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tv   Vecher s Vladimirom Solovyovim  RUSSIA1  March 13, 2024 11:30pm-2:11am MSK

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i understood, i foolishly said that by the end of this month there would be at least one more slaughter, so what , i argued with the boss, and the boss believes in goodness, he said that’s it, nothing more will happen, and you bet, well, yes , today is the last working day of the month, there is half an hour left until the end of the working day, that’s it, you can even piss off anyone, hold on, what is this, slaughter, seriously, absolutely. thank you, good morning, good morning , good, hello, we are late, ivan ivanovich, we are submitting two cases to court, most likely, uh-huh, petya, what am i, how many cases are you planning to submit, and i have there are no deadlines this month, but you are ahead of schedule. ivan
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ivanovich, you live for yesterday, why do something ahead of schedule, well, why do it, so that you can do more later, but it would be nice to live for yesterday and submit things ahead of schedule. okay, at least turn it in on time no later. olga vladimirovna, what about shelovsky’s statement? i wanted to consult. it is necessary to interview samogolovsky, his wife’s parents and friends, those who were at the funeral. what else? there is an autopsy report and an inspection report. yes, please, strange, in the autopsy report, neither words about spots on the neck. in general, panov could not have missed this. shilovsky is sure that these were fingerprints, but the autopsy shows no signs that this was the death of ataxia. an examination must be ordered. we must first do an exhumation. olga, you will talk to your parents and find out whether they will agree to the exhumation. and if
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they don’t agree, then you’ll go to court to get a court decision, i’ve already had this experience, i wouldn’t wish it on my enemy, the consent of shilovsky himself is not enough, he’s a husband after all, it’s good that she said it, find out if they were divorced, ok, that’s it, everyone is free, and uh-huh, olga, stay a minute, and that the homicide department didn’t go to trupshelovskaya, no, they didn’t, there was an ambulance there, they immediately established. that the death is not criminal, yeah, they didn’t tell us , okay, i’ll deal with vinokurov myself, okay, yeah, fedya, why, i need you, where , let’s go, where are you dragging me, let’s go, where are we going, olga, you where?
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wait, i’ll go with you, so, listen, everything is crazy, where are you dragging me? this is so abnormal, let's go, i need to talk to one of the local police officers, that's right, and i have to to introduce you to him, of course , he won’t talk to the lawyer, but he’ll tell you everything, and i’ll just be present, it’s great, and again that means i ’m a toy in the wrong hands, but what are we going to ask about, about shelov’s pipes, that’s it, come on , that’s it, that’s it, don’t involve me in this dark matter, yeah, that means,
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“zhenya, i’ll tell you the truth, just don’t turn me in, well, well, in my mind, of course, i should have called the prosecutor’s office, but that day olga was on duty, and you understand that the boss is hiding from her, so he called straight filonov, he ordered it to be formalized so as not to disturb the investigators over trifles, it’s true, honest police, oh my god, when will you finally make peace, never.”
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come on in, hello, hello! what is this pilgrimage to me today? are you really poshilovskaya too ? ? why too? yes , i have to work for the prosecutor’s office. i think it would be better if everyone minds
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their own business. well, i think that’s it, will you drop me off at the office? no, we’ll sit for a little while. have you and the lawyer already finished or to me wait until they leave? “oh my god, what difference does it make, we are all interested in establishing the truth, let’s not waste time on trifles, in general, i’ll tell you what i know now, and you sort it out among yourselves somehow, the police were called by the doctors from the ambulance, i arrived, there was a woman in bed , the doctors said, death before arrival, what time was it? at 3:00 in the afternoon. it ’s written in the protocol. why didn’t you inform the prosecutor’s office? the prosecutor’s office? and i called the killers just in case? so , so what? was there someone from the homicide department? who? you don’t know,
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who? well, in general, we decided that everything there was clean and there was no point in disturbing people. the head of the homicide department called the prosecutor. he gave us instructions to process the corpse. who called the ambulance? who called? my husband called, who? what husband? excuse me, whose husband? shilovskaya's husband. good afternoon, i’m just coming to see you. eduard arkadyevich, the verification of your application has not yet been completed, you will be informed about its results. one minute. what is there to check? in my opinion, everything is clear there. unfortunately. not everything is clear yet, the devil knows what and who was assigned to carry out the inspection? investigator tsvetkova olga vladimirovna, of course , the youngest and most inexperienced employee, i myself control the progress of the inspection, you see, time is not on our side, you hesitate, and the evidence disappears, hurry up, while exhumation
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can still give at least something, i realized that you look at me like that, i have... by the way, my wife was killed. are you confusing something? i'm not confusing anything. shilovskaya's husband called an ambulance. he was there in the apartment himself, banging his head on the walls. sorry, but this can't be true, he just returned from abroad. don't make a fool of me. if you don't believe me, check with the ambulance who called the doctors? i saw him. passport, there are marks about crossing the border. fedya, please find out at the emergency helpline. no questions. thank you, i 'll go too. thank you. no, why?
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guys, can i give you a ride? and where are you going? to the prosecutor's office. go ahead, what about you? what do i have to do? oh come on. girl, i forgot to tell you this. well... but you’ll find out from him, thank you, taxi, good afternoon,
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marya sergeevna, well, you’ll be bored without me, huh? i’m handing over the cases, that’s enough, so to speak, i’ve been prosecuted, but that’s so much in a month i did a lot of things, but what did i do, what did i do? would they thank me better for stopping the rise in crime in the area? nikolai petrovich, you understood what you said, and that you registered the corpses over the phone, and now we are disentangling, and there is no need, no need to succumb to provocations, well, just think, one complained, an abnormal one, well, there is such a disease, it’s called litigiousness, that should i encourage each of them, or what? kovin has established order, we go to every corpse, and it’s not for you to change this order, but okay, okay, but what about such and such a corpse? criminal, but this is still unknown, but i actually came to
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say goodbye, it’s a pity to leave the area, but you come, just not every day, yeah, i’ll come. “hello, dear, come in, come in, you’ll have some cake, zhenya brought it, she came to an old friend’s house for tea, and you’ll probably share it, so come in, don’t be shy, okay
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, explain to olechka, you made a photo table, a photo table, and why, how, well, it’s a cardiac death, she died in the presence of relatives, yes, who exactly, yes, it seems like her husband was there, uh-huh, so you all agreed, but maybe it’s not worth it trust your client so unconditionally, maybe i can deal with my client myself? probably on the sixteenth, it was last month, just like that, there is
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a call from eduard arkadyevich shilovsky, seriously, but there can be no mistake, if you want, i ’ll look at the card, i want. summons shelovsky eduard arkadvich , you will take cards, of course, a resolution , and you give me this, a copy, a request, there was no investigator there, and no one called a doctor, i soon said that it was a cardiac death, and that there was something wrong then things gone missing? “actually, the apartment
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there is rich, i’m listening, don’t worry, but i’ll do everything right, yes, kiss, what a thing, the latest model, yes, as soon as i see something with new bells and whistles, i’ll buy it right away, with a camera with video , you can’t imagine how many other options there are, by the way, girls, you’re in luck, i mean, you understand, that day i just bought my mobile phone, so i decided to try it, in shilovskaya’s apartment i filmed something on camera, well, just to try, but the recording remained, yes, i put it into the computer, well, will you watch, you still ask?
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yes, marya serge, come to me. yes. marya sergeevna, meet krovets, mikhail stepanovich, shilovskaya’s father. very nice. eliminates some rumors, and you believe everything, they told me that you are going to dig her up, i don’t know yet, the check is not finished yet, yes, to hell with the check, i gave her a heart attack.
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did your friend the local police officer miss something, do you know how much money he gave you, why are you making such a fuss? mikhail stepanovich, of course your grief excuses you, but i would not advise you think so, before a criminal case is initiated, we can only get into the apartment in your presence and with your permission, you haven’t cleaned it yet, no. i don’t want to touch anything until the fortieth day, when it will be convenient for you to drive there with us, the devil knows what it is, a criminal case has not been opened, for some reason we need to go into the apartment, dig it up for some reason, in fact
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, we haven’t decided whether it’s necessary exhumation, what the hell is exhumation, it was opened there. there's this doctor boy in the morgue, he's so young, he explained everything to me sensibly, his heart, he says, could not stand it, well, the expert who performed the autopsy is not that much of a boy, he is an experienced person, he is so experienced , they entrusted him with the first autopsy , so he tried, such a young guy, in general , i won’t allow any exhumation. i won’t let you mock the grave. did shashpanov entrust the autopsy to the trainee? could the boy have overlooked anything? could it really be asphyxia? it is necessary to initiate a case, go to court for
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permission to exhume. conduct an examination. well, look.
