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tv   Vecher s Vladimirom Solovyovim  RUSSIA1  March 14, 2024 11:30pm-2:10am MSK

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i’ll refuel, now everything will pass, well then sit at the table for a minute, we’re starting, okay, natasha, just a second, excuse me, for god’s sake, you’re urgently called to the phone, now, yes, they asked for it right now, okay, listen, well, here’s you personally , who invited to this shab? why the sabbat? i'm a communist, not an obscurantist. have we decided to come to the port meeting? i came, but don’t we have the right to come? so are you for the death penalty or against it? chief, well, the citizen told you, he’s a communist citizen, so he’s in favor, right? yes, that's right. so, what's yours? does the party meeting have against shvetsova? shvetsovaya is, oh, this is the prosecutor, right? prosecutor i don't know her personally, but she is a woman.
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she asked for a mild punishment, that is, but what does a mild punishment mean? i should have asked for the death penalty, but it was just 10 years, imprisonment, what is it? listen, don’t you know that we have a moratorium on the death penalty and the courts generally do not impose the death penalty. young man, do you know what a moratorium is? this is a ban on carrying out the death penalty, the court may well impose it, and the prosecutor is obliged to demand death penalty.
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sponsors, so don’t be shy, maryaevna , thank you, i don’t drink coffee, don’t drink it, thank god, let’s start, 5 minutes, slavochka, 5 more minutes, now we’ll sort it out with the operators, let ’s start, slavochka, let’s start, who we have today, today leonya , bare-boasted, very good, bare-boasted, a familiar surname, this, so it could be from the russian classics, behind two hares, no, no, when you gave a conclusion about the sanity of some kind of bare-boasted thing, huh? so maybe it was him, no, he
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was shot, this was before the moratorium, drink some coffee before it gets cold, it’s not coffee , it’s some kind of slop, no, it’s great coffee for you, it might be great for you, but it’s a slop for me, everyone’s ready, let’s begin, marya sergeevna, dear, well, at least while recording, turn off your phone, okay, okay, hello? fedya, come on quickly, for murder 10 years, three times, victims, manulov, remember this case, skhirtladze and golma, marya sergeevna, uh-huh, well, i ask you, well, time, marya sergeevna, i need to switch off, that’s all for now, then , then, excuse me, we got ready for recording screensaver. baby,
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would you go home? “today i ’ll be running around on business, checking posts, i don’t want to go home , i have a free day, there are no courts, and i hardly see you at home, i want to be with you, it’s possible, it’s possible, it’s possible, but you you want to eat, but i still won’t feed you, i’m fine, you ’re hungry yourself, eh , listen, call him, he’ll be an attesting witness. uh-huh. sorry, please, you won’t be a witness. what happened? let’s quickly
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draw up a protocol. aren't you worried? i'm not worried, i'm just. please come in. sorry, don't misunderstand. this won’t be long, lord, guys, well, well, half an hour, 40 minutes , we’ll handle it, no questions asked, we’ll quickly inspect the car and that’s it, but what happened , they planted a threatening note under it with a smoke bomb, well, the car didn’t seem to be damaged, yes everything is intact, now we’ll draw up a report, and whose car we found out, listen, you’re asking a lot of questions for the witness. let's go, i understand, excuse me,
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but you are from the police, and what did you take? i’m a plumber, but they weren’t convinced, i saw you yesterday at our police station, when the passport i received it, and that’s right. i also received a passport yesterday, perhaps, but you were in uniform, right, because our plumbers have the same uniform as the police, where are the neighbors? neighbors at the dacha, and you are talking about an old case, when uncle kolya was killed at a wedding, what uncle kolya, i generally check the siphons, the neighbors are definitely at the dacha, or rather nowhere, today they called from there, yeah, yeah, it’s a pity, maybe you can check our siphon, a? no, i ’m not checking without a form, for now, for now, the question of the death penalty is not so much a social one as a moral one, but it is preceded by another question: does a person
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who has taken the lives of other people deserve to die? let me say, i am deeply convinced that it cannot. to the death penalty, stop, marina , we have something in the archive on this case, we need to look, maybe there is, yeah, it would be nice to edit it all here, yes, okay, let’s move on, recording, let’s continue record, well, already sentenced, he wrote me a letter from prison, wrote that he had read my
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books, that he wanted to tell me a lot, and he was allowed to meet with me. and you agreed, amazingly, they allowed me come to him in prison, and i saw a man, a man, he told me that he regretted everything he had done, that he had a daughter who would grow up without him, and he would really like to raise her. and i began to seek his justification, do you at least understand that you are saying immoral things, in general you understand yourself, he, who killed other people ’s daughters, you understand what you are doing, he wants to raise his own, understand, he is a man,
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he accepts the lost, so let the lord and accepts, and we have no right to turn away from them. by the way, we can turn to gregory samara, astrologer. do you think a person can change? you should even close it yourself. in it, the sinner has a connection with higher powers, but when will he have time to repent if he is executed tomorrow, that’s right, a person should have the right to repent, but he has the opportunity to repent even before the court’s verdict. i know that you are telling fortunes and predicting the future, and a person is telling you about himself, but suppose someone comes to you so that you can tell them fortunes about... the future and tells you that he killed someone,
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or, suppose you, while telling him fortunes with cards, look into his past and discover that he committed a murder, what will you do, report, criminal liability for failure to report a crime has been abolished, yes, that’s how it is, after all, you’ve heard such confessions, imagine? yes , uh-huh, so what did you do, you see, i always honestly tell my clients what awaits them in the future, uh-huh, but they have to decide for themselves how to behave, and you tell them something, what - a line of behavior it can be very interesting, but unfortunately, we have digressed from the main topic of our discussion.
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oh hello, are you from the police? why, i’m from this, from the housing office, i’m on this issue, when you leave me alone, i buried my husband, are you all right? sorry, hello, boss, boss, well, here, in short, there’s a bummer in two places, well, yes, only tamara makarovna golman remains. well, yes, that’s it, i understand, come on, bye, well, nothing, well, if you want, i
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’ll go there, find out how things are there, where, well , i’ll go to television, you don’t need me to worry about you anymore, you’ll worry, listen, if a maniac kills me, will you feel sorry for me, god, is that on your tongue? or will you finally breathe a sigh of relief? well, if only not on our territory. listen, i think something jumped out on my tongue. come on, show me. listen, is it a nightmare? what? yes, it’s terrible, you can’t kiss yet. but you will have to. excuse me, can you be a witness? yes,
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please, your last name, first name, patronymic? golman, patronymic name, tamara makarovna, comrade lieutenant colonel, i am ready to begin my duties and get acquainted with the department and work. premiere on rtr, i need to watch body, and by the way, she was a good tracker, strange questions, where can you buy sausage in dough, you are talking seriously now, dubious methods, veronica pavlovna, you are still part-time with the dog handlers, original conclusions, everything is accurate, the alibi was found by the elder family, the bed, well , look how it is located.
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returning to russia, how did it all begin? chronicle of events that changed the course of history. first person. crimea, the way to the homeland. film by andrey kandrashov. on sunday on rtr. we
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can handle it. i will do everything to. will get you out from here, we look at the weekend that he is a millionaire, it means that this bastard has a mother, he will spend the next 10 years behind bars, do n’t scare me, i’m not afraid of you, you still have time to get scared, that’s their name, and my future wife, very nice, get out of here, i’m still at home, i’m still at home too, when life is one continuous black line, you need to try to turn it off, as an apology, let me take you to the hospital , i’ll buy you a new bike, as an apology , leave me alone, natalya antonova, yuri baturin, why are you doing this to me? look, you believe in fate, you’re the one trying to hook me up now, happiness can be given,
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on saturday on prt. your husband has already chosen a design for you, masenka, what is this? these are from the apartment, and these are from the cars, now a red convertible without license plates will drive towards you, with a gorgeous woman driving, don’t stop her, i’ve already agreed with her, the trip will take place at an altitude of 2 m above sea level, why should i say this , i paid the reserve card. how for a plane from the history of a big country, friday premiere on rtr, for good health our empress, hurray, the wisest empresses in history, you have two lives, mine
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is yours, and i want there to be a third. all of catherine and other historical series only on the watch platform. this is how our conversation turned out. the topic chosen for discussion was not an easy one, we are now waiting for your opinions. thanks to all. stop, filming is over. cords, please don't go. just a second, don't leave, please, i 'll take the microphone off of you. fine.
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call an ambulance, call an ambulance, okay, we need to put him somewhere, yes, yes, of course, valery borisovich, come on, let's lift our legs, in my opinion, he died, was killed in my place, urgently get a doctor and call the police, say that there is a murder here.
