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tv   Taini sledstviya-5  RUSSIA1  March 15, 2024 2:10am-3:01am MSK

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ru, stay with us and welcome the morning on the russia channel, let's start , let's go with a smile, more, more, more, great, good, so. morning of russia, don’t oversleep the main thing, good morning, hello, vera krasova, vladislav zavyalov, today is with you, today is march 15, you can’t fool nature, here spring is just trying to take its rightful place on the calendar. into place, and somewhere it’s already
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in full bloom and smells. yes, the fields of the spanish city of aytona turned pink, and the peach orchards bloomed there. bright trees, like a magnet, attract tourists and residents. they come with their families and arrange photo sessions. this landscape can only be seen for 2 weeks and they want to have time, of course, more than 2000 people are waiting for a visit. when do peach orchards usually begin in our country? well, cherries and apples in may. in april, we don’t have peaches, well, yes, everything will be, if spring, of course, allows, we will find out about this right now from vadim zavodchenkov, a leading specialist at the fobus weather center, vadim must tell you, we intend to say goodbye in winter, after all, here are the next few days for maslenitsa, and you naturally, naturally, so moreover, in the coming days, firstly, a real meteorological spring will come to us, and i must note that in russia gardens are also blooming, there are also peaches, although they are not yet in season.
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but, but the almonds in crimea have already bloomed. let's talk about the weather. the weather in the southern regions of russia will be affected by the influence of frontal sections, so there will be light rain in places, however, along with the clouds, quite warm air will enter the region. daytime temperatures in the lower reaches of the don and volga are up to +5 +10, in the crimea in the kuban up to +10-15. a here. the middle volga will be in the anticyclone region. there will be no conditions for the development of dense clouds here; significant precipitation is unlikely. at night it is quite frosty, but during the day the thaw will turn in the afternoon to 0.+5°. the atlantic cyclone will move across the territory of the northwestern district, there are no nasns here. the north of the region will be on the cold periphery of the vortex. daytime temperatures range from 0 to -5°. they'll get caught in the south. 6:11, although it will become
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a little cooler on sunday. the cloudy fields of the cyclone will not allow the source to pass into central russia high pressure. significant rainfall is unlikely, but light showers are possible in places in the west on sunday. in such a situation, the air will be able to warm up well in the midday hours to +4-9°. in the urals, the weather will be determined by a hot spot. therefore, there is mostly no precipitation, sunny, cold at night, and during the day the thaw reaches zero +5°. southern siberia will be covered by cloudy fields of frontal sections, so it will not be possible without light snowfalls, today on friday it will be quite cold, but it will also start here on the weekend when atlantic air arrives, by sunday the daytime temperature will rise to -2 -3°.
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in the south of the far east along the line of frontal divisions there is light precipitation in places, daytime temperatures in the amur region are from -2 to +3°, in the south of primorye up to +5 -10, on sunday it will become several degrees cooler, spring has reached such a point almost everywhere that we are in we will start growing peaches in siberia, no, in siberia, of course, it will most likely not come to peaches, unless global warming is completely, completely over. but spring is really gaining strength, it’s true, there is a lot of snow, it will take a long time to melt, but if you believe statistics, they know everything, in such cases, when a lot of snow accumulates, it is usually 5-7 minutes late in its destruction, that’s good, thank you for coming, vadim zavochenko talked about the weather in two years,
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you live while your songs are playing, hello andrey, andrey malakhov’s evening show, tomorrow at 17:50 on the russia channel. russians do not want to earn less to work remotely . every sixth person is ready to lose up to 5% of their salary, only every ninth person is ready to lose up to 10%, almost no one will give part of their hard-earned money to anyone. less than those who travel to the office, remote vacancies now make up only 6% of the total number of offers, but there are areas in which working from home has already become the norm, this is it, media, marketing, advertising and
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pr, but not working leaving the dacha, this is generally a fairy tale, of course, but many who came to check their site after winter found traces of mice in the house, can they be removed once and for all? i found out why many of the folk remedies don’t work today ilya davidov, they even ate the soap, the mice feasted all winter, gnawed the pasta, spilled the flour and even built a nest in the kitchen, elena won’t be able to rest today. instead of enjoying nature, now we’ll wash it all, sort through everything again, of course, it’s a good incentive to clean up, but i’d like to do it somehow differently without mice. of course, you can hit the areas with chemicals, but then the dacha will turn into a cemetery. lizunov, there is also little joy, but if they avoided the house , experienced summer residents advise planting blackroot, also known as the rat racer, poisonous thorn seeds stick to the skins, trying to tear them off, the mouse gets a portion of the allergen, someone plants it around the perimeter of the garden so that rodents don’t come from the neighbors, well, they help,