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you can print it out for us and your husband, but in my opinion this is not shilovsky, but in my opinion it’s similar, the quality is terrible, but i like it, and this is instead of thanks. what does the prosecutor's office want you , come on, no, wait, he really wants you, listen , tell me, why doesn't he call you, just olechka, hello, hello, yes, well, actually, i'm already
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home, you know what, okay, so good, come on in 5 minutes in the cafe, no, not around the corner, come on, come on in front of rvd, that’s all for now, in my opinion, it won’t take long to get into trouble, fedor! comrade, don’t think about me, think about yourself, that’s how i think about myself, you ’re making appointments on our territory, and what’s more my shift, listen, to be honest,
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we don’t need unnecessary murder, listen, what do they see in you, but the thing is that i’m like pinocchio, ugly, but charming, yes. please, hello, fedya, hello, i need to talk to you, speak quickly, you only have 10 minutes, fedya, we need to identify this man, maybe we can also get him to confess to some crime of the century, fedya? well, who is it? this is the villain who killed my client's wife. and that's all you
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know about him? it was he who called the ambulance. he was in apartment when the inspection report was drawn up, and he pretended to be a husband. and what? vanya, our criminologist, accidentally filmed it on his cell phone camera. well, you're an opera, well, prove yourself. what didn’t i understand, and why should i prove myself? well, because i have no one else to turn to, but i’ll tell you, there ’s this one, what’s his name, but major vinokurov, i won’t go to bow to him, he should crawl to me when he understands who he traded me for , yes, he didn’t exchange you for anyone, he dreams of making peace with you, he’s just sleeping and he sees that he would sleep less, so the old woman, okay, i don’t have time, i’ll go, then we’ll call him, can you help me? let's see,
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hi, sorry, business, nothing, it's you, sorry that i pulled you out in the evening, so well, well, i'm all attention, like that. so, that is , you want to say that i have to establish this person, yes, you know, easily, so, firstly, my intuition tells me that this is... this is a photo of the man who called the ambulance kshylovskaya called her husband, how did you find out? well, it's
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elementary, let's move on, i think that this photograph was taken with a video camera of a phone, brand, here i am afraid to deceive you, that is , you recognized it by eye, naturally, it is clearly visible. okay, what else? well, how can i say, there’s a lot here. well, that's all for now. yes, it's a pity, but oh well. okay, sorry, i won't distract you. wait, wait, what are you doing? i'm completely free until friday. this needs to be fixed, let’s fix it. mikhail
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stepanovich, yes, is this your daughter’s shirt? how do i know? can i ask a forensic expert to come over? is this blood? looks like we'll check it out now. i think, we can sacrifice one. a speck, uh-huh, so, yes, this is blood, what, where is the blood from here , they didn’t beat her, this is not her blood, we’ll check, you didn’t touch anything, you didn’t change anything, no, you didn’t touch anything, i didn’t even clean here , the only thing that was raised was the ring, which ring? well, there was a ring lying on the floor. i picked it up. when varvara was buried, i put
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it on her finger. but an expensive ring is not cheap. good afternoon, and good afternoon, thank you for coming, how are things going there, anything, anything, mineral water, thank you. say something
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is it done at all? more and more new circumstances are being discovered in the case. it turns out that when your wife died, there was another man in the apartment. tell me why they are holding out on exhumation? i think we need to establish who this man is, then deal with the blood. it doesn't matter at all, get exhumation. do something.
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what are you up to, the premiere on rtr, something terrible is going to happen at the school new year's party, asoslovsky is a strong opponent, you propose to eliminate it, the brighter the light, no, the blacker it is. we have an emergency, we need it your help, against anna your entire family, a dangerous game is being played, this game is being played by a very strong, dark medium. anna medium in the final episodes tomorrow on rtr, your favorite songs are heard in our studio, let's go!
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that you are all sad , we are having a holiday, we are getting divorced, the train is bye bye, everything is leaving, the last chance to jump on the bandwagon when a friend’s advice no longer helps, swach, who, my ex-husband, is taking on the matter, inga, your husband is also a brute, no, she is not sick, she needs to start her personal life from scratch. don't learn to accept love miracle, zad, sorry, for what, for those present here, hello, and some things, we have nowhere to live, enter closed, friday on prt. all the best,
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goodbye, provocation. it’s like he came up with some kind of nasty thing. mikhail stepanovich, excuse me, did your daughter have heart problems? were, but how? and he probably wants to prove that it didn’t happen? so she was sick. where was she treated? don't you have her outpatient card? no. "excuse me, for god's sake, olga vitalievna vladimirovna, of course, forgive me, olga vladimirovna, i wanted ask, panov was hiding this lady, and what will happen to him now, in what sense, well
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, it’s clear that panov was hiding something, there’s blood on his nightgown, but he didn’t describe the sources of the bleeding, maybe it was blood from the nose, if it was blood from the nose, then there would be." or there would be blood in her nasal passages, does the autopsy report say that there was blood in the passages? no, you see, there are splashes here, this is from the blow, then i heard, that he missed the bleeding on his neck, so you see, it’s a dark matter, i think this needs to be checked, of course, of course, what? threatens, i don’t know yet, as i understand it, exhumation cannot be avoided, i don’t know,
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hello, fedor, what are you doing? yes , you understand, boss, here one man needs to be installed, both for olga and for zhenya, but why is zhenya getting in there? chief, do you have every right, shillovsky, by the way, is her client, so, chief, i beg you, help, you see, i’m the only one stitching up, why should i help her, how does she, well, how, how, you understand , is trying with all her might to prove to you that she is a better specialist than olga, hmm, fool. who would doubt it, boss a great reason to make peace, establish a man, say that you value her as a professional, do you think that you are saying, am i an honest detective, boss, are you supposed to be such a formalist, why is it difficult for you to help your own
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wife, by the way, with us the day after tomorrow there will be a divorce, this means that you have time until the day after tomorrow, maybe she can also do a door-to-door tour, interview the residents, the plots, after all, she will formally approach this, correctly, formally. and we will approach you with all our hearts, i beg you, boss, help, okay, do you have a list of residents? naturally, yes, here it is obvious she’s a pensioner and also single, which suits us, right.
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this card is no longer there, it was recently taken away by some relative of this woman, who? he showed the death certificate and said that this card is needed for an examination, who? i'll be fired now, right? i’m retired, but i just wanted to earn extra money, you know, it’s impossible to pay the rent , calm down, please, i beg you, no, i
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’m dead, i’m dead, you know, i found this job with such difficulty, and i’m here they didn’t want to take me, they thought i was sick, sick i will be there all the time, stop the hysteria. excuse me, excuse me, tell me, who did you give the medical documents to? the man is dressed very decently, respectable. he called himself her father , gave you money, yes, well, 200 rubles, well, i took it, well, i’m retired, come on, just don’t tell anyone, i beg you, well, i just have to pay the rent, okay, forgive me, thank you, viktor ivanovich. we need to make a decision on
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shilovsky’s complaint. come on, come on, sit down. it's time to decide whether to initiate a case or not. olga, tell us what doesn’t work. no, you are better to me tell us what goes against the diagnosis and the initial picture of death. thus, it turned out that a man who identified himself as shilovskaya’s husband was in the apartment at the time of death. but this is not so. this is wrong. i checked, he really was abroad, but we have not yet identified this man. this can be done as part of a check, what else? i think my father took it, but he told me that he didn’t know where the card was. and what else? the bruises on the corpse's neck remain unexplained. yes, and most importantly, upon re-examination olga i seized a pinoir with traces of blood, so we can’t do without an examination, those trees are green, if the blood turns out to be from shelovskaya, we need to review the result of the autopsy, that ’s right, in the autopsy report there are no possible sources of bleeding. not a heart diagnosis, as soon as i went to work,
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my statistics immediately worsened. viktor ivanovich , what do you have to do with it, we looked through this , yeah, they’ll send me to retirement, okay, initiate an urgent examination, exhumation, yes, and exhumation, in the shist one, that’s okay, i don’t care anymore, that’s it, go, work , go, women. tatyana ivanovna, you call and introduce me. okay, we’ll be doing repairs soon anyway, so everything will be fine. listen, young man, i’ve repeated it hundreds of times, listen,
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i told you that if you spend all your time plotting against me, then i’ll be there for you in a timely manner, call, who’s there? leokadia andreevna, please open it, it’s me, your technician, hello, hello, what happened, lyaka andreevna, a young man wanted to talk to you, young man, what do you need, i here i’m buying an apartment from you for an office, and your staircase is dirty, i want to do a small renovation, but i can’t handle everything, you will participate, but what are you doing, how can i, how can i participate with my pension, are you laughing? no, will anyone else
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participate? did you go to apartment thirty-one? no, make a list and then bring it to my office, please. okay, who gave you this address? apartment address? yes. at the agency. mikhail stepanovich is selling an apartment through an agency; the area suits me. but i heard you were stabbed here someone. oh, come on, no one stabbed anyone, a nice woman lived here, varenka. her husband, however, was an asshole. listen, so what happened to this sweet woman, her husband killed the goat after all, young man, are you married? yes, here, come in, i ’ll treat you to a pie, with pleasure, so what happened? yes, yes, hello, what am i obliged to do, yuri yuryevich, i want to ask you about. but it’s a favor, yeah, to forge a conclusion or
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steal a corpse, we’re all bandits here, what are you doing, just find out the results of biology for me, otherwise they won’t tell me about it, and that’s right they’ll do it, you prescribed this biology, no, the prosecutor’s office, well, the prosecutor’s office will find out the result, excuse me, i have a lot of work, that’s it, yes, corporate solidarity. we are covering up for a guilty colleague, but your punks passed off a natural murder as a cardiac death, there is no need to be rude, and in general it needs to be proven, we will prove it. please, mm, delicious pies, here’s one with
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lingonberries, help yourself, thank you, i’m already full, no, please, eat, eat, otherwise i’ll be offended. you need to be friends with your neighbors, since we are future neighbors, please, you and they were friends with the shelovskys, oh, the shelovskys, tsvari, i was on good terms with michal stepanovich, her father, yeah, but i practically didn’t know my husband, and he had never been here, that’s how, a good husband, so he’s not registered here , apartment on mikhail stepanovich , but there was another one, that the other one was at least a normal guy, and judging by the car, yes , you eat, you don’t eat anything, and what kind of car do normal guys have, and it’s gray, all painted, mercedes
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bmw hums, uh-huh. well, god be with her, i have to go , thank you, no, please, please, a piece, a piece, one more piece, and then go, eat, you eat, okay, delicious pies, hello, hello, sorry, you had last month there were trainees, can you tell me where from, from sangiga, thank you.