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oh, hi, hello! it’s good that you came, your wife will tell herself everything, hello, dima, what happened to them there? let's go, let's go sit somewhere, i 'll tell you everything. what's wrong with masha? everything is fine, but she is suspected of murder. i hope you're kidding. in part, everything is fine, let’s go, i ’ll explain everything to you. you see, he felt bad, his head was spinning, he complained about blood pressure, maybe it’s the heart, no, everything is clear,
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call the police, we’ve already called, but what’s not the heart, no, marina georgievna, can i have a few words with you, yes. marina georgievna, do you think anyone managed to leave? do you mean the ones who were in the studio when he died? yes, no, the guest is still there, and the employees’ shift has not yet ended. okay, but in any case , you need to warn the guard so that he doesn’t let anyone out, right? no, we don’t have the right to detain anyone yet, yeah, but let him mark who’s leaving. okay, and one more thing. and where cups from a glass from the table? cups? yes, wait, there’s something i can’t figure out right away, oh, my god, is it really true that you
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asked him? i say, we drank coffee and water in the studio, where are the dirty dishes? i understand you, i ’ll find out, i’ll go now, but she’s already been washed, are you sure? yes, yes, yes, 100%. what am i to the guard? yes, yeah.
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the distiller called me and asked me to meet masha, i realized that masha was in danger, i flew in at first and so it was, as it was, well, there was a crowd of crazy people, that is... and they knew that this would be filmed at the studio broadcast, well, they also knew that masha would be there, but they saw her and shouted something bad, well, so you determined who shouted, who was there, yes, so, masha, supported the prosecution in the murder case.
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he was also invited to the show. and then a man died in their studio, how, how did he die , i mean, it seems he was poisoned, wait, but he also had something to do with the death penalty, well, no, probably, yes, he’s an astrologer, damn it, i’m wait, wait, here comes... the woman, she threatened masha, yes, who, well, yes, golman, tamara makarovna, golman, golman, golman, wait, so... this is
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zhenya, i'm sorry, could you connect me with vinokurov, please call him, golman, golman. death before arrival, your case, our case , vanyush, hello, hello, hello, hello, manyun, what happened, but you yourself don’t see, but more specifically, and more specifically, we’ll find out when we interrogate everyone, including you, marya sergeevna, lord, are you a witness
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or something? at best, viktor ivanovich, you agree that everyone needs to be worked off, exceptions are not allowed, i wonder who did you call the city one? i called, called the city prosecutor, this is an attempt on my life, is it really not clear, don’t, don’t shout like that, where people will be interrogated, and why is he going to sit here like that, well, no, of course, i ’m looking at the corpse while they’re all interrogating you , viktor ivanovich. call your investigators, where, where will the investigators work, where? marina, yes, yes, of course, let’s go to the management, marya sergeevna, for a minute. the evening is gone, hello,
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greetings, masha, what, everything, everything, everything, everything, uh-huh, good, so, oh, masha, please, please, well, tell me quickly, yes , you poisoned him, you’ll become like a snake, it’s not funny, okay, it’s not funny, then let’s quickly reveal this tramp and we will get, so to speak, having appeared on tv, a full confession, what , what, its dividends, recognition of the masses and gratitude from the authorities, you understand? well, come on, well, before 12:00 we’ll have time, go crazy, we’ll get it done before 12 , think, think, anatoly andreevich, yes, what’s the matter, marina, here, investigator, senior prosecutor of the city prosecutor’s office, fillonov, nikolai petrovich,
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i’m very pleased, it’s a terrible nuisance that everything turned out this way, we will provide you with any help , i really ask you to finish everything as quickly as possible, our programs are disrupted, in the studio every hour is scheduled, i understand your problems, but here we will work exactly as much as we need, and i won’t allow you to crumple up the investigative actions, well , maybe call your superiors and explain that broadcasting is under threat, that the work of television is paralyzed, it’s not necessary, artificially. where will we work? yes anywhere, maybe me, or better yet, in khapugin’s office, he ’s not here right now anyway, i rely on you, and keep me informed. by the way, what kind of coffee did you all drink on camera? i don’t know for sure, marina
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will explain everything to you in detail. yes, of course, let’s go, i’ll explain everything to you on the way. oh, excuse me, please, oh, vinokurov doesn’t answer outside the zone either. maybe it just doesn’t catch there? well, yes, good if so. so, zhenya, sit here and stay in touch. where are you going? and i'll go catch the alleged criminal. let's call kurochkina. no need, i'm used to everything count yourself. it’s even more possible that she’s somewhere nearby, but who is she ? , uh, here, so, they
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're here. and they drank from these cups, yes, yeah, hmm, so you said that you were advertising a coffee club? yes, yes, but here is something completely different, yes, indeed, you see, two companies bid, the coffee club won, in general, i remember exactly that the agreement was with the coffee club, yeah, strange, so, so, well, who washed them, not i know, who knows, the devil, that, well, maybe the girls washed it, but we didn’t know. well, maryaevna, tell us what happened, now panov, well, is it really poisoning? oh, you don’t need to go to a astrologer, sodium nitrite, what is it? sodium nitrite belongs to the category of highly toxic compounds, or more simply
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for opera, or more simply, sodium nitrate, which looks like table salt, but tastes like colorless crystals, or yellowish, salty in taste, soluble. in water, by the way, it is found in nature precisely in in this form, by the way, animals are often confused, licked instead of salt, and hello to the parents, no abolite will help, they die, so sodium nitrite, you decided before the autopsy, oh, dear heart, but what will i see at the autopsy, nutsionos, congestion of internal organs, look, the face is cyanotic, against the background of cyanosis there is paralysis.
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hemoglobin, blood changes color in the air and clots, yeah, everything is correct, that means the crystals are soluble in water, in coffee, in coffee, of course, oh, by the way, about coffee, but it wouldn’t hurt to have some coffee now, but no, thank you, i wanted would make a statement, yes, uh-huh, we're listening to you, no, don't, don't do that.
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well, you walk around, you spy, you think, i don’t know that you are the half-baked husband of this prosecutor, driving expensive cars. it’s time to dispossess everyone, just lie here , don’t bother, fedya, this is some kind of nonsense, lugansk
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travel with our money, bought with our money, you ’ve been missing for a long time, about 40 minutes ago, he said, he went to detain the criminal, fedya, how do i know who, he said her. maybe a gulman, fedya, come, and yeah, girl, will you do anything else? i don't know, well we're through we close in half an hour. come on, where can we talk? not
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here, let’s go to my office, do you have a separate office? no, there are three of us there, but there ’s no one there now, uh, wait a minute. excuse me, i also want to be present, but what does this have to do with you, what does this have to do with it, all sorts of conspiracies are being woven around me, everyone knows that they wanted to kill me. this astrologer of yours is just a victim of a mistake, just a minute, a minute, everyone is in different rooms, fillonov is interrogating the lady, the distillers, you take care of the gentleman, how about you, grushnitsky vladislav, very good, antonovich, anton alesanovich, where are you, yes, please, meet our investigators, yeah, okay, let them come here, hey, hey, hey, i protest, don’t let anyone leave here, i want to know what you... everyone here is talking behind my back, so i’ll ask everyone else to go out into
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the corridor now and not disperse, please, which corridor, what are you talking about? hey poo you clowns. stop, criminal investigation. what are you doing? there 's a killer wandering around here, and you're still kidding? first of all,
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no one has been killed yet. hello, what about the astrologer? so what, it’s in the television center they killed it, which means the killer is wandering around there, but we are here. well, what are you saying, there are distillers there, i just pulled him out of the homewrecker’s lab. yes, and lugansky disappeared somewhere? what, you didn’t save it? how are you going to look shveytsov in the eyes? peck on your tongue. that's it, let's go look for him. happily, bye , viktor ivanovich, because i can’t interrogate anyone , call me back, okay, i can’t examine, i ’m a witness, a suspect, marya sergeevna, you’re the only one who didn’t drink coffee, filonov , i’m tired, one more word, i’ll give indication that i wanted to poison a deputy on your order, okay, okay, don’t even joke like that, give me the protocols where i got it from, i’m not interrogating. i came here, now i’ll give it to you, yeah,
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viktor ivanovich, but can you put me somewhere so that i can watch the recording of the program, maybe i’ll look out for something. it’s interesting that you sat on the program from the very beginning to the end, let me refresh my memory. by the way, fillonov, go make an agreement. why, i did it right away. how, what? are you the most important one among us? well, it would have been like that a long time ago. yes, fillonov. don't attack the girl, she didn't bully anyone. she just suspects who could have done it. let it not be wine. works where did you get this miss marple? and i saw how she washed the cups, yes, uh-huh, so this directly points to her, so she needs to be detained, she secretly washed the cups after i asked her about them, so what? it’s okay, she’s not a fool, if she had put grass in her coffee , she probably would have washed the cups right away, i get it, i get it, i get it, she’s not a fool , that’s what i thought from the very beginning, that means i’m interrogating a deputy, huh...
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your relationship here is complicated, yes, smoking it’s possible, yes, of course, there was something with marina , it’s written on me, yes, come on, come on, who left who? what difference does it make now, no
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, i just had the same thing, the main thing is that he doesn’t need her, she wanted to get married , the fool, but this gentleman didn’t come, so you wanted to break him in, break him in, uh-huh, no, nothing and i didn’t want to, i wanted her to twitch, she twitched, i understand, but you didn’t just blurt it out, it’s true, it’s true, it’s true. did you want to say something? i wanted to say that this was an attempt on me. i even know who it is. and who is it? marinkin, lover, yeah, deputy.
