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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  March 13, 2024 8:00pm-9:05pm MSK

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well, it looks like his age, comrade captain , they just called from the naval flare , they have an emergency there, a guard, saromyatov, died, drowned, he didn’t say that, he said, he said, exactly, i remember very well how he said, in for the first time yesterday, what did you find there, i want something about... hello, hello, are you from the personnel committee? yes, captain goncharov, the detective officer, captain kurochkin, yura, anna, come with me, your criminologist is already working there, judging by the testimony of the hotel employees, sarametov drank all night, and then i went for a walk with the dog, or stood on my feet, well, apparently i decided to go into the water, fell and choked. ruslan, what have you got, death
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happened at least 3 hours ago, as a result of drowning, yes, i found this in my pocket, it’s like death for a wolf, come on, please show me, we did it, why, that syromyotov participated in the murder volkov , but he wasn’t alone, you’re sure, and in my vision , rumyantsev’s son’s fingers were so white, long, well-groomed, but this one’s fingers are completely different, look, his knuckles are worn out, as if he was involved in boxing, you think, his hired, probably, but in general in my first dream the avenger himself was killed, that is, someone is using the motive together for their own purposes, namely, you talked with the local fishermen, yes, you talked with... they fish at night, but in a different
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place , there’s only a certain boriskin here, i need to talk to him, yeah, yur, girl, spank, also buy food, that’s it, zhen, how nice it is to hear your voice. something with the girls again, everything is fine, i just really miss you , i’m already waiting, i can’t wait for the weekend, i miss you too, listen, you asked about a chess game, i found a couple options in each of them the feature is the voluntary surrender of the queen, that is, with any move by white , checkmate is inevitable for them, hello, can you hear me, no, i hear, i hear, yes, thank you, kiss.
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we stand up for what we have, we believe in what is dear to us, we talk about what is important to us, every word we say is a step towards victory. evening with vladimir solovyov, today on rtr. watching love is when you look in one direction, look, look, look, you want to look, look, let's look, look, well, look at the screen, look at me, carefully, look, look, sign the agreement, we sign at the same time one, two, three, sign , look. let's look, maybe we'll go to my place, just
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watch a movie, where is your homeland, my brother, and whose homeland are you, soldier, who do you serve, former friend, tear off everything that was ours, which was together, what will you have left, they went against god, we went on a tour through all the liberated territories, what an impression, and russia comes and the city lives, boris korchevnikov’s program. life and destiny from monday to friday on rtr. i would really i wanted to work for you. shall we start? certainly. on sunday. what do we have? jerry, the bulldog, asks what to feed the crayfish? a hamster just died. oh my goodness, it seems like my life.
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turns here's what it takes to become a successful veterinarian? an extreme situation brings people very close together, maybe we can switch to you? yeah, come on, come on? be a man, zuborev, take the gun , get up, no, defend your honor with weapons, no, no, so much time has passed, it’s not my fault,
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i swear. yes, yur, hello, if you want, i’ll surprise you, junior volkov, son of rumyansov, what is this for you? did you dream? yes, tonight. ostrovskaya, i'm already afraid of you. last night irina volkova called me and admitted that vyacheslav is rumentsev’s son. and he disappeared, she was very worried. and... you detained him, not yet , we are looking for him, but it seems to me that i know where to find him, you asked what interested me on the notice board in the sea
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glare, and what now, here’s the devil’s ad written from hand, the handwriting immediately seemed familiar to me, i gave it to aerophologists for examination. so that they compare the handwriting in the ad with the handwriting in the denunciation of rumyantsev, and what do you think, a 90% coincidence , cherkova, the queen’s sacrifice, wrote to him, that i had a dream about two people playing chess, the one who wins sacrifices the queen, i thought that this was a hint about who next they will kill, it turned out that this is a dream about chertkova, she set herself up so that later she could win the game, weapons, weapons, weapons on the ground and
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i won’t think about it, vyacheslav, stop, i beg you, you will kill an innocent person, he is innocent, he and volkov wrote a denunciation against my father, and then they bribed the guards and killed my father, and my mother hanged herself. it's not them, who? and the one who set you against zuborev is chertkova. she is behind the murder of your adoptive father. no, maybe i don't believe it. and i think you suspected her yourself. they suspected, but did not believe. and why? yes, because you love her, and you thought that she loved you. and she doesn't really love anyone. no one, we have reason to believe that soromyatov did not drown himself, you helped him, particles of your skin were found under his nails, and that
