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tv   60 minut  RUSSIA1  March 14, 2024 5:30pm-8:01pm MSK

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this is an understanding of what happened in donbass then 10 years ago, because by turning to the past, we understand our present selves and see the future. we are in hatred, and we are in love in anger, but the truth is with us. dmitry kaistra, lead. vesti follows the development of major events in russia abroad. stay with us. in the special operation area, the southern group of russian troops improved their position along the front line, our units pushed back the enemy and took up more advantageous positions. stormtroopers are helped to move forward tank crews, they disable the enemy stronghold and cover the infantry. about the work of the tank crews of the first slavic brigade, a report by military correspondent grigory vdovin.
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the crew is preparing for a combat mission, all systems must be checked, the ammunition rack is also prepared, you need to love the tank, because it helps you out, helps you, saves you, if you don’t love it, you won’t love the tank, don’t service it, then that’s a disaster, a disaster, the machines it is clear that the deserving ones have been in various troubles, this is the crew of tankmen of the guards first slavic brigade, well, that’s not the case anymore you will remember, because it is in the course of work. tore it off after being hit close behind, they had already worked it out, they were driving empty without shells, they were driving to the point back with the arrival from behind, they almost hit us. the road at the front is difficult, it is necessary to go around not exploding shells, but puddles in the fields, in which western tanks, as is already known, would drown, are overcome on the move, in the avdievsky direction the task is to support the actions of our infantry, come on, one fire, one fire, plus , fire, shot, order dropped. received a command to roll back to
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original, timely maintenance of each vehicle is the guarantee that it will not let you down in battle, check, look at oils, filters, lubricants, everything, batteries, everything is as it should be , like a friend or like a beloved woman, she is probably more like a beloved woman, she’s already walking, friend this is a friend, more towards her, she is more affectionate, like a beloved woman, more so she is, well, of course, you can even talk to her, in front of you is a t-80 tank, which... literally the day before yesterday left the battle, you can see from it, that it has characteristic damage from fragments, from fpv, drones. now the crew is carrying out restoration work, restoring the battle again. the tankers of the fifth brigade named after alexander zakharchenko put their multi-ton, but still swallows in order, and the peculiar feathers of these birds, dynamic protection, work in battle and save the vehicle and crew, then they need to be replaced. small tremors, as
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if, well, if somewhere nearby, well, like a clap, and small tremors, we are driving as a commander, joking, as if we are carrying out so that the crew is in a normal fighting mood, there are different types of tanks and different modifications, but they go into battle in one general formation, and there are very unusual, but necessary copies, it seems like a tank, but not quite a tank, or rather not a tank at all, it’s a brem combat repair and recovery vehicle, a so-called tow truck, this should be. as part of any tank unit. the mission of this crew is to provide ambulance and pull the wounded from the battlefield, and the wounded here is a tank, that is, you need to jump up to the damaged one, hook it and quickly pull it to a safe place. we had the fastest evacuation - it was 2 minutes. in evacuation time has its own little things, somewhere i took a slightly wrong turn, maybe at the moment it might throw me off, but then if it throws me off, what does that mean it will throw you off? well, it will lead me aside, but what if i...
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the crimean bridge to the russian rear, gave the bundeswehr generals who were planning attacks on the largest opposition party in germany, the cdu another reason to return to the issue of supplying taurus cruise missiles to ukraine, which is something to be embarrassed about, since now everyone knows everything. in addition, the allies from london put forward a proposal for the so-called ring exchange. germany transfers the taurus to britain, and they send their stormheads to kiev. maybe now the chancellor will come to the bundestag and tell them something different from what he said before.
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are described as hesitation and cowardice, german citizens are afraid of this approach, they are afraid when with the categories of whether you trust them or not, they begin to approach issues on which the security of germany depends. scholz has so far withstood the pressure exerted on him not only by the conservatives, but also by the prestigious ones in his own coalition. available democrats and greens are closer to the christian-democratic opposition on the taurus issue. the other day, the minister of foreign...
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is participating in an economic war against russia through sanctions, and also supplies ukraine with a significant amount of weapons , supplies of taurus cruise missiles with a firing range of over 500 km, with the help of which it would be possible to destroy the kremlin, will be clearly regarded by russia as declaration of war by germany, therefore it is correct and necessary to continue to refuse to suppress this red line, namely from the supply of taurus missiles. taurus won't help.
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cruise missiles without endangering its in the future, it will be able to transfer more of its own national defense to ukraine, and the so-called ring exchange through allies will also become more feasible. in other words, the transfer of taurus to ukraine threatens not only an escalation in relations with russia, but also that germany itself will face a shortage of the most powerful weapons systems at its disposal. although deficit is the most common state of affairs when talking comes to the german army, especially now that germany has actually taken over the ukrainian army, which must be continuously supplied with everything that they themselves lack. unfortunately, i have to admit that
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the bundesfer still lacks everything. there is a shortage of ammunition, spare parts, communications equipment, tanks, warships and aircraft. the problem is not only with tanks and ships. macron's efforts to form a coalition in europe willing to undertake a military intervention in ukraine can only be compared with his activity in suppressing anti-war
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opposition within france. the opposition is resisting. and speak about goodness, denying any opposition, the millions of french who represent it. chest, i’ll tell you this, i prefer to stick out , i need to stop sticking out my chest, so i ’m not lying on my stomach in front of russia and its aggression. macron sent the prime minister to storm the national assembly, arming him with an agreement on strategic cooperation with ukraine. this is an addition to the security guarantee pact that was signed at the end of february. atal, fortunately for him
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he risked little; in parliament , only arrows of criticism could fly into his baked chest. emmanuel macron's pathological narcissism forces him to constantly outperform others. the idea that a partnership with ukraine will strengthen our security is complete nonsense. do i need to remind you that ukraine. this is a warring country, an agreement with a warring country inevitably leads to war. we will vote unanimously against this agreement, which imposes vague obligations on us for 10 years with vague goals. we are not must enter into military conflict with russia. thanks to the efforts of the opposition, the strategic agreement did not include a clause on the possibility of sending troops into ukraine, but this vague document itself was approved by a majority vote. and on friday macron will probably bring him to berlin to show scholz how to work.
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they will be accompanied by polish prime minister tusk, who has been invited to act as a lightning rod. scholz's relationship with macron is sparkling, and the unofficial purpose of the meeting is to ease unnecessary tension between germany and france. the probability of success is 50/50. much will depend on tomorrow's vote in the bundestag, which, with the support of the opposition from the cdu, will make the third attempt in 2 months to push the taurus for... trump to the white house, biden invited another donald there, polish prime minister tusk,
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who, unlike the american tesk , wants more american in europe. tusk’s guide to washington, president duda, managed to be frank with the american media. report by dmitry melnikov. at a meeting at the white house, president duda prime minister tusk we arrived in different cars. relations between poland's leaders are tense, but the goal in washington is the same. a quarter of a century ago , poland joined nato, now the fate of the alliance, and at the same time ukraine, directly depends on who will be the master in the white house, for now it is biden, but he does not look like the master of the situation, he has no good news for europeans, there is on the horizon trump is looming, and congress does not give kiev money, and they have to be content with little, with difficulty scraping together 300 million. we can transfer these funds without recourse. but we need a lot more money. a consolation package from biden personally, the first in 2 months. and
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whether it will be remains unknown. the modest set was collected by putting pressure on weapons manufacturers to reduce selling prices. the assistance package includes missiles for the stinger complexes, ammunition for the hymars, and artillery shells. and in the white house, in the pentagon, they admit that this ammunition will be enough for ukraine for a couple of weeks. for now the rest of europe only. preparing to take on the burden of maintaining ukraine, poland was the first in nato to increase military spending to 4% of gdp. president duda reports to the white house on successes and encourages others to follow suit. the us is now and must remain a leader on security issues, but other allies must take more responsibility. that's why i think all nato countries need to raise their spending.