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are these facts, facts or speculation? and the proof? evidence, here is the evidence, what do you think, the thing doc, well, already sentenced, he wrote me a letter from prison, wrote... that he had read my books, that he wanted to tell me a lot, and he was allowed to meet with me, and you agreed, amazingly.
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“excuse me, i can go away for a second, where is it, where is it unclear, it’s unclear, to the toilet, i’ll have to be patient, i’m under arrest, you know, let’s finish the interrogation, then go where you need to, god, where can i go, i won’t get past the security anyway, what kind of urgency is this? if you want, you can stand near the toilet doors until i go to the toilet, i won’t talk. well, okay, just quickly, time is running out,
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sorry, sorry . hello, what, are you tired? no, my young lady asked to go to the toilet. well, why, during the program he drank coffee, but didn’t drink water. yes,
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i wonder what he drank his coffee from? here parasite, deceived, or she made a mistake, so what? so the road, like fillons, smelled of laurels, well, whatever, yes, okay, listen, y there’s a video of you here, you can watch the tape, but i have a different format, it’s vx, i see that you’ve just become a cool specialist, and what have you dug up here? let's see. we're looking for cups, yeah, our expert will wash them,
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listen, maybe we can disperse, but no, it's somehow uncomfortable here, well, call lugansky again. quiet, wait , dima, what’s wrong with you, listen, turn off your bololaika, yeah, yes, dmitry sergeevich, what happened, you need medical help, maybe a psychiatrist, it’s your own fault, who is it? i didn’t see it, but i think golman, tamara makarovna, she ’s wandering around here somewhere, quietly, wait, here, quietly, sit, codelich, yes, my deputy shvetsova said that you regarded what happened as a threat
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to you personally, right? i admit, this thought flashed through my mind. yes. is this somehow connected with the komarov case? probably yes. when i got this boy's sentence overturned. and he was very young, and he was only 24 years old. yes. “i started receiving strange letters with threats, you can say this, in the sense that you can say this, so judge for yourself, valya kamulova, 7 years old, is the victim in the komarov case, one of the dead girls.
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“he was convicted in ninety-one and this red tape lasted for 5 years, and the drawings, when threats began to come, starting in ninety -six, immediately after the pardon, and then stopped, but this year i was invited to the radio, and i mentioned it in fact, and that a relapse, yes, maybe..." tell me what it looked like? this happened again, i spoke 3 months ago, immediately, immediately
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the following message came: yeah, that’s why, when our poor astrologer fell victim to poisoning, i thought that poison was in front of me, who knew that you would be on television today? oh, there are a lot of people, but could the threatening note, the smoke bomb, be related to the topic of your program? i think that’s exactly what happened, although they threatened me in the last case, i gave an opinion on the replaceability of the bandits, but the note is about something else, you mean the word executioner, this word does not fit into the circumstances of my last examination, the word executioner is associated with death, with punishment, but a bandit...
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i gave a conclusion about his sanity. and pay attention, our operator today, namesake of this maniac, also naked, namesake, yes.
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what does it mean? it was two weeks ago that mr. grushnitsky was unequivocally warned. who? master's guards? deputy, they asked him not to approach marina again, otherwise anything could happen, namely, he could get into an accident, uh, slip in the passage or the coffee could be too strong, and where is the recording from, they came to his work, they stood right under the camera with him lying down, he then took the tape from the security and did not listen and did not obey when i realized that the astrologer was poisoned, i got cold feet , poor thing...
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we should find the victim’s grandfather, work with him, valya komolova, listen, we have at least one here who was not threatened, there is, grigory samarsky, the one who was killed. hello, filonov, hello, i’m reporting a sea of ​​prints, there is something to compare with, well, yes, i only processed the outside, and i gave the contents to chemists a long time ago, no, they
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will only get the results tomorrow. got it, okay, bye, happy. tamara, why are you behaving so badly, disturbing public order? i didn't ask you. okay, okay what were you doing at that time at the television center, and even with such a terrible thing? no need to say that you played baseball. how else can we fight you? with whom with us? with those who interfere with our lives. my husband was killed, and criminals are walking around. as if nothing had happened , as if nothing had happened, they were given 10 years each, they should have been punished, takara makarovna, the fact is that your husband is not an angel either, i remember everything perfectly, he started a fight, come on in, oh, tamara makarovna, it was she who left mashinny’s husband, quietly, quietly, this is a big secret, yeah, well, yes, where is the victim, on the spot crime stayed, he’s there waiting for masha, listen, what’s going on, vinokorov
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called me and said he’d bring someone, so, great, i’ve been waiting for a long time. so, well, zhenyulya, come on, go to the store, now your husband will arrive, he’s hungry, i’m not fed , let’s eat, well, off we go, yeah, listen, i’m jealous of vinokurov, his second marriage is better than the first, after all have you ever heard such confessions, imagine yes, yeah. and what did you do? well, you see, i always honestly tell my clients that their awaits in the future, but they must make the decision themselves, how to behave, yes, and you suggest something to them, some line of behavior, it happens, it’s very interesting, but unfortunately, we have digressed from the main topic of our discussion.
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well, marya sergeevna, nothing, either he was poisoned by mistake, or either what he said on the recording of the program provoked the killer, and coffee was poured during the program? no, well, then his words spoken during the recording of the program have absolutely no meaning, well, yes, they poured him coffee even before the broadcast, wait, after all, everyone else who was threatened could have been killed
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outside the television center, come on, come on, come on, the television center is a sensitive facility, then... you can’t get here without a pass, so having carried out a murder here , everyone present comes under suspicion, and this is a killer who is unprofitable, or maybe, on the contrary, profitable, in order to cast a shadow on someone else, um , who is present here, i think not, the killer simply had no other choice, viktor ivanovich, they examined the body, petit finished with panov, yeah, can i go talk to panov, why not, well... i’m a witness, a suspect, excuse me, who’s the prosecutor here, what am i? they ask you to go to the reception desk and answer the phone, this is major vinokurov, he can’t get through to you, damn, i ’m thinking, why doesn’t lugansky call? yes, we
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don’t get cell phones well here, yeah. well, how are you, now, marya sergeevna, literally 5 minutes, i’m tired of these decorations. describe, we quickly dealt with the corpse, don’t rush, we didn’t find anything in the pockets, no, yeah, masha, look how interesting their walls are, everything is full of holes, the ceiling is covered in metal, but on tv it looks like a european-quality renovation , it’s strange that they write everything in one studio, why mm, it’s absolutely beautiful, listen, they show me on tv all the time in some crime chronicle, and always wearing a sheepskin coat and rubber gloves, but you know how you want to show off, huh? lyon, well, you’re so beautiful in a sheepskin coat, uh-huh, uh-huh, well, why did you come up with a beautiful sheepskin coat, here you, mash, were smeared,
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painted, powdered, and i’m always on tv in a beret with a red nose, listen, i wanted something for you then ask, did you hit me, what i wanted to, actually i wanted to ask... how quickly does the poison act? well, in an unfavorable course, death occurs between 1 hour and 12 hours, after taking sodium nitrite, it’s fine, yeah, but it doesn’t matter anymore, as it doesn’t matter, but because the astrologer was also rattled, i’m done, but what ’s wrong with her? what oh! “please, thank
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you, yes, volodya, no, there’s no news yet, masha’s mind is catching up, we need to let her think calmly, so what about you, well, kurochkin detained tamara golman, who...” the center was waiting for masha to deal with her and more. yeah, we’ll hold you until the morning for participating in an unauthorized rally, and then we’ll figure it out, valya kolova’s grandfather was identified and checked, he died a month ago, so there’s a dead end here. what's wrong with your naked one? i see, viktor ivanovich, are you a winemaker? just a minute. let him come urgently, i need operatives and a car. well, just quickly, i understood everything. venokurov, did you, did you hear everything? yes, take the car, grab fedor and here, the faster the better, yes, the faster the better, that’s it, marsergin, the criminologist, asked me to tell you that chemistry, it will be in cups in the morning, and this doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter, but why is this, but
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because the poison was not put in this cup for him, in which one, boss, here to the right, it will be faster, yes, but how do you know, yes i went here when they didn’t catch the pick-up, that’s right, i forgot, in general, maria sergeevna, i applaud you. that’s how it all connected, i just heard how a respected deputy badmouthed her, and then even before the program, when the astrologer felt bad, he said that he drank strong coffee, and only the make-up artists offered us coffee, yes, already being frustrated by the behavior of the deputy, she she could have poured poison into this unfortunate astrologer, yes, but why, it’s a family matter, alpalna, the second make-up artist, told me that she had problems, well, it’s right that they took me with them, you never know what will come into her head, she’s dangerous ? now no longer for others, now only for yourself. yes, valery borisovich, the naked operator, your client’s younger brother, remember? how did he add a note and arrange a housewife?
