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tv   60 minut  RUSSIA1  March 15, 2024 5:30pm-8:00pm MSK

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winner, voting takes place using special remote controls, i would like that in all areas we choose people who do this to the limit of human capabilities, regardless of the type of activity, your tests were so brilliant that they simply don’t let me tell you this, in every edition, eight amazing people from different parts of the planet compete, today a wushu master from china will run on water, a world champion from india will count faster than a calculator, and a profiler from moscow will look for '.
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in russia abroad, stay with us. russian rocket artillery destroyed several neo-nazi strongholds in the artyomovsk direction. the crews work even at night; they find opponents using thermal imagers. after the impact, the combat vehicle almost immediately leaves the firing line. from an advanced report by military correspondent pavel prokopenko: twilight is the best time to start work: jet fighters of the 150th motorized rifle division of the southern group of forces plan to rain down hail on enemy positions at night, darkness, natural camouflage, the vehicle can remain unnoticed even in open areas, it is not visible at night and their thermal imager is not visible due to the fact that the car is on duty, it does not start, it is not warmed up... there is
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movement, a command is coming, we are working according to the target given, when calculating of the shooting coordinates, every degree is important , the artillery compass helps, where you look so closely at the bubble, what is a bubble, a horizontal bubble, so that our compass shows the exact protractor, tied to the root position and pointing at the target, the target did not take long to arrive, we received a target, enemy manpower, 20 km, special attention needs to be paid to the distance, it has increased significantly... has increased, the front is in constant motion, and steadily to the west. previously, we worked at a distance of 10-12 km, now we are working at a distance of 18 km, 20 km. the enemy is retreating, giving up their positions, so the target becomes further away. loaded, aimed, accurate, preparing to fire, the affected area is up to four football fields, the enemy has no chance. the hail discharges the package, and this is 40, like here they say pencils in 20 seconds.
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terrain, we are already talking by the stove in the warmth, our own specifics about the difficulties of the terrain , having returned from combat work, the enemy is firmly seated here, we have to directly knock him out , squeeze him out, there are fields here, there are no forests anymore, open areas of terrain, we have to overcome them, we go to the end , let's go to the end, of course, after a night in a damp field, it's time to warm up and refresh ourselves, from a cook from volgograd, a signature recipe from eighty years of history, stalingrad-style scrambled eggs, we try. so that tasks
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they came, ate, rested, so that they were well-fed, did not need anything, these sounds were constantly used to, of course, a person gets used to everything, well again... the echo of enemy shell explosions often echoes across artyomovsk, but our artillery responds with its own volleys , and among other weapons you can hear them best. pavel prokopenko, vitaly kaydanovich, andrey rudenko, oleg bondarenko, vesti, donetsk people's republic, artyomovskoe direction. in the kherson direction, as a result of coordinated actions of the group’s units troops of the dnieper, the position along the front line has been improved, the loss of the enemy is up to thirty military service. downed drones and broken dugouts on the left bank of the dnieper are also the merit of the marines of the black sea fleet. report by ruslan bikbulatov.
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an aerial reconnaissance aircraft is sent to the right bank of the dnieper, enemy territory under the supervision of 24x7 black sea fleet infantrymen. if we are looking for targets, then in every hole, in every hole, both at night and during the day. of course, this is intelligence, these are people’s lives, you can’t live without them, now. as soon as the reconnaissance drone operator finds the target, and the kamikaze drone operator gets to work. small, but very durable, this is its main advantage, this drone is ready to lift into the sky and carry ammunition weighing three times more than its own; now it is loaded with a cumulative projectile and is used against enemy armored vehicles. an armed bird flies to the target and hits it at speed. 120 km/h is driven in the recent past by the chef of a crimean restaurant, hence the call sign gourmet, can fly far, can carry a large enough load, that is, enough to destroy even large armored personnel carriers or even tanks there. the entire flight is before his eyes, from takeoff to defeat in a matter
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of minutes, with their sudden attacks they dismantle fortified dugouts, overtake pickups, destroy repeater towers, and disrupt rotations in the ssu. well, the enemy is actively using unmanned technologies, here is a whole raft of downed birds of the ukrainian armed forces, some were suppressed by rap forces, others, such as the reconnaissance wing, were shot with machine guns. at the forefront of the company, they noticed this drone in the sky, hit it with fire from a stunt weapon, and shot it down. damaged drones are delivered to this workshop, it was equipped by a driver with the call sign komar, who was previously interested in repairing electrical equipment, his skills were useful in the north military district zone. somewhere something will be disassembled for spare parts. maybe the motors are alive, somewhere there is a cable, somewhere maybe the camera itself is alive, somewhere these front sensors, so there will be, so to speak, bonuses for us, bonuses are sent, painstaking work is being done with a soldering iron and under a microscope, restoring the cameras, change shot blades , reflashes the software, downed enemy
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birds find a second life here, most of the birds are without cameras, because they fall, crash, break, so we will try to revive it, later they will be sent to... to the same shore from they arrived, the marines of the black sea fleet, the dnepr group are using them against their former owners. ruslan bikbulatov, andrey potapov, conduct the kherson region. a system of safe underground dugouts to recuperate. at the disposal of the military personnel of the second a unique military facility has appeared in the army corps, which has already attracted interest from other units. artyom yundes has all the details. here, deep underground, are the fighters of the second army corps of the southern group. searchers rest when they return from a combat mission, during the day they conduct classes at the training ground, and in the evening they can watch movie news broadcasts. there are 3 m of soil above the insulated field tents, it’s safe and quiet, inside there are classic two-tier bunks, no frills, but everything you need for comfort is there. the main point of attraction here is
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a large bathhouse, the soldiers say they heat it up to 120°. the fighters come here to rest, after the advanced mud they go into the steam room, this is of course an unforgettable feeling. then a month there, then a steam room, a dryer, the heat gun turns on , in 30 minutes all the fighters’ clothes will dry, here they can then be ironed, and if necessary, anyone who wants can get a haircut, it’s all underground, everything is deepened in this way, to ensure maximum, maximum safety for the personnel who are here, here, accordingly, we have the first hall where fighters eat, we are still continuing to improve our base. we’re adding something somewhere, there are a lot of mobilized soldiers , they’ve been in the northern military district for more than a year , many of them are in such an underground center for the first time, 2 weeks somewhere, the impressions are excellent, they train, feed, wash, there is an option to wash, all the conditions there is for life, the profession
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of a military man, it’s like this, the homeland will call, you’ll go, this is the area for restoring combat capability, the first experience of the second army corps, work here continue, will be let down. lead lugansk. on the eve of perhaps the most disastrous meeting for ukraine in the ramstein format on march 19. the usa and germany inspected their military-industrial complex. the chairman of the american joint chiefs of staff walked through the lockett martin weapons factories in arkansas and oklahoma. and the german rain mettal announced plans to open at least four factories in ukraine. in order not to transport taurus, but to produce new ones , bypassing those still resisting.
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parliament must not allow germany participate in a war of aggression. have you all gone crazy there? the whole world outside the german political bubble knows that
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ukraine cannot win in this conflict, that in ukraine they have not won for a long time, but only died, brutally bloody, on a daily basis, and that even taurus will not change anything. the only thing that would change is that germany, in the eyes of russia , would definitely become a participant in the conflict. by the end, burbak was completely despondent and grabbed one of her two iphones, that’s all.
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some kind of long-range weapon was mentioned. now however, especially after the leaked negotiations of senior bundeswehr officers discussing attacks on the crimean bridge and objects deep in russian territory, the whole essence came out, as the possible catastrophic consequences became obvious. the german press is discussing that there is a categorical no at stake; chancellor scholz has compelling but secret reasons, which even all the bundestag deputies seem to know about, but do not speak out loud. there are one or two things that cannot be discussed in public, which rightly force the chancellor hesitate,” said mueller, an influential member of the german bundestag's defense committee. german media also suggested that the reason could be scholz's fear of the upcoming russian victory at that time.
