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tv   Nashi  RUSSIA1  March 14, 2024 2:55pm-4:01pm MSK

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promised to allocate 30 million dollars for bomb shelters, ordinary people and poles will buy with all their might for bunkers, which cost several hundred thousand dollars, and, as experts assure, are capable of protecting from a nuclear war with russia, that is, while tusk and duda are preparing for a crazy war, the people of poland burrows underground.
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beautiful door, this is the hallway. we're still working on this shelter, but it's almost complete. great. the mayor of warsaw on wednesday announced a new plan to allocate 27 million euros for the construction of bomb shelters and other security measures in the next 2-3 years. poland has taken this step. i decided to develop a special program called warsaw defends. at the next budget session we will allocate 117 million zlotys for it, it will include places for shelters, additional...
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you can simply hide here with your family. the shelter provides filtration from radioactive fallout, but everything can be changed at the request of the client, for example, you can install an additional generator that will work in an emergency. also in the bunker there is an air filtration system. this luxury bunker has a bedroom, bathroom, kitchen and living room. this bunker is designed for eight people, the price reaches several hundred thousand euros or even more.
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there will be a laundry bathroom here, there will be bunkers everywhere, this one is 3m by 15m, there is an extended hallway with a folding generator unit, there will be a staircase here, in this long hallway there will be a generator, there is also a disinfection chamber, this is what it looks like now. there are two built-in reservoirs for water and now all the floors need to be built. the ceilings are 2.5 m, and there is also half a meter of storage space under the bunker. feels like you're in a submarine. we started making a lot of these bunkers, the further you go along the bunker, the harder it is for radiation to get inside. this is the smallest bunker we have made, size 2x3 m. you go down and see the hallway. this room. a recent audit
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of bomb shelters in poland found that less than 4% of the country's population has access to shelters in the event of a bombing. underground parking and metro stations are among the places in the city proposed to be used as bomb shelters. a total of 7 million square meters of space in warsaw could be repurposed for shelter, the mayor said. the new warsaw protect program will provide shelter with electricity and water. some of them have never been held in hands. they are teachers, farmers, bankers and even an aspiring opera singer, now receiving basic training in warsaw for territorial defense. polish version of the national guard usa. when russia invaded ukraine and war arrived on poland's doorstep, the number of volunteers increased. civilian soldiers
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, we teach them to wear their uniform, we teach them how to behave, when to salute, when not to salute, your mother joined the territorial defense, and you are in the territorial defense, and your sister is in the territorial defense. chaskovsky also said the capital would organize an annual educational week for the safety of residents, which would also include training for participants, such as first aid. but also a little bit about the war, at least sixteen american special forces soldiers were injured during training at a training center in california when the explosion occurred. special forces conducted exercises together with sappers at the fbi center. they write that 13 people complained of ringing bushes, dizziness, some had injuries in the back and legs, 10 people were hospitalized. professionalism is
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obvious. the personnel shortage in the us army, which has reached record levels in 80 years , is already 25%. by 25%. citizens can serve, living conditions, to understand, probably, the reluctance of the americans , as stated, is terrifying, the violence in the ranks of the soldiers, well, the equipment, apparently, has dropped so sharply in recent years that it is necessary to learn to shoot at drones by airborne ones. balloons and this is not a joke, but a completely serious message from the buys inside building, look, american troops are shooting at balloons to figure out how to defeat one of the most dangerous and unpredictable weapons, the article says. naturally, they do this for
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the purpose of exceptional savings, so as not to destroy expensive drones during your training. the instructors console themselves with the idea of ​​a balloon flying in the wind. even a more difficult target than a uav, but these people are going to fight russia. nato military planners report that russia will definitely attack an alliance member country in the next 3 years, and is now desperately preparing to fight on the eastern flank, in the arctic circle. as part of the exercise , cold response 24. the alliance is conducting training in norway, they brought it to...
