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tv   Anna Medium  RUSSIA1  March 14, 2024 10:20pm-11:30pm MSK

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and speaking seriously , speaking seriously, the american intelligence community , so to speak, under the leadership of the office of the director of national intelligence, published a report with risks, with annual risk assessments for the twenty-third to twenty-fourth year, and there, by the way, one of the risks was , as they wrote, moderate, but confident growth of the russian economy, this is a risk for them, of course, that is, in this sense, they still seem to be at least a little bit in this regard, but... they are being hollowed out, so, but on the other hand, those people who today manage this global organism, they are now represented primarily by the current us administration , by this whole pack that seems to be subordinate to them, all these managers who are doing there are, of course, people who are completely in the past, this needs to be understood, they are completely they don’t understand anything what’s happening in the modern world, that is, these are the people who today are going to increase the production of stagecoaches, well... they gathered in the twenties of the 20th century,
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these are the people who made double-sided paging, when sms already existed, these are people who do not understand how the world works, where the center of development is there, and so on, why? well, because they worked in a corporation that was successful for a long time, where one could talk for a long time about the advantages of this particular corporation over others, when something wrong started, they say, well, this won’t last long, but these are temporary difficulties, in fact really going full so to speak. transformation of the world, the world, of course, that comes next, it does not presuppose their presence at all, none, therefore, when biden, followed by all the other leaders, well, the managers of europe, say that europe will follow ukraine, there is part of the truth in this, in the sense that first they will abandon ukraine, and then you will all disappear, to all people , which , regardless of where they are...
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processes are now ripening that cannot help but degenerate into a civil conflict in the most brutal way, on top of all this, that means, well, if i were a marxist , i said, now i told the baazis, now add-on, so to speak, the revolutionary situation has matured, i really don’t know what was primary, what was secondary, but it exists at the same time, at the same time this world suddenly turned out to be at least less modern than the houthis, this western world, and at the same time it is at war within itself with itself. and the two sides of this conflict
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are simply fundamentally irreconcilable with each other, so no matter who wins the so-called american elections in november, no matter who wins, a civil conflict will still begin, in one case it will begin unfold a little faster, in others a little slower, but this is inevitable, now i’ll squeeze the smart one, the dichotomy of the archaic, i was thinking of sticking it somewhere else, we are guaranteed phds, but this conflict is, firstly, inevitable, and secondly , it is so essential that it you will have to fight until the very end until one of these halves wins, in this sense i interpret it. or both will die, as is
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often the case with this kind of conflict, usually in civil wars one of the sides still wins, but very many will die, very by the way, many people will die, many entities will die.
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and it turns out that they are not ready for this rebirth; they are still in that world of illusions in which, so to speak, they were before. for them, our elections, which are taking place, are simply a reason for their useless, stupid consolidation against us, why useless and stupid, because what they do leads to exactly the opposite effect, absolutely exactly, they impose sanctions, our society is consolidating, yes, that means they are trying to destroy it from within national... religious processes are exactly the opposite, and this happens in absolutely all processes, probably this is due to the fact that the whole world, political situation is pushing us towards some new awareness, in russia some new awareness is being born, we are present at a very interesting
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the historical moment of the birth of a completely new awareness of reality, this is a new stage in the development of russian society, which is undoubtedly closely connected with those elections.
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there will be a lot of nonsense, naturally, they will try to negatively influence us, so to speak, put pressure, influence by all possible means , but this will consolidate us even more. as for them, they will do this by spending huge resources, but these resources will be spent uselessly from their point of view, because the era of their dominance is over, the era is coming dominance of other powers, other gardens, let barel like the term garden, we can transfer it to the same thing, there will be many gardens, yes, there will be one garden plot, another garden plot, and so to speak, in the best in this case, they will create a gardening partnership.
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well, in general, i chose the right place , have you ever wondered why people count proteins, fats and carbohydrates, this is where my question begins: can something tasty be healthy? i try it, inflammation levels decrease, pain decreases, can healthy things be enjoyable, science fiction, can science be understandable? and you make a wish? yes, yes, yes, yes, again, yes, every person in any region of russia can make their diet not only tasty, but also healthy, and this lifts their spirits, this is exactly the formula for sunday food on rtr.