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yes, it’s not him, it’s their father, the operator of the house blurted out about the program, and the father organized this rally, gathered people and decided to make a mess it’s good for you that you didn’t burn the car, but that’s okay . alpalovna, hello, see me, of course, i'm sorry, but i can't believe it, you have sodium nitrite. it seems that vera has it, she herself makes cosmetics based on it, but what does that have to do with it? this is a very strong poison. my god, why do you need me? she may not open up to us or do anything with herself. yes you are right. she told me
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that when her son became a drug addict, she ran everywhere to fortune tellers and healers. but i didn’t know that this was the same astrologer. what about did it happen to her son? oh, this is such a tragedy, her son is a drug addict. he killed an old woman for a dose, came home, all insane, bloody, she put him to bed, she ran to tell fortunes to a clairvoyant, he told her, don’t be afraid of anything, everything will be fine. she calmed down, came home, didn’t touch him , didn’t even wash his clothes, and in the morning the police came and said that they shot her son, they gave him a prison sentence for murder, vera, verochka, what are you doing here, i’m waiting for you, you’ll have to come with us, i'll go, young man. if i get there,
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your head, you feel dizzy, have you taken poison? what did i have left? vera, why did you do this? i believed the astrologer then, i thought everything would be fine. everything happened somehow wrong, he deceived me, how many years i lived with this wound, i wanted to kill myself, then he said how you came over me. urgently to
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the hospital, does your head hurt? of course it hurts, but by the way, not from the blow, but from the vodka, which we then drank with pigs, then we’ll go for a walk so that you can clear your head, and you won’t get tired, although the night was eventful, love, betrayals, execution, poison threats, corpses, attacks, uh-huh, so i keep thinking, we will someday have a night without all this, just a night, i don’t promise, uh-huh, but maybe we’ll be lucky, what brought you to my school of female happiness, he doesn’t tell me notices, but i want to please him, you yourself.
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what a fool, after all, you yourself turned your faithful dima into a stray, now return it, they don’t know that you know, think, think, school of women’s happiness, premiere on saturday on rtr, catch a fish, big or small, in general chose a suitable place, have you ever wondered why people count proteins as fats? this is where my question
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begins: can something tasty be healthy? i try it, inflammation levels decrease, pain decreases, can healthy things be enjoyable, science fiction, can science be understandable? and you make a wish? yes, yes, mm. mm, yes , yes, yes, once again, yes, every person in any region of russia can make their diet not only tasty, but also healthy, and this lifts the mood, that’s for sure, a food formula, on sunday on rtr.
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still, don’t say anything, but gather like this at least once a month in a male company , it’s worth a lot, it’s worth a lot, he sits on the dibs with a wild boar to play, he doesn’t have a head, but just some kind of computer, not a computer , an atm about an atm in sochi, you know, put in a card.
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well, let’s take our tents and go for the whole weekend, there on the lake the water is quiet, quiet, like a mirror, not a single leaf
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moves on the trees, only sometimes, you know, like a fish gurgling circles in the water, great, i didn’t understand, this is an invitation to the weekend, well, yes, but... more than everyone else, has what for? in fact, if it weren’t for him, i wouldn’t work here, so i’m grateful and obliged to him, and in general he’s a great guy, kosyanova agrees with you completely, seriously, but
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what about him, she’s just drying up looking at him from afar and drying up, the poor thing is drying up , well, actually, i thought that... she’s a determined woman, so what, she’s not morozov’s competitor, that you didn’t know that, well , the men give, they don’t notice anything, although maybe it’s for the better, okay, that’s it, bye, bye, everyone just dried up. hello everyone, hello, well, we figured it out, to be honest, not very well, here we go look, the letter has a characteristic curl, uh-huh , here too, uh-huh, the letter k, and what’s wrong with it, well, it
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actually fell to the right, indeed, they ordered santa claus, oh, well, finally. so sort it out, thank you, goodbye, waist, now it’s clear why borisovich refused, he ’s protecting his waist, but my waist is no longer a problem, my stomach doesn’t accept dairy products at all, borisovich, what kind of sin is this punishment for, okay, fuck off, when would avdeev call me again, but andrei petrovich, of course, he fired a double-barreled gun and... well, as the man said, man i did it, well, in my laboratory, andrei petrovich, now wait, don’t put it down, i generally adore ice cream, i once, when i was a child , ate eight servings at a time with the girls, seriously, right? good afternoon, good afternoon
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, hello, viktor sergeevich, hello , and anna mikhailovna, she called and said that she would be there soon, okay, thank you, viktor sergeevich, would you like ice cream, ice cream, well, i won’t refuse, but do you have anything extra? no, but it’s not superfluous, it’s spare, we’re just like... we knew you’d come, thank you, i love it ice cream. another ice cream,
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i wish you good health, viktor sergeevich, it’s very tasty, in this heat it’s just what you need , you really like it, i’m very jealous, but the borisychs and i don’t have such pleasure. polobal, in general, hello, oh, how can you, of course, come in. just not whole, me, your lips are covered in
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ice cream, i can’t stand ice cream, they feed me ice cream from yours, and what are your fates, hmm, well, firstly, i miss you, secondly, thirdly, fourthly too, only fifthly, to the point, even more likely, you know, not on the case, but... for help, here ’s the situation, the son of a very good man is accused of murdering a mediocre businessman, well, the father, of course, does not believe that his son is guilty, and neither do i, the case was being investigated business in the city, so i assume that either they led to a blunder, or someone got very thoroughly warmed up in this case, so let’s do everything in order, who, whom, when, why, look,
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kabanov, who suffered, and gormashev. gormashev - who is this? well, he’s also a businessman, you know, our time, where only businessmen don’t spit, or politicians, in general, are a shark in a local puddle. so, it means that kabanov grabbed his gun, garmashev grabbed his pistol, anikin also had a pistol, and he claims that he shot into the air, but kabanov was shot, yes, he was shot, but garmashov also had a pistol exactly the same, makarov, the same as annikin’s. and he also shot, and of course, he also says it was in the air, right, but what about the examination? oh,
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what kind of examination is there, garmashev came to the rescue everywhere, the bullet that killed kabanova was never found, they made a hole in the skull an unequivocal conclusion that it was fired from annikin’s pistol, so with the examination, with the jury, everything turned out exactly as it should have been, wait, so there was already a trial, so that’s the point, what was it? i say to this senior anikin: you’re an old fool for not coming to me earlier, well, while the investigation was still going on, and he bats his eyes, and what sentence was passed? 8 years, look, i took the case materials from the city department, yeah, i ’ll solve all the issues from the prosecutor’s office, this, well, this is not a problem at all, who is the researcher who will deal with this case? belki, i think he can handle it, but ... “of course, all hope is only on you, you use all the resources, firstly, the guy
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needs to be pulled out of the bars, secondly, this garmashev can leave the country, that’s it, look for him then, and what is he going to do, well, there is information that he bought himself a house in france, well, he has a business partner there, yeah, it’s clear, but i see you somehow take this situation very close to your heart, no, how could it be otherwise? " "anything can happen in life, you need to help your friends, yanikin, you tell me, and then, look, the circle of good will close, they will help us. why is there only a photocopy of the x-ray image of the corpse’s skull? but because
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they elena evgenevna managed to lose the original. i wonder how this happened? if you try really hard, you know, you can do something wrong, yes, capable guys, don’t talk, so, witnesses claim that there were only three shots, yes, while garmashov’s pistol clip is missing three cartridges, anikin’s four , they had previously shot at banks, two makarov pistols were seized at the crime scene, the owners were anikin and garmashev, one bullet was found in the ceiling, only one was found in the ceiling. they immediately concluded that he was the killer , great, i don’t understand at all, it was in texas or something, why did they all gather there with weapons, they came to this base to hunt, and at the same time shoot from their pocket artillery, everyone's permission has been formalized, everything is as it should be, big games of the big boys, well, we've finished the game, well, yes, okay, for now you study the materials, and
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then we will draw up an action plan, okay, okay, valer... okay, they also called me a fool, well , don’t distort it, a fool is forever, but a stupid person is cured, thank you, you can consider this ice cream your investment in good relations with your superiors, it’s your investment, pettiness doesn’t make men look good,
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really , golden words, here’s a better look, does it look like... i’ve been drinking all day, i don’t know, i’ve been drinking like crazy, but no, it’s clear, we’re all human, we all get tired, we need to rest, but he’s on some kind of... then i was always on the nerves towards the boar, excuse me, i was clinging to kabanov, clearly i was about to get into a quarrel, and boar what? yes, the boar was phlegmatic, it was virtually impossible to get him out of his temper, but it’s true, if anyone succeeded, then that’s it, his eyes were bloodshot, he took everything, he fell , whoever could save him, that is, if i grabbed a weapon, then, in principle, i could shoot at a person , if the roof was easily torn off, please remember in detail what exactly you heard behind the closed
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door, well, i already told you, six saws, you bastard! they started banging, well, we were scared, of course, to go in, not to go in, you know, and then onikin came out with a gun, guys, he there seems to be a dead man there, guys, we need an ambulance, and
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this is the police. you can’t just get away with it, on what grounds? vyacheslav pikalovich, new details have appeared in the case of the murder of nikolai kabanov, hello, are you all stupid here , there’s nothing to do, the case is closed, the case is open, stupid, vyacheslav mikhailovich, you have nothing but a makarov pistol? margolin's pistol is also registered, right? what does this have to do with it? the investigation has reason to believe that kabanov was shot not with makarov’s pistol, but with margolin’s pistol. alien, absurdity, you know, he wasn’t with me then, he wasn’t. okay, we will return to this issue later, judging by the copies of these payment document agreements. your wife