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vanya and i had a close relationship, we are talking about this i know, you made the guy your lover in order to set him against volkov, where do they come from? show me, look, saromyatov forgot his knowledge, they gave us an interesting video, turn off the recording, and then sent it to his army comrade, bragging about what a great mistress he has, pour me some salt, little devil, don’t cry, this bastard threatened me again, i i’ll deal with him, thank you, my dear, why do you think it was so difficult for me to kill a wolf, hang him on a tree, when i could have simply strangled or poisoned him, and because you came up with a very cunning plan, you knew for a long time that vyacheslav was the son of rumyantsev, and if it had not been possible to frame zubarev, sooner
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or later suspicion would fall on vyacheslav, i don’t understand anything, thank volkov the son of the rumyantsevs, i’m learning this from you for the first time , kirya vladimirovna, yes. then look at this. i am listening to you. we couldn't have children. when polena’s baby became orphaned, we secretly adopted him, only one person knew about it, it was, i myself told her about it in secret, well, all these are still words and someone else’s speculation, there is no direct evidence of kira vladimirovna’s guilt, and most importantly, there are no witnesses, there is just one witness, you are bluffing, and you know why you are so...
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pike perch, did he see how you hanged volkov? “imagine, it’s a great catch, we especially did this, and he also saw how syromyatov helped you stage an attempt on your life, as soon as i knock on you, immediately pull him out, otherwise i’ll really die, a victim of the queen, i feel sorry for rawmyatov, why are you loved to drink it, take your hands
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when you drank it, you might blurt out something unnecessary, citizen chertkova, tell us, please, why did you blush? having written a denunciation against him, i loved him, loved him very much, it’s clear to you, but he got married in a half-way house, and i wrote the denunciation from koryach, and you did it not out of jealousy, but because of his share in the company, and so that exactly the ends of the input, you bribed the guard and he killed rumyantsev with a sharpener, supposedly in a showdown between prisoners, you can’t prove this , we’ll prove it, oh, slowly, “that’s right, we’ll prove it, you’ll wash yourself, prove it, and it was
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yours who provoked you to remove volkov and zuburev from the road greed yes, we know that several months ago the management of the largest company borisel offered cooperation to your company. the unification promised great benefits, but zubarev and volkov were against it. yes, because the wolf was always stupid and stubborn, he did everything on his own, and the tooth was a rag and a coward." "zoborev was in love with you, he was jealous of you for volkov, and you knew it, so you started a huge, loud quarrel between them. listen, everything was thought up so cool, yes, if it weren’t for that damn coach on his birthday, you know, the most disgusting thing in this story is that your friends thought you one of the musketeers, and you turned out to be a vile melady."
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girls, we undress, wash our hands, that's it, get ready for dinner, i 'll think of something now. then lessons, do you hear? yes, yes, first of all, so, come on, help, dasha is there , come on, eh, oh, quietly, so, who 's home, and hello, dad,
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do you remember this melody? you and i danced to it for the first time. no, well, or rather, you danced, and i, and i admired, admired, right
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up my eyes were just dizzy. you also said, you must definitely learn to dance, natasha, i’m already taking my first steps, so soon let's dance, let's dance. very soon, i told you that i would write a letter of resignation, and i don’t waste words, especially after that story with masha and the car, i realized that my family needed me here now, my bosses were of course upset, but they didn’t infect him, but don’t worry about work, i
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’ll come up with something now, but it seems to me that they’ve already come up with something for you, what do you mean? well, go open it, while i prepare the office. i mean, cook, let's go, let's go, let's go, now you'll see everything for yourself. who is this? zhenya, so what? is that? listen, no, no, please go, don't be afraid. ostrovsky evgeniy petrovich? yes, i will, sign for the equipment. hello, evgeny, good evening, good evening, here is some equipment from you, your equipment on which you work, all the materials are on disks, i don’t understand anything, i quit, we discussed and decided that we can’t live without you , so we will work remotely
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online, yes, but all expenses for additional equipment and consumables will be covered by the company... itself, well, i agree, i agree, thank you, then sign the papers and have a nice evening, you too, goodbye, where? uh-huh, right here, uh-huh, yeah, where to bring it, here , please, please, come in, zhenya, you are my irreplaceable, daddy, you are back with everything, yes, forever and ever, and now you will cook yours for us every evening corporate growth. of course, yes, and also branded wasmu, he has in his arsenal, stuffed duck with prunes and apple, what do you know, baked pumpkin with medum, pumpkin, grandmother, grandmother, something is wrong, it seems to me that
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this since the ringing was encouraging and approving, until goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, what are you up to, and tomorrow, something terrible is going to happen at the school new year's party, asuu is a strong enemy, you propose to eliminate it, we have an emergency, we need your help, against anna of your entire family. a dangerous game has been started, this game is being played by a very strong dark medium. anna is a medium. we'll watch the final episodes tomorrow on rta.
