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tv   Anna Medium  RUSSIA1  March 13, 2024 9:20pm-10:21pm MSK

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and danilevsky, of course, plekhanov and many others, millennia of political thought, this is cobot, now political thought, i just imagine there, well, okay, what do you think is more, yes, let's all, let's celebrate every time, so holiday, let's, not a holiday, it needs to be recorded, because our perception of political thought is only carried from the west, putin likes ilyin and berde. i like ilyin, i like ilyin much less, but these are probably the most popular in the world, but if that’s the case, i don’t want anyone offend, vladimir solovyov , who has nothing to do with me, the most popular vladimir lenin, if not, no, i mean, if we are talking about political thought, after all , vladimir lich is a little about something else, well , we can argue, we let's see, vladimirich is a great politician, but if we are talking about political philosophers, this is still a slightly different category of political thinkers.
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there is something to argue about here, just one compilation from the list of who should be placed on this monument is already an interest in russian political, why, to assert what putin would say, not at a crossroads or not at a crossroads, here on a high road, a high road, a high road, the russian high road did not begin today, a state that has existed for more than a thousand years, it rests on something, a big problem, almost everything.
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very, no, they just remember, the movement is just, it’s great that they remember, statists, there were enough statists, let’s bring all the slavophiles here, aksakovs, kotkovs, we’ll bring in, you have enough statesmen, you know, there will be three a person, read alone , it doesn’t matter, they will gradually recognize them, now they don’t know anyone,
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i don’t want to see anyone, and we don’t have anything more relevant in our lives now, that is, i would, for example, advise people to still study the kalashnikov assault rifle, here it is somehow much more useful, kalashnikov’s honesty is easily encountered even in junior high school, the history of russian political thought, alas, even graduates of the humanities do not know, but the history of political thought embodies, russian political, domestic, embodies exactly.
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it reminds me of something, i remember it was there, and you can also build a crystal bridge and run a steam engine across it, it’s beautifully wonderful, and most importantly, it’s described in russian classical literature, well , it’s vital, maybe people will support you we will definitely be supported, definitely not by the people, but by the learned class , they will support the entire institute of philosophy, the whole of which you should close, and the faculty should be closed, because you, let me remind you, abolished philosophy, but not a philosopher. i'm right, that's why they should always go to military school and feel good there , you can’t praise yourself, no one will praise you, i would call everyone who was mentioned, now philosophers, politicians, the intelligentsia, yes or that, as vladimir vladimirovich said in his message, well , i would call progressive society that way, only me i want to remind you that thanks to the actions of this very progressive society, we had decembrists, we killed tsars, terrorists, whoever they were, they were people.
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returns to the so-called progressive society, and today, by the way, in his message, vladimir vladimirovich very clearly outlined his attitude towards the so-called elite, and he said that the elite that is now on the line of combat contact should be formed, we need to change our priorities, and today in an interview he said the same thing, that we
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had this in society, it’s just that it has finally broken through now, because people are like that, at the forefront, of course, is the person on whom our future really depends. and in principle, by the way, speaking about today’s interview, of course, i must say that it was such a final trilogy, i would say so, called the vampire ball has ended, the first part is an interview with tucker carlson , where the nulikbes, in fact , was carried out to the whole world, the second part, messages, pavel zarubin, and that means messages to pavel zarubin , in fact, who did not understand, yes, clarification, clarification given, well, in essence, this is a message. which determined not only for the next 6 years of development of our society, those tasks that need to be solved before the thirtieth year will give, will give impetus to the next 20 years, i would call it 2024-2050, those infrastructure projects and the changes in the economy that are planned, and
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today’s interview, of course , was focused primarily on our society, although as we are now seeing those newspaper headlines, youtube views of this interview and so on, they say the world is once again.. moscow school kremlin cadets of the kremlin regiment then and so on and of course brought up in such a patriotic sense,
