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tv   Taini sledstviya-5  RUSSIA1  March 13, 2024 3:35am-4:44am MSK

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and waters, starving palestinians are literally fighting for food, humanitarian supplies in the conditions of the border closed by israel, planes continue to be dropped. also, for the first time in many years, a ship left kip, carrying almost 200 tons of food with humanitarian aid. according to the organizers of the flight, this opens a maritime humanitarian corridor to the gas sector. in indonesia, on the island of bali, niepe day was celebrated, which means day of silence. it marks ... giant monsters created by local craftsmen and, according to tradition, accompanied ablutions and other ritual ceremonies in which the entire indigenous population of bali participates. this is a message, don't switch. after
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restoration , a unique exhibit returned to its original walls in the main museum of chukotka. experts have restored the armor of a chukut warrior, which dates back to the 16th century and is one of the few that have survived to this day. our correspondent veronika takmacheva provides details. new life for a unique artifact. after a lengthy restoration , vanadar returned from the moscow workshop costume of a chukchi warrior. dated.
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the pestilence of the beast and the iron plates was donated to the nasedi chukutka museum center in 1973 by a family from the village of minepylginov, which was kept as a relic. according to legend, in the 17th century, this armor was conquered from the koryaks by the kenlyu warriors, and their descendants carefully passed them on from generation to generation. it is symbolic that doctor of historical sciences alexander neftkin took part in the ceremony for the return of the exhibit after restoration. he is the author of a monograph, military.
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unusual design, known only in northeast of siberia. in addition to the metal armor, the warrior’s body was protected by wooden shields , wings, painted with ritual ornaments. in addition to the shell, which has the status of an exhibit of world significance, the main museum of chikotka also houses other items of military clothing, weapons, a leather and metal helmet, spears, and a bow and arrows with stone tips. all these exhibits are now united. to the new exhibition complex, which was called “ chukchi military affairs”. veronica takmacheva, arseny gusev, chukotka news. at the museum of political history petersburg presented an exhibition of soviet propaganda porcelain. the exhibition includes more than 70 exhibits created after the revolution, plates, vases, sculptures, sets, and dishes calling for exploits in a report by dmitry iskovsky. the bolsheviks immediately understood exactly where they needed to place their political slogans.
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avant-garde on cups, saucers, dinner sets. his plate, whoever is not with us is against us, is an example of laconicism and style. the artists broke the canons and stereotypes of porcelain production and achieved international recognition. eat the stamps preserved on the back are out of grade, this is top notch, in some places there are not even factory stamps, there is only a signature from the artist’s hand, these are apparently completely isolated copies. in 1925, this tea pair
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by sergei chikhonin received a gold medal at the world exhibition in paris. it is interesting that the first propaganda porcelain appeared after the great french revolution. and the slogans liberté igalité, fraternite, freedom, equality, fraternity, were written on plates both in france and later in russia. in the thirties, the process of searching for new forms and ideas was almost ceased, the glorification of the collective farm system and the five-year plan left artists little room for imagination; porcelain tableware never became a real agitator and propagandist, because it was expensive. unique works were created by hand, this required. unfortunately, time and the idea of ​​putting these same raspberry plates into everyday life did not materialize. at the exhibition you can see porcelain from the 20th century. in the fifties and sixties, the state tried to develop the artistic taste of the population, but often this led, on the contrary, to replication
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porcelain kitsch. but the revolutionary aesthetics of the twenties remained forever unsurpassed, and 100 years later it is especially valued. dmitry skovsky. alexander popovtsev, maxim lapin, lead st. petersburg. all news is available on the media platform. let's see, stay with us. let's start , let's go with a smile, more, more, more, great. okay, so, morning of russia, don’t oversleep the main thing, good morning, hello,
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march 13, wednesday, elena nikolaeva, we are pancakes, my stomach has somehow grown, it’s because of them that i can’t live without pancakes, still with you in the mornings, the third day we eat, more than half of russians always eat them at maslenitsa, every fifth person does this not only this week, but also regularly, some, although they love pancakes, try to limit themselves, and 2% do not eat they are absolutely, every third person loves pancakes with sweet fillings, honey, jam, condensed milk, yes... sour cream, cottage cheese, butter or red fish, meat, cheese with herbs, and i like ham, cheese, so now fry on both sides , i understand, the main thing is not to overdo it, limit salty and fatty foods, especially when diagnosed hypertension, what else can
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provoke high blood pressure , let’s figure it out, i don’t eat sweets, or anything at all, mostly it’s soup, various cereals, muscovite kirill revako switched to proper nutrition for diabetes and hypertension, now he’s afraid sugar is like fire, but doctors say that in the case of hypertension you also need to be wary of salt. of course, you need to exclude salt, of course in the quantities that are available, because it causes sodium retention, water retention, and increases blood pressure. pressure, well, such a classic mechanism, it’s actually not that complicated. it was analyzed in detail by american scientists back in the last century, on its basis they scientifically substantiated and developed a special diet, in english these are dietary instructions in the fight against hypertension. the idea is simple: reduce salt intake, increase potassium and calcium intake. later, the diet was modified and fatty and starchy foods were excluded from it; they lead to obesity; large body weight, as it turned out, also provokes the development of hypertension. obesity, adiposacitis is a powerful internal secretion organ that produces hormones that
