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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  March 12, 2024 8:00pm-9:05pm MSK

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what kind of martynov, he’s a policeman , this is a serious accusation, he’s at least my friend, but don’t believe it or not, well, it’s him, i know, martynov is 100 years old, he’s not a maniac, but he was rude to you, you’re offended that's why you dreamed, but listen, if i had everyone who was rude to me, laughed at me, accused me of murder, but there wouldn't be enough prisons, he was like that, he walked around in pink gloves with a green sponge... that's all here he scrubbed cleaned it, here there lay a corpse, well, where is the body, well, how do i know, maybe it’s from him i got rid of it when i met you, i didn’t believe in these ghosts, the podusarny of the world and all that, but you convinced me that it’s real, now you’re wrong, i don’t believe you, yes yur! hello, hello,
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uh-huh. yes, i’m listening , evgeniy petrovich ostrovsky, good afternoon, my name is vlad, next to me on speakerphone, my partner kostya, greetings, we bought your patent, we have an offer for you, let’s meet, you know, you only please don't be offended, but i don't have the slightest desire to date people who want to bury my idea and my patent. schleger told me everything, well, actually it’s not like that, to put it mildly, it was beneficial for us that he thought like that and sold us the company at par, if you’re into poker.
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half a billion people heard our president, they heard the truth, of course, this caused hysteria in the civilized world. how do events develop further? look how many different formulations are used to avoid the need to tell the truth when those who are supposedly fighting corruption.
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they themselves are corrupt, begging for money from western partners to destroy their own country, this is not the opposition, these are traitors. esagon tv today on rtr. comrade lieutenant colonel, i am ready to begin my duties and get acquainted with the department and work. premiere. on rtr, i need to look at the body, and by the way, she was a good herdak, strange questions, where can you buy a sausage in dough, you are talking seriously now, dubious methods, veronika pavnovna, you are still a part-time dog handler, original conclusions, everything is accurate, i found an alibi, a family of elders, a bed, well, look how it is located, a paradox!
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its manifestation takes two decades, so the whole family needs to be examined. the most important information from the most competent sources. take care of your complex body. take care of yourself and be healthy, about the most important thing, from monday to friday on rtr, girl, hello, my name is anna ostrovskaya, my work pass, passport should be ready, please yes, but i work here and i was told that it is today will ready, passport, please, oh, excuse me, so, marinka
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, didn’t you recognize me, here’s your pass... someone must have already told her about our corporate gift for clients. take a seat, anna borisovna, we are talking. i made some inquiries here. why didn’t you tell us that you worked in the investigative committee? well, that was it. and what?
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why were you accused of fraud? what was a huge scandal? and now here they have turned valentina mikhailovna’s head? are you aiming for high? what do you need, can someone help you sent, actually yes, you can say, i ’m listening, firstly, an article was published refuting the accusations against me, and you can easily find it on the net, and secondly, just a few days ago i didn’t even know about the existence of your company, yes, your employee sent me here, she helped me, well, how to earn your trust, go through an interview, my name is lena. “oh, she, lena guseva, guseva, for the cause of personnel, who drove off to bali, she didn’t leave anything, she was killed, i’ll explain everything to you now, i’m a medium, and
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i can communicate with the dead, so here she is came to me and asked me for help so that i could find her killer, she doesn’t know who it is. but this person works in your company, what nonsense? well, if guseva is missing, maybe we will contact the police, until the body is found, lena guseva will be listed as missing, the police are unlikely to seriously look into the case of lena guseva, and i can find the killer, i will connect all the connections in the investigative committee. well, don’t tell me that... you believe her, i believe, kolya, i believe, don’t you understand, a man was killed in my company, in my company, you think i’ll just leave it like that, i understand you, get on with it, connect whoever needs it, and i, i’ll call the reception, you can