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the next line of defense is inside the house, in the old days flowers of wormwood, tansy, and elderberry branches were laid out in the corners; pungent smells repel mice and can be dried. put it in some kind of fabric bag, yes, natural, then they will retain their aroma much longer, but still the aroma quickly disappears, and the mice continue to breed faster, every month and a half, it is unlikely that you will influence their plans: the wormwood has been moved to the side, the georgians, apparently, have freely crawled through these holes, experts say that they don’t even care about poisons, mutations accumulate in genes and the rodents adapt. and perceives smells as background. the cotton wool is soaked in peppermint essential oil, but the mouse doesn’t even care. yes, the aroma is strong for us, but for her, for her too, the aroma is strong, she perceives it very well, but you see, it does not pose any danger. perhaps mice are stressed, but this means that hunger can also
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overcome the fear of a pungent odor. in addition, georgians know how to analyze the situation. the first time i came up, there was some strange smell, the second time i came up, it was the same smell, but nothing. happened, i ’m, let’s say, alive and well, and that means it’s starting to move, only a set of measures can stop rodents, scientists explain, before people lived in houses all year round, drove mice away with herbs, poisons, cats knew their job very well, plus they kept a whole an arsenal of mousetraps, that's what rats are like, population control - the main condition for the struggle, but the best battle is the one that did not take place, alexey jokes, the dacha is still not a battlefield, but a resting place in the fall. he took out everything edible from the house, threw out the garbage, here is the result: there are no mice, i even set a mousetrap with a piece of bread, but the cracker is still there, which means i think that they didn’t even get here, but if they get in, they won’t leave alone, so it’s better to clean up after yourself than to clean up after mice,
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wondering who’s the boss after all? every second russian regularly exercises physical education with sports, for this there are all conditions thanks to the federal project sport is the norm of life of the national project demography. regions, dozens of new facilities are opened every year, arenas, football fields, stadiums, ice arenas, swimming pools and much more. despite the young age of the players, the real passions on this football field are in full swing: goals scored, goals conceded, the joy of victories and the bitterness of defeats. nikita levin dreamed of being in such an atmosphere since the world cup match, which took place in russia in 2018, when the dream came true. the boy started playing football and became convinced that kicking a ball live is much more interesting than watching the game on tv. in football, everything can change, that is, a team can win straight 2:0, and then the team can rally and win there 2:5, 2:3. the course of the game really depends on many factors, for example, the form
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of the players, the mood of the players, football luck, but it certainly does not depend on the weather. the new arena, which was recently opened in domodedovo , is under a roof, while it has a field full size, length 90. width 45, so far this is the only such football arena in the moscow region, it was not by chance that it appeared here, in domodedovo there are only 51 amateur teams, only involved in children's football. there was a dad, the girl liked fencing right away, but she didn’t really like the gym where she had to practice before, so
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maria was very happy about the section’s move to the new center, the conditions are much better than in the place where she used to practice, the tracks here are much better, the equipment they work better here they also installed new lockers, the locker room is more spacious and improved, everything here has been renovated, plus this small hall was added to us, in omsk they are also celebrating a sports housewarming, they opened a swimming pool in one of the neighborhoods. before this, residents had to go swimming to the other end of the city, but now they have two water bowls at their service, one for adults with eight lanes, the other for small swimmers, the depth, size, equipment and number of toys are just in ideal quantities, that is, a child can how to dive, how to swim with noodle, so jump from a raft, all these joys have become available to residents of omsk and other regions thanks to the federal project sport norm of life of the national project demography, from the moment of its implementation. about 450 sports facilities have appeared, and by the end of this year they plan to build more than seventy more. surely
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, even those residents of the country who were previously indifferent to sports will want to train in these new arenas, gyms, sports complexes, swim in pools, ride skating rinks , which means the number russians who regularly engage in physical activity are likely to increase. and then medicine. how bioink from collagen will help create organs for transplantation, we’ll tell you about the development of our scientists soon, comrade lieutenant colonel, i’m ready to begin my duties and get acquainted with oddell, work as a premiere at rtr, i need to look at the body, and by the way she was a good investigator, strange questions , and where can you buy sausage in dough, are you now seriously talking to...
