give a penny for the ukraine-russian war, which means the war will be over if the americans do not give money
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for weapons together with... the europeans, the war will end, and if the americans do not give money, then the europeans alone will not be able to finance this war, then the war will end, if the europeans are afraid of the russians or generally want to have a high level of security, they must pay for it or build their own army, their own equipment or, if they use americans for this, then pay the americans price, the price of security, so trump speaks directly and clearly: donald trump may not be the president of the united states yet, but his party is in the legislature... europe will immediately change its position on ukraine if trump wins the us elections, so we need for president trump to support this victory, we believe his planned course of action will be the ideal way to achieve it.
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on the screen, trump confirmed the information that he does not plan to send either weapons or money to ukraine, in any case, he will not do this for free, perhaps on credit, for the whole year reports that the discussion at the negotiations was about how to end the conflict in ukraine. we are transported right now to the front, our war correspondent, vladimir, is in direct communication. razen, right now, obviously, we understand, there is no sign of any cessation of any conflict, in this regard there are many questions that in the ovdeevsky direction, knowing that you are working right now, that’s where the western
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press is reporting that the russians literally rushed into battle, but after two weeks the offensive stopped, is that so, tell me, good afternoon, no, not stopped , it continues, the pace has certainly decreased, there are reasons for this, firstly, this is the area that is already beyond avdiivka, that is, there are heights and water barriers that are now being used by the ukrainian side, this is one moment, the second moment - this is the continuous transfer of reinforcements there, just to the thin line, orlovka, berdachi, but nevertheless... in the thin area we have advanced, the entire urban development of the thin settlement is behind us, we are moving further beyond the thin settlement nitaylova and karlovka, also from the vodenov side, this is a little to the south of thin, we
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go out to the flank of the first may and are moving quite well in this tactical direction, given the conditions that now exist there, a little to the north - this is in the area of ​​​​orlovka and berdychi. the situation is a little more violent, i would say why? because on the ukrainian side the enemy is throwing very large reserves there, throwing them, not the first abrams there is already on fire, in principle, all types of equipment that are there, they are trying to transfer directly to the combat line contacts , to somehow slow down our advance, but now to say that they are succeeding, that they are managing to organize some kind of... line of defense there, which would be more or less logically understandable for the ukrainian command in that direction , it’s absolutely not necessary, our guys advance from time to time in such local areas, no matter how strange it
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may seem, but in such a conditional defense on the ukrainian side there are an order of magnitude more troops than on our side, which is advancing, this is exactly -yes says that there is absolutely no organization on the ukrainian side, yes, that is, our guys , being in the minority in some tactical directions, are still pushing through a large number of large concentrations of troops on the ukrainian side , advancing, advancing, and well, very the enemy has been suffering very serious losses for the second week in the direction of orlovka, berdychi, and these are means of objective control, this records and...
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which we have to liberate, move further, and beyond these heights and, in principle, beyond the outskirts of the village, which still remains under ukrainian control, there is already such a main intersection at the entrance to the city of chasovyar, plus there is the seversky danets canal, so we are just making our way to this intersection and in fact, well, this is the entrance to the city, this is the entrance to the residential area , but at the same time, while the battles are going on in front of... in bogdanovka, in ivanovsky, in the city itself, all sorts of our weapons of destruction are being seriously tested, this and this aircraft are working in clusters, because in that direction the enemy has a very large number of troops
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concentrated, he found them both in the chasvyar and around in all kinds of forest belts, both at a large and at a small distance from the immediate front line. that is, there they are also preparing to meet our troops directly in the residential area, but something here tells us, let’s just say that as soon as we get to the residential area, we’ll go in. in principle, there is a high probability that everything will happen according to the avdean scenario, precisely thanks to the support of our aviation, which very seriously does not allow calm, then to live, but simply to move the enemy near the front line. somehow you can comment on the destruction of the patriots, but besides the fact that the footage is really amazing, the ammunition explodes, how exactly did the enemy use these patriots, can we?