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kiev’s attempts to attack the russian border are increasingly looking like another. a meaningless pr campaign. ukrainian intelligence services are already literally competing with each other for praise from the west. either the sbu or the mountains of ukraine claim responsibility for the attacks. today vladimir vladimirovich commented on the situation on the russian-ukrainian border. all this is happening against the backdrop of failures on the contact line, on the front line. they achieved not a single one of the goals they set for themselves last year. and moreover, now the initiative has completely passed to our armed forces, everyone knows this, everyone recognizes it, i think there is nothing new here. i won’t say, but against the backdrop of those failures, they need to show at least something, and most importantly thus, attention should have been
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focused on the information side of the matter, on the state border line, which means the enemy tried to attack, primarily with sabotage groups, here is the last one... the report of the general staff, somewhere up to 300 people, including purely with the participation foreign mercenaries, enemy losses amounted to more than 300 people, more than 200, somewhere around 230, out of eight tanks used, the enemy lost seven, out of nine armored vehicles, nine. of which seven are american-made bradley, other armored vehicles were also used, but mainly for the transport of personnel they bring them up, drop them off and immediately enter,
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this is on the belogrod section of the border, there a little further to the south, in my opinion, in one place, there with much smaller forces, but still the less important goal, i have no doubt about it , is that...
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this is a village nearby, but don’t look too hard, but i’ll tell you this, so that there is no threat to belgorod, we need to take kharkov,
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so that there is no threat crimea, it is necessary that the ukronazis do not have access to the black sea, and there shouldn’t be any ukranazis at all, just like ukraine, however, i carefully read president putin’s interview today, it’s difficult to add anything to this, everything is clear, clear. put into detail , i understand that these few days are probably going to be very difficult for us, because the enemy will do everything possible to prevent attempts to spoil the process of normal, calm expression of the will of citizens, but i am sure we will cope with this, we must just everyone to be mobilized, everyone to be ready, everyone to be attentive, how it seems to me that they are telling us that...
