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tv   Malakhov  RUSSIA1  March 13, 2024 4:30pm-5:30pm MSK

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1 2 3 4 yes 1 2 3 4 well, well, i don’t understand what you can tell them, for example, it’s very difficult to have a dialogue with them in this regard, because they have their own vision of what’s really happening, i mean i sometimes listen to european politicians, just a week ago or a week and a half ago we discussed a loud statement regarding ukraine’s membership in the european union, it is, in general, well... news that it turns out that the european is seeking re-election as chairman, so to speak , european commission, suddenly i'm reading the commission does not recommend at the moment considering the issue of ukraine's membership, well , ukraine's possible membership in the european union, it turns out that kiev has not fulfilled some of the conditions of the european union, positioning itself as an authoritative politician, i am of course embarrassed to ask what other conditions kiev has not fulfilled, so i can’t understand, they’ve already done it. all the dirty work for them, they have already
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sent their soldiers to war, they are ready to die for the interests of these third countries, europe and the united states, i don’t understand this discussion at all, but it’s okay for me, i this is forgivable, i don’t understand the policy of the ukrainian side, which simply says: you will not be members of nato, we will not accept you as nato members, we will sign an empty piece of paper for you, which does not contain any guarantee, and we will give it to you. .. replacements for your full membership , they do not understand this signal, they are told: we are not ready to consider you as a member of the european union, this is not connected with any conditions at all, but it is absolutely obvious, from an economic point of view, ukraine is for the european union for now poses a serious economic threat, which, first of all, is fraught with consequences for a number of countries that.
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they announced this publicly, officially , starting from poland, i don’t know there, hungary, bulgaria, romania, greece, france, by the way, france is one of the leaders, yes, where they say, listen, well, the meat and chicken that comes to ukraine, kills our manufacturer, well, they supply it, they have huge factories there in ukraine, and we have farms here, and what to do about it, well, what to do, well, go to the detriment of our own some national interests. their manufacturer, they are not ready for this, do they hear this signal in kiev or not? no, of course , they continue to say that everything is fine, everything is fine, you know, it feels like we live in some kind of country of distorting mirrors, zelensky says, well, now the situation is much better than 3 months ago, well, i i don’t know, of course, maybe it’s better for zelensky, but 3 months ago he was still in trouble, but now of course he’s not, maybe this situation is better for him, but i don’t see that the situation at the front was better for... ukraine
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, on the contrary, i see it is getting worse, it is actually, well, already on the verge of the fact that not today, tomorrow the front could collapse, and about this, well, somehow publicly about it no one says, yes, with us, with us, everything is fine , well, on a positive note, i want to say, in fact, ukraine is still such a democratic country that takes care of its citizens, well, for example, commander-in-chief zaluzhny, here he comes man for medical examination. so they checked him and said: dear friend, no can you serve in the army now, you understand , your health is not the same, go, you probably go to the rear for now, we will take care of you, the chief of the general staff comes and says to him: come on, let us check you, we checked you, go , dear comrade to the rear, and you say, of course, it will chew, well, of course it will chew, well , i don’t know, it’s some kind of circus with horses, they honestly say, in fact, you understand, but this is not the zaluzhny one, not his kind... i don’t know, but this,
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zhenya, this is happening against the background of the fact that people are being grabbed on the streets of ukrainian cities, sick, without a finger, without, i don’t know, without an eye, without anything, and the commission recognizes them as absolutely capable, so to speak, of serving in the ukrainian army, it turns out there are no problems with this, they catch 34 people who want to illegally travel abroad countries , they show all this publicly, and many people think...