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pick up your pass, thank you, so can i go? “thank you, thank you, guys, no one saw arina ivanovna , yes, it didn’t seem like she showed up, guys, no one saw rina ivanovna, i twisted my leg, i ’m scared, channikov, stop explaining, you idiot, don’t pay attention to him, guys , a moment of silence, unfortunately, the rehearsal will not
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take place, arina ivanovna cannot come, why, what happened, nothing, just her she’s busy, we can’t get through to her, there’s no class today. i’ll mix it with herbs, but i still need one and a half pieces , everything will be ready, dad, you’re super, super, go, wash your hands, what’s the news? the guys who bought my patent called, they offer me the position of chief engineer, they offer to launch my production project, but i told you that everything would be fine, but there is one thing, they are in moscow, that is, you naively expected that ... thanks to rosebeuf and flowers, i will agree to move to moscow, well, this is my chance, okay, i
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'll think of something else, if the mountain doesn't go to mohammed, then mohammed goes to the mountain, what did you say, what did i say, you're a genius, of course, i'm a genius, i'm a genius, a genius , genius, hello, yura, yura , i know that you are angry with me, and i... i want you to believe me, i understand that it will be difficult to do, but it seems to me that i have figured out how to talk to natasha, but you have to help me with this, may, it smells good, zhenya, but i need to leave urgently, wait, what about dinner, and we haven’t discussed everything, i’m i’ll be back for dinner, an hour and a half, if you’re interested, the apartment i hid, no one can contact me all day, the mother and her child live in novgorod, the mother doesn’t
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know anything, by the way, martynov was in the department until 30 at night, i checked this for sure , he couldn’t go on a date with the girl, he has albie, you ’re wrong, hi, i’m not sure if this is a good idea, maybe i’ll still call, yes, you call, we’ll get some air for now. thank you. there? i hope at least now you are not mistaken. here and there. why did you come here? because this place is far from her room, in which full of ghosts. if the ghosts do not leave natasha, then natasha can leave the ghosts. but only for a little while. we have very little time. let's go, where, well , there, there, straight ahead, yura, faster, okay, that
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's it, i'm coming, natasha, don't be afraid, i see you, i... i'd like to talk to you, he'll leave me, yes, why are you he took me, of course, he won’t leave you, he loves you, i miss you so much, after the injury he never hugged me, he comes to me because he feels guilty, for what, for everything, is it his fault, why? who shot you? yuri,
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it’s better not to know, stop, don’t go, yura , yura, yura, come here, quickly, come here, what, what, hug her, well, hug her, hug her, i can’t, i’m a doctor, the doctors are telling me, quickly, quicker! natasha, natasha, if he feels guilty just because he didn’t find the person who shot at you. help him find him, but if you love him, tell me, he introduced me to him. we trusted him so much.
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i heard you ask who shot him, what did she say? she said this is the one you both trusted, that's it, that's it? what is this means? i don’t know, well, think about it, yuri, think about it, i hit the door, so what? why did you come here? we only made it worse. yur, yes, it wasn’t you who trusted, she said, we both trusted, which means it’s not zhogov, but some mutual acquaintance of yours. and then she said that it was you who introduced her to him,
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i introduced her to mardinov. “we were friends with him, this can’t be, no, you’re talking complete nonsense, well, no, i’m complete nonsense, yur, wait, where are you going, this can’t be, oh, zhenya, thank you very much.” for dinner, one more time, please, listen, i'm done i came up with the idea, yes, i’ll go to moscow on a rotational basis, how’s that for you, but how will the girls and i be without you, well, it’s only three times a week, dasha is big, ola and masha are even older, there won’t be any problems with them, they’ll be there for you help, what is he? good night
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good night.