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this is for you, well, get some sleep, gentlemen , just a minute, attention, today is a big day, a big holiday, dashing, we haven’t seen you for a long time, daring, white, well, you know, for every cool fighter he’ll find an even cooler one, in they fell in love, but who is good for you, wife? your boys, don’t ask stupid questions now, they are still loved, you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for my words, hero of my time, beauty, rapping, the whole brigade, just look at the platform.
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10 years ago, the crimean spring essentially became the beginning of an open conflict between russia and the west, which is now ready to continue this war until the last ukrainian. the confrontation itself began much earlier, as soon as washington realized that it would not be possible to subjugate our country, force it to play by its own rules, and gradually steal it. about how things have changed over the years. with our former partners, i spoke with foreign minister sergei viktorovich lavrov, let's watch the interview. sergey viktorevich, the return of crimea to its relatives shores. those events of 1914, how much did they change the geopolitical map of the world, how much did it affect our relations with america and nato? it seems to me that these events changed a lot, first of all , they changed the mood that appeared among
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the americans in the last year and a half of the soviet union immediately after. collapse of the soviet union, when in september 1990 bush, the senior president of the united states, proclaimed the entry of order, this was the forerunner of the announcement of the end of history by franz fukuyama, a year after that there were no there was no doubt that from now on no one would even try to compete with... with the united states as the undisputed hegemon, that the united states would order the music, would appoint dancers , determine the duration of performances in all cases, on all continents, this was not hidden, and in many ways this was facilitated
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primarily by two circumstances: the disappearance of the socialist camp, which was part of... the world was led by the soviet union; behind the socialist camp, the soviet union itself disappeared , breaking up into former union republics in those the borders of which these were drawn, including in relation to crimea, we know with what violations of soviet legislation and soviet procedure this gift was made.
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he has a lot of economic problems , we help him, we promise him something, someone laughed and said that this is all, i don’t know, attempts to somehow justify, not very funny
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things in russian foreign policy, these are the machinations of the west , but... some took it seriously, they were a minority, the majority ignored it, so they kicked back, they were indignant, and a year later in bucharest at a meeting at the nato summit, there was a parallel summit meeting between the russian council and nato, the president asked nato members when the russian council met.
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having thereby carried out an attack on the russian federation, for which he paid, then, as our western colleagues, during this five-day
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war, our five-day operation, begged to stop the campaign, they became de facto, the west declared war on us in the eighth year, that is, having gone through everything russia's national interests, showing that it is not going to take our country into account. yes, and it amazes me most of all, most of all. well, okay, after the munich speech , only a year passed before they said this phrase, this lo, but they realized that we, well, well, we are for our peacekeepers, for the people, for the people who, uh, were the subject of agreements in the osce and the un, a. whose security was guaranteed, and we were one of the guarantors, and could we really allow the georgians, the georgian leadership of that time
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, to destroy them, but i repeat, not much time passed after the munich speech, but to in the fourteenth year, a lot of time has already passed, and a lot of time has passed not only since the speech itself, but also after our actions in august. but because he did not want to draw conclusions, neither the european union did not want, nor nato did not want to draw conclusions, and they directly began to sharply
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intensify their plan to tighten their embrace of ukraine, to make it an instrument of containment, to suppress russia, if you like, to prevent that for russia to take. does not understand at all what is really happening in our government, they do not understand what is happening in our military-industrial complex , they are so confident that
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they will crush us and destroy us that they are looking at crimea, in the fourteenth year, then obama’s hysterical reaction, the imposition of sanctions, suddenly we respond to syria in the fifteenth year, that is, they probably had a complete, well, this is, let’s say, geopolitical hysteria, well, they just... as we say, but they stopped training sovietologists, they are such pragmatic people, why are they needed, now we ourselves will just
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tell you, add more and that’s it, this is a complete, complete failure , complete ignorance on our history, our people, our, well, even habits, our proverbs, for a long time regen tried to study the russian peasant for a long time, then the rooster will not peck, will not cross himself, well, there are such macron cannot say this proverb, otherwise the gali rooster is still trying to do something there to peck, not only to peck, in my opinion, but yes, i think it was a huge failure of the western one.
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american owners and received the go-ahead for the ukrainian authorities turned to their own to carry out a cleanup operation, cleanup of donbass, we no longer had a chance, we couldn’t moreover, vladimirovich, she has already begun this preparation for this operation, because from the beginning of february.
