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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  March 12, 2024 2:30pm-2:55pm MSK

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yes, all this is nonsense, i expressed myself clearly, in my opinion, an ordinary person, this is a monument to my mother, that’s all, that’s all that, well, probably the general public should know. our correspondent viktor nosov also conducted an investigation into who this woman was and whose mother it was. victor, you have the floor. we found the house where lidiya vladimirovna chernikova lived in recent years. it is located in the west of moscow, on mosfilmovskaya street. lidia vladimirovna died in 2015. as we found out, the woman has two children, a daughter who lives and works in america, and a son a successful entrepreneur from the republic of bashkatastan, whom his neighbors praise for decorating his mother’s grave and ordering an expensive sculpture. by the way, the pose in which lydia vladimirovna is depicted was probably not chosen by chance. in recent years , the pensioner has been ill and did not get out of bed. the neighbors in the house have changed in recent years, but those who have lived for a long time remembered that lidya is a pensioner. vladimirovna made noise,
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the tv often played loudly, it even came to calling the police, but according to neighbors, lydia chernikova opened only for children or a nurse, well, to the question about the fact that this is just a monument to mother, you see, there are different, another, another association, given in sculpture, yes, yes, yes, yes , greece, my friends, let's now, in -firstly, this is a deceased person, let's talk about the dead or nothing at all.
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were laid to rest with the respect that they , fathers and sons, so that the people's favorites certainly deserve. that's all for today, take care of yourself and your loved ones, goodbye.
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today, when there is practically a war going on, we need to understand who is who, who is for what fighting, who is responsible for what, who wants what, about half a billion people heard our president, they heard the truth, of course, this caused hysteria in the civilized world, look how events develop further, look. so many different
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formulations are used to avoid the need to tell the truth, when those who are supposedly fighting corruption are themselves corrupt, asking for money from western partners to destroy their own country, this is not the opposition, these are traitors. esagon tv today. on rtr. hello, dear friends, comrades, your favorite program 60 is live. so,
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the united states seems to be finally merging ukraine, this conclusion can be drawn based on the draft military budget presented by the biden administration. raises for an insane, record 850 billion dollars, and about aid to ukraine, word, that is, the next president, whoever wins the election in november, biden or trump? officially, kiev will not be obliged to do anything, the curtain is on, while american intelligence is doing everything to keep a good face on a very, very bad game, or try to save the situation, as if it were the most. the last push. so, at a meeting of the us senate intelligence committee, a report on the russian-ukrainian war was presented. which directly states that there is no need to be afraid of russia. russia, according to the head of us national intelligence, ms.
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haines, is not looking for a direct conflict with nato and will not dare to use nuclear weapons against the alliance. tries to lull the whole world to sleep, telling them that nothing terrible is happening now, and nothing terrible will happen in the near future, then, in fact, the main thesis, since we are not afraid, then let’s put a little more pressure on russia and save the ukrainian junta, from the arguments, moscow is achieving an ever greater advantage in ukraine. the report states that the russian military industry. according to the head of the national intelligence service, putin is sincerely convinced that nato expansion and support for ukraine is an attempt to weaken russian power, and if putin is sincerely convinced, intelligence concludes, then putin is going to the end, well, that is, there is time to stop if the white house does not
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will push through the decision to provide kiev with a new package of military assistance, then new territorial losses in ukraine, and maybe not only in ukraine. can't be avoided. the head of the cia, bins, also spoke out against the hawks. at the same meeting, he stated that negotiations between kiev and moscow are possible, but only after kiev, having received new help from washington, carries out a new counter-offensive at the end of 2024. russia's attack will include, believe it or not, penetrating strikes on crimea and the black sea. this, according to burns, will be a revival of the offensive ukraine's initiative will allow negotiations from a position of, as he put it, significant strength. conclusion, do you understand? the united states is officially, publicly calling on ukraine to carry out
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penetrating strikes on crimea, because this is normal. without american money, ukraine will collapse, he states. a picture of the future, without interference from washington. american interests around the world, and one road is with our help, approved by congress, it runs through the very real possibility that ukraine will have european security and long-term will consolidate strategic success, and it will be a strategic defeat for vladimir putin's russia. according to our assessment, with our
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help, ukraine can maintain its line of defense until 2024. at the beginning of 2025, ukraine will be able to continue to damage russia not only through penetrating strikes on crimea, but on the russian black sea fleet. in other words, with a new aid package by the end of '24 or the beginning of '25, ukraine will be able to resume its offensive and regain the initiative and put itself in position to negotiate from a position of greater strength and achieve such negotiation results. in which putin’s goal, which is to subjugate ukraine and control its choices, will not be achieved. the other path, but without an additional aid package, offers us a much bleaker future. ukraine will probably lose positions and probably significant territories this year. to the hasty
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withdrawal of ukrainian troops just a couple of days before i was in kiev. during your last visit, what are the consequences of this? one senior ukrainian partner didn't tell me what happened, he said, our people fought as hard as they could for as long as they could, but we ran out of ammunition and the russians kept advancing, i think without the aid package we'll see more in 2024, avdeevka, and it seems to me that this would be a huge historical mistake for the united states. could you say more about the negotiating position if you are a person who suggests that ukraine may not win in the end, although i believe that...
