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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  March 15, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm MSK

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she doesn’t like to rest, she ’s always busy with some kind of worries, she always needs something, either to read , or to write, or to look after the cows, and recently she told me that she herself, asked me to bring the complete collection of soltakov shchedryan, i’m thinking, where can i find all this at home and bring it to her, he says, i want to re-read it, that’s why she’s like this, and why she’s like this, because... we too, we know her, last time we came, she doesn’t sit still for a second, you know, like she has some kind of wound up motor, uh-huh, well, there’s such curiosity about life, very curious, she wants to know everything somehow, to figure it out, but in principle she has always been like this, even in your childhood, i think so, that is, i remember, she forced me to teach something there, somewhere to perform in some choir. we were there, i remember
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reading a poem about lenin in her there at work somewhere, we always participated there somewhere, so i think that yes, in my childhood too, in childhood she was like that too, you needed her, well, yes, this is a strict mother, how was this expressed, in discipline, even when we lived here, here we have to every day there was exercise, yes, restrictions on sweets, that’s all, she took care of our health. did you go ice skating with her? no, why? no, i don’t know , not an amateur, my mother is an amateur, she really loved me, and she forced me to skate as a child, i ’m calm about skating, as a child you said so, a year ago, i’ll tell you, your mother put me on ice on this how... she just overtook her
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, i couldn’t catch up with her, he couldn’t catch up with sasha either , the two of us couldn’t catch up with her, she went with us to the races, she won, yes, like that, mom always remains mom, no matter how much we she wasn't old enough to tell you? “what does she advise me, not to be afraid of anything , this is probably the main advice, not to be afraid of anything, everything will be fine, everything will be fine, it’s her in spite of everything and in spite of everything, probably, but what are the options, we need to continue to live, what are the options, and what dangers threaten her here?” "there may be, yes, kayom may
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kick in the end, she may slip, fall, that is, i, in my head, have a lot of dangers, in her head there is no, that everything is in order, and why, most importantly, does she not move from lake baikal , here they are here, she doesn’t want, she doesn’t want, how many times we had such a conversation once, when she already told me, if you ask me about it again, i won’t talk to you at all, somehow i have her so in an ultimatum... she already said in the form, i left her behind because she doesn’t want to, this is still her parents’ house and this is some kind of important place for her, she was always eager to come here, what will she do in the city , she says that there is nothing for me to do there, she just can’t sit, so it seems to me that this is her life, she was always eager to come here, it was always her home.
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i’m used to it here, i’ve been riding around here side by side , i’ll sit and look, i feel good, sometimes it’s raging, sometimes it’s very smooth, i think someone would come and take a look, stroke this one like a mirror, and i don’t want to go to the city , i don't want to, you know? i don’t want to, you know how good it is in my soul , some kind of power also comes from baikal, i’ll just say, even when it’s stormy, when it’s straight you can’t take anything from water. he’s still beautiful, he’s
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just beautiful, there’s nothing like this anywhere, here where i’ve also been and went to a resort in the south, well... nothing made me happy except baikal, here’s baikal, baikal, baikal, of course, i’m quite old, 82 years old, i’ll be 83 soon, so i i’m thinking about the fact that this is all mine... wealth, who will get it, i need to make a will, and i ’ll go to elantsy, make a will, make a power of attorney for sonya, for my daughter, i ’ll do all this in advance, because i i might fall
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to die, they’ll bury me here, because i don’t want to go to the city, and here... nearby too uh, there’s a cemetery, if they want to take it away , they don’t want to, but i’ll tell them that you should bury it here, here, here i grew up, here everything is familiar, everything is mine, i don’t even want to think about it, well... she told me everything too she said that i want to be buried here, everything, how you can comment on this, how it is, how you can treat it, only there is such pain, everything, how they taught you to obey
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your parents, you have to obey. you said today that your fate is tragic, like your mother’s, because your mother’s is tragic, because that my mother had nine children, i was left alone, she almost buried everyone except natasha, the eldest daughter, but we didn’t find petya at all, she buried them all, your mother’s life was difficult, very difficult, your mother’s was very difficult life, but it was like that... i didn’t grieve, but your daughter, sonya, kirill’s son, has children, and kiryukha is alone, him, sonya is alone, this is also sad for me, because they are alone, not a child , nothing, i say, sonya,
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take the child, my sophia is very affectionate, firstly, secondly, she is very responsible, she would, of course, raise child, baby, those, even that one. an abandoned child, yes, she would take everything, that’s what happened to me too - oh, i would be generally glad, i would even help them as best i could, i would help, even here in the summer here on lake baikal, time wasted only because that she was married , well it so happened that there were no children, and he left , then the older children died, they both raised their son kiryusha and sonya raised their sister’s children, that is, nephews, so they raised them while they were little , they grew up, but time has passed, everyone who has been there since one year is all married,
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all families have, so the guys were left alone, and i worry about this, that this is loneliness. it of course worries me very much, somehow all the time it’s in my head on my heart, that’s because i’m thinking about the fact that i, too, won’t last forever, so they won’t have me, somehow they’ll be left alone, i’m trying to - hold on, hold on, because you need to live longer. well, boys, we’ll make pancakes, yes,
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we’ll spread out, rest, that’s it, we’re tired, and i ’m back and forth every day. back and forth i’m so tired that it’s been 8 hours and that’s it, here we are too today, no, dear, we’ll make pancakes , first of all, this is the time. secondly, uh , that means the butter was coming tomorrow, yes, well, you ’ll tell me, show me, yes, of course, i’ll tell you, i’ll show you, here’s flour, yes, here’s milk for you, here’s your testicles, you know how to break it, yes, okay, here's the soda, here's the sugar, knead everything so that the pancakes are without lumps, without anything, just like that, just like that, whin-tyn-tyn-tyn-you.