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36 hours ago we launched an offensive operation south of alta with a norwegian-led brigade consisting of norwegians and germans. we are moving south into the masia area. where will we take positions to link up with our finnish and swedish brothers-sisters-in-arms? with the kind of exercises we are doing today, we are ensuring nato's ability to move forces to the right place at the right time at the right speed. we started this
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exercise as a partner country, and now we are true allies and build our security together. this is the first time in hundreds of years. when all northerners united under article 5, as well as nato's common defense planning, will make us all stronger and more secure. the us marine corps will bring the hymars multiple launch rocket system to participate in exercise nordic response. historical nato exercises taking place. arctic circle, we asked the second marine expeditionary unit to talk about this system and explain why it is in such high demand. khaimars are a highly mobile artillery missile system, you shoot and immediately disappear,
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so we choose different points to shoot, we can shoot from this point and after a few minutes, no, seconds we leave the firing position, as if we were not there. what is the importance? usmc participation in the nordic response. marines benefit from good training. they train in cold weather and get used to the cold. conduct training with allied forces. the united states sold several haimers precision systems to allies in as part of international sales aimed at strengthening the security of nato countries. since we are here in the norwegian arctic, it is worth noting that these highmores could strike russia if necessary. this comes amid reports that nato countries may only have 3 years. we have virtually no defense against missile attack, we have a limited
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number of fighters to defend against bombers, this will need to be corrected if we are going to continue the position we have taken towards russia, since russia's invasion of ukraine in 2022, we are ready to fight, we can deter, and if deterrence fails, we are ready to fight. nato troops were preparing for battle. in january, the alliance launched exercise steadfast defender 24, the largest military exercise since the cold war. the first part of the exercise is about getting things across the atlantic, and then the second part is about trying to deliver them once they arrive in the central and eastern states. this is happening near the russian
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border, let's call it near the line demarcation, to show the east, to show moscow that nato is serious about the matter. the exercise will take place primarily along nato's eastern flank, with a particular focus on countries such as estonia, latvia and lithuania. i think that of all the nato countries, they are the most knowledgeable.
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now the quote of the day from the new chief of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine anatoly bargelevich, who came along with syrsky. what disability group can you serve in the army with any, if a person can tie a grenade to himself and jump into a dugout, then he is fit. end quotes. agree, not bad. in this regard , ukrainians suddenly realized that the main achievement. now, after the death of a warrior , his seed will be stored free of charge in the cryobank for
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3 years, so, according to zelensky, the best ukrainians will be able to continue their lineage, the best are, of course, those who go to die for ze, there are really very, very many who died, these are the new footage, kharkov cemetery, a woman shows the graves, draws attention to the fact that new places have already been prepared. military commissars are literally kidnapping men on the street. stop public transport, searching for new cannon fodder, handing out summonses, specifically waiting for men near shopping centers, grocery stores, subways. in this footage , a guy on the street refused to accept the summons, the military commissars used pepper spray against him, and then took him by force to the military registration and enlistment office. all this is in the middle of belodnya, passers-by are no longer surprised, do not react, but there are exceptions. in odessa, an elderly woman fought off an unwilling man. how is mobilization going
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in ukraine, look, look what they are doing, good morning everyone, film, film, film.
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a person that a targeted distribution of summons is taking place, that is, he warned residents that there is now a shopping mall joint venture on the territory, good morning everyone, we are late for work in kiev, now go, yes , of course, 25 to 60 years old, you thought
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there were guards at work do checks, actually the war is going on, okay, why are you shouting? outside transcarpathia, men in wetsuits are preparing to swim across the river to get to romania. the danger of freezing to death in cold water does not stop them;
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only the border guards stop them. these four the traveler seems to have perfected their escape plan and their bodies to the maximum.
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we thought about it in more detail, purchased camouflage camouflage robes to blend in with the snow, but this attempt did not help to remain unnoticed by the border guards guarding the cordon. well, now turn your attention to the screen, this is how the cartoonists of the british telegram see the upcoming electoral battle of the titans joe biden and donald trump. old men in the stars and stripes fight on high platforms like competitors. popular american tv show ninja, the only difference is that both need walkers to avoid collapsing. title, back to the old ones. format, that is , america is waiting for a repeat of a fight that has already taken place once, well, the word is old, probably a hint of your advanced age as
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a candidate. the new york post is also throwing stones at the current president; they published revealing material about the assistant to the first lady, anthony bernel. it turns out that over the past 10 years he has been regularly harassing, not jel biden, thank god, his less senior colleagues, however. by according to the publication's source, bernal often made dirty jokes about the appearance of other employees of the apparatus, spread rumors about their sex life, about orientation, while jill covered for him, and even now, when charges have been officially brought against bernel, statements are being made that the american leader and his wife is completely confident in her help. this clearly does not add to biden’s popularity. already, according to opinion polls, almost 60% of americans believe that biden is not respected by world leaders on the planet. this, of course,