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putin's strategic goals remain unchanged, and he continues to view
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nato expansion and western support for ukraine as proof of his long-held belief that the united states and europe are seeking to limit russian power and weaken him. at the same time, of course, russia continues to modernize and strengthen its nuclear weapons capabilities, even as it maintains the largest and most diverse stockpile of nuclear weapons.
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look, a column of t-80 bv, t-72b and t-90 breakthrough tanks ensured the advancement of two infantry fighting vehicles with russian attack aircraft, as a result of which. i myself managed to land on the st. george section, this is the khurakhovsky direction. according to the dunk platoon, the cover was from grenade launchers, from anti-tank systems, from artillery, but even after, just think about it, four hits, the russian vehicle continues to move towards the entrenchment trench, suppressing ukrainian militants with fragmentation shells. now remember, that same british challenger 2 that got stuck. in a puddle while at the training ground. another great tank builder
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is german engineers, also right now tearing out their hair. according to the german belt, the russian army managed to capture one of the 18 leopards of the 2.6 model. this is the most advanced, latest modification of leo, which is only in service with the ukrainian armed forces. the tank left the german assembly line in 1923. true, they only managed to fight for one day, but the kiev regime expects the ukrainian army to be on steroids, since even american tanks did not help. now there will be another western prodigy, american, of course, f-16, the first six fighters are ukraine will receive at best in july of this year , the new york times reports, nato countries promised 45 aircraft in total to the ssu, but due to difficulties with training pilots in the delivery process,
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confusion and some chaos arose, as they write in the newspaper, all to blame.. .those
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, but it didn't help. the ukrainian air force mik-29 turned into a huge fireball after meeting with the russian air-to-air hypersonic missile, r-37m. what was left of the fighter was a pile of rubble; the bandera man who flew the plane was buried by his brothers-in-arms with british sensibilities. as usual, in london they burned a piano with a call sign painted on the body.
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not far from this, things are even worse, after the russians broke through at avdeevka, they have already turned the shell famine in the war to their advantage, the soldiers lack weapons and ammunition from the united states, and the republicans are still blocking the release of financial assistance, according to the military
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the command of ukraine, the russian army is trying to advance on the approaches to chas yar, a trap from bakhmud, the soldiers in the trenches, as they themselves say, cannot...
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it hasn’t happened yet, it has been strengthened to the maximum logs and sandbags so that it can withstand russian bombing, in these fortifications we can hide in the event of a russian attack. instead of retreating further, we can hold our positions here. another morning for valentina. a soldier lies on the operating table, breathing with only one lung. the field went straight through the second and the surgeons want to remove the clot. we are located in the mechnikov hospital in dnepropetrovsk. 2/3 of patients are soldiers injured on the battlefields. before during the war, nikolai worked as a programmer, he tells us that he thought that his injuries would finish him off.
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but, at least truthfully, after all the statements that kiev’s victory is a guarantor of security for the countries of the north atlantic
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alliance, nato has finally openly admitted that ukraine is simply being used. the secretary general also added that even if individual nato countries send their troops to ukrainian territory, this will necessarily affect all members of the bloc who are connected. about collective defense, so you definitely can’t send anything anywhere. stoltenberg advised macron next time consult with allies, only then speak. in general, of course, this is a sure sign of a split in the alliance, which already risks losing the decisive, main, most powerful rich member of the united states. and only zelensky. everything is fine, in an interview with the french television channel bfm tv, he said that he sees nothing wrong with emmanuel’s proposal, and said that we all misunderstood
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the president of the fifth republic. all macron proposed was to send instructors, intelligence officers, and specialists in cybersecurity and operation of military equipment, and it is the ukrainians, not the french, who plan to die on the battlefield, as expected, he clarified separately.
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look, when we send our troops to europe, this is the first time i'm talking about this, when they return after training in various missions in different countries, they then have to adapt to ukraine to continue their training in ukraine, this process becomes. twice as long from the time you send someone into training to actually being able to use them on the battlefield. proposal to reduce time for training missions to send training missions to ukraine. i don't think there's anything wrong with that. this does not mean that the french army should come to ukraine. let's just talk about the training processes: people, coaches and training inspectors and so on. this can be done in different areas. cyber ​​defense, intelligence, equipment work.


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