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tv   Utro Rossii  RUSSIA1  March 15, 2024 9:30am-9:56am MSK

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these are controlled minefields , these are uncontrolled minefields, and most importantly , these are strongholds that are created in such a way as to fire into the flank of the advancing enemy, we meet them head-on from the flanks, well , they don’t have the money so much opportunity for them, for them to build this is on a two-thousandth line, so to speak, and i’m talking about kilometers , but i know for sure from several sources... i received information, i ’ve been talking about it for a long time, i repeat that in kharkov , meetings are held every day with the governor of the kharkov region, with the mayor of the city kharkov, with the active participation of military engineers from germany, everything about fortification, really in the kharkov direction, this is the northern section of the front, they are actively trying to do it, but they are doing it.
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it’s precisely in the kharkov direction, here, especially in kherson or odessa, where the situation is more difficult for them. alexander, the last thing has become quieter in donetsk, but thanks to the successes that our troops have achieved recently, have they pushed the enemy back a little? you know, there is shooting every day, but it’s real. became quieter i’ll tell you why, because the enemy has really lost the ability to use many calibers, for example, artillery, if he has missiles, yes, he can use, if he has a rocket system that operates far enough, he can use, but we have such a situation, artillery is there outside the city, but we hear it here because it is a large caliber. well heard, this is
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the second time, but we are not letting them sleep today, today we are carrying out actions that do not give the enemy the opportunity to use force. the last few months have definitely particular attention is drawn to events on our border in the belgorod and kursk regions. these actions, i think , are, of course, certainly related to the upcoming elections, this is the first, second, as usual, the svu, zelensky
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are trying to demonstrate to their sponsors that they are active, but we can only draw one conclusion, that all the actions that are taking place in the svu. throughout the entire theater of military operations today are subordinated not to some military plan, but rather to the rules of marketing and advertising, and the fact that they even people are abandoned in such numbers that they are simply destroyed in the hundreds just in the last 2 or 3 days, hundreds a day, hundreds a day, yes, plus, we know about the big events that took place in the krynki, when they were holding, in principle, not completely insignificant bridgehead on the left bank of the dnieper. again, i say marketing and advertising, which certainly, probably leads to a certain awareness, probably among europeans and americans, that in principle, further, apparently, as it seems to me, in a right mind, financing the vso will not lead to anything,
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therefore, the initiative that we currently have in our hands, of course it needs to be developed, it is difficult for us to draw any conclusions, because we are not in the general staff, but nevertheless, as for... regarding the fortifications, i i’ve been to zaporozhye, in the kherson direction many times, that line of defense that we built a year ago, it’s really impressive, it really was multi-layered, i don’t know what ukraine is demonstrating now, i don’t know how it will end, it seems to me that half will plunder, and what they even claim their deputies, being there, apparently have confirmation of this, and of course, remember how they laughed at our dragon teeth, yes, yes, yes, now they themselves... completely simply copy these actions, it’s difficult to understand, somewhere there’s money they will take it, but as for the events taking place in america, well, i want to say, this popular phrase from yesterday gives a clear assessment of this, that the vampire score ends with the appearance of rats in new orleans
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, witness this, look in america, i don’t know, at in my eyes there are many elections in america happened, like many of you, listen, how uncivilized. after all, in the most, in their opinion, democratic country, according to their, admittedly, democratic rules, which no one knows about, here is such a mutual insult, sleeping joe, sleepy joe, it means, well, madness, idiocy, in what words they are each other they don’t call a friend names, but how can one take it seriously, now even a country that demonstrates such an electoral system to the whole world
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means openly declaring that they will be next after ukraine, but this it’s funny, but do they really not understand what kind of logistics, how much number of armed forces, equipment is needed, and the supply of ammunition, and food, and fuels and lubricants, well, what smart person, not even militaryly untrained, politically unprepared, can talk about this, absolutely, how about nuclear weapons, listen, nuclear weapons are designed to be ready, otherwise why are they needed? the supreme commander, yesterday, calmly said, yes, we have nuclear weapons, we always have them ready for use, and there are the principles by which we use them, as well just like any nuclear power has principles , what was said and what we heard in response , now only they are discussing it, so
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the vampire point ends, bellies are full, bellies are full of flesh, money is in our pockets, let us calmly watch the degradation of this golden billion. we'll be back. let's. colonel, i’m ready to begin my duties and get acquainted with the department and work. premiere on rtr. i need to examine the body. and by the way, she was a good follower. strange questions, where can i buy sausage for testing? are you serious now you say? questionable methods. veronika pavnovna, you are still part-time with the dog handlers. original conclusions. that's it, exactly. found it.
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from monday on rtr. you don’t need to make an appointment with him, it’s a joke, he will come to your house himself , we start, he will always help , we will train, how to walk on ice correctly, he will always tell you how to increase low blood pressure, how an air freshener can lead to asthma, how to take medicine correctly, will always keep... a bowl of macaroni and cheese, this is a pan of dumplings or
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a frying pan of fried potatoes for lard, a knitting needle, this is how a child sleeps, but i don’t advise you to do this, a doctor you can trust 100%. and you will be happy. well, i can’t guarantee happiness, but i’ll definitely have more health. dr. myasnikov on saturday at rtr, i would really like to work for you, we’ll start, of course, on sunday, what do we have? jerry, the bulldog, snores, what to feed the crayfish, the hamster just died, my good one, it seems, my life. forgives you, what does it take to become a successful veterinarian? an extreme situation
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brings people very close together, maybe we can get down to business? come on, come on, some kind of ability to love today is the dazzling alena dmitrivna? it’s hard not to fall in love with him, and if i say, let’s stop here, because it’s dangerous to go further, doctors and showers, alezhik, i’m home! on sunday on rtr. to the tenth anniversary of the reunification of crimea with russia. we are proud of your courage, courage - through the years and through generations we carried the love for the fatherland. this land is sacred to us. why is chersonese important to us? this is the birthplace of russia. every square meter is northeast.