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and repairable soviet -made equipment in reality is not a minus, the plus is that russian air bombs are extremely effective, and the russian army today is a tactical and technical standard for planning and implementing defensive actions, and the conclusion of the french report: in the face of the russians we are an army of majorettes, then there is girls assistants to the main drummer, drum major. the russians are eliminating about 400 thousand ukrainian soldiers per year, and this rate will increase... given the qualitative and quantitative weakening of the ukrainian army, the west can provide
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3d printers for the production of drones or ammunition, but will never be able to print people, the report notes. at the same time, macron is not backing down from his idea of ​​​​sending someone to ukraine; according to mont, on the eve of his resonant statement in a closed circle, he said: in any case, in next year i will have to send some guys to odessa, while macron was holding a glass of whiskey in his hands. bravado. will succeed. i'm saying that every euro spent on ukraine today is a low price compared to the alternative cost if russia wins. well, ordinary finns leave the military reserve en masse, switching to civilian service. you don’t have to indicate the reason for leaving in the application, which is what many people do, but in general, it’s not difficult to guess. last year, about 1,650
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people left the army reserve, now almost 1,400 in february alone exit requests. and all the strength. they are training to defend latvia and the baltic states in general, because between the three of them, estonia and lithuania, they don’t even have 50 thousand troops, and they are aiming, including at ukraine, estonian prime minister kallos refused to guarantee parliament that the estonian guys will not go to fight for kiev. i make no such promises because circumstances may change.
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nobody called him. calling on ukraine to surrender is more than a wish for peace. i believe that now is not the moment when it is necessary to offer ukraine to surrender. on the contrary, it is moment when you need to continue to help. in a word, nothing is sacred. alexander khristenko, anna lvova. news. the west is up in arms against the chinese. in italy, one of the most popular
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social networks in the world was fined 10 million euros for insufficient protection of minors. and in the states, the house of representatives approved a bill to ban tiktok in six months unless the chinese company that owns it sells its business to someone else. washington believes that the chinese government is collecting all information about american users through tiktok. in china they called the congressional bill is unfair. report by alexander baltsky. when i'm old and unhappy, and i tell my grandchildren about all the reasons why i...
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colleagues of the head of the special committee on china gallagher almost choked on his words, although they read in the new york times that tiktok - this is not about short stupid videos, but about smart algorithms and the fact that chinese engineers were able to parse code that better understands the way of thinking of american consumers than the americans themselves. besides social networking is a profitable business, washington. wants to earn money himself and forces the chinese tech giant bidens to sell the service to the americans, a typical raider takeover in line with the technological confrontation with beijing, if i call it that...
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but he sends weapons there again. the pentagon officially announced a contract for the supply of taipei drones for maritime reconnaissance, just as the newly elected deputy head of the taiwanese administration flew back to the united states. officially, her visit is private - to pack her things. previously, seaa bikim represented in the states the interests of taipei, but it is she who is called the main negotiator of the pro-american taiwanese forces with washington and the main american lobbyist in taiwan.
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i didn’t pass the traffic police exam, it doesn’t matter whether it’s theory or i’m in a hurry, i’m going to take it closer to the summer according to new rules: now, if a person
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has been to the test site in the city three times, but hasn’t taken the driving test yet, then the next time he can be accepted only after 30 days, from april 1 only after 6 months. the first three times the exam can be taken a week apart, then you will have to wait as much as six months, the calculation is the fact that applicant drivers will practice and come more prepared, but many students are afraid that they are only... losing their skills, i need to get my license faster, motivation, this excitement will give me more, it’s worth taking into account the same fact that anything can happen, understandable matter, i would like to pass everything the first time , the instructors are disappointing, they pass only a few on the first try, in 24 years of work i have two people in total, mostly with which they pass, probably on the third, fourth, nikita’s count is just four attempts, he passed the theory no problem, then the difficulties began, the last time i took it, i did almost everything, that is, there was nothing left. it seems like a millimeter until i receive this treasured document, yeah, i completely accidentally stopped at the transition, i aim to pass it, say, by the end
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of april, but so far i have run out of theory , the certificate has run out, the medical certificate is valid for only a year, and the theory from april 1 is 9 months , if you fail the retake, you will have to start all over again, but there is good news, now you can score six penalty points instead of the previous four, this clearly increases chances are, here, in kazakhstan, armenia and kyrgyzstan, there are thousands of them on the roads, many of them are taxi drivers, utility service drivers, couriers, persons presenting their arrival.
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set up the lease so that this needs to be done, i don’t think there will be any kind of collapse, but there will be more order, today the employer has no legal ways to check a foreign driver using the databases of his country, so the employment of such citizens is more like roulette, you’ll be lucky , no luck, a new law should solve the problem. maria tevnikova, anastasia roev, olya kuzmin, egurov zhleytsov and dina fitisova, lead. transport goods along the caspian sea and the international north-south transport corridor. there will be new ships. the third dry cargo ship of the caspian coast project was launched in astrakhan. it is designed for transporting timber, grain, and bulky cargo. about unique technical
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characteristics, report by anastasia. friends, let's support with applause, traditions remain unchanged, the right to break a bottle of champagne was granted to godmother elena bukreeva, general director public joint stock company astrakhan port. this is the solemn ceremony of launching the dry cargo ship of the rsd-49 project, caspian coast. it has two engines with a power of 1200 horsepower. his vessel is equipped, which means three cargo tanks, each, that is , a medium tank has the ability, it has a dividing bulkhead, it has the ability to transport two types of cargo simultaneously, which also means bulk cargo, general cargo. a unique feature of this vessel is the presence of a 52 m long hold. this is the third bulk carrier built at the plant lotus in the astrakhan region. overall
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shipbuilding. secured with orders for 2 years in advance, stable for 2 years in advance, there are promising orders that are also being considered for development at our construction enterprises, today we are launching a dry cargo ship of the rsd-49 project, the vessel will very soon enter the expanses of the caspian sea as part of the work on the international transport corridor will transfer cargo through the ports. astrakhan region. currently , the construction of 13 more ships continues at the astrakhan factories, four unique container ships, the first in russia, and nine dredgers. lotus shipwrights is also working on these projects. today we must provide everything necessary to ensure that the timing and quality of construction are at the highest level. our clients, shipping companies, are really looking forward to such beautiful ships as - like passage.
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which we are launching today, anatoly viktorovich, the ship is ready for launching, i ask for permission to launch, i authorize launching, anastasia rudenko, nikolai tsyulifanov, lead. strakhan region. a new bridge called “star” connected the two banks of the tom in the kemerovo region. it is an important part of the northwestern bypass of kemerovo. today we started the final sliding of the structure, using the most advanced technologies. the bridge plans to open in the fall. the construction site was inspected by the governor, and sergei tsivilev also visited the regional hospital named after belyaev, where they are completing the assembly of a modern
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mri machine, unique in its design. report by ostap grigory. no metal objects are allowed in this office. in the form of jewelry, or in pockets. unfortunately, this can cause, well, in the best case, a tear in your pants, in the worst case, a more serious disaster. the mrt device, new, but in this configuration, is the only one in russia. now the last stage of the so-called field raising is taking place; engineers are supposed to arrive literally next week. the first patient will be admitted here in 2 weeks.
