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tv   Pereriv v veshchanii  RUSSIA1  March 16, 2024 4:20am-5:01am MSK

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and the topic of finance, but what about the emotional background of aries, who are known as explosive, impulsive people, the most important thing is that aries knows where to direct the impulse, then there will be no explosion, then there will be activity and activity, so don’t blame me , if we are aries, we do something wrong, let’s not make any sudden movements next week, it doesn’t depend on us, thank you, thank you, this was an astrological forecast from astrologer lyudmila venetsianskaya, thank you.
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channel russia, i love you, i'm cinema on weekend , i want to take care of you, i’m not like a boss now, i’m speaking like a man , he feels sorry for you, but he loves me and he only wants me, we had nothing, go away , you’re free, you’re mine now, don’t interfere with mine family, school of women's happiness, premiere, today at 21:00 on... the russia channel. and i recognize yamilov by the way he walks across the keyboard. more precisely, this will be done by a new system developed by kuban engineers. they claim that they can identify any user. just by these two parameters. it is enough to understand exactly how man typing text. it turns out that this action is unique for each of us; in the case of gait, the system studies its dynamics, changes in the position of smartphones in space. in general, there is no hiding from high-precision artificial intelligence.
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there is no way to hide today, well , almost no apartment, house or office can do without plants, this is a sustainable trend of greening the space; to create a real home jungle you need strength, time and suitable material, with the latter svetlana abramova is ready to help. world indoor plants are so amazing and diverse that your eyes run wild, some are attracted by the flowering effect, others by the unusual shape and color of the leaves, and how can you choose just one thing when you want everything at once? good morning, svetlana! good morning, pavel! i see you are determined to buy up the store's floor space? yes, i would like to somehow decorate the house with greenery and flowers, apparently it’s spring. i think that your mood on cas will not be so optimistic, but yes, so what to do? remember biology lesson. namely, the section on vegetative propagation is a process where in which new plants develop from mother stems, leaves, roots and cuttings. the last method is the most common and includes three main types. green cuttings are the rooting
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of young shoots that are in the growth stage. most flower crops can be propagated in this way. the second type is cuttings of lignified shoots that are fully mature. this is how ficuses, roses, prides and the last type are propagated - leaf cuttings, in which leaves with petioles are rooted, the best option for succulents. now in order, here is zonal pilargonium, the plant is ideal for green cuttings.
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we create typical conditions, everything is correct, here is our future boy, we focus on the height, in principle it is very suitable, well, we leave the lid so that we regularly ventilate our plant. in addition to soil , young shoots of some plants easily take root in water, such as simpolia, begonia, fragrant basil, and lignified shoots can be rooted in at least two different ways, let’s take it for...
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great, oh, and we got milk, oh, that this is a normal phenomenon, this is a fiku-bearing plant, and we next prepare the stalk, svetlana, put it in water for now, at least 15-20, this is necessary so that all the milky juice comes out of the stalk, otherwise it will begin to rot, we can do something then we can do something during these 20 minutes while we wait, ficuses and other plants have a different method of segmentation, we make cuts like this. shallow, yes, not deep, we do it in a circle, for what? in the future, after we treat these sections with a root formation stimulator, roots will come from there. after processing the sections, we take a plastic bag and tie it around the stem, form something like a bag, fill
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it with a damp substrate or swannum and secure it with tape. roots should appear from these holes; they will appear in about a month. then what do we do when the roots appear? we just take, cut off our bag and plant it in the ground, we plant in the ground the cutting that was infused in water, however, before planting its leaves still have to be cut by about 2/3, the ficus is also not affected by greenhouse conditions refuses, here are some cuttings on the contrary that need to be thoroughly dried before planting. this applies to those plants that are able to store moisture in their own stems, succulents are called succulents, and everything is true for such plants. further fire the flower, then we root it either in dry peat or sand, we take a very small pot, 10 times smaller than this one,
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fill it with sand, put our leaf on the surface of the soil, in principle, if your sand is dry, you can slightly deepen it lightly moisten this part for the first few days. ten drops are enough, although some are sure that succulents don’t need to be watered at all; leaving them without water is still not worth it, just as you shouldn’t believe everything they write on the internet. pavel, i heard that you can root plants in bananas and potatoes, that they grow better this way? well, in fact, this is the most common hack, but unfortunately, it is unsuccessful, because bananas have no nutrients, potatoes have a lot of moisture, which will spread fungal diseases. so no experiments? well, why not, here, for example, an ethereal cutting in a cone, just immerse a chlorophytoma cutting into an open cone, immerse it in water , the cone will close when the roots appear, this cone can be immersed in the ground, you will have a new plant, and more than one, after all, biology is an amazing science and very useful for those