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plays into the hands of trump, who once again said that sleepy joe is the worst us president in history. separately, the republican candidate noted the behavior of his opponent during his address to congress. like grandpa. so bad - said another grandfather - that he can only withstand a two-hour speech if he is pumped full of stimulants, and in that case biden will not cope with his role. trump said that biden looks like a crazy person, acts like a crazy person, which means he is crazy, definitely not will cope with putin, who is ready to use a nuclear arsenal. it's over. whether trump will cope is also unknown to anyone, because if you mock his age, then trump is only 3 years younger than biden. well, now
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the curious ones, about that very readiness to fight. biden literally ran away from reporters when they asked if he was concerned about putin’s words about the nuclear triad. karine jeanpierre said afterwards that biden is aware, he knows, and with a firm hand he is leading america towards genemony. there are also good shots about a firm hand, look, speaking in front of supporters, this the staff of meluki baydon was distorted, he apparently wanted to smile, at some point he hovered with a terrible grimace, made both a creepy and at the same time funny face, and to top it off, he again got confused about the dates, said that he took up his post exactly 4 years ago on this week to understand the president's choice. took place in november of the twentieth, biden took office in january of the twenty-first, 4 years have not passed since this date, but this, as
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they say, is naturally a trifle, the community is everywhere. these sections are for boys, for girls, i am a supporter of these circles for boys, the largest in the country, when i was a senator, i allocated large funds during the epidemic of rising crime, they went to clubs for boys and girls. biden’s condition is deteriorating quickly, my sources , i can’t quote them because they are not anonymous, i don’t do this kind of thing, but the white house says that joe biden has a very difficult time every day, they also passed through cities across america before.
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you want a nuclear war, then your whole country will disappear, there will be nothing left of russia, you must understand how much bluff there is in his words, how much we should really be afraid to hide, we “you know, our patience is not limitless, if we let him take poland, we let him take germany, at what point will he cease to pose a threat, he despises biden, trump, how and sidinzinya, he counts." people around the world expect trump to be decisive, as he, for example, showed by killing one of the leaders of iran , general sulaymaniyah. so when trump was president, everyone behaved when
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they saw joe biden stumble. putin, as you know, he started talking about nuclear weapons, and we have a man who cannot talk to anyone, cannot negotiate, he does not know if he himself is alive, during his speech he recently shouted at everyone like crazy, everything they said he managed it, but he barely managed it.
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actions it is simply physically impossible to build anything now, especially as beautifully as it is shown in the pictures, the only option is possible in some kiev or sumy region, there really is construction going on there, yes, but where they are active combat operations with advancement, this is impossible to do, because for any accumulation, for any equipment, including construction, reconnaissance is carried out to a sufficiently great depth and destruction is carried out immediately. already these accumulations, yes, so the only option where the enemy will continue to take up defensive positions is only in populated areas for which he can hold on along the line of combat contact, but this is a temporary phenomenon, why, because our guys are constantly moving all over front lines, both zaporozhye and kharkov regions, donetsk, lugansk regions, so to say that now they have built
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three lines of defense there, and where is the money for... only 70 km, so the ukrainians are demonstrating how they are near kharkov they are building fortifications , endless reinforced concrete trenches, it is not very clear whether this is the initial stage of construction or is already at the final stage, but it does not matter whether there is any movement there, whether there are at least any directions on the front line where the enemy is advancing , are these areas left,
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or these are the horrors that we see? belgorod region, yes, terror is a nightmare, that ’s all our enemy is doing now. well, regarding kharkov and the fact that... they are building a defense around kharkov, yes, this is really so, they have been doing this for several months now, but the question is again the intensity and how suitable it will all be for defense later, and in the event , when the enemy, when the enemy is finally pushed to kharkov and they will have to defend there, plus they attract local residents, yes, who are still there and are ready to support their army, of which there are not very many of them, in terms of
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... i heard the guys now, that is, everyone there is quite combat-ready, yes , they are constantly moving forward, constantly practicing, well, in the kupinsk area, the only thing that gets in the way is the terrain , well it’s not that it interferes, yes , it creates some obstacles for our guys, but constant work to, firstly, destroy and accumulate the enemy, of which there are also a lot of them in kupensk itself around him, plus - directly along the front line, this is advancement along the defensive positions, along the heights . koto behind which the enemy stands , on which the enemy stands , so there is movement on our side, and the enemy, well, we, unfortunately, are used to this, the only thing he is doing is these kind of information and terrorist attacks,