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the final span, which is approaching at a speed of about 100 m in 2-3 days, today is just the moment when the structures connect the two banks, i think that after the sliding is completed, we will all have to walk to the slide to begin, pay attention to the sliding, the promised walk along the bridge, we walk on sheets of metal reliably welded together, in general... the average thickness is somewhere around 16 mm at all objects, all bridges, about 10 minutes on foot , 800 m are already completed behind us. we have three spans left to push, 105 and 2p-69, in the total metal structure now assembled the weight is 6,800, in total 9,600 tons will be assembled. by what time will you finish? completion of the slide is planned end of june, the bridge will finally be turned over to asphalt by august 1 of this year, everything
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is going according to schedule. so that at the end of this year in the fall, the ostab grigorents pavel pasechnik movement will go here to lead the kuzbass specialty together with the school certificate in kazyl. they opened a school of a new format , built according to the national education project, the basis is career guidance, it starts from the first grade, how future roboticists, programmers, designers, auto mechanics and publishers will be taught, about this dolum ander. in the corridors and the classrooms of the new kizyl school are already in full swing with life. the school is equipped with the latest technology, each classroom has an interactive whiteboard with everything necessary for studying specialized disciplines. schoolchildren from... can get training here in radio and robotics, programming, car manufacturing, design, clothing. the school was named trade union leader. it will be career guidance. if in elementary school these are career guidance games, competitions, mini-projects, then at the primary school level
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this means participation in projects such as career navigator, career poster, professional intersection, selfies pro. construction of the school began in july of twenty-one, the work was completed on time and with high quality. the schools are special, career guidance. we are really looking forward to coming to this school with everyone at the lyceum. in the agricultural lyceum, where there are still 280 children studying, and in the new school there are 825, special attention is paid to career guidance for children. each classroom has places
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for children with disabilities; schoolchildren will study in one shift, and after lunch the children will be busy in clubs. agrarian lyceum, of course, scientific profile, this means that children will study biology in depth. chemistry, and telescopes and microscopes are ready for use. tuva has made significant strides in the field of education. for the first time in the republic , eleven schools were being built simultaneously, 10 of them under the national education project. dalumandar, tyulush, lead tva. a significant date in the history of the capital's subway. 70 years ago, in march 1954, the circle line, one of the most popular metro lines, was closed. as sergei sobyanin said in his telegram channel, on weekdays uses a ring. million passengers, it connects almost all radial lines and seven metropolitan stations. report by anna balan. my first step on the metro was at this station. in soviet times, there was always pandemonium here, because the park is nearby. i associate tiyskaya with
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memories of the station, fun trips with my family. it is impossible to imagine how many such stories the underground ring remembers over its 70 years; every day it transports more than a million people. the idea to create a ring metro line was back in the twenties, but it began to be implemented only 30 years later. another underground highway is being laid under the streets and squares of the city. the circle line will serve 18 moscow districts and will connect seven metropolitan stations. the ring road was built in several stages; a lot had to be done manually. hundreds of people worked underground in difficult conditions. they did the hardest work on the railway. transportation. i weighed 50 kg at the time when they were drilling a tunnel from the cultural park to kievskaya, the ground literally began to disappear from under my feet. metro workers stuck into the lake
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underground, and there was such a situation that if this lake had gone into tunnels, then the center of moscow would have gone underground, but metro builders saved this situation, the post-war difficult time for the country. created magnificent interiors, the ring line, the heyday of the stalinist vampire , 12 stations, 12 underground palaces, in the footage of the roniki, the komsomol not yet finished, they are just beginning to dress it in marble and granite, on march 14, 1954 the ring closed, and even those who do not need there was nowhere to go, we came down here as if we were going to a museum, by the way, someone is doing this now does, i get off at every station and look at it, i went down to your metro for the first time and, to be honest, i was stunned, they used real marble and granite for cladding, in total, it’s impossible to imagine, 50,000 km, they were transported from the urals, altai, karelia, even from uzbekistan, they ordered, for example,
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stained glass from the best craftsmen, the riga glass factory, the famous stained glass, the unique pano of the cultural park, the monumental mosaic of kiev. komsomolskaya, marble columns, massive chandeliers, stucco moldings, project by architect shusev, according to the plan, komsomolskaya was supposed to become the face. moscow, because it was this station that was first seen by guests of the capital who arrived at three stations. well, something, of course, has changed here over the years, for example, initially stalin was depicted on this mosaic. when in 1958 khrushchev began, as it were , to expose the cult of personality, the artist had to redo it, that is, lenin appeared here instead of stalin. by the way, at first the ring one was called the big ring. this name is still preserved in kursk. it was difficult to imagine that...
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month, but the tenant only paid for the first month, and then he stopped moving out,
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refuses, changed the locks, won’t negotiate , beat up elena’s realtor and lawyer. when the realtor and i went there, there were his two small children in the hallway, he immediately started screaming, pushing kirill out and saying that he was holding his children, that he beat his wife, that he touched the child in all places , it’s not possible to evict the tenant... it turns out even with the police, don’t let thunderstorms in your apartment, he throws off the laws to me, that is, it’s right, if he lived without a contract, didn’t pay, right away would have arrived and said clear the premises , since there is an agreement, the police then say: listen, as if go to court, it means that since, since there are supposedly contractual relations, it is the apartment owners who officially rent out housing that often fall into this legal trap, you have intruded here , this is my home, this is my home, but you are broken. no paradox, but the law works exactly like this,
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lana is suing the former tenant, when the lease expired, he demanded that the landlady buy the furniture he purchased, no, he didn’t need the furniture, why did she need it, i didn’t planned to buy anything from him , having received a refusal, the iron stopped letting the landlady into the house and demanded the return of utility bills, not to mention your debt to me, what debt, in compensation, the tenant moved out only when he wanted to, by the way, that was also done. yes, he left so that the landlady couldn’t enter the castle , the screws were screwed in, the door was all cut up, but it looks like the tenant still left the apartment, and left it in simply terrible condition, and now he’s threatening elena with court, you’ve already filed a lawsuit sue me? yes, again, again, again, when i told you, yes, yes, yes, yes, i told you right away, as soon as possible, but regarding, as soon as it was, well, it’s better, read it now, so that you don’t have to go to court later. lawyers advise landlords to draw up contracts correctly.
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any contract cannot be terminated unilaterally; in the contract itself it is important to spell out the mechanisms very clearly, namely the unilateral possibility of unilateral dissolution of this contract and plus technical actions regarding the transfer of the premises again to yours own. and of course, it is worth considering that after any tenants in the apartment you will most likely have to do this. and step by step jamshit ismatilaev
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sets a new strength record. the burden is not light, the car weighs 11 tons. the resident of sudak has demonstrated his heroic strength more than once. a special pride is the towing of an amphibious aircraft weighing more than 30 tons at a distance of 1.12 cm. and he managed to move the kamaz by 40 m. then the athlete from kerch, egor forty-five, took over the baton. egor manages to bring the matter to the finish line, moving the kamaz by 100 m, and the audience cheered for the athlete. we'll close for victory, did you see what it was? egor is also an experienced hero, one of his achievements was towing a railway train of three cars almost 4 m, but here the distance
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was 25 times greater, i really wanted to complete it to the end and pull this record, despite... the huge distance, such no one has done it in russia, now it’s terribly, let’s say, difficult, but i’m very pleased, firstly, the insane support, this helped, the invited guest mikhail was on the jury shevlyakov, it was he, one of the most famous strongmen on the planet, winner of international championships, who strictly observed all the processes. it was not by chance that this truck was chosen for the record, on the days of the opening of the crimean bridge, on it... for us , the first anniversary of the crimean spring, this is a big holiday, we want to dedicate this feat of strength, this achievement, to the people of russia, the people of crimea, athletes received special certificates, in the near future the achievement
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will be officially registered and included in the register of records of the international heroic movement the strongest nation in the world. ksenia. and the collector fedorovich karabanov once bought one of the pearls of his collection in a money changer’s shop. karabanov anticipated the fashion for collecting that swept the empire after 1812 and began at the end of the 18th century. having successfully married varvara gagarin, together with a significant devotee, he got the opportunity to engage exclusively in, as he himself said,
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his favorite hunt. over the course of 50 years, he has collected hundreds of antiques. nicholas i, having learned about the richest collection, ordered him to buy carabans. sold, but bequeathed to the fatherland, it was not damaged at all in the fire, and karabanov’s collection, unfortunately, when it came to the palace department, it was not described. it is known, however, that karabanov’s passion for memorial objects includes snuff boxes, perfume bottles , blush boxes, a mirror frame that belonged to avdotya vasilyevna cherkasskaya, the wife of tsar mikhail fedorovich romanov’s closest advisor and simply a beauty. she. possessed rare natural beauty and did not want to use rosy, beryls and other things, thereby violating the traditions of russian society. at the exhibition , two separated mother-of-pearl shells, decorated with the benzels of catherine ii of his serene highness prince potemkin, finally met, and this mug with the image of the betrothal of tsar alexei