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who cannot imagine their life without flowers. amazing people, amazing season seven, bravo, beautiful. boring, wonderfully amazing, on friday at 21:30, i would really like to work for you, we’ll start, of course, on sunday, what do we have? jerry the bulldog snores, what to feed crayfish, a hamster just died, my life is turning into you, what is an extreme situation that brings people very close together, what do you need to become a successful veterinarian? maybe we can transfer to you, come on, come on, the ability
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to love, alena dmitrievna is somehow dazzling today, it’s hard not to fall in love with him, but if i say that let’s stop there. because it’s dangerous to go further, healers of souls, alezhik yanom, on sunday on rtr, provocation is treacherous behavior, there is a difference between a man and a woman, i noticed then it turns out that my husband and my cat are the most intelligent creatures in our family. orientalism is conditionally some kind of parallel agenda, why don’t you worry, the conversation will continue in new episodes of our podcasts, and in order not to miss anything, subscribe,
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listen, watch on the media platform, watch the substation, the first podcasts we watch. songs from the bottom of my heart. we watch our favorite show in a new time, on sunday on rtr. instead of chicken and beef - pythons, bon appetit. scientists from australia believe that raising these snakes for food is not only environmentally friendly, but 10 times more efficient than traditional meat production. the team studied two species of pythons, the reticulated and the dusky tiger, on farms in thailand and vietnam and found that the reticulated pythons grew quickly even when they ate little and still provided enough.
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grapes, what kind of fish do you have, carp? carp, mozol white 76 year old, from
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grapes grown on the left bank, will suit it. in this case, i advise you to order mozol white 76 from grapes grown on the left bank. why? because at seventy in the fourth year in bargonia, hail destroyed the entire grape harvest. the charming heroine of arnel moti is already. i was desperate to make this lout fall in love with me, the last attempt to find a way to a man’s heart lay, naturally, through the stomach, by the way, this restaurant is not a movie, it’s real, and it is still working. artyom, hello, i’m glad to see you again this year, me too, listen, today we have just a gorgeous fish on the table, it’s a carp, everything is correct, but not just any carp, but a mirror carp, mm, where did you find that, on some market, store, you won’t believe it, we caught it ourselves. true, they froze it back in the fall, and now he is ready to become practically the main
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character of our plot. carp is a river fish, which means it has a characteristic smell of mud. in addition, there are quite a lot of bones in it, but all this does not reduce its popularity. carb is a tasty fish. how many kilograms are there? it's almost 2 kg. wow. you know, i have a friend who also really loves fishing, and just goes for carp. you know, he catches it and releases it. forgive the belongings, but we we use it for its intended purpose, more precisely, we will use only the best part - the back, we cut out the loin along this strip and thus all the bones remain in the backbone, it’s convenient, just look how gorgeous the loin is, the remaining fish can be used for broth, cutlets or given away our chef's cat needs to marinate the fish tenderloin, a simple marinade, salt, pepper, lemon juice, fish really likes acid, and also...
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which they dance, i will make a blanket for the carp from sun-dried tomatoes, capers and taja olives, these olives are considered the most fragrant, although they are very small. just look at the small olives artyom made me cut into cubes, yes, exactly like that, but it will be very tasty and beautiful. all ingredients for the blanket should be approximately the same size. you also need to chop the onion and garlic and fry them in oil in a hot frying pan. save, the privateers also need to be cut, artyom, well, let
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’s cut them into quarters, it would be better if i fried the onions, add a little butter to the onions and garlic to give sweetness and a sprig of thyme, mm, smell the aroma, oh, delicious, artyom’s everything is already beautifully delicious. and i continue to cut the cards, and meanwhile exactly an hour has passed, our fish is marinated, just in time. yes, we free the marinated loins from the skin, well, it’s clear that i didn’t leave any meat for my cat, roll the fish in flour, the flour will take away excess moisture and the carp will turn out crusty , we put it in a frying pan with onions and garlic, salt, pepper and fry, add a little more butter, don't worry, it's not greasy
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it will be, wine will balance everything, what is italian cuisine without italian wine, i hope 1976, precisely from the left bank, artyom, we just drowned the carp in wine, yes, we will stew it, it will be delicious, and that’s wine will be our sauce, while the fish is frying, i mix olives, tomatoes and capers with grainy mustard, put the finished fish on a plate , wrap it in a blanket with this aroma, rub the zest of lime, lemon and orange right on top and try it, it’s really tasty, artyom, but it turned out very gentle with this it really tastes italian, yes , yes, yes, our blanket makes itself felt, you know what’s good, this river smell, an aroma that, well, of course, is inherent in the river fish carp, yes, you can’t feel it,