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in zaporozhye, kherson, a little later, but well, i want to go there with the guys who work in our representative offices, see what they need, well, in principle, mit, our units, foreign, opdc institutions, provide humanitarian assistance , and i think this is very correct, we are already receiving feedback,
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they are sending it. there are guys from the front line with some greeting words, i tell you i’ll say this, i’ve seen some of your phrases on chevrons and your images of you are very much loved on the front line, that is, you decorate the lives of soldiers with some of your expressions, they happily quote them, well, now i’m also watching documentary footage in your programs - on other channels . tavdeevka, well, is almost completely destroyed, they dug in there, as always in the residential sector, mined it, and the people who meet our soldiers, but this joy, you can’t play it, it’s impossible to learn it in any stanislavsky system and master it, people can see it. finally we
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have waited for you, and this is in a situation where you have half a house left there, when wells do not work, electricity, but this simply means one thing: this burden of the nazi regime, which, well , held them, has been lifted off their shoulders for the creatures, it’s not in vain that zelensky, when... in september of the twenty -first year he was asked even before the special military operation, and there were still ongoing attempts to somehow implement the minsk agreements, some interviewer asked him , having discussed some things there about this story with the minsk agreements, he says: how do you treat people on the other side of the contact line, he was so
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surprised and said: solving completely different problems, not the ones that existed, then it was, there was recognition, so just like here is a leaked recording, an audio recording of a conversation between german generals, this is also a confession, sincere, since they spoke very sincerely and remembered our good, glorious backlash, this is also indicative, well, de facto, they declared
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war on us, if... look, how he behaves america, they are already waging a war, they are waging a war, macron’s statement that this is supposedly testing the waters, but de facto french troops. the germans, who in essence were several dozen french mercenaries, were almost announced as ready to enter the territory of ukraine, but as it turns out, france expressed disagreement with this, i think that they do not agree with the fact that they do not consider them mercenaries, but career officers probably don’t like the word mercenaries, but they have no doubt that french citizens died there. taurus, that's it is also a big question, this is a violation of the basic document, thanks to which...
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example istanbul april 2022, not just anyone, but the head of the ukrainian delegation, said yes... we agreed, but boris johnson forbade us, said: “fight ". he said this with such a naive face, even i somehow felt a little sorry for him, but he seems to be worried that boris johnson behaved badly, but besides what we are saying, if there is a willingness to conduct honest negotiations on the basis and with taking into account our real ones.
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the solution to humanitarian issues has had a positive impact, there is a chinese proposal, the special representative of the chinese government for eurasia came for the second time, his proposal, this is the main thing that distinguishes it from others... he says: it is necessary to recognize the true causes
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of the situation and resolve the situation by eliminating the causes that led to the current crisis, through ensuring the legitimate interests of the safety of all participants, we have proposed this many times, but as for, i won’t even discuss this, and it’s strange to me that the swiss, which means the minister fell for this bait, now he has begun to push this formula of zelensky, although i am in new york , we were at meetings on palestine a month ago, after the meeting, we talked one-on-one with him, he explained in new york that this is just... a dummy and he will waste time, their plan is this:
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to hold another meeting in switzerland, not to invite us, at this meeting to complete the editing of the entire zelensky formula, giving it a final irrevocable and unchangeable form, and then we call to hand over, as zelensky later said, we’ll hand over, but not for negotiations, these are, well... the guys are serious, but you know, i won’t even ask what they smoke, because they snort, yes, yes, but, but, it’s indicative that this neocolonial thing doesn’t change thinking in no way, thank you, sergey viktorovich, that’s all, see you on sunday.