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what are you doing, this is my car, hands, what are you doing, yur, what’s in your car, and i ’ll explain this to you now, so you lower the gun, otherwise you never know how to hurt someone, come on, here you are, carrion, natasha told me who shot her, and did she come to her senses, no, you tell me
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they helped me talk to her, and i realized, is this your charlatan? yurka, you have known me for 20 years, and you don’t believe me, your friend, but did you believe her? yes, she is deceiving you, she is manipulating you, open your eyes already, yura, i am your friend, i am a policeman, you are now threatening me with a weapon, so let’s put down the gun , let’s discuss everything, yur, yur, i ask you, put down the gun, yur, nushi ,shi! grandma, why are you here, to console,
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maybe you’re not around, tomorrow, at first glance, it’s suicide, he was knocked out by a block of wood, it will be called the anatomy of betrayal or a cheerful widow, i hope you will understand why we called our program that. but as usual, first i want to report to you that
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about 12 million people watched our previous program on the russia 24 channel, on the russia 1 channel, on youtube, on our telegram channel on other platforms, so as you can see, we are practically not losing i hope we’ll just continue to recruit our audience. where do i want to start? here's a small historical fact: on may 29, 1941, stalin summoned the director of the institute of philosophy , pavel fedorovich yunin, and told him: here look, a senior official , a people's commissar, comes, it takes a lot of time to understand what he wants, they don't teach logic, people don't know how to reason consistently, they haven't learned from childhood to think logically, as a subject of logic. disappeared from schools in 1917. stalin brought this subject back to schools, although not for long. in 1956, after
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the twentieth congress, khrushchev abolished the teaching of this subject at school. you know, it seems to me that these words of stalin can be attributed to today. look at how many different formulations are used for in order... which we recorded in 2020, in detail, step by step, we tried to figure out how the whole concept was built, which led
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to a huge program associated with navalny with how the civilized world wanted to accuse us of an atrocity, let's we'll see. in the summer of 2020, mr. navalny was under investigation and ordered not to leave; he had no right to leave moscow under any circumstances. however, on august 14, navalny and his company fly to novosibirs, and then to tomsk, from august 14 to 19 they walk, drink, visit parties, relaxing in the bathhouse, drinking local moonshine and so on, was it possible to poison him? anywhere and with anything, mr. navalny became ill on board a plane flying from tomsk to moscow on
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august 20, at 8:40 the plane urgently lands in omsk. at 9:10 am, ambulance doctors began resuscitation measures, and at 10:05 am , navalny was hospitalized in the omsk hospital. later, specialists from moscow arrive in omsk. military transport was already waiting, they were accompanied by the police, who cleared the road to the hospital, fire trucks protected from the rear, human life is valuable, and life. some are more valuable than others, what happens next? then begins a tsunami, a bacchanal, poisoners,
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a bloody regime, and putin personally. on january 17 , 2021, mr. navalny returns to russia, although he clearly understands that he will be immediately arrested, because after his departure, after... and he is sent back, they squeeze him out, although navalny did not want to return, that’s very interesting he said about it
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prison, immigration or grave? why is this so? the fact is that in parallel with the return navalny to russia, an advertising, propaganda film about the supposedly under construction of putin’s palace is being shot at a german studio. journalists from the schwarzwelder newspaper managed to establish that navalny's film was made in the town of kirzharten at the black forest film studio, which... is directed by nina gwynne weiland and sebastian weiland. the opening of the studio itself in germany surprisingly coincided with the beginning of the investigation about the palace. it turns out that back in december, at the beginning of december, they called this black forest studio from america and reserved a place, well, time filming, it turns out that navalny, well , he wasn’t so bad, that well, after such poisoning, he was actively involved in filming the studio’s film. the work was carried out as
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secretly as possible, outsiders came in. only his wife and daughter, the doors were locked, the curtains were even drawn on the windows, so that the foothills of the alps could no longer be seen. but they are clearly visible from navalny’s house, which he rented in the most prestigious area of ​​freiburg, even before the order came to the german company from the united states. here to this villa with a symbolic number 13, he moved in at the end of november. with whose money did the officially unemployed blogger rent these two floors, who paid him for the creation of a pseudo-documentary film. well, in the end , sir. on december 25, 2023, navalny was sent to a correctional colony in the village of kharp, yamalo nenets autonomous okrug, this colony was called the polar wolf. as time passes , gradually both supporters and opponents begin to forget about mr. navalny. well, actually, this can be explained, because a special
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military war is beginning. in ukraine, huge money are transferred to the military needs of ukraine, part of this money disappears, moreover, some of the weapons that come there suddenly end up in the hands of terrorists, as we know, in africa, in the middle east, completely monstrous events occur related to the abuse of our prisoners , well, and most importantly, practically... on the eve of the elections in the united states , the most terrible thing is happening, this is the announced, advertised, promised counter-offensive, it fails completely, thousands of people die, our troops are taken avdeevka and are advancing quite confidently, tearing apart the ukrainian front. things are no better for the russian opposition; there is a squabble over
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the border. accusing each other, that’s just an example , listen, all this liberal riffraff , who continues to tell us about reputation, is working today one way or another to ennoble the monstrous regime, maxim katz publicly said that he doubts navalny’s authorship, knowing full well that this not so, mikhail khodorkovsky publicly questioned navalny’s authorship, alfred koch, who else is there, all these people are scoundrels, i think.