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they close some channels so that other channels work more efficiently, that’s the whole story, when they say that there is corruption in the country, then of course there is corruption, but if there are billions of dollars of such a flow. war, we don’t know how to live without war, so we need what we need, we need a war, well , it’s just not in the interests of the ukrainians, who are tired of this whole story and of zelensky and of this whole gang that still doesn’t want war, we have learned to make money from this, look for an alternative path to the military way out of
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this crisis. there are three ways to avoid mobilization in ukraine: to be a loser, to be a shaptala, or to be. well, this is the only way to avoid mobilization in ukraine. we'll be back. comrade lieutenant colonel, i am ready to begin my duties and get to know each other, work, premiere on rtr, i need to look at the body, and she, by the way, was a good tracker, strange
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questions, and where can i buy a sausage in the test, you are talking seriously now, questionable methods, veronika pavlovna, are you still part-time with the dog handlers? original conclusions, everything is accurate, alibi was found by the family of elders, the bed, well, look how it is located, a paradoxical solution, you can take off the mask, why are you always nothing but problems, tadam, it all works, if vasnetsova gets down to business, she’s always one step ahead , two, no, three, four. 17 march on rtr, we go to the doctor , we take up a lot of his time with empty complaints, and we don’t go to the doctor when we seriously need to go,
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forewarned is forearmed, any remedy has a downside with the most necessary knowledge about health, we dispel myths to find out the truth, how to act? in order to land well, you need to warm up beforehand, what should you pay attention to? there should be a pill for each risk factor, where to look for help? you only need five ingredients that will benefit your entire body. from start the disease takes two decades to manifest itself , so the whole family needs to be examined. the most important information from the most competent sources. take care of your complex body, take care of yourself and be healthy, about the most important thing, from monday to friday on rtr, this is for you, well, did you get enough sleep, gentlemen,
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a moment of attention, today is a big day for us, a big holiday, hard times? the whole team, we’re just looking at the platform, we gathered about ten people into the first group, there were short calls, we’re going to donetsk, you and
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us, yes, when my fighters came running, they carried me, another shelling began, they laid me down, lay on top of me, one bullet. is still in me, this is, let’s say , my trophy, we were hungry then, here comes my grandmother, hungry herself, but she takes this kurba to the shelters, saying: baby, feed the dogs. lend a helping hand, olga and i decided that we needed to take the guys with us, i came across such people who care, to support them in word, hello, dear soldier and in deed, without your help you would not have survived, only ours can, honor and praise to you, what you do is simply amazing, from monday to thursday, at rtr, i would really like to work for you,
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we’ll start, of course, on sunday, what do we have? jerry, the bulldog, is grabbing what to feed the crayfish, the hamster just died, my good one, it seems my life is changing, what does it take to... become a successful veterinarian, an extreme situation brings people very close together, maybe we can adopt it for you, uh-huh, let's, come on, the ability to love is somehow dazzling today, it’s hard not to fall in love with him, and if i say that come on you’ll stop at this, because it’s dangerous to go further, healers of souls, alezhik yanom, on sunday... on rtr, you’re looking at 100 to
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one, what’s our task to open the whole board, we’ll handle it, if you ask, then with the bottom, the name of which character from everyone knows how many works of pushkin are 7.8? eight families, that's who at work speaks a lot and loudly, if you answer, then with humor, i 'm chopping oak, don't pluck, problems with water, light, uh, housing and communal services, i don't know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry - this is a set for headaches, god forbid now beep, if you win, then hooray! 100 to one, every
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saturday and sunday on rtr. our children always dream of what will make them happy, every parent wants these dreams to come true. we support them, are proud of them and believe that they will succeed. after all, their happiness depends on our choice. on march 15, 16, 17, take part in the presidential elections . together we are strong, we vote for russia. let's move to the united states. the chief of our american bureau, valentin bogdanov, is in direct contact. hello, i just arrived the news that the united states is like this...
