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tv   Anna Medium  RUSSIA1  March 14, 2024 9:20pm-10:09pm MSK

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you understood what you said , he will answer us sincerely, i didn’t mean that, he doesn’t have it in his head, what, what he actually said, this is really, i’ll tell you this, this is a terrible story, because that people who have no correlation in their heads with their words and their deeds and other words are precisely those people who organize very big wars. unplanned wars, yes, where resources are calculated, where they say, no, well, this is it, we are not sweating here, we must stop here, but people who they act on, it probably can’t even be called emotions, but on impulse, on courage, well , on the loss of some, i don’t even know, some, some... some kind of stoppers,
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because that’s how they have lost all restrictions in what they say, so they are beginning to lose before our eyes all restrictions in what they do, and in general i will say this, i looked through very carefully so far, which means today their reaction to the interview vladim vladimirovich putin, and, by the way, the pre-election statement of vladim vladimirovich putin. but in general, they don’t understand what’s going on with us, they don’t understand how we can think about future development, we have to think from their point of view, only about how we’re going to die, and we suddenly start thinking about how we ’re going to live, how we are going to travel, really travel to st. petersburg in 2:15, how we are going to travel to the coast of the caucasus, to the urals, and so on.
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and he too, if you look at him, this is it, that means, yes, this disheveled one was burning, judging by yes, that means a disheveled visitor to the solarium, yes, and i’ll tell you that he is also driven by courage, only ours, ours, in fact, the difference between biden and trump is very simple, first of all, in the first lines of his letter, mr. donald fredovich trump will realize his courage within.
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he will take revenge, and his revenge will be terrible, but only then will all those ends, if of course he wins, if he lives more than a year after the victory, and there have been such precedents in america that people, well, quickly, as they say, left and burned out at work , sooner or later he will still pay attention to the fact that happens outside, because this courage is inside the country.
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so they took the temnik in the morning and received the same wording as political leaders, what newspapers were being transmitted and such absolute stagnation, that is, there is no thought, so they cannot break out of the verbal husk that has completely entwined them, such is such confusion, a very unpleasant engineering barrier in which even a tank gets stuck, there is a feeling that they are mentally trapped in this mess and cannot get out of it , they are now completely in shock, they they say what's going on?
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look how the technology has arrived, yes, there is a system, but many people work, yes, yes, yes, i was driving, i didn’t, well, i didn’t think, i’m following you, thank you, thank you, i didn’t think about it, but i just met there with friends who are acquainted with the electoral commission, they say, well, what do you want to see, how all this is happening here and not just look, but how you can take part in this operation, but this is just mine, yes, just my dream, it turns out, yes, it turns out, it is possible, there is such a system, a mobile voter, so you can be in another region upon request from the election commission. do it all, well, everything is very fast, good, works well, so i just looked at all this, you know, as if i hadn’t heard for 6 days, well, there’s no time to read, and i haven’t read practically anything, so i understand , that’s where people live, work , fight, go to elections, without
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any of this at all, you know, if stoltonberg had said there, like at first he forbade himself to talk about it, then he said that no, we still don’t we recognize the elections, here. at 10-15 km they push not only the np, but also the command post, the advanced ones, well, yes, where for 10 years the front stood against this reinforced concrete avdeevka, well, they push me there, in avdeevka itself it was destroyed, i went there with them, interesting ,
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of course, they put forward, somehow the troops are positioned, it gets ridiculous, so different units sort out the relationship, who will get the best basement for deployment there. but you need to understand that to advance these 20- odd kilometers is for those who are there, especially for those who fought opposite for 10 years this avdeika, this is of course a very inspiring action, a very strong action that lifts, lifts people’s spirits for real, in fact, everyone is of course determined to continue and the guys are going. they’re moving forward, that’s the mood of the armed forces, at least, well, i talked there , i talked in the lpr, with those who are working there against belogorovka, they’re also artillerymen, it seems they were there today, so i’ll be there now, i literally saw it in front of the studio , but i’ll
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call and find out what’s going on, but i also saw this news, we will wait for official confirmation of course, to everyone who is there, i wish, of course, military happiness, but failure, namely military happiness, and the guys deserve it, because they fight very well, they fight heroically, i want to add, these are the borders where they stood, now the engineering troops are working, demining, yes, and there’s a healthy trawl on the base of a tank there90, so it’s starting to work with us.