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hello. guys, can you tell me where the department of forensic medicine is, thank you,
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hello, i gave you a document for examination, a white shirt with blood, yes you can. know the result, my little dietie, i can determine group affiliation by eye, it’s too early also, come back in a month, it’s too early , maybe you can tell me in words, oh, what a hurry you are all, i’m not at all sure that the reaction there is over, let’s see, this daisy will come, babble something, and wo n’t let go until she vomits what she needs from her throat. feel free to order, and please, please, give me some chicken, no chicken cutlets, i’m at the department of forensic medicine, writing my thesis, and are you really a lawyer? yes, i showed you my id, show you the warrant to
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represent shelovsky’s interests, no, no need, but you really finished, i’ve already opened up non-criminal corpses, yeah, and once i opened up a stab wound. i ’ve been to upanova’s practice office three times. he knows me well. it was he who entrusted you with autopsy of shilovskaya’s corpse? yes, i opened the woman's body. no damage was found on it. as i remember now, there was sclerosis of the coronary arteries. what happens? “she’s very young, even if she wasn’t sick, of course, everything happens very quickly, spasm, painful shock, death, spasm”?
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blood type b third, of course, it’s hers there's blood on my shirt, thank you, uh-huh,
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boss, what are you doing? madame shilovskaya has a lover, a solid car with a horn accompanied by the mooing of a cow, this
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is the motive, you have to look for it, but anyone has a motive, the husband has to frame the lover, the lover has the husband to frame, both of them have to destroy the unfaithful, but don’t forget about the lover’s wife , maybe he has a wife, maybe, like this, a husband can have a mistress, uh-huh, boss, i beg you, let's go eat. well, okay, but not to the pie shop, but anywhere, good evening, good, good, excuse me, no, but did you agree with her, no, but she told me urgently needed, she has... “i think she won’t be there today, that is , there is absolutely no point in waiting, but you know, come tomorrow, uh
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-huh, goodbye, uh-huh, goodbye,
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uh-huh. i’ll make a mess for you. well then , yesterday i was at the examination, there is shilovskaya’s blood on my shirt, so that means panov was mistaken, well, maybe it’s old blood, you were in the apartment, shulovskaya looks like... sit down, mikhail stepanovich, i invited you in order to introduce you with
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a decree on the exhumation of your daughter’s body. “listen, as much as possible, i have already said, i have no consent for the exhumation i'll tell you, this scoundrel is spreading some rumors, and you're happy to try, but if your brother-in-law is wrong, it's in your best interests to prove that he's wrong. i’m not going to prove anything to him, leave me alone and don’t call me again, i won’t come anyway.” also remember, i can’t take any, they barbarians divorced even before he left abroad, it’s good that he said, don’t inform mozhelovsky about the discrepancy, i’d better check to see if they got divorced, of course check, i wonder
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why he doesn’t want to be exhumed? hm? sorry, maybe i’m interfering in something that’s not my business, but you don’t want to write a statement against your father-in-law. i saw him hit you. maybe, but it doesn't matter. exhumation is what matters. i think that the issue has already been resolved. okay, but keep in mind that i must be personally present when the coffin is opened. for what? this is my business, why? sorry, but is the result important to you? do you want to establish the true one? you don’t need to know about this, you ensure my presence, or i fire you, fire you, well, terminate the contract, all the best.
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hello, kurochkin, hi, can you give me a car? punch it, write down the number, what, what does it mean, what kind of car? a gray, painted lexus with a special mark, the horn imitates the mooing of a cow, but this is of no use to you. what? hello. marya sergeevna. well, did you grant the request? well, of course, there are more than enough reasons for exhumation. thank you. a simple formality, but tomorrow go to the court for permission to exhume and make an appointment at the cemetery. and today it's too late. well, i think
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the judge left. i'll try anyway. ok. are you going to the prosecutor's office?
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by the way, i don’t see the logic, in a cafe with you can’t drink as a lawyer, you can drink in your office , don’t worry , we won’t drink for your petition for exhumation, i’ll leave now, if you leave me now alone in this state, you ’ll never forgive yourself for it, it’s blackmail. olenka, oh, hello, are you coming to me, it’s so late, no, sanovich, i need to get an order for exhumation, i just dived in to the chairman, let’s go and have some coffee with me, okay, okay, he’ll be here soon, okay, okay how do you like working at the prosecutor’s office? isn’t it boring, otherwise you might come back? you’ll join the reserves, then you’ll go to judge , and i’ll think, well, how come you didn’t get married, don’t be afraid, everyone there is a handsome man, i
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didn’t get married, there’s a lot of work, you’re wasting your time... you’ll be stuck with paperwork age-old like me, okay, let’s go, well, for my maiden name. “can you not go to the tax office tomorrow? no, i’ll go and get on vinokurova’s nerves, no, well, you know what’s most offensive is that i ’m not angry with him at all, so make peace then, that i’ll ask him for forgiveness, you don't know mi nakurva, he would be happy to ask forgiveness, but he’s afraid that you don’t need it." and what should i do? and after that he told me not
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to approach him with this question anymore. that’s it. funny. funny. and i was in love with him for many years. victor ivanovich. yes, imagine viktor ivanovich . i couldn’t take my eyes off it, so what? nothing, he was busy all the time, he’d run into the process, give a speech, and then run on, and i’m sitting in business, digging around, so girl, do it conclusions, okay, let's gossip, that's enough, evgensanovich, yeah, to you from the prosecutor's office, thank you. victor should i say hello to ivanovich? tell him, let him come in, okay, that’s all, you understand, no,
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i warned him, i warned him many times, i don’t understand anything, you’re not getting excited, i’ve been here for 2 years, you can’t do anything. the head of the homicide department could not agree to let us jump the queue. i’m already late, i’ll have to look for a way out to the tax office and negotiate to be let out of line. no, listen, listen, are you a man or what? i have to organize everything, can you do anything yourself? don't touch my hands, you're late, i'm going nowhere with you will not go. hi, hi, help, help,
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a heavy awl pricked all my hands, it’s just, really, the last century, i’m changing the awl, i sewed it, oh, what is this, what can it do? give a handsome man to a pretty girl, oh, she really sewed, fedya, i can’t accept such an expensive gift, well , you can’t, so hand it over to the dock’s cell, listen, what’s wrong with that man whom i asked to install, and so we established that vinokurov actually discovered an aunt who saw her lover arrive from shilovskaya in a gray lexus, a typewriter i installed this one. you won’t believe it, shilovsky’s friend drives it, her last name is gradova. and what does it mean? i don't even know if you should have said this ahead of time. i think
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i should have consulted my boss. well, consult quickly. but i can not. why? because the boss is getting a divorce today, right? what are you doing? major of the distillers, detained the fraudster. do you want to be a witness? well, sorry. interesting. this means that shilovsky had affairs with
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the wife of his enemy. why do you think that gradov is his enemy? i didn't notice that he very upset. cheating wife. all he cares about is the exhumation. i didn't notice either. you know? don't tell him when the exhumation is yet. and don’t tell zhenki, but kurochkin can, kurochkin, yes, you can, but under great secrecy, yeah. well, will you go voluntarily? i won’t go, you won’t go, where? to church, why? to get married in handcuffs, but for now we’ll just come to an agreement, they don’t get married there every day, by the way, is your wedding dress intact, or did you cut the pieces, so what? you have to get married in the
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dress you wore when you got married, let's go, well, what else is the matter, vinokurov, how ridiculous you are, our marriage certificate is in the zakse, without it we have nothing to do in the church, so go get the certificate, come here. well, come on, at least close the door, calm down, that’s all. calm
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down, don’t need to say anything, sit down, now i’ll console you, come on, comfort, sit down, sit down, calm down, you know, boss, listen to me, divorce, yeah , actually, an everyday matter, yeah, fell in love, got married, got divorced, i forgot, because the most important thing is that zhenya and i made peace, wow, what, i didn’t understand, so what are you doing, now you’re not in depression, or something, yeah. so, no, not depressed, now, wait, then, stop , then let's work, what do i need, boss, i have news, so, i too, well, mr. shilovsky doesn't pay his lawyer, why don't you you will believe it, because there is no money, well, it’s bad , bad, whoever doesn’t pay a lawyer will have enough for kondrate, well, let him sell the watch, he already sold the watch, and the car, yeah, blood, he bought a whole sea of ​​​​flowers with all the money , he really... he has nothing, yes, maybe
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we’ll drink, come on, let’s drink to what he has you and i now have something, it’s better for what i have, they let a bunny into me from that window. this is him, there he is.
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hello, we are from the police, and i know you’ve been watching for a long time, they gave it to me for my birthday, but i didn’t understand that you don’t go to school , i went on a skateboard, i broke it when my birthday, the fifteenth, was almost a month away. did you see anything interesting? will you buy ice cream? we’ll buy it, we’ll buy it, okay, there was a corpse in the fifth house when it was on the sixteenth, hear that, and did you see anything else interesting? the guy came in a cool car, it hums like cow, listen, did he come soon? yeah, first he arrived, and then the rosary came into the front door. and what kind of aunt? i didn’t see her,
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at first she walked backwards, and then like this when she came out, why did you remember her? she got out, and then the ambulance arrived right away, and when she was getting out, she kicked the gray car on the wheel out of anger, listen, tell me, when do you have grown-ups coming home? eight, well , tomorrow the investigator will come, it is necessary for the adults to be at home, it is necessary, it is necessary, she. did you give up anything else, what did you give up? or fell she, in general, something jingled, did she pick it up? nope, she fell into the sewer through a hatch with a grate, opposite the front door. thanks guy, when will the cast be removed? or at least they wouldn’t film it at all, so as not to have to go to school.