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but only for the sake of the people, russia in 2014 declared openly to the whole world: crimea is ours, film by andrei medvedev, crimea, 10 years, we are together, premiere on saturday on rtr, we can handle it, me.
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“you need to try to get off it, as an apology, let me take you to the hospital and buy you a new bike, as an apology, leave me alone, natalya antonova”:
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world sensation of the last minutes putin called
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the creation of a nuclear power plant in space a priority. the united states, remember, was afraid that moscow would put nuclear weapons into orbit, but the atom turned out to be peaceful. we listen to the president. we have good competencies and, moreover, there are even some groundwork that we can be proud of, which we can count on in the future, for example, nuclear power plants for working in space, we need to finance it on time. there are issues that require additional attention, because this is this topic, it is somehow important, it seems like we are all accustomed to the fact that we have competencies here that other countries do not possess, but we need to pay special attention to it so that it a develops b could be used in the future to solve those problems that can and should be solved with
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the help of these technologies. 99. percent of military assistance to ukraine was provided by nato countries - announced secretary general of the alliance stoltenberg. but this is not enough. the kiev regime urgently needs to be given even more weapons and ammunition, because the russians are superior to the ukrainians in weapons and this is a huge problem that is reflected on the battlefield. at the same time, stoltenberg does not see a direct military threat to nato countries from russia, this is key. but if if a threat arises, trump, if he comes to power in the united states, will not protect the europeans. europe spends a tiny fraction of what we spend, european countries as a whole should pay the same, because as you know, our economy is about the same size as theirs, if you add them all up, then their economy is very close to our economy, plus they are in much greater danger than we are, we are surrounded by the ocean, they are not there, so they are spending $100 billion on ukraine,
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perhaps even more, less than us, they have to spend money, i had the same problem with nato, they didn't spend. i won't defend you if you don't pay. but europe is spending about $100 billion less on aid to ukraine. this is something that really needs to be taken care of, it's not fair to us. we , of course, listen to trump, but at the same time we understand that he is as absolutely a friend to us as... syria , as in front of our troops the americans launched strikes on syria and trump then openly tweeted: yes, in the seventeenth and eighteenth years, come on russia, shoot down our missiles, you can’t, you chickened out, that’s what trump did. this is in reference to the fairy tale that trump was a president who did not
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start a single war. we remember that we advise those who say this to remember syria. the seventeenth and eighteenth years, but this is as an epigraph. the first point is that i am always surprised by the ability of western elites to make a sensation out of nothing. let’s take our president’s statement yesterday, and what exactly did he say that was so revolutionary? let me remind you that back in ninety-three, in in 1993, we excluded from our nuclear, from our military strategy, the soviet commitment not to launch a nuclear first strike. indeed, the soviet union took it over in 1982 unilaterally; in 1993 it was expelled. in 2000, our military doctrine included. it is written that russia reserves the right to use nuclear weapons in the event of non-nuclear aggression of a high degree of intensity. actually, what else,
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what new did our president say yesterday, according to by and large, it simply reminded us of our doctrinal documents, the same with a nuclear power plant in space. let's remember that the un space committee in 1992, in 1992, adopted a code on the use of nuclear energy sources in space, so that the americans, by the way, would say to it: we will not join, we will not sign any agreement, let it be remains at the level of wishes, well, wishes, so wishes, what can i tell you, if we signed the agreement, there would be no point in crying now, screaming that russia is behaving incorrectly, they have fallen into their own trap, but they will start screaming. judging by putin’s words, he talks about the future, the future , he repeats this several times, it seems to me that the future is not far away, apparently yes, apparently not far away, but i think that
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the americans are preparing to deploy anti-satellite weapons in order to withdraw from a whole series of treaties related to space , and the main thing is the basic agreement of the year sixty-seven, and now to nato itself, as far as i can understand from their analytical centers that... open publications, now they are discussing four basic scenarios, all of them are a division of ukraine, the first one is the most desirable for them, they would like the option of a drop for you, a sea for us, that is, okay, take crimea, donbass and south, zaporozhye region, and the rest will go to nato. it is clear that russia is not satisfied with this option; then we get a constant threat at our borders , which is very dangerous. option two: if things go badly for ukraine, then, of course, they will try to play out the following option: for us, that is, nato, western ukraine, plus some
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bridgehead in the east, poltava and dnepropetrovsk regions. again, this option is very dangerous for us because it does not solve anything. they will deliver missiles, even if not in kharkov, in sumy, poltava, they will rearm such a ukraine, and we will get a new war. option three, if things go really badly for ukraine, then apparently they are not against preparing for the entry of nato troops into western ukraine, taking control with the words, yes, the collapse of the regime is happening, and in order to prevent the evil dangerous russians from entering europe, we are ready bring in troops, take control, poland, volyn and lviv, slovakia - chop, hungary - transcarpathia, well. odessa, we have a long way to go to odessa, unfortunately, we need to cross the dnieper again, take
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kherson, nikolaev, and the ukrainians may not offer resistance to them, but simply let the romanians through, this option, of course, will not give russia the black sea ports, they are considering, well, option four, if things really go nowhere in ukraine and it happens...
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we need to take this into account, and we need to understand this, so poland is really in a position where they want to create a large army for future conflicts in eastern europe. well,
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we need more here. can the professor watch?


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