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they started the war in 2014, our goal is to stop this war, and we did not start it in 2022, this is an attempt at it. stop, its resonance was deafening, if you look at the circle in general, it’s practically all together, about half a billion people heard our president, they heard the truth, they heard something that they would never hear from their media, and of course, this caused hysteria in the civilized world. all over the world people are watching this ridiculous interview with vladimir putin, which was carried out by tucker carlol, and we must not fall into this web of lies, especially that putin is somehow destined to succeed in ukraine, on the contrary, he is doomed to fail. how do events develop
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further? 3 days before navalny’s death on february 12, his mother lyudmila comes to the colony and reports that she saw him. he is alive, healthy and cheerful. on wednesday, february 14 , navalny is visited by his lawyer leonid solovyov. later, he also reports that he saw his client completely normal, healthy, cheerful state. on february 15 , navalny connects via video link to the hearing of the kovrovsky court in the vladimir region, from his colony in the yamalo-neninets district. and here we are...
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4 years ago she was already ready to go, she went , exactly 2 days after chichvarkin’s speech, that is, on february 16, 2024,
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the russian penitentiary administration for the yamalo-neninets autonomous okrug reports the sudden death of alexei navalny in a correctional colony , this message appears on... on the website of the federal penitentiary service at 14:19 this same 16 february it was reported: after a walk on february 16 , the prisoner felt unwell , lost consciousness, medical workers from the institution arrived immediately, an ambulance was called , resuscitation measures did not give positive results, doctors confirmed the death of the convict , its cause... is established, this is a message to everyone, this happens, as i said, at 14:19 minutes, 14:35 minutes, 15 minutes
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after this message, a message appears from the swedish foreign minister tobias billström, this is what he writes: terrible news about navalny, if the information about his death is confirmed... listen to the numbers, after another 6 minutes, at 14:41, latvian foreign minister edgars renkiewicz writes: “whatever you think about navalny as a politician, he was just
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brutally murdered by the kremlin." 14:51. french foreign minister stephane séjournet, husband of french prime minister gabriel attal, writes: navalny paid with his life for the fight against a system of oppression. 1454 minister of foreign affairs. a cruel state that kills people who dream of a beautiful, better future, such as nemtsov and now navalny, who was imprisoned and tortured to death. 15:02 president of the european council charles michel, the eu holds the russian regime solely responsible for this tragic death. 15:10 during a press conference, head of the kiev regime zelensky. obviously he was killed. putin, like thousands of others who were tortured. 15:20, dutch prime minister mark
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ruet, navalny's death illustrates the unprecedented cruelty of the russian regime. 15:35. german foreign minister annalena berback. navalny, how nobody, was a symbol of a free and democratic russia, which is why he had to die. at 15:43, president of the european commission. he gets it. grim reminders of what putin and his regime are all about. we'll talk about this lady a little later. 15:49. prime minister of sweden, ulf kristorson. the russian authorities and putin personally are responsible for the fact that navalny is no longer with us. 15:50. the president of moldova, maya sanduk, who is generally hated by the entire moldovan people, writes: navalny's death in a russian prison, a reminder of blatant oppression
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regime of dissent. and then the one-eyed robber german chancellor olaf scholz, us secretary of state anthony blinken, french president emmanuel macron. just think about it, just think about it, where is the yamalo-neninets autonomous okrug, where is sweden? where is france, where is moldova, and how , as if on command, just minute by minute, and in the end, as the apogee of this coven , the famous man joe biden speaks, who hardly understands what he is saying, but he was ordered to say it, and he -how he said it, and it wasn’t just said, it was an appeal to nation, deceased prisoner. in the yamalo, nenets
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okrug, which provoked an appeal to the nation, to the american people, self-propelled joe, who said, literally this is what , listen, there was a message about the death of alexei navalny, he courageously resisted corruption, violence, all the terrible things that the putin government did . we must provide funding so that ukraine can defend itself against putin's brutal attacks and war crimes, that is, if we analyze the speech objectively, before biden's people, the logic is this: putin killed navalny, so we need to continue the war in ukraine, it’s normal. in the elderberry garden, in kiev, uncle dzhogo. that
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is, in a minimal period of time, like a carbon copy, almost all the leaders of the countries of the civilized world expressed their condolences over the death of navalny, and b) blaming vladimir putin for this. well, class, and no one cares why putin needs to kill navalny 2 months before... the elections, what’s the point for all this to start, what’s the point? that means not putin this is beneficial, but for those who don’t want , those who don’t want to, they don’t want putin to win these elections, well, look, i’m not an investigator, i’m not a prosecutor, i’m not an artist, we have a proverb, a saying : us, i’m an artist, my place is at the buffet , i’ve been drinking in the morning, i’m free all day
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, but in my profession, acting, even directing , too, when some text or some role appears, you analyze its logic, you try to understand the meaning what was said, if you look at what happened, look, this is not a statement, this is an assumption, well, it’s an artistic fantasy, let’s say. if a few minutes after the incident, god knows where, in the north of the russian country.