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there is no water there, this is a service passage. what are we looking for? well, something small, metal. is this what it is? put it on the asphalt, please. well, it would be logical to assume that the key is from shilovskaya’s apartment. need to try. well, let's try it. i need to call the owner of the apartment. so why do you need to go to the apartment? let's try whether everything fits or not, let's go, are you coming?
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well, it fits, but it doesn’t look like the key that the owner had, the guy said that the door doesn’t close well, well, that means that someone ordered another key for themselves, so when you have an exhumation, twenty sixth, that is, the day after tomorrow, yeah. exactly the fortieth day, well, you need me there, but can you? let's go,
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birch alley, row nine, place six, how are you? yeah, someone, someone has already taken a place in the stalls, wait, hello, hello, let's go talk. let me introduce you, mr. gradov, and what was i supposed to do? just imagine, i’m with a mistress who shows no signs of life,
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i can’t leave her there, i can’t say that i’m not her husband, i’m more precious to myself, but at 0.3 they ask for my last name and age. so i introduced myself as a lovsky. well, how did she die? if you are covering for a lady, then we know that she was there. why do you need my version then? because a murder case has been opened. god, who came up with this idea, what kind of murder? it's clear. where is the blood coming from? sorry, it’s my fault, i couldn’t restrain myself, i had to hit, but she followed us and i opened the door with my key, well, where did she get the key from, where did she steal it from me, varya
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gave it to me, and my wife made a duplicate, i understand, i sympathize, but you wouldn’t wish it on your enemy, as in the joke. husband, wife, mistress, the joke would be funny if everything hadn’t ended at the cemetery, ready, everything is ready, uh-huh, a re-inspection of the scene of the incident is being carried out with the participation of gradov’s witness, gradov’s witness, you understand your rights and responsibilities. yes, please show me where you and shilovskaya were at the moment about which you testified? me and varenka
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i'm sorry, shulovskaya, we were in bed, you were undressed, excuse me, you were undressed, oh, yes, yes, of course, we were in bed, suddenly. unexpectedly, i saw, i saw my wife, she, she literally appeared above us, uh-huh, i jumped out of bed, and while cooking, she, she covered herself with a blanket, but my wife, galya, she... she pounced on her and began , began to choke, i, i with difficulty tore
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her away from shelovskaya, i apologize, but my wife, she was inadequate, she drove, struggled, screamed, and i had to hit her, she started bleeding. yes i, i hit across her face, blood gushed from her nose, she covered her face with her hands, then left, i, i saw. that varya is immobilized and not breathing, when you
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hit your wife, the blood could have gotten on arshilovskaya’s pine? yes, of course, the peignoir was lying on the floor by the bed. can i ask another question? yes please. what is your wife's blood type? it seems like the third one, but what? well, the same blood type as ushilovskaya. yes. what did you do next? then i tried to bring her to consciousness. then he called, called the ambulance. then they said that she died. did you think about cause of death? i thought that
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my wife strangled her, but the doctors told me that it was the heart, wasn’t it, that’s what friendship is worth, you all thought that i took a bribe, gentlemen, calm down, no one thought so, yet.. .better, they thought i was a scammer, mistook asphyxia for cardiac death, but no, to be honest, i thought that you blamed everything on the trainee, you didn’t even see the corpse, well , stop it, well, colleague, congratulations, sclerosis, coronary artery, and no damage, this was removed from her finger, yes, it will be necessary to give it to relatives, those who will she should be reburied, she must be given to the owner, and that these are not her persians, forgive me, generously, but i can’t remain silent, i’m afraid, colleague, you overlooked small hematomas on the neck, fingerprints, but the superficial ones
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are in no way connected with the cause of death, i admit that i’m inexperienced the tonatologist could have mistaken them for cadaveric spots, but you are experienced, write an explanation, well, now everything is clear, almost, eduard arkadyevich, i invited you to announce that the check on your complaint is completed, your reason... there are no reasons confirmed, i will complain, it’s unlikely, this whole story is for you it was needed only in order to remove this ring from the finger of your dead wife after removing the corpse from the burial, but you bastard, this is her ring, she will be buried with her, this is my ring, yes... this is my ring, i have it fell off my finger then in the bedroom. why should i give it to someone?
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i give you credit for organizing everything so cleverly. they found eduard arkadyevich and persuaded him. to achieve exhumation, so eduard arkadyevich, why were you so seduced, mrs. gradova, with half the cost of the ring, and what, do you really think that i would give you i gave you money, you’re not capable of anything, even pull off such a simple trick, so pay off your debts as you want, galya, what, we agreed, he has debts, you need to play less in the casino. scum , he didn’t even come to the funeral, why should i interrupt the funeral, we’ve been divorced for six months, i’m wearing a stranger, i think that the question of who owns the ring will be decided in court, don’t worry, i’ll decide, you know how much it costs, you never dreamed of such a sum, i’m
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free, yes, everyone is free. galya, galya, come on you can't do this to me, gal. mikhail stepanovich, yes, why did you take the outpatient card from the clinic so that nothing would work out for this rogue, let him prove that it was not a heart condition. yes, they seem like decent people, yes, yes, viktor ivanovich, yes, greetings to you from amara stepanovna, from the judge, yes, thank you, you would know what she was like in her youth, beautiful and smart, in
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your depths. at the heart, purity, like a baby’s sleep, purity in some hertz, silence does not even breathe, we leave defectors, marveling at the love of the sun, to the depths of our from the heart, and to the depths of the soul, hello! this is our program. in a combat zone , it is especially important to feel your partner's shoulder. you are responsible for the life of a person who is in the same relationship with you, and he will always cover you, risking himself. and, we live on the fourth floor, unfortunately, without an elevator.
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it was hard at first, but now it’s easier. he not only copes without crutches and an elevator, but even gets behind the wheel, all this, despite the consequences of the severe wound that anatoriy kolchinsky received in the northern military district. i have, thank god, only the left side is damaged, here is the machine gun, the right leg works, does not cause any discomfort, lack of a working limb. but now anatoly admits, then on august 9, 23, while performing a combat mission with his partner maxim ulyashin on the dnieper. understood whether they would survive under heavy fire in the ukrainian armed forces. a mine flew over my head, pierced the right stern of the boat and exploded under me, then it threw me into the water, everything could have ended tragically, but my partner maxim, also already wounded at that moment, quickly pulled his comrade out of the water, from
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tolya was protected from the powerful blow of a mine by the helmet that his mother once gave him to the front; he is my husband. my son saved six twice, the first time a shrapnel flew into the back of the head, the second time when my son was wounded due to a kamikaze drone, of course, i was worried, any mother’s heart could not stand it , the mother’s care, anxiety, combat experience and knowledge, but the main thing is support a partner who saved a friend, risking himself, all this probably helped him survive, anatoly recalls now, although objectively,
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hello anatoly, tell me how you are fell into the zone of a special military operation? he mobilized voluntarily, that is, on the day when mobilization was announced. i woke up, like, well, at that moment i knew that i was going, you went yourself, and my parents received a summons, they called me, they said that you had received a summons, i took the documents with me there, i went to the military registration and enlistment office with my purse, on the same day i left, that is, i went straight to the training center, well, my journey began, and how did my parents react to your decisions, in a parental way, that is... so this is an experience, but support for me, but they knew my point of view, which unit did you end up in? i initially got into reconnaissance as
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a sniper, that is, i was a reconnaissance sniper. after the third business trip, i decided to sign a contract in the place where i am currently serving, and moved to a sniper company, to the position of senior sniper, but the last business trip was already with the new brigade. anatoly, from the story we learned that you were wounded, this is the first wound, no, this is already the second wound, the first wound was milder, how would i recover, after 4 months, i immediately went back to the sucking zone, so now this is already an extreme and quite serious injury, unfortunately there will be no way to return there, let 's watch the video of how the drone flew into the boat, and you... comment for us, please, okay, well, at about this moment maxim i noticed that he was approaching us, then
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we began to maneuver along the dnieper, fortunately our mechanic realized very quickly. this is already the moment to strike us, how many of you were on the boat? there were six of us , that is, maxim and i, and the mechanic and operator and two wounded. and tell me what happened, that’s how you ended up on the boat, a few three hundredths, what is it? well, we initially received a task. enter the island part of the kherson region, the task was to prevent the enemy from landing on this island, not to occupy these positions, the task was
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completed in full, and we gave the enemy a very good fire repulse, the enemy , so to speak, retreated, well, then the enemy began to use for us, everything that explodes in general flies, throws off, that is, then they had the task of destroying maxim was wounded first, when they covered him with a cluster munition, maxim was hit in the arm, he said that 300 then exploded somewhere under my head, i then received a severe concussion at that time, everyone began to further convey what we 300 we need to evacuate, we were probably under fire then. about 4-5 o’clock, there was no way to quickly evacuate us, because it was already day, that is, we also
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need to approach the boats, as if they were under very serious fire, too, well then they conveyed that help was still coming to you, and maxim and i and another guy, who had been broken, carried the victim, who was the heaviest. i was in the evacuation zone, a boat approached, then they began to cover us, as if they had noticed that an evacuation was now taking place, there was an exit from the mortar and the arrival lay down, just as it should, lay down behind me, i thank god did not see him, but she threw me out - the water, i grabbed it and rolled up, i don’t remember this moment, how it happened, but at the very moment i remember what i was hanging. then maxim jumped off, got it, because he could have left it, despite the fact that maxim himself was wounded, yes, he was already wounded in shrapnel, so he could have left it, but he didn’t