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problems, the poles hear routine phrases about supporting ukraine, at the meeting with speaker johnson everyone is smiling, but there are no results. i still hope that mr johnson will feel responsible for the thousands of lives in ukraine. it is known that in the usa duda was going to meet with trump, but the white house strongly recommended not to do so. and
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the jealousy of the biden administration is understandable; on the eve, trump formally completed the marathon of the primary elections without surprises. polish prime minister donald tusk knows the former us president well from his past work and is sure that the signals that trump version 2.0 is sending to europe do not bode well. i have a lot to say about donald trump’s intentions. i worked with him for many years when i was head of the european council. we must be ready. that the pressure america on putin on russia will decrease. the inevitable rematch between biden and trump has already become a major factor of uncertainty for the transatlantic alliance. and further hope in the united states, they understand in europe, may turn out to be a fatal mistake, as they did not want to avoid this, but the europeans will probably have to decide the fate of ukraine themselves. it is already
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clear that the fate of america, and the entire west, will be determined by a historical rematch, for the first time since... pavel melnik visited the first construction site along with specialists. eat first ton of soil. work on the construction of the adler bypass has begun. the depth of the arch is 4 m 59 cm. at this site, preparatory work is underway to construct a portal wall made of bored piles. bored piles for the
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prokhodchevsky shield tunnel. it is he who will lead the traffic flows from the overloaded adler through. virtual tourists are already driving along the new adler bypass on a three-dimensional model of several tunnels at once, the driver drives 6 km underground, another 4 and a half along the highway above it, there are many transport vehicles junctions on the kudepsta section are high, where work started, you can turn towards sochi, in the direction of abkhazia to krasnaya polyana. a symbolic place for the greater sochi, where 10 years ago, for the olympics , a high-speed highway appeared in the mountain cluster, now. construction of a new one is starting, it’s hard to imagine now, but cars will fly along it just as quickly without traffic jams. one of the busiest roads in the south of russia will be able to breathe more freely by 2026, and a little later the entire federal highway a147 from dzhubga to sochi. narrow with heavy traffic, where there are practically no places for overtaking, it will receive
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a high-speed backup. seven new sections at once will reduce travel time by almost three times; in the summer, the route from dzhubga to sochi is extended. for at least 6 hours, although it would seem only 217 km, we want to relax, swim, but we can’t, but what can we do, a traffic jam is a traffic jam. now that the highway has all the necessary approvals, builders are erecting fences and clearing areas. we have been preparing for several years, there is funding, but we see support the administration of sochi, the administration of the krasnodar region, and the most important thing is that we go together in december '26. this object. now the phrase on a vadler car is synonymous with testing, expensive tickets are burned in traffic jams, people who are late for the train walk right along the route with suitcases, emotions run high, some drivers line up behind the ambulance, provoking a collision, the road network is at its limit. on this section between sirius and sochi during the season you can stay for an hour or two, the only road along the coast is here
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now we are editing this story in a traffic jam, which in a few years will be forgotten by... nikita kalchenko, olga allenkina and ekaterina bobkova. news from sochi. almost 2,500 voting stations will open tomorrow in the sverdlovsk region, and over 25,000 specialist observers will work at them. you could also cast your vote remotely, through the state services portal. report by kirill bortnikov. the morning at the territorial election commission does not start with coffee. a few days before the elections , employees. everything has to be counted ballots, not a lot of them, not a few, almost 100,000 copies, and distribute them among the precinct commissions. in the oktyabrsky district we have 53 precinct election commissions, permanent ones, and there are more.
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final preparations are being made, booths are being installed, and the necessary information is being posted. temporary polling stations are no different from permanent polling stations, there are still the same ballot boxes, of course, voting booths, here, for example, there is a fascinating magnifying glass, a lighting system, there are also places for observers, and so on. of course, a video registration system that will work all 3 voting days. both employees of the airport and nearby enterprises, as well as passengers, will be able to vote here.
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voters with limited mobility will also be able to. georges tokarev, the day before he celebrated his centenary , has never missed an election in his life, and will vote at home this year. that's it, thank you, your application has been accepted. polling stations will open on friday. the work of the commission and the counting of ballots will be as transparent as possible. behind all processes in mode specialists will monitor online. these are public observation centers in krasnoyarsk. these have already been created in every russian region. kirill bortnikov. maksata pargeldeev, gennady lugunov and len galaeeva, news. ural, siberia, kuban, donbass, far east. foreign guests of the world youth festival travel throughout russia. everywhere
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they will find incredible impressions, acquaintance with national traditions, food, songs, dances, and russian hospitality. albert musin. moving not only in space, but also in time. in the surroundings of a train from the last century. festival guests share their impressions. traditional local dishes: the menu includes the main dishes of authentic ural cuisine, for example, posekunchiki, but where would maslenitsa be without pancakes, and the general atmosphere of living history.
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particular attention, of course, to the old steam locomotive, which turns exactly 70 years old this year, and is not a museum exhibit, but still a working running machine that will take guests further. festival participants from africa, south america, europe and asia met the hospitable urals back at the airport, where they... were bread and butter, and the final point was the fighting urals with the real history of the military exploits of the soviet people, that in russia they know how to not only have fun, but work, the participants of the world youth festival were convinced of the steel heart of donbass, alchevsk, there we treated ourselves to local ice cream, natural, without substitutes for harmful additives, pancakes and enjoyed the beauty of a russian song. one of the most beautiful things i have seen are russian girls, they are very beautiful, the food is delicious. "i liked the food and i will miss it, when i return home." in the khabarovsk territory , shamans did their best to warm the guests with ritual dances; the region greeted them
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with severe frost, however, some did not notice it at all. for blogger muzamil hassan from pakistan, it was much more important to collect material for a big film about russia. through my blog , i want to introduce culture, show all the beauty, introduce such regional programs today in thirty regions of the country, they became the final. luzhniki, after reconstruction, once again opened the famous universal friendship hall, its a landmark event for thousands of sports fans, it was built specifically for the 1980 olympics. report by maxim oparin. having spread either its petals or the rays of the sun, there has never been a consensus on this matter. the druzhba sports complex has regained its familiarity. the appearance looks exactly the same as muscovites are used to seeing it. the reconstruction was long and difficult, all because of the difficult architectural solution. the main difficulty in the work was that the building
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was complex. all 28 petals, all different, all different sizes, bend in several planes, so it was necessary to adjust all the materials directly here in place. inside it is a modern sports complex; in this hall, for example, you can practice volleyball and table tennis. a very good hall, in terms of its conditions, accordingly, another additional place appears in moscow, in the center. provides universal shock absorption on the floor. one of the main advantages of this gym is that there is a place for everyone, both professionals, those who are now training behind my back and such amateurs like me, and there is enough space for everyone in one hall, the large hall for major competitions is designed for 3,000 spectators, but due to the transformer stands there are nine additional rows. by the way, it was this hall that hosted the women's volleyball tournament
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at the 80 olympics, as... which friendship was built, like other olympic facilities, it was the construction of the century, even then everyone paid attention to the bizarre shape of the sports complex. in the universal druzhba hall, which is unusual in its architectural composition, you can hold competitions in twelve sports. afterwards, the legendary friendship hosted dozens of international competitions: rhythmic gymnastics, gantball, volleyball, boxing. i myself was lucky enough to be a child, i bought tickets at the box office, this was around 1985, i went to the stands, watched the athletes of the national team of the soviet union, bulgaria, yugoslavia perform. by mid-2000, the building was badly run down and outdated. they even wanted to demolish it, but in 2017 it was decided to begin a comprehensive reconstruction. historical sports complex druzhba the olympic complex received a new life, a new breath, a new birth, after a long, complex reconstruction, and now thousands of athletes will
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train here again. the builders faced an extremely difficult task: to redo everything inside, and most importantly , to almost completely replace all the materials from which the façade of the building was made, without changing its appearance. in the end, everything worked out. this runs through the entire reconstruction of luzhniki. each new object retains the peculiarity of the previous one, on the site of the luzhniki outdoor swimming pool. a large aqua complex where you can also swim in the open air, but to do this you need to swim out onto the balconies, which opens from there. over the past few years, the famous stadium seems to be being born again, the large sports arena was reconstructed for the 1818 fifa world cup, then a rhythmic gymnastics center, an international sambo center, the crystal ice complex, a new tennis palace, and finally the famous friendship appeared, and thanks to it, a new postcard plan , now also night. maxim aparin, pavel vitrinsky, dmitry chernikov and anastasia roiphe, lead. employees of
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losiny ostrov park. in moscow they ask not to feed moose and not to come close to them when meeting them; all attempts to show human compassion lead to a completely opposite effect. over to anna balan. flasin island national park is right next door to you and has seen an increase in moose releases. they saw you at your house, right? we ask you not to feed them. such an unusual request from the park inspectors, the residents of this residential complex in balashikha are no longer surprised, the moose come here like... home, you look out the window, moose are walking, it’s very cool, here’s a dad walking with his child, wild animals are walking just a few meters away, and the people themselves fed them, they usually put all sorts of potato peelings, often with a bag, sometimes they just put garbage here, and these two skiers, forgetting about caution , decided to feed the moose directly from their hands , they set me up, and in such a meeting , experts say, it is better not to attract attention,
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on the contrary, move away, and even more so... do not get food, moose do not need feeding. moose now have a main diet in winter - this is twig food, here it just recently came and gnawed the bark from the linden tree. it is very rare to see moose in the wild, but we are very lucky now. i placed the film crew on the road so that they wouldn’t frighten me with a big camera, but i myself went a little deeper into the forest, especially to show you, there’s one elk, there’s another. they are chewing something, they see me, so i won’t come close. we leave the moose alone with nature and go to the moose biological station. are they not afraid of us? no, they know the fact that now in the winter period food is brought to them by snowmobile. contrary to the name, not only moose live at the biological station, there are three wild boars, still small, and a whole herd of sika deer . nowadays sika deer can still
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be seen in all their glory from the antler. but already in april they will begin to throw them off, it is more difficult for deer and wild boars to get food in winter, so here they are fed, but only specialists should do this, they know the diet of wild animals, for example, for ... tortured flour is deadly. fertilizing in winter cereals, corn, wheat, oats are used. also, in theory, you can use vegetables and fruits for feeding, but if you leave it in large quantities, it begins to rot, and accordingly , animals can be harmed in the same way. this winter, a real problem arose in the friendship microdistrict, at the buffet, which was set up for wild boars by local residents, insatiable...