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it is quite understandable that he spoke out in favor of
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negotiations. you know that our president has repeatedly spoken about our willingness to be open to solving our problems through negotiations, and this is the preferred path. but you know that, unfortunately, both the pope’s statements and the repeated statements of other parties, including ours, have recently encountered absolutely harsh denial from the kiev regime. they don't admit the possibility. well, indeed, in recent days there have been a whole series
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of statements, including about the need to search for peace, different plans, well, you need to understand that trump is in a heated election campaign, he can promise voters, his voters, anything to win, it’s not a fact that trump , if he wins, will act as he promises, because we saw the previous administration, many sanctions against the northern flow, we know, at the end of his reign, he is indeed very serious. dealt a blow to our ally cuba, when there are really powerful sanctions that have created great difficulties for this state, but the topic of the negotiations, it really sounds, i think that the west, despite the difference in approaches, is still looking for some way out conflict, but precisely because of the unfortunately preservation of the kiev nazi regime, but from different sides, of course, if there had not been a certain serious... success of the russian army, they would discussed some formats, yes, now others, but
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in fact, what is common between them is that from different approaches they are trying to test the possibility of preserving the kiev regime, for example, macron, when he says, because there can be two versions of the development of events, on the one hand, that most likely there is a certain preparation of public opinion, and macron at a meeting with representatives of opposition parties directly said about this that in case of deterioration.
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it seems like 14 powers with a red army, but they were spotty, like the french, because they have the largest contingent of interventionists landed on our territory, there were the french, the japanese, the british, but they were just operating in ukraine, landed in odessa, nikolaev there in this zone and then quickly actually retreated without
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engaging in major battles - clashes with the red army, so of course a lot will depend on the actions of the russian army, but the fact that the voice... sounds is very good. by the way, i would like to note this meeting of macron with the leaders of opposition parties, a statement by both milanchon’s unconquered france and communist leader in france, roussel. well, in fact, the communist party of the russian federation and gennady andreevich zyuganov , we did a lot of work with the left communist workers' parties. most of the world supports russia's position, we explained. unfortunately, the european left is susceptible, including to this imperialist one. like the dope that is present, but even their statements following macron’s meeting speak of the need to search for peace, and they clearly do not support mr. macron’s bellicose attitude, so i think that this there is also a big political message, and the last thing about the pope, in fact
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, there have been many popes in history, but in the last period, paul i. listen, he was an ardent anti-communist, he ideologically fought against. states of the soviet union, did a lot from a propaganda point of view to ensure that these trends were strong in eastern europe. in general, benedict xvi served in the hitler jugend in his youth, the current pope is from latin america, he even said more than once that he is not offended when he is called a leftist or even a marxist. of course he has a position not ideal, but he is from latin america, a person who understands what the world is and is not associated with many western elites, although... it is clear that he takes an ambiguous position, but the message from the pope is that this formation is in many ways positive, but the main thing is - this is the success of the russian army of our country, victory over nazism, it must be unquestioningly, without demilitarization and denazification, peace will not be established on the territory of ukraine, please, well, russian
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engineering thought, which, by the way, was mentioned in one of the reviews, it has become one of the next reasons for the defeat. armies on the battlefield, in this case russian engineering won, say, the arms race against western advanced military thought, which they often demonstrated at many exhibitions in many military conflicts, here are the fab 1500 glide bombs, but if only foreigners had known about them earlier, yes knew back in syria, we taught free -falling glide bombs to hit with precision... the positions of the barmaleys who fought there against the syrian arab republic, for this we supplied special aircraft equipment, the svp-24 computer , which highly accurately aimed conventional gliding bombs, then foreign media wrote that in fact we would run out of bombs, because russia could not produce so many cabs, but
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as we saw, we did not run out of bombs then, they all reached targets, now we have improved these bombs, made them gliding, so they can fly. at a range of 70 km and also accurately hit enemy positions, while the enemy cannot boast of anything, because these are the jidam, the vaunted ones with whom they kill - palestinians and children in the gaza strip, in fact, very expensive ammunition compared to a free-falling bomb, approximately the cost of a jidama with this correction unit is about $50,000, which is an expensive ammunition, compared to it ours...