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maybe we tried? yes, evgeny, good evening, there is indeed a lot of news, but if we start with boeing, we will briefly tell the plot, it became known about the death of john barnett. john barnett, a man well known to the aviation world, in general, is a man who, since 2012, has simply been singing like a pig in a mine that... boeing has gigantic problems, at first he talked about problems with production in
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south carolina in charleston , about how the dreamliner is put together from scratch, then there were several stories about problems with dreamliner, now before the next round of hearings on saturday, he had to tell the lawyers new details, barnett is found dead in his own car with... a bullet in the head, well the police say that it was suicide, but surely, given the way in which america now believes official bodies, the majority will probably be inclined towards various conspiracy theories, but what about conspiracy theories, does boeing really have colossal problems? well, probably, you can even spend here parallel, the reason is not in competition with airbus, the reason is greed, primarily in the pursuit of profit, the fact is that during the pandemic they fired people, even before that
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they neglected what barnett actually talked about about safety protocols, in in the end... then the door of the plane will be torn right at the 5 km flight level, as happened with the boeing max, then in general there were several disasters when, out of greed, in pursuit of new airbas models, they came up with these electronic crutches that simply guided the cars into the ground and people died, but and now the situation in this production is such that they fired 2,800 people during the pandemic, then they started hiring... the old people didn’t return, they’re also hiring migrants, by the way, this is also like that, well, one more, one more the hypostasis of today's america, the transformation of that , this is what it leads to, this is an absolutely senseless, thoughtless migration policy, probably boeing, as always, counts on the military
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component of military contracts, it is not for nothing that the same barnett began to tell his story with the fact that... to this plant with a team from st. louis , a team from the military production of boeing, came to chuckine, now all the hopes of corporations like booing are, of course , connected with the defense budget, this news that came that ms missiles will be supplied, that the ukrainian aid package, at any cost, we need to promote it, they, of course, benefit these american capitalists who make money from this. another question is that the head of the pentagon, loit austin, resisted to the last, there is a big cash gap of 10 billion dollars, they actually supplied zelensky from their reserves, but wants to return the money, especially since loid osin is a businessman, he is a man who came from raceion, a large rocket corporation, in general, he knows how to count money, that’s why it
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was organized this is a demonstrative performance by american intelligence agencies, well... it must be said that, despite the wild statements, in general, we have all been accustomed to wild statements here for a long time, the same william burns, who is already speaking without hesitation about the retaliatory strikes of certain ukrainians on russian crimea is still talking about feeding zelensky with some promises or forecasts of an offensive, however, nevertheless, their lack of self-confidence by and large is clear.
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10 billion needs to be withdrawn somewhere, the chief of our american bureau, valentin bogdanov, is in direct contact from the sunny island of manhattan. ask. yes, they really will print money, these 400 million are half the amount that was included, by the way, in this pentagon budget for this year, only 800, well, that is , they laid something out in advance, to help with something ukraine, but this is not the main issue here, because the main thing is more money. highlighted and closed the cash gap, so before burns’ speech there was also a very interesting article in foreign fairs, which assessed the prospects of ukraine, there is a very long, long analysis that says the following, that russia, despite the fact that it has increased production ammunition there and so on and so forth, is still weak, because it takes out tanks from
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burial grounds, reanimates them and sends them, it says so, we store tanks from burial grounds tanks in burial grounds, we have so many of them. then they are stored in burial grounds , burial grounds, and right here we are resuscitating them and sending them to the front, in short, there may still be a crew in the burial grounds, we store abrams and leopards, but this is actually so, that is, this is the assessment, which, but the most interesting thing is red line, the following was said that if ukraine is not helped, then the point of no return will be right in the middle of summer, that is, that’s it, after that any help is useless, but we understand that in order for ukraine to hold out we need to set up some kind of church. so that it somehow resists and so on, the emphasis is on sabotage and terrorist acts, we see that an increase in the number of drones attacking means attempts to break through the border, but i’ll also tell you, there are also... conditions for our citizens who are there legally, with russian passports could not
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vote at our embassies, they are going to set up a checkpoint on that date there will be a march of these ss men, yes, the descendants of these, they will honor their wafers, yes, what will happen, i think that a provocation may occur under a false flag, like this... the reason they didn’t let our people go to the polls, putin sent special forces there, special forces of these, that means, ss men, and in order to open polling stations, yes, well, that is, it’s such a painful thought for them, it’s quite possible, you know, but now they need something so that - something will turn around in ukraine, they can’t send an army there, they can’t send weapons there, but they need to provoke, so that this provocation is some kind of - what was possible is effective to put pressure on europe so that it forks out on ammunition, on congress so that... it still reconsiders its decision on assistance, that is , now they are going to all the trouble, we’ll come back, no,
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grandma, why are you here, to console, maybe not nearby, the premiere on rtr, at first glance, suicide, a block of wood was knocked into him, a man in a yellow windbreaker in light tennis sneakers, or maybe with...