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when i saw all these negotiations, all this public that was now fleeing, mau, gozmans, kokhs and so on, they were then among everyone, now looking at the fact that... a vote for trump means a vote for putin, that is, our president is one of the obligatory points of the american election campaign, when did this ever happen, i don’t remember this at all in the soviet union. times, well, naturally, not post-soviet, this already says a lot, they recognize us, they are afraid of us, and after reading today’s interview with vladimir vladimirovich, i generally believe that there should even be some kind of preliminary information on this topic in higher educational institutions, because today
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the interview, it is simply filled with such interesting phrases, quotes, just a kaleidoscope that answer all our questions that we sometimes ask here, why does this leader say this, why do they behave this way, and where is america? and where is france, where is germany? these words , let’s say, were powerless, yes, well, it’s obvious that this whole golden billion, by the way, putin , in my opinion, said two or three times, they were powerless, with all their billions of sanctions, in fact, they are now showing no powerlessness in front of the unity of the russian people, here you can say it so loudly and pretentiously, because that’s the way it is, or the phrase about the sleeping person, we are already... biden, as soon as the sleeping person was not called jom, by the way, i liked this memory of vladimir vladimirovich during the conversation, just did you quote what trump calls biden? yes, the point of the vampires is ending, we noticed that today vladimir vladimirovich, in fact, spoke about three countries globally, france, sweden and
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finland, well, naturally, focusing on america, also probably not by chance, to me it seems that he clearly emphasized to the whole world what a new period in the life of the world community is beginning, we are yet... actually speaking, the countries that were subject to colonialism, and then
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neo-colonialism, they are finally going to live in their own way, he did not mention the saudi arabia, the impoverished arab emirates, we talked about this today, let’s remember putin’s visit to these countries, but a completely different process has taken place in the world, of course, this makes the golden billion angry, that’s why these endless statements, we let's kill you, we're not going to destroy you with nuclear weapons, let's send troops. and putin marks the dot here, we will perceive all these troops as interventionists and will minus them in those territories, no matter where they pass, well, an important point that i think, of course, needs to be outlined, and we in society are asking about this, this is the phrase , which was also told to them, guns or butter, i believe that we must have a balance, but we must have both butter and bread, guns, but how long can guns last? without oil you will not produce, you will not produce, absolutely right, and you know, this is also a moment, because we still live in
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certain concepts, not so long ago the soviet union collapsed, we actually lost the military race in some way, because we were striving for quantity, quantity, quantity , here is today’s phrase from the supreme commander that we have zeroed out their expenses, as nothing else shows, we spent billions of money, prepared for warriors, for much less money, less effort we received... such a reserve now that we can feel and live in complete peace, advertising, what are you up to, the premiere on rtr, something terrible is going to happen at the school new year 's party, ostrovskaya is a strong opponent, you propose to eliminate it, the brighter the light, no, no, the blacker the shadows, we have an emergency. i need your help,
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a dangerous game has been started against anna of your entire family, this game is being played by a very strong one, anna is a medium in the final series, tomorrow on rtr, no need to sign up, just kidding, he will come to the house himself, we are starting, he will always help, we will train, how to walk on ice correctly, will always tell you how to increase low blood pressure, how an air freshener can lead to asmi, how to take medicine correctly, will always support you, a bowl of macaroni and cheese, this is a pan of dumplings. or a frying pan of fried potatoes with lard, you sleep , that’s how a child sleeps, but i don’t
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advise you to do this, a doctor you can trust 100%, and you will be happy, well, i can’t guarantee happiness, but your health will definitely increase. doctor myasnikov, on saturday on rtr. the most cruel aristocrat in history, i am the power here, i am the power, bloody varynya and others historical series, only on the platform we watch, we watch, every time i cry. it’s very hard to remember, i went into my house , sat down on the floor and said: i’ll stay
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here, the military had to be made aware that animals were simply dying there, danetsk was shelled very heavily, but we decided to be in harm’s way at the wedding, the main thing that we are together, ours, ours do not abandon ours, from monday to thursday on rtr. come on, for your new man, what a man, i just got separated, divorced. don't you want to see a psychologist? it’s time to turn, your marriage is no more, but your desire can be realized with another person. olga lomonosova. do you like psychologists or divorced women? you need to give him a chance, and you need to give yourself a chance, enter closed on friday on rtr.