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in the center of moscow, a complaint was filed against cryptocurrency miners, a mining farm was organized right in the basement of the house, the servers were there work 24 hours a day, which made it unbearably hot in the entrance and strong vibrations were felt in the apartments. igor ogeenko tried to meet with the owner of the crypto farm. the measured hum of tropical heat, such sensations are experienced by anyone who enters this entrance to the garden house. ring, i can show you, but well, there is a photograph , even several people standing nearby cannot shout out this hum, at night, when other sounds die down, the hum intensifies significantly, there is constant noise, some kind of vibration is apparently transmitted along the walls, when you put your head on the pillow, this is all felt and heard, that
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is, a monotonous noise level, the problems began in january, the new owner of the basement first spent a long time doing repairs, and then brought in equipment and organized there, as people believe, a mining farm, with the help of the management company we go down to the basement, from an open door on... literally pours heat, noise, hum, dozens of miners and approximately +50°, despite the working fans that only disperse the hot air, that in their basement it was possible to organize a mining farm, the residents of this house did not even know. the noise level is under 90 decibels when the norm is 55, there are wires haphazardly threaded everywhere and extension cords hanging in the air, and if the situation with free heating is still acceptable for the winter, then it is not clear what will happen in the summer. the windows in our entrance are all boarded up. notify the house, well , at least i informed the guys it’s dangerous, the owner is very aggressive and he doesn’t consider it necessary at all, somehow it’s old, there was no major renovation, the house is from 1939 with wooden floors, so it’s very there, but i’ll have it there something like this
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organization. the owner of the farm basement communicates with his neighbors exclusively by phone, claims that he is not involved in mining and accuses him of putting pressure on the business, you wrote so many denunciations against me, well, that is, even those people who inspected me there. 12 people each, they themselves were surprised at the scale of the denunciations you wrote. there is no noise on the first floor. despite the fact that there seems to be no noise in the entrance, the sound level meter at this door gives about 60 decib, if you just stick it into the air, and if you put it against the wall, then much more than 70 decibels, that is, almost approaching high threshold values. we called the owner and asked for an interview, but were refused. you never know what's there. they say, there, they say, there, i don’t know, they give flies, everything is fine. mining in homes often causes fires. a year ago in irkutsk, the owner of such a farm burned alive; the equipment could not withstand the load. in the leningrad region, for the same reason , the kitchen in the apartment completely burned out. if
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during administrative proceedings and administrative inspection by supervisory authorities if a violation of fire safety or sanitary standards is detected, in this case an order will be issued to eliminate the violations. if the order is not followed. this entrepreneur may obtain a court injunction prohibiting him from carrying out business activities. the fire safety law and sanpin standards indeed prohibit locating production in the basements of residential buildings. residents have already contacted the moscow housing inspectorate and the prosecutor’s office hopes that after the next inspection the farm will be closed. igor egiinka, anton dumnov, arthur nurmukhometov and maria rudakova, news. today is the fourth day of maslenitsa, also called broad thursday. it is common to walk and dance a lot. sing, treat everyone, friends and acquaintances with pancakes, as an ancient holiday is celebrated in new russian regions, this is the report of vera etskova. maslenitsa does not have a clearly defined date; every year it falls on a different date, and although this celebration
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is in no way connected with the christian faith, its time is calculated based on easter. the main dish on the tables at this time is pancakes. friends, children, grandchildren come, we come for pancakes, and of course for the samovar. we sing songs and celebrate the holiday. the ingredients for making pancakes are known to any housewife: flour, milk, eggs and vegetable oil. having purchased everything we needed in one of the supermarkets, we now calculated the cost of the stove. pancakes for a large family will cost 550 rubles. to prepare a large number of pancakes we need a lot of ingredients. let's take a dozen eggs. to make the most delicious pancakes, we go to the technology laboratory production of confectionery and pasta at the donetsk national university of economics and trade named after mikhail tuganbaranovsky. thin pancakes are the main dish of maslenitsa week.
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someone adds kefir or sour cream to the dough , a time-tested recipe, still with milk, salt 8 g, we add an egg with you, three of them are required, all this is done, a liter of milk is poured with sugar, we baked on three different ones with different types of coating and the thickness of the walls, the most beautiful... came out of the heaviest frying pan, however, from a master
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pancakes always turn out. the orthodox church calls the time of maslenitsa cheese week. christians of the eastern rite, that is , orthodox, at this time are already preparing for lent. meat is excluded until the holy resurrection of christ. priority is given to cheese, cottage cheese and other dairy products. pancakes are also present on the tables, but are not at all some kind of sacred symbol. this is just one of the possible dishes on the meat week menu. compatible with some heavy libations
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and sampling of various culinary traditions. days maslenitsa week is popularly scheduled in such a way that each week has some kind of gatherings, the main emphasis is on meetings with family and friends, on the opportunity to improve relationships; this is another of the moments in which the traditions of different beliefs intersect. the last day of maslenitsa is forgiveness sunday for the orthodox. the day when it is customary to ask for forgiveness from family and friends and to sincerely forgive yourself. vera yatskova, denis vedyaev, lead donetsk. migratory birds return to moscow after wintering. in the capital's parks and squares already spotted game starlings. ornithologists say this is the first sign of climate spring coming to the region. at different times of the year , about 270 species of birds can be found in the natural areas of moscow; about 160 leave the capital in winter. and then we will conduct regional ones.
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tula paratroopers in the special operation zone received sets of additional armor protection for trucks, their kamaz trucks are deployed on the front line, now the vehicles and crew are protected from shrapnel and drone attacks, artyom yundos visited rimbata. additional kit armor is now being supplied to a unit of the russian armed forces, for kamaz this weight gain is insignificant, only 750 kg, and for the crew and crew of the d30 howitzer, this is protection, we will make an armored capsule, centimeter-thick armorers are mounted outside inside the kamaz cab, the engine will also be protected from below and gas tank, door armor elements are reinforced. on the path of hamikaze fragmentation drones there is now an additional barrier,
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fragments - yes, yes, well, it’s like there ’s kevlar laid here, that is, a sheet of kevlar, a sheet of armored steel, well, fragmentation-accurate, like this is all normal, the most open part is the windshield of the cab, it is closed from the inside with armor plates with sliding doors, the driver , if necessary, has the opportunity to drive and steer while looking at the road through a small... installation work in one day, such modernization is a necessary measure now. also , the armed forces unit is now receiving kamaz trucks like this, it has a more powerful engine, the cabin is a full-fledged armored capsule, an elongated cargo platform, the vehicle is used for transporting ammunition. such trucks are like
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workhorses at the front, carrying soldiers, towing howitzers, and transporting weapons. the equipment is simple and unpretentious, however , it must be maintained regularly. this is exactly what they do here, from kamaz to airborne combat vehicles and howitzers, the masters, or better yet, the soldiers of the invisible front, can do everything. among the pine trees in the forest, the paratroopers organized a whole complex for the repair and maintenance of their equipment, moreover, this is where they live, life is organized, warm and in their own way cozy dugouts, there is even darts and a basketball hoop, everything is harsh and unpretentious in a military way, well, according to our profile, if as a unit. an artillery regiment is cannon artillery up to 30, staticite can carry out maintenance repairs, kamaz trucks, that’s how 5350 are presented here, kamaz trucks of all brands and the urals, respectively, what we fight with, what we operate, we repair ourselves. the
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armored glass wheels at the front are a consumable material, this glass will withstand it. shell fragments, but it has become unusable, and the wheels are constantly punctured, replace the tire, which weighs more than 100 kg, it’s an extremely difficult matter for a city driver, here at the front it’s the usual routine, but there is particularly difficult work here , replacing the tires on the wheels of the rszzo tornado , we clamp it into the trees, pull it out with a car, the car doesn’t always pull out, replace the goose...
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it needs to be remove so that the paws work, not only maintenance and repair, paratroopers are modernizing cars, here they decided on a rigid coupling, but the standard one is located under the body, as it were... not very convenient, we move it here, here we literally make small fasteners, which speeds up the processing of equipment in case of failure, that is, the driver leaves, here he unscrews it, inserts it into its regular place, to the tractor, and the work of soldiers with equipment, its restoration and repair, is often invisible in war, but thanks to them on the front line, the landing party has powerful fire support.