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as if we will restore something new, yes, but how we will support our own who have been standing for these 10 years gritting his teeth, well, they fully deserved it, well, probably, another moment that surprised me from the impressions, i’ve just been doing this kind of research work for more than a year, now i’m meeting with ukrainian prisoners, and talking, but in this, here in this time i didn’t specifically take pictures, there were previous ones...
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well, a bunch, so the behavior of one and the other is exactly the same as we see on the screen, or
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this is how they say, i was captured, advertising, i’m major vasnetsova, and vasnetsova is aware that we have a new business, the premiere is on rtr, that means, don’t you dare ignore me, take the pipe, veronica, captain. skov submitted a report on his transfer to another department, i have a solution to our problem, okay, well then time has passed, vasnetsova, from monday on rtr, there was no sadness, the woman bought a piglet. pet and life will never be the same again, it will put everyone in the mood, it’s an incredibly
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charming face that you forgive everything, they don’t get bored at all, well, then i clean up , i’m not bored either, because each of them is a real star, a secret of dreams, like you this agreed? at first they shoved in a red snake , our hearts sank, you are the most understanding program about animals, in a circle of friends, in a circle of friends. program for the whole family. on saturdays on rtr. it is for you? well, did you get enough sleep? gentlemen, pay attention a moment. today is a big day, a big
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holiday. likhi, it's been a while since we 've seen each other. the derskys, well, you know, for every cool fighter they will find an even cooler one, you fell in love with them, but who is good for you, your wife or your boys, don’t ask stupid questions now, they are still loved, you are responsible for my words, i’m always responsible for my words, a hero from my time, beauty, rapping, everything... brigade, we’re just looking at the platform. to the tenth anniversary of the reunification of crimea with russia. we are proud of your courage, courage, you have carried your love for
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the fatherland through the years and through generations. this land is sacred to us. why is chersonese important to us? this place. russia, every square meter of sevastopol, two tons of metal fell from it, feats were performed here every second, we put our hearts and our labor here, everyone worked here, as they say, not for earnings, but for union, russia came, civilization came, construction came, i just burst into tears, because i did not expect an object of such magnitude, not such luxurious decoration, we understand, this is the result, this... because our people live here, just for the sake of the people, russia in 2014 declared openly to the whole world, crimea is ours, andrei medvedev’s film, crimea 10 years, we are together, premiere on saturday on rtr, that’s all.
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we'll cut it down first and then, why? because everything that we secretly feared, that we they were secretly afraid, but i personally was afraid.
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we’re preparing for the election of a new nato secretary general, look, it’s a pity they don’t even teach the meaning of vgik, i remember this , i heard it for the first time from my late dad, but we’re talking about something else, about what you’re saying, dim, yes, dear, you’re saying, well, we’re all surprised , what kind of reaction is this, macron, it means this little corporal, not a corporal, that’s all, we’re sending in troops, we’re not sending in, the french foreign ministry says, we’re not sending in troops, emnu.