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from me, takes it out, look, look, agreement, sign, we sign at the same time on 1 , 2, three, subscribe , look, look, maybe we’ll go to my place, just
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let's watch a movie, where is your homeland, my brother, and whose homeland are you, soldier, who do you serve, former friend, tear away everything that is ours, which was together, what will be left with you, they went against... god went on tour all over liberated territories, what impression it makes, and russia comes and the city lives, boris korchevnikov’s program, life and fate, from monday to friday on rtr, hello everyone, i’m so glad that you all came, that you’re all sad, we’re having a holiday, we're getting a divorce! sing bye bye, everything goes away, last chance to jump on the bandwagon, when a friend’s advice no longer helps, match, who
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is my ex-husband, a specialist is taking over, inga, your husband is also a brute, no, she is not sick, she needs to start her personal life from scratch, learn to accept love like a miracle, for... z, forgive me, for what , for those present here, hello, and whose things are these, we have nowhere to live, enter closed, on friday on rtr, crimea, 10 years in our native gabani. returning to russia, how did it all begin?
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chronicle of events that changed the course of history. from first person. crimea, the way to the homeland. film by andrey kongroshov. on sunday on rtr. places that fascinate, because they are part of the cultural code, because they have power, beauty and history, conquer, the squad is ready, explore, nature, mother, dear, simply incredible beauty, you already understand what the vietnamese’s favorite means of transportation is, there are 10 million moped drivers here, taste it, oh, eyes.
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is avoided, how delicious everything is, as my mother says, eat away your mind, this world is worth seeing, the charmer of the dare is the most ancient profession in india, they say , a correctly made bukhara knife became a real amulet for its owner, in secret to the whole world, on sunday on rtr, that... you have in my school of female happiness, he doesn’t notice me, but i want he will like it, you will turn yourself into a beautiful, confident woman, and i will just lead you by the hand to this goal, you help others find a husband, you have beautiful hands, what an a for you, you can add more sex, don’t lose yours, but by the way i call him, i call him mine, in love?
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urgent news from the russian ministry of defense, so, units of the russian armed forces, together with units of the border service of the fsb of russia, thwarted an attempt by the kiev regime to make a breakthrough into the border territory of the russian federation in the belgorod and kursk regions in three directions from the village of odnorobovka, kharkov region, as well as in areas of settlements nikhoteevka
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spodaryushino belgorod. region , all attacks were repelled by the selfless actions of russian soldiers, we will leave ours, we we believe in what is dear to us, we talk about what is important to us, our every word is a step towards victory: evening with vladimir solovyov, today on rtr, and... “we can handle it, i’ll do everything to get you out of here , we're watching the weekend, it means there's this bastard , the next one, he'll spend time behind bars , don't scare me, i'm not afraid of you, you still have time to get scared, but my future wife, very nice, get out of here, i'm at home for now, i at home too!" when life is one
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continuous black stripe, you need to try to turn away from it. as an apology, let me i'll take you to the hospital and buy you a new bike. as an apology, leave me alone. natalya antonova, yuri baturin. why are you looking at me like that? do you believe in fate? are you trying to pick on me now? happiness can be given. on saturday on rtr. hello on the russia tv channel , denis polanchukov is presenting in the studio and the main thing for this hour: the west was going to end our country, relying on the power of the united states, but it turned out to be powerless in front of one...