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had a joint business with kabanov. so what? my wife has a joint business with half the city, including with kabanov, with the kabanovskaya company, she sometimes sold petroleum products, this is a supply contract not... sign, what is this? as a preventive measure, a subscription not to leave has been chosen for you, because of you, my contract
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with the french is broken, and you will answer me for this, you will answer with these shoulder straps. subscription, well, why wasn’t he arrested, well , there are no sufficient grounds for garmashev’s arrest, well, when they do after the conclusion of the examination, then he will definitely get everything in full. viktor sergeevich, hurry up your people there, well, every extra day behind bars, you know, counts as a year. “i’m doing everything possible, you know , i know, i know, well, here’s a sweet for your tea, whatever’s on your mind,
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it’s better, borich, well, i’m generally not very sweet, but it’s okay, it’s okay, it’ll come in handy, i ’ll call.” ksenia, don’t fool me, i think you are you just work yourself up , your dress is great, and your shoes are just wonderful, well, yes
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, yes, you can come up with something with your hair, yes, yes, come in, it’s very simple, you call the salon, make an appointment and come at the appointed time, well of course i do the same. yes, just keep it short. oh, i wouldn’t advise you to put on makeup. well, firstly, you don’t know how the paint will lay, and secondly, you just might ruin your holiday. kseniy, please forgive me, i have things to do, yes, i love you very much too. that's it, kiss me. what are you doing? and tell me what you want i do not like? i won’t tell you, it’s just that someone will definitely come in now. yes, they all work there for you. they need it too. you've already done everything you need to do. you deserve an award, wait, what are you talking about? yes, belkin has already boasted, what did he boast of? well, like the fact that kabanov was killed with margolin’s pistol, well
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, what’s that, isn’t it? i don’t have 100% confidence, that’s why the conclusion has not yet been written, god himself won’t give 100%, well, how is ksyusha doing, when is his graduation? the day after tomorrow, and then i would like to take... a vacation at my own expense small for 3 days, well , go to moscow with ksenia, sign it, consider it already signed, but this, i really ask you , please quickly sign the conclusion, let’s get this thing over with, what is it, well, you understand, here this photocopy of the skull, which is attached to the case, is a little blurry, and this greatly distorts the picture, in general, i think that exhumation is necessary. oh, anna mikhailovna, my beloved beauty, tell me that you’re such a bore,
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and there’s no way without exhumation, completely, completely, okay. there will be a decree for you. well now, when everything is written down on paper, this is a completely different matter, mikhailovna has to approve and complete order, she has mayevsky now, i saw him come in, so what, i don’t know for what reason mayevsky is there, but i counterfeit
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anna mikhailovna, we had a meeting here, oh, yes, yes, yes, come in, elena, elena evgenevna, yes, is there something urgent about you, nonsense? of course, i can... come back later, and if it’s not very urgent, then it would be good, but my colleagues and i discussed and drew up a new duty schedule to make it more convenient for everyone, at the next month has also been drawn up, anna mikhailovna, i’ll probably go, yes, viktor sergeevich, thank you very much, as soon as there is
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a resolution, i’ll let you know right away, yeah , well, excuse me, i didn’t know you were here, let’s look at your schedule already , we'll see. who was this boar anyway, if the living still can’t leave him alone, furniture, meat, fuels and lubricants, and that’s not counting shares in various farms, rich, yeah, but it didn’t help him much, that’s for sure, sorry, yes, mikhalovna, yes, we are already here. done, thily
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now they’ll take it away , and i’ll take the samples of the earth, the coffin of clothes to the laboratory, okay, yes, that’s it, for now, for me it’s such a waste of time , it’s all clear, it was you who fled, don’t explain, our business is small, we were told to do a repeat x-ray , we take it in stride and let ’s do a repeat x-ray, well done, sir , let’s go, let’s go. here. hello, vyacheslav mikhailovich, here is
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the search warrant, read it, why can’t you do it all, and you didn’t pay that well, organize the raised ones, allow me to go out, are there any options?
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here's a morgolin pistol, yeah, seized from garmashev, you can shoot him. and report to the authorities, listen, don’t teach the scientist , you know what to do, well, if you know, do it
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, you see what an interesting perforated fracture he has in the occipital bone, a fracture, i see, and what makes it interesting is that it raises more questions, what the answer is, that is... that is, it doesn’t really look like a jacketless bullet, wait, you yourself said that the bullet was jacketless, you said it because it was based on a photocopy that was in the case, judging by it, we are dealing just with a non-jacketed bullet, i don’t understand, look, here is our x-ray, here the trace of the bullet is not so clear, well, i would say, it is completely fuzzy. how is this possible? i think the photocopy could have been smeared, by accident, and we mistook the smeared fragment for a trace, that’s all. i felt that a repeat x-ray was needed. it seems to me that i
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have stopped understanding anything at all. what we shall do? we have only one way out: try to find the bullet. so, we'll look. anna mikhailova, you know, belkin tells me that you insist on an investigative crime scene experiment? yes, i insist, because we cannot make an unambiguous conclusion based on the data we have, well, as far as i remember, any doubt is interpreted in favor of the accused, in our case. i don’t know who is interpreting what, personally, i want to turn doubts either into proof or into a refutation of the original version, either anikin will be acquitted, or vice versa, yeah, well,
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it’s better to be acquitted, that’s it, viktor sergeevich, unfortunately , it’s not up to us, sorry, you know, i wouldn’t so categorical, okay? okay, okay, anna mikhailovna, your position is clear to me, do your experiment, how do you work, with anna mikhailovna, it works very well, she is a wonderful specialist, a good person, yes, really a specialist. on a unique one, do you know, sergey, how smart people differ from wise people? i
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find it difficult to answer. the wise know how to stop in time. it is very important not to let yourself. get carried away, be able to stop in time, remember this, i already remember, well, you’re great, yes, of course, viktor sergeevich, as soon as when we finish, i’ll let you know right away, yes, of course, hello everyone, hello, yana mikhailovna, where’s the accordion? his lawyer called and said that he had been taken to the hospital with a heart attack. do you think simulations? i don't think so, i'm sure he doesn't care about our investigative experiment. ok, what about onykin? well, anikin is already in a colony.
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better. well, then we’ll carry out the reconstruction without them, we still need to look for the bullet. look for bullets, my bread, then let's start. okay, so, according to the protocol, garmashev was standing here, phil, stand up, please, this is for you, thank you, yes, and nikin was standing here, sergei ivanovich, move away, please, come here, hold it, this is for you, yeah, and kabanov was near the window. kiryush, please stand up, yes, come on. the first shot, anikin fired the top,
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they found the field in the ceiling, uh-huh, now the authorizer, so, yeah, we’re looking for two more bullets. anatoly borisovich, i’m not the one who understands everything, yes, but faster, it won’t work anyway, the procedures must be performed in such a way that the mosquito doesn’t sharpen his nose, well, you, don’t worry, well, i have everything under control, i. .. anatoly borisvich, fuck you!
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hit the back of the head and went through the right
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eye socket, well, that means it should be in the wall, but it’s not here, no, there’s no trace of the weed, listen, sergei ivanovich, and the window was open at that moment, anna mikhailovna, you’re there in the documents there is a photograph, open , wait, well, if the window was open, there is a garden, honestly , i doubt that we will ever be able to find anything, okay, let's leave this as an option, now let's deal with anikin, suppose aniki shot kabanov, well then the bullet should have stayed in the same place wall, just a little to the left.
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there’s nothing here either, ventilation, anna mikhailovna, well, it’s somehow a little high, even if you take into account the difference in height, listen, but if anikin saw the boar turning towards him with a gun, he got scared and sat down. at that moment he shot, valer, use the chair again, now it’s like that. it seems there is something! oh, here she is!
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gorgeous! paneteri, come! but it immediately seemed to me that she was there, just a little bit?
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well, in my opinion, that's all. i'm sure, anna mikhailovna, can i? yes, ericka, come in. i printed out the report. yeah. thank you i i’ll sign it now and bring it in myself. and yet, this was not included in the conclusion, but i finished studying kabanov’s notebook, here. ira, this is a great job, go away, let me, yes, come in, sit down, well, i signed
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your application, 4 days without pay, thank you. and now you make me happy, i’m afraid i’ll disappoint you greatly, i don’t understand, look , this is the field that killed kabanov, this is anikin’s first bullet found in the ceiling, and the number, the nature of the rifling, the width of the field, the slope, the degree of wear, everything is absolutely identical, so, stop, stop, stop, stop, why then did the mark on the x-ray photocopy of the victim’s skull look like it came from margolin’s pistol? well, because the photocopy was so-so, firstly, and secondly, look, during the murder of the pabans he was wearing
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a panama hat with metal badges, the bullet touched the badge and from this contact the shell of the field. cracked, well, cracked, and then it came sideways, this is the trace from the lead core, the deformed field of the makarov pistol, that’s the whole trick, are you confident in your conclusions, absolutely, and... 100% to 200, conclusions may change if i'll ask you
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you understand how you let me down, you promised with... you claimed that your son is not guilty, and i promised to do everything possible, here is a copy of the repeated conclusion of the forensic examination, the bullet was found, your son is a murderer, that you are from him you're asking why, why did garik need to kill the boar, you ask why, the experts went through the boar's notebook, gormashev, he pointed out everywhere as garm, this is gar, harry konikin, what do i care about that?