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the growth of investments in the regional economy amounted to 21%. finished products worth more than one and a half trillion rubles were shipped. and this is
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an absolute record today, and this dynamic continues. and it’s already clear that the needs of regional enterprises for electricity will only grow. leopoldimenko and sergey abramov, vesti orenburg. construction has begun at the largest shipyard in severodvinsk, sevmash. floating dock for launching nuclear submarines; to date, three volumetric sections have already been manufactured. daria shmeleva will continue the topic. the construction of the floating dock is in full swing. the metal comes from the processing workshop body to the welding workshop. here, volumetric sections are formed from it. today we have about 30 drawings drawn into work drawn into work is at various stages of construction. the pcb must be made from these volumetric sections in total. about 150 structures, different designs, different weights, different dimensions, and
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the weight of these structures can range from 25 to 270 tons. work is in full swing in the enterprise’s design bureau; developers and design documentation have a special responsibility; today everything is going according to schedule. about 70% of the documentation for the hull structure has already been released, and documentation for a number of major ones has been partially released. a floating dog called sokhona, which is now used to launch nuclear submarines, was also built by sevmashi, especially for the world's largest legendary sharks. sokh it was put into operation almost 45 years ago. the displacement of the giant floating dock is 25. tone, length 202 m, width 45. in terms of dimensions, the docks are 11, similar, the old dry dock and the new dock. due to the fact that everything is hydraulic.
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the delegation of the world youth festival was greeted in khabarovsk with dances of indigenous peoples. foreign students saw for the first time russian far east. the guests shared their impressions with elizaveta yurova. the khabarovsk territory welcomes the delegation of the world youth festival with a shamanic ritual and traditional dances of the indigenous peoples. latin america, south asia, africa, they can’t do without the warm tigers from the amur hockey club. malovian manaliza is also warmed by coffee and hospitality. today is very sunny and today the weather is even better than yesterday, and i am sure that today will go just fine. now we are going to a wonderful one.
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a video blogger from pakistan plans to edit a big film about russia. many people have no idea what it is, and through my blog i want to introduce the culture, show all the beauty, introduce, show that this is a wonderful country that is worth coming to.
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the russian artistic gymnastics championship started in sochi, and olympic medalists, world and european champions came to the federal territory of sirius. stas redikultsev will talk about the fight for the title of the best in the country. sirius, of course, is the brightest star in the night sky, but when together. everything is going the constellation of russian artistic gymnastics becomes dazzlingly bright, this is what the national championship looks like. without international competitions, the main competition for our gymnasts is, of course, the russian championship, so not a single athlete misses it , no matter what their condition, maybe they don’t do all the apparatus and don’t go to every exercise, but nevertheless, they can perform at the russian championship it is the duty of every athlete. we were very serious about it, and today is the first day, i can say that... i experienced certain emotions, very interesting, yes, competitive, truly competitive, and the competition
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is of course great, more than 150 of the strongest gymnasts in russia on federal territory. sirius in sochi are fighting not only for medals, but also a place in the team at international tournaments that will be held in russia, the brix and friendship games, but the olympic games in paris will be left without the best team in the world, the russian team. at the tokyo olympics, the russians also had a neutral status, but the new, fictitious admission conditions are unacceptable for our team. now athletes who must be admitted on the terms of a neutral athlete, must sign one paper, called a declaration, which clearly. to tell us in plain english that you do not agree with holding the svo on the territory of ukraine, this is the key word for them, so in our country no one even stutters on this topic, it does not occur to anyone how important the national championship is, nikita nagorny’s emotions speak, and he won everything on the platform, make a program, you don’t have to do everything there with the horse, twist, twirl, from start to
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finish, 14 points everyone will get everything home. with in the stands watching the performance are nagorny’s family in the front row, his wife and son, he is not yet such an ardent fan, so somewhere i even forgot that i have a wife and child here, that’s because there was a great desire to win as a team, today i was that’s exactly the mood, unfortunately we didn’t win. nagorny said these words without knowing the official results; the moscow team, in which artur dolalayan and nikita nagorny set the tone , is in the top three until the last event of the program. but is not in the lead, everything changes when it comes into play another tokyo olympic champion, denis oblyazin, enters on the vault. oblyazin missed a year, had surgery on his shoulder, will not compete here at his favorite rings, and his knee also began to bother him, but he came out and jumped so much that the muscovites soared from third place to first. russian gymnastics is still performing dizzying somersaults. we try to keep the bar and
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try to break away from young people, even at our age, somehow. that is, they are great, they are trying to catch up with us, they are stepping on our heels, this is what good competition is, namely it’s healthy that there are no certain things there, that they serve people there or something else, it’s on the contrary nice when you have healthy competition, that you can compete with them. the very first day of the national artistic gymnastics championship brought bright emotions and dazzling stories. ahead is the women's team tournament and individual all-around competitions in certain events. spas sredikultsev, stanislav petrov, alexander sidorov, news from sochi. the most popular tourist destination among russians this moscow became spring. according to tour operators , the capital accounts for more than 22% of the country's hotel bookings. st. petersburg takes second place by a significant margin. sochi closes the top three. next in this ranking are kazan, kaliningrad, yekaterinburg and krasnodar.
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i wonder what you will give us, who likes gifts among us, oh yes, right? well, here it is, this is for you, thank you, happy new year, yes, and this is for you, and for you, anechka, i have a special gift, meet me, it’s you, only completely grown up , don’t you think that something is bothering her, what
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it's bothering her, that's it. what's stopping her? what's stopping her? for what? for what? what's got you so upset? and they tore off my head, or rather not me, a doll that was in the shape of me, well, it’s easy to explain, what do you mean, we really broke our head. i ’m thinking what to give the girls for the new year, everything, everything, everything, lie down, lie down, no, this is not that, this is something else, lie down, come on, come on, this is completely different, not how scary, someone
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brought it in the morning , zhen, just put on your pants, please, uh-huh, hello, hello, anya smirnova lives here, ostrovskaya, hello, it’s me, anka, oh , my god, how glad i am to see you, wait, don’t you recognize me or something, no, excuse me, i’m tamara, tamara. kulyaeva, you and i sat together until the sixth grade at the same desk, well, well, i’ll hug you, my dear friend, remember, the greek yurka and anakopoulos studied with us, and he was
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in love with me, and you were in love at yurka and beat him mercilessly, and yurka pulled my pigtails, well, remember, anya, did you even do your homework? yurka is a fool, it hurts, of course well, i remembered, my god, how could i forget, zhenya, meet me, this is tamara, tamara gulyaeva, my classmate, hello , tamarka, you’ll be staying with us, oh, guys, if i’m not shy about you, yes, of course, zhenya , please, help me bring my suitcase, and listen, undress, we are about to have breakfast, by the way, you can stay in your wife’s office, yes, wife, please come in, look, you will be comfortable there, oh, sorry, wife, but i i’ll try not to disturb you, take me, take me, how comfortable it is here, let me
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help you, i don’t like to sit idle, i'll cook something. oh, would you like some poached eggs? what can you do? yes, it’s very easy and simple, i’ll teach you, do you have vinegar? do you have vinegar? so, well, the eggs, of course, only very fresh, if the eggs are fresh, i bought them recently , great, a saucepan with boiling water, if there is boiling water in the kettle, you can pour it right away, it will be faster, like a slotted spoon, paper napkins, like a plate, like that too i took it, put the pan with water. on the fire, take a knife, so, oh, how i love to cook, it’s a pity that there is no stake, and you’re not married, you were, even two
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times, but everything was unsuccessful, but kids, it didn’t happen, oh, i’m sorry, please, yes, everything is fine, i’m already used to it, look, we’re making a funnel, oh, you pour it out, yes, you know, i think i’m used to it, but only when the new one the year is approaching, something such melancholy takes over, such a feeling of loneliness, even in a loop, so forgive me, please, that i come to you out of the blue, darling. thank you for greeting me, i'm sorry, i'm sorry, i'm sorry , please, it's damp here,
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look, it's almost ready, look how beautiful it is, just a little more, nothing, i i decided, that’s it, enough moping, enough sadness, i decided to take the situation into my own hands. to celebrate the new year with classmates, i decided to start with you, my most beloved, good morning, mommy, good morning, good morning, good morning. so what are we having for breakfast today? and we ’re having eggs for breakfast today, oh , it sounds like i’m dying, please meet tamara gulyaeva, my classmate, my friend, nice to meet you, i’m olya, olya, it’s very nice, tamara, how beautiful, olya, all my mother, dasha, what a sweet girl, sweet candies, ah dasha for a nose in one place, and you are such a funny joker,
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and are you a detective? i, no, i’m not a real detective , i sometimes help investigate various cases in the investigative committee, how interesting it is, i have a passion, i love detective stories, together with masha we will track down suspicious janitors, olya, yes, andrei ivanovich, anya, you sorry to bother you, but we have an emergency. i need your help, can you come now? yes, yes, of course i can. makarova and klimov will be waiting for you in the negotiation room. klimov? well, yes, in fact, they contacted us through him. yeah, that's it, agreed. i'll take the girl to school. thank you very much, zhenya. if you need my help, i will be happy to sit with dasha. and i’ll prepare dinner, so you can go about your business calmly and don’t worry about anything. thank you very much, just too much, then
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you’ll tell me everything, of course, if you’re a classmate’s mother, then why isn’t it in your school yearbook? this is because your mother and i only studied until the sixth grade. so what is next? and then i moved to a physics and mathematics school. uh-huh, are you into physics? well, physics too, but more math. i really love mathematics. she taught in high school. seriously? yes. i was also into it when i was young. mathematics, then physics, then i started teaching , wow, it turns out that we are kindred spirits, yes, that’s great, we’ll have something to trend about in the evening, trend, teachers don’t talk like that, well, okay, but i love, when teachers behave informally, thank you, but i like to behave informally, how do you like the eggs, like berger? great, if
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you like it, i'll make you eggs benedix tomorrow. so, on december 30, a grand new year’s charity reception will take place, hosted by famous philanthropists of our city, media tycoon arkady butyrin and banker gennady sretin. that's it, pay attention. hello, sit down, anna borisovna, nina andreevna, this is anna borisovna ostrovskaya, our expert in finding missing people, anna borisovna, nina andreevna’s husband disappeared, matvey saumorokov, he is a fairly famous artist, you should know him, but please repeat, everything they told us, last night matvey and his friends went to the bathhouse and i still haven’t returned, i’ll tell you right away, he couldn’t go on a spree. you’ve known him for a long time, the real
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truth is in full swing, friends also confirm that he came out of the bathhouse absolutely sober and was going to go home, but it seems to me that it’s too early to sound the alarm, but maybe just a minute, asana borisovna, literally a minute, listen, we can’t wait for sumarokov to show up, he must... yes, and the proceeds will be sent to the children’s homes, what am i telling you, you’re invited, aren’t you? so, anna borisovna, everything possible must be done, let’s, excuse me, here.