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mikhailovich to natalya naryshkina had the most interesting history of a 16th-century hamburg master perfected by russian coinage. we see that only the lid is genuine and the base with a handle is genuine, the entire central part, this is the body of this mug, it is later, it cannot be said that this is some kind of counterfeit or fake, but this is such an original work , not a single large collection can do without fakes, at the exhibition they decided not to avoid this topic, there are things where there is obviously such a clumsy attempt to pass them off as ancient, this is a rather interesting cross, unusual in shape, it is covered with letters, but by themselves... these letters don’t mean anything, it ’s just a meaningless set of abrockadabra, but even imitations played their role, after the revolution the custodians of the armory gave them to the gokhran, which confiscated works of precious metals for the needs of the young country, thereby saving genuine masterpieces, not only from karabanov’s collection, of course, but also from other lovers of native history. polina yarmalaeva,
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artur normakhometov and philip nazarov, conduct. and then, lead regional ones. in kirov, after renovation , the pobedilovo airport building opened; in a year and a half , a complete reconstruction was carried out there, the waiting rooms were expanded, the security check area was updated, and special airport equipment was purchased. as a result , throughput has more than doubled. mikhail konyshev appreciated the updated airport. the premises are equipped comfortable waiting areas with the ability to recharge gadgets; when developing a project design, the keywords are to make it comfortable. the aerovocal complex was built in 1969, in the event of delays in connecting flights , the quality of service for arriving and departing passengers was significantly reduced, and
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the complex facilities themselves had a high degree of wear and tear. to carry out repairs, the regional government managed to attract funds from the regional, federal budgets, as well as extra-budgetary sources, totaling about 1 billion rub. at the airport terminal, both floors have been renovated, the security check area has been updated, the area of ​​the pre-flight waiting rooms has been doubled, a luxury lounge and a business lounge have been equipped. finally , a modern, good airport has appeared in kirov, which will welcome guests for the 650th anniversary of kirov and kirov is the new year's capital of russia, people will come here and it will immediately seem that they have arrived in a beautiful, comfortable, modern city. reconstruction is not only the repair of buildings; special-purpose airfield equipment has also been purchased, raised federal funds created. rescue station. it is expected that as a result of the complex of works carried out , the capacity of the airport terminal will double, to 400 passengers per hour. last
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year we managed to bring 426,000 passengers. this year we are confident that we will reach the half-million mark and move on. today , regular flights are operated from pobedily airport to moscow, st. petersburg, sochi, noryanmar and kazan. ticket sales are open for new flight routes to kaliningrad, mineral waters and makhachkala. kirov passengers have already appreciated the comfortable conditions for waiting for their flights, you know, everything has been renovated so comprehensively, it’s beautiful, comfortable, a huge waiting room, before there were simply no seats, now it’s full. the main repair work was completed ahead of schedule, leaving only those that can be completed when positive temperatures set in, the improvement of the surrounding area and the reconstruction of the vyatskaya zemlya mosaic, which adorns the outer wall of the air terminal on the airfield side. mikhail kunyshev, ruslan bykasov, lead kirov. v the first electric taxis appeared in kaliningrad; the cars were assembled at a local factory; just one charge should be enough to travel the entire
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region. alexandra perezhogina with details. cheap, environmentally friendly, silent, these are just some of the benefits that the owner of an electric car receives. five cars were handed over to the largest taxi fleet in the region; by the end of april, another 45 electric cars will be delivered. similar to a gasoline car, there is, of course, a battery. from the bs block, yes, the electric motor itself is located at the bottom, then it goes under the entire bottom, so say, the car's battery is up to the trunk. these are the first electric cars produced in the kaliningrad region; retail chains, car sharing companies and taxi companies are interested in electric cars. we studied the experience of other colleagues, we went to nizhny novgorod, studied the processes that have already been established there, we have the first electric taxi in russia, and we looked at the numbers, this is the future, yes. this is environmentally friendly, so soon the popular application for calling a taxi will have an electric transport section,
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the car starts very smoothly, you just need to press the pedal, it takes flight, this is an electric sedan with a power reserve of 520 km, enough to drive across the kaliningrad region, engine power is 160 horsepower, but these are just numbers. ivan, please tell us what you feel behind the wheel of this car, well, how it feels. on battery capacity. quick for. you can refuel at special stations, of which there are about twenty in the kaliningrad region; this year their number should double. the time required to replenish energy differs depending on our one gas station has three entrances at once, that is, three cars can refuel at once. the average refueling time is about 30 minutes;
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when purchasing a russian electric car , there is a 35% subsidy. this decree was signed by prime minister mikhail mishustin in november last year. now we are planning to work on non-financial support measures; this is a higher priority work with the airport; accordingly, we will now work with yandex. also helping colleagues, so that these are separate tariffs, separate class and so on and so on and so on, well , subsequently, well, a reduction in transport tax. in the kaliningrad region there is a program approved by governor anton alikhanov for the development of electric transport and electrification of the region. by 2030 , they plan to transfer all municipal equipment and buses to tolk. alexandra perezhogina, dmitry kulabukhov, lead kaliningrad. a mass production center for high-performance buggy vehicles has been launched in khabarovsk. the prototypes performed well in the
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special operation zone. report by anna leonova. look there again. this is how it should be, no, just like that, with the sound of a hammer, bugs enter production, under the mass production of all-terrain vehicles, resident thor patriotic seriously turned around, no longer huddle in a small room, as when launching prototypes. thanks to the investments that were allocated, we built this building in the shortest possible time and equipped it with modern equipment. 25 vehicles have already left the assembly line, were tested first at the training ground of the eastern military district, and then on the front line, now the enterprise is ready to reach... 20 bugs in month, those same bugs, erofey have already been successfully tested in the special operation zone for more than a year behind the tape, and after feedback from the military they were repeatedly modernized and even the radiators were raised a little higher at the request of the soldiers. today this is a fundamentally different car compared to what we produced that year, we have modified the chassis, we have freed up the rear space of
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the car for installing additional equipment or transporting additional cargo. and installation of a night vision device - this is the proposal of an ordinary resident of the vanensky district and an engineer of the enterprise; now baygi can move in the special operation zone in blackout mode and at the same time see everything that is happening around. this kit , it is assembled from very cheap components, that is, the person who proposed it, he tried to minimize the cost of the kit, that is, all this can be bought in a regular household network, the enemy only hears it and does not see it, he can hear that some kind of then the technology moves, but does not see, cannot visualize. so here already high speed will not be of fundamental importance, it will be important that, in principle, in night conditions the car can move, it is called on soft cat paws, although the manufacturer’s speed was left up to 150 km/h, they added lightness and maneuverability, we have a waiting list for a whole year painted, we buy all the vehicles either at the expense of regional funds and transfer them to our soldiers, including registered units,
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the second mechanism for purchasing these vehicles is the patriot tor. the bypass will allow transit transport to be taken off the streets, the new road will become important component of the north-south logistics corridor (report by alexander kulishenko). fifty specialists are involved in sliding the left half of the bridge across the volga-don shipping canal; they guide, adjust and control the entire process using powerful clamping jacks. we clamp the span, push, push one jack,
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it has a pushing moment. that is , accordingly, both dankats - 600 tons. the sliding process was divided into three stages: the first has already been completed, specialists delivered and assembled 13 metal blocks with a frontback on the ground, each weighing almost 100 tons, was lifted onto a twenty-meter support and moved 102 m above the canal bed. the second stage of the engines, which the road workers are starting right now, is six more blocks and an additional 92 m. there will be a third, finishing in april. well, now the construction readiness of the most technologically complex object of the entire volgograd bypass , the bridge across the volgodonsk shipping canal , is 80%. after assembling the bridge structure, specialists will begin pouring and concreting the roadway slab for installation expansion joints, applying waterproofing and laying asphalt-concrete pavement, installing dividing and side barrier fencing, modern electric lighting.
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the facility is being implemented as part of the national safe project. high-quality roads, the volgograd bypass will become part of the international transport corridor, north-south. today, in addition to the construction of a bridge across the vdsk, this means that we are forced to deal only with the procurement of building materials, due to the fact that we have stable negative temperatures, and when we reach with stable positive temperatures, we will begin to actively begin the road part of the work. the readiness of the three transport interchanges is close to 70%. they will connect the future road with two sections. caspian to elista and astrakhan, as well as with the regional road volgograd-kotelnikovo-salsk. alexandru kulishenko, yuri komochkov, lead volgograd from the svetloyarsky district. active snow melting and unpreparedness of culverts for the season led to flooding of the village of nizhny kurlugash in khakassia. the water is right in the basements. a flooded outbuilding, and most the unpleasant thing is the home wells where
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local residents get drinking water. maria's report. the weather has let us down today, at first severe frosts shackled the ground, and then it suddenly became warmer , melt water flowed from the mountains on top of the ice in a stream, four houses along the street and the local recreation center were under...