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no, emotional assessments, that is, he does not allow himself to react emotionally , that is, the question he asks is surprising, yes, when they tell him, well , you probably wanted it with a tactical weapon, that is , dmitry konstantinovich quotes the american press that appeared, who said that at the moment of kharkov and kherson, when it was hard, and vladimir vladimovich gives
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an absolutely amazing answer, we have this fragment, please put it on. difficult moments, i don’t know, last year at the front, in connection with kharkov or kherson, the thought of tactical nuclear weapons did not cross your mind, why? despite the fact that it was at the proposal of the then command of this group that a decision was made on our part... to withdraw troops from kherson, but this did not mean at all that we had a front there is falling apart, nothing like this was close, it was simply done in order not to incur unnecessary losses among the redundant personnel , that’s all, this was the most important motive, because in the conditions, in the conditions of combat operations, when it was impossible to fully supply the group located on right
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bank, we would simply suffer unjustified losses of personnel, because of this it was at... why such a very fair one, while behind this issue there is an expert assessment, it is no coincidence that it says that the command of the group, at that time , did not offer this option, this is the answer to you, no , you are not at all, this is the answer to you, because what was said here, the military -
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the beginning of a special military operation, when the russian federation presented a demand to western countries either to begin substantive already meaningful negotiations on the most ambitious architecture. security on the territory of the european continent, or it was already becoming obvious that a special military operation would be inevitable, at the same time it was also not only about ukraine, ukraine was
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part of this process. 2 years have passed since then, during these 2 years the russian armed forces have proven that neither intelligence, nor equipment, nor instructors, nor everything else that nato has is capable of ensuring results in the confrontation with the russian federation. attention, the question is, why the hell did we have to downgrade?
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do we have the right to guarantee anything at all? well, absolutely not. are there institutions today that can ensure that these norms of international law are implemented? who will be the parties that will to participate, absolutely the same composition of, say, members of the un security council, and also or there are several european powers, it is clear that these are also not working schemes. accordingly, here we are talking specifically about the formation of a new world order, which should take into account the new balance of power.
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one detail, we have been discussing this for several weeks, i wait every day that maybe now this will change, the reality is that france has already declared it several times,
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someone criticizes it, someone says: but we are not ready , someone says, but france may, for all this time, if i’m not mistaken, it was never said that ukraine was going to invite french troops to its territory, just compare this with, say, the contingent of the armed forces of the russian federation. to the territory of the syrian arab republic, which officially applied, set goals, objectives, we assessed them, after that they were implemented, and such an official procedure took place there, ukraine today, why am i saying this, there the french leadership could at least for the sake of appearance, bring out zelensky, who i would say that we now lack the ability to do something there, and we ask france to introduce armed forces into our territory in order to provide something, they, apparently, were either in a hurry, or...
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the main goal of the russian task from now on, the federation will make sure that no one comes out of there alive, and that you answer your voters in the shortest possible time,
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why... tens, hundreds, thousands, depending on how many people you are going to send there, of your corpses citizens return to your country so that where is your interest ? if you can’t answer for the reforms you are carrying out, where are you going? in soviet times, we came up with an anti-fascist france, powerful red movements, degaul, normandy neman, i don’t tell our people the truth about a completely different france, about the division charlie magne, who defended hitler to the end, said that in fact many more frenchmen served in the nazi troops, and the
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partisan movement was basically communist. position that there are countries that understand perfectly well how this will end, so they try to stay away from it, i said that this is not the case in all countries , i think that the president, by the way, i strongly recommend this to the leadership of france and any european country listen carefully to the president of the russian federation, he doesn’t just say anything, if he said that you will regret this very much
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and will become us... perceived as interventionists with all the ensuing circumstances from this, believe me that this is exactly how it will be, i strongly recommend not testing the patience of the russian federation in this matter. as for poland and mr. duda, in addition to the statement you spoke about, i drew attention to two more phrases. i just really liked the first one, he said: “we are a nation that was enslaved several times by the russian federation.” i suggest he put it on coat of arms. poland and this will be the coolest self-determination of the poles that one could imagine in the present period of time, here is a statement, that is, are you proud of it or something, that we are a nation enslaved several times by russia, the second phrase, we had never come to the kremlin, the second, if they didn’t invite, yes, second, they invited, they invited the battle, well, the boyars, yes, the second phrase that i paid attention to is i want this phrase, if he’s watching us, i think
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he’s watching. that they are used as cannon fodder, according to instructions from western countries, there is no problem for the president of poland, people are those who live on the other side of ukraine, they cannot be endangered, only ukrainians can be endangered. why? because he says: as long as we maintain such a balance, the price of this confrontation is very low. ask the residents of today's ukraine how low the price
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of this confrontation is, for you, of course, low, what for you?