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there is nothing else, there are no other thoughts, there are no other activities, the big cities of france have filled paris with shit, and the prime minister’s husband, a few minutes after navalny’s death, expresses condolences from this shit, what is this, how is this? listen
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further, 3 hours after the news of navalny’s death, his wife, it turns out, is not... russia, because for many years, and you are all these you know, you know all this, we cannot trust putin, and the putin government, they always lie. i want putin, his entire entourage, putin, putin’s friends, his
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governments, to know that they will suffer for what they did to our country, with... and this day will come very soon, and i want to call on the entire world community, everyone in this room, people all over the world, so that we can unite together to defeat this evil. look at how she communicates with the leaders of the civilized world, look at her smile, look at how she looks, at makeup, look, look how even the roots of her hair are dyed, why
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, maybe she was preparing for this performance, maybe she knew...
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like navalny, he ended up in the charité military hospital in berlin, where he was treated, and where they made him four or five. vaccinations with the fizer vaccine, and now let’s compare this with what is being discussed in the world regarding
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what vaccination with this vaccine can lead to, researchers have proven that those who were vaccinated with this vaccine, among them , the number of people dying from coming off. rhombus. here is the document. in england , 965,609 deaths were recorded among vaccinated people between july 2021 and may 2023 alone. compared to 60,903 deaths among the unvaccinated. are you rating? ratio, this means that during this period a total of 1,26,512 deaths were registered, with
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vaccinated people accounting for 94%, while unvaccinated people accounted for only 6%. and this is all in approximately the same age group. what does this prove? this proves that the use of this feizer graft. factor of increased the number of deaths, despite the fact that, including from a broken blood clot, but we know that navalny was vaccinated four or even five times, why, why, for what? researchers say such consequences could occur within 5 years of...
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criminal investigation into fizer vaccines, look, ursula fondern should immediately and unconditionally resign as president of the european commission, due to the fact that her actions are currently being investigated european prosecutor's office in criminal proceedings. the commission signed up to november twenty-first year contracts on behalf of member states amounting to 71 billion euros. for the purchase of more than 4.5 billion doses of the covid-19 vaccine. this means it
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has purchased 10 doses of vaccines for every eu citizen, based on contracts that have not been made public. this is what the contract she signed with these pharmaceutical companies looked like. how is this possible in the european union, which is supposed to be transparent in how people's money is used. therefore, i again ask you again .
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received the attention of the world community, and why in america itself they reacted so casually, easily and without any research or study, to such an unexpected death, as if it were a suicide, of the supplier of children by the high-ranking pedophile jeffery efstein, why or else, i wonder, these are the ones who are grieving. .. finish navalny , have they ever heard what valeria ilinichna novodvorskaya said about navalny,
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who is difficult to accuse of being... a fan of putin and putin’s, so to speak, regime, listen, alexey navalny inspires me panic like horror the future leader of maddened crowds, and even with a nazi slant, is not brought up at rallies, people light up at rallies, no one comes to rallies to think, much less think about the fact that the rally participants are wrong, and they really scare me.