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well, well, the boss called, listen, who needs you
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? , no, no one understands me, go to store, yes, i have my own. guilty verdict. terms 17 15 22 peter the beggar should be pleased, who supported the accusation, who masterfully supported the accusation, the key to success, the key to success is a well-conducted investigation, marya sergeevna, you always understand, you downplay my importance, but i balance it with your self-esteem, nikolai
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petrovich , well, that's enough, that's enough, everyone is great, and you, marya sergeevna, and what am i, petka was investigating, well, you managed it skillfully, well done, that means, well... you yourself are at least satisfied, enough, but not enough given, here it is after all, you are a bloodthirsty shvetsova, and i suppose you worked on some towers, how many godchildren do you have? by the way, not much, in my cases there were two death sentences, one was carried out, the second moratorium was replaced with imprisonment, by the way, it will come out soon, so okay, why did i come, viktor ivanovich, where is buevich, let him run to the store, hello everyone, hello! come in, i didn’t bother you, oh , journalist, and you can just smell when we’re going to have a drink, okay, i’m at my place, viktor ivanovich, actually, i’m coming to see you
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, well, finally, well, everything’s fine okay, where's peter? anich, oh, he was vibrating so much, i sent him to the store. yeah, so, well, entertain me until buevich returns, i heard a guilty verdict in our case, it should be noted, well, i already sent buevich to the store, yeah, great, by the way, i fought for your case like a lion, separate thank you, yeah. “ at least one person said thank you, the prosecutor - that’s clear, who else will be there, there will be a deputy, a writer, there will be an astrologer, why would there be an astrologer
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, well, the editor wanted people to be more interested, oh well, these astrologers, forever they promise nothing but trouble, this is not a good astrologer, he..." he brings back the children, bewitches, heals, well, of course, that means the rogue is a charlatan, well, viktor ivanovich, this is a show, a show, and the prosecutor on the card is sick, okay, let him go, thank you, thank you, petya, don’t be modest, come to the table, here’s the guest, come on, come on, come on, come on, let’s all come to the table, come on, come on.
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when there’s a guilty verdict in your case, but where are we, we’re not at all we know what prigo is, you don’t understand zhenya, you’re more interested in an acquittal, that’s it tell me, yes, how could you, how could you use the investigation to protect all sorts of scum, i’m right,
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let’s go have a smoke, but this is in vain, we need to lead a healthy lifestyle, wow! are you treating me? yes, oh, well, well, well, yes, well, let's go, m, but what about a healthy lifestyle, so you understand, cigars are even good for health, there are no stinking tars, except for the crunchy, aromatic, tobacco leaf , you know, we’ll twist it on the thigh of the most beautiful native mulatto, i’m right when i say, honey, but, but, yes, okay, okay, i understand, i’m not a fool, listen to me, but whose oniden is the cube? hey, cuba, stay here, okay. so, so, so, so, who's banking, boss , leave the bull, you don't smoke, so what,
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show your grandchildren, listen, boss, and evgenia is there, well , where else to be, no, just this, olga , is embarrassed to go there, or nothing, nothing, nothing, even cool. the death penalty must be abolished; the european community has long been waiting for a complete abolition from us, and not a half-hearted moratorium. it’s about time, only after the moratorium our murders increased 10 times more, and after cancellation, what will happen? it will be 100 times more, so i kept up, but a miscarriage of justice, well, fine, imprisonment can be canceled, and if a person is shot, there is no punishment without guilt, uh-huh, why are you silent? and i agree, zhenya, there should be no death penalty in the civilized world. yes, but maybe it’s easier for criminals to stop killing? olya, do you agree with me? yes, how
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unfortunate it is. i thought you'd object even if i told you that you're the best investigator in the world. but if you're right, does that mean peace? i didn't quarrel with you. yeah, just my husband i took it away, and everything is fine. i believe that if a husband cheats on his wife, then the wife is to blame. so i am for the death penalty, so that witches like her are burned at the stake. so, that's it, girls, brek, we've already made peace. i didn’t quarrel with her, again, zhenya, okay, but volodya and i decided to get married, you will come to us, well, zhenya, a snake, so what, what is it? leg, what happened, but i twisted my leg, oh, you’ll get married limping,
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very witty. but no, it seems i was mistaken, this is grigory samara, astrologer, astrologer, maybe i
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can draw up a crime horoscope for the year, you can, but what do you believe, excuse me, we are going to a program about the death penalty, come on, i ’ll take you. perhaps it’s better to go, yes , they’ll touch you up a little so that they don’t shine, oh no, grigory, it’s not scary, a little bit
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of eyebrows, a little bit of eyes, a little bit of powder, that’ll be fine, well, listen, i’m a man, well, he’s putting on makeup, well, in the end, grigory ivanovich, my dear, well, it’s not scary, well , understand, here is television, here are their own laws, please go, anton, lead the straight line, go through, please go through. oh, look, detectives, dasha , you hit a dog, on sunday, he has bilateral pneumotoros, i was a surgeon who performed a thousand such operations, or maybe you will operate on the dog, you yourself chose who you don’t love, even me, advice on love , anatoly rudenko, don’t say anything, let’s just
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sit there, silently, healers of souls. on rtr, what brought you to my school of women ’s happiness, he doesn’t notice me, but i want him to like me, you will turn yourself into a beautiful, confident woman, and i will only lead you by the hand to this goal, you help others can find a husband, we have beautiful hands, what
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an a for you, you can add more sex, don’t lose yours. by the way, what are the men's names? i call him mine, i fell in love, your girl is on the side, yaroslav boyka, i’m sorry, i couldn’t answer the meeting, svetlana antonova, what a fool, after all, you yourself turned your faithful one, dimochka, into a mess, now return them, they they don’t know that you know, think, think, school of women’s happiness, premiere, on saturday on rtr, once you almost died, sergei makhovikov, we are huge they carried out the work over these 10 years, helping children, they brought a whole car of sweets, and i brought more toys to my daughter, she gave them to me and my heart sank so much, and to me these children
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are from debaltsevo, they are somehow in one second. became family, the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr, let ’s marry your new man, what a man, i just got separated, and you don’t want to turn to a psychologist, it’s time, your marriage is no more, but your desire can already be realized with another person. do you like psychology or divorced women? must be given give him a chance, but you need to give yourself a chance, enter closed on friday on rtr. provocation is treacherous behavior. is there a difference between a man and a woman? i noticed. then it turns out that my husband and my cat are the most intelligent creatures in our family. orientalism is some kind of parallel agenda.