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have such a negative effect on tone, blood flow, heart, and so on. and pressure, as a physical quantity, depends on these three components of vascular tone, the heart as a pump and volume. blood and if one of these values ​​fails on a regular basis, the pressure begins to steadily increase, hypertension appears, which specifically disrupts proper functioning, scientists are still studying, in addition to obesity, this could be kidney disease, it is in them that the hormone responsible for the elasticity of blood vessels is produced, factors of a different nature can also provoke the disease, since no one has canceled the genetic factor, it is worth remembering, i would focus specifically on the so-called stress-induced hypertension , which is associated with stress, that stress can cause hypertension, pensioner viktor kolodin is sure, he came to such conclusions without science but through personal observations, and moving, and children have not yet been settled, you can see in the compartment this is all and burst, and the pressure began to rise,
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the man tried to choose the optimal treatment regimen, because if hypertension occurs, you cannot do without taking medications, each case is unique, and the doctor must understand it in an amicable way. a therapist or cardiologist, he prescribes treatment with a certain group of drugs. for each hypertensive patient, this set depends on the causes of the disease, but the main principle of therapy is still the same. the reception is constant, no. french scientists also doubted; they found that previously considered safe
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e-supplements contribute to the development of cancer. we are talking about emulsifiers and stabilizers that improve the consistency and texture of the product, and also increase shelf life. according to this study, these supplements change the microbiota and increase inflammation in the body. frightened, this in turn can increase the risk of developing onological diseases. this is truly a frightening discovery, we will discuss it with the director. federal scientific center for food systems named after gorbatov by oksana kuznetsova. oksana alexandrovna, good morning! hello! but these gradations on e-additives were carried out already in 1953, someone is checking them, then there were some laws related to food products, but now, probably, they have changed. index e includes only those additives that have undergone comprehensive study, that is, they have been assessed for toxicity, genotoxicity, and carcinogenicity. why then do some exclude it? the french recently rejected one, yes,
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the titanium dioxide additive was recently excluded, there was evidence that a negative effect is quite possible, but they appeared from that part of titanium dioxide that contains nanocomponents, that is , citane dioxide itself, it is quite inert, does not enter into any reactions, nanoparticles, they can penetrate the body, here in russia we have restrictions, that is, nanoparticles there are less than a certain percentage are simply not allowed in this dietary supplement. it’s interesting, we don’t eat just one single product and not 100 grams of it, which indicates this allowed amount, somehow all this doesn’t conflict in our menu and they don’t gain in volume, well, they’re quite dangerous already the maximum, when an assessment is made of the general possibility of adding an additive and assigning index e, of course, a standard menu is looked at, that is, how many people will receive this additive from certain products, let’s say we didn’t... recently a change was made to the technical regulations for food additives, and 16 food
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additives were excluded, several food additives were excluded precisely because they contain aluminum, so in order to avoid, let’s say, exceeding a certain threshold for aluminum consumption, they were simply removed from technical regulations, that is, banned in russia, if i understand you correctly, then these additives are tested regularly, but technology does not stand still, research methods change, it is likely that what we are talking about, that today it is not harmful, through a year or two, there are five, technology will make it possible to determine that it is still harmful, how new epidemiological data will appear from this, but at the same time here are the additives, that is , we cannot say that today we invented it, tomorrow it received the e index to the food industry industry, on average , assigning an e index to a food additive at the international level is from 8 to 20 years, that is, this is a fairly long study that is carried out not by one country, but by many countries who are members of this commission, everything that is found. .. all food products with food additives in circulation on the territory of the russian federation,
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they undergo very strict control by rospotrebnadzor; they are all safe. can i use something natural? can. will we come to the point where someday the time will come when we will give up additives altogether, change the way we process products, especially since now, in general, the world has turned a little towards ecology. the problem is that these components have not been studied; yes, they may be natural. but at the same time, we do not understand how this component, unvalued, will interact with our main product, that is, what reaction they will enter into, what reaction will occur, and how this will then affect a person, so i, for example, as an expert, trust more products where honest it is indicated e, than where the product is written that there are no e, but at the same time it is stored not for three days conventionally, but for 15, the product itself is not necessary, do not pour in the food, so you can eat just that, it is quite possible, thank you very much, about food in addition, we spoke with the director...