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today dmitry kiselyov. the president noted that moscow is ready to use nuclear weapons, only if we are talking about the very existence of russia and our nuclear triad is the most advanced in the world. these and other statements by the head of state are in the material by alexey glovko. the president’s long interview with dmitry kiselev touched on many topics, but the main thing, of course, was the progress of the special military operation. the russian army is improving its position, advancing and liberating more and more populated areas. saving people's lives, if we abandon these people today, then tomorrow our losses may increase many times over, our children will not have future, because we will
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feel insecure, we will be a third-rate country, no one will take us into account if we cannot protect ourselves. the consequences could be catastrophic for russian statehood, all the more ostentatious against the backdrop of the successes of our army is the attempt made the day before to break through the border by ukrainian saboteurs, and the enemy’s losses were reported to the president at the general staff, more than 200, somewhere around 230, out of eight tanks used, the enemy lost seven , from nine armored vehicles, nine and... seven of them are american-made bradley. footage of burning equipment at the border and fleeing saboteurs was published by the ministry of defense. whatever the initial plan of the ukrainian command, the operation did not achieve its goals. the main goal, i
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have no doubt about it. the goal is to, if not disrupt the presidential elections in russia, then at least somehow interfere with the normal process. wills from citizens' statements. first. second. sends people without counting them as losses, just like they threw everything into a meat grinder for their people. they've been running around there lately, in the literal sense of the word, they tried to throw ammunition there, meaning
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by high-speed boats and drones. well, what is it? well, what is this? it was just for slaughter, they were just sent for slaughter. the entire course of hostilities shows. deliveries of western equipment, expectations of some kind of superweapon, only prolong the conflict and lead to more and more victims of the vsoo. it is no coincidence that it was after the failure of the counteroffensive in the west that calls for negotiations began to be heard. ideas appeared about resuming the negotiation process, finding some way to end this conflict, looking for where russia’s real interests are, these are dangerous people, by the way, because. with people who are guided by such base principles, it is easier to fight with them, we remember how in russia they said how happiness for some is at this level, what
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was a rash, drunk and nose stained with tobacco, yes , with such people it’s easier, it’s a rash, drunk, that is, ate, got drunk. nose in tobacco, because snuff was used, but now your nose is covered in cocaine, yes, well, it doesn’t matter, with such people it’s easier, with smart people, it’s more difficult, they are more dangerous, because they influence the consciousness of society, including ours. everyone remembers how quite successful negotiations in turkey were disrupted by british prime minister johnson, then the west and kiev chose the path of war, and now they will have to negotiate taking into account the position of the troops. are we ready to negotiate? yes, we are ready, but only... we are not ready for negotiations that are not based on some wishes after the use of psychotropic drugs, but are based on the
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realities that have developed, as in such cases they say on earth, this is the first, second, after all, we have already been promised many times, whatever they promised. we were promised a lot of things, so here promises alone are not enough, now to negotiate only because they are running out of ammunition, but this is somehow ridiculous on our part, and of course, any decisions that can be reached at the negotiating table must be supported by mandatory guarantees for all countries, i don’t want to say this, but i don’t trust anyone, so, but uh, we need guarantees and guarantees...