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wrote a wall from this paper, made a surprise, or the kids are singing or dancing, or a poem is being told, here you go something doesn’t work out well for a long time, so you see some lumps, some lumps, some pour some more flour because it’s too runny , that’s all, what are you doing? you cook this for yourself, that you are over 80, and you are in such shape, this
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is the secret of longevity, if we were talking about food, oh, i grew up on good fish, in baikal the fish are all good, be it sorog, perch, omul, whether grayling or sik, in the village everything is natural. and here it’s like such a bright sun , they’re always the sun in the summer, sanechka, you let’s stir it up, and i’ll go there to bake a stove, i’ll help antosha open it, so dear, how to open it, since you say, first all the firewood needs to be stacked, so, and this chimney was opened, break them like this, two by three
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times, you can break the splinters and put them under the firewood, just a little lift the firewood and put it under the bottom, and every morning, every morning, every morning, and fully, fully, i set up the stove and then it’s already here, you see, it’s still warm, hot. yeah, by the morning it’s cold, so don’t heat it at night, or what? no, i'm not drowning, i'm saving firewood. bablyub, do you prefer it when you’re alone at home or when you have guests, children , all sorts of things for me, when you’re alone, of course , i’m sad, sometimes it happens , sometimes i’ll cry, sometimes i’ll sing, i’ll sit, i’ll sing, i’ll cry, but in general i’ll be sad i don’t have much time when i have a cow here next to me and... the dogs are my brain center working and i
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need to do this, i need to do this, i need to put it on the dogs, sash, we need dough, but no, these are the edges let's also let's miss what you're doing, hold the dough, you see, and the first one is ready, who taught you how to bake pancakes, no i know, no one taught me, well ... there was no time to teach us especially, so we saw everything ourselves , we did everything ourselves, i saw how she sews, i saw how this is done, i saw how she milks cows, how she receives calves, how i saw all this with my own eyes and she didn’t have time to tell me this and that, that five and ten, oh dad, dad can only raise me with a stick, of course he didn’t beat me, but he beat petrukha, the only thing... he taught me don’t throw things around, which means we usually smeared
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fresh manure on the flocks so that it wouldn’t blow through there that’s all, so i smeared and smeared with him, came home, threw these shitty mittens under the threshold, and he walked behind me, lyuba, come here, with these mittens i pums-pums-pums, just like that, yes, grandma, anton, everything is ready, come, we are the same, that’s it, guys, pancakes. they are round and this means a symbol of the sun, so alexander kneaded the dough , antosha cooked, cooked, and i melted them with butter and doused them like this, eat to your health and i wish you happiness, and with these
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pancakes i open our spring and... masnitsa , so that you are happy, firstly, yes, and secondly, so that we have a victory, which we will definitely have soon, so don’t worry, eat to your health, i’m allowing spring, pancakes in the future. very tasty, when they poured the butter right on , it was very good, wonderful pancakes , golden hands grew from that place, and i will remember antoshka and sanka, so we are not
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leaving yet, well, so i you when you what is this , i am here before you. .. i won’t keep it, i ’ll live here alone, uh-huh, the mouse was making noise, the trees were bending, and it was a dark night, one loving couple all night. now there is a short pause immediately after the live broadcast of the prediction of the baikal hermit, what awaits us? comrade lieutenant colonel, i’m ready to begin my duties and get acquainted with the department, work, the premiere
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on rtr, i need to examine the body. by the way, she was a good tracker. strange questions, where can i buy sausage in dough? are you serious now? questionable methods. veronica pavlovna, are you still part-time with the dog handlers ? original conclusions. that's it, exactly. i found an alibi for the elder family. bed. well, look how positioned she is. a paradoxical solution. you can't take off your mask. why?
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open the whole board, we’ll handle it, if you ask, then there’s a catch, the name of which character from pushkin’s works everyone knows, how much it will be 7.8, 7.8, 7.8, how much, who is at work, speaks a lot and loudly, if you answer, then with humor, i am an oak tree, chop, not, pinch, problems.