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oh, i don’t even know, i don’t even have words, what can i say, really, i already want to cry, and i feel sorry for the children, i can’t take a bath, i can’t wash the dishes, we were getting ready for school, we got out, but our bus turns out. got into a rut , flew off the road because everything was blurry, children so we didn’t go to school. local authorities say that nizhny kurlugash has always been flooded, but this is the first time on such a large scale; drainage pipes have been provided for such a case. through them the main flow drains into the river, however , the house owners themselves must close and open the dampers into these pipes seasonally, otherwise the passage will become clogged with debris, the water will freeze , and what is happening today is what is happening, and yet, with the current situation... in the summer they will try to solve the problem decide. this situation, the problem is only now, this year, always before everything worked fine, all the pipes. yesterday, a contractor arrived on our premises, with whom we will work on the issue in the summer, laying
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larger pipes so that , i think, there will be no more such problems. crews continue to pump out flooded houses and periodically defrost pipes and drainage systems, but such measures do not last long. there is hope for the weather; in the coming days it will be frosty and windy in the tashtyp district. snow melting will stop, but in this case , icy conditions on the roads will remain, and here local authorities they can really solve the problem by going along the roads with a grader and filling them, and not putting it off until the summer. maria dobryina, antonina tomochakova, alexey burnakov, host khakassia. in the suburbs of tomsk on the tom river , explosive ice-cutting work began. this is necessary to avoid ice jams. the flood is expected to be very violent. andrey malanov with details. this is the kind of swamp vehicle used by tomsk rescuers. they leave explosives to the river for the blasters at the work site, they received the car before the new year, this is its baptism of fire, and it’s also involved a maneuverable alligator airboat, but like last year, you can’t just
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drive down the river with the breeze. this year, the situation is quite serious, in terms of the fact that the places are very difficult to access, the use of snowmobiles is no longer possible here, since there is a lot of hummocks. powerful hummocks appeared on the tami after the november local ice drift. to a rare phenomenon due to abnormally warm weather, this is the surprise that the river presented to the swords in the fall, in the spring it can turn into serious problems due to congestion right within the boundaries of the regional center, there a little lower down, these are the ushaika rivers, where even to the very bottom it is clogged with this slush, hummocks, this will complicate the passage, complicate it, the readiness signal sounds and the blasters retreat to a safe distance, the length of the field explosion is more than a kilometer. when the ice starts to move, specialists will be on duty on the river to blow up any jams that arise. andrey malanov, sergey gero, vesti tomsk.
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and mom, look what i found, what is it , come on, sit down, show me, look, wow , it’s so big, wow, i’ve never even seen anything like it before, it’s real amber, right?
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yes, it’s real, it’s so beautiful, look how it glows, it’s great, let ’s hide it here, we’ll have a warehouse here, yeah, yeah, yeah, what do you have here, do you play with dolls? yes, this is mom, and this is dad, they have a family, yes , as friendly as ours, yes, you will also have a family, yes, there will be children, and there will be children, a boy or a girl, um, two girls, two girls , seryozha, you’re filming this, of course i’m filming it. let's check in 30 years, what kind of husband will you have? well, he will be beautiful, i’m beautiful too, you’re very beautiful here, you are our princess, you are the most beautiful, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, wake up, mom, get up, the makeup artist has already arrived, my god, i completely forgot about her. why didn't they wake me
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up earlier? well, as always, you and i are to blame. inga sergeevna, i can do very light makeup, gentle, looks very good on brides, and will even help you lose an extra ten years. no, let's make it brighter, well, brighter, so brighter. girls, are you ready for me! well, what is this? seryozha,
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don’t worry, and i won’t, hello everyone, i’m so glad that you all came, you’re great guys, exactly, well, thank you for coming, everything will be fine, thank you. mom, daughter , i don’t understand why this is all, everything will be fine, dad, you look great, voice, wait , hello, hello, what about you, why are you all so sad, it’s great that you’re all sad, we’re having a holiday , we’re getting a divorce, pop the champagne , now there’s cake, seryozha, i don’t know , it seems to me that you’re somehow understanding everything wrong, don’t worry so much, she’s always been like this, show, show,
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they wanted to make a tragedy out of our divorce, really, rom , really, you wanted to tell you everyone that we are happy, you are very happy, and i didn’t even doubt it, well, we’ll cut, will you help, no, thank you, without me, well, applause, reason! mama zhrt,
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come down, nisa, i'll pick you up, let's go, baby, happily, bye, it's too late, i'll take you home, and you're a bastard. i know, i think you ’ll have enough wine, sorry, that’s what you wanted. done, i’m waiting for you in the car,
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leave anyway, goodbye. let me help you, we can handle it, rom, go home! thank you, roma, oh, don’t give it to your mother, yeah, dad, i love you,
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i love you too, you call, okay, yes, call, write, let's go for a walk, definitely, come on. bye, bye, bye, run. well, why, i don’t understand , i don’t understand how he could do this, he didn’t explain anything to me, he didn’t break the dishes, didn’t throw a tantrum, didn’t
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yell, he just admitted to cheating on me, and then took his suitcase, kissed me head- on. and left the apartment, it would be easier for you if he yelled at you, broke all the dishes in the house, admitted that he slept with your friend vera, and what are you saying, what does faith have to do with it, well, i for example, and then he would take you, throw you against the wall, slam the door and leave, taste, it was definitely unbelievable, yes, i understand, in general, daughter, you’re tired today, and i ’m talking nonsense, go to bed, that’s it
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that's right, and you go on your way out, calm norin, good night, why, lie down with me for a little while, right? quickly to bed, come on, i'll be right back, why aren't you sleeping, grandma , i'm following you, masha was calling you, masha, now, detul, how are you doing, everything's fine, hmm, that's it, i just got confused how you... just amazing, i really like it, fell asleep, yes, that’s it, m, alena, m, you and masha be more careful, she’s little, worry,
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okay, grandma, how many years have you been together, next fall we’ll celebrate safira’s wedding, cool, how long is that? 45 years, well, you give me, if we live, stop it, that for now, okay, everything will be fine, watch your mom, yeah, bye grandpa, that’s it, you write when you finish eating, okay, okay.
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what are you doing? lord, i scared you, i’m washing my mother’s dress. for what? she still said that she would never wear it. so, well, first of all, not a day, she’ll spend it, yes then, i also always really liked it, i was going to marry stasik in it, not to get married, but to get married, so why are we not sleeping yet, but quickly to bed, quickly, eh, all the most interesting things, without me, and you promised to lie with me. well, why aren’t i sleeping,
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and you, i’ll go soon too, sleep, come on, sweet dreams, alina, but will dad really come, as he promised? the baby, of course, will come, well, what if he doesn’t love us anymore, you ’re stupid, he loves us, he loves us very much, that’s it, get enough sleep.
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i knew it.
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alina, pin it on top, this is not a salon for you beauty, but i want it on top, but who knows what you want? and... in general, you don’t know how to stand exactly, that’s it, that’s it! so wave, wait, wait, wait, wait
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, uh-huh, that's it, let's go, mom, maybe we'll call dad, here 's another thing, i can't handle the sink without him, put on your shoes, you know, bye bye mom, bye , mom. bye, here is your bouquet, thank you, please come again with pleasure, light, look, and... sign. thank you, petrovich, if
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you mix it up next time, we’ll give it back, hello, good afternoon, is this what you have, you just brought 100 roses, yes, i see that these are roses, what color are they, i ordered the color fuchsia, they mixed up the order, it’s just that they always have a mess at the base, hello, hello, oh, red roses, how many are there? - 100, great, i’ll take everything, but please pack it in a beautiful basket and send it to this address, i’ll pay by card, don’t worry, the roses are amazing, uh, in fact, it’s like a good old classic that never comes out from fashion,
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every woman should have a bouquet of red roses in her bedroom, and the rest is all according to wishes, not please forget to send roses, goodbye, thank you, come again, goodbye, inga sergeevna, smile, work, dmitry. what, i told you about her divorce, so that you would be kinder to her, and not get attached to her, but i don’t get attached to her, i see, work, light.
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what’s wrong with you, nothing, so, hello , hello, hello, friend, hello, ver, well, how did it all go, how did the pashas meet at the cinema, i would have come myself , i wouldn’t have had to ask, well, don’t be offended, inga, well you you know, well, vadim and i, yes, yes, i remember, you and vadim, everything is fine, “i didn’t go, don’t worry, i apologized, roman called me yesterday, and why, we broke up with roman as best friends, you know, yeah, listen, well, in the end he has someone, he lives with someone , i don’t know that i’m not interested in this, let me call you back, otherwise i just came to work, come on!”