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leave it, because because of me alone, the fact that he was wounded was there threw me into the water, the whole boat could have been damaged, that is , it could have been destroyed, and then they kind of started, maxim pulled me out, it turns out. on the right side at the stern and then flew there again under me, and then i honestly don’t remember well, maxim and i were already talking later, so... we started along the channels to go out into the deep water on the dnieper, i woke up at the moment when the shooting began, there was a rocket launcher, the enemy fired a rocket launcher, maxim began to work there, then there was no fire from there, that is, most likely the fire was suppressed, that’s when i asked for a machine gun , from the mechanic, he gave me a machine gun, we started
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to go out, should we shoot back, and then maxim shouted that the comic cat would fly in, then they started trying to shoot it down , well, then everything is clear, then they hit us, well, they hit us successfully, perhaps, or rather just that in the end, maxim was still able to hit him, judging by the scale of the damage on the boat that was, well, on us, so... maxim sent us a video from the contact line, let's watch it. anatoly and i served in the same military unit, we carried out tasks with him many times, i would like to wish anatoly a speedy
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recovery, that’s all. the guys who are currently in service remember you and also wish you a speedy recovery. get well soon and we will definitely meet again. get well soon and we will definitely meet, keywords we will definitely meet. now you will meet. your partner came straight to our studio from the front line. please come along with us, this is what a real partner means, yesterday he was at the front, but today he didn’t leave me in the water, he came to the studio, hello maxim, tell me about this battle, in which you actually saved the life of our hero , the ninth, august 9
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, 2023. we were given a task, we moved to the island zone of the kherson region, as part of our unit, so anatoriy and i were carrying out the task, during the task we were informed that three enemy boats were moving in our direction, so , having taken up defense and letting the enemy get closer, we did not allow him, well, to land on the island, the enemy moved away and began to cover our square. mine-artillery shelling, as a result of which two servicemen in our unit were wounded, anatoly and i provided them with, well, first aid, carried them closer to the evacuation point and requested evacuation, the enemy did not abandon his attempt to destroy and knock us out of this square, also without stopping further,
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struck... struck , that’s why me and anatoly, well, we were next to each other in the trench, a mortar shell flew next to us, and well, anatoly had a concussion, we also informed the command the fact that we have a unit at 4:30, the evacuation was very problematic due to the fact that we are located at a great distance from the main forces, yet our command was able to organize the evacuation. group , an evacuation group came to us, and approaching closer to the boat, having already brought the three hundredth onto the boat, i i saw that, well, i turned around, i saw that anatoly was lying in the water, without hesitation, without thinking, i jumped off and pulled him out, well , i put him on the boat, going out to the dnieper, and after walking about three kilometers, i found a drone, i told
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the mechanic, i turned around and continued to fire, but what did they fire from? machine gun, he went to strike, a drone, somewhere at a distance of three meters, i hit it, you shot it down, yes, well, it turns out, yes, but it exploded, it exploded, yes, we also received more shrapnel wounds, but the boat capsized, no, the boat did not capsize, the boat simply stalled from the explosion, from detonation, the motorman quickly started it and we... i couldn’t get up any further, because it turns out my legs were damaged, i took the machine gun, they gave me another magazine, i... reloaded and started on. control the air situation, and the engine driver was not injured, the engine driver and the guy who was with him in the evacuation group, they were wounded in the legs, maxim, what were you thinking at the moment when the drone was discovered, and after
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the engine driver’s words, what the the drone didn’t think about anything before the first shot, i thought about the need to destroy the drone , because there are also guys and guys in the boat... they just can’t get the fire going, i had to save the personnel, i didn’t think about anything else, i didn’t think about death, no, i didn’t have the chance possibilities, i was busy, others were distracted, yes, i was busy with business , distracted by other things, anatoly at some point does not remember what happened in the boat, just when you introduced fire, when we were leaving the shore, only having boarded the boat, entering the channel, the enemy attacked the impacts come from the boat, the explosions occurred at a distance of 2-30 cm, that is, in close proximity, due to the fact that the water, these shells entered
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the water, exploded, the fragments did not damage so much, that is, at that moment the shock wave could damage the anatolia, well, basically they strike at the boat, they mostly have two drones flying. does it exist? yes, it becomes immediately clear. in a pair there is always the first and second number. the first number is basically the one who shoots, the second number is who gives the main adjustments, monitors the situation. without the second, without the second number
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, it’s not really a good shot, but a quality shot. before we left, i told him that damn, my second number is big again, healthy, in case i can’t grind it out, i’m just always lucky with second numbers, always great health guys, tell me, in a relationship partners , friendship is an obligatory moment, or you can work, but not be friends, you need to be friends, feel, you need to be friends, understand a person, how he can behave in some situation, just somewhere to support, so that either i support him, or he just... that i also completed tasks and, well, i was a little scared on the first task, i had a very good friend who completed the task with me, who supported me and explained how to behave, and how he supported me, if it’s not a secret?
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well, he explained what needs to be done, how to behave in the event there, well, when the enemy is shelling, when drones are flying, that is, to minimize movement. and sit, wait, hope for the best, that’s how, well, in that situation, i remembered the words of my comrade and also reassured those present there on the task. anatoly, do you maintain any contact with the servicemen? yes, with everyone, yes, they said hello to you, let's look at the screen. talyan, great! taking this opportunity , i want to say hello to you, you are an example to follow, perseverance, endurance, thank you for not remaining on the sidelines, to this day, even though you are not in our ranks now, anatoly is a real fighter, he is strong in spirit, a real example to imitate our
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current youth, when they did not stand on the sidelines, when someone had problems, he is sympathetic, he always came to the rescue as his comrade, we characterized anatoly as always a good person, an excellent soldier, thank you for everything that you feel when you hear these words, it’s warm, how your family reacted to your wounds, your mother , wife, son, alive, thank you for being alive , the most important thing, well, yes, there are worries, of course, but there is support, there was some kind of reaction , well, we were happy, because as if where we were , everything could end simply. otherwise it’s much worse, so it’s like there’s nothing wrong with it essentially nothing terrible happened, well, there were injuries , but there are some difficulties now, but this is less, we have a lot of people who... feel worse being on
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two legs with arms, so everything is in order, here is the first conversation with my mother, what was it like after the injury, what words were said, honestly i don’t remember, yes, really, you don’t remember, i, yes, i don’t remember, maybe she remembers, probably remembers, let’s call mom, come on, tatyana, please come in, maxim, thank you very much for helping my son, helping, well, he owes you in life, good afternoon, good, we didn’t expect it, no, we have anatoly’s mother in our studio, tatyana, kolchinskaya, hello, again, hello tatyana, i don’t remember anatoly. what were the first words you said to him, and do you remember after
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he was wounded did you have with him, well , your first communication with him, to be honest, i don’t even remember, i don’t remember either, wow, it’s erased, no , you understand, the first thing i ever learned and the first words, thank god is alive, he said it, yes he just said it, but for me there’s nothing else exists, and the first time when the eldest son , when only the first time... she tore , he told me late in the evening, the eldest son called and said: mom, just don’t worry, i say that a bit of 300, uh, what tore off, what damage , mom, i don’t know, he called me , he’s 300, i say, well, he’s alive, thank god, and then they started to find out where, what, well, he couldn’t talk right away the first time, he didn’t remember the second wound at all, he says that his wife, nastya, called me, and he
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tells me, mom, the night nurse called, nothing at all doesn’t remember who he is and what he is, that he had memory loss, yes, well, he didn’t remember, even his wife nastya was asked whether he was mobilized or a contract soldier, he didn’t even remember that, when his memory returned, anatoly - how long were they there? in this state, probably when i was already in crimea, the next day i got stuck there, yeah. i already seemed to be starting to understand something, well, i was starting to understand, but his arms weren’t working, his legs weren’t working, there was a call from someone else’s phone, so i called him back, boy, thanks, i don’t know who it is , thank you, we have many colleagues with whom we met in life, worked, just a call, my co-worker’s parents, they live in sevastopol, i say, please, he wants to eat, but he can’t... feed him, they were blown up, let’s go, ready for anything,
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even from his spoon feed , thanks, of course, to everyone who helped, what do the doctors generally say about the condition, anatoly, what will happen to his leg, will he walk, well, i can’t say so directly and unambiguously, first of all, i don’t even want to cut myself this hope, but it is better to always prepare for the worst, one thing i know, as doctors say, if possible reach one. he received a complex, very serious injury , indeed rehabilitation, recovery
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will be enough already now, it will probably be difficult, there will probably be many more attempts to overcome, hope, of course, never dies, further in the program, how maxim ulyashin’s mother reacted when she found out about his son’s feat in the northern military district, he once saved him, well done, he brought health to this boy, well, let’s get to know each other. veronica, gosentsova, your new boss. premiere on rtr. she has four children. oh, she's divorced. victor vasiliev. we made a mistake. maybe you can speak for yourself? polina kutepova, you haven’t worked for 10 years. look what i found. vsevolot bouldin. i'll never get used to you, in my opinion. anna mikhalkova. well, this is where your personal life ends and our investigation begins.