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loses. russia should lose, bitch, russia no no, she should, why? i want, i want that russia lost, like in 2 months, they didn’t collapse, the economy, well, well, this is some kind of horror, my wish must be fulfilled, by the way, we helped this infantilism in the ninety-first, when we surrendered the country without a war, it’s our fault there is also, but this generation has grown up, and i like this fire in the mess, to be honest, because i will remind you that... it didn’t exist back, yes, now, it seems to me, they said that ukraine has no plan b, remember, yes, they
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had these texts of plan b, but it turned out that europe and america do not have a plan b, even 8 months after the failure of the counter-offensive, well, they put everything on the counter-offensive, they did not have a plan b, so did you count how many of them there were lost? i wouldn’t be surprised if this is the beginning, because infantilism can be treated, well , surgically, with medication, i’m afraid it won’t work out there, in connection with this, i would like to appeal to those millions of ukrainians who watch yours with great passion and interest program, here are the expensive , inexpensive, brothers and non-brothers. and you understand that those notions with which you fed and fed, well
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, russia will run out of missiles in a week, russia will fall apart, the sanctions, they are doing, have only one goal, so that you die, your only chance would be if you were so lucky, if you could vote. and you have to understand this when they tell you that your aunt’s, dyatka’s nephew
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’s, that the sbu, that gur, that the neighbors are knocking, we also went through this, by the way, together, but you forgot that we were once together, and i understand, and the house of trade unions, which put everyone in your place in my homeland, on the former territory of the ukrainian ussr, i scared my ass off, i understand, but i want you to understand one thing, that civil disobedience or the understanding that... that something needs to be done, no matter how unrealistic it may be, is much less scary than dying under the factories, i really want you to understand this, before i give the floor to mikhail mikhailovich, i want to give these statistics, well, we just decided to look with the editor,
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he died during the conflict in afghanistan... and for 2 years when nato does not participate in combat actions in ukraine, the loss of foreign mercenaries, there are not only nato countries, but foreign ones by us, 5,962 people out of 13,387 who participated, that’s every third, that’s.
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the number of dead british, french and others, then i think you all will not like this very much, nazi citizens, so you can lie as much as you like that you are not participating in the war with us, but in 2 years your losses have already exceeded your total losses for twenty-year operation in afghanistan.
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i still think that this is an element of operational camouflage and disinformation, for sure, even if they took money in 2019 to destroy anti-personnel mines, then most likely they took the money and left the anti-personnel mines, well, according to the glorious ukrainian custom, as is usually what happens in such situations, so here’s something that should not be treated never able to put mine-explosive barriers there in front of their defenses. borders,
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well, you have to treat this, it doesn’t deceive anyone, yes, since the words were said here, dagger, patriot, s400, then what should be added to these words? that here we are we’ve already talked about this, but i personally deeply doubt that the ukrainian air force hit at least one dagger, well, in short, they don’t have a video, as always, they even exposed the film to swear, he just took it and said that we are their hypersound, and we we can destroy ourselves showed, they thought that they were being destroyed, they dropped several daggers at once, there is something about this...
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that they sometimes lay out in their squares, well, like, here’s a knocked down dagger, which means on the ground, you can even attack it assign functions that sometimes perform operational-tactical missile systems , like the iskander, that is, it can even be used in this capacity, but again , is everything good with our air defense, well, answering this question, let’s put it this way, but of course there are questions that need in further development, improvement, what is the most important thing in this? issue, the most important thing is not to prepare to defeat the enemy at the forefront, so he must be relieved of these functions so that he can concentrate on performing his immediate tasks, create the corresponding association of aerospace defense, some
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, by the way, even the leaders of the aerospace forces believe that the structure of this type of armed forces is ideal, nothing needs to be changed there, but this opinion is erroneous, well, even during a war, for example, in a blockaded ...
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the arab emirates and saudi arabia, when they received a call from biden himself, well, it was unthinkable at some time, but now it is already
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possible, it has already happened, it is already a fact, history. muhammad bin salman, crown prince of saudi arabia, when visiting him the same biden came and immediately said, i won’t shake his hand, well, you found it. oil prices for us, well, saudi arabia simply sent these requests to the american administration, did exactly the opposite, on the contrary, strengthened cooperation with moscow within the framework of the opec plus organization, and where has it been seen that the administration of the united states of america said something to israel about red lines, and the prime minister -israeli minister benjamin netanyahu is now answering, and we have our own red ones, yes, i’m colorblind and... “yes, i don’t see your red lines, our red lines
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do not coincide with your red lines, and the leader of the palestinian national authority, when blinken came to him, he simply showed with all his appearance that he doesn’t know this person much, doesn’t like him, and in general it is not clear how he ended up there, so this will all increase, and these are the main changes that have occurred in recent years, because barel is not accidental..." he said again about the garden, he has an obsession, because he just recently talked about the garden that they built for themselves and the jungle around, which, which, as he said, they are infiltrating their garden, are being introduced into their world, and now the pope turns out to be in the jungle, he is not allowed into this garden, this is what has changed, this is exactly what is unacceptable, before... many tolerated it, i hate even
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to remember these american chicken legs bush, who in the cold chicken legs bushes, cold winter and hypersound of the houthis immediately after a small advertisement, and by the way, i realized with horror that the inquisition understood that life after 50 is already torture in itself, yes, but it seems to be true, 10 i’ve been suffering for years, but with what pleasure, advertising. president elections russian federation. on this day, the fate of the country depends on each of us. on this day we choose what the history of russia will be. not just voting, one of the most important decisions in our lives. you cannot miss a single detail, not a single detail of this extremely important day.