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one step ahead by two, no, three, four, with monday, on rtr, you are watching 100 to one, what is our task , open the whole scoreboard, we can handle it, if you ask, then with a catch, the name of which character from pushkin’s works everyone knows, how will the family be? who speaks a lot and loudly at work
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, if you answer, then with humor, i would like to chop, not pinch, problems with water, light, uh, housing and communal services, i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra , physics, chemistry - a set for headache, god forbid now beep, if you win, then hurray! and 100 to one, every saturday and sunday on rtr, we can handle it, i’ll do it everything to get you out of here, look at the weekend, what a big deal you were, and the son of a millionaire is worth a fortune, which means this bastard has a mother, he will spend the next 10 years behind bars, don’t scare me, i’m not afraid of you. “you still have time to get scared, this is the light, and my future wife, very nicely, got out of here, i’m still
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at home, i’m also at home, when life is one continuous black stripe, you need to try to turn it off, as sorry, let me take you to the hospital , buy you a new bike, as an apology, leave me alone, natalya antonova, yuri baturin, what? i want to congratulate you on your belated birthday, on your anniversary, this is the chair with your last name, well, now i have my own place in creativity. sergei makhavikov came to mosfilm and went into the dressing room, a girl was sitting in the same dressing room, he did not look for happiness, it
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found him on its own. we started filming, looked at each other for a long time, and then realized that this was probably love. on rtr. a look from the inside: what car enthusiasts can come up with to study the car from all sides. blogger, enthusiast decided observe what happens inside the tire while driving. i installed the camera and put balancing balls in there for
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greater effect. the spectacle turned out to be amazing, as if you were inside a snake that swallowed the beads, or you were watching. most people don’t look deeply, of course, but simply want to confidently drive a car, including with a manual transmission, and still do. ivan zinkevich will talk about the most common mistakes that should be taken into account by those who have decided to abandon automatic cars. new cars with mechanical relatively few boxes are offered today, but in the budget segment , buyers, as a rule, have no choice. therefore, today we will look at the main mistakes. which sometimes even experienced drivers do. before turning the key or pressing a button, be sure to depress the clutch and make sure that the gear is in neutral. if the movement is free, then you can start. this way we exclude that the car standing in gear, due to our oversight, will jerk forward when starting the engine, because in front of us there may be stand another car, or even worse,
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a pedestrian. in general, most errors when operating a manual transmission are related precisely. with the left pedal not working correctly, the clutch in the car must be used in three cases, that is, starting to move, changing gear, stopping completely, and in no case should you just stand still and hold the clutch pedal. if you understand that you will have to stand at the traffic light for more than a few seconds, switch to neutral and hold the car with the brake. not for beginners it’s worth repeating the trick of supposedly experienced motorists, who only hold the car on a slope. playing with the gas and clutch. a half-pressed pedal does not mean complete separation of the engine and gearbox, which means an increased load. and as a result, premature wear of almost all parts of the box. so on a slope it is better to use the handbrake, as taught in driving school. it’s time to forget about some outdated stereotypes. for example, about the fact that it is harmful to constantly
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keep your hand on the gearshift lever. there was a myth that the box drawer would break because of this. in given. not only on the transmission, but on the engine. and one last tip for beginners: adjust the driver's seat so that you can control the entire travel of the clutch pedal with your foot. you must clearly grasp the moment it grabs, so you will definitely feel more confident on the road. let's start!
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let's go with a smile, more, more, more, great, good, so, morning of russia, don't oversleep the main thing. the news will tell about the main thing in russia abroad in the studio. vera tarasova, hello, today it starts in russia. voting in the presidential election, almost in three dozen regions , a remote electronic format is provided; voting will take 3 days, the main day being march 17.
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the entire election process will take place under strict public control, more than 200,000 people have been trained, they will be in contact with the situation center, it opened in the public chamber. several hundred parliamentary observers are also monitoring the voting process. at the invitation of the federation council and the state duma , representatives of five international organizations are coming to russia. start of implementation of two largest construction projects vladimir putin gave the talk via videoconference from novoogoryovo. the president noted that russia is fully ready to begin construction of the high-speed moscow-st. petersburg railway. travel time between the country's two largest cities will be reduced to 2:15 minutes. the head of state expressed confidence that the highway will contribute to the growth of business activity and tourism. she will walk through the territory.