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for the most part it is for them civilians are being targeted. volodya, i would like to know your opinion about the qualitative increase, in recent weeks, this is really noticeable, in accuracy, speed of interaction, and it’s time... this is the time of decision-making, and from the moment when the goal is transferred to the commanders who they decide which missiles , which weapons to strike directly at the target, yes, because our reconnaissance officers, these are drones,
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in principle, reconnaissance on the ground, intelligence networks have always worked quite well, but the question was really in the time of making decisions to strike at the corresponding target now. this time is shortening, we see how positively yes, this affects the front line, in terms of defeats, let’s say enemy anti-aircraft missile systems, why and especially western ones, yes, why did he them pulls him so close to the front line, because he understands how our aviation works and how it affects the front line on the enemy as a whole, yes, so he has no options left except to pull them up and, well, very soon they will be there to lose, so... this kind of interaction, it is improving at absolutely all levels, starting there from the advanced positions, from the usual assault on the trenches, well , the usual in quotes, because this is quite a difficult and difficult matter, and right up to defeat these are the first ones
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rare targets, secondly, targets that appear unexpectedly, and can also quickly leave their firing positions, so , in principle, the whole complex of interaction and decision-making is based on... professor, what should we do, yes, well, these are all endless nuclear maxims are getting worse and worse every day, you know, the transfer of initiative in the zone of special military operation to our army, our armed
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forces forced western countries to do something that they never had, a plan to develop a plan b in relation to a military conflict, here i i think that many events of 24, including... poland wins such a competition for washington’s beloved wife, in any case, who else is competing, well, paris and germany, well, there is the main beloved wife, great britain, but here she seems to be island, therefore the most accommodating, yes, absolutely the most accommodating, now it looks like ... the information about this visit, here we see
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the footage, was aimed at us all to believe that the issue was discussed related to 60 billion dollars i think that the agenda was much broader than these negotiations, and a clue to us could be vladimir vladimirovich’s interview with dmitry kiselev, where he, firstly, remembered the interventionists who appeared on ukrainian territory, and secondly, directly said that if poland leads its troops on the territory of ukraine... it will not leave there, that is, i strongly suspect there is a lot of evidence that in fact one of the main themes of this plan b of the united states in relation to a special military operation of the conflict is that in order to prepare poland’s intervention in relation to or in the western regions of ukraine, when and if, well, not even like that, not if, when the ukrainian front collapses and something needs to be done in order to save this situation, i hope that a signal that...
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as an idea i welcomed, i now believe that we should consider this idea, the only thing, of course, it would be better if we all unanimously agreed on its need to evaluate the very well developed data and other information that we we have, if we start to react that no, russian president vladimir putin will not like this, or it will cause the third or fourth, we will never make a decision, which is why yesterday i told french president emman macron to the media that we must, generally speaking of course. a smile appears on
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the experts’ faces, which has been quite, to put it mildly, a discredited concept for the last 2 years. please, yuri vyacheslavevich. well, indeed, here we are, when we discuss a special military operation, there really is such a competent understanding of the situation from military experts and war correspondents who come out, but probably someone gets the impression that we are constantly talking about america, but this topic is already enough.
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the other, in response, gathers his friends from poland and actually forces tusk to attack trump, resolving the internal political issue of the united states. this all shows the picture: all the leaders who are dependent on the united states, they play the role of
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such puppets who solve the main problem: who will control the key financial flows and economic political processes. world through the post of president of the united states, they are all for continuing the war, they just have completely different approaches, based on the position of the voter in the united states, or on pragmatism. biden got involved in this adventure, and he needs to sort of save face and prove before the elections that his policy was correct. trump says: guys, why should the american voter spend his money on this war, it’s interesting to us, yours to us... on the dominance of the united states, but let europe pays, and we are ready to give money, but not as grants, but as loans, and then you give back what ukraine will give, there is nothing to give, everything has already been sold, mortgaged, and so on, but the ukrainian deputy prime minister said today , that we are ready to consider lending, where should they go, listen, where should they go, they won’t give grants, they won’t
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give out loans, they won’t give them back, and they don’t know exactly how, so this is the whole known story, here they are. competes, really competes for big budgets for influence, now from the point of view, i drew attention to the statements of, well, the so-called, i will say, historian, yuval harari, an israeli historian, yes, that means, well, in fact, i think that this is a propagandist, another propaganda story of a pop star, from philosophy, well, yes, yes, yes, that means, with what ambitions, yes, yes? world history of mankind book, well, actually, by the way, he is promoted in some in the west; by the way, among the so-called russian liberals he enjoys authority, but he falls completely under the concept of the so-called prophet according to western patterns, he is openly gay, lives in a same-sex marriage, that is
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, a real western prophet in quotation marks for this story, a certified russophist, let ’s just listen to make it clear.