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ignore me, pick up the phone, veronica, captain liskov submitted a report on his transfer to another department. i have a solution to our problem. fine. well then, time has passed. vosnetsova. from march 18 at 21:20. how small and cute. no, not a puppy, a wild animal. marianna allarcon from mexico i picked up a charming lost one on the street. however, the older he got, the more his behavior changed. the pet behaved
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aggressively if there was meat for lunch. he greedily ate his own piece, and then took it from others. dogs, when they grew up, began to howl at night? the dumbfounded owner took the unknown animal to the specialists and it turned out that it was a koyot, a predator with impressive hunting abilities, they had to release it into a more familiar environment in a safari park, but the family constantly visits their wild friend, someone here loves saving animals, some do handicrafts, demand for goods for creative hobbies in russia has doubled since last year. the most popular are sewing kits. for cutting fabric, knitting needles and crochet hooks. daria tiunova found out how much such hobbies would cost. knitting or soap making, wool weaving or silk embroidery, drawing, making candles or felting, russian women have dozens of entertaining hobbies. with the onset of spring, the demand for handicraft goods has increased significantly. in january-february of this year, there was an increase in demand for goods for
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handicrafts, by 30% compared to last year, online by 70%. the prices for handicrafts and goods have also increased, noted muscovite olga. a woman chooses yarn to create a onesie for her future grandson. for a suit, your baby will need about 250 g of preferably natural woolen threads. i would like to spend a maximum of 700 rubles. let's say 50 g. so i need about five skeins. you see, if it’s 160, then it will come out somewhere like that. and if you add hooks or knitting needles to the total cost or choose more expensive materials, then the total check for a knitting kit will cost much more. for example, we are standing. from hooks 100-150 rub. knitting needles 200 each, as for yarn, one skein, for example, sheep wool will cost 100-150 rubles. camel wool 200, merino wool 500, well, the most expensive alpaca wool is 1 ruble per skein. total from one to 5,000 to create a small product, a set for silk embroidery will cost about the same. to work with delicate material, you will need a stretcher on which the fabric is pulled tightly 300 rubles per piece, and in order to protect the silk from
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large holes it is important to choose very thin needles 250 rubles per package, another canvas 150 and of course floss. 1,300 rubles per set of silk threads, a total of about 2.0 rubles. by the way, for those who are just starting out, you can also buy a ready-made set for silk embroidery, the items in this will be of slightly worse quality, but there will be more of them, for example, add scissors , a thimble, a ripper, and the price is more favorable - about 1,300 per set. novice artists who have chosen it as a hobby can save money when purchasing a ready-made set. watercolor painting. a set for a beginning artist, he will need a canvas, an easel, a set of paints, a set of brushes, i can get it all. to begin with, six colors are enough: red, blue, yellow in warm and cold shades, all other colors can be mixed from these six. by the way, it is cheaper to buy dry watercolor paints in ditches than post-type ones in tubes. the price of the first is about 90 rubles, the second is 170 for one color, if a person has been engaged in such creativity for several years, then a complete set for painting can cost 10-15,000 or more, for example, due to more expensive paints with a metallic effect
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, it costs more than usual, and a richer palette from 12 to 48 shades allows you to quickly select the desired tone and not waste time on it. obtaining by mixing basic colors, in general, hobby goods, both for amateurs and for needlewomen or artists with experience for every taste, color, and most importantly wallet , everyone can develop their creative potential, then on the other side of the ice, like extreme sports participants international ice diving competitions orienteering we went through a dangerous route, we'll show you in a few minutes, grandma, why are you here, to console, maybe... not nearby. premiere on rtr. at first glance , suicide. a man in a yellow windbreaker and light tennis sneakers knocked a block into it. can i take a look at your sneakers? do you suspect me of something? anna metiu. i was fired and also called a fraud. today on rtr. hello,
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dear friends. your favorite program is on air for 60 minutes. vladimir vladimirovich, we’ll talk about all the issues. post nuclear weapons, i would already demand the return of nuclear weapons, as things are at the front, the weather is cloudy, hail in places, the guys act confidently, the commanders act confidently, quickly, reliably, there are eight vehicles, and we have one olyos there, the second tank flew in from vkropsky, hero of russia, we are all with you, including me , to the end, what an image of victory he is for you , he will destroy the gang in his head with the zeland yan rag. there are big dreamers in the west, but we are guided by facts, watch twice a day, see you, dasha, you shot down
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dog, on sunday, he has a double-sided pneumothorosis, i have done a thousand such operations, or maybe you will operate on the dog, you chose it yourself, oleg, he doesn’t love anyone. even me, love advice , anatoly rudenko, don’t say anything, let ’s just sit in silence, healers of souls, on sunday on rtr, we go to the doctor, we take up a lot of his time with empty complaints, and we don’t go to the doctor, when you seriously need to go, forewarned is forearmed, any means has a downside . with the most necessary knowledge health. we dispel myths and help you find out the truth. how to act in order to land well, you need to warm up beforehand.