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ours interacts perfectly with it blanket and marinate for exactly one hour, exactly, watch a movie and cook sous... an international team of scientists led by anthropologist david putz from the university of pennsylvania found that you can choose a life partner by voice, researchers. conducted an experiment in which more than 2,500 people from 22 countries, they had to rate the sound of a rumor, a sentence spoken by a man and a woman, while the tone of the recording was edited, well, as it turned out, a low male voice commands respect and men attracts women, men more often chose having a high voice for flirting , and lower ones for long-term
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relationships, does the way we sound really play such an important role, find out from... confidence, he is responsible for his words and 90% of men who speak confidently not only cause delight in a woman, as in the future husband, or even the father of his children, but in the same way this voice allows others to carry out peculiar commands, not a single hypnotist squeals, it turns out that when we begin to produce testosterone in
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a man, then at a certain moment it is somewhere a little higher on average, he grows; his growth points close. all these myths about how tall handsome men, two meters tall , the most brutal, the sexiest , no, no, no, the longest playing no, i think at what point should i leave the studio, no, the most those who play for a long time, after all, are men slightly above average, then they have a voice like that of a sanchapanza, and approximately the image is like this with a slightly layered tummy, not very long legs, this will most often be the most faithful man. yes, no, he is long, with a codek, he has long ligaments, he speaks rudely, but he is not an eagle. and if we talk about men, these, they are attracted to different female voices for different purposes, if you are building a family, then it means that the voice is serious, and if nastenka is from the frost, then it is lyalya, well so you imagine nastenka from
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morozok, a mother hanging up blinds, stirring a pot with one hand and also patting a man on the head.
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who will deepen you, remove you from the diaphragm, and on the diaphragm, on the support, the second one will give you confidence and tell you that i did it, i did it, this will not happen if the voice is on the diaphragm and you will become more confident , well, what about the public’s perception, this is where we need to start, first we change clothes, we are greeted by our clothes, then we we begin to speak correctly, and then self-confidence appears, it ’s the same as taking out a loan to buy a suit , getting a job, and then earning normal money, or someone vice versa... started earning money only then bought a suit, both, right , but you need to work on yourself first of all, yes it should be a long-term loan, a lot of experience, it’s true,
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thank you, thank you, so what can our voice say about us, we spoke with a psychotherapist, a member of the professional psychotherapeutic league natalya tolstoy, thank you , thank you, comrade lieutenant colonel, i’m ready to begin my duties and get acquainted with the department, work, premiere on the russia channel. i need to examine the body, and she, by the way, was a good tracker, strange questions, where can you buy a sausage in dough, you are talking seriously now, dubious methods, veronika pavnovna, you are still a part-time dog handler, original conclusions, everything is accurate, i found the alibi is a family of elders, a bed, well , look how it is located, paradoxical solutions. you can’t take off your mask, why are you always nothing but problems, tadam, it all works if
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vosnetsova gets down to business, always one step ahead, two, no, three, four, from monday at 21:20 on the russia channel, like a real fan of children's construction sets, he assembled a hero from a popular science fiction film dune. well, literally from what was there, the famous sandworm shaikhulut fell out, that ’s his name, but it turned out to be very believable, and the effects of the movement of this giant fictional creature, an inhabitant of the dune universe , were helped to achieve by a treadmill, on which they actually placed a structure, but also a video i immediately became convinced. i wonder if it is possible to create something like this from old buttons; craftsmen urge not to throw away old stocks of that valuable material, and share their ideas online about what can be made from them. girl, show me the brooch, please, i’ll show you the tourmalines, um, i see, it’s expensive, probably yes, a royal decoration, no, thank you, i’ll still
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go around, price it, look and come back to you, if anything happens, there’s a sewing store opposite, i think i have an idea, goodbye, take a button, paint it with gold paint, glue a carnation to it, now apply glue to the outside and sprinkle generously with gold glitter, you can make pink and blue. earrings for all the holidays ahead, but isn’t it a beauty, and what a savings, if you get tired, then i’ll make a bracelet, a bracelet from a sleeve - this is a sleeve from adhesive tape, you will also need a denim seam and i’ll take metal buttons, then we wrap the sleeve in denim and sew it to it buttons, that's it, the bracelet is ready, so what threads are sticking out, say that this is just a boho style, or make a bracelet where only buttons, to do this you need to sew them close to each other to a wide elastic band. in my opinion it looks very expensive, it not only looks expensive, but most likely it really cost a decent amount, just look how many buttons were needed for this picture, cinderella even has a face