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the footage showed how these tanks are bringing democracy to iraq, how are they... ironing out these positions of the tyrant, at the same time there was very interesting statistics that tanks suffered the least in the challenges, they said friendly fire once, so the most the indestructible tank went through all these local colonial wars, it was not an invulnerable tank, but ukraine showed that it is not only it that is affected by anti-tank, even the earth itself cannot stand it, because all these tanks are not heavy, the basic equipment of these tanks shakes them.. .it was a fire support tank that fought on the side of the coalition forces against iraq and due to the fact that it had a wheelbase,
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it was much faster to drive through the desert, it was such a very difficult target, because apparently iraq did not have our modern complexes, once this x10 was dismantled , which they did in principle in ukraine, there was a bet on the fact that it is light, maneuverable, has a powerful gun, due to this, it is like this... the most relevant thing for patriots, by the way, is a very remarkable fact that these patriots who knocked out, this is just a mobile version, which means that initially
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patriots were deployed to ukraine, an object-based air defense that defended kiev, a position was deployed at the zhulyany airport, which, by the way, our kindel attacked, they could not stop him and they knocked out this petriot and there was a lot of talk about it; for the first time, i believe, a mobile version appeared in the village. and of course, since a mobile version has appeared, it means they will begin to move it along the line of combat contact, and i believe that from that time on they began to hunt for these patriots, whose main task, like military air defense, is to move, that is, mobility must change their position, just changing position, when our reconnaissance drone discovered them, they were destroyed, that is, of course, the americans can say, well... he was not in a combat position and so on. i remember how they wrote about our shells, which were destroyed in syria. what
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an outstanding success this was, but then our shell was in a non-combat position and discharged, of course, it could not defend itself. but here, absolutely , and here, these frames show that he was equipped, equipped with missiles, that is, maybe they caught him at the moment when he was ready to turn into a combat position, he would do his combat work, we redeployed him, judging by detonation, yes, yes, judging by detonation. this is scattering, this is a rocket and so on, but here they said that as if a patriot does not have enough short-range air defense systems, wait, you put cheetahs there, you put kratals there, how are you organizing security there? this expensive air defense system, since you were unable to solve this problem, that is, we see here not only that they are losing to us in engineering terms, if they are losing in command terms, that is, the organization of combat operations in connection with... those conditions in which they are now the ukrainian army is located, it is limping on all four legs, while we show the skill that here is the t72, yes, it
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destroyed the abrams almost from the first shell, a closed firing position at a range of 5 km, that is, the shell flew exactly and hit like they say to the point, here is the first russian-american tank battle, a tank duel, that’s right, which is not, actually7, but here is another indicator. that the battlefield does not matter, what matters is the crew and the equipment, which he has excellent command of, in terms of the amount of ammunition, if you believe to the europeans that they will put their economy on a war footing, how quickly they will catch up, now they say the difference in production is three times, we produce three times faster than nato, you know, this is what they carried out even in europe, yes, what’s there they increased production, they said that by the twenty -fifth year they would reach million figures, by the twenty-fifth, but that’s if everything... goes well, and if it doesn’t work out, well, that means it won’t work out, but for us everything has already started and we’re going out by five million in terms of
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ammunition, therefore - in the near future in the long run they will not catch up with us, but they need to pause so as not to waste these shells on other theaters of operations, then maybe they will succeed, cnn, look, russia produces almost three times more artillery ammunition than the united states. europe, which is a key advantage ahead of the next russian offensive in ukraine. the us military has set a goal of producing 100,000 artillery shells per month by the end of the twenty-fifth year, less than half the russian monthly production. but even that figure is now out of reach as $60 billion in funding for ukraine has stalled in congress. we are now in the middle of a production war, a senior us army official said. russia produces about 250,000 artillery pieces. ammunition per month, or about 3 million per year, the us and europe combined are only capable of producing about 1,200,000 munitions per year to send to kiev,
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a senior european intelligence official said. european. and countries are trying make up for the deficiency. last month , the german defense company announced it plans to open an ammunition factory in ukraine, which it said would produce hundreds of thousands of 155mm rounds a year. in germany the same company has broken ground on a new plant which is expected to produce about 200,000 artillery shells during the same period. menoth will return. premiere on... i'm a policeman, you're threatening me with a weapon now, put the gun down, that's murder again, gonchurov shot a man, gonchurov was detained for murder of a policeman, martenov himself wanted to kill him, and do you really see me, unfortunately, you too, get out of my bath immediately, anna medium, today on
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rtr. you look 100 to one, what is our task to open the whole board, we can handle it, if you ask, then with the swelling, the name of which character from pushkin’s works everyone knows, how much is 7.8, how much, who is at work a lot? speaks loudly, if you answer, then with humor, i would think, chop, no, pinch, problems with water, light, uh, housing and communal services, i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry - set for a headache, god forbid now beep, if you win, then 100 to one,
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of course, on sunday, what do we have? jerry, i would really like to work for you, let's get started, bulldog, snoring, what to feed the crayfish, the hamster just died, my dear, it seems that my life is turning into a good one. what does it take to become a successful veterinarian? an extreme situation brings people very close, maybe we can switch to you, come on, come on, the ability to love, some dazzling today, alina, it’s hard not to fall in love with him, but if i say that let’s stop there, because it’s dangerous to go further, healers of souls, alezhek i’m
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home, on sunday on rtr. our children always dream of what will make them happy. and every parent wants these dreams to come true. we support them. we are proud of them and believe that they will succeed.