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i want to tell you that the situation in the markets, it is of the same nature, for the sake of, for the sake of, for the sake of some political, for the sake of moments, tens, hundreds, thousands, there... in my opinion, more
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than 3.0 people, they lost only in... think about it, this says something, this suggests that the real state of affairs is catastrophic, if this is a bluff , this is what they are doing, yes, this is a bluff for in order to show that supposedly, so to speak, the ukrainian army there is capable, it is ready to go into battle, there it is i’m ready to attack the territory there, you’ll try to recapture yours, are you attacking us, if we follow this logic, you know, it’s all clear, i think the west understands it all perfectly, so... i’ll repeat it again, that is, i i propose, so to speak , just to wait a few weeks, and i am convinced that, so to speak, they are waiting for us, you said correctly, we have no other options, we need, so to speak, to solve problems in kharkov, in odessa, and in odessa, this is, so to speak, this is not only, so to speak, when the issue with odessa, and i am sure that it will be resolved in the foreseeable future, this is not only, so
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to speak, actually already the end. there will be big questions regarding moldova, because transnistria is again nearby, we heard a statement, so to speak, from our transnistrian colleagues, this is the situation we find ourselves in, we will be obliged to provide assistance, this is about talking about 16 in moldova, you the more you talk about, talk about how you will do what, and the less chance you have of maintaining your sovereignty, you know i i would like to say a few words about macron, you know, this amazing simple militarism, yes. yes, and you know, i think that in 1918, yes at the beginning, like in what year, well, in the nineteenth, you know, at the beginning i thought, you know, some parallel, two scandals flaring up there, this was the deployment of troops france to ukraine and macron’s wife there is transgender, not transgender, i think, well, maybe, so to speak, he is stimulated by this process there, yes, and then i thought, so to speak, maybe i’m wrong, well, as i understand it, recently
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, not without our help, the french... have been kicked in the ass of at least four african states, the fifth is on the way, and a colleague said, well, of course, yes, that is , the raw material base, the colonial raw material base, it has been undermined, and it seems to me this is a clumsy attempt, yes, this macron so that i don’t send in troops, don’t touch us in africa , maybe this is something that’s doing what’s right , and i’m talking about this, that is. there is no need to pay any attention to macron’s words, he wants to send troops, let them send them, no, he said another fear, he said, we don’t have red lines, well, what did putin tell him, but then we don’t have red lines, that’s right, that’s right, as soon as vladimirovich, as soon as the first hundred, the second then and the third, coffins with the french return to france , then the rebellion of farmers will seem to him just a pioneer dawn, i agree,
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i never played with a pioneer dawn. but as for the appeal, you know, what struck me most was that i read today the first reaction, which means the western media, it would seem how many messages putin had, and in his interviews, almost everyone threatens with nuclear weapons, it’s just that this is a terrifying threat of nuclear weapons, express writes, well, that is , just some kind of hanger, and what he told putin, well, in general, yes, in a technical sense, our troops are always ready, it was it would be
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strange, yes, if they were. threatens with nuclear weapons against the backdrop of an invasion, which means these pro-kiev, melisha, militias, which means on the territory of russia, that is, the impression you read is that it’s as if that’s all, they invaded, these budanovskys, which means sons, and that’s all , we are now we will have nuclear weapons, well, well, i guess, i don’t know, it’s amazing, about this invasion, well, we already discussed here yesterday in principle, yes, that everything is quite funny, everything is funny.
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well, it ’s necessary to lower the level of your propaganda to the level of your propaganda, there are these two bandits lying there, supposedly russian, and under some house he says, we’re still fighting , we’re still fighting in tyotkina, yes, but now there
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’s still a sign here we didn’t get to the sign, it’s there somewhere, i think so, wait, what do you mean we didn’t get to the sign, you were completely yesterday they controlled where you were breaking through if you hadn’t even reached this sign yet. and then they posted it, everyone checked the geolocation , they filmed in a village on the territory of ukraine , and mind you, they were forced to raid the village, took it, it turned out to be ukrainian , the ukrainian media were forced to admit this, even imagine what a mistake, even if ukraine , they write how stupid the people are, what did you do with the kitten, what are they now saying, no, no, this was filmed before the assault began, that is, yes, this is at the beginning, it’s not an assault would. here, but wait, you say in the video that you will bring fights to your aunts, you said it yourself, but you have already forgotten it, even, can you imagine what a pr blunder it really is, and it’s not even surprising that even western the media today didn’t dare