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established on the planet, it is necessary, we are destroying the world order that was destroyed, we are destroying this world order because it is unfair, and it is not for these ignorant and strange by normal standards people
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to teach us, because we are walking the right road, but again america, these figures and so on, the guys at the front.
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no more, we won’t start a nuclear war we plan, peskov called the white house’s reaction to putin’s interview “a deliberate
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distortion of the context.” as for the reaction, well, you saw biden, they tried to ask him a question, there was a complete lack of reaction, i didn’t understand, i didn’t hear, but there was my diagnosis, we don’t take it, we leave it aside. karine jeanpierre pulled herself together and said everything. biden course, look. was the president informed about putin's interview and his comments about nuclear weapons and their readiness, how concerned is he? the president, of course, knows how we do it we understand that recently mr. putin spoke again about russia's nuclear doctrine, this was a question that was asked to him, however , russia's nuclear rhetoric has been recklessly irresponsible throughout this entire conflict, it is russia that has brutally invaded ukraine without any provocation or justification. come back. comrade lieutenant colonel, i’m ready to begin my duties and get acquainted with the department, work, the premiere on
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rtr, i need to examine the body, and by the way she was a good investigator, strange questions, and where can i buy sausage in dough, you now you’re talking seriously, questionable methods, veronika pavnovna, are you still part-time with the dog handlers? original conclusions, that ’s all, exactly, the alibi was found by the elder family, the bed, well, look how it’s located, paradoxical solutions, you can take off the mask, why are you always the only problem, tadam, it all works, if vosnetsova gets down to business, she’s always one step ahead ahead, two, no, three, four, spaniti. on rtr.
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those who want to stay informed can watch the week's news, a program for advanced people. news of the week with dmitry kiselyov, sunday on rtr. i would i really wanted to work for you. we'll start on sunday, of course, what do we have? jerry, a bulldog , snores, what to feed crayfish, a hamster just died, my good one, it seems my life is turning into hell, what it takes to become a successful veterinarian, an extreme situation brings people very close together, maybe we can adopt it... you, yeah, come on, come on, the ability to love, something dazzling today, alena
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dmitrenna, it’s hard not to fall in love with him, and if i say that, let’s stop there, because it’s dangerous to go further, healers shower, alezhek, i’m at home, on sunday on rtr, crimea. 10 years in your native gabana, return to russia, how did it all begin? chronicle of events that changed the course of history. first person. crimea, the path to the homeland, film by andrei kandrashov, on sunday on rtr.
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we can handle it, i will do everything to get you out of here, look at the weekend, what happened to the millionaire, that means he has this bastard, he will spend the next 10 years behind bars, don’t scare me, i’m not afraid of you, you still have time to get scared, this is light, here is my future wife, very nice, get out from here. i’m still at home, i’m also at home, when life is one continuous black line, you need to try to turn it off, as an apology, let me take you to the hospital, i’ll buy you a new bike , as an apology, leave me alone, natalya antonova, yuri baturin, why are you looking at me like that, you believe in yourself, you’re the one trying to hook me up now, you can
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give happiness. on saturday on rtr. we go to the doctor , take up a lot of his time with empty complaints, and we don’t go to the doctor when we seriously need to go. warned means armed any remedy has a downside with the most necessary knowledge for health. we dispel myths and help you find out the truth. how to act well. landing, you need to warm up before that. what should you pay attention to? there should be a pill for each risk factor. where to look for help? you only need five ingredients that will benefit your entire body. two decades pass from the onset of the disease to its manifestation, so the whole family must be examined. the most important information of the most competent sources. take
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comprehensive care of your body. be careful! and be healthy, about the most important thing, from monday to friday on rtr. provocation is treacherous behavior. there is a difference between a man and a woman. i noticed, then it turns out that my husband and my cat are the most intelligent creatures in our family. orientalism is a parallel agenda. continuation of the conversation in new episodes of our podcasts. and so as not to miss anything, subscribe, listen and watch the media. platform we watch the first podcasts we watch. so, tomorrow the presidential elections start in russia, which will last 3 days. chairman of the election commission center ella ponfelova said that almost 114 million ballots have been produced. about 2 million voters have already cast their ballots
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early. in the zone. special operations tankers of the west group, who carry out combat missions in the kupa direction, voted, personnel were distributed today by the russian ministry of defense. dpr. fighters from the vostok faction and the zamursk region, primorsky territory, and buryatia cast their votes in the presidential elections. in general, the participants in the special operation, showing courage and heroism and participating in elections, serve in this way, for example, to everyone. to the citizens of our country , president putin stated this in his address, the results of the elections directly depend on the development of our country, so he said, look, dear citizens of russia, dear friends, tomorrow , march 15 , polling stations will open throughout our huge country, a three-day