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continue the conversation in new ones. skip, subscribe, listen, watch on the media platform, watch, the first podcasts we watch, go through, but where are you releasing our podcasts, and so as not to interfere with anything, why don’t you see me here? irritation, a pimple, and are you using some kind of dirty brush? “excuse me, please, all our brushes are clean, let me correct you here just a little, just be careful, please, how are you being kept here, you are incompetent, the province, at least the masters are working in the rest, forgive me, please, that’s it, that’s enough , i think now i’ll refuse to participate in the recording altogether, here’s dad. yeah
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, that’s it, hello, hello, i recognized you, you ’re going to the make-up, to the round table, please sit here , thank you, wait one minute, okay ? now, vera, vera, calm down, now , stop it, don’t pay attention, it’s just khan trams, well, it’s not about you, it’s about him, verochka, stop it, stop it, i beg you , go have some coffee, vera, if you want , i ’ll finish the work for you now, and you go home, well, go, go now, my face, that’s it.
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alla pavlovna, glad to see you. oh, you remember me, and what’s your name, remember? oh, how nice, and i know, i even forgot your middle name. marya alekseevna sergeevna, if you 'll excuse us, please, just at verochka's house it’s not good, so she couldn’t restrain herself. no, in my opinion, she held back, but the client was inadequate. who is he? oh, this is a deputy, dushechkina’s last name, he’s on the same page with you. transmission, yes, marya sergeevna, in my opinion , we don’t need to do anything, we’ll correct everything under the eyes a little, okay, i’ll make you some coffee, i don’t like coffee, hmm, but we
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don’t have tea, but the coffee is good, custard , no, thank you, then it’s okay, nagre, come on in , is it so simple, or believe me, i believe it, yeah, tell me, we haven’t met before, i went to your sessions. i was wondering if it was yes ok, we have very little time, believe that you are standing, sharpening your lasses, you still have to paint the presenter, valery borisovich, please
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come in, please, well, at least our prosecutor is ready, oh, hello, maria sergeevna, hello, good afternoon, and we’re on one show, it looks like one, sorry, but we’re running out of time , please come in, they’re going to put make-up on you, come in, who is this, this is an expert. quickly, with the presenter, you still need to hang up the microphone, if possible, maria sergeevna, please , let’s go, i’ll introduce you to the others, let's go, well, well, vasilich, yes, go to the television center, why, well, they are having an unauthorized rally there, and are you responsible today?
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okay, where is the car parked under the pores, comrade boss, come on, leave it aside, please, oh. let me introduce maria sergeevna shvetsova, deputy district prosecutor. maria sergeevna is our guests, mr.
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tushechkin, gennady gennadievich, state duma deputy and arkady ilyich panin, member of the writers' union. i read your books as a child, very much! hello, hello, my name is vladislav, i am the presenter this program, well, you have already met, izh arkadilich has already charmed our only young lady, hello, hello, hello, well, finally everyone has gathered , please have a seat, please, thank you, psychiatrist, prosecutor, writer, astrologer and deputy. that a lawyer was not invited? advocate? why do we need a lawyer? we have enough opponents of the death penalty here. isn't it, marina? gennady gennadievich, you are an opponent of the death penalty, aren’t you? no, before inviting me, it
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would be better to find out my political views. i i have advocated and advocate for the abolition of the moratorium on the death penalty. it's time to stop being a hypocrite. very good. we'll talk about this during the recording of our program. better tell me what format you have? gennochka, the broadcast itself is half an hour, the recording is -40, we will cut off everything unnecessary, don’t worry, what kind of genochka am i to you.