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what should you pay attention to? there should be a pill for each risk factor. where to look for help? you only need five ingredients that will benefit your entire body. two decades pass from the onset of the disease to its manifestation, so everyone needs to be examined. the most important information from the most competent sources. take comprehensive care of your body. take care of yourself and stay healthy. about most importantly, from monday to friday on rtr. happiness, it turns out, is a skill that can be mastered. scientists in the usa and great britain have created a course in which students study the causes of happiness and... form healthy habits, exercise, meditation, journaling, walking, attention to other people. after the course, participants felt 10-15% better. however, after 2 years, this effect
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remained only among those who continued to work on themselves. one of the unexpected discoveries noted by the participants was communication with strangers, makes us happier, and walks in nature turn off negative thoughts, so drop everything and go to the garden, everyone to the garden. yeah, who will go to work, but you can also do extreme sports in nature, like participants in international ice orienteering competitions. the competition took place in vladivostok, and our colleagues learned from the athletes how to navigate the track in the dark and under a thick layer of ice. good luck to each other, good luck to the athletes, let's go! despite their young age, the participants are ready for serious struggle, the path from start to finish for... is not an easy one, even for an experienced diver, if the equipment, he says, then wear it, under wear it’s also thermal underwear, because -2°, and naturally
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a dry suit that will not let water through. 2 years of training, victory in the past did not stop ekaterina, without hesitation, she decided to take part this time too, she says that almost 30 kg of equipment does not make it heavier, but only adds strength to go forward, to reach the surface, this time it was possible to quickly get to the finishing lane, so the participants called a hole in the ice, you need to navigate using instruments and not only swim, but also pull the signal buoy. along the entire path the depth is about 4 m, already going down halfway you can see the beauty of the vladivostok water area, they will not have any extreme in terms of safety, yes, everything will be fine there, among those who like to dive under the ice , an athlete from egypt, a diving record holder, will try his luck again . takes part in the competition for the fifth time, again a radio pleasure. i really like it here, i like vladivostok, i like the people, the nature, i really like diving under the ice here, this year i
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brought my friends with me to dive too. while we were getting acquainted with the participants, newcomer roman yukin knocked out the savleaders, despite his modest experience in diving, he covered the entire distance, surrounded by the female half , he met his first success in the competition, well done! let's start, let's go with a smile, more, more, more, great, good, so, morning of russia, don't forgive the main thing. willingness to work in
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your native land. the president met with the winners of the largest personnel forum, leaders of russia. unsuccessful attempts by ukrainian militants to attack the belgorod kursk region were met with fire from our aviation. the pilots took the plane away from residential buildings in the ivanovo region and the l-76 plane crashed. the news will tell about the main studio. hello! russian troops liberated another settlement in the donetsk republic, the village of nevelskoye, located in the yesenovad district. our unit took more advantageous positions along the way, destroying 350 ukrainian militants, two tanks and four cars. 11 different the nazis tested the strength of our positions in the avdeevka direction, but failed. seven more times the sssu tried to counterattack in the kupinsky direction, but were repulsed. aircraft, missile forces and
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artillery struck 130 areas. the russian military border services of the fsb stopped the day before an attempt by ukrainian militants to break through into the kursk and belgorod regions. enemy units attacked at about 3:00 am in three directions at once, supported by tanks and armored vehicles. the raids were preceded by intense shelling. as the department emphasized, the terrorists were unable to cross the border. they were met by fire from our aviation and rocket artillery troops. destroyed. up to sixty militants, five tanks and an armored personnel carrier; the previous morning , four attacks by saboteurs on the tyotkino border point in the kursk region were repulsed, the enemy suffered losses and was driven back. in the ivanovo region , the reasons for the crash of the l-76 military transport aircraft are being determined. the fire on the ground has been extinguished; experts from the commission of the main command of the aerospace forces are working on the spot. by according to the ministry of defense , the crash occurred due to the fire of one
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of the engines during takeoff. airplane. fell in a forest belt near the city, the pilots managed to take the plane away from residential buildings, there were 16 people on board, no one survived. long-range bombers tu-22m3 and mig-31 with the kinzhal aviation complex performed scheduled flights over the neutral waters of the baltic and caspian seas. fighter escort was provided by the crews of the s-30 sm and su-35s aircraft of the aerospace forces. at certain stages russian aerospace forces aircraft accompanied the route.
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it is clear that there should be and will be a fairly strict selection, but this will not be a one-time event, we will conduct it on a regular basis, so those who do not make it on the first try have every chance of repeating this application to get on this platform, but for those who do not have higher education, we will create conditions so that people can
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do so. intercoms in several districts of vladivostok began inviting residents to come to polling stations, victoria's report samuseva. intercom campaigns have also joined in informing the population about the presidential elections. information about the main political events can be heard on the threshold of your own home. come to the polls on march 15, 16, 17, your vote is important. so the service company’s specialists killed two birds with one stone, tested the system