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there was no sadness, the woman bought a pig. once you get a pet, life will never be the same again. will set everyone up. this is an incredibly charming face to which you forgive everything. they are not bored at all. i'm cleaning up, i'm not bored either, because each of them is a real star, the secret of dreams, how you agreed to this, at first they shoved in a red snake,
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our hearts skipped a beat, you are the most understanding program about animals, in a circle of friends, in a circle of friends, program: for the whole family on saturdays on rtr. earlier in the program, while carrying out a combat mission, russian snipers anatoly kolchinsky and maxim ulyashin came under massive fire from the ukrainian armed forces. i was thrown out onto the water, i grabbed the boat, i don’t remember this moment, how it happened, but at the very moment i remember that... i was hanging then maxim jumped off and got it out. on the dnieper, the ukrainians staged another ambush for my partners. i discovered a drone, informed the mechanic, and i turned around and continued to fire. what was the fire made from? automatically. he went to strike, the drone was about three meters away, i
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hit it. it exploded, yes, we also received more shrapnel wounds. what about... the crew of the russian boat is protected from imminent death, they have two drones flying, that is , with the first they disable the boat, with the second drone they destroy the personnel, and here there was one drone, here there was one, maxim, but what your relatives are generally with you, they know what’s happening to you, yes they know, well, being there before the injury, that is, the parents didn’t know that i was there, wait, you didn’t tell your parents that... where are you were for them for them i was on a business trip on a business trip a long business trip they had no idea, that’s what you think, there might have been an assumption, well, not really, you probably got in touch often, and you got in touch when possible,
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and you were a volunteer or mobilized, i contract soldier, and you contract so when the parents found out, did the mother find out? already, when i was wounded , i was in the hospital, that’s what she told you, she didn’t tell me anything good , she was very upset, she cried a lot, as if she was upset, let’s see the story , what your mother told about you, that’s all , that’s it, that’s it, come, come, come here, come, oh, you’re my good one, yeah, your geese, a vegetable garden and a small cozy house, so maxim ulyashin’s parents now live in the village of vilyaminov, bryansk region. in this house 34 years ago he was born and himself. so, this little tag, it was a small one for his hand. he weighed 4.250, he was a big guy, he was a good guy. maxim’s mother still carefully
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keeps children’s things and photos, because the happiest and most carefree time for her son passed here. but maxim left his father’s house early, went into the army, then... decided to continue his service, which he didn’t tell his parents right away, he didn’t want to worry, he was in syria, he was in ukraine, and he never says, mom, this you don’t need it, in march it turns out to be the twenty-third, he calls and he says that i’m leaving on a business trip, there was some kind of premonition, it was in my heart, it was just bad, well, then it all seemed to calm down, that’s when he already told me...
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he saved my comrade, because, he says, it’s different i wouldn’t do it , it’s incredible pride that we have such guys, their courage, that’s really what teaches... our these guys, who can we take an example from? maxim, you came to us straight from there, now you’re coming back from the front line too, but i’ll go again, well, that is , briefly, yes, yes, but we couldn’t help but arrange a date for you with your mother, galina, please come in.
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galochka, thank you very much for your son, for raising him correctly, thank you very much for my son, god grant that everything goes well. galina, hello, hello, hello, please tell me, did you really not know that maxim was a lost word, no, when they began to guess and guess, no, i didn’t even guess, because when he left on a business trip, he never didn’t say that i was leaving somewhere, that’s all, well, basically, i always believed him, although i knew that he never speaks: the truth, he never spoke, he was in syria, and where, he also didn’t say, and you also found out about syria later, oh, i actually found out about syria, probably
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three months later, only by accident, he he just takes care of you, he chose this profession, he chose it himself, so my father and i came to terms with him, with this, and i told him, should you go to work, he said, no, i’m in the service, that’s it, we don’t have a job, we only have services. like this he never, no, he never told and never told at all what was happening there, where he, like, just, be proud , everything is fine with me, everything is fine, everything, of course, we are proud, father and grandmothers are all proud, and you are married, maxim, yes, where is your wife, now, well, where is the part murmansk region, murmansk region, right? you see, the distance is getting closer, of course, we couldn’t help but give you a surprise, yulia, please come in,
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murmansk region, in the person of yulia, oh, here, i’m pleased, yes, i’m pleased that somehow you are very restrained, a fighter. yuli, my mother didn’t know, for example, yes, what, maxim, to syria there, on yours, and you knew, of course, you, you were with, that is, you held on like a rock, well, in the military family itself, this is the kitchen - this is not the first year we have known each other, so yes, from the very beginning of the military you too, yes, with me my father is a brother, everyone is in the military, so i immediately knew what i was marrying, okay, yuli, and you knew this story, that your husband saved anatoly, i learned it after the fact. that is, when he was wounded, then naturally he didn’t say anything, but how did you find out about maxim’s wound? it was a very funny
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story because i came home from a walk with dogs, and before that, maxim nikolaevich called me and said that i said i wouldn’t get in touch for 10 days, well, yes, that is , that well, he told my mother one thing, in fact he told me as it is, which is why i didn’t ... i’ll get in touch, yeah, a day or two passes, i think, and he calls, calls via video, i think it’s strange, maybe we didn’t go somewhere or something, i pick up the phone, there’s something there i’m standing, minding my own business, he’s cheerful, there ’s a smile from ear to ear, as it should be, telling something, i’m saying, and what are you, i i say, i called, well, it’s early somehow , you said, there’s been no contact for 10 days, he says, and i’m 300, he smiles, i’m the phone... i put it aside like that, sat down on the sofa, and for about two minutes i just i didn’t answer the phone, my phone was just lying next to me, and
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why was the relative like that, and why was he so joyful, why do they worry it could be worse, well, yes , we’re alive, we’re all alive, as if there was nothing to worry about anymore, thank you god, anatoly, you have a wife, of course, and children too, tell us about them, wife, wife, children. i waited every time no matter how much one son is seven, he’s already big. first grader, first grader, yes , let's watch a story about your family, dad , i want to eat, what will you eat, i want cookies, no, let's cook scrambled eggs first, scrambled eggs first, and dessert later , there are some difficulties in moving, what i have to stand on one leg, well , it’s like in the hospital they verticalized me, taught me, i just have to take
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breaks sometimes, sit, after taking a break i started to continue working. two eggs, cheese, sausage, that's it, go to the table, twist, habits are all remained the same, as if now , yes, i have to be in a sitting position more, i’ve already somehow gotten used to it, and well , it’s ready, in 5 minutes everything will be, come on son , prepare the table, we’ll sit down, i help him cook, bring water , i help. move around, why do i support him , why do i help transport him in a wheelchair, on weekends we watch tv, go somewhere, play, relax, and those dads, yeah, where are we going on vacation, on vacation, yes, we’ll go you and i will most likely go to the water park, so we’ll try to visit our grandparents, no
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the family doesn’t give us time to be depressed, there’s a lot to do now, we continue our... work, we continue to live, we move on, we move on. anatoly, why did you receive the order of courage? well, probably, in the totality of everything, maybe for this exit, well, that’s what the command decided. what are you doing now? now we are being treated, in addition to the fact that you are being treated, with humanitarian aid, i help our guys, i help the units. last time my brigades were helping the unit in which i originally started my service, now there seem to be a lot of requests, i’m trying to help the unit st. petersburg, a very famous spaniella. let's watch a story about how you help the front? now we will go to the training ground to see my friend, who himself designed armored vehicles; the guys at the front
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need such equipment. i would love to return, but at this stage of my life , unfortunately, this is already impossible, due to injury you yourself can die, but unfortunately you can let the guys down, so i don’t want to be a burden, the only thing i want to return is in the context of a humanitarian help, buy a car, a pickup truck, and then transport it directly, now... i probably spend 90% of my time behind the wheel, because i go for baths for the guys, pick up humanitarian aid, ladoga, our leningrad ladoga, creates these cars, in fact, a large team, but this team was sort of put together by my friend, he the participant himself and his own, in principle, he began to design this machine from his own experience. in
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one vehicle there are a lot of possibilities, firstly, its cross-country ability and its armor protection, it is also possible to make at least four evacuation places, now in the unit, especially in the kherson direction, it is very important that groups can enter safely and also exit safely, we have our own example, during the evacuation we also suffer losses, sometimes they catch up with us. my task is to send at least one car to my units, it will already be a huge success. anatoly, here’s the question, why won’t he let you go, you’re now in civilian life, you can succeed in any business, but you continue to risk your life, firstly, the guys, my comrades
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are there, well, in principle, sort of... i'm important i know what the units need, i’m always in touch with the guys there directly, with the commanders , of course, people help, that is, i probably only play the role of a person who finds solutions, it’s cheaper, and faster, how to get it and how to deliver it , only, there will definitely be victory, what do you dream about next , what do you want, let’s see where you are striving, well, maybe some thoughts, i don’t think about it, while i’m doing what i’m doing, do what you have to do? certainly. next in the program. as a result of a serious injury, anatoly kolchinsky did not the left leg is active. what predictions do doctors make? our conversation with the doctor. there was a plan for amputation, there was hope that if the hip was completely restored, and this was like a proposal, yes, to amputate below the knee, install a prosthesis, then move around calmly. do you agree with the conclusion
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of your colleagues, doctor of medical sciences , professor sergei bubnovsky, he had tetrapares, that is , his arms and legs did not work, spinal cord impingement, impaired pelvic functions and , of course, loss of function of his left leg, but how... returning to russia, how did it all begin? chronicle of events that changed the course of history. first person. crimea, the way to the homeland. film
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by andrey kondrashov. on sunday. on rtr. dasha, you hit a dog on sunday , he has bilateral pneumothorasis, i am a surgeon who has performed a thousand such operations, or maybe you will operate on the dog, you chose it yourself, oleg, he doesn’t love anyone, not even me, advice on love, anatoly rudenko , don’t say anything, let’s just sit in silence, healers of souls, on sunday on rtr. previously in the program russian snipers anatoly kolchinsky and maxim ulyashin miraculously survived, a boat with wounded soldiers was attacked by a ukrainian
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kamikatsa drone, it exploded, and yes, we also received shrapnel wounds. maxim’s mother galina ivanovna did not even suspect that her son was in the northern military district zone, the truth was revealed only after he was in the hospital. i didn’t even guess, because when he left on a business trip, he never said that i was leaving somewhere, everything, well, in principle, i always believed him, although i knew that he never doesn’t tell the truth, he never told , he was in syria, where he didn’t tell either, and you also found out about syria later, oh, i actually found out about syria, probably three months later, only by accident, about his injury to his wife yulia, usually reserved maxim told me in a very unusual way, and he calls, calls on video, says: and i’m 300, he’s not smiling, i put the phone aside and sat down on the sofa, for about two minutes i just didn’t
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answer the phone, my phone was just lying next to me, why was he so happy, why was he so happy he was like that, why are they worried, it could be worse , we are alive, we are all alive, as if there was nothing to worry about, well, i see that you are very strong. well, i’m trying as hard as possible not to walk, to move around in a wheelchair, but it ’s true that they wanted to amputate your leg, here it’s probably more like our conversation with the doctor was in terms of amputation, there was hope that if the hip was completely restored, it was like a proposal yes, to amputate below the knee, then install a prosthesis.