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well, remember, you still owe me, you took my money and didn’t do it. fuck you,
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what's up, colleagues? who needs ice cream, well, thank you, otherwise i got some little fish, my brain is already boiling, creamy ice cream, super, but i don’t care what kind, as long as there’s more, thank you, but why so gloomy? yes, he apologized to the garmash, he heard enough of this from him, but he didn’t know that his fate was literally hanging by a thread, not by a thread, on the conscience of the experts, she, my friends, is not eager, it’s time to say, let’s have a drink, hurray, well, let’s get acquainted , veronika pavnovna vasentsova, your new boss, premiere.
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vasnetsova from monday on рrt. good morning, my beloved, my voice sounds only for you, my heart beats only for you, in this program not only songs are fulfilled, but also desires. my mother-in-law promised to give me a porsche kahn after the wedding. the wife says: you don’t understand, you borscht horseradish. what have you done, how could you, taxi, taxi,
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turn on oleg gazmanov’s song at full volume, through the rains, the stored flowers still live in me, what a fantasy! morning mail with nikolai baskov, on sunday on rtr, let's go for your new man, what a man, i just got separated, don’t you want to lie to a psychologist? it's time, your marriage is no more, but your desire can be realized with another person. olga
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lomonosova. do you like psychology or divorced women? you need to give him a chance, and you need to give yourself a chance, enter closed. on friday on rtr. good evening, igor strakhov is broadcasting from st. petersburg, in the news studio, briefly about the main thing. megaprojects, the president launched the construction of the moscow-st. petersburg highway and the new liets power unit. they wanted to poison civilians and russian military personnel; suspects of preparing terrorist attacks were arrested in st. petersburg. nuclear plant builders are trained using artificial intelligence.
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we are ready for the presidential elections - the head of the st. petersburg city election committee inspected the polling stations. russian president vladimir putin gave the official start today. construction of two largest and most significant projects for the country at once: we are talking about the moscow-st. petersburg high-speed railway, and the construction of the seventh power unit of the leningrad npp. the head of state took part in an event dedicated to the start of the full-scale implementation of megaprojects via video communication. each of them requires a lot of hard work. vladimir putin expressed confidence that all plans will be implemented at the highest professional level. these two objects are very important for the economy. industry to build up our infrastructural, technological, energy potential,
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to develop regions and improve the quality of life of people, i would especially emphasize that during construction , first of all, domestic equipment developments should be used, this is important for further strengthening the technological independence of the country, the high-speed line will pass through six regions, trains will cover the distance st. petersburg-moscow in 2 hours 15. power unit, but for detailed material slaes , see our issues tomorrow, the alleged members of the ukrainian paramilitary organization russian volunteer corps were sent to st. petersburg for 2 months in custody. on russian territory recognized as terrorist. according to the fsb, three men, on instructions from their handlers, planned to poison russian military personnel and civilians near the front. the poison was going
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to be added to food products and sent with humanitarian aid to fighters in the northern military district zone. the gang was caught in a laboratory, in a garage, where operatives found 20 kg of a chemical substance, which was added to cereals and sugar and candies. like, look, this thing, as i understand it, will be suitable for military personnel, well, not only for pregnant women, for afghans, this is also the case. investigators found the suspects they also prepared terrorist attacks on the territory of st. petersburg and the leningrad region; everyone faces up to 20 years in prison. first. petersburg nuclear power plant builders launched a virtual school for slingers in the city. sergey zagatsky for more details. this steel flywheel weighs 11 tons. it is needed so that the pump of a nuclear power plant does not stop in an instant if the power suddenly goes out. the mass of the steel wheel provides the necessary inertia. the part is already ready, all that’s left is to move it to a special oven for final processing. a
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these are slingers, people whose duties are lifting. moving heavy objects , it would seem, everything is simple, brought up a crane , hooked the load forward with hooks, especially now, when everything is controlled remotely and via computers, but experts have a different opinion, the profession of a slinger in the workshops of rosatom is considered special, despite the fact that our the equipment is as automated as possible; almost all machines have racks, but in order to install and remove parts from the machine, the labor of a slinger is required, so for us, performing strop work is in general, well, one... the most important operations, and certainly the most dangerous operations in production. this is a whole science , experts say: first you need to learn how to operate a crane like a jeweler, the steel hook should be above the center of gravity of the load, then master the art of correctly attaching cables and slings so that the multi-ton part does not swing, and its edges do not cut the takilash at the most crucial moment. if something goes wrong, material damage will not be the most dire consequences, but health and life are at risk. the main risks for
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the slinger is not... the correct engagement of the load, its tilting accordingly, its erroneous actions, and the slinger must know his production instructions, labor safety instructions, including the mandatory use of all necessary protective equipment. that is why future slingers are taught carefully for a long time, but now high technologies have come to the aid of professionals; for the first time in the history of st. petersburg industry, a full-fledged training center was built on the basis of the central mechanical engineering design bureau all entirely in...
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however, the experiment has already been considered successful and they want to expand the experience to other specialties. sergei zagadsky, roman chui and alexey chubka. news petersburg. st. petersburg is 100% ready for the russian presidential elections. this was announced by the chairman of the gorizberkom maxim meksin. today he inspected several polling stations. each has its own peculiarity, we started from the moskovsky station,
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there is a temporary point where almost 800 people are registered. during elections. they will be on the road will be able to vote between flights, requirements for standard equipment, video surveillance, the presence of closed voting booths, seals on ballot boxes, stands with information about candidates, if necessary, we add ramps and lifts for people with limited mobility, we also use an electronic assistant at polling stations, we use 100% working interactive media at almost all polling stations notebook of the election commission, this is a step-by-step algorithm of actions for the election commission with a calendar of actions that need to be done, and this is very important from the point of view of the human factor on at polling stations so that they don’t forget, say, to carry out this or that procedure. tomorrow. at 8 am in st. petersburg, the doors of 1,947 permanent and 47 temporary sites will open. for the first time, voting in the presidential election will take place over 3 days from march 15 to 17.
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next is the weather forecast for tomorrow. hello. weather forecast in the studio leonid petrov, big plus during the day, big plus at night light precipitation around the clock, forecasters promise in the st. petersburg region on friday, according to the st. petersburg hydrometer march 15 in leningradskaya cloudy region, about 6° above zero during the day is expected in the ownership field, the same in tifen, boksetogorsk, in okhoy +5-7 to 8° it may warm up in kirishi and gadchin, +5 in vyborg. in st. petersburg it is windy, humid and cloudy during the day, in the northern capital during the day +9 on saturday night 6-8° with a plus sign. have a nice day, whatever the weather.
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this was the st. petersburg news, all the best. oddly enough, but apparently, the car participates in the lives of our viewers more than... other items from the topics of our discussion, today we will continue to discuss questions from you, our viewers, about cars and roads. mikhail , hello, hello
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, a new tradition is already being formed, which means we didn’t have enough time to discuss it last time, so let’s continue what to do if the car skids, if it sits on the bottom, there is only one way, take out a jack, you take out a small piece of plywood from the trunk, from the trunk, to... put it, put it under the jack so that it doesn’t go under the snow, and lift the car as high as possible, after which you put it under the wheel, and best of all small pieces like this, for example , penoplex, ten , which is also in your trunk, everyone has it, but i just carry it with me, it saved me more than once, then, when you lower these 10 cm of distance from the snow, that wheel , which you see. well - it would be better to have a clutch, like, well, well, that is, you need to look at which wheel to raise when you lower it, this is enough to go backwards, by the way, penoplex, because i usually, of course, put down boards
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of logs, really under an suv, but more than once it ended up with them flying out under the bottom, yes, the fact is that penoplex is very light, you can carry about ten of these pieces with you and put them under the wheel that you lifted, you will go back. no problem, this is the first, second, i live outside the city, and for several days now i have been helping cars, gazelles, deliveries to all of them, and so on, because they come to us, try to turn around, and in winter, if there is a small, minimal slope , then you can’t get back, of course, they try to get out with the steering wheel still turned, turned the steering wheel is slipping, slipping. slipping , slipping, i say, when you give the gas, you get ice holes from which the wheels will never come out, so no slipping, the front wheels are only straight, especially on
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rear wheel drive and rocking back and forth, without slipping, you can almost always drive out using this inertia of the car when rocking, which arises, apparently, these are questions from car owners whose car is no longer... under warranty, what kind of oil to fill in? what can i say, you have to buy oil from dealers who are recommended by the manufacturer , yeah, this means that you have protected yourself as much as possible, the required viscosity, all the necessary properties, well, it’s all written in the instructions, what kind of oil you need, but you need to choose the brand of oil, for example, there is such a brand, you go to his website , there are always his recommended representatives who have him... that is, stupidly going to the market there to buy oil is wrong, and what kind of oil to add is another question that arises very often, because sometimes we cannot determine exactly how.. .such oil is poured into
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car, well, for example, it was bought used, for example, or you are doing the maintenance as it should be at the dealer, but you forgot to ask what kind of oil was filled, for example, yours shows, now the sensors show that your level has dropped, you need it urgently fill it up, you stop at a gas station, in this case a liter of semi-synthetic will never hurt, 5, b40, well, it doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter to semi-synthetics at all.