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and notified residents at the same time. the company is approaching its apogee; residents of russia simply cannot ignore the country’s main elections, according to the regional election commission. partners, such as mfcs, housing and communal services enterprises, even atms remind you that you need to fulfill your civic duty. all campaign events will end on the night of march 15 ; on the same day, for three days, every resident of primorye will be able to cast their vote in the presidential elections, and therefore for the future of the country. victoria samoseva, sergey yarovoy, vesti primorye. in other news, farmer protests continue in european countries. polish farmers blocked another transport artery with tractors. column of equipment with flags and slogans to stop it agricultural products from ukraine
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blocked the road near the city of wartkowice in the central part of the country. on march 9 , prime minister tusk held talks with representatives of farmers, but the issues could not be resolved. and in bordeaux, france, they spent the entire tuesday removing burnt tires, hay and... other traces of farmer protests; a day earlier they turned into clashes with the police, law enforcement officers used pepper gas. germany is paralyzed by another transport strike. this time the train drivers announced the wheelbarrow, and they were joined by flight attendants of lufthansa airlines, the leading german air carrier. railroad workers' unions are demanding a reduction in working hours from 38 to 35 per week without a reduction in wages. abortion attendants demand higher wages. by 15% and one-time payments of 3.00 euros to compensate for price increases. the strike led to the cancellation of thousands of flights. don't switch. in rostov-on-don
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, the construction of a regional children's surgical center has been completed. thanks to advanced equipment, doctors will be able to perform the most complex operations even on newborns. reportage angelina gallich. they say here that the construction of the children's surgical center did not proceed, it was completed 2 and a half years after the start, and now all the best for children is collected under the new roof. these are not design pictures or an advertising video, but how the walls really are, or rather the antibacterial panels, you can even touch them with your hands. everything is ready, everything is done, all that remains is to remove the construction dust, hang up the monitors and launch the robots in the operating rooms. our operating rooms are equipped... with equipment, microscopes, videoscopic stands for minimally invasive surgery, the child will grow and become an adult, he should forget that he was once operated on. there is an ent operating room , and there is also a traumatology room, then
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there is jaw surgery for facial surgery, urology , ophthalmology, neurosurgical, all nine are collected on one floor, they can work at the same time, here children will be helped quickly and in almost any case. situations. world-class operations will become commonplace for the removal of tumors of any, even the deepest localization, a reality, as and bone marrow transplant. rostov medicine is reaching an unprecedented level; only the capital’s centers can boast of such high-tech equipment. we will have the opportunity to operate on children with childhood cerebral palsy, who have problems with the lower extremities, we will be able to do selective surgery. a child with cerebral palsy will walk normally, yes, it will improve, the quality of life will improve, of course, in the intensive care unit they explain all the innovations something like this: we will not just save children, but maintain their adequacy, capacity, good quality of life. the innovative center
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is designed for 280 patients, built as if in the shape of the letter h, new, incredible, necessary and completely ready for opening. angelina galich, sergei volokonsky, vesti don. all. news is always available on the media platform, look in the app or on the website, greet the morning on the russia channel , let's start, let's smile, still more, great , good. morning of russia, don’t oversleep the main thing,
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good morning, hello, well, it’s the third morning in a row, it’s wednesday, today is march 13, elena nikolaeva is with you denis stoykov. wednesday, judging by surveys, is already the most productive day of the week, well, let's look at it, but for now , let's try to combine business with pleasure, like the celebrities of the moscow zoo panda dindina and her daughter. katyusha, this is how they learn new things, the mother decided that it was time for the cub to master the pool and showed by her own example how fun it can be, it’s nice to search in warm water. katyusha did not repeat it right away, first she tried the water with her paw, the splashes amused her, then she playfully she rolled down a small slide and carefully plunged into the pool under the supervision of her mother. in general, the first swim was a success. and we washed these fairies from two garden watering cans. look, he will learn to catch fish, meanwhile we are promised
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that there will be a lot of haddock in stores, why is it so useful, let's find out: this fish turned out to be an ideal option for those who adhere to proper nutrition, it is quite light, in its raw form 90 calories per 100 g , baked a little more than 120, for those losing weight it’s a godsend, explains the muscovite emma aprisyan. i tried haddock for the first time at a friends place, was surprised by the boneless fillet, began to study the composition to include in my diet and was delighted. potassium , at the same time, is quite high
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in content, this is urine, which has antioxidant properties, so it is a very, well, such a useful product, icins for dietary and healthy eating, there is little fat, less than a gram, a lot of protein, as much as 17 g, so haddock - an ideal sports protein, only natural, it’s surprising that with all this, this fish is on our tables does not appear often , mackerel is considered the most popular among us, in second place is red , that is, salmon, then silet, only then is haddock, only 9% of respondents eat this fish, and some have no idea about it at all, you know the fish haddock? no, unfortunately, it’s a northern fish, it’s a type of cod , in my opinion, yes, that’s right, haddock is from the cod family, but unlike cod, it likes to swim on the bottom of the north atlantic, so fishing is more difficult, in our country it’s smaller compared to the same cod almost three times, about 83 tons per year, another important nuance, almost the entire catch was exported, but starting... this year everything will change, most of the price of fish will remain with us, so it’s worth
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learning how to choose it. usually the carcass of cod fish is already on the store counter; it is easily recognized by the black lateral line that stretches along the entire body and ends at the tail. the size of the haddock is small, which is a plus. unlike the same shaking, it has small muscle fibers, a small amount of fat in the muscles, due to this the meat is tender and meaty, it’s easy to bake in the oven, add to salads, but you can also... dozens of new schools, spacious