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i would really like to work for you, we’ll start, of course, on sunday, what do we have? jerry, a bulldog, snores , what to feed crayfish, a hamster just died, oh my good, it seems my
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life is turning, what does it take to become a successful veterinarian? extreme situation he lubricates people very much, maybe we can transfer it to you , come on, come on, the ability to love is somehow dazzling today, it’s hard not to fall in love with him, and if i say that let you stop there, because it’s dangerous to go further, healers of souls, i roma! on sunday on rtr. good morning, my beloved, my voice sounds only for you, my heart beats only for you. on the ardynka, on the pride, in this program not only songs are fulfilled, but also wishes. my mother-in-law promised
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to give me a porsche caen after the wedding, my wife says, you don’t i understand, you borscht horseradish, what have you done. play oleg gazmanov's song at full volume! yes, wait for me through the rains , the flowers are preserved, fantastic, some morning mail with nikolai baskov on sunday on rtr. i don’t understand, what kind of idiot is this, i
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’ll call you this evening, okay? stas, well, i ’ll go then, and how do i understand this, what was this, have you gone crazy, this is my cousin, she came to enroll in our institute, what kind of hysteria is this, i don’t understand? damn, stas, i'm sorry, but i didn't know how to get off the chain i lost my temper, if you want, i’ll apologize to her for the long haul, everyone in our family is tall, by the way, well, stas, i’m sorry, please, just wait, i called you all day yesterday, but i was with my mother, i couldn’t speak, you have called flower base number six, your call is very important to us, please stay on the line. ingerna, you can, yes, beautiful, admirer, here, i placed an order for tomorrow,
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please see if everything is correct, maybe add something? okay, please help dmitry. i asked it to find new suppliers. from time to time you need to change something. yes, of course, inga sergeevna. lovi, thanks, likes, doesn’t like, eh? what are you doing? wait, he’ll spit, he’ll kiss you, he’ll press you to your heart, he’ll tell you to go to hell. well, that's basically what i
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thought. are you kidding me, alina, this is stupidity? yes. well, maybe we can go home to you? well, what's interesting at home? i thought you promised pizza? well, let’s stop by for some pizza near the house. damn, that's it, alina, come on, that's enough, come on, i'll take the backpack, that's it. let's go, you know, it will be a lot of fun there, let's go, we we’ll listen to music with you, remember, we’ll watch movies, suplya, cleave, i wanted to. dima, yes, get into my car, and dima
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is not wasting time, the malphonse decided to move in, listen, dima, i recently separated from my husband. and i’m not going to start any romances, i don’t understand something, dima, you don’t need to pay attention to me, you don’t need to look after me, and now i’m talking about the bouquet in the office, inga sergeevna. i didn’t even have it in my mind, i just wanted to cheer you up, yes, okay,
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well, i’ll go, and give you a lift, thank you, i s... girls, mash, hi, hi, mom, what are you doing, homework, yeah, you've given a lot of work, uh-huh, my poor child, you 're hungry, yes, cook something, yes, chicken with oranges, uh-huh, otherwise alinka and stasik only gave me two slices of pizza, stasik brought me, m, now, baby, now,
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now, i’ll cook something, hello, mom, hello, inga sergeyovna, hello, stasya, aren’t you happy, day, mom, we just started watching the movie, so i wanted to ask if this swimmer, no, he’s not going to, how many times have i asked you not to eat in the room. why admit it in your opinion, what should i say, well, mash, well, everything seems to be ready, get alinka and stasika,
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well, am i going? i don’t know, did you call? no, why? they were under a blanket, and what were they doing there? lord, why am i asking you? be right back. alina, mom, i asked you to knock, and i knocked twice, this is my room, and this is my apartment, by... maybe like all normal people, but really, i’m right, i have to go, yes, yes, sasyaka , go, you have to go, stop, you’re not going anywhere, goodbye, mom, stas, wait, stas, wait, stas, wait, alina, take a bite of me, that’s it, then i ’ll leave too, stas, wait, where are you going? that's it,
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mom, i can't do this anymore. i'm leaving, he's gone, he won't talk to me anymore, it's all because of you, what have i got to do with it, mom, i love him, but does he love you? imagine for me too, i understand, it’s difficult for you to understand this after your dad left you, but mutual love exists, and you first live with him as long as i did with your father, and then you’ll tell me about love, mom , that's the joke, you let us live okay, don’t let me, we can’t watch the movie anymore, and god forbid we kiss again, mom, i’m an adult, i’m 18 years old, that doesn’t give you the right to talk to me in that tone, okay, okay, let’s go with you
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anyway i won’t talk, you’ve become... unbearable, you’ll make up, i don’t like it when you fight, i don’t like it either, hello, inga, faith, this is masha. mash, what happened? did you have a fight again? yeah, alina screamed so much, and now she’s locked herself in the room, and her mother is sitting in the kitchen. so, manyash, don’t worry, calm down, aunt vera is already in a hurry to help. open the door.
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hello, how are you, yours, okay, mash , it’s me, i’m coming in, aunt vera, hello, baby, yeah, everything will be fine, go to your place, aunt vera will decide everything, so what? what happened, it’s clear, okay, but what - do you want it, she’s still hot , i want it, listen, but you have a random fault, no, it was here somewhere, it was there, somewhere
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, oh, great, come on, get up, get ready, oh, faith, i say, get up, let's go, where? you have an atmosphere here that is not conducive to communication, where are your packages? i got up, let's go, run! look, look, what a wonderful, wonderful evening! breathe deeply, well, it’s a crime to sit at home wrapping snot around your fist, you know what, let’s have a drink, hold it, stand up, let’s drink to your new life,
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well, god bless him, that’s it, he’s already gone, forget about him, let’s your new man, i... what man, i just broke up, so what? well, i’m sure that you will soon meet a man and fall in love with him, don’t you believe it? well, believe me, well, i met you, well, i fell in love, come on, now, yes, sasha, what happened? no, i'm here, on our syngo place. well, look out the window, just a second , talk to him, hello, yes, sasha, hello, yes, it’s me, mom is with me, so don’t worry, i’m sure i’ll be back soon,
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bye, and so on every day, mom, where did you go, mom, why did you come back so late, mom, what kind of sms did you make at night? new hairstyle, mom, you bought yourself a new scarf, how do you like it, by the way, yes, it’s cute, and if she gets drunk with tasik, who? and alinka, so what? no, really, for example, i dream that sashka will meet someone, with someone i met him, every day i leave him money for his bedside tables, in the same place, i ask him to go somewhere, i don’t know, to a bar, to a restaurant, to a corolla, in the end, no, he spends all day. at the computer , it’s as if he has already sprouted roots there, you know , i’m actually afraid that he himself will never get married and won’t give it to me, well, what are you saying about your son like that, well, he’s a great guy for you, he’s just a computer geek, all computer geeks
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are like that, well, the time will come to meet a girl, everything will be fine with him, and you will to be bored, yes, when that time comes, he is already 20 years old, 20, and so, and then, it’s time to think about his personal life. and i’m already 42, and by the way, thank you too, by the way, for reminding me of my age, please, inga, the train is bye bye, everything is running, the last chance to mow on the bandwagon, so leave alinka leave it alone, well, leave it, you will have more free time, olinka, you are a smart, sensible girl, she will understand who to love, who to send, in general, i don’t understand that you’re so fed up with nastasika that you like him i don’t like it, well, not some kind of slap, some kind of tear. well, in general, that’s why he’s not blond, but i’ve always liked blondes, i don’t know, i love brunettes, so i’m bronette, so if you have a desire, you
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have a desire, girls, where, what is this? so let's drink to the girls, so that everything goes well for them, and that's it, thank you.
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alinka, are you sleeping, no. mom, i’m sorry, and you forgive me, of course, i
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’m unlikely to love your stasik, but i promise you that i will hold you in my arms, you’ve made peace, you’ve made peace, come here. so, i agreed on everything, in 2 hours you should be with vadim sergeevich, i’ll send you the address now, and you don’t have to thank me, just try not to come.