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the law is also called, it’s directly about freedom of funds, about freedom of the press, it’s called, and it’s creates a committee on media affairs, which actually gives... this is what we are dealing with today, europeans, fight for your freedom, please, it’s late, but i want to say that the speech and interview that vladimir vladimirovich gave today, i seems to be of great importance for
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asian countries, in the international context, of course, this is in the domestic context, but in the international context it is extremely important, where it says that we are not at a crossroads, that we are moving in a certain, clearly verified way course, this is a kind of antithesis to what they perceived in... the soviet union of the gorbachev era, which was precisely at a crossroads, which was constantly selling, giving, in general, in asian countries there is still a certain syndrome in relation to us authorities, that is, that a country that, you know, can support, can support, so to speak, everything, and then one fine moment everything ends, they leave, and those people who worked with us, so to speak, counted on us, they all end up defenseless and not just defenseless, but we we even simply refuse even them, this is very... important, because when building our relations now in asia, where very serious, very important processes are taking place, it is very important to create the image of russia as an integral, consolidated country that knows exactly and clearly its interests, and which is ready
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to support and protect its allies, this is a very important point, this is a very important message to these countries, and not only to countries such as myanmar or laos, which in general seriously communicate with us and count on largely for our support, but also for many other countries in southeast asia, which now find themselves in an increasingly uncertain state between china, the united states and where their security issues are becoming extremely acute for them, this is where the most interesting thing is that yes, economically, of course, our position in this region is incomparable with either the american or chinese, politically, yes, we have a lot of common interests, a lot of common agreements, but the most important thing is that... what irritates ours most is... say in partners, the fact that in the security sphere today russia is practically without competition and the events in syria and the events in africa, they show that at critical moments russia and the role and weight of russia can
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radically change the entire situation that is developing in this region, and between however , events continue to happen there now, which, apart from a certain anxiety, in general, there is nothing... so to speak, this conflict, but the philippines returned and generally refused any further contacts, so the philippines said, that they were extremely frank, but they did not accept the 11 documents that china provided to them in order to resolve these
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issues, which we also talked a lot about, the second tomus shoal, and the scarborough reef and reedbang, here, but the filipinos refused everything , said that these proposals do not comply with our constitution. most importantly, it does not correspond to our interests. why is this happening? and this is happening simply because the american armed forces are being deployed there. moreover, now this lisa has arrived there raymonda brought 22 presidents of the largest american corporations to the philippines, and they should invest a billion dollars in the near future, they said that first of all they would make chips there, that they say taiwan and china are too, so to speak, very large centers and we need to create new centers, one of these...
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and here we can add to this that in april there will be a meeting between biden and kishida and that the americans are now trying to use japan both against us and against ukraine, so that japan will transfer to the united states weapons. and the united states will accordingly transfer its weapons to ukraine, that is, a further process is taking place there, well, plus they are preparing for the balikangan military maneuvers, this is shoulder to shoulder, where they will participate. almost all the americans, and the japanese, and the south koreans, and the australians, these will be very big maneuvers, and in this whole situation, the last thing i want to say is surprising, of course, the position of china, you know, china, which practically controls 40% filipino gdp, 35% of the market, so to speak, is controlled by huatao, moreover, in export trade, china practically has 30% there, well, about 30 billion. americans 6 billion. but it turns out
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that the one who is economically significant from all points of view are much weaker, he wins, the one who simply has enormous opportunities to influence the same marcos the younger, the political elite of the philippines, in order to somehow at least moderate it a little, because that’s what so they revealed, because they speak disparagingly about these chinese proposals, this means that they are full of enthusiasm... they revealed these proposals and
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rejected them, this is, in general, a step towards escalation , undoubtedly, here again , russia’s position is very important, it seems to me that as this tension there increases, as, so to speak, uncertainty and many political regimes are looking for some kind of countries that will help them, that will act as certain guarantors and so on, not to mention that we, in general, have been in charge lately arms sellers to... the countries of southeast asia, of course, from this point of view, after such an excellent interview and after the position that was expressed in this interview, of course, i believe that there is a certain positive hope for us, a positive connotation of our image in these countries, it will certainly go forward, and i think that in the future we will see big advantages, big advantages in strengthening our position not only in the economic sphere, but mainly in the political sphere and in the field of... security problems, it just surprises me, that we had one like this
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the illusion that the chinese solve all the issues with their neighbors, we need to learn from them, and i see this is all a repetition of our difficult experience of the nineties, when there were colossal investments in the former soviet republics with minimal results, the americans came for a small share and practically squeezed out the entire political the elite, so there’s no need to deify them. we will repeat some points here that were previously
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voiced, then i am solely guided by the thesis of repetition, the mother of teaching. in general , shooting at a ballistic target by any anti-missile systems, well, we’ll explain everything in simple terms, but the matter is quite complicated, why? because, for example, what is, even if we take it without any vanguards, here is a classic intercontinental ballistic sarorocket, well, with its classic warhead, the warhead is the moment of deployment. is a certain combination of ballistic blocks, combat, combat blocks, and decoys, active jammers, and dipole reflectors, and various kinds of mylar balls, such a sausage flies along sky, try to select warheads among them and carry out live firing at these warheads, this is a very difficult task, here is a revival selection - against the backdrop of this whole stream.