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things of matvey, i was told that sometimes you just need to touch them to understand what’s wrong with a person, but to be honest, it doesn’t always work out, but i’ll try, things are bad, oh, bad, but what did you see, no, you, this from my childhood, did santa claus offend you when you were a child, well, something like this, tell me, maybe someone else wore this costume? i don’t know, he’s from the theater’s costume department, but here’s matvey’s tokoito tokoito jacket, and agata,
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agata, hold on, i’m on my way, don’t do anything, wait for me, ah! you know some agatha, your husband called agatha, probably agata kulyamina, she plays the snow maiden with him, so, here he is, most likely with her, or she knows where he is, you know the address of this actress, yes, only i will go with you, let's go, let's go. open up madve, i know that you are there, you see, you hear, there is someone there, lady,
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it smells of gas, even. so oh, ugh, i open the windows, what’s wrong with her, breathe, breathe, breathe, carefully, breathe, we need an ambulance, vasily, my head is spinning. in another 15 minutes, everything here would have blown up, so you’re a fort here, you’ll live for 100 years, now, tell me
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yesterday twilight called, called, for what purpose, called, shouting into the phone, agatha, hold on, i 'm on my way. and hung up, why are you holding on, i didn’t understand at all, at some time it was , let me show you, look, 21:55, well, when the doorbell rang, i was sure it was him, i opened it and saw my grandfather frost, well, a man in a santa claus costume, or a man in a santa claus costume, or was it matve , how can you see him, a hat pulled down over his eyes, a red nose, a half-length beard and... a staff, i recognized his staff, his staff , that means, yes, like that what happened next with matvey, then he hit me on the head with this staff as hard as he could, i passed out, then i woke up already tied to a chair, listen, well, maybe it wasn’t matvey, but who else, he called,
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this can’t be, he’s incapable of this, you see, i ask you, calm down, we’ll figure it out, i ask you, don’t be nervous, be quiet, anya. and look, please, what is this? and this is some kind of warning, but in general, many actresses played snow maidens at your corporate events, besides me, three more, their do you have any contacts? yes, yes, i can find them, they need to be warned urgently, they are in danger, yes i will find them now, lord, what snow maidens, where is my husband? please, i ask you without hysterics, we all work here, we’re all a little tired, let’s help each other, you know what, please go home, what if he comes home, you’re not home, but at your home? no, yes, you are right, klimakh, i’m listening
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, they haven’t found sumorokov yet, calm down, please, everything is fine, the authorities called, two more santa clauses, palyns and bouquets have disappeared, like this new year, someone sent photos to the snow maidens, with this drawing of a kulyamina tied to a chair. with the inscription, stop fooling children, my dear colleagues, or maybe someone is fooling us, missing santa claus, frightened snow maidens, all this painfully reminds me of some kind of children's matinee, they almost killed kulyamina, wow, a children's matinee, listen, and the address from which these threatening letters are sent has not yet been established, but the work, of course, according to polenin and buketov, has been put on the wanted list? out of chaos, i can help with something else, go home, no one canceled the new year, i know
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how much trouble there is around the house during the holidays, thank you, goodbye, happy new year, happy new year, anya, wait, i have a question for lera again , can you help me, ghosts don’t just show up on call, only... it means, hello, maybe there is a letter
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, yeah, yes, it confirms that the letter, and to whom the letter does not explain, the hedgehog, as if from the cold, excuse me, vasily, i’m in a hurry to get home, really, yes, yes, of course , yes it doesn't work. hi, hi, i finally found a use for my battery, tamara suggested hanging a garland on the street, we will have the most beautiful house in the city, unless of course i fall from the roof , okay, yes, yes, come on, oh, and i see that life is in full swing here, yes, yes, we have the best now christmas decorations, aunt tamara told us: how to cut out snowflakes and the best gifts from santa claus, and from
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santa claus himself, yes, my mother said that we need to write him a letter, yes, mashenka, are you also writing a letter to santa claus, it’s a secret, so girls, that’s it, we’ll finish tomorrow, today we’ll wash up and go to bed, our mother is tired, let’s run, run, run, run, run, oh, my good one, tired, come on, let me help, yes, yeah, tell me what happened there, oh, yes, what happened is that santa clauses disappear one after another, well, i mean, the actors who play them, someone is intimidating the snow maidens, some kind of nonsense, right? this is the story, who does this, haven’t you found it?
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“you know why you are here, because you are fake, you are deceiving poor kids, and for this i will punish you.
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again the ghost of this ominous santa claus, oh! he froze everyone, you need hot tea, now i’ll prepare it for you, warm it up still, lie down, come on, come on, i’ll warm you up now, why did you get up, i would bring you to the bedroom, i have a phone here on the side of the shed, and i
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urgently need to call makarova, thank you, i heard voices, i thought i slept through everything. and it turns out it’s 7 in the morning, sorry, we woke you up, and you’re not cold, let’s warm up, oh , hello, alexandra georgievna, good morning , if you call this early, it means you’re not very kind, yes, yes, i know where to look for sumorokov . the rest of the actors in the abandoned basement of house number nine on diktar lane, there’s a warehouse there, yeah, yeah, yeah, let’s check it out, i’ll send you there, elder, thank you, you saw where to look for santa claus in a dream,
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cool, that’s cool, that’s my good one, thank you, zhanya. i always have proof. vasnitseva was just lucky. maybe he's a really good investigator. vasnetsova, premiere. from monday on rtr. there was no sadness, the woman bought a pig. once you get a pet, life will never be the same again, it will put everyone in the mood, it’s an incredibly charming face that you forgive everything, they don’t get bored at all, and then i clean up, i ’m not bored either, because each of them is real
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star, secret of dreams. how did you agree to this, at first they shoved in a red snake , our hearts skipped a beat, you are the most understanding program about animals, among friends, among friends, a program for the whole family, on saturdays on rtr.
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they are still loved, you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for my words, heroes of their time, beauty, rapping, the whole brigade, only on the platform we look. the warehouse is here, open it.
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yes, yes, alexander gergievna, we are there, but in the basement there are only headless dolls, anna borisovna’s dream was wrong, what? found it? so that's right, we're coming back. guys, lights out, there's some frost, i'm already taking them to the investigative committee. here you go, let's get to the point. and where were they found?