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hello, and excuse me, i probably got there, and you are inga, i am vadim sergeevich. please come in, we are already starting, but i thought this would be some kind of individual consultation, if you need to talk to me personally, i will be happy to give you some time, but we are now having a group training, join us, well, yes , please clear everything from the tables, everyone my assistant
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andrey will give you the necessary materials. who? bastard. vadim sergeevich? and what does vadim sergeevich, my ex-husband, have to do with it? quite a piece of crap. so what? let 's start with a simple question, what brought you here, well, be brave, pain, resentment, loneliness, pain, resentment, loneliness, i can assume that these are negative emotions, and you, of course, want to relieve the pain. muffle the resentment,
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get rid of the feeling of loneliness. inga, what brought you, or who? faith brought me here, faith, mind you, faith, not resentment, not anger, faith is a creative emotion. no, you misunderstood me, my friend vera brought me here, you bastard. what do i hear, someone swore, i answered your question , my husband brought me here, if it weren’t for this bastard, i wouldn’t be here, well, a good question will always lead to another, and you can describe your husband , bastard, bastard, scoundrel, bastard, brute, crap, i'm afraid, in a nutshell, i won't fit in, so what , it's okay, maybe? do you have anything else to say, please, son of a bitch, i think
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each of you now would with great pleasure reward their exes with similar things... but let's not rush, ask yourself a question, if your husband is a son of a bitch, then who are you? the one who lived with him all these years, at which point he became a bastard and a bastard. your husband is also a brute, no, he, he is good and gentle, and he has always been a wonderful father to our daughters, i’m just offended, yes, i
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’m very offended, but he’s not a bastard, no, and mine cooked omelettes so wonderfully in the morning, bastard , sorry, well, let's continue. yes, masha, mom, hi, do you remember that today is a parent meeting? yes, where are you?
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don't worry, i'm already at the school. i always have proof. vasnitsa, you are just lucky. maybe he's really good follows. vysnetsova. premiere. from monday. on rtr. there is no need to register with him. joke. he will come to the house himself. we begin. will always help. we will practice how to walk on ice correctly. he will always tell you how to raise or lower. pressure, how an air freshener can lead to asmi, how to properly take medicine, it will always support you, a bowl of macaroni and cheese is a pan of dumplings , or a frying pan of fried potatoes with lard, you sleep like a child sleeps, but
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i don’t advise you to do this, a doctor you can trust 100%, you will be happy, well i don’t guarantee happiness, but my health will definitely increase. doctor myasnikov, on saturday on rtr. from the first note, beauty, repeat. a bird in your hands is better than a feather in one place, you swim shallowly, bone, from the first smile, we recognize each of them, front, profile, back of the head, business, or something, we’ve been together since first grade, for everything we do, we also answer together, and
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in all this crap, i’m covering for you, the team, slow down, run out of the car, the whole team, just look at the platform. alexey savin, heads the kusbass union of northern military district veterans. he himself fought and was awarded medals for combat distinction. now he's everything. when asked why he is doing all this, he answers briefly, in military terms: i serve russia, i consider it my duty from march 15 to 17 to come to
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the presidential elections and cast my vote for our future. together we are strong, we vote for russia. well, inga sergeevna, we’ve already finished , as you can see, forgive me, for god’s sake, i got busy and forgot, got busy, forgot, but that’s not the point, inga sergeevna, this is what i wanted to talk to you about. what's going on in your family? nothing, well, okay, we separated
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, i knew it, masha has become very inattentive in class, she sees somewhere in the clouds, i hope that you pay enough attention to her during this difficult period, i’m trying , please try better, but then maria will finish the quarter with threes. inga sergeevna, excuse me, they're already waiting for me, goodbye, yes, goodbye, yes, mom, no, not yet, yes, the girls should be at home, no, i still have to go to work. mom, my voice is normal, it was just a long day. yes, okay, i realized that i need to stop
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by another dacha. yeah, i'll try to do this soon. and i love you too. lord, i haven’t walked like this in a thousand years without being in a hurry. sometimes it is very useful to take a walk. yes. by the way, your inga came today. what are you saying, what are your chances of recovery? listen, ver, she's not sick. i have much more severe patients. after the stress she experienced, and she always considered herself worthy of the best, of course, all the best boys were hers, and romka was
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so handsome in general, he loved her so much, everything was fine, i don’t understand what happened, why he just up and left, just like that i bet no one leaves, especially decent husbands, it’s very dangerous to take everything in life for granted, your beauty, your youth, your success, and the men who love you and respect you, wait, that is, you want to say that inga didn’t love romka, but why well, she didn’t love, of course she loved, but you said it yourself, she chose the one who is easier, in marriage, believe, it’s not enough to love, you need your partner to feel your love, but do you feel it?
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oh, i ran away for a minute, did you... forget something? i think you forgot that there is a casa on the hall, i asked many times not to leave the hall unattended, please forgive me, i ask you both again, please do not leave the hall, goodbye.
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what's wrong with inga? inga, she’s good, beautiful, interesting, well, how can i tell you, it wasn’t a little cold or something. such a wife a wonderful woman, a wonderful housewife , a mother, she did everything right, she was very surprised when, 20 years later, i decided to leave, and all these years i had the feeling that i loved in our family, and she allowed herself to be loved, she then left married, in this marriage i learned to give my feelings fully, she
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is happy, you never talked about your wife, well, my job is to listen, not to talk, i opened up about something, and it was a long time ago, let’s go back to your friend, she needs to start your personal life from scratch. learn to accept love as a miracle, albeit through disappointment, through obstacles, but then she will be able to appreciate the real taste of this feeling, professor, you are my miracle.
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there’s no need to go any further, okay, it’s normal here, you can’t see it from the windows, vadim, let’s go.
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vatim, come here, hello! girls, where are you? masha, alina.
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he’s not available, wait, now i ’ll ask sashka, sash, sasha, listen, inga, by chance my sashka isn’t here, there’s no one here at all, ver, what am i telling you about, oops, and the money i left for sashka is gone, hurray , inga, victory, vera, what money, don’t worry, for sure
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he's walking somewhere, getting some exercise. hello mom, where have you been? oh , forgive me, please, i probably should have warned you, we are visiting, visiting, visiting dad, i almost went crazy, alina, forgive me,
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come in, masha, what is this? masha, what is this? well, dad gave this to us. well, it's a miracle. dog, who will walk with this miracle dog? me, in front of the institute, or he, masha, in front of school, look, how nice he is, okay, go take off your clothes, let's go, well , how are you? yes, dad, everything is fine, didn’t you swear? you know, mom actually said that the puppy, he’s just wonderful,
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yes, it’s clear, okay, come on, dad is standing downstairs, this is, well, in case... you suddenly become categorically against the puppy, mom, maybe you should call dad for tea, and there’s no one to pour it for him tea? this night we light, we light these lights.
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you are looking at 100 to one, what is our task to open the whole board, we can handle it, if you ask, then podgoham, the name of which character from pushkin’s works everyone knows,
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how many will be 7 and 8, 7 and 8, how many will it be, who is at work, speaks a lot and loudly , if you answer, then with humor. i'm thinking about chopping, no pinch, problems with water, light, uh, housing and communal services, i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry, this is a set for a headache, god forbid now beep, if you win, then hurray, 100 to one, oops , every saturday and sunday on rtr, i would really like to work for you. we'll start on sunday, of course, what do we have? jeri, a bulldog, snores, what to feed crayfish
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, a hamster just died, my good one, it seems my life is turning into you, what it takes to become a successful veterinarian, an extreme situation really creeps people out. maybe we can move on come on, come on, the ability to love is somehow dazzling today, it’s hard not to fall in love with him, and if i say that let’s stop there, because it’s dangerous to go further, healers and showers, alezhik yanom, on sunday on rtr . the mother-in-law scares the son-in-law from around the corner. oh, son-in-law out of fear, mom, that’s it, well, that’s what i call it, otherwise it’s claudia egorov. mom
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won’t teach you anything bad, but these were flowers, the husband says: dear, before the wedding you said that you know how to cook, you can peel potatoes, wife, but how do they peel them, like a tangerine or like a banana? parade of humor, premiere on saturday on rtr, mom, he doesn’t want to eat, masha, you’re crazy, but is it possible to feed a dog fried meat? you have to feed it raw , as far as i remember, and if i’m not mistaken, you have to pour boiling water over it, how funny it is, come here, and dad says that pets can teach us a lot , i wonder what it’s like to be happy in the little things, mom, look, he’s just running around, and he’s so happy, well, also attention and care.