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rosatom is constructing 22 power units in seven countries, nuclear energy is also actively developing within our country, it is planned that by 2045 the share of nuclear generation in russia’s overall energy balance will be increased to 25%. construction of a new efficient power unit at leningradskaya. ac will be a good contribution to this work. its launch will increase the energy security of the entire northwestern region of russia. will provide consumers with more
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environmentally friendly, clean electricity for years to come. we were really looking forward to today, we were really looking forward to this construction, this is, this is for a century to come, projects for centuries to come, and jobs, and green energy and, of course, salaries, development of the social sphere of the city. now to the operational situation, russian troops stopped another attempt by the vso to break into the belgorod region, according to the ministry of defense, when the movement of enemy equipment with identification marks in the form of crosses was detected on ukrainian territory on the approach to the border village of spodaryushino. our aviation and artillery met the militants with preemptive strikes, the enemy lost 195 people killed and wounded, five tanks, four armored vehicles and mine clearance equipment were destroyed. which was going to... the same colony. meanwhile, the belgorod region is counting the damage from shelling by ukrainian militants; the city was attacked three times in one day. according to the latest data, two were killed, another 19
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were wounded, including three children. at least 11 air targets were shot down by air defense systems close to the city. the militants targeted residential areas. several buildings were damaged, as well as cars parked on the street. all shopping centers in the city are closed; their operation in the following days will depend on the situation. eight enemy attacks were repelled by our units in the avdeevsky direction. this is footage of the work of our rocket artillery, hail crews with precise strikes disrupted the rotation of the armed forces of ukraine. in the kupinsky sector, our troops pushed back the enemy and took advantageous positions, killing 220 neo-nazis. the consequences of a powerful cyclone are being eliminated in kamchatka; wind gusts reached 60 m/s. in petropavlovsk-kamchatsky, the hurricane broke trees like splinters, overturned stops, there was zero visibility on the roads and mass accidents, air traffic was disrupted,
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flights were diverted to alternate airfields in school gardens, classes were cancelled. today the storm is moving to the northern regions of the peninsula. zero visibility due to thick fog led to a massive accident near saratov, more than twenty cars collided. 16 people were injured, including three schoolchildren. employees were also involved in an accident. traffic police firefighters who arrived on call were hit by a heavy truck that lost control on the skolskaya road. and in graevoronsky, urban, this is news, don’t switch. in grayvoronsky city district, in the belgorod region , restoration work is underway after ssu strikes, builders are making repairs. residential buildings, infrastructure, progress of work, report by our correspondent alexander korobov. you can see the sky through the broken roof, the walls of the summer kitchen are lopsided, everything inside is upside down, the building
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has collapsed. on a white wall this is especially noticeable, but just on the dark canvas of the metal garage door you can clearly see the scattering of fragments, a large number of holes, starting from 10 cm from the ground, and they went up there, arriving happened, well, literally 10 m away,
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a shell fell from a hail rocket launcher. armed formations of ukraine carried out chaotic attacks on elderly neighborhoods of border settlements. there are no military installations where the ammunition fell. their targets were civilians. the sappers have not yet managed to get it. here is a fragment of a 220mm rocket from the hurricane system sticking out of the ground. cassette, right here these barrels were located at a height. they fell and scattered submunitions over an area of ​​about 1 km. at least five cassettes fell on natalya butova’s home, some of them pierced the roof of the house, others exploded in the yard, miraculously the youngest daughter survived, in the photo, her braided braid, which was cut by a fragment that flew into the window. when i stood over her, i looked, she had a long braid and i cut off part of the braid, it was very scary, i got scared and at
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that... moments she, because it is at the level of the back of the neck, there is still a turbulent situation in the area, there is injured residents, dozens of residential buildings received various damages, damage calculations continue. alexander korobov, vyacheslav podzolkov, vesti belgorod. active snowmelt and unpreparedness of culverts for the season led to flooding of the village of nizhny kurlugash in khakassia. there is water in the basements, motor pumps are not able to completely cope with the situation, our report. turned out to be flooded, but the worst thing for four houses along mira street and the local recreation center of villagers is, of course, the inability to use water from wells, the water will last a long time, now you can’t pump it, it’s yellow, every year we have such that we it’s drowning, oh, since february 10th it’s been so hot.