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made of buttons, i mixed several colors to get it eyeball, iris, pupil and eyelashes, no, i would like something simpler and cheaper, well, for example, also a panel of buttons, but you don’t need to customize them in color, and even buttons it took much less, but of course you can’t call it a painting. where should i hang it? fryksok, frikskok! well done! and don’t hang this up, lay it on the floor. it turns out that this is a homemade foot massage mat. well, a wonderful gift with health benefits. here’s another useful thing: a wall calendar, all you need is a maximum of 31 buttons, and in order to be able to turn the calendar over like in that song, you don’t need to sew the buttons into the pano, just glue the buttons to them, and now you can arrange them like this every month , as needed, after all 31 button. maybe there is something with just one? this is how the brooch turned out, a small brooch made from a button, to make such a brooch, you need to glue the button onto felt and
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then trim it with beads or seed beads. it seems that i have decided on the gift, so why didn’t you like the necklace made of buttons? well, it’s a beautiful necklace, okay, let’s go to the jewelry store then, then take oscar to show yourself. we will soon find out which images were remembered and which became memes. "i don't understand why i'm here, did you really kill my father, you tried to take my inheritance , you deceived me, why did you introduce yourself under a false name, a friend asked me, what is this a crime, yes, she is my neighbor, it was alice who set you up, yes, i will definitely get to the bottom
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of the truth, i understand, dig." the neighbor in friday on rtr. to the tenth anniversary of the reunification of crimea with russia. we are proud of your courage, courage, through the years and through generations we carried the love for the fatherland. this land is sacred to us. why is chersonese important to us? this is the birthplace of russia. every square meter two tons of metal fell from sevastopol. feats were performed here every second. we put our heart and work here. everyone here worked, as they say, not for earnings, but for conscience. russia came, civilization came, construction came. i just burst into tears because i didn’t expect an object of such scale or such
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luxury. decoration, we understand, this is the result, because our people live here, only for the sake of the people, russia in 2014 directly openly declared crimea to the whole world as ours, film by andrei medvedev, crimea 10 years, we are together, premiere today on rtr. inspiration in everyday life, the famous spanish fashion house dreamed up the theme of adhesive tape, peel-off tape for 70 rubles, it is distinguished only by the logo, but also the price is 3.00 euros. and the designers didn’t stop there, they decorated suits, coats, dresses with tape, instead of sewing parts of clothing with threads, they were simply
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glued together, conveniently, it was possible... it wasn’t, and oscar, apparently, went into the wrong place, it’s difficult to detect, maybe because their door, good morning, as always, you and i have something to discuss and consider at... this since yes, of course, it will be an oscar, the ninety -sixth award of the american film industry, well, it’s not about cinema, it’s not about art, it’s not about talent, and so it’s clear, but you can give a beautiful picture on the red carpet, show yourself in all beauty, to remind of oneself, to show from the other side , to shine like that, it was intended, but it turned out, how it turned out, let's see, let's start with the most harmless thing, with a dog, the organizers thought for a long time whether to invite this star to
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the auditorium, well. .. suddenly takes all the attention. as a result, an actor named messi was modest and obediently applauded. and this is what it looked like from the bottom daughter. yes, severed paws don’t look very glamorous, but it’s better to look at them, because we decided to show you a dog instead of a man who walked on stage naked, covering himself only with an envelope , and received applause. well, what can i say? the dog, by the way, didn’t applaud, apparently he didn’t appreciate the creativity, the dog, what to take from it. we warmed up a little, let's move on. in fact, this particular red carpet is considered one of the most important fashion events of the year there, for for some, and for others it’s a great time to collect memes for the year ahead. the designers apparently tried to make an airy princess marshmallow out of singer ariana grande. the result was a heavy, ridiculous, sugary marshmallow, critics said. the audience agreed. cynthia erieva should also have a serious talk with the team,
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eyewitnesses say. actress in leather. the dress reminded the audience of a reptile, slippery and unkind, in general, the trend for ruffles and flounces did not work out here, and this is an aunty, and this is the twenty-two-year-old singer billie eilish, who... is now furiously advising to fire the stylists who aged her by 20 years . this outfit made the list of the worst because of its cleavage, down to the navel. and this is not just an expression, it is true. ugh, vulgar, the observers said and went to look at andrey resburo. she either came here by accident or chose the dress herself; her outfit was called an eyesore. it was very annoying. this look has been given the long name of "underwear over a dress." it seemed like it should have been. beautiful, in the end it was a little awkward for those gathered, it happens, but these ruffles on the peplum, now many are trying to unsee, yes, vaska is with us again, but not like that, fashion critics say , judging by this selection, you don’t have to rush