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30 km from the city in a chicken coop with a plucked chicken and a bottle of vodka in my hands. with chiken. strange. sounds like a joke. and how did they get there? i think we decided to have a drink and have some chicken. funny. yes, by the way, regarding the letters that lera hinted at. i think that... your son wrote to santa claus asking for a gift, i thought so, really, what surprises you, i, too, was once a child, i wrote a letter to santa claus, i’m from the bathhouse i go out, a message arrives, the snow maiden is in trouble, i immediately thought for a second, called and hold on, i’m leaving, that’s it, that’s it , that’s it, i don’t remember anything else, i woke up in the chicken coop, next to this gavrik, also completely unconscious, he’s not lying about the message, they checked
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from an unknown number, and how he hit him on the head with a stick, and how he turned on the gas, you don’t remember either, but i don’t remember, vasya, well , i couldn’t tell agatha the truth like that. he didn’t hit me, he didn’t hit me, so he doesn’t remember , and you also don’t remember that vanya promised to wish me a happy new year, you offend me, yes, you bought a gift, we are working in this direction, where, by the way, letters to santa claus arrive, to the central office, clearly, you will send off the address, i will send it, i will send it, but what about the other two, everything is like a carbon copy, they received a message, then... a note, well, that’s all perhaps such an influence is only possible for a very powerful hypnotist; first, a person is programmed for a certain command, then this command
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is given via sms and the person turns into an obedient robot. in our case, all three received the same message. the snow maiden is in trouble, and as if on command they immediately rushed chicken coop. i have a feeling that someone has started some kind of game with us, but i don’t understand its purpose. to begin with, the goal is to intimidate and create confusion and panic, okay, we won’t be afraid, we won’t panic, then what? yes, what can you say, the courier delivered it to the entrance, he said that this is a new year’s gift for you personally, andrei ivanovich, don’t touch it, the guys at the entrance enlightened me, it’s safe, definitely, yours, well, open it. oh, santa claus
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without a head, the elders found exactly the same doll in the basement, and it looks like a rebus, just like a rebus, so what’s written there, right? this needs to be brought to the analysts, so that means the game knows what is written here, some kind of nonsense, well, it continues, oh, my husband is very good at solving puzzles, i’ll show him, show him, with the upcoming one. “hello,
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little frost, it’s real, if you’ll allow me, just like in a fairy tale, you must be so magical”? i'm sorry, i'm sorry, do you need something? do letters for santa claus come here? yes, here, but this is secret information, i have no right to show letters to strangers, i am fortunately not a stranger. look, what exactly interests you? i would like look at my son’s letter vanya klemova, i understand you, just a second, in general there is no such letter in the matter, how is it not, we sort these letters into three departments, the first one is easy to do, for example, a toy,
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a construction set, a game, the middle one is difficult to accomplish, for example, to go somewhere, cat, dog, vanya klimov is not here either, well, the third group is impossible, for example, i want to fly into space, yes, but, unfortunately, vanya klimov is included in the third department, so, where is it? it was green, that's his handwriting, yes, sima, you can just a minute, excuse me, excuse me, but where are the gifts for kindergarten? well, i told you, right here, the second shelf from the top, yes. girl,
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that means i can, dear santa claus, new year is a family holiday, so i really want to celebrate it with my family, with mom, dad and another brother or sister. and also a brother or? oncoming, lady, your school friend is just super, and she picked up the kids from school, cooked dinner, and put dasha to bed, but tell me, we can’t write her out permanently, or maybe you’ve stopped loving me, you’re just saying, tamara this, tamara, that, well, what are you starting, is it bad that a person helps us on
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the eve of such a holiday, it’s bad. that you don’t notice me, you’re not interested in what’s going on with me , something happened at work, yes , it happened, and i want you to help me , give me a hint, i’m ready to help you, give me a hint, tell me what happened, i i didn’t want to come because i was afraid to scare them , look, well, it’s some kind of rebus, yes, i myself know that it’s a rebus, but what does that mean, please, come on in the morning, okay, now the head is not says, come on, come on, who can solve my puzzle, puzzles, and so, we think, we think, anechka, it’s interesting, fold the duck, it turns out to be horror, something terrible is about
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to happen. where is this terrible thing going to happen? hint, yes a bear, there are kids in it, kindergarten, warm, warm, but shallow, i’m thinking of more options, add chocolate and stake. school exactly when is this supposed to happen? school, for the new year, a new year's children's party, where olya and masha will be? my god, what are you up to? ah, ah!
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please, oh, it looks delicious, i hope delicious, another joke: recommend the book you were crying over, fourth grade math, stop it, i can’t laugh , that’s enough, why, mascara will run, well, this is very funny, but it seems to me that there’s nothing funny, i’m a great girl, oh and good morning to you, good, you had a bad dream again, what? yes, i dreamed of the ghost of santa claus, who shot masha and olya. what nightmare, the ghost of santa claus? sit down, sit down, come on. yes, this is the night i have dreamed of a vile guy, like that. in a santa claus costume. yes. and today he
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he kept me solving the puzzle all night. oh, they sent it to us yesterday in the uk, and by the way, i solved it with your clues. with mine? well, yes. you dreamed about me too. yes, you were a schoolgirl, just like me. and what kind of baby? what's good? something terrible is going to happen at the school new year's party, i don't know anything else, because this guy shot and i woke up. uh-huh, no, well, everything is correct, and that means school, christmas tree. new year's holiday, yeah, well, then everything is simple, look, you see, the clock shows five, something should happen at 5 o'clock, then multiplication sign, number three, which means 5 is multiplied
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by three, 15, hourglass, most likely this is time in minutes, time, there are five letters in the word time, yeah, that means 5* 5 = 25. which means something should happen at 15 :25, right, what should happen? yeah, if this ghost shot the girls, then maybe the threat will come from santa claus, right? listen, how cool is it that you saw all this? well, actually it’s not cool enough, because today is the new year’s holiday, no, wait, today is not the twenty- ninth, yesterday was the twenty-eighth, twenty-ninth? lord, i urgently need to call the investigative committee, anechka, anechka, don’t forget to have breakfast, everything
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should happen at 15:25, again the ghost of santa claus, are you sure that he’s not leading you on for us again, but i’m already in nothing i’m not sure, but andrei ivanovich, it was so real that if there is even 1% out of 100, that this could happen, right? can't we risk the lives of our children? yes, yes, i agree, but no one will allow us to cancel a children’s holiday just because of a rebus and anya’s dreams, we can strengthen security and checks at the entrance, yes , yes, if anything happens, i will control it, i will not do anything, if anything happens, you can’t do anything, because you are a civilian, and we have no right to risk you, andrei ivanovich, well, i will nearby, plus operatives, yes, of course, later, and we can disguise ourselves, i can be the snow maiden, huh? wait, yura, here you are, that’s who you usually were at mornings as a child, a bunny, now, yura will be a hare, and i, and i will be a snow maiden, some kind of kindergarten, nursery group, well, andrei ivanovich, well please, well, well, for the sake of the children, bunny.
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everything is going according to our plan, be ready, great, waiting for instructions, be careful!
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do you want to see mom as a snow maiden? i remember about the competition, i really want to see my mother in the role of the snow maiden, i will now finish the calculations and come, but what competition, what santa clauses? we'll tell you on the way, let's go , wait, wait, how delicious it will be, dad's tea, let's run , that's it, that's it, dad, dad, we prepared tea, we 'll prepare it ourselves, oh, well done,
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snow maiden, and you're a real hare, yeah. only you are so beautiful in this outfit, real and there are not enough carrots, girls, please find aunt tamara and dasha and stay somewhere together so that i can see you, okay, okay, that’s it, look who came running to us, hello girls, hello, so what, for whom i should keep an eye on these santa clauses, what do we have here for you, look, yeah, there’s candy here for you. daddy might bother us, let
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him sleep, oh, i might sneeze a little.
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be careful dasha, oh look, the bunny has come to us, guys, santa claus has come, get here quickly. hare, i caught you. come on, come here. come on, come here. so. all, get up. well, what? zhenya should have arrived a long time ago. i call him, he doesn't answer. yes , he will come, what are you worried about, huh? tell me who to follow. i was counting santa claus again, including smarukov. and look, look
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, santa claus, please give us a gift, friends, we are starting to celebrate the new year, but before we enter the hall, we need to choose the best santa claus, and for this, the competition participants, at my signal , will take out crackers from laughing . the winner is the one who shoots the most firecrackers in one minute. tell me, please, firecrackers can be loaded with something else, for example, what pistols are loaded with, in theory, yes, of course, perhaps, you felt, you were ready, well, the time has come.
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mom, are you crazy again? probably, where, where is dasha? we're here, it's good, what happened? black alert? i don’t know, probably yes, andrei ivanovich, yes, i understand, we’ll be there soon. zhogov is calling on kovero. can you take the children home? yes, of course, kids, go, tamara. come here, my dear, that's it, don't worry, everything is fine. here, here, here, hold on, we won't, really.
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let's go in, girls, uh -huh, let's take off our jackets, and what are you doing from the screen, oh, dad, why didn't you come, if you were there, nothing would have happened, but i was going to get dressed, it's still 33, dad, what's wrong with your watch, it's already 13.
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relax, relax.
