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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  March 14, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm MSK

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but tell me how worried you were, you were always worried before the broadcasts, i was always worried, always, always, but then i gathered myself internally, of course, and then the most important thing is to learn the text, and these are kilometers of texts, yes, of course, they say , that in... in the trade union of announcers there was no friendship, that there was, it’s not true, it’s not true, that’s it, we were generally friends, that’s all, and igor leonidovich also went to the kingdom of heaven, you saw in his story how he married in to the woman who supported him and yes, of course, was with him, he i was with her at the end of my life.
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“i always told her: “svetochka, svetlana mikhailovna, that’s enough for you, stop throwing around words, i am the light.” i say: “sveta, svetochka, svetulya, tell me the secret of the profession.” she said: “remember the main thing in our profession, so that people don’t see your rotten eyes.” i said: what is this? she
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said: eyes should glow, and we have no right not to have dull eyes, this is the first rule, i’m still amusing myself, soon i ’ll catch up, we we’ll go for walks with her, and the second thing that all television announcers took great country into service, this is what was on it when it came out. in public, and not only, she almost never wore a wardrobe that someone could have seen the day before yesterday. dasha margunova, granddaughter of svetlana mikhailovna, joined us. tell me, what do you call svetlana mikhailovna? tsvetulya. she probably forbids calling her grandmother. yes, we had rules. since childhood, my dad told me, well, this is not a grandmother, this is a saint. to my grandmother, and from
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childhood i knew that yes, this is holy, my grandmother even taught your school anniversary, yes, when i was in second grade, and we had the school’s 50th anniversary, the director expressed a desire and asked if it would be possible for my grandmother, a people’s artist, to hold a concert, she agreed with pleasure, yes, that you are very good granddaughter, they told me that you didn’t even begin to enroll in a master’s program, you went to work to help your grandmother and pay for her nurse, but well, not quite like that, of course i was going to, it’s just that the circumstances were beyond us, and of course i had to do something donate and to help, i of course, i don’t pay for it in full, but in order to help at least somehow, i went to work, so are you reconsidering? sometimes in some
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videos with my grandmother, her style, her manner, yes, i watched on youtube all sorts of recordings of old broadcasts and... footage of the blue light from 1963. happy new year, dear friends, with new happiness with new successes, good health to you, conquering new heights and distances, happiness and prosperity, joy and fun, happy new year,
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toast to the hero of the soviet union, test pilot, georgy mosalov. ogni sera di sotto il mio balcone, solito cantar sulla canzone d'amore. did you understand what i was singing about? yes, of course, i think everyone understood what this song is about. probably everyone understood, because amora, love, is it clear to everyone? yes, absolutely right,
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excuse me for asking, but i’ll even give you a letter to our editor, from elena stepanovna burova, i was embarrassed to ask. since he is very similar to him, no, this is not true , they did not have an affair, they had a strong friendship, and maxim’s father is a completely different person, whom she, by the way, loved very much, as klavdyusha said that her husband , maxim’s father, is almost the only man whom she loved in her life, from him she gave birth to a son, maxim, by the way, is very similar to him, so neither with kabzon nor with magamaev , she didn’t have children, come on, but i have to say, in the words of svetlana
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mikhailovna, but i was hooked with everyone, this is an image of a relationship, there was a different one for each event. every person, i believe, still has some kind of mission in this life, why did fate give you a chance to be on television, to be so recognizable, to influence the hearts and minds of people, was that when i came to
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television, they accepted me, i didn’t want anything at all except to be on... central television is served by a queue, it’s just like that - an unforgettable experience, but that’s normal. i am happy and proud that all author’s evenings have always been hosted and hosted by me. have you read the letters, do you keep letters from fans who came in bags? yes, bags and bags, a lot of letters, fortunately. and here is
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the most unexpected gesture from fans: covered with roses under. eats, no, they didn’t fall asleep, they didn’t fall asleep, roses, no, but they gave flowers, but what? you think when you wake up in the morning, this is what you tell yourself when you open your eyes every day, good morning, the queen of england, who lived to be 100 years old, had a tradition at 5 o’clock, instead of tea, or along with tea, she had a small gin -tonic, do you have some kind of secret of your own, no, nothing like that, no, there’s no such thing, english. what is svetlana mikhailovna’s dream for her son to be alive
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and well, for his family to be alive and well, the most important thing for me, the most important thing, everything has already passed, unfortunately. well , what can you do, but love remains, love is eternal , god forbid, god forbid, god forbid, anna nikolaevna, you understand, svetka - i’m not a mischievous, minx, such a generally sparkling, wonderful, of course, incredible love was in. .. maxim and svetlana, incredible , she loved him so much, and he loved her so much
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, this tragedy, this monstrous coronavirus, which took away the best people in general, it’s monstrous, i understand her condition now, it’s indescribable, it’s just amazing , i don’t know how she even stands it, now there’s a short commercial, in a couple of minutes, lev leshchenko and vladimir. congratulations to svetlana margunova, what brought you to my school of women's happiness? he doesn't notice me, but i want him to like me. you will transform yourself into a beautiful, confident woman, and i will only lead you by the hand to this goal. do you help others find a husband? you have beautiful hands, what? you can add more sex, don’t lose yours, and by the way, what is the man’s name,
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i call him mine, i loved you, your girl, on the side, yaroslav boyko, i’m sorry, i couldn’t answer the meeting, svetlana antonova, what a fool i am, after all, you yourself turned your faithful dimochka into a mess, now return it, they don’t know that you know, think, i’ll think. school of women's happiness. premiere. on saturday on rtr. you look alone. what is our task to open all the boards? we'll manage. if you ask, it’s a tricky one. everyone knows the name of which character from pushkin’s works. what will it be 7.8, 7.8, 7.8, how much
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will it be, who is at work, talks a lot and loudly, if you answer, then with humor, i would think to chop, not to pinch, problems with water, light, housing and communal services, i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry, this is a set for a headache, god forbid now. if you win, then hurray, 100 to one, every saturday and sunday on rtr, this is for you, well, get some sleep, gentlemen, just a minute, pay attention, today is a big day, a big holiday. we haven’t met, sovereign, white, you know, but for
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every cool fighter he’ll find an even cooler one, you fell in love with them, but who’s good for you, your wife or your boys, don’t ask stupid questions now, they are still loved, you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for my words, a hero of my time. beauty, rapping, the whole crew, just looking at the platform.