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if you want to look, look. look, look, well, look at the screen, look at me, takes out, look, look, agreement, sign, we sign at the same time for 1 2 3, subscribe. look, look, maybe we’ll go to my place, just watch a movie , we’ll put aside our own, we believe in what’s dear to us, we talk about what’s important to us, every word we say is a step towards victory, evening with vladimir solovyov, today on rtr, so ukraine urgently needs it. mobilization to stabilize the front line, german vel reports. the tv channel calls the number of casualties in the ranks of the all-russian forces a terrifying fight; as a result , the military commissars’ attempt to issue
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summonses to visitors to the gym in kiev turned out to be, recruits were beaten, the state border service of ukraine , also amusing personnel, detained thirty -four conscripts who were trying to go to romania in the back of a truck, took them out onto... into the street and beat them, as if it were a cattle sport, and this young man was going to romania , put on a wetsuit and a strange mask, in which he was detained right on the shore. a resident of odessa found a safe way to walk down the street without fear of getting a summons. you see, a woman and giant breasts, but not everything is so simple here, look how it’s different filling from tooth restoration? a filling , you know, i answer, come on, come on, a filling from a tooth restoration, they are restoring it, putting it together, probably a filling in parts, just filling a hole,
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good evening, state border service of ukraine, please introduce yourself, what is your purpose here? in order to cross the border with moldova? an intruder in a latex mask, mantle cape and wetsuit tried to magically disappear from ukraine, the man reincarnated as a mythical character in order to sneak into moldova unnoticed or in order to to scare off the border guards or hoped that such a look would help. to be invisible, the offender prepared for the trip carefully, took a monocular and a thermal bag, in which he put a knife in a flashlight and mittens, the splafim planned to overcome the torunchuk river, and then the dniester, the case was sent to court.
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straton pavlovich, well, since you have already shown this story, i’ll probably start with this picture, yes , which we just saw, people may get the impression that ukraine is actively fighting against the illegal departure of people of military age abroad, in fact this is intraspecific competition. odessa to that assassination attempt by zelensky, because for some reason everyone focused on what the president said, that - to say, there was an attempt on my life, there at 150, who says a shell exploded at 500 m and so on, but i want
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look at this story from a slightly different perspective, the president of a warring country invites the prime minister of greece, naturally, he is obliged to guarantee his safety, why... olya: the city of odessa is chosen, out of all the cities of ukraine, in order to to meet with the prime minister , the city of odessa is chosen, for some reason the route is chosen, well, in fact, the port infrastructure , which every day lends itself to certain attacks by russian missiles, what i’m actually getting at is that macron is refusing to go to ukraine for the third time , based , so to speak, on unresolved issues regarding his security, i... mean that these people do not have any red border lines, they are cynical people who, if necessary , can use foreign travelers for
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solving certain problems, if escalation is needed, i, for example, do not rule out that some ursula fondeen or some other secretary general stoltenberg, coming to ukraine and trusting the ukrainian authorities, will end up somewhere under distribution, this could... be quite consistent with, well, let’s say, those necessary decisions that president zelensky will need, they are all inviting nato troops to ukraine, although in fact, you know, even in the matter... so to speak, they are doing a very big mistake, i want them disappoint, because in fact , nato troops can appear in ukraine only under one condition: if a final decision is made on the division of ukraine and the borders are designated along which borders this country can be divided. what russia said regarding the integrity and sovereignty that only the russian federation can guarantee was in fact true. they didn't believe it.
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perhaps they will appear there, that’s who they will be filled with, this is this foreign legion, quite possibly even those people who are now are fighting on the territory of ukraine, why not , why not, or maybe, for example, representatives of other countries who, again under the patronage of france, will fight on the territory of ukraine, but i want to ask a question:


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