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the water came, the pipe froze, it couldn’t handle it, in the evening the water came, everything was running from the mountain, the flood waters were a big problem and on the roads of a small village, the roadway was not visible, there was snow porridge and streams, i wanted to cry, and i felt sorry for the children, i couldn’t take a bath , we couldn’t wash the dishes, we were getting ready for school, we got out, and our bus, it turns out, got into a rut and flew off the road , because everything was washed out there, the children never went to school, local authorities say that nizhny kurlugazh was always flooded, but so for the first time on a large scale, for such a case , drainage pipes are provided, through which the main flow is drained into the river, however , the house owners themselves must close and open the dampers in these pipes seasonally , otherwise the passage becomes clogged with debris, the water freezes , and what is happening today is the result, and yet in the coming summer they will try to solve the problem, this situation is a problem
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only... this year, before this everything has always been handled, all the pipes, yesterday a contractor arrived, we had one on the territory, with whom we will work on the issue in the summer, lay larger pipes, so that i don’t think there will be more such problems. crews continue to pump out flooded houses and periodically defrost pipes and drainage systems, but such measures do not last long. there is hope for the weather, in the coming days in the tashtyp district it will be frosty and windy, the melting of the snow will stop, but in this case there will be icy conditions on the roads and... here local authorities can really solve the problem, go along the roads with a grader to fill, and not postpone until the summer. maria dobryina, antonina tomachakov, alexey burnakov, news of khakassia. all news is always available on the media platform we watch, in the application or on the website. stay on the russia channel. you almost died once. sergey makhovikov. we have done a lot of work over these 10 years helping children. they brought a whole carload of sweets. and i
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also brought... good morning, hello, vera krasova, vladislav zavyalov, they are rushing to see you this morning, today is march 15, if anyone doesn’t remember, it’s friday, well, nothing is
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a pity for the little blood, it’s true, overwhelming the majority of russians are ready to financially support their children in adulthood, every fifth believes that they need to be provided for until adulthood, almost every third believes that until the age of 25. every fourth person is completely sure that you need to support children throughout your life, until they are old, while you have the strength, but 70% believe that you need to create start-up capital for your heirs, every third person saves for their housing, in second place is education, in third wedding. well, regarding education, there is a growing demand for workers with knowledge of the chinese language, how difficult is it to master it and how much does it cost? “it’s worth it,” daria tivanova found out. yeah, in the classroom, muscovite anna teaches the pronunciation of chinese phrases. the girl began studying the complex language of the asian country while still at university, after which she took special courses, and now she studies with tutors so as not to forget the language. a 45-minute academic hour costs approximately 2,000 rubles. depending on
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the teacher, with the help of work, tutors, i am now five. and this is almost the maximum level of knowledge of chinese, there are six in total. primary or otherwise hsk1 corresponds, for example, to english beginner or elementary and suggests that the student who owns it knows about 150 words, pronounces sounds and letters correctly, understands simple texts and can write the basic part of hieroglyphs. you can reach this level by studying independently using apps, listening to podcasts or on online platforms from 500 rubles per lesson or in group classes both offline and online from 500 to 1.00 rubles per academic hour. the second level of hsk2 or basic, assumes that the student already knows the alphabet and has about 400 basic words conversational skills in the social and everyday sphere. training in this case. it’s better to go with an experienced tutor from 100 to 3.00 rubles for classes with an average-ranking teacher and up to 7.00 rubles per hour with a native speaker, since starting to speak is the most difficult point for a student, you won’t be able to set your tones, pronunciations, you won’t be able to correct ourselves, therefore, especially at the base, we, as
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chinese language teachers, advise you to definitely have an assistant in the role of a tutor, teacher, courses, and so on. with this basic level it is already possible get to china. for a free summer internship from hsk3 to an annual one, from hjsk4 to enter a chinese university for humanities professions or do business with foreign partners. if you were unable to pass the competition for free training, you can also pay to go to the celestial empire to improve your knowledge. for example, a two-week course with accommodation, meals and a cultural program in china will cost from 50 to 90,000 rubles. separately, airfare costs about 80,000 and a visa - 3,000 rubles. that is, at least 133,000 for everything. high prices are due primarily queue duration of training, for example, entry level.