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sunday, what do we have? jerry, the bulldog, snores, what to feed the crayfish, the hamster just died, my good one, it seems my life is turning into what it takes to become successful veterinarian, an extreme situation brings people very close together, maybe we can adopt it, let’s do it. come on, the ability to love , alena ditrinno is somehow dazzling today, it’s hard not to fall in love with him, but if i say that let’s stop there. because it’s dangerous to go further, doctors and showers, alezhek, i’m at home, on sunday at rtr, sunday, good, well, just
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in case, i received the fourth rank of security guard, wow, how good you are, people are meeting me. look, look, look, if you want to look, look, let's see, look, look. on the screen, look at me , carefully, look, look, agreement, sign, we sign at the same time for once2, sign, look, look, maybe we’ll go
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to me, just watch a movie, russia tv channel, live broadcast, we went to the famous hermit lyubov morikhodova to baikal and lived for 2 weeks in her small house on the lake. ahead is the prediction of the world-famous hermit, we continue: it’s a little after eight, baba lyuba is getting ready to sleep there, something is rustling in her closet, it was a very difficult day, it took a long time to get to ladies, the air here is certainly not the same as in moscow - it’s cool, but the main thing is that you can go to bed with a calm heart. tomorrow the woman will love it, we will help. sasha, aren't you cold? no, no, it’s warm, but i want it warmer, of course, if last spring i slept in a t-shirt, now i’m wearing
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a turtleneck, no, i won’t undress completely. that's it, sash, good night, good night, and tomorrow morning we'll start, love to help the woman. good night. they're all asleep, that's what it is, but you have to get up at first light, four buckets, ok, let's go, let's go, now, give me the bucket, i can't empty it, we'll carry it ourselves , you see what they did last time, i can't go, it's empty, so i always go, carry something. how many times a day do you go for water, money, how many times do i go , i just do this once, i’ll fill all the buckets
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and put them down, so i go, i can’t carry the full ones anymore, i hit the bucket like that, so i’ll put them on the boards , because you can’t put snow on it, it sticks, you know, they become heavier, so here i am. laid the planks on i’ll put up the boards, rest , then move on, you have potatoes here, yes, after all, money, potatoes, women love , we used to go for potatoes, oh, what is this with me, i always go for potatoes, we go there with songs, from there with songs, i never said that i have children, i won’t go, i’ve never, i’m always there and i was a treacherous woman there, but now young people don’t even know what... what it’s like to go for potatoes, you see that this is very bad, this is very bad, we helped, we helped the collective farmers, you see, this is it, we have no one
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i didn’t refuse, i never said that we wouldn’t go to the potatoes, but we were there on the potatoes all day from morning to evening, yes, sometimes we even spent the night there. you see, this same ondator lived here, ondator, you see how much he trained everything here, like this at first, like this, in a circle, in a circle, in a circle, and in a circle, like... they follow incorrectly, because here this is how it should be, like this, once, once, once, once, near the edge, here, here, here, they’ve already punched it, i
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did that, and what about you after? so urban in moscow , muscovites grew up, pounded for 2 minutes, already you get tired, and how often do you have to cut through a hole, every day, because if i did it for a day or two, somehow i couldn’t continue for 3 days, the wind was strong and frosty , i was frozen, i hacked for a whole hour, a whole hour, you know what case? scoop up all these buckets, because then the snow will stick if you, here, here, here , let’s rest with one pot, and i’m walking empty, can you imagine, this is
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how it’s possible, thank you very much, boys, thank you, thank you , thank you very much, because i would be crawling here, you know, how much, well tell me what? russia, russia is waiting for victory, firstly, this once, then all our people will live happily very well, but you know this, when there is no fifth column, the dawn of our homeland, our entire state, will come in 25, all our republics will be mutually connected with each other.
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thanks to these sanctions, it dawned on us that we need to work, work, here they are, they helped us , these sanctions helped us to climb to the top, but the fact that they thought that we would completely fall apart, they would take us by the throat with their bare hands, not it worked out, you know, it didn’t work out, that’s because sanctions don’t scare us. bablyuk, what about the common people, how will they live well? and the common people, if they are not lazy, will work, will live well, well, there will be economic growth, in general this is also clear, there will be population growth, children will be born, they will be provided for. our strength is
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that we are all united. we all need to unite, and abroad what will this guy be like, who is in charge, what’s his name, biden, biden, he’s already outdated, what should he do there on this white house, he’s your age, you don’t want to invite him to visit, oh, no, i don’t need that, uncle, i need this moscow to work, this brain center to work, this is the top, you know? but it doesn’t work for him, he’ll die, he’ll freeze like a piece of paper, he won’t be able to stand it, no, he’ll freeze, biden , come to me, you’ll walk here through the mountains, through the valleys, back and forth, on the ice, on this very sea, america will fall apart in 25, it has already begun, biden,
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now he needs biden. not to run for a second term, because otherwise there will be nothing left of her, all these refugees will flood, and a real civil war will begin there, everyone will follow russia, everything will follow russia, russia is a great country, and a huge, huge country, the only one in the world that has everything. what we don't have, what we don't have, we have everything.


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