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once again, good afternoon, today in our program the first appearance of the legendary central television announcer svetlana morgunova, after 15 years of seclusion, today the tv presenter celebrates her 83rd birthday, the little man saw the earth, the light exactly a year ago, on november 7, 1968, when you were little one, you remember who you are wanted to be, but it didn’t exist then? immediately a ballerina, you were the only child in the family, yes, you were born in moscow, i understand that you are a native muscovite, moscow, yes, but where did your parents live, in what area on the arbat, and it seemed to me that you were such a recluse
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, and you stopped communicating with the world , it just came after my mother left, that ’s absolutely true, for me my mother was everything, my mother always taught me good things, it’s probably in my blood, she left in 2007, if i don’t i'm wrong, i somehow felt it, because for...
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housewife, she cooked very tasty , yes, grandma, my mother cooked very tasty, yes , very tasty, everyone came, everyone came, everyone went crazy, when there was food on the table, my mom dressed me very well, and she sewed for me, so that it was always her favorite, your mother, the kingdom of heaven, lived with you , yes, you were a very homely child, and although you called her that too, she had some kind of, klavdyusha, klavdyusha, general, and your mother was waiting for you
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after these night shifts, because before everything went... live, that is, at 0 o'clock you announced you went out, and there was such a delivery , that is, they brought you in a car, of course, mom was always waiting for you when you came, of course, always, and mom and dad always, she always has photographs there in his kitchen, and you are probably talking with yeah, i love it. another close friend and stage colleague lev leshchenko congratulates svetlana mikhailovna morgunova on her birthday. dear svetlana mikhailovna, sveta, it is a great pleasure for me to say a few words to you on the eve of your wonderful anniversary,
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why an anniversary, because after some adult years we already celebrate every birthday as an anniversary. i am very pleased that you walked along the most important routes of my life. we walked together, more precisely, and i am very grateful to you, because you were the first who announced my, my first performance in the column hall, thank you for the silence, performed by the soloist of the union radio and central television, laureate of all-union and international competitions, leo leshchenko, you announced my song victory day, you... traveled with me many, many times me, i even remember these trips when we were very, very young guys , valya tolkunova, zhenya martynov, me, gena khazanov, and
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for some reason we lovingly called you mother, it started when you began to say, sons, sons, you treated us so sincerely, sometimes you fed us, sometimes ironed our shirts, i kept tearing out a piece of white bread. i would say: son, you can’t eat, you’re going to the sop, you must represent our country with dignity, you must be thin, but these amazing concerts, routes, they are unforgettable in my life, in my memory, so i wish you universal joys, you are a person, you are a person, one of the most important persons of our domestic television, and once again to you. congratulations, i wish you all joy in life, uh, i wish you health, uh, to have wonderful people next to you, like those
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gathered in this studio today, i, always yours, your son, levo leshchenka. andrey, pay attention, we, soviet-era announcers, worked in a very strict regime, we did not know what is a teleprompter, which has now come to the rescue. of course, she hosted all government concerts , she is number one in this regard in concert activities, she traveled the whole country with joseph kabzon, you see, she is a standard,
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look, it comes out about joseph kobzon, that ’s what she said about their friendship on stage , but now looking at these...
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the most important thing is that we were friends with the families. is anlechka calling? yes, of course, but do you know who you are?
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adores always generally remembers always berezin, volodya berez shell, he’s right, to me it seems that if his fate had turned out differently, he would have married you, i adore him too, but we have another admirer of hers, people's artist of russia, vladimir minakur, let's listen to him, on stage people's artist of russia in honor of the day birth of the future svetlana mikhalovna margunova celebrates her birthday once again i want, dear friends , to say that i have known the light for many, many years, when i came to the variety as a young artist, and i noticed that such a beauty was smoking and when to her... and i
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came up once, i said, but tell me, can we shoot you, she says, please , took it out, there were capital cigarettes, handbags, here you go, she says, you know, vladimir, the village is small, but nothing to hell, everyone was laughing there, but she is cheerful, beautiful. that’s how she always said, she is the decoration of any concert, light, i always remember you with a bow and love you for many years of life, and we, to all our teams before the concert, we are giving the concert to the point today, that’s what i want to say to svetlana mikhailovna marbunova, twice vertically, once horizontally, 3.4, hurray! hurray
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, hurray, good afternoon, well, at the end of our conversation with svetlana mikhailovna, we decided to arrange such a quick poll based on the famous marcel proust questionnaire, this is what the legendary director of central television answered, the quality that you value most in a man, that he is a man?
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your favorite dish, fish, your favorite flower, probably forgetting, what you have an aversion to, lying, the ability that you would like to have, i would like to sing. what would you say to god if you met him that i it would be everyone's fault, it was svetlana morgunova.
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malakhov , applause to the best, well done, thank you, thank you, thank you so much, thank you for giving us this evening of meeting, with our favorite announcer svetlana mikhailova , happy birthday, many summers, congratulations to you, she said that she loves folk songs, so in at the end, this song is for you, svetlana mikhailovna. when i was young, the moon shone on my head, the holy hide and seek appeared, and now i don’t need the moon.


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