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goals, and main wallets, there are dozens of options to study this unusual language. it’s even better to learn a new language with the whole family, in the year of the family , especially since supporting russians with children and improving their quality of life is one of the priority tasks of the state, which consists primarily of providing various benefits and payment benefits. we will talk about government measures to support large families and families with children with the chairman of the social fund of russia, sergei cherkov. greetings, good morning, good morning, very glad. have been operating since 2007 - this is the maternal , well-known world support for families, which is capital, today in what amount is it paid, what do families usually use it for, is there already a figure for how many such certificates have been issued, in total we
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have already issued almost 14 million certificates, the amount is constantly indexed to this maternal and family capital and now, for example, the amount at the birth of a second child is already 833.00 rubles. if the mother gave birth to her first child, then the amount will be slightly less. 630,000 rub. and accordingly, then the application of the second one will give her a very additional payment up to the amount that i just mentioned. if the child was born first before joining... this is a very significant measure that supports families, children, there are many other measures
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that relate to certain categories of mothers, for example, uh, you know perfectly well, yes, maternity leave, benefits for caring for a child up to one and a half years old, maternity leave, again we have an allowance, and here it is also gratifying to note that this allowance has increased significantly in size by one and a half times, in fact yes, this year one and a half times, compared to last year, next year it will increase even more and will actually be twice as much as it was last year, the maximum amount is already... more than 565,000 rubles. that is, accordingly, also a fairly large amount. what does this amount depend on? she depends on her mother’s earnings. the more the mother earned before the vacation, the greater the benefit will be. there is also a very interesting norm in our legislation, which concerns pensions, yes, which is slightly assigns later than the benefit, this is a pension for mothers of many children, for example, a mother who has five children retires at 50 years old, a mother who has three children can retire at 57 years old, a mother who has four children retires at 506 years old, at the same time, all children are taken into account in the amount of... pensions, this is also very important, because for each child born to a mother
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, one and a half years of service is included, mandatory, and so-called pension coefficients are given, which allows her to increase her pension. regarding the provision of documents to the social fund for the assignment of benefits, why does this need to be done annually and is it necessary if the information is in the database? you’re probably talking more about the single benefit, it’s so much heavier, and it’s more complicated from an administration point of view, but here we also learned together with colleagues from other departments. to do this, now mom is filing an application, or dad can file an application, and we also get all the data from databases either of other government bodies or our own, here the only question is a single benefit, probably which people i’m interested, it’s not assigned for life , as they say, yes, because the financial status of the family can change, and family members may appear there, for example, a different job , maybe something else, so once a year a person resubmits the application to us he very often writes to the program: this is where they should contact so that all issues
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can be resolved quickly. we have created a federal contact center specifically for all requests, the ecc, we call it, a single contact center where you can contact on any issue that falls within the competence of social fund, there is a single contact center number throughout the country, there is 8800 unit 50 unit, thank you, thank you very much , thank you very much thank you very much. families with children can expect such payments and benefits in 2024. we spoke with the chairman of the social fund of russia, sergei cherkov. fruit floral collection from azer tea is an ideal combination of high-grade tea leaves, aromas of juicy fruits and fresh berries. morning, time to brew aizer tea. have you decided which bouquet? let's try chrysanthemum. charisonden, not so
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pain, stories of a big country, premiere, today at 23:55, what do you say to this? i even know her name, alina, that this is not what i think, yes, everything is not like that, neurism, being a man, school of female happiness, premiere, tomorrow at 21:00, thinks, asks, analyzes, accepts solutions, just like... a studio operator, a humanoid was connected to a neural network, the result was a smart robot, capable of communicating with people, determining what, who is in front of him, and what can be done with him? for example, when a person asks to take an edible item from the table and give it to him, the robot handed out an apple, he also put away the dishes , threw out the garbage, remembered, described his actions, but fantasy has become reality, now there is someone to entrust with all the homework, russian scientists are creating the medicine of the future, preparing to print organs for transplantation. the new generation of bioprinters