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to put it on the front page, although some, of course, were russophobic, especially those collaborating with the guru, the british intelligence services, but they placed it inside their newspapers, the italian career of delaser, of course, placed it. it means, but, but we were shy to appear on the front pages, but we understand perfectly well that these senseless provocations, meaningless from the point of view of strategic interests, aimed, as putin noted, at the information component, at the pr component in order to cause some kind of discontent before the elections in russia, they will continue until the end of the vote count, that is, there are no illusions here this must be, this is probably not the last such action, we must be absolutely... ready for this, as putin said about these krynki, yes, the senseless sacrifice of these militants whom they sent constantly, they will continue to send, i’m in completion, due to the fact that today we spoke separately about kherson, remembering how we left why we left this city, yes,
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i want to congratulate the residents of kherson on the eightieth anniversary of the liberation from nazism, today, yes, i really hope that it is not far the hour when we liberate. kherson is completely free from nazism. fine. yes. returning to putin’s interview, i would draw attention to one thing, the synergy between the military-industrial complex and the civil defense industry. after all, we had an eternal problem. everything was always very good with us, the last 300 years of innovation. and it’s very bad with their implementation. because the west created, strictly speaking, gigantic global marketing centers, where in any case, like a vacuum cleaner, all inventions were pulled out and turned into... western products, but today the situation is different, today there is a brix market, today for the first time, probably in three hundred years in the history of russia , a situation arises when it is possible to produce, introduce innovations, turn them into a product, in fact, even recoup them on the market,
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this is a new quality that is doomed, well moreover, in a well-understood russia, there is probably such a very significant point that was stated in the president’s interview, moving on to europe, for example, what are we selling on the market? well, today these are products of the military-industrial complex, we have slipped to third place, obviously in terms of sales volume, having passed france into second place, i understand, but the industrial cycle says nothing about this, just a cycle, the cycle of implementation in any case of production , it’s long, the main thing is that you just said that this is the brix market, but i, where is vladimirovich about this well, it will allow us to pay back, that is, we are starting the cycle, but it will germinate in a few years, nothing about that.
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why are you and these schools are based on some kind of microelectronic
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base, which doesn’t have its own, chips that don’t have their own, that is, languages, or slavic programming, no, no, vladimirich, here the situation is more complicated, yes, that is, if we talk about the basic level, that is there is always enough of the it proletariat, but in fact the it proletariat, that is, simple testers, those that exist, they will be washed out of the market and so on by artificial intelligence in the next two years, so there are no system architects, but this is a separate issue, as is production. there is a direction in which to move, and this is already good, because clear plans arise
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on how this path can be taken tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, but we understand that these are plans for the next 6 years, well, we see what putin said, that in -firstly, apparently, it is necessary to introduce progressive taxation, it’s high time, yes, but it was high time then, what prevented putin from introducing the same, it means it was not long time ago, because if you increase it a lot, then your tax system is not ready , they are starting to leave you, putin said about a progressive tax after... he said that a new elite has appeared that will form the backbone of the future, well, okay, what does the new elite have to do with a progressive tax, that new the elite that has appeared will pay a progressive tax.
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no, if before istanbul we had calculations that we would agree on peace as before, then after istanbul it became clear that we would agree, i certainly don’t want to offend anyone, but since equidistance, not a single oligarch has any opportunity to influence the political power in the country, and this is true, so suppose that putin can say that you know, before istanbulul we had
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some clans, but no, this is all that the west trying to fool your ears, the situation is not like that at all, not like that. it is no coincidence that there was a flat tax scale, because under the current system of tax administration, collection was less, because according to the schemes this was avoided, this is true, this is mishushchen’s merit, by the way, the same digitalization, every time they try to tell, there is someone behind his back, but
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putin’s, not behind his back, but within the framework of the zash it won’t slip through, so that someone tries, so that someone doesn’t i tried to pull it over my ears. to say, yes, here we are, right here, let them not puff out their cheeks, let them exhale quietly, calmly, this is of course none of my business, but we also lived to get out of this story, what the tax scale should be, at the initial stage, actually the main task was solved to bring the business out of the wall, so it came out, because conditions were created that were much more profitable to work in the world than to work there somewhere and in white, than to hide somewhere under fences, i want to tell you this, here i’m... for example, i wasn’t at all upset that the west brought to the front pages, such loud headlines, a threat, a nuclear threat to russia and so on, and i’ll tell you why, as i understand it, we have everything in love with them it won’t be the same, but it’s better to let them live with fear than we do, that we must live with fear, our cause, as they say, is just,