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bellicose rhetoric is heard, german generals in an intercepted conversation are calmly discussing the supply of long-range taurus missiles to kiev , they are fantasizing, encouraging themselves, firstly, secondly, they are trying to intimidate us, as for the federal republic of germany, there are problems of a constitutional nature there, they say correctly, and if these taurases end up in that part of the crimean bridge, which, of course, even according to their concepts, is russian territory, this is a violation of the constitution of the federal republic. germany uses these
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british, american missiles, this does not change the situation on the battlefield, but of course they simply cause us damage, this is obvious, but in essence this does not change the course of hostilities and the consequences that inevitably occur for the opposite side. and the french president is even talking about sending nato troops to ukraine. what happened to macron, is he even out of his mind? went, he is going to send troops, french, to fight with our army, the military of western countries are present in ukraine for a long time, still before the coup d'état they were present, and after the coup d'état their number increased manifold, now they are present in the form of advisors, they are present in the form of... foreign mercenaries and they suffer losses, but if
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we talk about official military contingents of foreign states, then i’m sure this is not will change the situation on the battlefield, this is the most important thing, just as nothing changes the supply. weapons and the intervention of foreign armies threaten the existence of ukraine, a country that has managed to quarrel with almost all its neighbors. if, say, polish troops enter the territory of ukraine, then i think that polish troops will never leave there, well, it seems to me that they sleep and see, they want to return those lands that they consider historically theirs and that were taken away from them. father of nations josephomovich
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stalin and transferred to ukraine. i think that these are the geopolitical consequences for ukraine, even from the point of view of preserving its statehood in its modern form, they, of course, will rise to full height in all their beauty. in any case, leaders western countries benefit from any destabilization on the russian border. in western elites. there is a very strong desire to freeze the existing unfair system of things in international affairs, they have been accustomed for centuries to fill their bellies with human flesh and their pockets with money, but they must understand that the vampire’s point ends, russia’s diplomatic position is always supported by its nuclear weapons, we... are really ready for a nuclear war ? well, from
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a military-technical point of view, we are of course ready, they are constantly with us state of combat readiness, this is the first, second and this is also a generally recognized thing , our triad, the nuclear triad, is more modern than any other triad, and only we have such triads, and the americans in fact, and we have advanced here to... .much more, we have it more modern, all the entire nuclear component. everyone, of course, understands that the future of the planet largely depends on russian-american relations. it is in the united states that decisions are made that only increase the degree of conflict in ukraine. moscow and washington now do not have mutual understanding on almost no issue on the global agenda. it looks like no one is going to pull over first, so a collision is inevitable? but why? well,
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the united states announced that they are not going to send in troops. we know what american troops are on russian territory, they are interventionists. we so. but not as much as for us. vladimir putin has already said that russia will benefit from joe biden’s victory in the upcoming us presidential election. it is therefore surprising that the democrats are now republican trump is suspected of pro-russian sentiments. even in the last year of his work as president, mr. trump, today’s
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presidential candidate, reproached me for precisely the fact that i sympathize with biden. it was here. more than four years ago, he told me this in one of the conversations, you want him to win, excuse me, i’ll say it like he did, it’s just direct speech, so that sleeping joe wins. he told me this when he was still president, and then, to my surprise, they began to persecute him for allegedly they supported him as a candidate, well , it’s complete nonsense. the main result of the entire confrontation with the west is the state of the russian economy, which, despite hundreds of sanctions. not only survived, but began to grow. in his recent address to the federal assembly, vladimir putin spoke a lot about the fight against poverty, and in connection with this he also touched upon the topic of reform of the tax system. in the general treasury, as they say, for solving national problems and, above all, for solving problems in the fight against poverty,
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more corporations should still be allocated, legal entities and individuals who earn more, if we say progressive tax, well, yes. essentially a progressive tax , now i wouldn’t like to go into details, we need to work on this, and thus we need to build this system so that it really gives a greater return for solving, first of all, social issues of the tasks facing the state in this area, well, we are planning there to reduce the tax burden, for example for large families, and there are a number of other things to be done. steps in this direction, who exactly will it is still unknown to deal with these issues in the near future, because according to the constitution , the government must resign immediately after the presidential election. during your address, you thanked your colleagues from the government, this was the wording, does this mean that mishustino’s government
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will survive in the event of your victory? well, after all , this needs to be talked about after the elections, after the votes are counted. it seems to me that now this is simply incorrect, but in general the government is working, as we see, the results are obvious, these are objective data, it works quite satisfactorily, vladimir putin said about his role as the leader of the country, a person on whose decisions the well-being of millions of people depends, so that i somehow feel like some kind of arbiter of some kind of world destinies, there is no such thing, believe me, even close, i'm just executing. my duty to russia and to our people who consider russia their homeland. and, of course, the main task for the country for decades to come is solving the demographic problem, which means that concerns about family, motherhood and childhood will continue to be priorities for the state. alexey
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golovko, lead the way. look at the news, this is what we will talk about later in our program: 136 ukrainian drones and two. the aircraft were destroyed in the special operation zone, and the personnel in vysu suffered heavy losses. a consolatory aid package for ukraine from the united states and how america is going to make money on poland. and when traveling with children, russian railways announces a promotion with discounts in the year of the family. this is not only discussed immediately after the advertisement. stay with us. grandma, why are you here? to console? maybe not nearby. premiere on rtr. at first sight suicide. chubban, a man in a yellow windbreaker and light tennis sneakers, knocked him out. can i take a look at your sneakers?