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“we need to be taught care and attention, no, it’s me who needs to be taught care and attention, mom, he didn’t say anything to you at all , i wish he could have tried to say something about me , i don’t meddle in his personal life, let him not meddle in mine, mashun, yes, you go to your room and play, okay, uh-huh, come on, mom, we were at dad’s? i walked through the rooms and went into the bedroom, i don’t want to know anything, mom, listen, there is no cosmetics, no women’s clothes, you understand, he lives alone, alina, please, can i somehow without details of his personal life, and then i got the idea that he had no personal life, masha, masha, bring the puppy, that’s all it's ready, we'll feed it, here... well
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, eat, romka, romka, what, in my opinion, is a great name for a puppy, do you like it, sashka, what happened to you, what's wrong with your hand, show me. i got a tattoo, i like it, i’m wondering where to get a second one, are you crazy? no , mom, i think you’re crazy, who is this old guy in a shabby mercedes, and well , first of all, he’s not an old guy, and this is vadim sergeevich, he’s a very good person, you ’ve seen yourself from the outside, you’re just funny , sash, i’m with vadim sergeevich. very warm,
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very sincere relationship, and well, you’re an adult, you have to understand me, you kicked your father out of the house in order to drag this old man here, which means that while i live in this house, there won’t be any vadimov sergeevich here, okay, sasha, what are you doing? he doesn’t understand anything, nothing, he thinks that i’m some kind of miguera, right, well, it’s your own fault, you should have told him the truth, like, well, inga, he was 14 years old, he himself knows what that age is . yes, i couldn’t tell him that while
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we were warming our heels at the sea, his dad was dragging women to our house, thank you, then i couldn’t, now he’s 20, vera is 20 years old, and he i’m still sure that his father is a victim, you’re to blame for the divorce , it’s to your ex’s advantage that sashka knows nothing about his adventures, mom, you see how... he suffers when his loved ones don’t accept his choice, what are you , this is stas, so what, we have a joint report tomorrow, yes, you are eating buns, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello. oh,
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you have it, what is it, is this a new asshole, what kind of miracle is this? his name is romka, what is his name romka? originally, we tried, vera, think about what i told you about sasha, he should know the truth, i'll think about it for now.
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and hello, good morning. alina, alina, come out, come out for a minute, yes, mom, what is this? mom, you see, yesterday we finished preparing the report late, and stasik,
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he actually lives far away, so, well, somehow it happened by itself, by itself, by itself, by itself. mom, i’m sorry, tell your stasik not to let him walk around the apartment in shorts, well, that’s something, thank you, mom.
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mom, you know, we were thinking, if you are categorically against staying with him, i can come to him for an apartment, no, well, of course it’s... of course it’s not very convenient, because stasik lives far from the institute, we’ll have to get up earlier and get stuck in traffic jams, but that option also exists. sasika, who are your parents? mom,
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wait, have you never been interested in this question before? yes, but earlier. stasika did not start in my house, with my daughter. agree that today tasik’s status has changed a little. i just want to know the parents, the guy my daughter lives with. this is fine. i want to know interests. i want to understand their attitude. life that was given to us please everyone, tea, and stosik will tell us, okay, well, my mother died when i was
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nine, my father raised me alone, he is a simple guy and... if something went wrong, he could use a belt, now he works as a mechanic in the port, like everything would be clear. you know, masha, stop feeding the dog sausage, i have an idea, let’s invite stasik’s father to our place for dinner and we’ll get to know each other, yes, okay, i’ll give him everything, this. what kind of
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stupid idea is this with the shows? look, i think it's a great idea, your father is single, my mother is single too, maybe they really are will they like each other? you are crazy? my father is a hard worker, he wears sweatpants, and he doesn’t know how to behave at the table, and you think your mother will fall for such a thing? well, that means we need to work on him, if you want, i can come early to arrange everything, we can make your dad into... a gentleman, but stas, you, you understand the most important thing, if my mother doesn’t like your father, then she will definitely never love you. okay, last task for today, andrey will now hand out questionnaires to you, i need you to write there just one wish, that... which you didn’t have time to realize in marriage
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, something you regret, but don’t rush, don’t write the first one you come across, ladies, you have 5 minutes, of course, i understand that memories can lasts for hours, but i would like you to think of something that you think could save your marriage. i suggest you take a little break from work, remember what you wanted, what i wanted? well , when masha goes to school, we, well, when masha goes to school, we, what, we will think about
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our son, now is not the time, we need a little wait. wait, how long to wait , i don’t know, well, three years, you don’t want it anymore , i really want it, tell me honestly , don’t deceive me, i don’t want it anymore, i’m not deceiving you, i want it, i really want it, i really want it, just now it’s not time, rum, well, we still have it. there are a lot of opportunities with you, you hear, but i just got promoted with the store , you got so hyped up that you don’t notice anyone else,
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rom, rom, what are you doing, if it’s not too much trouble, hand over what you wrote to my assistant andrey, this is for me will be needed for further work, what you wrote is your desire, only yours. i want to tell you one thing. your marriage is no more, but the desire, the desire remains. it can be brought to life with another person. i take it that you are already free? yes,
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i just left, where are you from? great, you know, the cafe is opposite, i'm waiting for you there. ber, i'm not in the mood, i don't want to change. i don’t know anything, objections are not accepted. i'm major vasnetsova. vasnetsova knows what? the new thing is premiering on rtr, so don’t you dare ignore me, take the box, veronique paun, captain liskov
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, there can’t be two opinions, because we have five of them, this is a dangerous fabulous belly, but when it comes to fleas, i am beyond competition, there are questions here about how everything is running, wow, i i really want to check, seriously, this is flirting, obviously, just to see, let's go, it must be edible, i had in mind, of course, a bear, when i said such a stinking little one, a hint in general, the most gambling team, if 100,000 won’t be, zhenya will add his own, what many people use, the most strong love for the game, this is a five- on-one, five-on-one program, on saturdays on rtr, did you get this?
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are you responsible for your words? i am always responsible for my words, a hero of my time. beauty! riping! the whole brigade, we’re just looking at the platform.
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hello, oh, hello, but you really don’t look great, yes, your vadim sergeevich knows how to ruin the mood, i agree, digging around for yourself is not always pleasant, put it away, good afternoon, once again, inga, this is matvey ignevich, whom i told you about . matvey, come on, sit down, good afternoon, inga, i ’ve heard a lot about you, can i just, matvey, good, i’ll go, i’m sorry, i’ll go now.
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ver, how many times have i asked you, but what’s so and so here, this is water, tell me what you were counting on when you called this guy, well, probably that you ’d like each other, but he doesn’t tell me i like it, you know what, inka, in the end, you need to give him a chance, and you need to give yourself a chance, i don’t want to give anyone any chances, i want them to leave me alone, clear, cool, wash my hands, i’m leaving, vinka , well, wait, you, uh, look, matvey ignativich, i apologize, the fact is that i slightly overestimated my friend’s readiness to meet us and i’m very embarrassed, sorry, well, again ima, well,
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life doesn’t end there, maybe we’ll order something . vera, it’s a shame, you’re in yourself, it’s not you who should be ashamed, your boris, you know, i actually thought that somehow this was all stupid, that
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i’m like a teenager, i’m crushing love , i’m running around on a quiet date, maybe i should break up with vadim, then everything will fall into place, ver, sasha is manipulating you, he’s getting married now, he will have his own family, and you will be left alone. you’re not particularly afraid of being alone , i have something to do with it, you understand perfectly well that you won’t meet people like vladimir sergeevich very often in your life, yes, let’s go, i ’ll take you home, hello, hello, mom, hello, mom, mom, you know, well, we’re a couple,
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we need personal space, you don’t mind, no, someone was walking the dog, i was walking, we were all walking, mom. i said she’s going to have lunch, go ahead, it’s fine, that’s it, by the way, sashka, go have dinner! come on, my hands, sit down,
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sasha. sasha, i made your favorite cutlets. good morning, good morning, inga sergeevna, good morning. we're having porridge today, cool, i just love her, listen, i can't stand her
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, i wonder who it could be, eat, if anything happens, we'll give it to romka, hello, hello, please sign, yes, thank you, everything is fine, goodbye. and the flowers , from whom, i have no idea, and there’s not even a note, but it seems not, maybe from dad, it’s unlikely, beauty, by the way, stasik, do you remember that we ’re expecting your father for dinner tonight. of course he remembers us, so i hope , well, your father has a decent suit, well
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, there seems to be some kind of tie, be sure to look at the tie further, and the main thing is not to be late, because mom hates it when people are late, and roses, yes, buy flowers, just not red ones, because my dad gave red roses so that it wouldn’t happen, i understand, i ’m done, wait, wait, can you hear me, and my mother, she’s very vulnerable, i think you can see it yourself, you know? i beg you very much, tell your father, let him be kind to her, let him say: please, good evening, i i understand everything, please, i’ll tell my father everything , you understand that we ’re late, i told you not to be late, time is running out, i understand everything, everything will be fine, fine, yes, 100%, everything will be fine, in general don’t even worry, oh well, what’s this, well, i’ll enjoy it, well, where are they, they promised to be on time.


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