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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  March 12, 2024 9:05pm-9:20pm MSK

9:05 pm
years, our last photo: exactly 2 years later putin will kill him, all these years i was next to alexey, i was happy to be next to him and support him, guys, listen, she is not under arrest, she is not under sanctions, she can come at any second, go anywhere, but after learning about her husband’s death, 3 hours later, she finds herself not... where his body is, at the munich conference, well, okay, let’s say she’s scared, she can be frightened by the fact that her will be arrested, well then, then why in 2021 is she dragging him to russia herself, knowing that he waiting there, but something doesn’t add up, so someone needs it, maybe including her, who knows? and once again about
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love, okay, i don’t want to interfere in personal relationships, but still the realization that the person close to you, whom you talk about as a loved one, about whom you suffer, is in prison, where at this time, where are you and what’s the funniest and most cynical thing is that what you do and how you live while your...
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unfortunately, alexei was imprisoned, but no one imprisoned her, listen to how life is defined and the torment of his husband, mrs. navalnaya, who, by the way , was never there with him, he didn’t just sit, he didn’t sit like others sit, he was tortured, he was kept in a punishment cell. in a concrete box, please just imagine, he was bullied, cut off from the world, not given a pen and paper to write a letter to me or our children. how does what mrs. navalnaya says about the plight and torment of her husband correlate, and how it can be combined with the way she received an oscar for the best documents.
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and i want to appeal to you, you last saw my son in february 2022, you do not have a ban on entering russia, not a single criminal case has been opened against you, but you have never come to give birth to him in 2 years. in fact, in the spring of 2021 you are not married to me, you appear publicly in society with dear men. it was you who forced him to come to russia, then he had just left the club and... could assess the situation, you
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forced him to sign over all of alexei’s property, you even disinherited your own son, which is why he is not with you talking, you turned your daughter against your son, it was strange for me to see how you with a smile, a few hours after alexei’s death, speak on his behalf in munich, how you appropriate his voice after his death, you didn’t even take a break for the sake of decency, they didn’t follow the grass and ran. this is to give it by death, you are a sweaty and low person, i despise you, i forbid you to speculate on the name of my son, my child. well, of course, there was an argument, hysteria that it was a fake, a scam, and so on and so forth. i don't want to get into these disputes. me i'm interested in the essence, could this woman say what she said to those? moreover,
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navalnaya herself admits that she has not seen her husband since february 2022. here is our last meeting with him in the middle. february 2022. our last photo. i think that what lyudmila ivanovna said is confirmed by the fact that yulia borisovna did not come to the funeral of her, as she says, beloved and only husband. navalny's funeral took place on march 1. quite a lot of people came to the funeral, supported navalny, believed him. who was not at the funeral, who probably should have been, was his wife, as she said, loving and only, his children, but there were other people, if we remember novodvorskaya’s words about navalny, we talked
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about this today, remember , alexey navalny inspires panic horror in me, as the future leader of the distraught is the power. than today we are waging a war against neo-nazism, it turns out that valeriizh was not so far from the truth, even in the eleventh year, if you try to throw everything away and just look
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situation, as if from a bird's eye view, we came across an article by the writer of our friend, roman nosikov, who is called navalny and... a special type of corruption. that's what it says. let's better talk about the phenomenon that alexey anatolyevich personifies. the irony of alexei anatolyevich’s fate is that, while claiming to be a fighter against corruption, he himself personified a very special type of corruption, the corruption of the opposition. more than anything in the world , alexey anatolyevich wanted money. this is exactly the quality. became the reason why he foreign intelligence services drew attention. alexei is quite rightly accused of being an agent of hostile influence, a traitor and a traitor. that is, another type of damage that remains outside the scope of attention.
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the fact is that with the help of alexei and his clones, the yashins, chirikovs, as well as with the help of his gang, volkov, alburov, sobole. and so on , the opposition in the country was completely destroyed, abroad russia is accused of destroying the opposition here, and the west is absolutely right, it really exists in russia they destroy, but not the bloody tyrant putin , the west itself, he destroys it with the help of corruption, turning it into his agents, that’s exactly what this is about...
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they were driven by promises, promises of money, remember our besogon, here’s to continue, how to preserve the interest, that’s how the interest save , alexey navalny, everyone, if a policeman is so careless that he detains
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you on march 26, then i promise to sue you for 10,000 euros, here is one of the victims of this promise message, look, okay, okay, in the comments they support us, they write that everyone will receive 10,000 euros, that’s all cool, fine, thank you for discussing more than 10,000 interruptions. how old is this boy 14-15 look at him funny charming naive. terrible, charming, in all seriousness , in all seriousness, he says that he has already figured out
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where to spend this money, only for this you need to break the law, but how, how to be detained, how to earn 10,000 euros, very simple, hit a policeman, throw a molotov cocktail at a police car, take rebar, cut the face of a law enforcement officer, do something that gets you will be detained, then you will receive 1000 euros, and has anyone received this money? no, has anyone ruined their fate, yes, when those who call themselves the opposition, who are supposedly fighting corruption, are themselves corrupt. asking for money from western
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partners to destroy their own country, this is not the opposition, these are traitors, the opposition are those people who see the mistakes of the authorities and want to help correct them, the opposition are those who comprehend and meaningfully approach... or other decisions power, creating they are trying to correct them, why did we devote an entire program to this story with navalny, because today, more than ever, when there is practically a war going on, on... it is necessary to understand who is who, who is fighting for what, who
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is responsible for what, who wants what in the country in which he lives, today, thank god, we have a leader who is trusted by the majority of the population of our country, at least by me personally, and not only because i am a confidant of candidate putin, i as a person, as citizen, what i... said through our programs, i sincerely want peace i saw once again that there is a leader who is trusted by the majority of our residents , by the way, not only the residents of our country, but also many other countries, citizens would like to see vladimir putin as their president, look, he spent many years to
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raise russia to legs. we highly appreciate the russian side and putin in particular. he is magnificent, and at the same time holds everything with an iron fist. a very cool person because he rules america while staying in moscow. he is beautiful. i love how he shuts everyone up. he is real leader. but we won’t give it away, well, now we won’t break our tradition, and as always, i propose to raise a glass to our victory.
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our swordman was late again, crookedly, he was late , but he said, we’re leaving one by one, if anything happens, we geologists are looking forward to seeing you, at our god willing we will meet again. vladimir putin today, at a meeting with the winners of the leaders of russia competition, spoke about our most powerful weapon and our most important weapon.


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