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there are places that fascinate because they are part of the cultural code, because they contain power, beauty and history, conquer, the squad is ready, explore, nature, mother, dear, simple. probable beauty, you already understand what the vietnamese’s favorite means of transportation is, there are 10 million moped drivers here, taste it, oh, your eyes widen, how delicious everything is, as my mother says, eat your mind, this world is worth it, to see him, snake charmer is the oldest profession in india, they say correctly. a made bukhara knife became a real amulet for its owner, in secret to the whole world, on
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sunday on rtr, look, love is when you look in one direction, look, look, look, you want to look , look, let's see, look, well, look on the screen, look at me, carefully, look, look, sign the agreement, we sign at the same time for 1 2 3, sign, look, look, maybe let's go to my place, just watch a movie, there was no sadness, the woman bought a pig, you just have to get a pet and life will never be the same again, it will put everyone in the mood, “this is an incredibly charming face that you forgive everything, they don’t get bored at all, and then i’ll clean up , i ’m not bored either, because each of them is a real
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star, the secret of dreams, how did you agree to this, we first shoved in a red snake, our hearts skipped a beat, you ’re the most understanding”? among friends, a program for the whole family, on saturdays on rtr, dasha, hit a dog, on sunday, with him double-sided pneumothorosis, i am a surgeon who has performed a thousand such operations, maybe you will operate on the dog, you chose it yourself, oleg, he doesn’t love anyone, not even me. advice love , anatoly rudenko, don’t say anything, let’s just sit, silently, healers of souls, on
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sunday on rtr, every sunday my mother makes cheesecakes, a tradition, my grandmother likes to tell not the story of our family, a tradition. dad and brother support the same team. tradition. take care of each other and help. this is our tradition. and we also have a tradition in our family, along with the whole country choose the president. on march 15, 16, 17, take part in the presidential elections. together - we are force. let's vote for russia. let's. for your new man, what a man, i just got separated, divorced, and you don’t want
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to see a psychologist, it’s time, your marriage is no more, but your desire can be realized with another person. olga lomonosova, do you like psychology or divorced women? you need to give him a chance, and you need to give yourself a chance, enter closed. on friday on rtr. you are watching the news, we continue the issue: 136 ukrainian drones, 10 rockets, three french guided bombs of great destructive power. the ministry of defense provides a list of targets shot down by our air defense in the special operation zone. in the kharkov region , a repair shop was destroyed under blackley, and this is footage of attacks on ukrainian helicopters, judging by...
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the troops were destroyed in a day and improved the situation along the front line in the avdeevka direction, repelling 12 attacks by the ukrainian armed forces. in this area alone , the enemy lost almost 500 soldiers, a gun made in great britain and the usa, three command and staff vehicles and other equipment. mikhail gave this instruction today at a meeting with the head of the federal government to prevent prices for state defense orders from rising, especially when the volume of purchases increases.