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so where are you going, i'm with you, little girl , sit for 5 minutes, okay, 5 minutes, my sunshine , now everything, everything, everything, you can breathe , don't close it, what are you waiting for commands, so come here, we dispersed them, asked to disperse, they are standing there, but they are not even quiet. name, yeah, well, grab it
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kutuska, well, grab them right away, let’s try, let’s ask again, citizens , pay attention, what, you don’t know how to keep your mouth shut , why are you advertising our relationship, i wanted to brag, but you might think, no one knows, yes, they don’t know, my wife doesn’t know if you don’t try, of course , if i wanted to, you fool, why did i contact you, i just needed free pr, so i contacted you, yes, it’s free, how much did i pay for it with blood, you know, with blood, you are with my blood paid, how much did you drink from me, i hate you, i hate your eyes shameless, this shiny face, i hate you, i will kill you someday. creature, creature,
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say something, let's check the microphone, the death penalty, that seems like light, ready, ready, please, maria sergeevna, yes, how long have we not seen each other? yes, it’s been six months, valery borisovich, since the conclusion on the gang was given, remember, well, of course , i remember, that’s what happened, yes, yes, excuse me, we had a studio ordered for 15, yes, but there’s still one they didn’t release you, you’ll have to wait a little, you’ll wait for how long, well, by our standards a little, an hour, maybe two, wait, well, let’s wait, what should we do, but my car is parked poorly, you don’t have tow trucks here, no, the car needs to be moved, anton, come here. anton, we need to move
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the car, escort the guest outside and back. oh, maybe i can go with them, at least show them some air. just go back, come back please. marish, don't worry, i'll see you off. okay, let's go. well, everyone, or just with posters? understood? oh, well then, two cars. okay, hi, hi, here she is shvetsova, shame, my car, stand, what are you, what are you, what are you, where, where are you dragging me, take me to the department, this is arbitrariness.
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so, where are you going? get in the car, please. here's another. hello, valery borisovich. hello. this is your car? yes. so what's there? looks like a brownie checker. would you leave too? who knows? we need to check the car. and call the bomb squad. fine. and most importantly, a new car, i bought it a month ago, the main thing is that i am alive, and the car is still intact, that’s it, for now. well, it’s clear, there were no explosives, just a house bomb, that’s what it was under the wiper,
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well, what's wrong with you? the studio has been cleared for us, it's time to go. so, where are these? we need a victim. are you laughing, they gave us a truck, we have a recording in 5 minutes, i don’t know anything, the investigator will arrive now, let’s inspect the scene, let the victim be here, volodya, that’s it, now, can you have a second, volodya, while you inspect the place ,
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they’re just about to film, don’t cancel the show, do you think the show is more important, that’s not the point, old man, understand, if the filming goes wrong, it’s a disaster, get out of here it’s not going anywhere, i’ll see to it, what do you want ... you all get shot here, but what’s wrong with us? by the way, i’m worried about masha , what could happen to us here, you understand, we are under reliable protection, in an hour the shooting will end, and we are at your disposal, or rather valery borisovich, and masha too, she was also threatened, remember, masha, masha , masha , yes, remember, when we just left, one of these people shouted some kind of threat to maria sergeevna, that’s right, that’s right, it was, only he didn’t shout a threat, but what, he shouted a shame shveytsovy, well, firstly... he recognized her, this is already suspicious, and secondly, he has some personal scores with her, but he didn’t make an attempt on her, didn’t have time, that’s it, well, that’s it work with the detainee, maybe he knows who screamed? okay, but just give one of the cars from
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the television center, not with your foot, let lugansky pick it up, i’ll call him, don’t beat him up for nothing, well, that’s how it will turn out. please come in, we are already starting now, and you put on less makeup, it’s okay, we start now, everyone is assembled, yes, where is the astrologer, over there he’s sitting, he’s not feeling well, he’s not feeling any better , gregory, what’s wrong with you, maybe some water, nothing , nothing, don’t worry, your blood pressure has probably jumped up, coffee oh, yes, it’s dropped for you, but it’s better to see an ambulance, no, no , no need for an ambulance.


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