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therefore victory will be ours, if you don’t want to fight, then there is no need to declare that your goal is to inflict a strategic defeat on russia. what is a strategic defeat for russia? this is the destruction of russia itself. well , if so, then here, here, here is your answer. but you don't like him. but you don't like it? putin says: let's negotiate. we are ready. you are ready? they are not really ready to negotiate. because all peace initiatives for negotiations came from exclusively from russia and its, and from russia’s allies. ukraine’s allies have not yet... provided or voiced a single peace plan, that is, they are not ready for negotiations. now regarding the negotiations, you need to understand with whom you need to, or you can sit down at the negotiating table, the subject of negotiations and guarantees for the implementation of the agreement. and a very phrase was said, this is the first time i’ve heard putin say, it means you trust someone, no,
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i’ve never heard such a phrase. yes, that is, it’s really quite tough. again, again, in context, they don’t need it, yes, absolutely. they don’t exist at all, they have a powdery nose, they don’t exist at all, even before this interview , what did putin talk about on global security issues? he says: you understand, they want to discuss issues related to their security, but are not ready to discuss what is in the sphere of interests of our state, that is, they treat security issues like a menu in a restaurant, we like it, let’s sit down, we will discuss this, this is what we don’t like, and we will not discuss this with you. well the same no, well, it is impossible to conduct a dialogue, and this is absolutely obvious, by the way, many countries see this and understand that it is not possible to just sit down at the negotiating table with them, which means we have not yet reached the point where everything is over. there will be nowhere to move further, there are two options, okay, you are raising the stakes, you are actually leading the world to
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a catastrophe, and to a nuclear one, well, there is another option, either this, or we need to agree on something, throwing aside all our wishlist, is it we don’t want or is it what we want, and so on, if this question interests you, let's come to an agreement, now about ukraine, let's go to an agreement on the vampire score. key, i wouldn’t even say that it’s key, but even on the issue of ukraine, with whom to discuss , after this interview, as i understand it, that’s all, but there, with the zelensky regime, it’s generally
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unrealistic and impossible, besides, i want to say, for the zelensky regime this is also impossible, because regardless of what format, what and what, any consent of the ukrainian authorities to negotiations is a fact of capitulation, because it has loaded ukrainian society in such a way that they nothing but victory really...
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a ball of kissing snakes who
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hate each other, but at the same time everyone claims, yes, this whole united west - it’s everyone who claims to be the person who will become the beneficiary of all this of this war that was organized there, he will be the one , i say again, not to defend, but to trade ukraine, he is the one who is fighting for this now. for the right to trade with ukraine, well, what is there, what is there to talk about, if they wanted and could , in fact, fully take part in in this conflict, they would have made this decision a long time ago, there’s already a reason, there ’s no need to even look for a reason, and there’s no need to even look for it, there was a cartload of them and a small cart, they’re not ready for this, i’m sure they’re not strive, but to trade with ukraine is a sacred cause, for them it is a sacred cause, they... are ready to contract for this, well, they, they know how to do it, they, by the way, by the way, they have done this in their history thousands of times, thousands of times, and for
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them this is a common thing, so, but to fight, well , to fight, why, to fight when there is ukraine, which, well, is quite capable of fighting , in fact, these expenses are for them, here we are, we are, when we discuss the issue of financing, yes, because many people have the impression that if tomorrow the congress of the united states of america allocates, relatively speaking, 60 billion, the situation at the front will change radically , well, of course, well, yes, well, yes, the boys will steal money for 500, well, yes, finally zelensky will calm down, it will drag on, the first path, the second path - it’s not just a matter of financing, yes, there is also many factors that influence on success or failure at the front, i don’t even want to list them, i think everyone understands this perfectly well, but yes, they influence, but you can’t buy cocaine on these factors, well, yes, this is...
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a gun, for example, one thing costs 135 dollars, you agree, i agree, we signed a contract, let's go, now biden says: listen, zelensky, can i reduce this price of 135 to 95, so you have a backlash, what are you saying, you can definitely do that, they rewrote the agreement, so it turned out to be 300 million. this is not just corruption, this is corruption, it’s just here, here it is, you know, nothing needs to be done, and if so, this is the second time they
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have pulled off such a system, the fourth. it just opens, you need to wet russia from all sides, this is a simple boyish way, it doesn’t matter in armenia, in moldova, anywhere, well , anywhere, wet something, wet it, in kursk, anywhere, just like that , that makes sense, because well, it’s not clear who, but now, of course, the most important information event is vladimir putin’s interview, i’ll just wait for one moment here when
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a couple of me...