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not to freeze in the winter, but in the summer i advise, by the way, to add a special cleaning solution, otherwise the pump bursts on some cars, keep in mind that there are cars on which it is expensive to replace the pump, this is not an easy matter, it also breaks so much that the barrel becomes full of holes and you have to change it along with the barrel, this is very necessary carefully, expensive, you need to treat it very carefully, so signs of a dead battery? well, it’s probably still when a car starts to start with difficulty, before, in old cars, if you have a weak battery, it does y, then it sits for half a minute, then it can start, now there’s nothing like that, now it stops electronics, and if the voltage drops and you turn the key, then it makes a click, nothing else, yes, and the instrument panel does not even go out, but it says, the battery is dead, which is confusing, because if it went out... the panel devices
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, then it would be clear that it was probably de-energized, but here everything works for you, the central lock opens, normally, you turn the key, it click, click, click, this means that the voltage is dead, the electronics do not provide current to starter, because the voltage is too low to turn it all on, it is necessary to change the battery, battery , normal battery, good, lasts 10. 12 years, for example, on one car it lasted 12 years, on the second car 10, lead, yes, normal, which means there was another myth that you can’t light modern cars because of electronics, i heard that it absolutely had to be lit, i realized that this is an absolute myth, it’s just a precaution, which means, firstly, in order to light one car from another, it’s better everything so that during...
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connection, the donor car is with with the engine turned off, what is the sequence: first you connect the positive terminals, then the negative terminal, then start the donor car with the engine running, let it run a little, it will revive this battery a little, then you start it, everything starts up fine, in general there are no problems no, so yes, modern cars can be lit, it is possible and necessary. what to carry in the car in winter? i bought a big good cable, thick, because they pulled out the car while i was there, three cables were broken, no pulled out, a canister, but no, penoplex, yes , a jack, i wish, preferably for a long distance, still have warm clothes with you, oh yes, this is very important, some kind of sheepskin coat, a sheepskin coat in the trunk in the winter will not hurt, there there is a question that i will voice, because on the way here i heard it on the radio, yeah, like - the girl presenting said,
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can you imagine, now it will be +1, +2, +3, +4, everything will melt, there will be solid water everywhere , then the frost will hit, there will be a continuous skating rink everywhere, this is a myth: there will be no continuous skating rink, because when it gets colder, when the temperatures, all the water will evaporate, there will be dry asphalt, after all, there will be ice, it forms exactly like that, ice does not form like that, from air humidity. are you sure this is the so-called freezing rain, your car will be covered with an ice film, if it is covered with an ice film, the road will be covered in the same way, there will be solid black ice on the road, which you cannot see, it is on the asphalt, and this an absolute skating rink, i don’t recommend driving, especially on friction tires, especially on friction tires, studded tires are a little better, but still very carefully, you just need to go 20-30 km/h there, because it’s just a skating rink,
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like this - such a skating rink where they skate , an important point, if the temperature drops below thirty, below even 25, don’t run around looking for undiluted water. anti-freeze, it’s not needed, yes, nothing just flies into the windshield, nothing flies, at low temperatures, the anti-freeze is not needed, thank you very much, it’s become a little calmer, for me, i hope for our viewers, well, that’s what we ’re working for, by the way, we have answered all your questions, ask more, thank you very much, see you meeting, thank you. demons, if you look on the internet, then one of their descriptions is a supernatural entity in a sort of position, in status
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lower than the gods, and that is, it is not necessarily something sinister, so i understand that it is in this context today we will talk about demons. specifically about the demons of things. alexey, hello, hello, demon, what is a demon? well, because i have a good question, because there are demons in the paintings, they don’t look like demons at all, what is a demon of things? so, let's do it right away a warning that everything that will be said by me in the future is fundamentally anti-nanuscientific, unprovable, but absolutely reliable, in...
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in the history of mankind, virgil, well, let’s not remember him specifically, let’s remember the commentary to this place, this is servius, well -known as a grammarian, that is , an expert scribe, and he gave the following comment on this place, literally in latin, nullus, anim, lookus synegen s, that is, there is no place without a spirit, that is, every place has its own spirit, and we are talking about things, yes, not about the locus, but about
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res, look, this is such an interesting sign, but it’s about enchanted things, yes, there are a lot of them, we ’ll just mention them now in a different connection, but i don’t know about you , but enchanted by a sorcerer, it’s not clear, that is, in something
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lives in them, that’s who possessed it, yes, how it came into this thing is also a mystery, but as a child, to be honest, i was very puzzled by the carny ivanov chukovsky with his maydoder.
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which i drove every day in my life, i didn’t sell anything personal, i have cars that i don’t drive, i don’t own them i can sell, uh-huh, they’re here... somewhere here - yes, like a tool, well, the car has probably outlived its usefulness, as if beyond it, well, it’s inappropriate to keep, but everything else has some kind of value, and there are even things, those who know me personally know that i very often wear the same things, well, firstly, it’s convenient, they ’re comfortable for me and somehow i feel good with them, the clothes are even just i absolutely don’t give a damn , it’s an absolutely wonderful observation. i have a lot of things that i can’t part with, so you said that there is something, yes, but
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they have something from you, they received something from you, this is the only one, as if yes, well, the japanese tradition gives a convincing, comprehensive answer, well, shintu is in general, a most interesting religion, yes, where everything is described down to the smallest detail , everything is presented in a very unusual way, and their demons are described, namely yokai, yes, but now we are talking specifically about sukumagami, in fact, well, like a kind of spirit, a kind of demon, a kind of genius , a thing that actually acquired a soul and became a very unusual individuality, but in every sense, as a rule, this is a thing that has lived to be a hundred years old, it becomes such an individuality, let's look at them, for example, such a thing, ongaiko, what kind of thing is this, this is a mirror, and
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like this: well, excuse me, there are a lot of tricks with a mirror, but in the european middle ages, especially in the renaissance, we look, there are always some kind of mirrors shining, by the way, there is a plot close to this ongaika, in the european tradition, when a girl looks in the mirror, and there she sees the devil’s ass, so it plays with her, at the same time, well, that is, the mirror shows another world, but in very different ways, in principle you can master this instrument, but mostly...
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who, having lost their souls , ask to be returned, or things are left there for various reasons, i think something that will be familiar to a larger number of our viewers, maybe something russian, russian, of course, but with us mostly the spirit of the place, yes, these are streams, stones, some special ones, yes, there there’s not even anything, but it’s considered that this is a good place, by the way, they’re different. good, yes, that’s how the source is, illuminated, unlit, but revered
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, or bad, ruinous, and about objects, of course, mirrors, well, more enchanted ones, yes, but so that they come to life, i don’t know, well, sometimes i don’t know, it happens there , you try to catch a piece of soap, but in the bathroom, and it slips out of your hand, you fall, boom, the spirit of the soap punished you for something, so i’ll repeat all this again, they are absolutely anti-scientific. yes, an unprovable, but truthful character, like baron minhausen. that is, something tells me that, like in one of our previous episodes, as soon as the engines stop, we will giggle a little behind the scenes, well , with complete respect, yes, absolutely, but with the fact that it is not over them, yes, that this definitely occupied a place in culture and still does, of course, korneivano chukovsky and maidoder are a living example of this, thank you very much. with pleasure, see you next time,
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although we are not a political program in any way, i am very pleased that we are discussing here in studios iran and what it gives to the world, what it gave to the world, what it is like... because these last years are about everything - countries that were considered somehow wrong in the new world order, said some nasty things, culture was built on them . and history, that’s what we’ll talk about today. daniel, hello, hello. iran, as we already know, thanks to you, is a wonderful country, a diverse country, it can be +80 there , yes, well, in general it’s comfortable there. what has iran given to the world? well, in fact, indeed, the iranian civilization has a very a long history, yes, several thousand years,
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during this time in almost all spheres of life, material, intangible. culture iran left something behind, these are huge achievements in literature, this is a musical heritage, this is scientific knowledge, which is the most important, musical heritage, well , in fact, the most interesting thing is that now we are really used to perceiving music in our in general, the european tradition, but in the east there is its own system of modes, its own system of general construction and musical theory and this is exactly the musical theory that...