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learned to hold your hip so that you we really want you to recover as much as possible, for this we sent you for examination, yes, let’s watch a story about this. our task is to ensure that your leg still works like a doctor, now it’s broken, the signal is not coming.
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somewhere in the lower back, we force him to turn on, do it 100 times , do it 200 times, as many times as you like, until it starts working, exhale, let's go , let's go, rehabilitation is all tough, once through pain, through suffering, through patience, you have already suffered, the most the main thing is that you stayed alive, that’s it, now we’ll restore you, let’s breathe, five more times, in our studio we have doctor of medical sciences, professor sergei mikhailovich bubnov. “hello, mikhailov, sergei mikhailovich, your love will arise , it seems to me that you have such a tough method, but true, yes, and i will explain to you, if possible, when, of course, they brought me an anamnesis, the condition was, of course, terribly serious, so according to the description, in this case , a spinal cord injury disabled his limb, there was tetraparesis, that is, her arms and legs did not work, a spinal cord contusion, a violation pelvic functions, of course." loss
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of the function of his left leg, it turned out that anatoly also has a huge amount of resources, for me the main thing is to find resources, so now the task is to include his hips, artes for starters , and rope crutches so that you can walk and not jump, yeah , when you go on the cable cars, take it out right now and we’ll give it to you, here they are, thank you very much, here’s a great thing, so look at the thing here. it’s a little thing, it fixes our knee so that it can rest against the leg, we align the axis , thigh, lower leg, uh-huh, i'm on i’ve been walking on crutches for 27 years, i know what it’s like , get up, oops, now come on, feel the support, feel it a little with your hands, i feel it, just a little more, then let’s roll over on the crutches and go in front of both legs at once.
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no no, you need to drag, yes, drag a little, once , well, your leg lags behind, you lean like that, it will catch up with you, once, it’s a matter of time, the inertial part, once again, so, wait, forward, let’s go, here more, more, more, more, more, drag, so, more. so you see, while the leg is dangling, but just a little bit do it with the pelvis, yeah, okay , okay, come on here, so with the pelvis, your pelvis works, by the way, in our very first lesson, his pelvic organ turned on, there is no millet, so we need to do it, come on, come on, come on , more, more, more, more, here, look, you just have to be able to catch the movement, come on, come on, yes, like energy.
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here's one more time, go once, twice, turn on the press, turn on the press , well done, just a little bit at a time, a milligram at a time, your task will be this, i understand, to strengthen everything, exhale, let's go, let's tighten, tighten, here, here, here, here, here, well, come on, here, here, lean on your hands , your hands are strong, okay, good, here, well, here i am... i read that we have decided on the position of rehabilitation, today he has a straight leg with the help of a simulator, of course, the rubber bands will already move to the right, left, straight , well, yes, hold on, he will start walking, his pelvis will work, and what else, this is a month-long rehabilitation course in st. petersburg, uh-huh, wow, thank you, thank you very much, rehabilitation is not walking on crutches around the garden house.
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sergei mikhailovich, tell me the main thing, anatoly will he walk? anatoly, as you understand, he won’t be able to walk confidently right away, but rehabilitation is a little late, so we need to make up for these six months and then move forward, the guy is smart, good, we’ll work, we’ll do it, but how long will it take? as much as necessary , and since he already reacts correctly, he has a huge resource, a huge resource, for me breathing, hands and the desire to live, this is already a huge resource, then there’s technology, technology, you can’t do it with your fingers, this is serious work, well in a year there will be some results, let’s show you in a year, let’s do the before and after, yes, let’s agree, i’m all for it, tol, you’re ready to work, i’m always ready. so
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of course we will work, we will work and we will, tatyana , as a feeling, there is hope, and this is another hope given, the last hope in general dies when... it is fed, this is only a plus, you will have to feed it, and you know, will also work, energy, father-mother, grandmother, grandfather, son-mother, it’s all a common ball of energy, well, this is a little metaphysics, we won’t talk about it, but in fact, it works, it exists, it exists, sergey mkhad, thank you , thank you all so much, live happily ever after, victory will be ours, and i hope we will meet in a year and... you will already walk on both legs anatoly, and health to everyone, thank you very much, this was our program, real stories about our people, see you on the next broadcast on the russia channel, see you, see you.
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good evening, igor strakhov is broadcasting from st. petersburg, in the news studio, briefly about the main thing. the domestic auto industry presents crossovers. alexander beglov appreciated the comfort of the new cars. tax experiments, the law on education, city deputies come up with new initiatives. a public observation center for the presidential elections will open in real time in the nevskaya town hall. we met a century and a half later, and in the armitage they showed two chests of drawers with an amazing history. 25,000 cars per year.
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today, the governor of st. petersburg, alexander beglov, assessed the products produced at local automobile plants. a presentation of crossovers was held right in front of the smolny official parking lot. this model came off the assembly line ex. produced by one of the largest japanese brands. the production of domestic machines is carried out in collaboration with international partners according to the principle of large-scale assembly. the governor and the director of the enterprise tested the car in action. today we once again confirm that the st. petersburg auto industry is being revived, we have established a conveyor, restarted it, here you go, six months ago, when we restarted the conveyor, they also said that it would not work or something else. everything will work out with that this beautiful car. the city’s industrial policy was discussed at the relevant council; under the leadership of the governor, they talked about the development of industrial parks in the northern capital, improving the training of new personnel for factories and the key tasks that
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the city administration and enterprises face today. city deputies will again try to include st. petersburg in the federal tax experiment, and also want to change the law on education. the tax experiment, which the federal authorities have been conducting for the third year, is aimed exclusively at supporting micro-businesses and individual entrepreneurs. the point is to simplify the tax system. a special mode allows you to almost completely automate reporting. so far , four regions are participating in the experiment. only those companies that employ no more than five people and whose annual turnover does not exceed 60 million rubles can take advantage of the preferences. the new experimental regime has gained the greatest popularity in the service sector, at enterprises that are engaged in the services account for well over a third of the users of this automated, streamlined taxation system. this is data for moscow
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and the moscow region. two years ago they already tried to include st. petersburg in this tax experiment, but then the federal authorities refused. this time, parliamentarians took the initiative right away. from the northern capital and from the leningrad region. the experimental program itself will be tested until the end of 2027 . automated simplified taxation system, it allows you not to have accountant staff, and if there are only five people working there, that is, practically this is 20% of the burden on the salary, and also on the person who simply counts it and submits it to the tax office, so this is generally very convenient, so to speak. another legislative initiative concerns... training on targeted collection of city budget funds. now, if one of the parties to such an agreement violates or does not fulfill its terms, there are no uniform actions prescribed by law. the changes that will be made to the city law on education are designed to regulate this sphere. this also happens on the part
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of the students themselves, who then receive education using various methods, actually kick back, refuse with all their might to... go to work according to this target set. the document will also include fines for the customer, for example, the health care committee, because the vast majority of the so-called target students in st. petersburg study specifically. medical universities, including fines for those who order training, which is also important, i often communicate with young people, i know that not all points regarding employment are fulfilled and the rights, including those who have completed targeted training, are not seriously protected, although the law does not indicate the size of the fine ; the principle of its formation; also the chairman of the meeting, alexander belsky, commented on the readiness of st. petersburg for the upcoming elections, the election commission has prepared. about 2.0 polling stations, but we see that
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approximately 2,300 polling stations will work, well, this has always been the case, taking into account the additional stations that opened, these are members of precinct election commissions, so we see that a fairly large number of observers were represented by all interested parties that are leading their candidates, so it seems to me that st. petersburg is ready, after the meeting in communication with journalists. in st. petersburg, final preparations are underway for the russian presidential elections . a public observation center will operate in the city during all 3 voting days.