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because it doesn’t have time to react, well, at such speeds, everything is measured simply in seconds, and that means the whole thing needs to be transferred to a completely automatic mode of operation, that is... some kind of combat firing cycle, and even during the time when starts this cycle, there is even a special command that blocks all toggle switches, switches, buttons, so that a person can no longer intervene; the operator, when the guidance process begins, what hypothesis is put into the basis
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of the combat cycle, because, strictly speaking, all this is carried out on the basis of combat algorithms, here is the only hypothesis that can be put: this is the hypothesis about rectilinear and uniform movement of the target, since it is anti-missile firing, how does it differ from anti-aircraft missile firing, here is its fundamental difference: the anti-aircraft missile system, the operators there of capture, guidance, launch, they accompany the target until the very last moment, sometimes in automatic mode, sometimes in manual mode, but nevertheless they accompany when the anti-missile system fires, the combat mode radar detects the warhead intercontinentally ballistic... makes several notches, then extrapolates, lines up the flight trajectory of this unit, based on the hypothesis of a straight line and uniform motion, the meeting point is determined, it is at this point that the anti-missile missile is launched, that’s the only way it’s done combat shooting. now pay attention, if
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the hypersonic vanguard glide unit on the descent trajectory begins to carry out very sharp, energetic... maneuvers along the altitude course, this completely resets the entire work of the digital member complex of any anti-missile system, because it has just detected, made several notches, and built a trajectory , determined the meeting point, determined the moment of launch, at this time vigorous maneuvers begin, and that all these calculations are going to hell, so our hypersonic glide unit really nullifies the entire missile defense system. the united states , in particular the so-called ground base interceptor and even aegis, i deeply doubt that even if it uses kinetic interception with active homing in the final section, with such maneuvers, at such speeds, you will not be able to hit this vanguard combat unit , yes,
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in fact, no combat use of any kind has been noted on the american side, at least... if it starts, of course, well, actually, which no one is interested in at this stage, our after all, the answer, well, in this regard, it will be crushing, and as for our assessments, about our assessments immediately after the advertisement, comrade lieutenant colonel, i am ready
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to begin my duties and get acquainted with the department, work, the premiere on rtr, i need look at the body, and...
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return to russia, how did it all begin? chronicle of events that changed the course of history. first person. crimea, the way to the homeland. we'll look at the weekend. don't scare me, i'm not
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afraid of you. do you still have time to be scared? very nice. i'm at home for now. i am at home too. when life is one continuous black stripe.
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look, look, look, if you want to look, look, let's look, look, well, look. on the screen, look at me , carefully, look, look, agreement, sign, we sign at the same time for once23, sign, look, look, maybe we’ll go to me, just watch a movie, and as for our opinions about the possibility of using nuclear weapons in certain... situations, then i must say that in general, ours, our opinion, in general is not disagrees with the assessments of the supreme
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commander, which he , in fact, emphasized in his interview when he spoke, when he spoke about the possibility of using nuclear weapons in certain cases, again, since we were talking here more than once about the possibility of arriving on the territory of ukraine in zone of a special military operation. french contingent, then in my opinion, when will it really be their de facto participation in hostilities, when this or that french formation arrives, when they receive on the front line, this or that sector or zone of defense or offensive, will take part in the battles, this is the first day of their participation in the battles, well, by and large, and the french should be clearly aware of this.