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will allow not only to grow human organs, but also to test drugs without the use of laboratory animals. we use dispersed collagen, processed in a special way and it is mixed with water in a certain concentration. in this laboratory, students from ufa are literally creating the medicine of the future. the goal is to develop so-called bioinks. they print fragments on special 3d printers. organs and tissue of living organisms. the pride of young biologists is a substance called mater gel. it was synthesized from collagen most similar to human collagen, without the use of chemical additives that can be toxic. this. at the first stage , scientists want to use printed tissue fragments instead of laboratory ones. animals for drug testing. the next
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step is to print the skin and cartilage. in the coming decades, it is planned to print tubular organs, such as the intestines, for example. and we assume that the field will develop actively, in particular this will affect the fields of transplantology, oncology, and surgery. that is why today thousands of laboratories across our country and the world are conducting experiments with bioprinting. for example, in sechinovka they printed a patch for an eardrum and successfully implanted it in a rabbit. at the same time, scientists are trying create other organs. starting from the liver, eardrum, vocal folds, urethra, skin. cartilage, quite a wide range. at first, researchers tried to print with individual cells, but quickly realized that this method was not very effective; the process would work much better when the bioink was filled with so-called cell spheroids. this is like a three-dimensional structure, but usually these are dense balls from one type of cells. now we
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are trying to move on to printing, in fact, with more complex structures, such as organoids. in fact, it is already a functioning organ, but in miniature it is capable of performing specific functions. he doesn’t notice me, but i want him to like me, you will turn yourself into a beautiful, confident woman, and i will just lead you by the hand to this goal, you help others find a husband, you have beautiful hands, that you can add an a to sex, don’t lose yours, but by the way, i call him
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mine, your girl fell in love on the side, yaroslav boyka. sorry, i can't answer the meeting. svetlana antonova. what a fool after all, you yourself turned your faithful girl into a surona. now give it back. they don't know that you are aware. think about it. i'll think about it. school of women's happiness. premiere. on saturday on rtr. your husband has already chosen a design for you. masenka, what is this? these are from the apartment.
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dasha, did you hit the dog? on sunday, he had a bilateral pneumatorus, i, the surgeon, performed a thousand such operations, but maybe you will operate on the dog? you chose it yourself, oleg, he doesn’t love anyone, not even me, advice on love, anatoly rudenko, don’t say anything, let’s go let's just sit in silence, healers of souls, on sunday on rtr, hello! dear friends, your favorite program is on air for 60 minutes. vladimir vladimirovich, we’ll talk about all the issues in a hurry to deploy nuclear weapons. i have already demanded that nuclear weapons be returned to me. how are things on the front? the weather is cloudy with hail in places. the guys act confidently,
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the commanders act confidently, quickly, reliably, there are eight from the equipment, and we have domodin olesa. look how touching, the internet has exploded with footage of a man in a fox mask, this is melissa stanley,
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since this is possible, it cannot be , the tests are becoming more and more difficult, the level of the participants is stronger, and we are all in anticipation of just a super fight, i’m just ready to be surprised, this time the geography of the new season is also surprising, so many participants from all over the world have never been on a television project , for first place and 5 million rubles. unique competitors from russia, china, india, italy, bulgaria, japan, america, kazakhstan, mongolia and other countries will have to compete. viewers are already in the first episode. shocking not only the incredible mental talents of the participants, but their remarkable physical abilities, and the bravest ones will set new records in front of
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television viewers. incredible, fantastic, it’s just an ongoing state of surprise, close to shock, that’s why we ’re gathering here, to experience it all. tonight, a female polygrapher, a human locator , a world record holder for counting down the one who is able to walk on water will shock with her skills this evening, and this is not mysticism at all, this is impossible, spectacular tests, complex and sometimes dangerous experiments, only one chance prove to everyone who is the best here amazing, all this tonight, premiere - the first episode of the most incredible tv show on the planet, amazing people, today at 21:30 on our channel. and then. gadgets on fire. how to use devices safely? can i charge it overnight? what to do if a fire does happen? we
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called the ministry of emergency situations, after the news everything will be clarified. let's start. come on, let's do it with a smile, more, more, more. great, good, so, it’s morning in russia, don’t forgive me, the main thing is high speeds and powerful nuclear technologies, the president launched the scale. targeted residential areas in in the belgorod region, there were deaths after an attack by the ukrainian armed forces; air defense shot down 11 air targets
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of militants. the hurricane turned over.


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