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that is, twice over the course of a couple of minutes , yes yes we want yes what is what negotiations are negotiations volodya often begins ends with dividing someone else's again negotiations begin next happens says who is someone else's diplomacy let's divide it, that is, already the one who on the menu.
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vasiliyvich finished well, well done, well said, now the advertisement, after that we will continue,
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what brought you to my school of women’s happiness, he doesn’t notice me, but i want him to like you... turn yourself into a beautiful one, a confident woman, and i’ll just lead you by the hand to this goal, you help others with the same thing, you have beautiful hands, what an a, you can add more sex, don’t lose yours, and by the way, what’s the man’s name, i call him mine, i fell in love your girl is on the side, yaroslav boyko, sorry, i can’t answer the meeting, svetlana antonova. turned it off, now return it, they don’t know that you know, think, think, school of women’s happiness,
8:59 pm
premiere on saturday on rtr, we go to the doctor , take up a lot of his time with empty complaints, and we don’t go to the doctor when we seriously need to go, convinced means armed. any remedy has a downside with the most necessary knowledge about health. we dispel myths and help you find out the truth. how to proceed? to land well, you need to warm up beforehand. what should you pay attention to? there should be a pill for each risk factor. where to look for help? you only need five ingredients that will benefit your entire body. from the onset of the disease to... its manifestation takes two decades, so everyone needs to be examined family. the most important information from the most competent sources. take comprehensive care of your body. and most importantly, from
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monday to friday on rtr. i'm major vasnetsova. do you know that we have a new business? today is, of course, a difficult day , a difficult day for the west, despite the endless lamentation about the isolation of russia, they all flocked to the tv today and followed every word of vladimir putin, the main thing that
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they heard about the words of the russian president was the threat of nuclear war, although putin talked about something else, americans are obsessed with the idea of ​​a conflict with us, while trying to do the dirty work with the hands of the allies, and... the allies will and are waiting for this, the president of poland was so inspired by the meeting with biden that he called for an immediate block to punish greedy russian imperialism. still , the poles are an amazing people, they don’t teach them anything about history, or it’s just this latent desire to be at home again, as part of the russian empire, at any cost, well, it’s clear that something like this is not pulling them, pulling them . the white house encouraged such initiative, allocated a new loan in warsaw for the purchase of american military equipment, but the matter does not end with poland alone: ​​scholz, macron and tusk,
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as it was, a coward, a dunce and an experienced yes, three great european powers, once upon a time, no, wait a minute, they and remained three great european powers, they are simply ruled by political dwarfs, this is how they will meet to... eliminate differences over ukraine, european leaders are preparing for the fact that the project of a war with russia to the bitter end, well, first of all, the project is obvious . there will really be a victorious ending, we always win, but it’s not clear why these three are meeting, to discuss something, where to run, or what? why do you need to run, comfortable housing awaits you in a barracks in kolyma, you don’t have to run anywhere, you don’t have to think about mittens, felt boots, or sheepskin coats, you don’t have to eat three times a day, wonderful russian porridge, you master the russian language in all its aspects.
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and the pole said that no, not the hussars, not at all the uhlans of ponitovsky, he was completely scared, and he said, they don’t allow me, i won’t go, but then trump will come and say, well, come here , so, where is my fort, where is the fort of my name, they didn’t name it, that’s it, we’ll answer, and so it will be , let’s say, the easiest for scholtz, but he’ll just even forget who he is, he’s out of fear will completely forget everything.
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well, first of all, i want to say that it is absolutely the work of our colleague dmitry konstantinovich kiselyov to shine, because this confidential intonation, calm, precise, verified, it is of course very expensive, that is, it was done very professionally from the position of journalism, and the answers vladimir vladimirovich was so calm, in a calm voice, but things were said that, of course, completely change the balance of power.
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some traditional relations with africa are also important, this is important, but the essence, in my opinion, is completely different: ordinary citizens of these countries, they feel with their hearts what is happening, our struggle for our independence and true sovereignty, they connect with their aspirations for their own sovereignty, independent development.


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