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his life, death, his return to russia, his speeches at the trial, his sacrificial and conscious ascent to the scaffold, finally his murders, i see only one parallel: with christ. it’s normal, but it so happened that christ didn’t have a wife, but navalny did, and now i don’t... i want to talk about her, this it’s also interesting, very revealing , look, 3 days after navalny’s death on february 19, yulia navalnaya makes the following statement: hello, this is yulia navalnaya, today for the first time on this channel i want to address you, i shouldn’t have been on this place, i shouldn’t
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have recorded this video, in my place there should have been... another person, but this person was killed by vladimir putin. 3 days ago, vladimir putin killed my husband, alexei navalny. but putin also took navalny away from you, somewhere in a colony in the far north, for in the arctic circle, in eternal winter, putin killed not just a man alexei navalny, he along with him wanted to kill our hopes, our freedom, our future. but today. “i want to be close to you, because i know that you have lost no less than me. alexey, died in a colony after 3 years of torture. he didn’t just sit, he didn’t sit like others sit, he was tortured, he was held in a punishment cell, in a concrete box, please just imagine, they starved him, 3 years of hunger, and not only did he
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not give up, he supported us all the time. encouraged, laughed, joked, inspired, did not doubt for a split second what he was fighting for and what he was suffering for, alexey more than anything else in the world. loved russia, loved our country, in you, he believed in us, in our strength, in our future, in the fact that we deserve the best, he believed in words, in fact, so deeply sincerely that he was ready to give his life for it, i ask you to share with me the rage, rage, anger, hatred for those who dared to kill our future, i...
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it cannot be mistaken for a sincere cry from the soul, these are not the words of an inconsolable widow, this is not sincerely coming from the heart of bitterness, a desire for compassion, and so on and...
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sincerely, this is how, say, the new york times does it, it is a no-frills, stripped-down, almost severe look, corresponding to the seriousness of her life, a visual analogue of the navalny demands for transparent and uncorrupted russian government, the open cutouts on the board are meant to create a wide area of ​​clear, uninterrupted space around her head and... shoulders, providing an unobstructed view, there's even something slightly regal about it, like as if she already existed in a future portrait
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of herself as a queen or first lady, her red manicure gives the only visual hint of the emotions hidden beneath the surface, thanks to which we... but see inside she may be torn to shreds, but on the outside she looks extremely reserved, motherfucker, and now let's look from the other side of the cameras, this is the observation of a professional man who worked a lot on television, he is a screenwriter, and videographer, blogger and so on, his name is... roslan nigomatyanov. an entire filming studio was exhibited, nichrome key, a well-developed volume of space, the location was selected according to the canons of cinematic images, observing
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the symmetry of the same windows on both sides. the void on the right is artificially filled with a chair with her coat, supposedly just thrown away. in this episode, she probably returned from the munich conference. videographers will confirm that in this regard, everything in the frame is artificial and thought out. three-point light pattern, drawing light, filling the backlight on the top of the head, and it is clear that the light is set professionally, that is, behind the scenes there is a whole battery of film equipment, behind on each side of yulia there are three warm springs, in the background of the woman they put an additional blue cold one. lighting, in order to convey to the viewer yulia’s state, we noticed the screen coche, these are black stripes from the top to the bottom of the screen, this usually happens when they shoot with anomorphic
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lenses, and not due to the special structure of the lenses, they seem to expand the visible space, i must tell you that this a very expensive pleasure, only the editors will notice this, but... the change of plans shows that the lavalier microphone on the board abruptly changes its position relative to the chain on the neck, this only happens then,
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let's disconnect from everything for a second and imagine a person, a woman who really experiences grief, who really suffers, who really splashes out her emotions and feelings when this for real, when it’s impossible to do several takes, i’ll be honest, it hurts me to show it.
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in mid-february 2022. our last photo. exactly in 2 years putin will kill him. all these years i have been next to alexey. i was happy to be with him and support him. guys, listen. she is not under arrest, she is not under sanctions. she can come, go, anywhere at any second. but... having learned about her husband’s death, 3 hours later she finds herself in the wrong place where his body is, at the munich conference. well, okay, let’s say she’s scared, she may be scared that she will be arrested, but then, then why in 2021 is she dragging him to russia herself, knowing what awaits him there, but something doesn’t work out here.


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