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hello, i finally got through to you, jen, where have you gone, but listen, here... a series of incomprehensible events, i ’ll explain to you later, a lot of strange things happened at our school, the girls got home, but they arrived, what happened there, that's all they explain so vaguely, then i’ll tell you everything, i can’t speak, zhen, what kind of circus have you organized,
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and andrei ivanovich, i clearly saw a gun in samorokov’s hand, and it was pointed straight towards masha and ollie, by the way, i also saw not a gun . guns, firecrackers in your brains, you've lost your mind, you disrupted a school holiday, scared the children , the parents are angry, they're still calling, and butyrin, when he found out that you were the snow maiden, in general, saw that tomorrow you would help out again, yes you that, yes, no, no, i’m not a professional actress, that’s... why? i? yes, because butyrin asked personally, but you won’t need to do anything there, you’ll collect money, but what about your appearance ? no, no , no, no, no, no, no, don’t even think about it, no, no, it’s one thing to perform at a children’s party, but another thing in front of other people’s uncles and aunts, no, well, yes, yes,
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yes, i love you of course i understand, especially after what happened today, okay. it seems to me that there are positive aspects in what happened today. well, first of all, everyone is alive and well. and this means that it is possible calm down everyone go home. the new year is just around the corner, and i haven’t started cooking jellied fish yet, but jellied fish? yes. driving home. hello, how did it go? ostrovskaya is a strong opponent, i’m afraid that simply compromising her is not enough. do you propose to fix it? we'll have to do it, the stake is too high.
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so. why doesn't anyone meet me? hello, who are you? i mean who? what's going on here anyway? mom, dad, do you know her? don't worry, daughter, i 'll deal with her. darling, is this your friend? yes, my love, this is my classmate, tamara gulyaeva, a loser drunkard, what are you talking about? i'm anna ostrovskaya, this is my house, this is my husband, these are my children, are you kidding me? zhenya, what's
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going on? yes, beloved, that's right, she is a drunkard, a loser and a drunkard, leave my house, loser, loser, my children are drinking, no, loser. me from home, listen, why are you taking me away from your school friend, we have common themes, and that love for mathematics is definitely, well, of course, of course, it was she
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who helped me solve the puzzle, it was she who misled me , and it was because of her that i broke it children's party, don't touch me. where is your friend, strange, not her, not her things, what’s there, anya, i’m sorry i didn’t say goodbye, i didn’t want to wake me up, i ’m being chased by creatures with black eyes. forced to avoid so as not to endanger your family. what does it mean? i don’t know,
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hello, well, did you manage to come to your senses after yesterday? i let everyone down, as always , okay, don’t start, listen, you didn’t change your mind about the snow maiden this evening, no, i didn’t change your mind, it’s a pity, okay, come on, what do you say to this, i even know, what's her name, alina, that this is not what i think, yes, everything is not like that at all, don't lie, man, school of women's happiness, premiere on... saturday on rtr. there are places that
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fascinate because they are part of the cultural code, because they have power, beauty and history. conquer! the order is ready! explore! nature, mother, dear, simply incredible beauty! have you already figured out what the vietnamese's favorite means of transportation is? there are 10 million moped drivers here. taste it! oh, it’s amazing how delicious everything is. as my mother says, you'll lose your mind. this world worth seeing. snake charmer is the oldest profession in india. they say that a properly made bukhara knife became a real amulet for its owner. a secret to the whole world. on sunday on rtr. dasha, you hit the dog. on
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sunday. he has a double-sided pneumatorus. i am a surgeon who has performed a thousand such operations. or maybe you will operate on the dog? you chose it yourself, oleg. he doesn't love anyone. even me. advice love. anatoly rudenko. do not say anything. let's just sit here.
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from a woman, changeable and fickle, it's you who, ostrovskaya, did she refuse at this evening? i immediately agreed to play snow maiden, well, this is ostrovskaya, well, yes , tamara, what happened, where are you, anechka, i’m sorry again for breaking out so suddenly, some creatures are really hunting me, where are you now, i’ll try for you help, i don’t know, i ’m in some, some abandoned house, i
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’m hiding here, i’m the coordinates for you... look, you can’t call your husband, you can’t call anyone. that's it, and no one will be able to call you.
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tamara. tamar, tamar, it's you, wait, don't run away, hey hey, where are you, wait, follow me.
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tamara, what kind of stupid game is this? tamara, what a stupid game, tamara, where are you, where are you?
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i bought a pineapple, a pineapple wot of champagne , which you love, natasha, you feel bad, not bad, she needs help, she could die, okay, now let's call her, i called her, her phone is blocked, we need to find her urgently. where will we look? yur, i know this sounds very strange, but after she talked to me in the rehabilitation center, some kind of connection was established between us, i don’t know. how does it work, but, but i think i i know where to look for it, okay, where to go, now straight, now left
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, throw it off, darkness, throw it off, evil spirits, throw it off, darkness, throw it off, vastor with the upcoming one, sorry , hello anna, i feel anna calling me for help , where is she, she is not there, well, you pass, if anything, the supply of mola is not breathing, but this is our christmas tree, you are being ironic in vain, a dangerous game has been started against anna of your entire family, this game is being played by a very strong, dark medium. please sit down, what has she seen lately? a couple of days ago she started dreaming about the ghost of her grandfather frost, began to fool her, at
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the same time her classmate tamara gulyaeva appeared, today she disappeared and anya ran to look for her, this classmate’s things remained, but... farewell note, no, i don’t feel anything, so what now find this dark medium? this man has set up a very powerful protective field, only... anna herself can resist this threat, she must be warned, how can you warn her, she is not online, now, yur, here, in this arch, i understand, i understand,
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we have an uninvited . guests, relax, they are already they can’t interfere, so where now, there, now, wait, come on, come on, higher, yeah. carefully, so where to go now, she’s here,
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anya, anya, anya, anya, wake up, and you can hear us, anya, yura, natasha, what are you doing here, huh? ani, i have another question. what are you doing here? i'm just sleeping, anya, hush, hello, yura, good afternoon, uh, i can't get through to anna, do you happen to know where she is? yes, zhen, hello, we found her, she sleeps in a very strange place, in what strange place, i don’t know, it’s some old an abandoned house and we can’t wake her up, yur, it seems to me that something is wrong with her, she needs to go to the hospital, listen, hospital. help me, let them take her here, no need to go to the hospital, this has happened to her before, take her home, okay, okay, this has already happened to her, we need to take her
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home, let's get her up, anya, anya, let's sleep it off, let's be careful , well done, let’s hold her, i ’ll drive the car now, anya, anya. want? no, thank you. so what to do? most likely this is a hypnotic dream, it can only be interrupted by... very strong emotions, like
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sleeping beauty, sleeping beauty can only be awakened by a kiss from a prince, who is our prince, dad, a kiss from a loving person, this is a strong emotion, is it serious, or what? yes, dad, come on with all your love , please, let's leave and not displace, let's go, let's go, come on, it
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's a long story, but i had such a strange dream, as if tamara was being chased by ghosts, and then she turned into a little the girl lured me into an abandoned house, well, unfortunately, it was not a dream, hello anna, you are in real danger danger, thank you for agreeing , anna borisna, happy upcoming, happy upcoming, looks gorgeous... thank you, hello, hello, thank you for helping us find smorokov agreed to host your evening, i hope this time you won’t blame him for terrorism, now you will remember my mistake for the rest of your days, andrei ivanovich, excuse me, it’s time for me to go on stage, ladies and gentlemen, switch your phones to silent mode and let’s start our holiday, meet snow maiden anna ostrovskaya, i still don’t know who’s behind this... is worth it, i know, to me
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i dreamed about it yesterday, but i didn’t show it to you, because you would laugh at me, who is this woman, a spider, you don’t recognize it, it’s a tamala, there ’s a frosty medium, oh well, why are you surprised, because she was cute, she’s so did you care? us, no, she bribed us , look at the root, so, i wonder what she was up to, and let the one who led you by the nose answer, and it’s time for me to go, thank you very much, ragda, i’ll accompany you, girls, let's run and play upstairs, yeah,
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i think i understand, the dolls' heads are torn off mean that people will lose their heads and give tamara as much money as she shakes out of them, due to the fact that they will be under hypnosis. and where is she going to shake them? we don’t seem to be missing anything. no, she doesn’t need us, but she needs those people who will come today to the charity evening, which is now being held. has already started, so, look, let
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me call zhogov, and you call makarova , the number you are calling is not online right now, ladies and gentlemen, don’t spare your money, this is for... orphanages, yes, this is yours investment in our future, i'm anna ostrovskaya , i guarantee that not a single penny will be wasted, so we begin, well, bolder, bolder, faster, so, well done, well, more active,
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more active, ladies and gentlemen, more active, more fun, more fun , oh, look at the scoreboard, thank you, you finally. you have doubts, it’s okay, we are waiting for you , thank you, thank you, how are you, everything is fine, more generous, the number you are calling is not online right now, please call back later, well, criminals can block their phones, you need to go there urgently, let's go, let's go, ah... what are you like? well done