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buildings, bright classrooms, modern equipment will appear. during the implementation of our education project, more than 1,200 new schools have been opened in the country, and they say it is a pleasure to study in them. this is a modern interactive pie table with good picture quality. thanks to him, our training has become easier, since we see the human body in its entirety. we can take a look. digestive system, and the skeleton, and examine everything and can be studied in great detail, such an innovative anatomical 3d atlas is not available to all students of medical universities, but here it is, in the biology classroom of a regular school, although not quite an ordinary one, a new school in the city of donskoy, tula region was opened quite recently, it was expected by teachers , students. huge premises allow you to create coworking areas, that is , areas for leisure and relaxation during breaks. these are laboratories in physics, chemistry,
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biology, mathematics, these are excellent technology rooms, these are workshops for boys, two huge gyms in which it is very convenient to train, says physical education teacher alexander sinyak, he is only 19, his career path is just beginning, and the fact that it begins in such conditions makes the young teacher very happy, excellent parquet flooring, new equipment, new inventory , there are markings, high ceilings, by the way, this is very important for physical education classes,
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it’s beautiful, it’s pleasant to be everywhere, flowers, some plants, in every office there is a plasma, a computer, and this, of course, pleases and motivates. to provide children with comfortable conditions for study, new schools are being opened in russia, thanks to the national education project, over the past 5 years more than 1,200 educational institutions with almost 800,000
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places have been built in the regions, and by the end of the year there will be even more modern schools in the country. such a pace of implementation of the national project, by the way, made it possible to solve one of the most important problems in the field. rock or jazz? musical preferences will tell a lot about a person's personality; those who love high bass are most often extroverts; such music has more fans among men, and more sensitive,
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they didn’t change the character, but overall the design looks current. the car has an intricately woven radiator grille, led headlights that are large for a car of this class, eighteen-inch wheels with two-tone rims. the cost, as usual, has changed. for a test copy in the top configuration they ask from 2,185,000 rubles. but in the arsenal of models there are four more options in a more affordable price category. competitors billg x50, kai and strip pro and cs-35 plus. but the interior has been completely redone, the architecture is completely new. if previously, the media system monitor towered alone above the center console, but now it continues the virtual instrument panel. the interface is quite understandable, there is russification, but
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it’s a sin to complain about the response speed. and the interior is no longer monochromatic. two-tone paint has appeared, and this gives the interior more expressiveness. rear. by the standards of the segment, it’s not record-breakingly roomy, but it’s not cramped either. the same applies to the trunk. under the hood is the same petrol turbo engine with a displacement of one and a half liters. but they love this in heaven cubic capacity what can we do? engine power 147 horsepower, torque 210 nm. the performance isn't that of a sports car, but it's quite peppy for everyday driving. the car starts briskly and reaches 100 km/h in 9.7 seconds. separately from the sword, the settings of the variator are a bit rough from a standstill, but then acceleration becomes clear and logical, you don’t have to get used to anything. in addition, the cabin became clearly quieter; after all, the additional sound insulation elements did their job. the handling is reliable, but i would like to add a little softness to the suspension, it shakes more than
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i would like to. by the way, relatively recently seven driver assistants appeared in tiga 4 trim levels. including adaptive cruise control, lane keeping system , they work quite effectively and will protect you at the right moment, but we didn’t get all-wheel drive, in all versions there are only front-wheel drive, so it’s better to perceive the tigo 4 pro as a city car for everyone day, convenient and practical, then electricity instead of liquid fuel, about the new generation engines that our engineers, we'll tell you very soon. good morning, my beloved, my voice sounds only for you, my heart beats only for you.
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just wait for me through the rains, treasured flowers still live in me , some kind of fantasy morning mail with nikolai baskov on sunday on rtr. this is for you, well , get some sleep, gentlemen, just a minute, pay attention , today is a big day, a big holiday,
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dashing, we haven’t seen you for a long time, strong, white, well, you know, for every cool fighter he’ll find an even cooler one, in they fell in love, but who is dearer to you, your wife or your boys, don’t ask stupid questions now and... they still love you, you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for my words, heroes of my time, beauty, repin, the whole brigade, only on the platform we look where your homeland is, my brother? and whose homeland are you, soldier , who do you serve, former friend, tear off everything that is ours
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, which was together, what will be left with you, they went against god, went on a tour through all the liberated territories, what an impression it makes, russia comes and the city lives , program by boris korchevnikov, life and destiny, from monday to friday on rtr. what brought you to my school of women's happiness? he doesn't notice me, but i want him to like me. you will transform yourself into a beautiful, confident woman, and i will only lead you by the hand to this goal. do you help others find a husband? you have beautiful hands, what? high five for you, you can add more sex. don't lose yours. by the way, what is the man's name? i call him mine, your girl fell in love on the side, yaroslav boyka, sorry, i couldn’t