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so to speak, in which there is no concept, that ’s exactly it and a wonderful carved image, yes, where all music does not consist of tonalities, yes, but consists of modes, their main seven, yes, and in general everything is still very subordinate to, so to speak, the iranian solar calendar, there are 360 ​​songs, there are seven frets, and so on, they are all combined by another 30 pieces, that is , really, when we look music. yes, and we get it, we also look at the calendar for astronomy, in this regard, of course , is amazing, and especially goosebumps seem to come from the fact that all this was invented, in general, before islamic times, if we talk about science, yeah, it’s fair to say that the medicine that we received thanks to iran , well, or the former territory of iran, it
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, well, that is, the volume that we received knowledge from there, it is not... comparable to anything, perhaps this is true, of course, the most famous name, i think, is avicena, iranians call him ebne sina, we also have a variation of ibn sina, and he lived at the turn of x-xi centuries, but its canon, written just 1.0 years ago, it was the main textbook, well , for at least 600 years in all educational institutions, or even 800, and even to this day, in general, this is the main, one of the main milestones, well, let's say, in the 10th century it was already vicen. came to the idea that diseases arise due to the fact that there are some small living creatures, yes, but he did not call them viruses then, yes, but he already promoted the viral theory then, this is also thousands of years ago, that is, before the invention of the microscope in the sense in which we we have, and if we talk about the modern world, besides, probably, a contribution to a multipolar world,
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what else does iran give now, is it a country rich in resources or? knowledge, what is iran today? well, modern iran, of course, is all the heritage that has existed throughout this era, all the accumulated experience, it cannot but give some results in modern times, this is especially noticeable from the point of view of culture, we see this especially well in modern iranian designers, modern iranian artists, but also directors, in fact even cinema, iranian cinema, it has grown.
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on the trend, is it possible to assume that in a few years the rapprochement, the mixing there, at least of our two states, will be somewhere on a different level, that we will all travel there more, relax, study culture, that we will be able to somehow interact , well - iran, in fact, in general, it has never been a completely closed country, yes, another question is that we often discover something new for ourselves, yes, and this is noticeable even from my friends, from social networks. people now often start traveling to iran to discover some interesting historical places for photographs and for travel, and natural recreation in this regard is, of course, very surprising. to watch how in russia we are discovering from the other side this country, which, well, before that we had, in general, consisted only of stereotypes in our heads, although iran has always been, in
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general, a country that is nearby with us, and the soviet union had a common border, the russian empire, in general, there have always been some kind of relations there at the political level, there have always been very close relations, that’s what in russia is starting to open up iran, yes, this trend is noticeable, and most likely it will expand more and more. this is noticeable even by the number of blogs, by the number of videos that come from there, specifically russian-speaking ones, iranians have actually always been interested in russia, and when i came to iran, i was always offended by how well the iranians know russia , how shamefully little we know we are talking about them, well, maybe it’s just this that is leveling out the knowledge of each other countries about each other and maybe in the future some will be born joint interesting things, well, especially in the cultural sphere, not without your help, thank you very much. thank you, see you again.
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a new day begins on the russia channel, the main news. hello, today voting in the presidential elections begins in russia, in almost three dozen regions a remote electronic format is provided, voting will last 3 days, the main day is march 17. the entire election process will be held under strict public control. more than 200 thousand people have been trained, they will be in contact with situation center, it opened in the public ward. several hundred parliamentary observers are also monitoring the voting process. at the invitation of the council. in
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a video conference for novoogorev, the president noted that russia is fully ready to begin construction of the moscow-st. petersburg high-speed railway. travel time between the country's two largest cities will be reduced to 2:15. the head of state expressed confidence that the highway will contribute to the growth of business activity and tourism. it will pass through six regions, where about 30 million people live, which is approximately 20% of the country’s total population. the high-speed railway project involves broad industrial cooperation, the participation of many labor collectives and engineering teams, which means that a number of sectors of our economy will receive a good incentive for development, and another step will be taken in strengthening the technological sovereignty of the country. my colleagues and i recently discussed the main approaches to implementing this major project. it's time to move on.
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power unit of the leningrad nuclear power plant, the first cubic meters of concrete were poured into its base; this is the largest nuclear power plant in russia in terms of power, providing more than half of the electricity consumption of st. petersburg and the region. the new power unit will be operational by 2030. the president noted that russia is a world leader in the field of nuclear technology, even helping to create nuclear energy in other countries from scratch. today rosatom is constructing 22 energy. blocks in seven
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countries, nuclear energy is actively developing within our country, it is planned that by 2045 the share of nuclear generation in russia’s overall energy balance will be increased to 25%. the construction of a new efficient power unit at the leningrad npp will be a good contribution to this work. its launch will increase the energy security of the entire northwestern region of russia. for years to come will provide consumers with more environmentally friendly, clean electricity, we were really looking forward to today, we were really looking forward to this construction, this is, this is for a century to come , a project for a century to come, and jobs, and green energy and, of course, salaries, development of the social sphere of the city, now a cooperative situation, russian troops stopped another attempt by the ukrainian armed forces to break into the belgorod region, as reported by
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the ministry of defense, movement... including three children. at least 11 air targets were shot down by air defense systems on approach to the city. the militants targeted residential areas, several buildings were damaged, and cars were parked on the street. belgorod authorities decided to close all shopping centers in the city. their work in the following days will depend on the situation. eight enemy attacks were repelled by our units in the avdeevsky direction. this is
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footage of our rocket artillery in action. the calculations of the hail with precise strikes disrupted the rotation of the armed forces of ukraine. in the kupinsky sector, our troops pushed back the enemy and took advantageous positions, killing 220 neo-nazis. the consequences of a powerful cyclone are being eliminated in kamchatka; wind gusts reached 60 m/ sec. in petropavsk-kamchatsky, the hurricane broke trees like splinters, traffic lights , overturned stops, there was zero visibility on the roads on a massive scale. flights were put on alternate flights airfields, classes were canceled in schools and kindergartens, today the storm is moving to the northern regions of the peninsula, zero visibility due to thick fog led to a massive accident near saratov, more than twenty cars collided, 16 people were injured, including three schoolchildren, traffic police officers were involved in the accident , firefighters who arrived on call, were hit by a heavy truck that lost
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control on the slippery road. in the middle east , palestinian representatives accused israel of neglecting humanitarian law. before this, israeli the military attacked the un aid distribution center in rafah. there are victims, both among the palestinians. among un staff. humanitarian aid continues to be delivered to the palestinians by air. over the course of a week , more than a thousand huge boxes of food and drinking water were dropped by parachute. protests continue in israel; relatives of the hostages remaining in the hands of hamas have almost despaired of seeing their loved ones. they briefly blocked the highway in tel aviv to again call on the israeli authorities to do everything for liberation of fellow citizens. farmer protests continue in european countries. in spain, in malyga, farmers threw moroccan lemons onto the ground to protest against cheap imports; they also drove tractors through the streets and threw fruit at the entrance to the local administration building. in italy, farmers held a large demonstration in rome, they demanded
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increased investment in the agricultural sector, and not in the military industry. in poland, farmers continue to block roads in different parts of the country; several routes are blocked ; agricultural producers demand the introduction of a regime most favored nation. for their farmers, not for foreign ones. don't switch. a center for serial production of high-performance buggies has been launched in khabarovsk. the prototypes performed well in the nwo zone. report by anna leonova. just like that, with the sound of a hammer, bugs enter production for mass production of all-terrain vehicles. president thor patriotic seriously turned around, no longer huddled in a small room, as when launching prototypes. 25 vehicles have already rolled off the production line and were first tested at the test site eastern military district, and then on the front line. now the company is ready to reach a capacity of 20 bags per month. those same bugs,
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erofey, have already been successfully tested in the special operation zone for more than a year behind the tape and, after feedback from the military, they were repeatedly modernized and even the radiators were raised a little. above at the request of the fighters, today it is a fundamentally different car compared to what we produced that year, we have modified the chassis, we have freed up the rear space of the car for installing additional equipment or transportation of additional cargo, and the installation of an initial vision device is a proposal from an ordinary resident of the vanensky district by an enterprise engineer; now baygi can move in the special operation zone in camouflage light mode and at the same time see everything that is happening around. this kit, it is assembled from very... components, that is, the person who proposed it, he tried to minimize the cost of the kit, that is, all this can be bought on a regular household network, the enemy only hears and does not see it, i can hear, that some equipment is moving, but he does not see, cannot visualize
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, so here high speed will not be of fundamental importance, although the manufacturer’s speed was left up to 150 km/h, they added lightness and maneuverability, we have a waiting list for the whole year, we buy all the cars either at the expense of regional funds and transfer them. for our soldiers, including those in registered units, the second mechanism for purchasing these vehicles is the patriotic torus. the next stage is the release of drones, and after the completion of the special operation, erofei bugs will be produced for the civilian market of foresters and fisheries conservation. anna lenova, konstantin krutikov, vesti khabarovsk. all news is always available on the media platform, look in the application or on the website stay with us and welcome the morning on the russia channel.
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let's start, let's, let's smile, more, more, more , excellent, good, so, morning of russia, don't oversleep the main thing, good morning, hello, vera krasova, vladislav zavyalov, today is with you, today is march 15, you can't fool nature, in our country, spring is just trying to take its rightful place in the calendar, but somewhere it’s already it's in full bloom, it smells, and it's called.


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