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all relevant approaches related to pricing, under the leadership of the government of the russian federation, we will provide the necessary assistance and assistance, all our analytical capabilities and resources will be used to solve the problem you have set. in the absence of a decision by the american congress, the united states will transfer to ukraine a kind of a consolatory relief package announced by joe biden. $300 million from the white house will be spent on the purchase of artillery shells and ammunition for the hymers. according to experts, this is a support measure not so much for ukraine, but for its military industry. the states plan to earn money at the expense of poland. joe biden offered a $2 billion loan in warsaw to modernize the armed forces. he also advised the poles to purchase 96 apac combat helicopters from the states. truck traffic between poland and ukraine has been re-established. after a three-day break, polish farmers
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re-blocked the highway that leads to the checkpoint. krakavets. farmers on tractors have established their own regulations; they plan to transport no more than six heavy loads per day. until warsaw and brussels legally restrict the import of cheap and low-quality ukrainian grain into the country. several thousand truckers remain idle for weeks at five checkpoints. on march 20, polish farmers promise rallies in sixteen cities across the country. now to the news of the presidential election campaigns. abroad early. more than 40 thousand russians have already voted, increasing the omrud to 30,000 rubles. introduction of a progressive tax scale , tightening of migration legislation. this is only part of the initiatives that
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the ldpr candidate intends to implement if he wins the presidential election. leonets lutsky also advocates... presidential candidate from the communist party of the russian federation nikolai kheritonov arrived in volgograd on a working visit during the election campaign. the politician laid flowers at the monuments to lenin, stalin, zhukov and vasilevsky. afterwards, the delegation visited the museum with a panorama of the battle of stalingrad on mamayev kurgan. kharitonov left an entry in the memorial book, noting the role of the battle of stalingrad in the defeat of fascism. our entire multinational homeland,
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the entire soviet union, the entire soviet people fought and fought here. this one has been forgotten; in russia it is necessary to replace about 100 thousand elevators, which have already served their intended service life, but only half of them are included in the capital repair programs. this problem was discussed today during a plenary meeting in state duma. lately, deputies
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have been receiving many appeals regarding the poor condition of elevators, according to... small ones, there are regions where it is simply not possible to solve this problem on their own, and as for solving it at the expense of citizens, this is unrealistic, so let's think about it and prepare an appeal to chairman of the government, at the government hour today, the head of russian railways, oleg belozerov, spoke, he said that in the year of the family, declared by the president, russian railways is launching a new promotion : traveling with children, a discount on travel in a compartment on long-distance trains it will be 15%.
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mission, a new, completely domestic engine was adapted for it, it replaced the foreign engine, and in less than 2 years, for any automotive industry - this is a record short time. artyom morin found out how this was possible for the factory workers. before the introduction of sanctions against russia, a model with a japanese cvt with a foreign engine was already on sale. after imported components, they stopped installing them on domestic cars. avtovaz replaced imports. and upgraded the engine, all problems previous version are eliminated. the heated steering wheel returned to the interior, the central panel changed, it became slightly higher , the seat heating buttons were moved from under the handbrake to the panel, but the main changes took place under
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the hood of the car, a new, completely domestic engine with a volume of 1.8 liters and a power of 122 horsepower was installed here. strength, and most importantly , it is adapted to the automatic transmission of its eastern partners. in less than 2 years , avtovaz managed... to completely replace the engine, foreign engine, foreign automatic transmission on a lada vesta car, by the standards of the auto industry, those who know how this all happens in the auto industry for a long time, this is a record short time. on the eve of 1974, the auto giant breathed life into the millionth zhiguli car. half a century ago, the then volsky automobile plant in talyat produced the first million cars, which became classics of the domestic automobile industry. bass 21.01. now the thirty-first millionaire is rolling off the same assembly line. today we have not only fully restored our product line. we have also brought our conveyors to maximum productivity and maximum operating speed. the car
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is put on wheels for the first time, the conveyor moves quite quickly, complete assembly, the car takes about 8 hours. currently , the plant operates three lines: vesta, niva and granta. every 26 seconds outside the avtovaz gate. a new car is being rolled out, avtovaz has not worked at such a speed for many decades, and the growth in production volume last year, relative to the twenty-second year, was 70%, more than 375 thousand cars were produced. artyom morin, daniil ekimov, alexander bozhenov, lead the samara region. news continues to monitor developments, stay tuned. we continue the release: russian helicopters struck.


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