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answer the meeting, svetlana antonova, what fool, after all, you yourself turned away your faithful one, dimochka, now return it, they don’t know that you know, think, i’ll think, school of women’s happiness, premiere, saturday on rtr. we work in the interests of our country. our job is to tell the truth. our task is to achieve complete victory. this is why we go on air. every evening. evening with vladimir solovyov. today on rtr. i sculpt from chocolate, the artist-blogger made the dream of every child or teenager come true, he built a village of the famous computer from delicacies
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games. to maintain the pixelated aesthetic, he froze thousands of cubes in ice cube trays, and also used natural dyes, fondant, nuts, and gelatin. on his sweet farm, in addition to people, there are pigs, chickens, pandas, a pond with fish, tomatoes and radishes grow in the garden. there is in this chocolate... or even a tree house, the author worked for several days, so it’s a pity, now it’s all there, but you can’t leave it, it will melt, however, whether it will melt or not, it depends on the weather, that’s what it will be like, the same weather in the coming days, let's ask maria borisova, maria, good morning, good morning, we probably have such a house, all this whole world somewhere in the regions would not melt away for us yet, yes, we still have spring throughout russia feeling very uncertain, she takes one step forward and two steps back. for example, if we talk about the coastal regions of the far east, then there is no smell of it at all, because a cyclone came there, rushed from the japanese islands, there is
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a wind of up to 35 m/s just on... the islands, literally knocking you off your feet, but sakhalin is of course aside, so is kamchatka will hurt, and if we talk about the yogis of the far east, then everything is calm there, it seems to be +5, but because of this humidity it feels like -5, so it’s also not about spring, siberia is still immersed in bitter winter, snowfalls there altai is generally very strong, and if the european territory is surrounded on all sides by just cyclones, and the good news from all this... there is still a story, this is our region, the center, we have an anticyclone, which is so clever holds, just stands defensively, the sun will shine all the time the week will be quite warm, gradually , slowly but surely, we are moving towards spring, by the weekend even +10 is promised, now i’ll tell you in detail, along the vein of the atmospheric front the clouds in the south of russia will thicken and
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there will be light rains, the frontal section will bring good weather to the region ... midday hours in the lower reaches of the volga and don are up to +5 +10, in the crimea in the kuban +10 +15. in the middle volga the weather will be controlled by an anticyclone, so the likelihood of precipitation here is low. at night the air will cool down significantly, and during the day local thaws down to -2-3 are expected. on a new atlantic cyclone is heading north-west russia. and on thursday its cloud fields will begin to spoil the weather in the region. but in the region. the vortex is enclosed in air warmed by the gulf stream, so the daytime temperature in the southwest will rise to +3-p8, in the north and east to -3 -2. the frontal cloud field will not allow the high pressure center to pass into central russia, so significant precipitation is unlikely here, but the atlantic heat will be able to seep into the region, warming up to +2 -7 during the day. in the urals, the highest probability of local
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snowfalls on thursday, these clouds will also bring warming to the region, daytime... in the southern eastern scattered massifs of siberia, light snow will also fall in places, but here the temperature regime will be colder than expected according to the climate, midday hours will only be -2-7. in the distant south , snow clouds will be able to break through only in the amur region; in the primorye, the probability of precipitation is expected to be small during the day on the banks of the amur 0.5 in the south of primorye up to +3 +8. this is the surest way to ask about winter tires and summer tires. change the one who talks about the weather, not to change, well, for now i think no, it’s still too early, even in our region, where the anticyclone is confidently holding, and we are still moving very slowly but surely, but at any moment our weather is very unpredictable, i think, and you know, the frosts may still make themselves known at some point, for now we’ll rustle, thank you very much , maria borisova told us about the weather in the coming days, first a murder, now an attempted
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murder, i’m in a hurry, but i can’t keep up with the events, i’m dreaming about what’s already happened. anna the medium, premiere, today at 21:20, seven measure once, cut once, no matter how you pretend, you won’t find a better show than the seventh season of the show, amazing people, amazing people, seventh season, friday at 21:30 on the russia channel, then droppers in captivity, cyber fraudsters lure you to work.
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the news will tell you about the main things about russia abroad. in the studio of vera tarasova. hello. russian troops liberated another settlement in the donetsk republic, the village of nevelskoye, located in the yasenovadsky district. our units took more advantageous positions, simultaneously destroying 350 ukrainian militants and two tanks and four cars. the 11th nazis tested the strength of our positions in the avdeevka direction, but failed. seven more times the ssu tried to counterattack. direction, but were repulsed. over the past 24 hours, aviation, missile forces and artillery have struck 130 districts, destroying manpower, military equipment, and an ammunition depot in the ssu. the russian military border service fsb stopped an attempt by ukrainian militants to break through into the kursk and belgorod regions. according to defense data , enemy units attacked at about 3 a.m. immediately on three directions with the support of tanks
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and armored vehicles. the attacks were preceded by intense shelling, as i would like to emphasize. department , the terrorists were unable to cross the border, they were met by fire from our aviation, missile forces and artillery, up to sixty militants, five tanks and an armored personnel carrier were destroyed, and repulsed at about 8 am.
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that there should be and it will be a fairly strict selection, but this will not be a one-time event, we will conduct it on a regular basis, so those who do not get in on the first try have every chance of repeating this application to get into this platform, but for those who do not have higher education, we will create conditions so that people can receive this education if they... the head of state noted that the most powerful weapon of our country is the consolidation of society and relations with the homeland, such like special operation fighters, and the west did not take this into account.