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voting for the russian presidential election. their results will directly affect the development of the country in the coming years. only you, citizens of russia determine the fate of the fatherland. you have to not only cast your vote, but firmly declare your will, aspirations, and personal involvement in the further development of russia, because elections are a step into the future. i am convinced that you understand what a difficult period our country is going through right now. what complex challenges we face in almost all areas, and in order to continue to respond to them with dignity, to successfully overcome difficulties, we continue to need to be united and self-confident. we have already proven that we can be together, defending the freedom, sovereignty and security of russia, defending our values, traditions,
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history and culture. acting according to conscience and truth, in fairness, i will say frankly that participation in elections today is a manifestation of patriotic feelings, residents understand this well. fsb operatives in st. petersburg uncovered a canned cell of the ukrainian terrorist rdk banned in russia, which worked for ukrainian intelligence. four terrorists were detained. according to
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the investigation, the radicals planned to poison products for the russian military in the special operation zone. a division of the west group published new footage of attempts by ukrainian saboteurs to invade russian territory. as emotionally as possible, the fighters literally push the enemy on. then liquidation, 234 militants were destroyed, he somehow carefully tries, minus one tank, the second is driving, one was blown up, mine, mine, mine, climbs out.
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handsome guys, defending our freedom and security, guys with a good mood, okay, i'll start by saying that i agree with yuval hareri, he's right, russia really is breaks the world order for 500 years, which consisted in the fact that western civilization robbed the whole world, he is absolutely right, such an order cannot exist, and the fact that today is the west, the only difference is that... that he does not reason in the topic of the fact that the current world order is robbing someone, this is already what we are delivering to you, then you can quote putin about the vampire ball, which ended, mr. philosopher about something else, but he
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is not a vampire ball, it is very correctly said, by the way, what he says that the world in which that means everyone is attacking and destroying each other using force, it was he who apparently meant the west, and not russia, because it was the west that did this and destroyed others. civilization, and sometimes carried out genocide against entire peoples, this is well known, and of course, in these conditions , the west is now beginning to develop , first of all, the states, a new strategy, the reason is very simple: the previous strategy is a strategy of a hybrid blitz-krieg, implemented for more than two years, it failed in december last year, it became obvious that something was needed to do something new and the features of a new one...
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regarding the united states of america, he clearly said, this is an intervention. intervention in russian society has a very specific moral and psychological content. what is this associated with? happy 1612 since 1918,
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twentieth. i lived in vladivostok on october 25th street. just then we threw out the invaders from our far east. and then there was the only time in history, the first and last time. everything is absolutely correct, and this is clear, regarding the fact that russia is going to say very much about the americans scare everyone... use nuclear weapons, well, what can i say, it means that putin, vladimir vladimirovich, our president, took a very important step, he reminded the west that we have the determination to use nuclear weapons if necessary, we don’t need nothing special to say, we have a document defining the principles of the use of strategic conventional nuclear weapons, and tactical nuclear weapons, this document is called the fundamentals of state policy in... nuclear deterrence, it was adopted in
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2020, just in the month of march, it’s coming soon 4 year will be how it was adopted, everything is very clearly defined in it, so all this enthusiasm, panic, all these statements from the western elites honestly surprise me, open the piece of paper, read, our president simply stated what is indicated in this document, therefore , given what hariri said, given that...
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on the principle that he is superior to the help of the other two fleets following him, this is the law of two fleets they adopted, and today he cannot britain cannot maintain a fleet even for ensuring the anti-submarine line fararestan, all their newest ships are not in use now, so this is the fate of the future of the west, they understand this well, that’s why they will fight, this must be understood well, they will drag on, expand the conflict zones, but they have one problem: they mental,
4:00 pm
there is no mental and moral psychological readiness of the nation for war, this is what we see today, the construction of bankers, all kinds of these teachings, this is all called the moral and psychological preparation of the nation for war, if we take the experience of the second world war, then they have can do this take 3 to 5 years, so here's what we don't say, but the problem is one thing: when hitler raised germany and turned it into nazi...


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