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there is economic growth, but it is very formal, it’s just wonderful statistics that i saw in france at the end of last year, when the protests there were maximum, and people were rioting, taking to the streets, we remember all this, but look, behind the last 2 years, well, since the pandemic, let's say, twenty-one, twenty-two, twenty-three, well, food consumption by the french decreased by about 17%. well, that is, this has not happened, i think that in the entire history of france after the second world war... that is, well, this does not mean that people are starving there, but it’s really very serious, many poor people are malnourished, so it’s not just that , let’s just say, people began to come out, but the protest potential
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does not appear out of nowhere, and of course, in this regard, macron’s ratings are very... very low, and according to the latest measurements, 27 or 28% , well, his party, which they now call renaissance, is frankly flying in the upcoming elections to the european parliament, and is far behind the main opposition force, yes, which is now a national rally, yes national assembly marine lepin, yes, according to the latest polls they have around 35%, but this just shows that the french are very tired of their establishment, political, it doesn’t matter. left right or these conditional radical ones centrists represented by macronists, well, the whole story connected with ukraine, so far , in my opinion, of course, i suggest we wait for macron’s speech tomorrow to understand where this will all come, but so far it resembles very bad political technology, yes, because what we see, indeed , very different comments from macron, then from gabriel atal, this future mini macron, who will be
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dragged by the next presidential elections, obviously in the year twenty-seven, otherwise we send to... then we don’t send , that is just some contractors who will train the ukrainians, then perhaps there are some business units there, and so on, that’s what macron is trying to present all this as some kind of strategic uncertainty or ambiguity, and if the americans sometimes still succeed in this, then the french, of course, are not good with words at all, well, that’s why i’m not sure that in principle they will send anyone there, but we’ll see, maybe they will, but as for the internal french discourse, yes, this is of course being discussed in a very strange aspect, that is, it is clear that the main, well, the main phase of the election campaign to the european parliament has begun, and therefore gabriel hautal, when justifying macron’s statement, said that, well, maybe we should send, it’s worth sending the french army to ukraine, because there is already a russian army on french territory, but he meant precisely the supporters of marine lepin, the national leader, who are now being tried to be presented as such pro-russian agents, a fifth column, and so on, well, considering
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that they are, of course, leaders in issues, this is wonderful, well, probably the latter yes in france, and i really liked the survey that has now come out against the backdrop of all this, about what ordinary french people think, but is it necessary to send troops to ukraine or it’s not necessary, but there is a one-way result, yes, 79 against, 21 for, well, this is even lower than macron’s ratings, so i assume that the political strategists will work with him, tomorrow he will again say something within the framework of this strategic uncertainty, but that’s okay, macron certainly has, probably, except elections there are still certain ambitions.
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the possible future presidency of trump, because all this talk about trump leaving europe will leave the europeans completely alone in this mini-beater. well, in my opinion, this is still just talk, but the european bureaucrats and the european elite in general , it seems to me, have already convinced themselves that this will happen, so they are preparing in advance to fight very seriously within themselves for this who will manage all these processes, whether the germans, the french, maybe be british, well, by the way , here again, at least by far the most destructive agenda in europe at the moment is being driven by london, yes, but david cameron, lord
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cameron, yes, the current head of the office has already stated that i ... against, he is precisely against sending armed forces to ukraine, so even the british washed their hands of it, well, it is clear that their british special forces participate in an unofficial format, but they refuse to send regular units, and in principle, especially it’s time to send him to the houthis to enter tenza, well, as an option, well, or at least create problems for the british fleet, which is still in the red sea in small numbers, but the french are nevertheless moving forward with a certain agenda, and as for the poles, today we already mentioned their arrival.
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justice, so of course there is no one thing inside poland, andrzej duda, i think, is trying to sit on all the chairs at the same time, he did not meet with trump, although he probably should have, but apparently the essence of the visit was somewhat different, so he he will try to work on this topic later, indeed, he personally, like kaczynski , had relatively good relations with trump during his first term, so i think that he will certainly try to work with trump in his second term, but here the question already arises: what will happen in poland? in the twenty-fifth year, in poland in the twenty -fifth year there will be presidential elections, in which i am far from sure that andrzej duda, or in general, if not him, anyone else from the party of law and justice will, in principle, win, because their ratings are quite low, and the situation
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in the polish economy is, of course, very deplorable. by the way, the person who is now being discussed as a possible future president of poland, we also hear very often on the air, this is radyk sekorski, and he is the former chairman of the european council , now the minister of foreign affairs of poland, i admit that the civil...
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of the united states of america, that is , in general, de facto, the american presidential parameris has already ended, although formally voting there will still take place until june, but also trump has already received more than half the votes of the delegates, it is obvious that they will be there.


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