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the president also emphasized that the country is now confident about tomorrow in the field of security, economics and social sphere. the growth of the russian economy will continue this year, despite external pressure, about mikhail mishustin spoke about this at the strategic level. at the government coordination center, the results of the implementation of existing national projects and the launch of new large-scale programs were discussed. the prime minister noted that the government has already implemented a large number of measures for the development of society, which have made it possible to adapt the economy to new challenges. the head of government emphasized that gdp grew by 3.6% at the end of last year. the trend continues this year. in other news, israel has launched strikes against traffic targets in the middle east. sbala in the depths territory of lebanon, there are dead. the strikes were carried out in response to the firing of more than a hundred rockets by shiite militants at israeli headquarters in northern israel on tuesday morning. in palestine itself there is still an acute
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shortage of food and water, and starving palestinians are literally fighting for food. humanitarian cargo continues to be dropped by planes when the israeli border is closed. also , for the first time in many years, a ship with humanitarian aid left cyprus, carrying almost 200 tons of food. according to the organizers. thus a maritime humanitarian corridor to the gas sector is opening. in indonesia, on the island of bali , niepe day was celebrated, which means day of silence. it marks the new beginning of 1946 according to the bali calendar. this is one of the most important holidays in the island's culture. at this time , parades of giant monsters created by local craftsmen take place. according to tradition , they are accompanied by ablutions and other ritual ceremonies. this is news, do not switch, after restoration
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a unique exhibit in the main museum of chukotka, experts have restored the armor of a chukotka warrior, which dates back to the 16th century and is one of the few surviving ones. our days. our correspondent veronika takmacheva provides details. new life for a unique artifact. after a lengthy restoration , the costume of the chukchi warrior returned from the moscow vanadar workshop. dated 17th century. the exhibit was restored and placed in a special climate-controlled display case to ensure the safety of the ancient equipment. many people can restore metal, namely seal leather, whale skin, that is, this is the material. which are now difficult to find to restore some parts of the shell, such a workshop was found in 2023 , restoration
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work was carried out for almost 7 months, this shell made of leather, animal pestilence and iron plates was transferred to the chukutka heritage museum center in 1973, by a family from the village of minepylgina , in which it was kept as a relic. according to legend, in the 18th century this armor was conquered from the koryak warriors. kenlyu's descendants carefully passed them on from generation to generation. it is symbolic that in the ceremony doctor of historical sciences alexander neftkin took part in the return of the exhibit after restoration. he is. the author of a monograph, chukchi military affairs, in which he describes the features of battles and training of warriors in the northern lands, among which the chukchi were considered the strongest. the chukchi were the most powerful warriors in the northeast of siberia, the same krosheninnikov, the famous describer, the famous explorer of kamchatka, he writes that one chugchi there can defeat five koryaks at a time. the vestment of the chukchi
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warrior has an unusual design, known only in northeastern siberia. in addition to the metal armor, the warrior’s body was protected by wooden shields, wings, painted with ritual ornaments. in addition to the shell, which has the status of an exhibit of world significance, the main chikotka museum also houses other items of military weaponry: a leather and metal helmet, spears, a bow, arrows with stone tips. all these...
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ideas to post your political slogans, because every person at least once a day looks at his plate, and there is lenin’s profile and the slogan, who doesn’t work, doesn’t eat. the problem was that during the civil war the factories were not working, so when the sailors came to the imperial porcelain factory, they saw a lot of so-called linen, unpainted blanks. socially close artists were involved in the work. the head of the plates was sergei chikhonin from the group “
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in 1925, this tea pair of sergei chikhonin received a gold medal at the world exhibition in paris. it is interesting that the first propaganda porcelain appeared after the great french revolution, and the slogans liberte and galite fraternite, freedom of equality of brotherhood, was written on plates both in france and later in russia. in the thirties, the process of searching for new forms of ideas almost ceased. glorification of the collective farm system and construction.
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come on, come on with a smile, more, more, more, great, good, so, it’s morning in russia, don’t oversleep, the main thing. good morning, hello
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, elena nikolaeva, denis stoykov, we are with you, you are with us, wednesday is outside the window, march 13 is on the calendar, and you have subscribed to the telegram channel morning russia, if not, then do it urgently, well, sometimes it’s good for us from the outside take a look, because there are all sorts of nuances there, works that are not included in the frame are actually posted. well, all together, let’s also look at ourselves from afar. the earth in the porthole. cosmonaut nikolai chup captured how the iss enters the shadow side of our planet. he suggested putting on headphones and immersing yourself in a meditative atmosphere. the two-minute video allows you to experience the beauty of space; the station flies over countries that seem to glow from within. after some time, the iss is completely plunged into darkness. you can have time before that count the sun's glare. well, how can we calculate
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the moral and material damage that scammers caused to the relatives of seriously ill patients? operatives detained swindlers who promised to urgently find a nurse, took the money and... disappeared, ilya davidov found out the details. what was your task? sell business to clients. telephone numbers were scattered throughout the cities, and the call center was located in st. petersburg. in search of a caregiver, people went to the website, left a request, managers called back and arranged a communication session with the worker. then clients were sent contracts for the provision of services and invoice details for payment. after receiving the money, the defendants stopped communicating. yuri, one of the many victims. a deal was needed by a close person in another city , the lady on the other end of the line seemed pleasant, experienced and even assured that she lived nearby, an ideal option, she misled me about her places of residence, places of her work, and this is of course terrible, because that the diagnosis was quite serious
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, she understood perfectly well what she was doing. trouble comes suddenly, people have no time to read reviews on the internet, this is what scammers take advantage of, and the bribes from the agency are smooth, it only provides an information service and is not responsible for the employee in case of claims or crime, look for wind in the field. you ca n’t find it somewhere on the street on the internet, i think it’s impossible, only through friends, only like we have in russia, only through recommendations, there is and should be a service that deals directly.


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