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results, conclusions, watch only on our channel. march 17, information channel "elections 2024". and even on election day, we will apparently show more than others. dasha, i hit the dog.
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love, anatoly rudenko, don’t say anything, oleg, he doesn’t love anyone, not even me, advice on let us just sit silently, healers of souls, on sunday on rtr, we remember the songwriter mikhail pletskovsky, dad always sang his songs. inspect the body, and she, by the way, was a good
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tracker, strange questions, where can you buy a sausage in the test, you are talking seriously now, questionable methods, veronika pavnovna, you are still part-time with the dog handlers, original conclusions, everything is accurate, i found an alibi family old walls, the bed, well , look how it is located, paradoxical solutions, can you? mask, why are you always nothing but problems? tadam, it all works if vosnetsova gets down to business, she’s always one step ahead. by two, no, by three , by four, from monday on rtr,
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we’ll finish our thoughts, well, in the west they thought for a long time, and sometimes we helped them think so, and many others, then... immediately almost even before the islamic revolution , even after the nationalization of oil companies and so on, that is, the world has changed in that... many say no, and many say that please, you have your own garden, but we will cultivate ours, we will not allow you to take ours account to cultivate your garden. today i remembered , and it was no coincidence, that i once had a conversation with
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the former minister of foreign affairs of iran, ali akbaromti. he continues to stay now. an influential person, then he was an adviser to the spiritual leader, there were a lot of important things in the world, we talked for almost 2 hours, and for about an hour and a half he walked near the map with a pointer and told me about the port of chabahar, the iranian port that they are now developing, where attract investment, i looked at it and thought, well, sanctions against...
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against this growing western mess, but this is also a signal that we will protect our transport routes and our north-south project, which also relates to cooperation with iran, china, and many others, we will not allow them to cultivate their garden at our expense, so from the houthis, where the hypersound comes from, the houthis , for now, are keeping quiet about this, keeping quiet about hypersound, but this has become a very powerful psychological impact for western countries, i’m watching the reaction all day today, i’m shocked, they’re shocked, and they fully admit it, they say, but what about hypersound?
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china has it, russia has it, iran is working on it and so on, well, maybe the houthis have it, he immediately adds that... the west just can’t cope with these guys. dmitry, yes, well, i’ll continue this thought. i don’t know whether the houthis have hypersound or whether the houthis don’t have hypersound, but it’s absolutely certain that ansar allah halved, at least, global traffic through the red sea, that’s vladimirichsky’s very favorite.
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that’s not the point, the point is that the world has changed, this is the 21st century, it’s not at all like what jose borel dreams of, it’s a different world, by the way.
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well, everything, yes, it seems that it is pointless, the world is really changing beyond recognition, it was obvious, well, first of all, it was clear from the war that it was completely different, nothing, so to speak , in fact, nothing that was expected from this conflict, especially after the entry, western armored vehicles, western destruction systems, as if no one even expected or thought about anything like this, by the way, in this sense, you need to be more careful about teleportation, which means...
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and there, by the way, one of the risks was, as they wrote, moderate, but confident growth of the russian economy, this is a risk for them, of course, that is, in this sense, they are still at least a little bit, as if in this regard, but they are dumbing down, but on the other hand , those people who today manage this global organism, they are now represented primarily by the current us administration, by this whole pack that seems to be subordinate to them, all these managers who are doing there are... people who are completely in the past, so this needs to be understood, they have absolutely no idea what is happening
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in the modern world, that is, these are people who today are going to increase the production of stagecoaches, or...


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