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such a desire, can see what happened at a specific polling station in such and such day, at such a time. the public chamber reminded that anyone can become an observer; just send an application to the center’s email; it will open on march 15 at 8 a.m. and will work around the clock until the end of the vote count. let's find out the weather forecast for tomorrow and continue. hello, with
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the weather forecast in the studio leonid petrov. an increase in air temperature will be accompanied by increased wind, precipitation and cloudiness. therefore, whether it will become warmer, everyone will decide for themselves on thursday in the st. petersburg region. according to the hydrometer data of st. petersburg on march 14 in the leningrad region will experience light rain, about 6° above. weather forecasters promise zero in the afternoon in the estate field, the same is expected in tikhin and baksitogorsk +57 in volkhov from 4 to 9 ° c, thermometers will show in kirishek, gachna in vyborg, humid and cloudy during the day and in st. petersburg, in the northern capital up to +7 on thermometers during the day and only a couple of degrees cooler on friday night, have a nice day in any weather, in armitage. showed two chests of drawers with an amazing history: one after restoration, the second from a private collections, both decorated using the technique
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of inlaid wood, inlaid with bone and decorated with the coat of arms of siberia and the monogram of catherine ii. they were created in the 17th century by order of nikita demidov, a large manufacturer and owner of metallurgical enterprises. the chests of drawers, made by russian craftsmen, were supposed to be presented to the empress, but the donation ceremony did not take place. in the middle of the 19th century, one ended up in italy, the other remained in st. petersburg. after the revolution. its owners changed several times until it ended up in the hermitage, it ended up in the hermitage hall, but it ended up, as we see with you in the top photo, with the bottom cut off, it all disappeared before the revolution, these wonderful overlays were not there, this e2 typesetting monogram was not at the top, we were able to restore the appearance, thanks to the twin chest of drawers from a private collection, we returned the wooden apron together with the legs in the style... they cast the handles and managed to recreate catherine’s monogram. this was
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the news from st. petersburg. all the best. my planet tv channel presents. the french king charles 9 was also an entertainer. he invited people to his parties himself. skilled pickpockets i watched as they pulled out wallets and took jewelry off the merry guests. the king allowed the swindlers to keep everything they managed to steal. we forded this river , like that, smart girl, smart girl, well done, my bullet, on the way to the five fingers, pavel asked bylin how often and how long he personally
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meditates, and the master once again surprised him, he personally sometimes leaves ... meditation for as many as 40 days, and as much as 40 days, i ask, what does it look like? i’m sitting, solitary people, in my little room, no one bothers me, a person comes, puts down a plate of food and leaves, and god forbid someone asks something there, he is in his thoughts, he is in the astral plane, perhaps on these very five fingers... he will be able to immerse himself in this very thing at least for a second state of the astral plane. diary of pavel kulikov. taban khurgan means five fingers in buryad. a place with a special energy that is perfectly conducive to meditation. by the way, it was thanks to meditation that wushu entered the daily routine of buddhist monks. one lama sat
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in the lotus position in meditation for 9 years. naturally, during this time his legs became pretty numb. he had to learn to walk again. then he told his students that spiritual practices must be combined with physical practices. wushu was chosen as the latter. in the same way, pavel and beishalan combine physical and spiritual practices. first they rode a couple of kilometers on horseback, now they will meditate. okay, go there. sit down. sit in lotus position. what beauty there is here, master, you have space ahead, infinity ahead of you, sit with your eyes straight, your back straight, mentally receive energy from this area and
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dissolve in it, the main task is to dissolve, the main task is to throw all thoughts out of your head. try not to think about anything, but i’ll tell you, if you haven’t tried this, it’s very difficult, for a second you catch yourself, yeah, i threw out all my thoughts, but you understand perfectly well if you catch yourself doing this thought, it means it has already arrived, probably, after all, you still need to learn to dedicate it, devote more time to it. after five finger meditation pavel and the teacher returned to dotsan and immediately received a new task, frankly speaking, long-awaited, and at the same time unexpected. here is pavel, our place is beautiful, yes, not the right word, very beautiful, yes, beauty, but here, pavel, you have the opportunity
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to teach our children for the first time. on the territory of our dotsan to teach the basics of martial art, well, i trust you, thank you, thank you, master, he not only allowed me to conduct a training session, he also gave me the vestments of the lama’s students, that is, i can consider myself a full-fledged student.
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the wushu greeting looks like this: right fist, left palm, we repeat, well , i felt a big buzz, i felt it, i just got high, i thought, it means it’s not in vain that i came here, probably a person who doesn’t trust his student, well let's call me that for now, i would never trust children to train, here he probably saw someone in me, maybe... himself in his youth, hands on the belt, elbows sliding along the body and doing it slowly, it's called a blow. translated from chinese, long fist, ready, let's try, and once,
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ah... you can't imagine the emotions of me overwhelm, i am the first person who conducted training near the dotsan, the so-called buryat shaulinsky monastery, you can probably say that my dream has come true, this is something amazing, there is a lama standing next to you, who guides you, who raised me for so long, and i can i can even say happy. and i’ll tell you this, it’s even cooler
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than films with jackie chann, it’s a feeling that i’ve been missing in my life. usho is not just swinging your legs, but ear is a deep wisdom understanding of life in general. if i can pass this on to the children i i coach my children, i will be very happy.
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the west turned out to be powerless, about the prospects for a truce and other pressing issues in a large interview with vladimir putin to dmitry kiselyov on our channel. a high-precision weapon attack on enemy helicopters in the avdiivka direction repelled 12 attacks by the ukrainian armed forces. the route is closed again. so trucks blocked traffic between poland and ukraine. new day on the russia channel. they begin to lead. the main news in the vera
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tarasova studio. hello. the most pressing issues that concern millions of russians and, of course, the situation in ukraine, security , foreign policy, one of the main political topics, a long interview with vladimir putin, which he gave to our colleague, the general director of mia russia today and the host of the vesti nedeli program, dmitry kiselyov. the west was going to put an end to our country, relying on the power of the united states, but it turned out to be powerless before the unity of the people, the stability of the economy and the growing capabilities of the russian armed forces. the president emphasized. the army is advancing and liberating more and more populated areas, saving the lives of people from people, if we abandon these people today, then tomorrow our losses may increase many times over, our children will not have a future, because we will feel insecure, we will be a third- or
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fourth-class country. no one will take us into account if we cannot protect ourselves, the consequences could be catastrophic for russian statehood. putin noted that even the participation of official foreign contingents will not change the situation on the battlefield; western specialists in ukraine have been working in ukraine for a long time as advisers to mercenaries, and although our nuclear triad is the most advanced in the world , moscow is ready to use nuclear weapons, only if it comes up.
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earth, this is the first, second, we have already been promised many times, they have not promised anything, they have promised not to expand nato to the east, then we will see, we will see them at our borders, they have promised that the internal conflict in ukraine will be resolved by peaceful means, political, to us they promised a lot of things, so here promises alone are not enough, now news.
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was struck by precision weapons, two of three helicopters were destroyed. during the day, the troops improved the situation along the front line in the avdeevsky direction, repelling 12 attacks by the ukrainian armed forces. in this sector alone, the enemy lost almost 500 soldiers. guns made in great britain and the usa - three command and staff vehicles and other equipment. prevent prices for state defense orders from rising, especially when the volume of purchases increases. mikhail mishustin gave this instruction at a meeting with the head of the federal treasury roman martyukhin.
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the prime minister stressed that pricing issues should be closely monitored departmental control. it is necessary to exclude situations where, as the volume of purchases increases, the price also increases. this will be monitored not only by the treasury, but also by the antimonopoly and federal tax services. in other news, truck traffic between poland and ukraine is again paralyzed. polish farmers, after a three-day break, re-blocked the highway that leads to the krakovets checkpoint. farmers on... who have established their own regulations, plans to transport no more than six more loads per day, until warsaw and brussels will not legally restrict the import of cheap and low-quality ukrainian grain into the country. several thousand truckers have been idling at five checkpoints for several weeks now. on march 20 , polish farmers also promise protests in sixteen cities across the country. in the middle east, the israeli army launched new attacks on the positions of radicals in lebanon.
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military facilities were destroyed. hezbollah infrastructure in the settlements of elkantara and yater, as well as several launchers, and with the help of a drone, a passenger car was blown up a car with a member of the hamassa movement in the same place in southern lebanon. the death toll from israeli actions in gaza is already almost 31,300. at the same time , israel announced a partial lifting of restrictions on the delivery of humanitarian aid to the enclave. since tuesday, about 200 trucks have been allowed through, including some to the northern regions of the gas sector. in addition to food, medicines were also delivered through who. airborne cargo drops continue. two german air force transport aircraft also joined the mission. there are forest fires in brazil. or the state of raraima, in addition to forests farmers' houses were destroyed, crops were burned, the fires were fueled by the worst drought in a quarter of a century, the number of fires in the state this year is simply incredibly high, on february 1 there were more than 2.0. local authorities are forced
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to dramatically increase the number of firefighters, but this has not helped yet. in iran, according to the latest data, at least 26 people died during the traditional fire festival, over 400. 300 were injured. all due to widespread violations of safety regulations. similar festivities with jumping over bonfires, fireworks, firecrackers and other fiery entertainment takes place in the country regularly, shortly before the onset of the persian new year, which is celebrated on march 21. don't switch. early voting ends in a difficult time. the stupa corners of kamchatka, about 600 residents of the peninsula took part in it. these are reindeer herders who serve at military outposts, weather stations and lighthouses. and the day before, members of the election commission visited the mutnovskaya geothermal power plant.
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report by veronica kaberskaya. the precinct election commission flies to the employees of the largest geothermal power plant in russia. it is here that volcanic energy turns into... in 20 minutes we covered about 80 km to reach the mutnovskoye deposit, which is located at an altitude of 800 m above sea level. volcanic activity heats underground water to such a high temperature that it turns into steam. to extract this resource, you need to drill wells. employees of the mutnovskaya geothermal power plant work on a rotational basis. typically the shift lasts 15 days.
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come on, come on with a smile, more, more, more, excellent, good, morning in russia, don’t forgive me, the main thing. hello, good morning! the middle of the week is almost the middle of the month, march 14, today is a new day, we meet vladislav zavyalov and vera krasova with you. let's start with celery for scott, fans
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of the cartoon the secret of the third planet decided to find out what they would have looked like.


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