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to hide your new year’s outfits, glitter will be relevant, stylists insist, not in this form, of course, it’s still a fall, they haven’t been there for a long time, and finally the cameramen rejoiced; everyone captured liza koshy’s flight. a meme immediately appeared that she decided to blend into the red carpet and, by the way, none of the photographers ran to save lady inred, of course, who then pressed the button on the camera will it press? it’s unlikely that lisa will decide to choose shoes with such a platform again. experience is good. and good thing, the skirt didn’t burst. emma stone's dress couldn't withstand the actress's emotions, and she received her statuette with a hole in her back. and how... the same oscar without a pre and auto party, this is where you can have a blast, the stars think, and they do it in such a way that we can only show the most harmless of the naked dresses, otherwise you won’t have time to take you away from the screens children or
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you won't like breakfast. yes, demi moore was also noted here. of course, designers tell us that in the coming season open, revealing outfits will be in fashion, but hollywood stars are stars because they consider it their business... to show, yes, literally show everything, even when there is nothing, even when it would not be worth it, so a dress from a famous designer , plus an expensive stylist, not the same beautiful image, even the pros make mistakes , and celebrities have to look at memes of themselves, well, what can you do, such is the fate of stars, it’s good that there are still more people with good taste, even if they don’t have star opportunities, don't forget to come in come visit us on telegram, there is a lot of beautiful, interesting things there...
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but there are no musical secrets for andrei petrov, andrei, hello, andrei, i can’t wait to find out what we will listen to this spring morning. good morning, studio, good morning everyone, we are in the russian national museum of music, one of the largest music museums in the world, and, of course, here, today wonderful music will be played for everyone, our good friends are visiting us, this is a cover bikit group, guys, greetings, disappeared somewhere for a long time, some changes, judging by everything happened, but most importantly, the guys prepared a surprise for us today - a song that has never been heard anywhere, although you will probably remember it, we need to tell it correctly, we need to tell you what is happening, today we will play a romance, why love, why suffer, joints centuries nineteenth-twentieth was written,
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evgeny yuryev wrote, in fact , a funny tragic story happened, because this man wrote 10-15 romances there, beautiful, they were performed, but came... the great october revolution it turned out, as you remember, they said, your jazz is too much for us, and romance too, accordingly, for decades the romance dropped out of performance altogether, strictly speaking, and practically nothing is known about this author because no one was interested anymore, the music was gone, but then they began to remember, you took this song, our viewers will definitely say, but the romance is boring, on saturday morning, but knowing you that this in the classical version of the romance , of course it can... guitarist ivan korneets, he does the arrangement, he gives us everything very i came up with an interesting idea, made beautiful music for
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this song, and we modified it a little, stylized it in a modern way, well, yes, yes, and today we will listen to what we came up with, but to listen to it you need to run it like how... in vain a girl with an ardent plea
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, you will cling to his chest, in love , he will not calm your sufferings, know happiness with him, you definitely will not find, why love him, why suffer from him, he wants to live freely only to sing his songs, even in jokes and blossom, the dream of life will fly by, let the song... freedom sounds , the moon is shining over the sleeping garden , this night is breathing love around, but in this heart there is no response... the call of love flies, my tender
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poor friend, it was time and i waited brighter and my heart drank tremblingly in my chest, but everything passed, leave your confessions, go away, forget me, go away, why love him, why suffer for him, he wants to live freely only to sing his songs, let the jokes fly by in life, let the song sound free on your lips, why love him , why suffer about him, he wants to live freely only his songs.
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why love, why suffer, you need to dance early on saturday morning with the kaveri group big hit, thank you very much, guys, studio, over to you, it turned out great, for sure, we won’t suffer, yes, we will love and dance, thank you, see you again, bye, to the tenth anniversary of the reunification of crimea with russia.
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subscribe to keep up to date with all the news that you definitely need right now that remains behind the scenes, and of course, get acquainted with the materials that we have already shown you on air. see you, have a nice weekend, see you, see you dates.
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hello, this is alexander efremov’s news from the studio, about the main topics of our issue, briefly: their families who suffered will be given maximum support, vladimir putin’s statement at a meeting of the council of russian federation. the central theme is attempts at sabotage by ukrainian militants.


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