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i was sure. yes, i told you so. “sorry, technical glitch, oh, yes, how is it, where was it transferred, which means you can’t determine what happened, all the money from the charity fund’s account disappeared, how did it disappear, someone managed to transfer it to an unknown offshore account, where ostrovskaya". how is it ostrovskaya, ostrovskaya, the money is gone, zhogov is calling, yes, andrei ivanovich, hello, yur, listen, you don’t know where
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ostrovskoye, ostrovskoye, what happened, she hosted a charity evening, then somewhere disappeared, the money disappeared. at the expense of butyrin, she’s just furious, well, you understand that this is not ostrovskaya, but she has nothing to do with this, i know, but i saw her with my own eyes here, maybe someone has possessed her, as usual , listen, if she calls, say that she is looking for her, go ahead and go to the investigative committee, makarova is going there, she is leading the investigation, you are at her disposal, yes, okay, so... why did she shower me with help hypnosis, she apparently inspired herself that she, it was me, what horror, yura, call zhogov urgently, call
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zhogov urgently, you understand that you can’t solve anything over the phone anyway, you have to go there to makarov, the sooner the better, but how, how can i get into the investigative committee unnoticed if i’m the police looking all over the city? wait, why not noticed? let's play cop and criminal with you, like i caught you and am escorting you to ska, how brave, brilliant, brave and brilliant, no, yura, please, please, yura, stay here with mom, because i'm very worried about them , call klimov, call klimov, he me will take you to makarova, okay? yes ok. hang it up, please, i always have proof, vosnetsov was just lucky, maybe he’s really good next, vosnetsova, premiere, from monday on rtr,
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your husband has already chosen a design for you, masenka, what are these from the apartment? this is for you, well, get some sleep, gentlemen , just a minute, pay attention, today is a big day, a big holiday, dashing, we haven’t seen you for a long time, hold on, white, well, you
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know, for every cool fighter he’ll find an even cooler one, in they fell in love, but who is good for you, wife or your boys, don’t ask stupid questions, now they are still loved, you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for my words, a hero of my time, handsome. your homeland, my brother , and whose homeland are you, soldier, who do you serve, a former friend, the whole brigade, just on the platform we’re looking at where to tear off everything that’s ours, which was together , what will remain with you, they went against god, went with the tour tour of all liberated territories, what impression it makes, the city comes and lives, boris korchevnikov’s program life and fate with
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monday to friday on rtr, how do you like the scooter? thank you, but i don’t like it, so scroll on, and the bike has a built-in one. i don’t want to drive and drive with the engine, dad, don’t worry, i’ve already sent my wish to the right place, prince, i don’t understand something, are you sad, sadness is not our thing, understand, well, not all wishes can be fulfilled, i’m listening to you, yur, just don’t drag your feet, speak right away, i’m with my son, i understand, yura, i’m leaving, we’re looking for ostrovskaya, “and we’re looking for money , the whole department is involved, i think we’ll find it soon, right away
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i’ll call, comrade major, captain klimov has arrested ostrovskaya, go study the criminal code, she’s not arrested, but detained, touch major, ostrovskaya has an urgent application, you know where the money is, i wasn’t at this reception at all, please, i’m done now i’ll explain.” “sit down, you drew this, it’s very beautiful, where did you get it from, i remade your dad’s bed under the pillow, i found it, it’s crumpled a little, let it stay with you for now.”
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the eyes are familiar, a similar woman appeared in several cases where hypnotic influence was used on victims, only she was either a burning brunette, or a blonde, or a fiery redhead, the names and surnames were also different, it was not possible to detain her like that. karina, arina, marina, definitely marina tairova, she’s older, her hairstyles are different, but her voice is different. i can’t forget the same ones, there’s this marina tairova, 15 years ago she was a witness in one of the cases, fraud on an especially large scale, i then had an assumption that she was not only a witness, but also to prove nothing i couldn’t, you know, my daughter had a dream today she i sketched it, right now, right now , there’s a spider in the center, that’s it...
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he’ll finish drawing it and send it to me, let him finish it urgently , okay , let’s do it, mashulya, we need to finish drawing your drawing, keep it up, just finish it, just be sure remember how everything was in a dream, just exactly exactly, okay?
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who is this big spider, who is this second santa claus, and if it’s the confusion, that is, they are the pack in a conspiracy, perhaps, but our sneeze leaves no witnesses, and where is the confusion now? sumorokov was interrogated, sent home, under written conditions not to be taken out. matvey, greetings, guests are waiting. yes, listen to me, under no circumstances should you open the door, all the details are for a proper meeting. yes i understand. lord, will they let us eat in peace today? i will open. if it's a woman, don't open it. please open,
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i'm scared. there's something there. little girl, what is this blue line? these are rivers, and the lilac one is a road, not in a dream, as if like a bird from above, exactly, just like the earth. from a bird's eye view, uh-huh, zhen, there is a paper map of st. petersburg, well, yes, now, well, another 10 minutes
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well, there will be real new year's fireworks, but what about you? how sad, don’t you like fireworks? i'm tired of your vileness, well, you always loved to misbehave? hooliganism is when it’s fun, but lately i’m not having fun at all, i think i’ll leave you, how will you leave, you, is it me? no, you stopped being me a long time ago, so goodbye, i’ll try to do at least something good. hand, let's go, let's go, your school
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friend is repeating something, huh? imagination is weak, but i told you, under no circumstances i can’t open the door for anyone , there was a little girl there, all in tears, i regretted it and opened it, i don’t remember what happened next, but i got a rash from chloroform, i wonder why chloroform and not hypnosis, and that it hurt, yes, uh-huh, and the rest, the rest, when you play your role to the end, what did tamara pay you for, what role did you have to play, you understand that tamara is a dangerous repeat offender, marina tairova, i bring to
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your attention, she leaves no witnesses, matve, what's going on? yes, she immediately understood that hypnosis doesn’t work on me, well , i paid to play as if under hypnosis, which means a visit, a chicken coop, an unconscious person, it was all a game, well, yes, for the inheritance i had to confirm that ostrovskaya was with me during the charity evening, i see you as a friend, and you? what else can't you tell me? she didn’t let me in on her affairs, although yes, i once asked her how she managed to knock out my colleagues, the grandfathers morozov, and she said that with her assistant it was a couple of trifles. who's the helper? some kind of hacker, well, computer
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genius. what is the name of this genius? i do not know. and who is this big boss? you all obey together, yes, here is a big spider , yes, no idea, clearly, well, get ready, let's go with us now, wait, where are you going, the new year is on its way, he has christmas trees, well , wait a second, here i am i decide who has christmas trees and who has sticks, anyway, santa clauses are also needed, now they ’re throwing out a wish for the bright ones there, matvey, excuse me, get ready, get ready, dad, i don’t know how you found my wish for santa claus, but now he’s his will not receive and will not fulfill, which means not will bring... take everything into your own hands, good evening, this is klimov, vanechka is at home, no, him,
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he went outside to the guys, the drawing is probably there, but he’s not there, what is the drawing that i found under your pillow, you know that as soon as vanya appears, let me know immediately, thank you very much, okay, vasily, i understand everything. go out and look for your son , and we’ll manage somehow, well, there’s starosttin , there’s goncharov, exactly, yes, yes, exactly, thank you very much, listen, it’s easier with this, after all, he’s a famous artist, get ready, let’s go, like this, maybe, like this, this is what we have, malaya nevka, it looks like a car wash, that’s for sure. well, well, well, and our money bag exactly coincides with the place where the charity reception took place, look, this man with antennas is where we found
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anna, uh-huh, well done, look, there’s someone there, guys, there's the door, hurry up. quiet, guys , up the stairs, just don’t stomp like elephants, yes, lady, yes, they brought some food, grand mercy, carefully, quietly, how long will it take you to arrive, yeah, i got it, i’m waiting, i’m waiting.
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stop, don't drink, don't drink, oops, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, who are you waiting for, who are you working for, nothing i i won’t tell you, you are defending marina tairova, what other marina? this is her real name, marina tairova, i don’t care what her name is, she is my mother, she inspired you through hypnosis that you are her son, i don’t believe you, would a mother do this to her son, the milk is poisoned, tairova is not leaves living witnesses. “i , i was brought up in an orphanage, this is tairova, she, she
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found me on the internet, she said that she was my mother, asked for help, i actually thought that i was helping her escape from a gang of mediums, i let her go, what’s your name , danilo"? when should tairova come here? well, in about 15-20 minutes. guys, let's move the cars, quickly. faster faster. what brought you to my school of female happiness? he doesn't notice me, but i want him to like me. you will transform yourself into a beautiful, confident woman. and i’ll just lead you by the hand to this goal, do you help others find a husband? you have beautiful hands, what an a, you can
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add more sex, don’t lose yours, by the way, what’s the man’s name? i call him mine, i fell in love with your girl on the side, yaroslav boyko, i’m sorry, i couldn’t answer the meeting, svetlana antonova, what a fool i am, after all, you yourself have turned your faithful one into the wrong way, now return it, they don’t know that you know, think, i’ll think, school of women’s happiness, premiere on saturday on rtr, fish, fish, big or small, well, in general , i chose the right place, have you ever wondered why people count proteins, fats , carbohydrates, this is where my question begins: can something tasty be healthy? let's try! the level of inflammation decreases and pain decreases. can something useful be pleasant?
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fiction, can science be understandable?


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